Highly qualified workers. Subjective signs Qualified information

- (this see the previous word). Equipped with qualities corresponding to these properties. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. qualified (see qualify) having a certain qualification, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

See the real ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. qualified, well-known, real; skillful, skillful, competent, efficient, efficient; characterized... Synonym dictionary

QUALIFIED, qualified, qualified; qualified, qualified, qualified (book). 1. incl. suffering past temp. from qualify. 2. only full. Highly qualified, experienced. Qualified worker. ❖… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

QUALIFIED, oh, oh; ah, anna. 1. Highly qualified, experienced. K. worker. 2. full Requiring special knowledge. K. labor. | noun qualifications, and (to 1 value). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

skilled- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M.: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general EN knowledgeableadvanced … Technical Translator's Handbook

skilled- oh, oh; en, anna 1) Having good special training, high qualification, experienced. Qualified worker. Qualified personnel. Synonyms: literate/smart, skilful/smart, smart Antonyms: unskilled/skilled… Popular dictionary of the Russian language

skilled- possessing certain qualities; skilled worker with significant training… Reference commercial dictionary

1. qualified, an, ana, ano, ana, parch. 2. qualified, an, anna, anno, anna, adj… Russian word stress

App. 1. Highly qualified [qualification II] (about a person). 2. Possessing special knowledge, skills, abilities; experienced (of a person). 3. Requiring special knowledge, high qualifications [qualification II] (about the work performed, ... ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, qualified, ... ... Word forms


  • Crown of Hecate, Aleksandrova Natalya Nikolaevna. A qualified expert and world-famous restorer, Dmitry Starygin was an adventurer in life and, despite quiet office work, he experienced so many interesting and dangerous ...
  • The Crown of Hecate, Alexandrova N.. A qualified expert and world-famous restorer Dmitry Starygin was an adventurer in life and, despite quiet office work, he experienced so many interesting and dangerous ...

AT Russian Federation The following levels of higher professional education have been established:

higher professional education, confirmed by the qualification (degree) "bachelor" (the term of study is not less than 4 years);

higher professional education, confirmed by the qualification "certified specialist" (training period of at least 5 years);

higher professional education, confirmed by the qualification (degree) "Master" (the term of study is not less than 6 years).

The main professional educational program providing master's degree training consists of a bachelor's degree program in the relevant field of study and at least two years of specialized training (master's degree).

Persons who have mastered the bachelor's program enter the master's program by competition.

Persons who have received a state document on higher professional education of a certain level have the right, in accordance with the received area of ​​training (specialty), to continue their education in the educational program of higher professional education of the next level.

Getting an education for the first time educational programs higher professional education at various levels is not considered as obtaining a second higher professional education.

From federal law"About higher and postgraduate
vocational education" dated 22.08.96 No. 125 - FZ

The introduction in 1992 of a multi-level system of higher professional education solved the problem of entering the education system adopted in many countries of the world. Previously, we only graduated graduates with a training period of 5-6 years, i.e. It was a one step plan. And now the scheme is multi-stage: the first 2 years - incomplete higher education, after 4 years of study in a certain "direction" - qualification (degree) "bachelor", another 2 years of specialized training - qualification (degree) "master". At the same time, a "specialist" is studying in parallel with bachelors and masters for 5 - 6 years.

It must be said that there is no complete unity in accordance with the degrees of "bachelor" and "master" in different states - a graduate can also be a bachelor high school, and the holder of the first degree, or even just a graduate high school. And the master is in some countries an academic degree between a bachelor and a doctor of science.

Be that as it may, but applicants need to decide which path to take. We will tell you about the main features of each "component" in the multi-stage scheme of education in universities.

What is the difference

So, for specialists: five years - and a diploma of a specialist practitioner ("engineer", "agronomist", "economist", "mechanic", etc.), then work on the profile of the received specialty. For bachelors: four years - and a diploma of general higher education, after which you can continue studying for a master for another two years. Admission to the master's program is competitive and accounts for approximately 20% of the graduates of bachelors. Master's programs do not exist in all Russian universities, and you can enter it only with a bachelor's degree. The first two years of training for specialists and bachelors are the same (basic education). If you change your mind about continuing to study at this university, get a diploma of incomplete higher professional education. From the 3rd year, the training programs for specialists and bachelors already differ. Therefore, the transition from a bachelor to a specialist is associated with the elimination of the difference in the disciplines taken and passed, which has accumulated over four years of study. By the way, a new concept has appeared: "the direction of training a graduate".

