What is innovation management. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

With increasing share innovative economy in the global world, the structure of success factors is changing, which is increasingly shifting from material prerequisites towards significance human capital. At the same time, in the management system of modern companies, innovative management methods are becoming more widespread, which otherwise initiate the activity of business intellectual resources. In this article, we will analyze the basics of the methodology of innovation management (IM) and determine its main differences from traditional systems management.

The essence of innovation-oriented management

It is known that management is human activity arises there and then, when cooperation and division of labor of a horizontal type begin to operate between the performers. At this moment, prerequisites are created for the vertical division of competencies into managerial and executive ones. That is, when it becomes necessary to coordinate the efforts of people in order to achieve a result, then management is born. Its essence lies in the ability and actions to motivate, organize, stimulate, coordinate other people for purposeful activities that lead to the solution of a collective problem. Below are two classic definitions of management from the point of view of M.Kh. Mescon and P.F. Drucker.

With the concept of innovation management, the situation is somewhat more complicated. As a functional variety, innovation management can be considered as a complex of specific techniques and methods that ensure the implementation of innovative projects of various directions and scales. The methods and principles of innovation management, which form the basis of its methodology, are formed with the help of special rules and ways to solve management problems in innovative projects. This is due to the presence of non-traditional roles for ordinary business (researcher, inventor, designer, innovator-entrepreneur) and the specificity design organization in innovation.

Definitions of the concept of "management" from Meskon M. and Drucker P.

Innovation management in an enterprise with a wide product profile and in specialized innovative firms is proposed to be considered not only from the standpoint of practical management activities, but also from the point of view of scientific knowledge. Gradually, MI stands out as a full-fledged direction of economic science. In the applied aspect, we accept IM as a methodological complex (forms, principles and methods of management (regulation) of processes, activities, projects of an innovative orientation), main goal which is to obtain an innovative product.

The methodological foundations of innovation management are based on the following main elements of its systemic perception.

  1. Problems current state business.
  2. IM goals.
  3. IM tasks.
  4. Cycles of innovation management and its functions.
  5. Principles of innovation management.
  6. Stages of IM development.
  7. The composition of management procedures in IM.
  8. Types, forms of MI and their classification.
  9. Innovation manager and his role in the corresponding process.
  10. Methods and other tools of IM.
  11. Strategic aspect of MI.
  12. Decision-making methodology in IM.

The essence and content of innovation management in its modern interpretation are also formed on the basis of active variant modeling. Among the specialized models that help to develop effective and efficient solutions, they differ: mathematical, physical and analog studies. IM is guided both by a number of formal rules and guidelines, and by a complex of informal dispositions, including those of a cultural nature.

Many of the qualities of traditional hard management, such as certain types classical organizational structures in innovative management are simply not able to give the desired result. At the same time, such elements as the cultural aspect (soft (“soft”, flexible) type), for example, the adhocracy organizational culture are the most productive. Thus, MI can be studied by us as:

  • some synthesis of science and art of management practice to create an innovative product;
  • type of activity and decision-making procedures;
  • methodology of managerial activity of innovative orientation.

Basic elements of the MI system

In this section, we will consider the general issues, goals, objectives and functions of the IM. If the overall corporate management is divided into strategic management and operational, then the management of innovations is subject to a similar division. The strategic context of management grows from the root problems of the company, this message has become axiomatic in recent decades and serves as the main basis for development. And the strategic futility of many business lines becomes more and more obvious in the absence of innovation, since the problem always lies within the management paradigm of the business system, and is initiated from the external environment, which is inevitably globalized.

Based on this message, the goals of innovation management also differ in terms of the goals of strategic level IM and the goals of operational purposes. Tactics (for example, annual duration) we in this case also refer to the operational level, which is sometimes called the functional level. If the strategic context of innovation management is associated with the development and controlling of growth strategies, with the company's development goals and directly with the innovation strategy, then functional management focused primarily on the tasks of research, development, production, testing and commercialization.

The second approach to the goals of innovation management is that, in principle, management theory is based today on two main conceptual lines. The first one is based on the paradigm of focusing business management on the integrated and effective implementation of decision-making processes in companies. The second concept puts in the first place in the managed system a person, human capital and its socialization in business environment a habitat. These two concepts are very difficult to harmonize with each other, which can also be a managerial innovation.

The main objectives of management in innovation

Based on the two concepts of management identified above, a diagram of the basic goals of MI is presented above. But it is impossible not to add to the tasks of the subject area and personal development a third one - reproduction. This is due to the fact that full-fledged management arises as a response to the challenge of the needs of reproduction, achieved by a single success in the implementation of an innovative project. Yes, such management is also required, it is unique. And sometimes success happens. But here we must talk about a regularly repeated result with all the attributes of management, including the regulation of the managerial impact on the object.

Thus, the goals and objectives of innovation management are to achieve the established level of productivity, scalability of the business (or business units) in its innovation component, as well as the satisfaction of personnel involved in innovation processes and projects. As a result, the main practical goal of innovation management is formulated, leading to strategic success due to a temporary "handicap" in the competitive environment of the global market. The progressive chain of innovation enables the company to create a sequence of shortening periods " blue oceans". For a brief illustration of this message, just look at the confrontation Samsung companies and Apple.

Management functions in innovations are divided into two large groups: basic or subject functions and supporting MI procedures. Due to the specifics of innovative activity, supporting functions play no less importance, and sometimes even more, in comparison with subject functions. Ensuring innovation is carried out in the socio-psychological and procedural (technological) aspects. Socio-psychological functions are basically determined by the issues of management culture, the formed features of the procedures for delegation, motivation, leadership, etc. For functions of the procedural type, the work of an innovative manager is of particular importance with his style of making decisions, built business communications etc.

Subject functions of IM

The tasks of innovation management, which are tied to the implementation of blocks of research, development, production and commercialization, determine the functional composition of the subject area of ​​innovation. The entrepreneurial context dominates. And decision making in innovation management about starting design work begins with the question, how will customers and consumers perceive the product-innovation? This moment is dedicated to two key features: forecasting and planning. Thanks to them, an entrepreneur is able to significantly reduce risks and possible losses by making a preliminary modeling of future demand.

The main functions of innovation management express managerial competencies and direct actions in the context of the stages of innovation processes and, in the development of the classical PDCA, include the following elements:

  1. Forecasting in innovation management.
  2. Analysis of the external environment, immediate environment and market response.
  3. Planning.
  4. Organization of innovation management.
  5. Coordination of innovation processes.
  6. Motivation.
  7. Production analysis.
  8. Production regulation.
  9. Accounting.
  10. Control.

