Personal and business qualities in the resume. Personal, business and professional qualities of a leader

In the process of writing a resume, many applicants stop at the item “personal qualities”. It is difficult for them to understand what exactly the employer would like to see in this column. When choosing an example of personal qualities for a resume, remember that they may differ for different vacancies. For example, the ability to manage people for a secretary will be rather a minus.

Most Common Descriptions

In order to write a list of your own virtues, you must be prepared to talk well about yourself. Many find it difficult to do so, so they try to find finished example personal qualities for a resume. But even in this case, you need to take the process seriously and choose from the list only those characteristics that you meet.

Among the advantages can be named the following: honesty, the ability to convince, hard work, dedication, activity, friendliness, flexibility, sociability, resourcefulness, discipline, initiative, attentiveness, politeness, reliability, teamwork, non-conflict, result-oriented, punctuality, creativity independence, self-criticism, the desire for self-improvement, the ability to adapt, enterprise, responsibility, creativity, efficiency, accuracy, developed analytical skills, knowledge of work algorithms, justice, patience, adherence to principles, decency, cheerfulness, determination, organizational skills, self-control, tact and others.

Personnel officers are advised to enter no more than 5 qualities. It is important to select those that are most relevant to the chosen position.

Having decided which personal qualities to include in your resume, be prepared for the recruiter's offer to talk about them in more detail and give specific examples.

Examples of benefits for jobs that involve working with people

If you are looking for the position of a sales manager, teacher or PR specialist, then it is better to include the following personal qualities in the merits: Sociability, contact, public speaking, persuasion, self-confidence, presentable appearance, desire for self-improvement, stress resistance, ability to compromise and make decisions in non-standard situations, energy, sense of humor, punctuality, result orientation, resourcefulness, conscientiousness, responsibility, competent speech.

But it is not necessary to list the whole list, choose from them the 5 most suitable for you. Such a characteristic will be able to show you with better side. But keep in mind, if you have problems with the construction of sentences or you start to stutter when you are nervous, then the indicated item “oratory” will look like an ordinary lie.

Punctuality will be confirmed by arriving on time for an interview, where you can also demonstrate your sense of humor, if, of course, this is appropriate.

Typical characteristics of office workers

Consider for a number of positions several typical options that play an important role specifically for the respective professions.


Applying for the position of an economist or accountant, you can indicate the following advantages: perseverance, accuracy, attentiveness, learning ability, diligence, ability to adapt, responsibility, high efficiency, analytical skills, perseverance, discipline, conflict-free, decency, honesty, independence, scrupulousness, striving for professional growth.

Choose what suits you best. For example, the “personal qualities” column of an accountant for a resume might look like this:

  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • accuracy;
  • independence;
  • perseverance.

This position does not require good diction or fairness. In most cases, being able to do your job well is enough.


A slightly different list of personal advantages will suit potential leaders: energy, contact, teamwork, self-discipline, ability to persuade, ability to manage people, justice, stress resistance, desire for growth and development, self-confidence, decency, self-criticism, optimism, focus on result, increased efficiency, attentiveness, ability to see details, perseverance, positivity, loyalty, correctness, charisma.

Leaders are subject to more stringent requirements. They can be checked more carefully than ordinary employees. Therefore, choosing an example of personal qualities in a manager's resume, you need to focus only on your abilities. Having written that you are: energetic, charismatic, purposeful, stress-resistant and decent, be prepared to confirm this at the very first interview.


For a secretary, you can choose the following characteristics: contact, punctuality, ability to perform assigned tasks, conflict-free, good diction, quickness, accuracy, desire for self-development, creativity, flexibility of thinking, learning ability, presentable appearance, diligence, conscientiousness, honesty, organization, ability to conduct a dialogue , self-control, creativity, ability to work in a team, patience, attention to nuances, sustainable psychological condition, organizational skills, competent speech.

If you want to get such a position, remember that the secretary is the representative of the head. He must not only make coffee, but also organize the entire workflow, keep track of the schedule, schedule meetings, and negotiate.


If you are applying for vacant position in the legal department, then you need to know what personality traits to write for a lawyer. For this specialist, the following are important: literacy, the ability to work with documents, stress resistance, punctuality, dedication, activity, increased efficiency, easy learning, the ability to quickly find and remember information, a creative approach to work, reliability, the ability to work in a team, energy, positivity, ability to look for a way out of impasses, attention to detail, diligence, interest in learning and professional self-improvement.

