Formation of the nomenclature list management of a small firm. What to choose management of a small firm or management of trade? Main characteristics of UNF

In "large" applications of the 1C family, "completion" is an operation during which a set of items of the nomenclature is combined according to the specification and registered as a new element of the nomenclature. AT trade organizations, for example, this is how sets of goods are formed. In the list of possible operations and documents in the UNF, “complete” is not presented under its own name. Tasks that are usually solved with a complete set of nomenclature, however, can be successfully solved within the framework of this configuration.

Create a BOM

Assuming that the nomenclature position is formed through the union of other elements of the nomenclature, you should correctly enter the data in the appropriate reference book. Access to it is possible in different ways, for example, in the "Main / Goods and Services" section.

When creating a new position, you should enter data on the "Main" tab that describes the position of the item as a whole.

To ensure the possibility of a complete set, it is necessary to fill in the "Specification" tab:

click the "Create" button and describe the composition of the new element by specifying it in the "Specification" object.

Explanations require some columns of the tabular section. In the "Quantity of products" field, it is indicated on what volume of manufactured products the specified quantity of this item of the nomenclature is spent; for picking is set equal to one.

The String Type field can take the following values:

  • "Material" - raw materials or material purchased from suppliers;
  • "Assembly" - a semi-finished product produced at the enterprise;
  • "Node" - a conditional virtual unit, consisting of several nomenclature positions, with its own specification;
  • "Consumption" - services of third-party contractors of an industrial nature.

Picking through recycling

AT comparative reviews 1C-configurations, the developer indicates that the operation of "configuration" is possible here. In the UNF application, it is performed by a document that is not familiar to users of large applications.

In the "Production" section, you should refer to the list of documents with the same name and create a new object. Document "Production" according to help system application is intended, among other things, to reflect the picking operation in the warehouse. The "Operation" field is filled by default with the "Assembly" value, which involves picking goods in a warehouse or manufacturing products.

On the "Main" tab, fill in the fields of the main and tabular parts:

  • "Manufacturer" and "Recipient" - units, respectively, providing stocks for picking and receiving the result of the operation; coincidence of values ​​is allowed;
  • "Nomenclature" - a list of produced nomenclature;
  • "Quantity" - the number of instances to be created;
  • "Specification" - a link to the specification object created in the item card; provides the ability to select one of the options if more than one of them has been created in the stock list reference book.

On the materials tab of the tabular section, the list of completed elements is indicated. The list can be prepared by batch input based on the specified specification.

After posting the document, the user has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the movements created by the “Production” document. Information about movements is available in the menu of the "More" button located at the top of the document. The report shows that the document makes changes to:

  • Accumulation register "Stocks in warehouses";
  • Accumulation register "Product output";
  • Accumulation register "Stocks and costs";
  • Accounting register "Management".

The report "Remains of goods in warehouses" with the filter set by the name of the "Set" item shows that after the creation of the "Production" document, the created number of items of the item is available in the balance.

Working with objects created through processing does not differ further from similar actions with stocks that are capitalized in the usual way. As a continuation of the example, you can move the created kits to the office warehouse, and then arrange the shipment to the buyer.

The software product is designed to automate operational management in service, manufacturing and trading companies of small businesses.

The program implements everything you need to maintain operational accounting, control, analysis and planning at the enterprise. The solution is not overloaded with unnecessary functionality, it can be easily configured to the specifics of the organization of management and accounting in the company - this provides the possibility of a "quick start" and the convenience of daily work.

UNF helps to improve the efficiency of the company, providing owners and managers with a wide range of management tools, and employees with new opportunities for productive daily work.

"1C: Managing our company 8" is focused on work from one or two to ten users and is a solution for automating accounting and management operations:

  • performance of work, provision of services;
  • production of products;
  • marketing and sales;
  • supply and procurement;
  • stocks and warehouse;
  • cash;
  • fixed assets;
  • finance;
  • personnel and settlements with personnel.

"1C: Managing our company 8" developed on the new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

AT "1C: Managing our company 8" provided:

  • registration of almost all primary documents of trade, warehouse and production accounting, as well as documents of movement Money.
  • a wide range of reports provides owners, managers and employees with the ability to quickly obtain information - in a form convenient for work and decision-making, with the required efficiency and detail.

