Gazprom hr department. HR departments of Gazprom and other oil companies — Transneft and Surgutneftegaz

Work in the company "Gazprom Neft" -
means striving for more.

Create and be proud of what you have created

Create history for future generations

Solve interesting problems

Create and apply new approaches

· Get ​​opportunities for self-realization


About company

Gazprom Neft is a vertically integrated oil company whose main activities are the exploration and development of oil and gas fields, the sale of extracted raw materials, as well as the production and marketing of petroleum products.

The structure of Gazprom Neft includes more than 70 oil producing, refining and marketing enterprises in Russia, near and far abroad countries, which employ more than 56 thousand people. The company processes about 80% of the produced oil, demonstrating one of the best ratios of production and processing in Russia. In terms of oil refining, Gazprom Neft is one of the three largest companies in Russia, and it ranks fourth in terms of production.

Gazprom Neft operates in Russia's largest oil and gas regions: Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous regions, Tomsk, Omsk, Orenburg regions. The main processing facilities of the company are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in Serbia. In addition, Gazprom Neft is implementing production projects outside of Russia - in Iraq, Venezuela and other countries.

Gazprom Neft products are exported to more than 50 countries and sold throughout the Russian Federation and abroad through an extensive network of its own sales enterprises. At present, the company's filling station network includes almost 1,750 stations in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

The main shareholder of Gazprom Neft is OAO Gazprom (95.68%). The remaining shares are in free float.



There is an adaptation program for young specialists of Gazprom Neft, which includes mentoring and training for the development of corporate and professional competencies. The program is aimed at unlocking the potential and identifying best way career development of young professionals in the company.

Forming educational standards industry, Gazprom Neft acts as a partner of the country's leading universities, providing them sponsorship for the development of scientific and material and technical base, career guidance of students.

Gazprom Neft enterprises operate a program of nominal scholarships for students.

Every year, the company and its subsidiaries organize student practice, the successful completion of which allows not only to form the first professional skills, but also to receive an invitation to work.



Gazprom Neft is convinced that efficient and sustainable business development is inextricably linked to national economic competitiveness, social well-being, and conservation of natural resources.

The Company is an active social investor in the regions where it operates.

Gazprom Neft is a major taxpayer and employer. The company invests in the modernization of production facilities and advanced training of employees, acts as a customer for products from local manufacturers.

Gazprom Neft has adopted the Native Towns social investment program aimed at developing the urban environment and social infrastructure in the regions where it operates. Employees of Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries take an active part in volunteer programs in the regions where the company operates.



The corporate culture of Gazprom Neft is based on the principles
shared by all our employees.

  • Honesty

We are open and honest towards each other, the company, our partners, competitors and society. Our words don't match our deeds.

  • Leadership

We take initiative and strive to be the best in everything we do. We set ourselves ambitious goals and bear personal responsibility for the result.

  • Responsible owner mentality

We carefully treat the assets and resources of the company, take care of their safety and increase.

  • mutual respect
    and trust

We respect ourselves and others, solve complex problems together, trusting each other's professionalism, and help our colleagues to be successful.

  • Winner mentality

We are positive and believe in success, we are not afraid of difficulties and we develop competencies to effectively solve large-scale problems.

Advanced technologies in an oil company are not only the most complex geological and technical measures, ultra-modern installations at refineries and automatic filling stations. Without the use of the latest developments in the field of management by human resourses the efficiency of other investments will be under big question. Therefore, in parallel with the improvement of production, the expansion of the geography of activities, NIS is also modernizing the system of work with personnel.

One of the new effective tools should be grading. This position evaluation system will become a kind of personnel “skeleton” of the organization, to which everything will be tied in the future: remuneration, motivation, revision wages etc. NIS will be the first of Gazprom Neft's subsidiaries whose job appraisal system will fully fit into the new revised grading system of the parent company, which, among other things, will make it possible to effectively implement personnel exchange programs and staff rotation. At the same time, grading will apply to all positions in the Serbian company without exception - from CEO to a worker on a rig or a driller in the field. In other subsidiaries of Gazprom Neft, the grading system has so far been applied only to office personnel.

