Opening a gym business plan. Ready-made fitness club business plan

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When registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will need to indicate the following:

92.62 - Other activities in the field of sports

I will not describe in full what this grouping includes, since there are quite a few items, but you and I are interested in bodybuilding club opening, which just falls into the specified grouping.

If you already have an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then you just need to add this type of activity.

Gym Taxation

If we consider what taxation is best for opening your own gym, then I would choose 6% (Income). This tax has many advantages, especially in the service sector, which undoubtedly includes the gym. An application for the transition to the simplified tax system can be submitted along with registration documents (IP or LLC).

After the official registration of your business, you need to start implementation of the business plan of the gym.

Gym class

First you need to decide on the class of your gym because there can be quite a few options:

  1. Fitness Centre;
  2. bodybuilding club;
  3. Health complex;
  4. Professional sports club.

Opening a gym is expensive, but with good planning, it could be profitable as early as the end of its third year. A well-designed gym business plan will help determine the costs and calculate its profitability.

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When opening a gym from scratch, first of all, it is necessary to meet the needs of its future visitors.

Most people go to the gym for:

  • cardio training;
  • strength training.

Given that they come to the gym unprepared, it is necessary to provide the services of a qualified trainer who will draw up a training program.

If there is free space, you can open an additional gym, where you can organize classes:

  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • dancing;
  • fitness.


The relevance of the business is determined by:

  • desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • the need for a beautiful figure;
  • lack of similar centers in residential areas;
  • relatively quick payback of the business.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym

Description and analysis of the market

Almost every major city has gyms. This is due to the needs of the population in taking care of themselves and their health.

  1. Moscow. The fitness services market is highly developed and is in steady demand among the population.
  2. St. Petersburg. Here the market is quite developed, but the leadership still remains with the capital.
  3. Million cities. The market is relatively underdeveloped, but is gaining momentum, there are opportunities to develop your own business.
  4. Other cities of Russia. The market is very poorly developed or not developed at all.

According to the data of major sociological services, it is considered promising to open gyms in small towns. Provided that the market is not crowded with offers from competitors.

To date, large fitness networks are represented in the capital regions, but they are beginning to expand.

So, the regions went:

  • X-FIT;
  • Fitness area;
  • Hammer;
  • Fit Studio.

The target audience

As a rule, people go to the gym:

  • from 15 to 50 years;
  • women who want to lose weight;
  • men who want to shape the figure;
  • to maintain physical tone;
  • office workers suffering from physical inactivity;
  • those who want to strengthen the heart muscle (cardio training).

They choose a gym according to the principles:

  • proximity to home;
  • proximity to work.

Therefore, when calculating target audience based on the location of the fitness center.

To calculate the audience, you need:

  1. Determine the radius of action on the map. A dot is placed in the center of the proposed location and a radius of 2 km is outlined. There are potential visitors in houses and offices located in this segment.
  2. Define competition. If there is a competitor's gym within your intended range, it is recommended that you select a different location. It is desirable to be farther from the competitor than the border on the map passes.
  3. To study the need of the intended audience for the services of the gym. It is possible that in this area there is an outdoor workout area, which is popular among residents and you can attract them to a paid gym only in winter.

Competitive advantages

Competitive advantages of the gym can be:

  1. Flexible pricing policy. The gym can launch a wholesale sale of subscriptions for a year at the price of a monthly payment of 10 months. This move will increase the loyalty of regular visitors.
  2. Flexible class schedule. A person is free to independently choose the schedule of classes (time, day). If he is limited only by the calendar month and the number of training sessions, he will be able to set his own schedule. This approach will appeal to those who want to control their workouts on their own. The coach is free to set the training time based on his schedule.
  3. Possibility of replacement. You can attract additional visitors by allowing the replacement of one visitor with another. At the same time, the number of classes per month is limited, so walking every day with one subscription will not work.
  4. Equipment. Most visitors will prefer to work on modern equipment.
  5. Strong coach. Attracting strong coach, preferably a media person, people who want to get to know him or participate in bodybuilding contests will come to the hall.
  6. Personal approach to lessons. The task of the coach is to motivate to do the right thing and to find a personal approach to each person. People are more willing to return to the gym with good motivation and interaction with the coach.

Advertising campaign

When compiling a business plan for a gym, it is necessary to provide for the costs of an advertising campaign.

  • external;
  • internal.

outdoor advertising

To get their attention, use:

  • outdoor advertising;
  • design of the facade of the gym;
  • email distribution;
  • distribution of brochures and flyers.

Internal advertising

Inside the hall you can place:

  • motivational posters;
  • leaflets;
  • branded products;
  • someone else's advertisement.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a gym

To open a gym, it is not necessary to contact specialized companies, just follow the instructions:

  1. Make a business plan.
  2. Compose calendar plan discoveries.
  3. Make a financial plan.
  4. Attract investments (bank, borrower, investor).
  5. Decide on the form of ownership of the business (IP, Company).
  6. Buy/rent premises.
  7. Furnish the room.
  8. Get approval from the inspection bodies (Rospotrebnadzor, fire protection, etc.).
  9. Hire staff.
  10. Launch an advertising campaign.
  11. Open a gym.

The documents

You can open your own gym in the status of an individual entrepreneur or a company (joint stock, with limited liability).

  • simplified taxation system;
  • simplified reporting system;
  • the ability to work with small orders.
  • opportunity to work with large clients;
  • the possibility of using VAT.
  • it is impossible to conclude large contracts (over 100,000 rubles);
  • restrictions on activities (it is necessary to select several OKVEDs to expand the list, which affects taxes).
  • the need to frequently submit reports to inspection bodies;
  • the need to hire a full-time accountant;
  • more a complex system taxation and deductions to off-budget funds.
List of documents to open
  • an application indicating the data of the entrepreneur and the selected OKVED codes;
  • photocopy of passport (full);
  • check for payment of state duty; application for the transition to the simplified tax system in 3 copies (simplified taxation).
Before you need:
  • open a current account;
  • calculate and pay the authorized capital.

