External and internal environment of the enterprise. Internal and external environment of the organization (management environment)

1. External and internal environment of the enterprise

1.1. Analysis of the external environment of the enterprise

1.2. Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise


List of used literature


Any organization is located and operates in the environment. Each action of all organizations without exception is possible only if the environment allows its implementation. The internal environment contains the potential that enables the organization to function, and therefore, to exist and survive in a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even the death of the organization if it does not provide the necessary functioning of the organization.

The external environment is a source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival.

In order to determine the strategy of the organization's behavior and put this strategy into practice, management must have an in-depth understanding of both the internal environment of the organization and the external environment, its development trends and the place occupied by the organization in it. At the same time, both the internal environment and the external environment are studied strategic management primarily to open those threats And opportunities that an organization should consider when setting its goals and achieving them.

1.External and internal environment of the enterprise

1.1. Analysis of the external environment of the enterprise

The external environment in strategic management is considered as a combination of two relatively independent subsystems: microenvironment and macroenvironment.

Microenvironment - an environment of direct influence on the enterprise, which is created by suppliers of material and technical resources, consumers of products (services) of the enterprise, trade and marketing intermediaries, competitors, government agencies, financial and credit institutions, insurance companies and other contact audiences.

Suppliers are different business entities that provide the enterprise with the material, technical and energy resources necessary for production specific goods or services.

The main customers of enterprises are consumers of products (services) in different client markets: consumer markets, manufacturers, resellers who purchase goods and services for their subsequent resale at a profit for themselves, government agencies (wholesale buyers of products for government needs).

Marketing intermediaries are firms that help a business promote, market, and distribute its products to customers. These include resellers, firms - specialists in the organization of goods distribution, agencies for the provision of marketing services and financial institutions.

Competitors - rivals of the enterprise in the struggle for more favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods, for obtaining the highest profit.

For the production of competitive products, enterprises need to constantly study their competitors, develop and follow a certain market strategy and tactics.

Contact audiences are organizations that show real or potential interest in the enterprise or influence its ability to achieve its goals. These are financial circles (banks, investment companies, stock exchange, shareholders), media, various state institutions of representative and executive power, the population and citizens of the action group (public organizations).

In the macro environment of the enterprise, there is a significant large quantity factors than in the microenvironment:

· Natural factors;

· Demographic factors;

· Scientific and technical factors;

· Economic factors;

· Environmental factors;

· Political factors;

· International factors.

1.2. Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise

Internal environment organization is that part of the overall environment that is within the organization. It has a permanent and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization. The internal environment has several sections, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization, the state of which together determines the potential and the opportunities that the organization has. personnel a slice of the internal environment covers such processes as the interaction of managers and workers; recruitment, training and promotion of personnel; evaluation of labor results and stimulation; creating and maintaining relationships between employees, etc. Organizational the slice includes: communication processes; organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities; dominance hierarchy. IN industrial the cut includes the manufacture of the product, supply and warehousing; technological park maintenance; implementation of research and development. Marketing a slice of the internal environment of the organization covers all those processes that are associated with the sale of products. This is a product strategy, a pricing strategy; strategy for promoting the product on the market; choice of markets and distribution systems. Financial cut includes processes related to providing effective use and movements Money In the organisation. In particular, this is maintaining liquidity and ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities, etc.


As follows from the above, the analysis of the environment is very important for the development of an organization's strategy and a very complex process that requires careful monitoring of the processes occurring in the environment, assessing the factors and establishing a connection between the factors and those strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats that lie in external environment. Obviously, without knowing the environment, the organization cannot exist. However, she does not float in the environment, like a boat that does not have a rudder, oars and sails. The organization studies the environment in order to provide itself successful promotion to your goals. Therefore, in the structure of the strategic management process, the analysis of the environment is followed by the establishment of the mission of the organization and its goals.

List of used literature

1. O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov, Management: person, strategy, organization, process, M., 1995

2. Yakushina O.A., Fundamentals of psychology, M .: Infra M, 1997

3. Shmalen G. Fundamentals and problems of enterprise economics: Per. with him. / Ed. prof. A.G. Porshneva, 2002 - 512s.

4. Economy commercial enterprise: Textbook for trade universities./Grebnev A.I., Bazhenov Yu.K., Gabrielyan O.A., Gorina G.A. - M.: Economics, 1996. -238s.

5. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Ed. prof. O.I.Volkova. - M.: IN-FRA-M, 2003. -520s.

6. Economics of organizations. / Ed. Khudokormova A.G. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003- 160s

Any enterprise is located and operates in a certain environment, and each of its actions is possible only if the environment allows it. The enterprise is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival, since external environment serves as a source of production resources necessary for the formation and maintenance of production potential. Environmental factors are uncontrollable by the enterprise and its services. Under the influence of events occurring outside the enterprise, in the external environment, managers have to change the internal organizational structure, adapting it to the changed conditions.

The external environment of the enterprise - these are all conditions and factors that arise independently of the activities of the enterprise and have a significant impact on it. External factors are usually divided into two groups:

Factors of direct influence (the immediate environment)

factors of indirect influence (macroenvironment).

TO direct impact factors include factors that have a direct impact on the activities of the enterprise: resource suppliers, consumers, competitors, labor resources, state, trade unions, shareholders (if the enterprise is a joint-stock company).

Factors of indirect influence do not have a direct effect on the activities of the enterprise, but taking them into account is necessary to develop the right strategy.

The most significant indirect impact factors include:

political factors- the main directions of state policy and methods of its implementation, possible changes in the legislative and regulatory framework, international agreements concluded by the government in the field of tariffs and trade, etc.;

economic forces– the rate of inflation or deflation, the level of employment of labor resources, international payment balance, interest and tax rates, the value and dynamics of the gross domestic product, labor productivity, etc.

social factors external environment - the attitude of the population to work and quality of life;

technological factors, the analysis of which makes it possible to foresee the opportunities associated with the development of science and technology, timely adjust to the production and sale of a technologically promising product, and predict the moment of abandoning the technology used.

Internal environment enterprises determines the technical and organizational conditions the work of the enterprise and is the result management decisions. The purpose of the analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its activities, since in order to take advantage of external opportunities, the enterprise must have a certain internal potential. At the same time, it is necessary to know the weak points that can aggravate the external threat and danger.

The internal environment of organizations includes the following main elements: production, finance, marketing, personnel management, organizational structure.

