Rules for certification of welders. Rules for certification of welders Certification of welders and specialists in welding production in the field of industrial safety




Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

dated 30 10.98 No. 63


PB 03-273-99


Registration number 1721

Editorial committee:

V.S. Kotelnikov (Chairman), N.P. Aleshin, A.S. Zubchenko, A.V. Prosvirin, N.A. Khaponen (deputy chairmen), D.N. Baranov, SA Belkin , V.S. Gavrilyuk, G.M. Ginsburg, Yu.I. Gusev, I.N. Korobskaya, S.A. Kurlanov, N.D. Kurnosova, A.S. Lipatov, V. I. Loginov,. A. M. Loshakov, V.F. Lukyanov, B.G. Maslov, A.S. Orlov, A.A. Orlova, O.E. Ostrovsky, N.N. Potapov, V.P. Pronin, A.P. Spiridonov, R.A. Standrik, A.A. Shelpyakov, S.S. Jacobson

The rules for the attestation of welders and welding production specialists establish the levels of professional training, requirements for education and preliminary training, rights, as well as the procedure for attestation of welders and welding production specialists employed in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of equipment and facilities supervised by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

The rules are unified with international requirements for levels vocational training and system of certification of personnel in the field of welding production.

With the introduction of these Rules, the “Rules for the certification of welders”, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on March 16, 1993, become invalid.


1.1. "Rules for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ * and the Regulations on the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, approved by the Decree of the President RF dated February 18, 1993 No. 234**.

1.2. Certification of welders and welding production specialists is carried out in order to establish the sufficiency of their theoretical and practical training, to test their knowledge and skills and to grant the right to welders and welding production specialists to perform work at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.3. The certification system for welders and welding production specialists (САСв) is a set of requirements that determine the rules and procedure for the certification of welders and welding production specialists employed in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of equipment and facilities, which are supervised by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.4. CASv defines:

levels of professional training of specialists in welding production;

structure and principles of formation of attestation bodies;

* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588.

** Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 8, art. 657.

requirements for the education and special training of welders and welding production specialists;

procedure for certification of welders;

the procedure for certification of specialists in welding production;

the procedure for maintaining the register of the attestation system.

1.5. CASv establishes four levels of professional training:

I level - certified welder;

II level - certified master welder;

III level - certified technologist-welder;

IV level - certified welding engineer. The assignment of a level does not cancel the assigned qualification category according to the current system in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Positions of Employees and Wage Categories (OKZ 016-94), put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367.

1.6. Certified welders and specialists in welding production are allowed to perform those types of activities that are indicated in their certification certificates.

1.7. Welding production specialists participating in the work of certification bodies must be certified for the right to carry out work on the training and certification of welders and welding production specialists.

1.8. These Rules use the basic concepts, terms and definitions for welding production and certification of personnel for welding production, given in Appendix 1.


2.1. The organizational structure of the SASv includes:

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

National Certification Committee for Welding Production (NAKS);

head certification centers (GAC);

certification centers (AC);

certification points (AP).

2.2. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia:

establishes the procedure for training and testing the knowledge of industrial personnel (main professions) and specialists of controlled enterprises and facilities on the issues of safe work and monitors its observance;

issues licenses to certification centers for the training (retraining) of workers for hazardous production facilities in non-educational institutions.

Representatives of the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia participate in the certification of welders and welding production specialists.

2.3. NAKS is an organizational and structural part of the NACv. Its activities are determined by the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation "On non-profit organizations" dated 12.01.96 No. 7-FZ *, the Charter and the Regulations on the NAKS, approved and registered in the prescribed manner.

When implementing the certification system, NAKS, in accordance with the Charter, ensures:

development and submission to the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for approval of regulatory and methodological documents for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production;

* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, art. 145.

conducting expert surveys of the certification centers being created;

methodological and consulting assistance to the activities of attestation centers;

summarizing the experience of certification centers and international experience in certification of welders and welding production specialists to develop proposals for improving the certification system.

2.4. Head certification and certification centers - organizations that test the knowledge and skills of certified welders and welding production specialists in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. The centers are established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In their activities, the centers are guided by the requirements of the Charter and the Regulations on certification centers, approved and registered in the prescribed manner.

To obtain a license to conduct attestation work certification centers send an application and a set of documents to the Gosgortechnadzor bodies of Russia in accordance with the requirements normative documents approved in the prescribed manner.

2.5. Certification of welders is carried out at the production base of the certification center or its certification points. Certification point - a CAC body as part of the certification center, which ensures certification examinations of welders and operates on the basis of the Regulations on the certification point, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.6. Acceptance of attestation examinations is carried out by attestation commissions.

The composition of the attestation commissions of attestation centers is formed from qualified welding specialists II, III and IV levels who have passed certification for the right to work in attestation bodies, then examiners.

Participation of representatives of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in the work of the certification commissions of the SAC and AC is mandatory.

2.7. The composition of the attestation commissions should include:

when certifying welders for level I - at least one specialist of level IV and two specialists of level III and/or II;

when certifying specialists for level II and III - at least one specialist of level IV and two specialists of level III;

when certifying specialists for level IV - at least three specialists of level IV.

Notes. 1. The composition of the attestation commission should not include representatives of the employing organization, as well as persons who provided training (special training) for certified welders and welding production specialists.

2. Upon the presentation of its territorial bodies, on the basis of the expert opinion of the NAKS, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia may allow individual enterprises (organizations) to include in the certification commissions for primary and extraordinary certification of welders specialists of this enterprise, certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, provided that the chairman of the commission is an independent representative of the certification center.

3. For the above enterprises (organizations), it is allowed to conduct additional and periodic certification of welders working at this enterprise (organization) by certification commissions formed from employees of this enterprise certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. Additional certification is carried out according to the welding method for which the welder was certified during the initial certification.

2.8. Candidates applying for the assignment of a level of professional training have the right to apply to any certification center. Certification certificates issued by the centers to certified welders and welding production specialists are valid throughout Russia.


3.1. A candidate applying for any level must have general education and vocational training in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix 2, Table. one.

3.2. Before certification of welders and specialists in welding production, special training should be carried out according to programs approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

Programs should be drawn up taking into account the level of professional training of specialists and their directions production activities and include sections on welding equipment, basic and welding materials, welding technology, quality control of welded joints, defects in welded joints and methods for their correction, as well as rules for safe execution welding work.

By decision of the commission, welding production specialists who have undergone special training on their own in accordance with the approved program may be admitted to certification.

3.3. The requirements for the required work experience in the specialty of certified welders and welding production specialists are given in Appendix 2, Table. 2 and 3.


4.1. Welders are subject to certification for the right to perform welding and surfacing works by specific types (methods) of fusion welding, carried out manually, by mechanized (semi-automatic) and automated methods when working at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

These Rules can be applied in the certification of welders performing welding and surfacing works by other types (methods) of welding, for which certification bodies have developed methodological documents for certification, for example, resistance welding, restorative and reinforcing surfacing, soldering metals, welding non-metallic materials, etc. .

4.2. After certification, the welder is assigned the I level of professional training (certified welder).

4.3. Certification of welders is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

4.4. Primary certification is carried out by welders who did not previously have access to welding and / or surfacing (hereinafter referred to as welding) of joints of equipment, structures and pipelines controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

For welders certified according to the "Rules for the certification of welders" approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on March 16, 1993, the first certification in accordance with the requirements of these Rules is considered primary, which they pass after the expiration of the old-style certification certificate.

4.5. Additional certification is carried out by welders who have passed the initial certification before they are allowed to perform welding work not specified in their certification certificates, as well as after a break of more than 6 months in the performance of welding operations indicated in their certification certificates. With additional certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.6. All welders undergo periodic certification in order to extend the specified period of validity of their certification certificates for the performance of relevant welding work. During periodic certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.7. Welders must undergo an extraordinary certification before they are allowed to perform welding after they are temporarily suspended from work for violation of the welding technology or repeated unsatisfactory quality of the production welded joints made by them. During extraordinary certification, welders pass general, special and practical exams.

4.8. Welders who have:

category not lower than that specified in the guideline and regulatory technical documentation for welding of objects controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

the required minimum work experience in the specialty;

certificate of passing special theoretical and practical training in the attested area of ​​activity.

If the welder has experience in manual welding, then it is allowed to count the work experience in manual welding into the experience of his work during certification for welding by mechanized and automatic welding methods.

If the welder has experience in mechanized welding methods, then it is allowed to count the work experience in mechanized welding methods into his work experience during certification for welding by automatic welding methods.

If the candidate independently submits an application for certification, he must have a rank of at least 4th.

4.9. A certified welder must be able to perform welding work in compliance with the requirements of technological documentation and safety rules.

4.10. The procedure for certification of welders is set out in the "Technological regulations for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production."


5.1. Attestation of specialists in welding production of II, III and IV levels is carried out in the direction of their production activities in the manufacture, installation, reconstruction and repair of equipment, pipelines and structures controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

5.2. The types of production activities of specialists in welding production, for which their certification is carried out, are:

management and technical control over the conduct of welding work, including work on the technical preparation of the production of welding work, the development of production, technological and regulatory documentation;

participation in the work of bodies for the training and certification of welders and specialists in welding production.

5.3. The list of welding specialists subject to certification and the required level of professional training are determined by the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on the proposal of the employer or candidate for certification.

IN without fail The following specialists are subject to certification:

at the II level: specialists whose written or oral instructions are mandatory for execution by welders when carrying out welding work (foremen, foremen, etc.);

to the III level: specialists who are heads of individual departments of the enterprise that ensure the performance of welding work, and whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the use of documents defining the technology of welding work at the enterprise (heads of departments, laboratories, sectors, technical bureaus, heads of working groups, etc.) .P.);

to the IV level: specialists who are the heads of the welding service of the enterprise (organization), whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the approval by the management of the enterprise (organization) of the governing and regulatory documents for the performance of all types of welding work (chief welders, their deputies, etc.)

5.4. Engineers and technicians who meet the requirements of subsection 4 are allowed to be certified.

5.5. Certification of specialists in welding production at II, III and IV levels is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

5.6. Primary certification is carried out by welding production specialists before their admission to the work specified in clause 5.2.

Primary certification is considered to be carried out for the first time in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

5.7. Additional certification is carried out by welding production specialists who have passed primary certification in the following cases:

admission to types of production activities not specified in their attestation certificates;

when new regulatory documents of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia are put into effect;

during a break in work in the specialty for more than one year.

5.8. Periodic certification is carried out by specialists in welding production in order to extend the validity of their certification certificates for the performance of relevant types of production activities.

5.9. Specialists in welding production undergo extraordinary certification before they are allowed to work after being suspended from performing the types of work specified in their certification certificates, at the request of the employer or representatives of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in accordance with applicable law.

5.10. The volume of special theoretical training of welding production specialists before additional or extraordinary certification is established by the certification center on the basis of the employer's application in accordance with the approved programs.

5.11. The procedure for certification of specialists in welding production is set out in the "Technological regulations for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production."


6.1. Certified persons receive attestation certificates of the established form.

The validity period of the certificate during the initial certification for welders is 2 years, for specialists in welding production of II and III levels - 3 years, and for level IV - 5 years.

6.2. The procedure for accounting for welders and welding production specialists is given in the "Recommendations for maintaining the register of the certification system for welders and welding production specialists" - Appendix 3.


Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out by the bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia by conducting periodic inspections of the work of attestation centers and points.

Attachment 1


1.Professional training- the process of obtaining professional knowledge, skills and experience that enable welders and engineers to properly perform tasks in the field of welding production.

2.Level of professional training- the degree of compliance of the welder or welding production specialist with the requirements of these Rules, which determines the possibility of his involvement in the performance of the relevant types of activities at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3. Special training - the process of obtaining the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, taking into account the peculiarities of performing welded joints of specific equipment, metal structures and pipelines at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

4.Candidate- a person applying for certification exams.

5.Specialized Research Organization- an organization that manages the choice of materials, methods, technologies and control, quality assurance for the manufacture of equipment and pipelines at the facilities of the relevant industry, controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and specified in the relevant documents of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

6.Examiner- a specialist in welding production, certified in accordance with these Rules for the right to participate in the work of bodies for the training and certification of personnel in the field of welding, in relation to specific groups of objects.

7. Certifying commission - a group of examiners appointed by order of the certification center to receive certification exams from welders or welding production specialists.

8.General exam- exam for knowledge of the basic provisions of the theory and practice of welding production.

9.Special exam- an exam for knowledge of the features of welding production technologies for specific objects, the welding of which is performed (provided) by a welder or a welding production specialist.

10.Attestation certificate- a document issued on the basis of the certification results and confirming the possibility of using a certified person in the performance of welding work.

11.Examination of the certification center - verification of the certification center in order to identify its compliance with the established requirements when carrying out work on certification of personnel in the field of welding.

12.Inspection control of the certification center- an audit conducted by the NAKS on behalf of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or on its own initiative in order to confirm that the activities of the certification center continue to comply with the established requirements.

Appendix 2


Table 1

Candidate training requirements

Minimum general education

Vocational training in welding production

Secondary, incomplete secondary

Training in vocational schools, on special courses (including at the place of work) according to programs approved in the prescribed manner

Secondary, secondary technical, higher technical

Training in advanced training centers according to programs approved in accordance with the established procedure, as well as independently in the process of working in the field of welding

Higher technical, secondary technical in welding production

Advanced training in advanced training centers. Required knowledge can be obtained by persons with higher and secondary technical education also independently in the process of working in the field of welding

Higher Specialized in Welding*

Advanced training in training centers or independently in the process of working in the field of welding

* 1. Higher specialized education in welding production for persons with higher technical education can be obtained by professional retraining in universities or institutes for advanced training in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated January 13, 1996 No. 12-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 150).

