Christmas scene Bethlehem night. - center of Christian resources

CHARACTERS: Simon, the innkeeper; Martha, his wife; Sarah, Simon's niece, an orphan; Gem merchant; Driving from Damascus; 1st shepherd; 2nd shepherd; 3rd shepherd.

The scene depicts the courtyard of the hotel. There is a bench and a small table in front. Sarah is sweeping the yard. He sings a song, then sighs wearily and sits down on a bench.

Marfa: (enters and speaks angrily) Sarah! Again you are messing around!

Sarah: I'm sorry, Aunt Martha. I just sat down to rest. Tired... Worked all day...

Martha: Nothing, you won't break! Stop sweeping and go clean your vegetables! Guests came in large numbers - wow! There is no end in sight to the work. Hurry up.

Sarah: Now, Aunt Martha.

Martha: Did you bring water to a woman from Damascus who recently arrived?

Sarah: (embarrassed) I do not remember...

Martha: Here you go! How can you not remember? Here's a lazybones! All day long you can only hear the complaints of the guests about you!

Sarah: Yes, aunt, there are so many guests, and I'm alone! This has not happened yet - all the rooms are occupied.

Marfa: (enough) It's true! Not a single free room left. Everything is the order of Caesar to rewrite the people. So many people have gathered in our Bethlehem that it is impossible to count.

(A knock on the door. A merchant enters with a rich chest in his hands.)

Merchant: Good evening, hostess! Do you have a free room to spend the night?

Martha: What are you, sir! Everything is busy, I'm sorry.

Merchant: I came to Bethlehem because of the census: my family comes from Bethlehem. I trade in precious stones. We, merchants, cannot waste time in any way: time is money. I would like to spend the night only, I will pay well.

Martha: I'm sorry, sir - everything is taken. Feeding is possible. Take a break from the road.

Merchant: (sits down on the bench, puts the casket on the table) It's a pity, a pity ... I would not stand for a fee. (Opens chest, takes out necklace) Maybe you, hostess, will like something from my product? Look - the royal necklace! The stones are burning, the frame is gold. BUT?

Martha: Oh, what a beauty! Just a sight!

(Sarah ceases her revenge, looks over Martha's shoulder at the necklace.)

Marfa: (angrily) What you are watching? Sweep faster!

Merchant: (digging in the casket) And I have one for your daughter.

Martha: What a daughter she is to me! An orphan. Husband's niece. Regretted. Yes, it makes little sense.

(A passing guest appears at the door)

Passing: I asked to bring me water. Almost an hour has passed, and no one is carrying!

Martha: Sarah! (referring to merchant) See what a girl this is! Everyone forgets! Some kind of idiot! (speaking to Sarah) Now run for water! And remember, until you do everything, you will not have dinner. Understandably? (Sarah takes the pitcher and leaves. Martha addresses the road.) Excuse me. We have never had such a crowd before. Your head is just spinning!

Merchant: Well, if you don't like the necklace, hostess, then goodbye - I'll go.

Passing: (looking at the necklace) Oh what fine work. And what stones!

Merchant: I say - the royal necklace. Ready to pay for a room. There is nowhere to spend the night. At least sleep in the field! (Picks things up in a box) I'll go, maybe I'll find another hotel...

Martha: Wait, merchant. It looks like we have a small room. Here is this girl. She can sleep in the barn. Nothing will be done to her.

Merchant: I would just like to spend the night quietly in bed.

Martha: I'll accompany you, let's go.

Merchant: (pulls out necklace again) Thank you! Take over the room.

(The hostess takes the necklace from him. She leaves.)

Passing by: And the hostess is not stupid! This necklace has earned!

(Exits. Simon enters, sits down on a bench.)

Simon: Wow! Tired. Well, a day! There are so many guests that I don't know what to do!

(Sara runs in.)

Sarah: Uncle Simon! My dear uncle!

Simon: What is it, girl?

Sarah: Promise you can! You are welcome!

Simon: What - can I? What are you talking about, honey?

Sarah: There two came from Nazareth. He is old and she is young. And so tired.

Simon: All the visitors are tired, my girl. Because of this census, people from all over the earth come here - the whole family of King David. You tell them, dear, that we have no more room.

Sarah: Uncle, I'll give them my closet! Can? I'm in a cave, I'll spend the night in a barn.

Simon: My poor kind girl, you are tired, you need to rest.

Sarah: Uncle Simon, please! They are so tired, so tired. Let me help them!

Simon: Well, God bless you, take them to your closet.

Sarah: Thank you uncle, thank you. Don't worry, I'll do my job: I'll sweep the yard, I'll clean the vegetables, and I'll apply water. I'll do everything.

(Martha enters. She has a necklace around her neck.)

Martha: Have you brought water? (Sits down and starts peeling vegetables.)

Sarah: I'm just now ... I'll just show two passers-by to my closet - Uncle Simon allowed ...

Martha: In the closet?!

Sarah: I will sleep in a cave, in a barn, on straw. And they are so tired...

Martha: You will sleep there anyway, but do not dispose of your place! Crappy girl!

Simon: Enough for you, Martha!

Martha: Don't interfere! I have already rented her closet to the merchant.

Sarah: (crying) They are so tired, so good...

Martha: And I don't want to listen. Do your job! And hurry up! (Martha exits).

Simon: Don't cry, honey, don't cry. (Puts his hand on Sarah's shoulder.) We'll arrange it somehow. Do not Cry!

Sarah: Uncle, I can't leave them! She smiled at me as if she were my mother! They are kind, poor... Maybe they will spend the night with me in the cave, huh?

Simon: They probably won't.

Sarah: May I ask you?

Simon: Well, run. If they agree, let them spend the night in a cave.

(Sarah runs away, Simon takes a broom and begins to sweep the yard. Behind the stage, singing “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth ...” Simon stops, listens. Someone knocks on the door. Three shepherds enter.)

1st shepherd: Are you the owner of this inn?

Simon: Me, what do you want?

2nd shepherd: We are looking for a baby who was born today.

Simon: The hotel is full of people, but no one was born here.

3rd shepherd: Yes, not in a hotel!

Simon: I've been dealing with visitors all day. In the city, maybe someone was born. Only I didn't hear anything.

1st shepherd: We are looking for a baby born in a cave, in a barn.

2nd shepherd: And this baby is the Savior of the world.

Simon: You're full of jokes! How can the Savior of the world be born in a barn?!

