Sports manager training. Functions of a sports manager

Maxim Belitsky, Head of the International School of Sports Management MIRBIS

What does a sports manager do

Common people sometimes confuse the concepts of "manager" and "agent". If, for example, we talk about football, then a personal agent “attaches” athletes, that is, provides a lucrative contract and earns on the transfer of athletes from one club to another. The sports manager has a wider field of activity. He may work for a professional or amateur sports organization, or entrepreneurial activity, for example, invest in the development of private schools or tournaments, in the search and professional growth of talented athletes who then fight for the title. That is, a sports manager is a person who helps any sports organization to earn money, while receiving bonuses for Good work, or someone who invests money in sports and builds a business on it.

In Russia, the specifics are such that the sports manager helps the club to become attractive to any audience. He not only sells the rights of the athlete and achieves an adequate salary, but also contributes to the development of the sports organization as a whole. This can be a sponsorship manager, marketing manager, match manager, Financial Manager or a football academy manager who "raises" athletes and then sells them to bigger clubs. In any case, this is a person who creates income opportunities.

Not every manager is athletic

You can get the profession of a sports manager in specialized educational institutions where, in addition to basic knowledge, sports specifics are also taken into account. But it happens that a person with a legal, financial, sociological, marketing education or with an education in the field of classical management comes into sports if he is fond of it or already has experience in this field. Sports managers grow out of such people, who purposefully come to study at specialized programs.

MIRBIS has programs of the "International School of Sports Management", where experts and teachers representing the world's leading sports markets offer very high quality, practice-oriented knowledge. But they need to be adapted to the realities of the Russian market. Usually in such programs more attention is paid to the business course, that is, the managerial and entrepreneurial component. But they also talk about narrow areas like marketing, sponsorship, event, commercial activity football academies; and sports entrepreneurship. Students learn how to build their own business.

Profession for sports fans

The advantage of being a sports manager is that the beginning of a career is usually mild - you can start growing from working in a team of a small club. In addition, this is an ideal profession for true sports fans. Often it is those who play, get sick, and monitor the results of matches that come to work. So your favorite thing becomes a profession, which means that work brings pleasure. I myself have no managerial, economic or marketing education, but my passion for sports brought me here, and I have been working successfully for 14 years. Being “in the field”, you feel the energy of the stands, you see the drive on the site, and every day of work is more and more positive emotions. This is probably one of the most emotional professions, and it can only be compared with show business.

Lack of work is the main disadvantage

In terms of clubs and federations, the Russian sports industry is poorly structured, and graduates of sports universities can waste their time trying to get a job. We have few sports organizations that are business-oriented, so all financial costs are covered not by the organization itself, but by the state, big business, regions, etc. On the one hand, this gives rise to the unprofessionalism of sports managers. On the other hand, the opportunities of those who really know their business well and want to earn money in their area of ​​work in a sports organization or in own business. As a result, there is no creativity, innovation, no movement forward. Sports often do not compete with other types of entertainment for the audience.

Connections are everything

Connections play a huge role in the career of any manager, and the more communicative a person is, the more likely he is to succeed. The more friends you have, the more actively your own “sales funnel” works. A sports manager must be in constant good shape, communication and networking are his main responsibilities. the manager improves his reputation and acquires significance and attractiveness in the eyes of employees. With the help of personal agreements, he is able to reduce costs and attract new income.

As in any sales, a sports manager must also be able to convince his customers that his product is the best. And connections help him move up the career ladder. For example, in the German sports industry, managers constantly communicate with customers at matches, they get to know the audience, get information for analytical data and for optimizing operations. By communicating, they receive information, for example, that potential customers can redeem sponsorship packages or additional hospitality locations. The main rule is that in any communication there should be a benefit.

Ideal sports manager

The main qualities that a sports manager should possess are sociability and assertiveness. Not only sociability is important, but also knowledge of languages ​​- at least English. A sports manager is a public person, and here you need to be able to contact both potential clients and your subordinates, with superiors and other departments in a sports club. Analyst skills are also important - the ability to cook information materials for other employees of the sports organization. The profession is very diverse and requires great dedication, round-the-clock work of the brain, therefore it is very important for a sports manager.

Can an athlete become a manager

As a rule, an entrepreneur who creates his own sports section hires a head coach or a sports director who is responsible specifically for the sports component. At the same time, athletes themselves rarely become good sports managers. I believe that it is very difficult for them to reorganize after the end of their sports career to other activities, because most of the time they devoted to training and performances. At the same time, many sports organizations are run by organizations that do not have necessary knowledge for project management. Because of what these organizations suffer financial disasters. This problem is typical not only for Russia, but also for foreign countries. Only a quarter of former athletes are capable of becoming sports managers.

But retraining is also possible: annual advanced training programs, professional retraining And corporate programs aimed at people who already have a basic education. Therefore, the former athlete for successful career manager must first obtain a classic higher education not related to sports.

