Economic efficiency of management in tourism. Management effectiveness in tourism Tourism management definition concept

Economic efficiency of management in tourism

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Economic efficiency of management in tourism
Rubric (thematic category) Tourism

The essence of the control action in the field economic management tourism is to ensure that the costs of tourism activities lead to a minimum. As we agreed earlier, the definition of expenditure is closely related to the definition of consumption in tourism. In this regard, consumption in tourism is defined as the cost of goods and services necessary to meet the demand of tourists. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, tourism expenditure is defined as total amount consumer expenses of the tourist during the preparation, during his trip and stay at the destination.

To more accurately determine the amount of travel expenses incurred during the holidays, we determine:

q travel frequency. It shows how many trips a person takes on average over a certain period of time:

where Ch p - frequency of trips; K n - the number of trips and H in - the period of time.

q travel intensity. When determining this indicator, not an individual person is taken into account, but the entire population of the region. The intensity of travel shows what part of the people employed in the national economy traveled during the year. This is the ratio of travelers to the total population of the region, expressed as a percentage:

where I n is the intensity of travel; K t - the number of tourists; H n - population.

q average trip duration. It is calculated by dividing the total number of overnight stays by the number of trips.

The various components that make up tourism spending can be divided into three large groups:

q upfront costs necessary for the preparation and implementation of the trip;

q expenses incurred during travel and in places visited by tourists;

q Expenses incurred in the country of departure after returning from a trip abroad (for example, developing photographic film, repairing a car damaged during a trip, etc.).

As you can see, tourism expenses include quite a few components - from the purchase of consumer goods and services, which are an integral part of travel, to the purchase of durable goods and gifts for relatives and friends.

Economic efficiency of management in tourism - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Economic efficiency of management in tourism" 2017, 2018.

Social efficiency of tourism management

Considering the content of the concept of "management efficiency in tourism", one should proceed from the fact that tourism is, first of all, an important socio-economic phenomenon. Its consequences are more and more felt by each resident and society as a whole. Thus, tourism is a type of activity that directly affects the social, cultural, educational, economic spheres of all states, as well as their international economic relations.

A correct assessment of the effectiveness of management in tourism allows you to actively influence the current state and development trends of tourism companies, set their sizes, monitor and correct unmanaged phenomena and processes, make forecasts and plans for the development of these companies and their structural divisions. But it should be borne in mind that the mechanical transfer of known methods for determining efficiency from other sectors of the economy does not make sense. Based on the specifics of tourism activities, you need to clearly understand what needs to be measured in order to calculate its effectiveness. After all, the effect of tourism is determined either by the number of tourists-visitors, or by the volume of activities of commercial tourist structures that produce a specific tourist product (tourist offer).

Since tourism covers a wide range of activities and goes beyond the traditional idea of ​​it as a phenomenon associated only with recreation, the effect of it must be considered from the point of view of the demand of a special type of consumer, and not from the point of view of supply, which is typical, for example, for industry, more simply and less laborious.

Then why is the effectiveness of tourism not defined in this way? The fact is that in other industries commercial enterprises engaged in the production of goods and services. But tourism cannot be reduced only to the production of goods (services), since this type of activity is determined not so much by the nature of the goods (services) produced, but by the characteristics and number of consumers of the tourist product. This means that the effect in the tourism industry depends on the final consumption of any of its products, which depends more on the type of consumer and less on the type of product.

Having defined the consumer of a tourist product as the most important element of efficiency, we mean that his money is exchanged for a tourist product or service, and this leads to “tourist expenses”. Any expenses, including in tourism, directly affect the efficiency of the industry. In this regard, data related to tourism expenditure is the main component underlying the management of tourism. It is used to observe and assess the impact of tourism on national economy and various sectors of the tourism industry.

As you can see, the effectiveness of management covers various areas. human activity. In the literal sense, doing business effectively means effectively, efficiently, productively. Efficiency is akin to targeted action, so it is managerial character and reflects the degree of achievement of the set goals. This means that efficiency should be understood as the ratio of the result and the goals or the result and the costs of obtaining it. It is on this starting position that the understanding of the effectiveness of tourism management is based. We are talking about the effective operation of all subsystems, united by the concept of "tourism", which in market economy provides control system. In this regard, the effectiveness of management in tourism should be understood as such management that will ensure the successful functioning and development of each organizational and economic link in this industry. The effectiveness of tourism management is considered by us in two directions: economic and social.

