What is smart or something. Review of the smartphone LG G7 ThinQ: the smartest, or what? You choose the right people for the right job

I keep saying that our body is magnificent and ingenious. All we need is not to interfere with his work. And of course, do not feed him any poisonous muck.

After giving up poisons and starting to eat healthy food, after some time we will get a completely healthy body, unless of course we had no very serious diseases before. But my favorite scientists say that even serious diseases can be significantly alleviated and cured over time by switching to proper nutrition.

So that's what I'm all about.

All the cells of our body are constantly updated, and we have, with some periodicity (each organ has its own period), completely new organs.

Leather: The outer layer of the skin, in contact with environment. Epidermal cells are renewed every 2-3 weeks. The deeper layers are a little slower, but on average, a full cycle of skin renewal occurs in 60-80 days. By the way, interesting information: for the year the body produces about two billion new skin cells.

But then the question arises why the skin of a one-year-old child and a sixty-year-old person looks completely different. There are a lot of unexplored things in our body, but so far it is believed that the skin ages due to the deterioration (over the years) in the production and renewal of collagen, with which this is connected is still under study.

At the moment, it has only been established that such factors as improper and poor (lack of fats and lack of proteins) nutrition, as well as too aggressive environmental influences, are very significant.

They impair the production and quality of collagen. An excess of ultraviolet radiation also negatively affects the regeneration of the skin. But, 20-30 minutes in the sun is considered a therapeutic dose that has a beneficial effect on many processes in the body, including skin renewal.

The cells of the epithelium covering the stomach and intestines come into contact with the most aggressive environment (gastric juices and enzymes that process food) and become thinner, constantly passing through them. They are updated every 3-5 days!

The structure of the mucous membrane of the tongue is very complex, and we will not go into details. The rate of renewal of the various cells that make up the mucous membrane of the tongue (receptors) is different. Simplified, we can say that the renewal cycle of these cells is 10-14 days.

Blood— the fluid on which our whole life depends. About half a trillion different blood cells die in the average person's body every day. They must die in time for new ones to be born. In a healthy person, the number of dead cells is equal to the number of newborns. Complete renewal of blood occurs within 120-150 days.

Bronchi and lungs also come into contact with an aggressive environment, therefore they renew their cells relatively quickly. The outer cells of the lungs, which are the first layer of defense against aggressors, are updated in 2-3 weeks. The remaining cells, depending on their functions, are updated at different rates. But in general, a little less than a year is necessary for the body to completely renew lung tissue.

Bronchial alveoli updated every 11-12 months.

Hair grow an average of 1-2 cm per month. That is, after some time we have completely new hair, depending on the length.

The life cycle of eyelashes and eyebrows is 3-6 months.

Fingernails hands grow at a rate of 3-4 mm per month, the full renewal cycle is 6 months. On the toes, the nails grow at a rate of 1-2 mm per month.

Liver, truly the most magical organ in our body. Not only does it cleanse us all our lives of all the garbage that we put into our bodies, it is also a champion of regeneration. It has been established that even with the loss of 75% of its cells (in the case of surgery), the liver is able to recover completely, and after 2-4 months we have its full volume.

Moreover, at the age of up to 30-40 years, it regenerates the volume even more than - by 113%. With age, liver recovery occurs only by 90-95%.

Complete renewal of liver cells occurs in 150-180 days. It has also been established that if you completely abandon toxic products (chemicals, drugs, fried foods, sugar and alcohol), the liver is independently and completely (!) Cleared of harmful effects in 6-8 weeks.

Our health largely depends on the health of the liver. But even such a hardy organ as the liver, we (try) can kill. A large number of sugar or alcohol can cause irreversible effects in the liver in the form of cirrhosis.

Cells of the kidney and spleen updated every 300-500 days.

Skeleton Our body produces hundreds of millions of new cells every day. It constantly regenerates, and in its structure it has both old and new cells. But a complete cellular renewal of the bone structure occurs in 7-10 years. With significant nutritional imbalances, cells are produced much less and of poorer quality, and as a result, over the years, we have such a problem as osteoporosis.

Cells of all types of muscle tissue completely updated in 15-16 years.

Heart, eyes and brain is still the least studied by scientists.

