Management as a control apparatus. Enterprise management apparatus and its functional divisions Management body or apparatus

The organization and management of the work of the enterprise is carried out by the management apparatus.

IN business vocabulary the following definition is given manadgement Department - bodies, divisions, services performing management functions on a national scale, region, enterprise, firm, organization ».

Enterprise management apparatus represents a group of employees who carry out a targeted impact on the controlled object. This includes people who take management decisions, as well as providing the process of preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions. In accordance with the functions performed in the management apparatus, managers, specialists and technical performers are allocated.

Any management apparatus (office, office) is an "information factory". Its main role is to process information in a similar way to an industrial enterprise that processes materials and produces energy.

The control apparatus receives information in the most different forms. In the same forms, the office produces information. It can be:

Data issued by a computer in electronic form;

Documents transmitting information in numerical or digital form;

Oral information transmitted over the telephone, often in electronic form.

Between the process of receiving and disseminating information, the device performs a number of different actions. It can: 1) transform information (for example, sales information into information about revenue received and work performed); 2) combine information (for example, sales information with purchasing information into inventory information); 3) accumulate information (for example, sales information for the preparation of monthly and annual income reports).

As a rule, the management apparatus uses the received data as a basis for the production of its other important products - decisions. These may be decisions: a) local and operational in nature - such as decisions regarding the purchase and sale of products, hiring and firing workers, raising or lowering prices; b) long-term, strategic nature - decisions related to the expansion of the enterprise, investments, product retirement, entry into the corporation and exit from it.

Thus, the apparatus of management is "factories that process information", with the output of two types of products: information (data, documents, verbal information) and decisions (short term and long term). In some cases, the administrative apparatus specializes in one of these areas.

The units of the apparatus that produce products of the first type (information) include: subdivisions that are engaged in the preparation of technical instructions; accounting and financial departments; departments preparing information for the public.

The units of the apparatus, the main product of which is the production of decisions, include: production management units; sales departments; top management apparatus. The links of the apparatus that produce products of both types include: technical subdivisions; offices dealing with personnel matters; marketing divisions.

The management of enterprises should deal with the productivity of "information factories" in the same way as departments for the production of products. In information production, increasing productivity means increasing the cost of information per unit of input. This may be more information (for example, more letters or technical instructions); more high quality information (more readable texts, with fewer errors); more timely information technical instruction compiled at the same time as the product modification). When applied to solutions, increasing productivity is an increase in the cost of solutions per unit of cost. In practice, this means: more decisions (for example, based on a choice of more purchase and sales options or offers work force); higher quality decisions (choices that lead to increased profits or improved unit performance); more timely decisions (the choice that responds more quickly to changing conditions).

The management apparatus functions in the form of an organizational management structure.

Organization management structure - a set of specialized functional units interconnected in the process of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions.

The organizational structure of management determines the required number management personnel and its distribution among the divisions of the administrative apparatus; establishes the composition of the divisions of the administrative apparatus; regulates administrative, functional and informational relations between employees of the administrative apparatus and departments; establishes the rights, duties and responsibilities of management employees; determines the requirements for the professional level of employees, etc.

There are a number types of organizational structures, among which the construction on the principle of departments (subdivisions) is the simplest. Organizations can be classified into the following types of governance structures:

with a linear organization of management;

with linear and functional control;

with a two-channel control structure;

with a matrix control system;

using committees;

Linear organization of management usually takes place in small enterprises, where the distribution of management tasks is limited by the presence of a small administrative apparatus and production, see diagram 1.

Scheme 1. Linear organizational structure of the enterprise

All direct powers go from top to bottom.

Among the advantages: a clear distribution of duties and responsibilities, an operative decision-making process, clarity of unity of command, which contributes to the formation of a stable and strong organization. Among the shortcomings are inflexibility, rigidity of management (everything is in the hands of the leader and his role).

Linear-functional structure is the most common approach. Line management is reinforced by support services for the main management functions (production, marketing, finance).

Scheme 2. Linear-functional structure of the enterprise

Advantages of a linear functional organizational structure:

High level of competence of specialists and their qualifications;

This form is effective for the implementation of worked out plans and is valid for the effective operation of the enterprise;

Allows you to easily manage subordinates.

