Presentation for children oral and written speech. Presentation on the topic "oral and written speech"

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Description of the slide:

Oral speech and its origin Let's talk about the origin of oral speech. To begin with, a very, very long time ago, millions of years ago, the first people on Earth could not only write, but also speak! Primitive people, like the animals that surrounded them, could only make the simplest sounds! They screamed if they were in danger, growled if someone was hurt, squealed with joy if they managed to find food. The first people on Earth were weak and helpless, but they already knew how to move on two legs, which means that their hands were not busy, and people could use simple tools - a stick and a stone. This was a very important advantage of man over wild animals.

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Gradually, people learned to get more food, learned to build simple dwellings, learned to use fire, but still no one could say anything, no one could exchange their thoughts. But what to do? It was necessary to find some way to agree on the hunt, to tell where the edible berries grow, to warn of the danger! And primitive people found a way out! They began to use gestures! And if some simple sounds were added to the gestures, then it turned out to be quite understandable - sign language! We still use this language today. Shaking hands, we seem to say “Hello!”, waving our hands, we say “Goodbye!”, clapping our hands, we approve “Good! Bravo!"

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But no matter how expressive the gestures and facial expressions of a person were, they were not visible in the dark. Yes, and during work, the hands are busy - you can’t talk. Ancient people had to come up with something more reliable than sign language. But tens of thousands of years passed before people began to use the sounds of their voices to convey words. People just needed to guess that all objects and natural phenomena can not be depicted with gestures, but denoted by the sounds of their voice. It really was like a miracle! The sound that has just sounded and disappeared can denote everything that does not disappear: wood, fire, rain, wind, water - everything that exists around us! So people began to possess the greatest secret of turning sound into thought, and thoughts into words!

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And only people use this great secret of the language! The ability to master the sounds of one's voice and remember the meaning of these sounds finally separated man from wild animals. So gradually the first words on Earth began to appear. These were the smallest particles of human speech that had any meaning. They were already understood by people of the same tribe. The first words on Earth could be command words, for example: Come on! Stop! Here! Forward! These words denoted not just objects, but actions. And this was very important for primitive man. Because when people began to explain to each other with words and gestures what can be done and what cannot be done, then language arose. Then he became a means of communication!

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Not only the first nouns appeared, words denoting all the objects that exist around people, but also verbs. This is very important words, which denote what a person should do or not do. Then came the words that denote the quality of the subject. What is this subject? Big, small, hot, heavy, beautiful, strong, tall… So many other words appeared. All the words gradually formed into sentences. There was oral speech. It was the greatest event in the development of mankind. Man began to think in words and speak in words!

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So, the question of what oral speech is is very simple to answer: oral speech is a person’s ability to speak and listen, a person’s ability to pronounce words with the help of lips, tongue, mouth. Therefore, the name oral speech comes from the word mouth - lips.

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Written speech and its origins We now know that it took many thousands of years for people to learn to speak. But it took no less time for people to learn to write and read. Was it really necessary to invent written language? Isn't it enough that we understand each other while talking? Yes, oral speech is quite enough for conversation and conversation, but the spoken word quickly disappears, and a trace of it remains only in the memory of the one who heard it. Thousands of years passed before people could come up with a way to store the sounds of words and then transmit them to other people. And the first steps towards writing were drawings on rocks and in caves. These drawings helped people communicate with each other.

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The second step towards writing was ancient species letters - pictography, writing with drawings. This word comes from the Latin word pictus - drawn, picturesque and the Greek word grapho - I write. The person who wrote such a letter needed to depict objects and objects as accurately as possible. life situations, and the reader of this letter had to correctly guess what was drawn in it.

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Approximately 4000 BC a state was formed, which was called Sumer. It was located in Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers north of the Persian Gulf. There lived a hardworking and prosperous people - the Sumerians. And it was the prosperity of the Sumerians, their wealth that created new problem in ancient human history. The Sumerians needed to keep track of their wealth and somehow record all the information about the number of livestock and grain for control and preservation! Then the inhabitants of Sumer, in order not to lose count, began to help themselves with drawings. From wet clay they made small cakes and drew on them what they wanted to count. To do this, they used a sharpened stick, and when the clay dried out, the drawing was preserved for a long time.

