Marketing. Basic functions of marketing

Not so long ago, we launched a team new project. And the final vision was different for everyone.

Someone saw that at the end we will teach marketing, someone said that this is pure PR training.

And that means different approaches and methods. But, it is we, professional marketers, who see the difference, and even then it is small. For the rest, marketing and PR are one and the same.

That is why I decided to write an article in which I can sort everything out on the shelves about the functions of marketing, its tasks and goals. What is it, how is it connected and what is responsible for what. And all this in plain language.

About marketing. in detail

If you ask any person who is not related to this profession what marketing is, then with a probability of 95% he will answer that this is advertising.

It's yes and no. Depending on which side to approach. To help you navigate the difference between the three concepts, we wrote an article

I strongly advise you to read it, since we will not dwell on their differences. Let's talk about the definition of marketing.

Marketing(classical formulation) is the form human activity aimed at meeting needs, needs through exchange (c) F. Kotler.

But personally, I like a different definition of marketing that briefly looks at the discipline from a business perspective. And this is closer to the practices to which we brazenly refer ourselves.

Marketing It is about profiting from customer satisfaction.

In fact, it is in this short interpretation that the key understanding of why marketing is needed for any organization lies.

That is, marketing is not about how to sell this or that product. And about how to find consumers who need this product, determine their number and the volume of goods that they need.

And the functions and principles of marketing complete all this charm. Well, let's deal with everything in more detail.

Marketing Goals

Peter Drucker (management theorist) says: “The goal of marketing is to make selling unnecessary.

Its goal is to get to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service will definitely sell itself.”

And he deciphers his definition with the following phrase: “If we turn off the phone, barricade the door and shoot back from buyers, they will still make their way and ask to sell them our goods.”

Returning to the study of the essence and purpose of marketing. Marketing consists of 5 groups of goals, which in turn are also divided into different sub-goals.

I warn you right away, it looks scary, but it is impossible to become a professional without a boring theory:

  • Market targets:
  1. Increase in market share;
  2. Development of new markets;
  3. Weakening of competitors' positions in the market;
  • Specific marketing goals:
  1. Creation of a company;
  2. Creating high customer satisfaction;
  3. Increasing profitability marketing activities;
  • Structural and managerial goals:
  1. Giving organizational structure flexibility;
  2. Achieving more complex strategic goals;
  • Supporting goals:
  1. Price policy;
  2. Service policy;
  • Control Goals:
  1. Control of current activities;
  2. Strategic planning;
  3. Current financial activity.
So, what is next?

And, to be honest ... I understood all this about 10 times. Therefore, let's understand in more detail, with an emphasis not on high words, but on greater applicability to business.

I found 4 endpoints that answer the question “What are marketing goals?” in the most complete and detailed way.

And at the same time they are applicable to the economy, the market, the company and the consumer. Thus, the goals of marketing activities include:

  1. Profit maximization. Probably one of the most global goals that every enterprise faces.

    Her the main task– increase the consumption of goods to the maximum by all possible ways and marketing tools, as this will lead to an increase in production and, as a result, an increase in profits and the company as a whole.

  2. Consumer care. It is achieved due to the fact that the buyer, purchasing the goods of the company, becomes more and more satisfied.

    As a result - an increase in the frequency of purchases of goods, as well as an increase in it. In other words, one of the main goals of marketing in an organization is to become a company with a high .

  3. Providing a choice. This goal is not suitable for small companies, since its essence is the expansion of the product line within one company.

    Thanks to this approach, large companies manage not only to satisfy the buyer due to a large selection, but also to achieve the 1st goal in the form of profit maximization.

  4. Improving the quality of life. On the one hand, this is a very noble goal of the marketing system, which includes: the release of quality products, a wide range of products and, of course, all this at an affordable cost.

    That is, thanks to this whole complex, the consumer can satisfy his needs, and thereby improve the quality of his life.

    On the other hand, the quality of life is very difficult to measure, so this goal is one of the most difficult to achieve.

I think it's more clear. In addition, it is very difficult to imagine a company that was equally able to achieve these 4 goals.

And this is due to the fact that they are mutually exclusive, and their uniform achievement is impossible. But even if these goals are decomposed and simplified, it will turn out:

  • Increasing the income received by the company;
  • Growth in sales of manufactured products;
  • Increasing the company's market share;
  • Improving the company's image.