The cons include:

Inefficiency in a difficult market situation, because initiative and effective transmission from the bottom up are difficult;

Decisions are made at the top level, as a result, efficiency is lost;

Weak coordination of actions of functional divisions;

The promotion and reward system is based on the ability of a specialist to perform tasks within a functional unit, and not on a contribution to the final result.

Divisional organizational structure.

In search of a way out of the situation of inefficiency in the activities of linear-functional structures, a number of American companies in the 1920s carried out decentralization of management by creating so-called divisional structures (Dunon, General Motors). In the 1960s and 1970s, this became the dominant approach for large US firms. The essence of this approach lies in the allocation to the management apparatus as the main structural element not of a functional service, but of a completely autonomous production department in the economic sense - a large plant or group of enterprises - producing a certain type of product. These departments were entrusted with the entire responsibility for the development, production and marketing of more or less homogeneous products. Accordingly, a management apparatus and a production unit were formed in them, see Diagram 3.

Scheme 3. Divisional organizational structure of the organization

Matrix system for building an organization.

This scheme is intended to unite in a group of company specialists in order to work on a project, see scheme 4.

Ying - engineer, K - designer, MS - supply, F - finance, M - marketer

Diagram 4. Matrix organizational structure

Employees of the matrix structure have double subordination as a manager project team and their functional leaders.

This approach provides the development innovative technologies, efficiency, initiative, etc. Among the shortcomings - greed, spending, the struggle for power.

At the same time, matrix approaches in various modifications (new product development departments, business innovation units, micro-departments of risky initiatives, NCPs (independent business units), strategic business centers with CCs) due to their flexibility take place in large and medium-sized companies. It must be borne in mind that they may not be effective on their own. The experience of FM Bank showed that the effect in the activity of the enterprise comes when information technologies are "combined" with the structure of the bank.

The effectiveness of the introduction of computer technologies in the activities of the bank was ensured by the creation of working groups of experts in the field of finance, marketing, computer engineers, acting together at the stage of transaction processing. At the same time, the working group has become efficient, thanks to the use of the latest developments information technologies infiltrating the economy. In FM, multidisciplinary groups were created, whose activities were corrected for comprehensive customer service. It is the interaction of updated organizational structures and advanced technologies that is the reason for the growth in labor productivity. As a result of the change in the organizational structure of FM, we will get rid of a huge number of middle managers, reducing the administrative apparatus.

Management proceeds from the fact that the ideal organizational structure of an enterprise is a very relative concept and forms can change with the development of the company, changes in its strategy and market conditions.

Today, the problem of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization is central to the creation of organizational management structures.

The second direction is the creation of "flat" structures that ensure the reduction of the apparatus (middle level) with the transfer of authority to the lower levels.

The third direction - determines that only a deep change organizational culture, the entire system of values ​​in the company - can provide an increase in management efficiency when reorganizing management structures.

The evolution of the administrative apparatus can be traced back to ancient civilizations. For example, the ancient Assyrians used cuneiform writing to record the quantities produced, sold, and deposited, as well as taxes. From cuneiform writing to computers and telecommunications - the types of activity and methods of work of the administrative apparatus have undergone such a centuries-old evolution.

"Scribe's Office". The existence of such offices is evidenced by literary works created over 150 years ago. According to the descriptions of Charles Dickens, we can imagine the picture of the London office of that time as follows: a clerk sits on a stool behind a high desk and carefully enters accounts in a ledger or writes letters with a quill pen, periodically dipping it into an inkwell. The main tools of the clerk of that time were a pen, an inkwell and an account book, the means of communication was a personal messenger or packet service. By modern standards, the productivity of such an office looks extremely low: each letter was separately copied by hand. If a mistake was made, the entire letter was rewritten. Accounts were calculated manually. Accounts were the only basis for decision-making; there was no other information.

"Mechanized office". A significant change in the technical equipment of the administrative apparatus occurred about 50 years later, in the 1880s, with the advent of the so-called "mechanized office".

The "mechanization of the office" began with the invention of the typewriter and its introduction to the general market. But it became widespread with the advent of the telephone, telegraph, telex and teletype, as well as with the development of the state postal system and the network railways. All this supplanted the "clerk's office", which was replaced by the "mechanized office":

mechanically written carbon paper letters (which reduced the time of their writing);

· prompt exchange of information between offices by post, telegraph and telephone, which allowed making decisions based on more complete information and in a shorter time frame;

· Training of qualified personnel so that clerks, accountants and other accountants are not involved in the preparation of final documents.

