Business on the green: personal experience and practical advice on organizing greenhouses. Growing microgreens at home

The era of sprouts as a healthy food is over. Everyone, now it's time for microgreens. It will give a head start in terms of usefulness, and from the point of view of food design, in general, it is a hundred times better than sprouts. Well, remember what a bean sprout looks like: plump, pale, twisted, more like some kind of caterpillar than food. But how good is the simplest sandwich, sprinkled with the smallest leaves of watercress, with bright colors of beets or red kohlrabi !!! Oil painting!!!
Microgreens are very fond of the stars of the restaurant business. And how advanced farmers love it !!! Growing is simple, simple, and the price is exorbitant. On average, a kilogram of microgreens costs 5000-6000 rubles.
So I'll tell you how to spice up every day homemade food microgreens and at the same time spend mere pennies on it. And if you learn your lesson, then next winter it can be practically free for you.
Where to start, so that the New Year's table is already fresh and beautiful from a variety of dishes decorated with microgreens?
Inspect your seed stocks tonight. All remnants of seeds various kinds cabbage, radish, daikon, beets, chard, lettuce, watercress, nasturtium, arugula, onion, peas set aside. Even if the expiration date has already passed, most seeds will sprout! Find 2-3 clear plastic containers.
Pick a time tomorrow and drop by the seed shop. Buy the cheapest lettuce seeds, beets, radishes and everything from the list above. It's great if you get large packages. Pay no attention to varieties at all. Large packages of seeds for growing microgreens will come across (the Russian garden produces them) - take it boldly, but not more than 40 rubles. per package. Buy a package of vermiculite and an average fraction of expanded clay. If you come across a pet store or market, buy a bag of sunflower seeds (not fried and not dried!) And peas, because they make delicious and very healthy microgreens.
Be sure to do the first sowing on the weekend, then your first harvest will be ready for the New Year's table.
I do so. I take a transparent container (from under the same store salad, for example), wash it thoroughly with soda, and dry it. No drainage holes are required. I soak and wash expanded clay. I pour a layer of 1.5-2 cm on the bottom. On top I pour a layer of 3-4 cm of vermiculite and water it abundantly. Abundant - this means that you will see how drops of water collect at the bottom.
Level the surface of the vermiculite. Scatter the seeds quite thickly over it. Sprinkle with vermiculite and wet the surface with a sprayer. We tighten the container with cling film and put it in a warm, bright place.

After 3, maximum 4 days shoots will appear. Our task is to regularly spray them with clean water. The film can be removed, but I do not open it at all so that the tender shoots do not dry out. In principle, microgreens are cut with scissors as soon as the cotyledon leaves appear. But you can wait for the appearance of the 1st and even the 2nd true leaf, but you should not wait too long, because the most useful plants are in the stage of the appearance of the first true leaf.
Cut off all the greens, let the vermiculite dry, carefully pull out the roots, spill this soil again and you can sow again.
In general, if you have 3 small containers and make new crops every 4-5 days, then you will always have such a green conveyor on the table.
Read more about growing watercress here -

Hello, friends!
Growing greens for sale is a long-established, stable business, but it does not stand still. More recently, a new niche has emerged in this market segment – ​​microgreens. What kind of method is this - the technology of growing microgreens, what is the demand for it and whether it is worth moving away from growing classic greens, we will try to figure it out in this article.

Microgreens are seedlings of various plant species in the stage of formation of the first two true leaves. This means that you can start cutting the crop when throwing out the cotyledons and the formation of the first pair of true leaves. Depending on the type and variety of the crop being germinated, the entire process from seeding to harvest takes 7-10 days.

Technology and production capacity

The advantage of the new growing method over the classical one is that you do not need additional premises at the first stage of production.


Now, actually, about the technology itself.


  • Of course, the cost of material for planting in the usual way will be much lower, so-and-so seeds per unit area are an order of magnitude smaller.
  • If the microgreens will be used to decorate dishes - in the last two days of growing, the plants need enhanced lighting for 12 hours a day in order to acquire bright colors.
  • On a big farm with plants varying degrees development, it makes sense to install automatic lighting, temperature and humidity sensors, automate ventilation to maintain the necessary microclimate.


The microgreen consumption culture is not yet as developed in our country as in the West, therefore vegetable shops and supermarkets take it not very willingly. This phenomenon is temporary. But on the other hand, if your city has a lot of trendy restaurants or cafes, their management will certainly not refuse regular supplies of this product. In this market segment, at the moment there is practically no competition, so now is a very good time to start a business in this area.

The payback of the equipment occurs in less than two months, because the full production cycle lasts no more than 10 days, and the price of microgreens starts from $15 per kilogram.


Microgreens in the post-Soviet space is a new product. Plants added to a salad or smoothie are quite unusual for the average person. For example, everyone knows what a sunflower is, but it never occurred to anyone to eat its young shoots, and clover, it turns out, is useful not only for rabbits, but also for people.

Plants that generate the most income

As you can see, there are almost no plants here that we think of when we imagine classic greenery. So, you will have to grow classic greens in the old way. After all, lovers of fresh dill, parsley and mint have not gone away, and the question is whether to work the old fashioned way or switch to innovative technologies not worth it.

