Fourth economic order. Technological modes: concept, characteristics, impact on economic growth

One of the most popular theses put forward recently by both politicians of various ranks and representatives of the scientific community has become the thesis about the need for the rapid development of science and the dynamic implementation of its achievements. Since this task covers many aspects of our life, a special integrating indicator is required to assess the success of its implementation. Today, the concept of “technological order” is increasingly claiming its role.

The world owes the appearance of this concept to the famous Russian scientist-economist N. Kondratiev, who headed the Moscow Market Institute, which existed under the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR. Studying the history of the development of the world economy, N. Kondratiev came to the idea of ​​the existence of large economic cycles lasting 50–55 years, which are characterized by a certain level of development of productive forces (“technological order”). As a rule, such cycles end with crises, followed by the transition of productive forces to a higher level of development.

According to Kondratiev's theory, the scientific and technological revolution develops in waves, with cycles lasting about 50 years. To date, five technological modes (waves) are known.

First wave (1785–1835) formed a technological order based on new technologies in the textile industry, the use of water energy.

Second wave (1830–1890)- accelerated development of railway and water transport based on steam engines, widespread introduction steam engines into industrial production.

Third wave (1880-1940)- the use of electrical energy in industrial production, the development of heavy engineering and the electrical industry based on the use of rolled steel, new discoveries in the field of chemistry. The spread of radio communications, telegraph, the development of the automotive industry. Formation of large firms, cartels, syndicates and trusts. The dominance of monopolies in the markets. The beginning of the concentration of banking and financial capital.

Fourth wave (1930-1990)- the formation of a world order based on the further development of energy with the use of oil and oil products, gas, communications, new synthetic materials. The period of mass production of automobiles, tractors, aircraft, various kinds weapons, consumer goods. The widespread use of computers and software products. The use of atomic energy for military and peaceful purposes. Conveyor technologies are becoming the basis of mass production. Formation of transnational and international companies that make direct investments in the markets of various countries.

Fifth wave (1985–2035) relies on achievements in the field of microelectronics, computer science, biotechnology, genetic engineering, the use of new types of energy, materials, space exploration, satellite communications, etc. There is a transition from disparate firms to a single network of large and small companies connected by an electronic network based on the Internet, carrying out close interaction in the field of technology, product quality control, and innovation planning.

It is assumed that with the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the period between changes in technological modes will be reduced.

Today the world is on the threshold of the sixth technological mode. Its contours are just beginning to appear in the developed countries of the world, primarily in the United States, Japan and China, and are characterized by a focus on the development and application of knowledge-intensive, or, as they say now, " high technology". Everyone is now talking about bio- and nanotechnologies, genetic engineering, membrane and quantum technologies, photonics, micromechanics, thermonuclear energy - the synthesis of achievements in these areas should lead to the creation, for example, of a quantum computer, artificial intelligence and, ultimately, provide access to fundamentally a new level in the management systems of the state, society, economy.

Forecasters believe that while maintaining the current pace of technical and economic development, the sixth technological order will begin to take shape in 2010-2020, and will enter the phase of maturity in the 2040s. At the same time, in 2020-2025, a new scientific, technical and technological revolution will take place, the basis of which will be developments that synthesize the achievements of the above-mentioned basic areas. There are grounds for such predictions. In the USA, for example, the share of the productive forces of the fifth technological order is 60%, the fourth - 20%. And about 5% already fall on the sixth technological mode.

As for the situation in Russia, in the paradigm of technological modes, the fourth technological mode is industry, and primarily mechanical engineering and energy. The fifth order became a kind of transitional stage of an imitation-virtual nature, the main elements of which were money and information. The fifth technological order is primarily devoted to financial mechanisms and information processing mechanisms. The final stage of the fifth, financial and technological order was marked by the fact that they changed places, and with the help of information it became possible to earn money, as a result of which the so-called dot-coms appeared - companies whose business model is entirely related to working on the Internet.

The problems that have arisen at the present stage were also connected with these changes. In particular, it turned out that for a number of reasons the fourth technological order cannot withstand the challenges that were formed in the fifth, and the fifth has outgrown its capabilities. That is, the modern financial information machine has reached the threshold of its complexity. From systems theory, we know that if a certain system has approached the threshold of complexity, then either it collapses or simplifies, changing its structure, until control is restored. This is what is called a systemic crisis.

The essence of the sixth technological order is the replacement of information with meaning, knowledge, the priority of the producing rather than the consuming economy. A fundamentally different organization of society is being formed, which is becoming more networked, and because of this, its clustering, granulation occurs. So, if within the framework of the fourth and fifth modes it was possible to speak of a vertically built organization of society, then the sixth mode implies, due to a number of inevitable properties, precisely a large horizontal spatio-temporal distribution. The modern globalized world continues to live in the management system, which is formed in the fourth, partly in the fifth order, that is, the vertical. It works perfectly in conditions of mobilization and the need to solve some super-task. Besides, in financial sector to achieve a qualitative transition to a new state, a shift from short money to long money, to long-term investments, and, as a result, to super-projects, is required. In the Soviet period, space exploration could serve as an example of such a super-project, initially considered as an offshoot of the program for the development of the military-industrial complex. This super project was focused on the long term.

Management of the sixth order is fundamentally different and has a network character. The network as a mechanism for exchanging information and making decisions allows you to maximize the circle of people involved in the development and adoption of managerial decisions.

The share of technologies of the fifth order in Russia is about 10%, and primarily only in the most developed industries: in the military-industrial complex and in the aerospace industry. More than 50% of technologies belong to the fourth level, and almost a third - even to the third. This explains the complexity of the task facing domestic science and technology: in order for our country to be able to join the ranks of states with the sixth technological mode over the next 10 years, it must, figuratively speaking, jump over the stage - through the fifth mode.

However, to achieve such a result, significant changes are needed regarding the forms and methods of management. They can be implemented if science has the status of an independent branch of the economy with all the ensuing consequences. The leading countries of the world have already come to this. Most of them have a strong scientific backlog, an active system of innovations that allows creating and constantly maintaining this backlog at a high level, quickly turning it into practical results. It must be remembered that Russia's entry into the sixth technological order is not an end in itself, but a matter of integrated development of the economy, ensuring the security and international status of the country, and achieving a high level of well-being in our country.


