How to promote a group How to advertise a group in VK - step by step instructions

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Welcome to the Start-Luck blog pages. Somehow, in the minds of a lot of people, the group's ads are just dumb messages begging to join random accounts. For the second time in a week, the owners of quite impressive publics in my city answer the question of how they are advertised: “No way, there is no desire to add 40 friends a day.”

It's amazing that people who use cool, convenient and cheap don't even know what advertising methods exist in it. It strikes me personally.

A very important method

I started with a story that I asked a question to large regional owners. I managed to find out something from them. It turned out that the most effective option for those who promote their services, business on the Internet, namely VK - offline communication. A very effective method that I highly recommend to everyone to use if you have the opportunity.

Now many owners own business, associated with services, take pictures of the result of their work (manicures, tattoos, hairdressers and even installing doors), and then post them to the community. Of course, a person has nothing against the fact that the master wants to put the successful fruit of his work on the world market and they themselves willingly subscribe to the public, in which their own photo is about to be posted.

Another comrade helped convince one of the customers to abandon a short-sighted act. It was one thing, I told him, that the case would not work out, and quite another when the message came from the administrator of a group of several million people.


You select a post or create an ad that will be shown on the left or in the newsfeed of a person who matches your description. You decide to whom to show the post - it will be a woman or a man, married or in active search, whether it has higher education how old the person is and where they live.

You can select subscribers of a specific community, in which case the post will be shown to them. You also decide how you will pay - if you only want to pay for referrals to your group - you are welcome, but you will have to pay a little more for this. You can also pay for impressions only. It's cheaper, but there's no guarantee that a person won't scroll through your post and move on.


A lot of people underestimate, considering it a waste of money. An overly sophisticated method. At one time, every third site offered to bring a bunch of people to the group for mere pennies. In principle, now the situation has not changed much, if you turn to God knows where.

I suggest you pay attention to the service . At first, you can choose a cheaper tariff. Remember, the more followers you have in your group, the more likely other members are to follow and the more you get paid for ads.

In order to develop normally, you need to have some kind of base. At least 20,000 people. Further, more efficient methods can be used.

This site can also help you with targeting. So, how can I help you figure it out? The specialists of this company will do everything for you if you decide to pay for the VIP status. You decide what age and region you are interested in. At the same time, you save significantly, because all payment will be made for a specific action and people.

Who knows how many people who even click on your ad will join the public? With service you won't care at all. You paid money and just waiting for the result.

Well that's all. Now you know everything about promotion methods and you can get down to business. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter, see you next time and good luck.

Dmitry Kovalev

The article will be useful to those who want to promote goods, services or communities using VKontakte publics, but do not know where to start. After reading, you will learn how to select groups with a target audience and compose posts that help achieve maximum conversion.

Audience Revealing

Before looking for communities, find out who your potential buyer is and make a portrait of him.

Identify Needs. Find out what need your product or service satisfies. It must be the one thing that unites target audience. Polls and forums will help you figure out what customers want.

Learn about interests. Find out about the interests of your audience to determine the topic of the group.

For this task, the Cerebro Target audience search tool is suitable. It allows you to analyze the interests of potential customers of the selected community.

In the "User Analysis" section, insert a link to the group in which, in your opinion, the target audience is a member.

Cerebro will well complement another tool located in the Facebook advertising account - audience_insights. He shows marital status, position, as well as the top favorite sites of your audience. And if you are studying the market in the USA, then in addition to the above, the level of salaries will also be available to you.

Determine gender and age. Firstly, these parameters will help you select groups with the right audience. Second, make the message in your post more personal. The service from Mail.Ru will help to find them out.

Community Selection

After compiling an avatar of the audience representatives, collect as many pages as possible that can be subscribed to potential clients. For this:

  1. Use the "Community Search" "VKontakte".

  1. Find groups through " Market platform" in personal account.

  1. Use third-party tools for working with VK groups, such as Pabler. In order to start the selection, go to the "Publics / profiles" section, subsection - "VKontakte publics".