Each of these methods has its rightful place in the consumer market.

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Microgreens or migrogreen (Microgreen) today belongs to the category of trends in healthy cooking. Saturating the market with this product can become quite a profitable business. At the same time, as practice shows, the initial investment is minimal, and you can develop your own business at home. You can be convinced of this based on the experience of entrepreneurs and enterprises that have already declared themselves and even created their own brand.

Briefly about someone else's experience

The company "Amaranth of Ukraine" is well-known on the market, where the production of certified amaranth seeds has been established for the first time. The company is engaged in the cultivation, processing and sale of purely ecological, organic products from amaranth. In addition, the company is engaged in the cultivation of microgreens - miniature greens of several varieties. This product can be used to prepare various dishes (meat, fish, vegetables), supplying the body with a huge amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements, strengthening the immune system and helping to fight diseases. Today "Amaranth of Ukraine" offers microgreens obtained from the seeds of several varieties of amaranth - "Helios", "Lera", "Student", "Sem", "Kharkovskiy".

All this can serve as information for those who dream of starting their own business. Entrepreneurs who are already growing amaranth microgreens note several beneficial aspects at once. This:
significant savings on the rental of special premises;
you can organize the whole process and directly carry out activities without even leaving your home;
good level income.

According to the simplest calculations, the initial investment in the microgreen business in Ukraine can be about 2.5 thousand hryvnias. At the same time, market saturation is considered low, and the complexity of starting a business is defined as a ratio of 1/10.

Advantages in the production of amaranth microgreens

Entrepreneurs who grow and sell amaranth microgreens wholesale and retail focus on the following benefits:
high palatability finished products;
the content of useful substances, micro- and macroelements in quantities several times higher than those of adult plants;
the possibility of marketing, as in the usual outlets, networks, and in cafes, restaurants;
there are no large expenses and no special equipment is required;
the opportunity to establish production at home and, if necessary, expand the business by renting additional space;
the ability to grow sprouts with little or no land, since a small amount of moisture and several top dressings are quite enough to obtain the necessary two or three leaves;
no special knowledge of germination technology is required, and the whole process can be done by yourself, only by adjusting the technology in accordance with the information received;
the opportunity to occupy your niche and become a worthy competitor to existing individual enterprises and LLCs of a similar orientation.

Directly the production of microgreens consists in growing plants until they reach the stage of the appearance of the first two leaves, since it is in this form that microgreens are used for food. The growing interest in amaranth microgreens is due to the fact that the first leaves of plants contain the highest concentration of nutrients that make up the green mass. According to some indicators, most microgreens contain 30 times more substances useful for the human body than already formed plants.

Choosing a way to produce microgreens

There are two ways to grow microgreens.
1. Traditional. Microgreens are grown in containers filled with a special peat-based substrate, sometimes diluted with compost.
2. Growing microgreens in hydroponics. In this case, not soil is used, but special nutrient solutions, and as a substrate - vermiculite, perlite, sometimes paper towels, coconut fibers.
The first option does not involve the use of special technologies or special chemical substances. Ordinary black soil is used as soil, but you can also take an additional mixture of sand with the addition of peat and compost.

Containers are needed as equipment, and these can be ordinary flowerpots with low sides and small watering cans for watering.

Fertilizers and top dressing are used to obtain a better crop of greens.

After the amaranth seeds are purchased, we sow them in the prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm. It is necessary to distribute the seeds over the surface so that, on average, 10 pieces fall for every 3 square centimeters. The crops should not be heavily watered. It is enough just to moisten the soil. Before germination, containers should be covered with a transparent film.

It is also necessary to monitor the seeds and the temperature in the container - it should be approximately 20-22 degrees.

If additional lighting is needed, it is better to use special lamps with a light distributor.

As soon as you notice that the seeds begin to germinate, remove the film / lid of the container. It usually takes 2-3 days for germination. If it didn't, then something went wrong. The reason may be in poor quality seeds, too wet soil, the wrong temperature. But if everything is done correctly, then after 10 days we will get the perfect harvest.

More separately about harvesting: it can also be produced in two ways. At the first, it is necessary to cut off all the green mass planted in one container and immediately plant new seeds in its place. In the second method, the most active shoots should be gradually thinned out. Thus, space will be freed up, providing access to light for lower plants. The first method is considered more practical and applicable on a large scale and is used by businessmen who have already reached a significant level of microgreen production. In the event that the opening of a business is only planned or is at an early stage, at first the most acceptable way would be to gradually thin out the sprouts. This way you can ensure a more uniform crop flow.

Microgreens should be harvested as soon as the first pair of true leaves appear. Plants should be cut with sharply sharpened scissors, cut greens should be immediately rinsed with running water, and placed in a package as soon as possible. When cutting greens, it is better to hold scissors or a sharp knife slightly above the soil. This will allow you not to pull the greens from the ground, to avoid getting soil and seed husks into the final product. You can store microgreens for up to 5-6 days in a cold place. If you place the greens in an airtight container in the refrigerator, they will keep for at least 7-8 days, if not longer.

