Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources of the enterprise. Ways to improve the use of labor resources Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources of the sanatorium

Sebezh branch of GBPOU PO "Pskov Agrotechnical College"

Head educational part
Dyachkova N.G.
"___" _____________ 20__

By discipline: "Enterprise Economics"
On the topic: "Enterprise personnel and ways to improve the efficiency of using work force»

Head: teacher Burak Valentina Nikolaevna

Student: Frolyonok Anton YurievichSebezh - 2017

1. The personnel of the enterprise and its structure…………………………………
1.1 Functions of the enterprise management intermission……………………….
1.2 Personnel of an economic entity and its classification………..
1.3 Average headcount…………………………..
1.4 Modern forms labor relations………………………..
2. Labor and personnel in a trading enterprise…………………………………
2.1 Characteristics of the trading enterprise …………………………..
2.2 Working time and its use…………………………………
2.3 Wages in trade……………………………………………..
2.4 Economic indicators operation of the enterprise………………….

The relevance of this topic "Personnel of the enterprise and ways to improve the efficiency of the workforce" is justified by the importance for ensuring effective work enterprises. Since it is the human factor that largely affects the increase in labor productivity. Increasing the efficiency of the use of labor in the enterprise in many ways means increasing labor productivity. The factors of labor productivity growth include: the level of development of science, the organization of production, production experience, advanced training of employees, material and moral stimulation of labor, improvement and modernization of equipment. Ensuring the effective functioning of the enterprise's activities largely depends on the rational combination of such factors. The purpose of this work is: analysis of the effectiveness of the use labor resources at the enterprise, assessment of ways to improve the efficiency of their use. The objectives of the work are: definition of the concept, composition and essence of labor resources as an economic category; determination of directions for increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources; analysis of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources at the enterprise.

1. The personnel of the enterprise and its structure
The personnel of the enterprise is a set of individuals who are with the enterprise, as with legal entity in relationships that govern labor code and a lease agreement.
The enterprise usually operates in various areas and therefore may have staff engaged in core and non-core activities.
Currently, the following categories of personnel are distinguished:
1. workers
2. employees
3. specialists
4. leaders.
At specific enterprises, workers are divided into main workers and auxiliary workers. Diversity labor functions, which are performed by workers, requires, when planning the need for them, to group workers by profession, specialty and skill level. The profession determines the type of activity, which is characterized by a set of knowledge and labor skills obtained as a result of special training or in practice.
The correct distribution of workers by profession and actual occupation is necessary when making a decision in the field of personnel management. Such a distribution should be carried out by the classifier of occupations of workers. Or based on the classifier of professions and positions of employees. Within each profession, workers of different qualifications can be employed at the enterprise.
Qualification - implies the ability of an employee to perform work of a certain complexity.
For employees, the level of qualification is determined by tariff categories.
For specialists or technical performers, the level of qualification is determined on the basis of special education or work experience. This level in the course of work is periodically adjusted based on ...

You should specify the basic principles for the effective use of personnel in the enterprise:

  • Compliance of the number of employees with the volume of work performed;
  • use of personnel in accordance with their profession and qualifications;
  • · interchangeability of workers on the basis of their mastery of related professions;
  • the consistency of the employee with the degree of complexity of his labor functions;
  • conditionality of the structure of the personnel of the enterprise objective factors production;
  • maximum efficiency in the use of working time;
  • · full responsibility each employee of the organization for the performance of their work;
  • creation of conditions for continuous improvement qualification and expansion of the production profile of workers. The efficiency of the use of labor resources is measured by labor productivity, i.e. the degree of efficiency of the purposeful activity of people or the ability to produce a certain volume per unit of working time tourism services. Labor productivity can be hourly, shift, monthly, quarterly, annual. The level of labor productivity is measured in two ways: direct and inverse. The direct method shows the production of tourism services per worker. The productivity of labor here is determined by the number of services produced and sold per unit of time. The output of employees of tourism organizations is measured by the ratio of the volume of sales of services (in physical or value terms) to the average number of employees according to the formula

where B s is the production of one average employee, rub.; B - revenue from the sale of tourist services, rubles; H s - the average number of employees, people. In general terms, output in physical terms shows how many customers are served by one average employee of the organization. It is measured by the ratio of the number of customers to the average number of employees of the tourism organization according to the formula

where V n - production in physical terms, people; H t - the number of clients, people. Applied to various organizations in the sphere of socio-cultural services and tourism, it is advisable to use private indicators for determining output (for example, in the hotel sector, this may be the ratio of the volume of beds sold to the number of staff), this will significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of calculations. The above indicators of labor productivity may have different trends and directions of change, which are caused by factors that do not depend on the labor activity of a person (changes in prices, tariffs, an increase in the number of tourists who buy tickets at reduced prices, etc.). Therefore, for an objective assessment of the dynamics of labor productivity of workers, a complex indicator of the dynamics of labor efficiency (Kp) should be used, which means the level of efficiency in the use of labor resources in the service and tourism sector. K p is the square root of the product of two indices: labor productivity in value terms and labor productivity in physical terms - and is determined by the formula

where K p - a complex indicator of the dynamics of labor efficiency,%; P s - index of change in labor productivity in value terms, %; P n - index of changes in labor productivity in kind

expression,%. Reverse way measurement of labor productivity shows the complexity of tourism services. The productivity of labor here is determined by the amount of time spent on the production and sale of services. The labor intensity of tourist services (T) is measured in man-hours. It is determined by the ratio of the fund of spent working time to the number of services produced in physical terms according to the formula

where FRV is the fund of working (spent) time, person/h; - the number of services produced or the number of clients or tourists served.

Labor intensity is the reciprocal of output. The relationship between the increase in output and the decrease in labor intensity is expressed by the following formulas:

Y = 100 x

Y = 100 U

where Y is the rate of decrease in labor input, %; X - output growth rate, %.

The decrease in the labor intensity of tourist services can occur not only due to technological progress, but also due to the compaction of working hours, i.e. by eliminating unproductive losses of working time and increasing the intensity of labor. Determining the level of labor productivity of employees of tourism organizations on the basis of the labor intensity of services has not found wide application in socio-cultural services and tourism. It is used only to calculate production and maintenance rates. However, productivity and labor intensity are interrelated. The higher the output and the lower the labor intensity, the more productive the staff works and the more efficient the organization's activities. A large number of factors that can be divided into two groups affect the efficiency of the use of labor and increase the productivity of workers in the field of CS&T: 1) acting at the national level - external factors: intensification of the industry and scientific and technological progress in it, equipment of organizations the latest equipment and transport, the creation of a large tourism industry, activities for the training and advanced training of personnel; 2) operating at the level of an economic entity -- internal factors: improving the organization of the production of services, improving their quality, improving the forms of customer service, tourists, applying methods of rationing and stimulating labor, introducing scientific labor organization measures.

The influence of individual factors on the growth of labor efficiency of employees is characterized by the following: 1. Mechanization and automation, computerization of labor-intensive service processes. Important for the growth of labor efficiency is the intensification of the sphere of socio-cultural services and tourism, including the equipment of organizations various types modern equipment, new means of transport and small-scale mechanization, etc. Increasing the level of mechanization of the production of services and servicing tourists is accompanied by an intensive replacement manual labor machine, which leads to savings in the number of personnel. Savings in the number of employees as a result of the implementation new technology and technology is determined by comparing the labor intensity of work before the introduction of innovations and after according to the formula

where - savings in the number of employees, standard hours; T about and - the labor intensity of a unit of tourist services before and after the implementation of the event, standard hours; Q - the volume of production in the planned (reporting) period; K to - part of the calendar year from the date of release of new services; FRV - working time fund; To vn - the coefficient of compliance with the norms. 2. Increasing the range and improving the quality of services. The production of new, better services, for example, new tours that arouse consumer interest and satisfy their needs, improve the quality of tourist services, and use new forms of service, have a great influence on the growth of labor efficiency. These factors satisfy the needs of each consumer and thereby increase the output of workers. The growth in the output of employees causes, ceteris paribus, an additional increase in the volume of sales of tourism services, determined by the formula

where P is the value of increasing labor productivity in increasing the volume of tourist services,%; h - index of increase in the number of employees,%; - index of increase in revenue from the sale of tourism services, %. 3. Improving the organization of labor. This is the process of implementing measures to reduce labor costs and improve the use of working time:

b application modern methods regulation and stimulation of labor, which creates a material interest of workers in increasing the quantity and quality of their work;

- improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces, industrial sanitation and labor protection, improving safety, which reduces the loss of working time by reducing the number and duration of sick leave;

ь improvement of working conditions, development of optimal modes of work and rest, which leads to a reduction in staff turnover;

- improvement of labor methods, use of best practices, improvement of the psychological climate in the team, proper use and placement of service personnel through the elimination of individual positions, advanced training of workers;

- rational use of working time due to maximum compaction by strengthening labor discipline and combining professions, as a result of which the loss of working time is reduced by reducing downtime and absenteeism.

Most of the above activities are associated with a decrease in the labor intensity of the services provided. The calculation of the effectiveness of these activities is carried out in normal hours according to the formula

where is the reduction in labor intensity, standard hours.

The determination of the savings in the number of employees under the influence of other factors is carried out approximately according to the same scheme.

