Development of profiles for a vacant position of an administrator. Position profile formation

The HR manager belongs to the category of managers.

The position of HR manager is assigned to a person with a higher professional education(major in management) or higher professional education and additional training in the field of management, work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

Responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager:

  • Organizes work with staff in accordance with common goals enterprise development
  • Determines the need for personnel, studies the labor market in order to determine possible sources of providing the necessary personnel.
  • Carries out selection of personnel, in order to complete the staff.
  • Organizes staff training, coordinates the work to improve the skills of employees and develop their business careers.
  • Communicates information on HR issues and key HR decisions to all employees.
  • Develops a system for assessing the business qualities of employees, motivating their promotion.
  • Organizes the evaluation of the results labor activity employees, attestations, competitions for filling vacant positions.
  • Advises managers of different levels on the organization of personnel management.
  • Takes part in planning social development team, permission labor disputes and conflicts.
  • Compiles and arranges employment contracts(contracts) maintains personal files of employees and other personnel documentation.
  • Supervises subordinate employees.

The HR manager must know:

  • Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the enterprise for personnel management.
  • Labor legislation.
  • Basics market economy, entrepreneurship and doing business.
  • Market conditions work force and educational services.
  • The order of pricing and taxation.
  • Fundamentals of Marketing.
  • Modern concepts of personnel management.
  • Fundamentals of labor motivation and personnel assessment systems.
  • Forms and methods of training and advanced training of personnel.
  • The procedure for the development of labor agreements (contracts).
  • Methods and organization of management.
  • Fundamentals of production technology and prospects for the development of the enterprise.
  • The management structure of the enterprise and their staffing.
  • Fundamentals of general and social psychology of work.
  • Fundamentals of industrial pedagogy.
  • Ethics of business communication.
  • Advanced domestic and Foreign experience in the field of personnel management.
  • Fundamentals of business organization.
  • Information processing methods using modern technical means, communications and communications, computer technology.
  • Internal labor regulations.
  • Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Factors affecting the work of HR- specialist (Galina Pogodina , « Such a special manager. :

1. Specificity of production. The HR manager is the face of the company. He must be competent in what concerns its activities. Only then will he be able to select those employees who are really needed.

3. Cross-cultural environment. Working in a Western firm or a company with foreign capital is associated with the "crossing" of cultures, because you have to work side by side with foreigners who have a different mentality, they are representatives of a different culture, they have their own style of communication. In such an environment, misunderstanding and clash of interests are inevitable. One has to be a diplomat to "please" both Russian and foreign managers.

4 .Procedures and reports. Majority Western companies presented on Russian market, are transnational, with a unified strategy and corporate culture in all regions of presence. All of them have the status of "global brand". Bureaucracy is inevitably developed in such organizations.

Job responsibilities of personnel officers in Western and Russian companies (Type of company / number of employees, people):

1) Western / less than 100

Depending on the company's budget and policy, either the use of consulting services (outstaffing, recruitment, payroll, HR Administration), or independent work. The activities of an HR specialist are determined and supervised by the local headquarters (for example, Senior Regional HR Manager) or the director of the Russian office

2) Western / 100–500

  • Search and selection of personnel, work with agencies
  • Primary segmentation of HR into blocks. Schemes are possible when one of the blocks is outsourced or one manager manages several blocks
  • Supervision of HR work, participation in the selection of top positions, formation of the annual HR budget

3) Western / 500–1000

  • Detailing of HR blocks, creation of HR departments within the Unified Service of the company
  • Working with the HR budget, coordinating changes in the HR policy with the management. Supervising the work of heads of HR departments

4) Western / over 1000

  • Distribution of work on the search and selection of personnel according to specified criteria, active use of the services of recruiting agencies
  • Clear segmentation by HR blocks, creation of departments for each of the HR areas. Clearly assigned to each employee HR-functionality. The emergence of experts strategic development and planning in HR
  • Depending on the powers delegated by the HR director and the needs of the organization
  • Formation of the HR budget, planning the needs for qualitative changes in the HR strategy. Participation in determining the development policy of the organization

5) Russian / less than 100

  • Recruitment, HR administration. Block C&B assigned to accounting

6) Russian / 100–500

  • Search, selection and adaptation of personnel
  • HR records management
  • Supervises the activities of the HR service, conducts / manages changes in the HR policy based on the decisions of the general management

7) Russian / 500–1000

  • Separation by specialties and territorial basis, involvement of recruiting agencies in cooperation
  • Detailing of HR blocks, individual employees are responsible for specific areas
  • Depending on the functionality of the HR director
  • Adapting the work of the HR department to the goals and objectives set by the general management

8) Russian / more than 1000

  • Separation by specialties and territorial basis, active involvement of recruiting agencies in cooperation. Possible internal headhunters
  • HR policies are built according to Western standards

What qualities do HR need?

So, for example, for a personnel manager in the personnel department, the most important qualities are high efficiency,

organizational skills and the ability to make decisions. The personnel manager in the personnel management system must possess such qualities as the effectiveness of interaction with people, initiative and creativity. And the personnel manager in the management system by human resourses it is necessary to effectively interact with people, to be sociable, flexible and mobile. And of course, any specialist in the field of personnel management must be professionally competent.

"Position profile" has firmly entered the terminology used by HR specialists in personnel management. However, many of them have their own view on the issue of personnel evaluation. Should this tool be standalone in overall structure of all HR processes or is he able to do more to form a unified human resource management system, becoming the basis for their unification? What information should the job profile contain in order to be practical tool? How the use of job profiling can affect the structuring of all management processes personnel and increase their efficiency?

Position profile as the basis of the HR system

Today, it is clear to many HR professionals that evaluation is at the center of the personnel management system.