3rd shepherd: You better listen. We are not joking at all.

1st shepherd: Today in the field where we pastured the flock, an angel appeared to us. And he said to us: “Do not be afraid. I proclaim great joy to you, great joy to all people. Today the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in the city of King David.

Simon: Well, run and look for houses in Bethlehem!

2nd shepherd: No. The angel said: "Here is a sign for you - you will find the Baby in the barn, in the manger."

Simon: (thoughtfully) In a manger?

(Martha enters.)

Marfa: The guests complain that you make a lot of noise here. Come in, come in, there's nothing to stand here!

Simon: Martha, an angel appeared to them. Said the Savior of the world was born today. In the manger lies...

Martha: What nonsense! The savior of the world - in the barn? They figure it out! Go, go, there's nothing to talk about here.

Simon: No, you wait. After all, in our cave, where the cattle stands, today people spend the night.

Martha: What-o-o? What people? It's all Sarah stuff! I'll go and get them out of there. Ugliness! (Martha exits)

3rd shepherd: We have been waiting for the Savior for a long time.

1st shepherd: We saw angels in the sky. They sang "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth..."

Simon: (About myself) I would like to give them my room! And I'm in the barn!

(Martha and Sarah return)

Martha: Simon, the baby is in the manger. (Sits down on the bench, thinks, sorts out the necklace.)

Sarah: Oh, Uncle Simon! You should look at the baby! He is such a...!

Marfa: (as if to himself) It's strange, when I looked at Him, I felt so quiet, so calm in my soul!

Sarah: And when He looks, it's like he sees your soul!

2nd shepherd: Probably, it is He - the Baby we are looking for.

Simon: Martha, He should be born with us... But we... we didn't let him in.

Marfa: (covers face with hands and cries) I know I know...

Sarah: (hugs Martha) Don't cry, aunt Martha, don't cry...

Marfa: (pulls Sarah to him) After all, I took your room away from them. And all because of this necklace...

Sarah: But you didn't know... You didn't know that the Baby...

Martha: I didn't know, it's true. But you didn't know either, but you took pity on them. And I didn't want to listen. Was about to kick out. (Rises from the bench, removes from the neck necklace and gives it to Sarah). Take them, daughter, the necklace. They are poor. You never know what they will need for the Baby.

(Sarah leaves with the necklace.)

Simon: You see, Martha, you helped them too.

Martha: Shame on me, Simon. I am ashamed of my evil greed. You can't atone for this guilt with a necklace... (thinks). Let's give them our room.

Simon: It's too late now.

Martha: No, Simon, it's never too late to make amends for your sin. You know what: let's always give one room to the poor for the rest of our lives. Not for money, but like this - as a gift to the Infant and His Mother, for our guilt.

Simon: That's good. So we will bring Him a gift.

(Sarah returns.)

3rd shepherd: Well, let's go and worship Him.

Simon: (opens window shutters): Look!

(From the window in the background you can see the image of the Mother of God with the Baby in the manger. All the characters are grouped at the window on their knees and sing the Christmas carol "The Nativity of Christ, the Angel has arrived," or another suitable Christmas carol).