The main elements of the internal environment of the enterprise are:

Production (in foreign economic literature - operations management): volume, structure, production rates; product range; availability of raw materials and materials, the level of stocks, the speed of their use; the available fleet of equipment and the degree of its use, reserve capacities; production ecology; quality control; patents, trademarks, etc.;

Personnel: structure, qualifications, number of employees, labor productivity, staff turnover, labor costs, interests and needs of employees;

Organization of management: organizational structure, management methods, level of management, qualifications, abilities and interests of top management, prestige and image of the enterprise;

Marketing, covering all processes related to production planning and product sales, including: manufactured goods, market share, distribution and marketing channels, marketing budget and its execution, marketing plans and programs, sales promotion, advertising, pricing;

Finance is a kind of mirror, which reflects all the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Financial analysis allows you to reveal and evaluate the sources of problems at a qualitative and quantitative level;

The culture and image of an enterprise are weakly formalized factors that create the image of an enterprise; a high image of an enterprise allows attracting highly qualified employees, encouraging consumers to buy goods, etc.

4. Fixed assets of the enterprise. Their structure and classification

Fixed assets include the means of production that are repeatedly involved in the production process, while retaining their natural form, transferring their value to the manufactured products in parts as they wear out. These include capital goods with a service life of more than 12 months.

These include machines, equipment, tools, production and household inventory, other tools of production, with the help of which the production process is carried out.

Fixed assets also include capital investments for radical land improvement (drainage, irrigation and other land reclamation works) and investments in leased fixed assets.

Fixed assets include land plots owned by the organization, objects of nature management (water, subsoil and other natural resources).

For accounting, analysis and evaluation, fixed assets are grouped according to:

functional purpose;

by industry;

By material-natural composition;

by the degree of participation in the production process

Fixed assets do not include and are not objects for depreciation:

Machinery, equipment and other similar assets listed as finished products (products) in the warehouses of manufacturing organizations;

· assets listed as goods in the warehouses of organizations engaged in trade and procurement activities;

Assets listed as consumable items that last less than one year, regardless of their value, as low-value items

Assets handed over for installation or to be installed, which are in transit;

capital and financial investments.

Fixed assets are classified into the following groups:

1. Buildings. These include:

Production buildings and buildings occupied by workshops, workshops or installations that perform production functions

Buildings occupied by batteries, tanks and pools for industrial purposes, etc.;

Mechanized laundries, buildings and structures for performing the administrative and economic functions of the organization - offices, warehouses, storerooms, etc.

2. Structures. This group includes:

Pumping stations, arches, chimneys on separate foundations, cooling towers, bunkers, etc.

3. Transmission devices that are designed to transfer electrical, thermal or mechanical energy from engine machines to working machines, as well as transfer liquid and gaseous substances from one inventory item to another. This includes: oil pipelines and gas pipelines.

4. Machinery and equipment:

5. Vehicles. These include such means that are designed to transport people, goods.

6. Tools, production and household inventory and accessories. This includes: tools - mechanized and non-mechanized general-purpose tools, as well as objects attached to machines that serve to process materials (cutting, impact, pressing and compacting tools)

7. Other types of fixed assets:

· library collections, museum valuables, etc.

Costs of leased fixed assets accounted for on the lessee's balance sheet; draft animals used as means of labor (horses, oxen, camels, donkeys and other animals); etc.

Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation characterizes the aging process of existing fixed assets, both physically and economically. Depreciation of fixed assets is determined and accounted for by buildings and structures, transmission devices, machinery and equipment, vehicles, production and household equipment, working livestock, perennial plantations that have reached operational age, intangible assets.

Depreciation of fixed assets is determined for a full calendar year (regardless of the month in which they were purchased or built in the reporting year) in accordance with established standards. Depreciation is not carried out in excess of 100% of the value of fixed assets. Accrued depreciation in the amount of 100% of the cost of objects (items) that are suitable for further operation cannot serve as a basis for writing them off due to depreciation.

There are two types of wear - physical and moral.

Physical deterioration- this is a change in the mechanical, physical, chemical and other properties of material objects under the influence of labor processes, forces of nature and other factors. To determine the physical depreciation of fixed assets, two methods of calculation are used:

Scope of work is based on the comparability of actual and standard service life or scope of work.

I \u003d (Tf * Pf) / (Tn * Pn),

where: Tf - the number of years actually worked by the machine;

Pf - the average volume of products actually produced in a year;

Tn - standard service life, years;

Pf - annual productive capacity(or standard performance) equipment

· according to the service life is based on data on the technical condition of the means of labor, established during the survey. The coefficient of physical depreciation can be applied to all types of fixed assets.

And \u003d Tf / Tn,

Obsolescence manifests itself in the loss of economic efficiency and expediency of using fixed assets before the expiration of the period of complete physical depreciation. Obsolescence of the first type is a decrease in the cost of machinery or equipment due to the reduction in the cost of their reproduction in modern conditions.

And \u003d (Fp - Fv) / Fp,

where: Фп - the initial cost of fixed assets, rubles;

Fv - respectively, the replacement cost of fixed assets, rub.

Obsolescence of the second type is due to the creation and introduction into production of more productive and economical types of machines and equipment.

Wu \u003d (Sun * Pu) / Ps,

where: Vu and Vs - the replacement cost of obsolete and modern machines, rubles;

Pu and Ps - productivity (or production capacity) of outdated and modern machines, respectively, in kind. units

Partial obsolescence is a partial loss of use value and value of the machine. Its ever-increasing dimensions may serve as a reason to use this machine in other operations where it will still be quite effective.

Complete obsolescence is a complete depreciation of the machine, in which its further use is unprofitable.

Organization is a group of people whose activities are coordinated to achieve common goals.

External environment of the organization- these are conditions and factors that arise independently of its activities and have a significant impact on it. External factors are divided into: 1) the environment of direct impact, 2) the environment of indirect impact.

Direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the operations of the entity and are directly affected by the operations of the entity. These factors include: 1) suppliers, 2) labor resources, 3) laws and institutions state regulation, 4) consumers, 5) competitors.

Under environment of indirect influence refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on operations, but nevertheless affect them: 1) political 2) socio-cultural factors, 3) the state of the economy, 4) international events, 5) scientific and technological progress. 6) climatic.

Internal environment of the organization- this is the environment that determines the technical and organizational conditions of the organization and is the result of management decisions.

The internal environment of the organization is formed depending on its mission and goals, which, in turn, are largely determined by the external environment. The internal environment of the organization can be considered from the point of view of statics, highlighting the composition of its elements and structure, and from the point of view of dynamics, i.e. from the point of view of the processes taking place in it. It includes all the main elements and subsystems that provide the process of production of goods and services, the management process, which consists in the development and implementation of management decisions, as well as social, economic and other processes that take place in the organization. The internal environment includes: 1) the goals of the organization; 2) the structure of the organization (both formal and informal); 3) people working in the organization; 4) technologies used as ways of processing raw materials and obtaining specific products; 5) management tasks; 6) organizational culture. All internal processes in the organization proceed within the organizational structure. The organizational structure assigns tasks, management functions, rights and obligations to each structural unit.

    Management systems: functions and organizational structures;

Management system is a system for managing resources (human, financial, technical, etc.) to achieve predetermined goals.

Management functions.

Function in management is called a special kind management activities, with the help of which the subject of management influences the managed object.

