Conflicts in business communication. Conflict situations in business communication Types of conflicts in business communication

Conflicts manifest themselves in the activities of all social institutions, groups, in relationships between people. The American social psychologist B. Wool said this: “life is a process of solving an infinite number of conflicts, a person cannot avoid them. He can only decide whether to participate in decision making or leave it to others.” Therefore, the leader, and indeed every cultured person, needs to have at least elementary ideas about conflicts, ways of behaving when they arise. Unfortunately, most people are characterized by the inability to find a worthy way out of them. In addition, as soon as a conflict arises, and it is always associated with emotions, we begin to experience discomfort, tension, which can even lead to stress and damage the health of the participants in the conflict.

Conflicts: types, structure, stages of flow.

What is conflict? In psychology, conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies in the mind of a single individual, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people, associated with negative emotional experiences. (A Brief Psychological Dictionary. / Under the editorship of A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. - M., 1985). The basis of conflict situations in groups between individuals is the clash of opposing interests, opinions, goals with different ideas about how to achieve them.

In psychology, there is a multivariate typology of conflicts, built depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis. For example, the conflict might be intrapersonal(between kindred sympathies and a sense of duty of the leader); interpersonal(between the head and his deputy regarding the position, bonuses to employees); between the individual and the organization in which it is included; between organizations or groups of the same or different status.

The following classification of conflicts is possible: 1) horizontally (between ordinary employees who are not subordinate to each other); 2) vertically (between people who are subordinate to each other) and 3) mixed, in which both are represented. The most common are 2) and 3) conflicts. They make up approximately 70-80% of all conflicts, are undesirable for the leader, since each of his actions is viewed through the prism of this conflict.

Classification according to the nature of the causes that led to the conflict. There are three groups of reasons that are due to:

labor process;

Psychological features of human relationships: their sympathies, antipathies; cultural, ethnic differences of people; actions of the leader, poor psychological communication;

The personal originality of the members of the group, for example, the inability to control their emotional state, aggressiveness, lack of communication skills, tactlessness.

Conflicts are distinguished by their significance for the organization, as well as by the way they are resolved. Distinguish constructive And destructive conflicts. The former are characterized by disagreements that affect the fundamental aspects, the problems of the organization's life and the resolution of which brings the organization to a new, higher and more effective level of development. The latter lead to negative, often destructive actions, which sometimes develop into squabbles and other negative phenomena, which drastically reduces the effectiveness of the group or organization.

Strategy of behavior in a conflict situation.

Since in real life it is not easy to find out the true cause of the conflict and find an adequate way to resolve it, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the strategy of behavior in a conflict situation and consciously choose a certain style of behavior depending on the circumstances.

There are 5 main styles of behavior in conflict:

competition or rivalry;




Ignore or avoid.

The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, while acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting jointly or individually.

Style of competition or rivalry. This style is most typical for behavior in a conflict situation. According to statistics, more than 70% of all cases in a conflict are the desire for a unilateral gain, for victory, for the satisfaction of one's own interests. This results in a desire to put pressure on a partner, to impose their interests, ignoring the interests of the other side. It can be used by a person with a strong will, sufficient authority, power. At the same time, such a person:

Considers it obvious that the solution he proposes is the best;

Feels that he has no other choice and has nothing to lose;

Must make an unpopular decision and has sufficient authority to choose this move;

Interacts with subordinates who prefer an authoritarian style.

This strategy rarely brings long-term results, as the losing party may not support a decision that is made against its will, or even try to sabotage it. In addition, the one who lost today may refuse to cooperate tomorrow.

This style cannot be used in personal relationships, as it will not cause anything other than alienation. A marriage in which one side suppresses the other leads to irresolvable contradictions and even a complete break. You should not use this style in a situation where you do not have enough power, and your point of view on the issue is at odds with the point of view of the boss, and there are not enough arguments to prove it.

Collaboration style- the most difficult of all styles, but it is most effective in resolving a conflict situation. Its advantage is that you find the most acceptable solution for both sides and make partners out of opponents. It means finding ways to involve all participants in the conflict resolution process and striving to satisfy the interests of all. This approach leads to success in business and personal life. The best way to start implementing this strategy is with the phrase: "I want a fair outcome for both of us", "Let's see how we can both get what we want", "I came to you to solve our problem." Penetrating deep into the differences, you should establish what need is behind the desires of the other side, find out how your differences compensate for each other.

It was found that if both parties win, they are more likely to implement the decisions made, since they are acceptable to them, and both parties took part in the entire conflict resolution process. However, this style requires the ability to explain your decisions, listen to the other side, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective. This style can be used to resolve a conflict in the following cases:

If each of the approaches to the problem is important and does not allow compromise solutions, however, a common solution must be found;

The main goal is to acquire joint work experience; the parties are able to listen to each other and state the essence of their interests;

There is a long, strong and interdependent relationship with the conflicting party;

It is necessary to integrate points of view and strengthen the personal involvement of employees in activities.

compromise style. The parties are trying to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. In this respect, it resembles the style of cooperation, but is carried out at a more superficial level. This style is most effective when both parties desire the same thing but know that the desires are unfulfillable, such as striving for the same position or the same work space. When using this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that satisfies the interests of the parties, but on the option: "We cannot fully fulfill our desires, therefore, it is necessary to come to a solution that each of us can agree on." Each participant must remember that some finite amount is being divided, and that in the process of dividing it, the needs of all participants cannot be completely satisfied.

One of the disadvantages of the style is that one side may, for example, exaggerate its demands in order to later appear generous or give in to the other. In such a situation, it is possible that neither party will stick to a solution that does not satisfy its needs. It should also be taken into account that if a compromise was reached without a thorough analysis of other possible solutions, then it may not be the most optimal outcome of the conflict situation.

Ultimately, the style of compromise in conflict resolution can be used in the following situations:

Both sides have equally persuasive arguments and wield the same power;

Satisfying the desire of one of the parties is of little importance to her;

Perhaps a temporary solution, as other approaches to solving the problem were ineffective;

Compromise allows at least something to gain than to lose everything.

Evasion Style implemented if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties or the problem that has arisen is not so important for the parties and there is no need to defend their rights; or the party is not cooperating with anyone for you

working out a solution, and non-involvement in it does not affect the development of the conflict; or simply the party does not want to spend time and effort on its solution. This style is also recommended in cases where one of the parties has more power or feels that they are not right, or believes that there is no good reason to continue contacts. The style is also applicable when a party has to deal with a conflicting personality.

The conflicting party may use the evasion style if it:

Believes that the source of disagreement is trivial and insignificant compared to other, more important tasks;

Knows that he cannot or even does not want to resolve the issue in his favor;

Has little power to solve a problem in the way she wants;

Wants to buy time to study the situation and get more information before making any decision;

Believes that it is dangerous to solve the problem immediately, since open discussion of the conflict can only worsen the situation;

Subordinates themselves can resolve the conflict;

Solving the problem can worsen your health;

When people who are difficult from the point of view of communication are involved in the conflict - rude people, complainers, whiners.

It should not be thought that this style is an escape from a problem or an evasion of responsibility. In fact, leaving or postponing may be a very appropriate response to a conflict situation, since during this time it may resolve itself, or you can deal with it when you have sufficient information and a desire to resolve it.

Fixture style means that you are acting in concert with the other party, but not trying to defend your own interests in order to improve the atmosphere and restore a normal working environment. Sometimes this is the only way conflict resolution, because by the time it arises, the other person's needs may be more vital than yours, or their experiences may be stronger. In this case, you sacrifice your own interests in favor of the other side. But this does not mean that you should give up your interests. You are forced to postpone their implementation for a while, and then, in a more favorable environment, return to their satisfaction through concessions from your opponent or in some other way.

The fixture style can be applied in the following most typical situations:

When the most important task is to restore calm and stability, and not to resolve the conflict;

The subject of the disagreement is not important to you or you do not particularly care about what happened;

You realize that the truth is on your side;

You feel like you don't have enough power or a chance to win.