Sports manager is part of a big team

Team sports clubs have a head coach, coaching staff, as well as a selection department and a sports director who are looking for and attracting players. The club also has a staff that deals with the recovery of players, general physical training, nutrition - this is a self-sufficient structure within a sports organization. The next component of the system is the marketing and commercial structure. The match is sold as a product: tickets, paraphernalia, meals, VIP services, sponsors, etc. In addition, there is administrative staff who controls all this - office managers, lawyers, financiers, security service, etc.

Together, we get a well-coordinated mechanism that generates funds, monetizes the passion of the fans, attracts marketers, designers and places advertising.

In professional sports, the team is the basis of the profit-making system, because the better the team plays, the more fans are interested in it. Of course, due to various factors, the team cannot always win, but it is obliged to show development and play with dedication so that the fans can see it. After all, their passion is the main engine of the sports business. The task of the sports manager is to ensure that the mood of the fan does not depend on the result of the match. This requires the friendliness of the staff, the appropriate environment, shows and security measures.

Career in the Russian sports industry

Ideally, a manager's career should begin with internships, but in our country, in sports organizations, unfortunately, they are quite rare. For example, in Germany, an internship lasts an average of 3 to 6 months, after which a person rises to the first stage of a practical career. He understands what he will actually do. Those who come for internships have a chance to gain a foothold in this organization, and maybe make useful contacts. Here it is important to communicate, carry out all the instructions, turn on the imagination and try to analyze the situation and improve it. Of course, this will draw the attention of management to a potential manager.

Everyone has a chance to get a good job, at least at the level of satisfaction of primary ambitions. It happens that in sports organizations there are no rates of managers, sometimes one works in this capacity Executive Director who does everything at once. Here, a former graduate may be offered to attract commercial partners and work for free to gain experience and interest from the transaction. This way is common, but rather unreliable.

The first stage of professional success is work in a large club, a successful sports organization that is in plain sight - in such football clubs as Spartak, Zenit, Krasnodar, etc. The next stage of a career is getting a solid income, that is, attracting large sponsorship companies, contracts. This is work in commercial companies, in agencies, at stadiums of the World Cups, in organizing committees, for example, in the Russian branch of FIFA, which is now preparing for the 2018 World Cup. And the peak of a career can be a functioning sports business or systematic earnings and development in commercial sports organization. It is widely believed that in our sport, earnings are not an indicator of success. Another thing is the creation and development of a club that has existed for many years. This is already a huge achievement, since our sport is still far from being a business.

Sports management. Principles, functions, management methods

Question 1. Definition of concepts: "sports management",

"sports manager"

As you already know from the course "Economics of FKiS" in each country there are various industries national economy (tangible and intangible production), including industry physical education and sports. This is an objective basis for the development, along with the general theory of management, of special industry theories that reflect the specific patterns of industry management.

Sports management is an area of ​​scientific and practical activity, one of the types of industry-specific management. Sports management is the theory and practice of effective management of physical culture and sports organizations in the conditions of market relations.

The object of sports management as an independent science is a set of organizations of the country's physical culture and sports orientation, i.e. a certain set of FSOs - sports schools, sports clubs, sports teams (by sports), stadiums, sports and recreation centers, sports federations. The product of the activity of the FSO is the production of physical culture and sports services, i.e. organized forms of physical management and sports, sports training programs, sports spectacles, etc.

The subject of sports management is managerial relations that develop in the process of interaction between the subject and the object of management within organizations of a physical culture and sports orientation and the interaction of these organizations with the external environment in the process of production and distribution of physical culture and sports services.

The essence of sports management lies in the purposeful influence of the subject of management on the managed object to ensure the transfer of the object to a new qualitative state, i.e. from the initial, initial state to the desired, planned one.

common goal sports management is to ensure the effective functioning of physical culture and sports organizations in the current market conditions in Russia.

The task of sports management is the knowledge of the patterns of functioning and social development FKiS in society and the development of a mechanism for purposeful effective management of these processes.

The birth of a sports manager as a profession is associated with the appearance of the positions of leaders of the FSO.

A sports manager is characterized as a specialist who owns the art scientific management FSO, holding a leading position in it and endowed with the right to make management decisions. What is the scope of a sports manager?

Individual elements management activities To a certain extent, they are inherent in all categories of FC&S employees - coaches, teachers, FC teachers, instructors:

The coach is recruiting for the sport. school, keeps records, analysis, generalization of the results of work;

The instructor organizes

Question 2. Functions and roles of a sports manager

There is a certain division of labor in sports organizations, and sports managers perform various tasks. Therefore, sports managers perform a number of functions in organizations.

1. The decision-making function is expressed in the fact that the manager determines the direction of the organization's activities, decides on the allocation of resources. Right of acceptance management decisions only the manager has, he is also responsible for the consequences of the decisions made.

2. The information function is that the manager collects information about the internal and external environment of the FSO, disseminates this information in the form of facts and regulatory guidelines, explains to the staff the policy, immediate and long-term goals of the organization.

3. The function of the leader - that is, the manager forms relationships within the organization, motivates activities, coordinates the efforts of members of the organization, acts as a representative of the organization in interaction with other organizations.

The art of management is characterized by the peculiarities of the ability of a sports manager to apply generally accepted principles, methods, management technology in their specific management activities.

