What hinders me at work, what helps. The main restrictions that hinder the effective work of employees

The researchers found out what most of all reduces the efficiency of the St. Petersburg employees. The top main reasons look like this: inconsistency of work between departments (57%), low salaries (46%), incomplete use of personal potential (42%), time pressure and stress (41%), lack of praise and rewards for Good work(38%), noisy colleagues and their chatter (33%). It is worth noting here that 51% of respondents admitted that they would work more productively in a secluded atmosphere - in a separate office, without colleagues nearby. The top of distracting factors is completed by demotivation by the behavior of superiors (33%) and poor attitude of management towards subordinates (29%). The study involved 2418 people.

“Similar studies were conducted in the late 1990s by the American company Gallup,” recalls Alevtina Borisova, Head of Human Resources at KPMG in Russia and the CIS. “After interviewing an impressive number of employees around the world, it was found that key factors in general, they do not differ much from country to country and do not change over a long period of time. Exceptions, of course, are countries with a special approach to management, such as Japan.

Irina Portnova, Senior Consultant at CEB SHL Russia&CIS, says the results of the HeadHunter survey are in line with what the company receives every year, surveying more than 8,000 employees in Russia and the CIS. Regardless of the region, a fair material reward for the efforts invested, recognition of merit by the management, a sense of comfort and the opportunity to realize one's potential always get into the rating. According to Tatyana Kanonerova, HeadHunter's career direction expert, the top factors do not change from year to year, because the cause of these factors is the same - weak management. "When managers poorly plan the work of employees, cannot establish interaction between departments and do not use strengths of their subordinates, people do not enjoy their work and do it poorly. And this is not a problem of recent years. The basic principles of a good leader are timeless,” she notes.

And yet it changes

However, not all experts consider top distractions to be static. So, Andrey Beloedov, Executive Director REHAU Eastern Europe Sales and Marketing, on the contrary, says that now there is a unique situation when the efficiency of employees is influenced by factors that most employers did not think about ten years ago. These changes are not caused by the policy of employers, but by deep social processes, such as the infantilization of society and scientific and technological progress, Andrei Beloedov believes.

Century 21 Russia conducts its own study every six months to identify potential reasons for the decline in the efficiency of employees. "Over the past 5 years, an increase wages the impact on the motivation of the employee has become less, - says Elena Uteleva, Deputy Director for Human Resources. - In 2011, 52% of our respondents spoke about financial incentives. In 2016, this figure was only 39%.

If earlier people were more interested in a decent salary, respect and non-material incentives bosses, now the opportunity to realize their abilities is valued. "Please note that the reasons with an emotional component are aggravated first of all, to put it simply - every year people need more and more to be understood," says Olga Kornienko, Vice President for personnel policy FGEC "Span". Vladimir Vinogradov, President of Pro-Vision Group of Companies, says that the main factor that influenced the top reasons for the decline in staff efficiency is the change of generations. Instead of workers X (born from 1963 to 1983), millennials took over the job, they are also Y (born from 1983 to 2003). That is why intangible factors got into the top - the recognition of colleagues and management, Feedback And so on.

The director of the St. Petersburg representative office of the recruiting company, says that the rating compiled by HH indicates that employees have begun to pay more attention to their professional development and progress. “The level of salaries will always be in the top causes of discontent, but a picture is emerging that people understand that in order to further increase their well-being, they need to grow as a professional, solve more complex and responsible tasks. Hence the appearance in the top of reasons not of a purely material nature.

For example, inconsistency in work practically nullifies the effectiveness of an employee, he runs in place instead of moving on, which means he does not develop. For example, noisy colleagues. It would seem, join and lead, because "the salary is dripping." But it is more important for many to fulfill their tasks with high quality, grow as a professional and achieve new heights," the expert argues.