2. Level IV can be obtained by persons who do not have a higher specialized education in welding production, but who have academic degrees of candidates or doctors of technical sciences in welding specialty.

table 2

Requirements for the minimum length of service in the specialty required for admission of a welder to primary certification

* By decision of the attestation commission, the minimum production experience may be reduced, but in any case it must be at least six months for certification for admission to manual and semi-automatic welding and at least three months for certification for admission to automatic welding.

To perform welded joints of non-critical structures, in agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, graduates of vocational schools or training centers who do not have production experience may be admitted to primary certification.

Table 3

Requirements for the minimum work experience in the specialty required for admission of a welding production specialist to primary certification

Work experience, months

General education

Level II certification

Level III certification

Level IV certification


Level II Specialist


Level III Specialist


Higher technical degree in welding production

Secondary technical for welding production

Higher technical, secondary technical


1 area of ​​use

1.1. These "Recommendations for maintaining the register of the certification system for welders and welding production specialists" determine the procedure for registering CACv objects and documents in the register of the certification system for welders and welding production specialists (hereinafter referred to as the register).

1.2. Information about CAC objects and documents is CAS information only after their registration in the register.

1.3. The executive directorate of the NAKS, head certification centers and certification centers can provide information services to the bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, bodies government controlled, other legal entities and individuals on attestation issues only on the basis of data entered in the register.

1.4. Registry information, such as the numbers of certification certificates for specific specialists, the level of professional training of a specialist, the availability of a license and certificate from the body conducting examinations, a list of head certification centers and certification centers, the cost of certification services, are subject to periodic publication in the open press.

2. General provisions

2.1. The register is maintained for the purpose of:

accounting for attestation certificates issued to welders and welding production specialists certified in CAC;

accounting, accumulation and storage of official information SASv;

exclusion of the possibility of applying norms, rules and procedures that are not provided for in the SACS;

exclusion of the possibility of carrying out work on certification by legal and individuals, not accredited to CACv.

2.2. NAKS uses registry data to:

formation and implementation of the technical policy of the NAC;

control and management of SASv;

information service of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and bodies state power and management, interested legal entities and individuals and public organizations.

2.3. Employers (enterprises and organizations) using the services of certified personnel use the registry data to inform consumers or obtain confirmation of the compliance of personnel training with established requirements.

3. Objects of registration

3.1 Registration and registration in the register are subject to registration objects in the following sections:

organizational and methodological documents of CASv;

decisions of the governing bodies of the NAC;

licensed CAC bodies;

certified personnel SASv.

3.2. The objects of registration are entered in the register on the following grounds:

guiding documents of the NACv - on the basis of the order of the President of the NAKS on the approval of the document;

certification centers - on the basis of a license from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and a certificate of conformity issued by the NAKS;

attestation points - on the basis of a written submission of the attestation center and the expert opinion of the NAKS;

specialists of I, II and III levels of professional training - on the basis of information from the certification center or the head certification center about their certification;

specialists of the IV level of professional training - on the basis of the presentation of the head certification center about their certification;

certified experts - on the basis of the protocol of the NAKS Managing Scientific and Technical Council on the approval of the expert;

certified examiners - on the basis of the protocol of the certification center that conducted their certification;

decisions on suspension or exclusion from the register of objects of registration - based on the order of the President of the NACC.

3.3. Without the registration number of the register, certification certificates of welders, specialists and examiners, experts, decisions on recognition, decisions on suspension or exclusion from the register of objects of registration are considered invalid.

4. Rules for maintaining the register

4.1. The management of the registry is carried out by the Executive Directorate of the NAKS in accordance with the Charter.

4.2. Holder registration documents SASv, decisions of the governing bodies of SASv and accredited bodies of SASv is the Executive Directorate of the NAKS, and the numbers of attestation certificates of welders, welding production specialists and examiners are attestation centers.

4.3. The Executive Directorate of NAKS is developing

the necessary working instructions for maintaining the register, forms for recording objects of registration and issuing information.

4.4. Forms of accounting for objects of registration of SASv:

4.4.1. Organizational and methodological documents CASv.

Title of the document

Registration number

Introduction date

Date of measurement


Note. Separately, they take into account the main guiding documents and changes to them, methodological documents (programs, collections of examination questions and practical tasks and etc.).

4.4.2. Decisions of the governing bodies of the CAS.

Note. Decisions are registered separately by groups:

on the recognition of certificates issued by other certification systems;

on the suspension of the objects of registration;

on exclusion from the register of objects of registration;

decisions to annul expert certificates;

decisions to cancel certification certificates for welders, welding production specialists and examiners;

decisions to amend the certification certificates of welders and welding production specialists;

4.4.3. CAC licensed bodies

Note. Head certification centers, certification centers and certification points are registered separately.

4.4.4. Certified personnel CASv. Accounting for experts is carried out in the form: Accounting for examiners and certified welders and welding production specialists is carried out in the form:

Note. Examiners, welders and specialists of various levels are registered separately.

4.5. Register maintenance

4.5.1. The maintenance of the registry includes the following activities:

making registration records relating to organizational and methodological documents and licensed bodies of the CAC, decisions of the governing bodies of the CAC;

entering data on certified welders and welding production specialists into the register based on quarterly reports of head certification centers;

entering data on certified examiners into the register on the basis of quarterly reports of head certification centers;

entering data on experts into the register based on quarterly data from the NAKS;

maintaining an archive of documents submitted for registration;

preparation of registry materials for publication;

analysis of the information contained in the register;

information service of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and other interested bodies, organizations, legal entities and individuals.

4.5.2. Making registration entries:

the amount of information entered into the register for each object of registration is established by the decision of the President of the NACC in agreement with the Executive Directorate of the NACC, taking into account the necessary information service for consumers;

complete copies of documents are submitted for registration;

after registration, the documents of the organization that sent them are not returned, but are sent to the archival fund;

registration is carried out within 10 days, starting from the date of receipt of the complete set of documents.

4.5.3. Changes to the registry are made:

correcting the entry if an error is found. At the same time, a link is given to the source of information, the date of the change is indicated, the name of the performer who made the change, everything is certified by his signature;

a mark against the registration record on the exclusion of the object from the register, indicating the document on the basis of which the object is excluded, and the date of exclusion. The registry informs the bodies, organizations and persons affected by the changes made about the changes made within one month from the date of the change.

4.6. Structure of registration numbers.

4.6.1. The structure of the registration number is established in accordance with the structure of the register and reflects its sections and subsections.

4.6.2. The structure of the registration number takes into account the following requirements:

registration number of the main manager

the document is a code designation assigned by the registry, consisting of the letters "RD CASv", a four-digit numeric number and the last two digits of the year the document was approved;

the registration number of the methodological document is the code designation assigned by the registry, consisting of the letters "RD CASv", a four-digit number, the last two digits of the year of approval of the document and the letter "M";

the registration number of certification centers is the letter code assigned by the registry, determined based on the territorial affiliation of the certification center in accordance with the distribution by region, registration serial number in the region, status (GAC ipi AC) and name, for example, MR - 4AC "Welding";

the registration number of the attestation points is the number of the attestation center assigned by the registry, with which the given point has an agreement, and, through a dash, the serial number of the point's approval;

registration number the certification certificate of a specialist and / or examiner contains the registration number of the AC that issued the certification certificate, through a dash, the designation of the assigned level of professional training and, through a dash, a serial number (for example, UR-2ATs-III-00000);

the registration number of the expert's certificate contains a code designation consisting of the letters E - САСв, and, through a dash, a serial number.

4.7. Analysis of the information contained in the registry:

analysis of information can be carried out on the instructions of the President of the NAKS; ,

information analysis can be carried out on the instructions of third-party organizations that have relevant agreements with NAKS;

analysis of information can be carried out under contracts with other third parties.

4.8. Analysis of the information contained in the register can be carried out:

on the instructions of the President of the NAKS or the Chairman of the UNTS;

on the instructions of third-party organizations that have relevant agreements with NAKS;

contracts with other third parties.

4.9. Information service is carried out for:

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and government bodies - on the basis of agreements concluded between these bodies and the President of the NAKS;

public organizations and the public - by publishing information in periodicals and special collections;

legal entities and individuals interested in special information services - on the basis of economic agreements with the Executive Directorate.

4.10. The CAS registry archive carries out:

complete storage of documents sent for registration;

storage of registration logs of the SASv registry;

storage of copies of analytical reports SASv.

4.11. The deadlines for the completion of work, the frequency of publication of information and the terms for storing archival materials are established by decisions of the President or the Executive Directorate of the NAKS.



On approval of the rules for certification of welders and specialists in welding production

Document as amended by:
by order of Rostekhnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588 (Rossiyskaya gazeta, N 283, 12/07/2012).

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia


1. Approve the Rules for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production *.
* Gosgortekhnadzor "Rules for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production" was assigned the designation PB 03-273-99. - Database manufacturer's note.

2. First Deputy Head of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia E.A. Malov within a week to approve the finalized, taking into account the comments and suggestions made, measures to put into effect the Rules for the certification of welders and welding production specialists.

3. By December 01, 1998, the Department for Boiler Supervision and Supervision of Lifting Structures should prepare a draft resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on the development of regulatory documents for the certification of welding technology, welding materials and equipment.

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
V.D. Lozovoy

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 4, 1999
Registration N 1721

RULES for certification of welders and specialists in welding production

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
dated October 30, 1998 N 63

I. General provisions

1.1. The rules for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ * and the Regulations on the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 18. 93 N 234**.
* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 30, art. 3588.

** Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 8, art. 657.

1.2. Certification of welders and welding production specialists is carried out in order to establish the sufficiency of their theoretical and practical training, to test their knowledge and skills and to grant the right to welders and welding production specialists to perform work at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.3. The certification system for welders and welding production specialists (САСв) is a set of requirements that determine the rules and procedure for the certification of welders and welding production specialists employed in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of equipment and facilities, which are supervised by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.4. CASv defines:

- levels of professional training of specialists in welding production;

- structure and principles of formation of attestation bodies;

- requirements for the education and special training of welders and welding production specialists;

- procedure for certification of welders;

- the procedure for certification of specialists in welding production;

- the procedure for maintaining the register of the attestation system.

1.5. CASv establishes four levels of professional training:

I level - certified welder;

II level - certified master welder;

III level - certified technologist-welder;

IV level - certified welding engineer.

Assigning a level does not cancel the assigned qualification category under the current system according to All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories (OKZ 016-94), put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of December 26, 1994 N 367.

1.6. Certified welders and specialists in welding production are allowed to perform those types of activities that are indicated in their certification certificates.

1.7. Welding production specialists participating in the work of certification bodies must be certified for the right to carry out work on the training and certification of welders and welding production specialists.

1.8. These Rules use the basic concepts, terms and definitions for welding production and certification of personnel for welding production, given in Appendix 1.

II. Organizational structure of the certification system for welders and specialists in welding production

2.1. The organizational structure of the SASv includes:

- Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

- National Certification Committee for Welding Production (NAKS);

- head certification centers (GAC);

- certification centers (AC);

- attestation points (AP).

2.2. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia:

- establishes the procedure for training and testing the knowledge of industrial personnel (main professions) and specialists of controlled enterprises and facilities on the issues of safe work and monitors its observance;

- the paragraph has been deleted since December 18, 2012 - .

order of Rostekhnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588 ..

2.3. NAKS is an organizational and structural part of the NACv. Its activities are determined by the requirements of the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations" dated 12.01.96 N 7-FZ *, the Charter and the Regulations on the NAKS, approved and registered in the prescribed manner.
* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, art. 145.

When implementing the certification system, NAKS, in accordance with the Charter, ensures:

- development and submission to the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for approval of regulatory and methodological documents for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production;

- conducting expert examinations of the certification centers being created;

- methodological and consulting assistance to the activities of attestation centers;

- summarizing the experience of certification centers and international experience in certification of welders and welding production specialists to develop proposals for improving the certification system.

2.4. Head certification and certification centers - organizations that test the knowledge and skills of certified welders and welding production specialists in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. The centers are established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In their activities, the centers are guided by the requirements of the Charter and the Regulations on certification centers, approved and registered in the prescribed manner.

The paragraph was excluded from December 18, 2012 - the order of Rostekhnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588 ..

2.5. Certification of welders is carried out at the production base of the certification center or its certification points. Certification point - a CAC body as part of the certification center, which ensures certification examinations of welders and operates on the basis of the Regulations on the certification point, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.6. Acceptance of attestation examinations is carried out by attestation commissions.

The composition of the attestation commissions of attestation centers is formed from qualified specialists in welding production of II, III and IV levels, who have passed certification for the right to work in attestation bodies, then examiners.

The paragraph was excluded from December 18, 2012 - the order of Rostekhnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588 ..

2.7. The composition of the attestation commissions should include:

- when certifying welders for level I - at least one specialist of level IV and two specialists of level III and / or II;

- when certifying specialists for level II and III - at least one specialist of level IV and two specialists of level III;

- when certifying specialists for level IV - at least three specialists of level IV.


1. The composition of the attestation commission should not include representatives of the employing organization, as well as persons who provided training (special training) for certified welders and welding production specialists.

2. Upon the presentation of its territorial bodies, on the basis of the expert opinion of the NAKS, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia may allow individual enterprises (organizations) to include in the certification commissions for primary and extraordinary certification of welders specialists of this enterprise, certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, provided that the chairman of the commission is an independent representative of the certification center.

3. For the above enterprises (organizations), it is allowed to conduct additional and periodic certification of welders working at this enterprise (organization) by certification commissions formed from employees of this enterprise certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. Additional certification is carried out according to the welding method for which the welder was certified during the initial certification.