Managers working in the field of production of sporting goods and in the field of providing physical culture and sports services must have:

specific technical skills:

1) production skills;

2) the ability to use sports equipment, the ability to establish the relationship between physical activity, diet, etc.



From the above concepts of "management" and "management" it follows that they represent systems.

system (in general view) can be characterized as something whole, consisting of interrelated and interdependent parts, the interaction of which generates new integrative qualities that are not inherent in individual components

Any system has two main content characteristics.

First, integrity: the system is a set of concrete, with their inherent properties and the nature of the relationship of parts.

Secondly, divisibility: the system consists of subsystems that also have system properties, that is, they can be represented as systems of a lower level.

A management (management) system is a system in which management (management) functions are implemented.

The control system can be represented as an interaction of three elements. The first element is the subject of control. As the second element of control (management) or the control part of the system that has a managerial impact, the third element of the system is the control object

In the management system of physical culture and sports (as an industry), the subjects are primarily federal agency executive authorities and executive authorities of subjects Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as other state and public administration, and as objects - physical culture and sports organizations of various levels and nature.

The objectives of the impact differ depending on the specific characteristics of the subject and object of management: for example, if the goal of the Russian Olympic Committee is to ensure common policy development of elite sports, then the goal of sports federations is to ensure the development of a particular sport at all its levels, from mass to elite sports.

In the management system in physical culture and sports, the subject is the head of the organization (collegiate management body), his deputies or heads of individual departments, and the object is the team of employees of the organization (department) or individual performers.

The goal of management in physical culture and sports is the desired, possible and required state FSO (industry) to be achieved.

Determination of the goal is the initial stage of the management process in FKiS, since in its content it characterizes a purposeful impact.

The management process as the interaction of the subject and the object is carried out with the help of a specific mechanism.

The mechanism of management in physical culture and sports is a complex of forms, methods and means that ensures the effective implementation of the goals of physical culture and sports organizations, the most complete satisfaction of the needs of their employees and consumers of their socio-cultural services.

Question 4. Functions, principles of sports management

The functions of management in physical culture and sports are relatively separate areas of management activity that allow for management impact.

There are basic and specific functions of management (management). Currently, experts hold different opinions on the composition of the main functions of management. The most traditional inclusion in their composition of such functions as:







Let's take a closer look at each of the functions.

Planning - defines the goals of various sports organizations and the program of actions to achieve them. In other words, it answers the questions: “what to do? How to do?".

Organization - establishes formal relations in the course of the implementation of planned work among the performers. The organization answers the question: “Who will do it?”.

Motivation is the activity to create a system of incentives that activate and encourage employees of the organization to work effectively in accordance with the developed plans.

Leadership - is the process of influencing the various members of the organization to achieve the goals set for it. In order to be an effective leader, a manager must constantly expand his knowledge of motivational processes.

Control - an activity that includes monitoring the course of processes in the management object, comparing the value of the controlled parameter with a given program, identifying deviations from the program, their place, time, cause and nature.

Analysis - connects the position of the organization as a whole, its divisions and individual employees with the quality of work performed according to its final result. In the process of analysis, performance is evaluated, performance is compared with the standards laid down during planning.

The specific functions of the management of FKiS are the result of the division of managerial labor. They can be identified and characterized by the content of the managerial impact on a particular object.

These functions include:

physical education; organization of physical culture and sports work with the population; training of highly qualified athletes in sports; preparation of a sports reserve; holding sports competitions and sports and entertainment events; scientific and program-methodical support of physical education and sports development; organization of production of sporting goods; implementation of international sports relations

The principles of management in the field of physical culture and sport are the basic rules, regulations and norms of conduct that guide the governing bodies and individual managers in the process of exercising managerial influence.

The main principles of management in FKiS include the following:

1. The principle of scientific validity (a scientific approach in making managerial decisions, the use of objective laws and the application of the knowledge gained to ensure optimal management);

2. The principle of consistency in management determines the need to consider the FSO as an integral social system(means a comprehensive study of applied management decisions, analysis of all possible options for their implementation. It involves linking the solution of sports management problems with financial and material and technical resources).

3. The principle of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management involves the distribution of powers for making specific decisions at each level of the management hierarchy

4. The principle of material and moral incentives. This principle finds expression in the differentiation of wages for FSO employees and professional athletes. Along with the material, there is moral stimulation in the form of awarding sports titles and awarding prizes.

5. The principle of control optimization means achieving the set goal as soon as possible. short term and at the lowest cost of labor, financial resources and material resources.

6. The principle of democratization of management implies, along with unity of command, the formation of bodies of collective and collegiate leadership in the FSO.

7. The principle of legal protection of management decisions provides for reliance in management on existing legislation, legal support for management activities.

8. The principle of combining sectoral and territorial administration follows from Art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of issues of physical culture and sports.

Question 5. Management methods in the field of physical culture and sports

and choice of management methods

Management methods in the field of FKiS are specific ways of purposeful influence of the head of the FSO on its employees and control over their activities.

The most important from the point of view of management practice is the classification of methods based on the specifics of the relations that develop between FSO employees in the process of joint work. On this basis, management methods are divided into organizational, administrative, economic and socio-psychological.