It is important that the labor assessment policy currently being developed will be tied to the assessment of the essence of the position, and not its name, which will allow for a more equitable distribution of wages depending on business priorities. So far, only an external factor affects the revision of wages in NIS - a change in the inflation index. Starting next year, it is planned to switch to revising the amount of remuneration based on the results of assessing the performance and effectiveness of each employee. Already today, to motivate employees, NIS uses a system of quarterly bonuses based on performance evaluation results.

Forge frames

Efficiency is largely determined by the perfection of the cost management system. At the same time, the lion's share of operating costs are personnel costs. Consequently, one of the main tasks of personnel managers is the development of programs to increase labor productivity and staff efficiency.

Achieving these goals is possible, including through the introduction organizational change: reducing the levels of management, bureaucracy, increasing the speed of decision-making, optimizing the number of personnel and increasing the level of training of employees.

In the list of personnel programs aimed at solving strategic objectives companies, a special place is occupied by training and development programs.

In 2012, NIS investments in training amount to approximately €2.2 million, in 2013 it is planned to allocate €3 million for these purposes.

One of NIS's priorities in this area is the development of the technical competencies of employees. In particular, the company implemented the Operator 2013 program aimed at preparing multifunctional operators to work at the new processing facilities of the Pančevo refinery. Program participants, in addition to specialized training programs, received new knowledge at the workplace, on the job.

The active development of the company, business diversification, the emergence of new investment projects, expanding overseas activities. There was a need to rotate staff and educate future leaders who can replace today's leaders - mostly foreigners. To prepare high-level specialists in as soon as possible, a personnel reserve was formed, which today has 480 people. System personnel reserve NIS is typical for modern companies: the reserve is divided into operational and strategic. The strategic reserve includes people who should take certain positions in the future up to three years, and the operational one - in the perspective of one year. In other words, the company has key positions that must be backed up, and successors must be ready to take over these positions at any time.

As part of the work with the personnel reserve, a separate program "Leader 2013" was launched. The development of its participants is not aimed at preparing for work in a specific position, but at achieving a certain managerial level. For a company claiming leadership in the Balkan region, the implementation of such a program is extremely important - with the intensification of foreign expansion, managers are needed who in one and a half to two years will be able to take positions of managers, including in the company's foreign assets.

“We educate leaders and form a team of successors who will be able to introduce new initiatives and manage the changes taking place in the company,” explained Tatyana Petruk, Deputy Function for Organizational Affairs at NIS, “Everyone knows that a lot of changes take place during the period of rapid development of the company. Leaders should set an example not only in terms of professional activity, but also from the point of view of managing these changes, to be their initiators and conductors.

Serious attention is also paid to the training of employees at the workplace, by involving them in project teams, working groups, as well as by delegating additional tasks. So, for example, NIS has developed a new program for the development of young professionals, which just involves training "on the job". This program, lasting up to two years, is designed for employees with little experience prior to joining NIS. An important role in the development of young people should be played by mentors-mentors, whose task is to support young professionals on the path of their personal and professional development. The program includes the improvement of the technical knowledge and skills necessary for the daily performance official duties and development of management skills. All program participants will have their own individual development plan, within which mentors will evaluate their work.

Specialists from the school bench

One of the problems that arises when carrying out changes in the company is the average age of employees: 44 years. Therefore, an important direction personnel policy NIS - attracting youth. One of the key areas is cooperation with universities.

The concept of such cooperation involves partnerships with the leaders of education in the country - universities in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Students are given the opportunity to undergo internships and internships in the company, the most successful receive scholarships. In turn, on the basis of universities, additional training for NIS employees is organized, the company implements research projects together with universities. Given the large outflow of young people from Serbia who leave to study and work abroad, such a policy is also an element social responsibility NIS.

The NIS Chance program deserves special attention, the purpose of which is the employment of talented graduates of secondary specialized schools and universities. In 2012, about 300 young people took advantage of this opportunity.

