Human resource management reflects the activities of the organization. hello student

Building a control system by human resourses in an organization involves the definition of its goals, the subject and object of management, external and internal factors of influence, the processes implemented by the system, the composition and functions of its organizational subsystems.

The main goal of this system is to develop the competitive advantages of the organization through the formation and effective use of unique human potential in accordance with its business strategy.

How is human resource management different from personnel management? The key characteristics of the human resource management system, determined by its goals, are the following.

  • 1. Strategic approach to the formation and development of human resources, integrated into the overall strategy of the company. Priorities in human resource management personnel management determined by the organization's strategic workforce needs, not by its existing workforce.
  • 2. Consideration of employees as the most important asset of the company, this is the capital, which is a source of competitive advantage due to the fact that it provides the opportunity for learning and development of the “learning organization”.
  • 3. Orientation to achieve the commitment of employees to the mission and values ​​of this organization. The new personnel management system assumes a strong and adaptive corporate culture, stimulating an atmosphere of mutual responsibility between the employee and the employer, the desire of all employees of the corporation to make it " the best company» by supporting the initiative at all levels of the organization, continuous technical and organizational innovations, open discussion of problems.
  • 4. In contrast to the passive and reactive policies characteristic of traditional models of personnel management, the personnel policy in the human resource management system is more active and focused. It should ensure: organizational involvement of the personnel of all divisions and levels of management in the implementation of the corporate strategy, a high level of responsibility of all employees of the corporation, the flexibility of human resources, its ability to adapt to continuous organizational changes.
  • 5. Responsibility for the implementation of a more active personnel policy is also assigned to line managers (heads structural divisions), which means that the personnel work of managers of all levels is integrated into the personnel management system, which is the only one capable of effectively implementing such a policy.
  • 6. There is a reorientation of the personnel management system towards individual work with personnel, and, consequently, from the collectivist values ​​dominating in personnel management to individualistic ones.
  • 7. If traditionally the manager but the staff had to strive to save on the costs associated with reproduction work force(and therefore was not interested in long-term investments in human capital), then the technology of human resource management is aimed at increasing the efficiency of this kind of investment, which ensures the constant professional growth of employees of the enterprise and the improvement of the quality of working conditions.
  • 8. If in personnel management all attention is focused exclusively on ordinary employees, then in human resource management the emphasis is shifted to the managerial staff: it is the competence of managers that turns out to be a key element of the personnel potential of a modern corporation.

In small and medium-sized organizations, the functions of management subjects in the human resource management system are performed mainly by line managers, in large ones - by personnel managers. The object of management are professional and personal qualities personnel.

The main external factor influencing this system is the market - the market for products (services) of the company, the labor market, the market educational services. The subject of regulation of market relations is the state. Key Factors internal environment- the goals and scope of the organization, its hierarchical structure and organizational culture. The last two factors are themselves influenced by human resource management.

Factors of the external and internal environment of the organization predetermine the choice of style (model, approach) of human resource management. Two such approaches can be distinguished.

  • 1. The traditional or rationalist approach (the so-called "hard" human resource management) comes from an enterprise-oriented philosophy, emphasizes quantitative and business strategy aspects, the need to manage people in such a way as to get added value from them and thus achieving a competitive advantage. This approach considers people as human capital, from which, with reasonable investment in its development, income can be obtained. "Hard" human resource management involves the intensification of labor highly skilled workers, the use of flexible forms of labor contracts, systems of personnel participation in the company's profits to increase the adaptive capabilities of the company. The company improves personnel selection technologies, systematically organizes its training, implements career growth programs, pays well and, in accordance with its investments, requires loyalty and a responsible attitude to work from employees.
  • 2. The neo-pluralistic or humanistic approach (the so-called “soft” human resource management) originates from the school of human relations and is focused on creating competitive advantages

firms through the involvement of employees in the affairs of the corporation with the help of effective intra-organizational communications, motivation, leadership and organizational culture. A high level of participation of employees in the design of workplaces and quality management of working conditions, products or services provided creates an atmosphere of cooperation at the enterprise, transfers the relationship "employer - employee" to a new level of mutual responsibility to each other, as well as to shareholders, consumers, the state .

Most organizations, studies show, use a mixture of hard and soft approaches.

Human resource management technology gives synergistic effect. if the corporation meets at least the following conditions:

  • - a relatively well-developed system of adaptation to the external and internal labor market ( individual planning careers, training and retraining of personnel, stimulation of professional growth and rotation of personnel);
  • - there are flexible systems for organizing work (quality circles, autonomous working groups);
  • - payment systems are used that are based on the principles of comprehensive accounting of the personal contribution (including by the employees themselves) and (or) the level of professional competence (knowledge, skills and abilities that the employees actually mastered);
  • - a fairly high level of participation is maintained individual workers and working groups in the development and adoption management decisions concerning their daily work;
  • - the practice of delegating authority to subordinates is applied;
  • - an extensive system of organizational communication is functioning, providing two- and multi-sided vertical, horizontal and diagonal communications within the organization.

Human resource management, thus, integrates the advantages of various approaches that have developed in personnel management.

However, this advanced technology also has flaws:

  • 1) the lack of integrity of this concept, the mutual inconsistency of individual se conceptual schemes make it difficult to implement human resource management in practice (for example, team work and individual remuneration depending on its effectiveness seem to be incompatible in practice);
  • 2) in practice, the saturation of work with personnel with new functions, as a rule, does without additional retraining of line managers and employees personnel services;
  • 3) the use of personnel involvement methods, the emphasis on the conscious and responsible performance of production tasks by employees mask sophisticated methods of super-exploitation (including self-exploitation) and serve as an effective tool in the long term to neutralize the influence of trade unions.

Therefore, human resource management cannot yet claim to be a universal set of solutions for all the problems that the HR manager faces.

If the process of human resource management is carried out inefficiently. then even the most qualified personnel will not work with full dedication, their knowledge, creativity and other elements of human capital will not be used effectively enough.

The formation, use and development of human resources of the company is characterized by the following processes.

  • 1. Development of strategies in the field of human resources
  • 1.1. Determining the need for human resources
  • 1.2. Determining Human Resource Costs
  • 1.3. Determination of human resource requirements
  • 1.4. Determining the role of the organizational structure
  • 2. Detailing strategies to the level of functions
  • 2.1. Analysis and reorganization of functions
  • 2.2. Definition and systematization of outputs of functions and their indicators
  • 2.3. Definition of areas of responsibility for the performance of functions
  • 3. Reception staff
  • 3.1. Planning and forecasting the need for labor force
  • 3.2. Development of promotion plans
  • 3.3. Search, selection and reception of personnel
  • 3.4. Formation of teams and organization of their work
  • 3.5. Transfer of employees to other divisions
  • 3.6. Staff reduction
  • 3.7. Dismissal of staff
  • 3.8. Ensuring the employment of dismissed personnel
  • 4. Development and training of personnel
  • 4.1. Ensuring that staff qualifications meet the requirements
  • 4.2. Development and management of training programs
  • 4.3. Development and management of personnel career guidance programs
  • 4.4. Development of areas of responsibility for the implementation of functions and / or processes
  • 4.5. Definition of areas of responsibility of managers
  • 4.6. Definition of teams' responsibilities
  • 5. Labor productivity management, material and moral incentives
  • 5.1. Definition of performance metrics
  • 5.2. Development of approaches to performance management
  • 5.3. Team performance management
  • 5.4. Evaluation of functions in terms of added value creation
  • 5.5. Fixed and variable part management wages
  • 5.6. Implementation of material and moral incentives
  • 6. Occupational safety and staff satisfaction analysis
  • 6.1. Personnel satisfaction analysis
  • 6.2. Development of a personnel support system

The listed processes, as a rule, are implemented as independent functions of personnel management. AT large organizations in recent years, centralized human resource management services (HR services), subordinated to the Deputy CEO and performing the full range of work that ensures the life cycle of human resources in the company (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Organizational structure of the functional service of human resource management

In divisional organizational structures, it is possible to have dedicated personnel services in each division.

In adaptive (project and matrix) organizational structures, human resource management, in addition to HR managers and line managers, is also carried out by project managers.

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management personnel human

The formation of the market has already set a number of new tasks, the solution of which is impossible on the basis of old ideas, approaches and methods. The issues of perestroika have acquired particular urgency in this regard today. personnel work. In all spheres of the economy, the problems of intensifying production, increasing its efficiency, better using expensive and scarce human resources came to the fore, began to acquire key importance for the survival and adaptation of enterprises to a new economic situation for them.

Using the possibilities of scientific and technical progress and increasing the efficiency of production now more than ever before, turned out to be dependent on the degree of participation in these processes of all production workers: from the worker to the director.

No organization can exist without people management. Without qualified personnel, the organization will not be able to achieve its goals. It is an undeniable fact that the income of any company primarily depends on how professionally the specialists work in it.

The current socio-economic and political situation in Russia is forcing many managers to reconsider their priorities in human resource management, will allow management to realize the need to use a scientific approach to management and develop a clear personnel policy which will improve the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

The new role of the individual in the organization and the rapid changes in the economy, organizational culture and technology have given new challenges to the careful selection, training, pay and proper use of staff. The solution of these problems within the framework of traditional work with personnel turned out to be impossible. It was necessary to include this work as an equal component in the process of strategic management.

Thus, effective work personnel is a necessary condition for the success of any enterprise. Therefore, personnel management is a responsible and creative task at the same time. The creation of a scientifically based personnel management system involves solving one of the most important problems in the functioning of an enterprise. In connection with the above this topic is particularly relevant.