Here! Such goals are understandable, they depend on specific goals that can be assessed and measured.

In addition, they are quite easy to plan, as it is possible to make calculations and make an analysis.

For example, we take into account all these indicators when we conduct. True, the goal that we close in it, as a rule, is one - to increase income.

Of course, the goal must be approved by all the heads of departments, who through it will be able to determine its reality.

And do not forget that when developing marketing goals, you need to provide (material /) for those who managed to achieve them.

And also have people responsible for achieving them, as well as include specific deadlines. And this is sometimes even more difficult to do than to set the goal itself.


Remember I wrote that on the way to the goals of marketing there are various tasks. So, the objectives of marketing is to influence the level, time and nature of demand for the benefit of the business.

That is, the local task of marketing is demand management. But globally, the tasks of marketing in an enterprise are already divided into 2 areas:

  1. Production. Produce what will be sold, not sell what is produced.
  2. Marketing. Studying the market, consumers and ways of influencing them.

Within these two directions, there is a much larger list of tasks that need to be implemented in order to achieve these two directions. Get ready for another block of boring but important information:

  1. Research, analysis and study of consumers and company products;
  2. Development of new services or products of the company;
  3. Analysis, evaluation and forecasting of the state and development of markets;
  4. Development product range companies;
  5. Development of the company's pricing policy;
  6. Participation in the creation strategic company, as well as tactical actions;
  7. Realization of products and services of the company;
  8. Marketing communications;
  9. After-sales service.

And again, not very clear the first time. Some research, communications, services, and so on.

Deputy language in general. Let's tell everything in simple words what you will need to do to solve the main tasks in marketing:

  1. Create strategic plan actions. This implies the creation of an action plan both for the next year, with detailed steps, and a plan for the development of the company for 3-5-10 years.
  2. Analyze the market situation. And do it not periodically, but constantly.

    And also you have to keep track of what you are not only producing now, but also can produce in the future.

  3. Track the "mood" of consumers. We can say that it is to ensure that it only grows.

    To do this, you need to engage in reputation management. Or in simple words, work with future and current reviews.

  4. Monitor the work of your competitors. Track their work, conduct, and also disassemble their goods into pieces. After all, competition is the engine of development. And then either you or you.
  5. To Work with . This will not only increase the efficiency of your employees and their work, but will also give the word about your company as a “very enviable employer”. It's worth a lot these days.
  6. Engage in product promotion. To do this, you use any of the hundreds of . If we consider all the possibilities, then they will be calculated somewhere in 1000 ways.
  7. Track marketing trends. So you can use current trends to improve your company and influence the growth of sales of your products.

And here I have bad news for you. All these goals and objectives, and even more so, one marketer will not solve.

Since the development of these actions requires the involvement of specialists from the entire company (managers, accountants and even call center managers).

Therefore, stock up on the patience and time of various personnel in your company to think through and work out the marketing tasks.


As you already understood, there are two main areas in the marketing tasks of an enterprise: production and sales.

And based on these tasks, four main functions of marketing are distinguished. The functions of the marketing system can be considered separate areas of marketing activity.

Depending on the specifics of the company, it is determined which marketing functions should be used and which should not. General marketing functions include:

  • Analytical function of marketing. This function allows you to find out the market capacity and study consumers in detail, as well as find out all the information on competitors.
  1. Studying the company itself
  2. Market and consumer research
  3. Studying competitors
  4. Studying counterparties
  5. Studying goods
  • Production function of marketing. This function allows you to optimize the release of products or the process of providing services through the emergence of new technologies and improving the quality of the final product.
  1. Development of new technologies
  2. Production of new goods
  3. Reducing the cost of goods
  4. Improving the quality of finished products
  • Sales function of marketing. This function allows the company not only to produce products, but also to optimize its sales by combining the work of the warehouse, logistics and transport department.
  1. Service organization
  2. Expansion of the product line
  3. Price policy
  4. Implementation of the marketing policy
  • Function of management and control. This function allows you to rationally use existing and future resources, control the operation of the enterprise, and organize business processes on it.
  1. Communication policy
  2. Organization of marketing activities
  3. Control of marketing activities

I will tell you a little secret: all the listed goals, tasks and functions are basic and have not changed for many decades.

That is what you need to focus on. This may be a focus on customer loyalty or product expansion.

But marketing tools are constantly changing and supplementing. But this is a topic for a completely different article.