2.8. Candidates applying for the assignment of a level of professional training have the right to apply to any certification center. Certification certificates issued by the centers to certified welders and welding production specialists are valid throughout Russia.

III. Requirements for the professional training of welders and welding production specialists

3.1. A candidate applying for any level must have general education and professional training in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix 2, Table. one.

3.2. Before the certification of welders and specialists in welding production, special training should be carried out.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 18, 2012 by order of Rostekhnadzor dated October 17, 2012 N 588.

Programs should be drawn up taking into account the level of professional training of specialists and areas of their production activities and include sections on welding equipment, basic and welding materials, welding technology, quality control of welded joints, defects in welded joints and methods for their correction, as well as rules for the safe performance of welding work.

By decision of the commission, welding production specialists who have undergone special training on their own in accordance with the approved program may be admitted to certification.

3.3. The requirements for the required work experience in the specialty of certified welders and welding production specialists are given in Appendix 2, Table. 2 and 3.

IV. Certification of welders

4.1. Welders are subject to certification for the right to perform welding and surfacing works by specific types (methods) of fusion welding, carried out manually, by mechanized (semi-automatic) and automated methods when working at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

These Rules can be applied during the certification of welders performing welding and surfacing works by other types (methods) of welding for which certification bodies have developed methodological documents for certification, for example, according to resistance welding, restorative and reinforcing surfacing, soldering of metals, welding of non-metallic materials, etc.

4.2. After certification, the welder is assigned the I level of professional training (certified welder).

4.3. Certification of welders is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

4.4. Primary certification is carried out by welders who did not previously have access to welding and / or surfacing (hereinafter referred to as welding) of joints of equipment, structures and pipelines controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

For welders certified according to the Rules for the certification of welders approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on March 16, 1993, the first certification in accordance with the requirements of these Rules is considered primary, which they pass after the expiration of the old-style certification certificate.

4.5. Additional certification is carried out by welders who have passed the initial certification before they are allowed to perform welding work not specified in their certification certificates, as well as after a break of more than 6 months in the performance of welding operations indicated in their certification certificates. With additional certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.6. All welders undergo periodic certification in order to extend the specified period of validity of their certification certificates for the performance of relevant welding work. During periodic certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.7. Welders must undergo an extraordinary certification before they are allowed to perform welding after they are temporarily suspended from work for violation of the welding technology or repeated unsatisfactory quality of the production welded joints made by them. During extraordinary certification, welders pass general, special and practical exams.

4.8. Welders who have:

- a category not lower than that specified in the governing and regulatory and technical documentation for welding objects controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

- the required minimum work experience in the specialty;

- certificate of special theoretical and practical training in the area of ​​activity being certified.

If the welder has experience in manual welding, then it is allowed to count the work experience in manual welding into the experience of his work during certification for welding by mechanized and automatic welding methods.

If the welder has experience in mechanized welding methods, then it is allowed to count the work experience in mechanized welding methods into his work experience during certification for welding by automatic welding methods.

If the candidate independently submits an application for attestation, he must have a rank of at least 4th.

4.9. A certified welder must be able to perform welding work in compliance with the requirements of technological documentation and safety rules.

4.10. The procedure for certification of welders is set out in the Technological regulations for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production.

V. Certification of welding production specialists

5.1. Attestation of specialists in welding production of II, III and IV levels is carried out in the direction of their production activities in the manufacture, installation, reconstruction and repair of equipment, pipelines and structures controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

5.2. The types of production activities of specialists in welding production, for which their certification is carried out, are:

- management and technical control over the conduct of welding work, including work on the technical preparation of the production of welding work, the development of production, technological and regulatory documentation;

- participation in the work of bodies for the training and certification of welders and specialists in welding production.

5.3. The list of welding specialists subject to certification and the required level of professional training are determined by the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on the proposal of the employer or candidate for certification.

The following specialists are subject to mandatory certification:

- Level II: specialists whose written or oral instructions are binding on welders when carrying out welding work (foremen, foremen, etc.);

- at level III: specialists who are heads of individual departments of the enterprise that ensure the performance of welding work, and whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the use of documents defining the technology of welding work at the enterprise (heads of departments, laboratories, sectors, technical bureaus, heads of working groups and etc.);

- at the IV level: specialists who are the heads of the welding service of the enterprise (organization), whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the approval by the management of the enterprise (organization) of the governing and regulatory documents for the performance of all types of welding work (chief, their deputies, etc.).

5.4. Engineers and technicians who meet the requirements of subsection 4 are allowed to be certified.

5.5. Certification of specialists in welding production at II, III and IV levels is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

5.6. Primary certification is carried out by welding production specialists before their admission to the work specified in clause 6.2.

Primary certification is considered to be carried out for the first time in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

5.7. Additional certification is carried out by welding production specialists who have passed primary certification in the following cases:

- admission to types of production activities not specified in their attestation certificates;
After payment is confirmed, the page will

The document "Rules for the certification of welders" has been replaced.



Mandatory for enterprises, organizations and citizens, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership, carrying out welding work in the manufacture, installation and repair of facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

The rules for certification of welders establish requirements for age, preliminary training, welding experience, as well as the procedure for certification of welders for the right to perform welding work in the manufacture, installation and repair of facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

The rules have been revised taking into account the proposals of interested organizations and Gosgortekhnadzor bodies.

These Rules come into force on August 1, 1993, while the Rules for the certification of welders approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on June 22, 1971 become invalid.

Editorial board: A. HAPONEN (chairman), A. A. SHELPYAKOV, I. ​​E. DMITRIENKO


1. These Rules establish the procedure for certification of welders for the right to perform welding and surfacing work in the manufacture, installation and repair of facilities and equipment controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

2. Welders aged at least 18 years old, who have a certificate of completion of a specialized vocational school or welding courses, who have worked in this specialty for at least 6 months, and when working on automatic, semiautomatic and contact machines - at least 3 months*.

* Experience does not include time practical work in the process of training a welder in a school or in courses.

3. Before certification, welders must undergo special theoretical and practical training, taking into account the specifics of the work for which welders are preparing. Training should be carried out according to special programs agreed with the bodies of Gosgortekhnadzor. The program should contain sections on welding equipment (purpose, device, principle of operation, operating rules), on the properties of basic and welding materials, welding technology, quality control of welded joints, methods for correcting defects, as well as on safety rules when performing welding work.

4. Certification of welders is carried out by permanent commissions at enterprises (organizations) by testing their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

5. Commissions for the certification of welders are created at enterprises (organizations) that have the necessary production base and engineering and technical workers for welding production, in agreement with the local Gosgortekhnadzor body. The organization and management of the work of the commission are carried out by the administration of enterprises.

6. The composition of the commission should include:

a) the chief welder or the head of the welding work of the enterprise (organization) - the chairman of the commission;

b) a representative of the technical control department of the enterprise (organization) in charge of welding control (representative of the welding laboratory of the installation organization);

c) a representative of the management of the workshop (assembly site);

d) welding instructor who conducted the training;

e) a representative of the safety department of the enterprise (organization).

In addition, other specialists in welding production may be included in the commission.


7. Verification of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the welder is carried out in the scope of the program (see article 3). At the same time, the assessment of theoretical knowledge is carried out according to a four-point system (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory).

8. When testing practical knowledge (skills), the ability to prepare and put into operation welding equipment, to conduct welding in a given mode, and in manual and semi-automatic welding, the ability to weld in all spatial positions is revealed. If in production the welder will perform welded joints in only one spatial position, it is allowed to test practical skills in manual and semi-automatic welding in the same position. Welders must also be able to identify and repair visible weld defects.

9. The choice of basic and welding materials (electrodes, welding wire, fluxes, gases, etc.) is made by a permanent commission in relation to products that welders must weld in production. Preparation of materials for welding control joints and preliminary heat treatment should be the same as for welding products, and be carried out at the direction of the commission. The testing of the practical skills of welders should be carried out on materials whose quality meets the requirements of the standards or specifications for this material and is confirmed by a certificate or other document.

10. When testing practical skills, the welder must weld control joints or perform surfacing in the presence of at least two members of the commission - a representative of the technical control department and a specialist in welding production.

11. Welding and surfacing of control joints must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the production instructions in force at this enterprise for welding, surfacing and heat treatment of the product. Welding and surfacing must be carried out using serviceable equipment and tools.

Welding of control joints should be carried out in those positions in which welders will perform seams in the manufacture of products. In manual and semi-automatic welding, in order to obtain the right to work in all spatial positions, welding of samples in the two most difficult positions (ceiling, fixed, etc.) is allowed. The number and dimensions of the control joints to be welded in each spatial position must be sufficient to carry out all the control tests provided for by these Rules.

13. Control joints must correspond to typical ones welded during the manufacture of products. If typical control joints are angled or tee, butt joints must be additionally made by the welder.

14. On control joints and finished samples to determine the name of the welder and the position of the seam during welding, stamps (numerical or alphabetic) must be applied, located outside the working part of the sample and stored on it after testing.

15. Welders are tested according to one of the welding methods (manual arc, gas, semi-automatic and automatic submerged arc, in shielding gases, electroslag, contact, friction, laser, electron beam, plasma, etc.), as well as one at a time. from the types of work (welding of boiler drums and vessel bodies and their elements, welding of metal structures of hoisting machines, welding of steam and hot water pipelines, gas pipelines, as well as tubular elements of objects controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, etc.) in relation to specific brands of welded materials.

Several grades of welded materials, similar in chemical composition and welded using the same technology, can be combined into one group with welding for it of one control joint.

With the permission of the commission, welders may be admitted to inspections for several welding methods and types of work, provided that their training and work experience for each type of welding will meet the requirements of Art. 2 of these Rules.

16. For welders who have successfully passed the test of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the administration of the enterprise (organization) issues certificates signed by the chairman and one of the members of the commission in the form according to appendix. one.

17. Welders who received an unsatisfactory grade in one of the types of testing (theoretical or practical) may be admitted to a new test after additional training, but not earlier than after 1 month.

18. Re-testing of knowledge should be carried out by permanent commissions:

a) periodically, at least once every 12 months *;

b) during a break in work in their specialty for more than 6 months;

c) before admission to work after the temporary suspension of the welder for violation of technology and poor quality of work.

* Welders who continuously work in their specialty and have proven themselves to be of high quality of work performed during the last year, confirmed by the results of control, by decision of the commission, can be exempted from repeated tests for a period of 1 year, but not more than 3 times in a row.

19. When conducting a re-inspection, by decision of a permanent commission for assessing practical knowledge, control welded joints made by welders in the manufacture of industrial products and structures for a period of not more than 3 months prior to the inspection may be allowed.

20. Additional tests of the welder's knowledge should be carried out:

a) when switching to new welding methods or types of work;

b) when welding products from new materials or when there is a significant change in the technology of welding, surfacing (introduction or exclusion of heating, use of new equipment or welding materials, etc.);

c) when surfacing products using new equipment or welding consumables, as well as when changing the technological process (introduction or exclusion of heating, etc.).

Additional testing of knowledge should be carried out in the scope of the program approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise (organization).

21. The results of primary, repeated and additional knowledge tests, as well as the decisions of the commission on the release of welders from repeated knowledge tests, are drawn up in a protocol signed by the chairman and members of the commission in the form given in Appendix. 2, and are recorded in the welder's certificate.


22. Butt control joints welded during inspection are subjected to:

a) external examination and measurements;

b) the physical method of control (ultrasonic flaw detection or transillumination by penetrating radiation, etc.);

c) mechanical testing;

d) metallographic examination;

e) other additional methods that ensure high-quality control of welded joints (technological test, hardness measurement, etching, color flaw detection, etc.), if they are provided technological process or production instruction for welding products.

Other welded joints (angle, tee, etc.) and overlays are subjected to control by methods that are provided for by the technological process or production instructions for welding for these types of joints.

External inspection and measurement

23. External inspection and measurement are subject to control welded joints throughout to identify the following possible defects:

a) fracture or non-perpendicularity of the axes of the connected elements;

b) deviations in size and shape of welds from the requirements of standards, drawings, specifications and instructions for welding products;

c) displacement of the edges of the connected elements;

d) surface cracks of all types and directions;

e) sags, undercuts, burns and unwelded craters, lack of fusion, porosity, etc.

24. Inspection of welds is carried out along their entire length from both sides with the naked eye or using a magnifying glass with an increase of up to 10 times. Before inspection, the weld and the adjacent surface of the base metal to a width of at least 20 mm on both sides of the weld must be cleaned of slag and other contaminants that make inspection difficult. Determination of the boundaries of the identified cracks is carried out by grinding the defective area with sandpaper and etching.

Ultrasonic flaw detection or transillumination

25. Ultrasonic testing and transillumination are carried out along the entire length of the welded joint to identify possible internal defects in welded joints (cracks, lack of penetration, pores, slag inclusions, etc.).

26. Ultrasonic testing of welded joints of samples must be carried out in accordance with GOST 14782 and instructions agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, developed by specialized organizations.

27. Inspection of welded joints by transillumination should be carried out in accordance with GOST 7512 and instructions for x-ray gammagraphy, agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, developed by specialized organizations.

Mechanical Tests

28. Control plates that do not have unacceptable defects are subjected to mechanical tests to check the compliance of the strength and plastic properties of control welded joints with the requirements of these Rules.

29. During mechanical tests, the following should be carried out:

a) static tensile test;

b) static bending or flattening test;

c) impact strength test in cases stipulated by the rules of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, specifications and welding instructions.

30. Mechanical tests should be carried out in accordance with GOST 6996.

Metallographic study

31. Butt, tee and corner joints of samples are subjected to metallographic examination in cases provided for by the rules of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and the technical specifications for the manufacture of products, to identify possible internal defects (cracks, lack of penetration, pores, slag and non-metallic inclusions, etc.), as well as to establish penetration depth, weld metal structure. Control is carried out by examining the surface of a section cut across weld or in another direction, if it is provided for by the technical specifications for the products. The controlled surface should include a section of the weld with a heat-affected zone and an area of ​​the base metal adjacent to it.