The program is not intended for accounting and tax accounting- for these purposes, you can use "1C: Accounting 8", to which the necessary information from the UNF is automatically transferred.

"1C: Managing our company 8" can be used for several companies or private entrepreneurs - both independent and working within the same business. When changing the scale and structure of the business, approaches to management or organization of work, the program can be reconfigured without spending a lot of time and money.

Upgrading from previous versions

Buy "1C: Managing our company 8" users of the following versions of software products can upgrade under the terms of the upgrade:

  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Set for a small company
  • 1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF,
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Network version for 3 users. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse",
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Network version. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse",
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7 for SQL. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse",
  • 1C: Trade and warehouse 7.7 PROF + ITS USB,
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Network version for 3 users. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse" + ITS USB,
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7 for SQL. operational accounting. Configuration "Trade + warehouse" + ITS USB,
  • 1C: Aspect 7.7. Compact trading system.


Attention! To scale and expand the number of jobs, you can purchase additional licenses.

Description of functionality

Marketing and Sales

"1C: Management of our company 8" supports the maintenance product range, prices and discounts of the enterprise, sales planning, as well as work with buyers and customers.

The program automated operations with the product range:

  • registration and storage of the range of goods and services of the enterprise;
  • registration, storage various kinds item prices, price list printing;
  • registration of types of discounts and markups.

Sales plans can be formed in physical and value terms and drawn up for the enterprise as a whole or for individual divisions.

To analyze the effectiveness of sales, a plan-fact analysis of sales for individual divisions, product groups and goods is formed.

Preparation of sales and work with clients in "1C: Managing our company 8" are carried out by operations:

  • registration and storage contact information clients;
  • registration of contracts with buyers;
  • registration of buyers' orders (the order is actually a specification for the contract, which reflects the types of goods, works, delivery/fulfillment terms, as well as cost);
  • combining customer orders into projects;
  • formation of a schedule for the shipment of goods, performance of work, provision of services;
  • meeting the need for goods, works, services, formed by orders of buyers by reserving free balances of goods in warehouses, placing orders to suppliers and / or orders for assembly (production);
  • tracking the provision of the buyer's order with goods, products, works and services.

1C:Managing our company 8 supports the following sales schemes:

  • sale from a warehouse and under the order;
  • shipment on credit or prepaid;
  • sale of goods accepted for commission;
  • transfer of goods for sale to the commission agent.

Documentation of sales of products, works and services is carried out by waybills or acts of work performed. Invoices are generated based on sales documents.

Supply and Procurement

"1C: Managing our company 8" (UNF) provides the process of inventory management of the enterprise.

The supply service is promptly provided with information to determine and meet internal and external needs for goods and services: on the presence of unmet needs for inventory, works and services, on actual purchases, on open orders to suppliers and on assembly orders.

Demands are met by reserving goods in free balance in storage places, as well as by placing them in orders to suppliers and in assembly orders.

To ensure the process of procurement of goods, services and work with suppliers, the following operations are automated:

  • registration of suppliers and contact information;
  • placing orders to suppliers and monitoring their execution;
  • formation of delivery schedules.

The receipt of inventories at the enterprise can be reflected according to various schemes:

  • receipt for a fee from the counterparty;
  • acquisition by an accountable person;
  • acceptance for sale from a commission agent;
  • receipt of customer-supplied raw materials and materials for processing.

The function of registering the receipt of additional expenses for the purchase of inventory is supported.

Warehouse and production

The following options are provided for maintaining inventory records of an enterprise in multiple warehouses:

  • separate accounting of stocks - own goods, materials, products, as well as goods accepted and transferred to the commission, and materials accepted and transferred for processing;
  • accounting for arbitrary characteristics of the item (color, size, etc.), as well as batches of stock;
  • accounting in the context of cells of storage places (zones, racks, shelves, etc.);
  • stock reservation.

"1C: Management of our company 8" supports the management of the processes of production, performance of work, provision of services.

Management of data on the composition and technology of work performed and products manufactured is carried out using specifications.

