Importance of planning in kindergarten. Basic principles of planning in a preschool organization at the present stage

The activities of the educator are regulated by legislative and regulatory documents, as well as internal local acts of institutions in accordance with their type and type:

  • Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
  • the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On education" ;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” ;
  • federal and regional programs education;
  • standard provision on the preschool educational institution in accordance with its type.
  • sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions;
  • regional legal documents;
  • legal documents of higher organizations;
  • local acts of the DOW (charter, collective agreement, the rules of the internal work schedule, employment contract, job description).

Pedagogical documentation

in preschool institutions:

  • For educators - an educational plan educational work with children for a day or a week at their discretion and daily maintenance of the children's attendance sheet.
  • For the senior educator - a plan of work with educators for a month or a week.

At the same time, educators and senior educators lead the planning of their work in an arbitrary form.

Mandatory documentation on the organization of educational educational process includes:

  1. calendar-perspective plan of educational work
  2. daily plan or weekly plan
  3. didactic material
  4. children's attendance sheet.

Documentation can be organized in the following folders:

  • information and normative,
  • planning and analysis,
  • organization of educational work

1. Information and regulatory documentation of the educator:

  • Service and job descriptions:

1. 1. Job description of a teacher of preschool groups.

1. 2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children of the preschool educational institution.

1. 3. Seasonal site safety instructions.

  1. 4. Instructions for safety precautions when organizing classes on a sports ground.
  2. General information about the group:
  3. 1. List of children of the group (indicating the date of birth and date of admission to the preschool educational institution).
  4. 2. Group modes (for cold, warm, vacation, sparing, adaptation periods of the year).
  5. 3. Grid of classes (main and additional classes in studios and circles).
  6. 4. Adaptation sheets (for newly enrolled children).
  7. 5. Information about children and their parents.
  8. Methodological support of the educational process
  9. 1. Main directions of work and annual tasks of MDOU for the current year.
  10. 2. List of programs and pedagogical technologies used by the educator.
  11. 3. Long-term planning for sections of the program.
  12. 4. Materials for diagnostics on the main sections of the program.
  13. 5. Memos, brochures for the teacher based on the results of district and city events (courses, seminars, methodical associations).

Planning is the basis of content

educational and educational work in the preschool educational institution

Planning allows you to eliminate the negative effects of uncertainty, focus on the main tasks, achieve cost-effective operation and facilitate control. Planning is connected with the prevention of errors - on the one hand, and with the need to use all possibilities - on the other.

The plan is a condition for the purposefulness and organization of the work of the educator, protection from drift, from the captivity of small current affairs, one-sidedness and skipping some significant development tasks.

A plan is first and foremost a goal setting. Planning helps the educator evenly distribute the program material throughout the year, fix it in a timely manner, avoid overload, haste. The plan helps to foresee and consider in advance the methods, techniques, purpose of education and training. Thanks to the plan, the educator knows what he will do today and how, what aids and attributes will be used.

A properly drawn up work plan brings clarity, predicts difficulties, saves time, increases responsibility, and facilitates work. The plan is not easy reporting document, the main thing in it is the working value, the advance deliberate selection of the content and forms of the forthcoming work with children, clear guidelines for the use of working time.

Improving the planning of the educational process is necessary in modern kindergarten.

The plan is not a formality, but a necessary condition successful work with children, in terms of the main thing is not the scheme, the form, but the content. A prerequisite for successful planning is a solid knowledge of the program. But knowledge of the program is not the only condition for successful planning. The teacher must know the children of his group well, study each child in the dynamics of his development.

Methodological manuals, recommendations received at the teachers' council, methodological association, courses, and so on will also help the educator to successfully plan the work.

A prerequisite is the joint preparation of the plan by two educators working in the same age group. The fulfillment of this condition will ensure a unified approach to children, uniform requirements for them, and increase the responsibility of each educator for the implementation of the plan and program. Shift teachers should have daily contact at work, a constant exchange of opinions based on the results of observing children: how they learn the program material, how they perform their duties, what are their cultural behavior skills, character traits, who, how and with whom plays, etc.

Calendar (daily) the plan is drawn up on the basis of an annual perspective and is finalized taking into account observations of children in the group and their assessment, as well as discussions with other educators and conversations with parents. It is written for every day or for a week and includes various activities at the stages of familiarization, development and consolidation, practical application of knowledge. Planning is carried out on the basis of the program and, although it does not deny the leading role of an adult, it is largely determined by the interests and needs of children, follows from the daily observations of all staff, current control, and is born in a dialogue with parents. Thanks to this nature of planning, a differentiated and individual approach to each child is realized.

Exist General requirements to the calendar plan in the different age group of the kindergarten.

Plans should be for each group. The main difference in the plans of different age groups is in the program material, in the methodology of doing work. (number and duration of classes, teaching methods, etc.).

All planning is based on the following principles:

  • taking into account specific pedagogical conditions, the age composition of the group, the level of development of children;
  • the relationship between the process of education and training;
  • regularity, sequence, cyclicity of educational influences.

Technology for the development of calendar plans

  • The general algorithm is canvas.
  • Start writing a plan from regime moments: morning; day; evening; for at least two weeks.
  • The design of the plan must meet aesthetic requirements, as this is the visiting card of the preschool educational institution.
  • Take into account the ratio of the load of children: emotional; intellectual; physical.
  • Take into account the degree of complexity of the material (mathematics cannot be combined with classes physical education- very high protein consumption in the body with high intellectual and physical activity).
  • Compliance with software and methodological support.
  • Include all activities.
  • Track the complication of techniques, not only visual and verbal, but also such as collective search, conversation, educational games.

There are the following principles for planning educational and educational work with children:

  • The optimal variant of the educational load of children should be determined. Information overload is invalid. There is a clear scope for content (standard).
  • Medical and hygienic requirements for the sequence, duration, and features of carrying out various regime processes should be taken into account.
  • Local regional features are taken into account (climate, natural conditions).
  • Time of year and weather conditions are taken into account.
  • Provide in terms of the alternation of organized and independent activities of children. Free activities should be at least 40% of the volume of regulated activities, including outdoor activities for 3-4 hours during the day, depending on the season. Mandatory allocation of time for free play in kindergarten.
  • Accounting for changes in the working capacity of children during the week when planning classes and requirements for their compatibility.
  • Accounting for the level of development of children. Using the results of diagnostics to optimize the educational process, planning individual work with each child.
  • An indispensable relationship between the process of education, training and development.
  • Regularity, consistency, repetition of educational influences.
  • The inclusion of elements of activities that contribute to emotional release, create a joyful mood for the children, and give them pleasure. Accounting for effects "beginning and end" distributed throughout the week.
  • Planning is based on the integration of the efforts of all specialists working in a group with children. It is necessary to take into account the recommendations of experts
  • The planned activity is not imposed artificially on children, but is necessarily motivated accordingly. Children should feel the need to do something, want to understand why they need it.
  • A variety of proposed activities should be provided in order to contribute to the maximum possible disclosure of the potential of each baby.
  • In the activities planned by the teacher with children, the annual tasks solved by the preschool educational institution should be viewed.
  • Work with parents should be traced.

There is an algorithm for compiling a calendar plan for a teacher of a preschool educational institution:

  1. Title page
  2. List of group children
  3. Plan of work with parents
  4. (according to the number of classes according to the program and the requirement of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations 2.4. 1. 1249-03)
  5. (indicating day and date)
  6. Planning for independent activities of children
  7. Gymnastics planning
  8. Motor and intellectual load mode + safety measures
  9. Expert advice

Weekly grid schedule (according to the number of classes according to the program and the requirements of SanPins (2. 4. 1. 1249-03)

In the group of toddlers - no more than 10 lessons, lasting 8-10 minutes. 1 lesson in the morning, 1 lesson in the afternoon is allowed. Classes are held in subgroups of 5-6 people.

AT junior group There are 11 classes per week.

In the middle group, 12 classes are held per week.

AT senior group There are 15 classes per week.

AT preparatory group there are 17 classes per week, including additional education classes.

Classes of physical culture and health-improving cycle make up 50% of the total time of classes.

Planning for specially organized classes (indicating day and date)

The lesson is planned according to the grid.

The structure of writing a lesson: Type of lesson. Topic. Source (indicating author and page).

How to combine general requirements for planning and conducting classes

with the peculiarities of working in a mixed age group

When planning and organizing classes in a group of different ages, the teacher must first of all follow the list, the composition of classes per week, established in the program for children of each year of life. This means that every week with all age subgroups it is necessary to conduct classes in all sections of education. (acquaintance of children with the environment and the development of speech, the development of elementary mathematical concepts, drawing, modeling, design and application, physical education and music classes).

It is necessary to strive for the implementation of other important requirements of preschool pedagogy: on observing the time of classes (in the morning or evening), their sequences in the morning (Which will be first, which will be second), about the combination of activities according to the nature of the mental task and the activities of children, etc.

