How to set up a VKontakte target. Targeted Advertising VKontakte

VKontakte is becoming an increasingly important information and advertising platform every day. A huge number of active users of VKontakte not only communicate and learn the news, but also look for goods and make purchases. Each company needs to competently use this resource to promote their business.
With a huge audience and a large number of competitors, you need to learn how to promote your product. You can not advertise on the principle of "the more the better." You need to think about your customers and offer services only to those who are interested in it. VKontakte targeting will help you choose them. Read our article.

Targeting- a tool for selecting an audience for displaying records.

This is the display setting. advertisements with the possibility of precise selection target audience. The advantage of such advertising is that it is precisely aimed at potential buyers and selects only interested subscribers.


Targeting allows you to exclude inappropriate ad impressions, and, accordingly, make the best use of the budget spent on an advertising campaign.

      • increase the number of responses and impressions
      • increase the audience and show ads to competitors' subscribers
      • reduce costs and reduce the cost of customer acquisition

Do not forget that the VKontakte administration checks the ad before publication. Therefore, be sure to read the rules for advertising and observe the established censorship.

      1. Click "Create Ad"
      2. Choose the appropriate type of accommodation:

On the page:

      • Appendix. Promotion of internal services
      • Community. Promotion of groups and events
      • Web site. Universal version of the advertisement with a link to any other external site

AT news feed. 4 types:

      • Fast. Regular post with text and visual material
      • Recording with a button. Button post. The user is prompted to click on this button with further action - buy, call, etc.
      • Carousel. A horizontal strip of several product photos (from 3 to 10 pieces)
      • Collection of applications. Form for filling in the contact data of subscribers. Suitable for marketing or educational content.
      1. Select the format: "Image and Text", "Large Image", "Community Promotion". The most profitable format is a large image, it attracts more attention. We select an interesting, clear picture. It is better to publish photos of the proposed product.
      2. We write the text of the ad and come up with the original title of the post. Uploading visual material and choosing a theme

Tips for targeting VKontakte

To properly advertise, you need to understandto whomwe advertise, that is, you need to know and study your audience. Therefore, the first thing we do is to draw up a portrait of the target audience, identify the "pain" of customers and their interests. We divide the target audience into groups and come up with a product presentation for each of them. VKontakte offers several ways to select the target audience.

Geographic targeting

2 tracking methods: by region and by location on the map. In the first case, we can specify users by certain cities and countries. In the second case, we set certain territorial "points" - locations. For each, you can specify the range.


Unlike contextual advertising, geotargeting uses information about subscribers directly from their page. The data is checked twice to avoid an error in the addressee. The advantage is also that the system analyzes the data from the user's page and selects his favorite and frequently visited places, as well as tracks the places of Internet connection and the frequency of being in the area. Thus, even when not in the city or not in the country, a person will see an advertisement about his favorite “place”.

This audience selection method is also suitable for a narrow business that offers its services in only one city or region.


Perhaps there are buyers outside the established territorial criterion, who, for example, will be ready to order a product via the Internet and wait for it.

Demographic targeting

Audience selection by criteria: gender, age, marital status. There is also an additional opportunity - showing ads before the birthday.


Proper, more personal appeal to each audience group in "its language".


The audience can be very different and each group needs to present the product in its own way. It is difficult to write a universal announcement for all interested, for example, for both children and adults at the same time.

Interest targeting

We set up ads by segments. This will include users who are directly interested in our product or related products. Vkontakte divides subscribers into certain segments depending on the activity of users on the social network itself or on other sites. If you advertise a narrow category of products, then it will be shown to a narrow category of people.


High probability of finding new customers from other publics. The opportunity to show the product to competitors' subscribers who may also be interested in our product, but are not yet familiar with our community.


There is not always access to the interests of users, since personal information and this item are rarely filled in by users in their entirety. We risk losing those who are interested in our products, but did not mark it in the profile.