1) Forecasting and planning.

Forecasting is the prediction of the course of economic development for the coming period for a particular organization.

Planning is the development of a plan that determines what needs to be achieved and by what levers, in accordance with time and space. In the broad sense of the word, planning is the activity of developing and making a managerial decision. There are three main types of planning.

1) Strategic planning is an attempt to take a long-term view of the fundamental components of an organization.

2) Tactical planning is the definition of intermediate goals on the way to achieving strategic goals and objectives. Tactical planning is based on the ideas that were born during strategic planning.

3) Operational planning is the basis of planning. In operational plans, performance standards, job descriptions, etc. fit into a system in which everyone directs his efforts to achieve the general and main goals of the organization.

2) Organization. The process of determining rational forms of division of labor, the distribution of work among workers, groups of workers and departments and the development of the structure of management bodies;

3 ) Motivation and stimulation. The incentive system is a set of interrelated and complementary incentives, the impact of which activates human activity to achieve the set goals. Thus, motivation depends on the needs, expectations and perceptions of employees to be fairly remunerated for the work performed.

4) Control. Through the control function, problems are identified, which allows you to adjust the organization's activities to prevent a crisis situation.

5) Coordination and regulation. The essence of this function is to ensure the consistency of actions of all parts of the management system, maintaining, maintaining and improving the established mode of operation of the production mechanism.

Organizational structures.

The organizational structure is the composition and subordination of interconnected management links.

1) Linear - implements the principle of unity of command. Each department has only one senior manager (in small enterprises up to 100 people).

2) Functional - based on subordination in areas of management activity. A particular unit has several superiors, but each of them has the right to influence only in their field of activity (in medium-sized companies from 100 to 500 people).

3) Headquarters (linear-functional) - line management links are called upon to command, and functional ones advise, help in the development of specific issues. Headquarters can be formed at different levels of management, - analytical center, legal service (at large enterprises from 500 and more people).

4) Divisional - implies the creation of semi-autonomous production departments, formed depending on the type of product, trademark or geographically.

5) Matrix - a kind of project, in which 2 or more projects are being carried out simultaneously. This structure is created by combining 2 types of structures: functional and design.

Company- technical, social, economic and conservation-oriented environment a unit that performs the task of satisfying demand on the basis of independent decisions and responsibility.

Internal environment - a set of factors that depend on the activities of the enterprise itself, its goals, structure, actions of managers, personnel.

The external environment of the enterprise- a set of systems that are outside the enterprise.

The systems with which enterprises actively interact are direct impact factors. Factors and conditions that do not have a direct impact on the activities of the enterprise, but predetermine the strategically important decisions made by its leaders, are factors of indirect influence to the enterprise. The complexity of the external environment is characterized by many factors that an enterprise must take into account in order to survive and develop successfully.

Environmental factors of direct impact:

SUPPLIERS. In the course of their operation, enterprises enter the market in search of what they will produce products from: raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, components, equipment, etc. Satisfying the needs of the entire range, the company interacts with suppliers. To what extent these tasks are solved depends on the state of the market for these goods and is determined by the ratio of supply and demand for them.

CONSUMERS. Having produced a product, the enterprise enters the market as a seller and, in connection with this, the problem of sales comes to the fore, i.e. consumer identification. When solving this problem, it is important how the consumer relates to the enterprise and to the product (trademark). This is a significant factor that determines the ratio of supply and demand for the company's products and thus affects the price and sales volume.

COMPETITORS. Enterprises producing products for the same purpose. The number of competitors and their activity significantly affect the ratio of supply and demand, the company's products, the level of its price, and thereby determining the favorable or unfavorable commodity environment.

STATE. The state influences the functioning of the enterprise, realizing its public policy, uses various forms of influence. The state influences the enterprise most actively with the help of the taxation system: the number of taxes, the level of tax rates, preferential rates, customs duties.

· Budget form of influence Keywords: investment policy, various forms of subsidies, budget financing, infrastructure development.

· Administrative form of influence: legislative regulation, regulation of the minimum wage, fines and other administrative measures.

· Monetary form of impact: regulation of the discount rate, exchange rates and credit policy.

· Production form impact: placement of government orders, regulation of prices for products of natural monopoly industries and competition from state enterprises.

Environmental factors of indirect impact:

- Political factors. The state of the political and legal environment is determined by the peculiarity of the political situation in the country. The specificity of the situation follows from the current situation of political forces, which are represented by political parties. In a specific period of time, one of the parties or associations determines the domestic and foreign policy of the state, thus influencing the solution of social and economic problems. The political and legal system may not be favorable for an enterprise if its independence is limited, and, conversely, such an environment can stimulate the business activity of an enterprise through preferential taxation, etc.

- Scientific and technical progress. In a market-type economy, an enterprise can be competitive only under the condition of continuous improvement of its products, as well as technology and organization of production. Timely use of the achievements of science is the key to the sustainable functioning of the enterprise.

- The state of the national economy. The economy of any country requires financial system, which is represented by the state budget, foreign exchange funds, banks, insurance and pension funds, as well as leasing companies, legal entities and individuals. These elements of the financial environment interact with enterprises and among themselves in the financial market.

- Socio-cultural factors. The social sphere is this part of the external environment of the enterprise, which qualitatively and quantitatively forms the labor market. Elements social sphere that affect the enterprise: mentality, ideology, religion, welfare, criminality, healthcare and traditions. These elements influence the professional and personal qualities employee and are formed mainly in the external environment.

- Geographic factors. Each enterprise is located in a certain natural and climatic zone, which has a number of features: temperature, availability of water sources, natural resources, landscape (remoteness of sales markets, sources of raw materials). The level of costs for heating, transportation, construction of buildings is different for enterprises located in different climatic conditions.

- International environment factor. The processes of globalization taking place all over the world cannot but have an impact on the enterprise. The global competitive environment formed by transnational corporations is also an important factor influencing the enterprise.

- Internal environment, like the external one, is mobile. For objects of labor in production, the internal environment is external, with which they actively interact. The result of such interaction can be not only a change in the properties and structure of objects of labor, but also the internal environment itself. This is manifested primarily in the wear and tear of the means of production. Any change in the structure and quality characteristics of manufactured products affects the corresponding change in technology, which affects the change in the elements of fixed assets and the qualifications of employees.

Course work

External and internal environment of the enterprise


Any organization is located and operates in the environment. Each action of all organizations without exception is possible only if the environment allows its implementation. The internal environment of an organization is the source of its lifeblood. It contains the potential that enables the organization to function, and therefore, to exist and survive in a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even the death of the organization if it does not provide the necessary functioning of the organization.