The following are submitted to the tax office:

  • application P11001;
  • decision of the meeting of founders or one founder;
  • 2 copies of the charter of the LLC;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • document on registration of the name of the legal entity;
  • a document confirming the legal address of the LLC;
  • OKVED activity codes.

Codes are suitable for the gym of the All-Russian classifier species economic activity(OKVED):

  • 85.51 Individual lessons with trainers and teachers;
  • 93.11. Activities of sports facilities;
  • 93.13 Activities of fitness centers.

If necessary, you can choose one code, or you can choose all. The more codes, the higher the tax base. Often, entrepreneurs prefer to write an application for payment of 6% of income (simplified taxation).

Vyacheslav Khokhryakov tells how to register an IP on your own.

Also, to open a gym, you will need to conclude agreements with Rospotrebnadzor for servicing:

  • air conditioners;
  • fans;
  • ZhEKa;
  • recycling light bulbs.

Before opening, you will need to obtain permissions:

  • at the fire department;
  • in sanitary and epidemiological services;
  • at local authority for property management.

Room and design

For successful work fitness center requires a large room with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. m. The best option is to buy. Renting such a room can be more expensive than purchasing it, especially considering the need for its equipment.

In addition to the main hall, the room should be equipped with:

  • dressing room;
  • shower cubicles;
  • visitor area.

Often gyms also install:

  • sauna;
  • sports bar.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • good ventilation;
  • the ability to control the temperature (17-19 degrees in the hall, 21-26 in the locker room);
  • air humidity 40-60%.

The premises for the hall must comply with the norms of SNiP:

  • 2.04-05-91;
  • 11-12-77;
  • 23-05-95;
  • 2.04.01-85.

In addition to the technical requirements for the premises, they also have aesthetic requirements. The hall with simulators should be spacious and equipped with mirrors.

  • receiving visitors;
  • cardio training;
  • strength training;
  • fitness.

The reception or reception area should be equipped with an administrator's desk and a soft seating area for visitors to the hall.

Equipment and inventory

The success of the gym directly depends on the equipment installed in it. If the hall is equipped with old exercise equipment, it will be difficult to attract visitors who are willing to pay money.

For those who came to the gym for cardio training, you need to put:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • stepper;
  • elliptical trainer.

For strength exercises you will need:

  • bars (minimum 3);
  • squat racks;
  • dumbbell complex (from 2 to 25 kg in increments of 1.5 kg);
  • bench for bench press;
  • press bench;
  • inclined bench.

Also, visitors will need auxiliary equipment:

  • deadlift belt;
  • wrist bandages;
  • weighting agents.

In addition, separate muscle simulators are purchased for the gym:

  • press;
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • back;
  • chest.

Often put in the hall:

  • Swedish wall;
  • boxing bag.

For sports, you will additionally need to buy:

  • fitness ball;
  • fitness mats;
  • mats;
  • ropes;
  • gymnastic tape;
  • expanders.

You can save on the purchase of equipment if you purchase it from a bankrupt fitness club.


To ensure the operation of the gym, employees are needed:

  • director;
  • administrator;
  • trainer;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman.

For coaches, it is necessary to provide for a rolling schedule, which will ensure the constant presence of one or two specialists in the hall. To reduce the cost of their salary, you can set a salary and a percentage of personal training. He will be motivated and will try to keep clients in the room. However, personal training should not be free.

According to the requirements of the legislation, the employees of the sports club must have:

Financial plan

The financial plan for opening a gym includes the costs of:

  • initial;
  • regular.

How much does it cost to open a gym?

The cost of opening a gym is calculated based on the planned costs of its operation. In order to calculate how much the opening costs at the first stage, consider the option of buying a room. Renting may be impractical due to its high cost.

At the first stage, to open a gym, you will need to spend at least 7 million rubles on premises and equipment.

Cost itemEstimated prices in rublesSource of funds
Purchase of premises4 000 000 Own
Hall equipment2 000 000 Borrowed
Changing room equipment250 000 Borrowed
Shower equipment150 000 Borrowed
Sports bar equipment150 000 Borrowed
Reception area equipment150 000 Borrowed
Renovation of premises500 000 Own
Permits from regulatory authorities50 000 Own
Advertising campaign100 000 Own
Total7 350 000 Own funds: 4,650,000 rubles

Borrowed funds: 2,700,000 rubles

Recurring costs

Recurring costs include:

Estimated monthly labor costs:

To reduce costs, the position of director can be retained.

Costs for utilities, security, purchase of goods for a sports bar:


The fitness center is normally open on weekends and holidays, so staff are advised to have a staggered schedule.

To determine the profitability of a business, the following parameters are taken as a basis:

  • the cost of a monthly subscription to the gym - 2000 rubles;
  • the cost of a fitness subscription is 1500 rubles;
  • gym visitors per month - 80;
  • visitors to fitness classes per month - 40;
  • one-hour subscription - 150 rubles;
  • 30 such subscriptions are sold per month;
  • the monthly revenue of the sports bar is 300,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Risks and payback

The main risks of opening are the lack of customers. Therefore, before launching the simulator, it is important to assess the intended target audience and its ability to pay.

If we take the above financial parameters:

  • the monthly profit of the hall is 159,500 rubles;
  • the annual profit of the hall is 1,914,000 rubles.

With such a profit, it is possible to cover all initial expenses by the end of the third year. If the hall gains popularity - sooner.

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AT recent times there has been a trend towards healthy lifestyle life. More and more people are turning their attention towards proper nutrition, training. Fitness services, more than ever, are very popular today. That is why the idea of ​​opening a gym is relevant and allows you to build a successful profitable business. In this article, we will consider a business plan for a gym and calculate the payback period of the project.

This document is developed for competent planning, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the project, calculating possible risks and ways of business development.

A well-written business plan is the key to successful project implementation. The document will become step by step guide m and will help at all stages to properly organize efforts aimed at achieving success.

A gym business plan should address the following questions:

  • market analysis and capacity;
  • composition of the main competitors;
  • approval of the range of services;
  • the planned number of clients;
  • terms of reaching profitability;
  • inventory purchase plan;
  • labor force calculations.