Summing up, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the tourism and restaurant business is determined by the quality and the optimal set of all resources: production and labor. Therefore, when starting the production of services, it is necessary to make sure that the resources being harvested are available and of an appropriate level of quality. Only such an approach will allow creating services demanded by the market.

Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources

Kolesnikov Alexey Vladimirovich,

student of the Kerch State Marine Technological University.

The article considers the essence and characteristics of labor resources. The main problems limiting the development of the labor resources of the enterprise and the country as a whole are identified. The main directions for improving the development and use of labor resources are proposed.

Keywords:labor resources, efficiency of use, unemployment, education.


Currently, the Russian economy is undergoing market transformations that affect the entire sphere of social reproduction, as a result of which changes are taking place in social and labor relations. All this necessitates the increase in the efficiency of development of various sectors of the economy, which in turn is not possible without the regulation of the movement of labor resources.

In addition, the development of society is primarily determined by the number and composition of the population, which is understood as the totality of people living in a certain territory - in a country, region, municipality, district, city. However, the factor of economic growth is only that part of the population that can be classified as "labor resources".

The purpose of the article is identification of the main problems hindering the development of labor resources, as well as the proposal of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources in Russia.

Presentation of the main material

For the first time the term "labor resources" was used by Academician S.G. Strumilin in the 1920s. In addition, this problem is covered in the works of Kibanov A.Ya., Vechkanova G.S., E.S. Eremina, Odegova Yu.G., Maguri M. I. .

Table 1.

Definitions of the term "labor resources" of various authors.


Kibanov A.Ya.

“Labor resources” is the able-bodied part of the population that has physical and intellectual capabilities, is able to produce material goods or provide services.

Vechkanov G.S.

"Labor resources" as an economic category expresses the relations that develop between society, the labor collective and the individual regarding the production, distribution, redistribution and use of the formed working capacity, corresponding to their interests, social needs and the level of development of scientific and technological progress.

Magura M.I.

Human Resourcesthis is a part of the population of the country, which, in terms of its physical development, mental abilities and knowledge, is able to work in the national economy.

Ostapenko Yu.M.

"labor resources"- this is the number of people who can be forced to work, that is, who are physically able to work.

Summarizing the opinions outlined above, it can be argued that labor resources should be considered in terms of their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. From the qualitative point of view, the country's labor resources are characterized by the level of education, vocational training, health quality, spiritual and moral level of the able-bodied population, as well as creativity and mobility. On the quantitative side, labor resources are characterized by the population of working age.

A characteristic feature of every economic system is that one of the powerful factors in improving the quality of products and services, increasing productivity and labor efficiency, and in general expanding the volume of social production is the improvement of a person’s natural and acquired abilities to work.

In modern economic conditions, the development of labor resources in Russia and in particular the Crimea is not possible without eliminating or reducing the influence of factors that limit their development. These factors include the low quality of healthcare and socio-cultural services, the negative demographic situation, the growth of open and hidden unemployment, the low level of the system for the reproduction of qualified personnel, the “brain drain”, the complication of the environmental situation, as well as the overall instability of the economy.

Consequently, the state policy in the field of increasing the efficiency of development and the use of labor resources should be aimed at the transition of the Russian economy from a raw material orientation to an innovative developed economy, with developed production, intellectual potential, and advanced technologies.

It is advisable to group the main directions for improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources (Fig. 1).

Thus, the most relevant reserve for increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources by enterprises of various forms of ownership is the reduction of staff turnover as a result of improving the microclimate, optimizing the conditions of payment, work and leisure, providing housing and improving the service sector.

Rice. 1. Directions for improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

However, the implementation of these areas will be effective only with the intervention and support of the state, which, first of all, should be expressed in improving the legislative framework, as well as providing support for young professionals at the state level. Obviously, the task of the state is to redistribute labor resources in favor of labor-deficient regions and cities by increasing the geographical mobility of the population, expanding the scale of labor migration, and also stimulating the interest of workers in mastering new professions and territories.

The most acute problem at the present time is the growth of unemployment in all its forms, especially this situation concerns regions remote from the central part of Russia. In table. 2 presents data Federal Service state statistics on the number of unemployed in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Table 2.

The number of unemployed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on average per year (according to sample surveys of the population on employment issues), thousand people

federal district







Russian Federation







Central Federal District







Northwestern Federal District







Southern Federal District







North Caucasian Federal District







Volga Federal District







Ural federal district







Siberian Federal District







Far Eastern Federal District







One of the solutions to this problem may be to increase employment in small businesses, which would be possible as a result of additional legal measures and a reduction in the interest rate when applying for a loan. The implementation of these measures will contribute to the growth of small business, which in turn will reduce the unemployment rate.

Under the condition of increasing the employment of the population and increasing the efficiency of its reproduction, the state will face the task of directing more investment in housing construction, education, culture, health care, science, and other sectors of social infrastructure.

To solve these problems, a large amount of financial resources is needed, as well as the improvement of the legislative framework. One of the sources of financing could be the funds of the population, accumulated in order to create financial mechanisms for long-term lending. In addition, at the initial stage of the implementation of the state policy for the development of labor resources, financial resources could be obtained by redistributing part of the national wealth that is privately owned as a result of violation of the law.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Table 3), the largest share of the country's population is employed in wholesale and retail trade, repair, as well as in the hotel and restaurant business.

Table 3

Employed population of the Russian Federation by type of economic activity at the main job, on average per year, % .

Share of employment








Agriculture and forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming


Manufacturing industries







Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items, hotels and restaurants







Transport and communications

Financial activities, real estate transactions, rent and provision of services

Public administration and ensuring military security, social security


Health care and provision social services

Other economic activities

Particular attention should be paid to improving labor legislation. In this direction, responsibility should be tightened dishonest employers for violating labor laws.

The development of the education sector also remains an urgent problem. Current trends are such that over the past 10-15 years, the professional and qualification structure of the employed has changed significantly. This is due, firstly, to a decrease in the share of engineering and technical specialists of all profiles and areas (the main reason for this phenomenon is the decline in production and low wages), and secondly, an increase in the number of managers, financiers, economists, as well as workers with new professions in the service and tourism business.

As a result, the supply for most specialties exceeds the need for them, and every year the number of specialists who do not have the opportunity to show their professional qualities in practice is growing due to an overabundance of their number. This discrepancy is due to the fact that most educational institutions provides training of specialists in those specialties that are popular among the population, while not in demand on real market labor resources.

This situation is typical both for the whole of Russia as a whole and for the Republic of Crimea, where the main problem in the development and effective functioning of labor resources is an overabundance of university graduates who have mastered the most popular specialties (economists, financiers, lawyers) and a lack of workers in engineering and technical specialties, the need which increases in connection with the new state policy towards the Republic of Crimea, aimed at the restoration and development of industrial and agricultural enterprises.

In this regard, financial investments of capital in the field of education should be targeted and directed to those areas and industries that are in demand in the real labor market.


Thus, at present, the main factors that hinder effective development and the functioning of labor resources, are the instability of the economic system, the mismatch between demand and supply for skilled labor and certain specialties, insufficient state regulation of employment and the need to improve labor legislation, taking into account the interests of not only employers, but also employees.

At the state level, the interaction of leading entrepreneurs and heads of state corporations with state higher educational institutions should be ensured in order to identify the need for certain specialists and train them according to special programs.

Subject to the implementation of these measures, it will be possible to send necessary resources to a nationwide revival, which will ultimately contribute to an increase in the efficiency of development and the use of labor resources.


1. Vechkanov G.S. Problems of labor resources in Russia: Socio-economic study / G.S. Vechkanov. - St. Petersburg: Petropolis, 1995. - P. 20.

2. Kibanov A.Ya. Human resources management: textbook / ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009. – 284 p.

3. Magura M. I. Evaluation of personnel work: Prakt. manual for managers of different levels and specialists of personnel services. / Magura M. I., Kurbatova M. B. - M., 2001. - 347 p.

4. Ostapenko Yu.M. Labor Economics: textbook. settlement / Ostapenko Yu.M. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 296 p.

5. Fedyakin V.V. Formation of a strategy for motivational management of labor resources at an industrial enterprise / Fedyakin V.V. // Entrepreneurship. - 2007 - No. 5. - S. 84-91.


Chapter 1. The concept of labor productivity. The Importance of Increasing Labor Productivity in Conditions market economy

1 Economic entity and the importance of labor productivity

2 Drivers of labor productivity growth

3 Reasons for low labor productivity in Russian industry

Chapter 2. Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise, dynamics and growth rates of labor productivity at the enterprise

1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

2 Labor force analysis

3 Labor productivity and its dynamics

Chapter 3. Reserves and ways to increase labor productivity in the enterprise


List of used literature


The purpose of labor activity is to obtain a product of labor, that is, the production and sale of specific products, the sale of goods or specific service. For the employee and the labor collective, the productivity of this labor is important, expressed by the level of the amount of work received per unit of labor costs, including a unit of time. And the higher this level, the lower the cost per unit of time, since with high labor productivity observed with an increase in the volume of work, the level of costs, especially fixed ones, decreases. An important task of labor organization is attention to the growth of labor productivity, since with its increase, the amount of work produced per unit of time increases, and the time spent per unit of work decreases.

