The main parameters used in the field of occupational health. Classification of factors of the working environment and working conditions


Analyze working conditions in the industry in terms of harmfulness and danger factors production environment, severity and intensity of the labor process (to analyze for a specific example)

Working conditions play an important role in a person's working life. Working conditions are a combination of factors of the working environment and the labor process that affect the performance and health of the employee. One of the most important components of labor protection is protection from industrial hazards - that is, factors that negatively affect the health of workers. Working conditions are divided into 4 classes:

b Optimal working conditions (1st class) - conditions under which

the health of employees is preserved and prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of efficiency. Optimal standards of production factors are established for microclimatic parameters and factors of the labor process.

l Permissible working conditions (2nd class) - are characterized by such

the level of environmental factors and the labor process, which does not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and should not have an adverse effect on the health of workers in the near and long term. Permissible working conditions are conditionally classified as safe.

b Harmful working conditions (3rd class) - characterized by the presence

harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker. Harmful working conditions according to the degree of excess of hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers are divided into 4 degrees of harmfulness:

1st degree of the 3rd class - working conditions are characterized by such deviations in the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards that cause functional changes that are restored with a longer (than by the beginning of the next shift) interruption of contact with harmful factors and increase the risk of damage to health;

2nd degree of the 3rd class - working conditions under which the level of harmful factors causes persistent functional changes, leads in most cases to an increase in occupational morbidity, to the appearance of initial signs or mild forms of occupational diseases that occur after a long period of work (often after 15 years or more);

3rd degree of the 3rd class - working conditions characterized by such a level of harmful factors, the impact of which leads to the development of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity (with loss of professional ability to work) during the period of employment, the growth of chronic (production-caused) pathology, including increased levels of morbidity with temporary disability;

4th degree of the 3rd class - working conditions under which severe forms of occupational diseases can occur (with loss of general ability to work), there is a significant increase in the number chronic diseases and high morbidity with temporary disability.

b Dangerous (extreme) working conditions (4th class) -

are characterized by levels of production factors, the impact of which during the work shift (or part of it) poses a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, including in severe forms.

Work environment factors include: microclimate parameters; the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area; the level of noise, vibration, infra - and ultrasound, illumination, etc.

Fig.1 The main elements characterizing the working conditions in production.

The labor process is determined by indicators of the severity and intensity of labor. In a general assessment, the factors of the working environment are divided into:

· A hazardous production factor is a factor of the environment and the labor process, which can cause an acute illness or a sudden sharp deterioration in health, and even death.

A harmful production factor is a factor of the environment and the labor process, which, under certain conditions (intensity, duration, and others), can cause occupational pathology, temporary or permanent disability, increase the frequency of somatic and infectious diseases, and lead to impaired health of offspring.

The severity of labor is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.). Indicators of the severity of labor are the physical dynamic load, the mass (weight) of the load being lifted and moved, the total number of stereotypical working movements, the magnitude of the static load, the working posture, body inclinations, and movements in space.

· Labor intensity is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, the emotional sphere of the worker and the degree of its severity. Indicators characterizing the intensity of work: intellectual, sensory, emotional loads, the degree of monotony of loads, mode of operation, duration and intensity of intellectual load (according to special scales).

If, for example, we analyze the working conditions of the printing industry in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process, then on the basis of the Order of the State Committee of Ukraine on industrial safety and labor protection dated December 03, 2007 No. 287 defines labor protection rules for enterprises and organizations of the printing industry:

Sanitary microclimate standards (temperature, humidity and air velocity) at workplaces must be in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88 and DSN "State sanitary microclimate standards industrial premises"approved by the decision of the Main State sanitary doctor Ukraine dated 01.12.99 No. 42.

· The intensity of infrared radiation from heated equipment and insolation at workplaces should not exceed the standards specified in GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area" and DSN

The temperature of the surfaces of heated equipment accessible to touch should not exceed 43 Cº, according to DSTU EN 563-2001 "Safety of machines. Temperatures of surfaces accessible to touch. Ergonomic data for setting the temperature limits of hot surfaces (EN 563: 1994, IDT) ". Heating devices and equipment elements with an external surface temperature above 43Сє must be provided with thermal insulation or a fence and signal paint must be applied to them in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76.

· In production and auxiliary buildings and premises, natural lighting should be used as much as possible.

· The level of vibration that affects workers at the workplace should not exceed the values ​​in DSN "State sanitary standards for industrial general and local vibration", approved by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine dated 01.12.99 No. 39.

· The permissible noise level at workplaces should not exceed the values ​​of DSN "Sanitary norms for industrial noise, ultrasound and infrasound", approved by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine dated 01.12.99 No. 37.

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Test questions:

    Name the main causes of industrial injuries and occupational diseases. Define an accident and an occupational disease.

    Formulate an axiom about the potential danger of life activity. How is the issue of production safety in the gas industry solved?

    What is meant by labor protection? Formulate the main tasks of labor protection.

