Is the provision about. We write the regulation on the unit and the job description

Each department has its own tasks. In order for all departments of the company to work smoothly, approve the regulation on the department - a convenient regulation that fixes the functions of a structural unit and the procedure for interacting with other services.

From the article you will learn:

Regulations on the department - a local organizational and administrative document, often used in large companies with independent structural divisions. The development of a regulation for each department allows you to regulate its daily activities, determine the main tasks, outline the internal structure and distribute areas of responsibility. Such a document can be drawn up for each service or laboratory, for individual workshops, sections and bureaus.

At the same time, small businesses with a simple organizational structure and a limited number of employees usually do not need regulations of this kind. If there is no division into independent structural units (departments, services), then the provisions governing them legal status and establishing the order of interaction with other units are not needed. For more information about labor law standards developed specifically for small organizations, read the articles " . What rules for micro-enterprises will be useful for other companies” and “Checks: can employee complaint?

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Regulations on the department: structure and content

In order to competently draw up in 2018 a position on the personnel department, accounting or any other structural unit enterprises, we recommend using a convenient template.

The model regulation on the department contains the following sections:

  1. general provisions;
  2. structure;
  3. main tasks (missions);
  4. functions;
  5. rights and obligations;
  6. responsibility;
  7. relationships with other departments.

The section "General Provisions" indicates the full name of the department and the details of the document on the basis of which it was created, as well as the order of subordination. Ordinary employees report to the head of the department, and he, in turn, is accountable to the director of the enterprise. In more detail, the structure of the unit is “sorted out” in the second section of the document: categories of personnel are identified, and their number is determined.

The "Tasks" section is very important, which sets the vector of the department's activities. The employer decides how detailed the wording should be. Usually it is only about the key areas of activity. For example, if we consider a sample provision on the personnel department ( personnel service), the list of tasks should include the selection and education of personnel, ensuring the rights and guarantees of employees in accordance with the current labor law and local regulations, maintaining personnel records etc.

Order on approval of the regulation on the department

The last stage is the approval of the "Regulations" by the head of the organization (of course, in the absence of objections to the proposed project). If the content or design of the document does not suit the company's management, it is sent for revision.

There are two ways to approve a local normative act: issue a separate order or stamp “I approve” on the document itself. The employer who has chosen the first method draws up an order to approve the regulation on the department in free form. As a template, you can use a sample order to approve the rules of internal work schedule or any other regulation:

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Changes and amendments to local regulations are entered as needed. If in the future there is a need to revise the provision, use the recommendations of experts (see the articles “How to develop and approve in the organization”, “How long does it take to notify about and other personnel matters.

Typical template for a regulation on a structural unit

Typical template for a regulation on a structural unit

Requirements for the content of provisions can be defined internal documents organization (for example, an enterprise standard). If there are no such documents in the company, then when developing a regulation, you can use a standard template for a regulation on a structural unit (see Table 1).

In any case, when developing a regulation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that it should indicate:

Place in the structure of the organization (independent unit or part of a department, office, etc.),
- what documents it is guided by in its activities (federal laws, the Charter, other documents of the enterprise),
- division structure,
- the direct manager of the department,
- the main tasks of the department,
- Functions, rights, responsibility of the unit.

The position is endorsed by the head of the department and approved by the head of the organization.

Example 1

Let's consider the stages of developing a regulation on a structural unit using the example of developing a regulation on a personnel service (see Example 2).

The regulation on the personnel service regulates the procedure for the construction and functioning of the system personnel management companies. The regulation on the personnel service establishes:

The status of the personnel service in the hierarchical structure of the company;
- goals and objectives of the personnel service;
- functions of the personnel department of the company;
- relationship between the personnel department and other departments of the company;
- Rights and responsibilities of HR personnel.

Stages of development of the Regulations on the personnel service

1. First of all, it is necessary to study the model and exemplary provisions, as well as previously existing organizational and legal documents. It is especially useful to study type specimens those specialists who work in newly created companies that do not have previously existing documents and have nothing to rely on in their work. 2. You should also study the organizational and administrative documentation of the company: founding documents, staffing, etc. Purpose this stage is to determine the place of personnel service in the company, areas of responsibility and authority. 3. Drawing up a draft Regulation, determining its structure and content of sections (see Table 2). Table 1

4. Discussion with the company's management of the draft Regulations.

The purpose of this stage is to find out the management's opinion about the document being developed, its purpose and fundamental provisions. The most important condition for the development of the company's personnel service is the position of top management, since it is impossible to count on success if top management does not consider the problem of managing people to be one of the key priorities of the company's work. Heads of leading structural divisions should also be involved in the discussion.

Often in companies there is a situation of misunderstanding by middle managers of the range of tasks and functions of the personnel service, since they see in it only a unit whose main task is to conduct personnel records management. Therefore, their participation in the discussion of the content of the Regulations on the personnel service will help to change the prevailing stereotypes and perceptions.

5. Coordination and signing of the document.

The regulation must contain approval visas for the heads of structural divisions who took part in the discussion of the document at the stage of its development. The regulation is signed by the head of the personnel service and approved by the head of the company. Employees of the personnel service must be familiar with the Regulation on receipt.

RD 107.12.009-89

Group T55



Introduction date 1990-06-01



2. INTRODUCED BY directive letter N 017-107/K/2539 of November 2, 1989 to the State National Technical University.

3. PERFORMERS: V.N. BARANOV ( development manager)


4. REGISTERED GOSM for N OP 3062 dated 27.11.89.

5. The term of the first check is 1993.

The frequency of verification is 5 years.

6. Introduced instead of OST 4G 0.091.044, rev.2-80.

7. Keywords: provisions, structure, structural unit, structural subdivision, independence, tasks, functions, rights, responsibility.