Just as no single leadership style can be effective in all situations without exception, so none of the conflict resolution styles discussed can be singled out as the best. We must learn how to effectively use each of them and consciously make one or another choice, taking into account specific circumstances.

Rules of conduct in a conflict.

Since conflicts often give rise to such an emotional state in which it is difficult to think, draw conclusions, and be creative in solving a problem, then adhere to the following rules when resolving a conflict situation.

1. Remember that in a conflict a person is dominated not by reason, but by emotions. This leads to affect, when consciousness simply turns off, and a person is not responsible for his words and deeds.

2. Take a multi-alternative approach and, while insisting on your proposal, do not reject the partner’s proposal by asking yourself the question: “Am I never wrong?” Try to analyze both proposals and find out what amount of benefits and losses they will bring in the near future and in the long term.

3. Recognize the significance of conflict resolution for yourself by asking the question: “What will happen if a solution is not found?”. This will shift the focus from the relationship to the problem.

4. If you and your employee are irritated and aggressive, then you need to reduce internal tension by “letting off steam”. However, discharged on others is not an option, but a trick. But if it really happened, try to do the only thing: shut up yourself, and do not demand this from your partner. Avoid stating negative emotional states of your partner.

5. Focus on the positive, the best in a person. Then you oblige him to be better.

6. Invite the interlocutor to take your place and ask: “If you were in my place, what would you do?” This removes the critical attitude and switches the interlocutor from emotions to understanding the situation.

7. Do not exaggerate your merits and do not show signs of superiority.

8. Don't blame or make your partner responsible for the situation.

9. Regardless of the outcome of conflict resolution, try not to destroy the relationship.

joint labor activity, including the activity of business communication, does not always proceed smoothly; mismatched interests, points of view lead to the emergence of complex situations, accompanied by specific ways of interaction, defined as conflict. Conflicts have a pronounced impact on the effectiveness of the functioning of the organization, the social and personal well-being of its employees. Being a complex multi-level phenomenon, any conflict, however, is based on intractable and entails the emergence of emotional experiences. contradiction.

To the number objective reasons conflict include organizational, economic or technological factors, manifested in the following:

♦ lack of time;

♦ lack of resources;

♦ lack of information;

♦ violation of the functioning of production;

♦ violation of the role structure;

♦ violation of the separation of duties;

♦ lack of evaluation criteria;

♦ lack of discipline;

♦ uncertainty of production technology;

♦ uncertainty of technological links;

♦ uncertainty of the hierarchy of subordination.

Among the conflicts based on subjective reasons, may include the following:

♦ motivational - violation of satisfaction of needs, structure of values ​​and norms;

♦ communication - distortion of information channels and lack of feedback;

♦ powerful - obstacles to the realization of personal goals in the structure of the organization.

Among the conflicts caused by the behavior of the leader, can be attributed:

♦ violation of work ethics;

♦ injustice in incentives.

As the main ways to resolve conflicts can be named: ♦ changing circumstances to change goals;

♦ change in the characteristics of the conflict object;

♦ reorientation of one of the parties;

♦ submission to one of the parties.

Thus, conflict is a collision of oppositely directed goals, interests and positions subjects of interaction, as well as opposition of opinions, views communication partners, fixed by them in a rigid form.

The conflict situation that determines the possibility of the emergence and development of a conflict includes:

♦ opposite positions;

♦ conflicting goals;

♦ different means of achieving them; f mismatch of interests;

♦ the difference between drives and desires.

Conflict for its development and transformation from potential in topical should get a push like incident, in which one of the parties initiates actions directed against the other side.

Depending on the situation, conflicts are distinguished:

♦ intergroup;

♦ interorganizational;

♦ class;

♦ interstate;

♦ international.

Depending on the subject, conflicts are distinguished:

♦ intrapersonal;

♦ interpersonal.

constructive conflict positively affects the effectiveness of socio-psychological processes and serves the self-improvement of the individual. Capable of performing functions:.

♦ integration;

♦ rallying the members of the group;

♦ stimulating finding a way out of a problem situation. Various strategies behavior in constructive conflict with core characteristics corporatism and assertiveness:

♦ rivalry - accompanied by an open struggle exclusively for one's own interests;

♦ cooperation - aimed at finding a mutually beneficial solution to the problem;

♦ compromise-settlement - carried out by means of mutual concessions;

♦ avoidance - consisting in the desire to get out of the situation at any cost;

♦ adaptation - smoothing out contradictions while being ready to sacrifice one's own interests.

Main stages conflicts:

1) strengthening of participants due to the introduction of new forces and gaining - experience of confrontation;

2) increase in the number of conflict situations and aggravation of the primary problem;

3) increasing the activity of participants, involving new members, aggravating the situation;

4) escalation of tension, increased emotional instability of participants;

5) change in the attitude of the participants to the conflict situation and the problem as a whole.

Imagine here block diagram settlement and end of the conflict, reflecting the types and sequence of actions leading to this:

Note, however, that the best way conflict resolution is its prevention, the ability to avoid or weaken the effect of factors that contribute to the emergence and escalation of the conflict - conflictogens. In order to master these skills, let's first get acquainted with the features conflict behavior. F. La Rochefoucauld mentioned one of the reasons and features of conflict behavior, saying: “People stubbornly disagree with the most sound judgments not because of a lack of insight, but because of an excess of pride: they see that the first rows in a just cause have been dismantled, and the last ones don't want to take it."

Its main characteristics are the following:

♦ expression of open distrust to the partner with the help of verbal and non-verbal means;

♦ interrupting a partner, not giving him the opportunity to speak;

belittling the importance of a partner;

demonstrating and emphasizing differences between partners; unwillingness to admit their mistakes and omissions; underestimation of the partner's contribution to the common cause; imposing one's point of view without proper argumentation; insincerity in statements or contradiction between verbal and non-verbal messages;

♦ change in the pace of communication in the direction of its sharp acceleration or curtailment, etc.

Such actions are perceived extremely negatively by the partner and lead to retaliatory measures, provoking the development of the conflict. Let us further try to single out two main categories of conflict factors related to the communicative and interactive components of business communication.

So the first group is statements-conflictogens , the second group is actions-conflictogens .

There are specific statements-conflictogens, which we list below.:

expression of disbelief "You're deceiving me";

expression of insult "Stupid, lazy, nonentity";

threat statement - “I will remember this for you”;

mocking expression - "Mumlya, bespectacled man, shorty";

comparison statement - "Like a parrot, like a turtle";

expression of dislike “I don’t want to talk to you, you disgust me”;

imperative statement - "You must, you must"; .

statement of accusation "You ruined everything, you're the one to blame."

The communication partner, perceiving statements-conflictogens, mobilizes defense mechanisms and begins to use the entire arsenal of means of defense, justification and attack that he has - the conflict develops. This concerns the forms, what becomes the cause of the conflict, in addition to the real clash of interests of the partners?

The reason for conflictogenic behavior can be, for example, such personal characteristics of partners in business communication as aggressiveness, sometimes taking the form of purposeful destructive behavior - aggression. Aggression is contrary to the norms and rules of coexistence, causes negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression, combining different forms of behavior - from evil jokes, gossip and hostile fantasies to frankly destructive actions.

She appears in conflict as:

♦ way of psychological discharge, substitution of satisfaction of the blocked need and switching of activity;

♦ form of self-realization and self-affirmation. Aggression in conflict can manifest itself in different ways. forms;

♦ physical, expressed in use physical strength(extreme degree of manifestation);

♦ verbal, expressed in form (quarrel, scream, squeal) and content (threat, curses, swearing);

♦ direct, directly directed against object a (open conflict);

♦ indirect, directed in a roundabout way (gossip, jokes, mockery, rumors, accusations, insulting remarks, critical reviews);

♦ hostile, expressed in actions aimed at causing harm to the object (physical or moral);

♦ instrumental, which is a means of achieving any goal (career or financial) or associated with self-affirmation.

There are specific actions-conflictogens , which we will list below.

