Fundamentals of workforce management. Coursework: Labor collective and its management

Employees play a special role in organizations. On the one hand, they are the creators of organizations, determine their goals and choose methods to achieve these goals. On the other hand, people are the most important resource for organizations to achieve their own goals.

Therefore, in order to develop successfully, an organization must manage the selection, training, evaluation and remuneration of personnel, create, use and improve methods, programs for organizing these processes. Taken in their unity, methods, procedures, programs are human resource management systems. The labor collective is the main cell that unites all employees of the organization to achieve a specific goal.

Labor activity takes place in a working environment. Therefore, the working environment is the working conditions, the relationship of people participating in the labor process, as well as the means used in the process. The labor collective has its own working environment. The working environment includes such factors as the conditions in which the labor process takes place, the objects of labor and the technological process.

In the process of their work, people come into contact, and in these conditions interpersonal relationships are formed. The nature of these relations is determined by the social position and role of a person in the labor collective, has a direct impact on the behavior of a person in the labor collective, as well as on the efficiency of his labor activity.

Human labor is an activity in the process of which material and spiritual benefits are created to meet the needs of society. The importance of labor collectives cannot be overestimated. The prosperity of the organization and society as a whole depends on the effectiveness and quality of the work of employees. The labor collective of any enterprise can be conditionally divided into the main components:

Production personnel - workers employed in the process of material production, with a greater share of physical labor. All production personnel can be divided into: the main workers involved in the production process and auxiliary workers serving this production. The result of this activity are material goods created in the process of production; Management personnel - employees involved in the process of processing information, preparing management decisions, monitoring the execution of decisions in production with a predominant share of mental work. This staff is divided into two groups: managers and specialists. The main difference between managers and specialists lies in the right of the manager to make certain decisions that have legal force, as well as the presence of other employees in subordination.

Organizations are consciously coordinated institutions that bring people together on a relatively permanent basis to achieve certain goals. Organizations, which by the end of the 20th century became an almost universal form of human life, have a set of features, which, first of all, are: the purposefulness of creation, functioning and development, an ordered internal structure, a special culture, constant interaction with the external environment, the use of natural, material and human resources.

41. Division and cooperation of labor at the enterprise level

Under the division of labor in production is understood the differentiation of the activities of people in the process of joint labor, and under the cooperation of labor - joint participation of people in one or more,

The division of labor presupposes the specialization of individual performers in the performance of a certain part of the joint work, which cannot be carried out without a clear coordination of the actions of individual workers or their groups, that is, without labor cooperation.

The division of labor is characterized by qualitative and quantitative features. The division of labor on a qualitative basis involves the separation of types of work according to their complexity. Such work requires special knowledge and practical skills. The division of labor on a quantitative basis ensures the establishment of a certain proportionality between qualitatively different types of labor. The totality of these features largely determines the organization of labor as a whole.

Ensuring a rational division of labor in an industrial enterprise within the framework of a particular labor collective (team, section, workshop, enterprise) is one of the important areas for improving the organization of labor. The choice of forms of division and cooperation of labor largely determines the layout and equipment of workplaces, their maintenance, methods and techniques of labor, its rationing, payment and the provision of favorable production conditions. The division of labor in an enterprise, in a shop determines the quantitative and qualitative proportions between individual types of labor, the selection and placement of workers in the production process, their training and advanced training.

Properly chosen forms of division of labor and its cooperation make it possible to ensure the rational loading of workers, clear coordination and synchronism in their work, reduce time losses and equipment downtime. Ultimately, the amount of labor costs per unit of output and, consequently, the level of labor productivity depend on the forms of division and cooperation of labor. This is the economic essence of the rational division and cooperation of labor.

In enterprises, the following types of division of labor are distinguished: technological, functional, professional and qualification.

The technological division of labor involves the separation of groups of workers on the basis of their performance of technologically homogeneous work in separate phases, types of work and operations (at machine-building and metalworking enterprises - foundry, forging, machining, assembly and other works; at mining enterprises - mining and preparation and cleaning works ; at enterprises of the worsted production of the textile industry - scutching, loosening, carding, tape, roving, spinning, twisting, winding, sizing, weaving and other works). Within the framework of the technological division of labor in relation to certain types of work, for example, assembly, depending on the degree of fragmentation of labor processes, there are operational, detail and substantive division of labor.

The technological division of labor largely determines the functional, professional and qualification division of labor in the enterprise. It allows you to establish the need for workers by profession and specialty, the level of specialization of their work.

The functional division of labor differs in the role of individual groups of workers in the production process. On this basis, first of all, two large groups of workers are distinguished - the main and service (auxiliary). Each of these groups is subdivided into functional subgroups (for example, a group of service workers - into subgroups employed in repair, adjustment, instrumental, loading and unloading work, etc.).

Ensuring at enterprises the correct ratio of the number of main and auxiliary workers on the basis of a rational functional division of their labor, a significant improvement in the organization of labor of service workers are important reserves for increasing labor productivity in industry.

The professional division of labor is carried out depending on the professional specialization of workers and involves the performance of work at the workplace in a particular profession (specialty). Based on the volume of each type of these works, it is possible to determine the need for workers by profession for the site, workshop, production, enterprise and association as a whole.

The qualification division of labor is determined by varying complexity, requiring a certain level of knowledge and experience of workers. For each profession, the composition of operations or works of varying degrees of complexity is established, which are grouped according to the assigned working wage categories. On this basis, the number of workers in each profession is determined according to their qualification categories.

The main economic requirement for the optimal division of labor is to ensure the output of products in given volumes and High Quality at the lowest labor, material and financial costs.

Technical and technological requirements provide for the performance of each element of the work by the appropriate contractor on this equipment during the established working hours. These requirements decisively determine the technological, functional, professional and qualification division of labor. Psychophysiological requirements are aimed at preventing workers from overworking due to heavy physical exertion, nervous tension, impoverishment of the content of work, monotony or physical inactivity (insufficient physical activity), which often leads to premature fatigue and a decrease in labor productivity.

Social requirements imply the presence of creative elements in the composition of works, an increase in the content and attractiveness of work.

These requirements, as a rule, are not met by a single organizational solution, so it becomes necessary to choose one option for the division of labor. The complexity of this task lies in its diversity, in the choice of criteria for determining the boundaries, the multivariance of methods for the division and cooperation of labor in various types of production. Moreover, the choice of option is carried out in the conditions of counteraction of various factors characteristic of the production process. For example, an increase in the load of performers increases labor productivity, but up to a certain limit, after which there is a decrease in productivity due to premature overwork.

The division and cooperation of labor are the most important factors of production, which largely determine the forms of labor organization.

42. Workplace organization

The key issue in assessing the design and certification of workplaces is the choice of assessment indicators. Which satisfies the following requirements:

1. Establish a job evaluation system.

3. Be improved.

4. Have quantitative estimates.

5. Based on primary data for the calculation of standard indicators.

When choosing indicators, a combination of 2 approaches is assumed:

1. Empirical - this is the formation of the most complete list of indicators for evaluating jobs used in the domestic and foreign practice and evaluation of each of the indicators.

2. Systemic - this is an analysis of the system elements of workplaces, identifying the characteristics of these elements that are significant for improving the efficiency of workplaces and establishing assessment indicators that are adequate to determine improvement production possibilities jobs, considered as a set of system elements.

The workplace is the smallest structural unit of the production organization system at the enterprise.

The workplace includes elements of the production process:

The subject of labor (this is the quantity and purpose of the product)

Means of labor (this is the use of equipment in the workplace)

Employees 9 is productivity and comfort)

The composition and name of indicators for assessing the workplace:

1. Technical and technological:

Product quality

Installed equipment performance

Depreciation of equipment

Technical condition of the equipment

Technological equipment of the workplace

2. Organizational and economic:

Execution of the production plan

Employment of workers

Conformity tariff category works

Workplace equipment

Labor regulation

43. Working environment and working conditions.

The workplace is a place of permanent and periodic stay of employees in the process of labor activity. If work is performed at different points in the working area, then the entire working area is considered to be the workplace.

Distinguish between permanent and non-permanent jobs.

Permanent workplace - a place where the employee is most of his working time (more than 50% or more than 2 continuously). If at the same time work is carried out in various points of the working area, the entire working area is considered a permanent workplace.

Non-permanent workplace - a place where the employee is a smaller part (less than 50% or less than 2 hours continuously) of his working time (SSBT GOST 12.1.005-88).

Features of modern labor industrial production: an increase in the speed and capacity of production processes, their complex mechanization and automation, remote control, the use of computers, automated control systems, economic and mathematical methods in management - have dramatically changed the nature of labor processes and the role of a person in them.

In automated production, the function of management and control becomes dominant, the organizational and planning labor function becomes important, while the working or technological function is increasingly transferred to machines; the share of managerial labor in all industries and types of human activity is growing; there have been objective changes in the professional structure of labor, due to the fact that the central place in modern production belongs to the human operator.

The operator's workplace is a person's place in the "man - machine - production environment" system, which is equipped with information display tools, controls and auxiliary equipment and on which his labor activity is carried out.

44. Characteristics of labor as an economic resource

Economic resources are natural, human and man-made resources that are used to produce goods and services. These include: factory and agricultural buildings, equipment, tools, machines, means of transport and communications, various types of labor, land and all kinds of minerals.

All economic resources can be divided into:

1. material resources (land, capital);

2. human resources (labor and entrepreneurial ability);

3. information.

Such economic resources as land, capital, labor and entrepreneurial ability are also called factors of production in economics.

Land as an economic resource is all the benefits of nature that are used in production: arable land, pastures, forests, plants, animals, deposits of natural resources, water resources, wind, climatic conditions, etc.

The main natural conditions that significantly affect the development of the country are: climatic conditions, the wealth of natural resources, the nature of the earth's surface, and geographical location.

Capital - all manufactured production tools: machines, tools, equipment, buildings, structures, vehicles, etc.

Capital resource properties:

capital is always the result previous work man, therefore he is limited;

capital is intended not for direct use, but for further participation in the production process.

In economics, capital is often referred to as physical capital or means of production.

Capital as a factor of production is divided into:

the main one - it includes what can serve for many years (buildings, structures, machines, etc.);

negotiable - raw materials, additional materials, fuel, etc.

Money is not classified as physical capital, since it does not produce anything. Money is financial capital.

Labor includes the totality of all the physical and mental abilities of a person that are used in the production of life's goods. Labor is the source of all actions aimed at transforming the gifts of nature into things that satisfy human needs. The development of the national economy and its effectiveness depend on the quantity and quality of labor.

The amount of labor depends on the size of the population, its age and sex composition, the level of physical health and economic activity.

The quality of labor is determined by the educational and professional levels of workers, the social and technical division of labor, the degree of personal freedom, and psychological and physiological conditions.

All factors that affect the quality of work increase its productivity.

Labor productivity is understood as the amount of products that are produced per unit of time; the more produced, the higher the productivity.






Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise


in the discipline "Management"

on the topic: "Team management"

Completed by: 5th year student, group 281, specialty 080502

"Economics and management at the enterprise" Salakhova G.R.

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor

Moreva I.V.


Theoretical foundations of team management

2 Types and psychological characteristics of teams

Peculiarities of team management on the example of the enterprise Ikmek LLC

2 Analysis of the team management methods used at the enterprise Ikmek LLC

3 Improving the efficiency of team management at the enterprise Ikmek LLC


List of used literature


Managing an organization - a system created by people (a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals) - is a complex job, it is also a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective focused and productive group. Management - individual managers - must recognize that each employee is an individual with unique experiences and demands. In other words, management achieves the goals of the organization through other people.

The sources of moral and psychological illnesses of the labor collective, negative behavior are the thoughts and feelings of workers. The only way to change behavior is the leader's knowledge of the inner world of a person and the mastery of restructuring him in a positive mood. Therefore, high psychological competence of leading personnel is of great importance.

First, knowledge is needed for self-assessment and self-improvement of the individual.

Secondly, you should have a complex of knowledge and skills of communicating with people.

Thirdly, psychological and pedagogical competence is necessary, associated with the implementation of the function of the educator of subordinates.

Fourthly, knowledge of the psychological patterns of the functioning of the team is needed, since the leader must accurately assess interpersonal and group relations in the organization and be able to harmonize them.

The ability to skillfully build business relationships, regulate the psychological climate is one of the main features professional suitability managers.

The basis of any organization is people, and without them the functioning of the organization is impossible. The labor collective is a formal (formalized) community of people united by joint activities to achieve certain goals (production, building repairs, scientific research).

A team (from lat. collectivus - collective) is a group, a set of people working in one organization, at one enterprise, united by joint activities within an organization. In a broader sense - people united by common ideas and interests.

Undoubtedly, research into the issues of improving the mechanisms for effective management of teams of organizations in modern conditions, arming practitioners with specific scientifically based recommendations, including on the forms and methods of interaction between subjects and objects of management, is a very important, timely and relevant task. The continuous change in the socio-economic situation, especially in the context of reforming the ideological and economic structure of the state system, as is the case in Russia, requires constant improvement in the methods of managing the professional activities of any team.

Without solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of all key elements of the control mechanism, it is difficult to count on success in the activities of any industrial enterprise or organization in modern conditions. It is this circumstance that makes the problem of improving the forms and methods of forming the mechanism of managing a team very relevant.