It is present in any HR process, be it recruiting, adaptation, certification, assessment, training, development, motivation.

Judge for yourself: to find people, you need to evaluate the position and candidates; in order to evaluate the working staff, evaluation standards are needed, and in order to motivate, it is necessary to evaluate the working conditions of the staff, their needs, and the company's capabilities for the formation of motivational programs.

The search for a cementing foundation for the HR system led us to choose a foundation that is based on assessment, and its central element is the job profile.

Let's start with the fact that before the appearance of personnel in any enterprise, its goals and objectives are determined, an organizational and functional structure is built, budgets are formed, methods and ways of organizing work are selected.

And only then do job announcements appear on the Internet and applicants for open positions, employees come and work, designed to realize the goals set and perform their tasks every day.

Professionals come to perform functional duties for a specific position. The staff unit itself appears based on the goals of the enterprise, its tasks, and the specifics of the field of activity.

Thus, in order to turn the HR system into a well-functioning mechanism, it is necessary not only to organize business processes, but also to evaluate each position involved in it.

Let's look at concrete examples how the job profile is linked to all functional areas of the HR system.

Job profile and recruiting

How often do you and I hear talk about the fact that everyone makes mistakes, especially when recruiting staff for open vacancies.

We will not analyze in detail the causes of errors, since this topic is worthy of a separate article.

But one of the main mistakes is not only and not so much the lack of “flair”, or sixth sense, among recruiting managers. When selecting employees, of course, one should not detract from the value of intuition. But having the ability to foresee or see something in a candidate in time is not enough for the right choice.

It is necessary to understand the position, its functionality, the conditions in which it is implemented, the awareness of the standards that candidates must meet, and to what extent this compliance is required, because there are no ideal candidates. It takes enough a large number of additional information, which a recruiter must own before they are ready to post a job posting online or in print media.

Where to get this information? As a rule, it is in the application for recruitment. But is it always there and what is the quality of this information?

It's no secret how this application is made. The head writes his wishes, then the process of clarifying these wishes begins, attempts to find a middle ground in the requirements. The leader definitely needs new employee, but he, as is usually the case, either does not have a clear portrait of this candidate, or he still thinks what duties he will have to perform, or the sacramental phrase sounds: “Look, you already know what kind of people our company needs, I will send duties” . Following that on email The recruiter, after several reminders, receives a letter with a very lengthy list of responsibilities.

Next comes a string of candidates who do not match the portrait for various reasons: not enough/too much knowledge, strange/weak/too a strong character, will not be able to perform our functionality, which has not yet been prescribed, but is expected ... Now imagine a picture that, in addition to employees of the HR department, not one, but two managers are interviewing candidates. I think you know the result: “Looking further!”

Personally, I have repeatedly seen the tears of recruiters, when once again a far from the weakest candidate was refused for not the most objective justifications. Or, even worse, after 3 months of searching, the manager who made the application suddenly announced that he had decided to appoint an internal candidate for the position or was withdrawing the application altogether until he figured out what functionality the new specialist needed to perform. I would like to note that in this case, recruitment managers lose their nerves also because their salary may depend on the quantity / quality / timing of completed applications. And three months of searching will not affect the state of the employee's wallet in any way.

However, it is worth recognizing that HR specialists themselves create such a situation, without forming job profiles, in the creation of which it is necessary to involve divisional managers and on the basis of which an application should be drawn up and candidates should be searched and evaluated.

The second side of the problem of inefficient recruitment is recruiters.

Often, having received an application, many begin to select candidates on formal grounds, to look for compliance in the resume with the requirements indicated in the application. When searching, recruitment managers are far from always equipped with evaluation tools, they cannot identify at least part of the professional competencies candidates. As a result - the refusals of the position-customer managers from the candidates whom the recruiters classified as "successful". And this ultimately leads to a decrease in professional status. internal service recruitment in general, bringing charges of incompetence of its employees. In our practice, there was a case when one of the tasks of the new HR director was to change the internal status of the HR department: from the image of an incompetent service that is not able to qualitatively solve the problem of finding the right people, to the status of a professional business participant, able to search, find and develop the company's personnel. The reason for the downgrade was common mistakes in the selection of candidates that arise due to the lack of an integrated personnel assessment system at the enterprise. In order to solve the task assigned to the HR director, the first thing to do was to change the existing personnel search and evaluation system in the company, the quality of which caused the greatest number of complaints from the company's managers. After the introduction of a number of changes, the HR director completed the task, but the solution of the issue itself required a radical revision of the entire recruitment system, from position profiling and the formation of a business process for searching and evaluating candidates to training HR managers and heads of departments to work according to the new rules.

Returning to our topic, we note that the recruiting manager must have a large amount of information not only about the vacancy, but also about the position itself, its functionality, and the specialized competencies necessary for quality work, criteria for evaluating the performance of an employee.

He will be able to get this information in the position profile, which is necessary in recruitment, because:

  1. it contains detailed description positions;
  2. it is a position standard agreed upon at all levels of managers related to this position;
  3. in the case of a professional approach to job profiling, it includes not only reference requirements, but also an assessment tool adopted and agreed with the participants in the Recruitment business process.

Having received a profile, the recruiter understands who, where, under what conditions, with what level of professional knowledge and skills, with what psychological and personal characteristics one should look for.

It remains to clarify some details regarding the internal situation in the unit, the features associated with the problem of compatibility of the new employee with the immediate supervisor and future colleagues.

Position profile and staff adaptation

We will not delve into the issues of adaptation and its implementation in various conditions. Our task is to see and understand how the position profile is related to the adaptation of a new employee. And it turns out that he is most directly related to the induction of a newcomer.