1 Striving for Excellence - “What do you understand about this, who you are, it’s not for you to judge about this”:

♦ display of arrogance - “I am the most competent of all those present”;

♦ manifestation of self-confidence - “It costs me nothing with my experience”;

♦ imposing advice - “I am sure that it should be done this way and only this way”;

♦ interrupting a partner - “I already understood everything, now listen to me”;

♦ violation of ethics - “I am the leader here, so shut up”;

♦ a reminder of defeat - “Remember how you blundered then”;

♦ condescension to a partner - “You are an adult, but you behave so undignified”;

♦ partner humiliation - “He is already a middle-aged man, but they made a mistake, like a boy.”

2. The manifestation of selfishness “I don’t care about your problems, I don’t care, these are your difficulties.”

3. The manifestation of aggressiveness - “I will show you, I will arrange for you, you will dance with me.”

To characterize one of the reasons contributing to the escalation of the conflict, Let's present here one of the well-known typologies of E. Fromm's character, which accurately describes three types of attitude to life, society and moral values, which can be easily compared with the propensity for conflicts and the manner of behavior in them.:

♦ "masochist-sadist" - prone to aggression directed at the object, which he considers the cause of his failures, seeking to make others dependent on himself;

♦ "destroyer" - prone to pronounced aggressiveness and the desire for intimidation, sometimes to increased anxiety;

♦ "conformal automaton" - inclined to yield to requirements, to obey circumstances, to learn the way of behavior of the majority.

Another very significant reason for the contradiction underlying the conflict can be the factor presented by F. Nietzsche: "We often contradict any opinion, although we, in fact, are only unsympathetic to the tone in which it is stated."

What are the methods of removing the mental tension accompanying the conflict in order to develop rational ways to resolve the conflict situation?

♦ rethinking the situation by analyzing and rationally changing attitudes towards it - “Everything that is done is for the better, make lemonade out of the lemon you got, there is a little ham in every piggy”;

♦ experience of psycho-emotional or psychosomatic shock - "Beat the boss's dummy, give yourself some exercise";

♦ reacting by external expression of experiences: verbal, symbolic, figurative - “Speak out, shout out, burn a scarecrow, draw your anger, describe your indignation”;

♦ responding by changing the social context - "Use invectives, change the mask, get out of the role";

♦ strengthening the social context through empathy - “Domesticize disagreement, repent, arouse sympathy”;

♦ optimization through relaxation, visualization, fixation on the breath, identification with a symbolic object - “Imagine yourself lying on the beach in summer, imagine that you are a seagull soaring over the sea”;

♦ optimization by inclusion in activities that previously brought satisfaction using an associative relationship between action and state - "Play tennis, talk - with a friend, walk the dog."

All of the above options for constructive influence require communication partners of different levels of activity and mobilization of mental resources.

In general, summing up the problems of the conflict, it should be said that there is a classification based on differentiation psychological causes of conflicts, according to which they are all divided into three main groups, and solutions vary depending on their belonging to one or another.

So there are three groups:

♦ disputes with underlying different interests are resolved using power based on legal and social norms;

♦ conflicts, with underlying clashes of basic social needs, are resolved using problem-oriented methods;

♦ management problems, with underlying different ideas about the means to achieve goals, are resolved using the means and methods of verbal psychological impact: discussion, evidence, argumentation, communication improvement.

So, The main form of conflict resolution at all levels is the process of conducting targeted conversations or negotiations directly between the subjects of the conflict, or with the participation of mediators. We conclude with the main ones:

1. M. Follet:

♦ dominance of one side over the other;

♦ compromise with concessions from both sides;

♦ integration to meet the desires of both.

2. R. Blake, D. Mouton:

♦ evasion;

♦ smoothing;

♦ coercion;

♦ compromise;

♦ problem solving.

At the same time, the optimal according to M. Deutsch, to resolve the conflict is a demonstration of firmness and friendliness, suboptimal - aggressiveness and excessive compliance.

So let's illustrate now basic strategies of behavior in conflict : rivalry-competition And cooperation-cooperation. Within the framework of the rivalry, the following types influences - suggestion, manipulation, coercion, coercion, petition, location, depreciation, likening. All of them are essentially manipulative or imperative.

Within the framework of cooperation , or cooperation, the following types of influence are used- persuasion, disposition, exhortation, petition, which in this context can be attributed to the developmental strategy of influence.

Rivalry , where popular manipulative conflict resolution techniques are the following.

1. Positive Interaction Technique with an opponent in order to strengthen their own position, and not to search for common solutions:

♦ introducing the opponent to one's own system of values ​​in order to mitigate tension against the background of joint activities - strategy of "community of blood";

♦ using the difficulties of the opponent and involving him in the relationship to reduce the likelihood of acting on the side of the opponent - vulture strategy.

2. Distraction technique to weaken the opponent's position:

♦ imitation of activity or leakage of information about the opponent's shortcomings and refutation of this information when the opponent joins in its dissemination - strategy "promiscuity in means";

♦ dissemination of false information that discredits the opponent, defamation - strategy "no smoke without fire";

♦ waiting for the moment of the most unfavorable development of events for the opponent in order to enter into a confrontation - error expectation strategy.

3. Victim use technique to strengthen their own positions:

♦ sacrificing the least valuable interests - strategy "small for the big";

♦ change of losing partners - strategy "rat from a sinking ship";

♦ sacrificing to induce more meaningful reciprocal sacrifices - quid pro quo strategy.

4. Technique for exploiting opponent's misses to strengthen their positions:

♦ drawing attention to the opponent's mistakes in an area that is not related to the topic, - dossier strategy;

♦ exaggeration of the opponent's minor mistakes - fly elephant strategy;

5. Mood Sewer Technique against the backdrop of an impending reckoning:

♦ switching attention to the subject, indirectly associated with failure - "false trail" strategy;

♦ presenting it as the sole culprit - focus shift strategy;

♦ the formation of his negative image - strategy "demonization";

♦ provoking public actions - strategy of inciting discord.

As we have seen, the strategy of coercion in solving problems of counteraction in a conflict is combined with manipulative technologies of influence. The consequences of this are:

♦ increase in the number of those involved in the conflict;

♦ expansion of the conflict zone;

♦ Actualization of hidden contradictions.

All this, of course, makes it difficult to move to rational ways of resolving the conflict and makes it impossible to use the cooperation strategy, which we will discuss below.

so , let us turn to the analysis of the strategy cooperation, possible, subject to the following conditions:

♦ mutual desire to find a solution;

♦ negotiations.

The most productive ways of interaction in conflict are the following::

1) objectification - including a step-by-step joint analysis carried out by opponents;

2) mediation - including the opponents' awareness of their subjective position and the affect associated with the presence of an insurmountable contradiction;

3) participation - including the involvement of the opponent in the joint decision-making.

Thus, conflict management requires the choice of the right strategy and, within its framework, adequate methods of psychological influence in order to optimally resolve it in the shortest possible time.

Practical recommendations.So, based on the foregoing, we present further our specific recommendations for an approximate sequence of actions to prevent and resolve conflicts in business communication.

1. Conflict prevention:

♦ attentive listening to the partner - “I am all attention, ready to listen to your information”;

Feedback with a partner - “I would like to know what is your opinion, what do you think about this”;

♦ discussion of interpersonal relationships with a partner - "Let's discuss our relations and their prospects";

♦ demonstration of respect for the partner - “I recognize your merits and achievements, they are undoubted”;

♦ manifestation of tolerance for a partner - “I understand your feelings, they are natural and understandable”;

♦ demonstration of self-control to a partner - “It’s hard to piss me off, I’m sure I’m right”;

♦ distraction of attention with increased emotionality of the partner - “I think we should discuss another aspect”;

♦ reduction of social distance with a partner - “We are doing a common thing, this unites us”;

♦ informing your partner about your feelings - “I don’t like to hear this, I’m annoyed, I’m upset”;

♦ checking the reality of the facts of the partner - “Let's turn to the documents, invite experts”;

♦ seeking advice from a partner - “Could you suggest your own version, how do you see the solutions”;

♦ a promise to help a partner - "You can count on my assistance in this matter, I am ready to help you."