8. Abstract.

Industry guidance document RD 107.12.009-89 was developed in order to ensure a unified approach at industry enterprises to the development of regulations on structural units of associations, branches of industrial enterprises, branches of research institutes (KB), divisions of industrial enterprises and research institutes (KB). Examples of registration of various kinds of provisions are given.

The RD contains the main requirements governing the content, procedure for the development and implementation of the provisions.

This guidance document (RD) applies to production and research and production associations (hereinafter - associations), industrial enterprises (factories), research institutes (NII), design and design and technology bureaus (hereinafter - KB), branches of factories, branches Research institutes and design bureaus (hereinafter referred to as branches).

This RD establishes requirements for the construction, design, content, procedure for developing, agreeing, approving and enacting regulations on structural units of associations, regulations on branches, regulations on structural divisions of enterprises.



1.1. Structural units of associations, branches, structural subdivisions of enterprises act on the basis of regulations.

1.2. The provisions are regulations, defining the legal status of structural units, branches, structural divisions, their place in the system of the association, enterprises, internal organization, assigning to them the functions of the association, enterprise.

1.3. Regulations are being developed about:

structural units of associations;


structural subdivisions of independent factories, independent research institutes, design bureaus;

structural subdivisions of structural units of associations;

structural subdivisions of branches.

The structural divisions for which the provisions are being developed include:

production facilities (including experimental ones) functioning as structural subdivisions;

shops of the main and auxiliary production;

independent plots;

departments in research institutes, design bureaus, which are a single planned and reporting unit;

departments (including thematic ones in research institutes, design bureaus);

departments and laboratories within departments;

independent laboratories;

independent bureaus;

bureau as part of production and workshops.

1.4. Regulations do not develop about:

factories, research institutes, design bureaus that have the rights of a legal entity;


independent laboratories;

non-independent bureaus;

non-independent areas.


1. Factories, research institutes, design bureaus, having the rights of a legal entity, operate on the basis of the "Law on the State Enterprise (Association)" and the Charter.

2. Sectors, non-independent laboratories, bureaus and sites act on the basis of the regulations on the structural units in which they are included.

1.5. Regulations also do not develop on departments in which the planning and reporting unit is not the department itself as a whole, but its constituent departments and laboratories.

In such departments, the head acts as the head of the scientific direction, and the departments (laboratories) carry out work in this direction with their own planning and reporting.

In this case, the official position is developed on the head of the department, as the head of the thematic direction, as well as regulations on the departments (laboratories) included in the department.

1.6. Regulations should be developed in accordance with:

this RD;

current legislation;

current organizational and administrative, regulatory and methodological documents in the areas of activity of the structural unit of the association (branch, structural unit).

When changing these documents, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments or completely rework the provisions.

Note. Organizational and administrative, regulatory and methodological documents related to the activities of a structural unit, branch, structural unit, issued after the approval of the regulation on this structural unit (branch, structural unit), operate along with this provision.

1.7. The content of the provision, the number and name of the sections depends on the nature of the object (structural unit, branch, structural unit) for which the provision is being developed, as well as on the conditions in which the structural unit, branch, structural unit operates.

In this RD, the content of the provisions is presented in the following groups:

regulations on structural units of associations and branches;

position on the department in research institutes, design bureaus;

regulations on productions (including experimental ones), on workshops of the main and auxiliary production, on independent sections;

regulations on departments (including thematic ones in research institutes, design bureaus), on departments and laboratories within departments; about independent laboratories and independent bureaus; about the bureau as part of production and workshops.

Common to the provisions of each group is the number and names of sections in them.

1.8. Each provision is accompanied by a "Scheme of Subordination of Structural Units" of a structural unit, branch, structural unit.

Note. Structural links are independent and non-independent subdivisions, officials and executors (individual employees) of the enterprise, the structural link of the lower level of management is the executor (employee).

2.1. Regulations on structural units of associations and branches

2.1.1. Regulations on structural units of associations and branches should include the following sections:

1. General Provisions;

2) main tasks;

3) property and funds;

4) production- economic activity(for factories - structural units of associations and for branches of factories);

scientific, scientific, technical and economic activities (for research institutes and design bureaus - structural units of associations and branches of research institutes and design bureaus);

5) management;

6) rights;

7) responsibility;

8) audit of activities, reorganization and liquidation.

Note. The organizational structure of the structural unit (branch) is developed and approved separately.

2.1.2. Section "General Provisions" contains:

full name and administrative direct subordination of the structural unit (branch);

the level of economic independence of the structural unit (branch);

legal, organizational, administrative and normative-technical documents (NTD), which guide the work of a structural unit (branch);

the position of the head of the structural unit (branch);

the procedure for appointing, approving and dismissing the head of a structural unit (branch);

the procedure for developing, agreeing and approving the regulation on the structural unit (branch), its organizational structure and staffing.

the activity of a structural unit (branch) is built on the basis of an economic and social development associations (enterprises);

the association (enterprise) ensures the observance of the rights of the structural unit (branch) and exercises control over the fulfillment by the structural unit (branch) of its obligations;

the structural unit (branch) has seals indicating its name and conducts correspondence through the post office assigned to it.

It is allowed to introduce other necessary clauses specifying and clarifying the status of a structural unit (branch), if these clauses cannot be included in other sections of the regulation due to their content.

2.1.3. The "Main tasks" section contains a list of the main tasks that characterize the purpose and main activities of the structural unit (branch).

The section should be built in such a way that each main task corresponds to a certain group of functions from the section "Production and economic activity" ("Scientific, scientific, technical and economic activity").