    Give a classification of harmful and dangerous production factors. Make a nomenclature of dangers for a gas fitter.

    Name the most dangerous work on the industrial enterprises. Define hazard, injury and occupational safety.

Lecture 2. "Types and conditions of work"

      Classification of working conditions according to the severity and intensity of the labor process

If the labor activity of a person is carried out in production, it is called production activity.

Production activity- this is a set of actions of workers using the means of labor necessary to turn resources into finished products, including the production and processing of various types of raw materials, construction, and the provision of various types of services.

Labor activity can be divided into physical and mental labor.

Physical work characterized primarily by increased muscle load on the musculoskeletal system and its functional systems - the cardiovascular, neuromuscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, but at the same time can have negative consequences, such as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially if it is not properly organized or is excessively intense for the body.

Brainwork associated with the reception and processing of information and requires tension of attention, memory, activation of thinking processes, is associated with increased emotional stress. Mental labor is characterized by a decrease in motor activity - hypokinesia. Hypokinesia may be a condition for the formation of cardiovascular disorders in humans. Prolonged mental stress has a negative impact on mental activity - attention, memory, and environmental perception functions deteriorate.

Rice. 1. Types of labor activity.

Human life is associated with energy costs: the more intense the activity, the greater the energy costs. So, when performing work that requires significant muscle activity, energy costs are 20...25 MJ per day or more.

mechanized labor requires less energy and muscle loads. However, mechanized labor is characterized by greater speed and monotony of human movements. Monotonous work leads to rapid fatigue and reduced attention.

Work on the assembly line characterized by even greater speed and uniformity of movement. A person working on a conveyor performs one or more operations; since he works in a chain of people performing other operations, the time for performing operations is strictly regulated. This requires a lot of nervous tension and, combined with the high speed of work and its monotony, leads to rapid nervous exhaustion and fatigue.

On the semi-automatic and automatic production, energy costs and labor intensity are less than on a conveyor belt. The work consists in the periodic maintenance of the mechanisms or the performance of simple operations - the supply of the processed material, turning the mechanisms on or off.

Forms intellectual (mental) labor diverse - operator, managerial, creative, work of teachers, doctors, students. The work of the operator is characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. The work of students is characterized by the tension of the main mental functions - memory, attention, the presence of stressful situations associated with tests, exams, tests.

The most complex form of mental activity - creative work(work of scientists, designers, writers, composers, artists). Creative work requires significant neuro-emotional stress, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, a change in the electrocardiogram, an increase in oxygen consumption, an increase in body temperature and other changes in the body's work caused by an increased neuro-emotional load.

Production activities are carried out in the working area.

Working area called the space (up to 2 m) above the floor or platform, on which there are places of permanent or temporary stay of workers.

Work zone is defined by arcs that can be described by a hand turning at the shoulder or elbow at the level of the working surface. In addition, the working area must necessarily be combined with an area convenient for the human eye. The optimal work area follows the worker and exists wherever he works. The highest height available for men and women should be taken equal to 1800 ... 2000 mm. And a comfortable height is within 900 ... 1500 mm.

Rice. 2 Classification of working conditions by severity

Factors of the labor process that characterize the severity of physical labor are mainly muscle efforts and energy costs: physical dynamic load, weight of the load being lifted and moved, stereotyped work movements, static load, working postures, body inclinations, movement in space.

Factors of the labor process that characterize the intensity of labor are the emotional and intellectual load on human analyzers (auditory, visual, etc.), the monotony of loads, and the mode of work.

Labor according to the severity of the labor process is divided into the following classes: light (optimal working conditions in terms of physical activity), moderate (permissible working conditions) and heavy three degrees (harmful working conditions).

The criteria for assigning labor to a particular class are: the amount of external mechanical work (in kgm) performed per shift; the mass of the load lifted and moved manually; the number of stereotyped work movements per shift the value of the total effort (in kgf) applied per shift to hold the load; comfortable working posture; the number of forced bends per shift and the kilometers that a person is forced to walk when doing work. The values ​​of these criteria for women are 40...60% less than for men.

For example, for men, if the mass of weights lifted and moved (no more than twice per hour) is up to 15 kg - light work, up to 30 kg - moderate, more than 30 kg - heavy. For women, respectively - 5 and 10 kg.

The assessment of the severity class of physical labor is carried out on the basis of taking into account all the criteria, while the class is evaluated for each criterion, and the final assessment of the severity of labor is determined by the most sensitive criterion

Labor according to the degree of intensity of the labor process is divided into the following classes: optimal - labor intensity of a light degree, permissible - labor intensity of an average degree, intense labor of three degrees.

The criteria for assigning labor to a particular class are the degree of intellectual load, depending on the content and nature of the work performed, the degree of its complexity; the duration of concentrated attention, the number of signals per hour of work, the number of objects of simultaneous observation; load on vision, determined mainly by the size of the minimum objects of distinction, the duration of work behind monitor screens; emotional burden, depending on the degree of responsibility and significance of the error, the degree of risk for own life and the safety of others; the monotony of labor, determined by the duration of simple or repetitive operations; work schedule, characterized by the length of the working day and shift work.