Simon, hotel owner
Martha, his wife.
Sarah, Simon's niece, an orphan.
Merchant, dealer in precious stones.
Passing from Damascus.
Three shepherds.
The scene depicts the courtyard of the hotel. There is a bench and a small table in front. Sarah is sweeping the yard. He sings a song, then sighs wearily and sits down on a bench.
Martha (enters and speaks angrily). Sarah! Again you are messing around!
Sarah. I'm sorry, Aunt Martha. I just sat down to rest. Tired... Worked all day...
Martha. Nothing, don't break! Stop sweeping and go clean your vegetables! Guests came in large numbers - wow! There is no end in sight to the work. Hurry up.
Sarah. Now, Aunt Martha.
M a r f a. Did you bring water to a woman from Damascus who recently arrived?
Sarah (embarrassed). I do not remember...
Martha. Here's to you! How can you not remember? Here's a lazybones! All day long you can only hear the complaints of the guests about you!
Sarah. Yes, aunt, there are so many guests, and I'm alone! This has not happened yet - all the rooms are occupied.
Martha (enough). It's true! Not a single free room left. Everything is the order of Caesar to rewrite the people. So many people have gathered in our Bethlehem that it is impossible to count.
Knock on the door. The Merchant enters with a rich casket in his hands.
Merchant. Good evening, mistress! Do you have a free room to spend the night?
Martha. What are you, sir! Everything is busy, I'm sorry.
Merchant. I came to Bethlehem because of the census: my family is from Bethlehem. I trade in precious stones. We, merchants, cannot waste time in any way: time is money. I would like to spend the night only, I will pay well.
Martha. I'm sorry sir, everything is busy. Feeding is possible. Take a break from the road.
Merchant (sits down on a bench, puts the casket on the table). It's a pity, a pity ... I would not stand for a fee. (Opens the casket, taking out the necklace.) Maybe you, hostess, will like something from my goods? Look - the royal necklace! The stones are burning, the frame is gold. BUT?
Martha. Ah, what a beauty! Just a sight!
Sarah stops revenge, looks over Martha's shoulder at the necklace.
Martha (angrily). What you are watching? Sweep faster!
Merchant (digging in the casket). And I have one for your daughter.
Martha. What a daughter she is! An orphan. Husband's niece. Regretted. Yes, it makes little sense.
A passing guest appears at the door.
Passing by. I asked to bring me water. Almost an hour has passed, and no one is carrying!
Martha. Sarah! (Turns to the Merchant.) You see what kind of girl she is! Everyone forgets! Some kind of idiot! (To Sarah) Run for water now! And remember, until you do everything, you will not have dinner. Understandably?
Sarah takes the pitcher and leaves.
(Turns to the Traveler.) Excuse me. We have never had such a crowd before. Your head is just spinning!
Merchant. Well, if you, hostess, don't like the necklace, then goodbye - I'll go.
Passing (looking at the necklace). Oh what fine work. And what stones!
Merchant. I say - the royal necklace. Ready to pay for a room. There is nowhere to spend the night. At least sleep in the field! (Picks up things in a chest.) I'll go, maybe I'll find it in another hotel ...
Martha. Stop, merchant. It looks like we have a small room. Here is this girl. She can sleep in the barn. Nothing will be done to her.
Merchant. I just want to have a quiet night in bed.
Martha. I'll accompany you, let's go.
Merchant (pulls out the necklace again). Well, thank you! Take over the room.
The hostess accepts the necklace from him. Leaves.
Passing by. And the owner is not stupid! This necklace has earned! (Exits.)
Simon enters, sits down on a bench.
Simon. Fu-u-u! Tired. Well, a day! There are so many guests that I don't know what to do!
Sarah runs.
Sarah. Uncle Simon! My dear uncle!
Simon. What is it, girl?
Sarah. Promise you can! You are welcome!
Simon. What is possible? What are you talking about, honey?
Sarah. There two came from Nazareth. He is old and she is young. And so tired.
Simon. All the visitors are tired, my girl. Because of this census, people from all over the earth come here - the whole family of King David. You tell them, dear, that we have no more room.
Sarah. Uncle, I'll give them my closet! Can? I'm in a cave, I'll spend the night in a barn.
Simon. My poor kind girl, because you are tired, you need to rest.
Sarah. Uncle Simon, please! They are so tired, so tired. Let me help them!
Simon. Well, God bless you, take them to your closet.
Sarah. Thank you uncle, thank you. Don't worry, I'll do my job: I'll sweep the yard, I'll clean the vegetables, and I'll bring water. I'll do everything.
Mapfa enters. She has a necklace around her neck.
Martha. Did you bring water? (Sits down and starts peeling vegetables.)
Sarah. I’m just now ... I’ll just show two visitors to my closet - Uncle Simon allowed ...
M a r f a. In a closet?!
Sarah. I'm in a cave, in a barn, I'll sleep on straw. And they are so tired...
Marf a. You will sleep there anyway, but do not dispose of your place! Crappy girl!
Simon. Yes, full of you, Martha!
Martha. And don't interfere! I have already rented her closet to the merchant.
Sarah (weeping). They are so tired, so good...
Martha. And I don't want to listen. Do your job! And hurry up! (leaves)
Simon. Don't cry, honey, don't cry. (Puts his hand on Sarah's shoulder.) We'll arrange it somehow. Do not Cry.
Sarah. I can't, uncle, leave them! She smiled at me like she was my mother! They are kind, poor... Maybe they will spend the night with me in the cave, huh?
S i m o n. They probably don't want to.
S a r r a. May I ask, can I?
Simon. Well, run. If they agree, let them spend the night in a cave.
Sarah runs away. Simon takes a broom and starts sweeping the yard. Behind the stage, one can hear the singing of "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace..." Simon stops, listens.
a door. Enter Three Shepherds.
1st p a with t at x. Are you the owner of this hotel?
S i m o n. Me, what do you want?
2nd shepherd. We are looking for the Baby who was born today.
Simon. The hotel is full of people, but no one was born here.
3rd shepherd. Not in a hotel!
Simon. I deal with visitors all day. In the city, maybe someone was born. Only I didn't hear anything.
1st shepherd. We're looking for a baby born in a cave, in a barn.
2nd shepherd. And this baby is the Savior of the world.
Simon. You are full of jokes! How can the Savior of the world be born in a barn?!
3rd shepherd. You better listen. We are not joking at all.
1st shepherd. Today in the field where we grazed has become. An angel appeared to us. And he said to us: "Do not be afraid. I announce great joy to you - great joy for all people. Today, in the city of King David, the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born."
S i m o n. Well, run and look for homes in Bethlehem!
2nd shepherd. No. The angel said: "Here is a sign for you - you will find the Baby in the barn, in the manger."
Simon (thoughtfully). In a manger?
Martha enters.
Martha. Guests complain that you are very noisy. Come in, come in, there's nothing to stand here!
Simon. Martha, an angel appeared to them. Said the Savior of the world was born today. In the manger lies...
Martha. What nonsense? The savior of the world - in the barn? They figure it out! Go, go, there's nothing to talk about here.
Simon. No, you wait. After all, in our cave, where the cattle stands, today people spend the night.
Martha. What-o-o? What people? It's all Sarah stuff! I'll go and get them out of there. Ugliness! (Exits.)
3rd shepherd. We have been waiting for a Savior for a long time.
1st shepherd. We saw angels in the sky. They sang "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace...".
Simon (to himself). I would like to give them my room! And I'm in the barn!
Martha returns with Sarah.
Martha. Simon, the baby is in the manger. (Sits down on the bench, thinks, sorts through the necklace.)
Sarah. Ah, Uncle Simon! You should look at the baby! He is such a!..
Martha (as if to herself). It's strange, when I looked at Him, I felt so quiet, so calm in my soul!
S a r r a. And when He looks, as if he sees your soul!
2nd shepherd. It's probably He - the Baby we're looking for.
Simon. Martha, He should have been born with us... But we... we didn't let him in.
Martha. (covers her face with her hands and cries). I know I know...
Sarah (embracing Martha). Don't cry, aunt Martha, don't cry...
Martha. (Holding Sarah close.) After all, I took your room away from them. And all because of this necklace...
Sarah... But you didn't know... Didn't know that the Baby...
Martha. Didn't know it was true. But you didn't know either, but you took pity on them. And I didn't want to listen. Was about to kick out. (He rises from the bench, removes the necklace from his neck and gives it to Sarah.) Take the necklace to them, daughter. They are poor. You never know what they will need for the Baby.
Sarah leaves with the necklace.
Simon. You see, Marfa, you helped them too.
Martha. I'm ashamed, Simon. I am ashamed of my evil greed. You can't atone for this guilt with a necklace... (Thinks.) Maybe we'll give them our room.
Simon. Now it's too late.
Martha. No, Simon, it's never too late to make amends for your sin. You know what: let's always give one room to the poor for the rest of our lives. Not for money, but like this - as a gift to the Infant and His Mother, for our guilt.
Simon. That's good. So, we will bring Him a gift.
Sarah returns.
3rd shepherd. Well, let's go worship Him.
Simon (opens the shutters of the window). Look!
From the window in the background you can see the image of the Mother of God with the Child in the manger. All the actors are grouped at the window on their knees and sing "Christmas, the Angel has arrived" or another suitable Christmas carol.