As a result of these changes, the productivity of the management apparatus has increased significantly. With the change in technology, there were changes in the apparatus of the organization of management and its functions. The technically equipped administrative apparatus created the preconditions for the development of modern bureaucratic organizations, large corporations, state bodies, because it provided them with vital information and means for processing documents.

"Electrified office". The industrial revolution of the first half of the 20th century was characterized by the extensive development of industrial and household tools powered by electricity or electrical signals. The technique of the control apparatus changed, especially in the 1940s and 60s, when electric typewriters with replaceable heads, copiers working with plain paper, portable voice recorders and facsimile devices became widely used. The result was the so-called "electrified office".

The main purpose of this series of innovations was to increase the level of office work. The productivity of the administrative apparatus and the quality of documents have increased. The electric typewriter was faster and provided clearer, higher quality printing, as well as allowing you to vary the font. A plain paper copier produced high quality copies of documents at little cost. This significantly increased the efficiency of information transfer.

In many countries of the world, the "electrified office" is the apparatus of management today, but a number of countries have already introduced next-generation office technology.


1. Avtonomov, V.S. Introduction to economics: textbook. - M.: Vita-Press, 2008.

2. Brass, A.A. Management: basic concepts, types, functions. textbook allowance for students. economy universities. - Minsk: Misanta LLC, 2002.

3. Management: textbook / E.L. Dracheva, L.I. Yulikov. – 8th edition, stereotypical. - Moscow: Academy, 2007. - 288 p. - (The average professional education. Economics and Management) .

4. Yakovlev G.S. Apparatus of management: principles of organization. - M.: Yurid. lit., 1974.

Production without proper management turns into complete chaos. As the enterprise grows, it becomes more complicated and acquires an official character and its management apparatus.

Traditionally, the organization and management of an enterprise is concentrated in three main areas of activity:


financial activities.

R&D is added to these areas. It is on this approach that enterprise management apparatuses are created.

The management apparatus is a body of the organizational structure designed to implement the tasks of management by performing the functions of managing the forces of specialists to achieve the organization's goals.

Employees of the management system specialize in one of these areas, and manage this area.

It is advisable to consider the formation of the management apparatus in the genesis of the enterprise from a small enterprise to big company, which will give the key to understanding the structure of the control apparatus and its functional purpose.

A. Owner-managed firm.

Based on the experience of the United States and the study of activities Russian firms The author, the owner, the manager himself can perform all management functions (as long as the number of employees in the company is up to 30-50 people and does not have a complex hierarchical structure of more than 2 levels.

  • one). He plans the work of the company,
  • 2). Dealing with supplies
  • 3). Controls the production process
  • 4). Engaged in sales
  • five). Solves financial issues.

At best, masters or assistants help him (the difference between Russian firms, as a rule, an entrepreneur hires an accountant due to his unprofessionalism in this matter and the complexity of the reporting and tax system). Thus, the management apparatus of this type of enterprise is the head (see diagram 1.1.)

Scheme 1.1 Control apparatus (shoe repair shop)

B. Growing firm

The expansion of the company begins with the fact that the owner hires two new employees: to perform sales functions; for financial activities. The owner and two new specialists make up the management apparatus, see diagram 1.2.

Scheme 1.2. Control apparatus (shoe repair and sewing workshop)

With this structure of the apparatus, a number of functions, sales and finances are transferred from the head to his subordinates, thereby reducing his function.

If the enterprise continues to grow, then soon a production manager is added to the three employees of the management apparatus, who is equated with sales and finance specialists, see diagram 1.3.

Scheme 1.3 Management apparatus of Catalunya House LLC, Khabarovsk

The manager at this stage of development of the administrative apparatus continues to answer and perform "compact" and "stable" management functions.

The former are understood as: decision-making, giving orders, organizing production, motivating employees, and communicating in the organization.

Under the second: planning, collecting information, coordinating activities, monitoring and accounting, consulting, clerical work. As the enterprise grows, the management apparatus becomes more complicated: 1) the emergence of hierarchical levels of management, 2) the division of activities into “command” (linear) and “headquarters”. Specialists directly responsible for the functions of production, marketing, finance, R&D are line managers and are engaged in "team" activities. Technical and clerical specialists who are not directly involved in the management of these types of activities are paid specialists and collect information, calculate, account and control, develop standards, etc., see diagram 1.4.