For a very long time it was believed that the muscles of the heart are not updated (unlike the rest of the muscle tissue), but recent discoveries have shown that this is a delusion, and the muscle tissue of the heart is updated in the same way as the rest of the muscles.

Studies have just begun, but according to preliminary data, it is known that the full heart muscle renewal occurs approximately (exact data is not yet available) for 20 years. That is 3-4 times in an average life.

The mystery is still the fact that eye lens is not updated at all, or rather, why the lens is not updated. Only the cells of the cornea of ​​the eye are restored and renewed. The update cycle is quite fast - 7-10 days. In case of damage, the cornea is able to recover in just a day.

However, this does not negate the fact that the cells of the lens are never updated at all! The central part of the lens is formed at the sixth week of intrauterine development of the fetus. And for the rest of your life, new cells “grow” to the central part of the lens, which makes it thicker and less flexible, worsening the quality of focusing over the years.

Brain- this is the riddle of riddles ...

The brain is the least understood organ in our body. Of course, this is associated with objective factors. The brain of a living person is very difficult to study without harming it. Experiments on humans are forbidden in our country (at least officially). Therefore, studies are carried out on animals and terminally ill human volunteers, which is not at all equivalent to a healthy, normally functioning person.

Until recently, it was believed that brain cells never renew themselves. In principle, things are still there. The brain that controls our entire the most complex system called the body, the brain, which gives signals for regeneration to all our organs, does not renew itself at all ... Hmm.

Back in the 60s of the last century, Joseph Altman discovered neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons) in the thalamus and cerebral cortex. The scientific world, as usual, was very skeptical about this discovery and forgot about it. In the mid-80s, this discovery was “rediscovered” by another scientist, Fernando Notteboom. And again silence.

But since the end of the 90s of the last century, full-scale studies of our brains have finally begun.

At the present moment (in the course of the latest research) several discoveries have been made. It has already been reliably established that the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb still regularly renew their cells. In birds, lower vertebrates, and mammals, the rate of emergence of new neurons is quite high. In adult rats, approximately 250,000 new neurons are formed and replaced within a month (this is approximately 3% of the total).

The human body also renews the cells of these parts of the brain. It has also been established that the more active the physical and brain activity, the more actively new neurons are formed in these areas. But it is still under study. Wait-sir…

Over the past 20 years, science has made tremendous strides in understanding our nutrition and our health. Finally found out that big role in correct work bodies plays proper nutrition. It has been reliably clarified what we need to eat and what we should not eat if we want to be healthy. But in general? What comes out in general? And it turns out that “in detail” we are updated without stopping, all our lives. So what makes us get sick, grow old and die?

We fly into space, we think about the conquest and colonization of other planets. But at the same time, we know so little about our body. Scientists, both in ancient times and in modern times, have absolutely no idea why, with such a huge ability to renew, we grow old. Why wrinkles appear and muscle condition worsens. Why do we lose flexibility and our bones become brittle. Why do we go deaf and stupid ... No one can say anything intelligible, as before.

Some say that aging is in our DNA, but this theory has no evidence base to support it.

Others believe that aging is inherent in our brain and psychology, that we, as it were, force ourselves to grow old and die. That our subconsciousness contains programs of aging. It's just a theory without any evidence or evidence.

Still others (very recent theories) believe that this is due to the "accumulation" of certain mutations and damage in mitochondrial DNA. But they don't know why these damages and mutations accumulate.

That is, it turns out that, contrary to Comrade Darwin's theory of evolution, cells, renewing themselves again and again, renew a worsened version of themselves, instead of an improved one. Strange...

Optimistic "alchemists" believe that we are endowed with the elixir of youth from birth, and there is no need to look for it on the side. He is within us. We just need to choose the right keys to our body and learn how to properly and fully use our brain.

And then our body will be, if not immortal, then very, very long-lived!

Let's feed our body properly. We will help him a little, or rather, we will not interfere with him with all sorts of poisons, and in return he will thank us with good work and a long, HEALTHY life!

The human body is the most complex living machine in which various systems function harmoniously as a whole. All parts of the body are made up of cells, of which there are about 100 trillion in the body of an adult. Some of these cells are constantly dying, and new ones take their places. For different organs and tissues of the human body, the cycle of complete renewal takes an unequal amount of time. And for many cells in our body, this period has already been determined more or less accurately.

