Diver 5 category. Vocational training in the working profession "diver

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The training center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Marine Rescue Service" is the only government agency in Russia, carrying out educational activities diver by trade. Training is carried out according to the main vocational training programs and advanced training programs for the diver profession, additional professional advanced training and retraining programs in the diving direction and the direction related to the training of emergency rescue units and formations.

Education at the Training Center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Marine Rescue Service" is organized and carried out on the basis of a license from the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (No. 039302 dated April 20, 2018, series 77L01 No. 0010166). With this license, the Training Center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Marine Rescue Service" is granted the right to provide educational services on the implementation of educational programs by types of education, by levels of education, by professions, specialties, areas of training (for vocational education), by subspecies of additional education.

The training center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Marine Rescue Service" is the only educational institution for vocational training in the profession of "diver" that is included in the Register of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation as an accredited organization providing services in the field of labor protection, under registration number 5151 dated November 08, 2017.

Education at the Training Center is carried out in the following areas:

As part of vocational training:

I. According to the main programs of vocational training

1. According to the program of vocational training by profession - "diver":

1.1. Byqualifications - "diver 4 category"

(Rescue and special diving operations)

- Perform diving rescue operations when providing assistance to ships in distress and aircraft, as well as rescue diving operations related to rescuing people, surveying and cleaning the bottom of water areas and water bodies for mass recreation.

- Provide first aid to a diver in case of diseases and injuries associated with professional activities.

- Perform special diving work to ensure scientific research, testing of new types of diving equipment and work using special-purpose diving equipment.

Work experience is not required.

The training program for this qualification is as close as possible in form and content to the standards of the International Association of Diving Schools — InternationalDivingSchoolsAssociation- (hereinafter - IDSA) - Level-1 (SCUBA) - Level 1.

For reference : The standards developed by this association are quite identical and correlate well with guidance documents such authoritative organizations as the International Association of Marine Contractors ( IMCA ) and British Administration (HSE).

1.2. By qualification - "Diver of the 5th category"

( Emergency, ship-lifting and underwater technical works)

with the requirements for a specialist trained under this program:

— Perform diving emergency work related to the liquidation emergencies natural and man-made nature, not related to the rescue of people and ships.

– Perform underwater technical diving work during construction, survey, maintenance and repair of underwater parts of hydraulic structures, laying and repair of pipelines, cables and other communications, dredging, survey and cleaning of waterways and water areas, as well as when lifting sunken objects.

- Perform ship-lifting diving operations when examining a sunken object, preparing it for lifting, when lifting and setting it afloat (shoal, coast, etc.).

— Carry out ship diving operations related to the inspection, cleaning of fouling and elimination of damage to the underwater part of the ship’s hull and its underwater devices, inspection of the parking lot, as well as work inside the flooded compartments in the fight for the survivability of the ship.

Work experience is not required.

The training program for this qualification is as close as possible in form and content to the standards IDSA-Level-2 (commercialSCUBAdiver) - Level 2.

2. According to advanced training programs "diver":

2.1. "diver from 4th category to a diver of 5th category"(diver of the 3rd class, 1-2 groups of diving specialization)- on standards IDSA-Level-2 (commercialSCUBAdiver) - Level 2.

For training under this program, specialists are accepted who have the qualification "diver of the 4th category", as well as divers with qualifications assigned by the military educational institutions who have worked underwater since the beginning of diving practice at least 300 hours.

2.2. "Diver from the 5th category to the diver of the 6th category"(diver of the 2nd class of 1-2 groups of specialization of diving operations) - according to the standard IDSA-Level-3 (SurfaseSuppliedInchoreAirdiver) – Level 3.

We accept divers who have the qualification of "diver of the 5th category" who have worked under water since the beginning of diving practice at least 1000 hours.

2.3. "Diver from the 6th category to the diver of the 7th category"(diver of the 1st class, 1-2 groups of diving specialization)- according to standards IDSA-Level-3 (SurfaseSuppliedoffshoreAirdiver) - Level 3+.

We accept divers who have the qualification of a 6th category diver who have worked under water since the beginning of diving practice at least 2000 hours.

II. Additional professional education

Implemented through:

3. Advanced training programs:

3.1 "Labor protection during diving operations"(head of diving operations) - the program is intended for persons of engineering and technical personnel allowed by the decision of the administration of the enterprise to perform the duties of the head of diving operations.

3.2. "Labor protection during diving descents"(head of diving descents) - the program provides for the training of divers of 6th and 7th categories and a diving specialist.

Training of employees and specialists specified in p.p. 3.1. and 3.2. on labor protection in the amount official duties in accordance with the requirements normative documents held at least once every three years.