2. Conflict resolution:

♦ clear statement of requirements and their explanation;

♦ specifying the rights and obligations of opponents;

♦ clarification of the rules for performing work;

♦ use of coordinating mechanisms;

♦ observance of the principle of unity of command;

♦ appeal to the arbitrator;

♦ establishment of common goals, formation of common values;

♦ keeping everyone informed about policies, strategies and perspectives joint activities;

♦ informing about the partner's state of affairs;

♦ formulating the goals of joint activities at the level of the company's goals;

♦ development of an incentive system;

♦ Establishment of evaluation criteria, excluding clash of partners' interests.

Specific steps to resolve the conflict offered by us based on well-known technologies :

1) definition of the main problem;

2) identification of secondary causes of the conflict;

3) search for possible ways to resolve the conflict;

4) a joint decision to withdraw from the conflict;

5) selection, if necessary, of a mediator for settlement;

6) implementation of the jointly planned method of resolving the conflict;

7) evaluation of the effectiveness of efforts undertaken to resolve the conflict.

Wherein conditions, necessary for the successful performance of mediation functions in conflict resolution are the following:

1) consideration by the conflicting parties of the mediator as a "guarantor of the fairness of the decision;

2) neutral position of the mediator as not involved in the conflict;

3) consent of the conflicting parties with the presence of a mediator;

5) presentation of the views of each of the parties to the mediator separately;

6) definition of the mediator's task as collecting information and understanding the problem, rather than making a decision;

7) availability of guarantees of further security, if the intermediary is subordinate to one of the parties;

8) the desire of the mediator to support each of the parties in expressing their respective views and feelings;

9) facilitating by the mediator the integration of the points of view expressed by the parties on the issue under discussion;

10) assistance by the mediator to the conflicting parties in deciding on possible concessions.

So, constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

♦ the adequacy of the perception of the conflict by the parties, taking into account the known effects and possible errors of perception;

♦ openness and effectiveness of communication between the parties, using well-known techniques of listening, argumentation, neutralization of comments, etc.;

♦ creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation using well-known techniques for relieving psycho-emotional stress;

♦ correct determination by the parties of the essence of the conflict, taking into account the above;

♦ correct use by the parties of known techniques of psychological influence and methods of confrontation.

In order for the contradictions, inevitable in the course of any communication and due to the objective dissimilarity of positions, interests, attitudes, motives, needs, ideas, as well as the personal characteristics of partners, not to lead to the emergence and escalation of the conflict, it is necessary to build business communication in various formats correctly.

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1. The concept of "conflict"

1.1 Types and levels of conflict

2.2 Map of the conflict



conflict communication business


Each person throughout his life repeatedly encounters conflicts of various kinds. We want to achieve something, but the goal is difficult to achieve. We experience failure and are ready to blame the people around us for not being able to achieve the desired goal. And those around us - whether they are relatives or those with whom we work together, believe that we ourselves are to blame for our own failure. Either the goal was incorrectly formulated by us, or the means to achieve it were chosen unsuccessfully, or we could not correctly assess the current situation and the circumstances prevented us. Mutual misunderstanding arises, which gradually develops into discontent, an atmosphere of dissatisfaction, socio-psychological tension and conflict is created.

How to get out of this situation? Is it necessary to make any special efforts in order to overcome it and again win the favor of the people around us? Or you don't have to; should we just not pay attention to how others treat us?

To find the right solution to this dilemma, it is very useful to know what a conflict is, how it unfolds, what phases it goes through and how it is resolved. This is the point of studying conflicts. Conflicts arise in the process of interaction, communication of individuals among themselves, therefore they exist as long as a person exists. However, there is no generally accepted theory of conflicts that explains their nature, impact on the development of teams, society, although there are numerous studies on the emergence, functioning of conflicts, and their management.

In our time, there is a growing interest of service sector managers in the psychological support of their activities. The success of the staff in communicating with customers, the effectiveness of resolving conflict situations by employees, the general psychological background in the team play an important role in the effective functioning of this enterprise.

IN modern conditions a high level of business communication is a decisive condition for successful entrepreneurship. To ensure a high level of business communication, the head and employees of an enterprise (firm) must be able to use communication technologies based on psychological knowledge. In addition, in the process of business communication, it is necessary to take into account the possible conditions and factors of conflict situations.

The theoretical study of communication and its features has its own history. To date, a sufficiently large scientific and practical material has been accumulated, covering various aspects of communication.

In domestic psychology and social psychology, A.A. Bodaleva, V.O. Ageeva, V.I. Zhuravleva, N.N. Obozova, I.A. Kokha, Ya.A. Antsupova, A.I. Shipilova, N.V. Grishina, F.M. Borodkina, A.K. Zaitseva, N.I. Leonov, A. G. Zdravomyslova and others.

In foreign psychology, the problem of conflict was developed by Z. Freud, A. Adler, K. Horney, E. Fromm, W. McDougall, S. Siegele, K. Levin, D. Krech, L. Lindsay, D. Dollard, L. Berkowitz, N. Miller, D. Moreno, E. Jenigs, S. Dodd, G. Gurvich and others.

It can be argued that, in general, the phenomenon of socio-psychological conflict has been studied quite fully.

1. The concept of "conflict"

1.1 Types and levels of conflict

There are various definitions of conflict, but they all make it clear that there are contradictions that take the form of a disagreement.

"Conflict-clash of oppositely directed incompatible comrade-to-friend tendencies, interpersonal interactions and relations of individuals or groups, as well as in the creation of a separate individual, associated with an acute negative experience."

"Clash is a common form of contact between people. In some cases, the clash manifests itself exclusively in the struggle, in the attempts of opponents to disarm a friend of a friend. Other forms of clash are more like fights between boxers or fencers."

Moreover, it is not the conflicts themselves that are destructive, but their consequences: fear, hostility, threats. A defensive reaction may appear and be fixed - behavior that enters the structure of a person and distorts the nature of thinking, actions and feelings.

Conflicts can be hidden and obvious, but they are constantly based on contradictions, not consent. The lack of agreement is due to the presence of a variety of opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view, etc.

From the point of view of the causes of the conflict situation, there are three types of conflicts: conflict of goals; conflict of knowledge; sensory conflict.

The conflict of goals is when the situation is characterized by the fact that the parties involved in it differently see the desired state of the object in the future.

A conflict of knowledge or when there is a situation in which the parties involved have different views, ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. The resolution of such conflicts requires more time, as it is necessary to get out to a different level of knowledge.

Sensory conflict occurs when participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship as individuals. Such conflicts are the most difficult to resolve, since they are based on causes related to the psyche of the individual.

In addition to these types of conflicts, there are five more main types in the organization: intrapersonal; interpersonal; intragroup; intergroup; intraorganizational. These conflicts are closely related.

Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual and is often a goal or cognitive conflict in nature. An intrapersonal conflict becomes a conflict of goals when an individual chooses and tries to achieve mutually exclusive goals. Its intensity increases with the number of alternatives, with the achievement of a balance between its positive and negative outcome and the perception of its source, which is very important for decision making. Intrapersonal conflict acquires cognitive coloring when an individual recognizes the failure of his thoughts, dispositions, values, or his behavior in general. A person begins to feel not quite comfortable and tries to get out of this state by eliminating this inconsistency through changing his thoughts, dispositions, values ​​and behavior, or through receiving more information about the problem that gives rise to this inconsistency.

Interpersonal conflict involves two or more individuals who perceive themselves as being in opposition to each other in terms of goals, dispositions, values, or behavior. This is perhaps the most common type of conflict. It manifests itself as a clash of personalities about goals and knowledge, as well as on a sensual plane.

Intra-group conflict is more than the simple sum of intra- and interpersonal conflicts. This is usually a collision between parts and all members of the group, affecting the group dynamics and the results of the group as a whole. Production, social and emotional processes within the group influence the emergence of causes and ways to resolve intra-group conflicts. Often intra-group conflict arises as a result of a change in the balance of power in the group: a change in leadership; emergence of an informal leader; group development.