And even if, according to your passport, your age is, for example, 35 years old, then your skin may be only two weeks old, your skeleton 10 years old, and the lenses of your eyes are about the same age as you. How often these and other cells of your body are updated, we will tell in this article.

  • skin cells

    Complete replacement of epithelial cells occurs in 14 days. Skin cells are formed in the deep layers of the dermis, gradually come to the surface and replace old cells that die and exfoliate. In one year, our body produces about two billion new skin cells.

  • muscle cells

    Skeletal muscle tissue is completely renewed every 15-16 years. The rate of cell renewal is affected by the age of a person - the older we get, the slower this process occurs.


    7-10 years - this is the time during which there is a complete cellular renewal of bone tissue. In the structure of the skeleton, both old and young cells function simultaneously. At the same time, improper unbalanced nutrition can affect the quality of new cells for the worse, causing numerous complications. Bone tissue produces hundreds of millions of new cells every day.

    blood cells

    Complete renewal of blood cells takes from 120 to 150 days. The body of a healthy person daily produces as many blood cells as they die, and this number is equal to about 500 billion cells with different purposes.


    The epithelial cells of the stomach, which filter nutrients into the body, are replaced very quickly - in just 3-5 days. This is necessary, since these cells are exposed to an extremely aggressive environment - gastric juice and enzymes responsible for food processing.


    If you do not focus on the cells of the intestinal epithelium, which are replaced every 5 days, the average age of the intestine will be approximately 15-16 years.


    Her cells are completely renewed in just 300-500 days. Surprisingly, with the loss of 75% of liver cells, it is able to regenerate its full volume in just 3-4 months. Therefore, a healthy person can transplant part of his liver to a needy one without fear for his health - it will grow again.

    A heart

    For a long time it was assumed that the cells of the myocardium (heart muscle tissue) do not renew at all. However, recent studies have shown that the complete renewal of the heart muscles occurs about once every 20 years.


    The lens itself and the brain cells responsible for processing visual information are the same age as a person. Only the cells of the cornea of ​​the eye are regenerated and renewed. At the same time, the complete renewal of the cornea occurs quite quickly - the entire cycle takes 7-10 days.


    The hippocampus, the region of the brain responsible for learning and memory, and the olfactory bulb regularly renew their cells. Moreover, the higher the physical and brain activity, the more often new neurons are formed in these areas.

All parts of the human body are made up of cells, of which there are about 100 trillion in the body of an adult. Some of these cells are constantly dying, and new ones take their places. For different organs and tissues of the human body, the cycle of complete renewal takes an unequal amount of time.
And for many cells in our body, this period has already been determined more or less accurately.
And even if, according to your passport, your age is, for example, 35 years old, then your skin may be only two weeks old, your skeleton 10 years old, and the lenses of your eyes are about the same age as you.

skin cells

Complete replacement of epithelial cells occurs in 14 days. Skin cells are formed in the deep layers of the dermis, gradually come to the surface and replace old cells that die and exfoliate. In one year, our body produces about two billion new skin cells.

muscle cells

tours Skeletal muscle tissue is completely renewed every 15-16 years. The rate of cell renewal is affected by the age of a person - the older we get, the slower this process occurs.


7-10 years - this is the time during which there is a complete cellular renewal of bone tissue. In the structure of the skeleton, both old and young cells function simultaneously. At the same time, improper unbalanced nutrition can affect the quality of new cells for the worse, causing numerous complications. Bone tissue produces hundreds of millions of new cells every day.

blood cells

Complete renewal of blood cells takes from 120 to 150 days. The body of a healthy person daily produces as many blood cells as they die, and this number is equal to about 500 billion cells with different purposes.


The epithelial cells of the stomach, which filter nutrients into the body, are replaced very quickly - in just 3-5 days. This is necessary, since these cells are exposed to an extremely aggressive environment - gastric juice and enzymes responsible for food processing.


If you do not focus on the cells of the intestinal epithelium, which are replaced every 5 days, the average age of the intestine will be approximately 15-16 years.


Her cells are completely renewed in just 300-500 days. Surprisingly, with the loss of 75% of liver cells, it is able to regenerate its full volume in just 3-4 months. Therefore, a healthy person can transplant part of his liver to a needy one without fear for his health - it will grow again.

