The concept and tools of merchandising. Key tools of merchandising Basic tools and principles of merchandising

  • 1. store design (both external and internal);
  • 2. store planning (more precisely, planning the flow of customer traffic);
  • 3. advertising and other tools at the point of sale;
  • 4. color blocking- on average, a supermarket visitor scans the shelves of goods at a speed of 1.2 m/s from a distance of 2.5 meters. To make the right package stand out among hundreds of others, retailers and designers sometimes use color blocking. Its essence is that goods with packaging of the same color on the shelf are placed together. As a result, a one-color block of goods is created. At the same time, blocks that combine different colors can give rise to associations that are useful for selling. For example, blocks of white, green, and blue can evoke a relaxing and refreshing surf. This combination is good to use in the department that sells shower gels and other detergents.

The opposite way to attract can be contrast - not only in color, but also in shape. For example, a familiar product - a liter pack of juice - clearly stands out on the shelf with a narrower and more elongated package. Unfortunately, other stores are afraid to experiment with custom-shaped packages due to the fact that they take up a lot of space.

5. range of goods (merchandise ranges)- not a single product, in theory, should "take a neutral position" in terms of impact on the buyer. So, fruits or perfumes are best placed in front of a large supermarket or department store. This helps to create a feeling of freshness and luxury. Items related to impulsive purchases are placed in key positions. The joint arrangement of goods complementing each other (cross-merchandising) encourages the buyer to a complex purchase. For example, T-shirts and shorts, pastas and pasta sauces. The joint display of bread, cheese and sausages on the same shelf in one large supermarket significantly increased the volume of purchases of all three products. Approaching this shelf, the buyer remembered about sandwiches and took everything he needed at once.

The well-known maxim: "full shelves sell out better" applies well to giant shopping malls, and in small boutiques is not quite true.

6. comprehensive measures - Imagine that you are entering a multi-storey supermarket and you are greeted by a 3D projection of your head. As you walk, the head follows you through the air, with no visible support, and tells you about the new products in the store. Then a pair of huge lips on the glass begins to move and invites you to familiarize yourself with the new collection. winter clothes. Moreover, lips explain, you do not have to try it on. All you need to do is to stand in front of the magic mirror, choose a model of clothes, and in a matter of seconds your reflection will be dressed.

This system has been used for many years. The only problem with high-tech tools is that the buyer is focusing on them instead of thinking about the purchase. On the other hand, this system allows the customer to be attracted to specific products that would otherwise go unnoticed among the several thousand others in the supermarket.

The use of sound effects is widespread. Moreover, it is not limited to the transmission of oral announcements. Sound effects can create an appropriate atmosphere in different departments of the store (for example, dynamic music in the sports department and loud sounds from the video walls) or an appropriate mood (for example, making the buyer move faster or, on the contrary, relaxing). There are also audio dialogue systems that can ask buyers questions. Finally, with the help of sound, you can control the attention of children.

To change the mood of the buyer and provoke him to purchase, various smells are often used inside the store. Science Center Monell Chemistry in Philadelphia launched its pilot projects, the purpose of which is to study the effect of certain smells on buyers. For example, the well-known, in this case, floral-fruity, smell made casual visitors jewelry store stay there longer. And a very low level of some odors could change the individual's train of thought and mood (for example, relaxed and trusting). In the UK, individual home goods sellers use the smell of a bakery/cafe to encourage customers to enter the store and buy goods that have nothing to do with food: clothes, lighting equipment, etc. Note that in supermarkets the smell from the fish department is not so strong like the spreading smell of freshly baked bread from the bread department.

There is a firm in London, Marketing Aromatics, which proposes to create "a unique atmosphere in a store, relax patients in a waiting room, invigorate sales staff or create associations in the minds of customers" using a variety of techniques: "from central ventilation to hand sprays, liquids, granules, gels and powders. There are even pressure-sensitive tapes with microcapsules. All this creates the desired mood, eliminates unpleasant odors, impregnating the product or company literature, confirming the unique sign of the company - the aromatic logo.

For many parents, going to the store with their children is sheer agony. Children always want and ask for something. Some stores offer the following service. The child is given packs of yogurt at the entrance. A baby absorbed in food is less capricious. And then at the exit, parents pay for these yogurts by presenting empty packages.

Another interesting invention in this area, which also appeared in Russia, is the automatons for storytelling. They look like animals, trees or Santas. They constantly read fairy tale after fairy tale in voices, which can also captivate children for a long time.

Products for children are not recommended to be placed too high, out of sight of the child. He must see and want. Even better if the child touches the toy. Touch is the oldest and one of the first forms of claiming the right to property. It will only strengthen the desire to possess this particular toy, and the child will ask to buy it for him.

