Ways of obtaining professional education. Modern ways of getting education


Preparing a responsible, critically thinking young person who is ready to independently and realistically outline and realize his professional prospects in a constantly changing socio-economic situation is one of the most important tasks. modern school. Promoting professional self-determination of students in conditions market economy and the development of new highly efficient technologies is of particular importance. The need for informed choice future profession graduates of educational institutions is obvious. Therefore, the main goal of a technology teacher in studying this section is to create conditions for the formation of students' need for self-determination, acquaintance with the world of professions, types vocational education and types of educational institutions. This will help students to realize their capabilities, interests, preferences and teach them to correlate their personal qualities with the requirements of a particular profession, which in turn will contribute to the professional self-determination of students, that is, the formation of an individual's attitude towards himself as a subject of future professional activity. In addition, the most important task of the teacher when studying this section is to help the teenager in building his individual educational trajectory, that is, in choosing the option of continuing education after graduating from basic school.

Theme of the lesson: "Professional education".

Type of lesson: Lesson of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

The organizational form of the lesson: the joint work of the teacher and students with the implementation practical tasks on the interactive whiteboard Panaboard.

Teaching methods: verbal (story, conversation); visual (slide show, organization of work on an interactive whiteboard); practical (performance of practical tasks); methods of stimulation and motivation (actualization of knowledge, appeal to the life experience of students); critical thinking technique.

Didactic teaching aids: technology textbook, excerpts from regulatory documents, extracts from printed sources, educational computer presentations, work with an interactive whiteboard.

After studying this topic, students should:

  • definitions of the concepts “vocational training”, “initial vocational education, “secondary vocational education”, “higher vocational education”, “postgraduate professional education”, “postgraduate studies”, “residency”, “adjuncture”, “doctoral studies”, “market educational services”;
  • peculiarities regional market educational services;
  • sources of information about the market of educational services.
  • explain features various forms of training in obtaining vocational education;
  • to prove the advantages of various forms of education depending on specific living conditions;
  • find and analyze information about educational services provided by various educational institutions.

The goals of the teacher.

  1. To update and summarize the existing knowledge of students on the topic of this lesson.
  2. Lead students to the definition of the concepts of “vocational training”, “initial vocational education, “secondary vocational education”, “higher vocational education”, “postgraduate professional education”, “postgraduate study”, “residency”, “adjuncture”, “doctoral studies”, “ market of educational services”.
  3. To acquaint students with the types and forms of vocational education.
  4. Introduce students to various types sources of information about the market of educational services.
  5. To teach students to analyze information about educational services provided by various educational institutions.
  6. Organize research activities of students to study the regional market of educational services.
  7. To teach students to justify the choice of the type of educational institution and the form of education in accordance with the individual educational request in specific life situations.

Basic concepts:

  • types of vocational education;
  • forms of obtaining vocational education;
  • types of educational institutions;
  • professional training;
  • initial vocational education;
  • secondary vocational education;
  • higher professional education;
  • postgraduate professional education labor market;
  • postgraduate studies;
  • residency;
  • adjuncture;
  • doctoral studies;
  • market of educational services.

I. Types of professional education

Since in the previous lesson, students received a leading homework to collect as much information as possible about the institution of vocational education in which they would like to get a profession after graduation, the lesson should begin with its analysis.

In order to bring high school students to the study of new material, the teacher can ask them the following questions:

What is the first thing you need to get a job?

How is vocational education different from general education?

How are the educational institutions you listed different from each other?

Then he, together with the students, draws conclusions:

In order to get a particular profession, first of all, you need an appropriate education;

General education sets the task of forming a general culture of the individual, its adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs;

Vocational education aims at the professional development of the individual.

The stages of higher professional education in Russia are as follows: 1) higher professional education - the qualification "master" and "certified specialist" is awarded; 2) basic higher professional education - qualification "bachelor". The education of persons who have not completed their studies in the main program of higher professional education, but who have successfully passed intermediate certification (for at least three years of study), is recognized as incomplete higher professional education and is confirmed by an appropriate document.