3.3. "Operators of diving pressure chambers". For training under this program, engineering, technical and medical personnel, divers of all categories, allowed by the decision of the administration of the enterprise, can be involved in servicing diving pressure chambers.

3.4."Operator for maintenance of diving compressors for charging devices with compressed air"- the program provides for the training of both diving personnel and persons serving diving descents (mechanics, mechanics).

3.5. "Underwater Videographer". This training course is aimed at training engineering and technical personnel and divers of all categories.

3.6. "Specialist in the survey of the underwater part of ships afloat."

3.7. "Specialist in the survey of the underwater part of hydraulic structures."

Training of specialists in the programs specified in p.p. 3.6. and 3.7. provides for the training of divers with a qualification of at least 5 categories and experience of working under water - 1000 hours.

3.8. "First aid and the basics of medical support for diving descents"(medical support for diving descents) – this program training provides for the training of junior medical personnel, as well as in case of an insufficient number of medical personnel at the enterprise, divers of 6th and 7th categories and a diving specialist.

Training for additional diving qualifications:

3.9. "Diver welder-cutter"

3.10. "Diver - deep diver"

According to paragraphs 3.9 and 3.10, divers are accepted who have a qualification of at least "diver of the 5th category" and have experience work underwater since the beginning of diving practice - at least 1000 hours.

4.1. "Diving Specialist"– divers of the 7th category are accepted, having a higher or secondary technical education with a technical profile and having experience working under water – not less than 2000 hours.

III. Annual testing of knowledge of the "Intersectoral rules for labor protection during diving operations", safe working methods and instructions in force at the work sites.

5. Checking the knowledge of the “Intersectoral rules for labor protection during diving operations”, safe working methods and instructions in force at the work sites for divers and specialists whose activities are related to the provision of diving descents and works.

Based on this, the Diving Qualification Commission (VKK) of the Training Center conducts an annual test of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to confirm the qualifications acquired both in the main vocational training programs and in additional professional programs.

— divers of all qualifications;

officials and specialists trained in additional professional programs referred to in paragraph 3.



(DIRECTION DIVING, Descents and their support)


I. Main vocational training programs

  1. Professional training by profession "Diver":

Training course

Period of study


"Diver 4 category" 40 000,0
"Diver of the 5th category" March 15th 60 000,0
September 02
28 of October

2. Advanced training in the profession "Diver":

Training course

Period of study


"from 4th category to 5th category" January 14 12th of February

48 000,0

18th of Febuary March 21
March 27 25th of April
September 03 October 02
October 09 November 08
November 18th December 18
"from 5th digit to 6th digit" January 21 February 20th

48 000,0

March 04 April 04
April 15 22nd of May
September 09 October 08
October 15 November 14
November 25 December 24
"from 6th category to 7th category" January 21 February 20th

48 000,0

March 04 April 04
April 15 22nd of May
September 09 October 08
October 15 November 14
November 25 December 24


(at the choice of the CUSTOMER)

Divers sent for training under advanced training programs from grade 5 to grade 6 and from grade 6 to grade 7 will be able to undergo training one of the programs additional professional education:

– Labor protection during diving descents (Head of diving descents);

- First aid and the basics of medical support for diving descents.

The cost of training under the program of Additional professional education is included in the cost of training under the advanced training program.

II. Additional professional education.

3. Professional development programs*.

3.1. Initial training programs ( for Executives) :

3.2. Retraining ( for Executives) (at least once every three years)

3.3. Initial training programs (for Specialists):

Training course

Period of study


15 000,0


15 000,0


15 000,0


15 000,0


15 000,0


(1 Week)

20 000,0

3.4. Re-training programs (for Specialists)(at least once every five years):

Training course

Period of study


11. Diving pressure chamber operator
12. Operator for maintenance of diving compressors and charging devices with compressed air
13. Underwater videographer
14. Specialist in the survey of the underwater part of ships afloat
15. Specialist in the survey of the underwater part of hydraulic structures
16. First aid and the basics of medical support for diving descents

10 000,0

NEW Offers (items 1-16)

come into effect from 2019.

3.5. Training for additional diving qualifications:

* Education under advanced training programs (clauses 3.1-3.5) is provided upon request, provided that the group is made up of at least 5 people.

4. Program professional retraining:

III. Annual testing of knowledge of the Rules and instructions for TB.

Form of study, terms of mastering the programs and the cost of training for them

in the training of specialists at the training centerin 2019

1. Vocational training in the profession "Diver"

2. Advanced training programs for the profession "diver":

Additional professional education

3. Professional Development Programs

Professional retraining program:


Dear customers !

We kindly request Applications must be sent no later than two weeks before the start of classes.