1 The concept of technological structures





At present, the problem of transferring the economy of our country to an innovative development path is relevant and increasingly attracts the attention of the scientific community. The President of Russia set the task of creating a "smart" economy, which predetermines the need for the development of science and the dynamic implementation of its achievements. Since the set task covers many aspects of our life, a special integrated indicator is required to assess the success of its implementation. Today, the role of such an indicator is increasingly claimed by such a concept as the “technological order”, which was introduced into science by Russian economists D.S. Lvov and S.Yu. Glazyev.

Technological order is a set of technologies that are used at a certain level of production development. The change in ways reflects the regularity of the cyclical nature of economic development.

At the present stage of development of human civilization, it is important to make the transition to the sixth technological mode. For this stage deep, comprehensive integration of technologies, as well as the expansion of the technological basis, are natural. However, in Russia this process faces numerous difficulties, among which we can single out the technological diversity of production, the low speed of the innovation cycle, the technical and resource situation, etc.

Thus, the problem of transition to the sixth technological order is relevant for Russia, since with the introduction of advanced technologies and the formation of key areas of the post-industrial technological order, there are prospects for an innovative breakthrough, prospects for the development of an innovative economy.

The object of research is the technological structures in the modern system of economic and technological relations.

The subject of the study is the role of technological structures in the development of an innovative economy modern Russia.

The purpose of this final qualification work is to study the problems of the functioning of the innovative economy in the context of the formation and development of new technological modes.


1 The concept of technological structure

In recent years, the world economic thought has developed an understanding of economic dynamics as an uneven and uncertain process. evolutionary development social production. From this point of view, scientific and technical progress is presented as a complex interaction of various technological alternatives implemented by competing and cooperating economic entities in the conditions of an appropriate institutional environment. The selection of alternatives and their implementation in the form of structural changes in social production is carried out as a result of complex learning processes and society's adaptation to new technological possibilities. These processes are mediated by a variety of non-linear positive and negative feedbacks that determine the dynamics of interaction between technological and social change.

Such an unconventional understanding of economic dynamics allows a new approach to the study of the patterns of technical and economic development (FER) and the problems of managing scientific and technological progress. In theory, the study of the interaction of technological shifts and changes in economic relations, the problems of long-term forecasting of world economic development, and the measurement of the socio-economic efficiency of scientific and technological progress are of the greatest relevance. Among practical problems, the most important are: modern institutional changes in order to adapt society to new technological opportunities and compensate for social resistance to organizational and economic changes in production; development of methods for determining the priorities of fuel and energy resources and identifying the most effective ways to implement them, etc.

New Approach to the study of economic dynamics predetermines a new view of the economic structure. To study the processes of fuel and energy resources, it is important to develop a point of view on economic reality that would ensure “transparency” economic system in the process of technical changes. "Transparency" is ensured by the stability of the elements of the system and the relationships between them. Adequate to the task of studying the laws of technical development of the economy, the representation of the economic structure implies such a choice of its main element, which would not only maintain integrity in the process of technological shifts, but would also be a carrier technological change.

As a specified element, a set of technologically related industries was proposed that maintains integrity in the process of its development. By means of the same type of technological chains (TC), such aggregates are combined into a stable self-reproducing integrity, a conglomerate of related industries - a technological order (TU). The latter covers a closed reproductive cycle - from the extraction of natural resources and professional training to non-productive consumption. Based on such a representation of the technological structure of the economy, its dynamics can be described as a process of development and a consistent change in technological patterns.

TU has a complex internal structure. Its core forms a set of basic technological processes, underlying the corresponding basic technological sets (TS) and conjugated through complementary technological processes. Technological chains that make up the TS cover the TS of all levels of resource processing and are closed to the corresponding type of non-productive consumption.

2 Periodization of technological modes

In more detail, the periodization of technological modes is as follows.

. The basis of the first technological order is the mechanization of the textile industry. The basic innovations of this mode are Kay's shuttle-aircraft machine (1733), the spinning machines of Watt (1735), Hargreave and Arkwright, the mechanical looms of Robertson and Horrocks (1760s).

Also, new technologies for processing fabrics (dyeing, printing fabrics, etc.) were introduced. The development of production is associated with the mechanization of the textile industry. construction materials. There has been a replacement in the ferrous metallurgy charcoal stone. At the same time, innovations in the field of metalworking appeared. The economic recovery ensured the development of transport infrastructure.

However, at the beginning of the 19th century, there was a saturation of demand for textile industry products, in connection with this, a search began for new directions for investing capital.

In the first technological mode, energy was used directly without its transformation.

.The basis of the second technological order is the creation of a steam engine. It served as the basis for the development of heavy industry.

The rapid development of metalworking and the creation of a steam engine are the main conditions for the production of various machines and the mechanization of labor, both in many industries and in construction. There was a rapid growth in ferrous metallurgy, the coal industry, and transport engineering.

The second technological order was characterized by large-scale railway construction.

The global mechanization of labor and the concentration of production were accompanied by the growth of heavy engineering and the mining industry, the development of metallurgy and machine tool building.

Over time, the ability to improve technology and organization large-scale production exhausted by the steam engine. At the same time, there was a saturation of the demand of the population, based mainly on products Agriculture And light industry.

The second technological mode has a one-stage conversion of fuel energy into mechanical energy engine, similar to causation (proximate cause).

The basis of the third technological order is the use of electric motors, the intensive development of electrical engineering. At the same time there was a specialization of steam engines. Electrical technology ensured further growth in the mechanization of production and labor productivity. Electroplating processes for refining copper and electrolytically extracting oxygen and hydrogen were introduced. With the advent of the electric motor, production machines have become more flexible and mobile. The variety of engineering production accelerated further progress in ferrous metallurgy.

During the third cycle, blast-furnace technology and steel rolling technologies were introduced.

Rapid engineering and ferrous metallurgy contributed to the technical re-equipment and growth of the mining industry.