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So, starting with signs for counting, the Sumerians gradually moved to writing! They drew birds, plants, livestock and many other objects, and over time they noticed that it was not necessary to draw a bird in detail, it was possible to simplify the drawing and depict the same bird with a large icon similar to it. The main thing is to agree with those who will read that this icon means exactly a bird! But then it was necessary to teach other people to understand these icons, otherwise no one could read what is written there. So there was a need for schools and teachers! But how difficult it was to learn so many signs! And then a new idea appeared: to designate with icons not objects, because it is impossible to list them all, but only the words denoting these objects. And then signs for objects turned into signs for words.

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Slides captions:

The bell has already rung, Sit quietly and inaudibly, And let's start the lesson as soon as possible. We will work hard, After all, the tasks are not easy. We, friends, should not be lazy, Because we are students. - Check readiness for the lesson

Guess the riddle This is an unusual house, They do not live in that house. Whoever enters it, the Mind will gain.

Live and learn. The bird is red with a feather, and a man with learning. Not studying, and you can’t weave bast shoes. Repetition is the mother of learning. A full belly is deaf to learning. Difficult in teaching is easy in combat. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. To teach others, you need to sharpen your mind

GENERALIZATION AND SYSTEMATIZATION - Everything that people say is oral speech. Speech is used to express people's thoughts and feelings. Any story, conversation, answer to a question - all this is oral speech. At reading lessons, you will learn how to correctly and competently express your thoughts. In the "ABC", in addition to pictures, the pages are filled with icons (letters). These icons are written stories, poems, fairy tales. This is also speech, but not oral, but written. To know what is written or printed, one must learn to read. This is a notebook in which students learn to write

PHYSICAL MINUTE We are autumn leaves, We sit on branches (children raise their hands up). The wind blew - they flew. We flew, we flew (hand movements from side to side). And they quietly sat down on the ground (children squat). The wind came up again And the leaves lifted everything (circling in place). They spun, flew off And sat down on the ground again (the children sit down in their places).

Our speech consists of sentences. Each sentence expresses an idea. There is a pause between sentences. Each sentence, even without knowing the letters, can be written down by marking it with a diagram. Then it is easier to determine how many sentences are said.

CONTROL AND SELF-TEST OF KNOWLEDGE - What is oral speech? - What is written language? With. 5 - Name the fairy tales from which the illustrations are taken. - What is the girl doing? What are the geese doing? - Make a proposal to the scheme. - What did Emelya and the pike talk about? – Describe the illustration

PHYSICAL MINUTE Here are my helpers, Turn them as you like (palms up and down). On the white, smooth road (squeezing and unclenching fingers) Jumping fingers like horses. Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok, A frisky herd jumps (jumps).

COMPOSE THE STORY ON THE PICTURE "Awakening of nature in the spring"

Proverbs about work and diligence

REFLEXIVE EVALUATION - What did we do in the lesson? - What did you like? Who can be praised? – I am satisfied with my work at the lesson – red color. - I worked well, but I can do even better - green. - The work did not work out, I am not satisfied with myself - blue color

Oral and written speech Styles of speech Types of speech

slide 2

Agafonova E.E.

1. Oral and written speech.

2. Speech styles.

3. Types of speech.

slide 3

Agafonova E.E.

Oral and written speech

Slide 5. “Why does a person need speech?”

Slide 6. "Oral speech."

Slide 7. "Characteristics of oral speech."

Slide 9. Non-verbal means communication."

Slide 10. "Please be quiet ...". Assignment to the class.

Slide 11. "How to behave during a conversation."

Slide 12. "Written speech and its varieties."

Slide 13. "Written speech."

slide 4

Agafonova E.E.

Speech styles

Slide 14. Choice of style of speech.

Slide 15. "Speech styles." (Poem).

Slide 16. Speech styles ( reference abstract).

Slide 17. Conversational style and its features.

Slide 18. Artistic style.

Slide 20. Artistic style and its features.

Slide 21. Journalistic style.

Slide 22. Journalistic style. Sphere of use, purpose, genres.

Slide 23. Features of the journalistic style.

Slide 24. Officially - business style.

Slide 25. Officially - business style and its features.

Slide 26. Scheme of the scientific style of speech.

Slide 27. Stylistic experiment 1.

Slide 28. Stylistic experiment 2.

Slide 5

Agafonova E.E.

Types of speech

Slide 28. Types of speech. Narration, description, reasoning.

Slide 29. Types of speech. Narration.

Slide 30. Narration.