The winning features of the product can be emphasized by the right lighting. The general illumination also affects the reaction of the buyer. For example, in a room with dim light, he feels more relaxed. At the same time, a person tends to move from a less lit area to a more lit one, so the subdued light that may be good in an antique shop cannot be used in a supermarket.

A good way to attract additional customers is to sell goods through vending machines. There are a number of products that are very convenient to purchase in this way, for example, cigarettes and drinks. Or products related to the intimate sphere, for example, contraceptives, which people are usually embarrassed to buy from real sellers.

A long-known way to persuade to buy is to demonstrate the properties of the product in front of the consumer. For example, a special fabric stretching machine will demonstrate how durable this denim is. Or the strength of a shoe that an insensible machine tortures, now bending it, now lowering it under water.

When posting products, you can make a link to complementary products that are not included in the standard package, because it is easier to convince the buyer to immediately purchase a set of things than to come back for a purchase again. In addition, many buyers love recommendations and suggestions about which product pairs best with which.

And many other merchandising tools can be comprehensively used in big stores. However, often sellers are obsessed with the idea of ​​compact placement of goods and receiving maximum profit from each square meter area. This leads them to stubbornly refuse the merchandising tools provided by the manufacturer.

Interestingly, the merchandising tools are the same for different countries. But each of them has its own combinations and ways of using them, just as in painting, the same brushes and paints create paintings that bear a national imprint.

If we consider the essence of merchandising in more detail, we can distinguish several of its important components:

1. Placement of POS materials. POS materials are advertising and informational materials that are placed directly in the area of ​​the store where the goods are sold. Consider the characteristics of the main advertising media currently used in stores and the features of their use:

Today, almost all manufacturers use these technologies to attract customers. And since the competition is great, then, accordingly, manufacturers and their advertising agencies are faced with the need to choose more and more unique, more interesting, and, consequently, more effective methods of product promotion. That is why these new ones appear today: sound, light, taste solutions.

2. Working with sales staff(sellers and administrators of the trading floor) - is the most important.

Store employees should understand the comparative features of the goods presented in the hall. They must communicate with customers and recommend that they make a particular purchase, they must be able to talk about the benefits of a particular product. In the absence of a merchandiser, it is the store employees who can maintain the display of goods and monitor the availability of trading floor POS materials. The lack of proper attention of store employees to price tags, advertising tools located on the trading floor, and even their own signs often leads to simply comical situations.

Listing the most important points, which are the essence of merchandising, we understand that it is a useful applied science that combines knowledge of the methods of trade and advertising with the basics of design and composition, elements of logistics, sociology and psychology.

No art can exist without reliance on psychology. The psychological basis of merchandising, as well as advertising in general, is the method of combined sensory impact on the buyer.

The sensory components of the impact on the buyer include factors such as:

Lighting. An integral part of creation Have a good mood and positive emotions the shop visitor. Good lighting helps to present the product favorably and thus increase sales, respectively - poor lighting has an extremely negative effect on their volumes. The main thing here is not to overdo it! Special lighting effects attract the attention of the buyer, highlighting the product from similar ones. But the lighting, for example, should not be too bright, otherwise the buyer, literally, will be “blinded” by the magnificence of the product and will not be able to look at it - due to complete blindness.

Use of colors and color combinations. Color has a physiological effect on a person, causing poor or good health, increasing or decreasing the effectiveness of an advertising impact. There is a special theory of color perception, relying on which will help you choose the right colors for POS printing materials and combinations when laying out goods on a showcase or on a shelf in a trading floor. Combination of shapes and objects. The impact on a person can be leveled or exacerbated depending on the shape of the object (attractive, intriguing, pleasing to the eye or hand), the size of the room, or a combination of both. Using the architecture of the space, you can attract customers to the store or create an impression of the importance or insignificance of a particular product. It is known that the shape and color combinations, can be used as a specific impact code.

Mobiles. Posters hanging from the ceiling

Special price tags. Ordinary price tags, only increased in size and with the logo of the manufacturer

Posters. Ordinary commercial decoration

Leaflets and dispensers. Same. Namely, trays for handouts

Neck hangers. Price tags for bottles worn on the neck of the product

Smells can also change the mood of the buyer and provoke him to buy. Therefore, aromatic effects can also be used in stores. Unlike visual accents, smells have a large area of ​​effect. And although not all customers have a positive attitude towards the aroma in the hall, many stores are of the opinion that smells are a good "bait". The only important thing here is not to overdo it: the fragrance should be truthful, and in addition, create a feeling of comfort and - cheer up. For example, during the holidays, the traditional smells of cakes and vanilla increase sales to the maximum.