Culture of managerial work

Among the main elements of management, one of the most striking is the management culture. The word "culture" (from Latin cultura) literally means upbringing, education, development. In a broad sense, the term "management culture" is used to characterize the organizational and technical conditions and traditions of management, professional and moral development of a manager. In a narrow sense, the culture of managerial work can be interpreted as the work ethics of a leader.

Management culture can be represented as a set of values, norms, points of view and ideas typical for a manager, which consciously form a model of his behavior.

The new business conditions, the increase in the educational level and maturity of managers gave a powerful impetus to the development of managerial culture. Management structures not only radically changed their attitude to this problem, but also took an active position in shaping, changing and using it as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of their organizations.

The specificity of the culture of managerial work lies in the fact that it is based on certain norms that must be strictly observed by the manager. The most important ones are:

    legal norms of managerial work, which are reflected in state-legal regulations. The culture of the manager in this respect consists in the knowledge and implementation of legal norms;

    moral norms governing the behavior of a manager in the field of morality and morality;

    organizational rules that set organization structure, composition and procedure functional divisions and their leaders, as well as internal regulations and other norms of the organizational plan adopted in the organization;

    economic norms - regulate the economic activity of the organization.

There are other types of norms (technical, aesthetic, etc.) that form the managerial culture in a certain way. Ultimately, a set of elements is formed that certifies the activities of the manager in relation to the culture of managerial work. These elements are:

    Personal culture. Includes skill level; ethical education; personal hygiene and appearance; form of address to subordinates, etc.

    Rational distribution of working time. The rational organization of the work of a manager is unthinkable without a clear idea of ​​what he does, when he does it, how much time he spends on different kinds works. The manager needs to strictly plan the expenditure of his personal time for working with documents and personnel, for solving socio-economic and commercial issues, for meetings, negotiations. In addition, he must take into account unproductive time costs, as well as unspecified time. At the same time, the manager must plan not only his working time, but also his free time. After all, the old truth says: "He who does not know how to work, he does not know how to rest."

    Workplace culture. Some managers believe that in the process of work it is necessary that everything is “at hand”, and for this purpose they put all the documentation they have on their desktop. But this is wrong. With this approach, the labor process becomes very difficult: the working area of ​​the table decreases; it is difficult to concentrate on any one thing; sanitary and hygienic conditions worsen; it is easy to lose the documents you need at the moment, etc. Only the documents you need to work should be on your desktop. In addition, it is necessary to clean and replace worn-out furniture in the office space in a timely manner.

    The culture of mass events- Ability to organize and conduct various meetings, negotiations and conversations.

    Visitor culture. It involves compliance with the rules and requirements when hiring employees on both personal and official issues.

How to organize the reception of visitors? Some managers believe that the doors of their offices should be open to visitors at all times (the "open door" principle). But this approach justifies itself only when the leader has only a few people in his subordination.

Other leaders set certain days and hours for reception. This practice is the most common. If the head for some reason cannot hold a reception, then someone else (usually one of his deputies) should receive visitors. But the manager should not cancel the reception under any circumstances. For small businesses, admission can be made without an appointment.

    Culture in writing. This includes the mandatory registration of letters, certain deadlines for their consideration, the personal responsibility of the manager for timely and correct response to them, a mandatory response to each letter.

    A culture of speech. About 80% of a manager's working time is occupied by contacts with people, so the ability to speak (communicate) is an important part of the manager's work culture.

    Organizational culture of the leader. It is determined by the degree of the manager's knowledge of management theory, methods of organizational work, his experience, skills and ability to carry out various organizational procedures that make up a significant share in the structure of the manager's working time. Organizational procedures include the selection and placement of personnel, the development organizational norms, standards and plans for personal work, setting tasks and bringing them to the performers, management, control of execution, etc.


The concept of management effectiveness in tourism

Considering the content of the concept of "management efficiency in tourism", one should proceed from the fact that tourism is, first of all, an important socio-economic phenomenon. Its consequences are more and more felt by each resident and society as a whole. Thus, tourism is a type of activity that directly affects the social, cultural, educational, economic spheres of all states, as well as their international economic relations.