The company's plans for interaction with universities also include cooperation with the teaching staff, as well as the implementation of exchange programs with Russian educational institutions.

However, the interests of NIS HR-specialists extend far beyond universities: the NIS Class program is currently being developed, within the framework of which it is planned to train future specialists in schools and motivate them to continue their education in specialized higher educational institutions.

To work in Serbia

Speaking about the selection of personnel for work in the company, much attention is paid to the internal rotation of personnel. For this, the so-called domestic market vacancies. “If we have an open vacancy, first of all, we consider internal candidates for these positions - those who are in the personnel reserve or have a high performance rating,” said Tatiana Petruk. - These are high-potential employees - young, energetic, capable. We are ready to put such people in a position, even if they do not fully possess all the necessary competencies. Thus, the employee receives a kind of “credit of trust” and the opportunity to grow and develop within the company.” NIS HR specialists are guided by the fact that their promising personnel should be grown and protected, since good managers are loyal to the company and are well aware of the specifics of its business processes. In addition, if they are successful, then they are the bearers of values ​​and corporate culture companies, and it costs a lot. Communication skills can be developed in six months, but values ​​do not change in six months.

However, since the company's development strategy until 2020 provides for active activities in neighboring countries, new projects require the involvement of experienced professionals with international experience. Key requirements for candidates are the presence of developed management skills for managerial positions and knowledge in English for almost all categories of personnel.

NIS now employs people from 22 countries. The “Back to Serbia” program has also been launched, offering work at NIS to Serbs living outside their homeland. “We build our personnel management policy in accordance with the best world practices that exist today. At the same time, being part of Gazprom Neft, we are implementing the standards and best practices that are in the parent company,” Tatyana Petruk summed up.

Ekaterina Yakovleva

The Company's personnel management policy is based on the observance of the Constitution Russian Federation, Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts. The main principles of the Company's personnel policy and its position in the field of observance of human rights are reflected in Corporate Code OAO Gazprom Neft. These principles include respect and cooperation, efficiency and results, leadership and dynamic development, initiative and responsibility.

Organizational structure of Gazprom Neft personnel management

HR Department of the Corporate Center (Block organizational issues)

HR departments in production units

Human Resources Departments in DO

The personnel management strategy at Gazprom Neft is built in accordance with the Company's business strategy, taking into account the goals and objectives of sustainable development and the expectations of stakeholders.

In 2013, the Company's HR strategy was updated in accordance with new Strategy development of Gazprom Neft until 2025. The key areas of the HR strategy are:

  • systematic selection and rotation of personnel;
  • talent management, competency development and training;
  • development of motivation systems and formation of a culture of involvement;
  • growth of labor productivity and organizational efficiency;
  • improving the efficiency of the HR function.

One of priority areas The personnel policy of the Company is to increase the efficiency of personnel work. The Company has a labor efficiency management system in place. It is based on the application of a set of indicators for various levels of management and individual targets for employees. An important component of the system is personnel assessment. Since 2012, a regular assessment during summarizing the results has been carried out in the Corporate Center, and since 2013 - in the Company's subsidiaries. The activities of employees are annually assessed by two parameters: the effectiveness of achieving goals and the potential of a specialist. The results of the assessment are taken into account when planning a career and inclusion in the personnel reserve, and also affect the revision of salaries and the size of the annual bonus.

In the reporting year, special attention was paid to the development of systems for the formation of a personnel reserve and the professional development of employees in order to form a highly professional team capable of implementing strategic goals Companies in changing socio-economic conditions.

In 2013, the Company began to introduce a functional management model. It involves the active participation of the leaders of key corporate and production functions in the development of personnel along the entire perimeter of Gazprom Neft. This initiative allows you to support business in such matters as the search and rotation of employees, the development of their competencies, the distribution best practices and technologies within the Company.