What the survey results say

HeadHunter research data shows that there are three main reasons that reduce the productivity of staff, says Elena Kudryavtseva, Associate Professor of the Department of Management at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. "The first of them is the abundance of low-quality jobs, saturated with a large amount of routine work. Working in such positions quickly provokes burnout, leading to a drop in performance," the expert says.

The second problem is the design of the workspaces. Open spaces (from the English open space - open space) were introduced in a Western manner for more convenient teamwork, but as a result they deprived employees of the opportunity to focus on solving their problems and increased stress. Experts explain: 55% of those surveyed want to work in separate rooms because they have become individualists.

The third reason for the decline in performance, according to Kudryavtseva, is the nature corporate culture, which allows either constant mixing of work and personal communication, or, conversely, too harsh attitude towards employees in the form of requirements of special asceticism that does not allow any distractions at work. "Both of them equally negatively affect employees, experts specify.

The high percentage of employees who named stress as an important factor (41%) that interferes with their effectiveness is due to the fact, psychologists explain, that people are tired of working in the format of a feat, as required by the employer over the past years of crisis. Proverb " best motivation is the presence of work" has already stopped working.

“Some time ago, a really large percentage of employees participating in such studies noted that the stable position of the company in the market (“I am protected, I will not be fired”), the availability of social packages and, of course, the level of wages are important for them. The results of today's surveys show that the emphasis has shifted to the essence of work and the desire of employees to use their potential to the maximum,” confirms psychologist Yulia Pryakhina.

Note to boss

"The top main reasons for the decline in the efficiency of employees will be aggravated and expanded: the thinking systems of managers and performers do not keep pace with development modern world", - warns business coach Oleg Aavi.

In the struggle for the efficiency of employees, employers are forced to come up with various measures. “Last year, we launched the Make My Life Easier project, which encourages employees to streamline their workflows: contact each other less with urgent requests, respect the time of their colleagues, reduce the number of meetings, reduce the number of letters, and so on,” says the business. – HR partner of Coca-Cola HBC Russia Galina Podovzhnaya on how the company deals with distractions.

Pro-Vision Group conducted a survey similar to HH for its employees and, based on its results, developed a campaign aimed at increasing the motivation and involvement of staff. It was called "Pro-Vision Dream Team: 18+": the company organized a photo shoot for its employees, the purpose of which was to make the employee feel like eighteen again. The photo results were then put into a calendar for employees, customers and partners. employees as stars, and did not hide their backstage (behind the scenes - ed.)," the company explained.

In order not to lose specialists due to the lack of praise for good work, SearchInform began using the TimeInformer program, which shows department heads the productivity of employees so that they can clearly see when and who to reward.

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A look inside the profession

Today, teachers are required to provide high scores for the Unified State Examination, mastering computer technologies, mastering a competence-based approach, and fostering patriotism...
All these tasks teachers have to solve in the conditions of continuous modernization changes. And it is clear that in such circumstances, teachers have a lot of professional and psychological problems that require special attention, including from the educational authorities. But for some reason, managers rarely show interest in these difficulties and the desire to mitigate the situation.
We present the results of one of the few studies
where teachers were asked the question: what hinders your professional self-realization? The study was conducted by employees of the sociological laboratory of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College in the schools of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And in order to compare the point of view of Krasnoyarsk teachers with the position of teachers from other regions, we analyzed the content of the questionnaires of participants in the Creative Teachers Network www.it-n.ru/ (ITN). When registering on this portal, participants fill in certain columns, including the column “main problems with which
I encounter at work."

Demands are rising, funds...