Due to the ever-increasing impact of tourism on society, there is a need to study its effectiveness. A correct assessment of the effectiveness of management in tourism allows you to actively influence the current state and development trends of tourism companies, set their sizes, monitor and correct unmanaged phenomena and processes, make forecasts and plans for the development of these companies and their structural divisions. But it should be borne in mind that the mechanical transfer of known methods for determining efficiency from other sectors of the economy does not make sense. Based on the specifics of tourism activities, you need to clearly understand what needs to be measured in order to calculate its effectiveness. After all, the effect of tourism is determined either by the number of tourists-visitors, or by the volume of activities of commercial tourist structures that produce a specific tourist product (tourist offer).

Since tourism covers a wide range of activities and goes beyond the traditional idea of ​​it as a phenomenon associated only with recreation, the effect of it must be considered from the point of view of the demand of a special type of consumer, and not from the point of view of supply, which is typical, for example, for industry, more simply and less laborious.

Then why is the effectiveness of tourism not defined in this way? The fact is that in other industries, commercial enterprises are engaged in the production of goods and services. But tourism cannot be reduced only to the production of goods (services), since this type of activity is determined not so much by the nature of the goods (services) produced, but by the characteristics and number of consumers of the tourist product. This means that the effect in the tourism industry depends on the final consumption of any of its products, which depends more on the type of consumer and less on the type of product.

Having defined the consumer of a tourist product as the most important element of efficiency, we mean that his money is exchanged for a tourist product or service, and this leads to “tourist expenses”. Any expenses, including in tourism, directly affect the efficiency of the industry. In this regard, data related to tourism expenditure is the main component underlying the management of tourism. It is used to monitor and evaluate the impact of tourism on the national economy and various sectors of the tourism industry.

As you can see, the effectiveness of management covers various areas of human activity. In the literal sense, doing business effectively means effectively, efficiently, productively. Efficiency is akin to a targeted impact, therefore it is of a managerial nature and reflects the degree of achievement of the set goals. This means that efficiency should be understood as the ratio of the result and the goals or the result and the costs of obtaining it. It is on this starting position that the understanding of the effectiveness of tourism management is based. We are talking about the effective operation of all subsystems, united by the concept of "tourism", which in a market economy is provided by the control system. In this regard, the effectiveness of management in tourism should be understood as such management that will ensure the successful functioning and development of each organizational and economic link in this industry. The effectiveness of tourism management is considered by us in two directions: economic and social.

Economic efficiency of management in tourism 1

The essence of the management impact in the field of economic management of tourism is to ensure that the costs of tourism activities are minimized. As we agreed earlier, the definition of spending is closely related to the definition of consumption in tourism. In this regard, consumption in tourism is defined as the cost of goods and services necessary to meet the demand of tourists. Thus, tourism expenditure is defined as the total consumption expenditure of a tourist during preparation, during his trip and stay at the destination.

To more accurately determine the amount of travel expenses incurred during the holidays, we determine:

    travel frequency. It shows how many trips a person takes on average over a certain period of time.

where Ch p - frequency of trips; K n - the number of trips and H in - the period of time.

    travel intensity. When determining this indicator, not an individual person is taken into account, but the entire population of the region. The intensity of travel shows what part of the people employed in the national economy traveled during the year. This is the ratio of travelers to the total population of the region (for example, the republic), expressed as a percentage:

where I n is the intensity of travel; K t - the number of tourists; Ch n - population.

    average trip duration. It is calculated by dividing the total number of overnight stays by the number of trips.

The various components that make up tourism spending can be divided into three broad groups:

    preliminary expenses necessary for the preparation and implementation of the trip;

    expenses incurred during travel and in places visited by tourists;

    expenses incurred in the country of departure after returning from a trip abroad (for example, developing photographic film, repairing a car damaged during a trip, etc.).

As you can see, tourism expenses include quite a few components - from the purchase of consumer goods and services, which are an integral part of travel, to the purchase of durable goods and gifts for relatives and friends.

The concept of management effectiveness in the tourism sector

Tourism, as an activity, affects the cultural, social, economic and educational sphere and also affects international economic relations. In this regard, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of management, this will allow:

  • to rule current state and trends in the development of tourism enterprises,
  • determine the size of travel companies,
  • monitor and correct uncontrolled processes and phenomena,
  • predict and plan the development of tourism companies and their divisions.