The purpose of this course work is to consider the interaction in the group: team management.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

to consider the basic concepts and signs of the labor collective;

to study the types and classifications of the labor collective;

explore methods of effective management of the workforce;

analyze the team management system at the enterprise Ikmek LLC


1 The concept and signs of a team

Today, people do not work alone, but as part of a group (a set of persons united by virtue of spatial community, activity, profession, random circumstances, etc.), which always acts as a single whole in relation to other groups.

Groups are real and conditional, the members of which are united statistically on some basis, but in both cases they exist objectively.

However, being part of a real group does not mean that people have to be around all the time and do work together. The main thing here is inclusion in a certain system of interpersonal relations.

Such relationships can be mutually positive, mutually negative, or asymmetric. Relationships are harmonious or only negative, or only positive.

In an organization, a group can exist as a subdivision, project team, committee, team, etc., while acting as a managing, managed or self-governing structure.

In accordance with the degree of cohesion of the participants, several types of groups are distinguished:

group-conglomerate (crowd) - consisting of persons who happened to be nearby and not related to each other;

group-association (flock) - a temporary formation for solving specific one-time problems;

The presence of a common goal for all its members. No matter how this goal is formed (as a result of mutual influence, individual goals or setting from the outside), it will always be the same for everyone, and not just the same, similar. Otherwise the group would be a union. Members of the group are not able to perform reasonable activity until there is a meaningful goal shared by all, the consciousness of the significance of which for a person is one of the foundations of the team.

Psychological recognition by team members of each other. This is based on common interests, ideals, views, similarity or complementarity of mores, etc.

Psychological recognition makes possible the practical interaction of people aimed at acquiring a goal. As a result of interaction, the capabilities of the group turn out to be greater than the sum of the capabilities of its accomplices individually. There are a number of circumstances for this:

interaction allows to overcome the limitations of the physical and intellectual abilities of each person;

due to the inevitable specialization of labor, it is possible to significantly increase its productivity;

in the process of joint activity, the participants, against their will, develop a spirit of competition that mobilizes hidden reserves and significantly increases the intensity of work;

conditions for successful problem solving are created where, for one reason or another, it is impossible to distribute responsibilities between individual participants.

The presence of a certain culture, represented by common values, norms, rules of conduct, traditions, requirements for the physical and moral appearance of participants, symbols, etc. propensity to maintain. Traditions exist in every group. As a result, he creates a complex of ideas about his own significance, superiority over others, giving him additional strength, stability, unity.

The presence of a system of public control that allows the group to influence the participants through supervision, sanctions, approvals.

The presence of a fairly well-defined structure:

functional - taking into account the production tasks performed by each;

political - based on belonging to one group or another;

socio-demographic - for example, by sex, age, education, etc.;

socio-psychological - in accordance with likes and dislikes;

behavioral, determined by the activity of people (core, undifferentiated part);

motivational - depending on the driving factors of behavior and so on.

Within a team, the following types of relationships arise between its members:

friendly cooperation, mutual assistance, which are based on complete trust;

friendly rivalry in certain areas within the framework of positive interaction;

formal cooperation with de facto neutrality;

rivalry within the framework of formal cooperation with mutual distrust;

focus on individual goals, even when working together;

rivalry and negative attitudes towards each other within the framework of common activity and mutual dependence (cooperation of antagonists).

1.2 Types and psychological characteristics of teams

Consider the classification of teams.

The composition of the teams are homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (diverse).

Heterogeneous teams, the differences between members of which may relate to gender, age, profession, status, level of education, etc., are most effective in solving difficult creative problems. Therefore, now, when versatile requests are presented to people by creation, it is desirable that the working team consists of dissimilar personalities with ambiguous capabilities. In conditions of intensive work, simple tasks are better handled by homogeneous teams. Since their members understand each other better, the possibilities for their mutual influence and the formation of a commonality of views and positions are higher here.

According to their status, groups can be divided into official and unofficial. The first, for example, the personnel of an organization or unit, are legally formalized and operate within the legal space. The latter are based on the nowhere recorded desire of people to cooperate with each other. The strength of such collectives lies in the fact that they cannot be caught legally and organizationally and tied to norms and rules.

According to the nature of internal connections, formal and informal teams are distinguished.

In formal relationships, they are prescribed in advance, in informal ones they are formed spontaneously, by themselves.

A formal team unites people only as representatives of positions, the interaction between which is initially predetermined by the technology of work.

However, a person cannot do without personal contacts, including when solving purely official problems. As a result, along with the formal, an informal team emerges as a system of unprogrammed business and emotional relationships.

As a rule, no collective can be either only formal or only informal, but contains both those and other elements. In practice, one part of the organization operates on the basis of predominantly formal principles (for example, accounting), the other - informal (scientific divisions). Depending on the situation, the ratio of formal and informal moments is constantly fluctuating.

Based on the terms of existence, teams are divided into temporary (designed to solve a one-time task) and permanent.

An important feature according to which collectives can be classified is the degree of freedom provided to their members.

Firstly, we are talking about the freedom of inclusion in the team (it varies from the obligation of conscripts to serve in the army to complete voluntariness when joining a dog breeders' club).

Secondly, we can talk about the freedom to carry out activities within the framework of a team (in one case, for example, a person is required to perform certain duties; in another, legal membership is sufficient. This allows people to be members of several teams at the same time and be active, first of all, where it is more appropriate at the moment). The possibility of membership in many groups is due to the multifaceted structure of the personality.

In accordance with the functions, instrumental groups are distinguished, focused on solving a specific problem, and emotional, the purpose of which is to satisfy personal needs and communicate. In turn, the functional classification can be supplemented and detailed by the classification by type of activity.

The implementation of functions presupposes a certain degree of internal division of labor.

In some collectives, it exists only as a quantitative one, creating the possibility of complete interchangeability of workers. Others have specific certain types labor within the same quality, which already limits interchangeability. In the third, there is a deep qualitative division, which generally excludes interchangeability, which makes it difficult for the team to function normally when one of its members is ill or leaves.

Groups are divided into small and large groups.

In small, there are constant personal contacts between all the participants. This gives them additional flexibility and overall higher performance and job satisfaction. The number of members of a small team, as a rule, does not exceed 20 (optimally 5-7).

Large groups, where there are practically no direct connections between people, are called secondary. They are usually formed according to the target principle, i.e. "for the task", so the main importance here is given not to the personal qualities of the participants, but to their ability to perform certain functions. Special managers are needed to manage such teams.

If the responsibilities (both performers and managers) are clearly distributed, people here can be painlessly replaced, because there will always be a person with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Collectives differ from each other psychologically, which is manifested in the nature of their internal climate, the state and degree of cohesion of the participants. Let's consider these points in more detail.

The psychological climate is a phenomenon that reflects the state of internal relationships in the team. It is influenced by the requirements of the administration, management methods, the degree of compatibility of people, etc. The importance of a favorable psychological climate can be judged, for example, by the fact that a good mood increases the efficiency of people's work by about one and a half times.

The psychological state is determined by the degree of satisfaction of people with their position. It is influenced by the nature and content of the work, attitude towards it (love or dislike), prestige, remuneration, growth prospects, the presence of additional opportunities (to solve their own problems, see the world, meet useful people), psychological climate.

The psychological state can take the form of social tension (consciousness, emotions or behavior), which manifests itself in general internal dissatisfaction, external aggressiveness, the search for the guilty, strikes, sabotage, dismissals, etc. This situation is caused by the negative impact of specific circumstances or the social environment as a whole, in As a result, a person cannot fulfill his needs for a long time.

The psychological state can be improved by changing the objective conditions of people's activities, teaching them to live according to the laws of the collective, to obey the established requirements and procedures.

Cohesion manifests itself as the psychological unity of employees on the most important issues of the life of the team, manifested in the attraction of participants to it, the desire to protect and preserve it. This is due to people's search for help or support from each other, mutual emotional preferences, understanding of the role of the collective principle in providing their guarantees.

In close-knit teams, people, as a rule, communicate more closely, adapt more easily, value each other more and feel more confident, work more efficiently. Disagreements here are usually only on the means of achieving goals, while a loose team - on all issues, which sooner or later leads to its collapse.

Influencing people, the team in many ways (up to 40 percent of cases) contributes to changing their behavior. The reasons are that the person:

has the opportunity through the eyes of his comrades to look at himself from the outside, evaluate his actions;

must adapt to those around him his desires, interests;

receives additional impulses that stimulate creative activity, the desire for improvement, superiority.

Depending on the nature of the collective itself, its influence on the individual can be both favorable and unfavorable. So, a positively minded team is able to resist the antisocial behavior of an individual, and a negatively minded team is able to exert a corrupting influence on it.

In turn, people also try to influence the team, to make it more "convenient" for themselves. A strong personality can even subjugate him to himself, including as a result of a conflict; the weak one, on the contrary, obeys him and dissolves in him in exchange for taking care of his well-being.

The ideal situation from a managerial point of view lies somewhere in the middle and is characterized by trusting partnerships between the labor collective and its participants, who do not give up their own positions, but respectfully relate to common goals and needs.

3 Team management methods

Management methods - a set of methods and techniques for influencing the subject of management through its unity on the managed object to achieve the goal; ways, methods of influence of the subject on the object of management (not excluding the reverse impact of the object on the subject), the leader on the team and the team on the leader.

Management methods are classified according to numerous criteria. So, there are methods of direct and indirect influence. When using the former, a direct result of the impact is assumed, while the latter are aimed at creating certain conditions for achieving specific results. There are methods of formal and informal influence. Their ratio reflects the characteristic features of the management style.

The most important is the classification of management methods based on the objective laws inherent in the management system, as well as the needs and interests of the person or persons who are affected. On this basis, management methods are distinguished:

organizational (organizational and administrative, administrative);



Organizational management methods are a system of influencing organizational relations to achieve specific goals. The performance of the same work is possible in different organizational conditions, with different types of its organization: strict regulation, flexible response, setting common tasks, establishing permissible boundaries of activity, etc.

Economic methods of management - a set of methods of influence by creating economic conditions that encourage employees of enterprises to act in the right direction and achieve the solution of the tasks assigned to them. Among the economic methods of influence, planning, financing, pricing, economic incentives and cost accounting stand out.

Socio-psychological methods of management - methods of influencing the object of management, based on the use of socio-psychological factors and aimed at managing socio-psychological relations that develop in the team. Psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise. Elements regulated through psychological methods include:

Psychological planning is a new direction in work with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the enterprise team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of a person's personality, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. The most important results of psychological planning include:

formation of divisions ("teams") on the basis of psychological compliance of employees;

comfortable psychological climate in the team;

formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the enterprise;

minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation);

development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees;

the growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their education;

formation corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

It is advisable that psychological planning and regulation be carried out by a professional psychological service of the enterprise, consisting of social psychologists.

Personality types characterize the inner potential of a person and his general orientation towards the performance of certain types of work and areas of activity.

Temperament is a very important psychological characteristic of a person to determine the purpose and place of each employee in a team, the distribution of managerial tasks and psychological methods of working with a particular person.

Character traits determine the direction of the human world, the level of need for communication. According to the predominance of certain character traits, people are divided into extroverts and introverts. An extrovert is extremely sociable, responds to everything new, interrupts the type of activity, sometimes without finishing work, if a new interlocutor appears, a stimulus. Motivation for activity is fickle and is directly dependent on the opinions of others, altruistic inclinations are expressed, sometimes for the sake of others a person forgets himself. An introvert is closed, in behavior he proceeds only from internal considerations, therefore sometimes his actions seem pretentious and eccentric to those around him. Intuition is well developed, he calculates the situation very accurately, his decisions are often promising and justified in the future. An introvert is emotionally cold, poor facial expressions and gestures alert interlocutors and prevent frankness in conversation.

The orientation of the personality is an important psychological characteristic of a person and is considered from the point of view of needs, interests, motives, beliefs and worldviews.

Intellectual abilities characterize the possibilities of understanding, thinking, consciousness of a person and are important for professional orientation, evaluation of people, career planning and organization of career advancement. The main attention should be paid to the level of intelligence of the employee, which has three gradations (high, medium, low). The ability of rational thinking is an essential requirement for management personnel and specialists. The level of consciousness determines the compliance of the employee with the moral code of the enterprise. Logical abilities are indispensable in engineering and scientific activities. Intellectual abilities are revealed with the help of psychological methods. Human memory is an important component of intellectual abilities.

Methods of cognition are tools with which a person studies reality, processes information and prepares draft decisions. The most famous methods of cognition are analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Analysis involves the study of a phenomenon based on classification, division into elements, identification of alternatives, and the study of internal patterns. Synthesis, on the contrary, is based on the study of interelement relationships, the construction of a system of individual elements, the study of external patterns and relationships. In the process of cognition, analysis and synthesis are used together, for example, when building a diagram of the organizational structure of enterprise management.

