How to get out of the crisis in trade. How to get a company out of a financial crisis

There is a crisis in almost all areas of Western life: ecology, family, education, etc. People are afraid of losing their previous material standard of living. Many have already forgotten about restful sleep, someone began to look at the world through black glasses, someone's relationship with loved ones began to deteriorate sharply, and, in especially difficult cases, someone began to drink alcohol or even drugs. The good thing about a crisis is that a person is tested in it, all his weaknesses are revealed. But if a person is harmonious, then he easily overcomes all the "vicissitudes of fate" and, as a result, turns out to be many levels higher in all respects.

1. The main thing that needs to be understood at the inner level is that there is nothing permanent in this world, including a constant rise, takeoff, otherwise there would be no taste for life, and life would be boring. There must be changes in life, which many consider crises.

2. The crisis provides new opportunities. In Chinese, the word "crisis" consists of two characters - "danger" and "chance". This means that if you properly overcome times of crisis, you will have a very good chance to succeed in life.

3. In order not to catch the "crisis epidemic", do not communicate with pessimists and do not listen to a lot of news. We determine our own mindset. The ancient Indian epic “Ramayana” says: “Everything that happens to us unexpectedly and against our will is fate.” Life circumstances are our karma, it is not always immediately possible to change it, but it depends on us how to respond to these circumstances, because it is with this that we, first of all, change our destiny.

4. The crisis should not be underestimated - different things can happen and even something very unpleasant. At the same time, it is very important mentally, in the mind, to imagine the worst scenario and calmly go through it, accepting the internal situation, and at a higher level of personal development - to thank the Almighty for it. On the outer level, you need to calmly and, at the same time, actively make every effort to overcome this situation. If on the external level the worst time has not yet come, imagine what you will do if it comes (go to the labor exchange, spend the night with relatives, etc.) - this projection alone already gives positive energy.

5. Do not be afraid of crises, on the contrary, learn to appreciate them. Only in the epicenter of trials is internal growth possible. It is said that souls who are at a higher spiritual level always choose incarnations where there are some difficulties, some kind of struggle. It is no coincidence that they say that "for one beaten they give two unbeaten."

6. The crisis makes you take a different look at life, there is a reassessment of values, a very important understanding comes that everything in this world is temporary. For example, when loved ones die, we realize that the same fate awaits us, that we are not this body, that everything here is temporary. It helps us not to become attached to anything or anyone, and also relieves us of pain. After all, pain occurs when we are not ready to accept the inevitable.

7. Stress of any kind must be managed harmoniously, at all four levels: physical, social, intellectual and spiritual.

- At the physical level to relieve stress, you need to move more: during exercise, any external vigorous activity, hormones of happiness are produced - endorphins. Nature itself teaches us this, because this is what many animals do under stress.

It is highly desirable to occupy yourself with some kind of activity: cleaning, washing, etc. Yoga classes (relaxation and calming the mind) and proper nutrition are also very important. Meat, coffee, food from preservatives, with chemical additives only increase negative emotions. At the same time, it is very important not to overeat, not to eat at night and drink at least two liters of water a day, because, among other positive features, water takes on negative emotions. Proper sleep is no less important - go to bed early, get up early, so that the nervous system rests. To avoid insomnia, spend more time in the fresh air, work more, move, swim, take salt baths, in the morning after waking up - a cold shower, two hours before bedtime - a hot shower. All this relieves mental stress. The crisis, first of all, affects health, and health is the basis of everything. Therefore, start monitoring your health much earlier than the crisis comes in order to approach it in optimal shape. This will generate the necessary protective reactions and energy in the body.

- at the social level, especially during a crisis, it is very important to help someone, not to concentrate only on yourself. The energy of stress goes away because in a crisis, we think that we are the worst. But in the world around us, it's easy to find someone who is even worse and just start helping him. When we selflessly help others, the energy of happiness flows through us: by giving, we receive goodness and, as a rule, intuitive insights - ways out of the crisis and how we can serve others more.

- At the intellectual level at this time, it is very favorable to read philosophical and spiritual literature, which helps us in the search for the meaning of life, the meaning of activity. Because it is important to know the goals, to clearly understand why you live. An aimless life is full of pain. Especially in a crisis, it is very important to realize and see these goals. If a person sees the goal, his mind is calm, and new opportunities open up before him. Meaningful life - protection from the influence of the crisis.

Also, during a crisis, sometimes you need to revise your value system, adjust plans, and abandon intentions and desires that have ceased to be relevant.

The intellectual level is also willpower and courage, and these qualities are more important than ever in a crisis.