What are teachers called as factors hindering their professional self-realization? Most often - lack of time, which is eaten up by excessive workload (both academic and extracurricular).
The problem of lack of time was noted by 30% of teachers in the city of Krasnoyarsk, 33.1% of teachers from small towns and 24.3% of rural teachers. Respondents associate it with a large weekly study load, which has to be taken due to low wages. And also with the need to fulfill “non-core” instructions from the school administration and other authorities: “It feels like we are doing the work of some additional services: both social and medical…” (rural area).
The second most frequently mentioned negative factor is a large amount of paperwork that distracts from the main activity. 25.6% of teachers in schools in Krasnoyarsk and 23% of teachers in rural schools pointed to an overload of documentation and a significantly increased number of various kinds of reporting.
During the survey, teachers often pointed to the weakness of the material and technical base of the school. At the same time, the teachers of the regional center, as a rule, focused on the incomplete computer equipment of classrooms, insufficient number of interactive whiteboards, at school in two shifts, and their colleagues from the village - in the absence of elementary teaching aids: globes, drawing tools, and others.

And so that all the "zones" were!

It is noteworthy that, according to many teachers, professional self-realization is hindered by low learning motivation children, their mental passivity. Teachers are concerned about the growing number of students with mental retardation and the general low level of development of students, especially in schools on the outskirts, "non-status", which does not allow the implementation of educational projects.
Teachers are also concerned about the large number of migrant children who do not speak Russian well (and often do not know it at all), and the increased number of children whose parents do not pay due attention to their upbringing. These problems were more often noted by Krasnoyarsk teachers (11.6%).
Rural teachers more often express regret about the lack of professional knowledge, skills and work experience (20.5%). They feel a lack of understanding current trends in education, lack necessary qualifications, project experience. Older rural teachers often spoke about their inability to use Internet resources and their unwillingness to use information and communication technologies.
Another problem is the interaction with parents of students. It manifests itself most acutely in the regional center: 8 percent of teachers in Krasnoyarsk admitted that they fail to find mutual understanding with their parents and this negatively affects their professional activities.
The problem of overcrowding in classes was especially noted: “Working in conditions where there are 30 people in the first class is an almost impossible task today! We are required to have a “physical culture zone”, that there is a “green zone”, that there is a “play zone”, to put up 15 desks, seat 30 people, but how to do this? It's unreal! A huge pile of books, pencils, pens are laid out on the desks! The guys pass between the tables - they have little space, they can hit. And I have to watch the kids in the classroom so that no one climbs the stairs, and in the corridor I also have to watch where they run, jump, play. And now you’re just torn between children… We gave 20 children – let them be 20, you can still somehow keep track of them, and 30 is hard” (small town).

“We are being turned into “reporters””

And how do teachers from other regions see the factors that reduce the effectiveness of professional activity? Here is what the analysis of 120 questionnaires of teachers who registered on the Creative Teachers Network (ITN) portal showed. In most of the statements of ITN participants, the same problems emerged as in the study of the sociological laboratory of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College. True, here the problem of “extra and meaningless papers that take up a lot of time” came out on top in terms of frequency of mention. Negative emotions about this were expressed by 32.5% of teachers: “Endless reports, plans, programs, diagnostics – today it is by their presence that the work of a teacher is evaluated” (Tambov). “We are being turned into hacks, or rather reporters. And where is the work eye to eye?..” (Krasnodar Territory).
15% of respondents complained about the lack of time due to the need to take an additional teaching load, reduction of hours for certain subjects and other reasons. Dissatisfaction with the meager material and technical base of the school was expressed by 13.3% of the network participants. As a rule, we are talking about an insufficient number of computers, interactive whiteboards, low Internet speed, a shortage of visual aids and handouts.

Oh, and colleagues are heavy on the rise!

It is significant that, as in the Krasnoyarsk study, many teachers include the following as the most problematic factors: low academic motivation, undisciplined behavior of students (9.1%) and lack of mutual understanding with parents (8.3%): “The upbringing of children today leaves much to be desired . There is no desire for knowledge. Parents want to see a servant in a teacher” (Altai Territory). “The most terrible problem is the indifference of the students' parents” (Sverdlovsk region).
But there is also a difference from the data of Krasnoyarsk sociologists. A rather significant part of teachers (8.3%) see the inertia of colleagues and administration as a serious problem. Members of the Creative Teachers Network note with sadness “colleagues’ unwillingness to change something in their work” (Voskresensk, Moscow region), “unwillingness to introduce new working methods” (Emanzhelinsk, Chelyabinsk region), “colleagues’ irritation when “spouting ideas” "" (Irkutsk).