The external environment is a source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. And they are claimed by many other organizations that are in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. The task of strategic management is to ensure such an interaction of the organization with the environment that would allow it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thus enable it to survive in the long term.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the modern environment of enterprises is characterized by an extremely high degree of complexity, dynamism and uncertainty. The ability to adapt to changes in the external environment is a basic condition in business and other areas of life. Moreover, in an ever-increasing number of cases, it is a condition for survival and development. In order to determine the strategy of the organization's behavior and put this strategy into practice, management must have an in-depth understanding of both the internal environment of the organization, its potential and development trends, and the external environment, its development trends and the place occupied by the organization in it. At the same time, both the internal environment and the external environment are studied by strategic management in the first place in order to reveal those threats and opportunities that the organization must take into account when defining its goals and achieving them.

1. The concept of the environment and its importance for the successful operation of the enterprise in the market

.1 Characteristics of the internal environment of the enterprise

legal department internal

As the internal environment of the enterprise, it is customary to consider all intra-company components that form it in single system and amenable to some specific control action on the part of the company's employees (managers and performers).

Internal variables are situational factors within an organization. Since organizations are systems created by people, internal variables are mainly the result of managerial decisions.

The main variables in an organization that require management attention are goals, structure, tasks, technology, and people.

Goals is a specific end state or desired outcome that a particular group seeks to achieve by working together.

Goals have the property of being permanent and a certain level of objectivity. Only clear, well-defined goals, the totality of which has a systemic character, lead to effective results.

An organization always has at least one common goal, which all members of the labor collective strive to achieve. In practice, there are very few organizations that have only one goal. Organizations that have several interrelated goals are called complex organizations. It is important that the intended labor collective goals were realistic and achievable.

As the basis of its planned or ongoing activities, the company, represented by management, “lays” (defines) the main goal, the achievement of which is simply impossible from a number of subgoals, each of which, in turn, consists of subgoals of the next level (sublevel), etc., which ultimately make up the "goal tree".

As a result of the formation and formulation of the entire system of the “tree of goals”, the “main goal” should be obtained as a result of the final activity of the firm (organization), a set of sublevels up to the very “lowest”, which should represent specific tasks that ensure the achievement of immediate (neighboring) tasks for subgoals (n-1). "n" refers to the total number of sublevels in the "target tree".

The structure of the organization reflects the allocation of individual divisions that has developed in the organization, the connections between these divisions and the unification of divisions into a single whole.

The structure of an organization is a logical relationship between levels of management and functional areas, built in a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

In the process of analyzing the internal environment, it is necessary to identify correspondences between the structure of the organization and the strategy analyzed by it, between which there is a certain relationship. A. Chandler found that a change in strategy will later lead to a certain change in the structure and identified several important assumptions:

§ Organizations with limited markets for products and simple operations tend to form a linear functional structure and are centralized in matters of strategy.

§ As the organization develops, there is a tendency to decentralize its structural units.

§ As organizations become more differentiated in terms of strategy, they become more free to choose their structures, exercise less control, and value awareness and creativity more.

The means of solving such problems is the creation of matrix and network structures.

The internal review process should focus on whether the structure of the organization is appropriate for pursuing and implementing the strategy. The analysis of the organizational structure is, first of all, the analysis of the results of work, which are closely related to structural problems.

Tasks. A task in management is understood as a prescribed (given) work, a series of works (a set) or a part of the work that must be performed in a predetermined way within a predetermined timeframe. From a technical point of view, tasks are assigned not to individuals, but to positions in which this person includes. The management of the organization, creating a structure (organizational-functional) for each position, determines for the employee a number of tasks (tasks, operations, actions), which are considered as necessary activity to achieve the goals of the organization. It is believed that the task, performed in the prescribed manner and within the specified time, ensures the success of the organization and departments.

Traditionally, the tasks of the organization are usually divided into three categories: work with people, equipment (including raw materials and tools) and information. The frequency and set of actions performed in operations, together with time, form the technology of work processes. The tasks of managers to manage the work of departments and the organization as a whole are no exception.

Technology. According to Lewis Davies, "technology is the combination of skills, equipment, infrastructure, tools, and related technical knowledge necessary to bring about the desired transformations in materials, information, and people." That. it is clear that tasks and technology are closely interrelated.

Technology, as a factor that strongly affects organizational effectiveness, requires careful study and classification. There are several ways to classify. The classification of technology by Joan Woodward is the most famous. It distinguishes three categories of technologies:

Single, small-scale or individual production, where only one product is manufactured at a time.

Mass or large-scale production is used in the manufacture of a large number of products that are identical to each other or very similar.

Continuous production uses automated equipment that runs around the clock to continuously manufacture the same product in large volumes. Examples are oil refining, the operation of power plants.

One type of technology cannot be called better than another. In one case, one type may be more acceptable, while in another, the opposite will be more suitable. People determine the ultimate suitability of a given technology when they make their consumer choice. Within an organization, people are an important deciding factor in determining the relative suitability of a particular task and content of operations for the chosen technologies. No technology can be useful and no task can be accomplished without the cooperation of people, who are the fifth intrinsic variable.

People. If management and/or even individual managers do not recognize that each employee is (or should be) an individual with their own personality and specific needs, then the ability and ability of the organization to achieve its goals will be threatened. Nowadays, no one objects to the fact that management achieves the goals of the organization through other people. It has become obvious that people are a central factor in any model of managing the internal environment (internal factor and / or the main "pain points" of the organization). Thus, in the personnel system it is necessary to deal with people, and in three components: the behavior of individuals, the behavior of people in groups and the components of the behavior of leaders, the functioning of managers, especially in the role of leaders, and the specifics of their influence on the behavior of individuals and groups.

Man in society and at work depends on the complex combination and interaction of his individual characteristics and the external environment.

The most important task of human resources activities is to ensure that the organization has the required number of personnel at the required level and that the personnel correspond to the needs of the strategy.

1.2 Characteristics of the external environment of the enterprise

The external environment is all those factors that are outside the organization and can affect it. The external environment in which organizations have to work is in constant motion, subject to change. Consumer tastes are changing, the market exchange rate of the ruble against other currencies, new laws and taxes are being introduced, market structures, new technologies revolutionize production processes, etc. The ability of an organization to respond to and cope with these changes in the external environment is one of the most important components of its success. However, this ability is a condition for the existence of planned strategic changes.

However, the set of environmental factors and the assessment of their impact on economic activity are different, and not only for the authors of scientific publications on management issues, but also for each company. Usually, the company itself determines in the process of management what factors and to what extent can affect the results of its activities in the present period and in the future.

The external environment of the organization is a source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. In order to ensure a long-term sustainable existence of an enterprise, it is necessary to have information about the factors of the external environment and the activities of the enterprise itself.

Today, all factors of an external nature began to be divided into components of a general, direct and indirect impact. Common impact factors include those that are the most common for all organizations: the state of the economy in a given situation and the impact of this state on specific areas of business and this type of firm; state policy in relation to various business systems; the state of legal protection of business, specific organizations, legal entities and individuals; the attitude of the general population to this type of business activity and a particular organization; management methods that the state uses in relation to various organizations.