Community analysis

When you have a decent list of groups on the same subject, check each of them against five criteria.

Presence of target audience

To find out if your potential customers are in the community, check the gender, age and geography of its members. These data can be viewed in the "Statistics" tab.

By gender, age and geo, check the presence of an audience in the group

Member activity

If there are people in the group right age and gender, we check it for involvement. This indicator is denoted by the abbreviation ER (engagement rate) and is calculated using the ratio of actions to coverage.

To understand whether ER is normal in a group, compare it with the indicators of leading communities in this topic.


You can find out the percentage of bots through the VKontakte application: Search for "dead" members and subscribers". To do this, go to the application, paste the link to the community and click "Scan".

The presence of bots is also shown by Pabler.

Usually there are 10–20% of bots in groups. Anything more is cheating

Another way to check the community for "dead souls" is to look at the outflow of subscribers. To do this, in the statistics of the page, look at the number of unsubscribes. A high spike in the unsubscribe graph is a clear sign of a high number of bots.


Reach refers to the number of times a post has been viewed in the news feed or community wall. This metric only counts unique users. Moreover, VKontakte does not count the fast scrolling of the entry in the tape. The person must keep their attention on the text or image. You can also see this indicator in the group statistics.

The normal reach rate is 10-20% of the total number of subscribers. If a million people subscribe to the group, the reach should be 100,000 - 200,000.

Advertising entries

If competitors posted only 1-3 times, most likely their advertising did not bring results. It is worth checking it for professional suitability (read about this in the “Composing a post” block).

If advertising posts of competitors are published regularly, then most likely the group has the audience you need. And to get a piece of it, stand apart from the competition with creatives and unique selling propositions.


Through administrator

To post directly:

  1. Find the administrator's contacts on the page. If there are none, write your offer in a message or in a suggestion on the wall.

  1. Agree on the price, time and conditions of accommodation. By purchasing a package of accommodations at once, you can agree on a discount. But you should buy more than one advertising space at once only in already verified communities.
  2. Choose the time of posting based on the activity of subscribers. If the seats are only available for a low activity period, ask the administrator to reduce the price a little. You can view the activity in the "Pabler" in the "Detailed statistics" tab.

  1. Submit your post for approval. Please note that you may need to make changes. Therefore, it is better to send the entry in advance so as not to redo it five minutes before publication.

Through the exchange "VK"

Publication through the VK advertising exchange is 10-15% more expensive. Suitable for those who do not use third-party community search tools, as the service itself offers accommodation options. And also for those who do not connect third-party metrics to analyze the effectiveness of advertising, because in your account you can see detailed statistics after the campaign.

To place a post through the exchange:

  1. Create an ad and submit it for moderation.

When the post passes the test, it will appear in the "Active" tab - it can be posted. If it doesn't pass - "Rejected". In this case, the moderators will definitely indicate the reason, after correcting which, the ad can be sent back for moderation.

  1. Based on the given parameters, find groups to place. You can search for them based on topics, budget, coverage, number of participants, etc. However, you won’t be able to find a specific community by name - the service itself will offer options.

  1. Submit a placement request. Your ad will be automatically placed within the time range you specified.

Compiling a post

After you have agreed on the publication, prepare an advertising post.

  1. In the ad, take into account the needs of the audience, tell how your product will solve their problem.

  1. Analyze competitor ads, if any. Then come up with a unique offer and post style to make your creatives stand out from the crowd.

  1. Examine the content of the public in which you plan to post. By learning which ones are the most popular, you will better understand the interests of subscribers. This will help make a more interesting and less promotional post.

  1. Fill the text with emoticons to make it more noticeable and focus on the main thing. Just do not overdo it, the post should look natural, and the emoticons should fit the meaning.

  1. Shorten long links in the text with or Google URL Shortener. So the record will take up less space, look neater and, most importantly, inspire more confidence.