To check the assimilation of this material, it is advisable to perform a pre-prepared task, with the help of which students once again get the opportunity to correlate the levels of vocational education and types of educational institutions.

Establish a correspondence between the levels of vocational education and the types of educational institutions. Using drag and drop, place them correctly in the table.

II. Market of educational services

The teacher invites students to make their own definition of the concept of "educational services market". In this case, the so-called “linguistic constructor” is used. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. Students can add prepositions, change words by case.


Educational services


Educational institutions

defined territory

The market of educational services is a system of educational services offered by educational institutions to the population in a certain territory.

III. Individual educational trajectory

Conversation on:

What education is required to become a carpenter?

Where would you go if you decide to become a nurse?

Which educational institution Do I need to graduate to become a doctor?

After discussion, students should come to the conclusion that different professions, different qualifications require education at different levels, that is, to obtain some professions (carpenter), it is enough to graduate from a vocational school, and to obtain the profession of a doctor, it is necessary to study at a higher educational institution (institute, university, academy).

Students are invited to draw up schemes for obtaining vocational education for the situations proposed above, using the elements presented on the interactive whiteboard.

For consolidation of the studied material the teacher asks students to analyze options for obtaining vocational education, based on specific life situations, as well as the characteristics and aspirations of an individual graduate. To help students cope with the task, he asks them the following questions:

If a person dreams of being a scientist, which way of getting a professional education is he most likely to choose?

What path should a person take who dreams of becoming a truck driver?

If a person dreams of becoming a doctor, but doubts his own abilities, what path of education would you advise him to choose?

The teacher asks to accompany the answers to these questions by drawing up diagrams on an interactive whiteboard. Thus, high school students build an educational trajectory for people in the proposed situational tasks.


The teacher gives the students the following task:

“Consider several options for obtaining your professional education and analyze them, identifying the pros and cons of each. Indicate which of the options you consider optimal and justify your choice.

Ways of obtaining education, professional and service growth.

Teacher: Kaigorodova Natalya Evgenievna

If you are not firmly

Chose your own path

I haven’t decided where it’s more correct to start your Labor path, Do it where it’s cooler, You can say proudly:

"At Moscow State University at the philosophical

The bastards cut me off!"

Grigory Oster

Paths to the profession

School - university or technical school - work in the received specialty (this is a direct educational trajectory).

School - secondary specialized educational institution - university (admission to the second or third year) - place of work.

School - place of work (with training directly at work) - continuation of education (college, technical school or university) - another place of work.

1. secondary vocational education;

2. higher education- bachelor's degree;

3. higher education - specialty, magistracy;

4. higher education - training of highly qualified personnel .

Types of secondary specialized educational institutions

technical school (school)


secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs secondary vocational education of basic and advanced training

secondary specialized educational institution implementing basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training

Higher education

Purpose: to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all major areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, to meet the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications.

training of highly qualified personnel -(postgraduate studies (adjuncture), residency, assistantship-internship) are allowed for persons with education not lower than higher education (specialist or master's degree).




the average general education

Methods of professional growth

1. Professional development based on already acquired knowledge to address gaps in knowledge and skills arising from inadequate training or at separate stages vocational training. An example is the opportunity to refresh the knowledge of an electronics engineer who has not worked in the profession for many years.

2. extended professional development, the purpose of which is to obtain additional professional skills, for example, the study of other foreign languages ​​​​by a translator

3. adaptive professional development,

serving as a means of adapting to changing requirements for certain positions. A clear example of such adaptation is the acquisition of computer skills by a clerk who will subsequently have to deal with electronic data processing.

Security questions

1. Fill in the table:

Levels of vocational education

Educational institutions in your city (3 names)

secondary vocational education

higher education

2. Fill in the table:

Levels of vocational education


secondary vocational education


higher professional education

Answer the question:

What are the features of various forms of education (full-time, part-time, part-time, distance learning, external studies, etc.).

How to choose the right university

Learn more about university education

My abilities and interests

level of teaching staff

Are there budget places

Are there opportunities to acquire additional knowledge and specializations?