Briefly about the main

Most likely you have one question in your head. Why do I need this theory if, for example, I am a small entrepreneur who makes tea and coffee in a popular shopping center?

Okay, let's take an example. You think in terms of scale - you bought 10 kilograms of coffee for 15 thousand, ground it and sold it for 50 thousand rubles. Hurray, in the pocket of 35 thousand. Do the same, multiply.

This is all good, but what if tomorrow a competitor appears nearby who understands the basic principles of marketing and his ultimate goal is not just to make 35 thousand rubles from 10 kilograms of coffee, but to open his own network of small coffee houses.

And it begins to work not like most competitors, by reducing the cost of goods while maintaining product quality, but also to expand the range, working on customer focus and customer loyalty.

And also introducing small chips, from a series of cool coffee stickers and other things.

How long do you think your business will last with the appearance of such a thinking competitor?

The answer to the question: “Why do we need marketing?” - is obvious. Therefore, the study of the basics is necessary not only big business, but also a small IP.

Moreover, you don’t have to look far for an example, quite recently a client came to us who ignored marketing, and as a result, a new competitor “pulled off” half of his client base in 2 years. It's a shame, but who is to blame, if not him.

type of promotion involving any non-personal paid form of product presentation

means of communication carried out in the form of a monologue

form of marketing operations and ways to obtain information about consumers

+ type of promotion involving personal contact and interaction (dialogue) between the seller and the buyer

206. In marketing theory, the "electronic market" in the Internet environment is characterized by the following statements ...

+24/7 market availability

Limited Market Availability

+Global Market

Limited information for consumers

208. In the theory and practice of marketing, the following measures of state influence on the regulation of marketing are distinguished ...

+Consumer Protection Legislation

+Setting fixed prices for certain types of goods

Centralized planning of output volumes by manufacturers

209. State control behind the prices of individual goods and services leads to the emergence of ____________ prices ...




Market capacity determines..

The proposed benefit from the subsequent sale of products

Estimated number of items sold

+Possible volume of sales of goods

The total cost of upfront costs

212. Before formulating the marketing goals of a firm, it is necessary ...

+Conduct analysis current situation firms on the market.

Develop a plan for each of the 4Rs

Draw up a work plan for sales activities

213. characteristic feature observation as a method of obtaining marketing information is an...

Use of artificial conditions for research

Collection of direct information from secondary sources

Active participation of the observer in the process under study

+ Passive event logging

216. Product life cycle « Appliances» longer in...


+ Russia

217. The definition of marketing does not match ...

The process of management aimed at determining and satisfying the needs of the consumer, with the aim of making a profit for the company

The area of ​​management, the functions of which are to ensure effective demand, obtain a fixed profit, promptly bring the goods to the consumer

+Management system for production and marketing of goods

Community Needs Management Process

218. In marketing practice desk research used for the following purposes...

The study of socio-cultural factors

+Analysis of the dynamics of the economic situation

Obtaining new data on the problem under study

Collection of current information on consumer reactions to marketing mix activities

219. In marketing theory, depending on the number of resellers, the following distribution strategies are distinguished from the following ...


+Exclusive sales

+Selective marketing


220. Promotion of goods on the market is an element ...

personal selling


+ Marketing mix

221. "Marketing environment" consists of ....

needs and requirements of buyers

+ two components: "microenvironments" and "macroenvironments"

collection of information, pricing policy, sales promotion

economic agents that make up the environment of the firm

222. For a product with fundamentally innovative characteristics, the highest possible price can be set at the stage life cycle goods…


+ Bringing goods to market

223. In marketing practice, the product concept is used in the following cases ...

The organization does not conduct customer analysis

The consumer is interested in the low price of the product

+ The consumer is interested in the goods High Quality

+ The organization researches the market and knows the needs of consumers

225. Russian market of geoinformation technologies is segmented on a territorial basis (global, national, regional, municipal). This segmentation feature is...