Physical exercises are used in class (FKM) carried out systematically during the course. Exercises are selected depending on the nature of the classes and are carried out in a playful way. ("counting" ) .

In FCM, you can use exercises for the shoulder girdle, tilts, turns of the body, jumps, exercises for the hand with balls, massage balls.

Planning joint activities of the educator with the children

  • Morning time frame.
  • Walk.
  • An evening walk.

The joint activity of adults and children provides for a mandatory relationship with organized learning: it is in the process of this activity that the adult prepares the children for their subsequent assimilation of knowledge in the classroom. In addition, the educator fills this activity with the content that could not be "work out" in the classroom. It is in the process of joint activity that an adult works to consolidate, clarify, deepen ideas, concepts, and skills.

This block is the most saturated with various activities.

To optimize planning, it is advisable to have rituals in the group (for every day or for a week, a month)

List of main "needs" every day:

  • individual dialogue with each child;
  • joint motor activity (on the street, in a group);
  • reading or storytelling;
  • didactic exercises, developing games;
  • creative games;
  • observations (in a group, outdoors);
  • psycho-gymnastics, relaxation exercises, theater;
  • work (different kinds);
  • artistic and productive activity;
  • music;
  • educational five minutes.

Additionally, other rituals may arise in the group.

Knowing their list, the teacher,

  • firstly, he will not miss the main dominants in working with the guys,
  • secondly, he will be able to plan joint activities quite briefly, indicating the main content.

At the same time, the teacher is in a partner position with the child.

Joint activities of adults and children are advisable (necessarily) paint according to regime segments: morning, walk, afternoon.

Planning your morning time slot

It must be remembered that the morning is a calm regime moment. The main task pedagogical work in the morning period of time is to include children in the general rhythm of the life of the kindergarten, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood in them. Here it is very important to conduct emotionally stimulating gymnastics. The work is carried out in groups and individually. If we talk about frontal work, it can be round dances and calm activities.

Morning reception is the most favorable time for individual communication of the educator with each child. During these hours, individual work with children in various activities is successfully carried out. Its distinctive feature is ease, reliance on the interest and curiosity of the child, on the entertaining form and content of the events. This is work to correct and educate children in the correct sound pronunciation, to develop oral speech and develop the correct intonation, and in physical education. (stimulation of motor activity). When planning individual work with children, the teacher indicates specifically the names of those pupils with whom the work will be done and prescribes what kind of work.

  • play activity,
  • conversations with children
  • viewing objects and illustrations,
  • short observations in nature and the phenomena of social life.

It is good to plan short conversations in the morning with a group of children or individual children on pre-planned topics and topics that arose on the initiative of the children. So, in the calendar plans of the younger and middle groups, the teacher plans short conversations with children about close people and accessible objects and phenomena of the world around them: about mom, dad and grandmother, about younger brothers and sisters, about toys, books, objects of nature and much more. Often such conversations are accompanied by looking at illustrations. In the calendar plans of the senior group, in addition to the above, conversations with and without looking at illustrations on more complex topics are planned: about the seasons, about domestic and wild animals, about the life of their native city.

When planning specific activities, it is important to take into account the nature of the upcoming classes.

If the activities are of a calm nature, requiring mental activity and perseverance of children, such as, for example, classes in the formation of elementary mathematical representations, learning a poem, retelling, activities for children are planned for the morning, causing their physical activity, and, conversely, if the classes involve greater mobility, children (physical education, music), then morning activities should be more relaxed.

Number of activities in the morning hours:

  • in the younger and middle - 3-4 species,
  • in the senior preparatory group - 4-6 types, depending on the children of the group.

The educator himself determines how many types of activities should be based on exemplary canons

Planning the afternoon

Observations, games, work, physical exercises and outdoor games are planned. However, it must be borne in mind that games of great mobility, exciting nervous system children.

The main place in this period of time is occupied by a variety of play activities for children.

After a nap, it's good to plan and labor activity children:

  • group room cleaning
  • repair of books, manuals, board games;
  • washing doll linen, handkerchiefs, ribbons;
  • making homemade toys for their own games and for kids' games.
  • puppet, table, shadow theaters;
  • concerts;
  • sports, musical and literary leisure;
  • listening to audio cassettes and much more.

During this period of time, the work of the musical and aesthetic cycle, work on visual activity, entertainment evenings can be planned. To expand the horizons of children, you can plan artistic reading with continuation, telling fairy tales, viewing reproductions of paintings by classics and contemporary artists.

In the afternoon, a walk is held daily, the content of which includes an outdoor game, role-playing games for children, and labor activity.

The educator creates conditions for the organization of individual electoral activities of children in accordance with their interests and needs

Forms of work

which can be scheduled both in the morning and in the afternoon

Forms and methods of work on the basics of life safety. (We will save, help, show, teach):

  • Acquaintance with fiction (stories, poems, poems, riddles, puns, songs).

For children, literature is selected in which, in an accessible form, there is an acquaintance with the rules of life safety. Fairy tales are read to children in which there is at least one element of gross violation of safety rules.

  • Rhyming rules of safety behavior.
  • Examination of paintings, subject and plot pictures, albums, posters, illustrations, dummies, models.

When looking at pictures, children should be given the opportunity to evaluate the act of a peer depicted in the picture; tell them what they would do in this situation.

  • Excursions, targeted walks.
  • Productive types of children's activities - making posters, layouts with children.
  • Conversations with children: on the prevention of false calls, discussion of dangerous situations (in senior groups).
  • Trainings (gaming).

As a result of the activities carried out, children learn to seek help if necessary, call the necessary help service by phone, remember their home address.

Familiarization of children with fiction

Reading fiction is one of the forms of joint partner activity of an adult with children, and this form cannot be continued by children on their own, go into their free activity, since most children do not know how to read freely and depend on an adult partner. This imposes a special responsibility on the educator in terms of selecting literary texts for reading.

Reading literary texts should be daily in order to become a habit, to create a ritual of group life. Time for reading should be determined in the daily routine. The duration of reading is approximately 15-20 minutes in the senior group and 20-25 minutes in the preparatory group.

The educator himself selects literary texts for children, he himself determines the sequence of their reading, guided by the principle of alternation: large and small literary forms. Large works of fiction should be read several days in a row (from 2 to 10-12 days) because children should be able to "keep" sequence of story events. Every month, the teacher reads 1-2 large works to children.

In the period between readings of two large works, short works are used (folklore and author's tales, poems, realistic stories).

  • Artistic texts for long reading and their sequence, the educator can plan 2-3 months in advance, taking into account the interests of the children of the group.
  • Short works of art for short reading are selected for a week - a month.

When selecting and planning the sequence of texts, the educator is guided by ongoing events. (season, holidays, memorable dates), thematic cycles and orientation of the actual interests of the children of the group. The list is corrected by the teacher, taking into account the conflicts and conflicts that arise in the group, the solution of which can be suggested by the book.

In the younger group, the teacher introduces children to folk songs, poems, folk tales, fairy tales of foreign and domestic authors.

In the middle group, the teacher introduces children to fables, fairy tales about animals that are carriers of certain qualities, songs and nursery rhymes, works about the rules of behavior and the culture of communication.

In the older group, the teacher introduces children to works that reflect the situational behavior of the child and show how to get out of this or that situation.

Organization of work on theatrical activities

  • Theatrical activities are planned in the morning and evening hours at an unscheduled time.
  • Theatrical activity, can be represented as part of a lesson in various activities
  • Theatrical activity may be scheduled as a special activity.

Types of theatrical activities:

  • Watch puppet shows and talk about them.
  • Dramatization games: with fingers, with bibabo dolls, improvisations.
  • Preparing and acting out a variety of fairy tales and dramatizations.
  • Exercises for the formation of expressiveness of performance (verbal and non-verbal).
  • Separate ethics exercises.
  • Exercises for the social and emotional development of children.

These types of theatrical games are successfully used in a group of different ages. Uniting children on artistic material, on joint positive emotions and common experiences, it helps to solve, in addition to common tasks, also such as the ability of older children to occupy the baby, entertain him, give him joy and pleasure.

In the conditions of a group of different ages that unites children with different developmental experiences, it is important to skillfully select works that can serve as material for joint dramatization games and that will be used only in subgroups.

Cognitive speech development

Work on cognitive and speech development is aimed at activating speech, speech communication, speech creativity, as well as consolidating, repeating speech program material, and should be based on interesting forms and methods of work.

Types of joint activities of children and educator:

  • target walks, traveling exhibitions, excursions.
  • Outdoor games accompanied by a literary text or song.
  • Mobile games with onomatopoeia.
  • Outdoor games that contribute to the development of phonemic and syllabic perception ("Ball in the Air" , "Trap from the Circle" Find yourself a mate "ball in a circle" ) .
  • Outdoor games aimed at the formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech ("Earth, water, fire, air" , "Hide and Seek" and others).
  • Conversations.
  • Quizzes, competitions with speech material.
  • Games with natural material.
  • Productive activities: drawings, applications and more.
  • Experiment Games (For example: sinking - not sinking, beating - not beating, rolling - not rolling).