It is known that people are very sensitive to all the positive aspects that accompany their purchasing activities. From a psychological point of view, sellers and merchandisers are people who can link the interests and plans of the buyer with the ambitions of the manufacturer.

And yet, no matter how much merchandising is called art, it is, first of all, the direction of marketing, and promotion of goods remains one of the most important factors determining the use of merchandising. Merchandising starts from the moment the customer sees the next store and ends when the customer leaves the store with a handful of purchases and the manufacturer pockets the profit.

Speaking about new promising opportunities for merchandising for manufacturers, one cannot help but touch upon its new dynamically developing technology, namely, on-line merchandising, developed in 1999 by American specialists. Its essence is to create information system project management with on-line access. Placing such a system with authorized access on the Internet allows the agency client to personally monitor the development of the merchandising project, namely: to quickly receive reports from points of sale and personally observe sales statistics in real time.

The key merchandising tools are: store design (both external and internal); store planning (more precisely, planning the flow of customer traffic); advertising and other tools at the point of sale; color blocking; assortment of goods; comprehensive measures.

Buyer Perception internal environment, or atmosphere, of the store depends on two factors - the attractiveness of the store environment and psychological readiness potential buyer to make a purchase. In a pleasant shopping environment, the purchase intention is activated by stimuli such as the color scheme of the interior and the sound of light music. If the situation is unpleasant for the client, for example, in a dentist's office, then the use of muted colors and soothing music will help reduce psychological arousal. The results of experimental studies of supermarkets show that for buyers the attractiveness of the environment is a relatively more important factor than the price and quality of the product.

Point of sale design. Successful sale of goods and increased efficiency commercial activities contributes to the interior of the point of sale. Whether it is an expensive wine boutique or a small cafe, there must be some own features that define the "brand name". A modern store is considered not only as a place for the direct sale of goods, but also as a comprehensive means of promoting them.

The human eye is a far more subtle instrument than many imagine. Information about the point of sale enters our unconscious, largely bypassing our consciousness, and forms sensations. This allows the buyer to determine the relationship to the place of sale literally when he crosses the threshold. At the same time, it must be remembered that the type of place of sale should not contradict the internal content, that is, the goods and the level of service, since unjustified expectations of the buyer may turn him away from the desire to make purchases in this store. Store design features:

draw the attention of buyers to the point of sale;

make products more attractive;

create harmony between the buyer, the place of sale and the goods;

organize the space by making goods easily accessible;

inform the buyer of a new sensory experience.

There are five basic store design principles: balance, accent, harmony, proportion, rhythm.

Object semiotics makes it possible to realize the function of recognition (for example, a model of the Eiffel Tower in a store), stimulation of pleasure (aesthetic compositions), psychological warmth (sculptures of animals and children playing).

Lighting in merchandising solves the problem of decorative design, it must be in harmony with the interior architecture of the store. Shops tend to use both natural and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is used if a sufficient geometric luminous coefficient (K c) is observed, which is determined by a special formula.

Color significantly affects the feelings of people, their mood. So, the red color excites, but quickly tires; orange is perceived as hot, it warms, invigorates; green color has a calming effect on the human nervous system, relieves irritation; gray causes apathy and boredom; black color sharply lowers mood, etc.

If you assign a color to each department that will dominate in its design, this will help buyers quickly navigate and find desired item. These colors should be unmistakably associated with the type of products in the department, they are also emphasized and positive characteristics goods.

The smell as a merchandising tool is interesting because in this channel a person does not have that filter of distrust that is in the auditory or visual channels.

There are other merchandising tools:

The manufacturer in his merchandising strategy will most likely indicate the set of brands and packages that he will promote in each outlet. Obviously, this set can be differentiated in different trading channels. For example, in pharmacies, the customer is more likely to expect to find more wide range of medicines than in small pharmacies. Brands and packages that are most popular with customers should always be on the shelves, therefore, purchases from suppliers should be made in proportion to sales. Moreover, products should take up space on the shelves in accordance with the level of sales. This is necessary to ensure that the best-selling products are always in sufficient quantity.

Effective location points of sale in the hall and display of goods. Primary (for example, a section of drugs used in respiratory diseases) and additional (for example, a rack or display) points of sale in pharmacies with free access to goods should be located according to the movement of the flow of customers on the trading floor. An additional point of sale gives the buyer another chance to see and choose the product. Therefore, it is located separately from the main one, and the best-selling goods are duplicated on it. Additional points of sale are especially effective, located along the outer perimeter of the sales area (where 80% of customers pass), as well as near the cash desks. Products should be laid out in such a way that the search for the desired product is as easy as possible. To do this, it is necessary to create visible blocks on the shelves by brand, packaging and product group. At the same time, it should be remembered that the lower shelves of the sections are not visible, and in large pharmacies they account for only 5% of the sales of the entire outlet. Therefore, one should strive for vertical branded blocks. The layout should also organize the borrowing of popularity by weak brands from stronger ones. To do this, strong brands (positions of medicines) begin and end the row on the shelf. Thus, weaker (less familiar to the consumer) drugs will be within the "castle walls" organized by strong products, and borrow additional attention from buyers from them.

