Types of social service systems. Types and specifics of social services

The system of social services includes state, municipal and non-state services.

Mechanisms of social assistance "turn on" when other methods of support (psychological, moral, contractual, legislative) have been exhausted.

Institutions social service population: their types and specifics of activities

The system of social services for the population: principles, functions, types and forms of activity


Bibliographic list

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2. Voronin V.F., Zhiltsova Yu.V. Statistics: Proc. allowance for universities. - M.: Economist, 2004.

3. Gusarov V.M. Statistics: Proc. allowance for universities. - M.: UNITI-DATA, 2001.

4. Eliseeva I. I. Social statistics: Textbook. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003.

5. Course of socio-economic statistics: a textbook for universities, edited by M.G. Nazarov. Moscow: Finstatinform, 2002.

6. Luginin O.E. Statistics in market economy. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006.

7. Socio-economic statistics: a textbook edited by V.N. Salina, E.P. Shpakovskaya. M.: JURIST, 2001.

8. Socio-economic statistics: a textbook for universities, edited by B.I. Bashkatov. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2002. - S. 703;

9. Socio-economic statistics: teaching aid, edited by Ya.S. Melkumov. M.: Publishing house OOOIMPE-PUBLISH, 2004. - S. 256;

10. Finance statistics: textbook. It is important to note that for university students studying in the specialty ʼʼStatisticsʼʼ/ ed. M.G. Nazarov. - M: Omega-L Publishing House, 2005.

11. Workshop on statistics: Proc. manual for universities / Ed. V. M. Simchery / VZFEI. – M.: Finstatinform, 1999.

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Social services are provided through the system of social services.

The concept of ʼʼsocial serviceʼʼ refers to the basic concepts in social services for the population and is defined as a system of state and non-state structures that carry out social work and include special institutions to provide social services and their governing bodies.

Social service as a tool social work organizes its activities in two directions: social protection and social assistance. The implementation of activities is based on the following approaches:

- assistance should be of a reintegrating nature;

- when providing assistance, they carry out an individual approach to the client's request;

- social assistance is provided on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity;

- the beneficiary must be active;

The state social service includes institutions and enterprises of social services, executive authorities of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes the organization and implementation of social services.

The municipal social services are institutions and enterprises of social services, local self-service bodies, whose competence includes the organization and implementation of social services.

To non-state social service include institutions and social service enterprises created by charitable, public, religious and other non-governmental organizations and individuals.

In the context of these approaches, a client who finds himself in a difficult life situation can receive the following support based on his requests (Fig. 1).

State social services are focused mainly on providing people in need with various kinds of services. This determines the totality and content of its functions, among which, according to the Concept for the Development of Social Services for the Population of the Russian Federation (1993 ᴦ.), the following stand out: 1

Client assistance system in the social service system

a) social assistance function, which includes: international


Identification, accounting of families and individuals most ____ __________________ support

(low-income citizens, families with minor children and other disabled members),

provision of material (financial, in-kind) assistance and provision of temporary housing to those in need, etc.;

Prevention of poverty: creation of conditions for families to independently ensure their well-being, family entrepreneurship;

Necessary services for those in need of outside care (delivery of food, medicines, transportation for treatment, home health monitoring, etc.);

Promoting the development of non-traditional forms of pre-school, school and out-of-school education;

Organization of temporary forced stay of a child outside parental family, his further placement in a children's institution, under guardianship (guardianship), adoption;

b) a consulting function, which includes:

Consulting specialists (lawyers, sociologists, teachers, doctors, psychologists, etc.);

Participation in preparing young people for choosing a profession;

Preparation of boys and girls for marriage and conscious parenthood;

Parental medical and psychological education;

c) the function of social adjustment and rehabilitation, which includes:

Social medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, neglected children and adolescents, children left without parental care;

Medical - social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities and families raising them;

d) the function of information of the population, the study and forecasting of social needs, within which three areas are distinguished:

Providing the client with information that is extremely important for resolving a difficult life situation;

Dissemination among the population of medical - psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge;

The study by social work specialists, specially created institutions, as well as with the help of scientific organizations of the needs of their clients and social problems that give rise to crisis situations in the region, the development and implementation of specific measures aimed at their elimination;

e) the function of participation in the implementation of emergency measures to overcome the consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts:

Participation of social service specialists in the development of emergency programs;

Formation within the framework of rescue services organized at the central and other levels, teams of social workers, etc.

The main areas of social services for the population are defined by the Federal Law ʼʼ On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federationʼʼ (1995 ᴦ.):

Providing financial assistance citizens who are in a difficult life situation, in the form of Money, food, etc., as well as special Vehicle, technical means rehabilitation of the disabled and persons in need of outside care;

Social services at home, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ, are carried out by providing social services to citizens in need of outside or temporary non-stationary social services;

Social services in stationary institutions, carried out by providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and in need of constant outside care, and ensuring the creation of living conditions appropriate to their age and state of health, carrying out medical, psychological, social activities, nutrition, care, as well as the organization of feasible labor activity, recreation and leisure;

Provision of temporary shelter in specialized institutions of social services to orphans, neglected minors, citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, citizens without a fixed place of residence, victims of psychological or physical violence and other clients of the social service who need to determine a temporary shelter;

Organization of a day stay in social service institutions with the provision of social - household, social - medical and other services to those who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement to elderly citizens and the disabled, as well as to other persons, incl. minors who are in a difficult life situation;

Advisory assistance on issues of social - household and social - medical support for life, psychological and pedagogical assistance, social - legal protection;

Rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, juvenile delinquents, other citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation and need professional, psychological, social rehabilitation.

Social service is based on the principles:

Equal opportunities for citizens regardless of nationality, gender and age;



Promoting self-reliant social adaptation;

Targeting, priority assistance to citizens who are in a dangerous or helpless state;

Humanity, goodwill, respect for confidentiality;

Preventive orientation;

Legality and accounting for international standards.