Induction is a conclusion from the particular to the general based on the study of various facts and events, the results of which develop a hypothesis (general statement) about a certain pattern. Deduction, on the contrary, is a conclusion from the general to the particular, when hypotheses (rules, principles) are put forward in the form of absolute truth, from which a conclusion is drawn about particular patterns. An example of the application of methods of induction and deduction is the development of an enterprise philosophy. Psychological images make it possible to train personnel on the basis of typical patterns of behavior of historical figures, major managers and production innovators. Artistic images are used for aesthetic and cultural education of the company's employees, especially young people. Graphic images are an integral part of engineering activities, especially with the use of modern multimedia technical means, when the design of new technologies is carried out on a computer. Visual images are very useful in personnel work, because allow to ensure the recognition of a particular person in the work collective. Practical actions, colloquial language, writing, various sign models are the material form of the embodiment of images.

Methods of psychological influence are among the most important elements of psychological methods of management. They concentrate all the necessary and legally permitted methods of influencing people for coordination in the process of joint labor activity. These include:

persuasion is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the human psyche to achieve the set goals, remove psychological barriers, eliminate conflicts in the team;

imitation is a way of influencing an individual worker or a social group through a personal example of a leader or innovator of production, whose behavior patterns are an example for others;

involvement is psychological trick, with the help of which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process, for example, the election of a leader, the adoption of agreed decisions, competition in a team, etc .;

motivation is a positive form of moral influence on a person, when positive traits employee, his qualifications and experience, confidence in the successful completion of the assigned work, which allows to increase the moral significance of the employee in the enterprise. In the Soviet period, such forms as entering on the Board of Honor, presenting honorary diploma, awarding the title "Winner of the competition", "Drummer of labor", etc.

coercion - an extreme form of moral influence, when other methods of influencing a person have not yielded results and the employee is forced, perhaps even against his will and desire, to perform certain work. It is advisable to use coercion only in emergency (force majeure) circumstances, when inaction can lead to casualties, damage, loss of property, people, accidents;

condemnation - a method of psychological impact on a person who allows large deviations from moral norms in a team or the results of work and the quality of work of which is extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be used to influence people with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team;

the requirement has the force of a command, it can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects the categorical requirement is identical with the prohibition, acting as a mild form of coercion;

command is used when fast and accurate execution is required without any critical reactions. When executing commands, they do not reason. In life, there are prohibitive and incentive varieties of commands. First: "Stop!", "Stop being nervous!", "Shut up!" etc. - aimed at immediate inhibition of undesirable acts of behavior. They are given in a firm calm voice or a voice with an emotionally colored tone. Second: "Go!", "Bring!", "Perform!" etc. - are aimed at the inclusion of behavioral mechanisms of people;

praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than condemnation. Sometimes it is enough to say to a young employee: "Today you work much better and if you improve the quality even a little bit, you will achieve excellent results." However, such praise for an experienced worker can be perceived as an insult, and it is better to celebrate his success in a solemn atmosphere in front of the whole team.

a request is a very common form of communication between colleagues, young and experienced workers and is less often used in the relationship between a manager and subordinates. Asking, seeks advice, help, instructions from another employee when he doubts the forms and methods of performing work or is unable to do it on his own. The manager's request is an effective method of leadership, because is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates respect for his personality.

advice - a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion, often used in the relationship of colleagues, mentors of young workers and experienced managers. You can say to the worker: "Ivanov, change the tool" - this is a form of order. You can say in another way: "I advise you to change the tool." However, in operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice and requests from the manager should be minimized and excluded in cases where the worker allows marriage and disruption of tasks.

So, psychological methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups of people and a person's personality. The art of managing people consists in the dosed and differentiated use of certain methods from those listed above.


1 Characteristics of the company Ikmek LLC

Ikmek LLC belongs to the enterprises of the food industry of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Apastovsky district. The production capacity of the enterprise is 1190 tons of bread and bakery products per year.

LLC "Ikmek" was created on the basis of the cooperative enterprise of the Apastovsky Raipo, which was built in 1936 and in 1938 produced the first products.

Currently, Ikmek LLC manufactures and sells wide range of food products: bakery and flour products, pasta confectionery and smoked fish.

The total area of ​​the enterprise (main and auxiliary industries) at the beginning of 2005 amounted to 898 sq.m. The production area is 752 sq.m. Average headcount working at the enterprise - 61 people.

Ikmek LLC is an independent entity with the rights of a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, official and other seals, a stamp, letterheads indicating its name, bank accounts.

The management of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the current legislation and the Charter on the basis of a combination of the rights and interests of the workforce and shareholders. The enterprise independently determines the management structure, sets the staff and management costs. The head of the enterprise is determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The most important means of forming a highly effective enterprise management system is organizational design. Therefore, the enterprise is constantly searching for the optimal structure of organization and management. The existing organizational structure of the enterprise is based on traditional principles and methods of management and accumulated organizational experience.

The states and number of personnel of the divisions are determined by the staffing table approved by the director on the basis of an established labor plan.

Ikmek LLC has sufficient average qualified personnel.

Composition of personnel as of 01.01.2011

Category of employees people in percent1. payroll (total)61Men 1524.6Women 4675.4Including: Managers34.9Specialists711.5Officers23.3Workers4980.32. have education: Higher education (total) 23.3 Including: Managers 23.3 Specialists Employees Managers1SpecialistsEmployeesWorkers4472.13. age distribution16-2446.625-2923.330-391118.040-493760.650-54711.555 and older

The company constantly calculates the need for personnel for future periods and the corresponding costs for wages. The system of material incentives includes wages, cash bonuses, as an instrument of material incentives, it is planned to use the system of participation of employees in the profits of the enterprise. Training and retraining of personnel is carried out at the enterprise. For an effective and complete analysis of the enterprise's activities, it is necessary to study its main technical and economic indicators.

The total volume of production in 2010 amounted to 13,632 thousand rubles. The growth rate was 118%.

Machinery and equipment (73%), buildings and structures (25%) make up the largest share in fixed assets. Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the largest share in the enterprise belongs to production and active fixed assets. It is planned to modernize the production, equipping it with a new special technological equipment. This is due to the low rate of renewal of fixed assets.

2.2 Analysis of the methods of team management used at the enterprise "Ikmek" LLC.

To analyze management methods, it is necessary to study the composition and structure of industrial and production personnel, analyze the degree of staffing in accordance with the required level of qualification for each category of workers: workers, specialists, managers.

The effectiveness of the organizational structure at Ikmek LLC is explained by the rather high professional level employees, as evidenced by table 2.2

Table 2.2. The professional composition of employees of Ikmek LLC

IndicatorsIndicator value for Growth rate, %20102011higher22100specialized secondary13 15115secondary (vocational and general secondary)4344102.3TOTAL5861105.2

It can be seen from the table above that the management staff has secondary specialized and higher education.

The specifics of this enterprise is such that the fact of having a higher education is not significant for its management. Secondary specialized and vocational education is suitable for successful activity in this industry. And as can be seen from the data given in the table, the number of such workers is sufficient in order to carry out the successful functioning of the organizational structure for managing the team.

Analysis of the composition and structure of the team at Ikmek LLC is presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3. Analysis of the composition and structure of industrial and production personnel

Category of workers Average headcount, people Change 2011 vs. 2010 20102011 absolute (group 2-group 1)% (group 2: group 1) * 100 PPP, people 58613105.2 Including: workers 49512104.1 employees9101111.1 Of which: managers 11-100specialists77- 100other employees121200

From this table, we can conclude that the largest share in the overall structure of industrial and production personnel is occupied by workers. There have been changes in the overall structure of the staff. The proportion of workers has increased, but this indicator for managers and employees has decreased.

An analysis of the age composition of the staff should also be carried out.

Table 2.4. Age structure of personnel at Ikmek LLC

Age groups of employees, years Number of people In % of the total number Change in 2010 201120102011 Number, people weights16-24446.896.550-0.3425-29223.453.27--0.1830-39121120.6918.03-1- 2.6640-49333756.8760.65+ 4+ 3.7850-547712.0711.48-- 0.50-0.81

The data in the table above shows that the majority of employees are at an age when they have a lot of work experience. They are able to transfer this experience to young professionals. It is also important that the personnel of the enterprise work together for a long time and this allows for effective management, since at many stages of production, control over the implementation occurs on the part of the employees themselves. This also reduces the cost of additional measures for the implementation of control by higher authorities.

The Ikmek LLC enterprise has a personnel department, which very successfully implements the personnel policy of the organization. The enterprise carries out career guidance of personnel, training, training, advanced training of employees. Naturally, this improves efficiency. labor resources.

During the period from 2010 - 2011, 3 people increased their professional qualification in industrial and economic courses. Qualifying exams were passed and ranks were raised.

3 Improving the efficiency of team management at the enterprise Ikmek LLC

management team staff

The most important condition for the effective work of the leader is the creation of a well-chosen team of supporters and partners who are able to realize and implement the ideas and plans of the leader. The team will be able to more or less effectively achieve its goals if it is well organized, informed, disciplined, united and active.

The following factors also influence the efficiency of Ikmek LLC:

its size and composition;

group norms of behavior, unanimity and status of its members;

labor relations in the team and the criteria used in management.

Size. Some research has shown that teams of 5 to 11 members tend to make better decisions and experience greater job satisfaction. In general, as the size of the team increases, communication between its members becomes more difficult and it becomes more difficult to reach agreement on issues related to the activities of the team and the performance of its tasks.

Composition. The composition refers to the degree of similarity of personalities and points of view, the approaches that they show when solving problems.

It is recommended that the team be composed of dissimilar personalities, as this promises greater efficiency than if the team members had similar points of view. A team with different points of view of its members develops better solutions.

Group norms of behavior. Norms, customs, traditions determine the direction of the work of the team and the expected results.

They are designed to prompt the members of the team the discipline of behavior in the performance of production tasks. Subject to the conformity of their actions and norms, each individual can count on belonging to a group, on its recognition and support. Leaders should be careful when discussing group norms. For example, it may seem that agreement with the leader in these matters is a manifestation of loyalty, but such behavior will actually lead to the suppression of opinions and initiatives.

Group consensus. This is the tendency of each individual to suppress his real views on any phenomenon in order not to disturb the unity and harmony of the group. Group members feel that disagreement undermines their sense of belonging to the group and therefore disagreement should be avoided.

In order to preserve what is understood as unity and harmony among group members, the group member decides that it is better not to speak his mind. In an atmosphere of group unanimity, the paramount task for the individual is to stick to a common line in the discussion if he has different information or point of view.

Since no one expresses opinions that are different from others, and does not offer a different point of view, everyone assumes that everyone else thinks the same way. No one knows that other members may also be skeptical or simply concerned. As a result, the problem is solved with less efficiency, since all the necessary information and alternative solutions are not discussed and evaluated. When there is group consensus, there is the possibility of a mediocre solution that does not offend anyone.

Conflict. While diversity and active exchange of opinions is helpful, it can lead to intra-group disputes and other manifestations of open conflict, which are always detrimental to work.

status of team members. The status of an individual in a team is determined by a number of factors, including such as seniority in the position, education, organizational talent, awareness, experience, location of superiors, etc. These factors can raise or lower status depending on the values ​​and norms in the group.

Members of a group whose status is high are able to influence group decisions more than a member of a group with low status. However, this does not always lead to increased efficiency. For example, a person who is new to a firm may have more valuable ideas and experience in relation to a project than a person with a high status acquired through years of work in management. In order to make effective decisions, it is necessary to take into account all the information relevant to a given issue and weigh ideas objectively. The group will have to work together to ensure that the opinions of high-status members do not dominate it.

Labor relations in the Ikmek LLC team begin from the moment the employee is hired, when the relationship between the employee and the employer is established through an agreement called a contract or an employment contract.

Labor contract includes two mandatory items:

) labor function, which indicates the title of the position, place of work, qualifications, specialty, job duties and others;

) wages. This information is included in the appointment letter. The duties of the administration include familiarizing the employee with the assigned work and its conditions, rights and obligations, internal regulations, safety instructions and other rules.


Management is to some extent an art. In some situations, leaders can become effective in their work by structuring tasks, planning and organizing tasks and roles, showing concern and providing support. In other situations, the manager may find it more appropriate to exert influence by allowing subordinates to participate in decision-making to some extent, rather than structuring the conditions for doing work. As Adjiris rightly points out: "...effective leaders are those who can behave differently - depending on the requirements of reality"".

The leader must be an outstanding person who masterfully masters the art of communication, persuasion, dialogue, has a sharp, extraordinary mind and solid erudition in all spheres of life and knowledge. Any leader works primarily with people, he must know all the subtleties of "human engineering" and possess extensive humanitarian, human knowledge.

Managing an organization in our dynamic time is a complex job that cannot be done successfully with simple, dry, memorized formulas. The leader must combine an understanding of general truths and the significance of the many variations that make situations different from one another.

The modern approach to organization is a balanced combination of human values, organizational change and continuous adaptation to changes in the external environment. All this requires significant changes in the principles, methods and forms of work with a person in an organization.

Experienced leaders know that each member of a group given a specific assignment will respond differently, sometimes in unpredictable ways. People's actions depend not only on necessity or their explicit desires, but also on many complex subjective factors hidden in the subconscious or acquired as a result of education. Some people have a noticeable power of habit, tradition, a whole system of prejudices and stereotypes of behavior, others act this way and not otherwise, under the influence of moral principles, social or political ideals. A person reacts to external events most often impulsively, without a deep analysis of causes and effects. Education, upbringing, age, experience and many other factors determine the reaction of the individual to the environment. The leader must know the complexity of the motivational tendencies of the individual and not be surprised at the inadequacy of people's reactions to control actions.

