The main sources of business financing briefly. Internal and external sources of business financing

  • A) actual character

  • B) the nature of value judgments

    • Establish a correspondence between the characteristic and the type of society: for each position given in the first column, select the position from the second column.


    • Agar

    • Industrial

    • post-industrial


    • A) class structure of society

    • B) serial production of consumer goods

    • B) bringing the service sector to the forefront

    • D) the leading role of information in the life of society

    • Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to the concept of "market economy". Law of demand, competition, communal land, firm, profit, bank, stock exchange. Find and write down a term that “falls out” of this series and refers to another concept.

    • Find the functions of the central bank in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

    • issue of money

    • lending to individuals and firms

    • licensing of commercial banks

    • replenishment of the country's gold reserves

    • control over the money supply


    • 1) market

    • 2) command

    • SIGNS

    • A) producer competition

    • B) centralized distribution

    • B) directive pricing

    • D) freedom of enterprise

    • D) coordination of supply and demand




    • Command

    • Traditional

    • market

    • A) the basis of the economy of country Z is agriculture, the land belongs to tribal communities and is cultivated by them

    • B) in country A, the state centrally distributes factors of production and sets prices for goods and services

    • C) in country F, producers compete for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods

    • D) in country C, under conditions of free enterprise, consumers have the widest choice of goods and services

    • E) the only producer and seller of goods and services in country G is the state, private enterprise is prohibited

    In country Z, the main sectors of the economy are mass industrial production and the service sector. What additional information will allow us to establish the type of economic system of country Z? Formulate three questions to obtain the necessary additional information.

    Establish a correspondence between the form of cognition and its feature: for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.

    knowledge is a by-product of practical activity

    knowledge exists in the form of artistic images

    knowledge is revealed in the process of narration

    knowledge is the result of purposeful activity


    the science

    ordinary knowledge


    Establish a correspondence between social facts and historical types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the appropriate

    position of the second column.
    A) agrarian-raw material type of economy

    B) the emergence of mass culture

    C) Development of global computer networks
    D) creation of a conveyor

    D) the leading role of science in production

    1) informational

    2) industrial

    3) traditional

    Please decide, it is very urgent. I will be very grateful))) Establish a correspondence between the signs and forms of culture that they

    match: for each position given in the first column, match the position from the second column.


    A) logical harmony 1) art

    B) allegorical 2) science

    C) the validity of the conclusions

    D) emotionality

    D) hypotheses

    E) hyperbole

    Establish a correspondence between offenses and types of legal liability: for each element given in the first column, select an element from


    A small social group includes: A) the scientific and technical intelligentsia of the country B) graduates of all universities in the country

    C) the country's national figure skating team D) teachers of higher educational institutions countries
    What distinguishes the family from other small social groups:
    A) the assignment of household duties to a woman B) blood relations
    C) stable ties D) own customs and traditions
    What social group is allocated according to the settlement (territorial) basis:
    A) Orthodox B) Ukrainians
    C) Russians D) Muscovites
    What is typical for social relations in modern Russia:
    A) the growth of the industrial proletariat B) the stable position of the middle class
    C) intensification of migration processes D) absence of unemployment
    Nationalities are one of the stages of development:
    A) ethnic group B) community
    C) state D) class
    What distinguishes a family from other small groups:
    A) joint leisure activities B) similar social status
    C) the presence of group rules and norms D) joint management of the economy
    Tatiana is a teacher. In addition to lessons, she organizes holidays, quizzes, excursions, trips with students. Spends a lot of time communicating with parents of students. In the actions of Tatyana, it is manifested:
    BUT) social role B) social conflict
    AT) social structure D) social policy
    8. Which of the following social groups is distinguished by economic criteria:
    A) Muscovites B) engineers
    C) Muslims D) landowners
    9. What is a characteristic feature of a nation:
    A) common historical memory B) the presence of a political system
    C) competitiveness D) availability of management apparatus
    10. In the USSR, by the middle of the last century, the urban population was equal in number to the rural population. This fact characterizes the structure of society:
    A) social class B) professional
    C) socio-territorial D) socio-ethnic
    11. Soviet society, as stated by the official ideology, consisted of two classes and a stratum. It characterizes:
    A) political system B) social structure
    C) economic structure D) the form of the state
    12. In the 1990s, new social groups associated with private property appeared in our country. Among these groups:
    A) bureaucracy B) farmers
    C) scientists D) employees
    13. Masha and Olya's parents died in a car accident. The girls live and are raised by their grandmother. Their family is:
    A) patriarchal B) large
    C) incomplete D) small (nuclear)
    14. The national identity of a person is a characteristic of him:
    A) inborn status B) social role
    C) achieved status D) public prestige
    15. Studies in country C showed that the chances of children of farmers to become managers large companies three times less than the children of engineers. This fact reflects the inequality:
    A) social origin B) individual characteristics
    C) personal characteristics D) marital status
    16. Are the following judgments about social status correct?
    BUT. Social status is the position of a person in society, giving him rights and obligations.
    B. All social statuses people acquire from birth.