The problems of personnel management are widely reflected in the works of many authors. Concepts and approaches to the study of personnel management were considered in the works of Avdeev V.V., Komisarova T.A., Maslova E.V., Pugacheva V.P., Samygin S.I., Stolyarenko A.D., Tsvetaeva V.M. . and others. In the works of Russian authors Vesnin O.R., Komisarova T.A., Slutsky G.V., Dyatlov V.A., Egorshina A.P., Utkina E.A., Kibanova A.Ya., Odegova Yu.G., Fedorova N.V., Minchenkova O.Yu., Slesinger G.E., Travin V.V. and others. a wide range of issues related to various directions improving the efficiency of enterprises on the basis of solving the problems of personnel management.

The object of research is the personnel management system of the enterprise. The subject of the study is personnel management at the enterprise JSC "YAZDA"

The aim of the work is to study the personnel management system.

In accordance with the goal in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Describe the essence of personnel management;

Describe the methods of personnel management;

To study the personnel management system;

Explore personnel as an object of management in the organization;

Conduct an analysis of the personnel management system at the enterprise JSC "YAZDA"

1. Theoretical foundations of personnel management in the enterprise

1.1 The concept and essence of personnel management. The evolution of approaches to personnel management in the organization

“Personnel” (from the Latin personalis - personal) is “the entire staff of employees, permanent and temporary specialists and workers and employees serving their activities”, “the totality of all human resources that an organization has”, “the totality of employees of an organization working for hire in the presence of labor relations with the employer, usually issued employment contract(contract).

The qualitative characteristics of the personnel are the availability of specific knowledge and professional skills in a particular field of activity; certain professional and personal interests, the desire to make a career, the need for professional and personal self-realization; the presence of psychological, intellectual, physical qualities for a particular professional activity.

The staff is the backbone of any organization and is the most important resource used by all organizations without exception, and as such, the staff needs to be managed.

Recently, in the domestic literature, several attempts have been made to formulate the category of "personnel management".

I.P. Gerchikova writes that "personnel management is an independent type of activity of specialist managers, main goal which is to increase the production, creative impact and activity of the staff; focus on reducing the number of production and managerial employees; development and implementation of a policy for the selection and placement of personnel; development of rules for the admission and dismissal of personnel; solution of issues related to training and advanced training of personnel” .

AND I. Kibanov defines personnel management as "a purposeful activity of the management team of an organization, managers and specialists of departments of the personnel management system, including the development of the concept and strategy of personnel policy, principles and methods of personnel management" .

German researchers believe that personnel management is a field of activity characteristic of all organizations, and its the main task consists in providing the organization with personnel and purposeful use of personnel.

Personnel management as a type of activity has two groups of goals - organizational and personal.

Organizational goals clearly dominate personnel management. Personnel, along with other resources, work to fulfill the mission and achieve the purpose of the organization. There are attempts to combine organizational and personal goals in personnel management: “The effectiveness of personnel management is the achievement of organizational (in relation to commercial organizations - the profitability and stability of the enterprise and its adaptability to future changes in the situation with minimal personnel costs) and individual (satisfaction with work and stay on enterprise) purposes".

In foreign literature, the concepts of "economic efficiency" and "social efficiency" are used to characterize the goals of management.

Economic efficiency is understood as the achievement of the organization's goals with minimal personnel costs - economic results, stability, high flexibility and adaptability to a constantly changing external environment. Social efficiency is understood as the satisfaction of the interests and needs of employees (remuneration, its maintenance, the possibility of personal self-realization, satisfaction with communication with comrades, etc.). It is desirable that economic and social efficiency complement each other.

The subjects of personnel management are officials directly involved in this type of activity, namely: managers of all levels, personnel departments, bodies of labor collectives of public organizations operating at the enterprise.

Personnel management of an organization is a purposeful activity that involves the definition of the main areas of work with personnel, as well as the means, methods and forms of work with them.

The activity of personnel management consists of two main areas, or areas - personnel management and work with personnel (personnel). How do these and some other closely related categories that characterize personnel management compare?

In the most general sense, personnel management is the activity of direct day-to-day management of employees. The concept of "leadership" is closely related to a number of other related categories, primarily with the concept of "management", they are often used as synonyms. However, “management” reflects the regulation of the system in accordance with certain goals and is broader in content: it includes not only the management of people, but also the management of financial, material, technical and other resources, as well as equipment and machines.

The concept of "management" is closely related to the category of "leadership". However, these concepts do not completely coincide. "Management" - a category of microeconomics, meaning the management of an enterprise in a market environment. Accordingly, the "manager" - the head market enterprise. In relation to the public service, such words as “leader”, “administrator”, “official”, but not “manager” are usually used.

On the one hand, “leadership” is wider than “management”, since it also covers non-market, state forms of management, on the other hand, narrower, since “management” is the management of not only personnel, but also other resources: financial, material and technical, etc. .d. And from this point of view, management, as Richter Manfred notes, performs only certain functions in management, in particular the following: setting goals (studying the problem and developing an ideal result for solving it), planning (identifying alternatives, evaluating them, choosing the best ways to implement them, decision-making), implementation (formation of the organization necessary to achieve the goals, as well as mobilization, inclusion of people in their implementation) and control (comparison of the achieved results with the set goals, identification of deviations, adjustments and measures of influence).

In relation to market commercial organizations, work with personnel can also be characterized as personnel management, interpreting this concept in a narrow sense, i.e. as all the diverse activities of personnel services (HR departments). In a broad sense, personnel management is identical to personnel management. commercial organization and contains at least such sections (fields) as analysis of the composition of personnel; determination of the need for personnel; personnel changes, including staffing, development and release; personnel management; personnel management; personnel cost management; personnel information management.

1.2 Evolution of approaches to personnel management

The essence of personnel management is easier to understand by tracing the evolution of views on personnel, on the principles, functions and methods of working with them.

Any social management is inextricably linked with the management of people, so personnel management is inextricably linked with the history of management. However, until the beginning of the 20th century, personnel management was not based on science, but on the basis of experience, traditions, and common sense. From the beginning of the 20th century, personnel management began to stand out as a specific function. social management However, until the middle of the 20th century, the activities of the personnel services of enterprises and organizations had an auxiliary character. Working with personnel meant organizing the recruitment and reaching an agreement with the worker about wages. This was due to the industrial nature of labor, requiring its rigid division, narrow specialization workers, the functional polarization of performers and managers, a rather limited level of education and cultural development of the worker.

Only since the 60s of the XX century ideas about the development of systems for working with personnel began to appear. The theory and practice of personnel management was formed with the development of productive forces and social and social relations in the advanced countries of the world (primarily in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France).

In the theory and practice of managing the human side of organizations, four concepts can be distinguished that have developed within the framework of three main approaches to management.

The economic approach determined the view of a person, his place in the organization and the optimal leverage. Thus, the metaphor of an organization as a machine has formed a view of a person as a detail, a cog in a mechanism, in relation to which it is possible to use human resources.

The organic approach to management has given rise to two main metaphors. The first is an organization as a person, where each person is an independent subject with his own goals, values, ideas about the rules of behavior. In relation to which active subject - partner of the organization in achieving its goals, only management is possible by setting goals agreed with it. And for this it is necessary to have a good idea of ​​the specific needs, the basic orientation of a person. The second metaphor is that the brain is a complex organism that includes various substructures connected by diverse lines - communication, management, control, interaction. In relation to such a complex system, one can only speak of resource management aimed at the optimal use of the available potential in the process of achieving the set goals.

As part of the humanistic approach, a metaphor of the organization as a culture was proposed, and a person as a being developing within a certain cultural tradition. To implement the function of personnel management in relation to such an employee is possible only within the framework of the approach - managing a person, not only an independent, active being, but also adhering to certain values, rules, accepted norms of behavior.

Speaking of present stage evolution of personnel management, they are increasingly talking about the transition from personnel management to human resource management.

Human resource management is characterized by the consideration of personnel as one of the most important resources of the organization, necessary to achieve its goals. Employees are the most important resource of the organization, which must be preserved, developed and used in competition. Depends on staff effective use all other resources.

The integration of personnel management into the overall strategy of the organization is the most important difference between human resource management and personnel management.

Modern trends in the evolution of human resource management, in addition to those indicated above, are as follows:

Transition from fragmented office personnel activities to the integration of management and personnel functions;

Professionalization of the human resource management function;

Internationalization of the human resource management function;

Growth in Human Resource Management specific gravity functions of deepening social partnership and regulation of labor relations;

Transition from advanced training to development of human resources.

As for Russia, for decades our country was dominated by technocratic approach to management. Plans, budgets, structures, etc. were put at the forefront.

An ideologized personnel policy was the prerogative of state and party bodies. Monopoly in the sphere of labor led to a narrowing of labor motivation and low productivity.

At present, with the transition to the market, the situation is changing. Practice shows that human capabilities are decisive in achieving any goals. The main potential of any enterprise is its staff. People management is essential for all organizations without exception.

Nowadays, every organization needs a division that deals with personnel management. The name and structure of this unit may be different (personnel management service, human resources department, personnel department, etc.). It is not enough for modern personnel services, as it was before, only to issue orders for employees and store personnel information - This unit must manage personnel in accordance with the goals of the organization, must be constantly improved, updated in accordance with changes in the goals of the organization.

The basis of the concept of personnel management of the organization is currently the increasing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

Thus, personnel management is a whole system of knowledge associated with a purposeful organized impact on people employed (personnel) in order to ensure the effective functioning of an organization (enterprise, institution) and meet the needs of the employee, as well as the interests of the labor collective.

Personnel as an object of management has its own properties (organizational-structural, psychological, etc.) that require skillful consideration in practical work. Personnel management (PM) is aimed at achieving the effective operation of the organization and the fairness of relationships between employees. Flexible organization of labor, self-organization of the employee and groups of workers become the starting point for the creation of human resource management systems.