The concept of labor productivity, the interpretation of its essence as the efficiency or fruitfulness of labor in the process of creating use value remains debatable. There are various approaches to its characterization and calculation methods. In domestic practice, according to the levels of social production long time used indicators based on different principles her calculation. Thus, in the economy and its industries, productivity social labor and its dynamics reflected savings in total costs, i.e. not only living, but also materialized labor for the production of products. At the same time, at the enterprise level, the dynamics of labor productivity reflected the savings of only living labor. This did not allow aggregating indicators by levels of social production and effectively influencing the economic interests of workers in the right direction.

The growth of labor productivity determines the reduction of costs and the receipt of profits necessary for the development of production. Naturally, the personal income of the entrepreneur also increases. Along with this, productivity growth is the basis for increasing real wages and income of employees; only under this condition can they increase without increasing costs per unit (ruble) of output. It should be noted that a high level of real wages, the ability to provide employees with additional social benefits and payments from profits makes an entrepreneur more competitive as a buyer in the labor market: he can attract and retain qualified personnel, make their qualitative selection, thereby laying the foundation for further development. firms.

Sometimes the growth of labor productivity is regarded as a factor that negatively affects the employment of the population, implying that a smaller number of workers will be required to produce the same volume of output. However, if, with some degree of conventionality, this provision can be recognized as true for short term, then considering the general trend, it should be noted that an increase in labor productivity creates the prerequisites for expanded reproduction, economic growth, which increases job security and improves employment conditions.

The leading role of labor productivity in ensuring economic growth and improving the welfare of the country's population is generally recognized. Firstly, the economic growth in conditions of limited resources, it can be achieved, first of all, due to the greater efficiency of their use. Secondly, the achievement of an economic effect requires an increase in the cost of accumulation in the structure of GDP in order to renew worn-out and expand fixed production assets.

All of the above determined the relevance and predetermined the choice of the topic of this work.

The object of study in this work is the Society with limited liability"North".

The subject is the labor resources of the enterprise.

The purpose of the work is to identify the main ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources of the enterprise. Achieving the above goal involves solving the following interrelated tasks:

Consideration of the concept of labor resources and their classification.

Determination of the essence of the efficiency of the use of labor resources, its significance in the activities of the enterprise, as well as methods for their assessment.

Analysis of indicators of economic activity of the enterprise.

Identification of the main ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources on the basis of the analysis.

In the process of writing the work were used: special scientific and educational literature and publications in periodicals.

Chapter 1. The concept of labor productivity. The Importance of Increasing Labor Productivity in a Market Economy

.1 The economic essence and significance of labor productivity

Labor productivity is an indicator of the economic efficiency of the labor activity of employees. It is determined by the ratio of the number of products or services produced to labor costs, i.e. output per unit of labor input. The development of society and the level of well-being of all its members depend on the level and dynamics of labor productivity. Moreover, the level of labor productivity determines both the mode of production and even the socio-political system itself.

The level of labor productivity is characterized by two indicators: the production of products per unit of time (direct indicator) and the labor intensity of manufacturing products (inverse indicator).

The relationship between the decrease in labor intensity (ΔT) and the increase in output (ΔP) is determined by the formulas:

ΔT=[ΔP / (ΔP + 100)] 100 (1)

ΔP=[ΔT / (100 - ΔT)] 100 (2)

Production output per unit of time is the most common and universal indicator of labor productivity. The growth of labor productivity in enterprises is manifested in the form of:

increase in the mass of products created per unit of time with its unchanged quality;

improving the quality of products with its constant mass created per unit of time;

reduction of labor costs per unit of output;

changes in the ratio of the costs of living and past labor towards an increase in the share of costs of past labor with a general reduction in labor costs;

reducing the time of production and circulation of goods;

increase in mass and rate of return.

As the second indicator of labor productivity, labor intensity is used, which is calculated per unit of output and for the entire commodity output. Labor intensity is the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output in physical terms for the entire range of products and services. Labor intensity reflects a direct relationship between the volume of production and labor costs, the use of the labor intensity indicator makes it possible to link the problem of measuring labor productivity with the factors and reserves of its growth. The indicator of labor intensity allows you to compare labor costs for the same products in different workshops and in areas of the enterprise.

Distinguish between standard, planned and actual labor intensity.

Normative labor intensity is understood as the labor costs for the manufacture of a unit of output or the performance of a certain amount of work according to current standards.

The planned labor intensity reflects the labor costs per unit of output or for the performance of a certain amount of work, established taking into account changes in the norms in the planning period as a result of the introduction of organizational and technical measures.

The actual labor intensity is determined by the actual labor costs. According to the types of labor costs included in labor intensity, they distinguish: technological, production, total labor intensity, labor intensity of maintenance, production management.

Indicators of labor productivity (production and labor intensity) are inversely related: if labor productivity grows, then labor intensity decreases. But it is not reduced in direct proportion: output increases to a greater extent than labor intensity decreases.

Their relationship can be expressed as follows:

PV \u003d 100 * ST / 100 - ST and ST \u003d 100 * PV / 100 + PV,

where PV - increase in output (in%);

ST - reduction of labor input (in %).

The reduction in labor intensity is ensured by the introduction of new technologies, the modernization of existing equipment, the rationalization of production, etc.

1.2 Drivers of labor productivity growth

Labor productivity is a dynamic indicator. It only matters in its progressive change. It is the increase in labor productivity that is the main condition that ensures economic growth and economic development throughout the country.

Labor productivity depends on many factors. Factors of labor productivity are objective and subjective reasons that determine the change in this indicator. They can also be considered as reserves for increasing labor productivity.

Labor productivity factors are combined into the following groups:

) Fixed capital factors. Their role is determined by the quality, level of development and degree of use of investments and long-term tangible assets.

Rice. 1 - Organization of entrepreneurial activity

) Socio-economic factors. Moreover, the contribution of each individual to the total aggregate labor is not the same: some in the team always produce more than the average value, while others - less than the average. However, the currently used collective methods for calculating labor productivity do not take this into account. Labor productivity individual worker depends on his abilities, skill, knowledge, age, state of health and a number of other reasons. In this group of factors, one should also note the country's expenditures on education and health care, i.e. society's investments in the social sphere. There is no doubt that the professional training of workers depends on the level of school and professional, including higher, education, and the health of the nation and each worker individually depends on the state of medical care for the population.

) Organizational factors. They cover a set of measures for the organization of labor and management, personnel management. With the development of the economy, the role of this group of factors increases.

A special group is made up of factors influencing relationships in the team and labor discipline (Figure 3).

The action of these factors of labor productivity is due to objective, including natural and social, conditions of activity. Among them, one should also note the climatic conditions and the presence of the country's natural resources, its social development, political life and the level of well-being of the population.

The action of general economic factors is associated with the social division of labor, including international, the availability and use of labor resources, and the structure of production.

Intersectoral and sectoral factors of labor productivity growth are associated with the peculiarities of the organization of production - its specialization, concentration and combination, with interproductive cooperation.

Factors of labor productivity growth in the workplace include, first of all, a set of measures to eliminate the loss of working time and its more rational use.

1.3 Causes of low labor productivity in Russian industry

Labor productivity is an estimated, first of all, quantitative indicator, which, in a more understandable transformation, is easily explained by the formula "time is money". That is, how long does it take for an average, for example, an American or a Russian, to produce products, again, for example, for a thousand real dollars.

Without going into scientific and economic details, labor productivity in a particular country is calculated by dividing GDP by the total number of employees. Therefore, other things being equal - political, tax, climatic, etc. - who has more labor productivity, he lives better, longer, more beautiful. According to the Wall Street Journal, labor productivity in the industrial sectors of the economy in the EU countries is on average 20% lower than in the US, which, of course, affects the way of life.

But this lag, although unpleasant, is not critical, which cannot be said about Russia. Labor productivity in a number of Russian industries is ten times lower than American and European indicators, but in general, people in Russia work worse than citizens of developed countries by 4-5 times.

According to RIA Novosti, by industry, productivity varies significantly. Thus, space enterprises of the Russian Federation annually perform work at the rate of $14.8 thousand per worker or engineer; this indicator in the aerospace complex of the European Union is $126.8 thousand, and in the US NASA - $493.5 thousand (33.3 times higher). The average worker of electric locomotive and car building enterprises in Russia masters $20-25 thousand a year, which is four times worse than a Frenchman and eight times worse than a Canadian. The situation is the same at the country's shipbuilding yards: our shipbuilder works three times slower than a South Korean with the same amount of metal structures; the same is observed in the automotive industry.

In the total backlog in labor productivity, the most significant component is low competitiveness. The simplest example from domestic practice: labor productivity in civil aircraft manufacturing is six times lower than in the defense complex. In other words, the consumer is ready to pay much more for a unit of Russian military products than for similar, but civilian equipment.

Reasons for low labor productivity in Russia:

Significant social burden, ie. significant spending on children's and professional sports is a heavy burden on corporate GDP, and those who, in essence, are engaged in useful work, participate in the "decrease" in the productivity of corporations and the country as a whole. And taking into account the annual working time, which in Russia is less than that of foreign colleagues due to holidays, these losses are significant.

Low qualification. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Labor, the number of highly qualified workers in Russia is 5-7% of the total number of employees, while in developed countries it is within half, which is a powerful factor affecting labor productivity, as it allows you to constantly update technologies and equipment.