    17. Are the following judgments about social conflicts correct?
    BUT. The discrepancy between the interests of social groups can lead to social conflict.
    B. Interethnic conflict is a kind of social conflict.
    1) only A is true 2) only B is true
    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong
    18. Are the following statements about family true?
    BUT. The family regulates the behavior of its members.
    B. The family provides economic support to minors and disabled family members.
    1) only A is true 2) only B is true
    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong
    19. Match with an example social group and the sign by which it is distinguished. For each position given in the first column, match the position from the second column.


    1. factory organization of labor

    2. professional division of society

    3. development of the service sector

    4. mass production

    5. ownership of the means of production - the basis of social differences

    6. leading role of technology

    Establish a correspondence between the characteristic and the type of society: for each position given in the first column, select the position from the second column.

    The terms "industrial society" and industrial (1) can be used as synonyms. The French sociologist and philosopher R. Aron describes the process of the progressive development of society as a transition from a backward agrarian "traditional" society, dominated by natural (2) and class (3), to an advanced, industrialized "industrial society". From the point of view of the supporters of this theory, it is the characteristics of the big (4) that determine (5) in all other (6) social life.

    b. State

    in. economy

    d. Consciousness

    e. Progress

    e. Revolution

    well. Industry

    h. Civilization

    and. Hierarchy

    h in and well d a

    According to the modern political scientist S. Hattington, a supporter of the theory of "clash of civilizations", in modern world There are three models of relations between the West and non-Western civilizations. Imagine which model of relations with the West the non-Western civilizations presented in the table will choose. Enter the answer in the table by entering the corresponding digital designations of civilizations into it.

    Read the text. This is an excerpt from the abstract, which presents character traits two different socio-historical types of society.

    Redraw the table in a notebook, head its columns.

    Enter in the columns of the table the serial numbers of the proposals,

    When choosing sources of financing for business ideas, most entrepreneurs do not take into account that investments are needed not only at the stage of opening, but also throughout the life of the established enterprise. If you want the project to be successful and long-term - learn how to raise funds!

    The concept of "business financing" and classification

    This term means the supply (providing) of entrepreneurial activity with financial resources. Depending on the place of origin of material resources, internal and external financing are distinguished.

    At the initial stage of formation production process leaders engage external resources, the origin of which is provided by the following sources:

    • state ;
    • banking organizations;
    • shareholders;
    • non-profit companies;
    • partner firms;
    • individuals.

    When production begins to generate income, it becomes possible to attract internal resources, including:

    • net profit;
    • revenue of the future periods;
    • (deductions for equipment);
    • target reserves allocated to cover future costs.

    Ideally efficient and profitable business- self-sustaining and does not require external costs. However, at first and during the expansion of the scope of activities, it is difficult to do without appearance funding - further about each of them in detail.

    The main sources of business financing in comparison

    Common among subjects economic activity practice - attraction of borrowed money. To maintain the right to full control own business, most entrepreneurs take loans, credits, loans.

    Bank lending

    Loans from banks occupy a leading position among the ways to finance small businesses, covering an extended range of cost assignments: industrial, consumer, agricultural, mortgage loans.


    • prompt decision on extradition;
    • independent distribution of funds without control and instructions from the investor.


    • short term of use (standard - 36 months);
    • the need to provide collateral; mandatory payment of interest and insurance premiums.

    Leasing programs

    Leasing is a complex form of financial lending based on the provision of fixed assets for rent with subsequent redemption.

    The subject of leasing can be enterprises, land plots, vehicles, equipment, property (movable and immovable).


    • financing is calculated in 100% ratio with the cost of equipment - for comparison, banks require 10-15% of the price;
    • there is no requirement to provide a pledge - such is the leased (purchased) equipment (site, transport);
    • debt in the balance sheet of the organization does not increase;
    • more loyal conditions in comparison with a bank loan;
    • all payments by the lessee are included in the costs of the enterprise.


    • when applying for a lease, you may need an initial fee- up to 30% of the value of the property;
    • not all leasing lending schemes are suitable for entrepreneurs working under a simplified taxation system - you should carefully choose a company for cooperation;
    • VAT is charged on the lease amount.

    trade loan

    Form of mutual settlements between firms. You can order the necessary goods (equipment) with a deferred payment. This method is often used by entrepreneurs whose activity is the sale of products from another manufacturer: they take a wholesale batch of goods for purchase, and the calculation is made after it is sold in a retail network.

    A method of mutually beneficial cooperation between firms of different directions is also possible - the ordered goods (service) are paid in kind - by what another company produces.

    State subsidies, tax incentives

    Beginning entrepreneurs receive government assistance in starting a business. One of the means of such assistance is grants. These are one-time payments from the state, bodies local government or international organizations to cover part of the costs, capital costs or contributions.

    In addition, the taxation system provides special conditions for individual entrepreneurs(IP), regulated federal law No. 477-F3.