32. Cutting blanks for thin sections is carried out with a cutting or abrasive tool.

Gas or plasma cutting is allowed if structural changes in the metal in the studied section are excluded.


33. The quality of control welded joints and overlays is considered unsatisfactory if any type of control reveals internal or external defects that go beyond the limits established by these Rules, the relevant standards, specifications for the manufacture of the product and instructions for welding and control of welded joints.

34. The following defects are not allowed in control welded joints:

a) deviations from the specified dimensions;

b) cracks of all types and directions located in the weld metal and in the near-weld zone of the base metal, including microcracks detected during microexamination;

c) lack of penetration (non-fusion) located on the surface and along the cross section of the welded joint (between individual beads and layers of the weld and between the base metal and the weld metal);

d) lack of penetration at the top (root) of fillet and tee welded joints made without cutting edges, as well as butt welded joints made on linings;

e) pores arranged in the form of a continuous grid;

e) sagging (sagging);

g) unsealed craters;

i) undercuts, burns and melting of the base metal (in butt resistance welding of pipes);

j) other defects indicated in Table. one.

Table 1

Table of rejection indicators


Rejection rate

A. Internal defects detected by any type of control:

pores, slag and other inclusions

lack of penetration at the root of the butt welded joints with one-sided groove, made without linings, as well as fillet and tee welded joints, made with groove

Over 75% of the norms established by the specifications for the manufacture of the product

B. Mechanical testing

Tensile strength in static tensile testing

Below the lower limit of the temporary tensile strength of the base metal

Static bending angle for steels:


Less than 120 deg.

low-alloyed (manganese and silicon-manganese) with wall thickness:

Less than 80 deg.

over 20 mm

low-alloyed (chromium-molybdenum and chromium-molybdenum-vanadium), as well as high-alloyed chromium with wall thickness:

Less than 60 deg.

over 20 mm

austenitic grade 1

» 100 deg.


Formation of cracks at the distance between the flattening surfaces of the pipe H, less than defined by formula 2

impact strength

The minimum value of the impact strength of the weld metal at a test temperature of 20 ° C should be: 5 kgf × m / cm 2 for all steels, except for the austenitic class, and 7 kgf × m / cm 2 for austenitic steels

B. Defects not listed above, occurring with other welding methods

The norms established by the technical specifications for the manufacture of the product

1 In the manufacture of samples from other materials, the static bending angle must not be lower than the standards established by the specifications for the manufacture of products from these materials.

2 Formula for determining H:

where s- nominal wall thickness, mm; D n- nominal outer diameter of the pipe, mm; but- deformation per unit length (for carbon and alloy steels but= 0.08, for steel 1Kh18N12T but = 0,09).

35. The results of a practical test are considered unsatisfactory if the indicators do not meet the standards for at least one type of test.


36. Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out local authorities Gosgortekhnadzor by checking the work of permanent commissions at least once a year.


37. Persons guilty of violating these Rules are held accountable in accordance with applicable law.


Attachment 1

Title page


Certificate No. _____________

Issued by c. _______________________________________________________________

Year of birth, having a welding experience of ____________ years, in that, in accordance with the Rules for the certification of welders, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia _________ 19__, he was certified by a permanent commission at ________________________________________________


[name of the enterprise (organization)]

on _______________________________________________________________________

(specify welding method)

When checking, the following were welded: plates with a thickness of ____________________________ mm,


pipes with a diameter of ______________ mm with a wall thickness of ____________________ mm

from the base metal _____________________ grade ___________________________

with the execution of seams _________________________ in the provisions of _________________

(butt, tee, etc.)

With the use of welding consumables _________________


When checking theoretical and practical knowledge, the welder

t. ______________________________________________ received the following marks:

theoretical knowledge ______________________________________________________

practical training ___________________________________________________

(excellent, good, satisfactory)

and admitted to ______________________________________________________________

(method and position of welding, type of work and type of metal)



The certificate was issued on the basis of the protocol of the permanent commission



___________ No. ________________ dated "_____" 19 _____

The certificate is valid for ___________________

Chairman of the commission ___________________


Commission member ___________________


Company seal

Personal signature of the welder ___________________



19 ____ _________________ by a permanent commission at ____________


Repeated or additional tests of the knowledge of the welder were carried out __________________________________________________



When checking, welded __________________________________________________



made of steel grade _____________________________________________

with seams ____________________________________________

with the use of filler material ____________________________

Type of heat treatment of samples before testing ____________________


Based on the verification of theoretical and practical knowledge, the welder received the following marks: ________________________________________

theoretical knowledge ____________________________________

(excellent, good, satisfactory)

practical training _________________________________

(excellent, good, satisfactory)

and admitted to ____________________________________________________________

(method and position of welding, type of work and type of metal)


according to protocol No. ________ dated "_____" __________ 19 _____

The certificate is valid for _________________

Chairman of the Commission _________________



Company seal

Extended on ______________________________________ 19 _____


Commission member ____________________


Company seal

Commission Chairman ____________________


Commission member ____________________


Company seal

Extended on _____________________________________ 19 _______

Commission Chairman ____________________


Commission member ____________________


Company seal

1 In the form of a bound book 85 ´ 120 mm.

Appendix 2

meetings of the standing committee

at _______________________________________

[name of enterprise (organization)]

according to certification carried out in accordance with the Rules for the certification of welders

from "____" ______________ 19 ____

Chairman of the Commission _______________________________


Commission members: 1. _________________________________

(position, signature)

2. _________________________________


3. _________________________________


Annex 3
(Reference material)


Methods for determining the mechanical properties of the welded joint as a whole and its individual sections, as well as the deposited metal for all types of welding of metals and their alloys, are regulated by GOST 6996;

The standard establishes methods for determining mechanical properties for the following types of tests:

a) testing the metal of various sections of the welded joint and the deposited metal for static (short-term) tension;

b) testing the metal of various sections of the welded joint and the deposited metal for impact bending (on notched specimens);

c) testing the metal of various sections of the welded joint for resistance to mechanical aging;

d) measuring the hardness of the metal of various sections of the welded joint and deposited metal;

e) testing the welded joint for static tension;

f) testing the welded joint for static bending (bending);

g) impact testing of the welded joint.

Tests carried out in determining the quality of products and welding consumables, the suitability of welding methods and modes, in establishing the qualifications of welders and the indicators of weldability of metals and alloys, must comply with the requirements of the standard. The choice of types of tests, types of samples and methods used is provided for in the standards and specifications for products.


Test specimens are taken from samples cut directly from the controlled structure or from control joints specially welded for testing.

If the shape of the welded joint precludes the possibility of manufacturing samples of this type (parts of complex configuration, pipes, etc.), then samples can be taken from specially welded flat control joints.

When making control joints, the nature of the preparation for welding, the brand and thickness of the base metal, the grade of welding materials, the position of the seam in space, the initial temperature of the base metal, the welding and heat treatment conditions must fully comply with the conditions for manufacturing the controlled product or the special purpose of the test.

Welding of control joints intended for testing welding materials (electrodes, welding wires, filler rods, fluxes, etc.), if there are no special requirements, is carried out with cooling between the application of individual layers. The temperature to which the metal must cool is set by the standard or other technical documentation.

The dimensions of the plates for the manufacture of control joints are determined by the requirements indicated below.

For control joints performed by arc, electroslag and gas welding of flat elements, the width of each welded plate, unless otherwise specified in the standards or other technical documentation, must be at least:

50 mm - with metal thickness up to 4 mm;

70 mm - with a metal thickness of St. 4 to 10 mm;

100 mm - with a metal thickness of St. 10 to 20 mm;

150 mm - with a metal thickness of St. 20 to 50 mm;

200 mm - with a metal thickness of St. 50 to 100 mm;

250 mm - with a metal thickness of St. 100 mm.

The width of a control joint made of round or shaped steel must be at least two diameters or two element widths.

The length of the welded edges of the plates is determined by the size and number of samples to be manufactured, taking into account repeated tests, allowances for the width of the cut and subsequent processing, and with the addition of the length of unused sections of the seam. The dimensions of unused areas are taken equal to:

in manual arc welding with coated electrodes and gas welding - at least 20 mm at the beginning and at least 30 mm at the end of the weld;

in automatic and semi-automatic welding with any type of protection, except for flux, with a metal thickness of up to 10 mm - at least 15 mm at the beginning and at least 30 mm at the end of the weld, and with a metal thickness of more than 10 mm - at least 30 mm at the beginning and at least 50 mm at the end of the seam;

in automatic and semi-automatic submerged arc welding at a current of up to 1000 A in electroslag and arc welding with forced formation - at least 40 mm at the beginning and at least 70 mm at the end of the weld;

in automatic submerged arc welding at a current of more than 1000 A - at least 60 mm at the beginning of the seam.

The length of the unused section at the end of the seam for this case is taken equal to the length of the crater of the seam (the section having an incomplete section).

The dimensions of the plates for control joints performed by welding methods not indicated above are established by the relevant technical conditions.

In cases of plate welding with the use of attachment strips for the output of the beginning and end of the weld, it is possible to take samples along the entire length of the control joint. Attached strips are made from the same material as the plates.

The length of the attachment strips must be at least the size of the unused sections of the seam.

The dimensions of the samples cut from the controlled structure are determined by the number and dimensions of the samples.

During oxygen cutting of samples, their dimensions are determined taking into account the allowance for subsequent machining, which ensures the absence of metal that has undergone thermal influence during cutting in the working part of the samples.

It is recommended to cut blanks for samples from samples and control compounds on machine tools. It is allowed to cut blanks on scissors, dies, oxygen, plasma, anode-mechanical and other cutting methods.

An allowance for the size of the workpiece, which ensures the absence of a metal sample with properties changed as a result of cutting in the working part, is assigned depending on the cutting method. The minimum value of the allowance should be:

with a metal thickness of up to 10 mm: oxygen and plasma cutting - 3 mm, mechanical, including anode-mechanical cutting, - 2 mm;

with a metal thickness of more than 10 to 30 mm: oxygen cutting - 4 mm, plasma cutting - 5 mm, mechanical, including anode-mechanical cutting, - 3 mm;

with a metal thickness of more than 30 to 50 mm: oxygen cutting - 5 mm, plasma cutting - 7 mm, mechanical, including anode-mechanical, - 3 mm;

with a metal thickness of more than 50 mm: oxygen cutting - 6 mm, plasma cutting - 10 mm, mechanical, including anode-mechanical, - 3 mm.

When cutting blanks for samples from metal, in which properties in the working part of the sample do not change under the influence of cutting, it is allowed to reduce the allowances indicated above, but not more than two times.

The allowance for cutting methods not listed above must be specified in the regulatory and technical documentation for this type of product or for the sampling method.

In the manufacture of samples, it is necessary to take measures to exclude the possibility of changing the properties of the metal as a result of heating or work hardening that occurs during machining.

On samples, control joints and blanks from rolled sheets and pipes, the direction of rolling of the base metal in relation to the seam should be indicated.

Editing the control compound or a sample taken from the controlled structure is not allowed. It is allowed to edit finished samples outside their working part. When testing welded joints from pipes, the admissibility of straightening samples is stipulated by standards or other technical documentation.

If there are no other instructions in the standards or other technical documentation, then the deflection arrow f over a length of 200 mm (Fig. 1) should not exceed 10% of the thickness of the metal, but not more than 4 mm.

Sheet plane mismatch h in butt joints (Fig. 2) should not exceed 15% of the sheet thickness, but not more than 1 mm.

Heat treatment, if it is stipulated by the normative and technical documentation, is carried out before the finishing processing of the samples. Heat treatment may be applied to samples, control compounds or blanks for samples cut from them. In the case of normalization or hardening, heat treatment of specimen blanks is not allowed.

Heat treatment of control compounds or sample blanks is preferably combined with heat treatment of the controlled product. The procedure for conducting heat treatment in the manufacture of samples from materials with s in more than 1000 MPa (100 kgf / mm 2) is established by regulatory and technical documentation.

Stamping of samples, control joints of blanks and finished samples can be done in any way so that the stamp is located outside the working part of the sample and remains on it after testing.

Test conditions and evaluation of their results

Samples that have deviations from the drawing dimensions in terms of the cleanliness of processing, as well as mechanical damage in the working part, are not allowed for testing and are replaced by the same number of new samples made from the same sample or control compound. If the dimensions of the sample or control joint exclude the possibility of making new samples, a new sample is cut or a new control joint is welded.

If the results of mechanical tests comply with the requirements of standards or other technical documentation, in all cases, except for arbitration tests, it is allowed to use samples with a lower surface roughness class.

Unless otherwise specified in standards or other technical documentation, static tensile and static bending tests are carried out on at least two samples; tests for impact bending, for resistance to mechanical aging and impact rupture - at least on three samples; hardness measurement - at least at four points for each welded joint. If the dimensions of the welded joint exclude the possibility of placing four points, then it is allowed to reduce their number in accordance with the real possibilities.

The results for all types of tests are determined as the arithmetic mean of the results obtained from testing all samples. If there are no indications in the relevant standards or other technical documentation, then for all types of tests, except for tests for static bending and when measuring hardness, it is allowed to reduce the test results for one sample by 10% below the standard requirement if the arithmetic mean result meets the standard requirements. The permissible reduction in the results of testing samples for static bending and when measuring hardness should be specified in the relevant standards or other technical documentation. When testing for impact bending, the permissible decrease below the regulatory requirements is set to no more than 5 J / cm 2 (0.5 kgf × m / cm 2).