- on a spiritual level are the best times for the growth of the Spirit. Meditation prayers, the practice of conscious living, selflessness, lack of pretensions and a constant feeling of gratitude - all this can raise you to a new spiritual level in a short time and thereby solve any crisis.

8. Crises are different: economic, political, physical (health), personal (relationship crisis), etc. We need them, because often a crisis is one of the ways to show us that we are going in the wrong direction.

We become the cause of most crises ourselves, sometimes from scratch. If we lived harmoniously, then many crises simply would not have happened.

Crises are dangerous because if we do not cope with them, then we sink several levels lower, and at the same time, sooner or later, we still have to go through this lesson. For example, if a person must learn to go through a crisis in personal relationships in this incarnation, then the partner begins to behave illogically, giving rise to claims and insults. And if a person has not forgiven, has gone through this situation incorrectly, he is faced with betrayal, and if he does not draw the right conclusions, diseases come. If a person does not take them, the time comes for serious illnesses and blows of fate, after which death itself will not keep itself waiting. A person will have to go through these lessons again and again, everything will be repeated from birth to birth until a person passes this test (without any resentment, aggression, pretensions, etc.)

9. Especially in a crisis, you need to be flexible in all respects, not to have fear and greed. But the most important thing in a crisis situation is the ability to deal with our attachments and addictions (as a rule, to abandon them). By and large, the strength of the crisis depends on how strongly we begin to identify ourselves with our mortal body and everything related to it. Hence all the pain.

We are not this body, we are the eternal spirit, which periodically incarnates in different bodies. Awareness of this means overcoming the crisis on a spiritual level. Our life is a performance, and we are actors and screenwriters. By changing your mindset, you can turn life into a good comedy, or you can turn it into a tragedy - and this is our choice. Someone, having learned that they are ruined, is thrown out of the window, and someone rejoices that tomorrow they don’t have to go to work. There is no need to be afraid that we will temporarily have to lower the material standard of living to which we have been striving for so long. You can build a new life or complete it with dignity without any money at all. And, if you have temporarily sunk to the bottom, do not be afraid to roll up your sleeves, take up the menial work. One must be able to accept any development of events - if it happened, then it must be so.

10. A person whose happiness depends on the level of his life, on external circumstances, is inevitably overtaken by a crisis. He becomes a slave to circumstances, he is very easy to manipulate. At the same time, a person who is free from attachments does not care about the crisis. Therefore, it is important not to become attached to a comfortable state.

If we passionately want something or possess it passionately, we are deprived of it, and a crisis ensues. The more we attach, the more we lose it.

We have the right to possess in this world only that which we are not afraid to lose.

That businessman is successful and fabulously rich, who is not afraid to take risks, i.e. he is not afraid to lose his capital, he is relaxed and unattached. Risk gives taste to life. But to take risks, you need wings (the energy of non-attachment). It is also very important to understand that strong attachment on the subtle plane kills just like hatred. A person whose happiness depends on the achieved standard of living, who cannot temporarily give up the usual comfort, is covered by a crisis.

Comfort is the last trap of civilization. To achieve inner growth, you need to be able to perform austerities - do yoga, limit yourself in something, periodically fast - this gives energy (shakti). The strength of a man, first of all, is manifested in the ability to endure pain, endure suffering and restrictions.

11. Death, destruction, the end of something is always the beginning of something new! When one door closes in our lives, another opens somewhere nearby. We must be a harmonious person, live consciously, in the "flow", calm the mind, and then we will easily see this door.

12. In a crisis, one must be able to allow oneself not to restrain one's feelings, if cats scratch at one's soul. You should not try to put a mask on your face for a long time and pretend that you feel good, because in this case the negative energy will turn inward and destroy the subtle body, and then the gross one. There will be a split personality, which can lead to severe depression and mental illness.

You need to be with this emotion of pain, suffering - there is nothing to be ashamed of. Allow yourself to consciously suffer, grieve. It is advisable to say out loud: "I am in a lot of pain right now, I feel tension in my body, a lump in my throat, etc." The "spoken" emotion goes away much faster, leaving no scars in the subtle body.

Also, the state of crisis gives us an understanding of the duality of the world - cold-hot, good-evil, bad-good, etc. But Divine love and soul are above duality. If you handle traumatic situations correctly, you can get very deep spiritual realizations.

13. Illnesses and crises are conquered by unconditional Love. You should not fight the crisis, first of all you need to love and accept it. When you fight with someone or something, then the opponent has retaliatory aggression, your strength and energy are transferred to him.