As a result of the impact of these groups of factors, an impact model was formulated external factors(Fig. 4), grouped into four main groups: legislative and political impact; economy and competition; social and cultural character, as well as suppliers and technology. All groups are interconnected and can be characterized by certain trends of change.

In recent years, the presented model has been concretized by the components of direct and indirect impact. Factors of direct impact began to include consumers, competitors, suppliers, government agencies, financial institutions, sources of labor resources relevant to the activities (operations) of a particular organization.

The direct impact environment is a factor that directly affects the activities of the organization, which, in carrying out its operational work, experiences this direct and immediate impact from the outside.

Let's briefly consider the main factors of direct impact.

Suppliers play a special role, since organizations of any nature and complexity are most directly dependent on the network of suppliers of materials and equipment, the energy consumed, capital and necessary staff(manpower) for the firm.

The network of suppliers inside and outside the country (foreign) may become more complex and expensive as a result of political acts and legal changes in the supplier country. There is no need to list examples of blockade actions in individual regions and countries by neighbors and by decision of the UN, which blocked supplies from Iraq, Iran, Yugoslavia and other countries.

It is especially dangerous for the efficiency of the company when a number of organizations in the region work with only one supplier of raw materials, materials or energy resources. In these cases, it is possible for the supplier to set monopoly prices, and it is simply impossible to find an alternative supplier. It is even more difficult when the supplier is an organization (firm) in other countries.

Needed for implementation production process materials play a decisive role in the life of the organization, and this forces them to accumulate and maintain certain reserve volumes, linking significant sums of money for the period of storage before inclusion in production activities.

To grow and prosper, a company needs not only suppliers of materials, but also suppliers capital. There are several such potential investors: banks, federal and international loans for the implementation of specific programs, shareholders and specific individuals who buy shares in specific firms or special programs. As a rule, the better the company is doing, the higher its ability to negotiate with suppliers on favorable terms and receive the required amount of funds. Small businesses, especially venture capitals, are now experiencing great difficulty in obtaining the necessary funds.

Considerable difficulties are experienced by most organizations in providing labor resources for both performers and managers. Complex technologies and equipment require specialists of appropriate training. For example, the booming computer technology industries require highly skilled engineers and technicians, experienced programmers and systems developers. Firms feel a constant shortage of managers, especially middle and top management.

Laws and government agencies promote the development of business or may impede its development, and sometimes even prohibit it altogether. Organizations carrying out business activities are required to comply not only with national laws, regional legislative bodies, but also with the requirements government agencies regulating and supervising the implementation of business operations. National and foreign governments can be for a number of organizations the main regulators of their activities, sources of subsidies, employers and buyers. This may mean that for these organizations, the assessment of the political situation may be the most important aspect analysis of the external environment. Such an assessment is carried out through detailing the political and legal factors affecting the organization. Let's highlight the most common factors for analyzing the external environment: changes in tax legislation, the alignment of political forces; business-government relations; patent law; legislation on environmental protection; government spending; antimonopoly law; money-credit policy; state regulation; political conditions in foreign countries, the size of state budgets; government relations with foreign countries.

Consumers are one of the "cornerstones" of an effective business. P. Drucker argues that the sole purpose of business is to create a consumer. The classics of management argue that the existence and effective operation of an organization depend on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities, both goods and services, in order to satisfy the needs of customers. Such organizations include all state system, whose organizations do not carry out commercial activity, i.e. do not participate in profit.

In all economically developed countries, a system has already developed in which it is the consumer who decides what goods and services are desirable for them and at what price they are ready to receive them.

In recent years, a system for the formation and expansion of such demand has been developing more and more intensively, when demand is stimulated and initiated specifically in the interests of the creators of various proposals.

And one of the most important factors of direct influence is competitors.

The management of each enterprise clearly understands that if the needs of consumers are not met as efficiently as competitors do, the enterprise will not stay afloat for a long time. In many cases, competitors rather than consumers determine what kind of performance can be sold and what price can be asked.

Underestimation of competitors and overestimation of markets lead even largest companies to significant losses and crises. It is important to understand that consumers are not the only object of competition for organizations. The latter may also compete for labor, materials, capital, and the right to use certain technical innovations. The reaction to competition depends on such internal factors as working conditions, wages and the nature of the relationship of managers with subordinates.

The modern development of science and technology in the conditions of scientific and technological revolution has significantly intensified the competition between firms. The most important condition for the prosperity of the company is its continuous improvement and, above all, on the basis of modern achievements in science and technology. Scientific discovery or fundamentally new product or a service can take a firm to the pinnacle of success.

At the same time, it should be noted that competition sometimes pushes firms to create agreements between them. various types from market division to cooperation between competitors.

Each of these factors contributes in some way to operational performance or counteracts the achievement of effective desired results.

The environment (factors) of indirect impact, in some parameters, specifies the above factors characteristic of the overall impact and expands their list (Fig. 1.2.3).

The indirect impact environment is more complex than the direct impact environment. As a rule, information about the indirect impact environment is more complex, less complete and less reliable. At the same time, environmental factors of indirect influence can, under certain conditions, act as potent factors of direct influence.

The uncertainty of the external environment is a consequence of the amount of information that the organization has in relation to this factor, as well as the degree (level) of confidence in its accuracy.

As environmental factors of indirect impact, it is customary to consider: technology, the state of the economy, relations with the local population, socio-cultural and political. Let's look at them briefly.

Technology is a factor of external influence when it comes to existing, most advanced or outdated technologies common in the field of this business activity in the world and partner countries. At the same time, technology is an internal factor, in the form of a system of innovations with which goods and / or services are manufactured and sold. Thus, there are two components, two levels of technology: accepted and used by the organization as internal factor and the most common in its field of activity in the host country of the organization and in other countries in the industry. New technologies are quickly associated, forming fundamentally new, with higher capabilities. During the last decade, the microminiaturization of consumer and industrial electronics has sharply increased, and the movement of information flows has accelerated.

The state of the economy determines the rate at which capital moves from production area in trade and from one country to another. Any particular change in the economy has a different impact on the spheres of production and trade, various systems of services, etc. It is especially important to take into account the state of the economy and the most important trends in its changes in organizations that carry out their business activities simultaneously in a number of countries. The efficiency of business activity is strongly influenced by changes in the exchange rates of the currency systems, which largely depend on the state of the economy and the most important trends in its change.

Relations with the local population are very important for the organization, since the level of efficiency of its functioning in this particular place depends on it. There are three obligatory conditions for the organization: filling the market (market niche) with an acceptable product (quality, cost), creating new jobs for the population and the required level (defined, established by local conditions) of environmental friendliness of production activities. As in any area of ​​business and mutually beneficial partnership, the most effective and long-term “works” principle is “profitably together”.

It becomes clear that the organization needs to maintain good relations with local communities, self-government structures and significant societies, which is a purposeful and very important work of company managers.