  1. The image should be catchy to get your post noticed in the feed, but still relevant to the offer.

  1. Write a catchy headline. To do this, make it the main benefit. If it does not interest the target audience, then no one will read your text, even the most useful and selling one.

Working with comments

Negative. After the publication of the entry, comments will be left under it, and not always positive. Therefore, try to work out all the negativity.

Informational. Also, people can ask questions: “how to order”, “how much does it cost”, “what is the advantage of the product”, etc. They also need to be answered in time.

Outsiders. Any off-topic remarks can be asked to remove the administrator.

Evaluation of results

To make it convenient to keep statistics and analyze the results, create a table in Google Sheets or Excel with the following fields:

  • name and link to the community,
  • advertising post,
  • placement cost,
  • date and time of posting,
  • administrator contacts,
  • number of transitions
  • the number of applications
  • ER group,
  • profit.

See data on transitions and applications in Yandex.Metrica. And to distinguish between your sponsored posts and the communities you host, add UTM tags to your links. Dmitry Dementy opened this topic in more detail in the article: "".

If placed through the VK exchange, in the advertiser's personal account after the RC you can see:

  • the total number of users who viewed advertisement, and their distribution by sex and age;
  • the number of unique users who clicked on at least one link in the post;
  • the number of users who shared, commented on, or liked the post;
  • the number of subscribed users, if the community was advertised;
  • number of applications per group.

To open detailed statistics, click on the corresponding icon in the corresponding section. advertising campaign.

If you sent an application directly, but there is no way to connect the metric, ask the administrator for the statistics of the post before deleting it. She shows:

  • overall reach and subscriber reach;
  • likes, reposts and comments;
  • the number of users who have hidden a post from their feed news feed;
  • the number of complaints about the publication;
  • The number of people who clicked on the link in the post.


If your first few community posts were successful, keep posting. But keep in mind that over time, ad conversion will decrease. Most members will notice your ad after a few placements, so next time they will ignore it. To overcome banner blindness, update your post every few placements.

  • Test the new header.
  • Change emoticons.
  • Change the structure of the text.
  • Post with a different image.

Give your post a new look and people will start noticing your post again.

For example, I posted several times in the community with this announcement:

The first placement brought ten leads, the second - eight, after the third placement only two applications came, after the fourth - three.

I changed the photo, came up with a new headline, added different emoticons, and the next day I posted in the same group.

Re-placements with a new post brought eight, and the second time - seven applications. Despite the fact that the text of the ad remained the same, only its visual part and title have changed.

Search for new communities

To increase coverage, you need to constantly look for new groups to place. To find similar communities, use an audience intersection tool such as Cerebro Target. In it, you can follow the link to the public in which you have already successfully advertised, find similar ones, where part of the same subscribers will consist. To do this, go to the "Audience search" section, the "Groups with target audience" subsection and insert a link to the desired page.

Groups can be filtered by the parameters you need and download links to them text document or in Excel.

To find audience intersections, you can also use free analogues, for example, the application "

ways free advertising many, consider the most popular. The first method is to send messages containing information about the group to potentially interested users. We do it as follows: we write the text of the advertisement with a link to the group.

Choosing a target audience– social network users who will be interested in your community. To do this, go to the "People" tab, select the age interval, indicate the country and city of residence, as well as other search parameters.

After that, open the "Job" tab and write "MLM". Now it remains to send users messages or friend requests with a promotional message.

Viral Marketing

This method eliminates the possibility of blocking. It consists in holding relay races, contests and all kinds of promotions for users.

all kinds of draws, which assume that users are interested in your group's repost on their page.

If the community is dedicated to selling goods or services, a free unit of production can be set as a prize.

Advertising in groups of similar topics

Collaboration with administrators of other groups is an opportunity to advertise yourself through the exchange of advertising posts. First you need to find promising communities of similar topics.