Merchandising - a form of marketing communication, activities aimed at ensuring the most intensive promotion of goods in retail through the establishment of a system of measures, mainly non-verbally influencing the process of making a purchase decision.

Classification of merchandising tools:

  • point of sale design;
  • layout of the trading floor (semiotics of space);
  • subject semiotics;
  • display of goods;
  • lighting;
  • color design of the interior of the store;
  • speech impact;
  • sound non-verbal impact;
  • aromacommunications;
  • tactile impact;
  • POS materials (point-of-sail).

Research by Donovan and Rossiter convincingly proved that the perception of the internal environment, or atmosphere, of a store by customers depends on two factors - the attractiveness of the store environment and the psychological readiness of a potential buyer to make a purchase. In a pleasant shopping environment, the purchase intention is activated by stimuli such as the color scheme of the interior and the sound of light music. If the situation is unpleasant for the client, for example, in a dentist's office, then the use of muted colors and soothing music will help reduce psychological arousal. The results of experimental studies of supermarkets show that for buyers the attractiveness of the situation is a relatively more important factor than the price and quality of the goods.

Point of sale design. The interior of the place of sale contributes to the successful sale of goods and the increase in the efficiency of commercial activities. Whether it is an expensive wine boutique or a small cafe, there must be some own features that define the "brand name". A modern store is considered not only as a place for the direct sale of goods, but also as a comprehensive means of promoting them.

The human eye is a much more subtle tool than many imagine. Information about the point of sale enters our unconscious, largely bypassing our consciousness, and forms sensations. This allows the buyer to determine the relationship to the place of sale literally when he crosses the threshold. Inside, he finds himself in a real "theater of trade", and the scenery in this theater largely depends on how the buyer will feel and how long he will stay there. At the same time, it must be remembered that the type of place of sale should not contradict the internal content, that is, the goods and the level of service, since unjustified expectations of the buyer may turn him away from the desire to make purchases in this store. Design features:

  • draw the attention of buyers to the point of sale;
  • make products more attractive;
  • create harmony between the buyer, the place of sale and the goods;
  • organize the space by making goods easily accessible;
  • inform the buyer of a new sensory experience.

Recall the five basic principles of design: balance, accent, harmony, proportion, rhythm.

Subject semiotics allows you to implement the function of recognition (for example, a model of the Eiffel Tower in a store), stimulation of pleasure (aesthetic compositions), psychological warmth (sculptures of animals and children playing).

Lighting in merchandising, it solves the problem of decorative design, it should be harmoniously linked with the architecture of the interior of the store. Shops tend to use both natural and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is used if a sufficient geometric luminous coefficient (K c) is observed, which is determined by a special formula.

Colour significantly affects the feelings of people, their mood. So, the red color excites, but quickly tires; orange is perceived as hot, it warms, invigorates; green color has a calming effect on the human nervous system, relieves irritation; gray causes apathy and boredom; black color sharply lowers mood, etc.

If you assign a color to each department, which will dominate in its design, this will help customers quickly navigate and find the right product. These colors should be unmistakably associated with the type of products in the department, and they will also emphasize the positive characteristics of the product.


by discipline: Marketing

on the topic:


Head Eremenko M. M.

MINSK 2014



(student's signature)


Merchandising tools.

1. Stock. On the shelves it is necessary to present those goods that customers expect to find in this store. The manufacturer specifies in his merchandising strategy a set of brands and packages that he will promote in each outlet (outlet - a retailer who orders products and sells them in his store). The manufacturer can divide all its customers into several categories (shopping channels) depending on the type of customer activity in the outlet, as well as on what contingent of customers visits these stores. In different trading channels, the set of promoted goods can be differentiated. So, in a supermarket, a customer expects to see a larger selection of expensive wine than in small shops. The brands and packages that are most popular with customers should always be on the shelves. At the same time, goods should take place on the shelves in accordance with the level of sales. To allow the occurrence of a situation where the most popular goods, it is forbidden.

2. Location. The main and additional points of sale (Point of sale or point of purchase is a place on the trading floor of a particular store where products are placed) must be located in accordance with the movement of the flow of customers on the trading floor.