The formulation of the main tasks should reveal what the structural unit (branch) was created and operates for.

2.1.4. In the "Property and funds" section, you should indicate which fixed assets and working capital, as well as other material assets and financial resources, are assigned to the structural unit (branch).

In addition, in the section it is necessary to indicate which funds (material incentives, social development, etc.) are formed by the structural unit (branch).

2.1.5. The section "Production and economic activity" ("Scientific, scientific, technical and economic activity") reflects the content of the activities of the structural unit (branch) in ensuring the main tasks assigned to the structural unit (branch).

The content of the activities of a structural unit (branch) should be stated in the form of functions and sub-functions in areas.

For example, in the area:

production activities;


scientific and technological progress;

logistics and marketing;

labor and wages;

personnel and social development of the team;

finance, accounting and reporting, etc.

2.1.6. In the "Management" section, a description of the management system of the structural unit (branch) is given, where you should specify:

principles on the basis of which the management of a structural unit (branch) is built;

For example, "the director establishes the competence of his deputies ...", "the divisions of the enterprise act on the basis of the regulations on these divisions ...", etc .;

the basics of organizing the work of public organizations and their relationship with the administration;

methods of managing a structural unit (branch) by higher managers (planning, reporting, performance evaluation, etc.);

organizational and administrative documents of an association (factory, research institute, design bureau) that apply to this structural unit (branch).

For example, "Collective agreement", "Internal labor regulations", etc.

The section should also indicate that qualification requirements to the head (director, head) of a structural unit (branch) are established the same as to the head of a legally independent enterprise.

It is allowed, if necessary, to introduce other items specifying and clarifying the management system of a structural unit (branch).

2.1.7. In the "Rights" section, it is necessary to indicate that the rights of the structural unit (branch) are exercised by its head and according to the distribution of duties established by official positions (job descriptions) by other employees of the structural unit (branch).

related to representation in other associations, enterprises, organizations;

in relation to other structural units of the association (other branches of the plant, research institutes, design bureaus);

in relation to subdivisions or individual employees of a structural unit (branch);

The scope of rights should ensure the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the structural unit (branch), as well as the duties assigned to the head of the structural unit (branch).

2.1.8. In the "Responsibility" section, it should be indicated that the head of the structural unit (branch) is responsible for all activities of the structural unit (branch) as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to concretize and clarify the most significant types of responsibility of the head.

For example, responsibility for failure to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the structural unit (branch) and their duties; responsibility for the incorrectness and incomplete use of the rights granted to the manager, etc.

Note. For a structural unit (branch) that has switched to economic accounting, it must be indicated that the payment of fines, penalties and other sanctions established by law and the management of the association (factory, research institute, design bureau) is made at the expense of self-supporting income (profit) of the team of the structural unit (branch ).

The final paragraph of the section should be a paragraph establishing that the responsibility of other employees of the structural unit (branch) is established by their official positions (instructions).

2.1.9. In the section "Audit of activities, reorganization and liquidation" you should indicate:

who audits the activities of the structural unit (branch), how often;

by the decision of which body the reorganization or liquidation of the structural unit (branch) is carried out;

procedure and terms of liquidation.

2.2. Regulations on the branch

2.2.1. The regulation on the branch should include the following sections:

1. General Provisions;

2) main tasks;

3) organizational structure;

4) property and funds;

5) scientific, scientific-technical and economic activities;

6) management;

7) head of department;

8) rights;

9) responsibility.

Note. The "Property and Funds" section is introduced when the department as a single planned unit is self-supporting.

2.2.2. In the section "General Provisions" they give:

full name and direct administrative subordination of the department;

the level of economic independence of the department.

For example: "The department operates on the principles of intra-institutional cost accounting and self-financing";

legal, organizational and administrative documents and NTD, which guide the work of the department;

the position of the head of the department, the procedure for his appointment, approval for the post and dismissal from the post;

the procedure for developing, coordinating and approving the position and staffing of the department;

types of equipment or specific equipment managed by the department.

Note. If there is a section "Property and funds" in the regulation on separation, then the item regarding the availability of equipment is not given in the "General Provisions" section.

The section must indicate that:

the activities of the department are based on the plan for the economic and social development of the Research Institute (KB);

The Research Institute (KB) ensures the observance of the rights of the department and monitors the fulfillment by the department of its obligations.

It is allowed to introduce clauses concretizing and clarifying the status of the branch, if these clauses, by their content, cannot be included in other sections of the regulation.

2.2.3. In the section "Main Tasks" a list of the main tasks characterizing the purpose and main activities of the department is given.

The section should be built in such a way that each main task corresponds to a certain group of functions from the section "Scientific, scientific, technical and economic activities".

The formulation of the main tasks should reveal the purpose for which the department was created and carries out its activities.

2.2.4. The section "Organizational structure" provides a list of units that are part of the department and are directly subordinate to the head of the department and his deputies.

The section also lists individual employees directly reporting to the head of the department or his deputies.

If the organizational structure of the department is complex, then it is allowed to draw it up as an appendix to the regulation on the department. In this case, the section indicates that the organizational structure of the department is given in the appendix to the regulation.

2.2.5. In the "Property and funds" section, you should indicate which fixed assets and working capital, as well as other material assets and financial resources, are assigned to the department.

In addition, in the section it is necessary to indicate which funds (material incentives, social development, etc.) the department forms.

2.2.6. The section "Scientific, scientific, technical and economic activities" should reflect the content of the department's activities as a whole in ensuring the main tasks assigned to the department.

The content of the department's activities should be stated in the form of functions and sub-functions in the following areas:

For example:

in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activity;

in the field of planning;

in the field of logistics;

in the field of labor and wages;

in the field of personnel and social development of the team;

in the field of finance, accounting and reporting, etc.