Is there an opportunity for internships and internships abroad?

Is there a military department, is there a deferment from the army?

Is there a license, accreditation

scholarship level

possible job opportunities


secondary vocational education

higher education

Class hour as part of career guidance

"Ways to get a profession"

Target : to present to the attention of students the ways of obtaining professions.

Tasks :

1. Consider the parameters of the choice of professions: subject of labor, type of activity.

2. To acquaint students with the ways of obtaining a profession.

3. Tell about two systems of higher professional education in the Russian Federation.

4. Introduce the concepts of "specialist", "bachelor", "master", "classifier of specialties", "systematized list".

5. Introduce students to the forms of learning.

Resources :

1. Questionnaire professional choice.

2. Matrix of professional choice.

3. Presentation

Teacher activity

Student activities


Education is what
the majority gets
many pass
and only a few have.

    Guys, how do you understand this statement by Karl Kraus, an Austrian writer, satirist, literary and art critic, feuilletonist and publicist.

    Everything is correct. And today we will talk about choosing a method and ways to get a profession. First of all, it depends on the nature of the profession itself.

    And who among you would like to fall under the knife of a surgeon who studied by correspondence, according to an accelerated program, and even passed exams for money? What about living in a house designed by a half-educated architect?

    That's right, no one! But, oddly enough, there are still young people who are convinced that the profession of an economist, psychologist, or doctor does not require a higher education. Perhaps the promises of many educational institutions play a role, which, for a ridiculously short term they promise to give you a diploma from a university or academy, and even an international one.

    So, today we have to consider 3 questions:

    • Choice of direction of study (profession/specialty)

      Choosing an educational institution

      Choice of the form of education

    I suggest you get started.

Teachers listen, respond and reason.

    Question 1. Choice of the direction of study. Questioning.

    In front of you, on your desks, is the questionnaire "My professional preferences", which will help us clarify the direction in which you should look for a future profession.

    So, carefully consider the proposed options for objects of labor and activities and tick the most attractive ones for yourself (1-2 options).

    I see that everything worked out. I now propose to carefully consider the table "Professional Choice Matrix", which also lies on your desks. In its cells, at the intersection of the subject of labor and the type of activity, the directions and specialization of higher professional education are indicated. Using this Vocational Choice Matrix, write down the names of the areas and specialties that you think are most suitable for you.

    Guys, do you have a question, why not just indicate the profession? After all, everything is much simpler and clearer with them?

    You are absolutely right. The enumeration of all professions would take several volumes. The search for a profession in areas narrows the field of choice. Destinations can be compared to branches on which bunches of berries hang - groups of professions.

Secondly, your knowledge about the future profession is still speculative, that is, divorced from life. Even if your parents or acquaintances tell you a lot about their profession, you cannot “get into their shoes”, feel the profession from the inside. Introduction to destinations professional activity makes it possible to see the similarities and differences in the professions of one group, to understand what is closer to you.

Thirdly, in educational institutions it is customary to train specialists not in a specific profession, but in a direction or specialization.

    And who can explain the difference between a profession and a specialty?

    All right. For example, you want to be a doctor. There is only one profession, but there are many specialties - a therapist, a surgeon, a radiologist, an emergency doctor, a narcologist, a cardiologist, etc. - remember the signs on the doors of the offices in the clinic. Or another example: A school teacher is a profession. A teacher of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, history, computer science is a specialty. All these specialists can be trained at the same institute, but at different faculties.

Work with the questionnaire "My professional preferences". (Attachment 1).

Work with the table "Matrix of professional choice" (Appendix 2)

suggest, express, share opinions.

They answer the question.

    Question 2. Choosing an educational institution

    Knowing the direction of study, you can proceed to the next stage of work - the choice of an educational institution where specialists of this profile are trained.

    Lisa and Sasha have prepared messages for us from which you will learn that, after graduating from school, you can get a specialized secondary education at a technical school or college, or you can get a higher education at an institute or university.

    So, now you and I know how a technical school differs from a college, and an institute from a university.