Also, in the third technological mode, the basic technologies of inorganic chemistry were introduced and widely used: the ammonia process of obtaining soda; production of sulfuric acid by the contact method; production of nitric acid by contact oxidation of ammonia and direct fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, production of mineral fertilizers; coke production; petrochemical production; production of synthetic dyes; production of explosives; electrochemical technology.

The technological aggregates of the third technological order continued to be reproduced until the mid-1960s, but since the mid-1930s the main engine of fuel and energy resources has been the production of a new technological order.

In the third technological mode, when using electricity, there is a transformation and distribution of electricity flows in the form of a similar chain (tree) of cause-and-effect relationships.

The basis of the fourth technological order is the chemical industry, the automotive industry, and the production of motorized weapons.

This stage is characterized complex mechanization production, automation of many basic technological processes, the widespread use of skilled labor, the growth of specialization in production.

During life cycle the fourth technological mode, the outstripping development of the electric power industry continued. Oil has become the main source of energy land transport- automobile. A global telecommunications system was created based on telephone and radio communications.

By the mid-1970s, the fourth technological order had reached the limits of its expansion in developed countries. The population's demand for durable goods and consumer goods has been met.

In the fourth technological mode, electrical appliances for domestic use appear - not only industrial, but also domestic use of electricity (an analogue of arbitrary causality).

The basis of the fifth technological order is the intensive development of information and communication technologies.

Microelectronics is a key factor during the unfolding scientific and technological revolution. The other key factor is the software.

Among the driving industries that form the core of the fifth technological order, electronic components and devices (including semiconductor and related devices), electronic storage devices, resistances, transformers, connectors, electronic computers, counting machines, radio and telecommunications equipment can be singled out. , laser equipment, software and computer services.

Among the main supporting industries of the fifth technological order, one should point out the production of automation and telecommunications equipment.

On the 5th technological mode, in information systems (Internet, etc.), phenomena similar to mass (social causality) are observed.

3 Interaction of technological structures in the economy

technological order economics production

Economic dynamics in world economic thought is defined as an uneven and indefinite process of the evolutionary development of social production. Whereas the scientific and technical progress is presented as a complex interaction of various technological alternatives that are implemented by cooperating and competing economic entities in certain conditions of the corresponding institutional environment. As a result of complex processes of learning and adaptation of society to new technological possibilities, these alternatives are selected, as well as their implementation in the form of structural changes in social production. These processes have a variety of non-linear positive and negative feedback that determine the dynamics of the interaction of technological and social changes.

The use of such an unconventional understanding of economic dynamics allows us to take a fresh look at the issues of studying the features and patterns of technical and economic development (FER), to identify and try to solve the problems of STP management. IN economic theory the study of the interaction of technological shifts acquires wide significance. also in modern conditions it is very important to study the problems of forecasting world economic development in the long term, measuring the socio-economic efficiency of directions and branches of scientific and technical progress. Among practical problems, the most important are: the adaptation of society to new technological opportunities with the help of modern institutional and organizational change, compensation of social resistance to organizational and economic changes in production, determination of priorities for fuel and energy resources and identification of the most effective ways to develop production, including in Russia.

A new approach to the study of economic dynamics involves the emergence of a new view of the economic structure. To study the processes of technical and economic development, it is necessary to develop a certain point of view on economic reality, one that could guarantee the “transparency” of the economic system in the process of technical transformations. The stability of the elements of the system and the relationship between them provide this "transparency". The representation of the economic structure is adequate to the task of studying the patterns of technical changes in the economy, it involves such a choice of its main element that would maintain integrity in the process of technological shifts, and would also be a carrier of technological changes.

This element is a set of technologically related industries, which maintains integrity in the process of its development. With the help of technological chains of the same type, these aggregates form a stable self-reproducing integrity, a connection of related industries or, in other words, a technological structure, which, in turn, embraces a closed reproduction cycle. The beginning of this cycle is the extraction of natural resources and professional training personnel, and the final stage - non-productive consumption. Based on this idea, the dynamics of the technological structure of the economy is nothing but a process of development and a consistent change in technological patterns.

Within the technological mode, a closed macro-level production cycle is carried out, which includes the extraction and receipt of primary resources, as well as their processing and production of end products that satisfy the needs of the corresponding type of public consumption. When the technological mode is considered in the dynamics of functioning, it is a reproducing integrity or the so-called reproductive circuit. In the case when the technological mode is considered in statics, it can be characterized "as a certain set of units that are similar in terms of quality characteristics of resource technologies and products", in other words, as an economic level. It is characterized by a single technical level of the industries that form it, interconnected by vertical and horizontal flows of qualitatively homogeneous resources and relying on the common resources of a skilled workforce, on a common scientific and technical potential, etc.

The technological structure has a complex internal structure. The core of the technological order forms a set of basic technological processes that are the foundation of the corresponding basic technological sets and are coupled with the help of complementary technological processes. The next component of the technological order is technological chains, covering all technological aggregates of all levels of resource processing. Technological chains are closed to the corresponding type of non-productive consumption, which closes the reproductive circuit of the technological mode and, at the same time, serves as an integral source of its expansion, ensures the reproduction of labor resources of the appropriate quality.

As part of the economic structure, there are integral reproducing complexes of associated industries. Their presence is due to the unevenness of STP. According to a common simplified view, NTP - ongoing process modernization of social production through the so-called "washing out" of obsolete products and technologies and then the introduction of new ones. In fact, technical and economic development occurs in a way of alternating stages of evolutionary changes and periods of structural restructuring of the economy. In the course of these changes, a complex of radically new technologies is introduced and the old ones are replaced.

In the course of the development of industries of the corresponding technological order, when they are replaced, conditions are created in which structural changes in the economy take place. Sequentially replacing each other stages of scientific and technical progress and the corresponding technological modes are interconnected, they are successive. The result of the development of the previous stage is the formation of the material and technical base for the formation of the next stage. Thus, a new technological order is born within the old one. Then, developing, it adapts the productions that have developed within the framework of the previous stage of scientific and technical progress to the needs of the technological processes that form its core.