7 tips for making money from your own hobby

Making money doing what you love is a tempting goal. Especially if this income is significant. A positive result for the beginning will be the opportunity to earn at least some amount of money, thanks to doing what you love.

It is clear that the more effective our work, the higher the result. And it affects our characteristics and value as an employee. financial reward etc. However, we are not always able to organize our activities in the right direction. There are factors that prevent us from working effectively. Which?

1. Postponingon thetomorrowTogo, whatcandotoday

E-mail is bursting with unsorted letters, the contract, which was required to be handed over a month ago, has not been signed, and the taken project has remained at the development stage. The reasons for delays may vary. Some people don't like working on a schedule. For others, a stupor begins from the importance and tight deadlines for completing the work. It is difficult for someone to separate the important from the secondary, while others are afraid to admit their incompetence to colleagues and stall because they do not dare to ask for advice. The use of delays, as a rule, concerns not only you, but also your colleagues. In fact, you do not put off work, but fear the need to make a decision, because it causes strong emotions. The reason may lie in early childhood, when you did something that caused a negative reaction from parents, teachers or other significant adults. It was then that the fear of making a mistake appeared, which intensified over time. Fear of punishment overpowers the desire to act.

Talk to a colleague you trust and ask for their help. Isolate 1-2 main tasks from those that you put off. After completing them, grab the 2 others and so on. Properly prioritized and colleague feedback will help you to rely on yourself better and save a lot of nerves.

2. Reluctancerecognize, whatthiscompanynotyour

On weekdays, you do your best to reset your alarm. You are chronically late for work and have to come up with a reason for your lateness every time. There are no development prospects, you count every minute until the end of the working day, and sometimes call your boss and say that you are sick, although anyone could envy your health. You are so tired of endless survival that you simply don’t have the strength to think about other options. You may be tormented by guilt that you will take and leave the company like this, which, however, plays into the hands of your superiors. And it may also seem that you will not be able to find anything better.

If you are in doubt whether to leave or stay, then ask yourself just a few questions: “If I had to start my career over again, would I choose this path?”, “If yes, then why?”, “If not, then why” ?, "Why do I keep doing this?" Consider what the worst thing will happen to you if you leave this job. Determine the time frame you need to make a final decision. If the situation does not change, it's time to update your resume and start upgrading your skills. Also pay attention to how often you complain about the situation at work to colleagues and friends. It is quite possible that the endless stream of complaints tires those who could support you.

3. Inabilitydelegateresponsibility

Surely you follow the principle: "If you want to do something well, do it yourself." In some situations, this, no doubt, justifies itself. If you always act in accordance with this principle, then you simply have an endless stream of work. Many employers take great advantage of this, increasing the employee's workload more and more, because they know that, under pain of death, he will not say that it is hard for him, because he simply does not want to admit his imaginary weakness. It also happens that the removal of certain duties leads to misunderstanding and indignation. You may feel that you have been infringed on your rights or insulted. The unwillingness to delegate responsibility is nothing but overcontrol. Unwillingness to share work with others is an expression of distrust. Most often, overcontrol is inherent in people who from childhood carried a lot of responsibility for younger brothers and sisters, who grew up in families with alcoholics, where they had to take on many household responsibilities, or who did not receive attention from their parents, which required constant tension in order to be good and earn their praise.

Think about what exactly you want to entrust to a colleague. Set aside time and space for the person to watch you do what they have to do. After that, let him get down to business under your supervision. At the last stage, act as a "learner" or watch a colleague teach someone else. If it seems to you that no one can do this except you, remember the saying “even a hare can be taught to smoke” and try again.