Tests of the welded joint for static bending and tension, as well as impact rupture and hardness measurements are carried out at normal temperature equal to 20 ± 10 °C. The temperature of the sample is taken equal to the temperature of the room in which the tests are carried out. Tests of metal of various sections of the welded joint and deposited metal for static (short-term) tension, impact bending (on notched specimens), as well as tests for resistance to mechanical aging are carried out at normal temperature or as required, specified in the relevant standards or other technical documentation, at high or low temperatures. When testing at a low or high temperature, the temperature of the sample is assumed to be equal to the temperature of the medium in which heating or cooling is carried out. In this case, it is allowed to determine the temperature on the witness samples.

The test results are considered unsatisfactory if they do not meet the requirements set forth above, or crystallization or cold cracks are found in the fracture of the sample, or on its surface (except when the presence of cracks is allowed by the relevant regulatory and technical documentation). If the results are unsatisfactory, the tests are repeated on twice the number of samples. If a sample whose test results are considered unsatisfactory has defects in the base metal or welded joint (except for cracks), it is excluded from the assessment and replaced with one new sample.

The overall test results are determined from the readings obtained from repeated tests. The results of the retests are final.

The methodology for determining the size of samples, the requirements for testing equipment, the conditions for testing and calculating the results must comply with: when testing for static tensile strength at room temperature - GOST 1497, at low temperatures - GOST 11150, at elevated temperatures - GOST 9651;

when testing for impact bending at low, room and elevated temperatures - according to GOST 9454;

when measuring hardness - according to GOST 2999, GOST 9013 and GOST 9012.

Other requirements for test conditions, sample sizing, test equipment and scoring should be specified in the standard or other technical documentation.

The protocol for all types of tests must contain: the designation of this standard, the thickness and grade of the base metal, the method of welding, the type of connection, the type of heat treatment (if it is performed), the sample index (by brand), the type of sample, the place of its selection, the results of this type testing of all samples, the presence of defects in the fracture of the sample, when testing welded joints - the place of destruction (for the weld metal, for the metal of the heat-affected zone, for the base metal).

For tests of metal for static (short-term) tension, impact bending and tests for resistance to mechanical aging, the test temperature is additionally indicated; for tests on impact bending - the maximum energy of a copra; for hardness measurements - a diagram of the location of hardness measurement points.

Testing the metal of various sections of the welded joint and the deposited metal for static (short-term) tension

When testing metal for static (short-term) tension, the following characteristics of mechanical properties are determined:

physical yield strength s t, MPa (kgf / mm 2), or conditional yield strength s 0.2, MPa (kgf / mm 2);

temporary resistance s c, MPa (kgf / mm 2);

relative elongation after rupture (on five-fold samples) s 5 , %;

relative contraction after rupture j, %.

Tests are carried out for the weld metal, metal of various parts of the heat-affected zone of the deposited metal in all types of fusion welding.

The shape and dimensions of the samples used for testing must comply with drawing. 3 or 4 and tab. one.

Type I, II, III

Type IV.V

An increase in the size of the diameter of the sample and its height is allowed.

Table 1

Dimensions, mm

sample type


TO - allowable difference between the largest and smallest diameters along the length of the working part of the sample.

For tests carried out at normal or low temperature, specimens of all types are used. When tested at elevated temperature, samples of types IV and V are used.

It is allowed to use proportional short cylindrical samples of a different diameter or type according to GOST 1497.

When testing at elevated temperatures, as required, specified in the standard or other technical documentation, it is allowed to use proportional long cylindrical specimens No. 2 and 3 in accordance with GOST 9651.

Types I, II and III specimens for testing at elevated temperatures may be used with suitable fixtures.

The working section of specimens of all types shall consist entirely of the metal of the area under test. In the sample heads, the presence of metal of other sections of the welded joint is allowed. On the surface of the head, one or two (parallel) flats are allowed, as well as the presence of an unfinished surface of the seam or base metal.

The dimensions of the head in the place of the flat should be: for samples of types I, II and III - not less than d o+ 2; for samples of types IV and V - not less than d.

The marking of the cutting place of the samples is carried out according to macrosections made at the ends of the workpiece in accordance with the data in Table. 2 and 3. All specimens are placed along the longitudinal axis of the test area.

When testing the weld metal and deposited metal with a cross section exceeding the cross section of the sample head, it is allowed to mark the place for cutting the samples without etching the workpiece according to the external outlines of the weld in compliance with the requirements of Table. 2 and 3.

The layout of samples when testing other sections of the weld metal or metal of the near-weld zone is established by standards or other technical documentation.

table 2

metal type

Base metal thickness, mm

Sample layout

Sample cutting instructions

weld metal

At least 12

q- at least five layers. The sample must be above the dotted line

Welded metal. Surfacing is carried out on the edge of a plate with a thickness of 20 mm. The length of the plate is at least 80 mm. Copper strips A are installed to hold the metal

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gas and gas welding

q- at least five layers, but not less than 10 mm. The sample must be above the dotted line

Welded metal. Surfacing is carried out in a copper mold. Form elements can be cooled with water

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gas and gas welding

The number of layers is at least six. The sample is located along the direction of welding

Metal of single-layer and multi-layer fillet welds welded without full penetration of one of the elements

Arc and electroslag welding

Seam thickness H not less than 6 mm

Multilayer butt weld metal

At least 12

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gas and gas welding

Butt weld metal. Before welding, the edges are deposited in at least three layers using the tested materials.

At least 12

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gas and gas welding

The metal deposited on the edges of the plates should not enter the working section of the specimen.

Metal of a multilayer butt weld with preliminary surfacing of edges and backing in at least three layers. The tested materials are used for surfacing. Lining width 30 m

At least 20

Edge gap 16 mm

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gas and gas welding

The metal deposited on the edges of the plates and on the lining should not get into the working section of the specimen.

Metal of butt one-sided and two-sided symmetric and asymmetric single-layer and multi-layer welds

Arc welding with forced shaping

Metal of double-sided and one-sided fillet welds with full penetration of the wall

Arc and electroslag welding

Seam thickness H not less than 6 mm. With a sufficient thickness of the seam, the location of the samples can correspond to position 12 of the table. 2 or position 2 of the table. 3

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

Metal of one-sided and multilayer butt welds

61 to 350

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

Table 3

metal type

Thickness of the second seam H, mm

Sample layout

Sample cutting instructions

arc welding

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

arc welding

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

Metal of double-sided, single-layer and multi-layer butt welds

61 to 150

arc welding

C = 0,5D + 2 mm

Notes to table. 2 and 3.

1. but - metal thickness in mm; D- sample head diameter in mm; FROM - distance from the weld surface to the sample axis in mm.

2. With single-pass welds, samples cut from different sections of the weld have almost the same mechanical properties. With multi-pass welds, the characteristics of mechanical properties in different parts of the weld are different. The place for cutting samples from multi-pass welds is specified by standards or other technical documentation. In the absence of special instructions, samples are cut out at the surface of the weld.

3. For welded joints made from round steel, the sampling scheme is kept the same.

4. Blanks for positions 1-3; 5-7 tab. 2 are designed to check the quality of welding consumables.

5. If there are no other instructions in the standards or other technical documentation, then for double-sided welding, test specimens are cut out from the second-made seam.

Testing of metal of various sections of the welded joint and deposited metal for impact bending (on notched specimens)

When testing for impact bending, impact strength or impact work, or the percentage ratio of the brittle and ductile components of the fracture surface for the weld metal, deposited metal, fusion zone and various parts of the near-weld zone with a base metal thickness of 2 mm or more, is determined.

Impact strength is determined in J / cm 2 (kgf × m / cm 2), if there are no instructions in the relevant standards or other regulatory and technical documentation.

For testing, samples are used, the shape, size and surface quality of which correspond to those indicated in Fig. 5 (samples with U-notch) or fig. 6 (specimens with V-notch). V-notched specimens are preferred.

a- base metal thickness, mm

but - base metal thickness, mm

According to the requirement specified in the regulatory and technical documentation, it is allowed to use samples of type VI (see Fig. 5) with an incision according to Fig. 7 or 8.

The symbol for impact strength or impact work includes: the symbol for impact strength (KS) or impact work (K); type of notch (concentrator) (U, V); test temperature (temperature +20 °С is not indicated); the maximum impact energy of the pendulum (the maximum energy of 300 J is not indicated); type of sample (type of samples VI and IX is not indicated); location of the notch (Ш - seam; ЗС - fusion zone; HAZ - heat-affected zone, t- distance from the fusion boundary to the notch axis). Meaning t specified in standards or other technical documentation. When the notch is located across the weld metal, fusion zone or heat affected zone, the letter P is placed at the end of the designation.

Examples of symbols:

1. Impact strength, determined on a sample of type VII, at a temperature of +100 °C, with a maximum pendulum impact energy of 150 J, with a notch of the U type located in the fusion zone: KCU +100 150 UPZS.

2. Impact strength, determined on a sample of type XI, at a temperature of minus 40 ° C, with a maximum impact energy of the pendulum of 50 J, with a notch of type V, located along the heat-affected zone at a distance ( t, mm) from the fusion line to the notch axis: KCV -40 50 XI HAZ t.

3. Impact strength, determined on a sample of type VI at a temperature of +20 °C, with a maximum impact energy of the pendulum of 300 J, with a notch of the U type, located on the weld metal: KSUSH.

4. Impact strength on a sample of type IX at a temperature of +20 °C, with a maximum pendulum impact energy of 300 J, with a V-type notch located across the weld metal: KCVSH P.

Samples various types give incomparable test results. For individual cases, partial conversion factors can be experimentally established.

When testing for impact bending, samples with the maximum possible width for a given thickness of the base metal should be used. In accordance with this, with a base metal thickness of 11 mm or more, specimens of type VI or IX are used, with a base metal thickness of 6–10 mm, specimens of type VII or X, and with a metal thickness of 2–5 mm, specimens of type VIII or XI. The use of samples of types VII and X instead of samples of types VI and IX and samples of types VIII and XI instead of samples of types VII and X or VI and IX is allowed only in comparative tests, when for one of the objects of comparison the use of a thin sample is due to the thickness of the base metal.

When cutting samples of types VI and IX from a welded joint made of a parent metal 11 mm thick, and samples of types VII and X - from a parent metal 6 mm thick, it is allowed to have an untreated parent metal on two surfaces of the sample. The surface of the base metal of samples of types VIII and XI is not processed.

The convexity of the weld on all samples is removed to the level of the base metal. If there is edge displacement in the welded joint (see Fig. 2), it is removed mechanically.

arc welding

Heck. nine

arc welding

arc welding

Electroslag welding and forced shaping arc welding

Arc welding by special technology

arc welding

Electroslag welding and forced shaping arc welding

Depending on the purpose of the test, the notch is located along the weld metal (Fig. 9 and 10), along the fusion zone (Fig. 11) and in various parts of the metal of the near-weld zone at a distance t from the fusion boundary (Fig. 12 and 13).

arc welding

Incision location and distance t from the fusion boundary to the notch axis is indicated in the normative and technical documentation.

When testing the metal of the near-weld zone during pressure welding, the distance t counted from the axis of the seam.

Marking for making an incision is carried out along macrosections located on the edges of the sample or workpiece for samples. All specimens are cut across the section of the weld to be tested. The orientation of the notch for specimen types VI and IX shall be as shown in Fig. 9, 11 and 12, for samples of types VII, VIII, X and XI - fig. 10 and 13. The orientation of the notch for samples of types VI and IX is specified in the regulatory and technical documentation. Cutting samples and blanks for them is carried out according to table. 4 and 5.

The layout of the samples when testing the metal of the near-weld zone for butt joints and the metal of the weld and the near-weld zone when testing tee and lap joints is indicated in the standards or other technical documentation.

Table 4

metal type

Base metal thickness, mm

Sample layout

Sample cutting instructions

Welded metal. The width of the plate on which the surfacing is made is not less than 80 mm

At least 12

q- at least five layers. The sample must be above the dotted line

Metal of butt multi-pass welds

At least 12

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gases and gas welding

FROM- no more than 1.5 mm

Metal of butt multi-pass welds. Before welding, the edges are deposited in at least three layers. Tested materials are used for surfacing

At least 12

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gases and gas welding

FROM - no more than 1.5 mm

Metal of butt multi-pass welds. Before welding, the edges and lining are deposited in at least three layers. Test materials are used for depositing.

At least 20

Welding with coated electrodes, in shielding gases and gas welding

FROM- no more than 1.5 mm

Butt weld metal of all types

FROM- from 1 to 3 mm

FROM- from 1 to 3 mm

FROM- not less than 8 mm

Metal of single-sided, single-pass and multi-pass butt welds

61 to 350

FROM- from 1 to 3 mm

FROM- not less than 8 mm

Table 5

metal type

Base metal thickness, mm

Sample layout

Sample cutting instructions

Metal of double-sided, single-layer and multi-layer butt welds

arc welding

FROM- from 1 to 3 mm

arc welding

FROM- from 1 to 3 mm

Metal of double-sided, single-layer and multi-layer butt welds

61 to 350

arc welding

FROM- from 1 to 3 mm

Notes to table. 4 and 5.

1. but- thickness of the base metal in mm; FROM - distance from the metal surface to the edge of the sample (workpiece) in mm.

2. With single-layer welds, samples cut from different areas have almost the same impact strength. With multilayer welds, the impact strength of the metal of different sections differs from each other. The place for cutting samples is specified in the standards or other technical documentation. In the absence of such instructions, the samples are cut out at the surface of the weld.

3. If there are no special instructions in the standards or other technical documentation, then with double-sided seams, the samples are cut out from the seam welded second. For double-sided multilayer sutures, performed with a variable overlap of passes, the samples are cut from the side of the last of them.