    The following individual entrepreneurs can obtain the right to tax holidays (zeroing the tax rate) in 2016:

    • registered for the first time;
    • who have chosen one of the taxation schemes - simplified (STS) or patent (PSN);
    • leading activities in the social, industrial or scientific sectors.

    Holidays are not established throughout Russia, in each region they are established by the local authorities at their discretion. The benefit is also valid in 2020. Please note that it is calculated for two tax periods (years) for each specific individual entrepreneur.

    Still, no matter how good and promising the idea may look, minimize spending and rely on own resources, remembering the notorious saying: "You take someone else's, but you give yours!"

    Grants and other sources of project funding

    Undoubtedly, the most attractive form of financing for small businesses is a gratuitous targeted subsidy for research, training, treatment and implementation. social projects. However, to be eligible for a government or commercial grant, your idea must meet the following criteria:

    1. presenting an evidence-based justification for the importance of the project;
    2. quick payback - grants are allocated for short term(from several months to a year);
    3. a clearly developed plan for the implementation of a business idea with an indication of the timing of achieving the goals;
    4. willingness to take on a certain part of the costs;
    5. a report for every penny spent from the allocated funds.

    Although state grants are more designed to support scientists and young professionals, Russia annually allocates funds from the budget to subsidize small forms of ownership.

    In parallel, they are being developed at the state and regional levels - information on existing projects is presented in the territorial employment centers and on the official website of the Ministry of Finance.

    Foreign investors are also looking for promising representatives of small businesses and are ready to invest in the development interesting projects impressive amounts. However, keep in mind that such “donors” often demand a share of ownership or a large percentage of the profits in return, and also set the condition for officially securing authorship of the idea.

    If you cannot do without attracting additional investments, once again make sure that the decision you made is correct, calculate all possible risks and set yourself a time frame for repaying the loan, which you will definitely meet!

    Happy day to everyone who stumbled upon this post in the middle, or at the end of the working day! Today we will reveal such a minor, auxiliary topic as the main sources of business financing. You just need to delve into this topic if your goal is to understand how the economic system society. Let me remind you that the study of this section is provided for by all the specifications of the discipline "Social Science"

    Sources of financing

    Business is, in short, entrepreneurial activity, the purpose of which is to make a profit, that is, roughly speaking, to make money. Business starts with the first transaction, when you sell something: a product or a service, or something else (who knows what will be invented there in the future!).

    Every business starts with start-up capital. He can be anyone. For example, one of my friends started a business with 10,000 rubles and from a closet that he rented. In it, he began to repair computers. This happens if you do not have rich relatives who can help with start-up capital.

    Thus, the first source of business financing is personal savings of citizens. This is the money that you put in socks, or in a box, or in a piggy bank.

    Second source business finance are investments. An investor can invest in your company, firm, or personally in you if he sees the potential in your business. Of course, the investor is also wildly risky. But that's why he is an investor, to risk his money.

    For example, everyone knows the history of Apple, how many movies about Steve Jobs have been made! Steve himself called investors to invest in his startup in the garage. In the end, the guys from Silicon Valley were lucky and they invested money in them, and did not lose.

    As for Russia, there are many investors in Russia, but they are afraid to invest money, preferring foreign offshore companies and foreign companies.

    The third such source are bank loans. You can go to the bank, and if you have a good credit history and you defend your business plan well, then you can be given a substantial sum.

    Another source is government grants. Searching on the Internet state organization which distributes grants for entrepreneurial activity and forward. For example, in our Perm Territory, the Ministry of Agricultural Development gave, and seems to give, grants to those who decided to start farming.

    On this, in principle, the main sources of financing end and the non-main ones begin.

    Among them, for example, you can highlight loans from individuals. For example, you know that your friend has money. You come to him and tell him to lend them to you. And he can give. Or maybe not. And if a person is not your friend, then he can hire bandits to beat your debt out of you.

    It is clear that this is all some kind of rubbish, but there are persistent rumors that they have returned. So nothing can be ruled out.

    Also, non-primary sources include the rental of property. Well, this is understandable if you already have a business and it has some kind of commercial property: official cars, or apartments, or retail space.

    Something else important

    There is such a task in the Unified State Examination in social studies of the second part of the test, in which you need to make a plan on a similar topic. By the way, I will now lay out this plan, which I made with my own hand. I do not recommend writing it off directly, because if it is published here, it is no longer unique.

    Plan for the task of the second part:

    Topic: Main sources of business financing

    1. The concept of a source of business financing.
    2. Internal sources
    • Profit from the lease of the company's assets
    • Financial savings
    • Profit from the sale of company shares

    3. External sources

    • Bank loans
    • Investment funds
    • Public funding: e.g. through a system of grants

    4. Financing a business as a condition for the success of its operation

    5. Business planning as a condition for providing business with financing

    I think you got the idea on this topic! Share the article on social networks, and also join our Vkontakte group.

    Sincerely, Andrey Puchkov