Social service is formed on the basis of legality, humanism, justice and democracy. At the same time, the same for the entire system of social service are general principles, ubiquitous adherence to which makes this system holistic and consistent:

The principle of the priority of state principles in organizing social services and guaranteeing the rights of citizens to receive social services and assistance in difficult life situations means that the state ensures the rights of the individual, sovereignty, honor and freedom, protects it from all sorts of encroachments. It provides a social service system necessary materials, finance, human resources, determines the responsibilities of institutions, governments and social service workers.

The principle of relying on public participation means that the public component is an extremely important link in the work and management of social services. At the same time, in cases where social services require social professional training, public participation is possible only as an assistance to the main subjects of this activity.

The principle of territoriality means that the social service is as close as possible to the population and therefore, to the maximum extent, is available for direct use. This principle makes it possible to solve the problems of integrating departmental interests and opportunities for a comprehensive solution of the problems of social services, to maintain a variety of activities with common goals.

The principle of awareness means that institutions and management bodies of the social service have the right to collect information, receive, upon a reasoned request from state and public bodies, information that is necessary for their functions and assistance to clients.

The functions of managing the issues of social services for the population in the territory under their jurisdiction are carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. Οʜᴎ build their activities in cooperation with the authorities of health, public education, culture, physical culture and sports͵ law enforcement agencies, state services for youth and employment and other government bodies, as well as with public, religious, charitable organizations and funds.

b> . Institutions of social services for the population: their types and specifics of activities

The system of social services includes a network of specialized institutions designed to serve the relevant groups of the population.

An important place in this system belongs to the territorial centers of social services for the population.

The territorial social service is a set of governing bodies and specialized institutions that provide direct social services to various groups and categories of the population on the territory of various administrative units of the Russian Federation: in regions, urban and rural areas, microdistricts, etc.

The functions of managing social services for the population in the territory under their jurisdiction are carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. Local authorities (as well as non-state, public, private and other organizations with a license) create specialized social service institutions, the leading place among which is given to territorial social service centers. In accordance with the approximate Regulations on the Center for Social Services (order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia No. 137 dated 07.20.1993 ᴦ.), the Center for Social Services is an institution of social protection of the population that carries out organizational and practical activities to provide various types of social assistance to the elderly, the disabled and groups of the population in need of social support. 1 Social service centers may have various social service units in their structure, incl. day care units for the elderly and disabled, social assistance at home, urgent social assistance services, as well as others created taking into account the extreme importance and available opportunities. These centers provide comprehensive social assistance different types: psychological, legal, rehabilitation, social - pedagogical, medical - social, preventive, etc.

Part territorial service may also include functional specialized centers, institutions and social service enterprises, regardless of ownership.

Figure 2 shows the main centers of social services regardless of the population and the ratio between state, non-state and municipal services.

p> Zainyshev IG Technology of social work. Publisher: Vlados, 2002


Today, one can observe how the network of institutions and social service enterprises is constantly developing, new types of them are emerging, which makes it possible to cover a wider range of social problems of various strata and groups of the population. The social service system is still in the process of formation.

Financing of social service institutions is carried out, as a rule, on a budgetary basis. So, financial resources social services are formed from:

Normative deductions from the budgets of the corresponding level in the amount of at least 2% of the expenditure side of the budget;

Receipts from the social support fund for the population due to the allocation of part of the funds for the purpose of social support for families with children;

Funds from the federal budget for the implementation of statutory tasks;

Finance as a result of the redistribution of funds between committees and departments of services at various levels for the implementation of regional, city and district programs;

p> Khizhny N. State system of social protection of citizens in the countries of Western Europe. Publisher: INION RAN, 2006

Additional funds for the regional and local budgets to provide targeted measures to adapt the income of the population to an increase in the cost of living and more;

Income from paid services and from economic activity service institutions;

Charitable donations and contributions from businesses, public organizations and individuals, proceeds from charitable actions.

Funds of specialized centers are formed on the basis of the type of activity and the type of organization of their financing: budgetary, self-supporting or mixed. When the center organizes paid services to the population and makes a profit, it is directed to the further development of the center's core activities and is exempt from taxation in terms of funds credited to the local budget.

The main principle of the organization of social services in the Russian Federation is the territorial principle. At the same time, the social services of various ministries and departments are considered as integral components (or sectors) of territorial social services. Sometimes local social service institutions have dual administrative subordination and several sources of funding. At the same time, practice proves the extreme importance of establishing a subsystem of social services within individual departments, for example, social protection of the population, education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the employment service, youth.

At the same time, the development of social service institutions is constrained today by the following factors:

Weak legal base of the system of social services;

Limitation financial resources available at the disposal of federal and regional governments, as well as local governments;

Lack of coordination in the activities of ministries and departments in the field of social services;

Lack of staff with vocational training in the field of social work;

Low social status and inadequate salaries of social workers;

Insufficient use of financial, economic and intellectual opportunities of non-governmental institutions.

> Firsov M., Studenova E. Theory of social work: A textbook for university students. Publisher: Vlados, 2000

The system of social services includes state, municipal and non-state services. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The system of social services includes state, municipal and non-state services." 2017, 2018.

The social service is a structure that was created to provide professional assistance to people in the field of social relations. Social service can be created where there is position at least one specialist.

In our country, social work "as professional activity» originated in the early 1990s

The grounds for dividing social services into types are of particular importance. This classification, which divides these services by types and forms of social work, may be based on various grounds, but all of them, ultimately, come down to the following: solving the client's problem; interaction with other services, institutions, organizations.

Depending on these forms, social work is divided into types. So, in the first case, it is possible to talk, on the one hand, about the nature of the client's problem (divorce, job loss, loss of a loved one, disability, and so on); on the other hand, the features of the client, since both the individual and the association can be put forward in the form of a client, including the community as a large social group. On the other hand, we talk about the field of activity, in the process of which there are problems of interaction with other services, institutions, associations (let's say, the sphere of education, healthcare, everyday life, etc.); as well as the status of these organizations (state, private, public, charitable, and so on).