4. Blanks for positions 1 - 4 of the table. 4 are used to check the quality of welding consumables.

Testing the metal of various sections of the welded joint for resistance to mechanical aging

Resistance to mechanical aging is characterized by a change in the impact strength of the metal subjected to aging in comparison with its impact strength in the initial state. The resistance of a metal against mechanical aging is judged by the ratio of these values ​​expressed as a percentage or by the absolute (normative) value of impact strength after aging. Tests are carried out for the weld metal and various sections of the metal of the near-weld zone.

The blanks are subjected to artificial aging according to the method: tensile deformation based on obtaining (10 ± 0.5)% residual elongation within the estimated length l, limited by cores or risks. It is recommended to apply risks on the surface of the samples every 10 mm to check the uniformity of deformation along the length of the calculated part.

After elongation, the workpiece is subjected to uniform heating for 1 hour at a temperature of 250 °C (523 K), followed by cooling in air. From the working part of the blanks according to hell. fourteen; 15 or 17 take samples of type VI or IX, and according to hell. 16 - type VII or X. The axis of the notch must coincide with the axis of symmetry of the weld. The sampling scheme for the location of the notch in other areas of the welded joint is stipulated by the standards or other technical documentation.

The aging procedure provided for in this paragraph is applied to welded joints made of steels. The aging procedure for other metals and alloys, as well as a different heating temperature or deformation value for steel joints, are specified in standards or other technical documentation.

Mechanical aging is subjected to blanks taken from the butt joint in accordance with drawing. 14 or 15 and tab. 6.

Devil 14

Table 6

metal type

Base metal thickness, mm

Sample layout

Sample cutting instructions

All butt welds

Single-sided, single-run and multi-run butt welds

C - from 1 to 3 mm

56 to 350

Electroslag welding

C - not less than 8 mm. Cutting blanks according to this scheme should be specified in standards or other technical documentation. Sampling is carried out according to the drawing. 17

Double-sided single-layer and multi-layer butt welds

arc welding

C - from 1 to 3 mm

Note .

but - base metal thickness in mm; C is the distance from the metal surface to the edge of the workpiece in mm.

The axis of symmetry of the workpiece must coincide with the longitudinal axis of the weld or with the axis of the future notch (if the test is not carried out for the weld metal). The location of the incision according to hell. 15 is used in electroslag welding and in the cases specified above. Preparations for hell. 16 is used when testing welded joints made of metal with a thickness of less than 12 mm. Upon request, stipulated by the standards or other technical documentation, for welded joints performed by the electroslag process, it is allowed to use blanks according to drawing. 17.

The length of the gripping part of the workpieces h

The index "st" is added to the symbol of the sample (for example, KSVstSh, KSUctSh).

Measurement of metal hardness of various sections of the welded joint and deposited metal

Hardness measurement is carried out in the cross section of the welded joint in accordance with drawing. 18, 18a and 19.

Hardness is measured by Vickers (HV), Brinell (HB) and Rockwell - A, B and C scales (HRA, HRB and HRC), giving preference to Vickers measurement.

Vickers hardness measurement is carried out according to GOST 2999. The load on the indenter, depending on the strength of the metal of the welded joint sections and the width of the heat-affected zone, should be 98N (HV10) or 49N (HV50). If there are relevant instructions in the standards or other technical documentation, Vickers hardness is measured. The load on the indenter during such measurements can vary from 0.04 to 4.9N.

Brinell hardness measurement is carried out in accordance with GOST 9012, using a steel ball with a diameter of 2.5 or 5.0 mm.

The measurement of Rockwell hardness is carried out in accordance with GOST 9013 with a spherical-conical diamond indenter (scale A and C) or a ball steel tip with a diameter of 1.5875 mm.

Hardness is determined for joints obtained by fusion or pressure welding from steels of various grades and other metallic construction materials not less than 1.5 mm thick.

The hardness of the base metal, various sections of the heat-affected zone and the weld metal is measured along one or more lines indicated in Fig. 18. If the connection is made of metals of different grades, then the hardness is measured for each of them.

When measurements are performed in the immediate vicinity of the fusion boundary, it is recommended to carry out 2 - 3 measurements in accordance with position I of the line. 18a or additional measurements on the position II fig. 18a.

Note. Hardness measurement lines in all cases, except for position VII, pass through all sections of the welded joint: FROM- from 2 to 4 mm; C1- from 10 to 15 mm; but- thickness of the base metal, mm; H - fillet weld thickness, mm; q- preparatory section with a thickness of at least five layers; q 1 - section for measuring hardness with a thickness of at least six layers. For fillet welds with a concave or convex surface, the value FROM measured from the point of maximum concavity or convexity.

It is allowed to carry out measurements in the areas of the welded joint indicated in Fig. 19.

Vickers hardness measurement is carried out on microsections or samples with a polished surface, if the outline of the seam is visible without etching. The surface roughness of such samples should be from 0.40 to 0.63 µm. Measurement of Brinell or Rockwell hardness is carried out on macrosections or on samples with a ground surface, if the outline of the seam is visible without etching. The surface roughness of such samples should be from 1.25 to 2.00 µm. In the samples, the parallelism of the working and supporting surfaces must be observed.

Hardness of butt and corner joints made arc welding, measure: with a thickness of the base metal or fillet weld from 1.5 to 9 mm in accordance with position VIII of line. 18 along one dotted line; with a thickness of 9 to 25 mm - in accordance with positions I and III of drawing. 18 along two solid and one dotted lines; with a thickness of 26 to 60 mm - in accordance with position II or III of drawing. 18 along two solid and one dotted lines.

The scheme for measuring hardness with a base metal or fillet weld thickness of more than 60 mm is specified in standards or other technical documentation.

The hardness of welded joints obtained by electroslag welding is measured in accordance with position IV of the drawing. 18. The number of measurement points in the heat-affected zone must be at least 10.

The hardness of various parts of the weld metal is measured in accordance with the position V of the line. eighteen.

The hardness of welded joints obtained by pressure welding is measured in accordance with position VI, drawing. eighteen.

The hardness of the deposited metal during quality control of welding consumables is measured in accordance with position VII of the drawing. eighteen.

Static tensile test of a welded joint

When testing, the strength of the weakest section of the butt or lap joint or the strength of the weld metal in the butt joint is determined.

A. Determination of the strength of the weakest section of the butt and lap joint

When testing a welded joint for static tension, the tensile strength of the weakest section is determined. The calculation of temporary resistance is carried out according to GOST 1497. When testing, the place of destruction of the sample is determined (for the weld metal, for the metal of the near-weld zone, for the base metal).

Tests are carried out, as a rule, on samples whose thickness or diameter is equal to the thickness or diameter of the base metal. When testing a welded joint or sheets of different thicknesses, the thicker sheet shall be machined to the thickness of the thinner sheet.

The surface roughness after processing a thicker element should be no more than 6.3 microns.

The shape and size of flat specimens for testing butt joints must comply with drawing. 20, 21 or 21 a and tab. 7.

Type XII


Type XIIIa

Table 7

Dimensions, mm

sample type

Base metal thickness but

Sample thickness a 1

Width of the working part of the sample b

Sample grip width b 1

The length of the working part of the sample l

Overall sample length L

Drawing number

Equal to base metal thickness

St. 6 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 25 incl.

St. 25 to 50 incl.

St. 50 to 75 incl.

Equal to or less than 20

Equal to the thickness of the metal

Not less than 1, 2 sample thicknesses, but not less than 10 and not more than 50

l w+ 60

Equal to or greater than 200

St. 20 to 40

Equal to metal thickness or 20


1. l w - maximum seam width.

2. The length of the gripping part of the sample h set depending on the design of the testing machine.

3. The dimensions of samples of types XII and XIII with a base metal thickness of more than 75 mm are established by the standard or other regulatory and technical documentation.

4. The length of the working part of the sample can be increased if the design of the testing machine makes it impossible to test a sample of the prescribed length.

Cylindrical samples of types I, II, III, IV and V are allowed. The weld metal in these samples should be located in the middle of their working part. It is allowed to use a sample according to GOST 1497.

When testing materials of high strength, it is allowed to change the design of the gripping part of the sample.

The shape and dimensions of cylindrical specimens for testing butt joints of rods of round or polyhedral cross section must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 22 and 22a and in the table. 8. For testing butt joints made of reinforcing steel, untreated samples with a removed thickening are used.

Type XIV

Type XIV

The thickening of the seam must be removed mechanically to the level of the base metal. When removing a thickening, it is allowed to remove the base metal over the entire surface of the sample to a depth of up to 15% of the thickness of the metal or the diameter of the rod, but not more than 4 mm. Removal of the base metal from the surface of the sample is carried out only from the side from which the thickening of the seam is removed or there is a ledge (see Fig. 2). Plane thickening should be across the seam. The sharp edges of flat samples within the working part must be rounded with a radius of not more than 1.0 mm by smoothing with a file along the edge. It is allowed to plan the thickening along the seam with the subsequent removal of the scratches. Surface roughness Rz in places of removal of the thickening should be no more than 6.3 microns.

Table 8

sample type

The diameter of a round rod or the diameter of a circle inscribed in a polyhedral rod, IN

Sample grip diameter d1

Diameter of the working part of the sample d

The length of the working part of the sample l

Overall sample length L

Drawing number

St. 10 to 25

St. 25 to 50

St. 50 to 70

dc or IN

L + 2h

Not limited

dc or IN, but not more than 40

l w + 60


1. l w - maximum seam width.

2. The length of the gripping part h set depending on the design of the testing machine.

3. When dc more than 75 mm, the dimensions of the type XIV specimen are established by standards or other normative and technical documentation.

Testing of samples of types XII, XIII, XIIIa and XIV is allowed to be carried out without removing the thickening, if this is stipulated in the regulatory and technical documentation.

In this case, the value of the section area of ​​the sample outside the weld is entered into the formula for calculating the tensile strength (GOST 1497). With insufficient power of the tensile testing machine, it is allowed to test flat samples (Fig. 23) or cylindrical samples (Fig. 24 or 25). The size of the gripping part of the samples h set depending on the design of the testing machine.

Type XV

Type XVI


The layout of blanks for specimens of types XVI and XVII is shown in Table. 9 and 10.

Table 9

Table 10

Base metal thickness, mm

The layout of the workpieces

Cutting instructions

All butt welds

For type XVI samples from 51 to 75

All butt welds

For type XVII samples from 71 to 100

FROM - 1 to 3 mm

In butt contact and gas pressure welding, the sample cutting scheme is the same

For type XVI specimens over 75

FROM- from 1 to 3 mm

For specimens of type XVII more than 100

Note to table. 9 and 10:

but - base metal thickness in mm; FROM - distance from the metal surface to the edge of the workpiece in mm.

It is allowed to use cylindrical samples with other working diameters and another type of gripping part in accordance with GOST 1497. It is allowed to conduct tests on samples of types XII-XVII with a lower class of finish, provided that the characteristics of the mechanical properties of the tested metal comply with all established requirements.

To control the strength of welded pipe joints, segment samples are used, indicated in Fig. 20 or 21, or 21a, as well as cylindrical samples in the form of pipe segments indicated in Fig. 26 or 26a or 27*. Samples of types XII, XIII, XIIIa are not straightened. Their shape in cross section is determined by the natural curvature of the pipe.



Type XIX

*Heck. 28 is excluded.

Segment samples are cut out with a pipe diameter of more than 20 mm.

Cylindrical samples of types XVIII and XVIIIa are cut with a pipe diameter of up to 100 mm. If the appropriate equipment is available, samples of this type are also cut out with pipes of large diameters. When testing a sample of type XIX, its maximum diameter is determined by the power of the testing machine. In the formula for calculating the tensile strength (GOST 1497) for samples of this type, the value of the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pipe outside the seam is entered. In samples of types XII, XIII and XIIIa, the convexity of the seams is removed from both sides. In samples of types XVIII and XIX, the bulge of the seam is not removed; in samples of type XVIIIa, the bulge of the seam is removed only from the outside. According to the requirements set forth in the regulatory and technical documentation, it is allowed to test specimens of type XVIII with the weld bulge removed from the outside. If the power of the testing machine is insufficient, it is allowed to use samples of types I - V. The weld metal is placed in the middle of the sample.

The ends of specimens of types XVIII and XVIIIa are prepared for testing using cylindrical plugs (specimens XVIIIa) or flattening (specimens types XVIIIa and XVIIIa). The distance between the inner ends of the metal plugs should be equal to l + 2D. The distance from the weld axis to the beginning of the flattened section must be at least two pipe diameters.

Welded joints made by spot welding and electric rivets are tested for shear by stretching the sample shown in Fig. 29, or to tear off by stretching the sample shown in Fig. 30. When testing electric rivets, the width of the sample in all cases is 50 mm.

Type XX

but - base metal thickness, mm; h- length of the gripping part (selected depending on the design of the testing machine), mm; l- length of the working part of the sample, mm

Type XX

The dimensions of the samples must correspond to the table. eleven.

Table 11

Dimensions, mm

When testing, the breaking load per point is determined in newtons (kilograms).

To prevent bending, type XXI specimens are fixed in a special fixture. The device must ensure the rigidity of the sample and the possibility of testing it on tensile testing machines.

Welded joints of sheets made by seam welding are tested for shear by stretching the samples shown in Fig. 31 or 32.



For metal thicknesses up to 1.0 mm, type XXIII specimens are tested. With a metal thickness of more than 1.0 mm, the choice of the sample type is not established. When testing, the breaking load on the sample is determined in kilograms (newtons).

The cutting of samples of types XX, XXII and XXIII from control welded joints welded by spot or seam welding is carried out according to drawings. 33. The pitch of points should provide the possibility of cutting samples of given sizes.

It is allowed to weld samples with one point in accordance with drawing. 29.