When describing the functions and sub-functions, one should adhere to the wording given in the all-Union and industry documents and NTD.

The final paragraph of the section should indicate that the functions of the department are carried out by the units and employees included in its composition, in accordance with the provisions (job descriptions) for these units (employees), developed and approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2.7. In the "Management" section, it is necessary to characterize the department management system, where to indicate:

the principles on the basis of which the management of the department is built;

grounds for functioning officials and divisions.

For example. "The head of the department establishes the competence of his deputies ...", "the departments that make up the department act on the basis of the regulations on these departments ...", etc.;

the basics of organizing the work of public organizations and their relationship with the administration of the department;

methods of managing the department as a whole and its divisions (the procedure for planning, reporting, evaluating activities, etc.);

organizational and methodological documents of research institutes (KB), which apply to the department.

It is allowed to introduce other necessary items that specify and clarify the department management system.

2.2.8. In the "Head of Department" section, you must specify:

official duties the head of the department to ensure the completed tasks and functions assigned to the department;

what the head of the department should know.

The section should be developed in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the head of the department, taking into account the working conditions of the department.

In the case when the head of the department is the deputy director or chief engineer and his competence includes not only the issues of the department, the section "Head of the department" consists of only one item: "The department is headed by the deputy director (chief engineer) - the head of the department, acting on the basis of his official position, developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

2.2.9. In the "Rights" section, it is necessary to indicate that the rights of the department are exercised by its head and according to the distribution of duties established by job descriptions by other employees of the department.

Rights must be stated in the following order:

related to representation in other associations, enterprises and organizations;

in relation to senior leaders;

in relation to departments and individual employees of the department;

on approval, approval (vising) or signing of documents.

If the rights are exercised jointly or in agreement with trade union body or the labor collective, then this should be indicated in the section.

The scope of rights should ensure the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the department, as well as the duties assigned to the head of the department.

In the "Responsibility" section, it should be indicated that the head of the department is responsible for all the activities of the department as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to concretize and clarify the most significant types of responsibility of the head.

For example, responsibility for failure to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the department, and their duties; responsibility for the incorrectness and incomplete use of the rights granted to the head, etc.

Note. For a branch that has switched to self-supporting accounting, it must be indicated that the payment of fines, penalties and other sanctions established by the regulation on the self-supporting department is made at the expense of the self-supporting income (profit) of the branch staff.

The final paragraph of the section should be a paragraph establishing that the responsibility of other employees of the department is established by their job descriptions.

2.3. Regulations on industries, workshops of the main and auxiliary production, independent sections

2.3.1. Regulations on production facilities (including experimental ones) functioning as structural units, on workshops of the main and auxiliary production, on independent sections should include the following sections:

1. General Provisions;

2) main tasks;

3) organizational structure;

4) property and funds;

5) production and economic activity;

6) management;

7) head of production (workshop, site);

8) rights;

9) responsibility.

Note. If the structure of production (workshop) is rather complicated, then the section "Organizational structure" is not introduced, and in the section "General provisions" it should be indicated that the organizational structure of production (workshop) is given as an appendix to this regulation.

2.3.2. In the section "General Provisions" they give:

full name and administrative direct subordination of production (workshop, site);

the level of economic independence of production (workshop, site).

For example: "Production operates on the principles of intra-factory cost accounting and self-financing";

legal, organizational and administrative documents and scientific and technical documentation that guide production (workshop, site) in its work;

the position of the head of production (workshop, section), the procedure for his appointment, approval for the position and dismissal from office;

the procedure for developing, agreeing and approving the regulations on production (workshop, site) and its staffing table.

The section must also indicate that:

the activity of production (workshop, site) is built on the basis of the plan for the economic and social development of the enterprise;

the enterprise ensures the observance of the rights of production (workshop, site) and monitors the fulfillment by production (workshop, site) of its obligations.

It is allowed to introduce other necessary items specifying and clarifying the status of production (workshop, site), if these items, by their content, cannot be included in other sections of the regulation.

2.3.3. The "Main Tasks" section contains a list of the main tasks that characterize the intended purpose and main areas of production activity (workshop, site).

The section should be built in such a way that each main task corresponds to a certain group of functions from the section "Production and economic activity".

The formulation of the main tasks should reveal what the production (workshop, site) was created and operates for.

2.3.4. In the "Organizational structure" section, a list of departments that are part of the production (workshop, section) and directly subordinate to the head of production (workshop, section) and his deputies is given.

The section also lists individual employees directly subordinate to the head of production (workshop, section) or his deputies.

If the organizational structure of production (workshop) is complex, then it is allowed to draw it up as an annex to the regulation on production (workshop, site). In this case, the section indicates that the organizational structure of production (workshop) is given in the appendix to the regulation.

2.3.5. In the "Property and funds" section, it should be indicated which fixed assets and working capital, as well as other material assets and financial resources, are assigned to production (workshop, site).

In addition, in the section it is necessary to indicate which funds (material incentives, social development, etc.) are formed by production (workshop, site).

2.3.6. The section "Production and economic activity" should reflect the content of the activities of production (workshop, site) as a single whole in order to ensure the main tasks assigned to production (workshop, site).

The content of production activities (workshop, site) should be stated in the form of functions and sub-functions in areas.

For example, in the field of production, planning, logistics, labor and wages, personnel and social development of the team, finance, accounting and reporting, etc.

When describing the functions and sub-functions, one should adhere to the wording given in the all-Union and sectoral organizational and administrative documents and NTD.

The tasks and functions of the units included in the production (shop), as well as the duties of employees directly subordinate to the head of production (shop) or his deputies, are given in the regulations on these units (job descriptions of employees).