Slide 31. Narrative structure.

Slide 32. Description and its structure.

Slide 33. Description objects.

Slide 34. Reasoning and its structure.

Slide 35. Reasoning and its characteristics.

slide 6

Agafonova E.E.

Why does a person need speech?


  • Communicate
  • Share thoughts, feelings
  • agree on something
  • Coordinate your actions.
  • Praise, cheer, laugh
  • warn, advise
  • Stop.


  • Slide 7


    Agafonova E.E.

    1. Those who speak see and hear each other.

    2. They say, on the go, correcting only those mistakes that they notice.

    3. The speaker sees the reaction of the interlocutor

    Slide 8


    Agafonova E.E.

    1.TEMP (speed)

    2.VOLUME (strength of sound)

    • Fast
    • Very fast
    • Fine
    • patter
    • Slowly
    • So slow
  • Slide 9

    Agafonova E.E.


    Hello. I'm listening to you.

    Peacock at home?

    No, he hasn't come home from school yet.

    Possible options: calm - sharp

    angry - timid

    confident - frightened.

    slide 10

    Non-verbal (non-verbal) means of communication are very often used in conversation,

    adding and clarifying what has been said

    Agafonova E.E.

    A gesture is a movement that expresses or accompanies speech.

    Mimicry is a movement of the face that expresses the inner state of mind.

    The reaction of the interlocutor is a manifestation of attitude towards something or someone

    Non-verbal means

    Gesture Mimic

    The reaction of the interlocutor

    slide 11

    Please be quiet...

    In the museum, cinema and tram

    About what we talk about to each other

    But often we do not notice one thing,

    That, as in a dense forest, we scream.

    That we went to visit yesterday,

    That dad gave me a bike

    Grandpa's bones were broken by the rain,

    And by the way, it's still not raining.

    Please be quiet!

    Please be quiet!

    Shh! Shh! Chhh!

    What public place

    Fate did not bring you today, -

    Remember, no one cares

    Know everything about your personal affairs.

    Prepare to read individual lines of the polylogue.

    slide 12

    Agafonova E.E.


    1. Speak calmly

    2. Don't wave your arms.

    3. Watch what words you choose.

    4. Know how to listen to another.

    5. Speak clearly, don't rush. Change your intonation so that your speech is not monotonous.

    6. Don't talk for too long.

    7. Never allow yourself to be rude to people.

    slide 13

    WRITTEN SPEECH and its varieties

    Agafonova E.E.

    Letter Personal diary

    Statement Essay

    Slide 14


    Agafonova E.E.

    1. The one who writes does not see or hear the person to whom he is addressing.

    2. They write, correcting all errors when checking.

    3. The writer does not see the reaction of the interlocutor, he can only predict

    slide 15

    Agafonova E.E.

    Speech situation

    • Where are we talking?
    • With whom?
    • For what purpose?

    In a formal setting

    In an informal setting

    With one person

    • Communication
    • Message
    • Impact
    • With a large audience

    Choice of speech style

    slide 16

    Agafonova E.E.

    Speech styles

    The artists are talking in the dressing room

    Your friend is talking to you

    Style is simple

    And not some other.

    Reading a story or a verse

    novel, poem, play

    Know their style

    The style is very interesting.

    Still have style

    Articles in a political magazine

    Newspaper essays, notes -

    Remember this style too.

    Open your biography

    And the rules when we teach

    We use style




    Official - business

    Slide 17

    Speech styles (where? with whom? why?)

    Agafonova E.E.

    Book Spoken communication (colloquial words, incomplete sentences, dialogue)

    message (terms)

    ARTISTIC - impact (figurative words)

    OFFICIAL - BUSINESS (message) (special words and turns)

    PUBLICISTIC communication of information, impact (socio-political vocabulary, combination of solemn vocabulary and colloquial means)

    Slide 18

    Conversational style

    Agafonova E.E.

    Features of conversational style

    The goal is communication

    Scope of use - communication with close and well-known people,

    the sphere of domestic relations and the oral form of professional.

    Style features

    We don't always know what we're talking about.

    We don't know what words we'll choose.

    We need to see and hear the participant in the conversation.

    Language means: the composition of book words is limited, a lot of vernacular

    words, a large number of interjections, particles, the presence of incomplete and short

    sentences, richness of intonations.

    Slide 19

    Agafonova E.E.


    Scope of use - language fiction.