A heart

For a long time it was assumed that the cells of the myocardium (heart muscle tissue) do not renew at all. However, recent studies have shown that the complete renewal of the heart muscles occurs about once every 20 years.


The lens itself and the brain cells responsible for processing visual information are the same age as a person. Only the cells of the cornea of ​​the eye are regenerated and renewed. At the same time, the complete renewal of the cornea occurs quite quickly - the entire cycle takes 7-10 days.


The hippocampus, the region of the brain responsible for learning and memory, and the olfactory bulb regularly renew their cells. Moreover, the higher the physical and brain activity, the more often new neurons are formed in these areas.

I keep saying that our body is magnificent and ingenious. All we need is not to interfere with his work. And of course, do not feed him any poisonous muck.

After giving up poisons and starting to eat healthy food, after some time we will get a completely healthy body, unless of course we had no very serious diseases before. But my favorite scientists say that even serious diseases can be significantly alleviated and cured over time by switching to proper nutrition.

So that's what I'm all about.

All the cells of our body are constantly updated, and we have, with some periodicity (each organ has its own period), completely new organs.

Leather: The outer layer of the skin, which is in contact with the environment, renews the fastest. Epidermal cells are renewed every 2-3 weeks. The deeper layers are a little slower, but on average, a full cycle of skin renewal occurs in 60-80 days. By the way, interesting information: for the year the body produces about two billion new skin cells.

But then the question arises why the skin of a one-year-old child and a sixty-year-old person looks completely different. There are a lot of unexplored things in our body, but so far it is believed that the skin ages due to the deterioration (over the years) in the production and renewal of collagen, with which this is connected is still under study.

At the moment, it has only been established that such factors as improper and poor (lack of fats and lack of proteins) nutrition, as well as too aggressive environmental influences, are very significant.

They impair the production and quality of collagen. An excess of ultraviolet radiation also negatively affects the regeneration of the skin. But, 20-30 minutes in the sun is considered a therapeutic dose that has a beneficial effect on many processes in the body, including skin renewal.

The cells of the epithelium covering the stomach and intestines come into contact with the most aggressive environment (gastric juices and enzymes that process food) and become thinner, constantly passing through them. They are updated every 3-5 days!

The structure of the mucous membrane of the tongue is very complex, and we will not go into details. The rate of renewal of the various cells that make up the mucous membrane of the tongue (receptors) is different. Simplified, we can say that the renewal cycle of these cells is 10-14 days.

Blood- the fluid on which our whole life depends. About half a trillion different blood cells die in the average person's body every day. They must die in time for new ones to be born. In a healthy person, the number of dead cells is equal to the number of newborns. Complete renewal of blood occurs within 120-150 days.

Bronchi and lungs also come into contact with an aggressive environment, therefore they renew their cells relatively quickly. The outer cells of the lungs, which are the first layer of defense against aggressors, are updated in 2-3 weeks. The remaining cells, depending on their functions, are updated at different rates. But in general, a little less than a year is necessary for the body to completely renew lung tissue.

Bronchial alveoli updated every 11-12 months.

Hair grow an average of 1-2 cm per month. That is, after some time we have completely new hair, depending on the length.

The life cycle of eyelashes and eyebrows is 3-6 months.

Fingernails hands grow at a rate of 3-4 mm per month, the full renewal cycle is 6 months. On the toes, the nails grow at a rate of 1-2 mm per month.

Liver, truly the most magical organ in our body. Not only does it cleanse us all our lives of all the garbage that we put into our bodies, it is also a champion of regeneration. It has been established that even with the loss of 75% of its cells (in the case of surgery), the liver is able to recover completely, and after 2-4 months we have its full volume.

Moreover, at the age of up to 30-40 years, it regenerates the volume even with a vengeance - by 113%. With age, liver recovery occurs only by 90-95%.

Complete renewal of liver cells occurs in 150-180 days. It has also been established that if you completely abandon toxic products (chemicals, drugs, fried foods, sugar and alcohol), the liver is independently and completely (!) Cleared of harmful effects in 6-8 weeks.

Our health largely depends on the health of the liver. But even such a hardy organ as the liver, we (try) can kill. A large amount of sugar or alcohol can cause irreversible consequences in the liver in the form of cirrhosis.

Cells of the kidney and spleen updated every 300-500 days.