Intergroup conflict is a confrontation or clash between two or more groups in an organization. Such confrontation can be professional, industrial, social or emotional. Usually such conflicts are intense and, if not properly managed, do not give any of the groups a gain. The transition of an intergroup conflict to a sensory-emotional stage has a destructive effect not only on the groups involved in it, but also on the organization as a whole and on each of its individual participants separately. Its further development leads to intraorganizational conflict. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between these two types of conflict.

Intra-organizational conflict, however, is most often associated with confrontation and clashes arising from how individual works or the organization as a whole, as well as how the top is formally distributed in the organization. In this regard, there are four varieties of this conflict: vertical; horizontal, linear-functional, role-playing. In real life, these conflicts are closely intertwined with each other, but each of them has its own, rather distinct features.

Thus, vertical conflict is a conflict between levels of management in an organization. Its appearance and resolution are due to the fact that it affects the vertical connections in organizational structure: goals, top, communications, culture, etc. Horizontal conflict involves parts of the organization that are equal in status and most often acts as a conflict of goals. The development of horizontal links in the structure of the organization in many ways helps to resolve it. Linear-functional conflict is most often of a cognitive or sensual nature. Its resolution is associated with improved relations between line management and specialists. A role conflict occurs when an individual performing the role in question perceives a message that is inadequate to his role, while experiencing pressure from the sender of this message. The ambiguous perception of the role lies at the heart of this conflict.

Conflicts are also distinguished by their significance for the organization, as well as the way they are resolved. There are constructive and destructive conflicts. Constructive conflicts are characterized by disagreements that affect the fundamental aspects, the problems of the life of the organization and its members, and the resolution of which brings the organization to a new, higher and more effective level of development. Destructive conflicts lead to negative, often destructive actions, which sometimes develop into squabbles and other negative phenomena, which leads to a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the group or organization.

1.2 Prerequisites for the emergence of a conflict in the process of business communication

Despite their specificity and diversity, conflicts have common stages of flow, a more or less clearly defined structure.

The process of business communication involves the presence of three factors: perception, emotions and information exchange. In conflict situations, it is easy to forget about it. Therefore, the following prerequisites for the emergence of conflict in business communication can be distinguished:

non-coincidence of reasoning, i.e. disagreements due to the discrepancy between your reasoning and the reasoning of the other side.

features of perception, i.e. people, very often talking, do not understand each other.

Therefore, constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

the adequacy of the perception of the conflict, i.e. a fairly accurate assessment of the actions, intentions of both the enemy and one's own, not distorted by personal predilections;

openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when the participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening and the way out of the conflict situation;

creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

It is also useful for a manager to know what individual characteristics personalities create in a person a tendency or predisposition to conflict relations with other people. These qualities include:

inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities;

the desire to dominate at all costs; say your last word;

conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness;

critical attitude;

a certain set of emotional qualities of a person.

1.3 The main stages of the course of the conflict

Conflicts, despite their specificity and diversity, generally have common stages of flow:

the stage of potential formation of conflicting interests, values, norms;

the stage of transition of a potential conflict into a real one or the stage of awareness by the participants of the conflict of their correctly or falsely understood interests;

the stage of conflict actions;

the stage of removing or resolving the conflict.

2. Ways to resolve a conflict situation

2.1 Style of behavior in conflict

Since in real life it is not so easy to find out the true cause of the conflict and find an adequate way to resolve it, it is advisable to choose a certain strategy of behavior depending on the circumstances. There are five main styles of behavior in conflict:

competition or rivalry;




ignoring or avoiding.

The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, while acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting jointly or individually.

The style of competition or rivalry - this style is most typical for behavior in a conflict situation. It can be used if you are betting heavily on your solution to a problem, since the outcome of the conflict is very important to you:

you feel that you have no other choice and you have nothing to lose;

must make an unpopular decision and you have sufficient authority to choose this step;

However, it should be said that this strategy rarely brings long-term results, since the losing side may not support a decision made against its will. In addition, the one who lost today may refuse to cooperate tomorrow.

Cooperation is the most difficult of all styles, but at the same time the most effective in resolving conflict situations. Its advantage is that you find the most acceptable solution for both sides and make partners out of opponents. This approach leads to success both in business and in personal life. However, this style requires the ability to explain your decisions, listen to the other side, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective.

Compromise style - its essence lies in the fact that the parties are trying to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. This style is most effective when both parties want the same thing. When using this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties, but on an option that everyone could agree on.

Evasion style - usually implemented if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties or the problem that has arisen is not so important for the parties and they do not need to defend their interests.

Accommodative style means that you work with the other side, but do not try to defend your own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore a normal working environment. In this case, you sacrifice your own interests in favor of the other side. But this does not mean that you should give up your interests. You just have to sort of put them aside for a while, and then, in a more favorable environment, return to their satisfaction through concessions from your opponent or in some other way.

2.2 Map of the conflict

For a more successful conflict resolution, it is desirable not only to choose a style, but also to draw up a conflict map developed by H. Cornelius and S. Fair.

Its essence is as follows:

identify the problem of conflict in general terms, for example, in case of conflict due to the amount of work performed, draw up a load distribution diagram;

find out who is involved in the conflict (individuals, groups, departments or organizations);

identify the true needs and concerns of each of the main actors in the conflict.

Drawing up such a map, according to experts, will allow:

to limit the discussion to certain formal boundaries, which will greatly help to avoid excessive manifestation of emotions, since during the mapping, people can restrain themselves;

to create an opportunity for joint discussion of the problem, to express to people their requirements and desires;

figure out how own point point of view, and the point of view of others;

create an atmosphere of empathy, i.e. the opportunity to see the problem through the eyes of other people and to acknowledge the opinions of people who previously believed that they were not understood;

choose new ways to resolve the conflict.

But before you move on to resolving the conflict, try to answer the following questions:

do you want a favorable outcome;

what you need to do to better manage your emotions;

how would you feel in the place of the conflicting parties;

whether a mediator is needed to resolve the conflict;

2.3 Negotiation is the basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts

In the conditions of market relations, negotiations between people become a special area of ​​their daily life, which has its own psychological characteristics, and is also the basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts. The art of negotiation is specially trained all over the world. A person who is properly prepared for negotiations will be able to achieve his goal without offending his partner and leaving a favorable impression of himself. The purpose of negotiations is to reach a reasonable agreement that meets the interests of the negotiating parties.

Strategy negotiations are divided into three types:


soft method. A mild-mannered person wants to avoid personal conflict and is willing to make concessions in order to reach an agreement. He wants an amicable denouement, but the matter most often ends with the fact that he remains offended and feels slighted.

hard method. A tough negotiator sees any situation as a contest of wills in which the side that takes the extreme position and stubbornly stands its ground will get more. He wants to win, but often ends up causing an equally tough situation that drains himself and his resources, as well as ruining his relationship with the other side. Principled negotiation is the third way of negotiating, which involves a position based not on weakness or firmness, but rather a combination of both.

The method of principled negotiation developed by the Tavard Negotiation Project is to solve problems on the basis of their qualitative properties, that is, on the basis of the essence of the matter, and not to bargain over what each side can or cannot do.

This method assumes that you strive to find mutual benefit wherever possible, and where your interests do not coincide, you should insist on an outcome that would be based on some fair norms, regardless of the will of each of the parties.

The method of principled negotiations means a tough approach to the consideration of the merits of the case, but provides a soft approach to the relations between the participants in the negotiations.

Principled negotiation shows you how to achieve what is rightfully yours while remaining within the bounds of decency. This method allows you to be fair while protecting you from those who might take advantage of your integrity.

The method of principled negotiation can be used to resolve one issue or several, under ritually prescribed circumstances, or in an unpredictable situation, as is the case with negotiating with hijackers. This method depends on the methods of the opposing side.

Principled negotiation is a strategy designed to achieve all goals.

In addition to the principled method, there is a positional method, a method of positional discussions, in which the emphasis is not on the essence of the dispute, but on the position of each of the parties. This method does not meet the main criteria: it is not effective, does not achieve the goal, spoils the relationship between the parties.