The means and forms of language teaching aimed at developing the child's communicative competence include:

  • Special speech classes.
  • Didactic games and exercises with pair interaction.
  • Games with the transfer in a circle of the ball, pictures.
  • Games "Living Words" , "Telephone" .
  • Dramatization games.
  • Conversations with children.
  • Folk games.
  • Role-playing games.
  • Etudes, improvisations.
  • Observations, walks, excursions.
  • Looking at drawings and photographs.
  • Free and thematic drawing, modeling.
  • Reading works of art.
  • Teacher's stories and children's stories.
  • Writing stories.
  • Mini-competitions, games-competitions.

Planning for independent activities of children.

Planning independent activities for children seems impossible, but adults can directly encourage it by creating the necessary conditions for its emergence and development.

Gymnastics planning

Morning exercises are performed daily.

When planning morning exercises, you need to pay attention to correct writing planning. It can be written on a card, or it can be included in the plan. Regardless of this, gymnastics planning must follow the structure:

  • Part 1 - introductory, in which various types of walking and running are performed,
  • Part 2 - middle, includes a set of general developmental exercises indicating I. p.,
  • Part 3 is the final one.

The dosage of all movements and exercises must be indicated.

Breathing exercises are performed 3 times a day. Best done before meals, before bed, after sleep.

Finger gymnastics is carried out 2 times a day. It is better to spend during classes or in between.

Visual gymnastics takes 3-5 minutes and is carried out in your free time from classes, at least 2 times a day.

Articulation exercises are best done individually or with a subgroup of children in the afternoon. Articulation gymnastics is carried out daily, starting with the younger group.

Gymnastics after sleep is carried out daily in the afternoon for 5-7 minutes with the use of breathing exercises that help normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, training proper breathing skills.

There is also conjugate gymnastics - the theater of the finger and tongue. Such gymnastics can be carried out from middle group from the second half of the year, when the child developed the skills of articulation and finger gymnastics. These exercises are performed at a fairly fast pace, in a cheerful mood and with a change of postures.

Brain gymnastics is aimed at coordinating movements in fine and general motor skills, the left and right hemispheres. Cross movements are carried out, performed with both hands at once. Brain gymnastics is carried out starting from the oldest preschool age. The duration of the complex is 5-7 minutes.

Motor and intellectual load mode,

including security measures

The mode is a visual model of how children's lives are organized during the week. Day "breaks" for time periods (mode segments) and it is indicated what children will do during this period, in what form this activity will be organized. The schedule allows you to see if the day is overloaded and adjust the calendar plan for educational work with children.

Practice material:

  • Plan of correctional-pedagogical and socio-psychological work with children.
  • Plan of health-improving and educational work with children for the summer period.
  • Models and modes of motor and intellectual activity for children from 2 to 7 years old

Plan of work with parents

The content of work with parents is planned for a month or a week. It should be indicated on what days and what will be done by each teacher of the group, and what kind of garden activities will be held. Moreover, it is necessary to write not only those activities that are carried out by the educator, but also by specialists working on this group. Regardless of who conducts the classes, the teacher will be the organizer in any case.

Work can be scheduled in various forms of conduct:

  • parent meeting,
  • consultations (individual, group),
  • workshops,
  • thematic exhibitions,
  • episodic conversations with parents,
  • hobby clubs,
  • joint holidays,
  • entertainment and leisure,
  • questioning,
  • parent gatherings,
  • excursions,
  • hiking trips,
  • participation of parents in the social life of the group.

How many events to plan, everyone will decide for himself. Work in kindergarten with parents should be planned in accordance with the annual objectives of the institution.

The main criterion by which the quality of a good plan is determined is the provision of meaningful and interesting activities for each child. A cheerful mood, the employment of children in business or an interesting game, when there are no bored and sad children among the children - this is the pedagogical credo of a real educator.

For successful planning, the traditional order of work of educators in a group is expedient: one day in the morning, the other in the afternoon. Then the load is evenly distributed among the teachers. In addition, everyone has the opportunity to systematically observe children in all activities.

Any plan is not effective without methodological support, which can be presented in the form of long-term plans, guidelines, books, file cabinets.

Card file advantages:

  • There is an accumulation of the content of the pedagogical process, variants of forms, methods of working with children, including adults. At the right time, the teacher uses from his "jar" what will best allow him to solve educational problems.
  • The file cabinet allows you to reuse the accumulated material, correcting it if necessary. This allows the teacher to save time and energy for communicating with the children.
  • Storing information in the form of a card file allows you to understand the system, logic, the relationship between different materials.
  • The teacher learns to model the pedagogical process with children, because there are countless options for combining ready-made cards.
  • The teacher has the opportunity to accumulate materials "for the future" without much stress.

In the presence of block scheduling for the week in combination with card planning for the day, the teacher has a holistic view of the pedagogical process, the ability to dynamically and least cost respond to the changing environment in the group.

PLANNING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS in a preschool educational institution

from work experience

Planning - this is an early determination of the sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods.

To create a system in planning in preschool educational institution several various kinds planning:

1. A long-term development plan or a development program for a preschool educational institution drawn up for 3

Of the year;

2. Annual plan of preschool educational institution;

3. Thematic plans (by main types of activity);

4. Individual plans for specialists and administration;

5. Calendar and advanced planning in a specific age group.

Let us consider in more detail the two types of planning necessary for the educator - prospective and calendar-thematic, since it has been proven in practice that educators, using only the calendar plan, make mistakes in planning much more often.



Let's write down the first three principles, and then consider them in detail.

  1. Compliance with the optimal teaching load for children (the number and duration of classes meets the requirements of SanPiN).
  2. Compliance of the planned pedagogical process with the physiological growth and development of children (biorhythms are taken into account, complex classes are planned on Tuesday, Wednesday).
  3. Accounting for medical and hygienic requirements for the sequence, duration of the pedagogical process, and especially for the implementation of various regime processes.

What do you think the purpose of the first 3 principles is?

(Preservation and strengthening of children's health). Open page 1 and tell me what points must be followed when implementing principle 1? ... 2 principles? ....

3 principles?

  1. Accounting for local and regional climate features.

Almost all comprehensive programs have been drawn up taking into account the climatic conditions of our region and do not need to be corrected.

  1. Accounting for the time of year and weather conditions. This principle is implemented during walks, hardening and recreational activities, and environmental studies.
  2. Accounting individual characteristics. (it is necessary to know the type of child's temperament, his hobbies, advantages and disadvantages, complexes in order to find an approach to his involvement in the pedagogical process).
  3. Reasonable alternation in terms of organized and independent activities. (classes; games, circle activities, joint work of children and the educator, as well as free spontaneous gaming activity and communication with peers).
  4. Accounting for changes in the working capacity of children during the week when planning classes and the requirements for their compatibility (scheduling classes with maximum mental load on Tuesday and Wednesday, alternating static classes with classes with high physical activity).
  5. Accounting for the level of development of children (conducting classes, individual work, games in subgroups).
  6. The relationship between learning and development processes (learning tasks are planned not only in the classroom, but also in other activities).
  7. Regularity, consistency and repetition of educational influences (one game is planned several times, but the tasks change and become more complicated - to introduce the game, learn the rules of the game, follow the rules, cultivate a friendly attitude towards children, complicate the rules, consolidate knowledge of the rules of the game, etc.)

Let's consider ON THE EXAMPLE of the role-playing game "Family" what tasks can be planned within 1 - 2 weeks:

Day 1 - To promote the formation in children of the ability to follow the rules of role-playing behavior;

Day 2 - teach children to come up with a game plan in advance;

Day 3 - promote unification with the game "Shop", pay attention to

culture of communication;

Day 4 - promote the use of substitute items in the game;

Day 5 - cultivate a friendly attitude towards children.

  1. The inclusion of elements of activities that contribute to emotional discharge (psycho-gymnastics, daily relaxation, as well as color therapy, music).
  2. Planning is based on the integration of the efforts of all specialists.

It is necessary to interact with specialists, plan work on one topic, conduct individual work to prepare for classes, and conduct integrated classes.

  1. The planned activity must be motivated.

Motive is interest, desire.

Motivation is practical - to learn how to do it.

Game motivation (use of game techniques in the lesson N: Dunno came to visit, something happened to him, you need help. How? ...)

Cognitive motivation (interest in new information - Want to know how

Do birds live in the forest?

  1. Plan a variety of activities that contribute to the maximum possible disclosure of the potential of each child.

In order to implement this principle, it is necessary not only to plan a variety of activities, but also to create a full-fledged subject-developing environment in the group: corners - environmental, sports, theatrical and musical, patriotic (in Art. Gr), artistic and speech, manual labor, disguise (in gr. early age and ml.) - in Art. gr., touch; centers of "Science", "Entertaining Mathematics", a zone of role-playing games.

  1. The planned activities of the teacher with children should be based on the general tasks of the preschool educational institution.