Judge for yourself: after all, it is in the profile that we reflect the place of the position in the overall functional and organizational system of the enterprise. And this means that the HR manager who implements the adaptation process immediately becomes clear who exactly, to what extent and with what tasks, in addition to the hero of the occasion - the new employee, is involved in this process.

It is the profile that contains a clear and intelligible description of the functionality, and therefore it becomes clear to which functions the employee should be adapted.

And, finally, a profile containing parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee's work allows you to initially correctly set tasks for a beginner and prepare him for work after probationary period, immediately adapting the employee to the personnel performance evaluation system adopted at the enterprise.

As a result, here we come to the conclusion that the position profile is an objective source of information about how, in what and for what conditions we need to adapt new employees.

Job profile and staff assessment

Perhaps it is the assessment of personnel as an HR process in recent times becomes the fastest growing area.

The time has come not only to hire personnel, but also, firstly, to form a system for evaluating candidates, and secondly, to evaluate the personnel already working at the enterprise. All this is done for one main goal- increasing the efficiency of companies in general. By forming an assessment system, and not using it occasionally, enterprises reduce the risks of hiring employees who do not meet the requirements of the position and the company, and also allow for the correct rotation of personnel, develop and create a talent pool, build a system of training specific skills and abilities based on real needs employees.

But the more we talk about personnel evaluation, the more we are all puzzled by the issue of increasing its objectivity and the reliability of the results obtained.

The time for the widespread use of assessment methods popular in the West is already passing. Increasingly, HR professionals are looking for methods adapted to our mentality and specifics. Russian production and business.

Here, too, the position profile is the main building block for us in the assessment system that is being built and implemented.

Turning to it, we can get information about the requirements for a personal profile, which either allows a specialist to cope with his tasks, or is a limitation that is difficult to step over, because it is impossible to change our personal characteristics and properties of the cognitive sphere in a month or a year. . They are complex internal structures that have evolved throughout our lives. And in this case, the profile allows us to see those key requirements for our abilities, properties and qualities that should be expressed in employees to a specific extent and degree. And this means that there is an internal standard, according to which we make decisions regarding the readiness of our employees to perform this or that work at their workplace.

It is the position profile that contains models of professional competencies that our staff should have, and, most importantly, the profile allows us to see the permissible deviations from the reference requirements for the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, since the competency model contains a scale of their severity.

Thanks to the complex profile of the position, the manager who forms a specific assessment procedure selects methods that correspond to the competencies enshrined in the profile and evaluates each method in terms of its accuracy, necessity and sufficiency. And this increases the objectivity of the assessment at times. The hour is not far off when managers who form a package of assessment methods will stop trusting cases, exercises and other methods placed in sections from the “Sharing my experience” category and which are not full-fledged assessment methods. And first of all, this will happen and is already happening because, having applied such advice in their own company, not only one, but a fairly large number of HR specialists are faced with a low level of objectivity of the results obtained, and in some cases with the resulting negative perception of the evaluation results by its participants.

The profile does not allow us to experiment, but creates an exact program of actions aimed at obtaining results of a high degree of reliability, and imposes certain requirements on the methods that are clear in advance, and not derived empirically or during the experiment.

Since the profile contains quantitative and qualitative indicators and evaluation criteria, it allows you to compare the results of employees obtained during the evaluation with the reference requirements.

If the assessment is a regular tool, then the profile allows you to see the dynamics of changes and compare the results obtained at different times.

So, based on the above examples, we hope that we were able to clarify our position regarding the position profile as a central element of the HR system. Our arguments partially contained information about the structure of the profile.

To date, the assessment of the position is carried out in several ways. But only position profiling provides an opportunity to assess the position comprehensively.

Among all methods, in addition to the profile, there is the method of professiography, the essence of which is to form the profile of the profession, and psychography, on the basis of which a psychogram of the position is created.

Professiogram- this is a description of the psychological, industrial, technical, medical, hygienic and other features of the specialty, profession, which indicates the functions of this profession and the difficulties in mastering it, associated with certain psycho-physiological qualities of a person and with the organization of production.

Psychogram is a portrait of a successful professional working in a particular profession, including a description of professionally important qualities (PVC).

As follows from the above definitions, both methods are created and used to describe the profession.

However, in the case when we are talking about the description of the position, this information will obviously not be enough. And first of all, this is due to the fact that the position is not equal to the profession, but often combines the knowledge, skills and abilities of several professional specializations. Both the quantity and quality of these specialized skills depend on the particular enterprise and the function of the position provided for within the business processes implemented at the enterprise.

Let's look at the example of the position "sales manager", how the functional responsibilities of the position correlate with professional fields knowledge (see Table 1).

Table 1

Looking at the resulting picture, it becomes clear that neither the professiogram nor the psychogram solves our tasks for a full description of the position.

Our firm conviction is that the position profile is the only tool for its comprehensive description today.

If we try to define the profile of a position, we can say that this is a tool that is not only a list of requirements that a position imposes on the personnel occupying it. This is a position standard, a standard according to which HR specialists will be able to build all HR processes for this position in particular and for the enterprise as a whole: recruitment, adaptation, assessment, motivation and development.

In the current practice of enterprises, in our opinion, it makes sense to talk about two approaches to the position profiling system.

First hike, situational

In this case, the profile is created as an urgent need arises. It is clear that in this case, as a rule, its creator is limited in time, so we will most likely see not the profile of the position, but only some kind of preparation for its creation, an outline. A list of the most common items is formed, such as: a description of the workplace, functions, duties, rights, some skills, formal requirements for an employee (gender, age, education, experience).

Campaign two, methodical

Within the framework of this approach, job profiling becomes an independent task of the personnel service. All creators of job descriptions approach the task in a comprehensive manner, trying to describe the structure of the job, its features, functionality, areas of responsibility, requirements for personnel performing official duties, the profile of competencies required to perform work tasks with the required quality, the personal profile of the employee.