Skeleton Our body produces hundreds of millions of new cells every day. It constantly regenerates, and in its structure it has both old and new cells. But a complete cellular renewal of the bone structure occurs in 7-10 years. With significant nutritional imbalances, cells are produced much less and of poorer quality, and as a result, over the years, we have such a problem as osteoporosis.

Cells of all types of muscle tissue completely updated in 15-16 years.

Heart, eyes and brain is still the least studied by scientists.

For a very long time it was believed that the muscles of the heart are not updated (unlike the rest of the muscle tissue), but recent discoveries have shown that this is a delusion, and the muscle tissue of the heart is updated in the same way as the rest of the muscles.

Studies have just begun, however, according to preliminary data, it is known that the full heart muscle renewal occurs approximately (exact data is not yet available) for 20 years. That is 3-4 times in an average life.

The mystery is still the fact that eye lens is not updated at all, or rather, why the lens is not updated. Only the cells of the cornea of ​​the eye are restored and renewed. The update cycle is quite fast - 7-10 days. In case of damage, the cornea is able to recover in just a day.

However, this does not negate the fact that the cells of the lens are never updated at all! The central part of the lens is formed at the sixth week of intrauterine development of the fetus. And for the rest of your life, new cells “grow” to the central part of the lens, which makes it thicker and less flexible, worsening the quality of focusing over the years.

Brain- this is the riddle of riddles ...

The brain is the least understood organ in our body. Of course, this is associated with a number of objective factors. The brain of a living person is very difficult to study without harming it. Experiments on humans are forbidden in our country (at least officially). Therefore, studies are carried out on animals and terminally ill human volunteers, which is not at all equivalent to a healthy, normally functioning person.

Until recently, it was believed that brain cells never renew themselves. In principle, things are still there. The brain that controls our entire most complex system called the body, the brain that gives signals for regeneration to all our organs, does not renew itself at all ... Hmm.

Back in the 60s of the last century, Joseph Altman discovered neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons) in the thalamus and cerebral cortex. The scientific world, as usual, was very skeptical about this discovery and forgot about it. In the mid-80s, this discovery was "rediscovered" by another scientist, Fernando Notteboom. And again silence.

But since the end of the 90s of the last century, full-scale studies of our brains have finally begun.

At the present moment (in the course of the latest research) several discoveries have been made. It has already been reliably established that the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb still regularly renew their cells. In birds, lower vertebrates, and mammals, the rate of emergence of new neurons is quite high. In adult rats, approximately 250,000 new neurons are formed and replaced within a month (this is approximately 3% of the total).

The human body also renews the cells of these parts of the brain. It has also been established that the more active the physical and brain activity, the more actively new neurons are formed in these areas. But it is still under study. Wait-sir…

Over the past 20 years, science has made tremendous strides in understanding our nutrition and our health. Finally, we found out that proper nutrition plays an important role in the proper functioning of organs. It has been reliably clarified - what we need to eat and what we should not eat if we want to be healthy. But in general? What comes out in general? And it turns out that “in detail” we are updated without stopping, all our lives. So what makes us get sick, grow old and die?

We fly into space, we think about the conquest and colonization of other planets. But at the same time, we know so little about our body. Scientists, both in ancient times and in modern times, have absolutely no idea why, with such a huge ability to renew, we grow old. Why wrinkles appear and muscle condition worsens. Why do we lose flexibility and our bones become brittle. Why do we go deaf and stupid ... No one can say anything intelligible, as before.

Some say that aging is in our DNA, but this theory has no evidence base to support it.

Others believe that aging is inherent in our brain and psychology, that we, as it were, force ourselves to grow old and die. That our subconsciousness contains programs of aging. It's just a theory without any evidence or evidence.

Still others (very recent theories) believe that this is due to the "accumulation" of certain mutations and damage in mitochondrial DNA. But they don't know why these damages and mutations accumulate.

That is, it turns out that, contrary to Comrade Darwin's theory of evolution, cells, renewing themselves again and again, renew a worsened version of themselves, instead of an improved one. Strange...

Optimistic "alchemists" believe that we are endowed with the elixir of youth from birth, and there is no need to look for it on the side. He is within us. We just need to choose the right keys to our body and learn how to properly and fully use our brain.

And then our body will be, if not immortal, then very, very long-lived!