Community member targeting

We set up advertising for those groups in which our target audience can presumably be. The VKontakte search will help you find suitable and related groups. There is a special filter that will allow you to set certain criteria to search for the desired public. At the same time, you should exclude your subscribers from the resulting list, because they will see your ad anyway.


This method also ensures the search for new customers from other publics and the increase in their subscribers.


This method will help in attracting an audience, but it will not always be able to “lure” users to itself, since the community they have already chosen is familiar and familiar to them. Here we focus on the uniqueness of our product.

Targeting specific apps and websites

Using the "Applications and sites" filter, you can select the necessary audience for those sites and applications that require authorization through a social network. The "Exclude" option excludes inappropriate users from showing the ad.


We work with the most “hot” audience that has installed applications or visits the site regularly.


Targeting by education and position

This option acts more as an additional than as a mandatory one, and is more suitable for a very narrow category of advertising. If you are interested in people who have completed a particular educational institution, you can narrow your search by the name of the school.


You can literally prepare a personal appeal to the audience, touching on a specific “pain” and using special vocabulary.


Advertising may not be seen by that part of our target audience that simply did not indicate their profession in the profile. The target audience can also include those users who indicate all the places of work on their page, but at the moment do not occupy a position suitable for us. Therefore, we advise you to target by position only in rare cases.

Retargeting setup

Retargeting allows you to set up ads for people who are already familiar with our product or visited the advertiser's website. Here we work with a "warm" audience and increase its interest. We load the necessary subscribers either from a file or using the VKontakte pixel.

Set the right price

Two payment options

      1. Pay for impressions. The amount is set for every 1000 views of your post. There is a limit on the number of impressions per person, which excludes inappropriate views. The average price for 1000 impressions is 6-10 rubles. Don't target less than 20,000 people to keep your ad from spinning on the same pages
      2. Pay per click. Click-through rate is the ratio of clicks to impressions. Payment is made for each click of the user on the link specified in the ad. The cost of this option is higher. But you get a guaranteed transition to your link. Do not set a price per click less than a ruble but don't overcharge

Remember: the price is set when creating an advertisement, it can no longer be changed later. Therefore, think over the type of payment immediately.

Set the right price

There is an auction system. The more the advertiser pays, the higher their impressions. therefore, the more expensive ads are shown first.

Analysis of advertising campaign statistics

The last tip - be sure to analyze the statistics on the advertising campaign, determine the effectiveness of your advertising and the budget-profit ratio.

Charts in personal account display:

      • audience coverage
      • number of transitions
      • expenses
      • click-through rate (CTR)

This information can be obtained and studied for any period of time. Settings can always be adjusted and changed. Be sure to track and optimize your advertising, constantly work with statistics.


AT social networks concentrates on a large audience. This creates huge opportunities for entrepreneurs. After all, a properly configured advertising campaign provides a business with customers for a long time. But there is a downside - even minor errors in the settings lead to an empty "drain" of the budget. You need to be able to properly target VKontakte advertising. Therefore, in the article we consider the key target options.

Ad types

Targeting is a tool for fine segmentation of the target audience. With it, you can choose from all the visitors who are suitable for us according to the goals of people. Moreover, the resulting group is subjected to additional screening of non-target consumers. And this means that only really interested people see your banner.

On the pages of VK

Here is the setting of targeted advertising VKontakte of three types:

  1. Appendix. Suitable for promoting indoor games and social network services.
  2. Community. Designed to promote groups and upcoming events.
  3. External site. A universal option that provides for placing a link to any page on the Internet.

There are five external display formats for the listed publishing methods. They are not available for all targeting types. And each has its own characteristics. For ease of comparison, we summarize the data in a table.

Note! It is not necessary to select the size of the pictures in exact accordance with the data in the table. It specifies the minimum resolution and aspect ratio. The rest is easy to do using the standard editing tools in Contact.