4. Desirelikecolleagues

How will they treat a boss who avoids conflicts with subordinates or redoes all the work for them? Naturally, without respect. Or maybe you yourself have recently come to new team and go out of your way to please your colleagues? At first, such attempts are touching, then they annoy, and then they cause a strong desire to mock you. Most often, women are prone to such behavior, because. their self-esteem depends on relationships with others, while for men, self-esteem is associated with competence. The desire to please is most often expressed in the fact that a person does not just work, but works hard to earn the approval of colleagues. The actions of such a person are carefully planned and organized. he simply does not give himself the right to make a mistake in something. Such people cannot say "no", even if the request of a colleague may disrupt their plans.

Ask yourself how did you behave as a child? Have you done anything specifically to earn the praise and approval of your parents? Instead of thinking of yourself as a puppy that wants to be petted, think of yourself as the owner of that puppy—the person you want to respect. Learn to say no. If it seems to you that disaster will follow after rejection, then think about all the successful people you know. Surely, when they said no, they achieved their goals faster and did not waste their energy on unnecessary requests.

5. Straightness

Some people get truly great pleasure from the fact that they cut the truth-womb, no matter what. It seems to them that they are the only ones able to tell the truth in person, because. the rest just don't dare. In a meeting, they may interrupt a colleague with the question, “How long are you going to talk?” or "You came up with another idiotic idea." An attempt by others, colleagues, management to ask for restraint runs the risk of such a person being misunderstood, and this may be followed by statements that if it were not for him, then no one at this job would call a spade a spade. In most cases, direct statements are a demand for attention. Often this feature is a defensive reaction that has been fixed since childhood, when, in order to attract the attention of parents, the child said something funny or offensive, and this was guaranteed to lead to a result.

When you feel like making a snarky remark, count to five. If your goal is not constructive criticism, but to draw attention to your person, then it is better to just remain silent. If you really care what others think of you, then you should ask yourself: “Why are you so persistently waiting for a reaction to your words?” You may be annoyed by certain people, but it's best to show respect for their boundaries. Take a closer look at colleagues who are universally respected. Pay attention to his demeanor, listen to what and how he says, how he answers questions. Try this look on yourself, because it might suit you.

Of course, this is not the whole list of what can interfere with your work. You may well supplement it yourself, having gained experience with similar difficulties.

9 qualities that interfere with work! No one will argue with the fact that, thanks to certain qualities and skills, successful people succeed, do successful careers, decently earn and many other things. It is quite natural that they succeed much more than their colleagues and competitors due to qualities that do not interfere with them in this, but just help.

  • Having agreed with this statement, it is quite logical to accept the fact that certain qualities can significantly interfere with our work, slowing it down incredibly, turning our labor activity into pathetic attempts that have nothing to do with efficiency and high productivity.

What great achievements can we expect if our car will slip in place with enviable regularity and constancy? Try to neutralize in yourself at least a few qualities that incredibly interfere not only in work, but also in life.


In some cases, even laziness can be useful, but not during work, especially if we plan to achieve something and strive for something. The sooner we deal with the neutralization or weakening of this "quality", the more we will achieve. Laziness !

2. Inability to communicate.

Working in modern companies, you need to be able to communicate, make useful contacts and win the sympathy of colleagues and management. Spitting on the development of this quality, you can arouse such antipathy for yourself that not only your career will be covered with a copper basin, but your colleagues will also treat you as an outcast, from whom it is better to stay away.

3. Lack of initiative.

From the workers of modern offices, it is implicitly expected that they, at least occasionally, will submit their own initiatives to improve the work of the company, increase profitability, interesting ideas about attracting new customers and the like. The same employees who work quietly and imperceptibly, without touching anyone and without offering anything, are not valuable employees today.

  • Moreover, you can always painlessly part with them at the first opportunity.

4. Non-punctuality.

You need to be a very good specialist so that you can allow yourself to behave as you please. If you are not an extra-class specialist, then this quality will interfere in your work and career incredibly. Most likely, you will end your trip to the top of your career somewhere at its foot...