The formation and change of technological structures is expressed in market economy in the form of long waves of economic conjuncture. The phases of the life cycle of the technological order - formation, growth, maturity, decline - affect the rate of economic growth and the level of economic activity, changing them. These indicators increase in the phase of formation, in the growth phase they reach a maximum. After that, in the phase of decline, they reach a minimum, since the possibilities for improving the industries included in the technological mode are exhausted, and there is a glut of the corresponding social needs.

In this phase, there is a sharp drop in the profitability of capital investments in traditional technologies. Under the influence of this factor, radical innovations are introduced that form the core of a new technological order. With the spread of innovations, a new cycle of wave-like modernizations of the economic situation begins, which is associated with the expansion of a new technological order and is able to replace the previous one. In addition, the mechanism of market self-organization synchronizes innovations and shifts in various sectors, such as engineering, production of structural materials, raw materials, energy, construction, communications. Radical innovations stimulate and complement each other; they are synchronized, and the basis of such synchronization is technological interdependence. Inventions and radical discoveries that have appeared within one industry may remain unclaimed, unrealized, until the corresponding innovations are created in other industries, and also until such conditions are formed in which an integral system of associated industries is formed. In turn, the production of one technological mode simultaneously reaches the phase of maturity and limits of growth, at the moment when the type of non-productive consumption common to them is saturated and the possibilities of technological improvement that unite them in technological chains are exhausted.


1 Development of a new technological order in Russia

IN Lately the attention of many researchers and scientists is riveted to the problem of the formation of a new technological order. At the present stage of development of human civilization, it is necessary to make the transition to the sixth technological order. On a global scale, the regularity of this stage lies in the deep, comprehensive integration of technologies and the expansion of the technological basis. However, Russia on the way to the sixth technological mode faces numerous difficulties.

The presence of one or another technological order in Russia at the present time can be characterized as follows. The third technological order is now in the stage of stagnation, and the share of its technologies is about 30%. The fourth technological mode is in the phase of maturity with a share of over 50%. The fifth technological order has reached a phase of intensive growth and its technologies account for 10% As for the sixth technological order, its share is still very small and amounts to less than 1%. All this allows us to conclude that Russia is in the fourth technological order in combination with the third and elements of the fifth technological order. The sixth technological order in Russia has not yet been formed.

The emergence of a new technological order in the world began approximately 15 - 20 years ago. So already in the early 1990s, in the depths of the fifth technological mode, new elements began to be more and more clearly traced, which cannot be called the core of this mode. Thus, a new sixth technological mode is being formed, and the period of dominance of the fifth is reduced. This technological order is already reaching the limits of its growth. Rise and fall in energy prices, and global financial crisis are sure signs that the dominant mode reaches the final phase of the life cycle and the restructuring of the economy begins on the basis of the next mode.

The starting point in the formation of the sixth technological mode is the development of nanotechnologies in the transformation of substances and the design of new material objects, cellular technologies for the modification of living organisms, including genetic engineering methods. These key factors, together with the electronics industry, information technology and software, form the core of a new way of life.

Obviously, the key areas of its development are biotechnologies, represented by the achievements of molecular biology and genetic engineering, global information networks, artificial intelligence systems and integrated high-speed transport systems. The development of flexible automation of production, space technologies, the production of structural materials, the nuclear industry, and air transportation will continue. Expanding the use of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy carrier will complement the growth of nuclear energy and natural gas consumption. The use of renewable energy sources will expand significantly. There will be even greater intellectualization of processes in production, in most industries there will be a transition to a continuous innovation process and continuous education in most professions. The "intellectual society" will replace the "consumer society" by prioritizing the requirements for the quality of life and the comfort of the living environment. IN production area there will be a transition to environmentally friendly and waste-free technologies. Progress in the field of information processing technologies, telecommunications systems, financial technologies will entail further globalization of the economy, the formation of a single world market for goods, capital and labor.

As part of the formation of the sixth technological order, information technologies play an important role, without which it is difficult to imagine development modern production. Currently, the issue of transition from integrated automated production control systems to systems that would support all stages of the product life cycle from market research to operation and disposal of the finished product is topical. This is especially true for the creation of complex science-intensive products. Solve this problem CALS-technologies will help. (Continuous Acquisition and Life cycle Support) stands for continuous information support of the product life cycle.

The concept of CALS originated in the 1970s. in the US Department of Defense, when it became necessary to improve management efficiency and reduce the cost of information interaction in the process of ordering, delivery and operation military equipment and weapons. The concept was a solution to the problem, which was to create a "single information space" that would ensure the rapid exchange of data between the customer ( federal authorities), producer and consumer of military equipment. Initially, it was based on the ideology of the product life cycle, while covering the phases of production and operation. At that time, the main focus of CALS was a paperless technology for the interaction of organizations ordering, manufacturing and operating military equipment.

2 Problems of the formation of a new technological order in Russia

At present, the reproduction system of the sixth technological order is being formed, the formation and growth of which in the next two to three decades will determine the development of the world economy. In the most developed countries - the USA, Japan, the leading countries of Western Europe, which have a strong scientific background and active innovation system, the contours of the new way of life can already be recognized.

According to experts, the core of the new order will be the so-called NBIC-technologies: nano- and biotechnologies, including genetic engineering, information and communication technologies of the new generation (quantum, optical computers), cognitive technologies. In addition to them, environmentally friendly energy is also referred to as radical innovations. The results of a number of studies, in particular those conducted in Japan , show that innovative products based on these technologies are on the verge of commercialization, which may begin as early as 2015-2020.

The transition to a new technological order cannot be carried out without large-scale investments in the development of new technologies and the modernization of the economy based on them. But the need for such investments usually far exceeds the capacity of existing financial institutions. As a result, the role of the state, which has all the possibilities of concentrating resources for mastering new technologies and accepting investment risks, increases many times over. Therefore, the decision of the governments of a number of countries (both economically developed and developing), despite the crisis, to increase spending on research and development has become quite natural.