If you want to pay attention not only to your personal qualities, but also to achievements, then it is better to indicate them separately. This can be done in the section where you described previous jobs or in cover letter.

As you know, a valuable employee not only knows how to perform work duties, but also is a good man. He manages everything, listens to others, takes the initiative, has a sense of humor, is loyal to the company, adores customers, and so on.

Therefore, in addition to experience, education and skills, personal qualities should be indicated in the resume. At the same time, if you do it moderately and do not describe in detail all the character traits, you will make your resume more attractive.

What personal qualities to write in a resume

Of course, in the resume you need to indicate your positive and strongest qualities. If you do it beautifully, you will stand out from a huge stream of resumes.

Common mistake

Often, when consulting clients on career issues, they send me a resume describing the abilities of a superhuman:

  • Purposefulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Initiative.
  • Focus on results.
  • High learning ability.
  • Systems thinking.
  • And so on and so forth.

This is a bad and banal way to increase your importance. According to statistics, such a list of abilities is found in 9 resumes out of 10. Let's get rid of this and learn to attractively indicate personal qualities in a resume. There are two ways to present yourself effectively:

  • Just delete all such list. Leave only your professional skills.
  • The second way is stronger and more effective. Choose one of your abilities (the strongest) and write about it in detail. You can choose two abilities, but this is the maximum.

Examples of personal qualities in a resume

To write beautifully about your qualities, be more specific and try to be concise. Here are some examples:

  • (instead of leadership) Presentable, energetic, able to speak in public and inspire people.
  • (instead of sociability) Sociable, open (I can not just go to conferences, but make useful connections there; I can effectively use social networks for business and sales).
  • (instead of stress resistance) I can act quickly in situations of time pressure.
  • (instead of initiative) I am open in communication with management, I can offer new ideas, as well as think through and implement them.

Look for the right wording and criteria and write about personal qualities in a resume deliciously. It will work!

Professional qualities for a resume

Professional qualities - this is how you can characterize the totality personal qualities, as well as all the skills that a person managed to acquire during his professional activity. They can help you improve in the future and bring tangible benefits to your company.

Sometimes there are qualities that can be called professional only conditionally. For example, referring to them as “a developed sense of humor”, the applicant is unlikely to attract the attention of a recruiter. Unless a person is looking for a job as a party host - then a sense of humor can still be called professional.

Strong professional qualities for a resume

  • desire for professional growth;
  • the ability to convince;
  • increased performance;
  • analytical thinking.

All this will allow the recruiter to navigate and understand how to build communication with you and what your qualities should be better revealed at the interview.

For example, the same lack of experience can be supplemented with qualities such as result orientation and a quick learner. Thus, the employer, realizing that there is no need to expect instant results from a new employee, still gets the opportunity to create from him exactly the specialist that is required. If your future employer is forward-thinking, you stand a good chance.

Examples of professional qualities in a resume

It must be remembered that when listing any of the professional qualities, it is necessary to coordinate this list with the requirements that apply to the position. For example, accuracy can hardly be attributed to professional qualities and defining criteria for a candidate applying for a vacancy of a top manager. But it can be a very tangible plus for the post of secretary. Therefore, choosing professional quality for a resume, consider how one or another of them will be relevant for you in a future position.

Here are a few situations related to certain professions that require some specific qualities.

An example of professional qualities for a manager's resume

  • a responsibility;
  • performance;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • enterprise;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

An example of professional qualities for an accountant resume

  • diligence;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • organization.

An example of professional qualities for a sales manager resume

  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • public speaking skills;
  • the ability to quickly navigate the situation;
  • creativity.

As you can see, there is a difference in professional qualities. It all depends on what position you intend to apply for. But do not forget that the list of qualities should not be too long. If it contains about 10 points (or even more), then there is a high probability that your resume will be put aside: after all, the recruiter will get the feeling that you are just praising yourself. Show moderation - and the recruiter will appreciate your professional qualities in the resume.

To obtain Good work, you need to correctly show your personal qualities in the resume. An applicant for a vacancy must competently and adequately compose his biography. An employer who has read the information in a resume should have a good impression of the employee. Many people can apply for the same position. You need to stand out among them so that the commission chooses you for a certain position.

In order for management to like your resume, you need to fill it out very seriously. Each line should contain information that will interest the employer. Before writing meaningless phrases, you must first learn:

  • about the requirements of the employer for a particular vacancy;
  • What qualities should a company employee have?

There are rules for filling out a resume. The employer should obtain as much information as possible about the future employee.