Based on stories from the collection "School holiday Christmas tree"(compiled by Claudia Lukashenko, 1915).
The plot of the play is based on the well-known gospel parable about how the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born to the Virgin Mary. At that time, on the orders of the Roman emperor Augustus, a nationwide census was taking place in Judea, and Joseph and his pregnant wife went from Nazareth to Bethlehem to fulfill their duty. But this family was refused a hotel, and they had to spend the night in a barn. And when the Baby was born at night, Mary, swaddling Him, was forced to put Him in a manger, where they put fodder for livestock. The shepherds were the first to learn this news from an angel who appeared before them, who said: “Here is a sign for you: you will find a Baby in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.” The shepherds hurried to see the Savior of the world, and everything was as the Lord announced to them through the Angel. They bowed to the Child, thanked God and told people about what they had heard and seen...


Characters :

SIMON, innkeeper
MARFA, his wife
SARRA, Simon's niece
MERCHANT, jeweler
IMPORTANT LADY from Damascus

The inner courtyard of the hotel. Right in the middle is the gate. To the left is a bench and a small table with two jugs on it. On the right is the entrance to the hotel. SARRA sweeps the yard, singing a song. Then he sighs and sinks wearily onto the bench. MARFA comes out of the hotel.

MARFA (angrily). Sarah! Are you messing around again?
SARRA. Sorry, Aunt Martha! I just sat down to rest, I was tired ... I was on my feet all day, I worked ...
MARFA. Nothing, don't break! Finish up here and go to the kitchen to clean the vegetables. And hurry up! Guests came in large numbers - the abyss, the end of the work is in sight!
SARRA. Now, just pick up the trash!
MARFA (notices a jug on the table). Did you take water to an important lady from Damascus? ..
SARRA (guilty). Forgot...
MARFA (looks into the jug). Empty!.. You didn’t even go for water!.. Oh, you lazybones! Beware, my patience will run out: all I hear from the guests are complaints about you!
SARRA. Why, aunt, there are so many guests today, and I'm alone! .. This has never happened before: all the rooms are occupied.
MARFA (softened). It's true. Not a single one is free. And all the order of Caesar is to rewrite the people that live in Bethlehem. So the people gathered - not to count.

A MERCHANT enters the gate with a casket in his hands.

MERCHANT. Peace to this house. Good evening, hostess. Do you have a free room?
MARFA (estimating the wealth of the newcomer). I'm sorry sir, unfortunately everything is taken.
MERCHANT. I came here because of the census: my family is from Bethlehem, and I myself trade in precious stones. For us merchants, time is precious. I would just spend the night, I'll pay well.
MARF (sigh). I'm very sorry, but I can't help. Unless - to feed, it is - with great pleasure. You look, and you will rest from the road, your strength will increase.
MERCHANT (sits down on a bench, puts the casket on the table). It's a pity... It's a pity... I wouldn't stand behind the pay. (Opened chest). Take a look, mistress. Maybe something from my product will be to your liking. (Pulls out necklace.) Look, the royal necklace! The stones are burning, the setting is gold. BUT?..
MARFA (admiring, putting it to herself). What a beauty!..

Sarah left the broom, went to the table, stared at the decoration.

MARFA. What are you looking at! .. Forgot what you were ordered?
MERCHANT (digs from the casket). I have something for your daughter too.
MARFA. What kind of daughter is she? An orphan. Husband's niece. They regretted it on their own heads, but there is little sense from it!

An IMPORTANT WOMAN comes out of the hotel.

LADY (indignantly). Mistress, I asked to bring water! An hour has passed. Ugliness!
MARFA. I'm sorry ma'am, for God's sake I'm sorry. Sarah, march for water! Immediately!

Sarah grabs the pitcher and runs out the gate.

MARFA (following). And remember: until you do everything, you will not see dinner! .. (To the Merchant and Lady). Bad girl, she forgets everything. Just some kind of idiot. And then there is such a crowd because of this correspondence! Just a head spin!
MERCHANT (gets up). Well, if you don't like the necklace, then, hostess, goodbye. (Puts decorations in a chest).
LADY. Excuse me? .. (Looks at the decoration). What fine work, what stones! Rare beauty!
MERCHANT. I say: worthy of the queen,
LADY. Selling?
MERCHANT. Ready to pay for a room: not to spend the night in an open field, or under a bush with such and such goods! Dangerously. However, I’ll go, I’ll look for shelter in another hotel ...
MARFA. Stop, merchant. Looks like we have a small room. The girl that was here. And she can spend the night in a barn, nothing will be done to her.
MERCHANT. Another conversation. Here you go, mistress. (Gives the necklace to Marfa).
MARFA (hurriedly grabs the jewelry, hides it. To the merchant). Come, sir, I'll see you. (to an important lady). And you step to yourself. The girl, I suppose, brought water there!

Martha and the Merchant leave.

DAMA (chuckles). And the hostess is not a fool, she grabbed such a necklace! .. It's a pity, I could get it too. (Leaves).

SIMON appears from the door of the hotel, looks around, sits down on a bench.

SIMON. Fu-u-u ... I got tired of something. Well, a day! .. There are so many guests that I don’t know how to please everyone, where to accommodate. And behind the fence - another cloud-cloud. Martha, Sarah! .. (Looks into the jug). Bring water from the well! My mouth went dry. Where did everyone go?..

SARRA runs in.

SARRA. Uncle Simon! My dear uncle! You are welcome…
SIMOM. What is it, girl?
SARRA. Promise you can! I beg you...
SIMON. Yes, what - can I? .. what are you talking about, dear?.
SARRA. There two came from Nazareth. He is very old, and she is young, like a girl. And both are so tired, it’s just that tears well up, how sorry they are.
SIMON. Everyone here, my dear, is tired from the road. People from all over the earth come here - the whole family of David. You, my dear, tell these two that there are no more free places for us.
SARRA. Uncle, I'll give them my closet! Can? And I myself will spend the night in a cave, in a barn.
SIMON. It's not the case. My poor, kind girl, you are no less in need of rest. Auntie, I know, she's completely overwhelmed you.
SARRA. Uncle Simon! Please!.. Let them help!.. The young one, it seems, is expecting a baby...
SIMON. Baby?.. Well, God be with you, lead the unfortunate to your closet.
SARRA. Save me, uncle, thank you! Don't worry, I'm strong, I'll redo all the work: I'll clean the rooms, and help the cook, and I'll drag a full barrel of water from the well!

MARFA enters with a necklace around her neck.