Thus, physical labor is classified according to the severity of labor, mental - according to tension.

2. Classification of working conditions according to the factors of the working environment

Human health largely depends not only on the characteristics of the labor process - severity and tension, but also on environmental factors in which the labor process is carried out.

To date, the list of really existing negative factors, both in the production environment, as well as domestic and natural, has more than 100 types.

The parameters of the working environment that affect the state of human health are physical, chemical and biological factors.

According to the factors of the working environment, working conditions are divided into four classes (Fig. 3):

1 class- optimal working conditions - conditions under which not only the health of workers is preserved, but also conditions are created for high efficiency. Optimal standards are set only for climatic parameters (temperature, humidity, air mobility);

Grade 2- permissible working conditions - are characterized by such levels of environmental factors that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, while possible changes in the functional state of the body pass during breaks for rest or by the beginning of the next shift and do not adversely affect the health of workers and their offspring;

3rd grade- harmful working conditions - characterized by the presence of factors that exceed hygienic standards and affect the body of the worker and (or) his offspring;

Fig.3 Classification of working conditions by production factors

Harmful working conditions according to the degree of exceeding the standards are divided into 4 degrees of harmfulness:

1st degree - characterized by such deviations from acceptable norms, in which reversible functional changes occur and there is a risk of developing the disease;

Grade 2 - characterized by levels of harmful factors that can cause persistent functional disorders, an increase in morbidity with temporary disability, the appearance of initial signs of occupational diseases .;

3 degree - is characterized by such levels of harmful factors, in which, as a rule, occupational diseases develop in mild forms during the period of employment;

Grade 4 - conditions of the working environment, under which pronounced forms of occupational diseases can occur, high levels of morbidity with temporary disability are noted.

Harmful working conditions include the conditions in which metallurgists and miners work, working in conditions of increased air pollution, noise, vibration, unsatisfactory microclimate parameters, thermal radiation; traffic controllers on highways with heavy traffic, who are during the entire shift in conditions of high gas pollution and increased noise.

4th grade- dangerous (extreme) working conditions - are characterized by such levels of harmful production factors, the impact of which during the work shift or even part of it creates a threat to life, a high risk of severe forms of acute occupational diseases. Dangerous (extreme) working conditions include the work of firefighters, mine rescuers, liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Depending on the severity and intensity of labor, the degree of harmfulness or danger of working conditions, the amount of wages, the duration of vacation, the amount of additional payments and a number of other established benefits are determined, designed to compensate for the negative consequences of labor activity for a person.

Labor activity can be considered in two aspects: from the point of view of the workload performed by a person in this type of work, and, on the other hand, the functional stress of the body as an integral response of the human body to the load.

The work load is a set of factors of the labor process performed in certain conditions of the working environment. Depending on the characteristics of the factors, the work load has a different effect on the human body, on certain functional systems, determining the magnitude and direction of their functioning. Under certain conditions, the levels of labor process factors can be regarded as dangerous and harmful.

According to GOST 12.0.003-74 (from March 1, 2017 GOST 12.0.003-2015 comes into force), factors due to the characteristics of the nature and organization and organization of work of employees, the parameters of the workplace and equipment, are distinguished into a complex of so-called psycho-physiologically dangerous and harmful production factors.

They can have an adverse effect on the functional state of the human body, his well-being, emotional and intellectual spheres and lead to a persistent decrease in working capacity and (or) a violation of the health of workers.

According to the nature of the action, psychophysiological OVPF (dangerous harmful production factors) are divided into physical (static and dynamic) overloads and neuropsychic overloads (mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, monotony of work, emotional overloads).

Psychophysiological OVPF can be characterized by the parameters of labor (work) loads and (or) indicators of the impact of these loads on a person. Accordingly, the nomenclature includes both the parameters of physical and neuropsychic overloads - the parameters of labor activity, and indicators of their impact on the functional state of the human body during work, his well-being.

Existing in conditions modern production technological processes place high demands on the organ of vision of workers. Up to 90% of all labor operations are now under the control of vision. Miniaturization and microminiaturization of elements, which is typical for many industries, the introduction of new types of equipment, technologies and computer control systems causes an increased strain on the visual analyzer. The contingent of persons performing work at the limit of the resolution of the eyes, using optical means, means of displaying information, is constantly increasing.

In accordance with the "Guidelines m according to the hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditionsP 2.2.2006-05 » , the parameters of the labor process (severity and intensity of labor) according to the degree of influence on the functional state and health of workers are classified into three classes:

Optimal working conditions (grade 1) - conditions under which the health of the employee is preserved and prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of efficiency. Optimal standards for working environment factors have been established for microclimatic parameters and workload factors. For other factors, such working conditions are conditionally taken as optimal, under which harmful factors are absent or do not exceed the levels accepted as safe for the population.