The production schedule is formed by orders for assembly (dismantling), the schedule for the performance of work, the provision of services - by orders of buyers.

Registered orders for assembly (disassembly) have the following features:

  • they can be sources of meeting the needs of buyers' orders;
  • for assembly (disassembly) orders, the need for materials and components is calculated;
  • requirements generated by new customer orders can be placed in open assembly (disassembly) orders.

"1C: Management of our company 8" allows you to register the fact of manufacturing (dismantling, cutting) products. The release can be issued both in the production unit and in the warehouse (for example, packaging, assembly of kits). Products are registered with the structural unit that issued them and can be moved to a warehouse for subsequent sale.

The fact of performing work (rendering a service) and handing it over to the customer is reflected in an act of work performed.

The following functions are supported for enterprise cost accounting and actual cost calculation:

  • accounting of actual costs - is carried out in the necessary sections in value and physical terms;
  • distribution of tangible and intangible costs incurred for the release - can be made both for the specified period and on the basis of a specific release document;
  • routine calculation of the actual cost of production at the end of the period;
  • report on the cost of products manufactured and work performed.


"1C: Managing our company 8" allows you to keep records of funds, as well as create an operational payment calendar.

Cash management includes:

  • accounting of cash flow in cash and bank accounts;
  • registration of primary documents for the bank and cash desk;
  • calculations with accountable persons;
  • formation of a payment calendar;
  • integration with the "client-bank" system.

Salary and staff

"1C: Management of our company 8" supports personnel records of personnel, including employees working part-time, time tracking (time sheet) and management calculation wages enterprise employees. The accrual of regulated wages and the calculation of taxes regulated by law and contributions from the payroll fund are recommended to be performed using the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

Personnel accounting includes the following functions:

  • registration of employment;
  • personnel transfer;
  • dismissal of staff.

Payroll options:

  • payroll calculation is carried out in the context of types of accruals and deductions;
  • formation of payrolls for the payment of salaries and advance payments to employees;
  • accounting of working time - a time sheet is used, which allows you to keep track of time both by day and in summary, for a period.

There are two functions for scheduling the work of performers:

  • registration of piecework orders - used to issue tasks for execution technological operations production cycle to performers with piecework wages, outfits can be individual and brigade;
  • employee tasks - is used to issue tasks to employees with a time-based wage scheme within the framework of internal or external projects.

It provides for the registration of actual information about the performance of work on orders and tasks. This information can be used in the future when calculating payroll, as well as for evaluating the effectiveness of work and conducting a plan-fact analysis of the work of personnel.

The section provides the possibility of generating analytical reports on settlements with personnel, accruals and deductions of employees.

Fixed assets

"1C: Managing our company 8" provides accounting for non-current assets - fixed assets and intangible assets of the organization:

  • acceptance for accounting, change of parameters;
  • depreciation calculation;
  • sale and write-off.


The software product "1C: Management of our company 8" implements the ability to maintain management accounting, obtain a management balance sheet, form and analyze financial result. For these purposes, the system provides for a management chart of accounts and a mechanism for generating management postings of documents.

Thanks to the availability of reports such as the balance sheet, cash, income and expenses, the application solution allows you to generate financial statements for an arbitrary period of time.

To account for income and expenses, the accrual method or the accrual method and the cash method are used.

Analytical accounting of income and expenses on an accrual basis is carried out in the context of areas of activity, customer orders, income and expense items.

According to management accounting, the user gets the opportunity to generate basic financial reports:

  • managerial balance;
  • Profits and Losses Report;
  • cash flow statement.

The system has the ability to register financial plans(budgets):

  • forecast balance;
  • profit and loss budget;
  • cash flow budget.

The section also provides funds for calculating taxes, entering and distributing other expenses, and calling the month-end closing procedure.

To control the activities of the enterprise on the part of the head, the "Monitor of the head" is intended, which summarizes the main indicators:

  • cash balances in the accounts and cash desks of the enterprise;
  • accounts receivable - total, overdue and by maturity;
  • accounts payable - total, overdue and by maturity;
  • profit and loss;
  • overdue obligations to buyers and customers for the shipment of goods and the provision of services;
  • overdue obligations of suppliers and contractors for the supply of goods and services.