Human potential, the ability of the manager to correctly set the goal and effectively manage resources become the main factor in the success of the organization. The problems of human resource management of the organization come to the fore. An individual approach to a person allows the company to achieve better results.

A talented leader always acts as a role model among subordinates, peers, and even for higher bosses. Original management methods, norms of behavior are difficult to convey through conversations and moralizing, they are more effectively transmitted through behavior, actions that can be observed constantly during production contacts.


1. V.R. Vesnin "Management" textbook, Prospekt Publishing House LLC, 2009

. #"justify">. #"justify">. E.L. Dracheva, L.I. Yulikov "Management", Publishing House "Mastery", 2010

I.A. Skopylatov, O.Yu. Efremov "Personnel Management" electronic textbook #"justify">. A. M. Stolyarenko, N.D. Amaglobeli "Psychology of Management" textbook, UNITY-DANA publishing house, 2009

A.V. Karpov "Psychology of Management", Moscow, GARDARIKI, 2010

. #"justify">. E.A. Guryanova, I.N. Guryanov "Management of organizational management", Kazan: Ed. Fatherland, 2010

. #"justify">. Shekshnya S.V. "Personnel management of a modern organization." - M., 2009.

Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. “Enterprise personnel management”. -M., 2010.

Glushchenko V.V. Glushchenko I.I. Development of a management solution. Forecasting-planning - M: Wings, 2011.

Dessler G. Personnel management. - M. 2010.

Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management of a developing organization. - M., 2009.


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The economic reforms carried out in Russia have significantly changed the status of the enterprise.

Organizations appeared, along with those based on state ownership, private, mixed, with collective responsibility. The market puts the organization in a fundamentally new relationship with government organizations, with production and other partners, employees. New economic and legal regulators are being established. In this regard, the relationship between the leaders of organizations, between managers and subordinates, between all employees within the organization is changing.

In this regard, the relevance of the chosen topic is obvious.

And team management plays a vital role in this.

The purpose of this course work is to consider the workforce on the example of the enterprise JSC "Bookworm".

The object of the research is the labor collective.

The subject of the study is the enterprise OJSC "Bookworm"

The first chapter deals with the definition of the labor collective.

The relevance of this research topic lies in the fact that at present, the issue of personnel management of an organization is particularly acute, since each organization tries to optimize its activities as much as possible, to make it more efficient.

To achieve the goals of the enterprise (organization), the total effort of the staff is necessary.

The second chapter is devoted to the principles and methods of building a stable workforce.

The third chapter reveals the psychological aspect of the effective work of the workforce.

The work ends with a conclusion and a list of references.


Under the staff, we mean the totality of all human resources that an organization has. These are employees of the organization, as well as partners who are involved in the implementation of some projects, experts who can be involved in research, strategy development, implementation of specific activities, etc. one

It is the organization of the effective activity of the personnel that is the main concern of the organization's personnel management and, accordingly, the personnel manager. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have a good idea of ​​the following characteristics of the organization's personnel:

    features of individual behavior;

    features of group behavior;

    features of the behavior of managers, members of the management team.

Features of individual behavior are determined by many parameters, including:

    individual abilities, inclinations and giftedness - a predisposition to the implementation of any activity, an orientation towards its implementation;

    the specifics of motivation - the specifics of human needs, the idea of ​​the goals of professional activity;

    individual values ​​- common beliefs, faith, worldviews, ideas about the world;

    demographic - gender and age characteristics;

    national and cultural characteristics - the methods, rules and norms of behavior learned in experience that determine the specific reactions of a person in specific situations.

Features of group behavior are associated with many parameters, among which the main ones are:

    features of corporate culture - values, rules of conduct that are characteristic of a particular workforce;

    phenomena of group dynamics - the stage of development of the team, the characteristics of leadership, the way of behavior in a conflict situation.

Features of the behavior of managers are one of the most complex problems, since the leaders themselves can also be considered as: 2

    subjects with individual characteristics;

    members of a certain group with a corporate culture;

    functionaries of a certain management technology (type of management), which has its own rules of conduct.

Until recently, the very concept of "personnel management" was absent in our management practice.

True, the management system of each organization had a functional subsystem for managing personnel and social development of the team, but most of the work on personnel management was carried out by line managers of departments. 3 The main structural unit for personnel management in the organization is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing employees, as well as organizing their training, advanced training and retraining. To carry out the latter functions, training departments or technical training departments are often created.

Personnel departments are neither methodological, nor informational, nor a coordinating center for personnel work. They are structurally separated from labor and payroll departments, occupational health and safety departments, legal departments and other departments that perform personnel management functions. To solve social problems in organizations, social research and service services are created. 4

The scheme of the current organizational structure of the organization's personnel management system is shown in Figure 1. (See Appendix).

Personnel management services, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are weak in professional terms. Because of this, they do not perform a number of tasks for personnel management and ensuring normal working conditions. five

Among them are such important ones as: socio-psychological diagnostics; analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships, relations between the leader and subordinates; management of industrial and social conflicts and stresses; information support of the personnel management system; employment management; evaluation and selection of candidates for vacant positions; analysis of human resources and staffing needs; personnel marketing; business career planning and control; professional and socio-psychological adaptation of employees; management of labor motivation; regulation of legal issues labor relations; compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology, ergonomics and aesthetics of labor.

If earlier, under the conditions of the command-administrative system, these tasks were considered as secondary, then during the transition to the market they came to the fore, and every organization is interested in their solution.

The basis of the concept of personnel management of the organization is currently the increasing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization. 6

The situation that has arisen in our country, changes in the economic and political systems simultaneously bring both great opportunities and serious threats to each individual, the stability of his existence, and introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person.

Personnel management in such a situation is of particular importance: it allows you to generalize and implement a whole range of issues of adapting an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an organization's personnel management system. Broadly speaking, there are three factors that affect people in an organization.

First - the hierarchical structure of the organization, where the main means of influence is the relationship of power-subordination, pressure on a person from above with the help of coercion, control over the distribution of material wealth. 7

Second - culture, i.e. developed by society, organization, group of people, joint values, social norms, attitudes of behavior that regulate the actions of the individual, force the individual to behave this way and not otherwise without visible coercion.

The third - the market - a network of equal relations based on the sale and purchase of products and services, property relations, the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

These factors of influence are quite complex concepts and in practice are rarely implemented separately. The nature of the economic situation in the organization depends on which of them is given priority. 8

During the transition to the market, there is a slow departure from hierarchical management, a rigid system of administrative influence, and practically unlimited executive power to market relations, property relations based on economic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the priority of values. The main thing inside the organization is employees, and outside - consumers of products. It is necessary to turn the consciousness of the worker to the consumer, and not to the boss, to profit, and not to waste, to the initiator, and not to the thoughtless performer; move to social norms based on common economic sense, not forgetting about morality. Hierarchy will fade into the background, giving way to culture and the market. nine

New personnel management services are created, as a rule, on the basis of traditional services: the personnel department, the labor organization and wages department, the labor protection and safety department, etc.

The tasks of the new services are to implement the personnel policy and coordinate the activities of human resource management in the organization. In this regard, they begin to expand the range of their functions and move from purely personnel issues to the development of systems for stimulating labor activity, managing professional advancement, preventing conflicts, studying the labor market, etc.

Of course, the structure of the personnel management service is largely determined by the nature and size of organizations, the characteristics of products. In small and medium-sized organizations, many personnel management functions are performed mainly by line managers, while in large organizations, independent structural units are formed to implement functions.

In a number of organizations, personnel management structures are being formed that unite, under the unified leadership of the deputy director for personnel management, all departments related to work with personnel.

Depending on the size of organizations, the composition of departments changes: in small organizations, one department can perform the functions of several subsystems, and in large organizations, the functions of each subsystem, as a rule, are performed by a separate department.

1.1. The role and importance of the labor collective

Under the conditions of the existence of various forms of ownership, market and competition, the role and importance of labor collectives is significantly changing. 10

A labor collective is an association of employees who work together at a state, cooperative, public, private enterprise (association, firm, concern, etc.), institution, organization.

As part of a single labor collective, there are labor collectives of shops, departments, sections, brigades and other divisions.

The powers and independence of the collective in making various kinds of decisions, in the development of management and self-government are gradually expanding.

To create a labor collective, at least the following conditions are necessary: ​​11

A) the presence of at least two people who consciously consider themselves part of this group;

B) the presence of at least one goal, which is accepted as common by all members of this group;

C) the presence of group members who deliberately work together to achieve a goal that is meaningful to all.

The role and importance of labor collectives in the development of society is enormous.

The prosperity of society, the level and quality of life of people ultimately depend on the efficiency and quality of work of workers. The path to the success of each labor collective is a reduction in production costs and costs, an increase in its efficiency, technical and technological level and the level of organization of production; increasing the volume and quality of products and services; maximum consideration of consumer requests and price reduction in order to conquer the sales market, as a result - the improvement of the entire economy and the standard of living of the population in particular.

Each work team has its own working environment. 12

Human labor is defined as a purposeful human activity, in the process of which he (man) creates material and spiritual values ​​to meet essential human needs. Labor is always performed in a certain space and time by certain means of labor within specific public relations that arise between people in the course of their work. In this case, the environment can be understood as a set of conditions and influences that exist in a certain environment.

Human labor activity is carried out in the working environment.

Therefore, the working environment refers to the means, working conditions and relationships of individuals participating in the labor process.

The working environment includes physical factors - these are air, temperature, humidity, lighting, labor registration, noise level, etc., as well as technical and technological factors - these are means of labor, objects of labor and the technological process. 13

Means of labor, objects of labor and people in the labor collective are in constant interaction. The elements of the physical work environment are subject to constant change. These changes occur more rapidly among elements of the physical working environment that are the product of human labor and generate a range of social consequences.

The change in the material elements of the physical working environment, which are part of nature, occurs more slowly and up to a certain point with less social consequences. The position of a person in the labor collective can be different and depends on whether the physical working environment is dominated by material factors that are part of nature, or material factors that are the product of human labor.

The relationships that people enter into in the process of labor activity form a social working environment. In the course of labor activity, people enter into social relations, and within the framework of these social relations, interpersonal relations and mutual behavior of individuals are formed. The nature of interpersonal relations in the work team is determined by the social status and role of the individual in the work team and has a significant impact on human behavior in the work environment and the achievement of the effect of labor activity.

The behavior of workers and the efficiency of labor activity are also influenced by such factors as the forms of organization and remuneration of labor, production and living conditions, the living environment of workers, etc. fourteen

1.2. Factors to be taken into account when forming a workforce

The growing role of personnel policy in Russian organizations is caused by fundamental changes in the social and economic conditions in which they currently operate. Previously, the policy of managing labor collectives was reduced mainly to the hiring and dismissal of workers.

Today, the main requirements for personnel policy are: 15

    development of a system of science-based study of the abilities and inclinations of employees, their professional and official promotion in accordance with business and personal qualities;

    widespread introduction of purposeful training of employees necessary for the organization.

Activation of the activities of personnel services to stabilize labor collectives, increase their labor and social activity;

The transition from predominantly administrative-command methods of personnel management to the use of economic, social and moral-psychological incentives;

Organization of participation of workers in management, interaction with representative offices of workers, public relations.

In the conditions of market competition, the quality of the workforce has become the main factor determining the survival and economic position of Russian organizations.

The selection of workers was carried out especially carefully before, since the quality of the work collective largely determines the possibilities and effectiveness of their subsequent use. But at present, there is a transition to active methods of personnel search, aimed at attracting the largest possible number of applicants who meet the requirements to the workforce. 16

Improving the efficiency and reliability of the selection is associated with the consistent verification of the business and personal qualities of the candidate, based on complementary methods for their identification. The selection of candidates takes place in stages. Each time, those who are found to have obvious inconsistencies with the requirements are weeded out. The US experience shows that interviewing methods are widespread, some firms use inquiries, and one third of firms use assessment centers. 17

Today, Russian organizations are making serious efforts to develop their own staff, improve their skills and prepare them in practice to take on greater responsibility.

However, the organization may well lack qualified candidates.

In all cases (including work with a “reserve”), it is considered necessary to fill any positions of managers and specialists on a competitive basis, i.e. considering several candidates for the position.

Personnel selection is usually done by identifying the most suitable candidates from a pool created during recruitment. In most cases, it is recommended to choose the person who is best qualified to do the actual work in the position, rather than the candidate who appears to be the most suitable for promotion. eighteen

In general, the selection decision is made on the basis of such factors as the candidate's education, level of professional skills, previous work experience, and personal qualities. Effective selection of personnel is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of human resources.

Modern management creates the prerequisites for solving all the most important problems. 19

Among its capabilities: improving the professional training of employees, establishing interaction between the divisions of the company, strengthening the role of teams of all parts of the company in solving everyday problems, expanding the strategic components in the work of company managers. One of the most important tasks of a manager is the creation of a work collective, the creation of a team.