Permissible working conditions (grade 2) are characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and do not have an adverse effect in the near and long term on the health of workers and their offspring. Permissible working conditions are conditionally classified as safe.

Harmful working conditions (grade 3) are characterized by the presence of harmful factors, the levels of which exceed the hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and / or his offspring.
1 degree 3 class (3.1) - working conditions are characterized by such deviations of levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards that cause functional changes, which are restored, as a rule, with a longer (than by the beginning of the next shift) interruption of contact with harmful factors and increase the risk of damage to health;
2 degree 3 class (3.2) - levels of harmful factors that cause persistent functional changes, leading in most cases to an increase in occupationally caused morbidity (which can be manifested by an increase in the level of morbidity with temporary disability and, first of all, those diseases that reflect the state of organs and systems most vulnerable to these factors ), the appearance of initial signs or mild forms of occupational disease (without loss of occupational ability) that occurs after prolonged exposure (oftenafter 15 years or more).

Methodology for assessing the severity of the labor process
The severity of the labor process is assessed by a number of indicators expressed in ergometric values ​​that characterize the labor process, regardless of individual characteristics person involved in this process. The main indicators of the severity of the labor process are:

the mass of the lifted and moved cargo manually;
stereotyped labor movements;
working posture;
body slopes;
movement in space.
Each of the listed indicators can be quantitatively measured and evaluated in accordance with the methodology, section 5.10 and table. 17guidelines R 2.2.2006-05.
When performing work associated with uneven physical activity in different shifts, an assessment of the severity of the labor process (with the exception of the mass of the lifted and moved load and body tilts) should be carried out according to average values ​​for 2-3 shifts. The weight of the manually lifted and moved load and the inclination of the hull should be estimated at the maximum values.

Methodology for assessing the intensity of the labor process
The intensity of the labor process is assessed in accordance with these "Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process."
The assessment of labor intensity of a professional group of workers is based on an analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by chronometric observations in the dynamics of the entire working day, for at least one week. The analysis is based on taking into account the whole complex of production factors (stimuli, irritants) that create the prerequisites for the emergence of adverse neuro-emotional states (overstrain). All factors (indicators) of the labor process have a qualitative or quantitative expression and are grouped according to the types of loads: intellectual, sensory, emotional, monotonous, regime loads.

Since 2017, a training cycle has begun to assess the severity and intensity of the labor process.

What is included in the cycle?

Regulatory documents and standardized values ​​for assessing the severity and intensity of the labor process;

Methodology for measuring indicators of severity and intensity of the labor process;

Working measuring instruments;

Calculation and registration of measurement results;

Conclusion (conclusions) on the results of measurements;

To receive additional information write This adress Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. .

Training is carried out in a state educational institution.



Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions by indicators
harmfulness and danger of factors of the production environment,
severity and intensity of the labor process

Hygienic Criteria for Evaluation of Labor Conditions by
Indexes of Harmfulness and Danger of Industrial
Environment and Working Process Difficulty and Intensity


Introduction date 1994-01-01

1. DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Department of Occupational Health of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov.

Head: N.F. Izmerov.

Responsible executors: N.N. Molodkina, A.I. Korbakov.

Performers: O.G. Alekseeva, R.F. Afanasiev, G.A. Bogdasaryan, V.V. Elizarova, L.T. Elovskaya, A.A. Kasparov, G.N. Lagutina, V.V. Matyukhin, Yu.V. Moikin, Yu.N. Fingers, L.V. Pokhodzey, L.V. Prokopenko, G.A. Suvorov, L.A. Tarasova, V.V. Tkachev, I.P. Ulanova, A.I. Khalepo, E.F. Shardakova, G.B. Steinberg, E.G. Yampolskaya.


Ivanovo Research Institute of Occupational Safety (S.V. Voronkova, E.I. Ilyina, T.I. Chastukhina), Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (V.Ya. Golikov, E.N. Yermolina), All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene (V. A. Kaptsov, E.S. Freiman).

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED by the First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia - Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on July 12, 1994

Valid for three years from the date of approval.

3. Introduced to replace the "Hygienic classification of labor (in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process)", approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on August 12, 1986 No. 4137-86.

1. Scope and general provisions

1. Scope and general provisions

1.1. Hygienic criteria are intended for hygienic assessment of existing conditions and nature of work depending on harmful factors in the workplace in order to:

- establishing priorities in the implementation of recreational activities;

- creation of a data bank on existing working conditions at the level of an enterprise, district, city, region, republic;

- determination of administrative and economic sanctions in connection with unfavorable working conditions;

- certification of workplaces.

1.2. The use of hygienic criteria for other purposes is possible upon agreement with State Committee sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Hygienic assessment criteria and classification of working conditions are based on the principle of differentiation of working conditions according to the degree of deviation of the parameters of the working environment and the labor process from the current hygienic standards in accordance with the revealed influence of these deviations on the functional state and health of workers. Work with pathogens of infectious diseases, with substances for which inhalation or contact with the skin must be excluded (antineoplastic medicines, estrogen hormones, narcotic analgesics) gives the right to classify working conditions as a certain hazard class for potential danger.