MARFA. Are you still here, lazybones?! What did I order you?
SARRA. Now, aunty. I’ll just take two visitors to my closet ... (Warning Martha’s indignation). Uncle Simon allowed!
MARFA. In a closet?!
SARRA. And I will sleep in a cave, in a barn. Straws lay down and while away the night.
MARFA. You will sleep there anyway. And do not dare to dispose of your place! Crappy girl!
SIMON. Yes, you are full, Martha.
MARFA. Don't interfere if you don't understand anything. A merchant will rest in her closet! (Touches the necklace.) Here is his overnight stay.
SARRA. Aunt, dear, they are so tired, so nice ... He is just an old old man, and she ... a young maiden and ... waiting for a baby. (Crying).
MARFA. This was still not enough! .. Let them clean up wherever their eyes look. And you, lazybones, move on, do your job, or I’ll leave you without supper! (Leaves).
SIMON. Don't cry, my dear, don't cry ... We'll arrange something, we'll think of something ...
SARRA. I can't leave them without help. Think for yourself: where will they go? .. Where? .. You know, she smiled at me like my mother ... Uncle, maybe they will spend the night with me in a cave? ..
SIMON. Do they want to?
SARRA. And I'll ask. In the cave, at least, the wind does not whistle and the rain does not lash.
SIMON. Well as you know. (Affectionately). Run, save...

Sarah runs away.

SIMON (takes an empty jug from the table). Go to the well, bring some water...

Behind the scenes, one can hear the singing of “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth…»

SIMON (listening). What is it?..

Knock on the gate. Enter THREE SHEPHERDS.

FIRST SHEPHERD (bows). Peace to this house. Good man, tell me, who is the owner of this hotel?
SIMON. I am the owner. What brought you here? .. If you are looking for an overnight stay, then, alas, there are no places. All rooms are occupied.
SECOND SHEPHERD. We're looking for a baby to be born today.
SIMON. The hotel is full of people, however, I assure you, no one was born here.
THIRD SHEPHERD. Not in a hotel!
SIMON. In the city, perhaps, someone was born, but I have not heard anything about it.
FIRST. We're looking for a baby born in a cave, in a barn.
SECOND. And this baby is the SAVIOR of the world.
SIMON. You are full of jokes! How is it: the Savior of the world can be born in a barn?!.. Come to your senses, unfortunate ones, do not blaspheme!
THE THIRD. Today in the field where we pastured the flock, an angel appeared to us. And he said: "Do not be afraid, I proclaim to you great joy, for all people: today in the city of King David the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born."
SIMON. So run to Bethlehem, look around the houses, maybe you'll find the Newborn.
SECOND. No, the Angel indicated the correct sign: “Here is a sign for you - you will find the Baby in the barn, in the manger.”
SIMON (thoughtfully). So he said: "in the manger"?
THE THIRD. Verbatim. Therefore we are here.

Enter MARFA.

MARF (to Simon). Who are these people?.. Did you say that there are no places?
SIMON. Shepherds. And they brought amazing news.
MARFA. What kind of tricks people indulge in! .. (To the shepherds). Leave kindly, hello! .. There is nothing to stand here, to frighten worthy guests. Drive them away, Simon!
SIMON. Martha, an angel appeared to them. He said that the Savior of the world was supposed to be born today. It's like he's in a manger.
MARFA. What nonsense?! The savior of the world is in a barn?.. How the tongue turns!.. (Drives the shepherds). Get out, get out, blasphemers!
SIMON. Wait, Martha. In our cave, where the cattle stands, today people spend the night ...
MARFA. What-oh-oh? .. What kind of people? .. (I guessed). I get it, it's Sarah's stuff! And you indulge, good master! .. I’ll go and drive them out of there, and I’ll make such a short cut for the girl - she will remember for the rest of her life! (Leaves).
SIMON (to the shepherds). Come on, good people. Sit down, take a rest from the road. And forgive my mistress, she doesn't know what she's doing...
FIRST. Believe me, master, we saw angels in the sky, they sang "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth ...".
SIMON. But I also heard it ... I was also surprised who sings, on what occasion ...
SECOND. We have all been waiting for the Savior for a long time, and now ... such news!
SIMON (to himself). Are they really the wanderers that Sarah was bothering about? .. I would give them my room, and I sent them to the barn. Sin, sin on me!

SARRA and MARFA return.

MARFA (completely stunned). Simon! In the manger there really lies ... A baby! .. Righteous God, is it really true ?!
SARRA. Ah, uncle! .. you should look at this miracle! He is so, so!
MARFA (as if to himself). It’s strange when I saw Him, I felt so calm, so quiet in my soul ... But I went there - I was seething! ..
SARAH (to Simon). And when He looks at you, as if looking into your soul, and it is impossible to hide anything ...

The shepherds look at each other.

THE THIRD. Probably, this is the Baby we are looking for, according to the word of the Angel.
SIMON. Martha, after all, He was supposed to be born with us, but you ... we didn’t let him in, they considered them to be vagrants ...
MARFA (covering her face with her hands). I know I know…
SARRA (strokes Marfa). Don't be upset, aunt, don't cry. Everything worked out...
MARFA (hugs Sarah, repentantly). Greed overcame, I coveted the necklace! .. After all, I gave your room to the merchant, and also yelled at you! ..
SARRA. But you didn’t know the Vedas ... Didn’t know that the Baby ...
MARFA. It's true, I didn't know, I didn't know. Yes, but that's not an excuse. You didn’t know either, but you felt sorry for the unfortunate. And I wanted to kick it out! .. (Takes off the necklace, gives it to Sarah). Take it, daughter, it may be useful to them: they are poor people, you never know what is needed for the Newborn.

Delighted, Sarah runs away.

SIMON (consoling his wife). You see, Martha, and you helped...
MARFA. I'm ashamed, Simon. For malice, for your greed. This necklace will not make amends. Shall we give them our room...
SIMON. Yes, it's too late now.
MARFA. No, Simon, my faithful husband, it is never too late to atone for sin. You know what?.. Let's always give one room to the poor until the end of our lives! Not for money, but just like that - as a gift to the Infant and His Mother. For our fault.
SIMON. I agree, little wife, I support from the bottom of my heart. So we will serve our Lord.

SARRA returns.

SARRA. Aunt, uncle, gave! .. They were so grateful! ..
SHEPHERDS. Well, master, lead! Let's go and bow to the Baby - the Savior of the world! ..

Simon opens the gate. In the background you can see the image of the Mother of God with the Child in the manger. Everyone kneels and sings “Christmas, an angel has arrived” or another appropriate Christmas carol.