1. Organizational methods. The essence is that before starting any activity, it is necessary to take a number of actions to organize it: the development of goals, standards, regulations; creation of projects; determination of methods and rules for specific actions. Application organizational methods creates the basis for activity. They are considered passive and form the basis for the use of active groups of methods - administrative, economic, socio-psychological.

2. Administrative methods (methods of power motivation). Their essence is in the open and regulated by certain norms forcing people to any activity. When they are applied, the head (manager) takes on full responsibility for the result of the activity, the performer is only responsible for the direct failure to comply with instructions.

3. Economic methods:

The method of differentiated wages for employees of the FSO;

The normative economic method of management consists in setting standards for financial costs for different kinds sports work, approval of the report card for providing athletes with clothing, shoes, etc.;

The method of direct target financing provides for financing from the federal budget: a) sports facilities and FSO of federal significance; b) research work in the field of physical culture and sports in accordance with the federal program; c) preparation and performance in the official international sports competitions of the national teams of Russia.

4. Socio-psychological methods. Their essence is in the formation of the psychological climate in the team, most in the best way contributing to the achievement of the highest labor results both in a single unit, department and at the enterprise as a whole. Along with the general moral climate, a high assessment of the individual achievements of each employee is applied.

Social and psychological methods include:

General: business conversation, meeting, teaching method, exercise method.

Creative and inhibitory methods of management: the method of persuasion, methods of approval and encouragement, condemnation and punishment.

The choice of management methods in sports management

The management method is a specific way to implement the functions of sports management and decision managerial tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to find and choose from the whole variety of known methods of managing FKiS those that have the greatest impact efficiency.

The choice of specific management methods by a sports manager depends on the following factors:

Goals and objectives of the sports organization to be achieved;

Features of the control object (potential and actual contingent of those involved);

Features of the subject of management (professional experience of a manager, social status of a sports club, federation);

Features of a specific management situation;

Possibilities and specifics of the arsenal of management methods available to the sports manager.

The effective application of management methods requires from the sports manager art, constant creative search, close attention to the social dynamics of the functioning and development of the sports organization, to changes in the internal and external conditions of the sports organization.



The specialization of the labor of managers is steadily developing. Therefore, along with general management, the so-called functional management is distinguished.

Let us briefly characterize the main functional varieties of management in physical culture and sports, which in their interconnected set represent the system.

Strategic management is a management activity consisting in choosing a sphere and a system of actions to achieve the long-term goals of a sports organization, taking into account constantly changing conditions external environment.

Strategic management, despite the fact that it is based on such a basic management function as planning, is neither a clearly defined course of action, nor even a concrete plan. Its essence is the concept of the activity of a physical culture and sports organization in specific conditions. In this regard, strategic management is the field of activity of the top management of a sports organization.

Strategic management as a general concept of the activity of a physical culture and sports organization in specific conditions is implemented in various plans and is closely related to such a functional variety of management as program (project) management.

Program (project) management is the activity of managing not permanent, but temporary objects, which are individual programs, projects or their combination.

Organizational management is a management activity based on general organizational principles (democratic centralism, hierarchy, a combination of sectoral and territorial management, responsibility, etc.) and aimed at implementing such a basic management function as the "organization" function.

Personnel management is a management activity that includes a set of activities aimed at the optimal formation labor collective physical culture and sports organization and the most complete use of his abilities in manufacturing process.

Innovation management is a management activity innovation processes in a sports organization.

In accordance with international standards, innovation is considered as final result innovation activities, which has been embodied in the form of a new (improved) product or technological process or in a new approach to the provision of socio-cultural services.

The range of innovations in the activities of physical culture and sports organizations is very diverse and can be classified according to various grounds - technological parameters, type and degree of novelty, degree of prevalence, areas of activity, etc.

Risk management is an activity to assess the risks that may arise in the work of the FSO and manage them.

Risk management characterizes management activities under conditions of uncertainty, the basis of which is increasingly unpredictable market changes. Typically, risk management is associated with economic relations between business entities in connection with risky (venture) capital investments.

Financial management is a kind of activity aimed at managing the financial and economic functioning of a sports organization.

the main task financial management is to ensure the most efficient movement financial resources between a physical culture and sports organization and its funding sources, both external and internal. In accordance with this, two main blocks of financial management are usually distinguished: first, the “external finance” block, and, secondly, the “internal finance” block (development of estimates, payment of taxes, accounting, audit, assessment financial condition organizations when making management decisions, issue valuable papers, investments, etc.).

Styles of activity of managers of sports organizations

"Management Grid"

Prepare for the seminar.

The effectiveness of the FSO depends on the personal qualities of managers and their style of work. The style of work arises through the integration, interaction of the personal qualities of the leader and the management methods used by him.

Based on the foregoing, the style of professional activity of a sports manager can be defined as a set of principles and the most sustainable methods of management in achieving the main goals of the organization and implementing management functions, as well as the nature of his relationship with subordinates, colleagues of equal rank and superiors.

Management theory divides managerial relations into democratic and authoritarian. In accordance with this, in management theory it is customary to distinguish three management styles: authoritarian, democratic and liberal.