The United States traditionally occupies a leading position in the development and application of many new technologies, but there is still a “gap” in the functional chain at the stage between obtaining a promising development and its commercialization. This, for example, was pointed out by the Council on Science and Technology of the Presidential Administration in its report “National strategic plan in the field of advanced technologies”, announced on February 24, 2012. In order to close the gap, an extensive network of 15 specialized institutes of industrial innovations will be created (based on the implementation of public-private partnership mechanisms). It is planned to allocate about $1 billion from the federal budget to finance this program.

The United States is taking all measures to maintain its leading position at the stage of formation and development of a new technological order. In Russia, unfortunately, the sixth technological mode is not yet formed. According to experts, the share of technologies of the fifth order in our country is about 10% (in the military-industrial complex and in the aerospace industry), the fourth - over 50%, the third - about 30%.

At the same time, it should be noted that in recent years the Russian leadership has been paying great attention to innovation issues. Rising government spending on R&D and innovative programs adopted "Strategy - 2020" and "Strategy of Innovative Development", which, by the way, continue to be subjected to fair criticism. At present, almost all elements of the innovation infrastructure have been created in the country, by analogy with the best Western models, but it continues to be fragmented. The inefficiency of its work can be explained both by the too rapid change of interests on the part of the governing structures to one or another institutional form, and the lack of proper study of the question of how these institutions (technological platforms, innovation clusters, innovation lifts, etc.) can work in Russian practice, and the disinterest of businesses to invest in R&D.

In addition, a big problem for our country is still the timely practical development of existing scientific and technical groundwork in key areas of the formation of a new technological order, which is primarily due to the lack of a domestic market for products. own production. Moreover, the proposed innovative projects often do not fit well with existing ones. production processes. Therefore, the results Russian research and developments are increasingly in demand abroad, and the function of commercializing scientific achievements is actually performed by foreign companies.

Unfortunately, disputes over the ways of modernization and transition to a post-industrial economy still do not cease in the expert community. There are two diametrically opposed points of view - either the borrowing of foreign technologies, or the implementation of a technological breakthrough in certain areas. However, borrowing Western technologies, and the introduction of domestic developments is not possible without the presence of a highly developed industry in the country. Without deployment of production on domestic market innovative development will never acquire the necessary scale and will not turn into a system. Neither the nanoindustry, nor biotechnologies, nor a number of other innovative sectors will have dynamic development as long as there is no industrial policy in Russia that determines priorities and preferences for such projects.


1 Development prospects innovative technologies at the enterprises of modern Russia

The main problems for Russia are the problems of modernization of the industrial complex, the transition of the economy to an innovative path of development.

The tasks set for innovative development predetermine the need to develop a certain integrated indicator. In modern conditions, such a concept as a technological order, characterized by a set of technologies that are used at a certain level of development of production and economy, can claim its role. Scientific and technological progress is the main driving force behind the process of changing technological patterns.

Russia lags far behind the leading industrialized countries in terms of the introduction of new technologies. In order to develop high-tech industries in the country based on the use of innovative technologies, it is necessary to comprehensively form and expand the reproduction of technologies of the sixth technological mode, which can become a technical and innovative basis for economic development in the long term. Innovative and technological re-equipment of industries industrial production, the development and implementation of advanced technologies at enterprises is the basis for the formation and implementation of an innovative development strategy. All this makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of the domestic economy and its long-term growth.

Over a long period of transformation of the structure of industry under the influence of various external and internal factors The technological component of Russia has changed at a slow pace, which causes today's industrial complex to lag behind the level of industrialized countries.

Among the main shortcomings, one can single out the low innovative activity of enterprises in the industrial complex, the low rate of renewal of fixed capital, as well as the lack of investment for the modernization of enterprises in the industrial complex and increasing their growth.

These factors directly determine the low share of the sixth technological order in the structure of industry, however, the existing achievements are an important prerequisite for the transition to an innovation-oriented economy based on the achievements of science and technology.

Thus, in terms of the level of development of one of the carrier areas of the fifth technological order - aerospace technologies - Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world. In particular, the share Russian enterprises in the market of space launches reaches a third. Russia also retains its leading positions in the military aircraft market, although the share of Russian companies' income in the global space technology market is about 2%.

As for the information sector in the Russian economy, we can say that it is developing quite dynamically. However, with the volume of the world software market of 400-500 billion dollars a year, domestic participation in it is slightly more than 200 million dollars, i.e. 0.04%. While the areas of production of innovative products require the use of the most modern information systems, as the situation on the world market of science-intensive products is developing towards a complete transition to computer technology for the design, manufacture and marketing of products (CALS-technologies). Domestic science-intensive products that do not have modern computer support for their life cycle will significantly lag behind similar products manufactured abroad in the system of new electronic technologies. Therefore, the use of CALS-technologies is necessary for the Russian economy to enter the innovative path of development, to increase the competitiveness of products manufactured by Russian enterprises. Russian enterprises, especially those that create science-intensive products to increase competitiveness, need to start developing and implementing projects for the use of CALS technologies that would fully cover the product life cycle.

But still Russian science has sufficient potential for the development of technologies of the sixth technological order. Knowledge has been gained, very promising achievements have been made, the timely practical development of which can ensure the leading position of Russian enterprises on the crest of a new long wave of economic growth.

Russian scientists have a priority in the discovery of technologies for cloning organisms, stem cells and optoelectronic measurements. All this allows us to conclude that the Russian scientific and technological potential has the necessary prerequisites for the rapid development of a new technological order.

2 Evolution of the technological structure of the Russian economy

A cross-country quantitative analysis of the trajectories of fuel and energy resources carried out showed that the technical development of our economy followed the same trajectory as that of other countries. However, it was significantly slower. The relatively lower rates of technical development of the Soviet economy were explained by its reproducing technological diversity, which made it difficult to timely redistribute resources for the development of new technologies. By the beginning of the 90s. the simultaneous reproduction of the III, IV, and V technological modes that simultaneously existed in the Soviet economic structure stabilized.