2.3.7. In the "Management" section, it is necessary to characterize the production management system (workshop, section), where you should indicate:

principles on the basis of which production management (shop, section) is built;

grounds for the functioning of officials and divisions.

For example: "The head of production establishes the competence of his deputies ...", "The workshops that are part of the production operate on the basis of the regulations on these workshops ...", etc.;

the basics of organizing the work of public organizations and their relationship with the administration of production (workshop, site);

methods of managing production (shop, section) as a whole and its divisions (planning, reporting, performance evaluation, etc.);

NTD and organizational and administrative documents of the enterprise that apply to production (workshop, site).

For example: "Collective agreement", "Internal labor regulations", etc.

It is allowed to introduce other necessary items that specify and clarify the production management system (workshop, section).

2.3.8. In the section "Head of production (workshop, section)" you must specify:

official duties of the head of production (workshop, site) to ensure the fulfillment of tasks and functions assigned to production (workshop, site);

what the head of production (workshop, section) should know.

The section should be developed in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the head, taking into account the working conditions of the production (workshop, site).

In the case when the enterprise has a single "General job description for the head of an independent structural unit in terms of administrative management of the unit", only those items that are necessary, but which are not in the "General job description" are given in the section of the provisions on the workshop and site.

2.3.9. In the "Rights" section, it is necessary to indicate that the rights of production (shop, section) are carried out by his boss and, according to the distribution of duties established by job descriptions, other workers in production (shop, section).

Rights must be stated in the following order:

in relation to senior leaders;

in relation to subdivisions and individual workers of production (workshop, site);

on approval, approval (vising) or signing of documents.

If the rights are exercised jointly or in agreement with the trade union body or labor collective, then this should be indicated.

If the enterprise has a "General job description for the head of the structural unit in terms of administrative management of the unit", in the section of the provisions on the workshop, section, only those items are written that are necessary, but which are not in the "General job description".

The scope of rights should ensure the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the production (workshop, site), as well as the duties assigned to the head of production (workshop, site).

2.3.10. In the "Responsibility" section, it should be indicated that the head of production (workshop, section) is responsible for all activities of production (workshop, section) as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to concretize and clarify the most significant types of responsibility of the head.

For example, responsibility for failure to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to production (workshop, site), and their duties; responsibility for the incorrectness and incomplete use of the rights granted to the head, etc.

Note. For production (workshop, site) that has switched to cost accounting, it must be indicated that the payment of fines, penalties and other sanctions established by the regulation on self-supporting production (workshop; site) are made at the expense of self-supporting income (profit) of the production team (workshop, site ).

If the enterprise has a "General job description for the head of an independent structural unit in terms of administrative management of the unit", in the section of the provisions on the workshop and site, only those items are written that are necessary, but which are not in the "General job description".

The final paragraph of the section should be a paragraph establishing that the responsibility of other production workers (shop, section) is determined by their job descriptions.

2.4. Regulations on departments, laboratories, bureaus

2.4.1. Regulations on departments (including thematic ones in research institutes, design bureaus), on departments and laboratories within departments, on independent laboratories, independent bureaus, on bureaus as part of production and workshops should include the following sections:

1. General Provisions;

2) main tasks;

3) organizational structure;

4) functions;

5) head of department (laboratory, bureau);

6) rights;

7) responsibility.

Note. In necessary cases, for example, when the unit is transferred to economic accounting, additionally after the section "Organizational structure" the section "Property and funds" is introduced, which is set out in accordance with clause 2.4.8.

2.4.2. In the section "General Provisions" they give:

full name and administrative direct subordination of the department (laboratory, bureau);

the level of economic independence of the department (laboratory, bureau);

legal, organizational, administrative and normative-technical documents that guide the work of the department (laboratory, bureau);

the position of the head of the department (laboratory, bureau), the procedure for his appointment, approval for the position and dismissal from the position;

the procedure for developing, agreeing and approving the regulation on the department (laboratory, bureau) and its staffing table;

the procedure for planning, reporting and evaluating the activities of the department (laboratory, bureau);

types of equipment or specific equipment administered by a department (laboratory, office).

Note. If the regulation on the department (laboratory, office) has a section "Property and funds", then the item regarding the availability of equipment is not given in the section "General provisions".

In the regulations on business management units in the "General Provisions" section, it is allowed to introduce clauses defining:

the level of centralization by functions or subfunctions of management implemented by the unit;

the object of management of the structural subdivision and the area of ​​administrative or functional management of this object.

It is allowed to introduce other necessary items into the section, specifying and clarifying the status of the department (laboratory, bureau), if these items, due to their content, cannot be included in other sections of the regulation.

2.4.3. The "Main tasks" section contains a list of the main tasks that characterize the purpose and main activities of the department (laboratory, bureau).

The section should be built in such a way that each main task corresponds to a certain group of functions from the "Functions" section.

The formulation of the main tasks should reveal the purpose for which the department (laboratory, bureau) was created and operates.

2.4.4. In the "Organizational structure" section, the sectors and bureaus that are part of the department (laboratory) are listed.

In the regulations on independent bureaus, as well as, if necessary, in the regulations on departments (laboratories), it is allowed to list separate groups of employees performing certain functions.

The section also lists individual employees directly subordinate to the head of the department (laboratory) or his deputies.

If there are no separate groups of employees in the composition of an independent bureau, the section "Organizational structure" is not included in the regulation on the bureau.

2.4.5. The section "Functions" should reflect the content of the activities of the department (laboratory, bureau) in order to ensure the main tasks assigned to the department (laboratory, bureau).