In Eastern psychology, in martial arts, there is a rule: you cannot defeat someone or something if you cannot love them unconditionally. Therefore, always before the fight, the rivals bowed to each other, thereby expressing respect, and sent each other love. In this state, a person lives in the "flow", listens to intuition. When we love life, everything around us, we are not attached, because our main aspiration is bestowal and service.

But love cannot be used for selfish purposes (now I will love everyone, and the crisis will pass), it does not work. All our troubles and illnesses are our Teachers - look at them differently, accept them and send them the energy of love and gratitude. The first step is an internal acceptance of the crisis situation, then gratitude and acceptance of it with love.

14. Any crisis, especially a long one, can remain in the subconscious as despondency, strong negative emotions. Therefore, it is desirable to visualize it (for example, draw a crisis period on paper, possibly in the past) and fill it with love. Now you can no longer act differently, return to that moment physically, but you can do it on a subtle plane (mentally).

15. Crisis in 99% of cases gives rise to fear for the future, and this is the most serious and destructive fear that can take all our energy. There is only one moment - here and now. Therefore, you need to ask yourself: “What can I do here and now to improve the situation? Where and how can I show my creativity?” If you are in the here and now mindset, then you can solve the problem step by step using the opportunities provided by the circumstances. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, immerse yourself in destructive thoughts like: "And why am I so (good) all this? And what will happen if ...?" Correctly question asked: "What do I need this for?".

16. We are as happy as we can give. Everything in this world is achieved by sacrifice (bestowal) and austerity. Without austerity, we will not achieve anything even in material terms: in order to achieve our goal, we have to limit ourselves in many ways - work more, regularly perform certain duties, etc.

If a lot of things are easy for a person in this life, then he earned it in past lives. Accordingly, all problems begin with our unwillingness to sacrifice, to give, unwillingness to accept pain.

In our civilization, it is believed that pain is bad, and everything is done to avoid it. But pain, difficulties within reasonable limits are needed. If we want to achieve something and be happy, we must be able to sacrifice. When we live in a sacrificial state, we perceive a crisis as an opportunity to help and sacrifice others.

Life is filled with meaning and interest when we donate it to some higher idea, service. And the higher this idea, the more happiness. Sacrifice for the sake of obtaining material wealth gives happiness for a while, but does not fill with subtle energy. Then comes emptiness, because the soul needs only love, not material goods and recognition. We must sacrifice the life of our loved ones, our country, our nation and, ultimately, the Almighty. But if a person lives only for himself, for himself, or even for his relatives, this is a real crisis. The egoist lives in a permanent crisis, because he sacrificed his life to his ego, temporary and illusory. The ego can only give fear, tension, pride. The purpose and nature of the soul is to love, serve and give - then life becomes filled with meaning and a taste for life comes.

17. Everything is known in comparison. We walk, immersed in our problems, considering ourselves the center of the universe. And around people die, become crippled, suffer from serious illnesses, plunge into the abyss of torment. Compared to their problems, the vast majority of our worries are far-fetched. Yes, something happened - you were fired from your job, you lost your fortune, your loved one left you - thank the Almighty, because there is a useful lesson in this, at least for the soul. And very often for the body, because perhaps if this loved one had stayed with you, after some time he would have become your main source of pain; maybe because of the money we lost, in the future we would be killed by trying to rob, etc. Even being near death, one can radiate happiness, encourage others.

18. When you internally accept any scenario for the development of events and thank God for them, completely different energies come. In the depths of your soul, joy and peace reign, and outwardly you easily solve any problem, as you are full of energy and clearly hear intuition. If you go through the crisis correctly, then the situation improves, there are much fewer new crises. Just become harmonious people, get rid of attachments, live in love - and you will be able to overcome any crisis and even lead a country or even humanity out of it. It is said that one saint can save the country.

Therefore, do not listen to any forecasts - live according to the forecast that everything is already fine and is getting better and better every day, in every way. "Everything that would not be done, everything is for the better." And create around you a reality filled with love and happiness.

Be healthy, successful and happy!

The main problem of the crisis is that under a heap of difficulties your personality dies. Trying to take everything upon ourselves, we forget about our own interests. After all, in a normal, calm state, we solve a lot without even noticing it, and cope with more difficult issues to the best of our ability.

The reasons for this can be both long-standing and unresolved, and those caused by a certain situation. Too much stress can unsettle, and you will temporarily lose the ability to reason sensibly. But life does not stop and requires your participation in everything. On knurled problems only get worse.