Pros and cons of business ideas

Having decided to open a gym, it is important to analyze the pros and cons of this project in order to properly assess the risks and opportunities for business development.


  1. High demand. Today, a sports lifestyle is a certain social trend, which is supported by the mass media, advertising in in social networks.
  2. Regular customers. Despite the high competition, quality service, professional team and modern equipment help build a loyal customer base.
  3. High yield. With a well-built marketing strategy and a professional staff, you can quickly reach payback and good profitability.


  1. Big investment. In order to open a gym, it is necessary to rent a large room, carry out repairs, ensure sanitary standards and purchase expensive equipment. At the same time, to launch the project, it is necessary to immediately assemble the equipment in a complete set. With minimal investment, this type entrepreneurial activity will be difficult to implement.
  2. High competition. Given the demand for this service, today many businessmen prefer to invest in the sports industry. therefore, counting on the fact that the fitness club will be the only one is wrong. With a well-designed marketing strategy, focus on your target audience and high service level, this weak side of the project can be overcome.

Given the high competition in the sports sector, the main focus when writing a business plan should be on market analysis and the search for a target audience.

Market analysis

Despite the huge competition in the fitness services market, it should be noted that there is a great demand from customers due to the popularity of this area.

Advertising on television and in glossy magazines massively promotes a healthy lifestyle. Today, perfect celebrities and models look at us from TV screens and fashion brochures. Accordingly, a large mass of people want to meet these standards.

But, despite such an increased demand, there is still a shortage of quality fitness clubs in Russia that could really provide quality service, modern equipment and a professional team of trainers. This is due to the fact that for a long time this type of business was not in demand.

Accordingly, with the growth in demand, the volume of services that customers need also grows. Assessing the scope this market, seasonality should be noted, but it does not fully affect the business. Today it is one of the most promising. Despite large investments, with proper planning and development of the company, it is possible to reach a profitability of 15-20% in a short time and get a good profit.

In order to occupy your niche and successfully implement the business idea of ​​​​opening a gym, you need to develop a unique marketing strategy and find strong competitive advantages companies.

Also, great attention should be paid to the range of services and the quality of the premises in which you plan to open a gym.

Rules for Successful Planning

For the successful implementation of this business idea, you can not do without careful planning, which will help reflect the business plan.

The structure of the document consists of the following sections:

  1. Summary − This section describes the relevance of the idea.
  2. General provisions - the section contains general information about the company, its founders.
  3. Market analysis shows the market capacity, the number of competitors, their strengths etc.
  4. Product description - the section demonstrates the services that will be implemented within the framework of the project.
  5. An organizational plan is a clear guide to action, indicating the direction of activity (registration of a business, purchase of equipment, search for personnel, etc.)
  6. Marketing and strategic plan– a step-by-step guide to promoting services, attracting customers.
  7. The production plan includes a detailed list of issues related to the purchase of equipment, raw materials, etc.
  8. The financial plan reflects the necessary expenses, projected profit, profitability and payback forecast.

Gym business plan will help:

  • analyze the competitive environment;
  • find the target audience;
  • calculate the payback period of the business;
  • see strong and weak sides project.

Another very important point These are investments and own capital investments. Considering that this business requires serious investments, you may not be able to manage your own savings.

To attract investors, business partners or apply for a bank loan, you cannot do without competent planning, which will be reflected in this document. No investor will consider your proposal if you do not clearly describe the essence of the project, its purpose and profit forecast, payback period and profitability.

In this case, experts recommend writing two documents: for external and internal use. And if an external document is created exclusively for investors and banks, then internal document compiled for personal use.

The external plan is drawn up primarily for investors and its purpose is to demonstrate the strengths of the project. It is important to reflect the business idea in its best form. Information should demonstrate the strengths of the project, indicate its quick payback with minimal investment.

It is better to start developing a document right away from a plan for internal use, in order to consider the business in the process of creating it, taking into account its weaknesses, analyzing the competitive market, and identifying risks.

At the beginning of the document it is necessary to describe general provisions companies:

  • name of the organizational and legal form (IP, JSC);
  • leadership structure;
  • management team;
  • interaction with staff;
  • company location.

Gym SWOT Analysis

During the market research phase, it is important to perform a SWOT analysis of a gym that takes into account external and internal factors influencing the success of the company.


  • the possibility of an individual approach;
  • strong professional team;
  • a variety of simulators;
  • advantageous location;
  • modern equipment;
  • high level of service;
  • a wide range of services.

Weak sides

  • lack of reputation
  • strong competition;
  • lack of regular customers;
  • expensive equipment.


  • search for profitable suppliers;
  • purchase of new equipment that competitors do not have;
  • individual advice on proper nutrition;
  • expanding the range of services.


  • price fluctuations or dumping by competitors;
  • change in trend towards sports and lifestyle
  • emergence of new technologies from competitors;
  • seasonality.

In addition to this plan, make a table that will allow you to analyze and identify the risks and opportunities of the project.

Examine the factors of competitiveness according to the following criteria:

  • individual approach to clients;
  • range of services;
  • price policy;
  • reputation;
  • the location of the gym;
  • team professionalism;
  • equipment level.

Analyzing financial risks, it is advisable to include in the calculation scheme data on the return of the loan, the attracted funds of the investor, if the company was not opened at the expense of its own initial capital.

Target Audience Search

The most difficult thing in any business is entering the market and capturing your audience. Given the great competition, it is important to determine the target audience and the range of services that you can offer to the consumer.

When opening a hall, it is important to understand who your services will be designed for: economy class or premium. The number of staff, equipment, choice of premises and service depend on the correct definition of the target audience.

In many ways, determining the type of services provided depends on the amount of the initial investment.

Analysis of the competitive environment will help determine in which price segment there is a shortage. It would be advisable to occupy this niche.

The study of the competitive environment can be done by the "field method". Personally visit the gyms of colleagues in the shop and determine the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. This will allow you to create your own competitive advantages and offer an adequate pricing policy.