For each option, you set the title to 33 characters long. It is displayed in bold.

This is only one way to place targeted advertising on VKontakte, we will discuss how to set it up below. We only note that the effectiveness of such ads falls. This is due to the banner blindness of users. Due to the frequent appearance of irrelevant links, people unconsciously begin to ignore them. Therefore, we have developed a radically new way of promotion.

In the news feed

These advertisements appear when visitors to the social network view news. They merge with the publications of their friends and communities from the subscription. Often, users do not even realize that they are switching to content paid for by the service. There are four types of display:

  1. Carousel. It is a horizontal ribbon consisting of product cards. They can be from three to ten. And for each, you can show two prices: old and new. This is how you inform customers about discounts.
  2. Recording with a button. Looks like a normal post. The only difference is that you add a button at the bottom with a call to action, for example, buy or call. Its functionality is configured separately.
  3. Universal module. It is fully consistent with the classic VKontakte posts. Supports photos, text descriptions, geotags and more.
  4. Collection of applications. Suitable for marketing or educational content. It looks like a form in which visitors enter their contact information: from the name and phone number, to the country of residence and birthday.

Unlike banners on pages in VKontakte, for publications in the news feed, you do not need to enter a photo and title into a rigid site template. Therefore, advertising records have quite flexible options.

Setting up the target audience

We have listed all possible ad types. Now let's look at how to set up targeting in VK with their help. As a result of these actions, we will ensure the display of the selected display type among the users of interest to us. To do this, we segment the target audience according to a number of parameters.

Note! For each segment potential clients it is better to do a separate project. This helps to quickly adjust the work during the analysis of promotion effectiveness.


There are two ways to track social media users:

  1. By region.
  2. By location on the map.

In the first case, we indicate the country and cities. In the second, the possibilities are much wider. After all, we choose the location with high accuracy. Down to geographic coordinates. There can be up to a hundred such points. For each of them, specify the range. It determines the location of the potential location of customers. The options include both adding and excluding regions.

Moreover, the service determines the location not only by IP address. Profile data, Internet connection locations and frequency of being in the selected area are taken into account. And this means that, having set up targeting in VK for residents of Novokuznetsk, they see ads even if they are temporarily in Moscow or St. Petersburg.


  • Floor. Men are less active, but buy faster. Women are more likely to follow links, but less likely to reach the result.
  • Age. Directly affects solvency.
  • Family status. The status is not always true. Moreover, the option increases the budget by an order of magnitude. It is better to use it when absolutely necessary. For example, for a wedding agency or a children's animation studio.
  • Birthday. Suitable for publications with goods dedicated to this holiday.

Should be carried out whenever possible different categories people for individual projects. After all, for a schoolgirl girl and a married forty-year-old man, you need different design banners.


AT in general terms it is very difficult to tell how to properly set up targeted advertising on VKontakte using this tool. The problem is that the information in the profile is rarely filled out completely. However, it does not always correspond to reality.

Therefore, the only setting that deserves attention in this section is display in communities. Here we indicate the groups in which our target audience is supposed to be. Moreover, both adding and excluding publics are available.

Education and work

This section deserves attention only as an additional option. People are more likely to leave this part of their profile blank. And if they do, then the same position can be indicated in several variations. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the target audience pages is required.

The advantage of this method is that you can literally prepare a personal appeal to the person in the ad.

Extra options

For some businesses, it is important not so much to use “internal” VKontakte targeting as the ability to set up retargeting for visitors to your own site. It provides for the connection of audience groups collected in the database by special scripts.

Gradation of visitors by browser type is available, operating system and the device from which they access the social network. Using these settings, we further segment the solvency of potential customers. The feature is also useful for game and app developers.

Setting the price of advertisements

Two options are provided:

  • CPM - payment for impressions. The amount is set for every 1000 views of your post. Moreover, with the help of the limit, the number of demonstrations to one person is limited. This allows you to exclude inappropriate views.
  • CPC - pay per click. The cost of this option is much higher. But you get a guaranteed transition to your link.