Technological heritage of the past. It is known that scientific and design firms focused on the development of new industries cannot be created at once, even by inflating capital. Real engineering personnel are “forged” by generations, and cutting-edge technologies grow on the basis of once created and effectively working developments. There is a technological imbalance in the Russian Federation, since the USSR supported exclusively military and space engineering. As a result, the products of the military-industrial complex of Russia are still a competitor and are in demand, as evidenced by the reports of defense export organizations and the annually increasing share of the arms market. The problem is that the purchase of know-how and new machine tools can bring the industry up to a certain threshold level, but will not ensure parity in the labor productivity of Russians. This is due to the fact that Western countries, obeying the instinct of economic self-preservation, will never share their super-new secrets, and will sell, albeit good technologies, but of yesterday. It is obvious that the Western level of labor productivity can only be achieved by Russian science.

"Soviet" mentality. He is also from the past. Business experts admit that Darwin's theory is also valid for industrial competition. The smartest and most successful survive, able to organize the optimal work of their employees, severely weeding out the incapable and promoting the gifted. It is unlikely that a “naturally bad manager” will be helped by years of study at Cambridge and smart books on labor optimization.

Chapter 2. Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise, dynamics and growth rates of labor productivity at the enterprise Nord LLC

.1 Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

LLC "Nord" is a construction organization, which is located at: Kaluga, st. Kirova, 45. The main activities of the Company are:

Various kinds of services to legal entities and individuals;

conducting marketing, financial and problem research;

production of building materials;

construction and installation, repair and construction and commissioning;

transport, transport-operational and storage services;

carrying out broker dealer barter operations, resale operations;

introduction of scientific and technical products, improvement of technologies, developments, inventions "know-how" in production

utilization, processing, sale of secondary raw materials and production waste

and other services

The main economic indicators characterizing the activity of the enterprise are shown in the following table.

Table 1 - Main economic indicators of Nord LLC


Average annual number of employees, people

Average cost of basic production assets, thousand roubles.

The cost of material resources, thousand rubles.

Labor productivity

Capital productivity, rub.

Material return, rub.

Profit (loss) from the sale of products (goods, services) thousand rubles.

Level of profitability (+), unprofitability (-),%

The table shows that an increase in the number of employees in 2010 by 38 people contributed to an increase in labor productivity by 10.2 thousand rubles. And the increase in the number of employees in 2011 by 207 people increased labor productivity by 555.9 thousand rubles.

Return on assets in 2011 increased by 9.1 thousand rubles. in relation to 2010 which indicates an increase in the funds used in the enterprise.

Material efficiency increased by 3.9 thousand rubles. compared to 2010, which indicates an increase in construction costs, attracting more materials and raw materials.

2.2 Labor force analysis

Let's analyze the number of personnel, presented in table 2.

Table 2 - Analysis of the dynamics of the number of personnel


Planned headcount

Average headcount

Lack of personnel, %

Number of retired employees

The number of people who quit own will and for violation labor discipline

Number of employees who worked all year

Turnover ratio for hiring workers

Retirement turnover ratio

Staff turnover rate

The coefficient of constancy of the personnel of the enterprise

Analyzing the table, it should be noted that in all the analyzed years the enterprise worked with a staff shortage of about 2%. This was the result of an ill-conceived personnel policy of the enterprise, and was often artificially caused by the staff themselves, since the opportunity to perform a larger amount of work made it possible to earn more. This fact indicates that the planned number of personnel is overestimated, due to the erroneous rationing of production indicators for the work of workers and employees.

Since the enterprise is quite young (the period under consideration covers half of its age), it is pleasant to note the emerging trend towards stabilization of the staff and weeding out random people, this is evidenced by the coefficient of constancy of the enterprise's personnel, which increased by 0.037. After 2010, which was marked by strong personnel changes, in 2011 stabilization was achieved in all indicators: the turnover rate on retirement decreased by 0.037, and the staff turnover rate by 0.03. The sharp drop in the turnover rate for staff recruitment was the result of the development of large production capacities in 2010, which, unfortunately, cannot boast of in 2011.

The completeness of the use of labor resources can be assessed by the number of hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund.

Consider table 3.

First of all, it should be noted the emerging trend in the number of days worked by one worker, both compared with the previous year and with the plan, in 2009 the increase was 1 day, in 2010 - 3, and in 2011 - 18 days. This was caused primarily by a significant excess of actual output over the planned one, in 2009 by 20450 million rubles, in 2010 by 21070 million rubles, and in 2011 already by 27900 million rubles. (data taken from table 4).

I would like to note that the growth of production volumes is not easy, despite the high (exceeding the planned) labor intensity of workers, overtime hours worked in 2009 amounted to 312.8 thousand hours, in 2010 a little less - 299.3 thousand hours, and in 2011 this the figure is 568.7 thousand hours. If we evaluate this in terms of working days worked in excess of the norm, it turns out that in 2009 each worker worked an extra 88 days, in 2010 - 91 days, and in 2011 - 109. That is, workers worked almost without days off and holidays.

Table 3 - Use of labor resources


Last year

Deviation (+,-)

Deviation (+,-)

Deviation (+, -)

From last year

Off plan

From last year

Off plan

From last year

Off plan

Average annual number (number) of workers

Number of man-hours worked

Number of man-days worked

Worked per year by one worker, days

Average working day, h

Fund of working time, thousand hours

Including overtime hours worked, thousand hours

labor productivity enterprise

Table 4 - Labor productivity


Volume of production, million rubles

The average number of industrial and production personnel (PPP)

Workers (KR)

The proportion of workers in total strength industrial and production personnel (UD), %

Days worked by one worker per year (D)

Average working day (P), h

Total hours worked: by all workers per year (T), thousand hours

Including one worker, pers.h

Average annual output, million rubles: one worker (HW)

One worker (GW`)

Average daily output of a worker (SV), thousand rubles

Above-planned time savings due to the implementation of scientific and technological progress (Te), thousand people. h

Change in the cost of goods

Table 5 - Influence of factors

Another conclusion that can be drawn from table 3 is a serious decrease in the actual length of the work shift. Despite the fact that in 2009 it was 6.47 hours, which is already 0.53 hours less than the planned duration, in 2010 it again decreased by 0.25 hours, dropping to 6.22, and continues to decline in 2011 - 6.22-0 .15 = 6.07 hours. That is, for each shift in 2011, there was already almost an hour of downtime.

2.3 Labor productivity and its dynamics

To assess the level of labor productivity, a system of generalizing, partial and auxiliary indicators is used.

Generalizing indicators include the average annual, average daily and average hourly output per worker in value terms. Partial indicators are the time spent on the production of a unit of production of a certain type in physical terms for one man-day or man-hour. Auxiliary indicators characterize the time spent on performing a unit of a certain type of work or the amount of work performed per unit of time.

The most general indicator of labor productivity is the average annual output of products by one worker. Its value depends not only on the output of workers, but also on the share of the latter in the total number of industrial and production personnel, as well as on the number of days worked by them and the length of the working day.

Table 4 will help us evaluate this most objective indicator.

Although most of the indicators in these tables do not inspire optimism, there is still something to note.

First of all, this is the growth of the average annual output per worker, which in 2009 amounted to 31.4 million rubles. per person, in 2010 it increased slightly - 31.6 million rubles, and in 2011 it grew quite seriously, amounting to 33.7 million rubles. per person.

Let us analyze in more detail by the method of chain substitutions the contribution of each factor affecting the average annual output:

The results of the calculations are visible in Table 4. It calculates the actual increase relative to the planned level.

First, let's calculate the growth average annual output under the influence of an increase in the number of workers in the total number of industrial and production personnel. All three years, this increase is very insignificant and approximately the same (ranging from 237.58 to 247.35 thousand rubles per person), which, in principle, was to be expected.

The influence of the second quantitative factor - the number of days worked by one worker is much more significant: in 2009 - 6163 thousand rubles, in 2010 - 6500 thousand rubles, and in 2011 - 7911 thousand rubles. A steady upward trend is visible, but this is far from a cause for celebration. The enterprise is engaged in self-discipline and very soon the limit will come. There is an urgent need to change the production strategy.

The third factor is the length of the working day. This is where the scope for the activities of production workers and a solid growth reserve. For a number of reasons, which we will reveal below, the enterprise received less from each operating product in 2009 by 1797.48 thousand rubles, in 2010 already by 2722.24 thousand, and in 2011 by 3475.02 thousand rubles.

As for the last, fourth indicator, everything is fine here, it is immediately clear that the management of the enterprise has concentrated its efforts in this direction.

The average hourly output is growing steadily (I wonder if there is a limit), and, consequently, its contribution to the increase in the average annual output is also growing. So in 2009, due to the average hourly output per worker, the planned indicator was exceeded by 9447.41 thousand rubles, in 2010 by 9936.87 thousand rubles, in 2011 by 11000.3 thousand.

Chapter 3. Reserves and ways to increase labor productivity in the enterprise

Reserves for the growth of labor productivity make it possible to use the productivity of the labor force more fully to reduce labor costs per unit of output by improving equipment, technology, organization of production and labor.

Based on the results of the feasibility study of the enterprise, we can propose the following set of measures to optimize the production process.

First, a set of efforts aimed at reducing the duration of equipment downtime. Updating the equipment fleet in order to reduce the frequency of breakdowns. Improvement of qualification and optimization of work of repairmen in order to improve the quality of equipment repair. The introduction of a material interest in reducing the duration of equipment downtime for all persons on whom it depends.