Additionally, you can get the following information:

  • general indicators: sales, profit (loss), condition working capital(cash, inventories and receivables);
  • cash: cash balances and cash flows by items, for the period;
  • accounts receivable: balances and dynamics for the period;
  • accounts payable: balances and dynamics for the period.

Analytical reports

Analytical reports allow you to obtain information on all aspects of accounting. The user can independently set (adjust) the level of detail, grouping parameters and data selection criteria in reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved, as well as save their own report settings.

Set up accounting options

During the setup process:

  • registration of information on enterprise organizations;
  • registration of the structure of the enterprise - divisions, warehouses;
  • setting accounting parameters;
  • setting up service functions;
  • input of initial data on accounting sections.

Integration with "1C: Accounting 8"

Supports data exchange with the program "1C: Accounting 8" at the level of uploaded documents.

In the new edition editions 1.1 "Managing our company" configurations automated retail sales, connection of external equipment is supported, work orders are registered for the performance of work, the provision of services, etc., the convenience of the user experience has been improved:

Retail Automation

AT revision 1.1 the accounting of retail operations in automated retail outlets with a fiscal registrar and in non-automated ones with an autonomous cash register has been implemented. AT outlets Quantitative-sum or sum accounting can be kept (only for non-automated outlets).

The following reports are generated: TORG-29, a report on the movements and balances of goods in retail prices, a report on sales in retail prices.

Formation and printing of labels and price tags is supported.

Connecting external equipment

Added the ability to connect the following types of external equipment:

  • barcode scanners;
  • fiscal registrars;
  • data collection terminals;
  • customer displays;
  • magnetic card readers;
  • electronic scales;
  • acquiring terminals.

Formation of item prices

Added the ability to group assign (change) your own sales prices. Prices are generated for the specified price type.

The list of items for which the price is generated can be filled in automatically, using the selection by price groups, item groups, price type, receipt invoice. The price of an item can be set in the following ways: by another price type, counterparty price type, receipt document, calculated by the base price type, changed by a certain percentage, changed by a certain amount, rounded.

Registration of prices of counterparties (competitors, suppliers, etc.)

Added the ability to register, store and use the prices of third-party counterparties. For each counterparty, you can store an unlimited number of price types in the "Types of prices of counterparties" directory. Added the ability to automatically register incoming prices in receipt documents. Counterparty prices can be used to form your own prices for the item.

Registration of work orders for the performance of work, the provision of services

The functions of a work order have been added to the “Buyer's Order” document - a document that combines the functions of a buyer's order, an invoice for payment, an act of work performed and an invoice and is intended for the service sector. The document reflects the performance of work and the provision of services, the cost of the materials used is included in the cost of work, the salary of the work performers is calculated and accrued, the sale of related products is reflected, payments are planned in the payment calendar, and the prepayment is credited.

Working calendar

The working calendar is designed to analyze planned events, production schedule, workload of employees and key resources. The calendar has three options: contact manager, production and work schedule, workload calendar for employees and key resources.

Registration of order states

Added the ability to register the status of customer orders, orders to suppliers, orders for production, work orders, as well as setting the sign of closing (cancelling) the order.

Other new features

  • Added the ability to specify the key resource to be used in order to schedule its loading in a work order for an employee.
  • Storage of information about contact persons of buyers and suppliers.
  • Registration and scheduling of various events by the user (phone call, meeting, etc.).
  • Automatic write-off of materials and posting finished products and waste in the product release document.
  • Payment of wages through the bank.
  • The document "Invoice for payment from the supplier."
  • Planning of receipt and payment of funds can be carried out in customer orders, work orders, invoices for payment to buyers, orders to suppliers, invoices for payment from suppliers.
  • Reports for the analysis of payment for customer orders and orders to suppliers, invoices for payment and invoices for payment of suppliers.
  • When a new document is created, information about the user (author) who created the document is registered.
  • Plan-fact analysis of the main budgets.
  • Storing default user settings for substitution in new documents (main organization, division, warehouse, etc.).
  • Data exchange with the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration (version 2.0) and other changes.