The difference between a specialist and a master: masters are prepared for scientific work, and specialists - for professional activity in a separate industry.

Having a bachelor's degree from one university, you can enroll in a master's program at another university. True, again there may be a problem with the difference curricula in different universities.

Subtleties of the transition

Any innovation requires some time for its "shaking", because there are always some inconsistencies between the new and the old. A lot of time has passed since 1992, but there are still some problems in our multi-stage system of higher professional education. For example, in the division of areas and specialties in the first four years. Many state universities both trained and train only specialists. Some universities, in addition to the traditional scheme, also have a multi-level one. In non-state universities, as a rule, only bachelors are trained.

There is still tension over the prestige of a bachelor's degree: employers are not always inclined to hire bachelors. There are several reasons. One of them is psychological. Namely: today's employers most often received their higher education in Soviet times, when we had only specialists, and the word "bachelor" was "not ours", Western. Moreover, there is a difference in training programs - a specialist is trained in a specific specialty, as it were, in a narrow profile, and bachelor's programs are wide-profile, they have general scientific and general professional character. Those. the bachelor receives fundamental training without any narrow specialization, because studied only 4 years. The law, of course, states that a bachelor has the right to hold a position for which qualification requirements provided higher professional education. But! He has the right, but this right is not always granted to him. They prefer to take "specialists" and "masters".

Do not be upset - over time, the question "What can a bachelor do?" will not occur. In the meantime, if there are problems, we can only advise you to continue your studies at the next level and get the qualification of "certified specialist" or "master".

Still, there are advantages to choosing a bachelor's degree. Let's list them.

  1. This type of qualification is accepted by international classification and understandable to employers abroad. They often invite bachelors there, without even specifying the direction of training, because for office work you just need an educated person who knows how to work with information, with people, who is able to prepare all kinds of documents.
  2. The fundamental nature of training, its "non-narrowing" makes it easy to change profession if necessary. The fact is that, in accordance with the state educational standard, bachelor's degree programs are designed in such a way that they allow one year to move to one of the whole "fan" of compatible professions. A specialist after 5 years of training to receive new profession(if necessary) it will take 2-3 years, and even on a commercial basis, because this will be getting the second higher education. For a bachelor, however, studying in a master's program is classified as a continuation of education at the next level, and therefore it is free (for state-funded places).
  3. Within 4 years after entering a university, a person receives a diploma and gains economic independence.

What to choose? What educational trajectory to build for yourself?

First of all, think about the direction of your professional training. If there is no conscious desire to engage in scientific activities in the future or work in a narrow specialty, then you can stop at a bachelor's degree. In addition, find out the real situation on the labor market in your place of residence. Those. try to understand how competitive the specialty and qualification you like will be in your region, whether you can quickly find a prestigious job with a bachelor's degree.

Subjective side extortion is characterized by direct intent. The perpetrator is aware that he has no rights to someone else's property, is aware of the nature of the threat used as a means of achieving the transfer of property to him, the right to it, or the commission of an action of a property nature in his favor, and wants to use such a threat to force the victim to fulfill his demands. At the same time, he is guided by a selfish motive and pursues the goal of illegally obtaining property benefits or avoiding material costs.

In the literature on criminal law, there is a motive that can be not only selfish.

Subject extortion - a person who has reached the age of 14 years.

Qualified and highly qualified staff

The qualified composition of extortion (part 2 of article 163) is characterized by:

A) committed by a group of persons by prior agreement;

B) repetition;

C) with violence.

The first two qualifying features coincide in content with the same-name features in case of theft. The third sign means the use of violence not related to causing harm to health (restriction of freedom, beatings, mockery, etc.), as well as the infliction of mild or moderate harm to health.

In accordance with the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation "On judicial practice on cases of extortion” of May 4, 1990 No. 3, extortion should be considered repeated in all cases when a person has previously committed one of the crimes specified in the note to Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether he was convicted for them.