It is worth dealing with the underlying causes of such problems with a specialist, but you can use express methods to get out of the crisis quickly and effectively on your own.

Make time for yourself

Such a respite should be the first and mandatory step. It will be impossible to break out of the vicious circle of problems if you do not find the opportunity to get rid of everything that presses you, at least for a while. Learning to honestly not think about problems should start with at least 10 minutes a day.

Separate excess

First of all, leave what has been launched for a long time and it will take a lot of effort to solve it. This should not be done in order to return to it later, but because in a state of stress you will not be able to see the real situation and risk drawing false conclusions.

If there is an opportunity to solve one of the problems, investing a minimum of effort, be sure to use it. Is it possible to find work in difficult times? Let's watch the video!

Redefine priorities

Perhaps the crisis is the result of the fact that it is time to change a lot in your life: your interests have shifted, your attachments have become obsolete, your needs require implementation in a completely different way. It is difficult to notice right away, but sooner or later nature will take its toll in the form of a psychic protest.

Find Support

Very important . Let it be one person who understands you, or many different contacts in which you feel better. Even a conversation with a random fellow traveler can be therapeutic, although it does not need to be devoted to the details. As a last resort, watch upbeat movies, listen to your favorite music, and use anything that can restore you.

Start looking at difficulties differently

Do not get involved in difficulties with all your heart. The principle of “do what you can, and come what may” pulls out of crises no worse professional specialist. Stress does not allow you to move on, but you can move nonetheless. You may feel helpless, but keep in mind that it's really just a feeling.

stop winning

Nobody expects this from you, unless you yourself take it as a responsibility. There are many benefits to being a loser, and if not overdone, they can help you temporarily recover.

Remember the future

This is much more constructive than always. Whatever the trouble, it will pass, we must learn to look beyond the horizon, and not just under our feet. Always have an inspiring goal ahead and keep yourself for the best.

Last week, several companies invited me for a consultation, and the question they asked was very interesting: “What would you advise us in case a crisis hits? what to give up, what to do to minimize the impact of a possible crisis, what priority measures to take?

First of all, I want to note that I am glad that companies are thinking about preventive measures in case of a crisis, because "he who is warned is armed."

My general opinion about the crisis - the crisis is useful. It is useful in the sense that the crisis invigorates, makes you think and evaluate the effectiveness of employees and business processes with a more critical eye, create and implement new opportunities to increase customer satisfaction, and is the external force that forcibly takes management out of the comfort zone.

My advice can be divided into three main points:

1. Cost control: quantitative and qualitative

2. Team Building Measures

3. Improve relationships with existing clients.

Cost control.

FULL control over finances. The word "full" is emphasized by me because companies that seem to have complete control over costs, in real times of crisis, can find a large number of costs that could have been avoided.

All those additional structures and people that do not add real value to business processes, increase customer satisfaction and the business as a whole and are beautiful, but still business accessories, in times of crisis can be a "financial" ballast for the company.

It's no secret that during a crisis, the first thing that comes to a manager's mind is cutting costs. But which costs need to be optimized and which ones should be completely eliminated is a question that will influence how the company will cope with the impact of the crisis and can get out of it.

Unfortunately, as my experience of previous years shows, the first item of expenditure that the company's management tries to cut in a crisis is the reduction of advertising and salaries. These are the items of expenditure that I always suggest, if not increased in times of crisis, then at least left untouched. The word "increase" in this case has two meanings: to increase in an absolute, quantitative sense and to increase in a qualitative sense.

Another item that you should definitely pay attention to is the item of salary expenses. I have always repeated and will repeat - the salary is given to employees not for the time spent in the company, but for the time spent effectively. Along with this, it is not the number of personnel in the company that is important, but the qualitative composition and effectiveness of each person individually and the entire team as a whole.

I do not advise reducing and cutting people's salaries, referring to the crisis - on the contrary, by increasing the quality of the team and the personal effectiveness of each employee, giving each employee the opportunity to earn even more through the introduction of various motivation systems that are designed to directly influence the increase in sales, and thus profitability and profitability of the company. As a result, employees will be interested in increasing the efficiency of the company, improving relationships with customers, and at the same time they themselves will also earn.

NEVER forget that cost management is a very important activity, but this process should not move to the level of a panacea and total cost reduction. In cost management, the "golden mean" rule must be observed, otherwise "cost control" will mean cost reduction at the expense of quality.