Licensing features

Software "1C: Management of a small company 8" ensures the operation of the applied solution at one workstation at one point in time.

To work in multi-user mode, users must have 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses».

To work in client-server mode, users must have server licenses.

List of licenses

Name Price
1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 1 workplace
6 300 rub. Buy
1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 5 workplaces
21 600 rub.

Changes in 1C: UNF 1.6.1. Categories of nomenclature. Nomenclature list.

We continue the topic of major changes in 1C: UNF 1.6.1 in the "Nomenclature" reference book. In the last article, we considered the main functions in the item card. You can read more about the main changes in the nomenclature card at the link:. Among other innovations, a very useful option has been added. The list of item properties, if necessary, is automatically pulled from Yandex.Market categories. Below we will consider the features of the nomenclature categories in 1C: UNF 1.6.1.

In UNF 1.6, an important, fundamentally new difference from other configurations appeared. It is about categories of nomenclature. You can paint for a long time how useful and convenient it is, but it's better to see for yourself.

What do we see? We can download the categories we need from Yandex Market. No need to create them by hand and reinvent the wheel. Saves a huge amount of time and effort.

And now the most important thing, why do we need them? And everything is very simple. Let's create the "Computer 1" nomenclature, select the appropriate category and see what happens.

These are the properties we immediately discovered. They can be edited manually. You can add, you can remove.

So, the necessary properties appeared when choosing a category. A very important and useful innovation that allows you to reduce unproductive routine in favor of things that bring profit and pleasure from work.

Nomenclature list.

Let's see how the item list began to look.

What is fundamentally new here?

1. We can see immediately:

  • The rest of the nomenclature
  • item price
  • If a warehouse is selected, then we will see the price and the balance of the item in the context of characteristics.

2. We can quickly issue sales or purchase documents for one or more items.

3. A shopping cart has appeared.

4. New selections.

  • Filter by type, category or hierarchy.
  • Filter by availability in warehouses.
  • Filter for items by price range.

5. Now you can use the barcode scanner to search for an item in the item list.

1C: Small business management is successfully used by thousands of companies and individual entrepreneurs in Russia and other countries. For small businesses in all areas of activity, this program helps to organize operational management. A new version 1C: UNF 1.6.1 has already found its fans. The developers not only released a new edition of the 1C: UNF 1.6.1 program, but presented new approach to the simplicity and convenience of working with the program. Employees of the Petersburg Business Solutions company will help you update your software product, install the 1C programs you are interested in. Transfer all data and provide training and advice. The full range of services provided by Petersburg Business Solutions can be found at the link

If you have any questions, you can contact us in any way convenient for you.

Petersburg Business Solutions will be glad to see you among its clients!

Item characteristics are additional properties of item items by which they can be grouped and in the context of which the item in the warehouse can be taken into account. This is one of the differences between Characteristics and Additional attributes and properties. They are configured in one form, but you can keep records according to the Characteristics.

In other words, the entire nomenclature in 1C: Management of our company (UNF) can be divided into some groups that are similar in their additional characteristics.

For example, shoes and clothing may have characteristics such as size, color, season of use. Household chemicals do not have such characteristics, but they may have others, such as the type of packaging, the volume of packaging, etc.

Each company independently determines the product lines and their characteristics, depending on what products it offers to the buyer. That is why the list of additional characteristics and item groups in the program is configured by the user himself.

In order to start using the ability to account for items by characteristics in 1C: Our Company Management (UNF), you need to check the box “Accounting by characteristics” in the “Settings” “Purchases” section. After that, you need to go to the "Enterprise" section "Regulatory and reference information" and select the reference book "Nomenclature groups". In this directory, you can specify a set of item groups used in the company.

Then you need to go to "Settings" General settings « Additional details". In the form that opens, expand the "Characteristics" group.

We see here the elements of the "Nomenclatural groups" directory created by us

By selecting the appropriate group by clicking the "Create" button, you can describe a specific characteristic, determine the type of its values, and set possible values.