The content of the unit's activities should be stated in one of the following ways (at the choice of the developer):

by structural links (sectors, bureaus, groups) of the unit, outlining the functions of first one structural link, then another, etc. Cross-cutting for all structural links of work are stated under the heading "General functions";

in accordance with the technological sequence of the work performed.

For example, first, the functions for collecting, processing and analyzing materials are described, then for planning work, for conducting them, for monitoring their progress, etc.;

on objects of activity of division.

For example, by types of processed products, materials; in the field of standardization of work of workers; in the field of wage organization, etc.

When describing the functions and sub-functions, one should adhere to the wording given in the all-Union and sectoral organizational and administrative documents.

The duties of employees directly subordinate to the head of the department (laboratory) or his deputies should not be given, since these duties are set out in the job descriptions of employees.

2.4.6. In the section "Head of a department (laboratory, office)" you must specify:

official duties of the head of the department (laboratory, bureau) to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the department (laboratory, bureau);

what the head of the department (laboratory, bureau) should know.

The section should be developed in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the head, taking into account the working conditions of the department (laboratory, bureau).

In the case when the head of the department is a deputy director or chief engineer and his competence includes not only the issues of the department, the section "Head of the department" consists of only one item:

"The department is headed by the deputy director (chief engineer) - the head of the department, acting on the basis of his official position, developed and approved in the prescribed manner."

2.4.7. In the content of the "Rights" section, it is necessary to indicate that the rights of the department (laboratory, bureau) are exercised by its head and, according to the distribution of duties established by job descriptions, by other employees of the department (laboratory, bureau).

Rights must be stated in the following order:

related to representation in other associations, enterprises, organizations;

in relation to senior leaders;

in relation to other structural divisions of the enterprise;

in relation to structural links (sectors, bureaus, groups) and individual employees of the department (laboratories, bureaus);

on approval, approval (vising) or signing of documents.

If the rights are exercised jointly or in agreement with the trade union body or labor collective, then this should be indicated.

In the case when the enterprise has a single "General job description for the head of an independent structural unit in terms of administrative management of the unit", only those items are given in the section that are necessary, but which are not in the "General job description".

The scope of rights should ensure the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the department (laboratory, office), as well as the duties assigned to the head of the department (laboratory, office).

2.4.8. In the "Responsibility" section, it should be indicated that the head of the department (laboratory, bureau) is responsible for all activities of the department (laboratory, bureau) as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to concretize and clarify the most significant types of responsibility of the head.

For example, responsibility for failure to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the department (laboratory, office), and their duties; responsibility for the incorrectness and incomplete use of the rights granted to the head, etc.

Note. For a department (laboratory, bureau) that has switched to cost accounting, it must be indicated that the payment of fines, penalties and other sanctions established by the regulation on cost accounting of the department (laboratory, bureau) is made at the expense of self-supporting income (profit) of the team of the department (laboratory, bureau). ).

In the case when the enterprise has a single "General job description for the head of an independent structural unit in terms of administrative management of the unit", only those items are given in the section that are necessary, but which are not in the "General job description".

The final paragraph of the section should be a paragraph establishing that the responsibility of other employees of the department (laboratory, bureau) is determined by their job descriptions.


3.1. Each provision on a structural unit (on a branch, on a structural unit) must have a "Subordination Scheme of Structural Units" as a mandatory application. In this case, the full name of the structural unit (branch, structural unit) should be given.

For example: "The subordination scheme of the structural units of the Instrument-Making Plant of the Volga production association", "The subordination scheme of the structural units of the department of the chief technologist", etc.

3.2. Regulations on structural units (branches), as well as regulations on departments, industries and workshops, consisting of a significant number of structural units, have as an application the "Organizational structure of a structural unit" (branch, department, production, workshop). The organizational structure is compiled in the form of tables and approved simultaneously with the regulation on the structural unit (branch, department, production, workshop).

3.3. If necessary, the regulation on the structural unit may be accompanied by a document regulating the main relationships between this structural unit and other units or officials of the association (enterprise).

3.4. On the "Scheme of subordination of structural links" should be reflected in graphical form:

subdivisions that are part of a structural unit (branch, structural subdivision);

connection of administrative subordination of these divisions.

3.4.1. On the "Scheme of subordination of structural links" it is allowed, if necessary, to depict sectors and non-independent bureaus as part of divisions, as well as to show positions directly subordinate to the head.

3.4.2. It is allowed, if necessary, to depict the links of functional subordination of structural links.

3.4.3. The "Scheme of subordination of structural links" is drawn up on a sheet of arbitrary format.

Structural links are recommended to be depicted as rectangles arranged in a hierarchical order, with the following ratios between the sides given in Table 1.

Table 1

The aspect ratio of the rectangle

Subordination scheme of structural units of a structural unit, branch

The scheme of subordination of the structural links of the department, production

Subordination scheme of structural units of a structural unit

Horizontal side

vertical side

Director, chief

Head of department, head of production

Chief Engineer

Deputy Director,
Department Director,
director of operations

Deputy Head of Department,
deputy head of production

Head of department, workshop, independent laboratory, bureau, section

Deputy Chief Engineer

Department, workshop, independent laboratories, bureau, section

Deputy Chief

Department, workshop, independent: laboratory, bureau, site; an employee directly reporting to the director (supervisor) or chief engineer

Sector, laboratory, bureau, site; an employee directly reporting to the head of the department (production)

Sector, laboratory, bureau, site; employee directly reporting to a supervisor

Sector, laboratory, bureau, section

3.4.4. The names of structural units must exactly correspond to the names established by the current industry organizational and administrative documents and NTD, as well as correspond to the names in the approved organizational structure of the enterprise, association.
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* internal labor regulations
* collective agreement
* position on wages
* documents establishing the procedure for processing personal data
* job descriptions, who develops their form and content
* procedure for changing the job description
* options for job descriptions
stages of development of regulations on structural divisions, approval and signing
* plans for the work of the personnel department, the movement of personnel and its analysis