The growth rates of industries of the fifth TU, starting from the 80s of the last century, in developed and new industrialized countries reached 25-30% per year, 3-4 times higher than the growth rate of industrial production as a whole, and their contribution to GDP growth reached 50% in the 80-90s. This indicates that the fifth technological mode entered a phase of rapid growth at that time, accompanied by a rapid increase in the efficiency of the economy. For example, the growth rate of labor productivity in the private sector of the American economy increased, respectively, from 0.80 in 1990-1995. up to 3.05% in 1995 - 2000 According to the identified patterns of long-term technical and economic development, it is possible to predict the further growth of the fifth technical standard for about another decade, during which it will determine the development of the world economy. To measure the corresponding technological shifts, along with indicators of the production of goods representing the core of the fifth technological order, we used indicators of market saturation by means of communication, computer technology, electronics, as well as the density of the Internet. The time series of the corresponding indicators for Russia and other countries were processed using the principal component method, the first of which, in contrast to the developed capitalist countries, where V TU has been rapidly expanding since the mid-80s, its growth rates in the economy of the USSR at that time fell sharply. There was a qualitative leap in the accumulation of disproportions due to the reproducing technological diversity of the Soviet economy. The simultaneous expanded reproduction of the three technological modes, due to general resource constraints, led in the mid-1970s to a decrease in the growth rate of each of them, including the new (fifth), as well as to the overall rate of economic growth and a sharp slowdown in progressive structural changes. As shown in, the development of the production of the fourth technological mode took place in the USSR with a delay of three decades compared to the global trajectory of the fuel and energy resources. The measurement results show a serious lag in our economy in mastering the production of the fifth technological order even in the embryonic phase of its development.

At the same time, in terms of the level of development of one of the carrier areas of the fifth TU - aerospace technologies - Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world. In particular, the share Russian firms in the market of space launches reaches a third, the leading positions remain in the market of military aircraft. True, the share of income of Russian companies in the global space technology market is only about 2%.

At the current stage of growth of the fifth technological mode, which has reached the phase of maturity, its spread in Russia takes place in the supporting industries, while the core remains underdeveloped. In the core industries of the fifth TU, such as the production of microelectronics and electronic products, radio engineering, optoelectronics, civil aircraft engineering, high-grade steel, composite and new materials, industrial equipment for science-intensive industries, precision and electronic instrumentation, instruments and devices for communication systems and modern communication systems, computers and other components of computer technology, compared with the level of 1990-1991. there has been a significant decline,” states Academician Fedosov. It is very difficult to overcome the lag behind the world level in these technologies, even with impressive investments.”

In the phase of maturity of the dominant TU, overcoming the technological gap in the field of its key technologies requires huge investments, while the acquisition of imported equipment allows you to quickly meet existing needs. Accordingly, this is happening in our country, as evidenced by the growth rates of the fleet of personal computers, the number of Internet users, the volume of exports of software services and other indicators of the expansion of the use of technologies of the fifth technological order in its supporting industries at a rate of about 20-50% per year.

It follows from this that the expansion of the fifth technological mode in Russia is of a catch-up imitative nature. This is evidenced by the relative dynamics of the spread of its various components - the closer the technology is to the sphere of final consumption, the higher the rate of its spread. The rapid expansion of the supporting industries of the fifth technological order takes place on an imported technological base, which deprives the chances for adequate development of the key technologies of its core. This means that the Russian economy is being drawn into the trap of non-equivalent exchange with the foreign core of this technological order, in which the bulk of intellectual rent is generated.

Judging by the analysis of the spread of a new technological order in different countries, its development in Russia is also lagging behind. But this lag occurs in the phase of embryonic development and can be overcome in the growth phase. To do this, before a large-scale restructuring of the world economy, it is necessary to master the key industries of the core of the new technological order, the further expansion of which will make it possible to receive intellectual rent on a global scale.


The main task for Russia today is the transition to an innovative way of development, building an innovative economy. To implement this transition, it is necessary to use the technologies of modern technological modes, as well as introduce new technologies in key areas of the post-industrial (sixth) technological mode.

Today, when the whole world is on the verge of the sixth technological order, it is important to carry out a deep comprehensive integration of technologies, as well as to expand the technological basis. Under the current conditions, our country has the opportunity to abandon the inertial path of development, which is based on raw material exports and develop technologies and industries of the sixth technological order.

In the course of the study, an analysis was made of the functioning of the industry, due to the development of technological structures, as well as their interaction in the economic structure. It was found that the dynamics of the technological structure of the economy is nothing but a process of development and a consistent change in technological patterns. In addition, in the course of the development of industries of the corresponding technological order, when they are replaced, conditions are created in which structural changes in the economy take place.

The features of the development of the sixth technological mode were considered, its key technologies were identified. The main problems that Russia faces in the transition to a new technological order are identified. A method for solving these problems is proposed by introducing technologies of the sixth technological mode, namely CALS technologies that help manage the entire life cycle of a product (product).

The paper proposed a model of CALS (IIS) technologies - a model of technologies for managing the entire life cycle of a product, the core of which is an integrated information environment (IIS). The need for the presence of IIS in an enterprise, which sets itself the goal of increasing competitiveness, making business processes within the enterprise transparent and easy to manage, is considered. In the course of the study, a characteristic was given to the main technologies and principles of building an integrated information environment of an enterprise, such as parallel engineering, analysis and reengineering of business processes, and paperless data exchange.

Ultimately, the prospects for the development of innovative technologies at the enterprises of modern Russia were assessed and recommendations were made for the development of an innovative economy.

Thus, in this graduation qualifying work the theory of technological modes was considered in detail, as well as the impact of changing technological modes on the restructuring of the economy. The technologies of the new sixth technological mode and their role in the implementation of the transition of the Russian economy to an innovative development path were analyzed.


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In our articles, we often use the term "technological order", which denotes a certain stage technological development in the history of mankind. The society has already gone through five technological modes and today is living in the period of transition to the sixth one, the core of which will be nanotechnologies, alternative energy, biology and medicine, cognitive technologies and a number of others. The process of formation of technological structures is closely connected with the definition of leaders in the global socio-economic space, therefore, knowledge of the foundations of their origin and development is key in developing effective strategy government controlled.

What is a technological order?