You need to fill out the questionnaire with a creative approach. Don't use template samples. Try to emphasize exactly those aspects of character that the employer wants to see in his employees.

Attention! You must provide valid information about marital status, place of residence and age. It is worth mentioning achievements and responsibilities.

Concerning personal qualities, then take this issue seriously. It seems to many applicants that it makes no sense to concentrate on this line. Sometimes they put a dash on it. Perhaps some employers do not pay attention to this column. However, it is better to fill it out, especially by contacting a serious recruiting agency. It can be difficult for a person to describe personal qualities in a resume. After all, you need to highlight only your merits. In order to have to learn it.

Advantages of a new employee

The employer, looking at the characteristics of the applicant, emphasizes his best qualities. On this basis, he can distinguish a candidate from others.

First, the personnel officer must learn about the strengths of the applicant, and then about the rest.

Companies need employees with:

  • stress resistance;
  • working capacity;
  • perseverance;
  • purposefulness;
  • contact;
  • organization;
  • diligence and other qualities.

Important! Do not provide false information. Let strengths there won't be many, but they must be true.


When an applicant for a vacancy fills out a questionnaire, he must tell about his professional qualities and abilities. Is it worth talking about weaknesses and shortcomings. This column may be left blank if this moment is not important to the employer. Otherwise, it is better to talk about your shortcomings.

Excessive frankness here will be superfluous. It is enough to describe the neutral sides from which there will be no harm. For example, an applicant for a managerial position may be: too sociable, restless, scrupulous, too hardworking.

The applicant may have the following weaknesses:

  1. Pedantry;
  2. modesty;
  3. straightness;
  4. Excessive scrupulousness;
  5. pride;
  6. Excessive demands on oneself;
  7. The inability to lie;
  8. Negative attitude to boorish behavior;
  9. Too much responsibility.

Characteristics of the head of the company

The applicant for a high position is checked very carefully, in comparison with ordinary personnel. It must meet high standards. When specifying certain qualities in the questionnaire, the applicant must be able to talk about them in practice. Consider an example of the necessary qualities for a director. The leader must have:

  • decency;
  • observation;
  • perseverance;
  • justice;
  • stress resistance;
  • analytical skills;
  • flexible thinking;
  • loyalty;
  • strong character.

In addition, he must be able to lead his employees so that they follow him.

Any area manager

The applicant for this specialty must have organizational skills, communication skills. The manager needs to constantly be in contact with different people, therefore, describing his qualities, the applicant takes into account the features.

A prospective manager, regardless of the field of activity, must possess:

  • broad outlook;
  • initiative;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to insist, persuasion;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • the desire for high earnings;
  • the ability to make new contacts.

A successful employee can, by solving various tasks, effectively cope with his work.

Requirements to be a lawyer

A lot depends on the work of a person in this specialty, so he must meet high requirements and be distinguished by the presence of the following qualities. It stands out:

  • goodwill;
  • stress resistance;
  • honesty;
  • observation;
  • logical thinking;
  • integrity;
  • obligation;
  • optimism.

It is worth adding the ability for continuous development, solving difficult problems, defending one's positions.

Ideal Accounting Officer

A promising applicant for the vacant position of an accountant, in addition to financial education, has:

  • diligence;
  • benevolence;
  • accuracy;
  • vigor;
  • reliability;
  • perseverance;
  • responsibility;
  • accuracy.

In the questionnaire, it is also worth emphasizing an attentive attitude to every little thing and a penchant for constant learning.

Being a salesperson has its own characteristics.

This profession seems to be simple, but not everyone can get a job as a seller. Often, personnel officers select candidates based on their experience, skills and abilities, taking into account personal, personal characteristics.

Luck will be on the side of the applicant who has a positive attitude, adequate self-esteem, stress resistance, self-confidence. In the questionnaire, you can write about your hobbies. The employer will look for a candidate with the following qualities:

  • patience;
  • initiative;
  • diligence;
  • courtesy;
  • friendliness.

A good employee arrives on time and responsibly treats his task. There are no people without flaws. The employer does not need to worry if the employee outlet not able to fight back, often talks to customers and takes his job too seriously.

Sales Manager

Wanting to get a position in the sales department, you need not only to be able to sell, but also in a stressful environment. When filling out a resume, the applicant indicates the presence of:

  • business acumen;
  • purposefulness;
  • non-standard thinking;
  • discipline;
  • initiative;
  • exactingness;
  • flexibility of thought.

In addition to all this, the sales manager has the ability to listen to his interlocutor. If the applicant indicates all this in his characteristic, then he will have more chances to get the desired position.