If you are just starting to figure out how to launch targeted advertising on VKontakte, it is better to choose CPC first. As a rule, this method is cheaper.

When setting the target in the personal account of VK, the recommended cost of placement is indicated. It is often overpriced. In test mode, it is enough to set half of its value and watch the result.

Click-through rate (CTR) is important here - the ratio of the number of clicks to impressions. A low score indicates that the audience is not interested in your offer. There are two reasons for this: the target audience was chosen incorrectly or appearance the banner does not stimulate the transition. This means that the campaign needs to be adjusted.

As soon as we achieve a CTR indicator, at which views are cheaper than clicks, we can change the price for CPM.

Analysis of advertising campaign statistics

Without this tool, it is impossible to effectively set up targeted advertising in VK. There is a high probability that the allocated budget will be wasted. Therefore, be sure to analyze the diagrams on the main page of your personal account. There are four options available:

  • transitions;
  • impressions;
  • expenses.

All of them are displayed on the timeline. Therefore, it is possible to view information for any period. Sharp fluctuations in the schedule are an occasion for a detailed study of the changes. By clicking on the name of the project, we see detailed reports.

When promoting a community, additional statistical data is available in its control panel on the "sources of referrals" tab. When advertising a site, web analytics helps to draw the right conclusions. To do this, you must first affix UTM tags.

It is important to remember that the purpose of studying statistics is to determine what changes give a positive trend. It is the multiplication of the “right” actions and the exclusion of the “wrong” ones that make it possible to minimize the cost of each advertising transition.

In the article, we have analyzed in detail how to make targeted advertising on VKontakte. We studied the main tools and principles of their choice. Now you can self-advertise your community on social networks and minimize your budget.

Social networks are not only a communication tool and an entertainment resource. They also allow people and companies to talk about themselves. But to succeed in this business and attract new subscribers, you need a strategy.

A set of targeting mechanisms is built into VKontakte advertising, thanks to which you can recognize and even create images of ideal buyers, in addition, this is one of the cheapest promotion methods. If this is your first time setting up a campaign on this social network, then be prepared to go through the path of trial and error. Don't forget that this is normal, as experimenting and problem solving is part of the job of content managers and social media professionals.

It is important to learn how to effectively use behavioral patterns in advertising, as well as certain events that occur in the lives of users. Fortunately, VK now has a huge amount of useful information for targeting, and you can direct your efforts to both existing and potential customers.

What is "social targeting"

Social targeting is a method of attracting the target audience (CA) through advertising in social networks. It is related to other types of lead generation, such as demographic or behavioral targeting. While pure interest-based targeting allows advertisers to find customers based on similar online behaviors (such as what sites they have visited), social targeting combines this logic with social network logic to help brands find people who are connected to the most typical representatives of the existing clientele.

Let's take an example. Targeted ads for running shoes may appear in front of the user's eyes because they spend a lot of time on sports sites. An ad for the same shoe on a social network will hit him because he is a friend or otherwise related to the person who bought the sneaker from the advertiser last month.

Any type of targeting involves dividing the market into segments and concentrating marketing efforts on a few of them, including customers whose needs and desires are most fully satisfied by your products / services. That is why it is important to first set up (Buyer's Persona) correctly, and only then move on.

Understanding the target audience

To set up an advertising campaign, you need at least a basic understanding of your target audience. Let's say you sell fitness overalls in the city of Penza. Your potential client is young women aged 18 to 35 living in the Penza region who are interested in clothing and sports. All these details will matter when setting up targeted advertising.

Conduct research on the target audience using analytical tools like Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics, or at least just look at the statistics on the visitors of your VKontakte group before you start targeting.

Social targeting is great because users themselves provide information about themselves, and you can use it to interest the most relevant of potential buyers. That being said, it’s important to choose a platform that suits the particularities of what you have to offer.