If we take the problem of the client as the cornerstone of the classifications of social services, then in this case it is allowed to think about the following services:

a) engaging in social assistance to the population: detecting families, social risk groups (large, incomplete, students, those with a disability, living in unfavorable housing conditions, antisocial behavior of parents and children, lonely, elderly) and assisting them in obtaining material, medical, legal , psychological and pedagogical, social and other necessary assistance, with the involvement of specialists - lawyers, psychologists, teachers, etc.;

b) social rehabilitation service: a social service for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, who have returned from places of deprivation of liberty, medical and educational institutions;

c) services to provide various types of assistance to the family: family consultations; dating services; different types of family education and self-education; sexological and pediatric rooms; pedagogical consultations and etc.

If we take the field of activity as the basis for classification, then there are the following services:

a) social assistance. This service provides services to the elderly, lonely, disabled. Promotes the construction of special residential buildings for this category of people; participates in the development and improvement of the system for providing disabled people with prosthetic and orthopedic care and special products to compensate for the defect and make life easier;

b) family leisure. This service stimulates family tourism, family excursions, organized family vacations, creates family leisure centers, family clubs, clubs for young and large families;

c) social prevention services for deviant behavior. Such services are fighting crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, vagrancy, delinquency and other asocial phenomena among minors. These services facilitate the creation and operation of educational institutions systems for the prevention of social maladaptation of minors.

The system of social services includes a network of specialized institutions designed to serve the relevant groups of the population.

An important place in this system belongs to territorial centers of social services for the population.

The territorial social service is a set of governing bodies and specialized institutions that provide direct social services to various groups and categories of the population on the territory of various administrative units. Russian Federation: in regions, urban and rural areas, microdistricts, etc.

The functions of managing social services for the population in the jurisdictional territory are carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. Local authorities (as well as non-state, public, private and other organizations with a license) create specialized social service institutions, the leading place among which is given to territorial social service centers. In accordance with the approximate Regulations on the Center for Social Services (order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia No. 137 of July 20, 1993), the Center for Social Services is an institution of social protection of the population that carries out organizational and practical activities in the city or district to provide various types of social assistance to elderly citizens, disabled people and other groups of the population in need of social support. Social service centers may have various social service units in their structure, including day care units for the elderly and disabled, social assistance at home, emergency social assistance services, as well as others created taking into account the need and available opportunities. Such centers provide comprehensive social assistance of various types: psychological, legal, rehabilitation, socio-pedagogical, medical and social, preventive, etc.

The territorial service may also include functional specialized centers, institutions and social service enterprises, regardless of ownership.

Today, one can observe how the network of institutions and enterprises of social services is constantly developing, new types of them are emerging, which makes it possible to cover an ever wider range of social problems of various strata and groups of the population. The social service system is still in the process of formation.

The main principle of the organization of social services in the Russian Federation is the territorial principle. At the same time, the social services of various ministries and departments are considered as integral components (or sectors) of territorial social services. Sometimes local social service institutions have dual administrative subordination and several sources of funding. At the same time, practice proves the need for the formation of a subsystem of social services within individual departments, for example, social protection of the population, education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the employment service, youth.

However, the development of a network of social service institutions is constrained today by the following factors:

Weak legal base of the system of social services;

Limited financial resources at the disposal of federal and regional governments, as well as local governments;

Lack of coordination in the activities of ministries and departments in the field of social services;

Lack of staff trained in social work;

Low social status and inadequate wage social workers;

Insufficient use of financial, economic and intellectual capacities of non-governmental institutions".

Social service institutions for families and children

An important aspect in the regulation of socio-economic processes in society is the protection and support of the institution of the family. The basic principles in the organization of social assistance to the family by state, municipal and public organizations can be expressed as follows:

expanding family opportunities to solve vital tasks;

establishing a family connection with other teams, organizations and social institutions that provide resources, support opportunities;

promoting the effective and humane operation of the family as a socio-economic system;

development of self-help to improve family social policy in the territories.

public service Assistance to families and children performs the following functions:

Analytical: studies the problems and needs of its contingent of families or members of the team;

Planning and organizational: plans and organizes social services in society;

Managerial: provides contact with state bodies on which the solution of client problems depends, achieves a solution, evaluates the result of a particular event, etc .;

Informational: informs the population about the possibilities of service, new government decisions on social protection of the population 13 .

Social work in these services can be expressed in various forms of assistance to the family. For example, urgent help with acute mental conditions of a person caused by social conditions or a difficult life situation is aimed at removing or reducing the negative, including even the possibility of suicide, the consequences of such a state. This assistance can be provided by such institutions and divisions of the service as helplines, emergency psychological care centers, etc.

Help can wear lengthy character, when in difficult life situations the client is provided not only primary, but also in-depth long-term support aimed at improving the attitude towards the situation, identifying the client’s internal reserves and increasing his faith in himself and the ability to overcome the circumstances. Such assistance is provided in territorial centers for social assistance to families, social shelters for children and adolescents (mothers with children), rehabilitation centers, centers for helping children left without parents, in psychological and pedagogical consultations, territorial teams of social workers, which include social workers, specializing in different types of family problems, which makes it possible to jointly search for solutions in the most difficult situations.

Help can be straight And mediated. Direct assistance is aimed directly at protecting the rights and interests of the client, improving his living conditions, removing unwanted mental states, etc. Indirect assistance is provided through work with social environment client (family, team members, friends, street company, etc.), through various state organizations and funds.

Also, help can be straight and in another sense of the word, namely, in response to the current situation or the client’s appeal, as well as preventive nature, i.e., warning of a predictable unfavorable situation.

The center may have in its structure various departments of social services for families and children, including departments for primary admission, information, analysis and forecasting, socio-economic assistance, medical and social assistance, psychological and pedagogical assistance, prevention of neglect of children and adolescents, etc. d.

The purpose of the Center is to promote the realization of the right of families and children to protection and assistance from the state, to promote the development and strengthening of the family as social institution, improvement of socio-economic conditions of life, indicators of social health and well-being of the family and children, humanization of family ties with society and the state, establishment of harmonious intra-family relations.