1.4. Work in conditions of excess of hygienic standards is possible subject to the use of funds personal protection and while reducing the time of exposure to harmful production factors - time protection.

The determination of the allowable time of contact with harmful production factors for a work shift and / or period of employment (restriction of work experience) is carried out by the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies on the proposal of the administration in relation to the professional groups of a particular enterprise. In the latter case, working conditions can be classified as less harmful.

1.5. The validity of this manual is three years from the date of its approval. The experience of applying hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions should be used in the preparation of a new version of the document.

2. Basic concepts used in hygiene criteria

2.1. OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE - a system for ensuring the health of workers in the course of work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

2.2. WORKING CONDITIONS - a set of factors of the working environment and the labor process that affect the health and performance of a person in the labor process.

2.3. HARMFUL PRODUCTION FACTOR - a factor of the environment and the labor process, which can cause occupational pathology, temporary or permanent decrease in efficiency, increase the frequency of somatic and infectious diseases, and lead to impaired health of offspring.

Harmful production factors can be:

- physical factors: temperature, humidity and air mobility, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (ultraviolet, visible, infrared, laser, microwave, radio frequency, low frequency), static, electric and magnetic fields, ionizing radiation, industrial noise, vibration (local, general), ultrasound, aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action (dust), illumination (lack of natural light, insufficient illumination, increased ultraviolet radiation);

- chemical factors, including some substances of biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes);

- biological factors: pathogenic microorganisms, producer microorganisms, preparations containing living cells and spores of microorganisms, protein preparations;

- factors of the labor process that characterize the severity of physical labor: physical dynamic load, weight of the load being lifted and moved, stereotyped work movements, static load, working posture, body tilts, movement in space;

- factors of the labor process that characterize the intensity of work: intellectual, sensory, emotional loads, monotony of loads, mode of work.

2.4. DANGEROUS PRODUCTION FACTOR - a factor of the environment and the labor process, which can cause an acute illness or a sudden sharp deterioration in health, death.

Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, certain harmful production factors can become dangerous.

2.5. HYGIENIC STANDARDS OF WORKING CONDITIONS - levels of harmful production factors that, during daily (except weekends) work, but not more than 40 hours a week during the entire working experience, should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of health detected by modern methods of research in the process of work or in the long term of the life of the present and subsequent generations.

Compliance with hygienic standards of working conditions does not exclude health problems in hypersensitive individuals.

2.6. SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS - working conditions under which the impact on workers of harmful and dangerous production factors is excluded or their levels do not exceed hygienic standards.

3. Classes of working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger

Based on hygienic criteria and principles for classifying working conditions, the latter are divided into four classes.

Grade 1 - OPTIMUM working conditions - such conditions under which not only the health of workers is preserved, but also prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of efficiency.

Optimal standards of production factors are established for microclimatic parameters and factors of the labor process. For other factors, conventionally, such working conditions are taken as optimal, under which unfavorable factors do not exceed the levels accepted as safe for the population.

Grade 2 - PERMISSIBLE working conditions are characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during a regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and should not have an adverse effect in the near and remote period on the health of workers and their offspring.

The optimal and permissible classes correspond to safe working conditions.

3rd grade - HARMFUL conditions labor are characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and / or his offspring.

Harmful working conditions according to the degree of excess of hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers are divided into 4 degrees of harmfulness.

1 degree 3rd class (3.1) - working conditions characterized by such deviations from hygienic standards, which, as a rule, cause reversible functional changes and determine the risk of developing a disease.

2 degree 3rd class (3.2) - working conditions with such levels of production factors that can cause persistent functional disorders, leading in most cases to an increase in morbidity with temporary disability, an increase in the frequency of general morbidity, the appearance of initial signs of occupational pathology.

3rd degree of the 3rd class (3.3) - working conditions characterized by such levels of harmful factors that lead to the development, as a rule, of occupational pathology in mild forms during the period of employment, the growth of chronic general somatic pathology, including increased levels of morbidity with temporary disability .

4 degree of the 3rd class (3.4) - working conditions under which pronounced forms of occupational diseases can occur, there is a significant increase in chronic pathology and high levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

Grade 4 - DANGEROUS (EXTREME) working conditions, characterized by such levels of production factors, the impact of which during the work shift (or part of it) poses a threat to life, a high risk of severe forms of acute occupational injuries.

Table 1

Classes of working conditions depending on the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area (excess of MPC, times)

Harmful substances*

Working condition class


Harmful - 3

dangerous (extreme)

1st degree

2 degrees

3 degrees

4 degrees

* - In accordance with the list "Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area" and additions to it, GOST 12.1.005 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area", "List of substances, products, production processes and household factors that are carcinogenic to humans.