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Forecasting in innovation management stands out in the functional composition of managerial actions. The object of management in IM is the innovation process, projects and, in fact, the innovation organization. It is they, in close relationship with the likely market reaction, that require regular forecasting procedures because of the risky potential of innovations. The scientific and technological development of society, markets, industries, and individual product solutions are subject to forecasting. Forecasts are mainly based on probabilistic modeling methods and are often corrected.

The planning function is aggravated by the low level of predictability of the research and invention stage, but in general it differs little from the typical planning procedures for project activities. The organizational aspect of managing innovation processes is more difficult to set up. The organization of innovation management requires a rational combination in space and time of all innovative design procedures and implementation stages. A very subtle approach is required to the organizational structures of the units involved in the innovation process: a research unit (if the R&D stage is present and the research results are not purchased on the market), technological and design units.

However, a special approach to the structuring of activities is also required in relation to the departments involved in the tasks of marketing, sales, supply, production and testing. Organization of innovation management in a particular innovative firm involves the formation of a research and design structure, the structure of the production complex, and after that its management architecture is determined. The specificity of innovation activity, its flow predetermines special dynamism and flexibility organizational issues THEM. The share of informal and often cultural tools of organizational building is high. These tools are becoming more and more popular in modern methods management from the standpoint of the theory of human capital, the latest achievements in the management of organizational behavior, corporate culture etc.

The formal side of IM

We will begin this section by examining the basic principles of innovation management that must be observed when a company starts implementing an innovation strategy, among which the following stand out.

The history of the development of IM in developed countries has been going on for more than a dozen years; in Russia, this practice has been more or less actively present since the second half of the “zero years”. The stages of innovation management in its development are divided into four periods.

  1. Acceptance of science, engineering and technology as key factors in the development of the economy (factorial approach).
  2. Integration into the functional models of company management of specific functions and processes for the development and decision-making of an innovative direction.
  3. System approach in IM.
  4. Synthetic development of all previous approaches with situational response to changes.

From the standpoint of a set of IM procedures, I propose to pay attention to individual tools of innovation management. The strategic component acquires the most complete development, starting with the setting of strategic goals, ending with a set of initiatives that are converted into strategic innovation plans. There is a high proportion of search activities related to planning and searching for funding sources, patents, know-how and related licenses. Due to the riskiness of innovation activity and a large percentage of failures, risk management occupies an important place in IM. Finally, the management of the main driving resource (personnel) brings HR management to the forefront in the hierarchy of management functions.

In terms of level and scale, innovation management is divided into individual (self-management and management of specific groups of personnel), local (at the company level), global and super-global types. Types of innovation management are also divided according to the organizational structure of innovation. In this regard, the following types are distinguished:

  • linear;
  • functional;
  • linear-functional;
  • matrix;
  • divisional;
  • design and design-target;
  • program-target organizational structure of centralized and coordination types;
  • flexible structures, which include venture structures and temporary working groups.

Agile structures can only be classified as organizational structures at a stretch. In them, the "fastening material" of the team is no longer based on the principles of structuring, but is formed on motivational mechanisms of another level, for example, cultural, more flexible and softer than the rigid framework of the structure. To no lesser extent, the typification of IM is also determined by the types of organizational and organizational-legal forms. Organizational forms of innovation management will be considered in detail in the following materials site.

The role of the innovation manager and IM methods

as an innovation manager actual profession actively developed in recent years. The requirements for this specialist and manager are growing in parallel with the genesis of approaches to managing innovative processes in modern companies. Below are ten main schools of MI that have developed over the past twenty years in the world.

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A manager is an employee of the company who is able to organize people to jointly solve business problems and eliminate problems, motivate, stimulate, control and coordinate their actions to obtain a regular result of purposeful activities. An innovation manager is called upon to solve a specific problem of a technical and (or) economic nature. This contradiction is inherent in the goal-setting of the three hypostases of innovation activity: science, design of production technology and commercialization.

Guided by an entrepreneurial philosophy, the innovation manager cannot be perceived as a traditional boss, endowed with a certain structured power. This is primarily a project manager. Moreover, working in an environment of highly qualified intellectuals, a manager builds business relations with them. partnerships. Motivation in innovation management reaches a qualitatively new level. Team members are united common goal and complex interesting tasks. In these relations, there is enough room for challenges and, to be honest, disruptions, but the usual manipulations of the “leader-subordinate” level tend to be minimized.

The IM methodology is based on two large groups of innovation-oriented management methods. The first group consists of methods by which the manager actually exercises managerial influence on members of his team and stakeholders. This includes the methods of inducement, persuasion, coercion, visual resignation and negotiation. This group is naturally dominated by effective communication methods based on persuasive influence technologies.

The second group includes methods of analysis, forecasting and search for optimal solutions. As we noted earlier, forecasting tools are of great importance due to the specifics of research activities. Moreover, not only the object of research and its commercial potential is subject to forecasting, but also the entire macro-environment, including scientific knowledge, the results of applied research, patent databases, and technological advances. You can find the methods of the second group in the most complete composition in the diagram below.

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Strategic aspect of IM

In the literature, one can often find an understanding of IM as identical to knowledge management, but this is not entirely true. There is another important component - strategic management, which combines the management of innovation and the management of changes and knowledge. "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." It is very risky when forming a strategy not to claim success in the global market, because there is no return to the Iron Curtains, and it makes no sense to build a business with a black scenario. Consequently, strategic management with an integrated innovative component will have to be implemented sooner or later, it would be better, of course, earlier.

The strategic capabilities of the company in the field of innovation are associated with such a concept as the innovative potential of the company. Such potential serves as a measure of a set of resources and experience that can allow a company to achieve a strategic innovation goal, to carry out a program of transformational activities in a project format. Taking on a powerful challenge may be required to compete in the CSF area for innovation that is recognized in the global marketplace. Regional and country markets can be considered as intermediate results, but only with an eye on the world stage, which is difficult from different points of view, including the psychological attitude of the leader.

From the position of the internal environment, innovation management strategies are divided into product, functional, organizational and managerial and resource ones. The product strategies of the innovation direction, in turn, imply the form of a business strategy or portfolio context, since they form the goal-setting to create an innovation in the form of a product. Functional strategies form a plan for innovation in the field of management functions (marketing, service, production, scientific and technical sector, etc.). Organizational and managerial innovations focus on the long-term effects of innovations in the structure, methods, regulation of the management system. And strategic innovations can be implemented in relation to the resource component of the business (finance, personnel, information, materials and mechanisms).