The main tasks of the Center are:

Identification of the causes of social disadvantage of specific families and children, their need for social assistance;

Definition and provision of specific types and forms of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, legal and other social services to families and children in need of social assistance;

Support for families and individuals in solving the problems of their self-sufficiency, realizing their own capabilities to overcome difficult life situations;

Social patronage of families and individual citizens in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support;

Participation in the work on the prevention of neglect of minors, the protection of their rights;

Analysis of the level of social services for families with children in the city, district, microdistrict, forecasting their need for social assistance and preparing proposals for the development of social services;

Involvement of various state and non-governmental organizations in solving issues of social services for families and children.

Families: incomplete, large families, low-income families, etc.;

Children and adolescents in unfavorable family conditions that threaten their health and development; orphaned or left without parental care; having deviations in physical and mental development, incl. disabled people, etc.;

Adult citizens (pregnant women and nursing mothers; having dependent minor children, etc.);

Former pupils of orphanages and boarding schools.

Today, about 1,500 institutions for families and children operate in the system of social protection agencies, of which about 200 are centers for social assistance to families and children.

Social service institutions for pensioners

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to social, including pension, security in old age.

Social services for the elderly are carried out in accordance with ethical principles international organization labor:

Personal dignity - the right to decent treatment, treatment, social assistance and support.

Freedom of choice - every elderly person has the right to choose between home care and shelter, temporary or permanent.

Aid Coordination - assistance provided by various social bodies should be active, coordinated and consistent.

Individualized assistance - assistance is provided primarily to the elderly citizen himself, taking into account his environment.

Closing the gap between health and social care - with the priority nature of the criterion of health status, the level financial assistance cannot depend on the standard of living and place of residence.

The main principles of working with the elderly are respect for and interest in the personality of the client, emphasis on the relevance and usefulness of his experience and knowledge to people around him. It is important to perceive an elderly person not only as an object, but also as a subject of social work. This should help to find and develop their internal reserves that contribute to self-realization, self-support and self-defense. Big role At the same time, the professional competence of the social worker plays, including knowledge of the gerontological and psychological characteristics of age, taking into account the client's belonging to a particular social group.

Assistance to the elderly is carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population through their branches, which identify and keep records, carry out different kinds social support, offer and provide paid services. Social services are carried out by decision of the social protection authorities in institutions subordinate to them or under agreements concluded by social protection authorities with a social service institution of other forms of ownership.

The following institutions also perform the function of social protection and assistance:

boarding houses;

Departments of day and night stay;

Special homes for single elderly;

Hospitals and departments for chronic patients;

hospitals various types;

Territorial centers of social service;

Departments of social assistance at home;

Gerontological centers, etc.








Almost every member of society can be a client of social work. According to Russian legislation, a person in a difficult life situation may receive social assistance in case of contacting a social service. After that, the specialists of the social institution are obliged to check the compliance of the parameters of the life situation of the applicant with the normatively prescribed requirements for the recipient of social assistance. The results of studying the subjective and objective circumstances of an individual's difficult life situation provide a basis for realizing the right to assistance.

Social work client– a person who has suffered objective difficulties or subjective difficulties, who is a recipient of the assistance of a social worker and / or is registered with the social service.

the client of social work is a certain individual(neglected child; abused woman; alcoholic; elderly; disabled).

Each client has certain characteristic personality traits that must be discovered and used by a social worker in the process of work. Whether a social worker's client is an individual, a group, a family, or a larger social structure, it will have special needs, attitudes, value systems, abilities, levels of knowledge, belief systems, along with physical characteristics and experiences that each the client is made truly unique, and the situation is unique. The main goal of social work is to determine the social problem and the socio-psychological portrait of the client, and only then find the right means to resolve his life difficulties.

The typology of the client is also related to the specifics of his request and the type of assistance provided by the social worker. The basis for the classification of social service clients can be both objective and individual-personal criteria and characteristics.

Objective characteristics of the client of social work: socio-demographic feature (pensioners, employees, students, unemployed); age (children, youth, middle-aged people, the elderly, the elderly); gender (women, men); level of education (incomplete secondary, secondary, secondary special, incomplete higher, higher, academic degree) ; health status (healthy, temporarily disabled, mentally handicapped, disabled); marital status (married, widowed, single, divorced); the presence of dependents (children, the presence of disabled persons in care); territorial sign (residents of the Far North, migrants, refugees, rural residents); socio-professional status (employed, unemployed, on maternity leave, housewives); material and economic situation (low-income, with an optimal income level, living below the poverty line).

Client as an object of professional interaction of a social worker Personal problem, its origins, subjective nature

Problems arising in the process of life of an individual, group, community, can be interpreted as difficulties - a discrepancy between the desired and the possible. For example, an unprepared person experiences difficulty when he is faced with the task of jumping over some obstacle, i.e. difficulty appears as an objective phenomenon.

The law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population" interprets a difficult life situation more broadly: not only as an objective violation of life, but also as a threat of its occurrence. In other words, the subjective component is considered, which can be called a difficulty: a special mental state that prevents the normal (calm) life of an individual, group or community. Moreover, the presence of difficulty (objective circumstances) does not always lead to difficulty (the corresponding subjective reflection), and difficulty is not always caused by the actual presence of difficulty. In the first case, objectively experiencing difficulty, the individual (group, etc.) does not perceive it as something insurmountable, and in the second case, subjective fear has no real grounds.

So, the object of social work may experience objective difficulties or subjective difficulties, however, both (or) both lead to disruption of life. It is also very important what underlies both the difficulty and the difficulty. Both of these phenomena are related by the lack (deficit) of the means of regulating the objective or subjective side of the life situation.

According to Russian legislation, a person in a difficult life situation may receive social assistance in case of contacting a social service. After that, the specialists of the social institution are obliged to check the compliance of the parameters of the life situation of the applicant with the normatively prescribed requirements for the recipient of social assistance. The results of studying the personal circumstances of the individual provide a basis for the realization of the right to assistance. However, the implementation of assistance is directly dependent on the direct agreement between the needy and the social service represented by its head. Thus, a person can become a client of a social service institution - a participant in a contract with this institution, if the nature of the life problem is adequate to one or another type provided for by Russian legislation.