When cutting costs, attention must be paid to ensure that this does not turn into a total and absolute reduction, so that short-term decisions do not echo in the long term. Reductions in advertising and marketing spending, measures and activities to improve the skills of employees can lead to the fact that the company, having won the battle, will lose the war. And the company is in vicious circle - less expenses for staff development and less ads- fewer customers and lower customer satisfaction - less revenue - even less spending on training and staff development.

Team building

People are undoubtedly the main value of corporate life and one of the most key assets of the company. The task of a leader and one of the most important managerial competencies is the ability to rally a team around one goal, one idea and bring people from different upbringing systems, different families and people of different worldviews. Three people who are professionals in their field, without understanding with each other, cannot become a team, there will be no understanding and respect for each other, and most importantly, the same principles will not be professed in work.

In a crisis situation, one of the important tasks of management is to create a psychological atmosphere and introduce such an organization of work in which people will be on the same side of the barricades, and which would contribute to the creation of a team where people work shoulder to shoulder, while competing not with each other, but with external circumstances, in this case - with a crisis situation.

This is the state called "synergy", which determines such " chemical composition"teams, when the number of people turns into quality, and psychological condition is a coefficient that translates the number of people into quality, turning a group of people into like-minded people, partners, friends. And the binding "cement" in such a group are such intangible things as respect, faith, future promising common success.

Improving relationships with existing clients

As my experience as a manager, consultant, as well as a consumer of various products and services on the market shows, the service system in almost all areas in our country leaves much to be desired. There are many companies that emphasize their quality of service in their advertising and marketing activities, but in fact they do nothing but big words and empty promises for the sake of their customers' satisfaction.

Building the right relationships with customers, and not just relationships, but emotionally charged relationships, will allow the company to get out of the crisis with less losses.

Identification of dissatisfied and dissatisfied customers, closer communication with consumers, conducting a mini-survey on the customer base can allow short time find out your weaknesses, the elimination of which will lead, if not to an increase in the client base, then at least to retention and increase the loyalty of the one that already exists.

As an ordinary consumer of a large number of different products and services, I have very rarely encountered the fact that the company of which I am a regular customer is interested in me and my satisfaction. Constant contact with the consumer, identification of their weaknesses will allow the company to increase its revenues with much lower costs. The first thing I advise managers is to crawl out of their offices and spend more time on the "front".

I know very well from my own consumer experience that, having come to the store with a decision to buy a product of a certain brand and met with an indifferent, cold and superficial attitude towards myself as a client, I simply left this place and went to a competitor.

Unfortunately, most companies in our country treat many aspects of business and service in particular from the point of view of "purchase" - they buy territories, buildings, equipment, software for fabulous money, and do not spend in comparison with these expenses a minuscule amount on choosing the right people and on their competent training. The result is the same "we wanted the best, but it turned out as always."

And such important factors from the client's point of view as responsiveness, attention, communication culture are left without proper control, and each employee treats the client in accordance with his personal standards.

And the last thing I would like to emphasize: quality service has a multiplier effect, multiplying the results of advertising and marketing activities, and as a result of this, what is considered the most the best advertisement companies - by word of mouth, when consumers themselves recommend services and products to their surroundings.

Recessions in the economy appear with an enviable frequency, so each of them is accompanied by a lot of advice and recommendations from smart experts related to management.

In 1933 with anti-crisis program Franklin Roosevelt, who had just become the next president of the "Evil Empire", spoke.

The last crisis, which was hardly noticed in Russia, happened in 2008-2009. And for Europe it has become very tangible. Therefore, the most notable work on overcoming the crisis was the book of European business practice.

The author is John Von Aiken, although he was born in Orlando, but since 1993 he has been conducting his main activity in Europe, Russia and the CIS. He was on the board of directors of the St. Petersburg company Corus Consulting, managed a huge resort in Europe, and lectured at one of the Russian universities.

The full book is called "CRISIS - stay alive!" - a reference book for executives, entrepreneurs and business owners.

Unlike Roosevelt's plan to save the economy of an entire country, Von Aiken's advice concerns a single company. But, at the same time, they affect all aspects of companies from leadership and strategy to marketing and stress management. Just what is relevant at all times.

How to get a business out of the crisis - points for attention

Below are a few strong points that business owners should pay close attention to.

Assess financial status

The main thing here is to get rid of those assets that are dragging you down in financial plan. It can be loans, property, unnecessary expenses, and even people. Some of this may be dear to you or a lot of effort and money has been spent on it earlier. But, if today it is ballast, then it is worth getting rid of it.

Sell ​​illiquid assets. Even if you sell them cheap, it's better than they take up space in the warehouse.