    There is such a thing - "horizontal career". This does not mean career advancement (official growth), but professional (professional growth). You can imagine this in the form of steps: the higher the step, the higher the professional level. All over the world, specialists who have passed the entire "ladder of excellence" - from the bottom step to the top, are most valued. For example, medicine. Which specialist will be valued higher - who entered the institute after school or the one who studied at the medical school before the institute? Of course, the second one. Firstly, he is a specialist of a wider profile, he can do what an ordinary doctor cannot. Secondly, his desire to become a doctor is more conscious and mature. It is no secret that more than half of graduates of higher educational institutions work outside their specialty. Often only because the chosen profession actually looks completely different than it seemed from a distance. Therefore, before storming higher educational establishments, think about other forms of education - primary or secondary vocational education.

    State educational standard The Russian Federation provides for two systems of higher professional education - training specialists and preparation bachelors. For the training of specialists, a classifier of specialties has been developed for groups of related specialties, and for the training of bachelors - a systematized list of areas of basic higher professional education by branches of knowledge.

    Both systems are equal, but there are a number of differences between them. A specialist receives a specific qualification (teacher, agronomist, economist, engineer, etc.) and studies for 5–5.5 years.

The preparation of bachelors provides the graduate with a wider area of ​​professional application, but does not provide a specific qualification and belongs to the second educational level, the duration of which is 4 years. To complete the education at the third final level, a bachelor must study for at least two more years and obtain a master's qualification.

Report with a presentation by Lisa and Sasha.

Listen as you go, ask questions or answer questions asked

    Question 3. Choosing a form of education

    And now let's deal with the third question of today's topic and consider what forms of education exist. Now Masha will introduce you to such forms of education as full-time, part-time, distance and external studies.

Report with the presentation of Masha.

Listening and asking questions

    It is worth noting that the demand for professions is constantly changing, it is difficult to predict it. The age of some professions is short - 5-15 years. Then they die or change. Therefore, the value of a specialist increases if he owns several related professions. Employers give preference to a person who has passed several stages career ladder who has not only knowledge, but also practical skills that can only be obtained at work.

    Therefore, it is important to remember that a quality education provides advantages in the labor market if it is based on professional interests, inclinations and abilities and backed up with at least a small but successful work experience.

    We wish you success in choosing a career path. And we suggest that you complete the following task at home: Find educational institutions in the directories that train specialists in your chosen areas of study and write down the data that will help you choose the appropriate option.


Questionnaire. "My professional choice".

Consider the proposed options for objects of labor and activities and mark the most attractive for yourself (1-2 options).

1. What subject of work attracts you?

    Person (children and adults, pupils and students, clients and patients, buyers and passengers, spectators and readers, employees, etc.)

    Information (texts, formulas, diagrams, codes, drawings, foreign languages, programming languages)

    Finance (money, stocks, funds, limits, loans)

    Technique (mechanisms, machine tools, buildings, structures, devices, machines)

    Arts (literature, music, theatre, cinema, ballet, painting, etc.)

    Animals and plants (wild, domestic, decorative, etc.)

    Products and products (metal, fabrics, fur, leather, wood, stone, medicines, bread, meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

    Natural resources (lands, forests, mountains, reservoirs, deposits, etc.)

2. What type of activity attracts you?

    Management (management of someone's activities)

    Service (provision of various services)

    Education (upbringing, training, personality formation)

    Improvement (prevention and treatment)

    Design (design of parts and objects)

    Research (scientific study of something or someone)

    Protection (protection against hostile actions)

    Control (verification and observation)



Secondary special education

Professional education provide not only schools and technical schools, but also courses, studios, centers. They teach "mass professions" - an accountant, a driver, a seamstress, a waiter, a computer user, etc. On-the-job training also allows you to get a profession and find a job. The method of preparation differs little from additional education- demonstration, training, repetition, but the requirements are stricter, the duration and intensity of training is higher.

Professionals of working professions are trained in schools. However, in order to acquire qualifications, in-depth general and special knowledge, a different level of professional thinking are already needed here. In the curriculum of such educational institutions there are a dozen or two subjects, as well as term papers, tests and exams. The level of their training allows them to master new types of work, grow professionally, follow new technologies.