The concept of a technological mode was introduced into wide circulation by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.Yu. Glazyev, who today is one of the largest economists in the post-Soviet space. His theory of long-term technical and economic development is one of the most systemic that have just emerged in the domestic humanities, and the concept of technological modes is pivotal in it. This way of life is a combination of several dominant technologies that determine the nature of socio-economic life in a given period of time. So, during the second technological order (the beginning of the 19th century), steam engines, coal mining and shipping dominated, in the third there was a transition to the development of inorganic chemistry, ferrous metallurgy and the massive use of railway communication, and in the fourth there was an internal combustion engine, rockets, airplanes And nuclear power.

It is clear that even a hundredth of this theory cannot be stated in one article, therefore in our article we will only try to acquaint readers in more detail with what awaits humanity and world economy in the future, when the sixth technological mode reaches its peak in its development. Practice has shown that in times of dominance of one or another technological order, a core is formed from the leading countries that have managed to most fully develop new technologies and related industries. This provides them with exceptional competitive advantages in front of other countries, as a result of which some become hegemons of the world political space, while others get the fate of "service personnel" and "raw material appendages". In light of this, it is possible to understand which countries will determine the vectors of development of the world economy in the next 20-30 years, since the core of the sixth technological order has almost already been formed today, which means that the main contenders for global leadership have been determined.

Leaders of the sixth technological order

The formation of the core of the technological order, as well as leaders in the development of relevant technologies, is closely related to the volume of investments in these industries that a particular state can afford. Therefore, the leaders in the next, sixth technological order will be those countries that have invested more in areas such as nanotechnology or solar energy, for example. At the beginning of the 21st century, the countries with the largest budgets are the USA, China, Japan, the EU locomotive countries and some others, so it is not surprising that these states claim leadership in the sixth technological order, since they were able to invest a sufficient amount of funds at the right time. and in the right direction.

Technological order-one of the terms of the theory of scientific and technological progress. Means a set of related industries that have a single technical level and develop synchronously. The change in the technological structures that dominate the economy predetermines the uneven course of scientific and technological progress. Leading researchers on this topic are Sergey Glazyev and Carlota Perez.

Some researchers of Kondratiev's long waves paid a lot of attention to the study of the innovation process. Already Joseph Schumpeter noted that the development of innovations is discrete in time. Schumpeter called the periods of time in which there is a surge of innovations "clusters" (bundles), but the term "waves of innovations" is more firmly established. The discreteness of scientific and technological revolutions was also recognized by Simon Kuznets (in a 1940 review of Schumpeter's book.

In 1975, the West German scientist Gerhard Mensch (German) Russian. coined the term "technical mode of production". Mensch interpreted the Kondratieff cycle as the life cycle of a technical mode of production described by a logistic curve. In 1978, Mensch's ideas were repeated by the East German economist Thomas Kuchinsky. In 1970-1980, an adherent of the idea of ​​diffusion of innovations, Englishman Christopher Freeman, formulated the concept of the "techno-economic paradigm", which was subsequently developed by his student Carlota Perez.

The term "technological mode" is used in domestic economic science as an analogue of the concepts of "waves of innovation", "techno-economic paradigm" and "technical mode of production". It was first proposed in 1986 by Soviet economists D. S. Lvov and S. Yu. Glazyev in the article “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of STP Management.

According to the definition of S. Yu. Glazyev, the technological order is a holistic and sustainable formation, within which a closed cycle is carried out, starting with the extraction and obtaining of primary resources and ending with the release of a set of final products corresponding to the type of public consumption. The complex of basic sets of technologically related industries forms the core of the technological order. Technological innovations that determine the formation of the core of the technological order are called the key factor. Industries that intensively use a key factor and play a leading role in the spread of a new technological order are carrier industries.

A simpler definition was given by Yu. V. Yakovets: a technological order is several interrelated and sequentially replacing each other generations of technology that evolutionarily implement a common technological principle. For C. Perez, the techno-economic paradigm is the sphere of production and economic relations with all its inherent phenomena (income distribution, technology, organizational and managerial methods). At the same time, under key factors, Peres understands the same thing as Glazyev.

Earth civilization in its development has gone through a number of pre-industrial and at least 6 industrial technological modes and now developed countries are in the 5th technological mode and are intensively preparing for the transition to the 6th technological mode, which will provide them with a way out of the economic crisis. Those countries that are late with the transition to the 6th technological order will be stuck in economic crisis and stagnation. The situation in Russia is very difficult, since we did not move from the 4th technological order to the 5th, in connection with the deindustrialization of the industrial potential of the USSR, i.e. did not move into the 5th post-industrial order and are forced, if we succeed, to jump immediately into the 6th technological order. The task is extremely difficult, if not almost impossible, especially in the absence of an industrial policy of the country's leadership. The well-known thesis of K. Marx, on which more than one generation of Soviet people was brought up, that the productive forces and production relations determine the socio-economic system, can be significantly corrected in the light of the theory of N. D. Kondratiev.

Pre-industrial ways were based on the muscular, manual, horse energy of humans and animals. All the inventions of that time that have come down to our time concerned the strengthening of the muscular strength of man and animals (screw, lever, wheel, gearbox, potter's wheel, furs in the forge, mechanical spinning wheel, hand loom).

The beginning of the industrial periods of technological structures falls on the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries.

First technological the way is characterized by the use of water energy in the textile industry, water mills, drives of various mechanisms.

The second technological order. The beginning of the 19th - the end of the 19th century - using the energy of steam and coal: a steam engine, a steam engine, a steam locomotive, steamships, steam drives for spinning and weaving machines, steam mills, a steam hammer. There is a gradual liberation of a person from heavy manual labor. A person has more free time.

The third technological order. Late 19th - early 20th century. Use of electrical energy, heavy engineering, electrical and radio engineering industry, radio communications, telegraph, Appliances. Improving the quality of life.

Fourth technological order. Beginning of XX - end of XX century. Use of hydrocarbon energy. Widespread use of internal combustion engines, electric motors, cars, tractors, aircraft, synthetic polymer materials, the beginning of nuclear energy.

Fifth technological order. End of XX - beginning of XXI century. Electronics and microelectronics, nuclear energy, information technology, genetic engineering, the beginning of nano- and biotechnologies, space exploration, satellite communications, video and audio equipment, the Internet, cell phones. Globalization with the rapid movement of products, services, people, capital, ideas.