Simon - hotel owner
Marfa - his wife
Sarah - Simon's niece, an orphan
Merchant - gemstone merchant
Passing from Damascus
1st Shepherd
2nd Shepherd
3rd Shepherd

The scene depicts the courtyard of the hotel. A bench and a small table are ahead, Sarah is sweeping the yard. He sings a song, then sighs wearily and sits down on a bench. Martha enters.

Martha (enters and speaks angrily): Sarah! Again you are messing around!
Sarah: I'm sorry, Aunt Martha. I just sat down to rest. Tired... Worked all day...
Martha: Nothing, you won't break! Stop sweeping and go clean your vegetables! Guests came in large numbers - wow! There is no end in sight to the work. Hurry up.
Sarah: Now, Aunt Martha.
Martha: Did you take water to a woman from Damascus who recently arrived?
Sarah (embarrassed): I don't remember...
Martha: Here you go! How can you not remember? Here's a lazybones! All day long you can only hear the complaints of the guests about you!
Sarah: Yes, aunt, there are so many guests, and I'm alone! This has not happened yet - all the rooms are occupied.
Martha (pretty): It's true! Not a single free room left. Everything is the order of Caesar to rewrite the people. So many people have gathered in our Bethlehem that it is impossible to count.

Knock on the door. The Merchant enters with a rich casket in his hands.

Merchant: Good evening, hostess! Do you have a free room to spend the night?
Martha: What are you, sir! Everything is busy, I'm sorry.
Merchant: I came to Bethlehem because of the census: my family comes from Bethlehem. I trade in precious stones. We, merchants, cannot waste time in any way: time is money. I would like to spend the night only, I will pay well.
Martha: Sorry, sir, everything is busy. Feeding is possible. Take a break from the road.
Merchant (sits down on a bench, puts the casket on the table): It's a pity, a pity ... I wouldn't stand for a fee. (Opens the chest, taking out the necklace.) Maybe you, hostess, will like something from my product? Look - the royal necklace! The stones are burning, the frame is gold. BUT?
Martha: Oh, what a beauty! Just a sight!

Sarah stops revenge, looks over Martha's shoulder at the necklace.

Martha (angrily): What are you looking at? Sweep faster!
Merchant (digging in the casket): And I have some for your daughter.
Martha: What a daughter she is to me! An orphan. Husband's niece. Regretted. Yes, it makes little sense.

A passing guest appears at the door.

Passing: I asked to bring me water. Almost an hour has passed, and no one is carrying!
Martha: Sarah! (Turns to the Merchant). See what a girl this is! Everyone forgets! Some kind of idiot! (Sarra). Now run for water! And remember, until you do everything, you will not have dinner. Understandably?

Sarah takes the pitcher and leaves.

Martha (turning to the Traveler). Excuse me. We have never had such a crowd before. Your head is just spinning!

Merchant: Well, if you don't like the necklace, hostess, then goodbye - I'll go.

Passing (looking at the necklace). Oh what fine work. And what stones!

Merchant. I say - the royal necklace. Ready to pay for a room. There is nowhere to spend the night. At least sleep in the field! (Picks things up in a box.) I'll go, maybe I'll find another hotel...

Marfa. Hold on, merchant. It looks like we have a small room. Here is this girl. She can sleep in the barn. Nothing will be done to her.

Merchant: I would just like to spend the night calmly in bed.

Martha: I'll accompany you, let's go.

Merchant (pulls out the necklace again): Thank you! Take over the room.

The hostess accepts the necklace from him. Leaves.

Passing by. And the owner is not stupid! This necklace has earned! (Leaves).

Simon enters, sits down on a bench.

Simon. Fu-u-u! Tired. Well, a day. There are so many guests that I don't know what to do.

Sarah runs.

Sarah. Uncle Simon! My dear uncle!

Simon: What is it, girl?

Sarah. Promise you can! You are welcome!

Simon. What is possible? What are you talking about, honey?

Sarah. There two came from Nazareth. He is old and she is young. And so tired.

Simon. All the visitors are tired, my girl. Because of this census, people from all over the earth come here - the whole family of King David. You tell them, dear, that we have no more room.

Sarah. Uncle, I'll give them my closet! Can? I'm in a cave, in a barn, I'll spend the night.

Simon. My poor kind girl, because you are tired, you need to rest.

Sarah. Uncle Simon, please! They are so tired, so tired. Let me help them!

Simon. Well, God bless you, take them to your closet.

Sarah. Thank you, uncle, thank you. Don't worry, I'll do my job: I'll sweep the yard, I'll clean the vegetables, and I'll bring water. I'll do everything.

Martha enters, wearing a necklace around her neck.

Martha. Did you bring water? (Sits down and starts peeling vegetables.)

Sarah. I’m just now ... I’ll just show two visitors to my closet - Uncle Simon allowed ...

Martha. In a closet?

Sarah. I'm in a cave, in a barn, I'll sleep on straw. And they are so tired...

Martha. You will sleep there anyway, but do not dispose of your place! Crappy girl!

Simon. Yes, full of you, Martha!

Martha. And don't interfere! I have already rented her closet to the merchant.

Sarah (weeping). They are so tired, so good...

Martha. And I don't want to listen. Do your job! And hurry up! (Leaves).

Simon. Don't cry, honey, don't cry. (Puts his hand on Sarah's shoulder.) We'll arrange it somehow. Do not Cry.

Sarah. I can't, uncle, leave them! She smiled at me like she was my mother! They are kind, poor... Maybe they will spend the night with me in the cave, huh?

Simon. They probably don't want to.

Sarah. May I ask, can I?

Simon. Well, run. If they agree, let them spend the night in a cave.

Sarah runs away. Simon takes a broom and starts sweeping the yard. Behind the stage, you can hear the singing "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth ...". Simon stops, listens. Somebody's knocking on the door. Three shepherds enter.

1st Shepherd. Are you the owner of this hotel?

Simon. Me, what do you want?

2nd Shepherd. We are looking for the Baby who was born today.

Simon. The hotel is full of people, but no one was born here.

3rd Shepherd. Not in a hotel!

Simon. I deal with visitors all day. In the city, maybe someone was born. Only I didn't hear anything.

1st Shepherd. We're looking for a baby born in a cave, in a barn.

2nd Shepherd. And this baby is the Savior of the world.

Simon. You are full of jokes! How can the Savior of the world be born in a stable?

3rd Shepherd. You better listen. We are not joking at all.