Specialists for more complex work, including for managing work teams, are trained technical schools, where the level of training, volume and intensity independent work above. In this case, the terms of study increase, and admission is carried out according to the results of entrance examinations. In addition to the classroom teaching system, there may be lectures, seminars, laboratory works. At work, students of technical schools are expected to be independent in decision-making, the ability to lead a work team.

Currently, the printing industry is developing dynamically, household service, construction, production of goods and foodstuffs, instrumentation. Machine operators, millers, and high-level turners are in demand on the labor market.

Higher education

Getting a higher education in Russia has become much easier than a few years ago. Currently, there are more than a thousand higher educational institutions in Russia and about three thousand of their branches. True, the level of education in them does not always correspond to high-profile names.

And yet our state system education remains the most efficient in the world. This is well understood abroad, so foreign firms staged a real "headhunt" for the best students. Now in the USA 50% of physicists and chemists and 30% of mathematicians come from Russia.

Specialists with higher education are trained by higher educational institutions - institutes, universities, academies.

Institutes provide training in mass professions and specialties (engineers, doctors, teachers, economists, managers, lawyers, psychologists, etc.). Higher education assumes that a specialist is able to solve complex problems independently, that is, to think, look for optimal solutions and take them responsibly. Higher education allows you to independently select the necessary information, create new technologies, and generate non-standard ideas.

    in-depth general education, including well-known school subjects, "basic sciences" (mathematics, physics, chemistry, graphics, technology, literature);

    general cultural education (history of culture, philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, computer science);

    special education (car design, cardiology, Renaissance poetry).

It is clear that the set of academic disciplines is determined by the profile of the university, the features of specialization. In many academic disciplines, students complete term papers and projects, research work, and practice.

The volume and intensity of the student's independent work is growing from semester to semester. Mastering someone else's knowledge, processing it, rationally using it - here memorizing, learning, repeating is not enough. You need to manage your education.

Higher education ends with the creation of an intellectual product - theses or projects, high quality which the best way characterizes professional qualification. A smart employer will definitely ask about the topic thesis.

Universities prepare scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, future academicians and professors. University education is different. First, a student from undergraduate studies scientific work. Secondly, syllabus at the university is more individual. Thirdly, interdisciplinary courses are practiced that form a scientific worldview and broaden one's horizons. A university graduate is a universal specialist.

Creative universities (artistic, theatrical, literary, cinematographic, musical) prepare unique specialists, which not everyone can become - talent is needed. Before the entrance exams you need to pass creative competition: sing, play, draw, mold, compose, read. You can prepare for such a competition in the system of additional education and self-education (sections, studios, clubs, centers children's creativity).

High-quality education gives advantages in the labor market if it is based on professional interests, inclinations and abilities, and backed up with at least a small but successful work experience.

The state educational standard of the Russian Federation provides for two systems of higher professional education - training of specialists and training of bachelors . For the training of specialists, a classifier of specialties has been developed for groups of related specialties; for the preparation of bachelors - a systematized list of areas of basic higher professional education by field of knowledge.

Both systems are equal, but there are a number of differences between them. A specialist receives a specific qualification (teacher, agronomist, economist, engineer, etc.) and studies for 5–5.5 years. The preparation of bachelors provides the graduate with a wider area of ​​professional application, but does not provide a specific qualification and belongs to the second educational level, the duration of which is 4 years. To complete the education at the third final level, a bachelor must study for at least two more years and obtain a master's qualification.


Forms of study:

In addition to traditional full-time and part-time forms of education, there are distance learning and external studies. Distance education has become possible thanks to the use of Internet technologies. This is a whole complex of program and pedagogical components designed to transfer knowledge at a distance. Learning can be asynchronous or synchronous. With the asynchronous method, the student himself determines the pace of obtaining information. Synchronous learning involves learning in real time. It includes:

    work with databases or educational CDs in computer classes of institutes or at home,

    communication with the teacher through electronic means of communication,

    real-time tracking of the correctness of the execution of tasks.