An additional point is not always necessary, but it gives a very important advantage - the buyer can see the product again and choose it. Especially often, additional points are placed already at the approach to the cash registers, but additional points located along the outer perimeter of the trading floor also work effectively - 80% of buyers pass through there.

It is necessary to make it as easy as possible for the buyer to find the right product. To do this, visible blocks are created on the shelves by brand, packaging, product group. The lower shelves in non-self-service stores are completely invisible, but even in supermarkets they account for only 5% of the sales of the entire point of sale. Therefore, many are striving for vertical stamp blocks.

Weak products are placed in the middle of the shelf, while strong products start and end the row. This effect is called popularity borrowing. That is, being surrounded by strong products, weak products borrow additional attention from buyers from them.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that there are three types of calculations.

1. Horizontal layout. When laying out horizontally, certain homogeneous goods are placed along the entire length of the equipment. At the same time, the largest or cheaper goods are placed on the lowest shelf. The goods are laid out from left to right in a series, in order to reduce the volume.

2. Vertical layout. This method provides for the arrangement of homogeneous goods in several rows on all shelves of a meter of racks from top to bottom. This is a good display of goods, convenient for buyers of any size. The distribution of goods should be strict, from smallest to largest. The smaller one is on the top shelves, and the larger one is on the bottom.

3. Display layout. Typically, this display method is used at additional points of sale. It is a stand-alone company stand or counter, not tied to the main point of sale of this product.

3. Presentation of goods is made after the first two conditions have already been met - stock and location.

It is known that buyers are more willing to choose goods, the price of which is clearly visible. Therefore, price tags should be located exactly under the product to which they correspond.

In order to avoid bad presentation of goods, suppliers and manufacturers often supply branded price tags to the store themselves.

They must be located directly near the point of sale of the specified product or, on the way to it.

They must be clearly visible to the buyer.

They must be relevant, that is, the materials of a specific advertising campaign are set at the beginning of the campaign and withdrawn at the end of the campaign.

4. Cleanliness. Individual items and the entire point of sale must be kept clean at all times. This is related not only to the level of sales, but also to the image of the company.

Trade channels - marketing.

There are three main reasons why companies need to separate all retail customers into sales channels:

1. Improve efficiency marketing strategies promotion of brands and packaging,

2. The need for a different level of service for each trading channel,

3. Implementation of various merchandising standards (stock, layout and presentation).

Today, many manufacturers are well aware that in order to compete successfully, it is necessary to know their customers, their needs, habits and make their product the most accessible to them. For this, advertising alone is not enough, so it is necessary to use merchandising tools. But since the means of merchandising, in the absence of an agreement, are in the hands of the retailer, there is a need for cooperation between manufacturers and retailers.

Manufacturers offer shops, cafes, restaurants a better service - delivery of goods, installation of their points of sale for goods, services of merchandisers, etc. That is, the concept of "sales to stores" is gradually being replaced by "sales through stores." With cooperation, both the manufacturing company and the seller receive fairly high profits, which cannot be obtained without cooperation.

Consumer Activity Cluster - the first level of classification of retail customers - is a group of outlets in which the activity of potential buyers is the same.

Trading channel - further division of the cluster - a group of outlets in which customers are offered a similar assortment and level of service, as well as the same method of sale.

If a company needs more precise information about the groups of retail customers it works with, then the sales channels can be further divided into sub-channels.

The basis for the division of outlets into trading channels are:

1. The needs of buyers - the end consumers of the manufacturer's products.

2. Needs and opportunities of the outlet.

3. Activities of competitors in various retail outlets.

Naturally, the outlets of one trading channel differ from each other depending on the location, as well as their popularity among buyers. For example, a cafe in the city center is much more likely to attract casual visitors than a cafe in one of the houses in the area on the outskirts of the city.

You can also make a further division, for example, enter categories A, B, C, D, which is based on the sales volume of the outlet in general and the category of beer in particular, the location of the outlet and the activity of competitors.

For example, a category A disco may be located near the city, but due to its popularity among young people, it has a lot of visitors every evening. At the same time, a disco with a larger area in the city center, but not popular, will sell less goods through the bar, therefore, it can be assigned a category B or C.

Using the results of the study of trading channels.

After the company has built a classification of retail customers, it is necessary to develop strategic plans sales of various brands and packages depending on the sales channel.

Now that the manufacturer knows the target group of consumers of his brand and has a classification of sales channels, it is easy to understand which of them this target group visits most often. It is in these trading channels that the greatest efforts are made.

Used received data.

Yves-rocher, when releasing cosmetics, counted on a group of buyers with a high income. This product is positioned as an elite cosmetics made only from natural ingredients. This line should be presented first of all in stores visited by people with high incomes. For additional stimulation of buyers, it is possible to organize the possibility of a trial make-up of this cosmetics, various promotions.