Conduct a process audit

The main criterion is the ability of the business to stay afloat without external funding up to a year. Then it makes sense to leave such a business. If such a forecast cannot be given, it is worth getting rid of it if possible. Review your business processes again to understand which ones are not working effectively.

Change action and development plans

Most likely, all your pre-crisis plans were development-oriented. Now the main task- stay alive. This means that all work until better times should be aimed precisely at this.

Find extra income

All this is quite possible and should be used in normal times, but in "fat times" many do not think about it. It is almost impossible to get out of the crisis without finding new sources of income.

  • Practice sales techniques
  • Improve business processes
  • New products and services that can be sold to existing customers
  • partnership

Try new sources of capital

Raising funds in the face of a falling economy is an extreme decision that must be seriously argued. But, if you still have to do this, do not get hung up on what you used before. Think about private investors, partners and clients, maybe they will offer Better conditions than in banking.

It's time for a tough relationship. Cut off unproductive ties and look for those with whom you can work on more favorable terms.


The main points here are

  • Privileges
  • Things that are not related to sales
  • New beginnings

Think twice before using any of the available financial resources. Do not spend or borrow unnecessarily.

And strain your employees in this regard. Let them think about how to cut costs instead of you cutting them yourself.

Track performance

It's bad if you haven't done it before and on permanent basis. It's time to take control of indicators. Changing them will show if you are following the previous recommendations from this list correctly. And, if so, the way out of the crisis is not far off.

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This situation can happen to any of us, the wonderful course of affairs can suddenly come to an impenetrable dead end, giving rise to your doubts, frustration and longing. When you are in a crisis, whether it is related to your career, sports, training or personal life, it is in any case unpleasant. In fact, you can feel lost and have difficulty motivating yourself to do anything other than the feeling of stagnation. However, your very sense of discomfort and dissatisfaction is telling you that it is time to rethink your course of action and find another path to a better future.

A big part of getting out of a crisis is to listen to yourself and follow your inner voice (assuming you believe it). However, this article will help you regain your strength and allow you to set new goals for yourself with its recommendations.


    Relax. If you are upset and overstressed, this will only aggravate your condition and may even perpetuate the feeling of being in a crisis. You cannot change bad habits and daily routine with their grumblings and accusations against the whole world. Start by relaxing to give yourself a break from self-critical thoughts and a bad tendency to focus on things that don't really matter. Relaxation involves stopping thinking about disturbing thoughts in your free time, while exercising, walking in nature or where you like to spend time, sitting in a cafe and contemplating the world around you, during yoga or Pilates, meditation, during a spa - procedures in the salon, meetings with friends, communication with pets, visits to an art gallery or museum, weekend trips, etc.

    Create a certain distance between yourself and those things that create a sense of crisis in you. When you feel like everything in your life is hopelessly stalling and things aren't going the way they should, it's good to put things into perspective. In William Bridges Change: understanding the meaning of change in life (Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes) it is recommended to move away from everything by leaving home and giving yourself time to think without any distractions (TV, computer and even books); this is a great way to recharge and analyze your own feelings. In the absence of familiar surroundings and surroundings, you will be left to simply reflect on your feelings, whatever they may be. It doesn't take much time, just a day or two away from everything can do you good, provided they are restorative for you, like a house in the woods or by the sea, a hike in the forest or in the countryside and anything else that can take you away from your daily routine and allow you to "just be yourself".

    Think about the things that are likely to bring you into a crisis. Too many events in your life can not only scatter your focus, but also deprive you of the ability to move on, leading you to want to collapse from exhaustion or confusion. Often our attempts to be everywhere and do everything contain the seeds of our dissatisfaction, especially if what stimulates us works for others rather than for our inner (spiritual) and collective sense of self. Look at your life and ask yourself a series of questions:

    • Am I trying to do too much?
    • Am I constantly competing with other people? Am I comparing myself to others out of jealousy or superiority?
    • Do I give myself to others or am I always too busy for that? Do I have time for voluntary activity?
    • Do I still have the values ​​that matter to me, or have they been replaced by the values ​​of the place where I work or the people I spend most of my time with?
    • Have I forgotten my dreams? Am I trapped in a dream that I've outgrown?
    • Am I in good health, or have I let myself down? If so, why?
  1. Find inspiration. Part of the crisis is the loss of meaning in what you are doing, or the loss of a sense of direction in your movement. Every person has a cherished dream inside, for which you can try your best. However, there are times when failure to do something, wrong decisions and change of circumstances can be frustrating. Actively look for a source of restoration of the inner fuse through inspiration from the successes of other people, from their ideas and words. For example:

    • Read the blogs of people you admire and learn from.
    • Talk to people in everyday life who do things that impress you and inspire you. Ask them about how they got to their current position.
    • Read books about leaders, heroes, activists, and creative people who have done amazing things in your line of work or life in general. It doesn't have to be famous people, there are many simple successful people, leaders and heroes whose wise words can give you strength and inspiration.
    • Focus on successful stories other people and stop reading the news. They always carry negativity, and negativity cannot cheer you up!
  2. Set a goal that means something to you, and then work it to perfection. After answering the question why you are in a crisis state, you should have a better understanding of what overworks you, what you neglect, what you exaggerate. Break down what you are trying to achieve or do and decide on simpler and more specific goals, and even better - with one goal that you want to achieve at the moment. Everything else is peripheral and should be put aside if it doesn't help you achieve your one and only goal.

    • Write down your goal in a notebook and on self-adhesive pieces of paper that you can stick where you will constantly see them and remember the goal. From now on, realize your goal by constantly seeing it in front of you and reminding yourself of it.
    • Read as much as you can about ways to establish, improve, and achieve a goal. As well as being inspired by other people's stories of finding your purpose, other people's experiences with goal setting will help build your enthusiasm and serve as a great reminder that each person should work towards their goal, not just leave things as they are forever. changes.
  3. Make yourself accountable for achieving your goal. Share your goal with others. The more people who know your goal, the more likely you are to stick with it. When other people are aware, they can help you more clearly define and visualize your goal. You can even make a public announcement on a network like Facebook, Twitter, etc. to "commit yourself" to do something if you don't reach your goal, like donate money to a charity.

    If your crisis is about a career, consider another calling. There is always an opportunity to try yourself in another area to see if it is better for you. It can be the perfect transition from a career that has already served you, which has lost its usefulness by the current moment, to something new, amazing with an “unclouded beginner's eye”, which gives rise to your creativity and unleashes the instincts of knowledge.

    • You can search for new options for your calling on the Internet through job sites.
    • Another way to test a new job is to look for a part-time job (in addition to the existing job) on a volunteer basis in a new place for 1-3 months. Be open, explain what you are trying to decide; you will be surprised how many employers will be happy to meet your enthusiasm, and you may subsequently have a new job.
  4. Bring joy back into your life. If you have been working or studying all the time without entertainment, then your life has become quite boring in places. However, fun and excitement are important to your life. Do you disdain non-work related things like doing nothing, meeting friends, reading your own way? own will, and not out of duty, to hugs, to cheering friends to lift them out of their sadness, to visit movies, shows, theme parks, to travel, to travel, to update the design of their interior, to fly a kite. If not, then this list of ideas should help you, think like a child about entertainment, look for them and immerse yourself in them.

    Take care of your health. If you've missed your form, malnourished, and gained weight, the crisis will simply highlight the fact that you're not in very good health. The way out of a crisis can often be accomplished by focusing on improving nutrition and incorporating exercise into your daily schedule, which is not only enjoyable, but also gives you space to think, stretch, and push yourself. Group activities or outdoor activities in front of other people, in addition to improving physical fitness, are a great way to experience the collective spirit. If you don't know where to start, it's a good idea to consult a doctor or nutritionist, and there are many books on exercise, diets, improved nutrition, so the nearest library or bookstore will definitely have a couple of books suitable for you.

    • This article does not talk about what and how to eat, how to exercise, but everyone should understand that eating healthy whole foods and regular physical activity improves mood, shape and well-being. Each of these benefits taken separately is already able to pull you out of the crisis.
  5. Enlist friends and family members to help you on the path to change. It's about telling everyone and everything about your goal, finding those people who will go through fire and water with you, people who will give you directions and guide you, even those people who will open new doors for you. This is not the time to be shy. Dust off your social skills and dive into it. Ask people a lot of questions about how they have changed their lives, how they have progressed, borrow ideas to help you change your life and progress on the path to the next stage.