Partner selection criteria:

  • We pay attention to the activity of group subscribers. For example, even if there are many subscribers in the community, but there are practically no likes, comments and discussions, then most of them are most likely cheated. There will be no positive effect from cooperation with such a community.
  • Choose groups with frequent content updates. This indicates the activity of the administrator and the fact that users see posts and information in their news.
  • Preference should be given to communities only related topics. If an ad is placed in a group that is not related to the specifics of your community, it will be perceived as spam and the likelihood that users will be interested in the ad is minimized.

VKontakte has long ceased to be just a platform for communication. Today it is a powerful resource that even combines the capabilities of a search engine and video hosting. This is a platform for search and offers, which is especially important for consumers and businesses. Some can collect opinions and recommendations before becoming a client, others can analyze and accurately find the target audience. Advertising in VKontakte groups today is more effective than the classic one, but it needs to be presented following some rules. Much depends on the right strategy to attract customers. Then advertising "VKontakte" will work.

Advertising in groups "VK" and VK-target

What to choose: target or group

  • Everything is stricter in targeting: pictures and provocative headlines will not be missed by moderators.
  • You agree on advertising in the group with its administrator, you do not need to wait for the moderation of the VK service.
  • The size of images and text is limited in the target, you will not be able to present a case or another version of the advertising strategy.
  • Choose the right group - get a large coverage of the target audience.
  • Advertising in VK groups is usually cheaper than target advertising.

However, you should not think that through groups you can sell everything in a row and write whatever you like in an advertising post. This is not true. Your task is to attract the attention of customers, not law enforcement officers. Don't break the law.

Selecting a group for advertising

In which VK groups is it better to advertise? Advertising in a group will be useful if users mostly fit the parameters of your target audience, and the group itself is active and updated with posts and members. What you need to pay attention to if you decide to advertise in a group:

  • the number of participants and whether it is cheated, what is the ratio of bots and real users;
  • how often unique visitors appear;
  • activity and renewal of the group;
  • geolocation - city, region, country must be suitable for the delivery of your goods;
  • how many likes and comments: active groups up to 18,000-20,000 members should collect from 100 likes for each post; if the views are single, up to 10 for example, a group with cheats and is really unpopular;
  • daily audience coverage;
  • cost of accommodation - the more participants in the group, the higher the cost of accommodation.

How to start an advertising campaign

  1. Sociate - the service offers a wide variety of affordable sites and easy tools for finding clients. On the service page, select a suitable advertising campaign, transfer the text of your post to a special field along with a picture, and create a task. You can go the other way: select "Find sites", enter filter categories to find the target audience for your advertising post, and then analyze the results of the selection. Before placing an order for advertising, check not only the age and gender of the audience, but also the compliance with the activity. If you install the smm-helper service, you will get access to extended community statistics, as well as the number of group members who got banned. The process of placing an advertisement is completed by the design of the advertiser block by the administrator. It will contain data on the number of selected sites, the amount of placement, as well as the number of unique subscribers.
  2. Hollypasta is a free service with a strange name, translated as "holy macaroni". This is an alternative Sociate service, with its own features of placing an order for an advertiser. True, the "holy macaroni" is somewhat easier to use. The exchange allows you not only to specify the parameters of the group, but also to analyze the advertising posts of competitors. The service tools are simple. In the "Community Search" you will have the opportunity to choose from almost a hundred categories you need. You set the “portrait” of your client: age and gender, and then search parameters. You can explore their activity: how many members, likes and reposts. Those groups that will be useful in promoting your product and service can be placed in the "Favorites". The service allows you to track visitor uniqueness parameters, the audience as a percentage, by gender and age, as well as the geography of the group members, the devices from which they enter the community more often, and the sources of transitions: through direct links, through "My groups", "News" or pages users.

Important: admins of highly popular groups cooperate with advertisers mainly through the official VKontakte advertising exchange. The service receives a percentage of the agreement.