Let's feed our body properly. We will help him a little, or rather, we will not interfere with him with all sorts of poisons, and in return he will thank us with good work and a long, HEALTHY life!


LG G7 ThinQ Samsung Galaxy S9
Display 6.1 inches, IPS, 3120 × 1440, 564 ppi, capacitive multi-touch 5.7 inches, IPS, 2880 × 1440, 564 ppi, capacitive multi-touch 6.1" OLED
2240 × 1080, 408 ppi, capacitive multi-touch
5.8 inches, Super AMOLED, 2436 x 1125, 458 ppi, capacitive multi-touch, TrueTone technology 5.8", Super AMOLED, 1440×2960, 570 ppi, capacitive multi-touch
Protective glass Corning Gorilla Glass 5 Corning Gorilla Glass 3; Gorilla Glass 5 on the back No information No information Corning Gorilla Glass 5
CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 Napali: Quad-core Kryo 385 Gold @ 2.5GHz + Quad-core Kryo 385 Silver @ 1.7GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 MSM8996 (Dual Kryo Cores @ 2.35GHz + Dual Kryo Cores @ 1.36GHz) HiSilicon Kirin 970: four ARM Cortex A73 cores, 2.4GHz + four ARM Cortex A53 cores, 1.8GHz; HiAI architecture Apple A11 Bionic: six cores (2 x Moonsoon + 4 x Mistral) Samsung Exynos 9810: eight cores (4 × M3, 2.7GHz + 4 × Cortex-A55, 1.8GHz)
Graphics controller Adreno 630, 710 MHz Adreno 530, 624 MHz ARM Mali-G72 MP12, 850 MHz Apple GPU (3 cores) Mali-G72 MP18, 900 MHz
RAM 4 GB 4 GB 6 GB 3 GB 4 GB
Flash memory 64 GB 64 GB 128 GB 64/256 GB 64/128/256 GB
Memory card support There is There is Not Not There is
Connectors USB Type-C, mini jack 3.5 mm USB Type-C, mini jack 3.5 mm USB Type-C Lightning USB Type-C, mini jack 3.5 mm
SIM cards Two nano-SIMs Two nano-SIMs Two nano-SIMs One nano-SIM One nano-SIM
Cellular 2G GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Cellular 3G HSDPA 850/900/1900/2100 HSDPA 800/900/1700/2100 HSDPA 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz
Cellular 4G LTE Cat.16 (up to 1024 Mbps): bands 1, 3, 7, 8, 20, 38 LTE Cat. 12 (up to 600 Mbps): bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 20, 28, 38, 40 LTE Cat. 18 (up to 1200 Mbps): bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 28, 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41 LTE Cat. 12 (450 Mbps): bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 38, 39, 40 , 41, 66 LTE Cat. 18 (1200/200 Mbps): bands 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 17, 20, 28, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41
WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2.4/5 GHz
Bluetooth 5.0 4.2 4.2 (aptX HD) 5.0 5.0
NFC There is There is There is Yes (Apple Pay) There is
Sensors Illumination, proximity, accelerometer/gyroscope, magnetometer (digital compass) Light, proximity, accelerometer/gyroscope, magnetometer (digital compass), IR sensor Illumination, proximity, accelerometer/gyroscope, magnetometer (digital compass) Illumination, proximity, accelerometer/gyroscope, magnetometer (digital compass)
The fingerprint scanner There is There is There is Not There is
Main camera Dual module: 16 MP, ƒ / 1.6 + 16 MP, ƒ / 1.9, hybrid autofocus, optical stabilization (with main camera) Dual module: 13 MP, ƒ / 1.8 + 13 MP, ƒ / 2.4, phase detection autofocus, optical stabilization Triple module, 40 + 20 + 8 MP, ƒ / 1.8 + ƒ / 1.6 + ƒ / 2.4, hybrid autofocus, optical stabilization, dual LED flash Dual module: 12 MP, ƒ / 1.8 + 12 MP, ƒ / 2.4, autofocus, four-LED flash, optical stabilizer in both cameras 12 MP, ƒ/1.5/2.4 variable aperture, autofocus, LED flash, optical image stabilization
Front-camera 8 MP, ƒ/1.9, fixed focus 5 MP, autofocus 24 MP, ƒ/2.0, fixed focus, no flash 7 MP, ƒ/2.2, fixed focus without flash 8 MP, ƒ/1.7, fixed focus, no flash
Nutrition 11.4 Wh non-removable battery (3000 mAh, 3.8 V) 12.54 Wh non-removable battery (3300 mAh, 3.8 V) Non-removable battery: 15.2 Wh (4000 mAh, 3.8 V) Non-removable battery: 10.26 Wh (2716 mAh, 3.8 V) Non-removable battery: 11.55 Wh 3000 mAh, 3.8 V)
The size 153.2×71.9×7.9mm 148.9×71.9×7.9mm 155×73.9×7.8mm 143.6×70.9×7.7mm 147.7×68.7×8.5mm
Weight 162 grams 163 grams 180 grams 174 grams 163 grams
Hull protection Yes, IP68 standard Yes, IP68 standard Yes, IP67 standard Yes, IP67 standard Yes, IP68 standard
Operating system Android 8.0 Oreo, LG UX proprietary skin Android 7.0 Nougat, LG UX proprietary skin Android 8.0 Oreo, native EMUI skin iOS 11 Android 8.0 Oreo, native skin
Current price 59 990 rubles 39 990 rubles 54 990 rubles from 70,990 rubles to 81,990 rubles 51 990 rubles