We do not consider reduction and stabilization strategies for an innovative company, and growth strategies, just as for the general (classical) strategy of a company, in an innovative context are divided according to the degree of intensity and diversification.

  1. Local innovation strategies (intensive growth).
  2. Marketing innovation strategy (intensive growth).
  3. Product innovation strategy (intensive growth).
  4. Product innovation strategy (diversification growth).
  5. Technological innovation strategy (diversification growth).
  6. Marketing innovation strategy (diversification growth).
  7. Organizational innovation strategy.

In this article, we examined the concept and essence of innovation management. Innovation management is focused on the practice of managing innovation and investment projects implemented within the framework of innovation processes and the current strategy of the company. In fact, the management itself in the considered direction should be innovative, because it incorporates the newest previously untested tools of managerial regulation and leadership initiation of new tasks. This means that a project manager working in this area can be at the peak of the most modern solutions, participating at certain points in the demiurgic process. And this is very interesting, although very difficult.

Innovative transformations permeate all spheres economic activity and the functioning of society. According to the concepts of innovative development, each new generation of innovations in engineering and technology expands its sphere of influence in social life. Thus, from the standpoint of technological determinism, early industrial development was carried out under the slogan "freedom of enterprise." For the modern post-industrial period of development, another slogan is applicable - "freedom of innovation". These radical changes testify not only to the innovative orientation economic development, but also about a significant transformation of the factors that determine it. As never before, the role and importance of managing these processes is growing, i.e. the role of innovation management.

The concept of "management" is interpreted as the impact on the object with the aim of streamlining, improving and developing it. In English, management is "management", it is understood as a way of managing, directing, coordinating and controlling, as well as using resources with maximum efficiency. Structurally, management can be represented (in the general case) in the form of main components, blocks (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4.

Similarly, innovation management can be represented as a specific management.

The science of management, originating in the 19th century, has gone a long and difficult path from disparate views and experience to scientific schools of management. F. W. Taylor is rightly considered to be the founder of the management school. The subsequent development of management theory is closely connected with an expanding set of scientific, technical and socio-economic factors. At a certain stage, management theory began to be considered from two positions - open and closed systems (first) and rational and social factors management (second). The science of management (management) is on the rise today, being an interdisciplinary study that uses various methods of sociology, psychology, mathematics, cybernetics and other technical and mathematical sciences. The main stages in the development of the science of management and the classification of concepts in innovation management are shown in fig. 1.5, 1.6.

From fig. 1.5 and 1.6 it is obvious that the content of the concepts and approaches is different, which means that the weight of each of them is not equivalent. However, without belittling the role of other approaches, let us dwell on the systems approach as a fundamental, general scientific approach.

Rice. 1.5.

Rice. 1.6.

A systematic vision in innovation management allows the most complete study of innovation processes, to carry out full-scale not only analysis, but also synthesis. One of the basic concepts systems approach is the concept of "system". There are several different definitions of this concept. One of the most common is the following: a system is an objective unity of objects, phenomena, and knowledge about nature and society that are naturally connected with each other. The systems approach is based on the following basic principles.

  • 1. System integrity. It consists in its qualitative certainty and is expressed in the presence of its specific or integral properties, which are not the sum or combination of the properties of its components, unite the parts of the system into a single whole, and determine the appearance of new properties in it as a result of connections between the components. Integrity presupposes the presence of a conditional system boundary that separates it from other objects that exist outside of it. The totality of such objects that affect the system or are under its influence is called external environment. System integrity is sometimes called a special term - "emergence".
  • 2. Hierarchy. It means that at any vertical or horizontal levels of the system, hierarchical interaction between components and elements (stages, stages of the technological chain, departments, individual workers, etc.) must be ensured.
  • 3. Adaptability. This is the adaptability of the system to change, for example, the adaptability of the production apparatus to new technology, technology, staff adaptability to innovative, organizational and other changes.
  • 4. Controllability. It means the orderliness of information and material flows, the regularity of the performance of functions at the command of the control link (control subsystem), as well as the absence of failures and downtime in the operation of equipment, synchronism various stages and production processes.
  • 5. Optimality. This is the most important property of the system, meaning its ability to the best way implement the tasks and functions assigned to it based on the concentration of efforts of all its elements. The implementation of this property of the system is possible if all the listed principles are observed.

For innovative management, the concept of "open system" is fundamental. Being in close interaction with the external environment, it experiences numerous influences of environmental factors. Simultaneously with external influences, the elements of the innovation system are also influenced by the internal environment.

Despite the diversity organizational forms(types) of innovation management systems, any of them must contain the following components (components):

  • objects of innovation (phenomena, processes, types of economic activity, etc.);
  • innovative resources (material and non-material);
  • internal environment;
  • management of the innovation process (management), carried out by a team of specialists in the field of economics, finance, marketing, management, sociology, technology and a number of other fields of knowledge. Through the efforts of these specialists, work is carried out in accordance with the current methodology of innovation management.

Considering the innovation management system (structural diagram), it is necessary to take into account the following elements that ensure its functioning:

Taking into account the main components, inputs and outputs listed above, the typical structure of the innovation management system can be presented in Fig. 1.7.

When considering the block diagram should dwell in detail, given their role and weight, on the following elements: system input, output, external and internal environment, management. At the same time, the last element

Rice. 1.7.

ment requires a separate approach, a more detailed study. The external environment affects the innovation management system directly and indirectly, i.e. has direct and indirect effects. The main environmental factors that have a direct impact are the state legislative and executive bodies, trade unions, sources of resources, scientific and industrial organizations, the general and innovative market conditions, etc. Factors of indirect impact include international political and economic, environmental, the state of science and technology, the attitude of society to the new, etc. The internal environment of an innovation system largely determines the state of its elements, types and forms of management of ongoing processes, and affects the efficiency of the system as a whole. The main internal factors are the psychological climate of the organization, infrastructure, staff qualifications, the state of scientific and technical potential, etc. The system is formalized using a model that reflects the relationship between input and control actions, as well as output parameters (effect). The outputs of the systems can be new processes, products, services, profits and other performance indicators of economic activity, public benefit, social effects, etc. The complexity of the model directly depends on the composition of the system and the relationships between its components. An innovation system (even its lowest level) is quite complex and hierarchical. Methods of analysis and synthesis known from systems theory are applicable to it. However, using the general methodology of the system approach, we formalize the task of innovation management, the basis for this is the introduced designations.

A complex, large innovation system is presented in the form of subsystems (components): managing, managed, providing, scientific. Consider briefly the control system. It is the highest level of the hierarchical structure of a large system and is itself a complex system that includes the following elements (Fig. 1.8).