The division of all retail customers into sales channels allows the company to reach the target groups of buyers of the product most accurately, as well as more specifically develop a strategy for promoting brands and packaging.

Typically, a company forms a budget in order to promote trademark. The effectiveness of its use is determined both during the action and after its completion. At the same time, if you analyze sales by sales channels, you can see what effect this or that advertising medium had on the level of sales in various channels. The efficiency of using the advertising budget in this case begins to be traced much more clearly.

Service for various trade channels and organization of work of field personnel.

In order to increase sales through each outlet, manufacturers provide retailers with additional service. This may be the delivery of products to the client, the provision of branded equipment, the services of merchandisers and sales representatives, etc.

Different retail customers require different services. Therefore, the manufacturing company must distribute the resources at its disposal optimally in order to obtain the maximum effect at lower costs.

To work with retailers, the manufacturing company hires sales representatives and merchandisers.

Using the information that was obtained during the division of all retail customers into sales channels, the company defines the tasks for the sales representative for each sales channel, which allows you to set clear goals for field staff, evaluate the work and reward each employee.

When using the territorial factor when "assigning" clients to employees, it is not taken into account that for some clients the level of service should be higher and for others lower, therefore, for some, a specialist with a higher qualification is needed, for others with a lower one. The advantage of dividing customers into sales channels makes it possible for the manufacturer to send a specialist with the proper level of knowledge to each specific channel.

To ensure effective interaction between its sales representatives and customers, the manufacturing company must:

Determine the terms of reference of the sales representative in each sales channel (depending on the needs and capabilities of retail customers in it),

Set time standards for visiting a retail customer in each trading channel,

Set the frequency of customer visits in each trading channel,

Select sales representatives who are able to serve the most important customers and assign this sales subchannel to them,

Distribute the remaining customers among sales representatives in the most efficient way.

Thus, the classification of clients by trading channels helps to organize the company's service focused on the needs of the client, as well as to distribute human resources companies in the most efficient way.

Western chains that are mastering the Belarusian market are competitors for our rapidly developing retail chains, which have already begun to develop strategies and tactics to counter the newcomers. Some expect to sell their stores, if only a good price is offered, others are going to staunchly resist, others unite. All of these strategies are admissible in terms of economic approach: after all, money flows there and begins to work where the most favorable conditions are for them. Ultimately, the buyer will still choose what and whom to buy.

The low purchasing power of our population is currently playing into the hands of domestic retailers in a sense, as it is holding back the arrival of Westerners, who also do not want to lose profits by selling their goods at dumping prices. On the other hand, they are driven by the desire to capture new markets. Only under the condition of maintaining stability in the country and the constant growth of incomes of the population, this strategy of internationalization can give a tangible return.

Store layout

The main problem in developing a store layout is the presence of a large number of conflicting factors. First of all, customers must move around the store and buy more products than they planned.

When placing goods on the trading floor, several factors are taken into account:

Optimal use of the space of the trading floor,

optimal location of product groups,

the location of the main and additional points of sale,

Ways to slow down the flow of customers

Separation of product groups

In most cases, when planning a purchase, the consumer clearly defines what commodity groups he wants to buy (bread, milk, pasta, clothes, shoes, dishes, etc.) Therefore, the entire assortment of the store can be divided into three groups:

· Products daily demand. The purchase of these goods is the goal of almost every visit of the buyer to the outlet. They are also called store-forming commodity groups.

· Periodic goods. The purchase of these goods is planned once in several visits.

· Goods of impulse demand. The purchase of these goods is usually not planned.

Since the goods of daily demand are in demand by the largest number of visitors, there is enough accumulated around these points of sale a large number of buyers. Therefore, these product groups should be located along the outer perimeter of the trading floor in order to make the purchase the most convenient. If buyers experience inconvenience, they will tend to leave the trading floor as soon as possible. This not only reduces the time spent by the customer in the store (and therefore reduces the number of impulse purchases), but may also encourage the customer to visit a different store next time.

Due to the fact that these groups of goods are in the greatest demand, there is a temptation to place them inside the trading floor so that not a single product group bypasses the buyer's attention. But this can lead to negative consequences.

1. In an effort to get the customer to go through the entire store, store owners mistakenly believe that the customer will look for the desired product, no matter where he is. It is not always so. If the buyer does not see this product in the store, then he always has the opportunity to simply go to another store.

2. Without exaggerating, we can say that popular product categories often "suffer" because they sell well. How many more packages of these products could the owner of the outlet sell by placing them on the outer perimeter at the beginning of the flow of customers? How much more profit could be made? How convenient would it be for customers to shop?