The authoritarian style of work is characterized by excessive centralization of power, strict regulation of the activities of subordinates. With an authoritarian style, simplicity in the relationship between the leader and subordinates disappears, trust and respect are lost. A manager inevitably becomes an autocrat in two cases: 1) when he, in his own way, personal qualities and the level of professional preparedness below the people he supervises; 2) when subordinates have too low a general and professional culture and a low level of discipline and responsibility for the assigned work.

The democratic style of work is based on the use of methods of persuasion and positive motivation. This style relies on the consciousness and positive qualities of subordinates, the leader democratic style relies on the opinion of the team, provides subordinates with independence in decision-making, creates the necessary conditions for their work. Such a leader cares about meeting the needs of subordinates, respects people.

The liberal work style of a manager is characterized by a lack of perspective and scale of thinking, lack of initiative and expectation of instructions from above. The head of the liberal style poorly controls the activities of subordinates, as a result of which management is characterized by poor performance.

The management style changes depending on which of the hierarchical directions he communicates with: with subordinate employees or with higher managers. The style of work from this can change to the exact opposite.

"Manager's Grid".

Questions for self-study

1. Define sports management.

2. What specific skills should a sports manager have?

3. Name 3 main groups that unite the role of managers

4. What are the challenges in training sports managers?

5. What is the object and subject of management in the field of physical culture and sports

6. Name the main functions and principles of sports management

7. What management methods are used in the field of FKiS

1. Zholdak V. I., Seyranov S. G. Management. - M.: Soviet sport, 1999. - 528 p.

2Zolotov M. I. , Kuzin V. V. , Kutepov M. E. , Seiranov S. G. . Management and economics of FKiS: Tutorial for students of higher ped. textbook manager - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 432.

3. Zubarev Yu. A. Suchilin A. A. Management and marketing in the field of physical culture and sports. Tutorial. - Volgograd: Change, 1998. - 162.

4. Pereverzin I. I. Management of a sports organization: Textbook. - 2nd ed. - M .: "SportAcadem Press", 2002. - 244.

Today, there is an interest among students in the sports industry and specialties related to it. This is due to the development of the international market for services in the field of sports business. Interest in sports is also growing among advertisers, investors and journalists. Russia has been noted by the international sports community, which has entrusted a number of major international sporting events to be held in the country. Titanic work was done for their organization: construction and then management of sports facilities, meeting and accommodation of foreign fans, organization of ceremonies and starts at the highest level, training of personal and coaching staff, development of sports medicine ... Analysts predict an increase in the need for professional personnel in this area because there is already an acute shortage of them. This means that graduates of this specialty should easily find a decently paid job.

The concept, essence and tasks of the profession "sports management"

In order to understand how to become a sports manager, you must first consider the essence of this specialty. It includes the theory and practice of effective management of sports culture enterprises in today's market. The object of study is sports-oriented organizations (many FSOs - sports schools, clubs, teams, stadiums, centers, federations, etc.), whose activities are aimed at providing physical culture and sports services. Sports management itself is aimed at managing internal and external relations of subjects and objects of the FSO. Its essence is the purposeful influence of the subject of control on the controlled object in order to achieve a new planned qualitative state of the latter. The overall goal is to ensure the effective functioning of the FSO on modern market, and the task is to understand the patterns of their functioning and social development in society, as well as the development of a mechanism for the effective management of these processes.

Functions of a sports manager

Studying the question of how to become a sports manager, we can conclude that not always they become, but always people who are fond of sports and go in for it at least at an amateur level. Perhaps a person who could become a successful bank manager became a sports manager, and all because he is not indifferent to sports and was involved in the sports section as a child. In general, as a profession, sports management appeared with the approval of the position of the head of the FSO. For this specialty, it is important to master the art of scientific management of a sports organization. Separate elements of such activity are inherent in both coaches and teachers of physical culture.

But the powers of the manager as a manager are much broader. Its functions:

  • making responsible decisions on the direction of the FSO and the allocation of resources;
  • collection of information about its dissemination in the form of facts and normative guidelines, explanation to the staff of the policy, immediate and long-term goals;
  • formation of internal relations, motivation, coordination, representation in external relations with other organizations.

Studying the question of how to become a sports manager, we can conclude that the art of management lies in the ability to use the principles, methods and technologies of management in a particular case. He needs to have specific skills in the production and use of sports equipment, establishing relationships between physical activity, diet, etc. So, traditionally, the functions include: planning, organization, motivation, leadership, control and analysis. In addition, the work of a sports manager involves wards, physical culture and sports work with the population, training of highly qualified sports personnel in their types and reserve staff, holding competitions and entertainment events, scientific and methodological support for physical education, organization of production resources for sports goods, international relations.

Sports Management Principles

When a future student plans to enter a university, he thinks about choosing a profession. Many athletes are looking for a specialty close to sports, and come to the thought: “How to become a sports manager, and what does it take?” First of all, you need to find out more about the activities of such a specialist. In the field of sports and physical culture management, there are principles and rules, regulations and regulatory documents that are necessary for the implementation of the management process. These include the principles:

Management methods

Professional training of sports managers involves the study of which are divided into:

  • organizational;
  • administrative;
  • economic;
  • socio-psychological.