Why VKontakte? Media potential

Social networks are becoming an increasingly powerful information tool: many get their news from there, and the degree of trust in social networks is higher than that of central television. According to data published by VKontakte, the number of monthly users who come in search of content exceeds the audience of Channel One (83.1% vs. 74.5% respectively), CTC (74.8%), TNT (68.5%) and Russia- 1 (69.9%).

This is a huge public, covering the whole country, and quite solvent:

According to Mediascope Web Index as of December 2018

What does it mean? A large VK audience consists of 70 million who regularly visit their profile and not only read updates, communicate, view and leave comments under photos and videos, but also find information about products and spend money!

It is a mistake not to use such a resource, and if you want to promote your products and services competently, then read on and figure out with us how to do it.

Advertising formats

1) Carousel - suitable for promoting goods and services, because it is a "flip" format, where you can include several images at once (from 3 to 10), text, price, address, call-to-action button (Call-To-Action Button, CTA);

2) Universal entry - may consist of a simple description, image and text, or also contain a gif, map, video or other types of attached documents (up to 10 attachments in total);

3) A post with a button — a picture + one of the options for a CTA button (“Buy”, “Go”, “Join”, etc.);

4) Collection of applications - a relatively new option, somewhat reminiscent of the idea of ​​a lead form: by clicking on an ad, a person goes to a questionnaire that you can customize to receive the necessary information;

5) Website advertising is the most new format for advertising, as the name implies, third-party sites. The good thing is that it should not be associated with any community: the link directly leads all traffic to the desired site.

2. Advertisements(text-graphic block, TGB) is an advertisement that you all saw on vk. com under the menu on the left. It usually looks like a photo and text under it. No more than three such advertisements are displayed on one page. You can choose from the following subspecies:

1) Application - for making transitions to an application or game posted on a social network;

3) External site - to promote a third-party resource.

Targeting VKontakte

To get started, prepare a platform where people will “land” to whom you will show ads. If it's an external site, create a custom landing page with a single action goal, like buying a product or signing up for a workshop. To develop a successful landing page, contact professionals or.

If you are advertising, say, a community on a social network, make a special post that repeats the text of the advertisement and contains additional details. It is desirable to fix it at the top of the community page so that visitors who have switched from an advertising post immediately understand that they have come to the “address” and do not engage in unnecessary scrolling.

Step 1. Choosing a format

Go to your advertising account by clicking on the link or Click on the "Create ad" button, we get to the following screen:

Step 2. General design

After specifying the link and the domain of the advertised object, you will be redirected to the design page, where you will need to enter a title, upload a logo and an eye-catching image, create a description, select an inscription on the button (for example, “Open” or “More”), and also come up with text next to button. In addition, to increase the effectiveness of your ad impressions, you will be asked to select a topic (auto, business, pets, sports, etc.). You are also required to indicate the age marking if the content has any restrictions on this parameter.

After that, the ad view after publication will become available:

Step 3. Targeting the target audience

1) Geography. The cost of clicks and impressions depends on this parameter. You can select the country, individual cities, and regions that are relevant to your business, or, conversely, exclude locations where you don't want your ad to appear. When choosing all of Russia, remove Moscow and St. Petersburg - this will reduce the price (set up a separate advertising campaign for them later). Additional settings for other types of ads include geotargeting by city area, metro station, and street.

2) Demographics. Here you choose floor(any, male, female). Consider the characteristics of the public: male - the most solvent, female - the most active.

Correct targeting by age should be based on the analysis of the target audience. For example, if this is a blog about sports, then you will be of the greatest interest to the category 18-44 years old. By narrowing the selection, you reduce the reach of the audience, but at the same time direct your ads more precisely.

Birthday(today, tomorrow, during the week) - a column that has meaning for holiday goods, for example, flowers, gifts, sets of socks, etc.