1.3 System and methods of personnel management

The personnel management system is a set of elements (goals, functions, personnel, technical means, information, methods of organizing activities and management) that form the personnel complex of an organization.

From the table we see that in modern management there has been a shift in emphasis from administrative and regulatory methods, focused mainly on achieving the goals of the organization, to more flexible, developing methods focused on the person in the organization and satisfying his higher needs.

Such a change of orientation in personnel management had a long previous evolution. general management organizations. One of the first concepts of personnel management is based on the postulates of the "school of scientific management", in which one of the main principles is the minimization of investments in hired labor. In the 1970s, the concept of "human resource management" emerged as a result of the synthesis of the schools of "human relations" and "behavioral sciences", which made it possible to recognize the economic feasibility of investing in labor. With this approach, there is a direct dependence of the amount of income on the individual productivity of the employee, his creative approach and self-realization.

Establishing a clear procedure and regulations for setting goals and constantly clarifying the long-term and current tasks facing the unit as a whole, as well as each functional management body and structural link;

Formation and continuous improvement of the organizational structure of management, associated with the specification of the number of units and functional organs management, regulations governing activities, formal relationships between them regulated by legal acts, professiograms for each official, including job descriptions and job models;

Continuous improvement of the conditions that determine the level of organization of work of employees (increase in the degree of responsibility, enrichment of work, improvement of the organization of work and maintenance of workplaces, etc.);

Continuous improvement of the economic activity of the unit, creation of the most favorable conditions for the optimal combination of collective, individual interests with the interests of the organization, by constantly updating incentive systems and norms;

Forecasting and planning the need for personnel, qualifications and business qualities which would meet the requirements, and ways to provide them with public service.

Each of the listed areas is included in the functional responsibilities of specific management bodies, but the personnel management service coordinates and directs their work.

The global goal of personnel management is to form, develop and implement the organization's human resources potential with the greatest efficiency. This means improving the work of each employee so that he optimally increases and uses his labor and creative potential and, through this, contributes to the achievement of common purpose and also supported the activities of other employees in this direction.

The system of goals serves as the basis for determining the composition of management functions. To form functions, it is necessary to identify their objects and carriers. The bearers of management functions are: the management of the body, deputy heads, head of the personnel management service or deputy director of personnel, specialized divisions for personnel management and personnel management specialists (they are also both carriers and objects). The object of management are the personnel of the organization.

Enterprise human resource management is a complex and time-consuming process that includes the following processes:

1. Resource planning - developing a plan to meet future needs for human resources;

2. Recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

3. Selection - evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best for the reserve created during the recruitment;

4. Determining wages and benefits: developing a salary and benefits structure to attract, hire and retain employees;

5. Career guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization;

6. Training - development of programs for teaching the labor skills required for the effective performance of work;

7. Assessment of labor activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity;

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees up the career ladder;

9. Training of management personnel - promotion management, development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of work of management personnel.

The general and main task of personnel management is to ensure that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel correspond to the goals of the organization.

Qualitative characteristics:

Abilities (level of education, amount of knowledge, professional skills, work experience);

Motivation (a range of professional and personal interests, the desire to achieve something);

Personal qualities that affect the performance of a professional role.

Management methods are a set of techniques and ways of influencing the control object in order to achieve the goals set, i.e. ways of influencing the team and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the production process (Figure 2).

There are three forms of manifestation of organizational and administrative methods:

Mandatory prescription (orders, prohibition);

Conciliation (consultation, compromise resolution);

Organizational impact on the management structure is carried out through organizational regulation, regulation, instruction.

The administrative influence on the collective or the individual implies subordination, which can be of three types:

Forced or externally imposed (accompanied by a feeling of dependence and is taken as pressure from above);

Passive (satisfaction caused by liberation from making independent decisions);

Conscious, internally justified submission.

Direct influences can increase the passivity of personnel and or lead to covert defiance. Therefore, the most effective are indirect methods of influence, which are carried out by setting goals and creating stimulating conditions.

Economic methods appear in the following forms: planning, analysis, granting economic independence. This causes the material interest of workers in the results of their work.

Socio-psychological methods - a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in labor collectives. For the greatest effectiveness of the impact, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of the teams; use techniques that are personal in nature (personal example, authority, persuasion, competition, rituals, culture, etc.). Techniques and methods of socio-psychological influence are determined by the competence and ability of the leader.

All methods are interconnected.

Thus, the concept of personnel management is a concentrated expression of the management methodology in that essential part of it, which is the content of the socio-economic side of the organization's management and is directly related to the person.

The methodological basis for building a personnel management system should be a systematic approach to the internal use of the human factor. It implies that the personnel management subsystem closely interacts with other subsystems - financial, innovation, investment, strategic planning, production, marketing.

2. Study of the personnel management systemOJSC« YAZDA"

2.1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

JSC "YAZDA" refers to the automotive industry, which is one of the key sectors of the Russian economy, in particular, to the diesel industry. The company provides fuel equipment for all major manufacturers diesel engines in Russia and the CIS - Avtodiesel, KamAZ, Altaidiesel, Minsk Motor Plant. The division is one of the main suppliers of AVTOVAZ and Zavolzhsky Motor Plant (the main supplier of GAZ) in terms of precision hydraulic components and valve springs.

JSC "YAZDA" has the following shares of production for individual manufacturers in the industry in 2008:

KamAZ - 72.4%;

Autodiesel - 100%;

MMZ -38.1%;

Altaidiesel - 22.2%.

JSC YAZDA is located on 2 separate industrial sites located in the Zavolzhsky district of Yaroslavl.

The area of ​​the territory of the enterprise in the fence:

Site "A" - 614,000 m 2;

Site "B" - 73,000 m2.

All facilities for production and auxiliary purposes, power and water supply were built in accordance with the approved projects, with the exception of the procurement and storage building, the waste processing building, the road laboratory, the engineering and amenity building 2A. The total developed area of ​​all buildings is 961.1 thousand m2.

OJSC "Yaroslavl Plant of Fuel Equipment" is included in the division "Fuel supply systems" of the GAZ group. The decision to merge the Yaroslavl Diesel Equipment Plant (YAZDA OJSC) and the Yaroslavl Fuel Equipment Plant (YAZTA OJSC) into one Fuel Supply Systems company today confirms its correctness. Until now, enterprises have competed with each other, fought for markets and consumers. Naturally, in this state of affairs, both plants could not fully realize their technological, design and production capabilities. The current strategy of the factories is to create a developed business that can successfully compete not only with Russian, but also with European companies.

JSC "YAZDA", JSC "YAZTA" as part of the "GAZ Group" is one of the fastest growing and promising industrial enterprises in the region.

The strategy of JSC "YAZDA", JSC "YAZTA" consists in consolidating efforts to obtain a well-developed business that can compete not only in Russia, but also in Europe, since the technological, design and production base of Yaroslavl plants is much higher and more modern than potentials competitors in Russia and CIS countries.

Main economic activity:

Manufacture and marketing of engineering products, mainly fuel supply systems for engines;

Manufacture of tools, accessories, equipment, consumer goods;

Design, technological, design and other engineering developments in various areas industry, mainly in the automotive industry in the field of fuel supply systems for automobile and tractor engines;

Service maintenance of fuel equipment;

Organization of new types of production, technical re-equipment of existing production;

Implementation of construction and installation works;

Investment, commercial and intermediary activities;

Foreign economic activity;

Organization of marketing and consulting activities in the automotive industry.

Main types of products (works, services):

Production of fuel equipment for completing engines;

Production of spare parts for REN;

Production of heat energy on the side.

Product Feature: High pressure fuel pumps for diesel engines; precision products for fuel equipment (sprayers, nozzles, plunger pairs, valve pairs); cutting tools (drills, microdrills, taps, collets); tension, compression, torsion springs; threaded inserts, spring rings. Fuel equipment repair.

Last year, three types of Yaroslavl fuel equipment with an electronic regulator received a certificate of compliance with Euro-3 environmental standards. This allows the use of engines with Euro-3 standards not only on large-capacity trucks, but also on special vehicles with high engine power for various industries. In particular, engines with similar power are also in demand in railway transport.

In the coming year, the plants of the Division also face the task of developing special fuel supply systems for a two-level power engine installed on tractors.

Currently, in the production of fuel supply systems for automobile diesel engines and spare parts for them, YaZDA OJSC is an absolute monopolist in Russia.

The technical level of the fuel supply systems manufactured by JSC "YAZDA" ensures compliance with the standards EURO-1, EURO-2 of the Committee for Inland Transport of the UN European Environmental Commission.

Table 1. Types of the Company's activities in 2007-2008, %%

Manufactured products

Fuel supply systems

Spare parts for fuel supply systems

Precision hydraulic components (hydraulic bearing and hydraulic tensioner)

Valve springs for AvtoVAZ and ZMZ

Thermal energy for third-party consumers

Other (experimental products, consumer goods, social sphere, other)

In 2008, the production and economic activities of JSC YAZDA were carried out in accordance with the approved business plan and current applications of fuel equipment consumers.

In 2008, the sales volume of JSC YAZDA increased by 35% compared to 2007 and amounted to 130,687 units. TA. This increase led to a 120% increase in gross profit

The results of the work of the Yaroslavl diesel equipment plant for 2008 are characterized by the following indicators:

The volume of marketable output in comparable prices amounted to 2,464,221 thousand rubles. or 161.3% to the level of 2007 (in comparable prices).

Dynamics of production volumes of fuel equipment in physical terms by quarters is characterized by the following indicators:

I quarter - 20.8%;

II quarter - 25.3%;

III quarter - 27.7%;

IV quarter - 26.2%.

Marketable products sold in the amount of 2,679,906 thousand rubles.