To achieve high professionalism, it is necessary to be able to form a psychological climate, to give a positive assessment of the individual achievements of each employee. It is this level that involves the training of sports managers , since it is important to be a socially and psychologically competent specialist who knows the methods of:

  • holding meetings, training and exercises;
  • persuasion, approval and encouragement, condemnation and punishment (creative and inhibitory methods).

The choice of methods depends on the objectives, the type of organization and the specific situation. The effectiveness of the application of certain methods requires from the sports manager art, constant creative search and training.


It should be noted that under this vocational training imply different specializations with a common name sports manager. Training according to the chosen direction is carried out after general training according to the program of the corresponding educational institution. The specialization types of sports managers are constantly evolving. Along with the general, functional management is distinguished. Here are the main specializations:


Each professional has his own style of activity. The sports manager is no exception. Teaching professional style is theoretically possible, and its sustainable formation occurs already with experience in practice. According to management theory, managerial relations are divided into democratic and authoritarian. Accordingly, it is formed:

  • authoritarian - excessive centralization of power, strict regulation of activities;
  • democratic - uses motivation and beliefs;
  • liberal.

The style usually becomes authoritarian when, in terms of their personal qualities and level of professional preparedness, the manager is lower than his subordinates and when the subordinates have a professional culture, responsibility and discipline.

A democratic manager becomes with trust in the team, respect for the opinions of subordinates, mutual assistance and support.

A liberal manager will be in the absence of perspective and initiative, the scale of thinking and the expectation of instructions "from above". Such a leader has little control over subordinates and, as a result, receives low performance.

It happens that the style of work can change with a change in the team, place of work, or a deep introspection of the leader.

Categories of sports managers

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, such a specialty was called the head of a sports club or school administrator, etc. Today, everything has changed, and now the title of the position sounds like a sports club manager or FSO. Each sports organization has its own managers. They are of different levels and solve different problems. But traditionally there are categories of sports management that divide all managers into three groups:

  1. Those involved in development strategy (for example, the president of a football club).
  2. Those who manage themselves (for example, structural divisions).
  3. The lower level of performers (for example, administrators of sports schools).


Training for the profession of "manager in a sports organization" is carried out in many universities. There are Moscow and regional universities that provide an opportunity to get this specialty. The MESI educational institution is best known in this area. Here, professional athletes and students who are fond of sports study at a special faculty. Their planned future monthly wage should amount to 80 thousand rubles. And that's not bad. IN modern world sport is a spectacle. In 2010, the Federation of Sports Managers of Russia was organized in the summer. Athletic manager, author of the bestselling book Fitness Made Easy, trains to be a sports manager at the RMA Business School. At one time, he held the position of fitness director, president of the Olympic Star fitness center in Moscow, manager of the MaxiSport and Reebok fitness club chain, editor of the corresponding section of Men's Health and Men's Fitness magazines, host of sports programs and tournaments. He has been a fitness trainer for many years.

In Russia, as well as throughout the modern world, Lately began to actively develop the sphere of the sports industry. The impetus for the development of the service sector of physical culture and sports in Russia was socio-economic, as well as political changes in our country and in the world as a whole. Socio-economic changes that are directly related to the transition to a modern market economy, caused serious problems in organizational and managerial activities with managerial personnel in sports schools, sports and recreation centers and other sports organizations. Therefore, the issue of highly qualified managerial personnel in the field of physical culture and sports, that is, the so-called sports managers, is of great relevance at the present time.

At the beginning of 1980, the International Olympic Committee for the first time included in its program issues related to sports management, which, as a direction of management, was supposed to contribute to the development of physical culture and sports throughout the world. Numerous provisions contained in it are successfully used to this day. In an effort to improve the level in the training of sports managers, the International Olympic Committee decided to create a Program that includes many of the most important issues associated with sports management. The purpose of this Program was based on increasing the level of coordination and creating a unified model for the training and education of sports managers.

In 1986, the International Olympic Committee published its first sports management manual. Roger Jackson is particularly credited for publishing the manual. The training course for sports managers, formed on the basis of this Program, develops the National Olympic Movement (this is especially noticeable in those regions where sports are in the early stages of their development), reveals the most common problems and contributes to improving the quality of management in sports organizations.

Initially, the term "management" referred to the field of animal management, and meant the art of managing horses. A little later, this term was transferred to the sphere of human relationships. Translated from English, the verb "to manage" means to manage, and at one time it came from the Latin word "manus", which means hand. Therefore, in the literal sense, the term "management" means "management of people."

In this regard, in modern theory and practice, the term "management" refers to the process of managing individual worker, labor group, work collective, various organizations operating in the modern market environment. Thus, the most important component of sports management is health-improving and sports organizations, which act as backbone elements in the field of physical culture and sports. Given the above, we can formulate the definition of sports management. Sports management is the theory and practice of effective management in organizations with a physical culture, health and sports orientation in a market environment.

