Purpose in resume sample. Purpose in a resume for employment, purpose, examples, common mistakes

There must be a paragraph about life goals. This information is often quite important for the employer, because from it he can find out what you want to achieve from life, and therefore from work. This can directly tell a potential manager about how efficiently you can work, how you can be useful to the company. Does it depend on what will be written in the column about life and professional goals, whether you will be invited for an interview? Of course!

Any job seeker needs to know how best to describe their goals in a resume. Your life goals on your resume can play into your hands or alienate an employer. It is necessary to understand the difference between personal and professional goals and not to confuse these concepts. AT professional activity, of course, personal goals can be pursued. How to correctly formulate your life goals for a resume?

Often this topic is simply avoided when compiling their job description. It is completely unnecessary to do this. It will be much more fruitful to understand how to describe your life and professional goals in a way that would be of interest to the employer.

Why communicate your goals

Questions about goals, whether it be life or professional orientation, of course, are not asked just like that. If the leader asks you about the goals, then first of all this is done in order to understand whether you are on the way, whether your goals and the leader’s intentions regarding.

If your goals are not interesting to the employer, do not coincide with his plans, then this is hardly a suitable option for you. But in the event that the goals and intentions coincide, there is every chance to create a fruitful trade union"leader - subordinate".

Such cooperation can become mutually beneficial and interesting for both parties. If the applicant has an interest in finding a job that will bring not only earnings, but also professional growth, a fruitful tandem, then it is better to immediately indicate your life and professional goals in your resume.

The goals you are pursuing

During the interview, questions are often asked that can confuse the applicant. But this is not happening in order to drive a potential employee into a corner. This is done to understand how you fit the company, and the company - you. So, regarding your goals, you may be asked questions like:

  • What is your professional goal;
  • what personal goals do you pursue in your work;
  • how can you characterize the purpose of your professional activity;
  • your life goals.

These questions are fundamentally different. However, don't panic. It is best to answer such questions directly and honestly. But to understand what is the difference between them and what exactly they mean by themselves, is described below.

Professional Goals

First of all, this phrase refers to the result that the specialist wants to achieve during his work. This is the product that, as a result of the work, will be transferred to the customer or the manager. The professional goal should correspond to the content of the work and answer some questions:

  • what activities does the specialist perform;
  • what problems is the employee's task to solve;
  • How does this happen;
  • what people who turn to the worker will receive.

These questions are the key to help the applicant formulate an answer to the question about professional goals. It is best not to touch on any topics other than the ones mentioned above when talking about your professional goals.

Personal goals at work

Speaking about personal goals, you need to indicate what you expect to receive as a result of performing your work duties. So, personal goals in work can be financial compensation, moral satisfaction, the prospect of developing personal and professional qualities, gaining experience, etc. What you want to achieve thanks to is the answer to the question of personal goals in work. In other words, personal goals are those expectations from work that will satisfy you as an employee. It turns out that the estimated size wages also applies to personal goals at work.

Goals of professional activity

A generalized concept that includes results passed on to others or kept to oneself. That is, these are absolutely any results that are related to work. It combines both personal and professional goals. They can be combined, or they can act as an independent unit. The purpose of professional activity does not have to be limited to a single number - there may be several, and they may have a different focus.

In the case when it becomes necessary to search for the first or new work, The first thing to start with is. It, as many people know, indicates the main personal data, work experience, key skills, education that the candidate has. We must not forget that one of the most important points is the “goal in” column, and it should not be neglected.

To find the right job, you should know what you want.

Common Mistakes

1. One of the most common mistakes is the desire of the applicant to "cover the immensity", to capture as many employers as possible with one resume, thereby indicating that he would like to work as a driver, and a cook in a hot shop, and a restaurant administrator, and an accountant, etc. d.

Perhaps the candidate actually has a lot of talent, versatility with a variety of work experience and skills, but for a recruiter, as if you do not indicate a goal at all on a resume, it is very difficult to understand what the applicant is looking for. In other matters, no one will understand such a resume for a long time, it will be rejected.