Sixth technological order. Beginning of the XXI - the middle of the XXI century. It overlaps the 5th technological order, it is called post-industrial. Nano- and biotechnologies, nanoenergy, molecular, cellular and nuclear technologies, nanobiotechnologies, biomimetics, nanobionics, nanotronics and other nanoscale productions; new medicine, household appliances, modes of transport and communications, the use of stem cells, engineering of living tissues and organs, reconstructive surgery and medicine, a significant increase in the life expectancy of humans and animals.

Table. Technological structures

Technological modes (TU)

Key Factors

Technological core

Textile machines

Textiles, iron smelting; iron processing, water engine, rope

steam engine

Railways, steamships; coal and machine-tool industry, ferrous metallurgy

Electric motor, steel industry

Electrical engineering, heavy engineering, steel industry, inorganic chemistry, power lines

Internal combustion engine, petrochemistry

Automotive, aircraft, rocket, non-ferrous metallurgy, synthetic materials, organic chemistry, oil production and refining

Microelectronics, gasification

Electronics industry, computers, optical industry, aerospace, telecommunications, robotics, gas industry, software, information services

Quantum vacuum technologies

Nano-, bio-, information technologies. Purpose: medicine, ecology, improving the quality of life

In my essay, I touched on the third technological order (1880-1930), which was called the “Age of Steel” (Second Industrial Revolution), and I will consider the history of the creation of the escalator in it.

technological structure escalator performance

Third technological order (1880–1930)

The main feature is the widespread use of electric motors and the rapid development of electrical engineering. At the same time there is a specialization of steam engines. The consumption of alternating current becomes dominant, and the construction of power plants has begun. Coal becomes the most important energy carrier during the period of domination of this way of life. At the same time, oil began to gain positions in the energy market, although it is worth noting that it became the leading energy carrier only at the fourth TU.

The chemical industry made great strides during this period. Of the many chemical and technological innovations, the following have gained importance: the ammonia process for obtaining soda, the production of sulfuric acid by the contact method, and electrochemical technology.

Fourth technological order (1930–1970)

By the 1940s technology, which is the basis of the third TR, has reached the limits of its development and improvement. Then the formation of the fourth TU began, which laid down new directions in the development of technology. The necessary material and technical base had already been formed by this time. For example, the following were created and mastered:

  • road infrastructure;
  • telephone communication networks;
  • new technologies and infrastructure for oil production;
  • technological processes in non-ferrous metallurgy.

During the period of the third TU, an internal combustion engine was introduced, which became one of the basic innovations of the fourth TU. At the same time, the formation of the automotive industry and the development of the first samples of caterpillar transport and special equipment, which formed the core of the fourth technical specification, took place. The industries that formed the core of the fourth TU include the chemical industry (primarily organic chemistry), the automotive industry, and the production of motorized weapons. This stage is characterized by a new machine base, comprehensive mechanization of production, automation of many basic technological processes, extensive use of skilled labor, and an increase in the specialization of production.

During the life cycle of the fourth TU, the outstripping development of the electric power industry continued. Oil becomes the leading energy source. Petroleum products are used as the main fuel for almost all types of transport - diesel locomotives, cars, airplanes, helicopters, rockets. Oil has also become an essential raw material for the chemical industry. With the expansion of the fourth TU, a global telecommunications system is being created based on telephone and radio communications. There has been a transition of the population to a new type of consumption, characterized by mass consumption of durable goods, synthetic goods.

Fifth technological order (1970–2010)

By the 1970s in developed countries, the fourth TR has reached the limits of its expansion. Since that time, the fifth TU begins to form, which now dominates in most developed countries. This mode can be defined as the mode of information and communication technologies. TO key factors include microelectronics and software. Among the most important industries, the production of automation and telecommunications equipment should be singled out.

As already noted, most of the innovations of the new mode are formed in the phase of dominance of the previous mode. This is especially well demonstrated in this case. According to experts, about 80% of the main innovations of the fifth TU were introduced before 1984. And the earliest introduction dates back to 1947 - the period of the creation of the transistor. The first EMW appeared in 1949, the first operating system - in 1954, the silicon transistor - in 1954. These inventions served as the foundation for the creation of the fifth TU. Simultaneously with the development of the semiconductor industry, there was rapid progress in the field of software - by the end of the 1950s. a family of first high-level programming languages ​​appeared.

However, the spread of the new fifth technical standard was hindered by the underdevelopment of the leading industries, the formation of which, in turn, ran into limited demand, since new technologies were not yet sufficiently effective and were not accepted by existing institutions. The introduction of the microprocessor in 1971 was a turning point in the formation of the fifth technical standard and opened up new opportunities for rapid progress in all directions.

The invention of the microcomputer and the rapid advances in software that came with it made information technology convenient, cheap and accessible for both industrial and non-industrial consumption. The driving branches of the information order have entered a phase of maturity.

The beginning of the fifth TR is associated with the development of new means of communication, digital networks, computer programs and genetic engineering. The fifth TU actively generates the creation and continuous improvement of both new machines and equipment (computers, numerical control (CNC), robots, machining centers, various kinds of automata) and information systems (databases, local and integrated computing systems, information languages and software for information processing). Among the leading industries of the fifth TU in the manufacturing industry, flexible automated production (FAP) is of great importance. Flexible automation of industrial production dramatically expands the variety of products. In addition, the fifth TU is characterized by the deurbanization of the population and the development of a new information and transport infrastructure associated with it. Free access of each person to global information networks, development of global systems mass media, air transport is radically changing human perceptions of time and space. This, in turn, affects the structure of needs and motivation of people's behavior.

During the life cycle of the fifth technical standard, the role of natural gas and RES increases.

Sixth technological mode (2010–present)

Since the early 2000s in the bowels of the fifth TU, elements of the sixth TU began to appear more and more noticeably. Its key areas include biotechnology, artificial intelligence systems, CALS -technologies, global information networks and integrated high-speed transport systems, computer education, formation of networked business communities. These are the industries that are currently developing in the leading countries at a particularly rapid pace (sometimes from 20 to 100% per year).