I'll consider an example. The first step in the social protection of disabled people is related to the recognition of a person as disabled (obtaining a special legal status). This procedure - determination in the prescribed manner of the needs of the testified person (including rehabilitation based on the assessment of disability caused by a persistent disorder of body functions) - is called medical and social expertise.

After a person is recognized as disabled, access to the use of public resources is opened for him. Attracting external resources allows for various types of rehabilitation: restorative therapy, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics (medical); vocational guidance, vocational education, vocational adaptation and employment (professional); social and environmental orientation and social adaptation (social). The result of rehabilitation should be the replacement (compensation) of life restrictions and the creation of opportunities for the disabled person to participate in the life of society on an equal footing with other citizens.

A client of a social service becomes a person who has a problem at the level of social, mental and psycho-mental connections. These levels are determined on the basis of the traditional identification of three areas of personality: activity(real social interaction),cognitive(mental) emotional(sensual). Level problem social connections - this is a mismatch of human interaction with other people, with groups, social institutions. The social ties of an individual in such spheres of life as family, production, leisure, etc., determine the degree of his adaptation in given sociocultural circumstances.

Level problem mental connections with society and the group represents a gap in the processes of perception, processing and storage in memory and transmission of information about the world around. In this case, there is a breakdown in the semantic communication of the individual with the group and society. A similar situation can arise with the destruction of the so-called mental framework. Mental connections with oneself include self-identification (who am I?), a system of perceived values ​​and beliefs (why am I doing this?), an understanding of one’s own purpose (why am I?), behavioral programs (how do I do it?), a description system own experience(How do I feel?).

The mental level of interaction is determined by the level of development of the individual's intellectual abilities and the acquired social experience. Therefore, the prerequisites for the emergence of problems at the mental level are mental disorders of a different nature, mental retardation. An important component of the well-being of interaction at this level is common sense, which should be understood as the ability to comprehend what is happening, to reason, to explain to oneself and others certain events and actions. In this vein, it is also significant ability to reflect. The concept of "reflection" means the reflection by the subject of his own and others' internal states, the reasons for his own and others' actions.

In adolescence, the lack of these resources determines significant cognitive difficulties in solving life problems. The resolution of problems at the level of mental connections is due to self-determination - a conscious choice of the most appropriate behavior. At the same time, for elderly citizens, such difficulties are caused by insufficient awareness, unpreparedness to solve mental problems in new social conditions.

Psychomental connections - the emotional side of relationships that exist in society, a group, their subjective significance for a person, as well as his attitude towards himself. The latter is expressed in the state of such an internal resource as life position and self-attitude. The problems that arise at the level of the psycho-mental connections of the individual with himself are due to the emotional rejection of the “image I". These circumstances are generated by the discrepancy between the subjective perception of social and individual norms. The most striking example is the psycho-mental problems of representatives of sexual minorities.

The disorder of the emotional side of the relationship of an individual with a group occurs when a particular group does not satisfy the needs of the subject in psychological comfort, acceptance. So, socio-psychological contradictions in the family lead to a negative microclimate, a violation of the sense of security among spouses, parents and children.

Types of personality problems

the federal law“On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” names the following types of difficult life situations: disability, inability to self-service due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, low income, unemployment, lack of a fixed place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness. Therefore, to consider various types of personal problems, I turned to the typology of difficult life situations.

Disability. The Latin word "invalid" (invalid) means "unfit" and serves to characterize persons who, due to illness, injury, mutilation, are limited in the manifestation of vital activity. Initially, when characterizing disability, the emphasis was on the relationship “personality-ability to work”. Since disability is an obstacle to a full-fledged professional activity and deprives a person of the opportunity to independently provide for his existence, first of all, attention was paid to the medical aspects of disability and the problems of material assistance to the disabled, appropriate institutions were created to compensate for the lack of material means of subsistence for the disabled.

The modern interpretation of disability is associated with a persistent health disorder caused by diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for social protection and assistance. The main sign of disability is considered to be a lack of physical resource, which is externally expressed in the limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one's behavior, study and engage in labor activity).

The state of other resources depends on the period of life during which the disability occurred. Disability of children as a problem is associated with the danger of insufficient development of abilities, limited development of individual social experience, the formation of such negative traits as infantilism and dependency (characterizing life position and self-attitude).

Inability to self-service due to advanced age, illness. The content of a difficult life situation is contained in its name, but the problem is limited to two groups of causes (old age and illness), such causes as infancy and disability fell out. The inability to self-service fixes attention on the insufficient state of the physical resource, perhaps this is the most extreme quality. Here it must be borne in mind that the inability to self-care due to illness may be temporary, while at the same time it seems possible to differentiate the levels of inability (restriction of movement, restriction of movement, restriction of existence).

Orphanhood. This type of difficult life situations can be considered in the system "child - parents' implementation of their functions". According to the law, orphans are called persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died, and children left without parental care are persons under the age of 18 who are left without the care of a single or both parents. The main functions of parents are maintenance (food, care, clothing, etc.), education (family education, organization of education), psychological support, representation of interests, supervision. The natural-social institution of parenthood actually plays the role of a temporary intermediary between society and the child. The loss of such a social intermediary by a child creates serious difficulties in meeting the entire gamut of human needs and social needs.

Neglect It is caused by the parents' failure to fulfill their functions of supervision and upbringing of the child and differs from orphanhood by the nominal presence of parents. A private and most socially dangerous case of neglect is the complete rupture of the child and the family (lack of a permanent place of residence, limited contacts with parents or persons replacing them). The personal aspect of the problem of homelessness consists in the absence of normal human conditions of life and upbringing, lack of control over behavior and pastime, leading to social maladaptation. Homelessness is caused by the child leaving the family due to parental abuse or conflict. Character traits life situation of homeless children: constant stay outside the parental apartment or social institution (sleeping at train stations, landfills, in thermal communications), existence by collecting bottles and non-ferrous metals, theft, begging, prostitution.