With the growth of production volume for 2008 by 61.3%, in comparison with 2004, the output per 1 operating PPP increased by 34.8% and amounted to 516.8 thousand rubles; the average monthly salary per 1 working PPP increased by 20.3% and amounted to 9034.8 rubles.

Table 2. Results of the Company's work in 2007-2008 (in comparable prices)


Fuel equipment

Spare parts

Hydraulic tensioner


Tool per side

Heat to the side

Other products total

including cooperation products and services

Total marketable products

Products corresponding to the profile of the plant (TA, s / h, hydraulic tensioner, springs, hydro bearing, R & D products.)

Specialization level

The actual cost of commercial products in 2008 amounted to 2,176,586 tr. The cost of 1 ruble of marketable products in current prices amounted to 88.33 kopecks.

Compared to 2007, the costs decreased by 7.7% (2004 = 93.26 kopecks).

The gross profit margin for 2008 was 14.2%, which is higher than in 2007 (5.5%).

According to the results of the work of JSC "YAZDA" in 2008, the growth of the actual wage fund amounted to 44% compared to 2004.

With an increase in production volumes in 2008 by 61.3% compared to 2007 (in comparable prices), labor productivity per employee increased by 34.8%, the average monthly wage - by 20.3% and amounts to 9,034.8 rubles Thus, labor productivity outpaced wage growth.

The growth of the payroll was due to an increase in the number of industrial and production personnel, which is explained by an increase in production volumes (161% compared to the previous period) and structural changes in terms of the transfer of personnel from JSC YAZTA to JSC YAZDA.

The average headcount in the 3rd quarter of 2009 amounted to 5650 people.

The age of employees at the enterprise ranges from 18 to 52 years. The age structure of employees is distributed as follows:

The main composition of employees from 30 to 40 years old - 53%, the composition of employees under 29 years old and 40 - 50 years old were distributed equally 17% and 23%. Employees over 50 years old accounted for 7%, respectively.

81% of employees have higher education. This is a very high figure, which creates a positive picture of the educational level of the staff. 11% of employees are in the stage of higher education. 8% of employees have secondary technical education.

It should be noted that the staff is not fully staffed, there are vacancies.

2.2 The personnel management system of the enterprise and directions for its improvement

Personnel management is carried out by the Human Resources Department. Appendix 2 presents the structure of the personnel department of the enterprise.

The company has developed a Human Resources Strategy. It is determined by the economic strategy of the enterprise. The main strategic task of JSC "YAZDA" is to ensure its long-term competitiveness in the world market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce new technology and equipment, improve the quality of products and expand their range, and increase production volumes. All this determines the essence of the personnel strategy of JSC "YAZDA": providing the company with labor resources capable of solving the tasks set. Or, in other words, the creation of an effective system of training, retraining of personnel, the formation of a reserve of specialists and managers, and the improvement of the qualifications of personnel as a whole.

The main priorities of the personnel policy are also formulated:

Correspondence of human resources to the economic strategy of JSC "YAZDA";

Formation of a management team as a fundamental factor in improving the efficiency of the company's management;

Improving the forecasting and planning of the need for personnel, advancing the development of personnel;

Professional and career development of employees.

The set is traditionally divided into external and internal. The advantages of external selection are that new people are involved in the organization, bringing new ideas with them, and opportunities are created for more active organizational development.

Sources of external selection are: newspaper advertisements, employment agencies, specialized consulting firms.

Thus, the recruitment of workers is carried out mainly through consulting (recruiting) agencies. At the same time, when selecting candidates for managerial vacancies, the organization mainly uses internal sources, and when selecting other employees, the organization turns to special agencies and the newspaper. Sometimes a new worker is accepted through other sources.

The advantages of internal recruitment are that the employee is already adapted to the team compared to the newly hired, his abilities are evaluated higher, higher and job satisfaction.

When selecting personnel, the following selection criteria are used:

High qualification;

Personal qualities;


Professional skills;

Previous work experience;

Compatibility with others (personal qualities).

Selection of employees for transfers to higher positions, i.e. from its own internal source, is carried out on the basis of an assessment of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities. The process of making a decision on internal movements includes the following stages.

Based on information about the vacant positions in the department, the head of the department makes a decision on the nomination of candidates for vacant positions, determines the number of vacant positions, and instructs the personnel department to search for candidates within the organization.

Compliance of the qualitative composition of candidates with the existing ones vacancies determined by the Head of Human Resources. The head of the department relies on the existing job descriptions that determine the basic requirements for the level of professional knowledge, skills, work experience.

Further, the head of the personnel department analyzes the composition and number of possible candidates, draws up a preliminary list of promising employees, based on an assessment of personal documentation (personal files (cards), statements on the use of working time in order to identify absenteeism, track records, and other documentation that provides information about professionalism and work behavior of the employee). Also used personal experience communication between HR employees and those employees.

The head of the personnel department evaluates candidates as follows: a “three-dimensional” assessment of the candidate is made, which consists in taking into account information about the employee received from his work colleagues, from his subordinates, as well as from higher management.

The list of candidates is presented to the head of the department, who gives an opinion on the compliance or non-compliance of each candidate with a certain position.

Certification as a procedure for assessing personnel in a company has existed for several years. Its main tasks are:

Determining the level of personnel training and its compliance with the requirements of the company;

Rotation of personnel in accordance with the level of professionalism;

Formation of an effective team;

Determining the need for training.

Certification, as a rule, is planned to be carried out once every six months. A schedule of preparatory and attestation activities is drawn up for each semester.

The certification procedure itself consists of several stages:

Determination of the range of knowledge and skills necessary for personnel - theoretical and practical.

Development of evaluation criteria.

Collecting the necessary information for certification.

Formation of an attestation commission.

The actual certification.


The company also has a staff training program.

The training program is approved by the order of the General Director of JSC "YAZDA" and consists of two sections: training of workers and training of managers, specialists and employees in several areas. These are retraining for vacant positions in subdivisions, training in second professions in order to expand the service area, targeted courses for the study of new technologies and equipment. The training program is also aimed at obtaining the right to work under the jurisdiction of state supervision bodies and advanced training in production and economic courses in order to timely prepare a reserve of workers of high ranks. In other words, there is a process of involving personnel in the activities of the enterprise through the creation of conditions conducive to increasing labor productivity.

The need for personnel training is provided in accordance with the applications of departments based on the personnel analysis of the personnel (work experience, experience, education, employee participation in training or advanced training programs, personal need for professional growth are taken into account). A functional analysis of the personnel is also carried out, which makes it possible to determine the employee's compliance with the required level of competence and qualifications, take into account the results of certification and requirements for industrial safety and labor protection. Based on the analysis of technogenic (implementation new technology and technologies, commissioning of new facilities and capacities) and instrumental factors (changes in standards, instructions or introduction of new procedures) that affect the work of personnel, and training is provided in various areas.

Taking into account the innovations introduced at the enterprise in the organization of production, namely, the elements of the system " Lean», automated system production management, the staff of the personnel department was tasked with organizing educational services for the employees of the plant in order to qualitatively and quickly master these organizational areas.

The main goal of personnel training in the field of quality policy for 2008 is the organization vocational training personnel and meeting the needs of departments and employees themselves. The indicators of its achievement are an increase in professional skills of at least 20 percent of average headcount staff and ensure the effectiveness of training by 70 percent. Today we can say with confidence that the training program for the first half of 2008 has been completed.

Thus, the activities of the personnel department of the enterprise can be considered satisfactory. The company has fully developed and implemented systems for the selection, recruitment and training of personnel. In order to improve the work of personnel management in connection with the need to recruit new employees, the personnel department can be given recommendations on career management in the enterprise and the development of an adaptation program for new and relocated employees.

Professional adaptation consists in the active development of the profession, its subtleties, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, methods of decision-making to begin with in standard situations. It begins with the fact that after finding out the experience, knowledge and character of the beginner, they determine the most appropriate form of training for him, for example, they send him to courses or attach a mentor.

Psychophysiological adaptation - adaptation to work activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole, resulting in smaller changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical exertion, etc.).

Psychophysiological adaptation does not present any particular difficulties, it proceeds quite quickly and to a large extent depends on the health of the person, his natural reactions, and the characteristics of these conditions themselves. However, most accidents occur in the first days of work precisely because of its absence.

Socio-psychological adaptation of a person to production activities- adaptation to the immediate social environment in the team, to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the style of work of managers, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relations that have developed in the team. It means the inclusion of the employee in the team as an equal, accepted by all its members. It can be associated with considerable difficulties, which include deceived expectations of quick success, due to the underestimation of difficulties, the importance of live human communication, practical experience and the overestimation of the value of theoretical knowledge and instructions.

Career management should be seen as an organized and thoughtful assistance to staff in achieving their goals, professional development, striving to make a career and realize their abilities.

Implementation of the decisions made.

Thus, the following areas of work with personnel should be improved at the enterprise:

Planning an individual professional level and official movement of the employee;

Organization of the acquisition by the employee of the necessary level of professional training and experience both within the enterprise and outside it;

Regulation of the employee's involvement in solving tasks related to appointment to positions;

Coordinating the efforts of the employee and the organization to implement the employee's individual professional development plan and the staffing plan;

Monitoring the activities of the employee, his professional and official growth, the rational use of his professional capabilities.

When planning a career, it is important to consider the tenure of a position. The career plan is drawn up taking into account the fact that the optimal finding of a specialist in one position can be within 4-5 years. The systematic, constant movement (rotation) of personnel has a positive effect on increasing its labor productivity.


Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of the life of an enterprise, capable of multiplying its efficiency, and the very concept of "personnel management" is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.

The personnel management system ensures continuous improvement of methods of work with personnel and the use of achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience.