Any organization operates in at least one political and one cultural environment. Socio-cultural and political components significantly affect the activities of business structures and depend on the behavior of top-level managers of the organization and their relationship with the local administration, political and socio-cultural systems. Depending on the relationship with the company, its image, degree of fame and other factors, a business situation is formed.

Socio-cultural factors affect a number of other components, such as the traditions of the attitude of the main part of the population or certain groups to certain types of goods and services, the homogeneity of buyers (clients) and their number in various groups, the rate of change in the parameters of the main consumed goods and services, the attitude towards certain groups of the population (women, certain groups or national minorities, etc.).

The political system and policies of state structures and government bodies, the established existing levels of payment for various categories of the working population determine the volume of purchases by the main buyers, their attitude towards local (domestic) and foreign goods, this, in turn, affects the volume of exports of goods and services.

Some of the political factors are especially important to take into account for the leaders of business structures. These primarily include those areas of business that are supported by the leaders of the country, administrative bodies and major parliamentary groups, which quite often correlates with the socio-cultural traditions of the country and region. As a result, certain tax incentives or preferential trade duties, legislative acts for the conditions of employment and promotion of representatives of the host country or national minorities in the labor process, legislation to protect the market of certain local goods and consumers, various standards for safety, standards for clean environment, control over the level of prices and wages, etc.

International environment. Everything previously discussed becomes much more complex for those organizations that systematically work abroad. In the course of the functioning of the organization, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of forecasting when planning, the ability to effectively organize, promptly manage and control the work of both individuals and the organization as a whole.

An essential role is played by the types of international business in which the organization abroad participates, the specifics of international and domestic impact on existing methods and forms of international business management and the main directions in its further development.

The types of international business include the export and import of goods and services.

International economic activity should take into account all international agreements and peculiarities of trade and economic law in partner countries.

International business management is carried out through ways and methods of penetrating new market spaces (regions), through exports, licensing, joint ventures, direct investment and multinational corporations. Penetration into new markets, in turn, is inextricably linked and can be based on four types of factors: cultural, economic, legislative and legal, and the level of state regulation in international relations and management activities in relation to international relations.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the company's management must take into account the external environment as a single holistic impact due to the fact that the organization is an open system and depends on the resources used and the results of interaction with the external environment. Factors that have an immediate impact on the organization belong to the environment of direct impact, all others - to the environment of indirect impact. The organization must promptly and effectively respond to changes in the external environment, adapt to them in order to ensure survival and achieve its goals.

2. "UE "Business Initiative"": direction and specialization of activities, legal status, management structure and analysis

.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

unitary enterprise"Business Initiative" was established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and registered on November 27, 2000. The main purpose of the creation of UE "Business Initiative" is to implement economic activity aimed at making a profit. Activities of UE "Business Initiative":

  • production of plastic cards (advertising and discount, club, banking, insurance, Internet cards, passes);
  • production of souvenirs (key chains, mugs, badges, pens, flags, diaries) by various methods.
  • provision of printing services offset printing, risography, full color digital printing, screen printing, post-printing services);

The number of employees is 17 people (director, commercial director, Chief Accountant, office manager, 4 printing production operators, 5 designers, 4 managers).

2.2 Analysis of the internal environment of UE "Business Initiative"

Enterprise goals - the main objective enterprises, according to the director, occupying a leading position among the salons of operational printing and obtaining maximum profit. To achieve this goal, the company strives to provide individuals and legal entities with high-quality printing and advertising souvenir products. The long-term goal of the enterprise is to expand production, purchase offset equipment. This will allow the organization to reach a new level of customer service, manufacturing products in thousands of runs, which is this stage impossible (in order to keep a complex customer who needs to produce both small and large print runs, an enterprise has to resort to the services of third-party organizations to fulfill an offset order, acting as an intermediary, and losing a significant part of the profit).

Personnel and general management The organizational structure of the enterprise due to small numbers personnel is extremely simple.

The main manager is the director, who reports to the chief accountant, commercial director and office manager.

The commercial director reports to designers, account managers and printing production operators.

Thus, we can conclude that the organizational structure of UE "Business Initiative" is hierarchical linear structure management, which is typical for small enterprises.

The organization lacks material incentives for employees. There is also a problem of staff turnover, in particular among designers and account managers, due to the relatively low wages.

Despite this, it cannot be said that there is no motivation at the enterprise at all. Due to the small number of staff, managers have personal contact with all employees and are an authority for them, which should be considered a motivational factor.

It is also worth noting that the work performed by the employees of the enterprise is not monotonous and requires different skills and knowledge, which increases their self-esteem. This can be considered a moral factor that increases the productivity of workers.

The enterprise is characterized by informal relations "easily" between all employees, including managers. As a disadvantage of this state of affairs, one can point out that such relationships often lead to a lack of subordination, which can reduce the effectiveness of the organization.

Production - Due to the fact that favorable and long-term relationships have been established with suppliers of materials, the company acquires raw materials at affordable prices. Most of the organization's materials are discounted from 15 to 30%.

The commercial director constantly monitors the availability of materials in the warehouse and, in case of approaching the established reserve, forms requests to suppliers for replenishment of stocks. The enterprise is located The entire enterprise is located in four office-type rooms, one of which is adapted for storing supplies (20 sq. m.), two are occupied by an office (25 and 17 sq. m.), and the fourth is actually industrial premises, the size of which is 40 sq.m.

UE "Business Initiative" owns the following equipment:

§ 11 personal computers

§ 2 laser printer HP 1200.

§ Scanner Umax Powerlook III

§ 3 Full color digital cameras: Xerox DocuColor 12, Fiery XP12 and Canon CP 660

§ Risograph GR 3750

§ Two-color tampon TIC

§ Plotter EnCad NOVAJET Pro and Omega "New Star"

§ Roll laminator PHOTONEX LCH-235

§ Batch laminator Lamiart-PRO

§ Thermal binder OMA Thermal

§ Creasing machine Fastbind

§ 2 corner rounders

§ 3 Guillotine cutters

§ DataCard Printer

§ Thermal Image Transfer Equipment The MagicTouch

That. UE "Business Initiative" has a powerful production base for the manufacture of printing and promotional products.

To date, the main disadvantage of UE "Business Initiative" is the lack of its own offset equipment. Thanks to this equipment, the company can produce full-color products (catalogs, magazines, books) in large quantities. In order to keep a complex customer who needs to produce both small and large print runs, an enterprise has to resort to the services of third-party organizations to fulfill an offset order, acting as an intermediary, and losing a significant part of the profit (because for placing an order in large printing houses, the company has only a small percentage) than this equipment would be owned by the company.

Technologies - The management of UE "Business Initiative" constantly monitors the emergence of new technologies in the manufacture of printed products, for this purpose the director constantly subscribes to specialized magazines and visits thematic exhibitions and seminars. To date, we can say that the organization "keeps up" with those developments on which its successful activities depend.