1st Shepherd. Today in the field where we pastured the flock, an angel appeared to us. And he said to us: “Do not be afraid. I proclaim great joy to you, great joy to all people. Today the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in the city of King David.

Simon. Well, then run and look for houses in Bethlehem!

2nd Shepherd. No. The angel said: "Here is a sign for you - you will find the Baby in the barn, in the manger."

Simon. (thoughtfully). In a manger?

Martha enters.

Martha. Guests complain that you make a lot of noise here. Come in, come in, there's nothing to stand here!

Simon. Martha, an angel appeared to them. Said the Savior of the world was born today. In the manger lies...

Martha. What nonsense? The savior of the world - in the barn? They figure it out! Go, go, there's nothing to talk about here.

Simon. No, you wait. After all, in our cave, where the cattle stands, today people spend the night.

Martha. What-o-o? What people? It's all Sarah stuff! I'll go and get them out of there. Ugliness! (Leaves).

3rd Shepherd. We have been waiting for a Savior for a long time.

1st Shepherd. We saw angels in the sky. They sang "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth...".

Simon (to himself). I would like to give them my room! And I'm in the barn!

Martha returns with Sarah.

Martha. Simon, the baby is in the manger.

(Sits down on the bench, thinks, sorts out the necklace)

Sarah. Ah, Uncle Simon! You should look at the baby! He is such a!..

Martha. (as if to himself). It's strange, when I looked at Him, I felt so quiet, so calm in my soul!

Sarah. And when He looks, as if he sees your soul!

2nd Shepherd. It's probably He - the Baby we're looking for.

Simon Marfa, He should be born with us... But we... we didn't let him in.

Marfa (covering her face with her hands and crying). I know I know...

Sarah (embracing Martha). Don't cry, aunt Martha, don't cry...

Martha (holding Sarah to her). After all, I took your room from them. And all because of this necklace...

Sarah But you didn't know... You didn't know that the Baby...

Martha Didn't know, it's true. But you didn't know either, but you took pity on them. And I didn't want to listen. Was about to kick out. (He rises from the bench, removes the necklace from his neck and gives it to Sarah.) Take them, daughter, the necklace. They are poor. You never know what they will need for the Baby.

Sarah leaves with the necklace.

Simon. You see, Marfa, you helped them too.

Martha Shame on me, Simon. I am ashamed of my evil greed. You can't atone for this guilt with a necklace... (Thinks). Let's give them our room.

Simon. Now it's too late.

Martha: No, Simon, it's never too late to make amends for your sin. You know what: let's always give one room to the poor for the rest of our lives. Not for money, but like this - as a gift to the Infant and His Mother, for our guilt.

Simon. That's good. So, we will bring Him a gift.

Sarah returns.

3rd Shepherd. Well, let's go worship Him.

Simon. (opens window shutters). Look!

From the window in the background you can see the image of the Mother of God with the Child in the manger. All the characters are grouped at the window on their knees and sing "Christmas, an angel has arrived" or another suitable Christmas carol.

From the book: Orthodox holidays. M., 2007.

Hello, dear visitors of the Orthodox island "Family and Faith"!

AT the last month of the year in Sunday schools and Orthodox gymnasiums, as well as in some general education schools - preparations are underway for the Nativity of Christ! Teachers, together with children, learn holiday scenes, which, then, will be shown to the public with talent and soul on Christmas days!

Below we place an interesting scenario from the book: "Orthodox Holidays" (M., 2007.) under the title "Bethlehem Night", in which 8 persons should be involved.


Simon - hotel owner
Martha is his wife
Sarah - Simon's niece, an orphan
Merchant - gemstone merchant
Passing from Damascus
1st Shepherd
2nd Shepherd
3rd Shepherd

The scene depicts the courtyard of the hotel. A bench and a small table are ahead, Sarah is sweeping the yard. He sings a song, then sighs wearily and sits down on a bench. Martha enters.

Martha (enters and speaks angrily): Sarah! Again you are messing around!

Sarah: I'm sorry, Aunt Martha. I just sat down to rest. Tired… Worked all day…

Martha: Nothing, you won't break! Stop sweeping and go clean your vegetables! Guests came in large numbers - wow! There is no end in sight to the work. Hurry up.

Sarah: Now, Aunt Martha.

Martha: Did you bring water to a woman from Damascus who recently arrived?

Sarah (embarrassed): I don't remember...

Martha: Here you go! How can you not remember? Here's a lazybones! All day long you can only hear the complaints of the guests about you!

Sarah: Yes, aunt, because there are so many guests, and I'm alone! This has not happened yet - all the rooms are occupied.

Martha (pretty): It's true! Not a single free room left. Everything is the order of Caesar to rewrite the people. So many people have gathered in our Bethlehem that it is impossible to count.

Knock on the door. The Merchant enters with a rich casket in his hands.

Merchant: Good evening, hostess! Do you have a free room to spend the night?
Martha: What are you, sir! Everything is busy, I'm sorry.

Merchant: I came to Bethlehem because of the census: my family comes from Bethlehem. I trade in precious stones. We, merchants, cannot waste time in any way: time is money. I would like to spend the night only, I will pay well.

Martha: Sorry sir, everything is busy. Feeding is possible. Take a break from the road.

Merchant (sits down on a bench, puts the casket on the table): It's a pity, a pity ... I wouldn't stand for a fee. (Opens the chest, taking out the necklace.) Maybe you, hostess, will like something from my product? Look - the royal necklace! The stones are burning, the frame is gold. BUT?

Martha: Oh, what a beauty! Just a sight!

Sarah stops revenge, looks over Martha's shoulder at the necklace.

Martha (angrily): What are you looking at? Sweep faster!

Merchant (digging in the casket): And I have some for your daughter.

Martha: What a daughter she is to me! An orphan. Husband's niece. Regretted. Yes, it makes little sense.

A passing guest appears at the door.

Passing: I asked to bring me water. Almost an hour has passed, and no one is carrying!

Martha: Sarah! (Turns to the Merchant). See what a girl this is! Everyone forgets! Some kind of idiot! (Sarra). Now run for water! And remember, until you do everything, you will not have dinner. Understandably?

Sarah takes the pitcher and leaves.

Martha (turning to the Traveler). Excuse me. We have never had such a crowd before. Your head is just spinning!

Merchant: Well, if you don't like the necklace, hostess, then goodbye - I'll go.

Passing (looking at the necklace). Oh what fine work. And what stones!