Scheme 1.4. Management apparatus of JV Mirmetall, Khabarovsk

At this enterprise, the management apparatus has a functional division by type of activity (sales, production, finance + legal activity, security), and by type of activity line managers (general director, chief engineer, commercial director, chief accountant, managers of levels 3 and 4) and staff specialists (assistant general director, lawyer, head of KhCh, head of security) , as well as staff specialists of the 2nd level of management (chief mechanic, chief power engineer, dispatcher, controllers, marketer). With him CEO continues to combine "command" and "staff" functions, this concerns the issues of planning the activities of the enterprise, developing the structure of the company, etc.

In a large company, the creation of headquarters units is a condition for successful enterprise management. The growth of the enterprise makes it necessary to organize it in the form of a system of coordinating structural units. The apparatus must ensure the achievement of the main goal of the enterprise - making a profit.

B. Large enterprise.

The main interrelated tasks of the enterprise are production, research and development, marketing, financial activities. Therefore, this is how the control apparatus is created, based on these functions. Separation of functions in order to perform each of the tasks, splitting each function into subfunctions, the correct distribution of labor, the use of material resources - this is the basis of an organized plan.

The construction of the management apparatus on this approach ensures the achievement of goals. At the same time, the combination of command and staff functions leads to a decrease in the effective activity of the control apparatus. Therefore, their differentiation becomes a necessity.

There are two approaches: staff-oriented specialists of the first level of management are decentralized (see "Mirmetal"), or, for example, in large American companies, they are centralized, i.e. merged into one department. The company "Radon" has chosen this path, see Scheme 1.5.

Scheme 1.5. The structure of the management apparatus of the enterprise "Radon"

Scheme 1.6. Apparatus structure executive director"Radon"

This approach determines the coordination and interaction of all headquarters structures of the 1st level under a single leadership and the main difference is the creation of a body responsible for planning the activities of the enterprise as a whole. The creation of an administrative service, along with production, marketing, financial, provides large enterprise more opportunities to achieve goals. However, there are no right answers in management and this approach can be considered as an alternative.

The approach itself is important in creating the structure of the administrative apparatus, proceeding both from the types of activity (production, marketing, finance) and from the nature of the activity (line management, headquarters directorates).

Staff employees influence the decisions made by line managers, but are not responsible for the process of managing line services and do not have the right to interfere in their activities. It is important to note that, as a rule, there are no problems of interaction between linear and staff structures in small and large firms, in the first they are inseparable and are carried out by the head; in the second, there is a direct need to distinguish them. On average, everything depends on the understanding of this issue (for example, if a quality control specialist is subordinate to the shop manager, then his meaning is lost, if the production director, control is more valid), see diagram 1.7.

Thus, the management apparatus is the management of the enterprise to achieve the goals of the enterprise through the performance of management functions, creating for this purpose the structure of the apparatus, which provide a solution to the problems of production, research and development, marketing, financial activities and administrative activities.

The structure of the management apparatus depends on the tasks facing the enterprise, size, category of management on the structure of the apparatus.

When forming the management apparatus, it is advisable to take into account the following factors:

Analysis of the activities performed by specialists and ways of coordinating with others.

Decision-making level and the role of specialists in decision-making.

The manager's contribution to achieving the final result.

Determination of the allowable scope of assigned duties and the number of subordinates.

Calculation of working time, methods of labor organization.

Formation of the structure according to goals and objectives, and not according to other criteria.

The formation of departments depends on the features underlying them, among them are:

Divide by group size.

By functional feature(production, marketing, finance, etc.).

On a territorial basis (all functions are entrusted to the territorial department).

Based on manufactured products (usually in large enterprises).

Based on consumer interests.

Practice shows that there is a combination of the use of these features, see Scheme 1.8.

Scheme 1.8. Manadgement Department

(combination of functional and territorial features)

The effectiveness of the management apparatus long time associated with economic indicators enterprises. The achievement of leading companies indicates that it is advisable to introduce a strategic variable in this matter - an increase in the cost of a device today can, with effective strategic planning bring a significant effect. Evidence of this, the introduction of administrative services in the United States in the 60s was compared to a revolution in management.

Its structure and functions of governing bodies
The concept of the organizational structure of enterprise management

Management consists of two parts: managed (control object) and control, they are interconnected by information and command flows (Fig. 5).

A controlled system at an enterprise is a complex of workshops, installations, machine tools, machines, etc.