A modern specialist, the so-called manager, in physical culture and sports is a person who is able to think outside the box in any situation and professionally solve the tasks assigned to him in organizational and managerial activities.

Unfortunately, in Russia the theory and practice of modern sports management is only at the initial stage of its development. However, the recognition and development of sports management as an independent profession is carried out at a fairly rapid pace, despite a large number of barriers: lack of absolute autonomy in the work of sports managers, scientific knowledge bases on sports management have not been formed, there is no detailed code of moral conduct for sports managers, the competence of a sports industry manager has not been studied enough, and, consequently, the model of its formation.

The sports manager is a significant figure in any sports organization operating in a market environment. The main condition for the functioning and further development of physical culture and sports is managerial activity. At a certain stage of cooperation and division of labor in sports and recreation and sports organizations, sports management arises as a special type of labor and professional activity.

Sports industry managers are in demand in various fields of activity:

1. Ministry of Sports;

2. Various sports federations;

3. Department of Physical Culture and Sports;

4. Sports clubs of various kinds;

5. Fitness industry;

6. Sports schools;

7. Companies producing and selling sporting goods;

8. Many other areas of activity that are close to the sports industry.

Formation of sports management as separate profession associated with the emergence of leadership positions in modern physical culture and sports organizations. In this regard, there is an acute shortage of highly qualified managers in this professional field.

Today, a large number of specialists coming from other areas of management try their hand at sports management. The sports industry is a very specific field of activity and you can’t just join it from the outside. It is very important to know the real industry from the inside, to understand its structure, to take into account all the nuances and subtleties of this field of activity. Athletes, like no other, are aimed at achieving the goal and achieve this with all their strength and capabilities, they are initially set to win. They show the same strong-willed qualities in the course of their professional activities.

Having analyzed a number of legal and normative documents in the field of physical culture and sports, here is an approximate list of possible positions that managers of the sports industry can take:

Directors of sports schools;

Deputy directors of sports schools;

Presidents/chairmen of sports clubs;

Deputy presidents/chairmen of sports clubs;

Heads of departments of sports clubs;

Directors of sports and recreation complexes;

President of various sports federations (associations, unions);

Vice-presidents of sports federations;

Chairmen of physical culture and sports organizations;

Deputy chairmen of physical culture and sports organizations;

Managers of sports teams of various team sports;

Heads/heads of structural subdivisions of physical culture and sports organizations;

Personal managers of professional athletes (in football, tennis, hockey, swimming, etc.);

Chairmen of committees on physical culture and sports;

Deputy chairmen of the committees on physical culture and sports;

head structural unit Committee for Physical Culture and Sports;

Fitness club manager/director.

At present, modern sports managers are required to be independent, to search for optimal and effective managerial, scientific and methodological solutions to provide society with health and fitness and sports services, as well as responsibility for their decisions.

Due to the increasing economic importance of physical culture and sports and the reform processes in them, it becomes more and more obvious that sports need not only professional athletes and coaches, but also in professional managers who know how to effectively manage, influence and motivate staff, as well as rationally conduct financial and economic activities in sports industry organizations.


1. Pereverzin I.I. Modern Russian sports manager and the model of his training / I.I. Pereverzin // Scientific and theoretical journal. - 2003. - No. 5. [Electronic resource]

2. Pronina N.I., Kandaurova N.V. Personnel problems that affect the effectiveness of the management of sports and general education schools/ N.I. Pronina, N.V. Kandaurova // Scientific notes of the University named after P.F. Lesgaft. - 2013. - No. 3 (97). – S. 88-92.

3. Sherin V.S. Model of formation of competence of managerial activity of a specialist in physical culture and sport / V.S. Sherin // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. - 2011. - No. 347. - S. 147-150.

Andrey Malygin, Head of specialization "Management in the sports industry"

"Management in the sports industry", implemented by the Innovation and Educational Company RMA together with the State University of Management : "A sports manager should think not so much about sports victory as about business results."

Which of the outcomes of a Stanley Cup tournament would be desirable for a sports manager? It would seem to take first place. Actually - the second.

Andrey Vadimovich, in order to work as a sports manager, is it enough to know the general methods and principles of management?

- Having come to the sport, such a manager - a manager-generalist - automatically becomes a sports manager: good or bad is another matter. Maybe good - delving into the specifics of the industry. It will only take more time to do this than by pre-learning.

What are the features of training a sports manager?

— Methods and principles of marketing and management are the same everywhere. However, the future sports manager is immediately taught to apply them to sports. After all, the same concept of a competitor in sports is different: not just sports clubs compete, but sports clubs and show business, sports are a spectacle.

Does a sports manager need any special qualities?

- Fundamental - systems thinking. There are eight different markets in the sports industry, and the market for sports facilities is very different from the market for sports services, etc. At the same time, they are all closely interconnected, changes in one entail changes in the other.

Coolness is needed. Take the Stanley Cup, one of the most famous ice hockey tournaments in North America. Tell me, what outcome of such a tournament would be desirable for a sports manager? It would seem to take first place. Actually - the second. The team that takes first place is entitled to large bonuses, and this reduces profits so much that the club can remain in the red. No bonuses are awarded for second place, but attention target audience and funds from sponsors, both teams received the same. That is, a sports manager should think not so much about a sports victory as about the result in business. And of course, he must love his job.