During an active study of the competitive environment, pay attention not only to the location and quality of the simulators, but also to the additional service. Availability of lockers for personal use and storage, sports bar, hay towels and showers, etc. It is important to determine what exactly is included in the price.

Definition of pricing policy

In order to enter the market and occupy your niche, it is necessary to correctly determine the pricing policy and offer the consumer the best value for money. It is this criterion that customers will take into account when choosing a gym.

In many ways, the definition pricing policy depends on the initial investment and the chosen business format. Determining the target audience and choosing a location will allow you to correctly set the price for the services provided.

Description of services

This section should clearly describe the full range of services that you can offer clients on a premises basis and in accordance with the purchased equipment:

  1. Individual lessons with a trainer.
  2. Self-study in the gym.
  3. Subscription lessons.
  4. Subscription coaching sessions.
  5. Massage.
  6. Swimming pool.
  7. Sauna.

organizational plan

The organizational plan will become a desktop tool and a step-by-step guide to project implementation.

Registration of documents

Having decided to open a gym, it is important to determine the scale of the project and the form of legal ownership.

To launch the project, it will be enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. It is important to choose the right codes so that there are no problems with the tax service in the future.

You can choose codes among the following items:

1) OKVED 93.11. Activities of sports facilities;

2) OKVED 85.51 Individual lessons with coaches and teachers;

3) OKVED 93.13 Activities of fitness centers.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • IP registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • a lease agreement for premises;
  • medical books of employees;
  • permission from the fire service and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Video. How to open a fitness center

Opening an LLC will require a more complicated procedure:

  • Payment 50% authorized capital upon registration (at least 10 thousand rubles). In this case, the second part of the capital must be paid during the first year of the project launch.
  • Payment state duty in the amount of 6500 rubles.

As for the type of taxation, many entrepreneurs choose the STS tax of 6% of income for this type of business.

This type of taxation has a number of advantages for the provision of sports services. In order not to waste time, documents for registration of the type of taxation should be submitted simultaneously with the submission of documents for registration of the legal form of entrepreneurial activity.

In addition to registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, it will be necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to provide public services in the sports field.

It will be necessary to conclude an agreement for the maintenance of air conditioners, ZhEK, PPK and the disposal of lighting equipment.

The issue of paperwork also includes moments with personnel. Do not forget that everyone must have a medical book. Coaches and consultants must have appropriate certificates and diplomas.

You will also have to spend a lot of time visiting the sanitary service, fire inspection for issuing permits.

To save time and effort on the preparation of all these documents, you can seek professional help from lawyers.

Room search

After a set of simulators, the choice of premises, perhaps, plays one of the key roles in this business. For the successful implementation of the project, it is important to take into account several parameters for starting a business:

The norms for gyms are approved in SNiP 2.04-05-91; SNiP; SNiP 11-12-77; SNiP 23-05-95; SNiP 2.04.01-85.

When choosing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, be guided by these figures:

  • 20 sq. m - reception;
  • 40 sq. m - locker room (women's, men's);
  • 200 sq. m - two halls for sports (100 sq. m. each);
  • 40 sq. m - massage and sauna room;
  • 20 sq.m. - fitness bar.

Purchase of equipment

Even an ideal place and a professional team of trainers will not be able to “pull out” a gym if the sports equipment does not meet the modern level.

The standard gym set includes:

  • press simulators;
  • bike path (2-3 pieces);
  • treadmill (1-2 pieces);
  • simulators for the back, arms and legs;
  • swedish wall;
  • a set of dumbbells, barbells of different weights, weights;
  • turnstiles, weights for arms and legs, gloves;
  • mats, yoga mats, punching bags, skipping ropes;
  • musical installation, speakers.

If the amount of initial investment is minimal, then you can buy used equipment. As a rule, such simulators are sold by successful fitness clubs, which upgrade equipment from time to time.

To make it easier to navigate the purchase of equipment, divide the simulators into 3 main categories and determine, according to the target audience, which one to focus on.

Cardio zone:

  • Treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • orbitrek.

Strength trainers:

  • for top pull;
  • for lower pull;
  • block frame;
  • chest machine;
  • hip extensor;
  • seated hip flexor;
  • leg press platform.

Vultures, a set of pancakes and dumbbells:

  • free weights - from 1 to 40 kg in increments of 2 kg;
  • vultures - 6 pcs;
  • pancakes 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 kg.

Racks and benches:

  • Scott's bench;
  • Roman chair;
  • rack bars - press;
  • bench for bench press at an angle up and down;
  • adjustable horizontal bench.

When purchasing sports equipment, be sure to pay attention to its model and equipment. It must be made of high quality material and at the same time have minimal wear.

The ideal option is to purchase equipment from an unprofitable fitness club that is closing. Check right away if there is a service center in your area that will help you repair the simulator, replace parts.

Much attention should also be paid to the locker room areas and showers, toilets. This criterion is often fundamental when choosing a fitness club. If there is not enough money and space, you can perform elementary cosmetic repairs. The main thing is sanitary cleanliness and hygiene.

For the arrangement of showers and changing rooms, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • storage cabinets;
  • benches;
  • rugs;
  • mirrors and hangers;
  • plumbing.

To expand the range of services, if the area allows, you can additionally arrange a relaxation zone for communication. Many trendy sports clubs offer fitness bars that serve protein shakes, fruit juices, berry smoothies, green teas, and more.

All these little things contribute to the creation of an organic atmosphere and are positively perceived by customers.

If you pay attention not only to the profile of the gym, but also to the development of related services, over time you can develop the club into a sports center that will enjoy a good reputation in the city.

To create a recreation area and reception, you need to purchase the following equipment:

  • bar counter;
  • sofa and 2 armchairs;
  • coffee table.

Personnel search

As in any other type of business, staff is a key success factor for a company. Profit will directly depend on the professionalism of the team. Therefore, starting the stage of finding staff for the gym, it is important to determine the quality criteria by which the selection will be made.

The coach must have a certificate or an appropriate diploma. In addition, of course, an important factor is the external data of the employee.