It should be noted right away that this approach takes much more time, it forces us to deal with the issue of profiling separately and specifically. But in this case, we can say that such a profile is created for the entire personnel management system.

It is great if the enterprise has Information system, which allows you to create and maintain position profiling. But even if it does not exist, this work must be done, and its fruits will not be long in coming:

  • the speed of processing internal requests for the search and selection of personnel is increased;
  • risks are reduced when searching and evaluating candidates, since standards of requirements for professional ZUNs are being created, a personal profile is being created, and evaluation tools are being systematized;
  • the personnel adaptation system becomes clear and transparent for all participants;
  • position standards are being formed that do not allow managers to be self-willed. For example, a manager creates an additional position, adding functionality to it that, for some reason, already working employees cannot cope with, instead of assessing the professional competence of his subordinates together with the HR service and creating a training program for them. Or a more common example, when the lack of a position profile does not allow the company's recruiters to find the appropriate candidate and the decision to hire a new employee is based on the subjective opinion of the manager about the applicants;
  • the evaluation system becomes regular and more objective.

In a word, the main thing appears - personnel management becomes a system, and not a disparate set of functions.

Job profile structure

At the moment, there is no job profile standard in HR practice. Everyone creates its description due to their own ideas about the completeness of the profile and its necessity. Our development of the current job description format took several years. As a result, a format was chosen that reflects the needs of enterprises, from our point of view, most fully.

Let's designate some components of the job profile:

1. Place in organizational structure.

The first thing to do is to determine what place the position occupies in the overall structure of the enterprise and how it is related to other positions: what is the subordination system, which related departments and positions included in them most often interact with the position being assessed.

2. Structure of functions.

Secondly, it is required to describe in detail the functionality of the position, allowing all its users to clearly and unambiguously understand what duties the employee working in a particular position and within existing business processes performs.

3. Profile of professional competencies.

This section of the profile is a system of competencies that an employee must possess in performing the tasks of the position. In practice, these are the requirements of the position for the professional knowledge and skills of employees. Note that all competencies should be described using indicators and contain an assessment scale or gradation according to the requirements for the level of expression of each competency. Having a profile of professional competencies will allow you to increase the quality of the assessment of candidates for the position and existing employees.

4. Personal profile of the employee.

All information in this section of the Profile contains requirements for the level of expression of personal characteristics, properties and qualities of an employee. The main thing that you should remember when forming this profile is that you do not need to include unnecessary qualities in it. The main requirement is to reflect those properties that can have a significant impact on the employee's activities. Special attention should be paid to cognitive processes such as attention, memory, thinking, etc. If the position requires the development of an ever-increasing amount of new information or the mandatory training of an employee in new functions and operations, then it is necessary to assess the level of employee learning.

5. Formal requirements.

This section is most familiar to HR professionals and its description usually does not create any particular difficulties. As a rule, it includes requirements for sex, age, education, and experience of specialists.

It would be nice if you, when creating a profile, thought in advance about the methods for assessing certain parameters described in the sections of the profile, and created a section in which you would indicate the mandatory methods and assessment methods that can be used in further work by HR managers . Such standardization of personnel assessment methods allows you to create a system for comparing employees with each other and see changes in the severity of certain properties and qualities of employees over a certain period of time.

As you can see, the work on forming a profile is a rather laborious process.

Therefore, the heads of services and departments for personnel management need to plan profiling work in advance and include it in their time plans, coordinating this task with the management as mandatory and requiring special attention.

Of course, this is a strategic task. Many enterprises have not yet approached the profiling system. But the time will come when the position profile will become an obligatory structural component of the personnel management system.

Job profile results

Understanding how much effort and time will be spent on profiling positions, each of us may ask the question: “Why? Everything works like that! It will be necessary - I will create a description of a specific position. Of course, this is also a position.

In the meantime, let's look at the result that job profiling brings.

The use of profiling leads to a clear organizational and functional structure of positions in the company. And this means that the system becomes more manageable, less subject to the situational influence of individual factors and force majeure.

  • The profile unites all HR processes in single system, clear and understandable not only for employees of HR departments, but also for managers at all levels.
  • The position profile determines the reference requirements for personnel and forms a system of admissions to this standard, allows you to form competency levels. All assessment procedures built on the basis of the Position Profile reveal the actual level of compliance of employees with the standard.
  • The position description allows leveling the subjective factors of personnel assessment, since all the proposed assessment criteria and the results obtained from them, laid down in the profile, are digitized and refer not only to qualitative, but also to quantitative indicators.
  • All identified deviations from the reference requirements show what knowledge, skills and abilities of employees require active development. In addition, it becomes clear how large deviations from regulatory requirements are. And, finally, by identifying problem areas, the HR specialist, together with the heads of departments, can create a system effective learning and staff development.
  • The profile allows you to reduce the risk of errors when hiring candidates, during staff rotation.
  • The profile is the main one for the formation of a standardized system for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of the personnel working in the position.

Any standard is a certain rule, a limitation. There is a fear in Russian companies that standardization will lead to a loss of flexibility in the overall system. But in this case, it is necessary to define what we mean by flexibility: the ability to take into account exceptions to the rules or general chaos with the creation of rules for any emerging case. The most interesting thing is that the profile is quite a flexible tool. Nobody prevents us from correcting it and making changes, new details that we may not take into account at the stage of its development. As a rule, these are nuances, maybe significant, but they do not radically change the profile.

So the main thing is to start working in this direction.

We have already encountered cases more than once when the very beginning of profiling was quite difficult, and some line managers did not meet with support.

However, after six months, we saw how all the company's leaders turned to profiles and no longer remembered those times when, in each case, they had to describe their requirements for a position or personnel almost anew.