Harmful substances other than those listed below

Substances with sharp
lazy mechanism of action. Substances of irritating action


* - Exceeding the specified level for substances with a highly directional mechanism of action can lead to acute fatal poisoning.



Aerosols predominantly fibrogenic action

Anticancer drugs, hormones (estrogens)*

* - Substances, when working with which contact with respiratory organs and skin should be excluded with mandatory control of the air in the working area by approved methods (in accordance with the list "Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area" and additions to it).


Narcotic analgesics *

* - Substances, when working with which contact with respiratory organs and skin must be excluded with mandatory control of the working area by approved methods (in accordance with the list "Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area" and additions to it).

** - Working with these substances in their production, as well as in oncological dispensaries and departments, gives the right to classify working conditions as this class.

Metals, metal oxides

table 2

Classes of working conditions when working with a biological factor




Harmful - 3

Dangerous (extra-

1 degree 3.1

2 degrees 3.2

3 degrees 3.3

4 degrees 3.4

Pathogenic micro-

Particularly dangerous infections

pathogens of other infectious diseases

* - Work in specialized medical, veterinary institutions and units, specialized farms for sick animals gives the right to classify working conditions to the specified class.

Microorganisms-producers, preparations containing living cells and spores of microorganisms; (exceeding MPC, times)

Protein preparations (exceeding MAC, times)

Table 3

Classes of working conditions depending on the level of noise and vibration of workplaces




Harmful - 3

Dangerous (extra-

1 degree 3.1

2 degrees 3.2

3 degrees 3.3

4 degrees 3.4

Exceeding the MPD up to:

Noise (equivalent sound level, dBA)

* - In accordance with the "Sanitary Norms for Permissible Noise Levels at Workplaces".

Vibration local (equivalent corrected-
vibration velocity level, dB)

* - In accordance with the "Sanitary norms and rules for working with machines and equipment that create local vibration transmitted to the hands of workers."

Vibration overall (equivalent corrected level of vibration velocity, dB)

* - In accordance with the "Sanitary Vibration Standards for Workplaces".

Infrasound (total sound pressure level, dB Lin)

* - In accordance with the "Hygienic Standards for Infrasound at Workplaces".

* - In accordance with GOST 12.1.001 SSBT "Ultrasound. General requirements security."

Ultrasound contact (vibration velocity, m/s; logarithmic level of vibration velocity, dB; intensity, W/cm)

* - The combination of local vibration with a cooling microclimate and / or static stress increases the class of working conditions by one.

Table 4

Classes of working conditions under the influence of electromagnetic radiation (exceeding the MPD, times)




Harmful - 3

Dangerous (extra-

1 degree 3.1

2 degrees 3.2

3 degrees 3.3

4 degrees 3.4

Permanent magnetic field

electrostatic field

Power frequency electric fields (50 Hz)

Remote control (for the whole working day)

Power frequency magnetic fields (50 Hz)

Remote control (for the whole working day)

Radio electromagnetic radiation
frequency range:


300 MHz - 300 GHz

laser radiation

PDU (for chronic
whom to influence

>PDU PDU (for single exposure)

In accordance with the "Maximum permissible levels of exposure to permanent magnetic fields when working with magnetic devices and materials."

In accordance with GOST 12.1.045 SSBT "Electrostatic fields. Permissible levels in the workplace and requirements for monitoring."

In accordance with the "Sanitary norms and rules for performing work under the influence of electric fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz)".

In accordance with the "Maximum permissible levels of magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz".

In accordance with GOST 12.1.006 SSBT "Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Permissible levels in the workplace and requirements for monitoring", "PDU exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 10-60 kHz".

For remote control with an exposure time equal to or less than 0.2 hours.

In accordance with the "Sanitary Norms and Rules for the Design and Operation of Lasers".

Note: For persons working in shielded (with a decrease in the natural electromagnetic field of the Earth) and especially clean rooms, the class of working conditions is set in accordance with the levels of all available environmental factors and the labor process, increasing the degree of harmfulness by one step.

Table 5.1

Classes of working conditions in terms of microclimate for industrial premises and open areas in the warm season





Harmful - 3

Dangerous (extra-

1 degree 3.1

2 degrees 3.2

3 degrees 3.3

4 degrees 3.4

Air temperature, °С

According to the WBGT index, see table. 5.1.1.

* - "Sanitary standards for the microclimate of industrial premises".

Air speed, m/s

Air humidity, %

Thermal radiation, W/m

Table 5.1.1

Classes of working conditions according to the WBGT index for industrial premises and open areas during the warm season (°С)


number of works*

General energy



Harmful - 3

Dangerous (extra-

1 degree 3.1

2 degrees 3.2

3 degrees 3.3

4 degrees 3.4

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Occupational health is a field in medicine that deals with the study of work activities and working conditions, taking into account their effects on the body. Also, this area is developing hygiene standards and measures that are designed to prevent the occurrence of occupational pathologies and make working conditions safer.