226. A tool for collecting primary information is not ...

Buyer Behavior Monitoring

Social survey of suppliers

Manipulating the price of a product to study fluctuations in sales volumes

+ Competitor market research data

228. ZhCT (product life cycle) represents ....

The set of conditions necessary for a product to enter the market

+ The time interval from the introduction of the product to the market until the "dying of the product"

The range of time from the first developments to the moment of its implementation

Alternation of production and sales phases

229. In marketing practice, an organization may use the following media ...

Vehicles, buildings, structures

+Newspapers, magazines

Statistical reports

Intracompany reports

234. In marketing theory, the stage of the life cycle “growth” is characterized by the following features

+ rapidly growing sales volumes

small sales volume

+ intensive conditions for promotion

low price goods

235. Legal and individuals, helping the manufacturer to find consumers and (or) sell their products, are called ....


Merchandising companies

236. To the types of goals marketing research Is not…



+ Exculpatory


237. In the activities of the organization, marketing functions are aimed at ...

+ Organization and implementation of the exchange between the organization and consumers

Maximizing the profit of the organization

+ Formation and development of demand with constantly changing needs

Product sales maximization

239. When implementing a product concept, the concept of "marketing myopia" is understood ...

Aggressive marketing efforts

+ Improving the product without taking into account the needs of consumers

Refusal to release a new product

Using only wholesalers

240. The law of supply, if prices rise other than level playing field, appears in...

Slowing supply growth

+ Growth in supply

Falling supply

demand cuts

241. From the point of view of marketing theory, the following factors influence the behavior of consumers in the market ...





242. The release of universal shampoo refers to the strategy of ___________ marketing ... ..




+ Bulk

243. In theory international marketing economic forces characterizing the structure of the country's economy, the level of development of its individual sectors, determine ...

+ Income levels of various segments of the population

Sustainable standards of behavior

Customs and traditions of the population

+ Country needs for goods and services

244.Complex after-sales service as an element of product reinforcement does not include ...

Sales service

+Market service

Pre-sales service

After-sales service

245. In marketing theory, modern communication processes are characterized by the following features ...

+ Standardization of communication tools

+Diversity and integration of communications

Unification of communications

Use of differentiated marketing tools in communications

246. In the theory of marketing, the principles of planning include the following of the following ....

+ Efficiency

+ Adaptability

Objectivity of the assessment


248. An approach to the organization of marketing, in which marketing acts as one of the functional areas of the organization along with such functions as production, finance, personnel management, etc., is called ...



+ Functional


249. Marketing concept of the market ....

The population of this country

Location of consumers with similar needs

+ The totality of existing and potential consumers goods

Average sales volume over the past 5 years

250. Market offer-…

The willingness of a producer to produce and sell a given quantity of a commodity at a given price in a given period of time

Manufacturer target setting

The willingness of the buyer to purchase a certain amount of goods in a specific period of time

252. An observation that uses a rigidly defined event registration scheme is called ...

+ Structured



255. Virtues market structure marketing management are...

Increasing the motivation of managers by region

Careful revision of business strategies in various segments

Connection of benefits various kinds structures

+ Responsibility of employees for activities in each market

256. ZhCT represents….

The period of time during which the product is in the sphere of production, on the market and in the sphere of consumption

The period of time during which the product is in the sphere of consumption

+ Time period during which the product is on the market

The period of time during which the product is on the market and in the sphere of consumption

259. A market segment is…

A market specializing in a particular type of product

Target market

+ A group of consumers formed according to certain criteria

Administrative unit of the market

260. A plastic window company places a 10% coupon in the local newspaper for a balcony window, which is an element of….


personal selling

sales promotion

264. In the states of the south and s-w USA There is an annual increase in the population of 12 million households, resulting in a steady increase in the demand for air conditioners and other climate control devices. For an air conditioner company, this is…

favorable control factor external environment

favorable control factor internal environment

+ Favorable uncontrollable environmental factor

Favorable uncontrollable factor of the internal environment

267. The tender pricing method belongs to the group….

Parametric pricing method

Demand driven pricing method

Cost methods pricing

+ Competitive pricing methods

269. One of the principles of marketing is ...

Sales promotion

+ Accounting for consumer requirements

272. In the theory of marketing, the following requirements are imposed on distribution channels from the following ....


+ Accessibility

+ Resilience


274. Changing the assortment of goods by varying the goods means ...

Creation of a complimentary (associated) product

Creation of a new product

Creating a new product to replace the old version of the product

+Creation of a product with changing parameters along with old product variants

280. The need for one's behavior when buying a cool drink "bread kvass" is guided by seasonal demand. In this case it makes sense...


conversion marketing



287. In the theory of marketing, public marketing as a type of marketing activity is aimed at ....

Increasing the proportion of target groups of the public

+Changing the behavior of representatives of target groups of the public

Increasing community income

+ Creation, formation and change of public opinion

290. When developing strategies for social change in social marketing, the initial steps are as follows….

Implementation and execution control

Organization plan development

Analysis of beliefs, attitudes, value ideas and behavioral manifestations of a certain social stratum

+ Definition of goals social change

294. A well-known economist who has made a significant contribution to the development of marketing ...

F. Taylor

+F. Kotler

A. Fayol

295. When firms are sold something that does not have a specific material form, sells a promise to do something that has value for the client, then they mean marketing ...