Strygina V.V. Journal "Personnel Service and Enterprise Personnel Management"

Job Profile— this is a list of minimum requirements for a candidate, which is indicated in the posted vacancies for certain positions. Most often it contains:
a) Personal data and required competencies include: age, education, work experience, adequacy of salary expectations, knowledge foreign languages, driving license and car, PC proficiency, etc.
b) Personal qualities (behavioral skills): activity, energy, communication skills, focus on results, analytical thinking, leadership, etc.
c) Professional skills depending on the field of activity and position: sales, finance, logistics, management, advertising, etc.
It is important to understand that when compiling a profile, features are taken into account corporate culture companies and the specifics of the content of the work.

Job profile "Sales representative"

Let's look at the position example Sales Representative. The vacancy profile is compiled using the general position profile approved by the company.

  1. Position profile
  2. Job Profile
  1. Sample Sales Representative Job Profile

The content of the work:
1. Work with the client
2. Working with products
3. Company introduction
TP functions:
1. Work with the client:
Trade turnover:
Ensuring the availability of products at points of sale;
Work with points of sale and customers (product range, orders, delivery control, customer payments (accounts receivable);
Ensuring sales to end consumers (merchandising on the shelf, consultations at points of sale);
Creation and maintenance of a customer base (ABC - active customer base);
Looking for new clients;
Collection and analysis of sales statistics;
Sales staff training.

2. Campaign presentation:
Ensuring compliance with the corporate image;
Ensuring the credibility of the company's growth;
Ensuring compliance with the brand strategy;
Ensuring that campaign policies and image are respected;
Training and transfer of experience to new colleagues.

3. Professional quality sales representative:

Power of persuasion;
Focus on results;
The ability to represent the brand.

4. Organizational qualities of a sales representative:

Discipline and self-organization;
Honesty and integrity;

5.Personal qualities of a sales representative:

Positivism (winner mood);
Team spirit;
Listening skills;

This is how the job description looks like according to the specified criteria for the employee profile for the position of sales representative.

2. Vacancy profile Position: sales representative

General tasks of the position:
Achievement of KPI goals ( key indicators efficiency): sales volume, distribution of products, pricing control, increase in the representation of products on the shelf (share, location of products, design with promotional materials).

Main responsibilities:
Planning control over sales from customers for each outlet;
Coordination and control of the assortment matrix and pricing;
Shares and places for laying out products on retail shelves;
Placement of promotional material on the shelves.

Sales manager

Requirements for a candidate:
Experience in sales from 2 years, experience in a western company as an advantage;
Additional education, business skills training as a plus;
Higher education;
Personal car in good technical condition;
Mobile phone with direct landline number;
English is a plus for further career growth;
User of PDA, PC (Power Point, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word).

Personality/Behavioral Characteristics:
Customer orientation.

Professional skills:
Basics of sales (distribution, pricing, merchandising);
The Seven Steps of a Sales Representative Visit;
Rules and principles of negotiations;
Presentation skills.

Why do job seekers need to know what a job profile is and what parameters it is based on?

Studying the profile for a candidate is a very important step and contains keywords, which must be included in the resume and used in interview responses. A resume sent to a posted vacancy must match the specified criteria as closely as possible, otherwise your resume will not even appear in the search results and the chances of viewing are minimal.

In this article, you can find out which General requirements companies are nominated, and what should be included in the resume for the position of sales manager.

The next two tabs change the content below.

Job search and career development coach. The only trainer-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Resume writing expert. Author of the books: "I'm afraid of interviews!", "To strike on the spot #Resume", "To strike on the spot #Cover letter".

Tatyana, unfortunately, also found very little information on the topic "Creating a comprehensive job profile using the DISC methodology." The essence of the methodology is generally clear, but I would like more information on how to profile an ideal candidate and evaluate existing candidates for compliance with the profile using the DISC methodology, test, key to the test. I would be very grateful for your help!


Answer to the question:

Developing the profile of an ideal candidate includes a whole range of activities, for more details, see the recommendation. How to create a job profile(see in the appendix).

One of the stages of developing a profile is drawing up a list of competencies and requirements for the personal qualities of employees in a particular position. You can compile this list of qualities using various tools, including using the DISC technique. At the same time, using only DISC to assess the qualities of an ideal employee is not enough - it is necessary to additionally collect a “battery” of valid assessment tools, for example, special questions, test tasks, and other tests that will help make a comprehensive assessment.

The main idea of ​​the DISC methodology is that there are four main psychotypes of people who are successful in one or another area of ​​activity:





To use the DISC methodology, first use it to identify which psychotype employees are most successful in the position for which they are profiled. And then, evaluating candidates according to the same methodology, determine the most suitable ones. If there is no role model in the organization, then hypothetically determine the psychotype of the person, based on your experience, the requirements of the position and leadership.

One of the variants of the DISC test and the key to it, see below.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

How to create a job profile. N.V. Krasnova

A job profile is a document that includes:

  • name and place of position in the organizational structure of the organization;
  • professional knowledge and the skills required to perform the job;

Analysis of the situation

To develop a profile, it is necessary to analyze:

  • features of the work performed by employees of the assessed position;
  • the fundamentals, rules and norms of the activities of the unit, the structure of which includes the positions being evaluated;

strategic goals and plans for the development of the organization as a whole.

The collection of information can be performed by everyone or only by the immediate supervisor and a specialist in the personnel service. The latter is often assigned responsibility for documenting the profiling process.

Various methods are used to analyze the situation.

Further, the received information is analyzed by all terms working group collectively. The purpose of this analysis is to highlight specific standards of behavior that help the best employees get the maximum result of work, as well as develop requirements for the position to meet its goals and objectives of the organization.