Distance learning is effective in directions human activity associated with the development and use of software and hardware for natural sciences.

For the implementation of programs of secondary and higher professional education using distance learning technology, it is necessary that the student be enrolled in one of the forms of education provided for by law: full-time, evening, correspondence or external studies.

An external student in a higher educational institution is a state certification of persons who independently study disciplines in accordance with the program. An extern who has successfully passed the current and final state attestation receives a state-recognized diploma of graduation from the relevant educational institution with the assignment of the appropriate qualification and an indication of the specialty.

"A person in the world of professions" - The future fate largely depends on a well-thought-out choice of profession. Indeed, a whole sea of ​​​​opportunities and options. There is a point - work. Come up with professions and specialties starting with the following letters: K R F P. Professional suitability. Game warm-up "Think up a profession." Professions and specialties.

"Basic professions" - The amount of attention. Related Professions Veterinarians may specialize in treating pets. I am a designer... After the 9th grade, enter the BEMT for "finance and credit". Julia L. - journalism, service sector, social activities. Observation, good memory, attentiveness.

"Classification of professions" - In our time, the classification of E.A. Klimov on the subject of labor is most often used: Objectives: Materials used. Artistic image. Name the disappeared and only recently emerged professions. Therefore, fame and recognition often come to creators only after death. It's one thing to play with pets and admire flowers.

"Profession and specialty" - Profession. Speciality. Profession, specialty, position. The position a person occupies in a group. Position. If you look in the dictionary, the word "profession" means "to speak in public." For example, the profession is a doctor. The exercise. Authors: a group of students in grades 8-9 of the Moscow Region School No. 88 in Togliatti.

"Professions at school" - Probably because I love children. But if I had to make a choice in modern conditions I wouldn't become a teacher. Grade 11. Another teacher, a roommate, let me check notebooks elementary school. Pedagogical Council "The role of my subject in the life of a student." Why am I in the profession?

“Professional path” - “My years are growing, there will be seventeen. How do I receive and process information? PROFESSIONAL COMPONENT The study of the world of work and professions. The main objectives of the course. Compensate and reduce the effect of their weaknesses. Calm down and think carefully. Department of Medico-Mental and Physical Health

Total in the topic 22 presentations

28 lesson. Ways to get a profession.

Education is what
the majority gets
many pass
and only a few have.

K. Kraus

The choice of the method of obtaining a profession primarily depends on the nature of the profession itself. Oddly enough, there are still young people who are convinced that the profession of an economist, psychologist, or doctor does not require higher education. Perhaps the promises of many educational institutions play a role, which in a ridiculously short time promise to equip you with a diploma from a university or academy, and even an international one. How many of you want to get under the knife of a surgeon who studied by correspondence, according to an accelerated program, and even passed exams for money? What about living in a house designed by a half-educated architect?

Before considering the ways of obtaining vocational education, we will clarify the choice with the help of the "Matrix of professional choice".

Task number 1. "Matrix of Professional Choice".

Consider the proposed options for objects of labor and activities and mark the most attractive for yourself (1-2 options).

1. What subject of work attracts you?

    Person (children and adults, pupils and students, clients and patients, buyers and passengers, spectators and readers, employees, etc.)

    Information (texts, formulas, diagrams, codes, drawings, foreign languages, programming languages)

    Finance (money, stocks, funds, limits, loans)

    Technique (mechanisms, machine tools, buildings, structures, devices, machines)

    Arts (literature, music, theatre, cinema, ballet, painting, etc.)

    Animals and plants (wild, domestic, decorative, etc.)

    Products and products (metal, fabrics, fur, leather, wood, stone, medicines, bread, meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

    Natural resources (lands, forests, mountains, reservoirs, deposits, etc.)

2. What type of activity attracts you?

    Management (management of someone's activities)

    Service (provision of various services)

    Education (upbringing, training, personality formation)

    Improvement (prevention and treatment)

    Design (design of parts and objects)

    Research (scientific study of something or someone)

    Protection (protection against hostile actions)

    Control (verification and observation)

The subject of work and type of activity you have chosen are the parameters that will help clarify the direction in which you should look for a future profession.