The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations subject and object of control. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

Personnel management methods are divided into three groups:

Organizational and administrative, based on direct directives;

Economic, driven by economic incentives;

Socio-psychological, used to increase the social activity of employees.

The success of an organization in a market economy depends on the quality of personnel - the most important factor in the competitive struggle, i.e. First of all, the effectiveness of the organization is determined by the quality of the selected employees. In addition, if an organization hires an employee it does not need, then there are expenses for its replacement, which can be significant in terms of money and time.

Based on the results of the practical part of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In the course of the study of the activities of the personnel department of JSC "YAZDA" for the selection, recruitment and training of personnel, it was revealed that the activities of the personnel department of the enterprise can be considered satisfactory. The company has fully developed and implemented systems for the selection, recruitment and training of personnel.

In order to improve the work of personnel management in connection with the need to recruit new employees, the personnel department can be given recommendations on career management in the enterprise and the development of an adaptation program for new and relocated employees:

Identification of the enterprise's needs for personnel and personnel capabilities (needs and capabilities model);

Deciding on a career management strategy in government agency authorities;

Planning of individual professional level and position transfer of an employee;

Organization of the acquisition by the employee of the necessary level of professional training and experience both within the enterprise and outside it;

Regulation of the employee's involvement in solving tasks related to appointment to positions;

Coordinating the efforts of the employee and the organization to implement the employee's individual professional development plan and the staffing plan;

Monitoring the activities of the employee, his professional and official growth, the rational use of his professional capabilities.


1. Bazarov T.Yu., Malinovsky P.V. Personnel management in times of crisis // Theory and practice crisis management. - M.: UNITI, 1996, p. 205.

2. Bazarova T.Yu., Eremova B.L. Personnel Management. - M.: UNITI, 2003, p. 92.

3. Blinov A.O., Vasilevskaya O.V. The art of personnel management: Proc. settlement - M.: GELAN, 2006, p. 102.

4. Vesnin V.R. Personnel Management. Moscow: Prospekt, 2008, p. 129.

5. Gerchikova I.N. Management. - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1994., p. 193.

6. Evenenko L.I. Evolution of Human Resource Management Concepts // Staff Development Strategy: Conference Proceedings. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1996, p. 170.

7. Korgova M.A. Supervisor. Team. Staff. Fundamentals of management and interaction. - Pyatigorsk, 2007, p. 67.

8. Marra R., Schmidt G. Personnel management in a social market economy. - M.: MGU, 2004, p. 66.

9. Pugachev V.P. Personnel management of the organization. - M.: Aspect Press, 1998, p. 26.

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Human resource management is a specific management function. Recently, this feature is gaining all greater value, since the effectiveness of the organization, its competitive advantages depend on the effectiveness of the use of its main resource - a person. In this regard, the requirements for the employee are increasing, the importance of a creative attitude to work, a high level of professionalism is increasing. The function of human resource management is becoming more complicated, the role and place of the head of the organization's personnel service is changing. He becomes one of its main leaders.

The content of the HR management function changed along with the change in production conditions and management goals. So, at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. and up to the 20s of the XX centuries. actions in the field of HR management were limited to the creation of disciplinary systems, training and stimulation of personnel, since the main concern of management during this period was the task of increasing the productivity of an individual worker and the efficiency of production as a whole.

In the 50-60s of the XX century. the main concern of management is the creation of "human relations" in the organization, therefore, the main actions in the field of HR management are the creation of a favorable climate in the team, the establishment of group cooperation, and for this, managers are trained in terms of educating sensitivity, delicacy, tact.

In the 60-70s. The problem of "participation" comes to the fore. Therefore, special attention is paid to participatory management, tools for involving employees in the decision-making process. The problem of "participation" required highly skilled workers, which led to the development of programs for training, retraining and development of personnel.

In the 70-80s. the main task of HR management is to challenge subordinates who need complex creative work. During this period, programs for the enrichment of labor, the creation of specialized and venture teams are being developed.

In the 80-90s. there is a problem of job cuts, displacement of workers as a result of economic downturns, technological shifts, international competition. Measures were needed to mitigate the stress associated with the loss of a job: various compensations, special seminars for laid-off workers, “early retirement”, as well as the development of retraining programs, orientation of workers in new areas of the economy.

In 1990–2000 the main problem is changes in the labor force and its shortages. Management functions such as the strategic management of the HR, the implementation of the rights of employees, their development, flexible working schedules and benefits, as well as computerization, are coming to the fore.

In Russia, the function of personnel management throughout the history of the socialist state was performed by the employment authorities and the personnel services of enterprises. They were engaged in solving a single state task - providing the sectors of the national economy with the necessary personnel, as well as realizing the right of citizens to work. The activities of the personnel services of many organizations to this day are mainly limited to solving the issues of hiring and dismissing employees, and issuing personnel documentation. Therefore, these services do not meet the new requirements of personnel policy, the new functions of HR management. Is absent one system management of the HR, first of all, a system of scientifically based study of abilities and inclinations, professional and official promotion of employees in accordance with their business and personal qualities.

The urgent task of most enterprises is to restructure and increase the role of personnel services, the creation of HR management departments, which is caused by changes in economic and social conditions functioning of enterprises.

2. Goals and functions of HR management

Human resource management is the design of the formal systems of an organization that ensure the efficient use of human knowledge, skills, and talents to achieve organizational goals. Human resources

represent the totality of knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, contacts and wisdom of people working in an organization.

The ultimate goal of HR management coincides with the ultimate goal of the organization as a whole. This is to ensure the stable functioning and sustainable development of the organization in the long term. The immediate goal of HR management is to provide the enterprise with the necessary personnel, to create a cohesive, efficient team capable of achieving the planned goals.

3. Strategic and operational roles of HR management

HR management has two roles in the organization: strategic and operational. Strategic role - global, long-term, innovative. It proceeds from the fact that people become the key resource of the organization, and it is with this resource that the competitive advantages of the organization are associated, if it is properly managed. This role is realized through activities such as HR planning; development legal problems related to people management; study of labor force trends; solving mergers and acquisitions problems; promoting restructuring and downsizing of enterprises; reward management. Strategic HR management provides the organization with a strategy for the planned development of human resources, which makes it possible to have trained personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization.

The operational role is more in line with the traditional view of HR management. This is an administrative, short-term role associated with a variety of ongoing people management activities and aimed at implementing the developed strategies. This role is carried out through the following types activities: recruitment and selection of personnel to fill existing vacancies; implementation of professional and social orientation and adaptation; consideration of reports on safety in case of accidents; managing fringe benefits programs; creation of favorable labor relations in the team between staff and management; handling complaints; evaluation of labor activity.

4. Stages of HR management

Let us note the stages of CR management.

1. HR planning - developing a plan to meet future human resource needs.

2. Recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions.

3. Selection - evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during the recruitment.

4. Determination of wages and additional benefits in order to attract, hire, motivate and retain the necessary workers.

5. Professional orientation and social adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization, developing their understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work it receives recognition.

6. Training - the development and implementation of training programs for the work skills necessary for the effective performance of work.

7. Evaluation of labor activity - development of methods for evaluating activities and bringing them to the employee.

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - the development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, the development of their professional experience through rotation.

9. Training of management personnel, career management - development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of the work of managers.

HR planning includes three stages:

1) determination of the future needs of the enterprise in the labor force arising from production plans, sales forecasts, the general strategy of the enterprise;

2) evaluation of strong and weaknesses available labor resources, analysis of their compliance with the changing needs of the enterprise;

3) development of programs to meet the future needs of the enterprise in the Czech Republic.

They should include a schedule and arrangements for attracting, hiring, training and promoting the people needed to achieve the goals of the organization.

A feature of HR planning in Russia is the change in the external environment of enterprises and their goals. Enterprises must operate in conditions of instability, competition and risk. And this places special demands on the staff. Entrepreneurial skills that allow you to survive in such conditions, the ability to take risks, create New Product, service, offer new idea, show initiative, creativity, marketing skills.

Recruitment and selection of personnel is aimed at finding the right person to do a certain job. Modern Process selection is seen as a process of ensuring fit between the candidate and the organization and between the candidate and the job. The requirements and values ​​of the organization and the candidate must match. To do this, it is necessary to have an accurate idea of ​​the content and nature of the work, the qualifications and qualities of the applicant, which are required for its implementation. Information is collected in the following areas:

1) labor activities to perform this work and the required behavior;

2) interaction with other people;

3) performance standards;

4) used machines and equipment;

5) working conditions;

6) leadership, authority and responsibility received;

7) necessary knowledge, skills and abilities;

8) the minimum requirements that the applicant must meet, since not in all cases it is possible to select the ideal candidate.

Based on this information, a search is made for a person who will meet these criteria. Such a search includes a set of potential candidates for existing vacancies in the organization and the selection of the most suitable of them.

Traditionally, recruitment has been done from internal and external sources. You need to know their pros and cons. Internal sources - promotion of their employees, organization of competitions among interested candidates, from which the best is selected - are cheap, stimulate other employees, improve the moral and psychological climate in the team. But new people do not come to the enterprise, with different experience, a fresh look, new knowledge. And this can lead to a loss of flexibility and mobility of the enterprise, its aging. In addition, internal hiring requires costly training and development programs and has fewer choices. Therefore, human resources departments must establish contacts with different external organizations from which the supply of labor is possible.

Russian enterprises need a new generation of specialists: economists, managers, marketers, psychologists, etc., who are able to work in a new economic environment. Therefore, enterprises should primarily use such external sources of recruitment as colleges, universities, institutes for advanced training. Contracts with educational institutions should become the main form of attracting the necessary specialists and skilled workers.