It is supposed to involve parents in the general educational process.(consultations, conversations, educational work - “What to teach at home?”, “What should a child know and be able to do by the end of the year?” Fulfillment homework in notebooks is given only on weekends.


1. Knowledge of program tasks.

2. Knowledge of the individual capabilities and abilities of children.

3. Using the principle of repetition with the complication of tasks (3-4 times) with a short interval.

It is very convenient to use task tables for all sections of the program.

If the task is used in the classroom more than 4 times, move it to an unregulated activity.

4. Joint preparation of the plan by both educators. As well as a constant exchange of views on the results of observations of children: how they learn the material they have studied, how they perform their duties, what are their skills of culture of behavior, manifestations of what character traits were observed, and so on. Thus, the main part of the plan is outlined by both educators, and the details - each separately.


Long-term plan -is compiled for a quarter or for a year (correction is allowed in the course of work in a plan of this type).

In the long term it is planned:

1. Goals and objectives (for the quarter);

2. Types of children's activities:

A) gaming activity;

B) social development;

C) physical culture and health work (hardening, sports. exercises,

Outdoor games);

D) cognitive and practical activities (observations, familiarization, experiments,


D) artistic activity (speech, theatrical, musical, gaming,


E) elements of labor activity.

3. Working with the family.


Calendar-thematic planning -structures the content of the educational process. In order to develop a detailed calendar-thematic plan, it is necessary:

  1. Set the scope of the plan in conditional training hours.
  2. Determine the topic, content, number of classes for the passage of each topic.

H: Vegetables - 2 lessons, OBZH - 6 lessons, Seasons - 4 lessons.

  1. Choose the best forms of conducting classes and teaching methods to achieve the goals and objectives.

It is impossible to oversaturate unregulated activities, since the plan will turn out to be very tough. Other activities can be added, if necessary, in the course of scheduling throughout the year.


Purpose: Organization of a holistic, continuous, meaningful pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process is a set of various activities, phenomena aimed at teaching, developing and educating children from goal to result.

Pedagogical process - Team work educator and child.

Calendar plan– provides for the planning of all types of children's activities and the corresponding forms of their organization for each day.

The calendar plan is a mandatory document (1987).

The components of scheduling are:

1. Purpose. It is aimed at development, education, training.

  1. The content (types of actions and tasks) is determined by the program.
  2. Organizational and effective component (forms and methods must correspond to the tasks set).
  3. Result (what was planned at the very beginning and what was received must match).

The goals and tasks planned in the calendar-thematic plan should be diagnosable. N: to cultivate love for nature is not a diagnosable goal, but to form a careful attitude to flowers in a flower garden (watering, not tearing, etc.) is a diagnosable goal.

The calendar-thematic plan should be drawn up for one day, but practice shows that educators, working in pairs, alternately draw up a plan for 1 - 2 weeks. Consider what activities and in what period of time you need to plan:


MORNING. Target: create a cheerful, cheerful, workable mood.

In the morning period, you can plan all types of activities at the request of children (games, communication, work, individual work, etc.), but they must meet the following requirements:

  1. The activity should not be long in time (15-20 minutes), the child should see the result of his work. N: role-playing and building games are long and are not planned in middle and senior groups.
  2. It is not advisable to plan activities for the morning that involve a lot of


  1. You can not plan an activity in the morning that is supposed to

The use of piercing and cutting objects of labor.

  1. In the morning, we plan only activities that are familiar to children.
  2. Morning exercises are planned. Trained in physical education

The complex changes in two weeks.

STROLL. Target: provide high active, meaningful, varied, interesting activities and relieve fatigue.

The walk begins with observation if it was preceded by a dynamic lesson (musical, physical education, choreography, etc.) and begins with a mobile or sports game if there was a static lesson before the walk. Let's take a closer look at what you need to plan for a walk:

1. Observation (weather, nature, transport, adult work, seasonal

Changes in clothing, etc.). Natural phenomena are observed

More often.

  1. Outdoor game (plot "Geese-geese ...", plotless "Day - Night",

competitive - "Who is faster"), in which all the children of the group take part. It is planned taking into account the weather, the peculiarities of the season.

3. A sports game, exercise or elements of a sports game is planned in

Senior groups (badminton, basketball, football, hockey, towns).

4. Didactic, round dance, fun, creative games.

5. Individual work on the development of movements, in preparation for

Classes (mathematics, speech development), with children who have not learned

Material (3 - 7 minutes), with gifted children, preparing for the holidays.

6 ..Work by subgroups (at the request of the children - what they want to do). Toddlers

It is necessary to form the need for labor.

It is not necessary to follow the sequence of actions on a walk, it all depends on the mood and desire of the children.

7. Planned conversations on the culture of communication, on the education of moral qualities.

EVENING. Target. Create a joyful mood so that the next day the child will go to kindergarten with pleasure.
During this period, it is planned:

1. All types of games - desktop-printed, role-playing, construction,

Mobile, didactic, developing, theatrical. Desires are taken into account

Children's needs.

2. Entertainment, holidays, surprises held by the teacher are planned 1 time

Weekly (Thursday or Friday).

Approximate names of holidays: holiday " soap bubbles”, “Balloons”, “Paper snowflakes”, “Thread (paper) dolls”, “Fuzzies”, “Flying doves”, “Jumping frogs”, “Funny words”, etc. Various types of theater, mini-concerts are also planned where children perform their favorite poems, songs and dances; new toys are introduced and played with.

  1. Labor ( manual labor, household (cleaning, washing) collective, by subgroups.

Plan a familiar kind of watch no

Necessity, the plan reflects only innovation.

4. Individual work on all types of activities. According to the pictorial

Activities, design before class, class is the result of work

Educator. Before class, it is advisable to plan individual work with

Timid, "weak" in this type of activity by children, in order to

These children felt more confident during the lessons.

6. Working with parents.

7. Work on ZKR.

In order to systematize in terms of activities outside of classes, a cyclogram is needed.

direct educational activities.

GCD entry in calendar plan must be done as follows:


Tasks (program content).

Tasks (educational, developing and educational). What to form, what mental processes to develop (thinking, memory, eye, curiosity, etc.) and what moral qualities to instill. Trinity of tasks is mandatory.


Dictionary activation.

Methods and techniques.


In the methodological literature, educational and developmental tasks are indicated in detail and educational tasks are often absent (see Vasilyeva's program).

N: EDUCATE - goodwill, the ability to take care of children, express sympathy, not interrupt the speaker, the habit of calmly behaving in the room (do not make noise, do not run), c. negative attitude towards rudeness, greed, etc.

At the end of each quarter, final classes are planned in the form of quizzes, KVNs, and entertainment.


The forms of planning depend on the program and on professional level educator. There are the following forms of planning:

1. Text - the most detailed form of the plan. It is essential for beginners. It describes in detail all activities, tasks, methods, and forms.

2. Scheme-grid.

1 page - list of children.

2 page - a grid of classes.

3 page - the main tasks of training, development and education (no more than 10). These tasks are set during the whole week, in all types of activities.

N: we write down the game “Wonderful bag”, and next to it in brackets is the number of the problem.

The list of children in subgroups from 2 to 6 children is located at the end of the notebook and filled in with a pencil, since the composition of subgroups may change during the year. The younger the children, the more subgroups. Subgroups are completed according to the sympathies of children.

Scheduled activities should be related to the same topic throughout the week. The complication of each event should be a continuation of yesterday's events. The grid scheme is used by experienced educators.

3. block planning- an option for creative, responsible educators.

During the week, one object, phenomenon or topic is played out.

This form of plan is feasible in early age groups and younger groups.

N: Theme "Fish" Development of speech Reading the poem "Where the fish sleeps",

Drawing - "Let's draw a tail for a fish", Objective world - "Colorful fish", etc.

The main criterion by which the quality of a good plan is determined is the provision of meaningful and interesting activities for each child.


1 week scheduling

The game


cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

Didactic, developmental.


1. with math

2. on ecology

3. for the development of speech

4. finger


Observations from the window

for the state of nature

birds, snow, etc.

In the corner of nature.

1. Conversations (morals, environmental,

Patriot, healthy lifestyle, safety)

2. Consideration


3. Reading fiction


In the corner of nature

Self service


speech development,



Mobile, sports


1. for the weather

2. for animals and plant.

3. for changes in


4. for the labor of adults

5. for transport

Conversations on moral


Consolidation of knowledge

received in the classroom.


domestic work

labor in nature


Speech development

Preparing for


2 half a day



theatrical, music did.,

desktop printed…

Composing stories.


Learning a poem.

Looking at pictures.

Manual labor


household work,


1 entertainment in


art, design


In preparation for


ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE NOD FROM ______ TO ______ _________________

The game


cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

D / and "Wonderful

bag "- fasten. zn.

geom. figures

D / and "From what they cook"

vegetables fruits

R / and "Tangram"


P / and "Edible -


1. Consider

blooming flower

(how to care)

2. Behind the wind from the window -

drives clouds, sways trees (bend).