The team is a carefully formed, well-managed, self-organizing team that quickly and efficiently responds to any changes in the market situation, solving all problems as a whole. Strictly speaking, the entire team should be a team that independently solves current problems. In this case, the manager has more time to solve strategic problems.

Building a team is a complex and painstaking task. When it is formed, the following requirements must be fully taken into account: 20

    each member of the team must be fully aware of the goal set for the team; optimally, when the whole team participates in the formation and clarification of the goal;

    the team functions as a single organism, and the responsibility for the results is also collective, not individual;

    any member of the team must constantly improve their qualifications in order to have universal, encyclopedic knowledge in their environment, labor skills; this allows you to work effectively and creatively within the assigned area of ​​work and in the place of any other team member; he must be able at any time to "turn a shoulder" to a member of the team in need, constantly interact with his other representatives; at the same time, the team cannot dictate its will to its partners - each retains its own independence;

    all team members have equal rights in its work, plan their personal work activities and the activities of the entire team, participate in the formation of the entire work plan of each team member;

    as in any team, the responsibilities of each team member are specified, but flexibly enough; in the process of fulfilling planned tasks distribution of functions, as a rule, is constantly changing;

    the selection of team members is carried out, first of all, according to psychological compatibility;

    team management is carried out collectively; the head is assigned the functions of coordinating and representing its interests in the external sphere.

The creation of an effective team usually begins with the formation of temporary groups of workers to perform specific tasks of a search nature, the formation of new services. 21

Such a team includes specialists from different departments. Participation in this team is regarded as the main burden on each specialist. At the same time, the most important functions at the place of its main activity are removed from employees. All members of the working group take an active part in the creation of a new service, help to select employees, advise, etc., i.e. operate as a separate division. On this basis, the core of the team is formed, its leader is identified, and an activity strategy is developed.

It is very important that the newly created team from the very beginning has considerable experience, its members are well aware of the specifics, specific working conditions. 22

Human resource planning is essentially the application of planning procedures for staffing and staffing.

    Valuation of available resources.

    Assessment of future needs.

    Development of a program to meet future needs.

It is logical to start planning labor resources in an existing organization with an assessment of their availability. Management must determine how many people are involved in each activity required to achieve a specific goal. For example, in large advertising agencies, more than a hundred people can be involved in the conduct and preparation of one advertising commercial program. Even something as simple as handling luggage on an airline usually involves many different people.

In addition, management must evaluate the quality of work of their employees. Some companies, such as IT&T, RCC, IBC, Rockwell International, and the US Armed Forces, have developed a skills or job inventory system that records the skills of employees with an indication of the number of employees who own them.

Workforce planning

The next stage of planning is forecasting the number of personnel required to achieve short-term and long-term goals.

So, for example, when the company "IBM" decided to enter the personal computer market in order to capture a significant share of this market, the company's management had to include in its plans the recruitment and transfer of research personnel with experience in the field of micro -computers, as well as commercial and marketing professionals familiar with consumer electronics.

Likewise, if a local department store decides to organize a wide sale of linen goods in the first week of January, it needs to determine how many additional salespeople it will need to serve the increased flow of customers.

Naturally, with major organizational changes, for example, when creating a new plant, introducing a new important product, assessing the future need for labor is a complex and very important task. In these cases, it is necessary to assess the external labor market and determine the available labor force. Management science has developed a range of models to help organizations predict human resource needs.

Having identified its future needs, management must develop a program to meet them. Needs are the goal, the program is the means to achieve it. The program should include a specific schedule and activities to attract, hire, train and promote the people required to achieve the goals of the organization.

In order to hire the right workers, management must know in detail what tasks they will perform during the job and what the personal and social characteristics of these jobs are. This knowledge is obtained through job content analysis, which is the cornerstone of workforce management.

Without it, it is difficult to implement all other control functions.

Comprehensive assessment of all clerical, operational, technical and administrative occupations provides a sound basis for future hiring, selection, salary, performance appraisal and promotion decisions.

There are several methods for analyzing the content of a work. One of them is to observe the worker and formally define and record all the tasks and activities performed by him. Another method involves collecting such information through an interview with the employee or his immediate supervisor. This method may be less accurate due to the distortions introduced by the respondent's or interviewer's perceptions. The third method is that the worker is asked to complete a questionnaire or describe his job and the requirements for it. The information obtained from the analysis of the content of the work is the basis for most of the subsequent activities for planning, recruitment, etc.

On its basis, a job description is created, which is a list of the main duties, required knowledge and skills, as well as the rights of the employee. It should be developed for all positions and specialties of the organization, for example, for the secretary, forwarder, advertising manager


2.1. Enterprise characteristics

For characterization, the bookstore "Bookworm" was taken, located in Vladivostok on the street. Gogol, 59.

The total area of ​​the store is 200 sq.m.

Trade area - 120 sq.m.

The turnover for one day is about 200 thousand rubles.

Assortment of goods - books, stationery.

The structure of the store consists of two halls (a trading floor for the sale of book products, a trading floor for the sale of stationery), two utility rooms, and the director's office.

Personnel: total strength– 25 people, of which

1 - director,

1 - Deputy Director,

2 - merchandisers,

5 - senior sellers,

10 - sellers cashiers,

3 - workers-loaders,

3 - technical staff (cleaner, janitor).

Distribution by education:


    3 people have higher specialized trade education;

    secondary specialized trade education - 5 people;

    other higher education (pedagogical, library, technical) - 6 people;

    specialized bookselling education - 0 people.

Work experience distribution:

Opening hours: daily from 9.00 to 21.00 without breaks and days off.

The wage fund is determined by official salaries by multiplying the monthly salary of each group of employees by the number of months in a year and by the number of employees in the group.

FZP \u003d 12 H O,

12 - the number of months in a year;

N - the number of employees with the same official salary, people;

O - the monthly salary of this group of employees, rub.

Consider the payroll of directors and their deputies:

FZPn \u003d 12 4 3000 \u003d 144000 rubles.

FZPp \u003d 12 68 1500 \u003d 1224000 rubles.

FZPv \u003d 12 35 1600 \u003d 672000 rubles.

The average annual salary is determined by the formula:

SZP \u003d FZP Chsp,

FZP - payroll fund, rub.;

Chsp - the average number of employees of a certain group in the billing period.

Consider the average annual salary of directors and their deputies and technical staff:

SZPn \u003d 144000 4 \u003d 36000 rubles.

SZPp \u003d 1224000 68 \u003d 18000 rubles.

SZPv \u003d 672000 35 \u003d 19200 rubles.

It can be seen from the calculations that the wage bill for chiefs is 144,000 rubles, for their deputies 1,224,000 rubles, for the technical staff 672,000 rubles.

The average annual salary for chiefs is 36,000 rubles, for deputies it is 18,000 rubles, for technical staff 19,200 rubles.

2.2. Analysis of the work of the labor collective

Bookstore "Bookworm" is located on Gogol street, 59.

The trading area of ​​the store (120 sq.m.) allows to present a wide range of book products and stationery for free access to buyers.

The structure of the store (2 halls) allows you to place the team in two departments. The trading floor for the sale of book products is fully open for buyers to access exhibition books.

The trading floor for the sale of stationery and school supplies is partly open access (bags, drawing boards, albums, etc.), partly the goods are behind the counter of the seller (small school stationery).

The first room is much larger than the second.

In the first hall there are sales assistants and sales cashiers in the amount of 3 people, in the second hall - 1 person, 1 person under control. In total, 5 salespeople work per day. The next 5 will work the next day. The rest of the staff works daily for 7 hours a day.

Analyzing the distribution of staff, we can conclude that five people for two halls is clearly not enough. In the second hall, there is only one sales assistant-cashier, whose duties include selling, consulting, punching checks for customers, and, in addition, looking after the open part of the hall. In the first hall, there are also three people, in my opinion, not enough for 100 sq.m.

Let's analyze the workforce by education. Of the 25 members of the labor collective, 9 people (director, deputy director, commodity experts, senior salesmen) have higher education. 8 people have specialized secondary education (these are sales assistants, cashiers, sales consultants, mostly colleges and technical schools). 8 people have a secondary education (these are two sellers, as well as loaders and technical staff).

It is noteworthy that there are many specialists from different fields in the team. For example, the director of a store has a higher library education, senior sales assistants include teachers, a psychologist, an engineer, and others. No one has a special education in bookselling.

Distribution by length of service. From the table above, it can be seen that people do not stay here for a long time. If workers, directors, commodity managers, janitor have a 7-hour working day with good pay, then they work for a long time (from 2 years or more). But the main burden during the working day (from 9 am to 9 pm) falls on sellers working with buyers. These are consultations, display of goods, work at the cash desk, control and other functions. And all this while standing for twelve hours. For this reason, there is a lot of turnover in the team. Sellers stand from one to two years (there are 14 people in the team). Staff turnover in the team is also affected by the theft of goods by buyers, tk. the shortfall is deducted from wages.

2.3. Proposals for changing the structure of the team, improving relationships between its members

The development of the workforce is one of the most important factors in the successful operation of the store. At the same time, investment in personnel development plays big role than investing in the development and improvement of production capacity.

Personnel development is understood as a set of measures aimed at improving the skills of employees. This covers primarily:

    training that, in the form of general and vocational education, provides the necessary knowledge, skills and experience (this applies to two sellers with secondary education);

    advanced training, the task of which is to improve professional knowledge and skills (this applies to everyone with higher and secondary specialized education, including the director, who, in addition to library knowledge, needs special knowledge in the field of trade and commodity science);

Training in schools, in management and leadership courses, providing the necessary knowledge and preparation for entering a leadership position and shaping a manager's career;

retraining, which, in fact, gives a second education; it refers to any professional reorientation; the purpose of retraining is to enable workers to learn a new profession for them (this applies to all those with a non-trade education).

The development of personnel should be in the foreground, for which it is necessary:

    supporting trainable workers;

    dissemination of knowledge and best practices;

    training of young qualified employees;

    awareness by management personnel of the importance of employee development;

    reduction in staff turnover.

How to promote the development and growth of employees:

    set achievable and stimulating goals for everyone;

    offer solutions to increasingly complex problems;

    provide increasing responsibility;

    delegate tasks, problems, powers;

    provide all necessary information;

    and encourage

    own initiative;



    proportionate risk;



    do not punish for mistakes;

    praise for the slightest success;

    constantly consult with employees.

What can contribute to personal development and improvement of work results:

    communication, goodwill, care for everyone;

    individual approach;

    respect for every individual;

    interest in the opinions, judgments and views of employees;

    if possible, taking into account personal goals and needs;

    encouraging creativity;

    the right to make mistakes and take proportionate risks;

    praise and recognition of the slightest success;

    chances for promotion.

Stimulation of work of personnel.

In order to reduce staff turnover, it is necessary to take a serious approach to stimulating the work of staff.

Attention should be paid to both material incentives (increasing wages, paying various bonuses, providing vouchers, etc.) and non-material ones (the possibility of professional growth, the possibility of self-improvement, self-realization).

Incentives must be approached in a differentiated, flexible and timely manner. Incentives must be constantly reviewed depending on the changes taking place in the team.

The climate in the team is of great importance.

Creating such a climate is one of the main resources for improving performance. However, for the success of the work, not only the degree and quality of customer service are important, but also the culture of the relationship between the seller and the buyer, the seller with another seller.

In many ways, it is determined by the existing socio-psychological climate in the store, the creation of a special atmosphere of goodwill in the store, which is a merit of both the team and the manager. But as in any team, conflicts arise here.

Basically, hidden conflicts prevail here. They are recognized by indirect signs, among which the main thing is the tension in interpersonal communication. The task of the leader is to bring the hidden conflict to the surface and resolve it. The strategy here is simple: you need to find out the cause of the conflict, determine the goals of the conflicting parties, and identify points of convergence between the conflicting parties. To do this, it is necessary to probe the situation by posing a series of questions: the cause of the conflict, the goals of the conflicting parties, areas of rapprochement, subjects of the conflict, etc. The probing carried out in this way will make it possible to get a general idea of ​​​​all aspects conflict situation and resolve it.


    1. Methods of building a work team

There are two groups of principles for building a personnel management system in an organization: principles that characterize the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system, and principles that determine the directions for the development of a personnel management system (Table 1). 23

All principles of building a personnel management system are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions of the functioning of the organization's personnel management system.

Science and practice have developed tools (methods) for studying the state of the current personnel management system of an organization, building, justifying and implementing a new system (Table 2).

Let's reveal the essence of some of the methods.

System analysis serves as a methodological tool for a systematic approach to solving problems of improving the personnel management system.

The systematic approach directs the researcher to study the personnel management system as a whole and its components: goals, functions, organizational structure, personnel, technical management tools, information, methods of people management, management technology, management decisions; to identify the diverse types of connections of these components between themselves and the external environment and bring them into a single holistic picture. external environment for personnel management are not only other subsystems of the management system of a given organization (for example, a subsystem for managing external economic relations, etc.), but also external organizations (suppliers and consumers, higher organizations, etc.).