5. Modesty.

In today's realities, you yourself must be able to convey to management information about your successes, specific results and the contribution that you personally made to the development of the company. You can be modest anywhere, but not at work, because less modest colleagues will easily and with great pleasure bypass you "on the turn." Because of this quality, a huge number of promising employees have remained - forever budding ... More on this in.

6. Inability to concentrate.

Why can some people cope with something in an hour, while others do not even have half a day for the same business? It's all about concentration! All these distractions - checking your mail as often as possible, seeing what sensations have happened in the world today, arguing about nothing with colleagues at work or on the phone, etc., have nothing to do with concentrating on what is being done at the moment. task.

  • Did you get the job done quickly? Bravo! Now you can do whatever your heart desires. But during the work itself, all this will incredibly interfere, slow down the whole process and drag out time indecently even in those primitive things that could be done in a jiffy.

7. Lack of independence.

Who needs a little baby kindergarten at work, who needs to chew everything, explain and lead by the hand? Adulthood is adulthood! If you do not learn to be independent, then no one will lisp with you for a long time.

8. Inability to properly plan working days.

Where does your working day start? From the very first thing on a pre-compiled list of important tasks, or just random? In the second case, the results of your efforts will be so miserable that you can only dream of a normal income. Before it's too late, learn, and do not waste precious time on empty activities.

9. Dishonesty.

This quality only for the time being may not bring you any tangible harm. But, believe me, sooner or later, dishonesty will come out sideways, bringing much more harm than the benefits that you managed to get at one time “thanks to” this terrible quality.

  • Try to behave decently not only in relation to work, but also in everyday life.

It's never too late to think about educating yourself. If you can "boast" all of the above qualities that interfere with work, then it is in your best interest to deal with them properly - immediately!

Every morning, when we come to the office, we find ourselves in a situation where everyone around seems to have conspired to distract each other from their work duties. We devote 20 minutes to chatting with girlfriends, another half hour to a coffee break, and then a few minutes on the Web - photos of desserts and cats cannot wait. In the end, the case is not completed, although it did not require huge efforts or time. "How so? After all, I was at work! ”- you think.

Any piece of advice from top time management coaches would argue that certain tasks require us to take a series of long stretches of time. For example, to compile an important report is three hours of working time and they must be devoted to work without interruptions and communication with colleagues or superiors. By the way, this explains the habit of some employees to arrive earlier or leave later - at this time, no one bothers us to work.

I have no idea how long my employees work. I just know that they do what needs to be done.

Jason Freed names two key issues that distract us from work: M&M is managers and events, as he calls them. The task of managers is precisely to constantly ask you: “How are you doing with an important partner? How are things going?" And we immediately begin to talk about successes, or more often we say: “Well, I’m just finishing.” But all this is the lesser evil of our work. Worst of all are the meetings. Jason Freed calls meetings "terrible, toxic, time-consuming at work." Do meetings and managers really affect work in a positive way? At least when there are too many of them - definitely not.


Jason Freed offers several ways to get rid of negative impact M&M:

    Organize a time when colleagues will not interfere with each other's work. For example, “silent Thursday”, when in the afternoon everyone will go about their work, without being distracted by extraneous matters, mail, social networks and meetings. Surprisingly, even in half a day quality work You can do much more than just a few days of work in the usual mode.

    Move all meetings online. Without five minutes of waiting, patting on the back and other corporate rituals: we can read messages at the time and in the order that is convenient for each employee.

    And as Jason Freed says, the smartest thing to do is cancel unnecessary meetings. Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon such events, but reducing the number in order to increase the quality is a brilliant idea! Then each employee will have more time to do their work and this time will be distributed according to an individual plan.

Our meetings are rare. I hate them. It's just a waste of time, and, moreover, expensive. It takes not one hour, but ten, because you are taking 10 people away from work.