Rice. 1.8.

Planning is one of the main functions of innovation management. The planning process is a very complex and multifaceted process, penetrating almost all areas of innovation. In market conditions, planning, as a rule, is not directive. Nevertheless, it allows you to clearly define the development strategy, evaluate the expected effect through socio-economic indicators, develop ways and directions (tactics) to achieve the desired result both at individual stages and for the entire innovation process as a whole. Despite the diversity of administrations, which is due to the different nature and large quantity types of innovations, any management includes the following mandatory components: analysis and synthesis. The components of these components (elements) are shown in fig. 1.9.

Operational management involves, first of all, the adjustment of previously made decisions, which is necessary and caused by changes in factors of both the external and internal environment. The adjustment is aimed at parrying negative trends through the development of additional control actions (managements), leading even in changed conditions to the planned result. Adjustment basically contains elements of both control and management, i.e. in fact, this is also management, but only tactical.

Rice. 1.9.

Control in innovation management is its main component, which is a system of measures aimed at ensuring the planned results (effects). Control is a process feedback: the score of the output processes correlates with the score of the input processes. Control has different types and characteristics and depends on many factors. The main types and characteristics of control are shown in fig. 1.10.

Rice. 1.10.

Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, applying the elements of a formalized description, we determine what the organization of management should be like, what should be the management of a complex process implemented by the innovation management system.

To the previously introduced designation of input information add the following notation:


Vector external factors that have an impact on the innovation management system,


The time during which the implementation of innovation management is carried out, including the current time,

Control U in the general case will depend on the object of innovation management, the flow (array) of input information, external and internal factors, resources, states, results of innovation management, time T. However, to simplify the notation, we will assume that the selected methods fully correspond to the control object, the preparedness of the performers, the possibilities technical means provide control. Then you can write: . In turn, the output effect, the results (return from innovation and from the entire innovation process as a whole) will be completely determined by the quality of the organization of innovation management, i.e. management. It should ensure the best possible fulfillment of the goal that is set for the innovation management system. The system will be optimal (we are talking about all the components of the system) if the control is optimal.

Speaking of optimality, one should choose an optimality criterion. This is a rather complex independent task, depending on many conditions. As a criterion, as a rule, the objective function of the system is chosen. A whole range of tasks is set for the innovation management system, but one of them is the main one - to ensure the required (given) effect. It is obvious that the system will be effective if the costs of implementing control are significantly less than the effect obtained from it. In connection with the foregoing, either the minimum cost or the maximum efficiency can be taken as optimality criteria. Let's denote the criteria as follows:

Taking into account the introduced notation, we write in a general form the formalized problem optimal control:

where is the optimality criterion ( or ).

It is really necessary to take into account the various restrictions that are imposed on the control itself (),

where is the area of ​​possible management implementation), as well as the fact that management (innovation management), even in the simplest implementation options, is a costly mechanism. Management costs should also have limits (). Thus, the formalized problem of optimal innovation management, taking into account the restrictions on control and costs, will have the form

where the vertical bar means the condition, and the task itself refers to the tasks of the conditional extremum.

The criterion is universal, since all the costs of innovation management can be calculated and expressed in monetary units. However, one should not forget that the main goal is to obtain or achieve the necessary (required) effect. The formalized optimal control problem in this case will look like:

Solving such problems is a complex process, a detailed consideration of which is not included in the program of this course (discipline). The solution will become much more complicated if they are considered in a stochastic setting, but in this case the tasks will fully reflect the actual state of the innovation management system, which changes under the influence of random factors (external and internal environment). Reducing the problem to a deterministic form is a simplified approach.

In this way, innovation management a special type of management aimed at achieving specific innovative goals, optimal results through the rational use of scientific, labor, material and financial resources. It is based on a set of principles, methods, strategies.

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Modern trends in the world economy show that the level of development of the country and the well-being of the population are largely determined by the ability of the economy to adapt to the rapid pace of scientific and technological development. The effectiveness of scientific and technical progress is largely determined by the effectiveness of innovations, that is, the effectiveness of innovations in the form of introducing new products and technologies at the enterprise. main reason Intense competition is forcing industrial enterprises to invest millions of dollars in mastering the achievements of scientific and technical progress. To this end, it monitors and predicts the situation on the market, the behavior of the main and potential competitors, the emergence of new scientific and technological breakthroughs. This process is influenced by external and internal factors. It includes a certain range of problems, the solution of which, for the most part, is dealt with by innovative management.

1. Content and essence of innovation management

1.1 Definition, goals, objectives and functions of innovation management

In our time, in the face of fierce competition, the company determines for itself a range of problems and tasks that will help it become a leader in the market. These include: the strengthening of intensive factors in the development of production, which contribute to the use of scientific and technical progress in all spheres of human activity; the decisive role of science in improving the efficiency of the development and implementation of new equipment and technology; the need for a significant reduction in the time of creation, development of new equipment and technology; raising the technical level of production; the need to develop mass creativity of inventors and innovators; the specifics of the process of scientific and technical production (the ongoing uncertainty of costs and results, the pronounced multivariance of research, the risk and possibility of negative results); increased costs and deterioration economic indicators enterprises in the development new products; rapid obsolescence of equipment and technology; the objective need to accelerate the introduction of new equipment and technology, etc.

The priority in solving these problems belongs to innovation management. Below are three definitions of innovation management.

Innovation management - managerial activity, focused on obtaining in the production of a new good quality of various properties (product, technological, informational, organizational, actually managerial, etc.) as a result of the development and implementation of extraordinary management decisions.

Innovation management is a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovative processes, innovative activities, organizational structures engaged in this activity and their personnel.

Innovation management is a system for managing innovation, the innovation process and the relationships that arise in the process of innovation movement.

So, from all three, rather similar definitions, we see that innovation management is, first of all, an innovation management system in which all organizational structures in order to obtain a specific new product.

The purpose of innovation management is to establish the main vectors of scientific, technical and production activities companies in the following areas:

* development, improvement and introduction of new products (actually innovative activity);

* further modernization and development of old profitable productions;

* closure of old factories.

The main task of innovation management is the management of innovation processes at any level through their qualitative and quantitative changes as a result of the application of organization and management methods that ensure the unity of science, technology, production and consumption, i.e. satisfaction of public needs in an innovative product.

A necessary condition for improving the economic mechanism for managing innovation in the conditions of the formation of a market economy is the development of innovation management.