Consider "Professional Choice Matrix". In its cells, at the intersection of the subject of labor and the type of activity, the directions and specialization of higher professional education are indicated.

Note. On-line diagnostics "Matrix of professional choice for university applicants" see here.

Why not just write the names of professions in the cells?

First, just listing all the professions would take several volumes. The search for a profession in areas narrows the field of choice. Destinations can be compared to branches on which bunches of berries hang - groups of professions.

Secondly, in educational institutions it is customary to train specialists not in a specific profession, but in a direction or specialization.

    Do you remember how a profession differs from a specialty?

For example, you want to be a doctor. There is only one profession, but there are many specialties - a therapist, a surgeon, a radiologist, an emergency doctor, a narcologist, a cardiologist, etc. - remember the signs on the doors of the offices in the clinic. School teacher is a profession. A teacher of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, history, computer science is a specialty. All these specialists can be trained at the same institute, but at different faculties.

Thirdly, your knowledge of the future profession is still speculative, that is, divorced from life. Even if your parents or acquaintances tell you a lot about their profession, you cannot “get into their shoes”, feel the profession from the inside. Acquaintance with the areas of professional activity makes it possible to see the similarities and differences in the professions of one group, to understand what is closer to you.

Knowing the direction of study, you can proceed to the next stage of work - the choice of an educational institution where specialists of this profile are trained.

Task number 2.

Using the Matrix of professional choice, write down the names of the areas and specialties that you consider the most suitable for you.

The state educational standard of the Russian Federation provides for two systems of higher professional education - training of specialists and training of bachelors. For the training of specialists, a classifier of specialties has been developed for groups of related specialties; for the preparation of bachelors - a systematized list of areas of basic higher professional education by field of knowledge.

Both systems are equal, but there are a number of differences between them. A specialist receives a specific qualification (teacher, agronomist, economist, engineer, etc.) and studies for 5–5.5 years. The preparation of bachelors provides the graduate with a wider area of ​​professional application, but does not provide a specific qualification and belongs to the second educational level, the duration of which is 4 years. To complete the education at the third final level, a bachelor must study for at least two more years and obtain a master's qualification.

In addition to traditional full-time and part-time forms of education, there are distance learning and external studies. Distance education has become possible thanks to the use of Internet technologies. This is a whole complex of program and pedagogical components designed to transfer knowledge at a distance. Learning can be asynchronous or synchronous. With the asynchronous method, the student himself determines the pace of obtaining information. Synchronous learning involves learning in real time. It includes:

    work with databases or educational CDs in computer classes of institutes or at home,

    communication with the teacher through electronic means of communication,

    real-time tracking of the correctness of the execution of tasks.

Distance learning is effective in the areas of human activity related to the development and use of software and hardware for natural science disciplines.

For the implementation of programs of secondary and higher professional education using distance learning technology, it is necessary that the student be enrolled in one of the forms of education provided for by law: full-time, evening, correspondence or external studies.

An external student in a higher educational institution is a state certification of persons who independently study disciplines in accordance with the program. An extern who has successfully passed the current and final state attestation receives a state-recognized diploma of graduation from the relevant educational institution with the assignment of the appropriate qualification and an indication of the specialty.

There is such a thing - "horizontal career". This does not mean career advancement (official growth), but professional (professional growth). You can imagine this in the form of steps: the higher the step, the higher the professional level. All over the world, specialists who have passed the entire "ladder of excellence" - from the bottom step to the top, are most valued. For example, medicine. Which specialist will be valued higher - who entered the institute after school or the one who studied at the medical school before the institute? Of course, the second one. Firstly, he is a specialist of a wider profile, he can do what an ordinary doctor cannot. Secondly, his desire to become a doctor is more conscious and mature. It is no secret that more than half of graduates of higher educational institutions work outside their specialty. Often only because the chosen profession actually looks completely different than it seemed from a distance. Therefore, before you storm higher educational institutions, think about other forms of education - primary or secondary vocational education.