When applying for training, indicate:

  1. surname, name, patronymic of candidates for training;
  2. view educational program(the list is indicated in the main information);
  3. student's address, phone number, passport copy;
  4. for divers sent for training under advanced training programs - the number of descent hours from the beginning of diving practice;
  5. full Bank details enterprises (organizations);
  6. contact person and telephone number of the enterprise (organization) for solving organizational issues.

When applying for training, you must have :

  1. candidates for training in the main vocational training programs:

1.1 passport;

1.2 compulsory medical insurance policy;

1.3 medical opinion based on the results of the preliminary (periodic) medical examination(examinations) – *according to the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated April 12, 2011 No. 302 “On approval of the list of harmful (or) dangerous factors and works" - with the obligatory presence of a confirmed copy of the license of a medical organization to carry out medical activities in "Diving Medicine";

1.4 certificate from psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries;

1.5 two photographs 3x4 in size.

  1. candidates for training in additional professional programs:

2.1 passport;

2.2 diver's personal book; (for divers)

2.3 personal medical book diver;

2.4 compulsory health insurance policy;

2.5 certificate from psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries ( this certificate must be updated at least once every 5 years).

  1. divers for the annual testing of knowledge of the Rules and instructions for safety:

3.1 passport;

3.2 diver's personal book;

3.3 personal medical book of the diver with the conclusion of the diving medical commission;

3.4 document on completion of training in an additional professional program.

  1. in addition to the above, persons studying in the profession of "diver" in practical classes should have:

4.1 set of overalls for open water activities (according to the season);

4.2 swimming pool equipment.

Notes :

  1. All programs are subject to 20% VAT.
  2. Divers who have experience of working underwater from the beginning of diving practice are accepted for training under advanced training programs:

2.1 from 4th category to 5th category - divers of the 4th category and divers according to the qualifications assigned by military educational institutions at least 300 hours;

2.2 from 5th category to 6th category - divers of 5th category at least 1000 hours;

2.3 from 6th category to 7th category - divers of 6th category at least 2000 hours;

  1. Divers who have worked underwater since the beginning of diving practice are accepted for training under additional professional education programs:

3.1 deep-sea diver - divers of 5, 6 and 7 categories at least 1000 hours;

3.2 diving specialist - divers of the 7th category ( having higher education, technical profile) at least 2000 hours.

  1. For course programs:

4.1 Labor protection during diving descents (head of diving descents);

4.2 First aid and the basics of medical support for diving descents;

Accepted: divers of 6, 7 categories and diving specialists.

Classes are 38 hours a week.

Persons who have completed training at the Training Center, issued government documents.

At the "Training Center", there is a comfortable hotel. The cost of living is from 650 rubles per day.

Travel to the Training Center — by metro to the station — "T E H N O P A R K"

( From June to September, training at the training center is not conducted ) .

We invite you to mutual cooperation.

Head of the UTC V.A. Zgursky

Holidays are constant companions folk life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Much has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

The professional holiday Diver's Day is celebrated in Russia on May 5th. The petitions and petitions of representatives of diving organizations contributed to the fact that Russian government decided to establish this day.

The history of the holiday Diver's Day

This holiday, Diver's Day, was created in 2002. On this day in Kronstadt in 1882 the world's first diving school was opened. This was done by decree of Emperor Alexander III.

Then there were no analogues of such schools in the world, so foreigners began to come to it. Moreover, studying there was considered very honorable. Divers from Russia were known to the whole world. And, of course, with their work, divers deserve their own holiday on May 5, Diver's Day.

Profession diver

Diver's Day is a great occasion to talk about the profession of a diver.

Ordinary people know very little about this profession, because. divers are not very common. But everyone understands that this work is not easy and is associated with great risk. This profession requires courage, endurance and excellent health from a person.

The work of divers is used in a variety of areas, they are engaged in the repair of ships, rescue work, maintenance of underwater structures, hydroelectric power plants, oil platforms as well as surveys of natural water bodies.

Very often, people in this profession have to work in all weather conditions, they are constantly faced with pressure drops when diving.

Modern divers work in comfortable wetsuits, while in the past they had to work in uncomfortable suits, in which it was even difficult to move underwater. The profession of a diver is one of the professions with especially harmful and especially difficult conditions labor.

A diver is a specialist who performs different kinds underwater work. By their nature, all diving operations can be divided into rescue, ship-lifting, ship, underwater technical, rescue and special.

For a long time, the Russian school was considered the best in the world and trained excellent professionals in their field. At present, the successor of this school is the Naval Engineering Institute. Peter the Great. It was formed in 1998.

Diving in Russia

Diving in Russia existed as early as the beginning of the 18th century. References to the use of divers in the conduct of some economic work are found in documents of that time.

In 1861, a decree was issued stating that all Russian warships that went on foreign voyages to without fail had to have on board special diving apparatus.