Advertising campaign cost

How much does advertising in VK cost in groups? In placement through groups and communities "VK" there is no clear pricing policy. A separate price list has not been developed by anyone, but some conditions are behind the scenes for determining the cost of a post, and their admins, of course, honor.

Therefore, start placing in medium groups with low pay. With the promotion of the product, the growth of popularity and the number of orders, you can move on to expensive and numerous communities.

Posting an advertisement

How to advertise in the VK group? Having prepared a selection of groups with a suitable target audience, you can begin to negotiate with administrators. Once again, carefully review your post, and then send it to the admin. After his consent, discuss the placement options.

The most successful and proven are the conditions under which an advertising post on the "title" is posted for at least an hour, and then goes into the feed. Here it should not be “moved” by other advertising posts for at least a day.

Already in the first hour or two, you will be able to understand how successful the strategy and group you have chosen was.

Pay attention to what time people are most often active in the group. You can collect this data in the "Subscribers" section. By setting up the "Now Online" filter, you can analyze the number of visitors by time of day or by hour.

Such an analysis can next time, if you decide to stay in this group, “adjust” the post to the most active part of the day.

Create an ad post

Advertising in VK groups will bring efficiency if the post is correctly composed. No matter what product you'll be promoting online, there are a few universal pieces of advertising that are best used.

Making a "selling" post:

  1. Start with a bright headline.
  2. Break the prepared text into several parts: each block is one thought.
  3. It is better that the post contains the whole advertising text. If this is not possible, the most important and compelling information should be kept open.
  4. Add emoji, but in moderation, otherwise emoticons and signs will create variegation, which will repel the user.
  5. End the post with a call to action: “visit the site”, “learn more”, etc.
  6. Attach only high-quality pictures, to each of which add a description of the product and a link.

And do not neglect the analysis of competitors' advertising posts, and also consider the format of the group in which you post. For example, you sell printed t-shirts. After posting your post in the group dedicated to racing driver Ayrton Senna, attach a photo of t-shirts with the image of the racer.

How to make a post effective

Advertising in VK groups largely depends on the effectiveness of the post. How to make a successful post The most effective are advertising posts with useful information. That is, at the beginning of the text you give a couple of tips on a topic related to your product, and then go directly to advertising. It is important to strike a balance here so that the offer does not get lost in points of utility, and tips do not seem drawn to the call to buy your products. Advice and your proposal should be in conjunction. For such a post, you will have to think carefully about the title, it should not be flashy, like “Read - buy”, etc.

The advantage of such a text is that, thanks to reposts, it can be distributed and be visible for a long time.

Social media features for your advertising

Focus on trends and relevance. For example, Kissing Day is something you shouldn't miss if you're selling cosmetics. Write an interesting text about kissing, link it to your offer, add pictures and links.

Focus on the audience: a youth group - you can add a slang word or another, for groups of car mechanics, young coquettes, fishermen, etc. - your own rhetoric, thought out and aimed at these users.

How to make money on advertising in the VK group

Earnings on advertising in "VK" is possible subject to the availability of a well-promoted platform, a large number members and administrator activity. For example, if you do not have your own group, and you are only thinking about its content, then remember that the more the chosen direction covers interested people, the better for the group as for an advertising platform.

It is necessary to think over an interesting design and content. Posts should appear regularly, several times a day. For the initial development of the community, arrange polls more often and be interested in the opinion of subscribers on a particular issue. Don't forget about high quality photos. Browse groups of similar topics to understand how to make the page original.

When the group is promoted, make offers for advertisers. Your contacts or contacts of the group administrator should be visible. Place conditions on advertising: than less cost placement, the greater the likelihood of a large number of applications.

Another option: place the group on an ad buying and selling exchange or affiliate network.