Compliance with human rights in the Gazprom Neft Company:

  • ensures equality of opportunity;
  • does not allow discrimination based on nationality, gender, origin, age and any other grounds;
  • does not use child and forced labor;
  • makes decisions on personnel rotation based on the qualifications and professional competencies of the employee, as well as business requirements;
  • seeks to replace vacant positions internal candidates, expanding opportunities for career and professional growth of their employees;
  • recognizes the right of workers to form and participate in trade unions, guarantees trade unions non-interference in their activities;
  • monitors compliance labor law and performance of the Company's obligations under collective agreements.

Anastasia Mizitova, business coach, coach:

Good afternoon! Today we are talking with Nikolai Dolgov, who is responsible for employee training at Gazprom Neft. Please tell us about how training is organized in your company. Of course, for the market this is a huge, noticeable company. We all know about your wonderful practices. What's going on with you in terms of learning?

Nikolai Dolgov, Head of the Development and Training Department of Gazprom Neft PJSC:

Indeed, Gazprom Neft has been involved in personnel training and development for a long time. This is one of the key areas in the field of activity of all our HR departments, and this is a long history.

From achievements: in 2015 we entered the top 3 federal companies, the most people investing in development according to the RBC rating. And in the blocks of our company, subsidiaries, of course, vast experience and various, very successful, unique programs have been accumulated.

But, despite this - and, perhaps, just because such a base was created - at the end of 2015, it was decided at the level of the Board that we are starting to create a corporate university in the company, and create it precisely through reform and transformation of all that wonderful that the company has already developed. It is to create from the point of view of systematization and further development of all those practices, developments, ideas that already exist.

Gazprom Neft has a corporate university, but it is not a separate campus, it is not a separate entity. This is, perhaps, a new look, a new approach to how to promote the development of people in our organization.

You have touched a lot interesting topic- cross-functionality learning. And many companies are trying to follow this path, stuffing bumps. What have you learned from this challenging topic?

Perhaps I will say that we have learned (and have seen now) that this is indeed a very difficult story. Because - what is learning within a function? It is clear and obvious to everyone there that “I need this knowledge and skills in order to do my job here and now.” And usually they are packaged in models of professional competencies, they are usually equipped - at least with us - with methods for assessing the level of development of these competencies: test, case methods, various competitions. And therefore, there are no questions about what this needs to be taught and people should know this.

And when we talk about cross-functional learning, it’s sometimes not very clear here: “Actually, why would I waste time on this? What's so good about them that we don't?" and so on. And at the same time, our experience shows that when this illusion (and it really is an illusion) is broken, when functions meet and begin to exchange the best practices and the knowledge that they have, there is a serious synergistic effect. This cross-functional interaction helps to start using in a different way everything that is obvious in some parts of the company, but not known in others.

If we talk about innovations, digital things, I know that Gazprom Neft is trying to be a pioneer here in many things, in many issues, and, in particular, is doing a lot agile,digital. Tell me, please, a few words, what has been done, what is going on?

Indeed, the topic digital transformation»... It seems that at first glance it may seem: the oil industry, the conservative industry and digital transformation - how can this be put side by side? But in fact, the impact of digital transformation on us as a company, and on the industry as a whole, is great. It is large, and from the point of view of such certain aspects as the application of industry 4.0 technology - the Internet of things, digital copies, robotics - all this is already becoming part of our technological processes. And besides this, the very topic of digital transformation as the use of new technologies and opportunities that this connection of the objects of the physical world to the digital world brings with it.

What we did, and, in my opinion, did it very right - we agreed on this, and the corporate university, together with the Department information technologies held a session for our top executives. For two days, 160 key executives from different functions, from different blocks, listened and discussed together what digital transformation is and how it will affect the company's business.

You are one of the largest companies in Russian market. You must have large educational projects. Please tell us about them.

I think that most, probably, companies now have this: such long-term semi-annual, annual programs in cooperation with business schools or with strong providers on the market that we are doing. In my opinion, the difference is in the details, the difference is in how these programs are built.