Employers, choosing a candidate for a vacancy, look at what personal qualities he is endowed with in a resume using an example. An applicant who wants to get a position must correctly present his professional biography to the management. It is necessary to indicate exactly those qualities that the hirer wants to see in his employees.

What does the employer want to know about a potential employee, in addition to his education, experience and professional skills? Usually this is the attitude to work, to other people (employees and clients) and career goals.

Personal qualities for a resume should look like a short but concise description of your advantages. It is logical to add negative qualities for a resume only if the employer requires them.

Be honest about yourself. Deception will be revealed at the interview and will become a serious minus for the applicant. It is better not to write anything than to ascribe to oneself non-existent virtues.

What qualities are better not to indicate

It directly depends on the desired position. Manager and leader trade organization appropriate business qualities for resume. Creativity or love for children is out of place here.

Sociability should not be indicated for specialties that require concentration and perseverance. And they should not be mentioned to people of creative professions: designers and artists.

It is worth writing about attractive appearance and sports training only if they are required for a future profession.

How to Avoid Templates

Recruiters are annoyed by typical and hackneyed "responsibility" with "punctuality". The applicant is automatically included in the list of identical applicants. In addition, the gaze does not linger on banal phrases. The time a recruiter spends on viewing does not exceed half a minute.

How to get his attention? Just reveal the meaning of the word as an explanation or replace it. As an example, the expression “I perform my duties in good faith” is better than the standard “responsibility”. “Sociability” is described more fully if special courses and business trainings have been completed.

From the point of view of psychology, it is more useful to do without the “not” particle. As an example: "non-conflict" - benevolent, peaceful, calm.

More effectively deployed, but laconic paint personal strengths character in the summary, examples of more effective disclosure of personal qualities are given in the tables.

It happens that the employer requires a list of shortcomings. What negative qualities of a person are suitable for a resume is determined by the intended position.

Writing example

We have summarized the most commonly used personal qualities for a resume in tables.

Strengths of character and personal qualities of a person for a resume

Strengths for resume

Synonym expressions (which add or use instead of traits)


I am conscientious about my work


I always complete tasks on time


Easily find a common language with people

I always find an individual approach to the client

I try to find an approach to each child (student)


Needs no rephrasing

Always polite and remain calm in any conflict situation


I look for and implement original solutions even for everyday tasks


I am constantly engaged in self-improvement, I improve my skills in courses and trainings, I am ready for further education


Able to work productively while focusing on end goals

stress resistant

Maintain composure under any circumstances


Most often it is possible to leave





Negative personality traits and sides of character, presented as virtues

Creative approach to telling about yourself helps to find new job, even if the requirements in the vacancy are specified in formalized formulations. What if this is the first test of real interest?

It must be remembered that it is impossible to compile a universal list of characteristics for all companies. It is better to prepare several versions of the resume and prepare to argue what was written at the interview.

Special opinion

Ivan Dmitrievskikh

Head of HR Department Belitsoft

The personal qualities by which the employer chooses a future employee are divided into four groups. It is important to decide on each of them, not only in order to pass the preliminary selection by the recruiter, but also to stand out among other resumes on the manager’s desk:

1. Flexibility in communication. It is important for any leader to know how easily you will join the team and strengthen the team, and to be sure that the amount of time spent on you during the “grinding” period will be minimized. The personal qualities of this group usually include:

  • the ability to find a common language (works better than "sociability", which many perceive as an addiction to "just have fun");
  • ability to decide conflict situations;
  • team player or lone hero (on various vacancies you need a different quality - try to determine for yourself what you do best);
  • leadership skills;
  • the ability to find a balance of support and pressure to achieve common goals, etc.

2. Responsibility is a very important quality, which for some reason the younger generation pays little attention to in their resumes:

  • attitude towards deadlines;
  • how ready are you to put off your personal life, “if tomorrow there is a war”;
  • attitude to quality (how to do it right - faster or better?);
  • attitude to details - you prefer to collect complete information and check every detail, or you understand that you will never collect 100% of the necessary information and sometimes a decision must be made when it is lacking;
  • attitude to problems (jambs, fuck-ups) - “it’s not my fault” or there is an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships of the problem that has arisen (next time, in order to prevent this, do this, and to reduce losses - this way);
  • Do you have systems thinking?

3. Motivation - internal or external - relies on your internal principles or values, or external factors are needed:

  • "to" or "from" - achieving something (bonuses, career, status, experience) or avoiding (punishment, for example);
  • understanding the balance of pleasure and necessity - what part of the work in the previous place aroused passion, and what killed with boredom.