It is necessary to place the best-selling items of the product group on additional points of sale. In this case, the probability of impulse purchases increases significantly.

There is always a temptation to place less selling positions on additional points of sale in order to get rid of overpacking. Unfortunately, this will not allow many additional units to be sold, which in turn is an inefficient use of floor space.

Example. One brand sells 100 units per day and the other sells 30 units. An additional point of sale is installed, which can lead to a 10% increase in sales. This will result in the sale of 10 additional units of the first brand, and only 3 additional units of the second brand. With the same markup for both brands, it is always more profitable to make efforts to increase the attention of buyers to the first brand.

Customer Service

Time on the trading floor

The average shopper visits the supermarket 13-14 times a month. Almost all shoppers on the trading floor spend 20-25 minutes choosing products. In line at the checkout, the buyer spends from 5 to 12 minutes.

The only exception is a group of large buyers with large purchases that stands out from the general row. They spend up to 30 minutes on the trading floor. They need more time to form their large basket.

At 20 - 22 minutes of being in the trading floor, most people begin to grow irritated, there is a feeling of psychological discomfort and a desire to leave the store as soon as possible. This is due, first of all, to a large number of people in a limited area and high information saturation: goods, in-store broadcasting, radio, etc.

That is, it is extremely difficult to detain a customer in a store after 25 minutes, and almost impossible after 30 minutes. This is due to excitability factors, violation of a person's personal zones and other factors.

In grocery stores, especially on Friday-Sunday, there are a lot of customers, they breathe into each other's necks, collide, step on each other's toes and so on. Of course, people have a certain tolerance for these things, but the 25th minute becomes critical for them. Only the largest buyers who need to buy more goods for their family step over it. But even they, after 31-32 minutes, tend to abruptly leave the trading floor.

Arrangement of goods, flows of visitors in the store, display of goods on shelves, advertising, movement of goods in the hall when reloading shelf space - all this should be optimized under the 25-minute rule. All this is done to increase the comfort of a person in the hall and help people to step over the 20-minute stay in the supermarket trading floor, increase the time to the 25th minute and leave at least a small part of the buyers for the 30th minute.

If we talk about a standard Belarusian store with an area of ​​150 - 200 m 2, then the time in the trading floor lies in the range of 8 - 15 minutes.


Marketing Technology Merchandising is one of the most dynamically developing at the moment. Merchandising provides consumers with great opportunities in choosing and purchasing goods, and manufacturers and sellers in making more profit with less cost. This is especially important with significant growth dynamics. retail sales and high competition.

There are three main laws in the theory of merchandising. The first is to ensure an effective stock, guaranteed presence of goods on the shelves, taking into account its popularity. The second involves the proper organization of the place of trade, display or location of products. The third law ensures the effective presentation of the product to the consumer; POS-materials are necessary for its observance - a special type of advertising, as well as a merchandising tool. It should be noted that the laws of merchandising are not clear dogmas, in merchandising, as in marketing, creativity and resourcefulness are welcome.

Merchandising has long been necessary conditions activities foreign companies. As the old English saying goes, "success is in the details." And this is especially true at the moment when the market is saturated with goods and attracting a buyer becomes a difficult task. In this fight for the buyer, the one who pays attention to all the details wins.

The history of merchandising in Belarus goes back almost 20 years. Over the past 20 years, attitudes towards merchandising have changed dramatically. Now everyone recognizes its importance for companies that want to be successful. Among these companies there is also a network of shops "SOSEDI". A competent merchandising system for chain stores has become one of the competitive advantages. And although there are still some small flaws in the merchandising system, the company is on the right track.

Based on the generalization of various theoretical knowledge about merchandising at the enterprise, an analysis was made of the use of merchandising in the Sosedi store, during which problems were identified and ways to solve them in retail were presented, namely: in general, the store needs to expand the use of POS materials in places display of goods. As for branded POS-materials of the store, they are at a decent level. It would be possible to have promotional materials for products under their own brand: posters, information broadcast on screens and on internal radio. It is also possible to use some non-standard POS materials, for example, the appearance of stickers on the floor indicating directions to certain departments.

Note that when placing goods, it is desirable to “spread” the main product groups as much as possible from each other: bread, milk, meat, alcohol and fruits, so that the buyer, making his daily purchases, inspects as many goods as possible and buys something unplanned.

The use of POS materials of suppliers and manufacturers of goods should be significantly expanded. This would help improve the sale of goods, encourage buyers to commit more purchases, including impulsive ones. Non-standard methods can also be used here: promotional copies of goods located at the ends of the racks, original displays for displaying goods. Joint projects of the store and manufacturers of goods, such as advertising on reverse side checks.