After determining the list of characteristics, it is possible to form specific sets of characteristics from a given list in the "Nomenclature groups" and "Nomenclature" reference books.

There is no need to do any additional actions to create a set of characteristics in the "Nomenclature groups". In the "Nomenclature" directory element, in order to use the characteristics, it is necessary to set the corresponding checkbox on the "Storage and purchase parameters" tab.

It is important to note that full list characteristics in 1C: Management of our company (UNF) will consist of the characteristics of the nomenclature position itself and the characteristics of the nomenclature group to which this position belongs.

The program implements everything you need to maintain operational accounting, control, analysis and planning at the enterprise. The solution is not overloaded with unnecessary functionality, it can be easily customized to the specifics of the organization of management and accounting in your company - this provides a quick start and convenience of daily work.

UNF is not intended for accounting and tax accounting- for these purposes, you can use "1C: Accounting 8", into which the necessary information is automatically transferred from the UNF.

program can be used for several companies or private entrepreneurs– both independent and working within the same business. When changing the scale and structure of the business, approaches to management or organization of work, the program can be reconfigured without spending a lot of time and money.

Press about 1C:UNF

  • The article "Luck loves the brave" in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" about the owner of an online store selling auto parts, who integrated "1C: Management of our company8" and the engine of his site.
  • Recording of the program "Sphere of Interests" on the RBC channel.
    Topic "Software for Small Business". Maria Pravdina, an employee of 1C, who promotes 1C: UNF, talks about a software product for small businesses.
  • "How to catch up with America". An article in the journal "Expert" about the successful implementation of UNF in construction company.
  • Project cases for 1C:UNF on the portal. A special project of the editors of "Business-FM" and the company "1C" for small and medium-sized businesses!
  • "Consolidation of disparate data". An article in the PCWEEK magazine about the successful implementation of the 1C: UNF program at the Arcolor Moscow paint and varnish plant.

User Experience

  • Internet business automation recipes - together with "1C: Managing our company 8";
  • Forwarding services: how 1C: UNF speeds up business;
  • Launching a management accounting automation system in a construction company - in one day;
  • The story of how you can get a payment calendar without spreadsheets.
  • "1C: UNF" in the company for the installation of stretch ceilings: less payroll - the same income.

Business management cases

  • Organization of wholesale, retail and commission sales in a clothing store;
  • Organization of accounting and management in a manufacturing company;
  • Planning and accounting of income and expenses in the design organization.


With the help of process automation, you want to achieve certain goals for your business, get a specific result. The specialists of our company are ready to help you with this, to provide individual, only the services you need:,.

If you want want to get the result " Full construction", to delegate to professionals the care and responsibility associated with achieving the result, then your choice is a comprehensive implementation programs.


High-quality support of the 1C:Enterprise software system is the key to stable, efficient and uninterrupted operation of your organization.

We offer services within the framework of basic 1C:ITS support agreements, as well as comprehensive subscriber support.

Information technology support agreement (1C:ITS) 1C programs provides:

The amount of information and the service provided depends on the level of the 1C: ITS agreement - PROF or TECHNO.

Comprehensive subscriber support agreement besides basic services as part of a 1C:ITS subscription, it may include the following works:

  • Installation and updating of non-standard 1C configurations;
  • Technical diagnostics of the state of databases;
  • Database backup;
  • Advice on hotline(unlimited);
  • Regular (monthly) visit of the consultant;
  • Extended consultations;
  • Support for commercial and special equipment.
  • Support for integration mechanisms 1C:UNF with external software (1C:Accounting, online store, electronic document management etc.)
  • Implementation of monitoring and routine procedures to ensure the uninterrupted operation of MS SQL servers and 1C server databases

Also, the presence of a subscription support agreement allows you to use the following advantages:

  • Personal manager
  • Information support on the UNF (access to participation in monthly webinars, access to training videos, newsletter on the UNF)
  • Unlimited warranty on all improvements made to the program
  • Discounts on additional work and consultations

Customization and adaptation

Any office program, no matter how friendly it is, requires configuration and adaptation, especially for multifunctional software, such as 1C. Setting up and adapting ready-made software to the specifics of the organization allows you to get the maximum effect from automating business processes.