Control system - a set of controls. Both systems are closely interconnected and should correspond to each other in terms of level. The control system uses external information in the form of planned targets, information from consumers, information about scientific and technological progress, etc. External information enters the control system sporadically, and from the controlled system - systematically. Each system is self-governing, but in the process of management it experiences external influences (from the state through ministries, Gosplan, Gosbank, etc.).

The relationship between the managed and the managing system is built on the basis of various forms, the main of which are the following types controls:



    linear headquarters.

Linear management (Fig. 6) is characterized by a combination of direct impact on production and the concentration of all management functions in the same hands. At the same time, subordinates do not receive conflicting and unrelated tasks and orders, it is ensured full responsibility supervisor for performance.

The disadvantage of the system is the need for the manager to have versatile knowledge in the absence of specialists in the implementation of individual management functions.

Functional management (Fig. 7) provides for differentiated management carried out by functional units. It allows specialists to solve production issues more competently, relieve and simplify the work of line managers. However, functional management violates the unity of management and responsibility for work, since the performer can receive instructions from several specialist managers at once.

Linear-staff management (Fig. 8) is characterized by the presence of a head-single head of headquarters, consisting of functional cells corresponding to a specific management function. Under the line-staff system, there are special councils, colleges, etc.

In the lower link (section) it is advisable to have linear production management, in the middle (workshop) - functional or linear-staff, in the upper (enterprise or association) - linear-staff.

The management structure consists of steps and links. Management link - an independent structural unit that performs a specific function of management (planning, accounting, regulatory, etc.), its part or a combination of several functions. The level of management is the level of management, the unity of the links of a certain level, the hierarchy of management (shop management, management of production sites, etc.).

The set of steps and links is the organizational structure of enterprise management - the management apparatus. The decisions he makes must be timely and optimal, meet the requirements and the course of production, ensure the reliable functioning of the enterprise, excluding errors, lack of information, biased preparation of decisions.

The construction of the organizational structure of management is based on the production-territorial principle (there are as many levels of management as there are in production structure) with a linear subordination structure.

The linear structure of subordination means that at the head of each production unit (plant, workshop, installation, site) there is a manager to whom all employees of this unit are subordinate. Each employee reports to only one manager. Such construction of management reflects the principle of unity of command and eliminates the duality of management.

The success of the work of the administrative apparatus depends on the clarity of the construction of management bodies and the division of the responsibilities of each link, the elimination of parallelism in work.

The basis for the development of a rational structure of the administrative apparatus are: a) specialization of individual links; b) the concentration of the apparatus in a small number of links; c) decentralization of the solution of operational issues, bringing the bodies of operational management directly to production, while centralizing the bodies of long-term management of industry.

Forms of the organizational structure of enterprises (associations) are different. They depend on their size, specialization, nature production process and other conditions.

The process of production management at the enterprise is carried out by a team of workers organized into a management apparatus, the most important characteristic of which is its structure. Managment structure- this organizational form building the management apparatus, which characterizes the composition and subordination of management units and officials, formed on the basis of the goals of the enterprise.

Under control function understand a specific goal-directed view management activities, due to the division of labor in the management apparatus. Sometimes, due to the large amount of work, the management function is implemented not by one, but by several structural units. At the same time on individual worker can be assigned a number of functions.

The structure and size of the management apparatus for each given enterprise depends on many factors that can be grouped as follows:

- Technical(scale of production; product complexity, technological processes and equipment; the level of automation of production and management);

- Organizational and economic(the degree of centralization of functions, the nature of the links between the various steps and links control system, between the object and the subject of management);

- External relations and conditions(level of cooperation, supply and marketing system, climatic and natural conditions);

- Organizational and legal relations(general partnership, company with limited liability, Joint-Stock Company).

Therefore, there is not and cannot be a single plant management structure for enterprises even in the same industry.

The structure of the administrative apparatus, supplemented by connections of subordinate units and links of the administrative apparatus, is called organizational structure of management. It shows the specialization, quantity, subordination and interconnection of the governing bodies. A properly built enterprise management structure creates the prerequisites for high management efficiency.

Under the conditions of the command-administrative system for managing the branches of production, the enterprise management structure was created on the basis of model structures approved by the Ministry, staffing levels and standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees, developed on the basis of recommendations from the Research Institute of Labor. In conditions market economy the structure of the management apparatus of enterprises of all forms of ownership is developed by the administration of the enterprise or the owner of the enterprise, taking into account the organizational and legal form of the enterprise provided for Civil Code RF.