Innovation management is based on:

1) targeted search for ideas that serve as the foundation for innovation;

2) organization of the innovation process for this innovation (which involves carrying out an organizational and technical complex of works to turn an idea into New Product, ready for promotion in the market);

3) the process of promoting and implementing innovation in the market.

The subject of management in innovation management can be one employee or a group of employees (specialists in marketing, finance), who, through various methods and methods of management influence, carry out the purposeful functioning of the management object. The object of management in innovation management is innovation, the innovation process and economic relations between participants in the innovation market (producers, sellers, buyers).

Innovation management performs certain functions: forecasting; planning; organization; regulation; coordination; stimulation; control. Generally speaking, they help to identify directions for change, trends in scientific and technological development and changes in consumer demand; contribute to the development and implementation of planned targets; establishing relationships between the structural divisions of the organization for the implementation of the investment program; contribute to the regulation of technical and technological and economic systems; coordinating the work of the links of the management system; checking the organization of the innovation process, the plan for the creation and implementation of innovations.

Conclusion: innovation management is an innovation management system in which all organizational structures are involved in order to obtain a specific new product. Subjects: worker (group of workers). Objects: innovation, innovation process. Functions: forecasting; planning; organization; regulation; coordination; stimulation; control. The goals are focused on the development, modernization, development and elimination. Tasks - management at all levels through qualitative and quantitative changes.

1.2 Innovation and the innovation process as objects of innovation management

As we have already found out, the objects of innovation management are innovation and the innovation process.

Consider the first object of innovation management - andinnovation process. It is a process of creation, development, dissemination and use of innovation.

In relation to a product (goods), the innovation process can be defined as a process of successive transformation of an idea into a product through the stages of fundamental and applied research, design developments, marketing, production, sales.

There are three logical forms of the innovation process:

1) simple intra-organizational (or natural) - involves the creation and use of innovation within one organization, innovation in this case does not take a commodity form;

2) simple interorganizational (or commodity) - innovation acts as a subject of sale. This form of the innovation process means separating the function of the creator and producer of innovation from the function of its consumer;

3) extended - is manifested in the creation of new producers of innovation, in violation of the monopoly of the manufacturer, which contributes through mutual competition to the improvement of the consumer properties of the manufactured goods.

The course of the innovation process, like any other, is due to the complex interaction of many factors. Thus, the results of activities in the innovation sphere not only affect society, but also experience its reverse impact, and in a variety of aspects: scientific, technical, organizational, social, etc.

To characterize the innovation process, a category is used that denotes its most important internal component - the concept of diffusion of innovations.

Diffusion of innovation - the process by which an innovation is transmitted through communication channels between members social system in time. Innovations can be ideas, objects, technologies, products that are new for the respective economic entity. In other words, diffusion is the spread of an innovation once mastered and used in new conditions or places of application. As a result of diffusion, the number of both producers and consumers increases and their qualitative characteristics change. The continuity of innovation processes determines the speed and boundaries of the diffusion of innovations in a market economy.

It should be emphasized that diffusion is not always a consequence of innovation - reverse situations are also possible.

In the innovation process, it is advisable to distinguish the following stages:

Achievements of fundamental science;

applied research;

Experimental design developments;

Primary development (implementation);

Widespread implementation (actual distribution of innovation);


obsolescence of innovation.

The subjects of the innovation process can be divided into groups:

1) innovators;

2) early recipients;

3) early majority;

4) lagging behind.

Innovators are generators of scientific and technical knowledge. It can be individual inventors, research organizations. They are interested in receiving a part of the income from the use of inventions.

Entrepreneurs who were the first to master the innovation act as early recipients. They seek to obtain additional profit by bringing innovations to the market as soon as possible. They were called "pioneer" organizations.

The early majority is represented by firms that are the first to introduce an innovation in production, which provides them with additional profit.

Lagging firms are faced with a situation where the delay in innovation leads to the release of new products that are already obsolete.

In a market economy, taking into account a number of factors, conditions and reasons (complication of social needs, rapid updating of innovations, their knowledge intensity), there is a need for additional influence on the innovation process - its management.

The essence of innovation process management is the impact on the process of research, design and development work and the development of innovations, so that ultimately economic efficiency enterprises.

The innovation process is managed both on the basis of general and on the basis of specific management principles. Specific principles include the principles of flexibility, taking into account the time factor, complexity, taking into account the uncertainty of innovative work, taking into account their creative nature.

The principle of flexibility is due to the cyclical nature of scientific and technological progress, it is difficult to predict the results of scientific research. The principle of flexibility requires the use of special types of planning and forms of financing, affects the composition of scientific and technical personnel and the choice of management methods.

The principle of taking into account the time factor is due to the significant duration of the innovation cycle, uneven time period implementation of its individual stages and stages. This principle is connected with the need to take into account the long-term consequences of managerial decisions.

The principle of complexity implies the technical, economic, organizational and informational unity of all links, at all stages and stages of the innovation process.

The principle of taking into account the uncertainty of innovative work and their risky nature is manifested in forecasting and planning, financing and methods for assessing the effectiveness of innovations. It requires, for example, the creation of insurance reserves to eliminate possible negative consequences or adjust the timing of the implementation of individual innovative works.

The principle of taking into account the creative nature of innovative work has an impact on the innovation process management system: it determines the structure of management bodies, the mode of operation and leadership style, and the assessment of the effectiveness of innovative work (especially when stimulating the work of employees).

Let's move on to the next object of innovation management - innovation. For the first time, the term "innovation" appeared in the scientific research of culturologists back in the 19th century. and literally meant "the introduction of certain elements of one culture into another."

Only at the beginning of the 20th century began to study the economic laws of innovation. In the 1930s, the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter, based on his work "The Theory of Economic Development", introduced the concept of innovation, interpreting it as a change with the aim of introducing and using new types of consumer goods, new production and Vehicle, markets and forms of organization in industry. Sometimes innovation is considered as a process system, thereby recognizing that innovation develops over time and has a distinct staging.

In modern world economic literature, "innovation" is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress (STP) into a real one, embodied in new products and technologies.

The Universal Internet Encyclopedia provides the following definition:

Innovation is an implemented innovation that provides a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products demanded by the market. Is end result intellectual activity of a person, his imagination, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization. An example of innovation is the introduction to the market of products (goods and services) with new consumer properties or a qualitative increase in the efficiency of production systems.

That is, we see: innovation is an implemented product of human intellectual activity.

It should be noted that the term "innovation" is closely related to the concepts of "invention" and "discovery". Under the invention understand new devices, mechanisms, tools created by man. By discovery is meant the process of obtaining previously unknown data or the observation of a previously unknown natural phenomenon. Unlike innovation, discovery is usually made at a fundamental level and is not intended to be profitable.

