Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Q: What is patina?

On July 1, 2018, a new state standard on paperwork GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “SIBID. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the execution of documents "(hereinafter - GOST R 7.0.97-2016). This is a great opportunity to create a local normative act(LNA) on paperwork. In the article, we will consider the sources of information for creating instructions, which sections can be included in it, and also how it can be adapted for ease of use.

Instructions for office work - LNA, which is not included in the list of mandatory internal normative documents organizations (with the exception of state organizations), but its importance cannot be overestimated. Unless, of course, the organization monitors its image.


When creating an instruction for office work, it is advisable to be guided by the following documents:

GOST R 7.0.8-2013 "SIBID. Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions” (hereinafter - GOST R 7.0.8-2013);

GOST R 7.0.97-2016.

As a sample, we recommend using departmental instructions. For example, standard instruction on paperwork and archive work in customs authorities Russian Federation. This document can be used as a basis for both content and presentation of information.


When creating instructions, much depends on the principles by which the organization conducts office work. Instructions are small and large organization with a wide branch network and a custom-designed system electronic document management will be very different.

We list the sections of the instruction that can be included in universal instruction(We will start from the fact that electronic documents and their turnover of the conditional organization are not alien):

1. General Provisions.

2. Terms and definitions.

3. Requirements for paperwork.

4. Organization of work with documents.

5. Features of working with electronic documents.

6. Reception, processing, registration and distribution of incoming correspondence.

7. Registration and sending of outgoing documents.

8. Organization of the execution of documents and instructions.

9. Features of preparation and execution certain types documents.

The list can be supplemented, for example, with the sections “Electronic document management system”, “Peculiarities of working with citizens’ appeals”, “Recording and implementation of decisions of meetings”, etc. As for archiving, it is better to develop your own LNA for it, because, as a rule, in organizations only clerks are involved.


Of course, using the "copy-paste" combination is the easiest. You can take whole pieces from GOST, departmental LNA, or even from the instructions of friendly organizations. You just don't have to do it. Someone who, and the developer of the document, must know the text of his creation to the last letter. We recommend going the long way and typing the instructions by hand, section by section.

Along the way, the text of the instruction must be provided with examples, explaining, for example, how to draw up the props "Name of organization" - with the name of your organization, and not some other. In the examples for the details "Signature" or "Visa", you must show the names of those officials who work in the organization.

In addition, manually typing instructions will help avoid misunderstandings such as the words "in government agency executive power” instead of the words “in the Society”, the names and surnames are clearly from another, unknown whose, document.


Let's give an algorithm for working on instructions for office work (Scheme).

The draft instruction is its text, which the secretary submits for approval officials organizations. Of course, each organization has its own composition of coordinating persons for different types documents, but the instructions for office work, most likely, will be studied by everyone: this is the LNA, which will be used in every structural unit without exception.

The agreed text of the office work instruction is submitted to the CEO for approval.

The introduction of an instruction into action is not just its approval and not even distribution to structural divisions. It is important to make sure that the manual is used daily so that it becomes a useful reference for colleagues.


The office work instruction approved by the director is the result of a huge amount of work, but that's not all. Now you need to adapt the instructions for use. To do this, the instruction file must be modified using MS Word.

Creating navigation

If the headings in the instruction text are marked exactly as headings (see menu Style in MS Word), and not just bold or italic, then the document will be more convenient to use. When you press a keyboard shortcut ctrl+f menu will open on the left Navigation, and the user only needs one click on the title to go to the desired section.

Adding hyperlinks

Hyperlinks in the text, especially to terms and appendices to paragraphs, will greatly simplify the user's work on the instruction. How much easier it is to click, for example, on the link "Appendix No. 4" and get to Appendix No. 4 (and back - also using a hyperlink) than to search for it throughout the text.

Enter full text search

The finished and approved office work instructions must be saved in an unchangeable format. For example, save MS Word file as PDF. Then full-text search will be available in it, hyperlinks and headings will work.