Thus, by implementing the above recommendations, we will be able to increase the efficiency of existing trade, create the necessary emphasis on goods and eliminate the shortcomings considered.

As William Wells said: “The store is the meeting point of the customer, the product and the money. To be able to ensure the interests of the store, the buyer and the goods - this is the basis of competent merchandising. And this is true. Impeccable merchandising is now the key to the success of any company.


by discipline: Marketing

on the topic: Merchandising and its use in retail


FMK, 3rd year, RMP-2 Kozlova M. A.

Head Eremenko M. M.

MINSK 2014


Coursework: 40 pages, 12 figures, 7 sources.

Visual merchandising, merchandising tools, golden triangle, service, satisfied customer, merchandiser.

The object of the course work is the use of merchandising in retail trade using the example of the Neighbors store.

The subject of the course work is the importance and necessity of using merchandising in retail.

The purpose of the course work is to develop ways to improve the use of merchandising in the retail network "Neighbours".

Research methods: analysis, comparison, observation, comparison, examination, generalization of theoretical and practical material.

Research and development: based on the synthesis of various theoretical knowledge about merchandising at the enterprise, an analysis of the application of merchandising in the Neighbors store was carried out, during which problems were identified and ways to solve them in retail were presented.

The realm of the possible practical application: the results obtained in the course work can be used in the study of the course "Marketing".

The author of the work confirms that the analytical material presented in it correctly and objectively reflects the state of the process under study, and all theoretical, methodological and methodological provisions and concepts are accompanied by references to their authors.


(student's signature)


Often, behind the daily chores and problems, store owners forget about the most important thing in trading business- about the client. It would seem that the shelves are in perfect order, the suppliers are "built", the authorities are delighted with your enterprise - and there are fewer buyers than we would like. Meanwhile, the reason for this lies on the surface: the purpose of the existence of any outlet is buried under the fuss - to satisfy the interests of the buyer.

On the way to buying a product, the consumer goes through a series of stages that determine his final choice. In almost every one of them, the consumer can be influenced in order to attract him to the ranks of his own customers, having sufficient information about the variables that shape the decision.

A good layout helps consumers find and buy products. Polite, well-trained staff will make the buying process more enjoyable. And all these factors together will help to keep the consumer and make him your client. And, as you know, retaining a customer is cheaper than attracting a new one.

In recent years, the development of marketing has begun to pay more and more attention to such tools, which only recently began to be recognized as full-fledged and effective ways to influence the behavior of consumers of certain goods. One such tool is merchandising.

Merchandising (English) - the art of trading, a set of measures aimed at promoting a certain product, brand, packaging, produced directly at the point of sale, trading floor. The advent of merchandising marked new era not only in the management of consumer behavior by the merchants themselves, but also in an era of revaluation by the producers of goods.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the most powerful competitive advantages receive companies that not only stand out for their standard qualities (price, quality), but those that pay attention to such "little things" as packaging, appearance, location of goods on retail space and others, that is, using effective merchandising solutions in the practice of organizing their activities. Good merchandising helps sell your merchandise because it creates a desire to make a purchase. Good merchandising draws attention to the product. Most buyers are in a hurry, sometimes forgetting to make all the necessary purchases. Proper product display and promotional materials remind customers of the product they need. Often sellers have to serve several buyers at the same time. They can't help everyone to choose the right product. Proper product display and promotional materials remind the buyer of your company's products and influence the purchase decision. Merchandising improves the quality of service, and also makes the product easily accessible to the consumer and seller. This helps the retail outlet operate more efficiently. Merchandising highlights new products and Special offers helping to increase sales.

The purpose of this work is to offer recommendations for improving the use of merchandising in the "Neighbours" store.

The subject of the study is the importance and necessity of using merchandising in retail.

The object of the study is the use of merchandising in retail trade using the example of the Neighbors store.

The work used educational literature, as well as Internet resources.

Store layout and product presentation. Customer Service

The concept and tools of merchandising

The concept of merchandising comes from the English "merchandising" - the art of trading.

Merchandising is a marketing direction that promotes retail sales through attracting attention. end buyers to certain brands or groups of goods at points of sale without the active participation of special personnel. Most buyers are in a hurry, sometimes forgetting to make all the necessary purchases. Sellers can not help all buyers to choose the right product.

Merchandising makes a product easily accessible to consumers and sellers. Proper product display and promotional materials remind the buyer of the company's products and influence the purchase decision.

So, according to the dictionary, merchandising is a set of activities carried out on the trading floor and aimed at promoting a particular product, brand, type or packaging, the result of which is always to stimulate the desire of consumers to choose and buy products.