The decomposition method allows you to divide complex phenomena into simpler ones. The simpler the elements, the more complete the penetration into the depths of the phenomenon and the definition of its essence. For example, a personnel management system can be divided into subsystems, subsystems - into functions, functions - into procedures, procedures - into operations. After dismemberment, it is necessary to recreate the personnel management system as a whole, to synthesize what was dismembered. In this case, the method of decomposition modeling is used, where logical, graphical and digital models can be used. 24

The method of sequential substitution allows you to study the influence on the formation of the personnel management system of each factor separately, under the influence of which its state has developed, eliminating the effects of other factors. Factors are ranked and among them the most significant are selected.

The comparison method allows you to compare the existing personnel management system with a similar system of an advanced organization, with a normative state or a state in the past period. It should be taken into account that the comparison gives a positive result, provided that the systems under study are comparable and homogeneous. It is possible to expand the boundaries of comparability by eliminating the factors of incompatibility. 25

The dynamic method provides for the location of data in a dynamic series and the exclusion of random deviations from it. Then the series reflects stable trends. This method is used in the study of quantitative indicators characterizing the personnel management system.

The goal structuring method provides for a quantitative and qualitative justification of the goals of the organization as a whole and the goals of the personnel management system in terms of their compliance with the goals of the organization.

Analysis of goals, their deployment in a hierarchical system of goals, establishing the responsibility of departments for the final results of work, determining their place in the production and management system, eliminating duplication in their work - all this is an important prerequisite for building a rational personnel management system.

When structuring the goals, the interconnection, completeness, comparability of the goals of different levels of personnel management should be ensured.

The export-analytical method of improving personnel management is based on the involvement of highly qualified personnel management specialists, the management personnel of the enterprise in this process. When using the method, it is very important to work out the forms of systematization, recording and clear presentation of the opinions and conclusions of experts. 26

With the help of the export-analytical method, the main directions for improving personnel management, evaluating the results of the analysis and the causes of shortcomings are identified. However, it does not always have high accuracy and objectivity due to the fact that experts do not have common assessment criteria. The method is most effective for multi-step examination.

The normative method gives an exceptional effect in the practice of improving personnel management. It provides for the application of a system of standards that determine the composition and content of personnel management functions, the number of employees by function, the type of organizational structure, the criteria for constructing the structure of the organization’s management apparatus as a whole and the personnel management system (controllability rate, degree of centralization of functions, number of management levels, number links, the size of units, the order of subordination and the relationship of units), the division and cooperation of labor of managers and specialists in the organization's personnel management. However, the number of standards for improving the organization's personnel management is still not enough.

The parametric method is being used more and more. The purpose of this method is to establish functional dependencies between the parameters of the elements of the production system and the personnel management system in order to identify the degree of their compliance. 27

Recently, when improving the personnel management system, they began to apply the method of functional cost analysis. This method allows you to choose such an option for building a personnel management system or performing a particular personnel management function that requires the least cost and is the most effective in terms of final results. It allows you to identify redundant or duplicate management functions, functions that are not performed for one reason or another, determine the degree of centralization and decentralization of personnel management functions, etc.

The method of principal components allows you to reflect the properties of dozens of indicators in one indicator (component). This makes it possible to compare not a set of indicators of one personnel management system with a set of indicators of another similar system, but only one (1st, 2nd or 3rd component).

The balance method allows you to make balance comparisons, linkages. For example, the results of processing photographs of the working day and technological maps of the implementation of managerial operations and procedures are compared with the actual fund of working time for their implementation.

The experimental method is based on the experience of the previous period of this personnel management system and the experience of another similar system.

The method of analogy has received the greatest development in improving personnel management. It consists in applying organizational forms that have justified themselves in functioning personnel management systems with similar economic and organizational characteristics to the system in question. 28

The essence of the analogy method is to develop standard solutions (for example, a typical organizational structure for personnel management) and determine the boundaries and conditions for their application.

An effective method of using standard solutions in improving personnel management is the block method typification of subsystems of linear-functional and program-target structures. Typical block solutions are linked together with original organizational solutions in a single organizational personnel management system.

The block method accelerates the process of forming a new personnel management system and increases the efficiency of the system at the lowest cost. 29

The method of creative meetings involves a collective discussion of the directions for the development of the personnel management system by a group of specialists and managers. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that the idea expressed by one person causes other participants in the meeting to have new ideas, and they, in turn, generate further ideas, resulting in a flow of ideas. The purpose of the creative meeting is to identify as many options as possible for improving the personnel management system.

The method of a collective notebook (“bank” of ideas) allows you to combine the independent presentation of ideas by each expert with their subsequent collective evaluation at a meeting to find ways to improve the personnel management system.

The method of control questions is to activate the creative search for a solution to the problem of improving the personnel management system using a pre-prepared list of leading questions. The form of questions should be such that they have a “hint” about what and how to do to solve the problem. thirty

Method 6-5-3 is designed to systematize the process of finding ideas for the development of a personnel management system. The essence of the method is that each of the six members of the expert group writes down three ideas on a separate sheet of paper and passes them on to the other members of the group, who, in turn, based on the options already proposed, offer three more ideas, etc. At the end of this procedure, 18 solutions will be written on each of the six sheets, and in total there will be 108 options.

Morphological analysis is a means of studying all possible combinations of options for organizational solutions offered for the implementation of individual functions of personnel management. If we write down all the functions in a column, and then indicate all possible variants of its implementation line by line against each function, then we get a morphological matrix. The idea of ​​this method is to break a complex task into small subtasks that are easier to solve separately. It is assumed that the solution of a complex problem consists of solutions to subtasks.

The greatest effect and quality of the personnel management system is achieved when the system of methods is applied in combination. The use of a system of methods allows you to look at the object of improvement from all sides, which helps to avoid miscalculations.

Personnel management methods are called methods of influencing teams and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the production process. All methods are divided into three groups: administrative, economic and socio-psychological (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The system of personnel management methods.

Personnel management methods

Organizational and administrative (administrative)



Feasibility study

Social analysis in a team of workers

Formation of the structure of organs


Feasibility study

social planning

Establishment of government orders


Participation of employees in management

Approval of administrative norms and regulations

Financial incentive

Social development of the team

Issuance of orders and directives


Psychological impact on employees: the formation of groups, the creation of a normal psychological climate

Tax system

Selection and placement of personnel

Economic norms and regulations

Development of regulations, job descriptions, organization standards

moral stimulation

Development of initiative and responsibility among employees

Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a person's desire to work in a particular organization, etc. These methods are distinguished by the direct nature of the impact: any regulatory and administrative act is subject to mandatory execution.

Administrative methods are characterized by their compliance with legal norms in force at a certain level of government, as well as acts and orders of higher authorities. 31

Economic and socio-psychological methods are indirect in nature of managerial influence. It is impossible to count on the automatic action of these methods, it is rather difficult to determine the strength of their impact and the final effect.

With the help of economic methods, material incentives for collectives and individual workers are carried out. These methods are based on the use of the economic mechanism.

Socio-psychological management methods, in turn, are based on the use of a social mechanism (a system of relationships in a team, social needs, etc.).

All kinds of methods are organically interconnected. 32

Consider the staff turnover for 2006.

Staff turnover is characterized by the number of employees who quit of their own accord or were dismissed for absenteeism, or other violations of labor discipline. The ratio of this number to the average number allows you to determine its relative level. As a rule, it is calculated as a percentage:

Kt \u003d 100 (Chuszh + Chupn) / Chs

where Кт is the coefficient of fluidity, %;

Chuszh - the number of employees who resigned of their own free will;

Chupn - the number of employees dismissed for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline;

Chs - the average number of employees.

Kt \u003d 100 (4 + 2) / 25 \u003d 32%

The staff turnover rate for 2006 was 3.55%.

The overall turnover ratio is determined by the ratio of the sum of hired and fired employees to the average number of employees:

Ko \u003d 100 (Chp + Chu) / Chs

Ko - total turnover ratio;

Nn - the number of accepted;

Chu - the number of dismissed;

Hs - the average number.

Ko \u003d 100 (6 + 5) / 25 \u003d 44%

The total turnover ratio by the end of 2006 was 44%.

The flow rate is equal to:

Kt \u003d 100 (3 + 0) / 25 \u003d 12%

The total turnover ratio at the end of the year is:

Ko = 100 (2 + 3) / 25 = 20%

3.2. The psychological aspect of the effective work of the labor collective

The stable work of the labor collective largely depends on the psychological climate in it.

The socio-psychological climate is characterized by contradictory intergroup and interpersonal processes aimed, on the one hand, at adapting to activities in significantly changed, both external and internal conditions, and, on the other hand, at striving to preserve the usual stereotypes of relationships and the style of work formed on over the previous long period.

Comparison of the data obtained from the results of a mass survey gives grounds to assert that: there is not a wide variety of structural models of the moral and psychological climate; in most of the surveyed groups, its unified structures were found; in these teams there were only three models of the moral and psychological climate, which were based on: personal characteristics, internal conditions of activity and communication characteristics. 33

There is a dominant atmosphere of the main team, the main components of which are: the presence of intergroup and interpersonal contradictions (49% of respondents); problems of disunity in the team (37% of respondents); lack of a system for equitable resolution of social problems (34% of employees).

The low degree of diversity of models of the moral and psychological climate indicates an insufficient degree of realization of the socio-psychological potential of each individual team, a low personal orientation of its atmosphere.

The study showed that teams retain a good focus on the final result in the face of pressure from external and internal environment organizations. 68% of respondents are interested in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of work, however, they believe that the necessary conditions for this have not been formed.

On the other hand, there is no sense of unity and interaction between structural divisions in the team, local interests dominate, as reported by more than 60% of respondents. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: a long-term habit of living in the interests of only one's small team, not comparing one's problems and successes with the life of the organization as a whole; lack of a sense of community of views and corporate way of thinking; aggressive-pressing style of work in departments, which implies refraining from initiatives, the already mentioned inability to bear responsibility; the desire of individual middle-ranking managers to keep their team within the framework of mechanical office work, without creativity, fearing competition for themselves and the emergence of new formal or informal leaders. 34

An analysis of the dynamics of group processes showed that the change of leadership to a younger and more active one and the reorientation of the organization to new conditions and forms of activity revealed a discrepancy between the existing capabilities of the team (the level of their professional knowledge and abilities, their willingness to make independent efforts) and the tasks of optimizing the structure of income, further economic growth and improvement of the work as a whole. 35 According to the respondents' self-assessments, only 33% of ordinary employees have the required level of qualification. As the requirements for their professional level increase, some increase in tension in interpersonal relationships is possible. However, advanced training will entail a change in habitual attitudes and working methods, and not all employees will be able to adapt to these requirements and work in new conditions equally quickly and flexibly.

The study showed that there are currently no obvious opposition leaders in the team, however, it can be assumed that hidden opposition to innovations should be expected, first of all, from those specialists who have worked in the structure, for example, Savings Banks for many years, and the style of a joint-stock commercial bank, which is now Sberbank of Russia, is unacceptable for them.

Role interpersonal relationships in the bank's workforce have two forms - official and unofficial.

Informal (or informal) arise spontaneously and do not depend on administrative and regulatory conditions, they are formed on the basis of individual preferences. An important issue is the relationship between official and unofficial spheres of relations. 36

There are two rules: if the officially normalized structure of relations does not cover the whole variety of production situations, then positive interpersonal relations informally make it possible to compensate for the shortcomings of the administrative and organizational structure of production relations; positive informal interpersonal relations, as an element of the structure of the socio-psychological climate, can have a beneficial effect on industrial relations, i.e. the socio-psychological climate of the team is largely determined by the emotional side of life and is determined by the moral and aesthetic standards of human communication and interaction that prevail in society - and as a result, it goes beyond the framework of production relations, normatively including them in its structure. 37

In those collectives where these relations are imperfect, there is no orientation or claims of its members to a higher level of development of the moral and psychological climate associated with creative potential and satisfaction of a person's need for recognition of his personal qualities. And, conversely, where a higher level of tension and semantic significance of labor has been achieved, there are higher claims of workers to improve the complex of personal needs associated with the desire for self-expression, recognition and respect.

In the course of the research, some data were obtained on the relationship between the psychological climate and age. It was found that the greatest desire for self-affirmation, for the recognition of one's service merits and universal human dignity correlates with older, and not with younger age. This gave grounds to draw attention to the fact that the stereotype that has developed in our scientific literature about increased claims to self-affirmation and recognition, which, supposedly, are typical only for young specialists, is not entirely accurate and somewhat obscures the importance of adequate attention not only to young people, but also to experienced workers. 38

The connection of some parameters of the psychological climate with other socio-demographic characteristics is also curious.

So, according to the results of the survey, a relationship with gender was established.

In particular, men, in contrast to women, noted greater clarity of functional-role relations for them, greater ease in identifying inaccuracies in substantive activities and in business relations both with their immediate supervisor and with colleagues, and greater ease in labor relations. At the same time, with age and the growth of work experience in this position and in this department of the bank, this ease increases.

This can be explained, firstly, by the increasing selectivity and ingenuity of a person’s communicative activity with age, and secondly, by acquired life experience, greater knowledge and understanding of a complex set of relationships that develops in the process of work.