Neglect creates social problems both in the present (neglected children become participants and victims of illegal actions) and in the future (formation of an asocial personality type, rooting of negative life skills).

low income as a personal problem is the lack of material resources. The life situation of low-income citizens of working age is also characterized by low social status, the formation of an inferiority complex, the growth of social apathy, for children brought up in low-income families, there is a danger of lowering social standards, the development of aggressiveness both in relation to the state, society, and to certain layers, groups of the population, individuals. For elderly citizens experiencing material difficulties, this provision causes disappointment in relation to the state they served, paid taxes, defended in wartime.

When the state solves the problems of low income, the observance of the principle of social justice comes to the fore. Due to the fact that human needs are determined by the specific socio-cultural situation of a person or family, the state is forced to develop minimum standards of security. For this, a method is used to determine a set of goods and services that guarantees a minimum standard of living and ensures the satisfaction of both physiological and some social needs. The main tool for determining the monetary income necessary for a minimum adequate standard of living is usually the consumer budget of the corresponding standard of living, which contains quantitative sets of goods and services and is valued at retail prices.

Unemployment is a problem of able-bodied citizens who do not have a job and earnings (income), ready to start work. Unemployment is a special case of unemployment, when a person, for one reason or another, does not participate in production activities, but an unemployed individual may not be ready to work.

The social side of the problem of unemployment is expressed in the interest of any state in the maximum involvement of the population in the production of material and spiritual goods (these people are taxpayers and feed dependent categories - children and the elderly). In addition, the unemployed represent an unstable, potentially criminogenic social group (the unemployed have a higher risk of antisocial behavior). And finally, the unemployed are the segments of the population that need protection and assistance (in the form of additional payments, compensations, etc.). Therefore, it is cheaper for the state to overcome unemployment than to support the unemployed.

The personal component of the problem of unemployment is associated with the loss of the source of material resources, the loss of position in society, the structuring of personal time, the degradation of the sphere of abilities and professional experience, the gradual destruction of positive self-identification.

A. V. Panchenko identifies three types of behavior of the unemployed:

activity And awareness- during the observed period, the unemployed actively seeks work, is aware of the problems he faces, and to overcome them, changes the content of his activity;

activity And unconsciousness- during the observed period, the unemployed actively seeks work, however, the form and direction of the job search remain unchanged, even if they are no longer adequate to the prevailing conditions;

passivity - during the observed period, the unemployed person does not make active efforts to find a job, although he feels the need for employment (for example, after a number of unsuccessful attempts, the unemployed person stops looking for a job, because “there is no work in the city”, “you can get a good job only by acquaintance”, etc. .).

Lack of a fixed place of residence - a specific personal problem associated not only and not so much with the insufficiency of the economic resource, but with the violation of the human "microworld" - the system of existence built into society. Individuals with problems of this kind are called "homeless" (without a fixed place of residence), they are forced to wander, to be vagrants. The very word "tramp" is explained in dictionaries as "an impoverished, homeless person wandering without certain occupations."

There are main causes of vagrancy: family, housing, moral problems and mental illness of a person. Based on this, among persons without a fixed place of residence, three groups can be conventionally distinguished. The first is people of disabled age who have taken the path of vagrancy under the influence of life and family circumstances (impossibility of living in a family, illness, loneliness, senile dementia). The second - individuals who have lost their homes due to their stay in places of deprivation of liberty or with deceit in the exchange or sale of housing, who have lost their documents and are unable to get out of the created life situation. The third is people, as a rule, of working age, who fundamentally do not want to work, who are prone to alcoholism, who have sold their housing or lost it for other reasons.

Conflicts and abuse in the family. Conflicts in the family are a clash of spouses, children and parents, caused by intractable contradictions associated with confrontation and acute emotional experiences. The conflict leads to a breakdown in the functioning of the family, a disruption in the process of realizing the needs of its members. Ill-treatment, according to international standards, includes all forms of physical or mental violence, beating or insulting, inattentive, negligent or cruel treatment, exploitation, including sexual assault. The following forms of violent actions are distinguished in the literature: physical violence; mental (emotional) violence; sexual (sexual) violence, neglect of vital needs.

Under physical violencesexual abusemental abuse

Loneliness - this is an experience that evokes a complex and acute feeling that expresses a certain form of self-consciousness, indicating a split in the relationships and connections of the inner world of the individual. The sources of loneliness are not only personality traits, but also the specifics of the life situation. Loneliness appears as a result of the insufficiency of the social interaction of the individual, the interaction that satisfies the basic social needs of the individual.

There are two types of loneliness: emotional loneliness(lack of close intimate attachment, such as love or marriage); social loneliness(lack of meaningful friendships or sense of community).

The largest percentage of single people is given by large cities, life in which separates its inhabitants. Many citizens have difficulties with communication, with finding an adequate partner. Ill-treatment, according to international standards, includes all forms of physical or mental violence, beating or insulting, inattentive, negligent or cruel treatment, exploitation, including sexual assault. The following forms of violent actions are distinguished in the literature: physical violence; mental (emotional) violence; sexual (sexual) violence, neglect of vital needs.

Under physical violence the following actions are understood: murders, beatings, mutilations, killing of a baby, coercion to refuse food, coercion to refuse medical care, coercion in the reproductive sphere. sexual abuse includes: rape, incest, various kinds of sexual harassment; under mental abuse are understood as: restriction in behavior, threats, forced marriage. Neglect of the needs of life implies a situation where parents or persons replacing them do not provide the child with food, shelter, clothing, hygiene conditions that meet his needs.

Physically or psychologically weak members of the family, as a rule, women, children, and the elderly become the object of domestic violence. There are three types of family cruelty: 1) on the part of parents towards children; 2) on the part of one spouse in relation to the other; 3) on the part of children and grandchildren in relation to elderly relatives.