297. If the company's product has a passive demand (for example, insurance for individuals), then the concept of ...

+Intensification of commercial efforts

Production improvement

Product improvement


298. In marketing theory, the stage of the product life cycle "introduction to the market" is characterized by the following features ...

+Insignificant sales volume

High profit

+High marketing costs

Rapidly growing market share

300. The buyer's market in marketing corresponds to the definition ...

Demand far exceeds supply, and the main role in the market is played by the buyer

Supply is much higher than demand, and the main role in the market is played by the seller

Supply is much lower than demand, and the seller plays the main role in the market

+ Demand is much lower than supply, and the main role in the market is played by the buyer

301. When a firm sells one type of product at one price, and advertising is addressed to the entire market as a whole, then a market coverage strategy is used ____marketing




+ Undifferentiated

303. Mostly a marketing slogan…

Everything that is produced must be bought

"start" the client and make him buy the product without delay

+Produce only what will be bought

Love the customer, not the product

304. Independent intermediaries in the sale of products ...

Do not buy goods at their own expense

+ They are not the owner of the goods they sell

Work for a commission

+Work as brokers or distributors

306. Field studies are called studies for which ___ information is used

+Specially assembled

Received randomly

In this article, we will consider in detail the goals and functions of marketing, and describe its essence. Today these topics are very relevant, because market economy actively develops, satisfying all the new needs of people. The market does not stand still, and marketing develops along with it.

The principles of marketing are the fundamental circumstances, provisions, requirements that underlie it. They reveal the purpose and essence of this type of activity. The main goal of marketing is to ensure that the production of services and goods is oriented to demand, to the consumer, to harmonize with the requirements of the market for production opportunities.

Necessity and tasks of marketing

The need is undeniable marketing approach for any enterprise. There will be negative demand on the market if the bulk of consumers are not satisfied with the quality of services or goods and even agree to some costs in order not to buy it. The goal of marketing is to analyze the current situation and try to understand if marketing tools change negative consumer attitudes towards this product through price reduction and sales promotion. Consumers with latent demand may feel the need for services and goods that are not currently on the market. In this case, the goals and principles of marketing are aimed at assessing the size of this potential market segment in order to create services and products that meet demand.

A situation of complete absence or decrease in demand

An example of a complete absence or decrease in demand is a situation in which target consumers are not interested in the product. In this case, the task of the marketer is to provide its benefits based on the interests and needs of the person. Any enterprise will sooner or later be forced to face a problem when a certain product ceases to be in sufficient demand. The purpose of marketing is to maintain the existing level market demand despite intensifying competition and consumer preferences that are so fluid today.

The main principles of marketing based on its essence

The following main principles of marketing are distinguished in accordance with its essence.

1. Careful consideration of the dynamics and state of demand, needs and market conditions. Often, consumers don't know what they want. They only want to solve their problems in the best possible way. Therefore, one of the main tasks of marketing is to understand what consumers really want.

2. Conditions should be created for maximum adaptation to the structure of demand and the requirements of the production market at the enterprise, based on a long-term perspective, and not on a momentary benefit. The modern concept of marketing is that the activities of the company (production, scientific and technical, marketing, etc.) should be based on knowledge of demand, as well as its changes in the future. One of its goals, moreover, is to identify unsatisfied demands and orient production towards their satisfaction.

Marketing is the development, production and then marketing of what is actually in consumer demand. The system of its production of certain goods makes it functionally dependent, first of all, on requests. It requires them to be produced in the volume and assortment that the consumer needs. The decision-making center in the implementation of this concept is shifted from production links to those that feel the pulse of the market. The think tank, the source of recommendations and information is the marketing service, and not only the market, but also the financial, scientific, technical and industrial policy of enterprises. Based on a deep analysis of the dynamics and state of demand and business conditions, the issue of profitability, prospects and the need to produce a certain product is being resolved here.