Family status- not the most accurate column, since people for various reasons do not indicate their matrimonial position or relationship status, but if you need to set a filter to only those who are in active search, you can do it here.

We recommend ignoring the first field "Interests and Behavior"(not everyone indicates the scope of their hobbies, and you will greatly reduce the circle of those who will be shown ads) and pay special attention to "Communities". Select really active, not dead, groups with an active subscriber base and include them in this list (in total, no more than 25 groups can be added). You can also exclude certain communities or target ads when a community is active (for example, when creating an event such as a sports photo shoot or competition).

Subgraph "Apps and Sites" makes it possible to show ads to visitors of certain sites (if the VKontakte widget is installed on them) and to those who have specific applications installed. The most “hot” traffic comes to specialized sites, corresponding to the characteristics of your target audience, and such targeting can be extremely effective. Monitor the most popular sites in your niche and enter them in this field. If necessary, disable the visibility of ads for users of other sites and applications using the filter "With the exception of".

Setting "Travelers" is needed in order to cover people who have gone abroad, but continue to use VK.

4) Education and work. A setting relevant for those who want to promote their products and services to students/graduates of certain educational institutions or people of specific professions. A filter that is questionable in effectiveness, given that people often indicate incomplete information, do not mark their own at all professional path or compose non-existent biographies.

5) Additional options. Allows you to retarget those users who were already interested in your site or group, but left or have not returned for a long time. Retargeting advertising campaigns are very effective because you further narrow the circle of ideal potential buyers to those who have already made a conversion (followed to you, clicked a button, filled out a survey or bought a product), and again remind them of your brand or the need to complete the initiated action.

Retargeting groups are created by uploading an existing contact database (TXT or CSV file) or by inserting a special JavaScript code (the so-called “VKontakte retargeting pixel”) into the source code of the site, which will track users of interest to you.

- another parameter related to retargeting, but by events. They will be needed, in particular, in order to exclude from retargeting users who have taken an action with an advertising post: positive (for example, following a link) or negative (for example, clicking the “This is not interesting” button).

Step 4. Post Schedule

Setting the time for ads to appear allows you to choose. You can customize your option if you know when the audience is likely to read your posts or make purchases:

Select working hours:

Or weekends:

But when promoting the community, you will already have more opportunities. So, there will be a choice between paying for clicks and for impressions. The latter is suitable for those who have limited funds for advertising. Reduce the recommended price by at least half. If you notice that the ads are working well and you have a large audience reach, switch to pay per click.

Turn on the limit of impressions to 100 per person if you do not want the effect of media fatigue: after some point, the annoying appearance of the same ad will tire those who were not interested in advertising and did not switch to it at the beginning or middle of the campaign.

Step 6. Payment and launch

To start advertising, in your personal account, go to "Budget" and click on the "Top up" link. Deposit money using any of the suggested methods: through bank cards, payment systems or terminals (option for small businesses and individuals) or via bank transfer (only for legal entities). You yourself determine the amount of rubles to deposit. After making the payment, don't forget to run the ad. Go to the "Advertising Companies" tab, change the status to "Launched" and make sure it's updated.

Requirements and rules

Before your ad can get to a potential buyer, it will have to be moderated. Therefore, consider the following nuances:

  • There are a number of things and services that are unacceptable for advertising on social networks (alcohol, drugs, weapons, adult products, gambling and pyramid schemes, healing, etc.).
  • It is very difficult to promote a number of VKontakte products and services, since many permits will need to be provided. This list includes ads. medical goods, medicines, financial services, insurance, jewelry and fur products, food, pawnshops, charities, lotteries, etc.
  • The text of the ad must comply with the norms of the Russian language, be correctly composed in terms of grammar, not contain profanity, correspond to the essence of the advertised object and the content of the page to which the link leads.
  • Images are uploaded to high quality. Negative or explicit content is prohibited.