    The purpose of use is the creation of an artistic image, emotional and aesthetic impact.

    Language tools:

    1. Epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperbole, etc.

    2. Stylistic figures (figures of speech): anaphora, antithesis, union, gradation,

    inversion, parallelism, rhetorical question, reversal, default, ellipsis, epiphora.

    The artistic style is distinguished by figurativeness, the wide use of figurative and expressive means of the language.

    Slide 20

    Agafonova E.E.

    Artistic speech style

    1. Designed to create artistic, poetic images, emotional and aesthetic impact, and all linguistic means included in a work of art are subject to the tasks of this style.

    2. The main function is aesthetic.

    3. To the means of artistic expression


    4.Feature - connection various styles speech, the combination of the words "high" and "low",

    the presence of colloquial vocabulary, sometimes - vernacular, dialectisms, professionalisms.

    5. Type of speech - reasoning, reasoning with elements of description, description.

    Slide 21

    Journalistic style

    Agafonova E.E.

    Publicism is a special type of literary works that highlight, explain

    topical issues socio-political life, moral problems are raised.

    slide 22

    Agafonova E.E.

    The sphere of use is the style of radio, television, newspaper, magazine articles.

    The goal is to transfer information with simultaneous impact on the reader, listener.

    Genres: information, critical note, reportage, interview, article,

    review, sketch, essay, feuilleton.


    slide 23

    Features of the journalistic style of speech

    Agafonova E.E.

    1. LOGIC.

    2. IMAGE.



    5. CALL.


    The most important quality is PUBLIC AVAILABILITY:

    It is designed for a wide audience and should be understandable to everyone.

    EPITHETS are used to influence the imagination and feelings of the reader,

    COMPARISONS, METAPHORS, colloquial words, phraseological units

    slide 24

    Agafonova E.E.


    Sphere of use - used in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative - legal activity).

    The goal is to communicate and inform.

    Main genres: laws, orders, resolutions, protocols, acts, certificates, instructions, announcements, business papers (statement, report, memorandum ...)

    Language features:

    1. Officially - business vocabulary

    2. Stable, standardized turns of speech

    3. Accuracy that does not allow any other interpretation.

    slide 25

    Agafonova E.E.

    Formal - business style of speech.

    Scope of use - legal, service, industrial relations.

    The purpose of use is communication, information.

    Main features:

    1. Accuracy, not allowing a different interpretation.

    2. Non-personal character.

    3.Standardized, stereotypical construction of the text.

    4. Must be prescriptive.

    Language features.

    1. Vocabulary - the widespread use of standard turns of speech. special terminology.

    2.Syntax - complicated simple sentences.

    3. Types of speech - there is almost no narration and description.

    4. All documents are devoid of emotionality, there are no pictorial

    language means.

    slide 26

    Scheme of the scientific style of speech

    Agafonova E.E.

    speech situation:


    Style features: logical presentation, abstraction and generalization,

    accuracy, conclusiveness, unemotionality and objectivity

    Slide 27

    Agafonova E.E.

    Stylistic experiment

    1. Read the text twice. On the first reading, use the first synonym given in brackets, and then read the text with the second synonym. What happened?

    2. What is the difference between the two spoken texts?

    By the stream (grew, waved) the beautiful Rose. On a branch in front of her (sat, perched) Nightingale. With admiration, he (looked, stared) at Rose, (singing, praising) her beauty. Nightingale (trills, squeals) sounded over the stream, and he (seconded, agreed) to them with a quiet (murmur, gurgle).

    But autumn came. (Fallen, fell off) the petals of a beautiful Rose. Brook (carried away,

    dragged) them into the distance, and (silenced, died out) the nightingale's song.

    A. Smirnov.

    Slide 28

    Stylistic experiment

    Agafonova E.E.

    Task: 1. In this text there are synonyms for the word eyes:

    eyes, peepers. For what purpose did the author use them?

    2. How do adjectives and verbs change when they are next to these synonyms?

    3. What, in your opinion, will people be - the owners of eyes, little eyes, peepers?

    There were eyes: black, beautiful. Look - and look, and ask. And there were little eyes: gray, roguish - they kept sniffing around, not looking directly at anyone.

    Eyes asked:

    What are you running? What are you looking for?

    Eyes darted, fussed, they say:

    Yes, so-so, little by little, little by little, it’s impossible - for mercy, it’s necessary -

    you know.