Conclusion: the innovation process is the process of consistently turning an idea into a product through the stages of fundamental and applied research, design development, marketing, production, and sales. Subjects of the innovation process: innovators, early recipients, early majority, lagging behind. The management of the innovation process is carried out on the basis of such specific management principles as the principles of flexibility, taking into account the time factor, complexity, taking into account the uncertainty of innovative work, taking into account their creative nature. Innovation is an introduced product of human intellectual activity. There is a close connection between the term "innovation" and the concepts of "invention" and "discovery".

1.3 Classification of innovations

Considering that the novelty of innovations is assessed by technological parameters, as well as from market positions, we present the following classification of innovations.

By type: innovation management innovation potential

1) logistics. Includes product and technology innovations. Grocery Innovation enables profit growth by increasing the price of new products or modifying old ones (short term) and by increasing sales volume (long term). Technological innovation allows you to increase profits by improving the preparation of raw materials and process parameters. Technological innovations appear either as a result of a single innovation process, or as a product of independent special technological research.

2) social. Social innovation refers to new strategies, concepts, ideas and organizations that meet any social need - from working conditions and education to community development and health care, contributing to the expansion and strengthening of civil society.

In terms of innovation potential, there are:

1) basic innovations. They include the creation of fundamentally new types of products, technologies, new management methods that form new industry or sub-sector. They allow you to perform previously inaccessible functions or already known, but in a qualitatively new way (new generation products). Example: management technology"team building";

2) modifying innovations, lead to the completion of the original structures, principles, forms, i.e. contain a relatively low degree of novelty. Each of the improvements is risk-free and increases the consumer value of the product, reduces the cost of its production.

Example: cassette recorder, after tape recorders played reels for many years. The principle of sound reproduction remained the same - "magnetic head - magnetic film", however appearance significantly changed, the product has become more convenient and practical.

3) pseudo-innovations. insignificantly change the basic or modifying ones. The questionable degree of demand by the consumer is characteristic. Such innovations appear quite often, despite the fact that there is no objective market need for such an innovation. Example: teapot with two spouts.

According to the principle of relation to the predecessor, innovations are divided into:

1) replacing (involving the complete displacement of an obsolete product by a new one);

2) canceling (exclude the performance of any operation or the release of any product, but do not offer anything in return);

3) returnable (imply a return to some initial state in case of detection of insolvency or non-compliance of innovation with new conditions of use);

4) opening (create means or products that do not have comparable analogues or functional predecessors);

5) retrointroductions (reproduce on modern level methods, forms and methods that have long been exhausted).

Depending on technological parameters:

1) grocery (include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components; obtaining fundamentally new products);

2) process (associated with the creation of new organizational structures within the enterprise).

According to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into:

a) new to the industry in the world;

b) new to the industry in the country;

c) new for this enterprise (group of enterprises).

According to the place of innovation in the system (at the enterprise), we can distinguish:

a) innovations "at the entrance" of the enterprise (changes in the choice of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);

b) innovation "at the exit" of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);

c) innovation of the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technology).

Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, innovations are distinguished:

a) radical (basic);

b) improving;

c) modification (private).

The Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) has proposed an extended classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise. According to this feature, innovations are divided into: 1) technological; 2) production; economic; 4) trading; 5) social; 6) in the field of management.

Conclusion: the classification of innovations allows you to systematize knowledge about the types of innovations, their manifestations and positions in the company's system.

Conclusion on the first chapter: Innovation management is an innovation management system in which all organizational structures are involved in order to obtain a specific new product. Subjects: worker (group of workers). Objects: innovation, innovation process. Functions: forecasting; planning; organization; regulation; coordination; stimulation; control. The goals are focused on the development, modernization, development and elimination. Tasks - management at all levels through qualitative and quantitative changes. The innovation process is the process of consistently turning an idea into a product through the stages of fundamental and applied research, design development, marketing, production, and sales. Subjects of the innovation process: innovators, early recipients, early majority, lagging behind. The management of the innovation process is carried out on the basis of such specific management principles as the principles of flexibility, taking into account the time factor, complexity, taking into account the uncertainty of innovative work, taking into account their creative nature. Innovation is an introduced product of human intellectual activity. There is a close connection between the term "innovation" and the concepts of "invention" and "discovery". The classification of innovations makes it possible to systematize knowledge about the types of innovations, their manifestations and positions in the company's system.

innovation management innovation rationalization

2. Innovation management at the enterprise level

2.1 Motives and economic interests of the enterprise in innovation

The introduction of innovations is one of the most effective ways to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products, maintain high rates of development and profitability. Therefore, enterprises, overcoming economic difficulties, begin to develop on their own in the field of food and technological innovation. The main advantages of introducing innovations are:

Strategic Benefits: Creating a Favorable business reputation in the eyes of consumers, potential partners, investors; increase in production efficiency due to modernization and renewal production capacity; ensuring the development of the enterprise by expanding sales markets and diversifying activities;

Increasing the profitability of the enterprise due to the temporary monopolization of the market and the possibility of obtaining excess profits from the sale of radical new products; improving the quality and competitiveness of products; increasing the share of the product in the market;

Reducing the costs of economic activities due to the restructuring of activities; reduction of unproductive expenses; saving energy and raw materials through the introduction of saving technologies; decrease in the number of marriages;

Special benefits and privileges: informational and legal support from the state and private structures; preferential taxation and crediting .

The nature of certain innovative introductions depends on the organizational structure of the firm. Among them, a special role is given to small firms, whose mobile staff can quickly perceive and generate new ideas. For example, in the US in the field of research and development (R&D), approximately 90% of all companies are small firms. Based on 1 dollar. US invested funds such firms create 24 times more innovation than giant concerns. Large companies, as a rule, are focused on the creation of improving innovations in the direction where the company has achieved notable success. The transition to a radically new technique and technology is undesirable for large firms, since this depreciates the accumulated production potential. At the same time, from an economic point of view, innovation is more profitable than risk. Small firms have no chance to compete in the marketplace without risky radical innovation. In the event of a project failure, a small company goes bankrupt, while large ones always work "with insurance", since they usually develop several projects in parallel, which allows them to compensate for losses.

Conclusion: Both small and large firms innovate in order to become more competitive, consolidate their position in the market, create a positive image in the eyes of consumers, and increase the profitability and profitability of the firm. Small firms, as a rule, are focused on radical risky innovative introductions, large firms - on improving innovations.