Position position in the structure

To determine the place of the position in the structure of the organization, receive answers from the immediate supervisor and the assessed employee to the following questions:

  • who is the employee responsible for?
  • What departments does he interact with?

who reports to the employee?

Explore regulations organizations in which the structure of the organization and the place of a particular position are fixed ( job descriptions, employment contracts, staffing etc.).

Make an analysis of the information, draw up the result in the form or, for ordinary positions, immediately enter it into the form.

Position functionality

Experience and skill requirements

Personal characteristics

Include in the list of personal characteristics only those properties that can have a significant impact on the employee's activities.

To compile the list, ask your immediate supervisors what qualities they consider important in employees of subordinate positions, what qualities they like best in existing employees, and what qualities they dislike the most.

You can also offer managers a ready-made list of qualities in which you ask them to mark the most important qualities and rank the rest.

Formal requirements

Formal requirements for employees include information about gender, age, education and required work experience. This information is obtained on the basis of an analysis of the data of successful employees of the position for which they make a profile, and on the basis of the requirements stated by the immediate supervisors.

Take into account the requirements labor law() and do not refuse work based on non-compliance with formal requirements.

Criteria for evaluation

The last step in compiling a position profile is to determine the criteria for evaluating the performance of an employee in this position.

Assessment tools and methods

Assessment tools and methods are activities for assessing the required qualities and skills of the applicant or employee being assessed.

Each organization independently chooses a list of best practices, depending on the knowledge and skills of members, the specifics of the organization, etc.

When evaluating existing staff, use various .

When evaluating an applicant for a vacant position according to the position profile, use various candidates, for example, resume analysis, interviews, professional testing, business and role-playing games, recommendations, practical task etc.

To facilitate the choice of tool, determine what the employee performs, what knowledge and experience he must have in order to successfully perform these actions. Based on the knowledge and experience requirements, select a tool that will allow them to be identified.

For example, a recruiting manager in his work receives and analyzes applications for vacancies, and on their basis draws up job profiles. To effectively fulfill this responsibility, the manager must be skilled in application analysis and profiling. In order to identify these skills, it is recommended to use as an assessment tool at the interview - to give the applicant an application and ask him to draw up a position profile.

The selected assessment tools and methods for each position, as well as the list of skills and knowledge that they evaluate, are recommended to be drawn up in the form of a table "Choice of tools", which is compiled in.

Draw up the result of the analysis of actions and skills to determine the tools in the form of a table "Choice of tools", which you compile in.

Profile design

Assign responsibility for the design of the profile of an employee of the personnel service, which is included in . Coordinate the profile with the immediate supervisor who reports to the position being assessed. Approve the profile with the head of human resources, if required - with the head of the organization.

DISC Behavior Type Test


The main condition for a reliable result of this test is your sincere answers. Answer sincerely, not from the position of who you would like to be. Answer as you usually do (if you have been in such a situation) or as you really want to do (if the situation is not familiar to you).


1. You came to visit, where more than 10 people have already gathered. Your reaction:

A) Great! I love noisy companies, you can have fun, make new friends.

B) I like to be in companies, I often find myself in the spotlight. Or it will be possible to light it well, or, at worst, with helpful people get acquainted.

C) I hope that I will meet some acquaintances here, it will be a pleasure for me to talk with them. If everyone is strangers, then I will be uncomfortable.

D) I don’t really like noisy companies and go to parties only to make or maintain useful acquaintances. I like to sit and talk with one or two people in peace and quiet.

2. At the same party, you were asked to make a toast. Your reaction:

A) I do not like to draw attention to myself, I hate toasting. I will neither agree nor refuse, but simply somehow evade.

B) I am a good storyteller and I know a couple of cool toasts. Everyone will be delighted.

C) I am not afraid to make toasts, I even enjoy it, I will say something smart and to the point.

D) I will most likely refuse under a convincing pretext. But if I need to make a good impression for the good of the cause, then I can make an appropriate elegant toast.

3. Your boss gave you and your co-worker a task, but didn't assign someone responsible for it. You both relied on each other and forgot about the task. Now your boss scolds you for not completing the task. Your reaction:

A) Negative emotions that do not manifest outwardly. I am able to control myself, but now I know what to expect from these people, I will be more careful in working with them in the future.

B) A very emotional reaction, the girl may have tears. Well, yes, I am an absent-minded and not very punctual person, but I am not the only (one) to blame. I will complain about them to all my friends and acquaintances.

C) resentment against a colleague. How could he set me up like that! Resentment against the boss. I will worry about this for a long time, most likely in silence.

D) Anger at the boss because he is an illiterate leader, and / or at a colleague because he set me up. Outburst of aggressive emotions. I'll probably say something to one of them.

4. You have been given an important task. The deadline is in a month, but it can be completed in two weeks. Your reaction:

A) I’d better complete the task as soon as possible and hand it over. And in the eyes of the authorities I will look good, and I will have time for other things.

B) First I need to think about how best to approach this work. Even if I do it in advance, I won’t hand it over right away. Let it lie down, then I will correct the mistakes again. Maybe I'll hand it in the day before the deadline.

C) I'll get to work right away. But, most likely, I will quickly get tired of this work, and I will get carried away with another task. I will abandon this work until the deadline comes. Then I will urgently finish everything, maybe I will even be late with the change.

D) I would like to start doing it right away, but I know that it will not work out that way. There are always more urgent or important things to do, there is always something distracting. Most likely, I will carry out the task until the last minute.

5. Long weekend ahead. You decide to go somewhere. What will you choose:

A) Go to visit relatives or otherwise spend the day with family, spouse (m).

b) Go to the park or to a party with friends.

C) Go karting or play football (cards) with friends.

D) You can go to a concert or exhibition, alone or with a loved one.