In this area of ​​business, the external qualities of employees will be the hallmark of your club. Therefore, make sure that the sportswear of trainers and nutrition consultants is appropriate for the services offered.

In addition to these personal qualities, of course, experience in this field and professionalism is required. In accordance with the selected range of services that you plan to implement in your project, you will determine the list of professional skills that an employee should have.

Don't hire too many instructors. You can always find the required number of specialists already in the process of project implementation. Given the fact that at first the hall will be 20-30% occupied at best, 1-2 instructors will be enough for you.

As a rule, only novice athletes need their services. But keep in mind that this service must be paid separately.

To organize the work of the club in 2 shifts, you will need the following staff:

  • manager - 1;
  • trainers - 3;
  • cleaner - 2;
  • hall manager - 2.

Depending on the additional range of services, you will need to invite a massage therapist, bartender, etc. to work.

When determining the level of wages, carefully study the experience of trainers, their qualifications and average wages competitors. This will allow not to lose income for wages, but at the same time maintain a staff of qualified specialists.

Staff is a business card

To motivate staff working directly with customers, it is best to introduce a bonus system.


A convenient schedule will become another key factor competitiveness and will attract a large number of clients.

Study the competitive environment, and offer a convenient schedule for visiting the gym, sauna.

Ideal work schedule: daily from 7.00 to 24.00.

Given this length of working time, you need to set up two shifts. This applies to all staff members.

The workload of shifts and the number of employees will depend on the attendance of the hall.

When developing a marketing plan, it is worth focusing on its main components:

  • An integrated approach to the provision of services. This service involves the provision of a wide range of services (personal trainer, massage therapist, swimming pool, fitness bar, etc.).
  • Orientation of the work to the target audience.
  • Average pricing.

Now it is important to consider in what directions your own promotion of services will be implemented.

  1. Creating your own website.
  2. Promotion of the company through social networks.
  3. Newsletter commercial offers companies.
  4. Partnership programs.
  5. Advertising on radio and TV.
  6. Outdoor advertising.

A strong marketing strategy will quickly gain trust and increase the visibility of the gym.

Relying on the effect of "word of mouth" in the first year of operation is not particularly worth it. To develop a base of regular customers, you will need at least one year.

Costs and payback

Initial expenses are associated with renting premises, repairs, purchasing equipment and registering a company.

The main expenses in opening a gym include:

  • rent of premises for a year - 500 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 1 million rubles;
  • repair and redevelopment - up to 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - 500 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 300 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 600 thousand per year;
  • utilities - 100 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 4 million rubles.

The amount of expenses for opening a gym largely depends on the form of doing business and on the region where it is located.

Revenue part

The daily work schedule provides for a 14-hour working day for the hall. The hall can serve up to 100 clients at the same time, up to 500 people per day.

The average cost of 1 room is 200 rubles.

Planned income = 100 people * 200 rubles. * 350 working days = 7 million rubles a year.

The payback period for the project is 8 months.


In order to implement successful business in the segment of fitness services, it is important to take into account every little thing and offer the consumer a truly modern and convenient product.

In no case should you save on the level of equipment and staff qualifications. Otherwise, the club will not be able to reach even a profitability of 5-10%.

Video. Gym business plan

There is no doubt that the demand for fitness culture among the population is growing. Therefore, it would be a good idea to create a business in this industry. Having made a conscious choice, the main thing is to correctly create a fitness club from scratch, with its step-by-step implementation.

Running a gym is a very interesting and profitable venture. This is much more than a desire to help other people realize their weight goals, you can also maintain your weight and stay in shape forever. We presented a ready-made sample business plan for a fitness club with calculations, a description of the facility, payback and other indicators.

It is appropriate to state that the project can be a bit capital intensive as you will have to acquire all the valuable and vital equipment for the fitness club that will benefit your business. You will also need to hire the best instructors who can help people achieve their goals fairly quickly and systematically.

The training business is gaining more ground in recent times, as it did in the 20th century. People are now more aware of the immeasurable benefits they get when they enroll in a gym. It is now obvious to a lot of people that they can stay healthy, improve their lifestyle and live longer if they exercise regularly.

Statistics show that the number of people who visit fitness clubs is constantly growing, and the fact that the gym is now closer to residential areas makes this possible. In addition, with an increase in the flow of trainees, the income of the sports complex increases.

Some people don't sign up for fitness clubs because they don't have the money to buy some basic equipment. But because exercising regularly requires discipline, and that's part of what they want to get when they exercise under the guidance of an instructor.

The next factor in the emergence of gyms is the increase in the number of obese people. Being obese is a risk to one's health, which is why people with this problem, who really want to stay healthy, go to the gyms that are near them.

There is also a category of people who visit fitness centers for other reasons. Some sign up to the gym mainly to control weight through proper training, while others head to the gym to train and build their biceps (muscles), for cardio sessions, etc.

Researchers, engineers, health and fitness professionals are always improvising and inventing fitness equipment that can help people and athletes in the gym achieve their goals. While gym equipment can be expensive, the truth is that most of it lasts a long time if used properly. In addition to the fact that the acquisition of any equipment for is an investment that is worth the time.

A business plan for a fitness club requires sufficient cash to equip the gym to meet the standard expected by exercisers. Recently, the fitness industry is not going to go out of fashion and the number of people who sign up for workouts will continue to grow, and this will of course translate more money for the business owner.

The trend in the fitness industry is that if a fitness club is located in a residential area or in a place where people can easily access without much stress, chances are that the gym will enjoy high patronage.

As in others business companies are looking for ways to increase their market share:

  • They go to make deals with universities and also offer home services.
  • They also offer pro bono services for a certain period of time, and then gradually introduce fees. This conversion is very beneficial for some loyal members.

When compiling a business plan for a fitness club from scratch, it is necessary to take into account that as gyms grow, it is necessary to develop new proposals or install new facilities that will help attract more people. Not surprisingly, some fitness centers now have juice bars in their establishment to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. In other words, it is very important that fitness clubs continue to improvise if they want to grow their business and generate targeted revenues.