    And there were peepers: dim, impudent. They stare and stare. Eyes asked:

    What are you watching? What do you see?

    The peepers squinted, shouted:

    How dare you? Who are you? Who are we? Yes, we are you!

    The eyes were looking for the same beautiful eyes, they did not find them and closed.

    F. Sologub.

    Slide 29

    Types of speech

    Agafonova E.E.

    • Narration
    • Description
    • reasoning

    What happened?

    Several drawings (photos)

    One drawing (photo)


    No drawings


    slide 30

    Types of speech. Narration.

    Agafonova E.E.

    Narration is a story, a message about some event in its temporal sequence.

    Compositional features:

    1. Narrative-type works can begin immediately with a plot and even with a denouement of an action (i.e., an event can be transmitted in direct, chronological order and in reverse, when we first learn about the denouement, and then about the action itself).

    2. The expressive and pictorial power of the narrative lies in the visual representation of the action.

    3. A special role belongs to verbs denoting successive events that help the story unfold.

    Slide 31

    Agafonova E.E.

    Narrative is a story, a message about some event in its

    time sequence.

    The main thing is the order of the action and the development of the plot

    The expressive and pictorial power of the story is

    primarily in the visual representation of the action, movement of people and phenomena in time and space.

    A special role belongs to VERBS, especially the forms of the past tense of the perfect form (they, denoting the sequence of events, help the story unfold).

    You can put a question to the text - narration


    The method of photographing is SEVERAL PHOTOS.

    slide 32

    Narrative and its structure

    Agafonova E.E.

    • introduction
    • tie
    • denouement
    • Conclusion
  • Slide 33

    Description and its structure

    Agafonova E.E.

    Description - a verbal image of any phenomenon of reality by listing and disclosing its main features.

    The purpose of the description is to make the reader (listener) see the subject of the description, present it in his mind.

    Composition Description:

    1. General idea of ​​the subject.

    2. Separate signs of the subject. (description of parts, parts)

    Language features:

    1. Wide use of words denoting qualities, properties of objects.

    2. Use of verbs imperfect kind in the past tense,

    and for special clarity, figurativeness - in the form of the present tense.

    3. Definitions, nominal and incomplete sentences play an important role.

    slide 34

    Agafonova E.E.

    The objects of description, depending on the situation and goals, can be very different.

    Slide 35

    Agafonova E.E.

    Reasoning and its structure

    Reasoning is a verbal presentation, clarification, confirmation

    any thought.

    Reasoning is a very important type of speech: in order to convince of something, one must be able to reason, prove, think logically, draw reasonable conclusions. This skill is necessary to refute the point of view of an opponent with whom you do not agree.


    1. Thesis (an idea is expressed)

    2. Arguments (proof or refutation of this idea).

    Convincing, accompanied by examples

    3. Conclusion (conclusion)

    Slide 36

    Agafonova E.E.

    Reasoning and its characteristic features

    It is important to

    a) the thesis was provable and clearly articulated

    b) the arguments were convincing, they should be enough to prove your thesis

    c) between the thesis and arguments, as well as individual arguments, a logical and grammatical connection was established

    d) each argument confirmed exactly the thesis you put forward, and not something else (a fact is the most indisputable evidence).

    e) for the grammatical connection between the arguments, as well as between the thesis and the arguments, introductory words were used: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, thus

    Genre forms of reasoning

    Letter Article Review Report Polemic dialogue

    Slide 37

    Agafonova E.E.

    Used resources

    1. Rosenthal D.E. Practical style of the Russian language. M.: graduate School, 1998.

    2. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. M.: Education, 2001.

    3. UMK on the Russian language, edited by Babaitseva V.V. 5-9 grade. M.: Bustard, 2008

    View all slides

    slide 1

    slide 2

    Agafonova E.E. Content 1. Oral and written speech. 2. Speech styles. 3. Types of speech. Agafonova E.E.

    slide 3

    Agafonova E.E. So Content Oral and written speech Slide 5. “Why does a person need speech?” Slide 6. "Oral speech." Slide 7. "Characteristics of oral speech." Slide 8. “Voice. Features of intonation. Slide 9. "Non-verbal means of communication." Slide 10. "Please be quiet ...". Assignment to the class. Slide 11. "How to behave during a conversation." Slide 12. "Written speech and its varieties." Slide 13. "Written speech." Agafonova E.E.