The main objectives of occupational health include:

  1. Setting the permissible impact of harmful factors on the worker's body.
  2. Classification of labor intensity, based on the conditions of the process.
  3. Determination of tension and severity of the work process.
  4. Organization of the regime of rest and work, as well as the workplace in accordance with rational standards.
  5. Research of psychophysical parameters of labor.

Assessing the quality of the worker's environment, it is necessary not only to investigate the impact of various factors, their influence on each other, but also working conditions according to the intensity of the labor process. It is also necessary to develop comprehensive indicators, which will be considered the norm. Occupational hygiene methods can be both instrumental and clinical, physiological. Methods are also applicable medical statistics and sanitary inspection.

Classification different types the severity and intensity of labor is of particular importance for rational organization and optimization of working conditions. Such classifications, as well as the allocation of working conditions factors, make it possible to assess different kinds works. In addition, this allows you to find methods for the implementation of recreational activities, taking into account the assessment of the severity and intensity of work.

Quite often, the intensity of labor is classified taking into account the expenditure of human energy in the process of carrying out work activities. Such an indicator as energy costs is determined by the degree of the intensity coefficient of muscle labor, as well as the neuro-emotional state of a person during work. Another important indicator is working conditions. A person spends 10-12 MJ per day on mental work, and workers doing hard physical work spend from 17 to 25 MJ.

The severity and intensity of labor can be defined as the degree of stress of the organism of a functional plan that occurs in the course of performing work tasks. Depending on the power of work during physical or mental labor, functional stress arises during information overload. The physical burden of labor is the load on the body during activities that require muscle tension and corresponding energy consumption.

Emotional load occurs during the performance of intellectual tasks in the processing of information. Often this type of load is called the nervous tension of labor.

Work environment factors: overview

The harmful effect on the body of the worker is determined by the factors of the working environment. Occupational health distinguishes two main factors - harmful and dangerous. Dangerous is the factor of severity and intensity of labor, which can cause acute illness or a sharp deterioration in the health of an employee or death. A harmful factor can, in the course of work and in the aggregate of certain conditions, cause an occupational disease, reduce the efficiency of a temporary or chronic nature, increase the number of infectious and somatic pathologies and lead to problems in reproductive function.

Harmful production factors

Conditions affecting the intensity of working conditions can be divided into several groups:

  1. Physical. These include humidity, temperature regime, electromagnetic and non-ionizing radiation and fields, air velocity, permanent magnetic fields, electrostatic fields, thermal and laser radiation, industrial noise, ultrasound, vibrations, aerosols, lighting, air ions, etc.
  2. Chemical. Biological and chemical substances including hormones, antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, proteins.
  3. Biological. Live spores and cells, harmful microorganisms.
  4. Factors that characterize the severity of work.
  5. Factors that characterize the intensity of work.

Assessment of severity and tension

The severity of labor is most often determined by the load on the musculoskeletal system and various body systems. The assessment of the severity and intensity of labor is characterized by an energy component and is determined by a number of indicators.

Process severity indicators

These include:

The intensity of labor characterizes the labor process. Also, the concept projects a load on the central nervous system, the emotional area and the sense organs.

Indicators of labor intensity

The data under consideration includes:

  1. Sensory, emotional and intellectual loads.
  2. Load monotony.
  3. Operating mode.
  4. Intensity and duration of intellectual load.

Age of Cyberspace

Scientific and technological progress not only provokes the creation of new professions, but also new pathogenic factors. In recent years, the importance of psychophysiological indicators of the severity and intensity of labor has increased significantly, due to the development of computer technology.

Safe working conditions are those under which the influence of production factors is minimized and does not exceed hygienic standards. The latter include MPC, or maximum allowable concentrations, and MPC, or maximum allowable levels.

Classification of labor by load

The load, depending on the severity of the work performed, is regulated in sanitary and hygienic requirements that correspond to GOST. In them, all physical types of work are divided into three categories depending on the indicators of the severity and intensity of labor and on the energy costs of the body for their implementation.

  • Energy consumption up to 139 watts. Work performed in a sitting position that does not include significant physical factors of labor intensity. This is a number of professions related to precision instrumentation, in the clothing industry, in the field of management. Also included are watchmakers, locksmiths, engravers, knitters, etc.
  • Energy consumption up to 174 watts. Work performed while standing or requiring a lot of walking. This category includes workers in the printing industry, communications enterprises, markers, bookbinders, photographers, auxiliary workers in agriculture, etc.

Third category. Includes jobs that require more than 290 W of energy consumption. These are professions that do not involve a reduction in labor intensity and include heavy physical exertion, carrying weights of more than 10 kilograms, work in the blacksmith and foundry shops, the activities of postmen, workers Agriculture, namely: tractor drivers, cattlemen, livestock breeders, etc.

Additional features of working conditions

The conditions in which a person works and their severity can be determined by a number of indicators, namely:

1. Posture and position of the body when performing work. This indicator is divided into the following types:

  • The horizontal position of the body. This includes high-altitude fitters, welders, mining workers, etc.
  • Half-bent or bent position. In this case, it is necessary to clarify the temporary stay in this position as a percentage of the total working time.
  • The same movements. The number of movements of the same type that an employee performs per shift is calculated. Not only the local load is taken into account, but also the regional one.