Regulations on structural divisions

Many modern state and non-state enterprises and organizations develop as an organizational document the Staff Regulations, in which, in addition to general issues development labor collective others may be considered important questions: staff development; participation of personnel in profits; regulations business communication personnel, etc.
Regulations on the division is an organizational and technological document, the concepts:
1. The place of the unit in the organizational structure.
2. The functional load of the unit. Technology responsibility across the organization.
3. Interaction with other departments of the organization.
4. Regulatory documents governing the activities of this unit.
Development of the Regulation about the unit is carried out directly in the unit. The head of the department is responsible for the development of the Regulations.
Organizations consisting of several structural units are required to develop Regulations on the structural unit, which defines the tasks, functions, rights and obligations of each unit.
For example, the text of the Regulations on the personnel service should contain the following main sections.
  1. General provisions.
  2. Main tasks.
  3. Structure and functions.
  4. Relationships with other departments of the organization.
  5. Rights and obligations.
  6. Responsibility.
Section "General Provisions" determines the legal status of the structural unit, fixes the subordination of the personnel department to a specific official.
The section "Main tasks" contains the main activities of the personnel department, which in modern conditions are no longer limited to the issues of hiring and dismissal of employees and registration of personnel documentation, but comprehensively solve the issues of forming an effectively working team.
Section "Structure and functions" determines the structure of the personnel service, its numerical composition, the specific work of each division of the service.
In the "Relationships" section with other divisions of the organization” defines service relationships with other services and departments on organizational and production issues.
Sections "Rights and obligations", "Responsibility" determine the rights and obligations of personnel in connection with the functions assigned to him, establish the responsibility of the head of the structural unit for the work of the personnel department and the responsibility of the employees of the unit in accordance with their job descriptions.
Regulations on the structural unit after agreement with a lawyer, with other officials approved by the head of the organization.

Regulations on structural divisions

Regulations on structural divisions are not a required document. in accordance with labor legislation, however, it is in them that the distribution of “roles” between departments and employees within one organization is fixed.
Requirements for the content of the Regulations can be defined by internal documents of the organization (for example, an enterprise standard). If you do not have such documents, then when developing the Regulations, you can use the standard template of the Regulations on the structural unit. In any case, when developing the Regulations, proceed from the fact that it should indicate: place in the structure of the organization (independent unit or part of a department, management, etc.); what documents it is guided by in its activities (federal laws, the Charter, other documents of the enterprise); unit structure; direct head of the department; the main tasks of the unit; functions, rights, responsibility of the unit. In order to avoid disputes about the competence and responsibility for the performance of certain functions, carefully consider the content of the Regulations on structural divisions and make it as detailed as possible..
The position is endorsed by the head of the department and approved by the head of the organization


"Regulations on structural divisions"