1. Conversation “The city in which we are

We live" - ​​architect. monuments

2. "Parts of the day" - what are we

We do morning, afternoon, evening.

3. "I love vegetables" - teach

Compiled descriptive. story.

4. "Nature is living and inanimate" -

who? what?

5. "Visiting a fairy tale" review.

illustrations for fairy tales.

1. Teach

On one's own

cook material

to lessons.

2. Flower care

in the corner of nature


3. Teach

dress and undress independently.

1. Right

use a fork

Petya, Cyril.

2. Fix the concept

vowel sounds - Artem,


3. Color, shape, size -

Artem, Julia

4. Names of trees -

Katya, Dima.

5 Item no. -Julia,

Dima, Artem.


P / and "Homeless Hare"

P / and “At the bear in


P / and "Day and night"

Sp / and "Football"

Sp/exerc. "Towns"

C / r and. "chauffeurs"

1 Behind the clouds - reading the poem “What

like clouds"

2 For insects -

about the benefits.

3 At senior games

children - observance

rules, friendliness.

4. For freight


1. Shopping in the store "-

Close knowledge about vegetables

Grow what they do with them.

2. Compilation of stories according to

Theme "Autumn"

1. Fruit picking

rowan for manual


2. Get the kids involved

cleaning dried

flowers and flower beds.

3. Washing toys

After a walk.

4. Cleaning


5.Help the little ones

Get to the group.

1.Fix temporary

concepts: morning, day,

evening, night - Katya, Petya.

2. Score within 10 -

Cyril, Artem.

3. Learn to throw the ball in

goal - Yulia, Artem.

4. Repeat text

nursery rhymes - Katya, Vera.

5. To teach to actively participate in games -

Vladik, Nastya.

2 half a day

C / r and "Library"

S / r "Family"

C/r Shop»

D / and "What has changed"


D / and "Say kindly"

Pages “Cities and


P / and "Mousetrap"

1. Compilation of the story “If

I wish I were a wizard"

2. Retelling the tale "The Fox and

Jug "(illustrated)

3. Learning proverbs about


4. "Our street" (considered-

Nie pictures according to traffic rules)

5. Memorizing the text

Finger gymnastics.



2. Learning to work




3. Restoration

old books (learn


using calque).

1. Literary


"Learn the tale"



According to the text,

by riddle)

1. Learn right

rinse your mouth - Artem, D

2. Dictionary expansion by

theme "Autumn" - Andrey,

Cyril, Vera.

3. Learn to cut out

paper figures by

contour-Nastya, Katya.

4. Learn to answer

question with a full answer -

Julia, Vera

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Introduction to fairy tales.

Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Learning riddles, proverbs,


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Getting to know people


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes,


Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.


I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

Animal observation.


Insect observation.

observation of the inanimate


Introduction to creativity


Introduction to creativity


Introduction to creativity


Introduction to creativity



SDA (reading).

SDA (games).

SDA (conversation).

SDA (observation).


Target walk.

Target walk.

Target walk.

Math games

Quantity, account.

Math games

Form, size.

Math games


Math games

Orientation in space.

Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic



Literary Hour.

Literary Hour.

(world folk art)

Literary Hour.

(poetic works)

Literary Hour.


plant observation

the world.

plant observation

the world.

plant observation

the world.

plant observation

the world.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on fixing the topic

on cognitive development.


PPB (conversation)

PPB (reading)

PPB (game).

PPB (reading).

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

Memory games,


Memory games,


Games for the development of speech,


Games for the development of speech,


Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

CYCLOGRAM. Distribution of activities by day of the week.

Week 1

2 weeks

3 week

4 week


Educational games

"Merry Account"


Logic exercises.

Orientation, form.


"Day and Night"

"Seven Brothers"


"Calendar", "Clock"


Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.







"Russian Literature"

speech development, vocabulary.

compiling stories,

creative storytelling


Word games.

Literary quizzes.

"World of Nature"

Vegetable world.

Animal world.

The relationship of a person with


Ecology: conversations,



Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.

Animal and

vegetable world.


Household - household.

Household - household.

Household - household.

Household - household.


"Learning to be healthy"

Life safety.

culture of behavior,

rules of etiquette.

Life safety

Hygienic basics.


reading, dramatization,

theatrical games

Learning by heart.

Acquaintance with writers.

Riddles and riddles.


For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.


labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.

labor in nature.


"World around us"





"Our Motherland"

"Our country is


"Our town"

adult labor.

"I'll open it myself" in the club



adult labor.

adult labor.

adult labor.

adult labor.


In the corner of nature.

In the corner of nature.

In the corner of nature.

In the corner of nature.



Reading works.

looking at posters,

illustrations, paintings.

Creation of problematic

sitatsii, games.


Introduction to Russian

national culture

Rituals, holidays.

proverbs, sayings,

folk signs.


target walk


For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

Manual labor

With paper.

With natural material

waste material.

Builder drawing up a plan.

With fabric.

Forms of work in the second junior group.







Illustrated Conversations

(development of speech, familiarization with others).

Didactic game on REMP.

Mobile game.

Board educational games with rules.

Articulation gymnastics.

Observations in the corner of nature (environmental education, articulation of speech).

Telling stories with pictograms.

Mobile game.


Game finger gymnastics.

Individual work on familiarization with others (play, communication)

Conversation on moral education.

Individual work on art activity.

Mobile game.

Learning verses.


theatrical activity.

Conversations on life safety, stories from personal experience.

Didactic game for the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Individual work on labor education.

TRIZ elements.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the formation of self-service skills.

Mobile game.

Didactic game on REMP.

Writing a descriptive story.

Work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

An experiment game.


Mobile game.

Individual work on REMP (preliminary preparation for a future lesson).


Problem-play situation (education of humanism, familiarization with the environment).

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Sculpting, "beating" handicrafts and speech work.

TRIZ elements.

Mobile game.

Designing, "beating" handicrafts.

Game exercise for the development of articulation (onomatopoeia, chimes).

dynamic hour.

Role-playing game.

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work

To consolidate the skills of using scissors, a brush with glue.

A game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Reading fiction.

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Household activities (by subgroups).

Poetry competition.

Dramatization game.

Didactic game to expand and activate the vocabulary.

Musical and sports entertainment.

Cyclogram of scheduling for the program "Childhood".

Forms of work in the middle group.







Observation in the corner of nature.

Learning verses.

TRIZ elements.

Development of phonemic hearing (sound automation).

Drawing up stories according to the scheme (description).

Mobile game.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Conversation on moral education (solving problem situations, stories from personal experience, reasoning).

Mobile game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Drawing up stories according to the scheme (narration).

Mobile game.

Individual work on the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Folk game.

Labor education.

Mobile game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on the sign. with the surrounding.


Mobile game.

Role-playing game.


Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on REMP.

Individual work on the sign. with the surrounding.

Role-playing game.

Preliminary work in preparation for the application (with paper and scissors).

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.


Mobile game.

Individual work on moral education.

Role-playing game.

Drawing up stories according to the schemes.

An experience.

Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

dynamic hour.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Work on the differentiation of sounds.

Role-playing game.


TRIZ elements.

Mobile game.

Individual work (preliminary preparation for a future lesson on cognitive development).

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Theatrical and play creativity.

Cyclogram of scheduling for the program "Childhood".

Forms of work in the senior group.







Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on art activity.

Mobile game.

Drawing up stories according to schemes (description).

Didactic game on REMP.

Didactic game for the development of speech.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Mobile game.

observation in nature.

An experience.

Mobile game.

Individual work on REMP.

Making up stories from personal experience (narration and reasoning).

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Mobile game.

Individual work in notebooks on the development of fine motor skills of hands, activation of thinking and speech.

Activating communication (solving problem situations).

Learning verses.

Mobile game.

Didactic game by sign. with the surrounding.


Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game on REMP.

Learning verses.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Reading fiction.


Theatrical and play creativity.

Individual work on physical education.

Mobile game.

Role-playing game.

TRIZ elements.

dynamic hour.

Designing with "beating" crafts.

Mobile game.

An experiment game.

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.

Dramatization of a fairy tale.

Mobile game.

Individual work on the activation of the dictionary.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the development of phonemic hearing.

Household work.

Musical and sports entertainment; competition of readers, riddles, etc.

Cyclogram of scheduling for the program "Childhood".

Forms of work in the preparatory group for school.







Activating communication (stories from personal experience, problem solving).

Observation and work in a corner of nature.

Individual discussion of the implementation of "homework" in notebooks.

Mobile game.

Drawing up stories according to schemes (narration, description).

Didactic game by sign. with the surrounding.

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Mobile game.

TRIZ elements.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

An experiment game.

Household work.

Educational game (logical and spatial thinking.

Mobile game.


Learning verses.

Conversation (social and moral education).

Developing game (spatial and logical thinking, imagination).

Mobile game.

Conversations with the use of pictograms on life safety.

Articulation and finger gymnastics

Mobile game.

Fun game (folk, round dance, low mobility).

Dramatization of a fairy tale.


Mobile game.