"VKontakte": features of advertising

How is social media advertising different? VK advertising differs from placement on classic sites not only in format. In a social network, the advertiser does the analytical work himself: he selects an audience, composes a selling post, counts activity indicators, etc. He is included in the process at every stage, this ensures the effectiveness of VK advertising. This is the peculiarity of this advertising platform, and here the “lazy” business will not last. If, placing on radio and TV, the advertiser is waiting for a client, then in social networks he goes to his audience, adapts to it and adjusts the offer. This format is flexible, therefore effective. Of course, provided that the advertiser has not neglected any of the rules.

After reading this article, you will know:

  • How to choose the right advertising space
  • How to correctly compose a post / repost for an advertising group VK, OK
  • How not to lose money and reduce expenses
  • How subscribers are cheated and how to check for cheating
  • new. Examples of Effective Posts

External optimization

And so, we prepared our community: we made a beautiful and understandable avatar that complements the name of the group, made a clear description of the group, conduct discussions and write interesting posts (in the case of advertising our group, not an external site). Now you can move on to searching for an advertising group, and after that, to writing the post itself.

Advertising in Vkontakte groups - the beginning

Most of the mistakes that lead to ineffective advertising in VK groups are related to wrong selection of advertising group. Many incorrectly prioritize when viewing the characteristics of a group.

What characteristics can a group have?

  • Unique visitors
  • views
  • Audience Reach
  • Feedback
  • Members (how many subscribe)
  • Section Views
  • Activity
  • Demography
  • Name
  • Avatar
  • Posts

What characteristics of the group are important when choosing an advertising platform:

  • Theme of the group/public page
  • Number of members/subscribers
  • Demography
  • Feedback
  • Price per post/repost
  • The number of unique visitors per day (more on how to find out quickly)

So, as in the examples above, the public page " Schedule Bucha Aquarius“, then we will consider the selection of the site in the framework of this example. Advertising in VK groups, with the right approach, can be more profitable than targeted advertising.
Theme of the group/public page

The closer on the topic to which your group belongs, you select an advertising platform, the greater the effect you will achieve.

The public page "Bucha Aquarius Schedule" is more of a Movie theme, although there is also Arts and Entertainment. So we need to look for communities of this particular topic, Cinema .. But!!!

How to search for advertising groups

There are currently two ways to search:

  • Through the VK search (not through the search tool, but the search in general in the VK spaces)
  • With the help of the sociate exchange (you can try, more convenient interface, more flexible settings)
  • You do not know what you are looking for: you need a search by subject and target audience (target audience)
  • Distrust of group administrators towards "newbies" who want to buy ads
  • Difficulty getting statistics from group admins
  • You will not know in advance the price for advertising in a particular group
  • Large time costs
  • The largest database of advertising platforms among advertising exchanges
  • Convenient site search
  • Transparent group statistics
  • Quick organization of an advertising campaign
  • Payment is made after the completion of the advertising campaign, in fact. (“they won’t throw money at you”)

The sociate database now contains more than 29907 advertising sites (groups and public pages)

  • About 900 sites have more than 100,000 members/subscribers
  • All sites are categorized
  • Search has big amount filters: it is convenient to find your target audience (target audience) in different groups
  • Real statistics are open in each group

Algorithm for finding a suitable group for advertising on

The search for advertising groups must be approached with all responsibility, because it does not depend on the number of likes and reposts, but the effect for your business. The right approach to finding ad groups will allow you to spend money on advertising in groups more efficiently.

And so, let's move on to searching for such a group using the advertising exchange

Let's define what our group is about:

  • Page of the local cinema Aquarius
  • Informing people about movie screenings
  • Publication schedule, trailers, movie information
  • Conducting surveys
  • Communication with visitors
  • girls and guys)
  • 14 to 35 years old
  • Ukraine
  • Bucha, Irpen, Vorzel, Kyiv

After registration, you can additionally watch the video, for greater clarity and benefit (you can start watching from the first minute):

Let's continue 😉, go to the page "Platforms"

Open advanced search

We set up an advanced search for the target audience. First of all, we find communities from Ukraine. But our main visitor, and he should be as close as possible. We choose the subject first Cinema, then Arts and Entertainment. When you select the keyword "Bucha" does not find anything. You can choose Kyiv (although for this case, where the exact location is very important, it is better to use Vkontakte search or targeting advertising). The price is not important at the moment. We are only interested in socio-demographic parameters and the size of communities.