B. Determination of the strength of the weld metal in the butt joint

When testing the strength of the weld metal in the butt joint, its tensile strength is determined. The thickness of the Type XXIV specimen shall be equal to that of the base metal. The diameter of the gripping part of the type XXV specimen shall be equal to the thickness of the base metal or the diameter of the elements to be welded.

The shape and dimensions of the flat sample must correspond to the drawing. 34 and tab. 12.


Table 12

Dimensions, mm

Base metal thickness but

Specimen grip width b 1

Width of the working part of the sample b

Cornering radius R

The length of the working part of the sample l

Overall sample length L

L = l + 2h

More than 6 to 10

More than 10 to 25

More than 25 to 40

More than 40 to 50

Notes .

1. The length of the gripping part of the specimens L set depending on the design of the testing machine.

The shape and dimensions of the cylindrical sample must correspond to the drawing. 35 and tab. 13.

Type XXV

Table 13

Dimensions, mm


1. The length of the gripping part of the sample L set depending on the design of the testing machine.

2. The dimensions of the sample with a metal thickness of more than 50 mm are established by the relevant technical conditions.

The transverse axis of samples of types XXIV and XXV must coincide with the axis of the weld. For one-sided welds, the marking of the transverse axis of the sample is carried out along the narrow part of the weld (for electric arc welding) or along the burr (for contact or gas pressure welding). For double-sided welds, the marking of the transverse axis is carried out after grinding and etching the side surfaces of the sample along the macrosection or in the middle of the convexity of the weld welded from the second side.

The temporary resistance is determined by the formula:

where s in- temporary resistance, MPa (kgf / mm 2); k- correction factor; R - maximum force, N (kgf); F- cross-sectional area of ​​the sample in the smallest section before testing, mm 2 (m 2).

For carbon and low alloy structural steels, the coefficient k is taken equal to 0.9. For other metals, the value of the coefficient k established by the relevant technical documentation.

The weld bulge for Type XXIV specimens must be removed (see above).

Welded joint test for static bending

Tests are carried out for butt joints. The test determines the ability of the connection to take a given size and shape of the bend. This ability is characterized by the bending angle but(Fig. 36), in which the first crack is formed in the stretched zone of the sample, which develops during the test. If the length of cracks that occur during testing in the stretched zone of the sample does not exceed 20% of its width, but not more than 5 mm, then they are not a rejection feature. The place of formation of a crack or destruction is also determined (for the weld metal, the metal of the near-weld zone or the base metal).

Depending on the requirements established by the relevant regulatory and technical documentation, tests are carried out until the standardized bending angle or bending angle is reached, at which the first crack, which is a rejection indicator, is formed, until the sides of the sample are parallel or touch. The bending angle during the test before the formation of the first crack is measured in an unstressed state with an error of up to 2 °.

2,5D + 80

l w+ 10, but not less than 20

No more than 250

Not installed

1,5but, but not less than 10

2,5D + 80

At least 1.5 but, but not less than 20 and not more than 50

No more than 250

Not installed

3,0 D+ 80

St. 10 to 45

0,7but, but not more than 15

No more than 250

Not installed

Notes .

1. D- mandrel diameter; l w - maximum seam width.

2. The total length of specimens of types XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII is taken equal to at least the specified value.

3. The cross-sectional shape of the specimen must be constant throughout its length.

The thickness of samples of types XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII with a base metal thickness of 50 mm shall be equal to the thickness of the base metal. With a metal thickness of more than 50 mm, the thickness of the sample is established by the regulatory and technical documentation. Samples of types XXVIa XXVIIa and XXVIIIa, the thickness of which is less than the thickness of the base metal, may be cut out in different sections of the cross section of the welded joint. Different regulatory requirements are established for the test results of samples of different types.

The convexity of the weld on both sides of the sample is removed mechanically to the level of the base metal with a roughness of up to 6.3 microns. In the process of removing the thickening, unless otherwise indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation, undercuts of the base metal are also removed. Plane thickening with samples of types XXVI and XXVIa should be along, and with samples of types XXVII, XXVIIa, XXVIII and XXVIIIa - across the seam. It is allowed to plan the thickening in any direction with the subsequent removal of the scratches. In addition to samples within their working part, they must be rounded with a radius of 0.1 of the sample thickness, but not more than 2 mm, by smoothing with a file along the edge.

Test specimens of types XXVI and XXVIa are carried out as indicated in Fig. 39, types XXVIIa and XXVIII - to hell, 40, type XXVIIIa - to hell. 40a. Distance between supports TO(Fig. 40) should be equal to: for samples of type XXVII - 2.5 D, for samples of type XXVIIa -D + 3a, for samples of type XXVIII - 3D. The distance for samples of types XXVI and XXVIa is indicated in Fig. 39, and type XXIIIa - to hell. 40a.

A prerequisite for testing is the smooth increase in the load on the sample. Tests are carried out at a speed of not more than 15 mm/min on testing machines or presses using support rollers.

Mandrel diameter D may vary depending on the steel grade, sheet thickness, heat treatment method and must be specified in the relevant regulatory and technical documentation. In the absence of special instructions, the diameter of the mandrel is assumed to be equal to two thicknesses of the base metal. Support corner radius r for samples of types XXVI, XXVIa, XXVII and XXVIIa choose according to the table. 15. For samples of type XXVIII r= 25 mm. For specimens of type XXVIIIa, the radius has not been established.

Table 15

If the specified bending angle exceeds 150°, then after bending according to the scheme shown in Fig. 39, 40, 40a, the bend can be continued between two parallel pressure plates. A spacer with a thickness of d, equal to the diameter of the mandrel (Fig. 41). After the gasket has been removed, the test is carried out until the sides touch.

For one-sided butt welds, according to the requirement specified in the standards or other technical documentation, the widest surface or root section of the weld is located in the stretched zone. In the absence of special instructions, the surface of the seam should be located in the stretched zone.

If there are no other indications in the standards or other technical documentation, then for double-sided butt welds in the tension zone, for all types of samples, except for XXVIIIa, the second weld is placed. For samples of type XXVIIIa, the entire section of the weld falls into the stretched zone. When welding multilayer double-sided butt welds with a transverse overlap of passes, the side where the last pass was made is located in the stretched zone.

Connections with a backing seam are one-sided. Tests of butt joints of pipes for bending with a transverse (circular) location of the seam are carried out on samples with a thickening removed from the outside.

For a pipe diameter of £ 20 mm, specimens in the form of pipe segments are used.

With a pipe diameter of more than 20 to 45 mm, samples are used in the form of a pipe segment or flat (segment) samples.

With a pipe diameter of more than 45 mm, flat (segment) samples of types XXVII, XXVIIa and XXVIII are used, their dimensions are indicated in Table. 14. Samples are not straightened. Their shape in cross section is determined by the natural curvature of the pipe.

Testing of pipes with a diameter of 60 mm or less with transverse (circular) and longitudinal seams can be carried out on the samples shown in Fig. 42 or 43. The thickening of the seam on the outside of the pipe is mechanically removed to the level of the base metal.


Type XXX

On samples cut from pipes made by butt welding, the flash must be removed from the outer and inner sides of the pipe to the level of the base metal.

The results of testing samples of types XXIX and XXX are determined by the value b(Fig. 44) when a crack appears on the sample surface. The nature of the crack must correspond to that indicated earlier.

If a crack does not form, the test is carried out until the sides come into contact.

The test is carried out by deformation of the sample under a press with a compressive load.

A prerequisite for the test is the smooth increase in force on the sample. The test speed shall be as specified above.

When testing samples with a circular seam, the latter is placed along the axis of application of the compressive load (Fig. 45), and when testing a sample with a longitudinal seam, the seam is placed in a diametrical plane perpendicular to the action of the compressive load (see Fig. 44).

If there is a longitudinal weld in the test specimen for the circumferential weld, it shall be located outside the tension zone.

Testing of connections of rods of circular or multifaceted section in the absence of regulatory and technical documentation and other requirements is carried out on the following samples:

with a diameter of the rod or a diameter of a circle inscribed in a polyhedral section £ 0 mm, segments of a natural joint with a removed thickening are tested;

with a diameter of a rod or an inscribed circle of more than 20 to 50 mm - pieces of a natural joint with a removed thickening or flat samples of type XXVIIa, the thickness of which is taken equal to half the diameter of a round rod or a circle inscribed in the section of a polyhedral rod;

with a diameter of the rod or a circle inscribed in the section of the polyhedron of more than 50 mm - flat samples of type XXVIIa, the thickness of the base metal of which is taken equal to half the diameter of the round rod or the circle inscribed in the section of the polyhedron.

In all cases, the working length of the sample must be ³ 250 mm, and the radius of curvature of the polyhedron faces is equal to 01 of the sample thickness, but not more than 2 mm.

Impact testing of a welded joint

The shock tensile strength test is carried out for welded butt joints of sheets up to 2 mm thick. .

The shape and dimensions of the sample must correspond to the drawing. 46. ​​When testing high-strength materials, it is allowed to change the design of the gripping part of the sample.

The test is carried out on pendulum impact testers with a device for fixing flat specimens. Specific shock work is determined by the formula:

where A y- impact work spent on sample rupture, J (kgf×m); V- the volume of the calculated part of the sample, equal to the product of the thickness of the base metal ( but) for the estimated length and width of the sample, cm 3 (m 3).

I. General provisions. 1

II. Certification procedure. 2

III. Quality control of control welded joints. 3

External inspection and measurement. 3

Ultrasonic flaw detection or transillumination. 4

Mechanical tests. 4

Metallographic study. 4

IV. Evaluation of the quality of control welded joints. 4

v. Monitoring compliance with the rules. five

VI. Responsibility for violation of the rules. 6

VII. Applications. 6

Attachment 1 Welder's certificate. 6

Appendix 2 Minutes of the meeting of the standing committee. 7

Annex 3 Methods for determining the mechanical properties of the metal of welded joints. 7

Sampling. 8

Test conditions and evaluation of their results. 10

Testing of metal of various sections of the welded joint and deposited metal for static (short-term) tension. eleven

Testing the metal of various sections of the welded joint and the deposited metal for impact bending (on notched specimens) 15

Testing the metal of various sections of the welded joint for resistance to mechanical aging. twenty

Measurement of metal hardness in various sections of a welded joint and deposited metal. 22

Static tensile testing of a welded joint. 24

Testing a welded joint for static bending. 32

Impact testing of a welded joint. 36

Other documents of the section "Other"




Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia



* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588.

** Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 8, art. 657.

1.2. Certification of welders and welding production specialists is carried out in order to establish the sufficiency of their theoretical and practical training, to test their knowledge and skills and to grant the right to welders and welding production specialists to perform work at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.3. The certification system for welders and welding production specialists (САСв) is a set of requirements that determine the rules and procedure for the certification of welders and welding production specialists employed in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of equipment and facilities, which are supervised by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.4. CASv defines:

Levels of professional training of specialists in welding production;


2.1. The organizational structure of the SASv includes:

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

National Certification Committee for Welding Production (NAKS);

Head Certification Centers (GAC);

Certification centers (AC);

Certification points (AP).

2.2. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia:

Establishes the procedure for training and testing the knowledge of industrial personnel (main professions) and specialists of controlled enterprises and facilities on the issues of safe work and monitors its observance;

2.3. NAKS is an organizational and structural part of the NACv. Its activities are determined by the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation "On non-profit organizations" dated 12.01.96 No. 7-FZ *, the Charter and the Regulations on the NAKS, approved and registered in the prescribed manner.

When implementing the certification system, NAKS, in accordance with the Charter, ensures:

Development and submission to the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for approval of regulatory and methodological documents for the certification of welders and specialists in welding production;

Conducting expert surveys of the created certification centers;

Methodological and consulting assistance to the activities of certification centers;

Summarizing the experience of certification centers and international experience in the certification of welders and welding production specialists to develop proposals for improving the certification system.


* Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, art. 145.

2.4. Head certification and certification centers - organizations that test the knowledge and skills of certified welders and welding production specialists in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. The centers are established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In their activities, the centers are guided by the requirements of the Charter and the Regulations on certification centers, approved and registered in the prescribed manner.

2.5. Certification of welders is carried out at the production base of the certification center or its certification points. Certification point - a CAC body as part of the certification center, which ensures the conduct of certification examinations for welders and operates on the basis of the Regulations on the certification point, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.6. Acceptance of attestation examinations is carried out by attestation commissions.

The composition of the attestation commissions of attestation centers is formed from qualified welding specialists of levels II, III and IV, who have been certified for the right to work in attestation bodies (hereinafter referred to as examiners).

2.7. The composition of the attestation commissions should include:

When certification of welders for level 1 - at least one specialist IV and two specialists III and / or II level;

When certifying specialists for the II and III levels - at least one specialist of the IV and two specialists of the III levels;

When certifying specialists for level IV - at least three specialists of level IV.


1. The composition of the attestation commission should not include representatives of the employing organization, as well as persons who provided training (special training) for certified welders and welding production specialists.

2. Upon the presentation of its territorial bodies, on the basis of the expert opinion of the NAKS, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia may allow individual enterprises (organizations) to include in the certification commissions for primary and extraordinary certification of welders specialists of this enterprise, certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, provided that the chairman of the commission is an independent representative of the certification center.

3. For the above enterprises (organizations), it is allowed to conduct additional and periodic certification of welders working at this enterprise (organization) by certification commissions formed from employees of this enterprise certified for the right to work in certification commissions in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. Additional certification is carried out according to the welding method for which the welder was certified during the initial certification.

2.8. Candidates applying for the assignment of a level of professional training have the right to apply to any certification center. Certification certificates issued by the centers to certified welders and welding production specialists are valid throughout Russia.