For me, probably key change, the main thing that I see in one of our programs ... It is called "Master of Management", and its the target audience- these are the leaders of the level "first person -2, -3". That is, it really key leaders companies, top link. And when we designed this program, we started by meeting with the leader of each of the participants and asking him a question why this person goes to this program. What is the task now, the business task that he faces, which this program should help him solve? What do you want to see as a result, that is, what support exactly within the framework of this program does he need in order for the business effect to turn out? And it was very pleasant when at the end we met again with these leaders, and they talked about what they really see progress in this direction: how the people themselves have changed, and, most importantly, how the work on key projects with whom they entered this program.

You have a huge business, it has many different directions, many initiatives. How to try to evaluate the cumulative effect of training on business, on the company as a whole? Is it even possible?

In terms of learning effectiveness, I think I now believe two things about the whole system. I believe in such an indicator, which is more applicable, probably, in the same marketing and in some digital topics now: the number of active users. That is, the number of people who use the services or opportunities that the company provides.

Second, when we talk about the effectiveness of training, I am in favor of measuring the effect of specific initiatives. There are different business models in general, there are classic business models that existed before. For example, this is the best product model. That is, some kind of product was created, it was introduced to the market, and then this is Porter's competition model, either differentiate, or by price. That is these approaches. And they had their own indicators related specifically to the marginality of this product, related to net profit, with such things. That's one business model: Bring the best product to market.

Other business model: best solutions. That is, satisfy the maximum number of customer requests.

And the third business model, which is now increasingly in demand, is the platform business model, that is, when it’s not about profit here and now, when it’s not about what range of services we offer to the client, but about what we create platform that is interesting and engaging a large number of people from different directions. It is the creation of a platform with large quantity participants from all sides will inevitably bring money in the future. It’s just that when you have a lot of people start using something and interacting with each other, you, as the owner of the platform, will definitely make money on it.

Looking back at what you personally did, at what was done before you, maybe even before the formation of the corp. University, what causes pride?

Perhaps I will say two things. Something that really inspires pride. The first is those long-term developments that were created even before the start of the university. For example, the Company's long-standing Professional Growth Center in the Exploration and Production block.

And the second thing that makes me proud now is that people from business, that is, managers and experts from departments, are beginning to believe and accept that approach, that view in general on the development of education that we offer from the university. And the view is that each specific person is responsible for his development, and it is impossible to plant this development by the forces of people who are now divorced from actual production tasks. That is, education is possible, and primarily done, through communication between people, those who now know something more and who have something to give to others, and those who need this knowledge.

What is it expressed in? The fact that more than 15 professional departments within the university have already been opened, which means that the leaders of functions, moreover, serious production functions, such as mining, such as processing, mechanics, energy, industrial safety, production efficiency, have believed in the format of such development of the learning system and are ready to contribute and play by these rules.

- For you personally, in your area of ​​responsibility, what is the trend and what is the future for a year or two?

In the horizon of a couple of years, I believe that development educational system will follow the path of more and more inclusion in it of people from business units. In general, my dream is that in a couple of years we can say that we have a couple of thousand people working at our corporate university, but at the same time there will be 50 HR people.

- I am very grateful to you for the conversation, Nikolai. All the best to you and great professional success!

Thanks Anastasia!

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Many large companies that were able to deploy a large-scale commercial activity, have long placed a bet on employees. An important role in the structure of the enterprise is played by a team of professionals performing personnel work. In many ways, the qualitative composition of this structural unit determines the personnel policy of the entire organization.

A personnel officer in a large company is a specialist who seems to “breathe” with the atmosphere of the business, which unfolds his leadership. Therefore, a specialist in this area must democratically delve into the policy of the top managers of the company in order to justify the expectations placed on him. In addition, savvy in labor legislation has not been canceled.

Today Gazprom is one of the largest companies in the energy market. The number of staff of the company "Gazprom" today exceeds more than 400 thousand employees. Managing such a large workforce is no easy task. Therefore, the structure of the company includes a powerful Human Resources Department of PJSC Gazprom.

Management values ​​the following qualities in its employees:

  • focus on your professional result and the result of the whole company;
  • teamwork skills;
  • willingness to take responsibility for their actions.