We look at what kind of groups were found by such filters. We received 3 advertising platforms where you can advertise.

In sociate, it is very easy and convenient to see the statistics of groups in order to know when it is better to advertise and whether it is worth it at all ( has the same statistics and works more stable). The community should have good activity and growth of subscribers and views.

But let's assume that Kyiv is also suitable for us ... We order advertising in these 3 groups (let's say that a post / repost). We definitely need to think about how for these groups we can adapt our posts/reposts.

Think for yourself, you subscribed to the public about "Advertising", and here you are broadcasting about baby diapers and where to buy them. You can’t find a “client” in such a group, but you can drag him to your community using a thematic post / repost in advertising group"advertising diapers"

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with them: go into them and read and look at 20-50 posts in order to understand in what style you can make your post / repost for placement in this group.

Adaptation of posts/reposts allows you to:

  • significantly increase the effectiveness of advertising posts
  • there is an opportunity to advertise in different communities, regardless of their subject matter

Now we know for which platforms we will adapt our advertising posts / reposts, which means that it remains only to compose assignments for placement and send them to sites

We create a post or repost that is adapted to the community where we will advertise

The most important thing when compiling an advertising post is to come up with an interesting post that will be beautifully designed, and the user should have a desire to go and get acquainted with your community or site. Advertising in groups is also good because the average post size is much larger and more visually noticeable than Vkontakte (target) advertising.
I strongly do not recommend publishing a post without pictures, as well as using links like
It is best to use links with a short address is desirable to do this at the beginning, when creating a community). Design looks good:

In Buchansky cinema

try posting it on your wall. What is in square brackets before the vertical line is the address of the group, what is before the closing bracket is how the link will be displayed. Behind the brackets you can add the necessary text. Don't forget to include quality images.

That's all, the task has been created, you can give it for placement.

There is important point when choosing a group for advertising. This define, whether most of the subscribers are cheated. If the group consists of the majority of the subscribers, it will not make sense to place ads in it. More on this

How to wind up Vkontakte subscribers and check for cheating

Often in a personal VK they ask me about how to wind up Vkontakte subscribers. Personally, I don't do this. But then people write that they ordered a cheat there, and after a while, the subscribers began to turn into “dog faces”. And what to do then? I decided to briefly add information here, maybe it will be useful to you. Let's start in order.

Sometimes you can meet groups with clearly cheated subscribers (bots). This can be seen by clicking on the “Subscribers” or “Participants” block; “dog faces” are often found in it:

When switching to such a profile, there are messages like “Unfortunately, we had to block page for some reason. There is a good chance it is a bot.

Why usually choose wrapping? This is justified only in cases where if you think for example, that an account with more than 1000 members is easier to promote than with 50 (and only then publish ads and attract customers). More groups with more members on average are displayed higher on requests in the VK search.

According to the reviews and experience of friends, I can advise an automatic service for online cheating

But even in it, with a basic cheat, there are no guarantees that these subscribers will not turn into the ones in the photo above. To keep subscribers real, and not by bots and they have not “spoiled”, use the Vip cheat tariff.

Examples of Effective Posts

The comments asked for examples of effective posts. Added a few more:

Collections of usefulness

Have you noticed how actively they share posts-collections? Such posts least like advertising. Just place your offer at the beginning (at 1-2 positions), add a few other "usefulness" from non-competitive areas (preferably no more than 5-7) and order placement in a group of suitable topics. You can add a few more hashtags to the items (names for which mentions are tracked) and it is possible that in addition to the community subscribers, your promotional post will be reposted by those you mentioned in the post. Such "useful" collection posts can travel around social networks months, sometimes for years.