Before starting a campaign, please read the Advertising Rules. If approved by the moderator, the advertising campaign starts automatically; if there are violations, you will be notified and you can correct them.

When the ad is running

After launching an ad, be sure to monitor its performance. You may have to change the image, text, title, time of appearance in the feed several times, advertising format and even targeting options, such as narrowing it down by launching separate ad campaigns for different genders, ages, regions, interest groups, etc. The more accurate the segmentation, the more likely it is that Vkontakte ads, which are perfectly targeted, will reach the right eyes and ears and you will get the desired conversion (which means your money will be well spent).

Monitor your ad's Click-Through Rate (CTR) to see what works best. Marketing in VK differs from contextual advertising, to which a “warm”, prepared audience reacts. Therefore, show your imagination and try to find an original visual and textual presentation that will arouse the curiosity of the user who habitually scrolls his feed.

Keep in mind that there is no one right kind of advertisement - after a while you will need to come up with new version and run it through tests. If you don't have a large budget, experiment by putting in a small amount to start or by lowering your rates.


The challenge for a targeting marketer is simple: create customer personas and then give them what they're looking for in the form of an engaging ad post. However, keep in mind that you cannot rely on creativity alone. To stand out in the crowded social media feeds, it is important to be able to respond to user preferences and reach the right segments of your target audience. Therefore, audience targeting is a mandatory and effective component of successful social marketing.

Fortunately vk. com gives you advanced targeting options and you can find your customers through a whole range of categories covering demographics, user types and their interests.

Therefore, test your creative, find one ad that attracts attention the most, and then experiment with the audience settings in the ad account - this is the only way you will understand how to create effective and budget-friendly ads. marketing campaigns In contact with.

High conversions for you!

Experts consider setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte one of the most difficult due to a large number opportunities. The social network offers more than 20 different parameters, thanks to which you can create the most effective ads. But for this targeting needs to be configured correctly.

Create ads

To start working with targeting on VKontakte, you need to go to the page, select the "Targeted advertising" section there and click the "Create ad" button. The system will prompt you to choose the format in which you will create the ad.

To determine the format, it is enough to understand what exactly you will advertise and select the appropriate option.

Ad formats

VKontakte can display ads in two versions: as an entry in the news feed or as an ad placed on the left under the user menu. In the first case, the appearance of advertising can be of three types:

Three more formats are available for app ads: custom, square image, and app showcase. Communities, on the other hand, can be advertised in a special format that displays a logo, the number of subscribers, and a "Subscribe" button.

We start setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte

After choosing the ad format, you need to accurately target the target audience. To do this, the social network provides many options.


In this section, you can make sure that the ad is shown not just to residents of one country or city, but even to a specific geographical point that can be selected on the map. You can also use targeting with the opposite meaning, that is, to exclude from the display users who live in a certain point.


Age targeting is fairly obvious. It is more worth paying attention to the last two points: “Birthday” and “Marital status”. The first one makes it possible to advertise goods and services to those VKontakte users who will soon have a birthday. The use of the second is less obvious. An example of advertising using this item is the promotion of wedding services to users whose status is "Engaged".


As an example of targeting the target audience by interests, we can cite advertising on VKontakte of any entertainment projects. To launch an advertisement, for example, a concert of a musical group, it is enough to create an ad and indicate the name of this group in the “Categories of interests” column. It will be much more difficult to target the sale of goods or services in this way. Even if a person has indicated “cars” among their interests, this does not mean that he wants to buy a new car. The exact names of companies, hobbies, interests should also be indicated in the “Communities” column.

Education and work

This setting allows you to do nothing more than create targeted advertising on VKontakte, aimed at graduates of a particular university or students. For example, to search for employees with a medical background, you can target students and graduates of medical schools.

Extra options

Of this block, the first two points, which are related to retargeting, are of the greatest interest. Using these parameters, you can set up VKontakte in such a way that the target falls on users who have already visited your site. To do this, you first need to collect a database of contacts for retargeting and upload it to VK.