Design, ergonomics and software

LG has been walking for a long time, if not in the trendsetters of mobile fashion, then at least among the inveterate originals. shone with the extravagance of the leather back, which distinguished him from the general background. flaunted a controversial modular design - no one began to repeat after the Koreans, but they deserved a medal for bravery. The G6 brought to the masses an elongated 18:9 display.

The LG G7 ThinQ, however, falls out of this discordant, but colorful series - it was created according to a predetermined template of “the flagship smartphone of the 2018 model”. Tempered glass front and back, obligatory "monobrow" that fits into the elongated 19:9 display, the absence of any characteristic frills. We are used to the fact that flagship smartphones are trying to somehow draw attention to themselves, to take a special place on the shelf. Alas, the LG G7 is not one of those - its design can even be called banal.

The colors are modest too - in addition to the jet black G7 ThinQ, blue (Moroccan blue) and gray (icy platinum) are also presented. Koreans do not flirt with the user, trying to take their solidity and build quality. There is also a burgundy G7, but it is not officially imported into Russia.

There are no problems with the latter. Tempered glass on both the front and back panels is resistant to minor scratches: in two weeks of using the smartphone without a case, I did not find a single scratch on it - this is a rarity. The fins are made of metal with almost invisible (at least on a black background) plastic inserts for the correct operation of the antennas.

The main plus of the LG G7 ThinQ case is its moisture resistance - not just according to the IP68 standard, but with a military protection certificate (Military Standard 810G). I wouldn’t count on the fact that a smartphone will definitely survive if it falls on asphalt from a height of human growth, but you can drop it into a puddle or from a table without much fear. In which case, LG undertakes to replace the G7 ThinQ display free of charge within a year after purchase.

The most important moment at the same time - the mini-jack remained in place. As you can see, the analog connector is not at all a hindrance even to the maximum moisture protection class for today in mass smartphones. Don't believe the marketing games.

There is still something unusual in the LG G7 ThinQ case. It's about governing bodies. This time, the Koreans did without their proprietary power button on the rear panel, placing it on the standard place for Android smartphones - the right edge. But the separate volume keys have gone to the left, accompanied by an additional button with which you can call the Google Assistant. Many complain about it - they say, too many accidental clicks with mostly useless functionality. In fact, you can’t argue with the second one, but I didn’t have accidental clicks. I just didn't use that button.

The body dimensions of the LG G7 ThinQ are impressive - despite the large screen, it does not differ in thickness and width from its predecessor, which, recall, already had an elongated display. It is slightly higher, but this does not prevent the smartphone from being very convenient to use - as far as it is possible for a gadget with more than a six-inch diagonal screen.

As for the fingerprint scanner, it is located here in the traditional and, perhaps, the most comfortable place to use - on the rear panel, just below the camera block. The index finger lies there naturally, you do not need to shift the smartphone in your hand. The scanner itself is classic, capacitive, works quickly and without failures. With it, you can block not only the device as a whole, but also individual applications.