Extortion cannot be qualified as repeated if by the time the crime was committed, the statute of limitations for bringing to criminal liability for a previously committed crime specified in the note to Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as if the conviction for him has been canceled or removed by virtue of an act of amnesty or pardon.

Repeated demands for the transfer of property or the right to property addressed to one or several persons do not constitute repetition, if these demands are united by a single intent and are aimed at taking possession of the same property.

Violence should be understood as beatings, causing minor bodily injury that did not result in a short-term health disorder or minor permanent disability, as well as other violent actions related to inflicting physical pain on the victim or restricting his freedom if this did not endanger life or health .

The specially qualified composition of extortion (part 3 of article 163) includes four features:

A) commission by an organized group;

B) the purpose of obtaining property on a large scale;

C) infliction of grievous bodily harm to the victim;

D) commission by a person who has previously been convicted two or more times for embezzlement or extortion.

The first and last signs have the same content as in case of theft. The second means that the extortionist demands to transfer to him property, the value of which is five hundred times higher than the minimum wage, or demands to transfer to him the right to property in the same amount or to perform other actions of a property nature, the result of which should be the guilty person receiving property benefits on a large scale. .

In accordance with the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On Judicial Practice in Cases of Crimes Against Personal Property” dated September 5, 1986 No. 11, when determining the amount of stolen property, one should proceed from its value at the time of the crime at state (retail) prices, and if it was established that the victim acquired the stolen goods at a commission or at a market price, then at these prices. In the absence of a price, the value of the stolen property can be established on the basis of an expert opinion.

In accordance with the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation "On judicial practice in cases of extortion" of May 4, 1990 No. 3 and the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1995 No. 5 "on some issues of application by the courts of legislation on liability for crimes against property” causing major damage is calculated based on the note to Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, where the cost criterion is established by the Federal Law of July 1, 1994 and amounts to more than 200 minimum wages existing at the time of the crime.

If repeated extortion is committed with a single intent against the same person and caused a total of large damage, then such actions should be qualified under Part 3 of Article 163.

Moreover, the qualification takes into account both the value of both the property transferred to the extortionist and the property damaged or destroyed by him.

Causing grievous bodily harm means that the victim suffered the consequences described in Part 1 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, either as a means of coercion to fulfill the illegal requirements of the extortionist, or as a result of violence applied to the victim. These consequences are fully covered by the composition of especially qualified extortion and do not require additional qualification under Article 111 of the Criminal Code. However, if, as a result of infliction of grievous bodily harm, the death of the victim occurred, which was not covered by the intent of the perpetrator, then the act must be qualified according to the totality of paragraph “c” of Article 163 and part 4 of Article 111.

It is necessary to distinguish between extortion committed by prior agreement by a group of persons (part 2 of article 163) and committed by an organized group (part 3 of article 163). In accordance with the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On judicial practice in cases of crimes against personal property” of September 5, 1986 No. 11, an organized group should be understood as a stable association of two or more persons with the aim of committing one or more crimes. The stability of the group can be evidenced by preliminary planning of criminal actions, preparation of means for the implementation of criminal intent, selection or recruitment of accomplices, distribution of roles between them, etc. The actions of persons who committed extortion as part of an organized group, regardless of the role of each member of the group, should be considered as co-perpetration without reference at st. 32, 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The violence provided for in clause “c” of part 2 of article 163 covers not only beatings, punishable in themselves by a maximum of arrest (art. 116), but also intentional infliction of moderate severity to health, qualifying types of which are punishable by imprisonment for up to five years (part 2 of article 112), as well as torture, if it did not entail the consequences specified in article 111, the qualifying types of which can be punishable by imprisonment from three to seven years (part 2 of article 111). Therefore, extortion committed with the use of qualifying types of violence (specified in part 2 of article 112 and part 2 of article 117) must be qualified according to the totality of crimes 13 .

In totality, extortion committed with the infliction of grievous bodily harm to the victim's health (clause "c" part 3 of article 163) should be qualified. The infliction of this harm under qualifying circumstances (parts 2-4 of article 111) is punishable no less severely than the qualifying types of extortion (parts 2 and 3 of article 163).

Absorption of causing grievous bodily harm under such circumstances, Article 163 is not appropriate, therefore, to qualify extortion associated with the intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, only on the basis of a combination of crimes.