Secondly, a change in the situation characterized by an increase in the number of actually worked shifts for industrial and production personnel. Namely:

Purchase of more productive equipment, introduction of more modern time-saving technologies in order to increase labor productivity, since it is not expected that the enterprise will reduce production volume.

The introduction of strict control over the accounting of working hours, in order to reduce postscripts.

Further promotion of the piecework wage system to compensate workers for losses from the decrease in the amount of time actually worked, caused by the implementation of the above measures.

Thirdly, it is necessary to consolidate the emerging trend towards stabilization of the personnel of the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures in the social sphere. In general, the level of the variable component of the wage fund at the analyzed enterprise is significantly lower than the level of the constant. This is primarily the result of the imperfection of piecework wages, a large number time workers. Secondly, this is a consequence of the disguise of wage items that depend on the quantitative level of production in an article of a constant component. This is a consequence of an overly complicated system of organizing wages, which aims to make the working person dependent on management in all respects (the system of KTU, especially important tasks, various allowances and bonuses).

In general, summing up the above, we can conclude that the work of the enterprise deserves a positive assessment. In our difficult time, it not only did not reduce production volumes, but continues to increase them, introducing a new range of products and services. As well as a positive fact, we can note the concern of the management for ordinary employees, the desire to create material and moral conditions for them to work well. The staff of the enterprise is also not bad, one might even say shockingly, it works, despite the difficulties. The enterprise has a solid production potential and reserves for growth.


Based on the results of the work done, a number of conclusions can be drawn.

In the entire set of resources of the enterprise, a special place is occupied by labor resources. At the level of an individual enterprise, instead of the term "labor resources", the term "personnel" or "personnel" is more often used. Cadres, in a broad sense, are the main productive force of society. A lot depends on the personnel policy, first of all, how rationally the labor force is used and the efficiency of the enterprise.

A further increase in labor productivity in a market economy is of particular importance, because it is associated with the transition of the economy from the predominant use of the extensive type of development of the national economy to intensive, when expanded reproduction is increasingly carried out by accelerating technical progress and, on this basis, by increasing labor productivity. The growth of labor productivity plays a huge role in solving the main economic strategy of state administration, the supreme goal of which is the steady rise in the material and cultural standard of living of the people, the creation better conditions for the all-round development of the individual on the basis of a further increase in the efficiency of social production, an increase in the social and labor activity of the working people.

The current wage system is based on three main principles.

First, granting maximum independence to enterprises and organizations operating on the basis of various forms of ownership and management in matters of wages, provided that all measures to increase wages are carried out by enterprises solely at the expense of their own funds without allocating budget allocations for these purposes.

Secondly, for the purpose of social protection of workers during the period of transition to market relations, the state regulation of the minimum wage is carried out by maintaining the tariff system, which is mandatory for all sectors of the national economy. It will make it possible to ensure the normal reproduction of the labor force for even the lowest-skilled workers, regardless of the form of ownership under which they work. Social protection of the population is also provided by the state through the introduction of a minimum consumer budget and indexation of the population's income.

And, thirdly, the elimination of equalization in wages and the removal of restrictions on its growth, the dependence of workers' wages on the quantity and quality of the labor they expended and the final results of the work of the team.

Based on the importance of labor productivity growth in improving the efficiency of the enterprise, the tasks of analysis are also determined.

During the analysis it is necessary to establish:

the degree of fulfillment of the task for the growth of labor productivity;

the intensity of the task for the growth of labor productivity and determine the increase in production due to this factor;

factors influencing the change in indicators of labor productivity (output); reserves for the growth of labor productivity (production output) and measures for their use.

As for the analysis of the labor resources of Nord LLC, the following measures must be taken here:

a set of efforts is needed to reduce the duration of equipment downtime. Updating the equipment fleet in order to reduce the frequency of breakdowns. Improvement of qualification and optimization of work of repairmen in order to improve the quality of equipment repair. The introduction of a material interest in reducing the duration of equipment downtime for all persons on whom it depends;

the purchase of more productive equipment, the introduction of more modern time-saving technologies in order to increase labor productivity, since it is not to be expected that the enterprise will reduce production;

the introduction of strict control over the accounting of working hours, in order to reduce postscripts;

further promotion of the system of piecework wages, in order to compensate workers for losses from the reduction in the amount of time actually worked, caused by the implementation of the above measures;

it is necessary to consolidate the emerging trend to stabilize the personnel of the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures in the social sphere.

In general, summing up the above, we can conclude that the work of the enterprise deserves a positive assessment. In our difficult time, it not only did not reduce production volumes, but continues to increase them, introducing a new range of products and services. As well as a positive fact, we can note the concern of the management for ordinary employees, the desire to create material and moral conditions for them to work well. The enterprise has a solid production potential and reserves for growth.

List of used literature

Bazilevich A.I. Innovation management enterprises: textbook. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2010.

Innovation management: textbook / ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, B.N. Chernyshev. - M.: Vuzovsky textbook, 2009.

Small innovative business: textbook / ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, T.G. Popadyuk. - M.: Vuzovsky textbook: INFRA-M, 2012.

Organization of entrepreneurial activity: textbook / ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, T.G. Popadyuk. - M.: Prospect, 2010.

Modern management: textbook / ed. MM. Maksimtsova, V.Ya. Gorfinkel. - M.: Vuzovsky textbook: INFRA-M, 2012.

The economy of the firm: a textbook for bachelors / ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt, 2012.

The economy of the firm: a textbook for universities / ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel. - M.: Yurayt, 2011.


An important indicator characterizing the work of an enterprise is labor resources, their level depends financial results activities of enterprises. Therefore, the relevance of the topic of the work lies in the fact that at the present stage of development, the role of labor organization is objectively increasing, which is explained by a higher level of socialization of labor and production, qualitative changes in the labor force and means of production during the scientific and technological revolution. Scientific and technological progress causes the need for more progressive ways of combining material and personal factors of production, corresponding to an intensive type of development.

An indicator characterizing the efficiency of the use of labor resources is labor productivity. The rate of development of production, the increase in wages and incomes, and the size of the reduction in the cost of production depend on the level of labor productivity.

The analysis of labor resources and the search for ways to improve their efficiency is of great importance for any enterprise, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic.

The purpose of the course work is to identify ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources of the organization.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

to reveal the concept of labor resources, to consider their types;

to give economic justification indicators of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources of the organization;

Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources;

identify possible ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

The object of the study is Almier LLC.

The subject of the study is labor resources and indicators of the effectiveness of their use.

The structure of the course work is determined by the tasks and includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used.

As the main methods in the study of this topic, general scientific methods of cognition, the method comparative analysis, groupings, quantitative analysis.

In the process of writing the work, educational, scientific, methodological literature, regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, data from the accounting and statistical reporting of Almier LLC for 2011-2012 were used.

1. Theoretical aspects of the efficiency of the use of labor resources

1.1 The concept of labor resources, their classification

labor economic management

The labor force is part of the labor force of a country or region and includes the population employed in this moment employment in this industry.

The difference between labor resources and other types of enterprise resources lies in their active role. For example, each employee can refuse the working conditions offered to him, demand their change and modification of work that is unacceptable from his point of view, retraining in other professions and specialties, and finally, quit the enterprise of his own free will. Labor resources organized in a trade union act as a subject of negotiations with the administration on working conditions and its payment when concluding collective agreements at the enterprise.

To characterize employed workers use the category "labor potential". This concept is broader than the number of labor resources or the number of employees. It includes the qualitative characteristics of labor resources: their educational level, specialization, professional experience, etc. These characteristics, with an equal number of labor resources, determine the availability of labor potential, i.e. the ability of labor resources to perform the functions assigned to them.

Thus, the labor potential is characterized by the following parameters: the number of employees with the appropriate level of training; their discipline; the level of scientific organization of labor; labor productivity, etc.

The labor resources of an enterprise are the numerical professional and qualification composition of employed workers (personnel).

The personnel of the enterprise is understood not only as employees, but also as owners or co-owners of the enterprise, if they take part in the activities of the enterprise with their labor and receive appropriate payment for this. Consequently, the personnel of an enterprise is a combination of both employees and owners, whose labor potential corresponds to the trade and technological process and ensures effective economic activity.

The number and structure of the enterprise's personnel depend on the type and scope of the enterprise's activities, specialization, number of jobs, mode of operation, labor productivity level, form of customer service, the degree of mechanization and automation of trade and technological processes, the degree of complexity of the functions performed and the scale of operations.

In order to effectively manage the process of formation and use of labor resources, trade enterprises apply the classification of employees according to the following main features:

According to the functional composition.

In retail trade, the following groups of employees are distinguished in the composition of personnel:

-managers and specialists;

-trade and operational personnel - sellers, cashiers, controllers, cashiers, etc.;

-support staff - packers, loaders, cleaners.

The first group includes employees performing management functions and specialists: chairmen of the boards, directors trade enterprises(exempted from direct service), commodity experts, accountants, economists and others.

Managers, chief specialists and specialists belong to the category of employees. Separately allocate other employees who prepare and execute documentation.

The second group is the most numerous and includes persons engaged mainly in direct customer service: sellers, controllers, cashier controllers, employees of a distribution, peddling, small retail trade network, store managers and their deputies, whose functions include customer service.

The third group is support staff, which includes employees who service the process of selling goods, engaged in storage, preparation for the sale of goods, their placement, maintenance of the material and technical base - packers, loaders, cleaners, storekeepers, receivers, pickers and others.