The target market for a fitness club crosses people from different walks of life. The fact that people sign up for fitness clubs for a variety of reasons makes marketing interesting for businesses.

The target market for gyms and fitness centers can be divided into three groups:

  • First group- These are people who strive to maintain weight through proper training under the guidance of a qualified instructor.
  • Another group of people these are those who are interested in building their biceps (bodybuilding).
  • Third group of people- those who just want to sign up for cardio sessions under the supervision of a qualified trainer. These sessions are a combination of light weights, treadmills, and bikes.
  • corporate managers.
  • Business people.
  • Housewives.
  • Athletes and athletes.
  • Pupils.
  • Students.
  • People of different ages.

Competitive advantage

It suits that our fitness club is located in the city center in a densely populated residential area. This will obviously give us an edge over our competitors. We also have a team of highly trained professionals who will work with all of our clients to achieve their goals or enroll in our gym. Finally, our membership package is one of the best, anyone who lives in the city can get it - it's cheap and affordable.

We will continue to work hard to ensure continuous improvement of our facility and delivery service. In fact, for, our services will be unparalleled.

Marketing plan

Our marketing strategies will be aimed at achieving specific goals that support strategic goals organizations. The truth is that everything we do will be aimed at creating new distribution channels, increasing sales and increasing market share. We will use improved services and opportunities to win new customers and retain old members.

Our marketing strategies will be consistent throughout marketing complex and we will consider product improvement, promotion and price. As part of the sports club business plan, for our sales and marketing strategies, we will focus on promoting our gym to attract people to enroll and become members of our gym.

Our unique selling point is that we are well positioned and people can easily access our facility, our prices are affordable and we have a complete package for families.

Parts of the fitness club and sales strategies we will be adopting:

  • Opening a fitness club with a big party.
  • Advertising in daily newspapers, local TV stations and local radio station.
  • Promotion through our official website and all available social media platforms.
  • Continuously improve the performance of our brands.
  • Use the services of experts to make our brands the first choice for people.
  • To provide a consistent customer experience to all of our members; making our first impression positive for those who used our fitness club for the first time.
  • Use attractive hand bills to create awareness as well as referrals to our fitness club.
  • Accept Direct marketing approach for courier delivery.
  • Arrange our advertising banners in strategic places.
  • Create a loyalty plan that will allow us to reward our loyal members, especially those who are registered as a family.
  • Also to participate in road shows in the area to raise awareness of our fitness club.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a fitness club business plan with economic calculations, which you can safely take and adapt to your own needs. The document was compiled by economists with extensive experience in writing projects, and the calculations were prepared in Excel format. Thanks to this, you can, by adding your own numbers into the calculation, get economic indicators on your project.


Purpose: organization of a fitness club in a new suburban village with a population of over 15 thousand people.

Objectives: organization of a fitness club that provides an opportunity to play sports in a gym, a group exercise room, a cardio zone, a group weight zone and cross-training for the population of the village with an income above the average level.

Project organizer

The launch of the fitness club will be carried out on credit resources and personal funds of the business founder - co-owner of a chain of restaurants (5 establishments of various formats), who adheres to a sports lifestyle and lives in this cottage village.

Investment investments

The amount of funds needed to open a fitness club is planned in the amount of 6200 thousand rubles. The main items of expenditure will be: renovation of the premises with the installation of shower cabins and air conditioning systems, as well as the purchase sports equipment and inventory. In addition, it will be necessary to compensate for the losses of the first half of the year in the amount of 3,820 thousand rubles. Acquisition costs working capital(consumables, products for a fitness bar, etc.) are negligible.

Key cost items:

  • Opening an LLC, a bank account - 30,000 rubles.
  • Security deposit for renting premises - 360,000 rubles. (50% of the rental price).
  • Cosmetic repairs with the organization of showers and saunas, air conditioners - 450,000 rubles.
  • Registration of permits for a fitness club from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and other authorities - 100,000 rubles.
  • Outdoor advertising (signboard) - 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and equipment for gyms and a fitness bar - 5,100,000 rubles.
  • Working capital (consumables) - 60,000 rubles.
  • Investments in advertising when opening a club - 40,000 rubles.

The fitness club opens on the third floor of a non-residential building located in the center of a suburban village. On the ground floor there is a restaurant and a bakery, Retail Stores different directions, on the second - Management Company village, beauty salon and other retail and office space.

Near the village where the fitness club will be opened, there are a number of small cottage villages with a smaller population. In general, there are no competitors within a 30-minute drive for the project being opened, so an additional flow of customers from nearby settlements is expected. All the main competitors of the business being opened (large and small fitness centers and clubs) are based within the city (40 or more minutes drive from the village).

Sources of financing

To open a fitness club will be used own funds founder in the amount of 2 200 thousand rubles. and 4000 thousand rubles. a commercial loan approved by the bank for a period of 5 years at 16% per annum secured by the founder's commercial real estate(the premises of one of the restaurants). In order to cover the initial losses (the first 5 months), personal funds of the founder in the amount of 3,820 thousand rubles will be used.

Project payback

Taking into account the presented input data, the following indicators were calculated:

  • IRR - 122% per annum;
  • simple payback period - 22 months;
  • discounted payback period - 24 months;
  • NPV - 52,489,000 rubles;

Project Suppliers

Wholesale and retail enterprises of the city will be permanent suppliers of materials, food products for the bar, etc. Responsibility for procurement will be assigned to the director - the founder of the business, part necessary materials will be delivered by suppliers at their expense.

Equipment, furniture and appliances for the fitness club will be ordered from specialized sports, furniture and computer wholesale companies. About 50% of the purchased equipment is produced in the Russian Federation. Repair of the fitness club premises will be carried out by a specialized construction company.

Service list

The fitness club will provide a wide range of services for various categories population of the village and the surrounding area. The price list for club clients will include the following items:

  • Unlimited or time-limited access to the gym and group classes;
  • Individual training under the guidance of a fixed trainer;
  • Group classes for certain categories of clients at fixed hours: for pregnant women, children and adolescents, for a group of 60+, etc.;
  • Provision of solarium and fitness bar services, rental of storage cells sportswear and shoes, rent of bathrobes, etc.