Marketing - UE "Business Initiative" conducts a moderate advertising campaign, namely: it places advertisements in newspapers, on the radio, and distributes advertising booklets to potential and regular customers.

The competitive advantages of UE "Business Initiative" can be considered the production of small-circulation printing and souvenir products in short time(from 1 hour) on high-quality and high-performance equipment, free development of the original layout, as well as comprehensive information support from the staff.

Analysis of environmental factors UE "Business Initiative"

Competitors - The printing services market is growing every year, its activities are carried out by both large printing houses and printing companies, and small, organized mainly, individual entrepreneurs operational mini-printing houses. Large enterprises have a huge fleet of offset equipment, and so on. render their services to clients placing thousands of copies, and also act as contractors for small printing shops that do not want to lose their customers due to the lack of offset equipment. Small mini-printing houses have a small amount of equipment, provide an incomplete range of services, their services are usually expensive. Among the relatively large number of existing firms engaged in such activities, there are several main competitors that provide a similar range of services to UE "Business Initiative". These are: ALC "Printservice", LLC "Artlex", AGIS company.

Comparison of competitors is given in table 1.

Table 1. Main competitors of UE "Business Initiative"

ODO "Printservice" LLC "Artlex" Company AGISUE "Business Initiative" Quality of services Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Printing Services:Digital full-color printing++++Risography++++Pad printing+--+Silk-screen printing+--+Offset full-color printing+---Full-color wide-format printing++++Plotter cutting++++Production of plastic cards+--+ Post-press services:Lamination++++Thermal foil stamping+--+Foiling++++Plastic binding++++Iron spring binding++-+Collection+--+Creases++-+Corner rounding++-+Punching+- -+Folding+-+ Souvenir production- flocking method++++- MagicTouch method++++- laser engraving method++-+- decal method---+- glass matting method GLASSMOZ---+Sale of office and banking equipment---+Production of seals and stamps-++ -

As can be seen from the table, Printservice ALC is the strongest competitor.

Suppliers - The company "Business Initiative" has established long-term and friendly relations with the main suppliers of raw materials and consumables for the manufacture of printing and souvenir products. The firm's suppliers are shown in table 2.

Table 2. Main suppliers of UE "Business Initiative"

Name of the companySupplied materialsLocationConditions for the purchase of materialsDeliveryOOO "Regent-art"Plastic cardsg. Moscow, st. Baumanskaya, 8-15% regardless of the size of the lot By courier to the border with RBOOO "Masterprint" Consumables for printers printing on plastic cardsg. Moscow, st. Izmailovskaya, 22, of. 35% up to 1000 c.u. e. 10% - for an amount over 1000 c.u. e. 15% - for an amount over 3000 c.u. e. Self-delivery, or delivery by courier to the border with RBOOO "Bely Terem" Consumables for risograph, digital printing machines. Minsk, st. Stoletova, 75, of. 10155% regardless of lot sizeDelivery courier service when ordering over 1000 c.u. e.ODO "Chameleon"Paper, cardboard, film for lamination, plastic springs for binding, consumables for badges and calendars. Gomel, st. Malaychuk, 1210% regardless of the size of the lotself-pickupDiktum Unitary EnterpriseConsumables for The MagicTouch machine. Minsk, Pobediteley Ave., 86, k. Gomel, st. Sovetskaya, 3910% for software 5% for componentsDelivery and installation free of chargeLLC "Business Gifts"Souvenir products Moscow, st. Semenovskaya, 3515% - according to the Business Gifts catalog 5% - according to the Exclusive catalogDelivery to the border with the Republic of Belarus According to the table, we can conclude that UE "Business Initiative" has regular suppliers, enjoys significant discounts, respectively, cooperation takes place on very favorable terms for "Business Initiative". During its existence, the company has never resorted to the services of other suppliers, it has timely and fully paid for products. In turn, suppliers fulfill orders on time, without delay, with the exception of Regent-Art LLC (Moscow), which sometimes delay the delivery of plastic cards up to 2 weeks due to the lack of necessary commodity items in the warehouse, which in turn sometimes leads to downtime in work with orders for the production of plastic cards. But since "Regent-art" is the exclusive supplier of these products and offers the maximum possible discounts, so it does not make sense to change the supplier accordingly.

Consumers - As for consumers, here we can say that the main consumers of UE "Business Initiative" are primarily legal entities all forms of management (94%), the remaining 6% - individuals.

Most often, consumers place orders for business cards, calendars, letterhead products, plastic cards, technical data sheets and catalogues.

UE "Business Initiative" cooperates with such large clients as LLC "NTS-auto", JSC "Belagroprombank", UE "Medtekhnika", M&M Belarus, battery company "Onyx", JSC "Belasko", company "Valis", ALC "Continent and K”, ODO “RDM”, ODO “VilorTrans”, JV “Becker-system”, etc.

To attract new consumers, the company widely uses a system of discounts, as well as to encourage the client as a gift for an order whose amount exceeds 100 USD. e. gives discount card Belarusian discount club "Business Initiative".

In order for customers to appreciate the quality of the services provided, the company's office has a lot of demonstration stands with examples of work performed. A manager and a designer work with each client individually. Clients are very positive about the fact that the development of the original layout is free of charge, in the presence of the customer, taking into account all his requirements.

.3 Modern methods of analysis of the external and internal environment

The study of the control environment is carried out using a number of modern methods of analysis. These include, in particular, the methods of STEP - (or PEST-) and SWOT - (less often - SNW) analysis. Based on the results of the study, answers to the following strategic questions can be obtained:

Ø What is the current position of the organization? Where might the organization be in the future? What obstacles can arise and what favors the organization on the way to its goals? What opportunities need to be implemented in order to achieve the goals? How to manage the implementation of the strategy?

According to the results of STEP- and SWOT-analysis, options are formed strategic development managed system - firms, organizations, society.

SWOT analysisIn order to get a clear assessment of the strength of the enterprise and the situation on the market, there is a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its internal environment.

Ø Strengths(Strengths) - advantages of the organization;

Ø Weaknesses - shortcomings of the organization;

Ø Opportunities - environmental factors, the use of which will create an advantage for the organization in the market;

Ø Threats - factors that can potentially worsen the position of the organization in the market.

Ø Determine the main direction of development of the enterprise (its mission)

Ø Weigh the forces and assess the market situation in order to understand whether it is possible to move in the indicated direction and how best to do it (SWOT analysis);

Ø Set goals for the enterprise, taking into account its real capabilities (determination of the strategic goals of the enterprise)

Conducting a SWOT analysis comes down to filling out a SWOT analysis matrix. In the appropriate cells of the matrix, it is necessary to enter the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as market opportunities and threats.

The strengths of an enterprise are something in which it excels or some feature that provides additional opportunities. Strength may lie in experience, access to unique resources, advanced technology and modern equipment, highly qualified staff, high quality products, brand awareness, etc.