3.1. A candidate applying for any level must have a general education and professional training in accordance with the requirements given in the appendix, table. .

3.2. Before the certification of welders and specialists in welding production, special training should be carried out.

Programs should be drawn up taking into account the level of professional training of specialists and areas of their production activities and include sections on welding equipment, basic and welding materials, welding technology, quality control of welded joints, defects in welded joints and methods for their correction, as well as rules for the safe performance of welding work.

By decision of the commission, welding production specialists who have undergone special training on their own in accordance with the approved program may be admitted to certification.

3.3. The requirements for the required work experience in the specialty of certified welders and welding production specialists are given in the Appendix, Table. And .


4.1. Welders are subject to certification for the right to perform welding and surfacing works by specific types (methods) of fusion welding, carried out manually, by mechanized (semi-automatic) and automated methods when working at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

These Rules can be applied in the certification of welders performing welding and surfacing works by other types (methods) of welding, for which certification bodies have developed methodological documents for certification, for example, resistance welding, restorative and reinforcing surfacing, soldering metals, welding non-metallic materials, etc. .

4.2. After certification, the welder is assigned the I level of professional training (certified welder).

4.3. Certification of welders is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

4.4. Primary certification is carried out by welders who did not previously have access to welding and / or surfacing (hereinafter referred to as welding) of joints of equipment, structures and pipelines controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

For welders certified according to the “Rules for the certification of welders”, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on March 16, 1993, the first certification in accordance with the requirements of these Rules is considered primary, which they pass after the expiration of the old-style certification certificate.

4.5. Additional certification is carried out by welders who have passed the initial certification before they are allowed to perform welding work not specified in their certification certificates, as well as after a break of more than 6 months in the performance of welding operations indicated in their certification certificates. With additional certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.6. All welders undergo periodic certification in order to extend the specified period of validity of their certification certificates for the performance of relevant welding work. During periodic certification, welders pass special and practical exams.

4.7. Welders must undergo an extraordinary certification before they are allowed to perform welding after they are temporarily suspended from work for violation of the welding technology or repeated unsatisfactory quality of the production welded joints made by them. During extraordinary certification, welders pass general, special and practical exams.

4.8. Welders who have:

The category is not lower than that specified in the governing and regulatory and technical documentation for welding objects controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

Required minimum work experience in the specialty;

Certificate of completion of special theoretical and practical training in the attested area of ​​activity.

If the welder has experience in manual welding, then it is allowed to count the work experience in manual welding into the experience of his work during certification for welding by mechanized and automatic welding methods.

If the welder has experience in mechanized welding methods, then it is allowed to count the work experience in mechanized welding methods into his work experience during certification for welding by automatic welding methods.

If the candidate independently submits an application for attestation, he must have a rank of at least 4th.

4.9. A certified welder must be able to perform welding work in compliance with the requirements of technological documentation and safety rules.

4.10. The procedure for certification of welders is set out in "".


5.1. Attestation of specialists in welding production of II, III and IV levels is carried out in the direction of their production activities in the manufacture, installation, reconstruction and repair of equipment, pipelines and structures controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

5.2. The types of production activities of specialists in welding production, for which their certification is carried out, are:

Management and technical control over the conduct of welding work, including work on the technical preparation of the production of welding work, the development of production, technological and regulatory documentation;

Participation in the work of bodies for the training and certification of welders and specialists in welding production.

5.3. The list of welding specialists subject to certification and the required level of professional training are determined by the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on the proposal of the employer or candidate for certification.

The following specialists are subject to mandatory certification:

Level II: specialists whose written or oral instructions are binding on welders when carrying out welding work (foremen, foremen, etc.);

At level III: specialists who are heads of individual departments of the enterprise that ensure the performance of welding work, and whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the use of documents defining the technology of welding work at the enterprise (heads of departments, laboratories, sectors, technical bureaus, heads of working groups, etc.) .P.);

At the IV level: specialists who are the heads of the welding service of the enterprise (organization), whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the approval by the management of the enterprise (organization) of the governing and regulatory documents for the performance of all types of welding work (chief, their deputies, etc.).

5.4. Engineers and technicians who meet the requirements of subsection 4 are allowed to be certified.

5.5. Certification of specialists in welding production at II, III and IV levels is divided into primary, additional, periodic and extraordinary.

5.6. Primary certification is carried out by welding production specialists before their admission to the work specified in clause.

Primary certification is considered to be carried out for the first time in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

5.7. Additional certification is carried out by welding production specialists who have passed primary certification in the following cases:

Admission to types of production activities not specified in their attestation certificates;

When new regulatory documents of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia are put into effect;

With a break in work in the specialty for more than one year.

5.8. Periodic certification is carried out by specialists in welding production in order to extend the validity of their certification certificates for the performance of relevant types of production activities.

5.9. Specialists in welding production undergo extraordinary certification before they are allowed to work after being suspended from performing the types of work specified in their certification certificates, at the request of the employer or representatives of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in accordance with applicable law.

5.10. The volume of special theoretical training of welding production specialists before additional or extraordinary certification is established by the certification center on the basis of the employer's application in accordance with the approved programs.

5.11. The procedure for certification of welding production specialists is set out in the "Technological regulations for the certification of welders and welding production specialists".


6.1. Certified persons receive attestation certificates of the established form.

The validity period of the certificate during the initial certification for welders is 2 years, for specialists in welding production of II and III levels - 3 years, and for level IV - 5 years.

Attachment 1

1. Professional training

the process of obtaining professional knowledge, skills and experience that enable welders and engineers to properly perform tasks in the field of welding production.

2. Level of professional training

the degree of compliance of the welder or welding production specialist with the requirements of these Rules, which determines the possibility of his involvement in the performance of the relevant types of activities at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3. Special training

the process of obtaining the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, taking into account the peculiarities of the implementation of welded joints of specific equipment, metal structures and pipelines at facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

4. Candidate

a person applying for certification examinations.

5. Specialized research organization

an organization that manages the selection of materials, methods, technologies and control, quality assurance for the manufacture of equipment and pipelines at the facilities of the relevant industry, controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and specified in the relevant documents of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

6. Examiner

a welding production specialist certified in accordance with these Rules for the right to participate in the work of bodies for the training and certification of personnel in the field of welding, in relation to specific groups of objects.

7. Attestation commission

a group of examiners appointed by the order of the certification center to receive certification exams from welders or welding production specialists.

8. General exam

exam for knowledge of the basic provisions of the theory and practice of welding production.

9. Special exam

an exam for knowledge of the features of welding production technologies for specific objects, the welding of which is performed (provided) by a welder or a welding production specialist.

10. Attestation certificate

a document issued on the basis of the certification results and confirming the possibility of using a certified person in the performance of welding work.

11. Examination of the certification center

verification of the certification center in order to ensure its compliance with the established requirements when carrying out work on certification of personnel in the field of welding.

12. Inspection control of an accredited certification center

an audit conducted by NAKS on behalf of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or on its own initiative to confirm that the activities of the certification center continue to comply with the established requirements.

Appendix 2


Annex 3

1 area of ​​use

1.2. Information about CAC objects and documents is CAS information only after their registration in the register.

1.3. The executive directorate of the NAKS, head certification centers and certification centers can provide information services to the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia, government bodies, other legal entities and individuals on certification issues only on the basis of the data entered in the register.

1.4. Registry information, such as the numbers of certification certificates of specific specialists, the level of professional training of a specialist, the availability of a certificate from the body conducting examinations, a list of head certification centers and certification centers, the cost of certification services are subject to periodic publication in the open press.

2. General provisions

2.1. The register is maintained for the purpose of:

Accounting for attestation certificates issued to welders and welding production specialists certified in CAC;

Accounting, accumulation and storage of official information SASv;

Exceptions to the possibility of applying rules, regulations and procedures that are not provided for in the CAS;

Exclusion of the possibility of carrying out work on certification by legal entities and individuals not accredited in CACv.

2.2. NAKS uses registry data to:

Formation and implementation of the technical policy of the NAC;

Control and management of SASv;

Information service of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and state authorities and administration, interested legal entities and individuals and public organizations.

2.3. Employers (enterprises and organizations) using the services of certified personnel use the registry data to inform consumers or obtain confirmation of the compliance of personnel training with established requirements.

3. Objects of registration

3.1. Registration and registration in the register are subject to registration objects in the following sections:

Organizational and methodological documents of the CAS;

Decisions of the governing bodies of the NAC;

CAC licensed bodies;

Certified personnel CASv.

3.2. The objects of registration are entered in the register on the following grounds:

Guiding documents of the NACv - on the basis of the order of the President of the NAKS on the approval of the document;

Certification centers - on the basis of a certificate of conformity issued by the NAKS;

Attestation points - on the basis of a written submission of the attestation center and the expert opinion of the NAKS;

Specialists of I, II and III levels of professional training - on the basis of information from the certification center or the main certification center about their certification;

Specialists of the IV level of professional training - on the basis of the presentation of the head certification center about their certification;

3.3. Without the registration number of the register, certification certificates of welders, specialists and examiners, experts, decisions on recognition, decisions on suspension or exclusion from the register of objects of registration are considered invalid.

4. Rules for maintaining the register

4.1. The management of the registry is carried out by the Executive Directorate of the NAKS in accordance with the Charter.

4.2. The holder of the registration documents of the CACv, decisions of the governing bodies of the CASv and accredited bodies of the CASv is the Executive Directorate of the NAKS, and the numbers of attestation certificates of welders, welding production specialists and examiners are attestation centers.

4.3. The executive directorate of the NAKS develops the necessary operating instructions for maintaining the register, forms for recording objects of registration and issuing information.

4.4. Forms of accounting for objects of registration of SASv:

4.4.1. Organizational and methodological documents of CASv

No. p / p

Title of the document

Registration number

Introduction date

Date of change



Separately, they take into account the main guiding documents and changes to them, methodological documents (programs, collections of examination questions and practical tasks, etc.).

4.4.2. Decisions of the governing bodies of the NAC


Decisions are registered separately by groups:

On the recognition of certificates issued by other certification systems;

On the suspension of the objects of registration;

On exclusion from the register of objects of registration;

Decisions on the annulment of agreements on the recognition of attestation points;

Decisions on cancellation of certificates of experts;

Decisions on the annulment of attestation certificates for welders, welding production specialists and examiners;

Decisions on amendments to certification certificates of welders and welding production specialists;


4.4.3. CAC licensed bodies


Head certification centers, certification centers and certification points are registered separately.

Place of work, position

Scope of attestation

ID number

Level of professional training



Examiners, welders and specialists of various levels are registered separately.

4.5. Register maintenance.

4.5.1. The maintenance of the registry includes the following activities:

Entering registration records relating to organizational and methodological documents and licensed bodies of the CASv, decisions of the governing bodies of the CASv;

Entry into the register of data on certified welders and welding production specialists based on quarterly reports of the head certification centers;

Entering data on certified examiners into the register on the basis of quarterly reports of head certification centers;

Entering data on experts into the register based on quarterly data from the NAKS;

Maintaining an archive of documents submitted for registration;

Preparation for publication of registry materials;

Analysis of the information contained in the register;

Information service Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and other interested bodies, organizations, legal entities and individuals.

4.5.2. Making registration entries:

The volume of information entered into the register for each object of registration is established by the decision of the President of the NACC in agreement with the Executive Directorate of the NACC, taking into account the necessary information service for consumers;

Complete copies of documents are submitted for registration;

After registration, the documents of the organization that sent them are not returned, but are sent to the archival fund;

Registration is carried out within 10 days, starting from the date of receipt of the complete set of documents.

4.5.3. Changes to the registry are made:

Fixing the entry if an error is found. At the same time, a link is given to the source of information, the date of the change is indicated, the name of the performer who made the change, everything is certified by his signature;

A mark against the registration record on the exclusion of the object from the register, indicating the document on the basis of which the object is excluded, and the date of exclusion. The registry informs the bodies, organizations and persons affected by the changes made about the changes made within one month from the date of the change.

4.6. Structure of registration numbers.

4.6.1. The structure of the registration number is established in accordance with the structure of the register and reflects its sections and subsections.

4.6.2. The structure of the registration number takes into account the following requirements:

The registration number of the main governing document is a code designation assigned by the registry, consisting of the letters "RD CASv", a four-digit numeric number and the last two digits of the year the document was approved;

The registration number of a methodological document is a code designation assigned by the registry, consisting of the letters “RD CASv”, a four-digit number, the last two digits of the year the document was approved and the letter “M”;

The registration number of certification centers is the letter code assigned by the registry, determined based on the territorial affiliation of the certification center in accordance with the distribution by region, registration serial number in the region, status (GAC or AC) and name, for example: MP-4AC "Welding";

The registration number of the attestation points is the number of the attestation center assigned by the registry, with which the given point has an agreement, and, through a dash, the serial number of the point's approval;

The registration number of the certification certificate of a specialist and / or examiner contains the registration number of the AC that issued the certification certificate, through a dash, the designation of the assigned level of professional training and, through a dash, a serial number (for example: UR-2ATs-III-00000);

The registration number of the expert's certificate contains a code designation consisting of the letters E-САСв, and, through a dash, a serial number.

4.7. Analysis of the information contained in the registry:

Analysis of information can be carried out on the instructions of the President of the NAKS;

4.8. Analysis of the information contained in the registry:

Analysis of information can be carried out on the instructions of the President of the NACC or the Chairman of the UNTS;

Analysis of information can be carried out on the instructions of third-party organizations that have relevant agreements with NAKS;

Analysis of information may be carried out under contracts with other third parties.

4.9. Information service is carried out for:

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and government bodies - on the basis of agreements concluded between these bodies and the President of the NAKS;

Public organizations and the public - the publication of information in periodicals and special collections;

Certification of welders and specialists in welding production. nine