    slide 4

    Agafonova E.E. Speech styles Slide 14. Choice of speech style. Slide 15. "Speech styles." (Poem). Slide 16. Speech styles (reference notes). Slide 17. Conversational style and its features. Slide 18. Artistic style. Slide 20. Artistic style and its features. Slide 21. Journalistic style. Slide 22. Journalistic style. Sphere of use, purpose, genres. Slide 23. Features of the journalistic style. Slide 24. Officially - business style. Slide 25. Officially - business style and its features. Slide 26. Scheme of the scientific style of speech. Slide 27. Stylistic experiment 1. Slide 28. Stylistic experiment 2. Agafonova E.E.

    slide 5

    Agafonova E.E. Types of speech Slide 28. Types of speech. Narration, description, reasoning. Slide 29. Types of speech. Narration. Slide 30. Narration. Slide 31. Narrative structure. Slide 32. Description and its structure. Slide 33. Description objects. Slide 34. Reasoning and its structure. Slide 35. Reasoning and its characteristic features. Agafonova E.E.

    slide 6

    Agafonova E.E. Why does a person need speech? SPEECH HELPS Communicate Share thoughts, feelings Agree on something Coordinate your actions. Praise, cheer, make laugh Warn, advise, Stop. ORAL SPEECH AND ITS VARIETIES DIALOGUE POLYLOGUE MONOLOGUE Agafonova E.E.

    Slide 7

    Agafonova E.E. SPEECH 1. Those who speak see and hear each other. 2. They say, on the go, correcting only those mistakes that they notice. 3. The speaker sees the reaction of the interlocutor Agafonov E.E.

    Slide 8

    Agafonova E.E. CHARACTERISTICS of oral speech 1. TEMP (speed) 2. VOLUME (strength of sound) 3. timbre (voice coloring) 4. TONE TEMP Fast Very fast Normal Patter Slowly Very slowly Agafonova E.E.

    slide 9

    Agafonova E.E. VOICE HIGH, LOW, SKID, SMILING, SMOOTHING, ROUGH 1. Read the dialogue, taking into account the coloring of the voice: - Hello. I am listening to you. - Peacock at home? No, he hasn't come home from school yet. Options are possible: calm - sharp angry - timid confident - frightened. Options for the strength of the voice: loud, too loud, in a whisper, softly ... Agafonova E.E.

    slide 10

    Agafonova E.E. Non-verbal (non-verbal) means of communication are very often used in conversation, supplementing and clarifying what has been said. Gesture is a movement that expresses or accompanies speech. Mimicry is a movement of the face that expresses the inner state of mind. The reaction of the interlocutor is a manifestation of an attitude towards something or someone Non-verbal means Gesture Mimicry Reaction of the interlocutor Agafonova E.E.

    slide 11

    Please be quiet... -In the museum, cinema and tram We talk about this and that to each other, But often we don't notice one thing, That, as in a dense forest, we shout. About the fact that we went to visit yesterday, That dad gave us a bicycle, Grandpa's bones were different before the rain, And, by the way, there is still no rain. - Please be quiet! - Please be quiet! -Shh! Shh! Chhh! Whatever public place Fate brings you today, - Please note that no one is interested in knowing everything about your personal affairs. 1. Read, thinking through the strength of the voice and intonation. Prepare to read the individual replicas of the polylogue.

    slide 12

    Agafonova E.E. HOW TO BEHAVE DURING A CONVERSATION 1. Speak calmly 2. Do not wave your arms. 3. Watch what words you choose. 4. Know how to listen to another. 5. Speak clearly, don't rush. Change your intonation so that your speech is not monotonous. 6. Don't talk for too long. 7. Never allow yourself to speak rudely to people Agafonova E.E.

    slide 13

    Agafonova E.E. WRITTEN SPEECH and its varieties Letter Personal diary Presentation Composition Agafonova E.E.

    slide 14

    Agafonova E.E. WRITTEN SPEECH 1. The one who writes does not see or hear the person to whom he is addressing. 2. They write, correcting all errors when checking. 3. The writer does not see the reaction of the interlocutor, he can only predict Agafonova E.E.