It draws attention to the fact that reliable information about the vacancies of the company "Gazprom" is only on specialized sources. These are the Gazprom Vacancies website and the HeadHunter website. The selection of new staff members is carried out in accordance with the requirements put forward for the candidate and after passing the competitive selection in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

HR Department "Lukoil"

Lukoil is a company that has launched its activities in many countries of the world. Specificity - oil production and production of products, energy, heat that are consumed by people in 30 countries of the planet. One of the basic corporate values ​​of Lukoil is personnel. And this is not surprising, because the slogan says: "Everything that Lukoil does is done by people and for people."

“Lukoil offers its employees:

  • social program and support;
  • all conditions for personal growth and career building
  • when adapting to a new employee, a highly qualified employee-mentor was assigned;
  • the opportunity to be a direct participant in projects that are developed by the company.

Lukoil believes that the protection of labor, life and health of its employees is the main task that the management faces. In 1994, an international association was created trade union organizations PJSC Lukoil. This public organization defends the legitimate rights and interests of all members of the company's team.

The key areas that the HR department is currently working on are:

  • health and safety in the workplace of each employee;
  • housing for workers who have problems with resettlement;
  • organization of non-state pension provision.

The scale of Lukoil suggests that the specialists of the personnel department are aware not only of the provisions of the labor legislation of Russia, but also know the principles international law regarding labor relations. Additionally personnel management requires knowledge of the principles of effective management, so that the bold plans of the company can be implemented by personnel with minimal time and labor costs.

Career at Transneft

The history of Transneft includes more than 20 years of intensive development. Strategically, the Human Resources Department, which is part of the structure of Transneft, is entrusted with the task of ensuring that the main lines of the oil pipeline are serviced by personnel necessary qualifications and in full. Transneft is looking for employees who are ready for long-term labor Relations and continuous improvement of their professional skills.

Transneft has a Human Resources and Remuneration Committee. Its function is to develop and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors of Transneft regarding the improvement of the company's performance by increasing the labor intensity of the personnel. Also within the competence of the committee are issues of personnel policy, reforming the system of remuneration and remuneration of employees.

Up-to-date information about open vacancies at Transneft is available on its official website, where you can also view and fill out an application form.

Personnel management "Surgutneftegaz"

Surgutneftegaz is one of the largest oil companies on Russian territory. The specificity of the activity is the extraction of oil and gas and the subsequent processing of these minerals into oil products and products of oil and gas chemistry.

Surgutneftegaz believes that the main value of the company is its staff. Therefore, an important task is set before the personnel department - to build such a personnel management system, in which Surgutneftegaz will have the status of a "preferred employer" in the regions of the Russian Federation where its divisions are located.

The goals of the personnel policy that Surgutneftegaz has set for itself:

  • creation of a stable labor collective from professional workers;
  • development of the internal personnel reserve of the company;
  • attracting young professionals and graduates of specialized universities;
  • formation of a system of labor motivation for each employee.

All internal documentation regarding personnel policy is developed in accordance with the norms existing laws about labor. The Human Resources Department posts up-to-date information about available vacancies on the specialized website of Surgutneftegaz.

HR department Rosneft

Rosneft is rightfully considered the leader of the oil industry in Russia, as well as the largest public corporation in the world. Such a large-scale activity requires a large number of employees.

Rosneft is looking for purposeful, enterprising and energetic people who can complement the organization's team of professionals. Being an employee of Rosneft is an opportunity to build a career both in Russia and abroad.

The HR department posted information about vacancies on the Rosneft website. For the convenience of the search, there are filters that allow you to quickly view open positions in a particular region in the direction of professional activity. Rosneft is a company that is developing dynamically, therefore it offers cooperation to applicants who wish to constantly develop personally and keep up with the times.

Let's generalize

As you can see, the personnel department of huge corporations such as Gazprom, Rosneft or Surgutneftegaz, which receive huge profits, works in an enhanced mode, which requires employees to mobilize all their strength and knowledge. The good news is that large companies are confident that their success in the market is achieved through the work of professional staff. Therefore, employment in them is a good option to start and build a career as a knowledgeable specialist in a particular industry.