At the time of the study, 78% of employees say they are satisfied with their work and relationships, and a quarter of those surveyed cannot evaluate them either positively or negatively. To some extent, when creating an environment conducive to satisfying the socio-psychological needs in labor activity (such as assessing the significance of work, professional self-orientation, mutual understanding, material interest in the final results of labor), the first group will increase significantly.

In the teams of 21 organizations, only 12% of the staff believe that the relationship is hypocritical.

However, it should be noted that the surveyed firms either had a directive management model or belonged to the small and medium-sized businesses. If the management system or the size of the enterprise increases or changes as the team matures, then a radial network of subordination will begin to take shape, limiting business initiative, increasing responsibility and speed of decision-making and obtaining results, for which employees are practically not ready. There will be a danger of a constant increase in intermediate links in the management of groups that impede cooperation in achieving common goals of activity. The directive model is internally conflicted, as it relies on pressure, which from time to time will blow up the group from the inside. 39

In order to neutralize the consequences of future negative changes in the team right now, it is necessary to begin the process of building a corporate structure of managerial relationships in the organization.

An essential point in building a corporate structure is the amount of authority that belongs to the top management of the organization or delegated to line management in departments and industries. Traditionally, it was believed that reserving the right to make non-routine decisions for top management contributes to their efficiency and better use of managers' time. But in large organizations, there is a problem of limited circle of people who make decisions, at some stage this begins to lead to their overload, and, consequently, to the loss of effectiveness of decisions.

A practical solution to this issue is the decentralization of decision-making in the relevant units or through temporary working groups (organic structures). These semi-autonomous units will have freedom within certain limits, and the top management will deal with strategic policy issues. Decentralization increases the activity of workers and their groups, helps to solve some of the problems that arise due to the difficulty of generalizing the opinions of broad and diversified groups when making decisions in large organizations. Uniformity has been given too much attention, and now it is necessary to diversify the approach, reflecting the specifics of various departments and the people working in them. 40

Other benefits of decentralization include freeing up time for senior executives and training junior staff to take responsibility for decision making.

It should be remembered that the disadvantage of decentralization is the potential loss of control and the possible lack of unified leadership in the organization. If consumers demand quick decisions, then the decision must be made locally, especially if competitors can take over. The main influencing factor is the degree of senior management's trust in their junior colleagues. The risk of making wrong, hasty decisions, which always accompanies the delegation of authority, increases. 41

In addition, since the organization is divided into departments, the possibility of local conflicts between them arises, which is especially manifested when there is competition due to limited resources (staff, equipment, computer time, etc.) or differences in the goals of departments. To avoid such problems, top management plays a coordinating role, not assuming the role of judge in disputes.

All departments of the company are suppliers and consumers of each other's products. The relationship between them must be polite and respectful in order for the interaction to become truly mutually beneficial. The organization must ensure that the system of rewarding performance improvement and the development of good neighborly relations promotes the cooperation of departments, and not their competition, to the detriment of the overall goals of the organization. 42

Among senior and middle managers in 53% of the surveyed organizations, subject-oriented relationships have not developed and are emotional. However, among managers, the role of an emotional leader remains vacant, that is, there is no person who would take care of ensuring a positive internal climate, stability and unity in the team. There are several reasons for this.

The most significant is that the direction of work associated with the formation of a comfortable internal climate in the team was not perceived among the top and middle management as an important matter requiring their personal participation. The problem of reorientation from highly specialized to managerial activities will be discussed in more detail later in the manual. 43

Of great importance for the creation of a sustainable personnel management system in any organization is an understanding of the existing development trends. mentality Russian workers. As a result of large-scale prognostic studies carried out by the author as part of a working group of scientists from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, the following trends in the development of mentality were revealed:

By 2010, women will predominate in the workforce (more than 60%). This will contribute to the mitigation and warming of the moral and psychological climate of organizations, but will significantly complicate the technology of personnel management. 44

More than 73% of respondents noted the desire for independence from the state and the company in obtaining social benefits, which indicates the destruction of the dependent approach to work and the formation of an active creative worldview (at least in terms of the employee’s own material well-being).

At the same time, about 68% of respondents agree to endure the company's difficulties for a long time (up to 12 months), with a guarantee of income compensation. 45

Since young people from different cities of Russia took part in the survey, it should be noted a more active life position of residents of non-capital cities. Today they are the most promising personnel.

In general, 87% of respondents noted a change in worldview from aggressive-protective to creative, involving the creative fulfillment of even routine duties. The ability for collective and team work has increased.

For 94% of respondents, the need for self-realization is in 1-2 places of the rank of needs (in half of the cases, money is in 1st place, as a way to satisfy physiological needs under the pressure of reality). This means that the semantic part of any activity in the near future will need to pay special attention.

All respondents of young age groups show a sharp increase in the degree of adaptability to the environment while maintaining and developing existing traditions. In addition, the need for updating and assimilation of new foreign and domestic experience was noted.

The interest of more than 75% of respondents in the psychology and psychotechnologies of behavior and communication (half for practical purposes) indicates the coming complication of the process and management mechanisms: they will become more subtle and sophisticated, as well as more humane in relation to employees and management.

The transition of respondents of young age groups from assessing the process of their work to assessing its results was noted, which will allow building an effective system of material and non-material incentives in companies. 46

The younger generation is ready to submit to traditional forms of power in the presence of other forms of influence (based on competence, charisma, and others).

About 87% of respondents noted as pleasant such a color scheme, which indicates: the desire for harmony with others; striving for knowledge and reflection; stable (non-dominant) level of activity and energy; desire to work together; the ability to take responsibility; desire to manage communication and life.

More than 70% of respondents noted their own mistakes, miscalculations and negative character traits as the cause of personal failures and negative emotional states at the present time. This indicates a tendency to analyze and the ability to take responsibility.

More than 60% of respondents rely only on their own intuition when making responsible decisions, about 18% rely more on intuition than on the abstract logical apparatus. This indicates an increase in the role of complex and high-speed mental processes in making business decisions, which is generally typical for Russian business.

More than 65% of respondents are ready to break the generally accepted norms and rules and "play without rules" if the case so requires. 47

This indicates, on the one hand, the low moral and ethical level of employees (which can be partly explained by the false hypocritical ideology of the previous historical period and the laws of survival), and, on the other hand, the flexibility of behavior, high risk appetite, which can serve the company well.

These are far from all the identified trends in the development of the mentality of Russian workers.

They differ by age groups and have industry affiliation.


The implementation of radical socio-economic and political reforms, as a rule, is associated with a certain dehumanization of relations between people included in various management systems. The situation in Russia is no exception. Nevertheless, overcoming the problems that arise at this stage is not possible without refusing to ignore the problems of relations with personnel, from the desire to manipulate personnel. And all personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of an organization's life, capable of multiplying its efficiency, and the very concept of "personnel management" is considered in a fairly wide range.

The mere awareness of the possibility of solving the problem is not enough for it to be actually solved. It is also necessary to know how to do this, the skillful and appropriate use of appropriate technologies and methods for the formation and management of the workforce. In this sense, the currently known methods, technologies and procedures for managing a team can be combined into three groups: methods for the formation of personnel, methods for maintaining the efficiency of personnel, methods for optimizing human resources and reorganization.

It is the first group that is of decisive importance in the process of managing the workforce.

It is the organization of the effective activity of the personnel that is the main concern of the organization's personnel management and, accordingly, the personnel manager. The greatest effect and quality of the personnel management system is achieved when the system of methods is applied in combination. The use of a system of methods allows you to look at the object of improvement from all sides, which helps to avoid miscalculations.


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    Gorelova V.L. Melnikova E.N. Fundamentals of Forecasting: Textbook - I: Higher. school, 2002

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Table 1. Principles of building a personnel management system in an organization

Name of the principle

Principles characterizing the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system

Conditionality of personnel management functions by production goals

The functions of personnel management are formed and changed not arbitrarily, but in accordance with the needs and goals of production.

The primacy of personnel management functions

The composition of the subsystems of the personnel management system, organizational structure, requirements for employees and their number depend on the content, quantity and complexity of the personnel management functions.

Optimality of the ratio of intra- and infra-functions of personnel management

Determines the proportions between functions aimed at organizing a personnel management system (intrafunctions) and personnel management functions (infrafunctions).

Optimal ratio of managerial orientation

It dictates the need to outstrip the orientation of the personnel management functions towards the development of production in comparison with the functions aimed at ensuring the functioning of production.

Potential imitations

Temporary departure of individual employees should not interrupt the process of exercising any management functions. To do this, each employee of the personnel management system must be able to imitate the functions of a superior, subordinate employee and one or two employees of his level.


It assumes the most efficient and economical organization of the personnel management system, reducing the share of costs for the management system in the total cost per unit of output, and increasing production efficiency. If, after taking measures to improve the personnel management system, management costs have increased, they should be offset by the effect in the production system resulting from their implementation.

Continuation of table.1


Compliance of the personnel management system with advanced foreign and domestic analogues.


When forming a personnel management system, the prospects for the development of the organization should be taken into account.


When forming a personnel management system, it is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting the management system (relations with higher authorities, contractual relations, the state of the management object, etc.).


Timely decision-making on the analysis and improvement of the personnel management system, preventing or promptly eliminating deviations.


Multivariate study of proposals for the formation of a personnel management system and the choice of the most rational option for specific production conditions.

You just

The simpler the personnel management system, the better it works. Of course, this excludes the simplification of the personnel management system to the detriment of production.


The development of measures for the formation of a personnel management system should be based on the achievements of science in the field of management and take into account changes in the laws of development of social production in market conditions.


In any vertical sections of the personnel management system, hierarchical interaction between management links (structural divisions or individual managers) should be ensured, the fundamental characteristic of which is the asymmetric transfer of information "down" (disaggregation, detailing) and "up" (aggregation) through the management system.


In any horizontal and vertical sections of the personnel management system, rational autonomy should be ensured. structural divisions or individual leaders.


The interactions between the hierarchical links along the vertical, as well as between the relatively autonomous links of the personnel management system horizontally, should be generally consistent with the main goals of the organization and synchronized in time.


To ensure the sustainable functioning of the personnel management system, it is necessary to provide for special “local regulators” that, in case of deviation from the organization’s set goal, put one or another employee or department at a disadvantage and encourage them to regulate the personnel management system.


Personnel management both vertically and horizontally can be carried out through various channels: administrative, economic, legal, etc.


The personnel management system should have a conceptual unity, contain a single accessible terminology; the activities of all departments and managers should be based on a single "bearing structures" (stages, phases, functions) for different economic content of personnel management processes.


The personnel management system should provide maximum convenience for the creative processes of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of decisions by a person. For example, selective printing of data, variety of processing, special design of documents with highlighting of essential information, their harmonious appearance, elimination of unnecessary work when filling out documents, etc.

Principles that determine the directions of development of the personnel management system


It is considered in two directions: (1) the concentration of efforts of employees of a separate unit or the entire personnel management system to solve the main tasks and (2) the concentration of homogeneous functions in one unit of the personnel management system, which eliminates duplication.


The division of labor in the personnel management system (the work of managers, specialists and other employees is highlighted). Separate subdivisions specializing in the performance of homogeneous functions are being formed.


It involves the simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions, increases the efficiency of personnel management.

adaptability (flexibility)

It means the adaptability of the personnel management system to the changing goals of the management object and the conditions of its work.


It assumes a general methodological basis for carrying out work to improve the personnel management system at its different levels and by different specialists, their standard design.


Lack of interruptions in the work of employees of the personnel management system or division, reduction of the time spent for documents, downtime of technical controls, etc.


Performing the same amount of work at regular intervals and regular repetition of personnel management functions.

Survey methods (data collection)

Analysis Methods

Formation methods

Justification methods

Implementation methods


System Analysis

Economic analysis

Systems approach




Training, retraining

and advanced training

employees of the apparatus


Interviewing, conversation




active surveillance in

during the working day







Simulation of the actual and

desired state

object under study

Involvement of public organizations

Instant Observations


Structuring goals


Calculation of quantitative and

quality indicators



proposed options

Work day photo



Structuring goals






Studying documents

Functional cost analysis

Collective notepad

Security questions

Functional cost analysis

Main component


Correlation and

regression analysis


Method 6-5-3


Functional cost analysis

Rice. 2. the composition of the functional subsystems of the organization's personnel management system and their main functions

Personnel management system

Subsystem of working conditions

Subsystem of labor relations

Personnel registration and accounting subsystem

Planning subsystem, forecasting

staff research and marketing


personnel development

Subsystem for analysis and development of incentives

Development of a personnel management strategy

Personnel analysis


Analysis of the labor market, planning and forecasting the need for personnel, organizing advertising

Personnel planning

Relationship with external sources providing personnel to the organization

Evaluation of candidates for vacant position

current period. personnel evaluation

Technical and economic training

Retraining and advanced training

Work with the personnel reserve

Business career planning and control

Professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees

Office labor collective on the the example of OJSC Makbur Abstract >> Management

1. Theoretical aspects management labor collective on the enterprise…………………………………………………………………...…..5 1.1. The concept and classification of methods management……………….………….5 1.2. Meaning management labor collective on the enterprise….……..11 1.3. Psychological...

  • Control labor resources on the enterprise (3)

    Thesis >> Management

    ... management labor resources on the enterprise Formation labor resources Development labor resources Quality improvement labor life Usage rates labor... ; personnel training on the enterprise; social development labor team. Because...