3. Impact on the buyer, on the market through advertising and all other available means. Günther von Brieskorn, a marketer from West Germany, characterizing the principles and content of marketing in one of his lectures, argues something like this. In his eyes, the market is the sea, on the waves of which there are consumers. Their behavior is characterized mainly by the vector of their needs, which is subject to frequent changes. At the same time, the market is our boss and, going to his reception, you should be well prepared. The consumer is our king, and we must comply with any of his requirements.

General concept of marketing

It is possible to characterize the general concept of marketing as follows: a general cash flow necessary for the operation of the enterprise and meet future needs. The task of marketing is to ensure that both of them, meeting on the market, can realize their needs and goals to the fullest extent. In other words, marketing is the process of matching consumer needs and firm capabilities. Its result is the provision of goods to consumers that satisfy people's needs, and the profit the company needs to exist, as well as better and better satisfaction of consumer demands in the future.

What should be the goals of marketing activities?

Marketing objectives are the basis of marketing activities. However, they do not have to be commercial. Marketing objectives should be formulated in such a way that it is possible to quantify them. For example, you should increase the share of goods in the local market by the end of the year from 10 to 15% or get 30% profit. The more clearly the goals and objectives of marketing are formulated and communicated to each employee, the greater the benefit of the marketing service.

Goal Groups

In 5 groups unite his goals.

  1. Market (conquest of the market, market share, identification of promising markets) goals and objectives of marketing.
  2. The goals can be actually marketing (shaping public opinion, creating the company's image, competition, profit, sales).
  3. There are also structural and managerial goals aimed at improving the structure of the company's management.
  4. It is also possible to distinguish the providing goals and functions of marketing (sales promotion, pricing policy, product distribution parameters, consumer properties of goods).
  5. Another goal is to control the activities of the firm.

The following recommendations should be guided by the formation of the marketing goal. It should be as simple as possible, measurable, achievable, mobilizing, controllable, focused, organization approved, ranked. Marketing goals should provide incentives for those who achieve them, have people accountable for achieving them, and include precise deadlines.

Types of marketing depending on the goal

Differ the following types marketing depending on the goal:

  • consumer (consumer goods);
  • industrial marketing (production goods);
  • international;
  • consumer oriented;
  • service, product or product oriented;
  • non-profit (activities of organizations and enterprises that do not aim to make a profit for themselves personally);
  • social (a set of various methods of implementation public organizations and state social programs);
  • micromarketing (activities of individual firms);
  • marketing as an activity of the state, carried out in the field of the market.

What is the fundamental principle of marketing?

The essence of marketing philosophy lies in its principles. The fundamental one puts the focus not on the ambitions and needs of the producer of services and goods, but on the needs and demands of the consumer. This is the main purpose of marketing. However, this very attractive declaration could not have been realized if all other marketing principles that determine its technology and management of its activities were not directed to its implementation. Thus, thanks to them, the main goal of the marketing concept is realized.

Basic Marketing Principles

Let's take a look at some of the most well-established ones.

  1. Concentration of enterprise resources on the production of such services and goods that are really needed by consumers in the market segments chosen by the enterprise.
  2. Understanding the quality of services and goods as a measure in which they satisfy the needs for them. Therefore, unnecessary services (goods) cannot be considered as quality ones. In addition, any difference in the quality of one or another service from another is not significant in itself, but depending on how significant the need that the characteristic of the service, the measured property seeks to satisfy, is.
  3. Consideration in a broad, rather than narrow sense of needs, including beyond the known, traditional ways of satisfying them.
  4. Orientation to reduce the total costs of the consumer, as well as taking them into account in pricing, in other words, the dominance of the consumer's price over the sale price.
  5. Preference for a method that actively generates demand and anticipates it, rather than reactive.
  6. The predominance of long-term orientation.
  7. Continuous collection of information about market reactions and its conjuncture and analysis of the data obtained.

Specificity of open and closed marketing systems

Describing the essence and goals of marketing, we will indicate their specifics in open and closed systems. In open marketing systems, each new contract, agreement, act of exchange that was made in line with marketing should bring income and / or other additional benefits to society as a whole, and not just to direct participants (if not to the whole society, then at least to much broader groups and strata than the participants in a particular transaction themselves). Thus, the marketing goal-setting includes an external effect, socially significant - externalities. In closed systems, the self-development of systems and the stability of their existence depend on the presence of internal competition, as well as isolation from external competitors.