  1. By category.

The staff of retail trade entities includes executives, specialists, workers, employees, junior service staff. The division of workers into categories is based on the functional division of labor.

  1. By specialties.

In this group, within each profession, there are trade specialists, labor economists, economists, food and non-food items, sales managers, etc. As part of the trading and operational staff, specialties are distinguished: the seller of food and non-food products, the cashier, etc.

  1. By skill level.

This is a classification of workers on the basis of their necessary knowledge, abilities, skills for the successful performance of certain activities within the framework of one profession (specialty). Specialists can be of several categories (leading, first, second and without category). Sales and operational personnel, sellers, for example, are divided into 6 categories. According to the level of qualification, workers can be qualified (4-6th category), unskilled (3rd category), unskilled (1-2nd category).

In order to effectively manage the process of formation and use of personnel, other types of classification are also used:

By sex and age - this category includes men under 30 years old, from 30 to 60 years old, over 60 years old; women under 30 years old, from 30 to 55 years old, over 55 years old;

by length of service (up to 1 year, from 1 to 5 years, from 5 to 10 years, from 10 to 20 years, 20 years and older);

In relation to property, these include labor resources, which include employees, employees who own the property of the enterprise;

by the nature of the employment relationship (permanent and temporary workers);

by level of education - this category includes personnel with higher education, incomplete higher education, secondary specialized education, secondary education;

by profession - workers are classified based on their special training for execution certain work based on relevant theoretical and practical knowledge and experience. This includes salespeople, economists, financiers, merchandisers, accountants, etc.

When planning and accounting for the number of employees, a distinction is made between the payroll, average payroll and actual number of employees.

payroll employees - this is the number of all employees on the lists of an enterprise or organization on a certain date.

The payroll includes all employees hired on a permanent, seasonal or temporary work for a period of one day or more from the date of admission to work.

The actual number of employees is the number of employees involved in the production process for a certain period. If the number of employees in relation to the payroll has a constant downward trend, then this should be the basis for taking the necessary measures to improve the organization of labor, strengthen labor discipline, improve working conditions, and others.

The average number of employees is the number of employees of an enterprise (organization), determined on average for the corresponding period (month, quarter, half year, year). The average number of employees for a certain month is determined by summing up the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of this period and dividing this amount by the number of calendar days.

The analysis of the professional and qualification composition of employees is carried out by comparing the cash and the number required by the staffing table for each specialty, category and category.

The object of analysis is an individual employee, as well as a certain combination of them, acting as a labor collective. The totality of employees can include both the entire personnel of an enterprise (organization, firm), which are subject to management decisions of a general nature, and the personnel of a structural unit (department, workshop) or production cell(brigades).

The subjects of the analysis of labor resources are a group of specialists who perform the relevant functions as employees personnel service, as well as managers of all levels who perform the function of management in relation to their subordinates.

determination of the need for personnel, taking into account the development strategy of the enterprise, the volume of production of products and services;

formation of the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel;

personnel policy(relationship with the external and internal labor market, release, redistribution and retraining of personnel);

general and vocational training personnel;

adaptation of employees at the enterprise;

pay and incentives for work;

assessment of activities and certification of personnel, its orientation towards the encouragement and promotion of employees based on the results of work and the value of the employee for the enterprise;

personnel development system (training and retraining, increasing flexibility in use in production, ensuring professional and qualification growth through planning a working (labor) career.

The objectives of the analysis of the labor resources of the enterprise are:

increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

increasing the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profit;

ensuring high social efficiency of the functioning of the team.

Successful achievement of the set goals requires the solution of such tasks as:

ensuring the needs of the enterprise in the labor force in the required volumes and the required qualifications;

full and effective use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

providing conditions for highly productive labor, a high level of its organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing the employee's habit of interaction and cooperation;

securing an employee at the enterprise, forming a stable team as a condition for the payback of funds spent on labor (attraction, development of personnel);

improving the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

As sources of information for the analysis of labor resources and the effectiveness of their use are: a labor plan; f. No. 12-t monthly "Report on labor"; statistical reporting personnel department on the movement of workers, operational reporting of shops, departments, services of the enterprise; other reporting related to the labor resources of the enterprise and production units and services depending on the goal and objectives of the researcher.

1.3 Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources

The most important indicator of the efficiency of the use of labor resources is labor productivity. Since living and materialized labor is involved in the production of a product, it is customary to separate the concepts of productivity of living and aggregate, that is, living and materialized labor.

The productivity of living individual labor is the effectiveness of only the living labor of an individual worker (collective of workers). The productivity of the total materialized labor is the effectiveness of the totality of the living labor of workers and labor embodied in the means of production (means and objects of labor).

An increase in labor productivity has an impact on changes in other qualitative indicators that characterize the efficiency of production: profit, profitability, cost, material consumption.

For individual associations, enterprises, structural divisions, employees, output and labor intensity are calculated - indicators of individual labor productivity, reflecting the costs of only living labor.

Output is measured by the number of products produced per unit of working time or per one average employee or worker per year:

V=OP/ST (CR), (1.1)

where B is production;

OP - the volume of manufactured products;

HR - average number of employees;

ZT - labor costs, expressed in man-hours, man-days.

Labor productivity can be considered at various levels: employee, team, structural subdivision and the organization as a whole.

To assess the level of labor productivity, a system of generalizing, partial and auxiliary indicators is used.

General indicators include:

average annual output;

average daily output;

average hourly production by one worker;

average annual output per worker in value terms .

Private indicators are the time spent on producing a unit of a product of a certain type (labor intensity of products) or the output of a product of a certain type in one man-day or man-hour.

Auxiliary indicators characterize the time spent on performing a unit of a certain type of work or the amount of work performed per unit of time.

In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the dynamics of generalizing, particular and auxiliary indicators, their growth rates, and find out the reasons for the change.

The most general indicator of labor productivity is the average annual output of products by one worker.

Hence, the average annual output of products by one worker is equal to the product of the following factors:

GVpp \u003d Ud x D x DV, (1.2)

GVpp \u003d Ud x D x P x FV, (1.3)

where GVpp - the average annual production of products by one worker;

Ud - the share of workers in the total number of industrial and production personnel;

D - the number of days worked;

DV - average daily output;

P - the duration of the working day;

CV - average hourly output.

The calculation of the influence of these factors on the change in the level of average annual output of industrial and production personnel is carried out by one of the methods of deterministic analysis.

Similarly, the change in the average annual output of a worker is analyzed, which depends on the number of days worked by one worker per year, the average length of the working day and the average hourly output:

GV \u003d D x P x FV, (1.4)

where GV is the average annual output of products by one worker.

Be sure to analyze the change in the average hourly output as one of the main indicators of labor productivity and a factor on which the level of average daily and average annual output of workers depends.

The labor intensity of production expresses the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output. Determined per unit of production in physical terms for the entire range of products and services; with a large assortment of products at the enterprise, it is determined by typical products, to which all the rest are given. Labor intensity is determined by the formula:

TE \u003d ZT (CR) / OP, (1.5)

where TE is the complexity.

Depending on the composition of labor costs included in the labor intensity of products, and their role in the production process, technological labor intensity, labor intensity of production maintenance, production labor intensity, labor intensity of production management and total labor intensity are distinguished.

Technological labor intensity reflects the labor costs of the main production pieceworkers and time workers.

The labor intensity of production maintenance is a set of costs of auxiliary workshops of the main production and all workers of auxiliary workshops and services (repair, energy, etc.) engaged in maintenance of production.

Production labor intensity includes the labor costs of all workers, both main and auxiliary.

The labor intensity of production management is the labor costs of employees (managers, specialists and employees themselves) employed both in the main and auxiliary shops, and in general factory services of the enterprise.

The composition of the total labor intensity reflects the labor costs of all categories of industrial and production personnel of the enterprise.

Thus, the labor resources of an enterprise are the numerical professional and qualification composition of employed workers. Labor resources are classified according to various criteria. Labor productivity is the most important indicator of the efficiency of the use of labor resources. Labor productivity is characterized by two main indicators: production and labor intensity.

Now, using the example of a particular enterprise, we will analyze the indicators of labor resources and the effectiveness of their use.

2. Analysis of the labor resources of Almier LLC and the effectiveness of their use

2.1 Characteristics of the economic activity of Almier LLC

The main activity of Almier LLC is the production of garments from raw materials provided by the customer. The main types of products manufactured by Almier LLC include: jacket; blouse; pants; skirt; jacket; costume.

Since November 2011, the enterprise began to sew products for consumption in the Republic of Belarus. Currently signed contracts with stores retail:

URKTP "GUM", Smorgon;

OJSC "GUM", Minsk;

UE "Kirmash", Minsk;

LLC "House of Trade" Beryozka ", Kalinkovichi.

Products from customer-supplied raw materials are manufactured using imported equipment. The work is performed by high-class specialists, both working specialties and engineering and technical.

In 2012, in accordance with fashion trends, garments were mainly sewn from natural fabrics: cotton, linen or mixed materials, the proportion of cotton, linen, viscose was at least 60%. Their share in the total volume of manufactured products is 70%.