Tourism covers various activities, therefore, its effect should be considered from the standpoint of the demand of various types of consumers, and depend on the final consumption of tourism products.

Remark 1

The effectiveness of management in tourism is such managerial activity, which ensures the successful functioning and development of each organizational and economic links of the industry, and ensures efficient work all subsystems in the tourism market.

The effectiveness of management in the tourism sector is considered in two areas:

  • economic,
  • social.

Economic efficiency of management

Remark 2

Economic efficiency is understood as the ratio of the result and the cost of achieving it. The essence of management in the field of economic management is to reduce the costs of tourism activities and bring them to a minimum.

In tourism, the definition of expenditure is closely linked to the definition of consumption, which in turn is determined by the value of the goods and services required to satisfy tourism demand.

Tourist expenses are determined by the amount of consumer expenses of a tourist during the preparation of the trip, in its process and stay at the destination.

To determine the impact of tourism on the country's economy, it is necessary to find out the following questions:

  • determine the gross contribution from tourism activities to the country's economy,
  • determine the gross economic costs tourism,
  • install clean economic income from tourism activities to the national economy,
  • find reserves that increase this contribution.

Grade economic efficiency includes the following criteria and indicators:

  • type of expenses (complex trips, accommodation, food and drinks, transport, recreation, shopping, etc.);
  • visitor expenses;
  • enterprise income;
  • formed fund;
  • employment;
  • government revenues.

Social efficiency of management

Unlike economic efficiency, a system of indicators social type almost impossible to measure.

Social efficiency is primarily understood as:

  • employee satisfaction,
  • their ability to adapt to internal and external conditions.

An effective social policy of the enterprise is to create a structure that provides comfortable working conditions and improves the living standards of the staff, thanks to the professional growth of the staff and the management of their business career.

Creation of effective organizational structure viewed from two perspectives:

  1. Efficiency of taken managerial decisions.
  2. The effectiveness of the parameters of the organizational structure of tourism management in general.

To determine the effectiveness of the organizational structure, the following are used:

  • link coefficient,
  • coefficient of efficiency of the organizational structure of management,
  • territorial concentration coefficient.

The effectiveness of management decisions is determined by:

The indicators characterizing the position of the company in the labor market include:

  • the level of employee satisfaction with the enterprise,
  • the level of the average wage,
  • staffing level,
  • HR costs per employee
  • intensity labor activity,
  • quality characteristic labor resources enterprises.

The development of engineering and production technologies in industrialized countries contributed to the improvement of the well-being of the population, an increase in vacation time, which in turn had a positive effect on the development of tourism. In the future, the development of the tourist market took place, the improvement of the corresponding legislative framework, development of new technologies in hotel business, development of new types of tourist product, use computer systems booking and reservation, the development of the educational and scientific base of tourism, the creation of Russian tourist societies, the emergence of monopoly structures in the Russian tourist market, joint business with foreign firms, activation of promotion of the tourist product on the market.

As we know, people have always traveled, this is evidenced by the records of ancient peoples, historical essays of writers and travelers.

Jafar Jafari, a leading expert of the World Tourism Organization, wrote about this in his work “The Phenomenology of Tourism”. These historical accounts have shown that as trading activities and conquests in Greece, Rome, and China, members of the nobility of these countries increasingly traveled for entertainment, trade or diplomatic purposes. Herodotus (VI century BC), for example, left a significant written legacy about his short trips and long journeys. In such literature, which had a life-descriptive character and a historical orientation, art and philosophy, languages ​​and religions, traditions of the population of other countries, features of local life and forms of hospitality were considered.)

During the colonial conquests and geographical discoveries, the Arabs (8th century AD) and Europeans (including Marco Polo, 12th century AD) left a remarkable legacy - travel records that are in demand to this day. For example, the poet Basco, who visited Japan in the 15th century, wrote memoirs that are still serving as an excellent reference material current tourists. According to historical documents from the middle of the XVI century. Northern Europeans regularly traveled to mineral waters, to known training centers Italy and to the monuments of great civilizations in Southern Europe. From the middle of the XVI century. the term "tourist" has been adopted to refer to participants in recreational and educational travel. Tours lasting at first 2-3 years are gradually reduced in time, while the number of tourists is growing. In the 19th century Thomas Cook, the great English reformer, uses steam locomotives to drive the urban poor out of town, to exhibitions and rallies. Noting the commercial prospects of mass tourism, he laid the foundation for the modern tourism industry: travel agencies, reservations for transport and hotel rooms, hotel classification, traveler's checks, timetables and quality guides with comprehensive information.