4. Your energy - there is nothing worse for an employer than to hire an expensive burnt out professional:

  • why they left their previous job (why they started looking for a job);
  • relationship with management in the previous position;
  • What are you looking for in a new job?
  • what hobbies they have outside of work (usually burned out people don’t have them under the pretext of “no time”).

All these qualities are indicated in a separate column of professional qualities or in a cover letter. For example:

“Over the five years of work, I have been rotated in three departments. Easily found a common language with colleagues in each of them. The ability to support in time has always helped in this. There were a couple of conflicts, but they were quickly resolved. Unfortunately, six months ago I realized that I had reached the ceiling in professional growth. And my energy is much more than what was needed there. In a new place, I am looking for an opportunity to work with a strong mentor and implement my ideas.”

Irina Veryovka

Head of Recruiting at the Human Capital Development Center

When looking for a job and writing a resume, it is important to understand that the employer is interested in the result. The main question for a recruiter is: how can a potential employee make a company better? Therefore, it is preferable to formulate personal qualities for a resume in the format of soft skills, that is, flexible non-specialized skills and competencies. Their presence allows the employee to solve non-standard tasks, effectively interact with the team, and manage their own performance.

Wording personality traits in the soft skills format, indicating specific results, makes the resume more presentable and professional. It helps the employer understand what a potential employee can achieve.

But describing personal qualities, the applicant often oversaturates the resume with them. Therefore, before formulating the next paragraph, think about whether it is really necessary? A sense of proportion is very important. Many characteristics raise doubts among recruiters and provoke questions. For example, you indicated such a quality as "charisma". Can you explain how it manifests itself and how to evaluate it?

If the employer still has questions, be prepared to confirm your personal qualities. Prepare a few examples that prove your serious attitude to the matter and the ability to take responsibility. If in doubt, refrain from specifying a particular trait. If you don't list anything you need for the job on your resume, the interviewer will ask leading questions.

Christina Korepina

hr-marketing specialist

The article provides an excellent table of paraphrasing hackneyed descriptive adjectives. But I propose to go even further and designate personal qualities through examples from practice. That is: “I come to meetings in 5 minutes in order to have time to get comfortable” - this phrase is about punctuality, about responsibility and about good manners.

Or “I reply to any incoming letter in the mail that the letter is in progress. And this is not an auto-response” - this is about high service accounting, about customer focus.

Such storytelling will definitely catch the hr's glimpse and at the same time reveal you as a creative person!

Personal qualities in the resume should emphasize your strengths in business environment and not be formulaic. Template characteristics at best will not be read, at worst they will think that you copied them from another resume or did not consider it necessary to devote time and attention to your own wording (and here the resume will lose several points in the eyes of the employer).

To make a list of personal qualities to add to your resume:

  • remember your last birthday in the company: what did you wish for? how were you characterized? what colleagues, subordinates, manager, partners said about you;
  • Think back to 2-3 challenging work tasks over the past year: what made you successful at them? what personal qualities helped you? thanks to what qualities did you overcome difficulties along the way;
  • look at the two resulting lists, mark the overlapping ones, evaluate the remaining ones, form your own list to add to the summary (3-5 points).

Sometimes, if it is difficult to write personal qualities in a resume, it is better not to write them at all. The only thing is that in this case, get ready that you will be asked about them in an interview, and you will most likely have to talk about them.

Viktor Nazarishin


On the one hand, personal qualities (soft skills) that will allow a person to be effective in a position are indicated in the professiogram and the position profile, which is created on the basis of the corresponding professiogram. Read these documents before deciding on a personal list.

On the other hand, a recruiter, when publishing a vacancy, describes the requirements for the personal qualities of the person the company is looking for for this position. Ideally, determine a summary list of personal qualities that correspond to both the professional profile and the requirements of the employer. These personal qualities and their manifestation are of interest to the employer.

Taking into account the fact that the requirements of employers are different and they do not always coincide with the classic vision of the professiogram (peer review), it is recommended to describe personal qualities not in a resume, but in a cover letter!

First of all, focus the attention of the employer on those personal qualities that are important in your profession. For example, it is important for a project manager to be able to correctly allocate time and be punctual. And if you are applying for a position that involves monotonous monotonous work, you should declare your perseverance, consistency and love of order.

Well, you should avoid clichés - the standard "sociability" and "stress resistance" in your resume will be ignored at best.