Exceptions to the rules - common goals can be written like this:

  • Work in a catering company;
  • Realize your skills, efficiency, organizational skills, creativity in a design company;
  • Get seasonal work in greenhouses in Europe without knowing the language;
  • Seeking a job in the field of IT for the possibility of an internship, the manifestation of their skills and abilities acquired in the courses.

This practice of writing is not recommended, and is used in extreme cases. The employer does not have to and will not think and decide for you what position you will be appointed to, or you want. So, it is recommended to still think and decide. It would be more profitable and more correct to write a separate resume for each vacancy.

2. Some applicants get excited, and, in the end, the goal of the resume is a whole story. It is also not very good to show open flattery.

3. The following options will be meaningless:

  • I am looking for a well-paid job in the field of trade (do not focus on finance already in the first sentence. It is unlikely that the employer will like it);
  • I want to be the head of a successful company;
  • Get a job as a cleaner in order to pay off the loan;
  • I want to get a job with a high salary and a flexible schedule;
  • I am looking for a job as a secretary in a good team and a handsome boss;
  • I want to work with people because I do it best.

Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what.

Russian folktale

What to write in the purpose of the resume?

Your goal in the resume should be specific, i.e.: the position (salesperson, consultant, accountant, dancer), the department or functional area (sales, analytics) and the scope of the enterprise (furniture production, paperwork) can also be indicated.

"Goal in the summary", example:

  • Meeting and placing guests in the hall, creating a cozy atmosphere for the position of "hostess" in the restaurant;
  • Cargo escort, work with documents as a forwarder;
  • Application for the position of administrator at the reception in the hotel;
  • Applying for a position as a hairdresser in a beauty salon;
  • Applying for the position of a chef in a position for preparing cold dishes and snacks in an Italian restaurant;
  • Development and implementation of observations in the field of marketing for the position of marketing analyst;
  • I am applying for the position of a sales manager for industrial equipment;
  • Find a job as a passenger and baggage check-in agent at Vnukovo Airport;
  • Find a job as a merchandiser in a hypermarket;
  • Worked as Deputy Head of the Sales Department in a trading company;
  • Working as a truck driver construction company. Desired level salaries 50 000 rubles;
  • Take the position of a manicure master in a beauty salon;
  • Work as a sales assistant in a shopping center;
  • Work as a context manager in an online electronics store. Desired salary level 45 000 r.

As you have noticed, in this section of the resume it is appropriate to indicate the level of salary (it is advisable not to write it, but to deal with this issue at the interview).


In conclusion, we conclude that the goal in the resume is the first link in the chain, it should interest the employer, be accurate (without vague general phrases), concise, and competent. This section should take no more than 1-3 lines.

In the "Purpose" section of the resume, the applicant indicates one position or several (similar in their functionality) for which he is applying. If the desired vacancies are of different directions, for example, a sales manager, a driver, an economist, then it is better to create separate resumes for each position. In this block, you can also specify the desired salary level.

What is the purpose of the resume

The purpose of the resume should be stated clearly and concisely. This section should be no more than two or three lines long.

In the “Purpose” section of your resume, do not place vague general phrases, for example, such as: “Getting interesting high paying job in stable big company with the prospect of professional and career growth”, “Search for a promising job with the possibility of further growth and advancement”, etc.

Goal Examples in a Resume

The purpose of the summary can be formulated as follows:

  • Applying for the position of financial analyst in a trading company.
  • Job placement for an accountant. Desired salary level - from 9000 rubles.
  • Analysis financial activities companies, financial planning and forecasting as a financial analyst.
  • Getting a position commercial director in a manufacturing company.
  • Getting a job as an HR manager, putting into practice their professional experience and knowledge.

The purpose of the resume is an important section that can interest the recruiting manager. To increase your chances of getting an invitation to an interview, treat it with full responsibility and seriousness.

Not all recruiters consider the “Goal” item on a resume to be mandatory. But if you specify the goal and think over the wording properly, this will be an absolute plus.