What knowledge is most often lacking now in sports managers?

— Knowledge of marketing - understanding the product you are dealing with, the ability to promote it, improve it, distribute it.

Law knowledge. Sports law today is not harmonized, in each country it has its own. By the way, an international congress on this topic will be held in Moscow next year.

Knowledge of psychology: individual and group. A good manager must understand the characteristics of the subject with which he works, be able to predict his behavior.

In your opinion, is it worth studying to be a sports manager right after graduation, or is it better to “twist” to start in other areas?

— Each age and each category of students has its own advantages. And we provide different opportunities for education: the first higher education and the professional retraining program. Older people often come to study with a certain project in mind, they have the strongest motivation. It is difficult to expect the same from high school graduates. But the latter have a lot of fresh ideas, "everything is on fire in their hands."

Lack of good schools personal experience, contacts and communication skills is compensated by the quality of education, connections in the face of specialists, the opportunity to take good internships.

For those who have just graduated from school, I advise you to unlearn the five-year program "Management in the sports industry": basic education will allow you to work in other specialties (suddenly a person during his studies will realize that this is "not his").

As a second higher education, a one-year professional retraining program “Management in game types sports."

How is the educational process for the specialization "Management in the sports industry" organized at SUM?

- Training takes place in four forms - blocks.

The first one is traditional lectures-seminars, they are conducted by teachers in management specialties of the State University of Management and current specialists from the sports industry.

The second is the analysis of cases and practical tasks: how to hold a conference, develop a program, calculate a budget, etc.

The third one is master classes of sports management stars.

Fourth - internships and field studies.

Do professional athletes have any advantages in the field of sports management?

- Athletes, especially good ones, are determined to win, and there are many examples when they really become good managers and entrepreneurs.

Knowing the industry from the inside helps, but there can be a trap here: for example, a young man participated in sports events that were not organized in the best way, but it was deposited in his head that everything was right. We have to break the old stereotypes.

In general, 50% of our students come to us from other industries: banking, real estate, etc.

In sports universities, for example, the Russian state university Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (RSUPC) or the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAFK), the percentage of those linking their careers with professional sports in sports management programs is higher.

How many universities still provide education - and how good - in sports management?

- In Moscow, the specialty of a sports manager can be obtained in more than 10 universities. But not everyone is properly trained. However, this is not only a problem of sports management: the mass enthusiasm for the humanities in the 1990s led to the fact that many weak lawyers, economists, and managers appeared in the country.

Due to its novelty, sports management as a professional specialization has found itself in a more difficult situation. We can be responsible for the quality of training on our own program: Innovative and educational company RMA is a brand that has proven itself in the sports industry.

Who teaches in your programs? In Soviet times, there were no specialists with such an education ...

Here the situation is the same as in Russian business: practitioners teach, those who received knowledge from their experience, on mistakes, hard work and this becomes an advantage in the transfer of knowledge. We have about 70% of such teachers. But here their ability to teach others is very important.

Interaction with leading foreign experts is also useful. We have a valid contract with the Real Madrid club, department director strategic development whom Ivan Bravo lectures, gives cases and assignments - communication goes on English language. Specialists from Manchester United, Chelsea, FIFA also come.

Twice a year, the guys and I go on internships ourselves: we study how clubs, stadiums function, listen to master classes.

Can Russian graduates compete with Western colleagues?

- On the Russian market our graduate is definitely more competitive. There are even examples when guys who studied at the best European universities, having arrived in Russia, cannot cope here. Education "in the native element" is always more relevant. Nevertheless, our graduates are accepted into foreign clubs and foreign organizations.

Where do your graduates generally work?

— In various sectors of the sports industry. Many in football or basketball clubs, sports facilities, the fitness industry, major sporting goods retailers, relevant authorities government controlled and many other areas "tied" to sports.

We had a listener - before receiving additional education with a specialization in Management in team sports, he worked in the banking sector, now he is investing in sports facilities.

Can we expect that in a few years, when a certain number of specialists in sports management will be graduating, the situation in Russian sports will seriously change?

- At the very beginning of our lectures, the audience and I come to a conversation about the situation in Russian sports, and the hopes that are placed on them as future specialists. First, we talk about it, a year later they say it themselves: “We understand the complexity of the situation, but we also understand that we must come and change a lot.”

Of course, not everyone will follow the chosen path to the end, but I am sure that our graduates will be able to make the Russian sports industry more efficient. However, there is already a lot of evidence for this.

There was a case: the deputy head of the sports department of one of the municipalities of the Moscow region came to our program to study. During her studies, the municipality built a sports and recreation complex. The listener wrote on him thesis and, when the training came to an end, took charge of the new facility. The results turned out to be brilliant, we even plan to hold a field lesson there. A person came as an official, but after completing the course, he began to think in a completely different way - as a manager.

Now we are preparing a special program specifically for officials working in the sports sector. I hope the federal and regional ministries will support us.

Interviewed by Maria Gracheva