Also, if you wish, you can set the standard unlock for devices on Android 8.0 Oreo using face recognition. Special sensors are not used - this happens only due to the front camera (G7 ThinQ cannot provide protection against unlocking using a photo). So this is a purely secondary option, I would not seriously rely on it.

Smartphone LG G7: Screenshot

The operating system in the LG G7 ThinQ is covered with a proprietary shell LG UX 6.0+. Koreans are slowly changing their software- this may be an upgrade, but all the same LG UX 6.0, which we saw back in the G6. Be that as it may, the shell is pleasant - it looks good, works fast, and is not overloaded with unnecessary software. It is possible to "hide" the notch on the screen by filling the status bar with black or gray. Well, or with several gradient options - you can give your smartphone pretentiousness.

I would like to note the absence of a search string in the standard version of the shell. There are shortcuts for both Google and Yandex, but you need to set the line yourself.

LG promises a timely update operating system Android up to version 9.0. whether the shell will also be updated to the latest UX 7.0, we cannot say.

Display and sound

The LG G7 ThinQ uses an IPS LCD display. This is doubly strange, given the flagship status of the smartphone (when even the retrogrades from Apple are switching to OLED) and the fact that LG has been in the lead in the production of screens based on organic light-emitting diodes (true, television) for a year now. And if the V-series smartphones are indeed equipped with OLED displays, then the G7 is also a flagship in its essence - it is deprived of this advantage.

There are no questions about the diagonal and resolution: 6.1 inches, 19:9 format, resolution 3120 × 1440 pixels - with a pixel density of 564 ppi. If desired, the resolution can even be lowered in the settings, which will not greatly affect the quality of the picture in most applications, but will have a positive effect on battery life.

But this, of course, is a very high-quality LCD display - with all the necessary coatings (from effective oleophobic to polarized), but in addition to that - very bright. The maximum brightness measured in laboratory conditions was 609 cd / m 2, which is already more than good. But with auto-brightness activated, this figure can jump up to 1000 cd / m 2 - there will be no problems using a smartphone on a sunny day.

The default settings are not encouraging. In automatic mode, the average gamma is 2.28 with a fairly stable behavior of the curves. But the color temperature is overly raised: the “fork” is from 8,500 K to 10,500 K. The colors will inevitably be too cold. This is also reflected in the average DeltaE deviation for the extended Color Checker palette (greyscale + wide range of color shades): 7.48 at a rate of 3.00. Here, however, the extended color gamut, close to DCI-P3, also affects.

In order to get a more natural picture, it makes sense to turn to deeper settings and change the display of colors. As a rule, for this it is enough to use the presets provided - in particular, there is a “cinema” mode in which the colors immediately become noticeably warmer. However, in order for the screen to immediately show reference colors, this is not enough: gamma - 2.25, color temperature - from 7,500 K to 9,000 K, the average deviation of DeltaE by ColorChecker is 5.41.

To get something as close as possible to the color rendition conceived by the authors of films or photographs, you should tinker with the settings yourself, since there are all the possibilities for this - you can manually change not only the color temperature, but also individual colors on the RGB scale.

LG made a special emphasis on the sound of the smartphone. For this, there is not only a basic set of values ​​​​(3.5 mm jack, Bluetooth 5.0 with support for aptX and aptX HD standards), but also a “named” DAC - Saber ES9218PC. He is familiar to us from the LG V20, and there were no questions for him, what then, what will not happen now - the G7 ThinQ sounds great through wired headphones: detailed, powerful and smooth, without unnecessary emphasis on any frequency spectrum. It can be used even with high-impedance headphones - the smartphone should “shake” them. But I didn't have a chance to verify this information.

The speaker is also not anyhow, but with a large resonator (17 times larger than, for example, in the G6) - and moreover, it has received its own name - Boombox. This allows you to count on a relatively powerful sound for a smartphone, especially when it lies on a table or other hard surface - there is something to resonate. At the same time, there is only one speaker, monophonic, located on the bottom edge. Neither with a vertical nor with a horizontal grip, it does not overlap with a finger.

LG also insists that it is necessary to communicate with a smartphone not only by touching the screen, but also by voice. To do this, its microphones are adapted like nowhere else - the developers claim that the voice is recognized from a distance of up to five meters. Checked - everything is true. Even in a noisy room or from the other side of the room, you can ask Google Assistant or "Alice" about something - and the artificial intelligence will hear.