Child abuse leads to different consequences, but they are united by one thing - damage to the health or danger to the life of the child, not to mention the violation of his rights. Conflicts in the family destroy the sense of security, psychological comfort, cause anxious anxiety, give rise to mental illness, leaving the family, and suicidal attempts.


Consideration of a client of a social service as an object of knowledge on the part of a social worker implies a specially organized reflection in the mind of a specialist of the key characteristics of the individual's life situation and his characteristics that have a significant impact on the process of helping interaction.

Firstly, the knowledge of the client is built on the basis of the theoretical and methodological concept of social work, which is followed by a professional. The chosen concept provides answers to questions about the causes of a difficult life situation, ways of social protection and assistance, determines the key aspects of the study of individuals, families, communities experiencing problems in the process of social functioning.

Secondly, the social worker selects adequate diagnostic methods. The diagnostics used in practical social work differs from the diagnostics of scientific research in its main function. In the first case, the study methods are designed to highlight the parameters of the client's life situation, while scientific research is aimed at determining significant relationships between the impact of the subject of social work and the positive dynamics of overcoming the client's problems. In the practice of social work, as well as in scientific research, questionnaire methods, observation, and the study of documents are used.

Thirdly, the generalization of the obtained data is aimed at clarifying the source of the client's suffering. At the same time, the problem stated by the individual is consistently checked and a social diagnosis is made. The social diagnosis outlines the circle of lost, preserved and potential internal resources. Lost resources should be considered those properties that cannot be restored quickly enough. Preserved resources are essential, since reliance on them will make it possible to compensate for partially lost ones. Potential resources are those that can be developed at the relative costs of the client and the social worker (social service).

To assess the possibilities of attracting external official (state and municipal) resources, the social worker studies regulatory documents (laws, decrees, regulations, etc.). Then the type of difficult life situation is qualified, the amount of assistance and procedures for registering the status of a client are determined. Essential for a social worker is the possibility of using informal resources - family, relatives, neighborhood, private individuals, etc.

Separate direction of knowledge social worker client is the study of the characteristics of the individual as a participant in a helping interaction. In this sense, of interest is a typology that includes three groups of clients: "aggressors", "polite", "dumb". The former implement an “attacking” style (demand, threaten, actively show dissatisfaction), the latter carry out a “thankful” manner of communication, and the third behave with restraint.

Discipline: Sociology
The type of work: Diploma
Topic: Social services and types of social services

"Social services and types of social services"


Chapter 1. The concept of social service and its meaning. five

1.1. Social service, its purpose, significance, tasks. five

1.2. The ratio of social service and social service. 10

Chapter 2. Types of social services, their classification. 13

2.1. State bodies of social service. 13

2.2. Municipal authorities social service. eighteen

2.3. Non-state bodies of social service. 25

Chapter 3. Types of social services, their content. 35

3.1. General social service. 34

3.2. Special social service. 44

Conclusion 64

References 66


Many social protection programs implemented at the local level are often characterized by inflated unit (including administrative) costs per participant, while reaching a small proportion of potential poor beneficiaries. Various programs of social assistance and employment promotion are not sufficiently interconnected, there are no unified databases on the provision of social assistance through various channels, the accounting of poor households and recipients of social assistance does not reflect the full picture of poverty in the region, there is no targeted monitoring of poverty and evaluation of the effectiveness of social programs at the regional level.

The relevance of our study is due to acute social problems modern Russian society, the need to improve the quality of social services, the development of social services.

The object of the study is the relationship of social service between citizens in difficult life situations and social service bodies, the procedure for the creation and functioning of state, municipal and private social service institutions.

The subject of the study are regulations regulating the procedure for the creation and activities of social service bodies, the rights and obligations of persons in need of social services, and existing social service centers.

The purpose of the work is to identify shortcomings in the efficiency of the work of social services for the population, ways to improve social work.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks have been set:

Analyze the current regulations governing issues of social services;

Assess the level of social services in Russia;

Conduct a comparison of social services in Russia and foreign countries;

To study the work of existing social service centers;

Identify areas for further improvement of social services in various forms.

When writing the work, the current Russian legislation, the legislation of foreign countries, data on the work of social centers, educational and periodical literature were used.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, seven paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter 1. The concept of social service and its meaning

Social service, its purpose, meaning, tasks

An integral element state system social security in the Russian Federation stands for social services for the elderly, disabled and families with children, which includes various types of social services aimed at meeting the special needs of this contingent of people.

Modern Russian social security and its financing are almost the most acute problems of the state. Social payments in Russia have a symbolic amount and the financing of social security in the Russian Federation today is the work of the provided themselves. They solve this problem in different ways: those who are helped by relatives, and those who do not have such relatives, they are forced to go out into the street with an outstretched hand in order to finance their social security to a level that will allow them not to die of hunger.

Over the past decade, a new type of infrastructure has been formed in the country - social services for citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation: single pensioners, the disabled, homeless and neglected children, victims of domestic violence, people experiencing psychological problems, people without a fixed place of residence and other categories of citizens who are at high risk of falling into the poor. Millions of Russians use the services of social services every year.

However, the sphere of social services turned out to be practically unaffected by market transformations, which led to a decrease in the quality of many social services, not efficient use resources, ignoring the real needs of certain groups of the population. The legal framework is outdated.

In order to meet the sustainable needs of certain categories of the population for social services, the system of social services will be optimized, aimed at improving the quality and increasing the volume of services, including for the rehabilitation and social integration of people with disabilities.

Improving the quality and accessibility of social services will require the development of insurance, market mechanisms, competitive environment, partnerships with civil society and business organizations, new models of social infrastructure management. To solve this problem, it is planned to carry out work on the formation of a market for social services with equal opportunities for their providers representing state and non-state social services, the creation of new organizational and legal forms of social service institutions. Priorities will be determined for the provision of social services to the most needy citizens, primarily lonely elderly citizens for home care. The process of disaggregation of boarding houses, the creation of boarding houses and gerontological centers of small capacity is being activated.