Setting the price of VKontakte advertisements

The system offers two payment options:

  1. For transitions.


    • money is withdrawn only for the user's click on the ad, the number of impressions is not limited;
    • the ability to predict the budget in advance;
    • the campaign requires less oversight.


    • if you set a low cost per click, ads will be shown rarely;
    • high recommended rate.
  2. For showings.


    • the rate for 1000 impressions is several times lower than the rate for one click;
    • quick coverage of the target audience, provided that it is well defined.


    • it is impossible to predict the number of transitions;
    • Careful monitoring of the course of the advertising campaign and constant adjustments are necessary.

Now you know how to properly target VKontakte

As you can see, the basic settings are not so complicated, and anyone can figure them out. It is enough just to arm yourself with patience and trial and error to find the optimal solution to the problem. But you can do otherwise - turn to specialists who will quickly and, most importantly, correctly set up targeting so that you can quickly get targeted users and increase your profits.

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Social media targeting is an opportunity to advertise a brand only to those who are interested in the product and to attract potential customers. An ad can send a user to a VK page, website, video or app. But where is your target audience concentrated: on VKontakte, Facebook or Instagram? Depending on this, the features of setting up targeted advertising also change.

We will show you how to create ads on different social networks. We list the most popular parameters on VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram and explain how they should be configured.

To create an ad in VK, you need to click on the "Advertise" button. It is located below the menu.

For targeting on VKontakte, a standard advertisement is used with an image, text, sometimes a button or a carousel that includes several products. It is displayed on the left under the menu or in the news feed.

Item targeting settings

Pros and cons of targeting on VKontakte


    VKontakte has more than 20 parameters by which you can search for the target audience. There are interesting non-standard settings, such as showing ads to those who have a birthday coming up.

    Advertising can be launched in an hour. It is enough to transfer funds and send the ad for moderation. After approval, the advertisement is placed. Please note that some topics are moderated longer, as documents and licenses are required.

The disadvantages are the high cost of clicking on an ad - about 20-30 rubles, depending on the subject of the client's company. The b2b segment, top brands, jewelry, designer goods, etc. will cost more. construction stores, lighting, clothing of average status. If we compare this method with promotion in other ways, then the cost is really high, especially if you need to increase the number of subscribers in the group. An increase in the audience can cost 2–5 times more.

Proper setting up targeted advertising on Facebook

Facebook strictly moderates content, so it's worth researching first. regulations advertising activities. In this social network, you can launch a campaign from your profile page in the mode quick creation. It's easy and takes 5 minutes. But the ad delivery setting is not deep enough and precise enough, so the advertising campaign is less likely to succeed.

Better to start using special tool- Ads manager. It helps to accurately target the target audience and find interested users.

There is an even more advanced tool for professionals - Power Editor. It is complex and not really suitable for beginners. But it allows you to make the most precise settings and manage large-scale campaigns.

What to consider to set up detailed targeting?

Advanced Feature: Create a Custom Audience

How to set up targeted ads on Instagram?

What can be done to target the audience of an advertising campaign in detail?

    We indicate the country, city, region of the target audience, as well as its age, gender, language.

    We determine the investment and duration of the campaign up to a minute. To properly set the ideal budget, it is worth picking it up in 5-10% increments and watching how coverage increases. The percentage of funds spent should not exceed coverage.

    Create an ad in one of the following formats:

    • image - the most common way to advertise;
    • video up to 60 seconds - it demonstrates the best efficiency;
    • slideshow up to 50 seconds - no more than 10 images can be used;
    • ring gallery.

    We write the text, indicate the call to action and the link to go. Facebook makes sure that the text is no more than 20%. For those who break the rule, coverage is reduced to 30% of what is claimed. In the URL column, enter the address where the user will go when they click on the ad.

After all the settings and verification, the product can be advertised. To do this, click "Place order".

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