The principled method constitutes an alternative to the positional approach and is intended for effective and friendly negotiations and the achievement of a reasonable result. This method can be summarized in four main points:

People - the distinction between the negotiators and the negotiator;

Options - before deciding what to do, highlight the range of possibilities.

Interests - Focus on interests, not positions.

Criteria - insist that the result be based on some objective standard.

To resolve various disputes, it is very important to clarify the way of thinking, the thinking of opponents, which is very conducive to successful negotiation.

An important point in negotiations they also have emotions that need to be suppressed by the so-called “letting off steam”, which allows them to get rid of feelings of anger and fear that arise in disputes. In addition, apologies, expressions of regret, handshakes, inexpensive gifts, etc., remove the hostile situation.

3. Prevention of conflicts in business communication

Practice shows that there are no unsolvable conflicts that could not be resolved without the use of force. Therefore, any attempt to resolve the conflict situation "peacefully" must be used.

Most effective tool one should recognize the elimination of judgments and assessments from business communication that could infringe on the honor and dignity of the interlocutor. Very undesirable and patronizing judgments and assessments, expressed with a sense of ill-concealed superiority or neglect. Of course, it is practically impossible to completely eliminate the evaluative approach to the subjects of conversation from business communication. Therefore, one should try to focus on positive judgments and assessments, remembering that all people more favorably accept positive information, and not negative, which often leads to conflict situations. Assessments should be as tactful as possible and not touch the interlocutor himself.

Another effective means of preventing conflict situations is to avoid a dispute in business communication, since during a dispute a person rarely manages to maintain self-control and dignity. Arguing, we begin to get excited and, without noticing it ourselves, make insulting remarks and allow annoying rudeness. In this regard, I would like to once again recall the words of Dale Carnegie, an ardent opponent of any dispute, who convincingly proves that “in nine cases out of ten disputes end with each of its participants, even more than before, being affirmed in their absolute rightness. You can't win an argument. You can't because if you lose the argument, then you lose, if you win, then you lose too. You may be absolutely right in proving your point of view, but all your attempts to convince the interlocutor will probably remain as futile as if you were wrong."

A good means of preventing conflicts is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, since it is a criterion for sociability. The extent to which the interlocutor is given the opportunity to speak largely depends on his disposition and confidence.

However, the most reliable means of preventing a conflict situation is a conscious rejection of any conflict. To do this, you need to learn how to avoid them. To begin with, consciously refuse to participate in quarrels. This refusal must be translated into the subconscious, i.e. it should become a principle in your behavior, your psychological attitude.

In any conflict, no one can ever prove anything to anyone. Even by force. Negative emotional impacts block the ability to understand, take into account and agree with the opponent. The work of thought stops. And if a person is not able to think, the rational part of the brain is turned off, then there is no need to try to prove something. It just doesn't make sense.

If you still lost control of yourself and did not notice how you were drawn into the conflict, try to do the only right thing in this case - shut up. Your silence will allow you to get out of the quarrel and stop it. Indeed, two parties usually participate in any conflict, and if one of them has disappeared, then there will simply be no one to quarrel with.

In the event that neither of the participants in the conflict is inclined to stop, both are very quickly captured by negative emotional arousal. The tension is rising rapidly. In such a "dialogue" the mutual remarks of the participants only "add fuel to the fire."

However, silence should not be offensive to the opponent. If it is colored with mockery, gloating or defiance, then it can act like a red rag on a bull. In order for the scandal to stop, it is necessary to ignore the very fact of the quarrel in silence, and then the negative excitement of the opponent will decrease sharply.

It should be avoided in every possible way to state the negative emotional state of the opponent: "Why are you nervous?", "Calm down, please", etc. Such "soothing" words only intensify the development of the conflict.

The quarrel can be stopped if you calmly and without any words leave the room. But if at the same time you slam the door or say something offensive before leaving, you can cause the effect of a terrible destructive force.

If you are silent, and the opponent regarded the rejection of the quarrel as a surrender, it is better not to refute this. Keep pausing until it cools down. The position of one who refuses to quarrel must completely exclude anything offensive and insulting to the opponent. The winner is not the one who leaves the last smashing attack behind him, but the one who manages to stop the conflict at the beginning does not give him acceleration.

In business communication, the subjunctive softens the statement, makes it less categorical, reflects the speaker's reluctance to insist on the statement, and makes it easier for the other interlocutor to continue the discussion of the business and put forward an alternative to the proposal or concept ("I would agree").

Ask questions, as such phrases express doubt about the acceptability of the offer, but eliminate the need for specific objections that can cause an unfavorable reaction from the interlocutor (negotiating partner) and complicate the business. Thus, he is left to present arguments in support of his position himself and, possibly, to discover their weak points ("Is it a good idea?").

Another mild form of expressing unwillingness to agree to the proposed conditions, leaving the interlocutor the opportunity to think, for example, about discounts and inquire about reasonable prices himself, is the use of questions in a negative form ("Don" t you think the price is too high?").

Use "I'm afraid", as such a phrase makes it clear to the interlocutor that the partner is still hesitating and his disagreement has not been finalized, so that further discussion of the business is still possible, or that the partner regrets that he has to upset him with a refusal, and this smooths out his hostile reaction. ("I'm afraid I disagree").

The use of diminutive inserts again makes it clear to the interlocutor that the partner is still hesitating and his disagreement has not been finally determined, so a positive result of the negotiations is still possible if you manage to overcome his doubt or make some concessions in business ("This is a bit difficult") .

The comparative degree means appreciation for a benevolent or generous offer, but gently expresses interest in a more attractive option ("Tea is wonderful but coffee is more wonderful").

In business communication, it costs nothing, on the contrary, it is noble and generous - to express confidence that it was the interlocutor who showed the best qualities and contributed to resolving the issue to mutual satisfaction, or to emphasize gratitude for the way he accepted the service, so use intonation ("Thank YOU" ).

"I think so, but maybe I'm wrong...". In business communication, this phrase suggests that not everything has yet been decided: as a result of a business discussion, doubts can be eliminated ("I reckon this is impossible").


Life cannot be without conflict. Universal harmony of interests is the lot of utopian socialists.

The very essence of market and democratic relations is based on free confrontation, competitiveness of individuals and social structures. However, this confrontation must be in line with civilized rules. social interaction. The essence of a person is largely determined by how he behaves in a conflict situation.

In my work, I tried to consider the principles, techniques and techniques of optimal constructive conflict resolution in business communication and came to the conclusion that, just as no leadership style can be effective in all situations without exception, so none of the above principles of conflict resolution cannot be singled out as the best. We must learn how to effectively use each of them and consciously make one or another choice, taking into account specific circumstances.

List of used literature

Vorozheikin, I.E., Kibanov, A.Ya., Zakharov, D.K. Conflictology. - M.: Infra-M, 2000.- 224 p.

Grishina, N.V. Psychology of conflict. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Piter", 2000. - 464 p.

Zieger V.N., Lang L.A. Lead without conflict.- M., 1990.-351p.

Karpov A.V. Psychology of management: textbook. - M.: Gardariki, 2006.- 554 p.

Lavrinenko V.N. Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for universities. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2000. - 327 p.

Morozov, A.V. Business psychology. - St. Petersburg: Union Publishing House, 2000. -576 p.

Scott J. The power of the mind. Conflict resolution methods. -M., 1993.-611s.

Cherednechenko I.P. Telnykh N.V. Psychology of management. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.- 428 p.


Rules of conduct in a conflict:

1. Remember that in a conflict a person is dominated not by reason, but by emotions, which leads to affect, when consciousness simply turns off, and a person is not responsible for his words and actions.

2. Take a multi-alternative approach and, while insisting on your proposal, do not reject the partner's proposal by asking yourself the question: "Am I never wrong?".

3. Recognize the significance of conflict resolution for yourself by asking the question: "What happens if a solution is not found?" This will shift the focus from the relationship to the problem.