Rejection of the estimated financing of state social services will require determining the actual cost of each social service, switching to the provision of social services on the basis of a state order, as well as their full or partial payment by citizens with a sufficient level of income.

Particular attention should be paid to using the potential of social services to develop the skills and abilities of self-sufficiency and development among the poor. family forms small business, creation of self-help groups based on the principle of a common place of residence, common family and professional interests.

To bring the regulatory legal framework in line with the tasks set, it is assumed:

Ensure uniform requirements for the standardization of the provision of social services to the population, develop a package of model standards for the quality of social services to assist the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Develop standards for the provision of social services different groups population according to real needs.

An integral element of the state social security system in the Russian Federation is the social service for the elderly, the disabled and families with children, which includes various types of social services aimed at meeting the special needs of this contingent of people. Adopted the main laws that formed the legal basis for its functioning: Federal Law of 10.11.95 № 195-FZ\"On the basics of social services to the population in the Russian Federation \"; Federal Law of 02.08.95 No. 122-FZ\"On social services for the elderly and the disabled \"; Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ \"On the social protection of disabled people\", etc.

Social service is the activity of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations2.

For the first time in domestic legislation, the concept of such a socially significant circumstance as a difficult life situation. A difficult life situation is a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen, which he cannot overcome on his own. The reasons for its occurrence can be a variety of circumstances: disability, advanced age, illness, orphanhood, abuse in the family, unemployment, lack of a fixed place of residence, etc.

Social services - enterprises and institutions, regardless of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens involved in entrepreneurial activity for social services to the population without forming a legal entity.

State system of social services - a system consisting of both state-owned enterprises and social service institutions that are federal property and are administered by federal bodies state power, and from state enterprises and social service institutions that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation3.

The right to social services have: citizens of the Russian Federation; foreigners and stateless persons, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Social services are based on the following principles4.

Targeting, i.e. provision is personalized to a specific person. Work to identify and create a database of such persons is underway local authorities social protection of the population at the place of residence of the disabled, the elderly, large and single families. Public education authorities also have information about orphans, single families and families with many children; about refugees Migration Service; about persons without a fixed place of residence - internal affairs bodies, etc.

Availability. The possibility of free and partially paid social services, which are included in the federal and territorial lists of state-guaranteed social services, is provided. Their quality, volume, procedure and conditions of rendering must comply with state standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Reducing their volume at the territorial level is not allowed5.

Lists of social services are determined taking into account the subjects to whom they are intended. The federal list of state-guaranteed social services for the elderly and disabled, provided by state and municipal social service institutions, was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1995 No. 1151. Based on it, territorial lists are being developed. Financing of the services included in the lists is carried out at the expense of the relevant budgets.

Voluntariness. Social services are provided on the basis of a voluntary application of a citizen, his guardian, custodian, other legal representative, public authority, local government or public association. At any time, a citizen can refuse to receive social services.

Humanity. Citizens living in stationary institutions have the right to be free from punishment. Use of medicines, means of physical restraint, and isolation. Persons who committed these violations bear disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.

Priority for minors.

Confidentiality. Information of a personal nature that has become known to employees of a social service institution in the course of providing social services constitutes a professional secret. Employees guilty of disclosing it bear the responsibility established by law.

1.2. The ratio of social service and social service.

Social services are included in a broader definition - social work. In July 2001, an international definition of social work as a profession was adopted, which states: “the profession of social work contributes social change, solving problems in human relationships, and inspiring and liberating people to improve their overall well-being. Applying theories of human behavior and social systems, social work intervenes at those stages when people interact with their environment. The principles of rights and social justice are fundamental to social work.”

In accordance with the specialty standard 350500 - social work, social work specialist:

conducts professional practical work(mediation, counseling, specialized assistance, etc.) in social services, organizations and institutions, etc.;

provides social assistance and services to families and individuals, various gender, age, ethnic, etc. groups of the population;

organizes and coordinates social work with individuals and groups with special needs, with disabilities, who have returned from special institutions and places of deprivation of liberty, etc.;

conducts research and analytical activities (analysis and forecasting, development social projects, technologies) on the problems of the social situation of the population in the supervised area (microdistrict), in order to develop projects and programs of social work;

participates in the organizational, managerial and administrative work of social services, organizations and institutions;

promotes the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary social protection and assistance to the population;

conducts educational activities in social services, secondary specialized educational institutions (subject to receipt additional education in this region).

It is assumed that the place of professional activity of a social work specialist can be state and non-state social services, organizations and institutions of the system of social protection of the population, education, healthcare, the army, law enforcement etc.

The objects of professional activity of a specialist in the field of social work are individuals, families, population groups and communities in need of social support, assistance, protection and service.

IN general view All activities falling under the international definition of social work can be divided into the following categories:

Social services - the provision of social services to ensure the livelihoods of customers

Social counseling - providing information about the state of social services and the conditions for their operation, as well as the possible consequences of contacting social services, while the responsibility for the decisions taken is solely the client

Social patronage - the implementation of operational support of the client in his life, protection of his interests (legal and social advocacy)

Social training and education - training in self-service and social interaction skills, transferring information about social space to the client in a form that is accessible to him and suitable for direct or indirect use

Social security - transfer of material resources and services to clients free of charge at the expense of state or other sources

Social insurance - the accumulation of material and other funds for their use in insurance cases.

Despite the fact that social work as a professional activity was officially recognized in Russia in the 90s of the 20th century, in practice it has existed for a long time both in state institutions and in the form of social movements and classes on social security of citizens. Therefore, it can be rightly asserted that the structure and directions of modern social work in Russia have "grown" on the basis of social security and bear many of its features. It is no coincidence that in legislative acts In the Russian Federation, the concept of social work is often replaced by the concept of social service, which is the activity of providing social services6.

Chapter 2. Types of social services, their classification

2.1. State bodies of social service

The state system of social services consists of state enterprises and social service institutions that are federal property and are under the jurisdiction of federal state authorities, from state enterprises and social service institutions that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The municipal system of social services includes municipal enterprises and social service institutions under the authority of...

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