2. Standing time. To classify working conditions as severe, this condition must be constant and include not only a static position in an upright position, but also walking.

3. Tilts of the torso. Typical for agricultural workers when harvesting, weeding, and on a dairy farm and construction sites when laying floors and wall cladding. In this case, the number of slopes during the shift is specified.

4. The pace at which the required actions are carried out. This includes work on semi-automatic machines, conveyors and weaving.

5. Mode of operation. Hard working conditions are usually defined as shift work or shift method, night shifts and frequent changes in the rhythm of life.

6. Exposure to vibration. The influence can be not only general, but also local. Tractor drivers, combine harvesters, harvesters, bulldozer operators, as well as employees of railway and urban transport are exposed to vibrations.

7. Meteorological working conditions. Abnormally low or high temperature operating conditions, high humidity or sudden changes, air speed and drafts.

8. Exposure to radiation of any kind. This can be a magnetic field, laser or ionizing radiation, insolation, the influence of static electricity and electric fields.

9. Interaction with toxins, namely poisons and other substances harmful to humans.

10. Professional malicious features.

11. Polluted air in the workplace, high levels of noise and atmospheric pressure.

12. Quite often, in one profession, there are several factors at once, according to which working conditions can be classified as difficult.

Varieties of intellectual labor

In addition to working conditions, it is also necessary to consider the intensity and severity of work. Many fields of activity combine the mental and physical aspects. However, in modern professional fields sensory, mental and emotional loads are prevalent. This is due to the fact that mental work is given particular importance.

Professions that are associated with the processing of a large amount of information are considered intellectual. The implementation of this kind of activity requires the tension of memory, sensory apparatus, attention, emotions and thinking.

Occupational health identifies five main intellectual activities:

  1. Operator labor. Includes equipment management technological processes and cars. This area involves great responsibility and tension of a neuro-emotional nature.
  2. Management work. This group includes teachers and teachers, as well as heads of organizations and enterprises. This area of ​​activity provides for an increasing amount of information, a small amount of time for its processing and personal responsibility for decisions made. The workload is irregular and solutions are often non-standard. Sometimes conflicts may arise, the solution of which also requires a certain emotional tension.
  3. Creation. Such professions, as a rule, include writers, artists, composers, artists, designers, architects and others. This activity involves the creation of non-standard algorithms based on many years of training and qualifications. In these areas, it is necessary to have initiative, good memory, and the ability to concentrate. All this causes increased nervous tension.
  4. Medical workers. The following features are considered typical for all workers in this area: lack of information, close contact with sick people, a high degree of responsibility to patients.
  5. Educational area. Students and students need to constantly strain their attention, memory, perception, be resistant to stressful situations when passing exams, tests or tests.

The stress of a neuro-emotional nature is characterized depending on the workload and density of the work schedule, the number of actions performed, the complexity and volume of information to assimilate, the time spent on the operation.

Types of working conditions according to the intensity of the work process

There are several classes that show the degree of assessment of labor intensity:

  • First grade. Light degree of tension. The criteria for this class are: work in one shift without night work workplace, no need to make a decision in an emergency mode, an individual work plan, the actual length of the working day is up to 7 hours, the exclusion of risk to life, the exclusion of responsibility for other persons. This category includes those professions that do not undergo drastic changes and do not require concentration on more than one subject. The work itself is of a small volume, for example, a secretary, a timekeeper, a typist, etc.
  • The second class is characterized as acceptable and has an assessment of labor intensity of an average degree. This category assumes moderate nervous tension and the performance of tasks of an average degree of complexity. Responsibility is only for specific types of activities that are typical for this field of activity. The second class includes economists, accountants, legal advisers, engineers, librarians and doctors.
  • The third class denotes hard work. These areas of activity involve strong mental stress, a large volume production activities, the load on attention for a long time, the ability to quickly process a large number of information. This type of work includes heads of large organizations and enterprises, leading specialists of departments, for example, chief accountants, designers and technologists. In addition, this includes activities that provide for a continuous flow of information and an instant response to it. These can be dispatchers at airports, railway stations, duty and metro operators, television workers, telephonists and telegraph operators, as well as emergency doctors, intensive care units, etc. The latter category also implies work in time pressure, increased responsibility for decisions made with a lack of information. The length of the working day is not standardized and is usually more than 12 hours. A high degree of risk and responsibility for the lives of others are also indicators of labor intensity.
  • The fourth class includes extreme working conditions. They mean the presence of factors that can pose a threat to life during work or lead to the development of serious complications for the health of the worker. Such especially dangerous activities include mine rescuers, firefighters, liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, etc. This is the hardest and most intense work that does not pass without a trace for the human condition. Work in such conditions is permissible only if emergency. A prerequisite is the use individual means protection.