Individual work on the sign. with the surrounding.

Role-playing game.

Didactic game to prepare for learning to read and write.

Didactic game on REMP.

Individual work

on the development of phonemic hearing, elements of the sound analysis of the word.

Preliminary work in preparation for the future lesson on cognitive development.

Role-playing game.

Mobile game.

An experience.

Individual work on REMP.

Didactic and developmental exercises using cards (attention, memory, hand motility).

Preliminary work in preparation for the future lesson of the visual cycle.

Mobile game.

Reading fiction.

Didactic game to activate the vocabulary.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Household work.

TRIZ elements.


Didactic game (grammatical structure of speech).

Individual work on REMP.

Designing, playing with crafts (2nd week - musical and sports entertainment).

Models for writing a summary of directly educational activities (nodes).

Option 1.

  1. Node theme.
  2. Triune task (education, training, development).
  3. Equipment.
  4. Dictionary activation.
  5. Methodological techniques (forms of organizing cognitive activity):
  1. Organizational moment (motivation)
  2. The first part (consolidation of the material covered)
  3. The second part (acquaintance with new material, the formation of vocabulary concepts)
  4. The third part (consolidation of new material)
  5. The result of the lesson in accordance with the goals.

Option 2.

  1. Node theme.
  2. Triune task (education, training, development)
  3. Dedicated workspace.
  4. Dictionary activation.
  5. Methodical methods:

a) The first part (introductory). The purpose of the activity is to set children up for active work, positive contact with each other, create interest in the upcoming activities.

b) The second part (the motivational basis of activity). The purpose of the type of activity is to stimulate the acceptance of elements of the learning task, to create interest in the content of the lesson.

c) The third part (joint productive activity). Creating a problem situation, finding a way out of it.

Fourth part (final).

Variety of methods and techniques.


  1. story to the educator to get involved in verbal methods
  2. reading learning is impossible - this leads to
  3. conversation formal acquisition of knowledge.

Visual (connection to the memorization and assimilation of educational material

All sense organs - hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch):

  1. Observation The most necessary methods in the process Demonstration of initial learning.
  2. consideration


  1. intriguing start
  2. emotional connection
  3. surprise moment, etc.


  1. creating an entertaining situation
  2. riddles
  3. creating a situation of novelty
  4. surprise effect, etc.

Methods that arouse interest in obtaining knowledge and skills:

  1. creating a clash of opinions
  2. game (cognitive, educational, didactic, mobile, etc.)
  3. game exercise
  4. heuristic method - discovery method
  5. experience
  6. experimentation
  7. problem-search methods

Calendar-thematic planning

Academic year

Kind of activity _______________________________________________

Age group_______________________________________________

Program ___________________________________________________________________
_(complex, partial


the date

Direct educational activities

Joint and independent activities


a week

GCD theme

Program tasks

Additional methodological support

Games, game exercises, reading, memorization, observation, experiments. Experiments, excursions, search and research activities, etc.

(1-3 events)

  1. This type of planning is developed for the entire academic year.
  2. The number of GCD should correspond to the curriculum of the preschool educational institution.
  3. Program objectives must meet the age standard and program requirements.
  4. In column 5, it is obligatory to indicate methodological literature and pages.
  5. Topics must be relevant to the program.
  6. Joint activities are determined by the choice of the teacher.

institute for retraining and advanced training

education workers;

, defectologist teacher;

, head of MDOU d / s No. 000 "Berry",


(UDOU, No. 3-12)

In connection with the introduction of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (FGT), it became necessary to revise approaches to planning educational activities. Preschool institutions should review the planning of teachers, taking into account the principles laid down in the FGT: integration and a comprehensive thematic approach; taking into account ten educational areas and eight types of activity. However, it is not necessary to immediately break and destroy what has been accumulated over the years. Changes to existing planning need to be made. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the teacher is now much more difficult. The teams of authors have released new editions of the programs, monitoring, but the teaching aids have remained the same. How can a teacher navigate such a large flow of information?

The concept of "planning" is widely represented in the methodological literature. Consider the definitions proposed by different authors.

“Planning is the early determination of the procedure, sequence for the implementation of the program of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, the means used, forms and methods of work” .

"Planning - making decisions based on the correlation of the results of pedagogical analysis with the goal".

"Planning in the preschool educational institution the activities of the participants in the educational process for the optimal choice of real goals, programs, their achievement through cumulative means, methods and influences aimed at transferring the preschool educational institution to a new qualitative state" .

"Educator's work planning is a type of work planning in a preschool educational institution, which is carried out directly by the educator in relation to his work in a specific age group".

Despite the variety of interpretations of this concept, the definition most accurately characterizes the essence of planning in accordance with modern requirements. Planning reflects the implementation of the educational program, taking into account the specifics of the group. Thus, the teacher determines in advance the order, sequence of educational work, notes the necessary conditions, the means used, forms and methods of working with children of a particular group. The effectiveness of educational work as a whole depends on how well thought out and competently implemented planning is.

Any activity, including planning, is based on certain principles:

-collegiality(planning is carried out jointly by the teachers of the group, in conjunction with the teachers of the preschool educational institution and parents);

-regularity, consistency, regularity pedagogical influences; interactions between different types of children's activities;

- continuity;

- integrativity(the child sees the world holistically, therefore, the integration of the content of educational areas is necessary);

- practicality, reality;

- taking into account specific conditions.

Thus, the plan should be: purposeful, realistic and predictive, economical, as clear as possible, satisfy the requirement of unity and continuity, precise and flexible.

An analysis of the plans of preschool teachers made it possible to identify planning shortcomings.

§ Not all tasks of the educational program go through planning. Often, whole areas fall out, for example, the formation of “art history” knowledge. Acquaintance with the work of artists, writers, composers, etc. Thus, we can conclude that the program is not fully implemented.

§ Planning is often carried out according to the subject principle, separate sections, directions, the teacher does not provide for the integration of content, integrated forms of work with preschoolers (complex and integrated activities).

§ Goals and objectives are often set vaguely, without taking into account the specifics of the group. Sometimes this is just a rewriting of tasks from the available methodological literature.

§ Teachers, as a rule, plan monotonous forms and methods of work - examining, bringing in toys, etc. There is no differentiated approach, multi-level tasks are not reflected in the plans of teachers.

From the position of management in education, planning should be presented from the strategic, tactical and operational directions.

strategic planning includes the development program of the preschool educational institution, the main general educational program of preschool education, the graduate model.

tactical planning includes the annual curriculum of the institution, work programs for specialists, individual programs for the development of pupils.

Operational planning includes calendar-thematic plans of teachers and diagnostic maps of children's development.

When choosing a planning model, one should take into account the professional training of each teacher, his experience, the ability to see the results of his activities, analyze them, as well as the conditions work of preschool educational institution. We present to your attention the planning algorithm developed by us.


1. Analytical stage:

- studying options for existing planning, identifying positive and negative points;

2. Organizational stage:

Development of a draft Regulation on the planning of the educational process;

Drawing up and approval of the curriculum, schedule of periods of continuous direct organized activity;

Development of cyclograms of joint and independent activities of children and teachers, taking into account the daily routine, age and individual characteristics of pupils;

Creation of cyclograms of the activities of support specialists, a system of interaction with group teachers;

Development of calendar-thematic planning (annual, weekly, etc.).

3. Practical stage:

Maintaining scheduling;

Seminars, consultations on the content of calendar plans.

4. The final stage:

Analysis of planning, identifying shortcomings, making changes;

Consideration of the Regulations on Planning at the Pedagogical Council, approval by order of the head.

On the first stage it is advisable to create a creative group in the preschool educational institution to develop a planning system, whose tasks include studying options for existing planning, identifying positive and negative points and developing a draft planning regulation.

At the stage of analysis of the existing planning, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

List of programs implemented in an educational institution;

Justification of the compliance of the selected programs with the type of preschool educational institution. The priority direction for the development of pupils in a preschool educational institution can be ensured by the implementation of one or more partial programs;

Justification for ensuring the integrity of the pedagogical process, the unity of principles and approaches in the process of upbringing and education when using a set of programs. The principles of interaction between adults and children in the pedagogical process provided for by various programs should be identical; in cases where the educational program is supplemented by a partial program in one or several sections, it is necessary to establish that the content, methods and techniques for organizing the development of the child in this type of activity complement each other, do not contain contradictions in the basic conceptual principles, and exclude duplication of content;

The set of programs used in the pedagogical process should provide the optimal load on the child in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN. It is necessary to provide for the integration of children's activities and educational areas in order to avoid overload and program implementation.

In each preschool educational institution, appropriate conditions.

Compliance with the level of qualification and competence of teaching staff. Teachers must know the program being implemented for all age groups, be proficient in the methodology and technology for organizing educational activities, diagnostic methods, and provide the model of interaction proposed by the program. It should be borne in mind that a number of programs (“Development”, “Kindergarten - House of Joy”) require mandatory refresher courses for teachers directly from the authors of the programs.