Secondary special education

Vocational training is provided not only by schools and technical schools, but also by courses, studios, and centers. They teach "mass professions" - an accountant, a driver, a seamstress, a waiter, a computer user, etc. On-the-job training also allows you to get a profession and find a job. The method of preparation differs little from additional education - demonstration, training, repetition, but the requirements are stricter, the duration and intensity of training are higher.

Specialists of working professions are trained in schools. However, in order to acquire qualifications, in-depth general and special knowledge, a different level of professional thinking are already needed here. In the curriculum of such educational institutions, there are two dozen subjects, as well as term papers, tests and exams. The level of their training allows them to master new types of work, grow professionally, follow new technologies. Specialists to perform more complex work, including the management of work teams, are trained by technical schools, where the level of training, the volume and intensity of independent work is higher. In this case, the terms of study increase, and admission is carried out according to the results of entrance examinations. In addition to the class-lesson teaching system, there may be lectures, seminars, laboratory work. At work, students of technical schools are expected to be independent in decision-making, the ability to lead a work team.

At present, the printing industry, consumer services, construction, production of goods and foodstuffs, and instrument making are developing dynamically. Machine operators, millers, and high-level turners are in demand on the labor market.

Higher education

Getting a higher education in Russia has become much easier than a few years ago. Currently, there are more than a thousand higher educational institutions in Russia and about three thousand of their branches. True, the level of education in them does not always correspond to high-profile names.

And yet our public education system remains the most efficient in the world. This is well understood abroad, so foreign firms staged a real "headhunt" for the best students. Now in the USA 50% of physicists and chemists and 30% of mathematicians come from Russia.

Specialists with higher education are trained by higher educational institutions - institutes, universities, academies.

Institutes provide training in mass professions and specialties (engineers, doctors, teachers, economists, managers, lawyers, psychologists, etc.). Higher education assumes that a specialist is able to solve complex problems independently, that is, to think, look for optimal solutions and take them responsibly. Higher education allows you to independently select the necessary information, create new technologies, and generate non-standard ideas.

The content of any higher education consists of three parts: in-depth general education, including well-known school subjects, "fundamentals of science" (mathematics, physics, chemistry, graphics, technology, literature); general cultural education (history of culture, philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, computer science); special education (car design, cardiology, Renaissance poetry). It is clear that the set of academic disciplines is determined by the profile of the university, the features of specialization. In many academic disciplines, students complete term papers and projects, research work, and practice.

The volume and intensity of the student's independent work is growing from semester to semester. Mastering someone else's knowledge, processing it, rationally using it - here memorizing, learning, repeating is not enough. You need to manage your education.

Higher education ends with the creation of an intellectual product - theses or projects, the high quality of which best characterizes professional qualifications. A smart employer will definitely ask about the topic of the thesis.

Universities prepare scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, future academicians and professors. University education is different. First, a student from junior courses is engaged in scientific work. Secondly, the curriculum at the university is more individual. Thirdly, interdisciplinary courses are practiced that form a scientific worldview and broaden one's horizons. A university graduate is a universal specialist.

Creative universities (artistic, theatrical, literary, cinematographic, musical) train unique specialists, which not everyone can become - talent is needed. Even before the entrance exams, you need to pass a creative competition: sing, play, draw, mold, compose, read. You can prepare for such a competition in the system of additional education and self-education (sections, studios, clubs, centers for children's creativity).

High-quality education gives advantages in the labor market if it is based on professional interests, inclinations and abilities, and backed up with at least a small but successful work experience.

The demand for professions is constantly changing, it is difficult to predict it. The age of some professions is short - 5-15 years. Then they die or change. Therefore, the value of a specialist increases if he owns several related professions. Employers give preference to a person who has passed several steps of the career ladder, who has not only knowledge, but also practical skills that can only be obtained in work.

Task number 3 (home).

    Find educational institutions in the directories that train specialists in your chosen areas of study and write down the data that will helpyou choose the appropriate option.