4. If you and your interlocutor are irritated and aggressive, then you need to reduce internal tension, "let off steam." But discharged on others is not an option, but a trick. But if it so happened that you lost control of yourself, try to do the only thing: shut up yourself, and do not demand this from your partner. Avoid stating negative emotional states of your partner.

5. Focus on the positive, the best in a person. Then you oblige him to be better.

6. Invite the interlocutor to take your place and ask:

"What would you do if you were in my position?". This removes the critical attitude and switches the interlocutor from emotions to understanding the situation.

7. Do not exaggerate your merits and do not show signs of superiority.

8. Don't blame or make your partner responsible for the situation.

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Conflict situations in business communication and ways to resolve them


1. Typology of conflicts

2. The emergence of a conflict in the process of business communication



Each of us has had to deal with conflict situations. Conflicts are manifested in the activities of all social institutions, social groups in relationships between people. The American psychologist B. Wool noted that “life is a process of solving an infinite number of conflicts. Man cannot change them. He can decide whether to participate in decision making or leave it to others.” Every cultured person needs to have elementary ideas about conflicts, how to behave when they arise, and find a worthy way out of them.

The main purpose of the control work is the concept of conflict, the differences between interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, consideration of behavioral styles in conflict, techniques and techniques for preventing and resolving conflicts in business communication.

1. Typology of conflicts

Conflict (lat. conflictus) - a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible with each other tendencies in the mind of a single individual, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people, associated with acute negative emotional experiences. Any organizational changes, conflicting situations, business and personal relationships between people often give rise to conflict situations, which are subjectively accompanied by serious psychological experiences.

From an ordinary point of view, the conflict carries a negative meaning, is associated with aggression, deep emotions, disputes, threats, hostility. There is an opinion that a conflict is always an undesirable phenomenon and it should be avoided as far as possible and, if it has arisen, immediately resolved. Modern psychology considers conflict not only in a negative, but also in a positive way: as a way of developing an organization, a group and an individual, highlighting positive aspects in the inconsistency of conflict situations related to development and subjective understanding of life situations.

There is a multivariate typology of conflict:

intrapersonal conflict (caused by various psychological factors inner world personality),

interpersonal conflict (the cause of the conflict is the struggle for limited resources (materials, equipment, production facilities, labor)),

conflict between an individual and a group (occurs when one of the members of the organization violates the norms of behavior or communication that have developed in informal groups),

intergroup conflict (this is a conflict between the formal and informal groups that make up the organization. For example, between the administration and ordinary workers, between employees of various departments, between the administration and the trade union).

According to their direction, conflicts are divided into "horizontal" and "vertical", as well as "mixed". Horizontal conflicts include such conflicts in which persons who are subordinate to each other are not involved. Vertical conflicts include those in which persons who are subordinate to one another participate. Mixed conflicts have both vertical and horizontal components.

2. The emergence of a conflict in the process of business communication

Despite their specificity and diversity, conflicts have common stages of flow, a more or less clearly defined structure. The process of business communication involves the presence of three factors: perception, emotions and information exchange. In conflict situations, it is easy to forget about it. Therefore, the following prerequisites for the emergence of conflict in business communication can be distinguished:

Discrepancy of reasoning, i.e. disagreements due to the discrepancy between your reasoning and the reasoning of the other side.

Features of perception, i.e. people, very often talking, do not understand each other.

Therefore, constructive conflict resolution depends on the following factors:

1 - the adequacy of the perception of the conflict, i.e. a sufficiently accurate assessment of the actions, intentions, both of the enemy and one's own, not distorted by personal predilections;

2 - openness and effectiveness of communication, readiness for a comprehensive discussion of problems, when the participants honestly express their understanding of what is happening and the way out of the conflict situation;

3 - creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

It is also useful for a leader to know what individual personality traits create a person's inclination or predisposition to conflict relations with other people. These qualities include:

Inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities;

The desire to dominate, by all means; say your last word;

Conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

Excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness;

critical attitude;

A certain set of emotional qualities of a person.

3. Ways to resolve a conflict situation

Since in real life it is not so easy to find out the true cause of the conflict and find an adequate way to resolve it, it is advisable to choose a certain strategy of behavior depending on the circumstances.

There are five main styles of behavior in conflict:

competition or rivalry;




Ignore or avoid.

The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, while acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting jointly or individually. The style of competition or rivalry - this style is most typical for behavior in a conflict situation. It can be used if you are betting heavily on your solution to a problem, since the outcome of the conflict is very important to you:

2 - you feel that you have no other choice and you have nothing to lose;

3 - must make an unpopular decision and you have enough authority to choose this step.

However, it should be said that this strategy rarely brings long-term results, since the losing side may not support a decision made against its will. In addition, the one who lost today may refuse to cooperate tomorrow.

Cooperation is the most difficult of all styles, but at the same time the most effective in resolving conflict situations. Its advantage is that you find the most acceptable solution for both sides and make partners out of opponents. This approach leads to success, both in business and in personal life. However, this style requires the ability to explain your decisions, listen to the other side, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective.

Compromise style - its essence lies in the fact that the parties are trying to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. This style is most effective when both parties want the same thing. When using this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties, but on an option that everyone could agree on.

Evasion style - usually implemented if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties or the problem that has arisen is not so important for the parties and they do not need to defend their interests. Accommodative style means that you work with the other side, but do not try to defend your own interests in order to smooth the atmosphere and restore a normal working environment. In this case, you sacrifice your own interests in favor of the other side. But this does not mean that you should give up your interests. You just have to sort of put them aside for a while, and then, in a more favorable environment, return to their satisfaction through concessions from your opponent or in some other way.

In the conditions of market relations, negotiations between people become a special area of ​​their daily life, which has its own psychological characteristics, and is also the basis for resolving disagreements and conflicts. The art of negotiation is specially trained all over the world. A person who is properly prepared for negotiations will be able to achieve his goal without offending his partner and leaving a favorable impression of himself. The purpose of negotiations is to reach a reasonable agreement that meets the interests of the negotiating parties.

Strategy negotiations are divided into three types:



soft method. A mild-mannered person wants to avoid personal conflict and is willing to make concessions in order to reach an agreement. He wants an amicable denouement, but the matter most often ends with the fact that he remains offended and feels slighted.

hard method. A tough negotiator sees any situation as a contest of wills in which the side that takes the extreme position and stubbornly stands its ground will get more. He wants to win, but often ends up causing an equally tough situation that drains himself and his resources, as well as ruining his relationship with the other side.

The method of principled negotiation is the third way of negotiating, providing for a position based not on weakness or firmness, but rather combining both.

The method of principled negotiation developed by the Tavard Negotiation Project is to solve problems on the basis of their qualitative properties, that is, on the basis of the essence of the matter, and not to bargain over what each side can or cannot do. This method assumes that you strive to find mutual benefit wherever possible, and where your interests do not coincide, you should insist on an outcome that would be based on some fair norms, regardless of the will of each of the parties. The method of principled negotiations means a tough approach to the consideration of the merits of the case, but provides a soft approach to the relations between the participants in the negotiations. Principled negotiation shows you how to achieve what is rightfully yours while remaining within the bounds of decency. This method allows you to be fair while protecting you from those who might take advantage of your integrity.

In addition to the principled method, there is a positional method, a method of positional discussions, in which the emphasis is not on the essence of the dispute, but on the position of each of the parties. This method does not meet the main criteria: it is not effective, does not achieve the goal, spoils the relationship between the parties. The principled method constitutes an alternative to the positional approach and is intended for effective and friendly negotiations and the achievement of a reasonable result. This method can be summarized in four main points:

People - the distinction between the negotiators and the negotiator;

Options - before deciding what to do, highlight the range of possibilities.

Interests - Focus on interests, not positions.

Criteria - insist that the result be based on some objective standard. To resolve various disputes, it is very important to clarify the way of thinking, the thinking of opponents, which is very conducive to successful negotiation. Emotions are also an important point in negotiating, which must be suppressed by the so-called "steam release" method, which allows you to get rid of feelings of anger and fear that arise in disputes. In addition, apologies, expressions of regret, handshakes, inexpensive gifts, etc., remove the hostile situation.