    slide 15

    Agafonova E.E. Speech situation Where do we speak? With whom? For what purpose? In a formal setting In an informal setting With one person Communication Message Influence With a large audience Choice of speech style Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Speech styles Artists are talking in the dressing room, Your friend is talking to you- Style is just And not any other. You read a story or a verse, a novel, a poem, a play - Know the style in them, The style is very interesting. There is also the style of Articles in a political magazine, Newspaper essays, notes - Remember this style too. And open the biography - And the rules when we teach, We use the style Colloquial Artistic Journalistic Formal business Scientific Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Speech styles (where? with whom? why?) Book Spoken communication (colloquial words, incomplete sentences, dialogue) SCIENTIFIC - message (terms) ARTISTIC - impact (figurative words) OFFICIAL - BUSINESS (message) (special words and phrases) PUBLICISTIC message information, influence (socio-political vocabulary, combination of solemn vocabulary and colloquial means) Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Conversational style Features of conversational style Purpose - communication Sphere of use - communication with close and well-known people, the sphere of domestic relations and the oral form of professional ones. Stylistic features - We do not always know what we are going to talk about. We don't know what words to choose. - We must see and hear the participant in the conversation. Language means: the composition of book words is limited, a lot of colloquial words, a large number of interjections, particles, the presence of incomplete and short sentences, a wealth of intonations. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. ARTISTIC STYLE OF SPEECH The sphere of use is the language of fiction. The purpose of use is the creation of an artistic image, emotional and aesthetic impact. Language means: 1. Epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperbole, etc. 2. Stylistic figures (figures of speech): anaphora, antithesis, non-union, gradation, inversion, parallelism, rhetorical question, appeal, default, ellipsis, epiphora . The artistic style is distinguished by figurativeness, wide use of figurative and expressive means of the language. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Artistic style of speech 1. Designed to create artistic, poetic images, emotional and aesthetic impact, and all linguistic means included in a work of art are subject to the tasks of this style. 2. The main function is aesthetic. 3. The means of artistic expression include RHYTHM, RHYTHM, INTONATION, SOUND. 4. A characteristic feature is the combination of different styles of speech, the combination of the words "high" and "low", the presence of colloquial vocabulary, sometimes - colloquialisms, dialectisms, professionalisms. 5. Type of speech - reasoning, reasoning with elements of description, description. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Journalistic style Journalism is a special type of literary works, which highlight and explain current issues of social and political life, and raise moral problems. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Journalistic style The sphere of use is the style of radio, television, newspaper, journal articles. The goal is to convey information with simultaneous impact on the reader, listener. Genres: information, critical note, reportage, interview, article, review, sketch, essay, feuilleton. ORATORIC SPEECH, JUDICIAL SPEECH. REPORT. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Features of the journalistic style of speech 1. LOGIC. 2. IMAGE. 3. EMOTIONALITY. 4. EVALUATION. 5. CALL. 6. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL VOCABULARY The most important quality is PUBLIC AVAILABILITY: It is designed for a wide audience and should be understandable to everyone. To influence the imagination and feelings of the reader, EPITHETS, COMPARISONS, METAPHORS, colloquial words, phraseological units Agafonova E.E. are used.