Types of tuning and adaptation works:

  • Setting the rights and roles of users;
  • Setting up exchanges between 1C databases;
  • Integration with external software;
  • Connecting and setting up new trading (barcode scanners, cash registers, data collection terminals) and special equipment;
  • Setting up distributed databases across offices;
  • Modification of standard and development of new printed forms and reports;
  • Changing the mechanisms of business processes implemented by the 1C developer;

Works are carried out in a form convenient for the customer:

  • In the form of trips to the territory of the customer;
  • Using remote administration tools and remote access to the user's desktop.


At any stage of using the 1C program, both users and experienced specialists cannot do without the qualified assistance of methodologists who professionally and at a deep level know all the nuances of the program's functioning.

RAU IT Co. consultants have extensive experience in automating business processes using 1C: UNF at small businesses in various fields of activity.

We provide the following types consultations:

  • Basic hotline support;
  • Choosing a accounting method in 1C: UNF that best suits the goals of your company;
  • Assistance in correcting errors and difficult situations in accounting;
  • Account recovery;
  • Audit of the 1C: UNF base for the correctness of accounting;
  • Individual training in the functionality of 1C: UNF

Additional modules

Power of attorney to sign

The module provides the signing of documents, which, according to the approved legislation, must be signed by the head and / or chief accountant of the organization, other authorized employees of the organization.

Controlling the delivery status of original documents

The module provides control over the statuses of sending/receiving originals of primary documents. Types of controlled documents are configured by the user. Information about which documents you sent and which you received is displayed in a convenient report.

Mappa - logistics monitor for 1C

A solution for automating the accounting of applications for the delivery and pickup of cargo, optimal planning of routes, compiling waybills and control over their implementation.


Quick verification of information about counterparties, automatic filling in of counterparty details in various documents, and other useful features.

1C: Reporting

Sending electronic reporting to all regulatory communication authorities directly from 1C with one click.

1C: Lecture hall

Regular seminars on legislation and its reflection in 1C programs - in person and in the format of video lectures.


An easy way to organize a secure remote access via the Internet to programs (infobases) 1C:Enterprise installed on the user's computer.

1SPARK Risks

Reliability assessment and monitoring of counterparties in 1C programs to make informed decisions on cooperation and minimize tax risks.

1C: Cloud archive

Backup information bases to the 1C cloud data storage, with the ability to quickly restore information in case of data damage.

Teaching and literature

Center of Certified Education "RAU IT"

CSO specialization - training software product 1C: Management of our company 8, both according to the course certified by 1C, and as part of individual and corporate training.

Training is conducted in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
(“training center No. 1” of 1C, courses for users, as well as specialists and teachers in 1C: UNF)
All teachers of "RAU IT" are active specialists in the implementation of 1C: UNF and have extensive experience working with the program.
During the training, students receive answers to any questions on 1C: Small business management 8.

Number of certified teachers – 4
Number of trained users– more than 500

Certified course "Operational management in small business using the program" 1C: Management of our company 8 ".

Course objective:
Ensure quick training of employees, managers and owners of small and medium-sized businesses to use the 1C: UNF program for effective management own companies, as well as on setting up management accounting and its automation using the program "1C: Management of a small company 8" . See the summary of the course on 1C: UNF.

The course is intended for:

  • Owners and directors of small businesses - service, manufacturing and trading companies, as well as companies specializing in design and contract work;
  • Managers responsible for the operational management of production, marketing and supply activities;
  • Specialists responsible for organizing management accounting and planning;

At the end of the course you will:

  • Have a complete understanding of functionality and areas of application of the new standard solution "1C: Management of our company 8";
  • Possess certain skills of self-configuring "1C: Management of our company 8" in user mode without programming;
  • To be able to effectively use the capabilities of the program for accounting, planning, control and analysis of financial, production, supply and marketing activities of small businesses;
  • Know how to organize regular work with the client base and consolidate the developed regulations by means of the program;
  • Own planning and budgeting technologies to the extent necessary to solve the problems of small businesses;
  • To be able to control the work of employees using the capabilities of the program and form various motivational incentive schemes for staff.