At the reception desk, a sale of sporting goods is planned: T-shirts, shower caps, creams for visiting the solarium, etc.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time and increase quality. finished document 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

The total amount of investments in the opening of a fitness club will be 6200 thousand rubles. Below is an itemized breakdown of costs:

Preparation of the fitness club for the opening will be carried out according to the approved schedule:

Service Delivery Plan

A schematic floor plan for a fitness club is shown in the figure:

Entering the fitness club, clients will enter the lobby, where the reception desk is located. There is also a wardrobe for outerwear and a sales department where you can get advice on purchasing and renewing club cards.

Opposite the cloakroom there will be a fitness bar offering drinks, protein and vitamin cocktails, energy bars and other products to visitors. Behind the bar there is a separate room for staff rest.

The training areas will be divided into the following areas:

  • cardio ( Treadmills, exercise bikes, etc.);
  • a gym with a hotel area for cross-training and a free weights area;
  • room for group lessons.

According to the SES standards, at least 5 sq.m. should be provided for one visitor to the fitness center. area, i.e. no more than 200-220 people can be in this room at the same time (minus the area of ​​utility areas), which is a long-term target for this fitness club.


The following professional sports equipment will be purchased for the cardio zone: treadmills, exercise bikes and bicycle ergometers, elliptical trainers and spin bikes. The price for 1 unit of such simulators is from 50 to 450 thousand rubles. TVs with a diagonal of 132 cm will also be installed in this zone. Due to the wholesale discount for a one-time purchase of equipment in a large volume, the average price for calculating the project will be 140 thousand rubles.

For the gym, weight-block machines, benches and wall bars, free-weight machines, barbells and barbells, cross-fit machines, dumbbells, etc. will be purchased. The average price of 1 piece of equipment for the gym will be 45,000 rubles.

Steps, yoga mats, balls and other equipment will be purchased for the group training hall with an average price of about 1.5 thousand rubles per unit.

Two vertical solariums worth 400,000 rubles each will be purchased for installation in the locker room area. The equipment of each of the two saunas will cost 75 thousand rubles.

For the fitness bar will be purchased: blenders, coffee maker, refrigerator, kettle, etc. with a total cost of no more than 100 thousand rubles.

Approximately 50% of the equipment will be Russian production, the remaining 50% are made in China, Italy, Finland and other countries.

Working mode

Since the fitness club opens in a country village with a resident here on permanent basis population, will be set to work daily from 07.00 to 23.00. Peak attendance periods are expected in the morning (yoga classes, workouts in the gym before work), as well as in the evening. In the daytime, the fitness club will be visited by housewives, as well as children and teenagers (within the framework of group classes specially provided for them).

The working day of the club will last 16 hours, for functioning without breaks, two shifts of employees, 8 hours each, will be provided.

The process of serving visitors to a fitness club

The sale of cards will be carried out by employees of the sales department, whose responsibilities will include attracting customers, conducting tours of the fitness center, information support, etc.

The direct provision of services will be carried out by professional coaches of the club, conducting both individual and group trainings with clients.

Control over the entrance to the club, issuing towels, signing up for training sessions, turning on the solarium, selling related products, answering questions from visitors, etc. - these duties will be assigned to the club administrators. Cleaning of the premises will be carried out by full-time cleaning specialists, washing of towels and bathrobes will be carried out by a specialized laundry.

The production process of the fitness club will consist of the following main parts:

  1. Sale of cards with unlimited or fixed time of visiting the club.
  2. Mandatory informing clients in order to remind them of the time of registration for group and individual training (the responsibility of the salon administrators).
  3. Conducting strength, cardio and other types of training by professional trainers.
  4. Acceptance of payment for the purchase or renewal of cards, additional services (solarium, individual training), the possible purchase of drinks and food in the fitness bar, related products (administrator and bartender duties).
  5. Sign up for the next workout.

You can pay for the services provided both in cash and by credit card.

Cost of services and fixed costs

Considering the high share of the salary costs of trainers, administrators and sales managers, which will make up the bulk of fixed costs, the costs of the cost of providing sports services can be neglected. Payments for laundry, detergents for showers and toilets will be included in fixed costs.

The markup on drinks and food at the fitness bar will be about 150%, on goods at the reception - about 100%.

The fixed (salary) part of the payroll will amount to 645,000 rubles. per month. The bonus component (variable part) will be 37% of the total revenue (from 1% for administrators and sales managers and up to 1.5% for coaching staff). Bonuses will depend on the labor costs of trainers for conducting individual and group trainings and on the total amount of revenue per shift for administrators and sales managers.

In addition to the payroll, significant payments in terms of volume will fall on the rental of premises (1,200 sq.m.) - 720,000 rubles, security and utilities - 115,000 rubles. per month. Payment for outsourcing services (accounting) - 30,000 rubles, laundry services - 25,000 rubles, transportation costs - 10,000 rubles. Other costs (repair of machinery and sports equipment, detergents for showers and toilets, water for coolers, etc.) will total 72,000 rubles.

The amount of income taxes (UST) will be charged based on the amount of income minus expenses (15%).

Marketing Action Plan

competitive background

The fitness club will be opened in a new cottage settlement, where most of the cottages, townhouses and low-rise buildings have already been built. apartment buildings business and elite class. Within walking distance there are no competitors providing similar services. An exception can only be private gyms in cottages intended for use by family members.

However, the fitness club will partially compete with similar establishments within the city, next to which it is located. cottage village, because part of the population may prefer to play sports near the place of work or study, or choose establishments that provide access to the pool.

The price level is expected to be slightly higher than the average for fitness centers and clubs that provide a similar list of services. The club will have an extended work schedule (until 23.00) so that customers who return to the village late from work can visit it.