6. If you would decide to skydive, what would be the reason:

A) I met a very interesting people(person) who are engaged in parachuting. They persuaded me to join.

B) I need to go through this to achieve an important goal for me.

C) I generally like risk, adrenaline. I want to know what I'm capable of.

D) I am considered quiet. I'm always in the shadows, silent. I want to prove to myself and others that I am not a coward and not a rag.

7. What comments do you hear more often (both at work and at home) addressed to you:

A) "Can't you go faster?" "You're stalling again!" "How much can you discuss the same thing."

B) "Please slow down" "You're rushing everyone again, we're not late anywhere!" Everything is already clear to you, but not yet to me. Let's take our time discussing everything."

8. You found out that they decided to promote you. What will you do first:

A) Tell your family and friends about the promotion, arrange a cozy home holiday.

B) Buy yourself some expensive thing in order to arrive at the place of work in a decent form on the first day in a new position (watch, suit, car).

D) Wait to be happy, overspend and ring for a raise until you start working in a new place. After all, the order has not yet been signed.

9. You have an exam tomorrow. Your behavior:

A) It is better to quickly review the material so that there is time for other things that are important to you.

B) It’s better to repeat everything slowly again, even if it takes all night.

C) It is better to sleep well before the exam in order to come to it with a fresh head. You prepared for the exam in advance.

D) Before death you will not inhale. It is better not to think about the exam at all, but to go have fun.

10. What do you think is the main thing for winning, for achieving success:

A) Personal efforts of each. Each person must be responsible for himself, give his best, not hide behind the backs of others.

B) The main thing is teamwork, people can achieve something only together, helping each other, supporting each other.

11. If you decide to open your own business (success and the same profitability are guaranteed), what would you choose (abstract from your profession):

A) A financial consulting firm or a pest control firm.

B) A security firm or gun store.

C) Restaurant or nightclub.

G) Medical Center or the good offices.

12. You have a new spacious office. How do you decorate its walls:

A) Your photos with famous people or bright modern paintings.

B) A photo of your spouse and children or group photos of your colleagues at a corporate party.

C) Diplomas or neutral pictures.

D) A portrait of the president or an old saber.

13. What do you value most in clothes?

A) The clothes must have some kind of zest, courage.

B) Clothes should look expensive and cool.

c) Clothing should be comfortable.

D) Clothing should be of high quality and appropriate, that is, appropriate for the age, figure and situation in which you wear it.

14. You need to choose a competition in which you will be most comfortable participating and where you have the best chance of winning. What will you choose?

A) Individual competitions, where intelligence is evaluated, and not the speed of reaction (chess, billiards, poker).

B) Individual competitions for speed and courage (skydiving, auto racing, alpine skiing).

C) Team competitions, preferably some unusual ones (football in the mud, all sorts of corporate fun starts).

D) Team competitions where mutual support is required, the interaction of the whole team (university competition to create the best robot, curling).

15. You need to choose a hotel in St. Petersburg. What will you choose?

A) Some decent hotel in the center, so as not to be ashamed.

B) Some cool unusual mini-hotel.

C) A hotel where you have stayed before or which friends will recommend.

D) A hotel with an ideal price / quality ratio. Maybe in an old house in retro style.

Key to the DISC test


They are used to help the manager correctly determine in which position it is better to use a particular employee. The test helps to form an optimal team or link "boss - subordinate".

The test also helps the employee to understand their behavioral characteristics and their potential.

Key to the test

To analyze the result, find and highlight the answers in the table. Each answer is equal to one point. Determine the total score for each row. The dominant behavioral style is the one with the most points.

Type Answer
D 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7b, 8b, 9a, 10a, 11b, 12d, 13b, 14b, 15a
I 1a, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9d, 10b, 11c, 12a, 13a, 14c, 15b
S 1c, 2a, 3c, 4d, 5a, 6d, 7a, 8a, 9b, 10b, 11d, 12b, 13c, 14d, 15c
C 1d, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5d, 6b, 7a, 8d, 9c, 10a, 11a, 12c, 13d, 14a, 15d

If there is another style that scored the same or 1-2 points less, then this is the secondary style of the assessed one. Its influence must be taken into account when interpreting the result.

Result interpretation

There are four main psychotypes of people:

D- leaders, executives, fairly authoritarian people who know what they want and are not very used to listening to other people's opinions;

I- people who are great at making new acquaintances, their profession is communication. They make excellent public relations specialists, they are everywhere, they are able to dissolve in any company;

S- team players. Together they are capable of anything, but absolutely cannot work alone. They are manageable, good workers, but they are practically unable to invent or invent something on their own. Their biggest plus is their inability to betray, they can be relied upon in everything;

With- analysts. People of this type work well with papers, they make good accountants, economists and lawyers. For them above all - the letter of the law and instructions.

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Tatyana Kozlova,

Expert Systems Personnel

The most important changes of this spring!

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On the basis of what is the selection and evaluation of staff? What is the basis for the introduction of fair grades (salary rates) in the company? What is used in the process of personnel development and in the formation personnel reserve? What is the benchmark against which the HR department compares potential candidates, evaluating whether they are suitable this person for this position? This standard is the position profile. And in this sense, the position profile is one of the fundamental tools of the HR system of any company. In this article we will analyze this tool. And we will give a simple, understandable, easy-to-use form of the position profile.

Position profile: what it includes and why

A document that describes the position itself, biographical requirements, corporate culture features, functionality and key competencies necessary for the successful performance of all functions of this position is called the position profile.

Let's break down each section:

Job Description. This section includes the title and purpose of the position, title structural unit, the name of the manager and the list of subordinates (if the person holding this position has them).

Biographical Requirements. Here, the requirements for gender, age, education and work experience are fixed. It is clear that they are fixed if they exist.