Other sources and means of dialing are public services employment and retraining, youth employment centers, private employment agencies. A good source of recruitment can be customers and suppliers of the enterprise. The candidates proposed by them can contribute to the creation of cooperation, business relations with counterparties of the enterprise.

A common source of recruitment is random applicants applying for jobs on their own. They should be entered into a card index or database of external candidates. This is a reserve that cannot be neglected.

And finally advertisements, which can supplement the listed sources of the set or be the main sources. They should be perceived as a public relations event. A well-designed ad can enhance a firm's reputation and vice versa.

The advantages of external sources of recruitment can be called ample opportunities for choice, new impulses for the enterprise: people from outside bring new knowledge, experience, ideas, perspectives. The disadvantages include high recruitment costs, blocking promotion opportunities for “veterans”, increased risk when hiring a new employee, worsening morale among long-term employees, etc.

Methods for selecting suitable candidates can be questionnaires, interviews, tests, assessment centers, references and resumes. These methods can be combined, especially if the candidate is selected for senior positions.

The most common are questionnaires, interviews and testing. They allow you to collect about the candidate detailed information, decide how well he will fit into the existing team, and provide him with detailed information about the work ahead.

1) individual information (name, address, age, marital status, living conditions);

2) education;

3) career (previous jobs, salary level);

4) state of health;

5) interests and hobbies in free time;

6) information about why the candidate wants to get this particular job;

7) names of guarantors.

The interview requires careful preparation and skills to conduct it. The accuracy of the interview is increased by a pre-compiled structured list of questions. Its points may repeat the questions of the questionnaire, but here a personal impression of communication is added. It is important to get an idea of ​​​​health, behavior, personal qualities, intelligence, ability to oral speech, interests, leadership ability, sense of responsibility, sociability, the impact of work on personal life, etc.

The most famous system of questions for the interview is the "Seven Point Plan", developed by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology (Great Britain).

1. physical characteristics(health, appearance, manners).

2. Education and previous work experience (detailed).

3. Intelligence (general outlook, ability to grasp the essence of the problem, reaction).

4. Ability for physical labor, oral speech, counting.

5. Interests, hobbies that may characterize the personality of the candidate.

6. Disposition - leadership, sense of responsibility, sociability.

7. Personal circumstances (how work will affect personal life).

In addition to the activities of the employer, the activity of the employee in finding and applying for a job is becoming increasingly important. If we summarize the advice contained in the modern Russian literature on personnel selection, then we can formulate them as follows:

1) you should always look for a job (no matter how good the current job is, it can be lost tomorrow due to circumstances completely beyond your control);

2) you have to fight to get a job;

3) be prepared to change activities to cope with new job and get satisfaction from it;

4) if you have determined for yourself what kind of work you are looking for, explain it to everyone around. The more "eyes and ears" helping you, the better;

5) look for work intensively, remember that any meeting can have the most decisive (and sometimes completely unexpected) impact on getting a job;

6) personal communication is preferable to written;

7) in case of refusal, show gentle perseverance, reminding yourself after a while and inquiring if things have changed. better situation with employment.

Tests are one of the most reliable selection methods the right people to occupy a certain position. The main characteristic of tests is the independent performance by the candidate of certain tasks with their subsequent assessment. When selecting personnel, six main types of tests can be used: physical, qualification, personality assessment, verification of mental abilities (intelligence test), achievement test and work task.

Determination of wages and additional benefits. The remuneration of personnel consists of two parts - wages (salary), i.e., monetary remuneration for the work performed, and additional benefits - non-monetary forms of employee remuneration. Exist a large number of such benefits, the main of which are: health insurance, life insurance, paid holidays, additional pensions, provision of housing, a personal car, payment for children's institutions, physical rehabilitation programs.

Market conditions require flexible systems of remuneration for work and new principles of the very approach to solving the problem, how and for what people's work should be paid. And first of all, the results of labor should be paid: the work performed, productivity, efficiency, quality. Innovation, skill, initiative, combination of professions, labor activity, group cooperation to achieve the goals of the enterprise should be encouraged.

The fixed part of wages should be sufficient to attract and retain qualified workers in the enterprise. The variable part should take into account and stimulate an increase in labor productivity, labor results, efficiency at the level of the group and the enterprise as a whole.

6. Formation of an effective workforce. Staff training and development. Career Management

An important stage in the management of HR is the development of personnel, which includes professional orientation and adaptation in the team, as well as training and retraining of personnel.

When a new person enters an organization, he brings with him a different experience, knowledge, norms of social interaction that may or may not fit into the new framework. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt it to the new corporate culture, its values, traditions, rules of conduct. A number of methods are used for this.

1. Self-hiring, when the organization, during the recruitment of applicants, provides complete and truthful information about itself so that people's expectations are not overstated. With this information, people decide whether the organization is in line with their needs, goals, and values.

2. Training in special labor skills, social norms and company values.

3. Mentoring, when a novice is assigned to an experienced employee who introduces him to the specifics of the work, professional requirements towards employees and social norms.

In addition to orientation and adaptation, continuous training of personnel is necessary. It is important method managing the activities and performance of employees throughout their careers. The problem is to find a mechanism continuous improvement qualifications of all those employed in the process of transition from one set of required knowledge and skills to another.

The learning process can be defined as the systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills, roles, which are embodied in improving the performance of labor functions and official duties at work. The ultimate goal of training is to provide an organization with a sufficient number of people with the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. This requires continued capital investment in the human resource development program.

7. Maintaining high workforce efficiency. Determination of the personnel remuneration system. Dismissal

The next stage of HR management is the assessment of the activities of employees and their results. Performance appraisal is the process of determining how well employees perform their duties in accordance with established standards, job descriptions and communicate this information to employees. There are many purposes of performance appraisal:

1) improving the performance of duties;

2) determination of the basis for the differentiation of wages;

3) stimulation of individuals and groups in general;

4) collection of information for making decisions on promotion, downgrading, transfer, dismissal;

5) informing about the need for retraining and education;

6) formation of new standards, criteria and goals for the performance of work.

These goals can be grouped into three groups:

1) administrative purposes;

2) information;

3) motivational.

The training of leadership personnel is aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for leadership positions. Management training methods are: lectures, discussions in small groups, analysis of specific business situations, role-playing training, job rotation, business games. For leadership development, many companies develop career management programs that aim to unlock the talents of employees and use them to the benefit of the organization.

HR management in developed countries involves the creation of programs to improve the quality of working life. The quality of working life is understood as the degree to which a person's important personal needs are met through his work in an organization.

The concept of "high quality of working life" includes such components as:

1) interesting, meaningful work;

2) fair remuneration and recognition of merit;

3) good working conditions (cleanliness in the workplace, low noise level, good lighting);

4) minimal oversight by management;

5) participation in decision-making concerning the work of subordinates;

6) ensuring the guarantee of work, employment;

7) favorable climate in the team, friendly relations with colleagues;

8) availability of household and medical care workers.

Human resource management (from English. Human Resource Management, Personnel Management) is a direction of management, the main purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of the organization by creating favorable conditions for the work of its staff. Competent management of human resources allows the employer to receive, on the one hand, the maximum possible profit from the use of knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, their labor potential, and, on the other hand, the maximum possible financial incentive and psychological satisfaction from the results of their work by employees.

Human resource management includes the following directions.

  • Organizational planning ( organization planning).
  • Analysis of work and jobs (Job analysis).
  • Selection, evaluation and placement of personnel ( selection and evaluation).
  • Optimization of working conditions ( job conditions optimization).
  • Conflict management and resolution labor disputes (conflict resolution).
  • Team building ( team building).
  • Training and development personnel ( training and development).
  • Evaluation of the success of the work (Appraisal or evaluation).
  • Compensation for the performance of labor functions (Compensation, wage and salary administration).

Human resource management is based on the achievements of labor psychology and psychotechnics. At the initial stages of the development of personnel management, the concept of "personnel management" was used, which implied the allocation of a socio-psychological component of the management process. In the second half of the XIX century. In the UK, a movement to improve the working conditions of industrial workers developed. Entrepreneurs and philanthropists created and implemented programs to improve the conditions of physical labor, the working environment and the quality of life of workers. Since the 1970s the concept of "human resource management" became more common, which meant the maximum use of the intellectual, business and personal potential of employees, as well as factors production environment to achieve organizational goals.

Subject Human resource management is a system of knowledge associated with a purposeful organized impact on people engaged in labor activity in order to ensure the effective functioning of an organization (enterprise, institution), as well as to meet the needs and interests of employees and labor collectives.

Human resource management is developing at the intersection of such sciences as management, labor economics, labor psychology, social psychology, conflict management, and labor law.

object management in the organization are human resources. Before describing the goals, objectives and principles of human resource management in modern conditions, it is necessary to define the conceptual apparatus in this area. So, there are differences in such similar concepts as “cadres”, “personnel”, “human resources”, “human capital”, “ labor resources"," labor potential.

The concept of "cadres" is of French origin and is translated into Russian as "frame".

Personnel- this is a permanent composition of employees, i.е. able-bodied citizens who are in labor relations with the organization.

Personnel, as a rule, does not include temporary and seasonal workers, part-time workers, non-staff employees.

Staff(from lat .persona- "personality" personalis- “personal”), or state (from it. staat- "state"), is the totality of all employees who are with the organization as with legal entity in employment relations through the conclusion of an employment contract and having certain characteristics.

The organization's personnel includes all employees engaged in labor activities, as well as those who are on the staff (on the balance sheet of an organization or enterprise), but are temporarily not working due to illness, vacation, etc. Thus, the staff represents the labor resources at the disposal of the organization, necessary to achieve the goals and objectives and perform certain functions. The concept of "staff" is broader than "cadres".