  • Concept and role labor resources on the enterprise

    Abstract >> Economics

    ... management labor resources on the enterprise includes three interconnected blocks: Formation labor resources enterprises. Development labor resources enterprises... in collective enterprises; 2)Quality improvement labor resources enterprises on the base...

  • The labor collective is not a simple collection of people, but a complex structural formation with many external and internal connections, formalized and unformed relations that determine ideology (a set of ideas and views that reflect the characteristics of social relations) and psychology (public opinion, social feelings, collective habits, traditions, moods, etc.).

    Any joint work requires management. This means that management is an indispensable element of any collective activity of people. Not only in the sphere of production, but also in the non-production sphere, covering public education, training of specialists in science, health, culture, etc.

    In the variety of activities that form the organization as an integral system, it is possible to single out the elements of the system and the links between them. Varieties of individual activity act as elements, and the role of connections as structural components of the system is played by the methods of their conjugation, i.e. specific socio-psychological conditions in which workers interact, performing related tasks.

    The control process is understood as a purposeful information interaction between the subject and the control object in order to transfer the object from one state to another or maintain it in a given state under the influence of various disturbances by influencing the subject on the variable parameters. When a team acts as a management, the variable parameters can be: activation, cohesion, value orientation, material and moral stimulation, etc.

    Objective signs of the existence of the team:

    1. The team unites people to solve problems that are socially useful to society.
    2. The team unites people by the very process of activity. The set goals are achieved only by joint efforts, only in the process of cooperation and division of labor.
    3. A collective is not a spontaneously formed group, but an organization of people with governing and self-governing bodies.
    4. The team has the following socio-psychological characteristics:
    • psychological focus on achieving socially significant goals
    • a high level of cohesion, which is aimed at solving certain problems not within the group, but outside it
    • development of business relations at the group level
    • self-organization of the team, i.e. the ability to maintain group integrity and high productivity in the face of leadership deficits

    The selection of management personnel is a single complex and should be supported by scientific, methodological, organizational, personnel, material and technical and software.

    1. The recruitment of management personnel is a recruitment of employees who have not previously worked at the enterprise and involves the implementation of several stages of recruitment and selection of applicants:

      1) a general analysis of the present and future needs for management personnel;

      2) determination of requirements for management personnel: analysis of work, preparation of a description of this work and personal specification, determination of the terms and conditions of recruitment;

      3) determination of the main sources of receipt of candidates;

      4) the choice of methods for the selection of management personnel.

      2. Promotion of personnel is a procedure for moving an employee already working in a labor collective to a higher position if his qualifications, level of knowledge, practical skills and business qualities meet the requirements for candidates for a vacant position.

      3. The rotation of management personnel is understood as the horizontal movement of employees from one workplace to another, undertaken in order to familiarize the employee with the various production tasks of the organization.

      Psychologist M.Yu. Sheinis names the following stages of recruitment:

      Creation of the personnel commission;

      Formation of requirements for jobs;

      Announcement of the competition in the media;

      Interview in the personnel department;

      Evaluation of candidates for compliance with psychological criteria;

      Medical examination of the health and performance of candidates;

      Conclusion of the personnel commission on the selection of a candidate for a vacant position;

      Appointment in a position, conclusion of a contract;

      Preparation and submission to the personnel department of personnel documents of the candidate

    Signs of formal management is reliance on formally operating (approved, put into effect) organizational provisions:

    1. use of administrative levers of influence (order, established administrative responsibility, disciplinary requirement, etc.),

    2. tight control of execution,

    3. taking into account only those factors of work that fit into the established order.

    Signs of informal management are reliance on human informal relationships:

    1. strengths and weaknesses of human nature (respect, authority, pride, psychological disposition, interest)

    2. system of individual or collective values

    3. leadership

    Functions of informal management:

    1. realization of common material and social interests. This may be an interest in innovation or the development and implementation of an invention, in obtaining additional income, in the joint construction of garages, in solving summer problems, in organizing hiking trips, etc.

    2. protection from excessive pressure from the administration, excessive intensification of labor, increased production rates, layoffs of workers, etc.

    3. receiving and transmitting necessary or interesting information

    4. facilitating communications and establishing mutual assistance in solving both organizational and personal problems;

    5. preservation and cultivation of common cultural, social, national, religious and other values;

    6. meeting the needs for group membership, recognition, respect and identification. This increases satisfaction with work and stay in the organization;

    7. creating a favorable environment for activity and psychological comfort, overcoming alienation, fear, gaining confidence and calmness;

    8. adaptation and integration of new and young employees. Their inclusion in the team helps them quickly adapt to the requirements of the organization, allows them to receive valuable advice and assistance, and facilitates various types of communication.

    Functions of formal management:

    1. establishing the statuses, rights and obligations of group members

    2. rigid definition and distribution of roles

    3. ensuring the unity of all constituent parts of the organization,

    4. connection of various units with its common goals

    5. expedient social division of labor

    6. Ensuring efficiency gains through a known limitation of diversity in the organization

    The effectiveness of leadership activities largely depends on the authority of the leader. The opinion that with the receipt of a certain post, the leader automatically acquires authority is deeply mistaken.

    Authority is the well-deserved trust that a manager enjoys from subordinates, senior management and work colleagues. This is the recognition of the individual, the assessment by the team of the compliance of the subjective qualities of the manager with the objective requirements. Authority should be viewed as a system of relationships, values ​​and results of work.

    Leadership is a process of psychological influence of one person on other people in their joint desire to achieve common goals, which is carried out on the basis of perception, imitation, suggestion, understanding of each other. This is a process of psychological influence based on the principles of free communication, mutual understanding and voluntary submission. The higher the authority of the leader, the stronger his influence on the employee.

    Management, or enterprise management, is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization through the impact on other people.

    Motivation is one of the main functions of the activity of any manager, and it is with its help that the impact on the personnel of the enterprise is exerted.

    Motivation is classified in several ways. Depending on the main groups of needs Distinguish between material, labor and status motivation.

    Material motivation - the desire for prosperity, a higher standard of living - depends on the level of personal income, its structure, income differentiation in the organization and society, the effectiveness of the system of material incentives used in the organization.

    Labor motivation is generated directly by work, its content, conditions, organization of the labor process, work regime. This is the internal motivation of a person, the totality of his internal driving forces of behavior associated with work as such. Of course, every employee feels the need for meaningful, interesting, useful work, is interested in the certainty of job growth prospects, feels self-respect if the results of his work are highly valued. In general, labor motivation is associated, on the one hand, with the content, usefulness of labor itself, and on the other hand, with self-expression, self-realization of the employee.

    Status motivation is the internal driving force of a person's behavior associated with his desire to occupy a higher position, perform more complex and responsible work, work in prestigious, socially significant areas of the organization. In addition, a person may tend to strive for leadership in a team, a higher unofficial status, as well as the desire to become a recognized specialist, to enjoy authority.

    According to the methods used, there are normative, forced and incentive motivation.

    Normative motivation is the inducement of a person to a certain behavior through ideological and psychological influence: persuasion, suggestion, information, psychological infection, etc.

    Forced motivation is based on the use of power and the threat of dissatisfaction with the needs of the employee if he fails to meet the relevant requirements.

    Stimulation - the impact not on the individual as such, but on external circumstances with the help of benefits - incentives that encourage the employee to certain behavior.

    The first two types of motivation are direct, since they involve a direct impact on subordinates, the third is indirect, since it is based on the influence of external factors - incentives.

    According to the sources of motives, internal and external motivation are distinguished.

    Intrinsic motivation is manifested when a person, solving a problem, forms motives. For example, it can be a desire to achieve a certain goal, complete work, knowledge, a desire to fight, fear.

    On the basis of intrinsic motivation, people act more calmly; they do their work more conscientiously, expend less energy, understand tasks better and acquire knowledge. The internal motivation to act is the result of the interaction of a complex set of changing needs, therefore, in order to implement motivation, the leader must determine these needs and find ways to satisfy them.

    With external motivation, the impact on the subject comes from outside, for example, through payment for work, orders, rules of conduct, etc.

    Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are not clearly distinguished, because in different situations Motives can arise for both internal and external reasons. It is very important for managers to be aware of the presence of these two types of motivation, since it is possible to effectively manage only based on external motivation, but at the same time take into account the possible emergence of certain internal motives.

    By focusing on achieving goals, firms distinguish between positive motivation, which contributes to the effective achievement of goals, and negative motivation, which prevents this.

    The main types of positive motivation include material incentives in the form of personal bonuses to salaries and bonuses, increasing the authority of the employee and trust in him in the team, assigning especially important work, and so on. Negative motivation is, first of all, material penalties (penalties), a decrease in social status in the team, psychological isolation of the employee, the creation of an atmosphere of intolerance, demotion. The system of penalties should be continuous, not have "no-go zones", the consequences of sanctions should be communicated to all employees and be clear.

    The decisive influence on the success of the enterprise is exerted by the labor collective, its cohesion, efficiency and purposefulness. In order to effectively manage a team of workers, it is necessary to know what a team is, how it is formed and developed, what kind of teams there are, as well as everything related to the joint activities of people.

    Labor collective is a group of working people united by a common work, interests and goals.

    The need to combine one's own work with the work of other people arose objectively, regardless of anyone's will. The very conditions of human existence forced him to work together where one person physically could not fulfill necessary work(joint hunting, fishing, uprooting forests for arable land, harvesting, building dwellings, places of worship, roads, etc.). People were forced to unite their efforts for military affairs.

    Joint, collective work is not just the sum of the individual efforts of a number of people. It became more productive, successful and efficient, allowed each member of the team to apply all their knowledge and skills, acquire best experience work. A large social division of labor and specialization created the conditions for industrial cooperation. With the development of the productive forces, the process of improving collective labor, the formation of stable labor collectives in factories and factories was simultaneously going on. Single handicraftsmen left social production in the distant past. The labor collective became the basis of any production of material goods and services.

    But this does not mean that individual labor has disappeared. A number of specialties and professions have been preserved, where individual labor is not only possible, but also expedient. Freelancers work individually, but they can also be united in some kind of creative unions, associations, etc.

    Consider team management, where in the process of work people work together, constantly see each other, communicate, conduct business negotiations, discuss the results of their work, as well as managers.

    Collective work can achieve much greater results than the scattered work of the same number of people. This is due to the huge potential of the workforce.

    Collective labor allows:

    To transfer their knowledge and skills to other members of the team, receiving in return recognition and gratitude for this, and, if necessary, to acquire new knowledge and skills;

    Set goals of a much higher order and solve very complex and voluminous tasks than working alone;

    To have sympathy, empathy for their colleagues and receive their support not only in the labor process, but also in domestic and other vital issues;

    Show the ability, creativity and initiative of each employee, put forward new ideas, rationalistic proposals;

    To increase the sense of responsibility not only for their own work, but also for their comrades, jointly decide and achieve the implementation of the decisions made, act on the principle of “one for all, all for one”;

    To censure and condemn the deeds and actions of comrades that do not meet the norms of morality and morality accepted in the team, and even punish the guilty, up to and including dismissal.

    However, such a potential can manifest itself only when the team is fully formed and has acquired all its inherent properties and qualities, as well as when the manager effectively manages the actions of both each member and the team as a whole.

    Classification of the workforce determined by a number of signs:

    - by statute Distinguish between formal and informal groups

    - according to the mechanism of formation- created by order of the leadership and formed spontaneously,

    - by the nature of internal relations - formal and informal.

    - by time of action - temporary and permanent.

    - by size: small (from 3 to 5-7 participants), medium (from 1 to 20-30 people) and large (from several tens to many hundreds of workers).

    Official teams are legally registered and operate within the framework of the legislative norms and rules established at this enterprise. Industrial relations and relations are built on the basis of official duties employees according to the hierarchy of subordination. The actions of members of such teams are governed by the rules and principles of a rational bureaucracy.

    Informal groups are not legally formalized anywhere and arise on the basis of the actions of employees who want to establish interpersonal contacts and relationships not on the basis of positions, but on the basis of personal sympathies, shared values ​​and life goals. The internal connections in them are informal, but the hierarchy of subordination here can also be seen depending on the behavior of the leader and the proximity of individual members of such a team to him.

    To determine the type of team, it is important professional sign occupation and specialty of employees . For example, a team of faculty members of a university department, a team of builders of a construction trust, a tractor team of a state farm or a collective farm, a military team of an anti-aircraft missile regiment, etc.

    Position - a set of powers (rights, duties and responsibilities), which are determined by the functions performed by employees.

    Having taken office, the employee is not entitled to do what he pleases. He has a strictly defined field of activity, a workplace, an object of his influence (machines, mechanisms, devices, tools, i.e. objects and means of labor).

    The leader can have all this, but must also manage the work of employees subordinate to him. Performing production tasks, officials have the right to make decisions within their competence. All this should be aimed at the efficient performance of work or other activities.

    At industrial enterprises, positions are divided into four groups: workers, junior service personnel, engineering and technical workers, employees (represented in table 4.1). Workers of groups A and B are mainly engaged in physical labor, workers of groups C and D - mental.

    Table 4.1 - Types of positions in the enterprise