Weaknesses of an enterprise are the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or something that is not yet possible in comparison with other companies and puts the enterprise in an unfavorable position. As an example of weaknesses, one can cite a too narrow range of manufactured goods, a bad reputation of the company in the market, lack of funding, low level of service, etc.

Market opportunities are favorable circumstances that a business can take advantage of. As an example of market opportunities, one can cite the deterioration of the positions of competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new production technologies, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the opportunities in terms of SWOT analysis are not all the opportunities that exist in the market, but only those that can be used.

Market threats are events, the occurrence of which may have an adverse impact on the enterprise. Examples of market threats: new competitors entering the market, tax increases, changing consumer tastes, declining birth rates, etc.

The same factor can be both a threat and an opportunity for different enterprises. For example, for a store that sells expensive products, the growth of household income may be an opportunity, as it will lead to an increase in the number of customers. At the same time, the same factor can become a threat for a discount store, as its customers, with rising salaries, can move to competitors offering a higher level of service.

Step 1. Determining the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

In order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, it is necessary:

Ø Make a list of parameters by which the company will be evaluated;

Ø For each parameter, determine what is strong point enterprises, and that - weak;

Ø From the entire list, select the most important strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise and enter them into the SWOT analysis matrix

The second step of the SWOT analysis is the market assessment. This stage allows you to assess the situation outside the enterprise - to see opportunities and threats. The methodology for determining market opportunities and threats is almost identical to the methodology for determining the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise:

Ø Drawing up a list of parameters for assessing the market situation;

Ø Determining the opportunities and threats of the enterprise for each parameter;

Ø Choosing from the entire list of the most important opportunities and threats and building a SWOT analysis matrix

It is necessary to select the most important from the entire list of opportunities and threats, and enter them in the appropriate cells of the SWOT analysis matrix

By filling in such a matrix, you can see the result:

§ the main directions of the enterprise development are determined

§ the main problems of the enterprise are formulated, which must be resolved as soon as possible for the successful development of the business.

PEST-analysis It is convenient to analyze the behavior of the external environment and, accordingly, design the future strategy of the organization, if it is adequate to assess the impact on the organization of a complex consisting of at least four types of macro-environment factors: social (S), technological (T), economic (E), political (P ). The initial letters of the names of these factors made up the abbreviation of this method of analyzing the external environment of the organization - STEP - (STEP-analysis), or PEST-analysis.

That. PEST analysis is a tool designed to identify aspects of the external environment that may affect a company's strategy. Politics is studied because it regulates the power, which in turn determines the environment of the company and the receipt of key resources for its activities. The main reason for studying the economy is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activity of an enterprise. Equally important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of her research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

That. PEST analysis is a tool designed to identify aspects of the external environment that may affect a company's strategy. Politics is studied because it regulates the power, which in turn determines the environment of the company and the receipt of key resources for its activities.

3. Ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, taking into account the factors of the internal and external environment

Based on the results of the analysis of the internal and external environment of UE "Business Initiative", the following ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise can be identified:

Changing the organizational structure of the enterprise. On the commercial director there are too many responsibilities, so management is not very effective. It is necessary to introduce the position of a general manager who would control and coordinate the work of account managers, and also include in the staffing table the position of the chief operator, a person with higher education in the field of printing, who is well aware of the production process and methods of personnel management, performing the functions of coordinating and controlling the activities of operators in the production of printing products.

Creation effective system wages. The director needs to pay special attention to the selection of personnel, the system of motivation and incentives for employees. By creating a close-knit, well-motivated team of like-minded people, you can achieve great success in business.

Creation of a corporate culture, the main conductor of which should be the director. It is necessary to strive for the values ​​of the company to become an integral part not only of managers, but of all employees. The director must define a system of certain values, beliefs and principles that the company must follow and which must then be built into the policy of the organization. A corporate culture will help shape the work climate and corporate ethos that will help you achieve your goals and contribute to your success. A strong corporate culture and its close relationship with the company's strategy will be powerful levers for managing personnel in order to improve its performance.

Acquisition on lease or on credit of offset equipment. Thanks to this equipment, the company can produce full-color products in large quantities. Offset equipment can give serious competitive advantages.

Regulation of order fulfillment deadlines.

Constant introduction of new services and promotion systems to always be one step ahead of the competition.

Development optimal system encouraging regular and new customers of the company, to strengthen the image of the company.

Having considered and analyzed the external and internal environment of the organization, it is necessary to draw the main conclusions on this topic.

Internal variables are situational factors within an organization that are mostly controllable and adjustable. The main variables of the internal environment of the organization that require the attention of management are: goals, structure, tasks, technology and people. All internal variables are interconnected. In their totality, they are considered as sociotechnical subsystems. Changing one of them affects the others to some extent.

The internal well-being of the organization depends on internal variables, and their interaction contributes to the achievement of the overall goals of the organization. However, the success of the organization also depends on the external environment of the organization, without which it is impossible to life cycle any organization. The leader must take into account the external environment. Factors that have an immediate impact on the organization belong to the environment of direct impact, the rest of the factors - to the environment of indirect impact. Just like internal variables, environmental factors are interconnected and interact with each other. The external environment has properties of complexity and uncertainty.

The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of existence. The task of managers is to establish such interaction of the organization with the external environment, which would provide the opportunity for the organization to achieve its goals and give it the opportunity to survive in the long term.

In an unstable and complex external environment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the external environment and, based on the information collected, try to predict trends and possible situations in interaction.


Today, the only correct option for the behavior of a modern enterprise to achieve effective long-term functioning and successful development is a detailed examination of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, and their relationship. And this requires the development and implementation of a comprehensive analysis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the enterprise with the appropriate personnel, financial and technical support. Only under this condition can we count on the effectiveness of strategic and operational management decisions. Identification of aspects of the external environment that may affect the strategy of the company.

Improving the efficiency of the enterprise depends on:

Change in the organizational structure of the enterprise

Creation of an effective wage system

- Creation of corporate culture

- Acquisition on lease or on credit of offset equipment

Regulation of order fulfillment deadlines

Constant introduction of new services and promotion systems to always be one step ahead of the competition

- Development of an optimal reward system for regular and new clients of the company, to strengthen the image of the company

Factors within the organization that are primarily controllable and manageable. The main variables of the internal environment are: goals, structure, tasks, technology and people.

The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of existence.

It is necessary to strive for the values ​​of the company to become an integral part for all employees.

The stability of the enterprise UE "Business Initiative" directly affects the following factors:

Close-knit team

Accumulated many years of experience

Modern high-performance equipment

Wide range of goods and services

Customer Satisfaction

Low prices with very good quality

Good business relations with consumers of products and suppliers of materials and components

Convenient location of the enterprise

These factors have a direct positive impact on the entire structure of the enterprise and success in achieving its goals.

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