Compliance of the developing environment, material and technical base with the requirements of the program. The subject-developing environment should provide for the optimal arrangement of equipment, children's furniture for the development of pupils in organized forms of education and free activities. In addition, an assessment is given of the provision of the educational process with didactic and methodological material for the program being implemented.

On the second stage a draft Regulation on the planning of the educational process is being developed, which establishes uniform requirements for the form and content of planning educational work in preschool educational institutions in order to ensure the completeness of the implementation of the implemented general educational program.

For example, the Regulations may define the documentation of teachers in the following sections.

First section"Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of a teacher." The list of regulatory documents regulating the activities of a teacher: Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", SanPiN, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education", "On approval of federal state requirements to the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education”; The charter of the preschool educational institution, the job description of the teacher, local acts of the institution according to the profile of pedagogical activity.

Second section"Organizational and methodological foundations of activity." Curriculum with an explanatory note, a schedule of periods of continuous directly educational activities in accordance with the FGT, cyclograms of joint and independent activities of children and teachers, interaction of preschool teachers working with children of a particular group.

Third section"Planning of educational activities" includes a calendar-thematic plan in the approved form.

Planning carried out for a week, where all types of activities are prescribed:

Organized (all periods of continuous directly educational activity);

Joint in the main areas (cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical, social and personal);

Independent (creation of conditions, replenishment of the subject-developing environment in various types of activities).

Planning per day is also carried out in the form approved in the DOW. The first and second half of the day are planned, where the following forms of organization of activities are indicated:

Work with parents, joint activities with children (for example, work and work in a corner of nature, work with a book, a communication situation);

Organized activities (periods of continuous directly educational activities according to the schedule);

Walk (all five mandatory parts: observation, work, outdoor game, individual work on the development of movements, independent activity; a targeted walk or excursion is planned once a week).

Planning is implemented by the teachers of the group jointly on the basis of the cyclogram and calendar-thematic planning for the week. For convenience and to ensure the completeness of the implementation of the program, it is advisable to develop and adopt a tabular form of planning in the prescribed manner.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the curriculum is an integral part of the educational program. It is its development that is most difficult for the DOW.

The curriculum is a regulatory document that reflects the structure of the educational process of a given preschool educational institution, taking into account its specifics, methodological, personnel and material and technical equipment. It is compiled for each academic year in accordance with normative documents regulating the educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

The curriculum consists of:

From the table in which the educational areas are defined, the number of periods of continuous directly educational activity, the volume of the educational load are calculated;

Explanatory note.

It includes invariant and variable parts, interconnected and complementary. In the invariant part, educational areas are indicated in accordance with the program being implemented. The variable part reflects additional educational services in accordance with the specifics and capabilities of the preschool educational institution, regional characteristics. In accordance with the FGT, the invariant part is at least 80%, the variable part is no more than 20% of the total standard time allotted for the development of the main general education program.

The main components of the structure of the explanatory note:

Normative, on the basis of which the curriculum was drawn up (SanPiN, FGT, ongoing programs);

Justification of the combination of complex and partial programs (including correctional ones);

The distribution of the weekly load, taking into account the content of the invariant and variable
parts of the plan;

Justification of the form of organization of the educational process in the groups of preschool educational institutions;

Substantiation of the content of the invariant part of the plan. With a reduction in the number of periods of continuous directly educational activity recommended by an exemplary general educational program, the completeness of the implementation of a particular educational area is ensured through its integration with other educational areas and types of children's activities;

Justification of the content of the variable part of the plan. The variable part must correspond to the type of institution. Its content organically complements the invariant part.

The final stage of the second stage is the coordination of pedagogical activity by compiling cyclograms (interaction between participants in the educational process; joint and independent activities of children and teachers).

On the third stage the accepted form of planning is introduced, interim surveys are conducted, the opinions of teachers are heard, changes are made in order to achieve unity and completeness of the planning of the educational process.

In accordance with the FGT, the planning of educational work is based on the cooperation of the teacher, children and parents, reflected in various forms:

Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading);

Educational activities carried out during regime moments;

Independent activity of children;

Interaction with families of children on the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education.

In the planning process, the needs of all participants in the educational process are taken into account, conditions are created for the implementation of an active parental position.

On the fourth stage the pedagogical council analyzes the planning of teachers, hears the reports of members creative team on the positive aspects of the new form of planning and summed up. The Planning Regulations are considered, discussed and adopted.

We bring to your attention an approximate version of the situation.


about planning the educational process

in MDOU d / s No. 000 "Berry", Arkhangelsk

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation establishes uniform requirements for the form and content of planning educational work in a preschool educational institution in order to ensure the completeness of the implementation of the general educational program being implemented.

1.2. The planning system reflects the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

1.3. The basis for planning the pedagogical process is an exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education (name of the program) .

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Ensuring the completeness of the implementation of the main general educational program of a preschool institution, taking into account the orientation of the groups.

2.2. Implementation of consistency and consistency in the organization of the educational process.

2.3. Ensuring interaction between teachers of preschool educational institutions.

3. Planning principles

3.1. Ensuring the unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives of the process of education of preschool children.

3.2. Accounting for specific pedagogical conditions: the age composition of the group, the conditions for the development of children.

3.3. Integration of educational areas.

3.4. Regularity, consistency, repetition of educational influences.

4.1. In order to ensure uniform requirements for the structure and form of planning in a preschool institution, approve the following types of documentation:

Normative-legal bases of activity of the teacher;

Organizational and methodological bases of activity;

Planning (prospective and calendar) in the approved form.

4.2. Planning of work for the day is carried out on the basis of the cyclogram and calendar-thematic planning for the week.

4.3. Planning is implemented by the teachers of the group jointly.

4.4. The plan should take into account the developmental features of children in this group and the specific conditions of the preschool educational institution.

5. Documentation and responsibilities

5.1. The plan is a mandatory document for teachers.

5.2. Control over planning is carried out by the deputy head of the MDOU on a monthly basis with a corresponding note on the list of control over the state of planning.


1. Preschool education: Glossary of terms / Comp. et al. M., 2005.

2. Preschool pedagogy / ed. . M., 1988

3. Management of a preschool institution: Dictionary-reference book / Comp. . M., 2008.

Elena Pasko
Basic principles of planning in a preschool organization for present stage

Currently preschool institutions can select priority areas, programs, types educational services, new forms of work focused on the interests of the teaching staff and parents. Therefore the problem planning is up to date, but at the same time one of the most difficult tasks facing preschool institutions working in the development mode and opening new forms on their basis preschool education: short stay groups, counseling centers and centers, early intervention service, etc.

Planning- this is the process of developing sequential actions, the essence of which is to build a system of educational work. Therefore, in planning need all kinds of pedagogical activity.

The plan is the main document, on the on the basis of which all activities of kindergarten teachers. Systems approach to planning provided with a strictly thought-out structure and content plans all involved professionals. However, it is assumed that during the implementation plans can be refined and adjusted depending on objective conditions.

A collection of different types planning applied simultaneously in a separate preschool, is called the form planning. Accordingly, the structural subdivision of specialists (music workers, psychologists, speech therapists, educators, physical education instructors) can also have its own form.

Any shape planning can be considered in terms of content, scale of presentation, degree of detail, etc. For planning carried out in certain time parameters, the following terminology is used plans:

Prospective, long-term (year, quarter, month);

Calendar, compiled on short term (week, day);

Cyclogram - a scheme of regularly held events (within a year, month).

If we consider planning work structural unit in the general system plans preschool , then we can distinguish the following types plans:

Annual MDOU activity plan.

Perspective plan work of MDOU and teachers.

Individual specialist planning, which includes:

Calendar specialist work plan;

- plans for individual, group work specialist with children.

Specialists (music director, teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, teacher-defectologist, teacher additional education, physical education instructor) make up plan in accordance with the staffing table of MDOU.

Planning educational activities with a specific group of children and parents, which is the educator.

Planning educators includes:

Calendar teacher work plan;

- plans individual work with children with disabilities, children with disabilities.

Basic principles of teacher planning

No matter how it was designed plan educational work of the educator with children, he must meet certain requirements:

- be based on the principle developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of each child;

To ensure the unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives of the education of pupils;

Take account of principle integration of educational areas in accordance with

age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils of the group;

- planned content and forms of organization children must correspond to the age and psychological and pedagogical the basics of preschool pedagogy, so when planning and organization pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that basic form of work with children preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game;

- planning should be based on a complex thematic principle construction of the educational process.

How do we understand "complex-thematic planning educational process?

First of all, thematic planning is planning in accordance with the example basic general education program preschool education in all educational areas (physical, social and personal, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic).

In accordance with the complex-thematic principle construction of the educational process Federal state educational standards preschool education aim teachers to motivate educational activities. Motivational basics joint educational activities suggest:

The ability of the teacher to arouse interest in joint activities;

The desire to preschoolers understood and accepted children goals and objectives of this activity;

The support of the educator on the cognitive interest, the emotional sphere of children, personal motives (the desire for communication, self-realization, obtaining satisfaction from activities).