Price policy

Prices for the services of the fitness club are calculated at the average level for the city. The following types of club cards will be offered for sale:

  • Unlimited access to the club for 3, 6 and 12 months.
  • Day visit cards (until 17.00) for 3, 6 and 12 months;
  • Evening visiting cards (from 17.00 to 23.00) for 3.6 and 12 months;
  • Children's and teenage cards for participation in specialized group training (by type of visit to sports sections) - for 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months;
  • Introductory visits and guest cards valid for 1 day.

Planned sales shares by types of services provided:

  • Unlimited club cards - 40%;
  • Time-limited club cards - 30%;
  • Individual training - 15%;
  • Fitness bar services, sale of sports and other goods - 10%;
  • Solarium, rent of cells, bathrobes, etc. - 5%.

The cost of an individual lesson with a trainer will be from 600 to 1000 rubles. The price of an unlimited annual card is 24,000 rubles, for 6 months - 13,200 rubles, for 3 months - 7,200 rubles. Time-limited cards will be 20-30% cheaper. Guest card (single visit) - 300 rubles. Discounts are provided for the purchase of cards for two or more family members (from 10 to 30%).

Individual lessons with a trainer - from 600 to 1200 for 1 lesson (depending on the number of lessons purchased).

Planned sales volume

The main income of the fitness club will be from the sale of club cards. With the maximum possible number of clients simultaneously involved in sports in the amount of 200 people and an average load of 30% for the year, taking into account time periods during the day with low attendance - it is planned to serve about 300 customers per day (about 18 customers per hour). With an average attendance of each client 3 times a week, this gives an estimated number of sold club cards in the amount of 3,000 pieces, which, with an average card price per month in the amount of 1,500 rubles, gives the planned revenue of 4,500 thousand rubles.

Average check for additional services in the club ( individual sessions with a coach, shopping at a bar, renting cells, a solarium, etc.) will be about 400 rubles per person. Provided that additional services will be used by about 25-30% of visitors daily - this gives additional revenue in the amount of 300-360 thousand rubles. Thus, the planned amount of revenue will be 4,800 thousand rubles per month.

The purchase of fitness club cards is seasonal. The dynamics of demand for the services of sports centers is shown in the graph:

The peak of demand for the services of fitness clubs falls on January-March, followed by a decline during the summer holidays and an increase in the autumn months.

With no competitors within 40 minutes of driving road transport, as well as a high level of income of the population of the village, it is planned to reach a revenue figure of 40% of the planned one in the first month of operation. Further, it is planned to increase sales in the amount of 10% per month and reach the required sales volumes by the 10th month from the start of the fitness club.

The planned revenue volumes in the first 12 months of the sports center operation are shown in the graph:

Analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise

In order to most accurately position the fitness club, a SWOT analysis was carried out.


  • Experience in business, business connections and a positive credit history;
  • Lack of fitness clubs within walking and car (30 min.) reach from the cottage settlement;
  • A high level of income among the population of the village, where business and elite class housing has already been built or is still being built.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of experience in the field of sports services;
  • Competition through large network and small fitness clubs in the city, where most of the population of the village works due to a wider range of services (pool visits, massages, beauty treatments, etc.);
  • Limited number potential clients club - residents of this cottage village (15,000 people at the moment) and the nearest settlements.

Possible difficulties that the project may face:

  • Possible organization of similar clubs within the district;
  • Frequent change of personnel (due to the time spent on the road from the city to the cottage village).

Opportunities for project development

  • Expansion of the number of services by installing new equipment and mastering new training techniques;
  • Increasing the potential client base through the commissioning of new cottages and low-rise buildings.

Customer Acquisition Strategy

Placing a sign on the main administrative and commercial building in the village will act as the main view outdoor advertising. The promoters will distribute leaflets with special offers. On an ongoing basis, there will be discounts for the purchase of family cards.

The club director, administrators and sales managers will organize the attraction of customers in social networks. The main emphasis in the work of the club will be on the quality of services provided, because It is the effect of "word of mouth" within the village and its environs that can provide an additional influx of customers.

organizational plan

Choosing the form of business organization and taxation system

To open the club, the project initiator plans to organize a Limited Liability Company. Of the possible taxation options, the UST scheme (15%) was chosen, because the company plans significant expenses for rent and payroll.

staff structure

The number of staff of the fitness club (including the director) will be 34 staff units.

During the 8 hour shift (morning or evening), 4 trainers, 1 sales manager, 1 administrator and 1 cleaning specialist will provide services. Another 2 trainers, 1 administrator, 1 sales manager and 1 cleaning specialist will act as shift staff for the period of holidays and vacations of employees.

The staff of the fitness club is indicated in the table:

Hierarchy of subordination within staffing fitness club:

Financial plan


When calculating the payback of a fitness club, the following assumptions were taken into account:

Annual inflation - 10% per annum;

Income tax - 15% of the amount of income minus expenses (STS);

Deductions from payroll - 34.2%.

Sources of financing

The cost of opening a fitness club will be at the expense of the founder's personal funds, as well as a commercial loan issued by the bank at 16% per annum for 5 years secured by real estate (restaurant building). The loan will be repaid in equal installments once a month.

52,489,000 rubles;

The calculation was made for a period of 10 years at an annual inflation rate of 10% per annum.

The break-even point will be reached on the 6th month of the fitness club, losses before this date (about 3,820,000 rubles) will be compensated by the personal savings of the business owner.

Risk Analysis

The payback and profitability indicators of the project are attractive both for potential investors and for applying for bank loans.

Possible project risks:

  • Falling incomes of the population - a possible failure of the services of fitness centers. The influence of this factor is reduced due to the location of the club on the territory of a new cottage settlement with a predominant development of business and elite class housing.
  • Rotation of personnel - since the coaching staff will need to travel to the cottage village on an ongoing basis (about 40 minutes from the city limits), there is a risk of losing part of the qualified personnel. To reduce this risk, it is planned to retain employees through a high level of bonuses and formalization in the state.


The considered example of a business plan for opening a fitness club with calculations is attractive with a quick return on investment, short term reaching the breakeven point. Thanks to this, the project can quickly attract a potential investor.