Mass tourism is becoming international.
In the 60s. the benefits of mass tourism were no longer in question. The study suggested that tourism could be a great way to encourage the working class in both the Third World and the Great Powers. Thus, in the 20th century, an industry was formed that has grown and acquired today a worldwide socio-economic significance.

This means that in modern world tourism acts as a complex social phenomenon. In this way , tourism- it's not only important industry economy, but also an important part of people's lives. It covers the relationship of a person with his external environment.

When studying management in tourism, it is very important to correctly answer the following questions. next question: who and what tourist services use? At the same time, one should think about whether the families of Mr. Ivanov and Mr. Sidorov will have the same vacation and whether their needs for a tourist product will coincide. The answer is unequivocal - no. In this regard, all tourists can be classified according to the following criteria:

Pleasure lovers.

Quiet life lovers

Vacationers for the purpose of knowledge, study.

Adventure lovers.

In this case, the needs of each person are taken into account. And based on the needs of people, leaders tourism organization can motivate, in this case, creating conditions for his comfortable rest.

Tourism organization, like any other, is primarily responsible for the results of its activities. It performs the function of a coordinating body in the tourism offer of the region, and it is also responsible for the tourism activities of the entire region. And in order to cope with such a double responsibility, it is necessary to control and analyze the entire tourist region. Under these conditions, with the help of management, a development strategy for both the entire region and a separate tourist organization should be developed.

tourism management- this is the view economic activity in the field of tourism, related to the management of people and tourist facilities, in order to obtain optimal results.

Generally management (management - management, management, leadership) - management as an activity related to the management of people in a wide variety of organizations; the ability to achieve goals, using labor, intelligence, motives for the behavior of other people.

Management work is very different from other production work. If a production worker uses the same skills and abilities from day to day from month to month, then the manager must daily adapt to changing conditions, although he performs repetitive managerial work.

Control- a type of activity associated with a targeted impact on the part of the subject, management bodies on people and economic objects, carried out in order to direct their activities and obtain the desired results.

Involved in management:

The object being managed;

The entity that manages;



All the activity of a manager is to achieve the goals set by the organization through the hands of other people, but at the same time the manager takes part in their work, as he is interested in the effective operation of this organization.

You can try to describe and reveal the essence of management and management in any way. However, in essence, the difference lies in the fact that these words in Russian and English have very different meanings, which reveal explanatory dictionaries these languages.

Manage it:

1) function organized systems of a different nature (biological, social, technical), ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintaining the mode of activity, the implementation of their programs and goals;

2) the process of influencing the object to ensure a specific goal. The following are involved in management: - the object being controlled; - block that controls;

3) activities of organs state power(government, administration);

4) any management activity, organization management (management);

5) a large subdivision of some state or other institution (board, directorate, department);

6) a type of subordinating syntactic connection, in which the dominant component of the phrase requires the formulation of the dependent component in a certain grammatical form, and the form of the dominant word does not cause a change in the form of the controlled word (for example, the verb "to wish" governs the accusative and dative cases: "to wish happiness to the young" ).

management(English) - leadership, management from manage:

1) conduct business;

2) manage the work;

3) manage people, organization;

4) administration - management structure;

5) ask about something.

The term "management" characterizes mainly the management processes economic activity. In this sense, "management" is less capacious than the concept of management, since they manage not only the enterprise and organization, the state, society, but also technical means, technological processes using the concept of "management" to express this process.

Tourism management considers tourist needs and motivations, the behavior of tourists, and the economic relations that develop between them and the producers of tourism services, the interaction of the tourism sector with the natural, economic and other macro-environments.

If we are talking about tourism management, then it is quite obvious that object management is tourism .

Item in material form(meat, clothing) exists regardless of its producer, tourist service(and this is also a commodity) is inseparable from the source of its creation. If, for example, a consumer of a tourist product in April ordered a tour for June, and in May the travel company ceased to exist, then this service will not be provided to the consumer due to the lack of its source.