At the same time, the teacher uses not a set of individual playing techniques, but organizes assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any significant and interesting for preschool events. Education through a system of various pedagogical activities is designed to work with children on "event" principle.

Such events in kindergarten are Russian holidays (New Year, Family Day, Mother's Day, Victory Day, etc., international holidays (Kindness Day, Earth Day, etc.).

Holidays are joy, tribute, memory. Holidays are events for which you can prepare, which you can look forward to. Project activity is a priority in the implementation of a complex thematic planning. The criterion that this principle works in a kindergarten, is a lively, active, interested participation of the child in a particular project, and not a chain of actions at the direction of an adult. After all, only an active person can become successful.

When implementing a complex-thematic planning the chosen topic is calculated by the teacher for 2-4 weeks. All forms of educational work continue the chosen theme during this time.

Parents are also actively involved in educational activities groups. Parents are provided with brief guidance on organizations joint child-adult activities at home.

Each topic ends with a final event (exhibition, holiday, presentation of something, sports entertainment, role-playing game, performance, etc.).

Planning is the definition of a system of measures, providing for the order, sequence and timing of their implementation. This system of measures is aimed at achieving the set goal, clearly and specifically formulated, indicating end result that can be measured, compared, evaluated.

A feature of planning as a management function is that it cannot exist independently, without connection with other functions. The basis for planning is the results of pedagogical analysis, the results of planning have a direct impact on the functions of organization and control.

The importance of the planning function in management activities was noted by researchers and founders of the school scientific management(F. Taylor, G. Gantt, F. Gilbert), who paid great attention to planning, pointed out its key importance in management. It was the representative of this school, G. Gannt, who introduced the concept of "calendar planning".

The necessity and importance of planning as a stage of a unified system of methodological work in a preschool educational institution is emphasized by K.Yu. White, highlighting among functional duties the head and senior educator of a preschool educational institution, their activities in planning educational work and methodological work in a preschool educational institution.

Head of a preschool educational institution:

  • - determines, together with the team, the goal of its institution - a specific image of the desired result that the preschool educational institution can actually achieve by a specific time;
  • - carries out strategic planning - careful, systematic preparation for the future;
  • - together with the team, develops and implements development programs and work plans for a preschool organization.

Determines together with the team the goal of his institution - a specific image of the desired result, which preschool educational organization can actually reach a specific time.

Senior teacher of a preschool educational institution:

  • - participates in strategic planning, development and implementation of development programs and work plans for preschool educational institutions;
  • - plans educational, methodological work, taking into account the professional skills, experience of educators and in order to create an optimal model of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, providing for:
  • - proposals for the work plan of the preschool educational institution;
  • - professional development of educators;
  • - assistance to educators in self-education;
  • - certification of educators;
  • - drawing up a schedule of classes by age groups;
  • - methodological assistance to educators (primarily beginners) in preparing and conducting classes;
  • - exchange of experience of the staff of the preschool educational institution;
  • - familiarization of educators with the achievements of pedagogical theory and practice;
  • - development of continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school;
  • - Improving work with parents;
  • - making groups teaching aids, games, toys/

When planning the work of the DOE, the following are taken into account:

  • - type of preschool educational organization;
  • - the possibilities of its material and technical base;
  • - personnel, its professional capabilities;
  • - prospects for the development of the teaching staff.

Planning principles:

  • - an integrated approach to planning;
  • - specificity of the plan;
  • - Realism, feasibility of the plan (do not overload);
  • - a combination of optimal forms, means, methods of work;
  • - focus on the final result;
  • - reliance on the participation of each employee.

Planning involves, first of all, the definition of goals and objectives facing the preschool educational institution.

The development goals of the preschool educational institution are considered as a system-forming factor that determines the content of its activities and the result of the work.

The importance of determining the goals of preschool educational institutions follows from the variety of their functions:

  • - reflection of the general idea of ​​the functioning and development of the preschool educational institution;
  • - the basis for planning the work of the preschool educational institution and the basis for making managerial decisions;
  • - motivating the activities of kindergarten employees;
  • - the main criterion, the standard for monitoring the progress of work and evaluating the final results.

A number of modern authors whose works are devoted to the management of preschool education (S.A. Ezopova, L.V. Pozdnyak, N.N. Lyashchenko, L.M. Denyakina, etc.) define the following planning tasks in a preschool educational institution:

  • - designation of activities of the preschool educational institution based on the study of the potential of the institution and the surrounding society;
  • - determination of the desired results of the work of a preschool institution, the achievement of which is aimed at the planned activity;

Identification of means (resources) of a preschool institution that ensures the achievement of goals;

Development of standards for ongoing activities, requirements for its implementation, criteria and indicators for evaluating results.

1. Determination of the initial, “starting” level of the state of educational work in a preschool educational institution at the time of the start of planning.

This may require the study and analysis of both the state internal resources DOW, the results of previous activities, and those external conditions of the existing society in which subsequent activities will take place. At the same time, the thoroughness of the pedagogical analysis of the initial state of the activities of a preschool educational institution will have a direct impact on the reality of plans, the possibility of their implementation;

2. Description of the expected results of activities upon completion of the implementation of the plans, the specificity of which determines the degree of implementation of the plans

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that plans are implemented by people in rapidly changing environmental conditions. In this regard, most likely, the obtained results of activities will not fully correspond to the planned ones. Therefore, when determining the results and monitoring their achievement, the manager must remember the flexibility (plasticity) of the plan, the possibility of its prompt adjustment;

Choosing the best ways and means to achieve the planned results. When determining the content of the plan, that is, activities, participants, responsible, deadlines, you should not overload it large quantity activities within a limited time frame;

Inclusion in the planning process of teachers of a preschool educational institution. Fulfillment of this condition contributes to:

Increasing personal interest among teachers in the implementation of the developed plans;

  • - obtaining by teachers a broader understanding of the activities of a preschool educational institution;
  • - deeper analytical foundations of planning;
  • - determination of working relationships in the team in the implementation of the developed plans;
  • - development of activity and organizational skills of preschool teachers and the creation of a positive microclimate.

The result of the implementation of the planning function is the creation of a system of plans, consisting of strategic, tactical and operational plans.

In management theory, the following types of planning are distinguished depending on time period implementation:

  • - strategic (long-term);
  • - tactical (medium-term);
  • - operational (short-term).

All of the listed types of planning are present in a preschool educational institution.

Strategic planning covers a long period of time (most often 3-5 years) and aims to determine the main directions for the development of a preschool educational institution based on the external and internal conditions of its activities.

The first stage of preparation strategic plans is an analysis of the environment and internal potential of the preschool educational institution.

The second stage involves the definition of the mission and key goals of the preschool educational institution.

The third stage is to develop a strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions.

Thus, as a result strategic planning a Development Program for a preschool educational institution is being created, which determines its initial state and potential, mission and strategic goals and develop a strategy for its further development. More details about some approaches to the development of the Program for the Development of a Preschool Educational Institution will be discussed in the next chapter.

Tactical planning is carried out for the medium term (1-3 years). Tactical planning in a preschool educational institution is implemented as part of the preparation of annual work plans and plans for the main departments. Consider the stages of annual planning of the work of a preschool educational institution.

The first stage is an analysis of the results of the work of the preschool educational institution at the previous stage.

  • -achieved level of problem solving, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics;
  • - analysis of the results of the team's activities in solving problems, - positive and negative aspects of its activities;
  • - identification of the causes that caused shortcomings in work, failures in the implementation of plans;
  • - selection of ways to solve problems that will form the basis of a new planning cycle.

The second stage is the definition of the main goals of the preschool educational institution for the subsequent planning period, their ranking.

Based on the results of the analysis and strategic plans, the goals and main directions of further work for the short term are determined.

The third stage is the definition of measures to achieve the set goals. Measures to achieve goals is a set of means, methods, actions to implement the activities of an educational institution.

On the this stage the content of activities for the planned period is specified; the executors and those responsible for its implementation, the mechanism for coordinating their actions are determined; resources to implement the plan.

The fourth stage is the discussion and approval of the plan at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.

Thus, the tactical (medium-term) plan allows you to determine the specific goals of the organization and the means to achieve them. It shows not only what needs to be achieved, but also how it can be done. In a preschool educational institution, tactical planning can include the process of developing an annual plan for preschool education. Different approaches to annual planning and examples Annual plans preschool educational institutions are listed below.

On the basis of the tactical plan, an operational plan for the work of the organization's employees is developed. Operational planning is carried out for a short period (as a rule, covers a period of up to several months).

Operational plans are drawn up on the basis of tactical ones and include the specific content of work by day. This type of planning is practically carried out by every qualified employee of the organization. Operational plans in a preschool educational institution include plans for educational work in a group.

Thus, planning is a process, the result of which is a clear formulation of goals and the determination of the means and methods by which the set goals will be achieved; this is the development of a system of upcoming activities, the procedure for formulating the goals and objectives of the activity.