2.2 Drivers of innovation in an organization

The ability of an organization to create and commercialize innovations depends primarily on its susceptibility to innovations.

Susceptibility to innovation is a continuous renewal of factors of production and the range of products (works, services) carried out on one's own initiative with a fairly high intensity.

In order to understand what specifically determines the susceptibility or insensitivity of an enterprise to certain innovations, we will consider the factors that determine the possibility of introducing innovations in an enterprise.

V.M. Tsytsarova in her book "Innovation Management" identifies external and internal factors, where external factors include: competition, demand, and production and technical factors. In turn, the internal ones include:

The attitude of the company's management to innovations (the degree of innovative commitment of the leader is important);

Simplicity and absence of barriers in the relationship between departments and employees (eliminating the barriers under consideration will, firstly, ensure cooperation in the development of innovations by various departments; secondly, create the possibility of so-called cross-pollination, when the ideas of some employees are used in the development of others; in- thirdly, it becomes possible to achieve a synergistic effect, which manifests itself in obtaining a new result as a result of combining the efforts and ideas of various departments and employees);

The importance and prestige of actions that go beyond existing organizational structures;

The degree of independence of internal divisions (a significant part of innovations at most enterprises is implemented directly in production or management units where employees of grass-roots divisions have a clear idea of ​​​​all the necessary innovations related directly to technology or the organization of production);

* the presence of economic interest of divisions and individual employees: interest in the introduction of innovations of divisions and employees contributes to more successful implementation of projects;

* the degree of development of scientific and technical infrastructure (the development of scientific and technical information services, exhibitions and conferences, libraries creates the prerequisites for the timely entry of scientific and technical ideas into the company, the possibility of their discussion and exchange of opinions). The scientific and technical infrastructure should also include services designed to organize expert discussions of problems arising in the organization, including brainstorming. In fact, this helps to strengthen the "innovative spirit" in the organization, the emancipation of the innovation initiative;

* the presence of a system of post-innovation rehabilitation, i.e. taking measures to eliminate the negative consequences of the introduction of innovations (by reducing jobs, releasing production process workers of certain specialties and professions, the closure of shops and enterprises). In this case, it is important to create conditions for a "painless" perception by employees of the negative results of innovations.

Conclusions: Allocate external and internal factors for generating innovative ideas. External: competition, demand and production and technical factors. Internal: the susceptibility of the authorities to innovations, the degree of independence of internal divisions, the presence of economic interest of divisions, the degree of development of scientific and technical infrastructure, the presence of a system of post-innovation rehabilitation.

2.3 Innovative capacity of the organization

Through capacity development, the organization develops, its structural divisions, as well as all elements of the production and economic system. From state innovative potential depends on the choice and implementation of an innovative strategy, and therefore its competent assessment is very important.

The innovative potential of an organization is the degree of its readiness to perform tasks that ensure the achievement of the set innovative goal, i.e. the degree of readiness for the implementation of an innovative project or a program of innovative transformations and the introduction of innovations.

Also, the innovative potential of an organization is understood as a set of characteristics of an enterprise that determine the company's ability to carry out activities to create and practically use innovations.

The elements of the innovative potential of the company include:

Material and technical resources;

Financial resources;

Organizational and managerial resources;

Human Resources;

Socio-Psychological Factors.

Let us briefly describe some of the elements.

Material and technical resources include fixed assets, consumables and other components necessary to carry out research and development, their information support, organizational management all works, and reflects the volume and qualitative composition of these components. A measure of the intensity of the receipt of these resources is the amount of funding for R&D (or the financial component of NTPL). At the same time, part of the funding is spent on replenishing the elements of the scientific and technical system, part of the funding goes to the functioning of the system, and part - to its development.

Organizational and managerial resources include a set of methods and methods for organizing the use of all components of the organization's innovative potential through the specialization of labor, the optimal combination of various types of labor, management, planning and ensuring the labor process, and reflects the links that unite all resources and elements into a coherent system . The effectiveness of such an important component as scientific and technical activity is largely determined by the level of its organization. Many factors interact in the organizational process, the interweaving of which gives uniqueness to each scientific and scientific-technical team, as a result of which the concepts of scientific and technological progress cannot be reduced to a simple set of resources.

Human resources are the most important specific component of NTPL. This is determined by the special role of active creative participation in scientific and scientific-technical activity. It is the personnel that are the link for the remaining elements of the potential.

The personnel component of the NTPl is all types of scientific and technical personnel capable of developing and implementing new scientific and technical ideas and finding new areas of application of scientific and technical results, performing scientific, pedagogical, organizational, informational work, and reflects both the number and qualifications of these frames. Training costs are not treated as labor force, but as a long-term investment necessary for the prosperity of the enterprise.

To assess the innovative potential of a company, the following indicators can be used: scientific and technical potential (number of employees with a degree; the number of rational proposals per employee; the number of patents, etc.); commercialization indicators (the share of new products in the total volume of manufactured products; the number of license agreements, etc.); the duration of the work performed (the value of the innovation lag); characteristic of innovation control system(forms of stimulating innovative activity at the enterprise; participation in the implementation of innovative projects of top management; the level of freedom provided to participants in innovative activity).

Both small and large firms innovate in order to become more competitive, consolidate their position in the market, create a positive image in the eyes of consumers, and increase the profitability and profitability of the firm. Small firms, as a rule, are focused on radical risky innovative introductions, large firms - on improving innovations.

Allocate external and internal factors for generating innovative ideas. External: competition, demand and production and technical factors. Internal: the susceptibility of the authorities to innovations, the degree of independence of internal divisions, the presence of economic interest of divisions, the degree of development of scientific and technical infrastructure, the presence of a system of post-innovation rehabilitation.

The innovative potential of an organization is the degree of its readiness to perform tasks that ensure the achievement of the set innovative goal.

The elements of the innovative potential of the company include: material and technical resources, financial resources, organizational and managerial resources, human resources, socio-psychological factors.


Innovation management is an innovation management system in which all organizational structures are involved in order to obtain a specific new product. Subjects: worker (group of workers). Objects: innovation, innovation process. Functions: forecasting; planning; organization; regulation; coordination; stimulation; control. The goals are focused on the development, modernization, development and elimination. Tasks - management at all levels through qualitative and quantitative changes. The innovation process is the process of successive transformation of an idea into a product through the stages of fundamental and applied research, design development, marketing, production, and sales. Subjects of the innovation process: innovators, early recipients, early majority, lagging behind. The management of the innovation process is carried out on the basis of such specific management principles as the principles of flexibility, taking into account the time factor, complexity, taking into account the uncertainty of innovative work, taking into account their creative nature.