1 area of ​​use
This International Standard specifies general requirements for the content and general rules development, adoption and registration, introduction of amendments and revision of the Regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on subdivisions, Regulations).
This standard is applied by all divisions of the Company.
2. Purpose and status of the Regulations on subdivisions
  1. Regulations on the subdivision - an internal organizational document developed with the aim of organizational and legal assignment of management functions to the subdivision, rational delimitation of powers, establishing the rights, duties and responsibilities of the head of the subdivision.
  2. The subdivision regulations are integral part documentation of the Company.
  3. Regulations on subdivisions are the basis for the development of standard and, if necessary, personal job descriptions for employees of subdivisions.
  4. Regulations on subdivisions are developed in accordance with the current organizational and management documents and this standard.
For departments directly reporting to CEO, Regulations are approved by order of the General Director. For other divisions, the Regulations are approved by the director, whose competence, in accordance with the approved organizational structure and distribution of powers, includes these divisions
3. General requirements to the construction, content and execution of the Regulations on subdivisions.
3.1. Regulations on subdivisions generally include the following structural elements and sections:
  1. title page;
  2. Name;
  3. main purpose;
  4. normative bases of activity;
  5. unit structure;
  6. unit functions and distribution of responsibility;
  7. interactions;
  8. material and Information Support;
  9. ensuring working conditions and safety of personnel;
  10. business and confidentiality.
3.2. The composition and arrangement of sections of the Regulations, the names of individual sections can be changed taking into account the specifics of the unit.
3.3. In chapter "Main Purpose" indicate:
  1. the place of the unit in the structure of the enterprise (the unit can be either independent or part of a larger unit);
  2. subordination of the division (to whom the division reports - directly to the general director or director in the direction, head of the department, service, department, etc.);
  3. purpose (main tasks) of the unit;
  4. the procedure for the creation and liquidation of the unit (if necessary).
3.4. In the section "Regulatory bases of activity", a list of external and internal regulatory documents is given, in accordance with which this Regulation has been developed, 3.5. In the section "Structure of the unit", in accordance with the specifics of the unit, indicate:
  1. the structure of the unit, the procedure for its formation and approval;
  2. the procedure for appointment, removal and replacement of the head of the unit (if necessary, indicate the qualification requirements for the head - education, length of service, qualification category);
  3. the main tasks of the head of the unit;
  4. the presence of deputies, their number, the procedure for distributing the main tasks of the unit (duties) between them;
  5. the procedure for approving the Regulations on the structural units of the subdivision, approving job descriptions for employees;
  6. the procedure for the formation of the staff of the unit.
Subdivision structure reflect:
in a text way - by listing structural units (divisions or groups of employees performing work in certain areas, or individual workers) and descriptions of the relationships between them;
graphically - in the form of a diagram that reflects the structural units of the unit, administrative (solid lines) and, if possible, functional (dashed lines) relationships between them.
3.6. In chapter "Functions of the division and distribution of responsibility” reflect:
the main actions or types of work that the unit performs to solve the main tasks assigned to it;
distribution of functions (duties) and responsibilities between employees of the unit;
official duties, personal rights and responsibility of the head of the unit in accordance with applicable law (if necessary).
Functions are presented in order of importance or order of execution.
The Regulations on subdivisions, as a rule, indicate that the responsibility of the employees of the subdivision is established by job descriptions.
3.7. The Interactions section describes:
interaction of the unit with other units and officials at the level of material (work, material values) and information (documents) flows;
the frequency and timing of the performance of work, the provision of information, documents, material assets;
the procedure for resolving disagreements arising between departments.
3.8. In the section "Material and information support" they describe:
domestic and external sources and the procedure for providing the unit with equipment, furniture, office equipment, etc.;
organization of accounting and safety of material assets;
the procedure for providing regulatory documents, literature and other information resources.
3.9. In the section "Office work and confidentiality" they give a nomenclature of cases conducted in the unit, and indicate the official responsible for office work. With a large volume, the nomenclature of cases is given in the appendix. If necessary, this section establishes the types of information (documents) of a confidential nature, as well as the rules for handling this information.
3.10 In the section “Ensuring working conditions and safety of personnel”, the rules for maintaining the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises assigned to the unit and ensuring the safety of work or links to regulatory documents establishing these rules are given, and also indicate the responsible officials.
4. Development, approval, enforcement and registration of the Regulations on subdivisions
4.1. Structural divisions develop and agree on the Regulations on subdivisions independently. The development of the Regulations is carried out, as a rule, by the head of the unit.
4.2. The Contractor develops a draft Regulation on the subdivision.
4.3. The draft Regulations on the subdivision are coordinated with the superior manager and interested officials. Coordination can be carried out, for example, with:
heads of departments with which this department interacts;
head of the personnel department;
head of the legal department.
The specific composition of the coordinating divisions and officials is determined by the head of the division,
4.4. Familiarization of the employees of the unit with the approved Regulations is organized by the head of the unit.
5. Amendment, revision and cancellation of the Regulations on subdivisions
5.1. Changes to the Regulations on subdivisions are made by the heads of subdivisions in the following cases:
during the planned revision of the Regulations;
when reorganizing, renaming a unit and changing its subordination, as well as changing the staffing table;
in case of changes in the normative bases of activity;
at the initiative of the management and employees of the unit in order to improve performance.
5.2. The procedure for agreeing on changes to the Regulations is similar to the procedure for agreeing on the Regulations. The term for making changes is one month.
5.3. If necessary, enter a large number changes develop a new version of the Regulations.
5.4. The planned revision of the Regulations is carried out by the heads of departments at least once every five years.
5.5. Cancellation of the current Regulations on the subdivision is carried out upon approval of a new edition or liquidation of this subdivision. If necessary, make appropriate changes and additions to the current organizational and management documents of the Company.

Depending on the scale and specifics of the organization's activities, its industry affiliation and management features, legal requirements and other factors, structural divisions can be created in the organization. Such subdivisions can be created both within the organization (for example, departments, services, departments, etc.), or be separate subdivisions. The latter include branches and representative offices.

And whether it is necessary to develop regulations on structural divisions and how to draw them up, we will tell you in our consultation.

Is the Regulation on structural subdivisions of the organization obligatory?

The obligation to approve the Regulations on a structural subdivision depends on the type of such subdivision.

For example, an organization has decided to establish a representative office or a branch. Recall that representation is separate subdivision a legal entity located outside its location, which represents the interests of a legal entity and protects them (clause 1, article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). And a branch is a separate subdivision of a legal entity, which is located outside its location and performs all or part of its functions, incl. functions of representation (clause 2, article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Although representative offices and branches are not legal entities, the law indicates that they act on the basis of the provisions approved by it (clause 3 of article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

And if an organization creates a new department or organizes a department, is it necessary to develop and approve a regulation on such a structural unit? In this case, the development of provisions is left to the discretion of the organization itself. However, given that one of the goals of creating structural units is to improve the management system and increase the efficiency of the organization as a whole, the development of such provisions is considered appropriate. After all, it is in the position that one can reveal the tasks and functions of a structural unit, its subordination and the procedure for interacting with other units and employees of the organization, which means creating the basis for the effective functioning of such a unit.

Regulations on the structural unit - sample

The regulation on the structural unit of the organization is drawn up in any form. The structure of the Regulations on the structural unit usually looks like this:

  • general provisions;
  • main tasks and functions of the structural unit;
  • rights and responsibility of the structural unit;
  • interaction with other structural divisions of the organization.

As for the Regulations on the branch, it may consist, in particular, of the following sections:

  • general provisions;
  • legal status of the branch;
  • branch property;
  • financial and economic activities of the branch;
  • branch management;
  • control of the financial and economic activities of the branch;
  • accounting and reporting;
  • labor Relations in a branch;
  • termination of the branch.

The procedure for developing the Regulations on the structural unit is established by the organization itself and depends on the type of such unit. If an organization creates a branch or representative office, this will require a decision general meeting participants, adopted in the general case by a majority of at least 2/3 of the total number of votes of the LLC participants (clause 1, article 5 of Federal Law No. 14-FZ of February 8, 1998).

If we are talking about the creation of an internal structural unit (for example, a department), the decision of the head of the organization is sufficient for this, unless otherwise provided by the Charter.

For the Regulations on the structural unit of the organization, we will give a sample of its filling in the case of the accounting department.