We hope that now the concept of marketing has become closer to you. Marketing goals, as you can see, are quite broad, and their implementation is important for every enterprise.

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The purpose of the work is to create a software package for remote control, diagnostics and tracking in order to: reduce the cost of servicing each machine; saving electricity; reducing the response time to user problems; staff cuts...
The purpose of the work is to consider the system of mortgage lending in the Russian Federation and forecast the prospects for mortgage lending in a commercial bank. In the course of this work, the essence and concept of mortgage are considered in detail in Chapter I, the main regulatory legal acts of mortgage lending ...

F. Kotler singled out marketing as a separate specialty. He also gave the definition of a new science.

The classical interpretation of F. Kotler, professor, founder of marketing theory: marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting needs, needs through exchange. What is marketing, oddly enough, today often only people who are directly related to this field of activity know. And non-specialists sometimes have rather vague ideas about this area of ​​​​work. In addition, it can be said that marketing in a broader sense is an enterprise management philosophy, according to which the solution of problems and the satisfaction of consumer needs will lead to the goal of marketing - the commercial success of the company - and will benefit society.

It is obvious that, despite the huge number of interpretations of this term, all of them are close to each other in meaning. It is not enough just to know the meaning of the word "marketing". Its definition will be incomplete if the marketing mix is ​​not singled out separately. It refers to everything a company can do to increase demand for its products and services. Kotler defines the marketing mix as a set of controllable and predictable marketing variables that a business combines to produce the desired response from the target market. The components of the marketing mix include price, product, distribution policy and sales promotion. These 4Ps tend to reflect trade marketing. The definition of the marketing mix for the service sector will already be broader. It includes people, processes, and the physical environment.

Marketing Goals

Marketing tasks

  • An integrated approach to market research, to the achievement of the company's goals. Commercial success is ensured by using all the tools of the marketing mix.
  • Identification of dissatisfied customers and potential demand.
  • Assortment planning and pricing policy.
  • Development of a set of measures to meet the current demand for goods and services as much as possible.
  • Development of measures to optimize management.
  • Formation of demand.
  • Planning and implementation of marketing policy.

Marketing Functions

  • Analytic function. Includes the study of the internal and external environment of the company. This is an analysis of the market, its structure and dynamics; studying the work of competitors and intermediaries; analysis of the behavior of consumers and suppliers of products.
  • Product-production function. It implies the creation of a new product that fully reflects the needs of the market and has a sufficiently high competitiveness due to the study of the market environment.
  • Sales function. The marketing system is responsible for creating certain conditions for the sale of the product so that it is always on right place in the right amount and at the right time. Viral Marketing Examples social networks, for example, may be one of the ways to market a product.
  • Control, communication and control function needed to reduce the degree possible risk and uncertainty in economic activity enterprises. This also includes monitoring the implementation of medium- and long-term plans.

Strategy Development

Marketing strategies are those developed on the basis of studying consumer demand, the behavior of competitors and the conjuncture of the direction of the enterprise at a certain point in time, which allow solving the fundamental tasks of the company, based on available resources in a changing market situation.

Elements of a strategy

Any marketing strategy consists of the following elements:

  • Marketing plans for potential consumer markets.
  • Justification of the effective position of the product or company in the market.
  • Forecast of market dynamics.
  • Analysis of the potential sales market.
  • Analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Marketing strategies will be effective when they take into account many indicators, such as: analysis of the sales market, the external environment, and the enterprise.

The implementation of a marketing strategy includes the following steps

  • Comprehensive analysis of the enterprise.
  • Analysis of the potential market.
  • Assessment of the potential of an enterprise in a particular market.
  • Industry study.
  • Comprehensive competitor analysis.
  • Analysis of the possible impact on the project of external factors.
  • Marketing audit of the internal environment.
  • Implementation and control of marketing activities.

The marketing strategy of each enterprise depends on its goals (holding or conquering a market segment, the ongoing product policy, demand formation). Depending on the need to maintain its part of the market or conquer a new segment, there are strategies for retention, offensive and retreat. The attacking strategy provides for the active position of the company in increasing market share. The retention strategy is responsible for maintaining the firm's market share. The retreat strategy, as a rule, is forced and consists in the gradual curtailment of business in this segment.