The fabric is supplied by the supplier with a mandatory specification, which indicates the composition of the fabric and the corresponding processing technology. Natural fabrics shrink in further use, therefore, the technological process provides for washing products, which prevents further changes in the parameters of the product. Almier LLC rents a workshop in the Snezhinka laundry, where washing machines, a dryer and painting equipment are installed. In the technological process, depending on the composition of the fabric, rinsing or washing with enzymes is provided (for cotton fabrics such as Jeans).

The company has a license for dyeing fabrics and products. Technological process dyeing began to be mastered in 2011, and during this period, services were rendered for painting products in the amount of 21 million rubles. for Soter. The company purchases 95% of chemicals for washing and dyeing products by import, simultaneously with orders from Dutch partners.

The price of the products of LLC "Almier" is determined in the amount of the cost of the service for tailoring products. This price is paid by MG Holland B.V. in currency - euro.

Analysis of the main indicators of financial and economic activity of Almier LLC for 2011-2012. presented in table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Almier LLC

Name of indicators At the end of 2011 At the end of 2012 Deviation +/- Growth rate, %1. The volume of garments, thousand pieces 106108+2+1.892. Proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services, million rubles 15121622+110+7.283. Taxes and fees included in the proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services, million rubles 3832-6-15.794. Cost price products sold, million rubles 14291440+11+0.775. Profit from current activities, million rubles 45150+105+233.36. Profit from investment activities, million rubles -16-1+15-93.757. Profit from financial and other activities, million rubles -50-58-8+168. Profit before taxation, million rubles - 2191 + 112 + 533.39. Taxes, fees and payments from profit, million rubles 1339+26+20010. Net profit, million rubles - 3452 + 86 + 252.911. The cost of total capital, million rubles 387432+45+11.6312. Return on total capital, % -21.06+21.1-13. The average number of employees, persons 125116-9-7,214. Average monthly salary, thousand rubles 23503520+1170+49.815. Labor productivity, million rubles/person 11.78413.83+2.04+17.3516. Capital productivity of fixed assets, rub.8.7918.11-0.681-7.75

In 2012, 108 thousand garments were manufactured (in 2011 - 106 thousand garments), an increase of 1.89%. The proceeds from the sale of products in 2012 amounted to 1,622 million rubles in Belarusian rubles. (in 2011 - in Belarusian rubles 1,512 million rubles), an increase of 7.28% in Belarusian rubles.

The cost of goods sold in 2012 amounted to 1,440 million rubles. (for 2011 - 1429 million rubles), an increase of 0.77%.

In 2012, compared to 2011, the profit increased by 112 million rubles. or by 533.33%. This was due, first of all, to an increase in profit from current activities by 105 million rubles. or by 233.33% and reduce the loss from investment activities by 15 million rubles. or 93.75%. However, there was an increase in the loss from financial and other activities by 8 million rubles. or 16%. Taxes and payments from profit increased accordingly by 26 million rubles. or 200%. Compared to 2011, net profit increased by 86 million rubles. or by 252.94%.

The average number of employees for 2012 amounted to 116 people (for 2011 - 125 people), a decrease of 7.2%. The average monthly salary for 2012 amounted to 3,520 thousand rubles. (for 2011 - 2370 thousand rubles), an increase of 49.8%. The labor productivity of 1 employee in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 2.04 million rubles. or by 17.35%.

2.2 Analysis of the composition of the labor resources of Almier LLC and the dynamics of labor productivity

As of 01/01/2013, 107 people worked at the Almier LLC enterprise. Of the total number of employed women make up 98 people. or 91.5%. The average age of employees is 39 years, the average work experience is 15 years. By qualification, the company employs 6 people with higher education, 20 people with secondary special education.

The qualification composition of the industrial and production personnel of Almier LLC is presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Qualification composition of the industrial and production personnel of Almier LLC

Name of indicators At the end of 2011 At the end of 2012 Deviation +/- Growth rate, % Employees of the main activity: 125116-9-7.2- workers108103-5-4.63- employees: 1713-4-23.53- managers107-3-30 - specialists76-1-14.29

Table 2.2 shows that in 2012, compared to 2011, the number of employees decreased by 9 people, or 7.2%. This happened due to a decrease in workers by 5 people or by 4.63%, managers by 3 people or by 30% and specialists by 1 person or by 14.29%.

Let us analyze the dynamics of labor productivity indicators in terms of output and labor intensity. Let's compare the output levels of OOO "Almier" and the absolute size of its growth for 2011-2012. (table 2.3).

Table 2.3 - Dynamics and growth rates of output of Almier LLC

Name of indicators At the end of 2011 At the end of 2012 Deviation +/- Growth rate, %1. The volume of manufactured products in comparable prices, million rubles 14731604+131+8.892. The average number of employees, people 125116-9-7.23. Average annual number workers, people 108103-5-4,634. Production of 1 employee, million rubles (p. 1 / p. 2)11.78413.828+2.044+17.345. Production of 1 worker, million rubles (p. 1 / p. 3)13.63915.573+1.934+14.18

Table 2.3 shows that in 2012 the output of 1 employee amounted to 13.828 million rubles, i.e. compared to 2011 increased by 2.044 million rubles. or by 17.34%. The output of 1 worker amounted to 15.573 million rubles, i.e. compared to 2011 increased by 1.934 million rubles. or by 14.18%.

Table 2.4 - Dynamics and growth rates of labor intensity of Almier LLC

Name of indicators At the end of 2011 At the end of 2012 Deviation +/- Growth rate, %1. The volume of manufactured products in comparable prices, million rubles 14731604+131+8.892. Worked out, thousand people - hours 211.5194.7-17-7.943. Specific labor intensity per 1 thousand rubles per hour 0.1440.121-0.022-15.46 4. Average hourly output, thousand rubles 6.9658.238+1.274+18.29

Table 2.4 shows that in 2012 the labor intensity of 1 employee amounted to 0.186 thousand rubles per hour, i.e. compared to 2011 decreased by 0.022 thousand rubles per hour or by 15.46%.

The average hourly output of 1 employee amounted to 8.238 thousand rubles, i.е. compared to 2011 increased by 1,274 thousand rubles. or by 18.29%.

2.3 Factor analysis of the level of labor productivity

Let us carry out a factorial analysis of the level of labor productivity. Initial information for factor analysis is presented in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 - Initial information for factor analysis of labor productivity of Almier LLC

Name of indicators At the end of 2011 At the end of 2012 Deviation +/- Growth rate, %1. The volume of manufactured products, million rubles 14731604+131+8.892. The average number of employees, people 125116-9-7.23. The average number of workers, persons 108103-5-4,634. Share of workers in the total number of employees, %86,488.79+2.39+2.775. Days worked by one worker per year, days 254242-12-4,726. Hours worked by all workers, h211.5194.7-16.8-7.947. Hours worked by 1 worker, h19581890-68-3,478. Length of the working day, hours 7.77.8 + 0.1 + 1.39. Average annual output per employee, million rubles 11.78413.828+2.044+17.3410. Average annual output of one worker, million rubles 13.63915.573+1.934+14.1811. Average daily output of one worker, thousand rubles 53.62764.259+10.632+19.8312. Average hourly output per worker, thousand rubles 6.9658.238+1.274+18.29

We will calculate the influence of factors on the change in the average annual output of 1 employee using the method of absolute differences (table 2.6), using formula (1.3).

Table 2.6 - Calculation of the influence of factors on the average annual output of one employee of Almier LLC

Name of the factor Calculation of the influence of factors on the change in the analyzed indicator Value of the influence of the factor, million rubles. Algorithm for calculating )=Ud1*D*P0*CHV088.79/100*(-12)*7.7*6.965-0.571P GVppp (P)=Ud1*D1*P*CHV088.79/100*242*0.1* 6.965 + 0.15CHV GVppp (CV) \u003d Ud1 * D1 * P1 * CHV88.79 / 100 * 242 * 7.8 * 1.274 + 2.139GVppp GVppp \u003d GVppp 1 - GVppp 0

Gvpp = Gvpp (Ud)+ GVppp(D)+ GVppp(P)+ GVppp(CV)13.828-11.784+0.326-0.571+0.15+2.139+2.044

The average annual output per employee increased in 2012 compared to 2011 by 2.044 million rubles. primarily due to an increase in the average hourly output per worker by 1.274 thousand rubles, which led to an increase in the average annual output per employee by 2.139 million rubles. The increase in the proportion of workers in the total number of employees by 2.39% led to an increase in the average annual output per employee by 0.236 million rubles. An increase in the length of the working day by 0.1 hours led to an increase in the average annual output of one employee by 0.15 million rubles. However, the decrease in the number of days worked by one worker by 12 days led to a decrease in the average annual output of one worker by 0.571 million rubles.

Similarly, we analyze the change in the average annual output of one worker (table 2.7), using formula (1.4).

Table 2.7 - Calculation of the influence of factors on the average annual output of one worker of Almier LLC

Name of the factor Calculation of the influence of factors on the change in the analyzed indicator Value of the influence of the factor, million rubles Algorithm for calculating 1 * 6.965 + 0.269CHV GV (CV) \u003d D1 * P1 * CHV242 * 7.8 * 1.274 + 2.408GV GV \u003d GV 1 - GV 0

GV \u003d GV (D) + GV (P) + GV (CHV) 15.573-13.639


The average annual output of one worker increased in 2012 compared to 2011 by 1.934 million rubles. primarily due to an increase in the average hourly output per worker by 1.274 thousand rubles, which led to an increase in the average annual output per worker by 2.408 million rubles. An increase in the length of the working day by 0.1 hours led to an increase in the average annual output of one worker by 0.169 million rubles.