In 1871, the "Shipwreck Aid Society" was formed. His main activity was to save people and ships, as well as to study the water resources of our country.

In 1873, an autonomous diving apparatus was designed by naval officer A. Khotinsky. It used oxygen for breathing. Lieutenant Mamota in 1878 created an autonomous diving apparatus, which was used for military purposes.

Thus, the need for professionally trained personnel soon arose. Therefore, in Kronstadt, the “Diving School for Officers” was opened. This school has received many awards.

In 1907, not only ships, but also submarines were equipped with diving equipment.

In 1923, the famous EPRON (Special Purpose Underwater Expedition) began to work in our country. This organization has been engaged in ship-lifting, rescue and diving operations for many years. It was her divers in the 30s who knew how to dive to the greatest depth.

By the 1950s, diving equipment had been created that made it possible to dive to a depth of 200 meters or more.

In 1968, an experiment was conducted on a long stay of people at a depth of one hundred meters. Similar experiments have been carried out for many years and have always been successful.

In the course of these works, a method of providing assistance was even tested. submarines who have been in an accident. All these works were carried out using exclusively Soviet diving equipment.

In 1990, our divers learned how to descend to a depth of 500 m, staying at it for 10 days.

diver suit

It is believed that the world's first diving suit was invented by August Siebe. However, he was just one of several inventors of the time who were involved in such experiments.

For example, in 1823, brothers John and Charles Dean received a patent for a "smoke machine" that was intended for use by firefighters. Based on it, after 5 years they created "Dean's patented diving suit". It consisted of a helmet and a heavy suit capable of protecting against cold water. You can call this suit safe enough, but this only applies to the stay of the diver in an upright position. And when it fell, there was a threat to life, because the helmet began to quickly fill with water. It was very difficult to avoid falling.

August Siebe improved this "diving suit". He hermetically connected the helmet to the suit, which reached the waist.

In 1840, the diving suit had an exhaust valve. It was from this time that we can talk about the appearance of a full-length diving suit. It was successfully used by the British Royal Sapper Forces during one important operation.

Colonel William Paisley, who commanded her, recommended using August Siebe's equipment for all underwater work. This served as a good advertisement, and soon such a diving suit began to be used all over the world.

Today, divers work on military and civilian vessels, and their work is much needed in many industries and scientific research.

Traditions for the holiday

On May 5, on the day of the diver, various solemn events dedicated to this day. They are attended by diving veterans, sports competitions, contests for carrying and dressing equipment, etc. are held.

It should be noted that in recent times Diving is gaining more and more popularity. But do not confuse diving and diving work. Diving is diving for pleasure, and the diver is a profession.


Get a job as a worker right now
- and get a certificate of qualification!

About the professional training program (aboutThe educational program has been developed in accordance with professional standard"Diver", order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2017 N 765n)

Profession code: 11465
Qualification ranks : 4-8

The purpose of training: to give students knowledge, skills and abilities in the formation of competence to perform diving descents and underwater work for various purposes using diving equipment and means of providing diving descents and underwater work.
Training period: 2 weeks.
Program scope: 80 hours, of which:
- theoretical training - 70 hours;
- on-the-job training - 10 hours.
Teaching language: Russian
Age: from 18 years old
Restrictions on the level of education: missing
Place of study: you can get trained and receive an official document of qualification regardless of where you live.
Form of study: part-time (part-time) with the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies.

Qualification document: certificate of the profession of a worker, position of an employee

Program author:
Program partner:
+ =

The program consists
from 4 courses

Complete the courses (4) in the suggested order.

Qualifying work

Complete practical qualifying work.

Worker's Profession Certificate

Get a document on qualifications and start working.

Go to the e-learning portal
Professional training programs "VODOLAZ"
Training period Professional training programs Volume
Form of study
correspondence * part-time **
2 weeks Diver 4 category (previously not having working profession) * 80 5000 7000
2 weeks Diver 4 category (having any working profession) * 80 4500 6500
2 weeks Diver 5 category(advanced training up to 5th grade) 80

*PLEASE PAY ATTENTION ! If you do not have any profession of a worker, do not have a document on vocational education or vocational training then you need to complete a vocational training program training. If you have previously acquired a profession or received a vocational education, then you need to complete training under a vocational program retraining. Affects the duration and cost of training!

* Extramural studies- for citizens of any subject of the Russian Federation (training using e-learning and distance learning technologies).
** Part-time education- for citizens residing in the territory of Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl region.

Professional training program - training of persons who previously did not have the profession of a worker.
Retraining program- training of persons who already have the profession of a worker (tractor driver, loader driver, bulldozer driver, all-terrain vehicle driver, motor grader driver, etc.).
Professional development program- training of persons who already have the profession of a worker, in order to consistently improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the existing profession.