Corporate values. They are what is included in this section. And here the competencies that an employee must possess in order to implement the features of the corporate culture are fixed here. Agree, if customer focus is part of the corporate culture, then the candidate for the position should have competencies with the help of which customer focus is brought to life. For example, these may be competencies such as “understanding customer needs” and “building long-term relationships”. Accordingly, in the section "Corporate Values" corporate competencies are indicated.

Functional responsibilities. This section fixes the list of functions assigned to the employee holding this position. And in the same section, professional key competencies are indicated that are necessary for the successful performance of all functions in this position. If the position is managerial, then in the same section managerial competencies are indicated - for managerial functions. For example, managerial function"Planning and control" will require a whole set of managerial competencies:
Ability to formulate goals and objectives
Ability to distribute goals and tasks among subordinates
Ability to monitor and evaluate performance
Giving Skill feedback
Ability to prioritize

And you need to understand that in your company this set may look different. It can be supplemented by other managerial competencies. And some of these competencies may be missing in your case.

Typical job profile form

We have already considered the components of the position profile. Now let's look at the form: what the job profile looks like visually, how its sections are arranged:

Perhaps, it is worth highlighting in the above form how the model of key competencies is woven into it. It permeates the sections "Corporate Values", linking the values ​​of the company and the characteristics of its culture with corporate competencies. And the competency model permeates the section "Functional responsibilities". Linking management and professional features with managerial and professional competencies.

Position profile: scope

The position profile solves the problem of standardization. The position profile fixes the positions themselves: their intended purpose, functionality, duties, area of ​​responsibility, necessary competencies, other requirements for the person holding the position. When each position is formalized and fixed as a standard, several problems are solved at once. Firstly, the HR department is relieved of the need to “reinvent the wheel” (describe the position) every time a need arises to select a new specialist. Secondly, the employees themselves receive a clear description of their position, functional duties and areas of responsibility. Thirdly, the presence of a profile allows you to quickly finish training those employees who, in terms of their level, do not meet the requirements for their position (or for the position to which they are planned to be transferred). Or replace them with those who hold out.

The position profile allows you to solve the following tasks:
1. Find staff. It is on the profile that the person involved in the selection of personnel in the company relies, or recruiting agency recruiting specialists for the company.
2. Rate staff. Thanks to the competency model and the description of functional duties included in the job profile, the company gets the opportunity to assess the potential of a particular person and his actual results. The potential is assessed by the presence of the necessary competencies, and this work is usually carried out by the HR department. The results are evaluated according to the actual degree of performance of their functions, and this work is performed, as a rule, by the immediate supervisor of the employee.
3. Build a comprehensive personnel development system. Thanks to the competency model and the results of the personnel competency assessment, the HR department receives unique opportunity to build an integral system for the development of employees, taking into account their individual needs.
4. Form a personnel reserve in the company. The competency model, the results of personnel assessment and the employee development system make it possible to form a personnel reserve in the company. The talent pool, in turn, significantly reduces the company's risks associated with human resources. And - provides a platform for the systemic development of the company.
5. Eliminate functional conflicts. The position profile allows you to "close" the question of who is responsible for what. Which, in turn, allows you to extinguish a significant part of the conflicts in the company in the bud.
6. Implement fair salary rates (grades) in the company. A clear description of functional responsibilities, a competency model and assessment results make it possible to introduce fair salary rates (grades, from English grade - rate) in the company.

Implementing job profiles

For the work of the HR department, the position profile plays the same role as the availability of a price list, presentation and template commercial offer for the sales department. Accordingly, if there are no position profiles in your company yet, they should be developed. Otherwise, the HR department and the company itself will gradually accumulate certain problems.

Who should develop the job profile? The position profile can be developed either by the HR department or by an external provider - a company with expertise in the field of HR. The hallmarks of such expertise are successful projects in the field of assessment and training of personnel, development of a model of key competencies and experience in strategic sessions. key factor successful development and implementation of job profiles is the participation of top, middle and line management in the development process.

The process of developing job profiles includes the following steps:
1. Analysis of the corporate culture of the company. Highlighting the features of corporate culture.
2. Analysis, development, formalization and approval of functional duties, limits of responsibility, features of the activities of each employee.
3. Development of a model of key competencies.
4. Formulation of biographical requirements.
5. Creation, approval and implementation of job profiles.

The introduction of job profiles will inevitably lead to the creation of a transparent picture of who does what and who is responsible for what. Naturally, personnel resistance is possible and very likely. To avoid this resistance, it is necessary to include the organization's management in the process of developing and approving documents that somehow normalize the activities of their immediate subordinates.


Hundreds and thousands of companies operate without job profiles. They even make a profit. But to say that they work "perfectly" is difficult. Difficult because the lack of job profiles will inevitably cause functional conflicts, create difficulties in the selection, evaluation, training of personnel, and the determination of fair rates wages. Without a model of key competencies, one of the main elements of the position profile, work on the formation of a personnel reserve will be difficult or even impossible. Without this element, an objective assessment of personnel is impossible. Which, in turn, turns staff training from a systematic process into a roulette.

On the other hand, the introduction of job profiles allows you to systematize the work of the HR department, reduce the cost of recruiting personnel, save the company from periodic functional and "salary" conflicts. Which, in turn, allows you to start the process of systematic business development. A process that, on the part of the HR department, includes regular assessment and development of employees, conscious education of talents within the company and the formation of a talent pool. You can endlessly build up warehouses, increase the assortment, optimize costs in different departments and processes. But if the staff does not have time to develop, the company will be regularly shaken by various problems. Problems that can, among other things, destroy a business. The development of the company will be confident, calm and stable only when the HR department is able to ensure the speed of the systemic development of personnel a little higher than the growth rate of the company itself.