However, the decrease in the number of days worked by one worker by 12 days led to a decrease in the average annual output of one worker by 0.643 million rubles.

The decrease in the average annual output of one employee and worker was affected by day-to-day and intra-shift losses of working time. Reducing the loss of working time for reasons that depend on the enterprise is a reserve for increasing production, which does not require additional investments.

Thus, the analysis of labor resources and the efficiency of their use was carried out on the example of Almier LLC, the main activity of which is the production of garments from raw materials provided by the customer. Analysis of financial and economic indicators indicates an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise.

The increase in the output of employees and workers of Almier LLC, as well as the decrease in labor intensity, indicate an increase in the efficiency of the use of labor resources in 2011-2012. During the analyzed period, the productivity of the worker and worker increased. The decrease in the average annual output of one employee and worker was affected by day-to-day and intra-shift losses of working time.

In conclusion, the analysis will consider specific measures to ensure the growth of labor productivity.

3. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of labor resources of Almier LLC

As reserves for increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources of Almier LLC, one can single out the improvement and most efficient use of equipment and labor, reduction of working hours, savings in raw materials and materials, rational use of equipment. The following technical and economic factors for the growth of labor productivity of Almier LLC can be distinguished:

The influence of individual technical and economic factors on the growth of labor productivity of Almier LLC will be determined based on the calculation of the release of the number of employees. A possible decrease in the labor force for each factor is revealed as the difference between labor costs for the planned volume of production under the previous (basic) and new (planned) working conditions.

In 2013, it is planned to increase the volume of production in physical terms by 17,000 units, the growth rate will be 15.74%. In value terms, the volume of output will increase by 569,000 thousand rubles, the growth rate of 16.14%. The labor intensity of the entire volume of output will increase by 50,420 standard hours or by 13.24%.

In 2013, it is planned to carry out the technical and organizational measures presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Technical and organizational measures of Almier LLC for 2013

Activity Result 1. Change in production technology (change in the labor intensity of several technological operations for two products) For the product "Jacket" from April, the labor intensity will decrease by 0.25 standard hours, and for the product "Jacket" from July, the labor intensity will decrease by 0.35 standard hours2. Upgrading a piece of equipment (changing equipment performance)From September, equipment performance will increase by 20%3. Change in the actual working time fund As a result of an increase in additional holidays and absences due to illness and other reasons, as well as due to an increase in the number of working days, the actual working time fund will increase by 59.9 hours compared to the reporting one4. Increasing specialization (increasing the share of cooperative deliveries) In the planned period, purchases of components will increase by 2.5% (the share of the cost of components in the volume of output will increase from 15% to 17.5%)5. Changes in the product range (changes in production volume) Decrease in the share of the product “Pants”

For further calculations on the release of the number, it should be taken into account that the number of industrial and production personnel of the enterprise in 2012 was 116 people, and the actual fund of working time in 2013 as a result of the elimination of intra-shift and all-day losses will be 1651.1 hours.

We calculate changes in labor productivity based on the technical and economic factors listed in Table 3.1.

Let's determine the number of employees for 2013 while maintaining the base output:

where CHR* - the number of employees while maintaining the base output;

VP0 - the volume of output in the base period;

ivp - growth rate of output;

GW0 is the base output of one worker.

Let's calculate the savings in number due to the change in the labor intensity of products (Et):

where t0, t1 - the labor intensity of a unit of production before and after the implementation of the measure, standard hours;

VP1 - the volume of output in the planned period, pieces;

k - coefficient of action duration;

F - planned actual working time fund, h;

kvnv - coefficient of fulfillment of the production rate in the planned period.

The calculation results are shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Calculation of the headcount savings of Almier LLC due to changes in the labor intensity of products

Type of product Labor intensity unit products, norm-hPlanned output volume, pcs. Coefficient of the validity period of the eventCoefficient of fulfillment of the production rate in 2012Savings in headcount20122013+/-12345678Blouse2,432,4308 000-10Jacket3,883,63+0,2519 0000,7512Skirt2,912,901018 -10Pants3,563,56068 000-10

In connection with the change in the labor intensity of products, the savings in the number of people will be 3 people.

We calculate the headcount savings due to the commissioning of new and modernized equipment (Eob) using the formula:

where O is the total amount of equipment, pieces;

O1 - the amount of equipment that has not undergone technical improvement, pieces;

O2, O3 - the amount of equipment that has undergone technical improvement, pieces;

P2, P3 - equipment productivity growth rate, %;

k2, k3 - coefficients that take into account the life of the improved equipment;

Ud - the share of workers in the total number of employees,%.

The total number of pieces of equipment (sewing machines) of Almier LLC is 90 pieces; the number of equipment that has not undergone technical improvement 80; the number of equipment that has undergone technical improvement - 10 pieces; the number of new equipment - 0.

Coefficient taking into account the period of operation of the upgraded equipment 0.3. Factor taking into account the validity of new equipment 0.

The productivity growth rate of modernized equipment is 20%, the productivity growth rate of new equipment is 20%.

The number of employees while maintaining the base output is 135 people, the share of workers in the total number of employees is 88.79%.

The headcount savings due to the commissioning of new and modernized equipment amounted to 1 person.

where ПТi is the increase in labor productivity as a result of the influence of the i-th technical and economic factor%;

Ei - savings in numbers by the i-th technical and economic factor, people;

E - savings in numbers for all factors, pers.

The results of all calculations will be presented in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 - Labor productivity growth of Almier LLC due to technical and economic factors

Factors of labor productivity growthChange in the number of PPP, people Share of factors in the total savings in headcount, %Increase in labor productivity by factors, %Improvement of the technical level of production, including: - change in labor intensity313,642.65 - commissioning of a new and modernized equipment14,540.89Total for all factors418,183.54

Calculations showed that the increase in labor productivity in 2013 due to technical and economic factors will be 3.54%, which should be ensured by savings in the number of PPPs in the amount of 4 people.

Thus, in order to ensure the growth of the efficiency of the use of labor resources, Almier LLC should improve and use equipment and labor in the most efficient way. The influence of individual technical and economic factors on the growth of labor productivity of the enterprise was determined on the basis of the calculation of the release of the number of employees. In 2013, as a result of a number of technical and economic measures, the increase in labor productivity will be 3.54%, which should be ensured by saving the number of PPP in the amount of 4 people


Based on the material presented in the work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The labor resources of an enterprise are the numerical professional and qualification composition of employed workers. Labor resources are classified according to various criteria. To characterize the movement of personnel, the following main indicators are used: the turnover rate for admission, for dismissal, the staff turnover rate, etc.

The effectiveness of the organization's activities is largely determined by the quantitative composition of the staff, the growth of labor productivity, the availability of opportunities for professional growth and the appropriate working conditions of employed workers.

The efficiency of the use of labor resources characterizes the productivity of labor, which is determined by the ratio of the amount of products produced per unit of working time, or the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output or work performed. Analysis rational use labor resources, the level of labor productivity is of great importance for finding reserves to increase production volumes and improve production efficiency.

An analysis of labor resources and the efficiency of their use was carried out on the example of Almier LLC, the main activity of which is the production of garments from raw materials provided by the customer.

Based on the analysis carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn:

In 2012, the output of 1 employee amounted to 13.828 million rubles, i.e. compared to 2011 increased by 2.044 million rubles. or by 17.34%. The output of 1 worker amounted to 15.573 million rubles, i.e. compared to 2011 increased by 1.934 million rubles. or by 14.18%. The labor intensity of 1 employee compared to 2011 decreased by 0.022 thousand rubles per hour or by 15.46%. The average hourly output of 1 employee compared to 2011 increased by 1.274 thousand rubles. or by 18.29%.

The increase in the output of employees and workers of Almier LLC, as well as the decrease in labor intensity, indicate an increase in the efficiency of the use of labor resources in 2011-2012;

the average annual output per employee increased in 2012 compared to 2011 by 2.044 million rubles. due to an increase in the average hourly output of one worker by 1,274 thousand rubles, an increase in the share of workers in the total number of employees by 2.39%, an increase in the length of the working day by 0.1 hours, a decrease in the number of days worked by one worker by 12 days;

the average annual output of one worker increased in 2012 compared to 2011 by 1.934 million rubles. due to an increase in the average hourly output of one worker by 1,274 thousand rubles, an increase in the length of the working day by 0.1 hours, and a decrease in the number of days worked by one worker by 12 days.

The decrease in the average annual output of one employee and worker was affected by day-to-day and intra-shift losses of working time.

Thus, the data obtained indicate an increase in the efficiency of the use of labor resources of Almier LLC for 2011-2012.

Improvement and the most efficient use of equipment and labor can be singled out as reserves for increasing the efficiency of using labor resources of Almier LLC. The following technical and economic growth factors of Almier LLC were identified:

structural shifts in production;

raising the technical level of production;

improvement of management, organization of production and labor;

change in production volume and share certain types products.

The influence of individual technical and economic factors on the growth of labor productivity of Almier LLC was determined based on the calculation of the release of the number of employees. In 2013, as a result of carrying out the above technical and economic measures, the increase in labor productivity will be 3.54%, which should be ensured by savings in the number of PPPs in the amount of 4 people.

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