Merchant. I say - the royal necklace. Ready to pay for a room. There is nowhere to spend the night. At least sleep in the field! (Picks things up in a box.) I'll go, maybe I'll find another hotel ...

Martha. Hold on, merchant. It looks like we have a small room. Here is this girl. She can sleep in the barn. Nothing will be done to her.

Merchant: I would just like to spend the night quietly in bed.

Martha: I'll accompany you, let's go.

Merchant (pulls out the necklace again): Thank you! Take over the room.

The hostess accepts the necklace from him. Leaves.

Passing by. And the owner is not stupid! This necklace has earned! (Leaves).

Simon enters, sits down on a bench.

Simon. Fu-u-u! Tired. Well, a day. There are so many people that I don't know what to do.

Sarah runs.

Sarah. Uncle Simon! My dear uncle!

Simon: What is it, girl?

Sarah. Promise you can! You are welcome!

Simon. What is possible? What are you talking about, honey?

Sarah. There two came from Nazareth. He is old and she is young. And so tired.

Simon. All the visitors are tired, my girl. Because of this census, people from all over the earth come here - the whole family of King David. You tell them, dear, that we have no more room.

Sarah. Uncle, I'll give them my closet! Can? I'm in a cave, in a barn, I'll spend the night.

Simon. My poor kind girl, because you are tired, you need to rest.

Sarah. Uncle Simon, please! They are so tired, so tired. Let me help them!

Simon. Well, God bless you, take them to your closet.

Sarah. Thank you uncle, thank you. Don't worry, I'll do my job: I'll sweep the yard, I'll clean the vegetables, and I'll bring water. I'll do everything.

Martha enters, wearing a necklace around her neck.

Martha. Did you bring water? (Sits down and starts peeling vegetables.)

Sarah. I’m just now ... I’ll just take two visitors to my closet - Uncle Simon allowed ...

Martha. In a closet?

Sarah. I'm in a cave, in a barn, I'll sleep on straw. And they are so tired...

Martha. You will sleep there anyway, but do not dispose of your place! Crappy girl!

Simon. Yes, full of you, Martha!

Martha. And don't interfere! I have already rented her closet to the merchant.

Sarah (weeping). They are so tired, so good...

Martha. And I don't want to listen. Do your job! And hurry up! (Leaves).

Simon. Don't cry, honey, don't cry. (Puts his hand on Sarah's shoulder.) We'll arrange it somehow. Do not Cry.

Sarah. I can't, uncle, leave them! She smiled at me like she was my mother! They are kind, poor... Maybe they will spend the night with me in the cave, huh?

Simon. They probably don't want to.

Sarah. May I ask, can I?

Simon. Well, run. If they agree, let them spend the night in a cave.

Sarah runs away. Simon takes a broom and starts sweeping the yard. Behind the stage, you can hear the singing “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth…”. Simon stops, listens. Somebody's knocking on the door. Three shepherds enter.

1st Shepherd. Are you the owner of this hotel?

Simon. Me, what do you want?

2nd Shepherd. We are looking for the Baby who was born today.

Simon. The hotel is full of people, but no one was born here.

3rd Shepherd. Not in a hotel!

Simon. I deal with visitors all day. In the city, maybe someone was born. Only I didn't hear anything.

1st Shepherd. We're looking for a baby born in a cave, in a barn.

2nd Shepherd. And this baby is the Savior of the world.

Simon. You are full of jokes! How can the Savior of the world be born in a stable?

3rd Shepherd. You better listen. We are not joking at all.

1st Shepherd. Today in the field where we pastured the flock, an angel appeared to us. And he said to us: “Do not be afraid. I proclaim great joy to you, great joy to all people. Today the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in the city of King David.

Simon. Well, then run and look for houses in Bethlehem!

2nd Shepherd. No. The angel said: "Here is a sign for you - you will find the Baby in the barn, in the manger."

Simon. (thoughtfully). In a manger?

Martha enters.

Martha. Guests complain that you make a lot of noise here. Come in, come in, there's nothing to stand here!

Simon. Martha, an angel appeared to them. Said the Savior of the world was born today. In the manger lies…

Martha. What nonsense? The savior of the world - in the barn? They figure it out! Go, go, there's nothing to talk about here.

Simon. No, you wait. After all, in our cave, where the cattle stands, today people spend the night.

Martha. What-o-o? What people? It's all Sarah stuff! I'll go and get them out of there. Ugliness! (Leaves).

3rd Shepherd. We have been waiting for a Savior for a long time.

1st Shepherd. We saw angels in the sky. They sang "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth...".

Simon (to himself). I would like to give them my room! And I'm in the barn!

Martha returns with Sarah.

Martha. Simon, the baby is in the manger.

(Sits down on the bench, thinks, sorts out the necklace)

Sarah. Ah, Uncle Simon! You should look at the baby! He is such a!..

Martha. (as if to himself). It's strange, when I looked at Him, I felt so quiet, so calm in my soul!

Sarah. And when He looks, as if he sees your soul!

2nd Shepherd. It's probably He - the Baby we're looking for.

Simon Martha, He should have been born with us ... But we ... we did not let him in.

Marfa (covering her face with her hands and crying). I know I know…

Sarah (embracing Martha). Don't cry, Aunt Martha, don't cry...

Martha (holding Sarah to her). After all, I took your room from them. And all because of this necklace...

Sarah But you didn't know... You didn't know that the Baby...

Martha Didn't know, it's true. But you didn't know either, but you took pity on them. And I didn't want to listen. Was about to kick out. (He rises from the bench, removes the necklace from his neck and gives it to Sarah.) Take them, daughter, the necklace. They are poor. You never know what they will need for the Baby.

Sarah leaves with the necklace.

Simon. You see, Marfa, you helped them too.

Martha Shame on me, Simon. I am ashamed of my evil greed. You can't atone for this guilt with a necklace... (Thinks). Let's give them our room.

Simon. Now it's too late.

Martha: No, Simon, it's never too late to make amends for your sin. You know what: let's always give one room to the poor for the rest of our lives. Not for money, but like this - as a gift to the Infant and His Mother, for our guilt.

Simon. That's good. So, we will bring Him a gift.

Sarah returns.

3rd Shepherd. Well, let's go worship Him.

Simon. (opens window shutters). Look!

From the window in the background you can see the image of the Mother of God with the Child in the manger. All the characters are grouped at the window on their knees and sing "Christmas, an angel has arrived" or another suitable Christmas carol.