For the first time, the instructions for office work being introduced for the first time will almost certainly be perceived by employees with hostility: still, because there were no rules before, and now there is a whole volume that everyone still needs to study. Well, it's completely normal phenomenon: in the language of management, the adoption of any new corporate law is called organizational change. Organizational change does not pass in the organization without resistance from workers. The main thing is to be patient, and after a while they will get used to the instructions and begin to use it. And in order for this “some time” to come faster, you can go for small tricks, for example:

Do not hide from anyone that such a LNA is being developed, at any opportunity emphasize its necessity;

Focus the attention of colleagues on cases where the lack of approved rules for processing documents led to negative consequences: the director did not sign the document, the letter was not accepted for registration at the office of the state institution, an important contract was lost due to incorrect accounting;

To be interested in the opinion of colleagues on the preparation of documents. If someone has suggestions - great, they need to be listened to with special attention. It is not necessary to implement the idea, the main thing is for the author to feel that he is also a participant in the work on the instruction - they do not talk badly about their work. By the way, employees often throw up very practical thoughts “from outside”.


1. It is better to take the IR for federal executive authorities as a basis for developing instructions, also relying on state standards for office work and departmental instructions.

2. First, the draft instruction is coordinated in all structural divisions, then it is approved by the general director.

3. The instruction file must be adapted for ease of use: navigation and hyperlinks are created in it, thanks to the PDF format, full-text search is possible.

E.N. Kozhanova, specialist in preschool educational institutions and HR administration

What is office work and document flow (2019)? Tutorial, as well as modern economic dictionary, defines the workflow as the movement of documents between their compilers and executors along information technological chains, which makes it possible to inform all interested parties, bring the decisions made to them, and exercise accounting and control. In turn, office work is the activities for maintaining, updating and controlling documentation.

Because the value of information in modern world and business it is difficult to overestimate, office work and document flow of the organization play an important role. Often, the correctness of decision-making and the final result depend on the clarity and clarity of the wording, the speed of paperwork.

There are three types of document flow:

  • incoming (entering the organization);
  • outgoing (sent from the organization);
  • internal (documentation created and used by employees in the management process).

Stages of work

Work with documents in the organization is divided into stages.

For incoming:

  • receiving and processing;
  • preliminary consideration by the clerk;
  • registration;
  • consideration by the management of the organization and direction for execution;
  • execution control.

For outgoing:

  • development, design;
  • registration;
  • sending.

For internal:

  • development, design;
  • registration;
  • processing, execution, preparation of responses;
  • execution control.

For all:

  • accounting and analysis of document flow volumes;
  • storage.

The speed of passing through the stages directly depends on the correctness of paperwork, as well as on the norms of document flow approved by the organization. A sample regulation on document flow in an organization (2019) can be downloaded below.

GOSTs for office work 2019

The requirements for the execution of official documents at the present time are formulated in the national standard of the Russian Federation. He replaced the state standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 6.30-2003.

Acquaintance with GOST on office work, in our opinion, is useful to start with the study of terminology, which is described in detail by another national standard - (GOST office work and archives), since this knowledge will help to correctly understand and use professional vocabulary.

It defines the concepts used in the article:

  1. A document is information recorded on a carrier with details that allow it to be identified.
  2. Execution of the document - affixing the necessary details on the document.
  3. A document attribute is an element of document design.

GOST R 7.0.8-2013

Office work-2019: new requirements for paperwork

Taking into account the described definitions, consider the rules for formalizing official papers.

For those who have learned about the existence of a standard in the field of office work from this article, a detailed analysis of the sections of GOST will be useful. For experienced clerks, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the changes that came into force on 07/01/2018 along with.

A new important section immediately draws attention to itself. General requirements to the creation of documents”, which systematizes and describes the rules relating to all types of details, including text:

  • page numbers;
  • preferred typefaces and font sizes;
  • paragraph indent;
  • the value of line spacing, spacing between letters and words;
  • text alignment;
  • maximum line length for angular and longitudinal arrangement;
  • bold text selection rules;
  • title page layout.

All changes are aimed at improving the requirements. The list of requisites has been expanded, it has been added:

  • access restriction stamp;
  • mark of electronic signature;
  • Name structural unit— the author of the document;
  • the name of the position of the person - the author of the document.

Some details are combined into one, for example, the "reference data about the organization" variable may include not only the postal address and telephone number, but also OKPO, PSRN, TIN / KPP.

The section "Processing details" is supplemented with the rules for the use of introductory addresses and the final etiquette phrase, electronic signature, as well as the signature of the person acting as head.

Sample order execution in accordance with GOST (2019)