The main sign of the staff consists in the presence of his labor relationship with the employer. Usually these relationships are formalized by an employment contract, although it is possible that there is no formal legal registration hiring. In this case, the staff is deprived of guarantees of compliance with the standards in relation to it. labor law. Another sign of personnel- this is the possession of certain qualitative characteristics that determine the structure of the organization's personnel by category: managers, specialists, workers. Personnel categories are structured according to professions, specialties, and qualifications. The conditions of employment and qualitative characteristics determine the position of the employee in the organizational structure.

Human Resources- this is a part of the country's population that has certain psycho-physiological, professional, intellectual qualities that make it possible to engage in labor activity and produce material and spiritual benefits. The labor force includes both employed and unemployed, but able to work (potential workers). The concept of "labor resources" was introduced into science by Academician S. G. Strumilin. In the foreign economy, the term "labor resources" is also used - labor resources. Thus, labor resources occupy an intermediate position between the economic categories "population" and "total labor force". In the structure of labor resources, there are active(functioning) and passive(potential) part.

Into the labor force includes the entire working-age population that is potentially capable of working. AT Russian Federation, in accordance with the labor legislation, the lower limit of working age is 16 years, the upper - 54 years (inclusive for women),

59 years (inclusive for men). At the age of 55 for women and 60 for men, they are entitled to a pension. At the same time, for some types of professional activity associated with the impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the body of the worker, high psychophysiological stress, work in adverse and extreme conditions, the pension bar is noticeably lower - by 5-10 years or more. The age limits of the retirement age are set in each country by the current legislation, for example, in many European countries retirement age- 65 years old. Consequently, the size of the labor force will depend on the officially established age limits of working age and the proportion of able-bodied persons among the working-age population.

Labor potential of an employee is the totality of his physical and mental qualities, labor opportunities that determine the boundaries of his participation in labor activity. Main components labor potential are:

  • - psychophysiological (physical and mental health, performance, endurance);
  • - socio-demographic (gender, age, marital status);
  • - cultural (education, qualifications, general level of culture);
  • - obhtsensihologichesky and cognitive (learning ability, intelligence and creativity);

socio-psychological (ability to work in a group, discipline, leadership abilities, assertiveness);

value (value orientations and attitudes, interests).

concept "human resources"(Human Resources - HR) - more capacious than "personnel", "personnel" and "labor resources", since it contains a combination of personal and psychological properties of people and their sociocultural characteristics.

The specifics of human resources and their differences from other types of resources(informational, material, financial) is as follows:

  • - the ability for self-development and improvement, which is a long-term source of increasing the efficiency of an individual organization and society as a whole;
  • - emotionally meaningful reaction to external influences, which makes it necessary for the subject of control to receive feedback from the object;
  • - motivation of labor activity, since a person chooses a certain type of activity (mental or physical, industrial or non-productive), setting certain goals and striving to satisfy his needs 1.

Currently, in management sciences, both the concept of "personnel" and the concept of "human resources" are used. Personnel management implies that an enterprise or organization has personnel who act as an object of management, in relation to which management technologies are applied. Human resource management recognizes that people are not just personnel, but an organizational resource.

The following are the differences between personnel management and human resource management.

  • 1. One of the basic principles of personnel management was the principle of minimizing capital investments in hired labor, the goal of personnel management was to save on labor, for which it was necessary to minimize the dependence of technological processes on the subjective factor. Human resource management involves investing in these resources, their development, improvement, for which motivation systems are developed, modern methods of employee training are tested, the effectiveness of “investments” in human capital is evaluated, as a result of which the maximum efficiency of human resource use is achieved.
  • 2. Human resource management arose as part of a strategic approach to management and involves the development of an active personnel policy, while personnel management is a tactical approach aimed at solving operational problems and using a more passive, reactive personnel policy.
  • 3. HR technologies are developed and applied mainly by specialists working in the HR department (HR department within traditional structure management). AT small firms there may even be no special department, and one or more UN specialists report directly to the director. Human resource management is carried out by senior management, top managers who develop personnel policy and determine the development strategy of an enterprise or organization.
  • 4. Personnel management involves a collectivist approach, the organization's personnel is seen as a single team, functioning to achieve the company's goals. Human resource management implies an individualistic approach, which is manifested in technologies such as selection, adaptation, training and development, assessment, and employee behavior management.

Thus, the modern approach to human resource management involves the effective application of human resource management technologies from selection and hiring to release, taking into account the concepts of human resource management and a person as a subject of an organization.

Another concept widely used in management and economic sciences is “human capital”, which is the main factor in the formation and development of innovation management and the knowledge economy. This concept, which was introduced into science in 1961 by Theodor Schultz, and since 1965 it has been used by Gary Becker, includes a set of investments in a person that increase his ability to work. Currently, human capital in a broad sense is understood as an intensive productive factor in the economic development of society, which includes the educated part of the labor force, the tools of the intellectual and managerial pile, knowledge, skills and abilities to meet the needs of the individual and society as a whole. These outstanding scientists were awarded the Nobel Prizes for their contribution to the development of the theory of human capital - T. Schultz in 1979, G. Becker - in 1992.

History reference

Gary Stanley Becker ( Gary Stanley Becker, December 2, 1930, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, USA - May 3, 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA). He received a bachelor's degree from Princeton University in 1951 and a doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1955. He worked at Chicago and Columbia Universities. The views of G. Becker were greatly influenced by the theory of M. Friedman. Winner of the 1992 Nobel Prize in Economics "for extending the scope of microeconomic analysis to a range of aspects of human behavior and interaction, including non-market behavior."

The main works of G. Becker:

  • - Economic theory discrimination (The Economics of Discrimination, 1957);
  • - Human capital ( Human Capital, 1964);
  • - Time distribution theory (A Theory of the Allocation of Time, 1965);
  • - Economic theory ( economic theory, 1971);
  • - Treatise on the family ( treatise on the family, 1981).

Currently, human capital is classified as follows:

  • 1) individual human capital is a stock of general and special knowledge, professional skills accumulated by a person throughout his life, which gives him the opportunity to receive additional income and other benefits of life compared to an individual who does not have this stock;
  • 2) the human capital of the company (corporate human capital) is the individual human potential accumulated by the company, innovation potential, know-how, management, information technologies, i.e. everything that increases the competitiveness of the company in the market;
  • 3) national human capital is the human capital of the country, which is integral part its national wealth and includes intellectual priorities, national competitive advantages.

The concept of human capital, developed by such well-known economists as T. Schultz, G. Becker, B. Weisbrod, L. Hansen, was the result of progress in the field of labor force reproduction in connection with the scientific and technological revolution.

Initially, human capital was considered only as a social factor of development and costly from the point of view of the economy, i.e. it was assumed that investments in education and advanced training of workers are costly and it is rather difficult to predict the return on these investments. Edward Denison later proposed a classification of factors economic growth in which he put the quality of the workforce in the first place.

Ideas about the economic approach in relation to human behavior are set forth, first of all, in the studies of G. Becker. Under human capital, he understood the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person that ensure the growth of labor productivity. AT market economy a person correlates his preferences with the product, he seeks to improve his situation, to get the maximum benefit. This applies to such fundamental aspects of life as health, prestige, education, marriage and family. A person tends to make decisions that maximize the utility of the result. G. Becker gives vivid and convincing examples of human economic behavior. So, good health and longevity are important goals for most people, but not the only ones. Under certain conditions, if they conflict with other goals, they can be sacrificed. When choosing a profession, a person focuses on the one whose utility (material or psychological) is expected to be higher than the expected utility of other professions. Similarly, other aspects of life and people's decisions can be considered.

G. Becker believed that the economic approach allows one to interpret human behavior in various situations. At the same time, he proceeded from the ideas of the expediency and rationality of human behavior, applying to him such categories as price, opportunity costs.

In his theory, the scientist considered the structure of income distribution of various groups of the population, their dependence on age, level of education, gender inequality in wages. Using extensive statistical material, Becker proved that education is the foundation for increasing the income of both the employee and employers. Investment in education, vocational training and retraining are promising investments that increase profits for companies.

The introduction of the concept of "human capital" caused numerous attempts to assess its volume and measure economic efficiency. The concept of "human capital" suggests that the salary of a worker with a certain level of education consists of two parts: one is what he would receive with zero education, and the second is the return on educational investment. If 3 0 is the salary of a person with zero education, k I p - the volume of investments in human capital for P years, and 3 „ - the salary of a person who has P years of education, then:

By analogy with the rate of return, the rate of return of human capital is also considered, and the choice of the level and type of education is interpreted as an investment decision. Consequently, Western economists believe that with the development of scientific and technological progress, labor resources, along with the means of production, become capital. Employees are the owners of human capital, they have skills that have economic value.

The economic evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in human capital involves measuring the professional value of an employee, the significance of his skills, abilities and experience for the organization. Obviously, this value is not constant, it can increase as a person acquires new knowledge and professional experience, and decrease as a result of the physical and moral depreciation of human capital. It should be noted that human capital itself is subject to obsolescence, and its carrier is subject to physical obsolescence.

The physical deterioration of human capital is caused by an age-related decrease in a person’s working capacity, a deterioration in his health. A decrease in productivity is also associated with a decrease in the subject's motivation, a drop in interest in work, manifestations of the burnout syndrome and professional deformations.

The obsolescence of human capital is caused by scientific and technological progress, which leads to the emergence of new equipment, technologies, equipment, products and the decommissioning of obsolete ones, which leads to the depreciation of the previous knowledge and skills of the employee. The consequence of these processes is forced structural unemployment.