3 requirements for the formulation of the goal


One of common mistakes applicants - when the goal is formulated in a very general view. That is, this goal can be placed on 90 resumes out of 100 - and it is perfect for an accountant, an investment manager, and an IT specialist.

Example: "The goal is to find promising work with a growing company, with opportunities for career and professional growth.

A worthy goal, but a very general one. The question immediately arises - does the specialist have an idea about HOW he will achieve career growth. Maybe he expects the employer to bring him growth on a silver platter?

An example of a specific goal:

"Position of a purchasing manager in a manufacturing company with access to the international market."

Here we indicated the specific position and the desired field of activity of the employer.


We strongly recommend that you adapt both the position and the field of activity to the vacancy for which you are sending your resume. That is, in this case, the goal is well formulated if you send a resume to the vacancy of a purchasing manager, and the company really has access to the international market. The recruiter will see a match between the vacancy and your expectations - and with a high probability will distinguish you from other applicants.
A mismatch is fraught with the fact that your resume will go to the trash.

Focus on the interests of the employer

An example of how to write DON'T:

“Goal: to get a job in a growing company that provides corporate training for employees, promotes their career growth, and also guarantees a social package.”

What's wrong? Everything is simple. This goal screams: the employer is obliged to provide me with training, growth and a social package, I do not agree to anything less!
Meanwhile, it is you who are looking for a job, not the employer who needs you. The employer has 3-5-10 more applicants for this vacancy ...
So we descend from heaven to earth and serve ourselves with a completely different sauce. The goal in the resume should answer the question - what can you give to the employer? What benefit will he get if he hires you?

Example: "The goal is to use knowledge in the field of investment management to significantly increase the profits of the company."

Feel the difference?

After reading this goal, the HR manager's eyes will light up. And if the qualification of the applicant meets the required or is rejected, but slightly, the specialist is guaranteed an invitation to an interview.


Here, in general, everything is simple. The goal is 2-3 lines. Not a paragraph, not an essay. “Brevity is the sister of talent,” as the classic said. This is the main guideline.

By the way, tried to look for a job in international company? Try it! AND .

Indicate the purpose of the search in your resume was last modified: June 13th, 2017 by Elena Nabatchikova

For some reason, it is generally accepted that the “Purpose” column in the resume is not required and can be ignored. It is also no less common to believe that here you only need to indicate the name of the vacancy for which you want to get a job. But both of these options are ineffective and it is better to refrain from using them.

Why write a goal on a resume

The purpose specified in the resume performs several functions at the same time. First of all, it attracts attention potential employer examining the document. It's no secret that a well-written resume is already half the success when looking for a job. Based on this written self-presentation, the HR specialist develops your image. And the more interesting it is, the more likely you are to be invited for an interview.

In addition, the column "professional goal" makes it possible to inform the recruiter about what kind of work you are interested in. For example, if you are looking for a position with which it will be possible to start a career, it is appropriate to briefly mention this in the purpose of the resume. For example, like this: "applying for the position of an HR assistant with further opportunities for professional growth."

In the case when employment is planned in a particular company, here you can briefly describe the reason why you are interested in this particular organization. But do not get carried away and make up a whole, open flattery will also be inappropriate.

How to write a goal on a resume

It is not so difficult to write the goal correctly, for this it is absolutely not necessary to build abstruse ornate phrases. On the contrary, everything should be simple, clear and concise.

Since a recruiter often looks through hundreds of resumes for various positions during the day, he needs to highlight some of them for more detailed study. Others receive less attention. As a rule, they are eliminated already on this stage selection of employees.

In this regard, the purpose of the summary should be indicated immediately after the heading of the document. Firstly, it will facilitate the work of the personnel officer, and secondly, it will create the right opinion that you are a specialist who knows what and why you need.

When describing the purpose of your employment, you can also include several (1-2) key skills relevant to this position. For example, it would be correct to indicate this: “development and implementation of marketing research for the position of marketing analyst.”

When filling out a resume, always remember that this is more likely not an official document, but your PR campaign. And here it is necessary not only to describe the facts, but also to be able to correctly present them to the future employer in order to arouse his interest and desire to cooperate.