    • Meet with your support team often. Relying on infrequent e-mails and meeting once a year at a bar would be of little use. Your support team should be made up of people you see regularly and can easily reach out to when you need advice and a helping hand. Of course, you should not become a burden on people, but choose those whose own resilience is high, who can take the time to help you get out of the crisis.
    • Online communities and forums can be a huge help. There are communities in almost every field that share advice, ideas, experiences, and even stories of ups and downs, which can give you both a boost of energy and the necessary accountability to move forward.
    • Combine sources of support: no one can stop you from having support, both online and in real life! This can be especially helpful if you tend to experience bouts of anxiety in the morning. Instead of waking up someone at home, you can simply go online at any time to get advice or just chat, depending on what you need.
  6. Expect ups and downs on your way out of the crisis. Even with all the benevolence of the world, the greatest support and a clear sense of purpose, you will have days of doubt and inner distress. For example, if you are in a crisis because you hate your job, make it your goal to find new job where you can show your talents, where you will not be underestimated. You told your partner, best real friends and online associates about this, also job seekers. You have read inspiring books about career changes and the challenges involved, as well as the potential benefits. You are inspired. But then the day comes when your current boss is especially negative towards you, customers are unhappy with you, and you also lose an important flash drive with working documents. It is very easy to fall back into a crisis and start thinking that nothing will ever change with such a dam of negativity in front of you. However, you should note to yourself that negative events are temporary, it is very likely that you see them in a worse light than they really are, and provided that you do not lose sight of your goal, they will end very soon. Patience is your ally, as Arnold Glasow said, "A chick is made by hatching an egg, not cracking it." Accept that it's okay to have doubts along the way, but it's important to stay on track and you'll get there. In the meantime, practice gratitude towards good things your Everyday life; the vision of the goal is only a constituent element, your path itself should also be appreciated, it helps you learn more about yourself and other people.

    • If you have no doubts about anything, you are probably overconfident, which is the opposite slippery slope. Simply setting a goal and believing in it does not mean that it will be achieved without any effort. Use negative reminders as an incentive to get out of the crisis, instead of sliding back to the current state of affairs.
    • Like the tide, your motivation will return. Think of your path as an ebb and flow of motivation, with motivation constantly returning to solid ground and its periodic declines until you finally reach your goal.
  7. Reward yourself as you go through the key milestones on the path to your goal. Even one single goal can be broken down into small steps, after which you should encourage your perseverance. For example, let's say you want to run marathons, but currently you can barely make it to the store around the corner. You set a plan and work on it. Running around the corner without a break can be your first step, after which you can reward yourself with a walk on the beach or a low-calorie ice cream, or watching your favorite movie or music track, etc. It is better to use small, but meaningful rewards. The last encouragement is the very achievement of the goal and the complete disappearance of the feeling of crisis.

    • Stay focused on end result when you start to think that your crisis situation will never end. Always keep your goal in mind and remind yourself that everything that is happening now is for the benefit of achieving your goal.
    • Dedicate yourself to culture. Try to play music, draw, compose, show any creative activity that can replenish significant achievements in your life. Or start new habit visit museums and free concerts. In any case, being attracted to culture because of its complexity and creativity can help you think about the causes of the crisis without focusing directly on them.
    • Gradual change is a great way to overcome the overwhelm of the big changes needed to get out of a crisis. For example, if you want to improve your skills in baseball, start by practicing with a few throws and spins, gradually increase your practice time from five minutes to ten, then up to 15, 20 and 30, until you can significantly improve your game.
    • Try to think positive.
    • Keep reading inspiring books, blogs, websites, poems, novels, excerpts, etc. They serve to fuel your belief in your ability to get out of the crisis and achieve your set goal. Remember that others have done it, so you can too.


    • Most of the solutions suggested in this article require certain resources: holidays, weekends, solitude, proper nutrition, reliance on support - all this takes time and some money. If you are in a crisis due to external factors, such as financial problems or unemployment that weighs heavily on you, don't get further depressed after reading this article. Instead, look for things that you can do for free, you can get help for your immediate situation. A prolonged crisis, such as long-term unemployment, creates the problem of diminishing earnings even from a once good job. Find ways to reward yourself for trying to find a way out of a situation, whether it be reading a library book for an hour or attending a free concert. Plan those rewards around the things that really give you pleasure. Try to do at least one thing a day that deserves a little encouragement.
    • If you're feeling blue for more than two weeks, see your doctor. You may be suffering from something more than just a sense of crisis, you need to describe your feelings to someone who can help you medically or professionally.
    • Do you feel like giving up all your efforts to get out of the crisis? In that case, write electronic message, call or text your support team to let you know. For example, if you are going to stop your diet and eat a whole chocolate cake, run to your phone, computer and first thing contact support friends, ask for help! This action itself will already distract you, and the support provided to you will go at the price of gold.
    • It's easy to think negatively. Don't take the easy path, keep committing yourself to moving in positive thoughts until they fill your mind and throw out all the negativity. The negative inner voice is the source of the crisis, and eradicating it is absolutely always the key to the exit. Remind yourself: "I can do it!"
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