Good evening, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the issue of the second round of today's TV game "Field of Miracles" for October 20, 2017. All the questions raised in today's issue, as well as the answers to them, can be found in the articles on our website in the same section.

There are many synonyms for the word "cook". A person skilled in cooking is a cook. A woman who prepares food is a cook, a cook. The cook of the military unit is a cook. Ship cook - cook. And what is the name of a qualified cook - the owner of a small restaurant, a canteen? 9 letters

What is the name of a qualified cook - the owner of a small restaurant, canteen?

To answer this question, we need to look into the dictionary of synonyms, and here's what you can find in it.

Synonyms for "chef":
A cook is a person skilled in cooking, a cook.
Cook, cook - in everyday life a woman who cooks food.
Cook - one who works in the kitchen, cooks dishes, a cook (an obsolete word).
Kashevar - a cook in a military unit or in a working artel (special).
Cook - sea, ship, ship, sailor's cook. The officer's is called a cook.
Kuhmister (from German Kchenmeister) - a qualified cook or owner of a small restaurant, canteen (obsolete).

Thus, we found out that the correct answer to the question of the second round of the game is: Kuhmister(9 letters).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597 “On Measures for the Implementation of State Social Policy”, by 2020 the number of highly qualified workers should increase so that it makes up at least a third of the number of qualified workers.

It should be noted that so far in the Russian Federation there is no clearly defined concept of "highly qualified workers", and there are no clear criteria for their selection as part of a qualified work force.

The distribution of employees by groups of occupations in accordance with the level of their qualifications is provided for in All-Russian classifier occupations (hereinafter referred to as OKZ), where such enlarged groups of workers as “specialists of the highest qualification level” and “specialists of an average qualification level” are singled out. This classifier was developed and introduced into domestic practice to solve a wide range of tasks related to assessing the state and dynamics of changes in the structure of the labor force, analyzing and forecasting indicators in the field of employment and vocational education. Its development was associated with the transition of the Russian Federation to the internationally accepted system of accounting and statistics, based on the requirements of the development of a market economy.

In accordance with the methodology of this classifier, the qualification criterion is the level of education ( professional training) and experience (experience) practical work, which together form the necessary prerequisites for performing work of a certain complexity. The same approaches - the presence of professional education and work experience, are also formalized in the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees.

When classifying occupations, it is taken into account that a certain level of qualification can be achieved not only by vocational education or special training, but quite often it is achieved by practical work experience.

Accordingly, skilled workers include workers who perform job duties which require the presence of primary, secondary or higher professional (special) education, or in some cases - experience in practical work in the relevant profession.

However, for occupations requiring a high level of skill, education and special training have a decisive role.

Specialists of the highest qualification level include specialists who carry out the development and research of scientific theories and concepts, contributing to the enrichment and increase in the amount of knowledge accumulated by society in various fields activities, their practical application and systematic dissemination through training.

Most of the occupations (professions) united by this classification group are distinguished by a high degree of complexity of the work performed and require a level of qualification corresponding to the highest professional education, as well as its higher levels, determined by additional special knowledge and skills and characterized by the presence of a scientific degree.

The main functions of specialists of the highest qualification level of various professional groups are the development of theories, the study and analysis of processes and phenomena, the development of concepts and methods in various fields of science practical application acquired knowledge and research results in specific areas of activity, teaching theory and practice in various industries knowledge at a certain educational level; providing information, financial, commercial, legal and social services; creation and performance of works of literature and art; preparation of scientific papers and reports.

In addition to clear criteria for selecting the category of "highly qualified workers," the necessary information base and relevant indicators must exist (or be created) to determine reliable quantitative parameters, and an algorithm for calculating them has been developed.

As information base to determine the number and proportion of highly skilled workers in the composition of skilled workers, it is supposed to use Rosstat statistics from sample surveys of the population on employment problems (OSEP) with the necessary changes made to the Survey Questionnaire.

In our opinion, it is advisable to consider the issue of additional use of statistics of large and medium-sized enterprises. So, within the state statistical observation information on the number and share of specialists of the highest qualification level (for large and medium-sized enterprises) can be estimated on the basis of statistical reporting enterprises of form No. 1-T (prof) "Information on the number and needs of organizations for employees by professional groups", which has been put into practice since 2008 and is carried out with a frequency of once every two years.