Since the tourist product manifests itself in the form of a service, its necessary features are the presence of a client and the impossibility of storing this service, i.e. the point is that the tourist service cannot be sent by mail. Due to the fact that the personal aspect is enhanced during the implementation of a tourist product, the process of providing tourist services can be automated to a much lesser extent than, for example, the process of producing goods. After all, it is impossible with a high degree of probability (even with the use of a computer) to predict the behavior of a tourist - it depends not only on objective circumstances, but also on subjective factors.

For this reason, in tourism management immeasurably more attention should be paid to personnel management and the regulation of interpersonal relations. This primarily applies to the work of tourism enterprises, whose services are provided through direct contact with people.

Tourist region makes a profit from the guests. The revenue received from their service is the primary revenue and is more significant than that received from the permanent residents of the region. Profit from tourism flows into the local economic cycle with a new stream and has a multiplying effect: it "passes" through the local economy.

A hotel, for example, buys bread from a grocer, and the latter builds a new building with money originally received from a tourist. The amount of money that remains in the region will be the higher, the more services are sold directly on the spot, i.e. the stronger the local production. The region can also benefit from tourism in terms of ecology, if deductions from tourism are used to preserve the landscape and keep it in order.

The tourism industry is completely different from other industries and, therefore, it is impossible to mechanically transfer developments or management models from other areas of work to the tourism industry. And if a management model that has justified itself in practice (for example, industrial enterprise) gives the desired effect, then its application in the tourism industry can lead to degradation of the latter.

In this regard, the following can be features characteristic of the management of any tourism enterprise:

firstly, when planning tourism activities, the needs, needs and desires of end users should be at the forefront. With this in mind, the scope of the application of labor of any tourist enterprise. We are talking about whether the travel company satisfies the needs of intermediate consumers (intermediaries), or it can be a government order. In this regard, the location of a tourist enterprise (due to its attraction to the direct end consumer) is determined, on the one hand, by the location of the main contingent of consumers of the tourist product, and on the other hand, by the location of recreational resources, which are practically the main factor (part) of the tourism industry;

Secondly, non-primary tourism service. Although in the modern world the importance of tourism as a means of recuperation and health is enormous, the tourist product has not yet become a commodity of prime necessity and is unlikely to become one in the near future. In addition, tourism services have more than other paid services, affects the change in the purchasing power of the population. The development of tourism is also very strongly influenced by political and environmental phenomena;

third, in the tourism industry greater value has marketing. This is due to the fact that the seller of a tourist service, not being able to provide its sample-standard (as is practiced when selling goods), must find arguments in favor of its product-service. Same tourist trip can be evaluated differently by two different people, which sometimes causes misunderstandings in the relationship between the travel company and customers. In this regard, management in tourism should be focused in the direction of creating an SORI system (a system for collecting, processing and disseminating information);

fourth, the tourist service is unique (it is not possible to repeat it in all aspects). This is the itinerary of the trip, terms of service, cost, etc. Even two tours on the same route with the same company often go differently (this is the state vehicle, events in the host country, etc.).

Leader and his roles.

Supervisor- person empowered to take management decisions and implement them. The role of the leader is understood as "a set of specific behavioral rules that correspond to a particular institution or a specific position (Mintsberg). There are ten main roles of the leader. The leader performs these roles at various periods of his work.
Leadership roles are broadly divided into three groups:

1. Interpersonal roles. The manager performs the role of a leader, that is, he is responsible for motivating, recruiting, training employees, etc. Also, the manager is the link between his employees. The chief leader performs the role of a one-man boss - the chief supreme leader.

2. Information roles. As a receiver of information, the leader receives a variety of information and uses it for the purposes of the organization. The next role of the leader is to disseminate information among the members of the organization. The head also performs representative functions, that is, transmits information about the organization during external contacts.

3. Decision-Making Roles. The manager acts as an entrepreneur, develops and controls various projects to improve the activities of the organization. He also acts as a person who eliminates violations in the work of the organization. The manager is the distributor of the resources of his organization. In addition, he is a person who negotiates with other organizations on behalf of his organization.

All these roles of the leader, in their totality, determine the scope and content of the work of the manager of any organization.