The physical and moral depreciation of human capital is an inevitable process, but at the same time it is predictable. Thus, the main direction of the reproduction of human capital at present is advanced training and retraining of workers. The implementation of additional professional education programs is of great importance. The drivers of human capital development are investments, innovations and competition. The main sources of human capital accumulation are the innovative sector of the economy and the creative elites of society. At the same time, the accumulated human capital underlies the innovative economic system of the region, the state, and society as a whole.

In his theory, G. Becker considered the theoretical foundations of investing in the education of people and the mechanism of the influence of education on the level of people's wages.

In modern economic science, labor resources are increasingly considered as human capital. In order for labor resources to be transformed into human capital, it is necessary to create conditions that would provide an opportunity to realize human potential in the results of the company's activities. The concepts of "human capital" and "labor resources" designate a single object - a producing person, an individual as a productive force of society and a subject of production relations.

aim human resource management is the formation of efficient teams acting to achieve the goals of the organization and meet the interests of employees, ensuring the organization in right time personnel in the required quantity and quality, its effective placement, organization, stimulation and use.


  • 1) providing the organization with competent, qualified and interested employees;
  • 2) effective use of the intellectual, creative and managerial potential of people;
  • 3) meeting the needs of employees and creating opportunities for their self-realization;
  • 4) ensuring optimal working conditions and occupational mental hygiene;
  • 5) creating conditions for a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, group cohesion and compatibility;
  • 6) conflict and stress management;
  • 7) communication of personnel management with all categories of employees.

Methodological principles human resource management:

Human resource management is activity-oriented, r.e. focused primarily on practical actions;

human resource management is individually oriented - each employee is considered as a person, the needs, motives, interests of employees are taken into account;

human resource management is future-oriented - the objectives of human resource management are taken into account in the long-term strategies of the organization.

For effective management human resources it is necessary: ​​to know the individual characteristics of employees and their capabilities; understand their motivational attitudes; be able to form the composition of employees in accordance with the goals of the organization.

Aspects of human resource management:

  • 1) technical and technological aspect, which involves taking into account the level of development of production and the techniques and technologies used in it;
  • 2) legal aspect, which considers issues of compliance with labor laws in work with personnel;
  • 3) organizational and economic aspect, including issues related to planning the number and quality of employees, material and non-material incentives, the use of working time;
  • 4) socio-psychological aspect, including issues of socio-psychological support of personnel management, introduction of socio-psychological methods of personnel management into management practice;
  • 5) the pedagogical aspect, which affects the problems associated with the training and education of personnel.

Main elements human resource management:

  • 1) heads of all levels of management;
  • 2) specialists in personnel management (PM-managers);
  • 3) legal framework for human resource management;
  • 4) information base for personnel management;
  • 5) a set of methods and techniques for organizing labor and managing human resources;
  • 6) complex technical means applied to human resource management.

Main activities for Human Resource Management:

  • 1) determination of the initial need for various categories of workers based on the strategy of the organization;
  • 2) analysis of the labor market;
  • 3) recruitment and selection of personnel, adaptation management;
  • 4) formation of the organizational structure of personnel;
  • 5) organization of labor processes and labor regulation;
  • 6) formation of income and wages;
  • 7) personnel motivation management;
  • 8) business valuation; certification and training of employees;
  • 9) regulation of relationships in labor collectives.
  • Korchagin K). BUT. Modern economy Russia. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2008.
  • Remuneration of personnel: a textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate/ subgen. ed. O. A. Lapshova. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016. S. 41-42.

Human resources are the potential capabilities of a person in terms of labor, mental or physical activity.

Concept definition

Human resources are a certain set of qualities and characteristics of a person, which characterizes his ability to perform a certain kind of activity. In addition, it is worth noting that this concept can be considered in the context of a single organization, region or state as a whole.

Human resources can be viewed from several perspectives. So, the individual potential of a single person is of great interest. If we consider this concept in the context of the team, then we will talk about the socio-psychological aspect. If it is necessary to determine the total potential of society as a whole, then one speaks of a sociological study.

Human resource management

Since the functioning of any enterprise is based on the human factor, there is an objective need to regulate this process. Human resource management aims to make the most efficient use of the labor of personnel in order to obtain maximum economic benefits. This process is based not only on the ability to organize a team from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, but also on the ability to use psychological techniques.

Each manager should be prepared for the fact that personnel management is a more complex process than managing the technological part of production. This is due to the high probability of conflict situations arising both on work and personal issues.

Human resources and personnel

Quite often, in the implementation of practical activities in personnel management, the boundary between the concepts of personnel and human resources is somewhat blurred. However, they are not quite the same thing, and therefore it is worth knowing the difference between them clearly.

So, speaking of personnel, it is worth noting that they include only those people who work at the enterprise on the basis of officially formalized labor relations. And if we talk about personnel, then here we mean a part of employees related to operational management, as well as freelancers.

Such a concept as human resources is much more capacious and broad. It implies the abilities and potentialities of a person in relation to his physical, mental and emotional activities, which help him to participate effectively in productive activities.

If we consider human resources and personnel from the point of view of management, then it is worth noting that in the first case, global long-term tasks are solved, and in the second we are talking about operational programs.

Human resource planning

Planning implies a clear definition of the need and cost of human resources at a certain point in time. Not only the number is evaluated, but also the qualification indicators.

Effective planning affects the results of the enterprise in the following ways:

  • optimization production process, which consists in determining the exact required number of workers;
  • improving recruitment mechanisms that allow the recruitment of employees who clearly meet the requirements of the organization;
  • development modern system training new employees, as well as improving the skills of existing ones;
  • study of retrospective indicators and identification of trends that make it possible to predict the future personnel situation;
  • a well-thought-out policy in the field of personnel management can significantly reduce costs and increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise.

Resources as a system

Since the management of people is a rather complicated procedure, it is fair to say that there is such a thing as a system of human resources. If we consider it from the point of view of the organization, then we can distinguish the following main tasks:

  • assessment of available resources, as well as planning for the future need for them;
  • study of the situation on the labor market;
  • selection of personnel according to psychological and professional characteristics;
  • taking measures to improve the efficiency of personnel;
  • study of the standard of living of workers and actions aimed at improving it;
  • development of a new or improvement of an existing mechanism for motivating and stimulating employees to work effectively;
  • encouragement of initiative, as well as stimulation to innovative work.

Resource management

The human resource management system has two main goals:

  • continuous analysis of the situation with personnel in order to provide the organization with them in a timely manner;
  • creation of the most comfortable conditions for employees in which they can effectively realize their labor and intellectual potential.

In order for human resource management in an organization to be effective, a number of prerequisites must be met:

  • goals should be clearly formulated, and also have realistically achievable boundaries;
  • analysis of the work of the enterprise to be deep and comprehensive;
  • personnel must be fully provided with all the resources necessary for work;
  • each employee must perform those duties that correspond to the level of his qualifications;
  • the labor process must be carried out using the most modern technologies.

Resource development

Human potential tends to constantly increase. This is due to the fact that over time, an enterprise or organization begins to demand more and more return from its employees. That is why the development of human resources is one of the key issues of the company's management.

One of the most difficult periods for any employee is his adaptation at the enterprise. Not only are beginners required to familiarize themselves with all organizational moments, they also have to take a certain place in the team and go through a serious psychological pressure. Of great importance is also the introduction of a person to a new position, namely, familiarity with job responsibilities.

Of great importance in the course of these processes is the policy of the management of the enterprise on these issues. A friendly atmosphere is also important, and methodological support is also required. For example, large firms have such practices as lectures and seminars for new personnel, as well as the introduction of training programs.

Problems of human resources of the enterprise

One of the most important problems faced by the human resource of the enterprise is the lack of attention to this issue. Nevertheless, managing people requires special knowledge, as well as skills and mechanisms. So, the first thing you should pay attention to is the development of leadership in the team. Moreover, this should concern precisely the working moments, and not the personal relationships of employees. Unfortunately, domestic enterprises often neglect this.

Another important problem of the organization is paying insufficient attention or complete disregard for the need for human resource management. Nevertheless, it should be understood that cadres do not have the ability to self-regulate. There should be a clear policy on this issue.

One of the most serious shortcomings of modern management is the consideration of the organization separately from the personnel. So, sometimes employees are not ready for changes in the work of the enterprise.

The concept of personnel management

  • economic component;
  • strict obedience to a single leader;
  • definition of a clear management hierarchy;
  • development of norms of discipline, as well as a system of rewards and penalties;
  • a clear definition of the area of ​​responsibility of each of the employees;
  • development of an organizational culture, thanks to which the staff feels the unity of the workforce.

Specificity of human resources

Organizational human resources have a number of features that distinguish them from other organizational resources:

  • people tend to react emotionally and, at times, unpredictably to certain changes in the work of the enterprise;
  • since a person has an intellect, he constantly improves his knowledge and skills, which must be continuously reinforced by the efforts of the leadership;
  • workers consciously approach the choice of the type of their activity.

In personnel management, one should be guided by the principle of respect. It is also worth adopting the experience of leading foreign firms on this issue.

In order for the use of human resources in the enterprise to be effective, managers should be guided by a number of recommendations in their activities:

  • the best motivation for employees will be a clear demonstration of the career growth of top management (staff must set specific goals for themselves and be aware of the reality of their achievement);
  • one of the most important aspects is wages (even in the most difficult and crisis periods employees must receive the agreed amount, realize their value to the organization);
  • employees must thoroughly know the comprehensive information about their enterprise, as well as the mechanism for making a profit (the knowledge of employees should not be limited to a narrow range of their duties);
  • in communicating with each of the employees, one should be guided by respect, because each of them has the opportunity to go to another organization.

The role of human resources must be clearly understood at all levels. This is one of the most important elements of the functioning of not only a single enterprise, but also the state as a whole. A person is the highest value, and his abilities and intellect are of the greatest interest in economic terms.