Currently on industrial enterprises from three types of governance structures (linear, functional, linear-functional) are practically used only linear functional. Its essence lies in the fact that the line personnel of the enterprise (director, heads of workshops, heads of sections) have a number of functional bodies under their control, each of which, according to its function, based on the collection and processing of information, develops a project for solving the corresponding problem, which, after approval line manager is mandatory for the respective executor. Functional bodies do not issue commands to performers.

The vertical management apparatus is divided into steps, which reflect the sequence of subordination of some divisions of the enterprise to others. The highest level of management at the enterprise is the plant management, the lowest is the production team.

When choosing an organizational management structure for enterprises, it is necessary to establish: the level of centralization of management, taking into account industry-specific production conditions, the optimal number of steps, the number of management links, the number of management personnel, as well as the regulations for the relationship of management bodies and officials. The centralization of management in an enterprise is effective within the limits under which total time the transfer of information and the development of a decision by the control object is less than the period during which irreversible changes can occur in production, i.e. when management's instructions are not too late. The rational level of centralization of management functions depends on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, the number of its divisions and their scale, on the level of mechanization and automation of management.

In relation to the production structure of the enterprise, the linear-functional management structure has a number of varieties: case, workshop And shopless.

Corpus control structure(Figure 11) is used at very large enterprises, primarily mechanical engineering, where a variety of products are produced in mass quantities for this type of product.

Figure 11 - Enclosure diagram of enterprise management

Shop management structure has become widespread in large and medium-sized enterprises and includes the following main elements, presented in Figure 12.

Figure 12 - Workshop scheme of enterprise management

At the workshop organizational structure management, there is a significant differentiation of the functional apparatus of management, i.e. a large number of administrative and management services, departments, bureaus, and individual positions are organized at the enterprise.

Shopless management structure(Figure 13) is appropriate for small enterprises with less than 1000 workers (for enterprises of the machine-building complex). The advantage of this structure is that production shops, regardless of their location on the factory territory, are exempted from performing administrative and economic functions, which are shifted entirely to the factory management. Consequently, the shops are turned exclusively into production units and are renamed accordingly. production sites headed by the chief (senior foreman) of the site. In this case, a significant number of workers who performed mainly administrative functions under the shop system are released. The shopless management structure is used at small businesses of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms.

Figure 13 - Workshopless enterprise management scheme

With all the variety of forms of enterprises and organizations, their management structure is basically homogeneous in its content, tk. it presents one or another combination of the same types of management work. This circumstance provides a unified approach to the design of specific management structures, subject to the following principles:

- Unity of command, i.e. exclusion of duality of subordination;

- Separation of rights and obligations between line and functional managers;

- Minimization of control steps;

- Manageability Compliance, i.e. the number of subordinates of one leader;

- The optimal combination of centralization and decentralization of management functions.

The company has the following control functions:

- General leadership which is carried out by the director of the enterprise;

- Production and technical management– first deputy director of the enterprise or chief engineer;

- Intra-factory economic guidance– Deputy Directors for Economics and Chief Economist;

- Management of external economic relations- Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs or Commercial Director.

In order for each of these managers to competently perform their duties, a number of specialized functional bodies work at the enterprise. Enterprise Director in accordance with the principle of unity of command, carries out general management and bears full responsibility for the production and economic activities of the enterprise. He is directly subordinate to the following functional bodies of the enterprise: main accounting, departments of technical control, personnel, capital construction, valuable papers, legal, socio-economic services, etc. The director, in addition to the above service heads, may have several more deputies or assistants who are not heads of a certain area of ​​​​activity of the enterprise as a whole, but have separate highly specialized services and households in their charge.

Chief Engineer manages the work of the workshops of the enterprise, technical training and maintenance production. The following departments are directly subordinate to him: chief designer, technologist, power engineer, mechanic, metallurgist (welder), as well as standardization departments and production and dispatching, a bureau or engineer for safety, technical information, etc. The chief engineer may have several deputies.

Head economist supervises technical and economic planning, regulation, economic incentives, organization of labor, production and management. He is subordinate to: the planning and economic department, the department of labor and income, the economic laboratory, the information and computing center, etc. If the position of the chief economist is not provided for by the staffing table, then his duties are performed by head of planning department in accordance with the order of the director of the enterprise.