Innovation is an introduced product of human intellectual activity. There is a close connection between the term "innovation" and the concepts of "invention" and "discovery". The classification of innovations makes it possible to systematize knowledge about the types of innovations, their manifestations and positions in the company's system.

List of sources used

1. Grinev, V.F. Innovation management: textbook. allowance / V.F. Grinev - 2nd ed. - K.: MAUP, 2001. - 152 p.

2. Dorofeev, V.D. Innovation management: textbook. allowance / V.D. Dorofeev - Penza: Penz Publishing House. state un-ta, 2003. - 189 p.

3. Innovative activity of MP [Electronic resource]. - 2011. - Access mode: http://www.dist-cons.ru/modules/innova/section1.html. - Date of access: 12/13/2011

4. Innovation management [Electronic resource]. - 2011. - Access mode: http://lib.web-malina.com/getbook.php?bid=5697&page=3. - Date of access: 12/20/2011

5. Innovation [Electronic resource]. - 2011. - Access mode: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innovation. - Date of access: 12/10/2011

6. How to assess the innovative potential of an organization [Electronic resource]. - 2011. - Access mode: http://www.bizezucation.ru/library/management/innov/5/potential.htm. - Access date: 12/12/2011

7. Classification of innovations [Electronic resource]. - 2011. - Access mode: http://innovation-management.ru/vidy-innovaczij. - Date of access: 11/12/2011

8. Morozov Yu.P. Innovation management: textbook. allowance for universities / Yu.P. Morozov - 2nd ed. revised and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2003. - 471 p.

9. The role of innovations in the process of forming an enterprise strategy [Electronic resource]. - 2011. - Access mode: http://www.stplan.ru/articles/practice/statya12.htm. - Date of access: 12/16/2011

10. Tsytsarova, N.M. Innovation management: textbook. allowance / N.M. Tsytsarova - Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 2009. - 195 p.

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Innovation management is a system for managing innovative relations and processes. It is based on the constant search for new ideas, organization of processes, promotion and implementation of innovations.

Generally speaking, innovation management is a complex system for preparing decision methods for developing the innovation and technical potential of the country as a whole and of each company in particular. This is one of the varieties of general management, in which all the emphasis is on innovative technical development. We can say that this is a kind of body of knowledge and systems on modern management about methods for developing effective innovations in the future.

Innovation management is the mechanisms of economic impact aimed at the creation, promotion and implementation of innovations, as well as on business relationship between producers, buyers and others. This impact occurs due to some special management techniques and strategies. In tandem, all these strategies and techniques make up the management mechanism. This is innovation management.

Stages of innovation management development

It is customary to distinguish four main stages in the development of innovation management:

  • factorial approach. Assumes the study of the sphere of innovation as one of the key directions of the country's development;
  • situational approach. The manager acts depending on the current market situation;
  • Systems approach. Involves an understanding of the organization complex system consisting of interrelated elements;
  • functional system. It is a set of methods for making managerial decisions.

Innovation management can be distinguished by the following list of criteria:

  1. In innovation management, one has to deal with a unique variety of resources - scientific, technical achievements (technology, information, scientific achievements, etc.), as well as intellectual ones. It is important to understand the fundamental differences between inventors and managers. The first is not an entrepreneur. For an inventor, his achievement, discovery or invention comes first. For a manager, his organization always comes first.
  2. Innovation management is systematic, since the introduction of various disciplines requires structuredness and the solution of many tasks and problems.
  3. Innovation management must be as creative as possible and consider the whole problem as a whole. His main task is to ask the right questions and develop best practices that will lead to a solution to the problem.
  4. All such management structures should be as flexible as possible.
  5. Such a manager must be a specialist capable of performing non-standard tasks, since he works in a rather unusual environment. This is especially true in emerging markets.

Both a group of qualified specialists (marketers, financiers, and others) and a single manager capable of taking on such responsibility can act as subjects of management. the main task is to use the methods and methods of managerial influence to carry out such management of the object that will surely lead to the fulfillment of the task.

Under the objects of management, we mean directly innovations (the latest techniques (for example,), products, etc.), new processes, as well as all relations between the participants in the innovation market (sellers, intermediaries, buyers).

And finally, the third element related to this type of management is information or a corresponding product.

Functions of innovation management

Innovation management is responsible for some of the functions that determine the creation of a management structure. It is customary to separate two main types of innovation management

  • Functions of a managerial subject;
  • Functions of the management object.

Functions of a managerial subject

The main functions of the subject include:

  • Forecasting. Able to cover a long process in the future, taking into account economic and technological management, both in general and in particular;
  • Planning. Based on measures to create planned goals and objectives, innovations and measures of their practical implementation;
  • Organization. Based on bringing people together and jointly realizing innovative program based on certain rules;
  • Regulation. Based on the impact on the management object in order to achieve a state of stability in the economic and technological system in situations where they deviate from the general program;
  • Coordination. This is the coordination of the activities of each link, department and specialist;
  • Stimulation. It consists in the interest of employees as a result of their work;
  • Control. Checking the creation of the plan and its further implementation.

Management Object Functions

These include:

  • Risky financial investments(cm. );
  • Organization of the whole process;
  • Promotion of this innovation in the market.

The function of risky financial contributions is an investment in venture capital financing of investments in the market. Investing in a new product or service, especially if it has not yet been on the market, is always a big risk. For this reason, almost always investing occurs through special venture funds.

A forecast is commonly understood as reasonable judgments about the probable states of an object in the future, about various development paths and terms. If we talk specifically about the management system, then this is a pre-planned development of models for the development of a management object. All criteria, such as scopes of work, terms, characteristics, etc., are only probable and subject to adjustments.

The main purpose of forecasting is to obtain variations in the development of quality criteria, costs and other elements when using strategic plans and research, as well as the development of the entire management system. The main tasks of forecasting we can include:

  • selection of a forecasting method;
  • market demand forecast;
  • identification of major trends;
  • detection of indicators affecting the magnitude of the beneficial effect;
  • forecast of the quality of the final product;
  • substantiation of the expediency of the project.

If we consider the octane management principles that can be applied in innovation management, then these will be:

  • proper distribution of labor resources;
  • power;
  • unity of command;
  • unity of leaders;
  • everyone should forget about their own, personal interests for the sake of the general;
  • worthy reward;
  • centralization;
  • strict hierarchy;
  • strict order;
  • absence ;
  • justice;
  • welcome any initiative;
  • community and unity of employees (see).

All these principles were relevant before and do not lose their relevance at the moment.