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    Agafonova E.E. OFFICIAL - BUSINESS STYLE Sphere of use - used in an official setting (legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). The goal is to communicate and inform. Main genres: laws, orders, resolutions, protocols, acts, certificates, instructions, announcements, business papers (statement, report, memorandum ...) Features of the language: 1. Official - business vocabulary 2. Stable, standardized turns of speech 3. Accuracy, allowing no other interpretation. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Formal - business style of speech. Sphere of use - legal, official, industrial relations. The purpose of use is communication, information. Main features: 1. Accuracy that does not allow any other interpretation. 2. Non-personal character. 3.Standardized, stereotypical construction of the text. 4. Must-prescriptive character. Language features. 1. Vocabulary - the widespread use of standard turns of speech. special terminology. 2.Syntax - complicated simple sentences. 3. Types of speech - there is almost no narration and description. 4. All documents are devoid of emotionality, there are no visual means of the language. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Scheme of the scientific style of speech Speech situation: PURPOSE - MESSAGE, INFORMATION TRANSMISSION Style features: logical presentation, abstraction and generalization, accuracy, evidence, unemotionality and objectivity Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Stylistic experiment Task: 1. Read the text twice. On the first reading, use the first synonym given in brackets, and then read the text with the second synonym. What happened? 2. What is the difference between the two spoken texts? 3. What happens if you read the text one more time, using either the first or the second synonym? By the stream (grew, waved) the beautiful Rose. On a branch in front of her (sat, perched) Nightingale. With admiration, he (looked, stared) at Rose, (singing, praising) her beauty. Nightingale (trills, squeals) sounded over the stream, and he (seconded, agreed) to them with a quiet (murmur, gurgle). But autumn came. (Fallen, fell off) the petals of a beautiful Rose. The stream (carried away, dragged) them into the distance, and (silenced, died out) the nightingale's song. A. Smirnov. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Stylistic experiment Task: 1. In this text, there are synonyms for the word eyes: little eyes, peepers. For what purpose did the author use them? 2. How do adjectives and verbs change when they are next to these synonyms? 3. What, in your opinion, will people be - the owners of eyes, little eyes, peepers? Eyes. There were eyes: black, beautiful. Look - and look, and ask. And there were little eyes: gray, roguish - they kept sniffing around, not looking directly at anyone. Eyes asked: - What are you running? What are you looking for? Little eyes darted, fussed, they said: - Yes, so-so, little by little, little by little, it’s impossible - for mercy, you know - you know. And there were peepers: dim, impudent. They stare and stare. Eyes asked: - What are you looking at? What do you see? The peepers squinted, shouted: - How dare you? Who are you? Who are we? Yes, we are you! The eyes were looking for the same beautiful eyes, they did not find them and closed. F. Sologub. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Speech types Narration Description Reasoning What happened? Several drawings (photos) verbs What? One picture (photo) adjectives Why? No drawings, photographs. dialects of Agafonov E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Types of speech. Narration. : Narration is a story, a message about some event in its temporal sequence. Compositional features: 1. Narrative-type works can begin immediately from the plot and even from the denouement of the action (i.e., the event can be transmitted in direct, chronological order and in reverse, when we first learn about the denouement, and then about the actual action). 2. The expressive and pictorial power of the narrative lies in the visual representation of the action. 3. A special role belongs to verbs denoting successive events that help the story unfold. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. NARRATORY is a story, a message about some event in its temporal sequence. The main thing is the order of the action and the development of the plot. The expressive and pictorial power of the narrative lies primarily in the visual representation of the action, the movement of people and phenomena in time and space. A special role belongs to VERBS, especially the forms of the past tense of the perfect form (they, denoting the sequence of events, help the story unfold). To the text - the narrative, you can put the question WHAT HAPPENED? The method of photographing is SEVERAL PHOTOS. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Narration and its structure Introduction Outcome Denouement CULMINATION Conclusion Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Description and its structure Description is a verbal representation of any phenomenon of reality by listing and disclosing its main features. The purpose of the description is to make the reader (listener) see the subject of the description, present it in his mind. Description composition: 1. General idea of ​​the subject. 2. Separate signs of the subject. (description of parts, parts) 3. Author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion. Language features: 1. Wide use of words denoting qualities, properties of objects. 2. The use of imperfective verbs in the form of the past tense, and for special clarity, figurativeness - in the form of the present tense. 3. Definitions, nominal and incomplete sentences play an important role. Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. The objects of description, depending on the situation and goals, can be very different Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Reasoning and its structure Reasoning is a verbal presentation, explanation, confirmation of any thought. Reasoning is a very important type of speech: in order to convince of something, one must be able to reason, prove, think logically, draw reasonable conclusions. This skill is necessary to refute the point of view of an opponent with whom you do not agree. Composition 1. Thesis (some thought is expressed) 2. Arguments (proof or refutation of this thought). a) ... b) ... c) ... Convincing, accompanied by examples 3. Conclusion (conclusion) Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. Reasoning and its characteristic features It is important that a) the thesis is provable and clearly formulated b) the arguments are convincing, they should be sufficient to prove your thesis c) a logical and grammatical connection is established between the thesis and arguments, as well as individual arguments d) each argument confirmed exactly the thesis you put forward, and not something else (the fact is the most indisputable evidence). e) for the grammatical connection between the arguments, as well as between the thesis and arguments, introductory words were used: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, in this way Genre forms of reasoning Letter Article Review Report Polemical dialogue Agafonova E.E.

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    Agafonova E.E. 1. Rosenthal D.E. Practical style of the Russian language. M.: Higher School, 1998. 2. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. M.: Enlightenment, 2001. 3. UMK in the Russian language, edited by Babaitseva V.V. 5-9 grade. M.: Bustard, 2008 4. 5. Agafonova E.E.