Commercial Director manages the logistics services for production and sales finished products and also manages financial resources enterprises. Subordinate to him: the department of logistics of production, the marketing service, the financial department, the transport department, etc. A slightly different subordination of a number of functional departments is possible, for example, the financial department, the computer center, which is regulated by orders of the director of the enterprise.

Managing the activities of the production system as a whole. They are built on the principle of hierarchy, providing for the division of units into higher and lower. The linear body of each stage performs the whole range of functions of managing the corresponding object, which is the lower line unit; communication between units of different levels is carried out one by one. vertical channel. This type of structure most fully meets the principle of centralism and increases the responsibility of leadership and execution. The effectiveness of linear structures is significantly reduced with the complication of production systems, as the range of special issues for various management functions expands, which must be solved by one manager, the linkage of the management structure increases, the danger of red tape increases due to the need to use only vertical connections. For management modern enterprise the use of linear structures of the control apparatus in its pure form is practically impossible. However, linear bodies and communications are used in the construction of the structure of the enterprise and production association management apparatus.

Depending on the tasks and nature of the program, the organizational framework for its implementation (enterprise, association, industry, department), the types of program-target structures being created, the content of the functions of individual bodies can vary significantly, however, their distribution between the levels and main links of the management apparatus should be based on compliance with certain principles arising from the objective laws of the implementation of organizational relationships in socio-economic systems.

The Chairman of the State Customs Committee 1) directs the activities of the State Customs Committee, other customs bodies of the Russian Federation, customs laboratories and other subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations on the principles of unity of command 2) bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the State Customs Committee 3) represents the State Customs Committee and ensures its interaction with other state bodies of the Russian Federation 4) distributes duties among the deputy chairmen of the State Customs Committee and establishes the degree of their responsibility 5) signs (approves) normative acts within the competence of the State Customs Committee, organizes verification of their implementation 6) appoints and dismisses executives of the State Customs Committee, heads and chief accountants of regional customs departments and customs offices of the Russian Federation, heads of customs laboratories and other subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations 7) establishes the powers of subordinate customs authorities of the Russian Federation to independently resolve organizational, personnel, financial and other issues c 8) approves the regulations on the main departments and other structural subdivisions of the State Customs Committee, regional customs departments, customs and customs posts of the Russian Federation, customs laboratories, as well as the regulations (charters) of other subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations 9) approves within the established number and payment fund structure, staffing of the State Customs Committee, as well as an estimate of expenses for the maintenance of the administrative apparatus 10) assigns, within its powers, special ranks to employees of subordinate institutions, in the prescribed manner submits submissions on the assignment of special ranks of senior commanding staff to officials of customs authorities and employees of institutions 11 ) awards badges and applies other forms of encouragement to employees of customs authorities, customs laboratories and other subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations titles and awarding state awards of the Russian Federation 13) applies in full established by law RF measures of disciplinary action against employees of customs authorities, heads of customs laboratories and other subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations 14) perform other functions and enjoy other rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

State organization is a general concept. These include government agencies and enterprises. The differences between enterprises and institutions are in their purpose, role in society, the content of the main activity. Enterprises are primarily engaged in production activities, institutions - management, social services population. At state enterprises, there is an administration (its bodies), but its functions are reduced to resolving issues internal management, and it does not act externally as a governing body. Exist different types enterprises by the nature of their activities (production, trade, etc.), by subordination and structure (state, municipal, joint-stock, unitary, etc.). State enterprises are not part of the state apparatus.

Expansion of functions of association. One of the main directions of increasing the efficiency of production is its concentration. In the oil industry, the main production unit should be a production association - a single territorial-production complex of a large number of legally independent drilling, production, auxiliary and auxiliary services enterprises. The management body of the association (the apparatus of the association) already at the present time carries out a number of planning and distribution supply functions of management. rotting performs administrative functions, distributes production tasks among enterprises, ensures the sale of products, the implementation of funds, uninterrupted supply and systematic operation of enterprises, studies and generalizes the experience of their work, develops long-term plans for the development of the association as a whole and all its enterprises, etc. With the transition to a new production management structure, the functions of the association have expanded significantly, since most enterprises are directly subordinate to the association, bypassing intermediate management instances (trust, management). In the future, with the development of specialization and cooperation of labor, automation and mechanization of production, the introduction of automated control systems - oil, improvement