People are different from each other. Accordingly, they perceive the situation in which they find themselves differently. Differences in perception often lead to people disagreeing with each other. This disagreement arises when the situation is really of a conflict nature. The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties (individual, group or organization as a whole) conflicts with the interests of the other party. That is, a conflict is a lack of agreement between two or more parties, accompanied by negative emotions.

The very essence of market and democratic relations is based on free confrontation, competitiveness of individuals and social structures. However, this confrontation must be in line with the civilized rules of social interaction. The essence of a person is largely determined by how he behaves in a conflict situation. In my work, I tried to consider the principles, techniques and techniques of optimal constructive conflict resolution in business communication and came to the conclusion that, just as no leadership style can be effective in all situations without exception, so none of the above principles of conflict resolution cannot be singled out as the best. We must learn how to effectively use each of them and consciously make one or another choice, taking into account specific circumstances.

List of used sources and literature

conflict cooperation trust self-esteem

1. Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for universities / Ed. Prof. V.N. Lavrinenko - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2000. - 327 p.

2. Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. V.N. Lavrinenko. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2006.

3. Conflictology. Ed. V.V. Ratnikov. - M.: UNITI, 2005.

4. Enikeev M.I. General and social psychology. Textbook for high schools. - M.: Publishing group NORMA - INFRA M, 1999. - 624 p.

5. Emelyanov E.N., Povarnitsyna S.E. Business psychology. - M.: ARMADA, 1998. - 511 p.

6. Bunkina M.K., Semenov V.A. Economics and psychology. At the crossroads of sciences: Tutorial. - M.: Publishing house "Delo i Service", 1998. - 400 p.

7. Volkov I.P. Head of the human factor: Social and psychological workshop. - L.: Lenizdat, 1989. - 222 p.

8. Timchenko N.M. Secrets of success in business communication. - St. Petersburg, 1995 - 253 p.

9. Fomin Yu.A. Psychology of business communication. - 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. - Minsk: Amalfeya, 2000. - 384 p.

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Communication is the basis of relationships, in particular business ones. When different points of view collide, it is difficult to avoid a conflict situation. This issue is dealt with by the science of conflictology, which gives the following definition:

Definition 1

A conflict is a clash of two opposing opinions, expressed in the struggle of the parties.

Business conflicts are:

  • realistic;
  • pointless;
  • constructive;
  • destructive.

But the classical structure consists of four main types of conflict:

  1. personal conflict;
  2. interpersonal conflict;
  3. clash between the individual and the group;
  4. intergroup conflict.

Let's consider these types in more detail.

Brief description of the main conflicts

1. A highly controversial type of conflict, as it does not fully meet the definition, but has potential dysfunctional consequences. It may appear in different forms, for example:

  • a person is presented with conflicting demands about the result of work;
  • a conflict situation can arise when a person cannot accept the requirements of work, based on their specific needs and values. For example, a manager, due to a heavy workload, began to have family problems. In order to somehow fix it, he takes a vacation. But at the last moment, the boss gives the task of urgently completing a task that requires employment on weekends;
  • response to overload or underload at work (most often associated with low job satisfaction, self-doubt and in the enterprise, with stress).

2. The most common conflict type. The participants are two people who are at odds in terms of dispositions, values, behavior. In an organization, a conflict situation may arise on the basis of the struggle for:

  • capital;
  • resources;
  • labor force;
  • time of use of the equipment;
  • project approval.

For example, an organization has a limited amount of resources that two middle managers need. The task of each of them is to convince the boss of the need for these resources and their allocation. Such a conflict situation implies the use of criticism of personal and professional qualities opponents.

Another cause of interpersonal conflict is personal hostility. With it, people cannot interact, as they have a contradiction in:

  • views;
  • values;
  • character.

3. In this case, a conflict situation may arise due to a conflict between the expectations of the group and the individual. For example, one person from the group decided to earn more money for certain reasons. He began to work twice as much. Looking at this, colleagues began to regard diligence as a negative behavior. Another cause of conflict is that the individual has taken a distinctive position. For example, at a meeting, a group of people will advocate for one solution, and an individual from them will offer another. In order to avoid conflict situations, it is necessary to observe:

  • norms;
  • requirements;
  • values.

4. In each enterprise there are formal and informal groups in which conflict situations can also occur. For example, inside informal group(in a team) workers can express their dissatisfaction with the manager in the form of a decrease in productivity. Functional groups may conflict due to different goals.

Conflicts in business communication

There are two types of nature of the causes of conflict situations:

  • objective;
  • subjective.

Objective reasons may lie in the organization of labor:

  • unfavourable conditions;
  • company's shortcomings.

Subjective conflicts arise in business communication when:

  • wrong actions of the leader and subordinates;
  • psychological incompatibility of people;
  • conflict behavior.

What kind of atmosphere, what kind of relationship and moral and psychological climate will prevail in the organization, first of all, depends on the leader. It must neutralize errors. But sometimes leaders can be a source of conflict, for example when:

  • violation of ethics;
  • unfair assessment of subordinates.

Let us consider in more detail the violations of the leader.

List of violations of professional ethics

Violations of work ethics that give rise to a conflict situation include:

  • manifestation of rudeness, arrogance, disrespect;
  • deception;
  • infringement of the rights of subordinates;
  • using the position of the head for their own purposes;
  • giving extra assignments in secret from the immediate supervisor of the subordinate;
  • conscious and unconscious concealment of information that puts the subordinate in an uncertain position;
  • criticism, belittling;

The manager may give an unfair assessment to the subordinate in connection with:

  • errors in the use of rewards and punishments (often found with an ill-conceived system);
  • violation of the balance in the establishment of wages;
  • by inviting an employee from another group, organization, etc. provided that there are candidates in the team;
  • evasion of the leader to note good employee, attempts to reduce his authority;
  • unfounded, and therefore unfair criticism of the entire group;
  • distribution of fuzzy instructions that lead to an unfair assessment of the results (this causes mutual irritation);
  • underestimation of explanatory work, lack of information.

Causes of conflict situations in business communication

In this case, the following reasons can be distinguished:

  1. allocation of resources;
  2. task interdependence;
  3. differences in purpose;
  4. differences in ideas and values;
  5. differences in behavior and life experience;
  6. poor communications.

1. Resources in the world are always limited, enterprises are no exception. The duties of the chief include the competent distribution of materials, human resources, finances, which subsequently help the successful development of activities. Conflict situations arise when the distribution of resources is uneven.

2. In this case, the conflict arises due to the fact that some depend on others to perform certain tasks. An enterprise is a system in which there are interdependent elements, and in case of atypical work, a conflict situation arises. For example, the head of a certain department says that the amount received for the sale has decreased due to their low-quality products. Meanwhile, the boss blames the marketing department.

Some organizational structures and relationships are a priori dependent on others. These types include:

  • line and staff personnel (the former depend on the latter, since they need the help of specialists. The latter depend on the former when problems appear and advice is needed);
  • matrix structure (deliberate violation of the principle of unity of command);
  • differentiation functional structures(because a certain group is characterized by an area of ​​specialization).

3. This type of conflict situation often occurs when an organization is divided into specialized units. The conflict arises because these departments themselves set their own goals, to which they pay more attention than the goals of the enterprise. For example, the sales department has a goal of persuading the manufacturing division to sell a variety of products, as this should lead to higher profits. But the production division thinks otherwise.

4. One of the common reasons. Depends on the desire to achieve the goal, so the priority is a favorable outcome for the group or individual. For example, certain personnel value freedom and independence in development, and the boss regulates this initiative of employees.

5. Another reason for the development of a conflict situation. Arise in the event that there is a person who disputes everything. Such individuals are characterized by:

  • authoritarianism;
  • dogmatism;
  • indifference to personal dignity and self-respect in relation to another subject.

In addition, differences in:

  • life experience;
  • education;
  • seniority.

6. This type of conflict situation indicates insufficient, inaccurate or lack of information transfer in the organization. Unsatisfied communications are a catalyst and prevent the group from seeing the situation from a different angle.

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