What you need to know more about growing microgreens
Amaranth microgreen does not need in large numbers sun. If you place the containers in direct sun, then you need to take care of regular moistening of the soil so that it does not dry out.

It happens that amaranth sprouts, but then, as it were, is fried and white mucus appears on the leaves. This can be caused either by the waterlogging of the soil, or by its rapid drying. Sometimes the appearance of white mucus is due to the mold that was on the seeds, and most often this happens if the seed was purchased from unscrupulous sellers. To prevent possible problems, the seeds can be pre-soaked in a solution of borax (boric acid) - an excellent antiseptic, often used to combat fungal diseases.

The question often arises as to whether the soil can be reused after harvest. Experienced growers answer in the affirmative, but warn of a possible danger in the form of mold. In addition, it is recommended to use the soil with fresh.

Where to sell the grown microgreens?

We admit that the main question of a businessman, especially a beginner, is how and where it will be possible to sell their products. Here, much depends on how large volumes of microgreens are to be sold.

The main customers for microgreens are restaurants and cafes - they are the most actively acquiring this type of greenery. Currently, microgreens are included in vitamin salads and smoothies, and the demand for this product is increasing both from restaurants and cafes, and from ordinary consumers.

In addition, it makes sense to think in advance of high-quality and attention-grabbing packaging, and you can try to go with your products to some supermarket chain located in a certain area. As you know, consumers actively pay attention to new products in good packaging, natural products, and if there is an acceptable price, they are willing to purchase them. So, starting to sell your microgreens for restaurants, other food establishments, and then, reaching a new level of sales - shops, supermarkets and hypermarkets, it is quite possible to reach a very good level of income.

Provided that minimum investment in such a business can start literally with 2.5 thousand hryvnias, anyone can organize it. According to entrepreneurs who have established their own business in the field of growing amaranth microgreens, with proper business management, it is quite possible to secure a stable level of income.

A microgreen growing business is exactly what aspiring entrepreneurs who are thinking about where to direct their efforts need. The production of microgreens is an idea that can not only "blow up" the market, but also bring tangible profits. Its advantage is significant cost savings - at least on rent: after all, you can do this on your own, right from the comfort of your home, and all you need to implement it is a microgreen sprout - and a little patience. And the high level of income provided by this idea will bring a lot of satisfaction to the aspiring entrepreneur.

What is microgreen - and what is it eaten with?

Before implementing any business idea, you should perfectly understand what exactly you have to deal with.

Unfortunately, this useful product has not yet received sufficient distribution in our country: industrial production greenery is not yet so popular, and there is not much information about it. But we can fix it all!

Microgreen is a young plant sprout (tiny and completely edible) in the form of real greens, containing an increased amount of both nutrients and minerals.

The size of such sprouts is from 2 to 7 cm - and, in fact, they are not ordinary sprouts.

And the germination of microgreens is simple and accessible to every method, thanks to which m

good start own business.

Types of microgreens you can grow yourself

If your goal is to grow microgreens for restaurants, or just use this product at home, don't assume that your range will be limited.

So, for home production, you can use:

  • greens and salad varieties of herbs (regular dill, parsley, celery, coriander, spinach, etc.),
  • cereal varieties of plants (wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats), characterized by high germination and sufficient unpretentiousness,
  • legumes (peas, chickpeas),
  • wild plants(nettle, clover, and, of course, sunflower).

The choice is wide enough - but you should remember that starting to organize similar business best of all in the summer, warm period of the year - so that the sale of the first batch can be carried out already in the autumn.

This state of affairs is directly related to the profitability of the business: after all, the price of microgreens per 1 kilogram during cold weather rises to sky-high heights - at a time when summer time you will not surprise anyone with the presence of greenery both on the shelves and in the beds.

This does not mean that sales stop in the summer - but the turnover will be an order of magnitude lower - and the income, accordingly, is a little more modest.

Principles of growing microgreen

Most people, thinking about the question of where to start and how to grow microgreens at home with their own hands, immediately imagine a lot of problems: the purchase of seeds, special equipment, special conditions are needed for plants - and the like.

In fact, in most cases, such a business does not require special efforts: special seeds are not needed (regular crops are used - adjusted for special conditions cultivation), and any costly maintenance. You can do everything yourself and quite simply.

All this is due to the fact that microgreen is just an intermediate state of a plant between seedlings and a mature culture, and the production itself consists in growing greens in the usual way - but before the appearance of the first few leaves: it is these leaves that are used in the future.

Such leaves and bores are distinguished by the highest degree of concentration of nutrients that make up the green mass. And according to some reports, most of such greens contain dozens of times (up to 30!) More substances useful for people than large and mature crops.

Benefits of microgreens

Having settled on such an application of your own strengths and skills as growing microgreens, you can expect the following benefits:

  1. the process does not require special investments and conditions - you can use those that are at hand (up to the windowsill). It does not matter and your climate zone - greens will grow in any;
  2. lack of reference to the season - as is the case in ordinary farming. On the contrary, the process will go more actively precisely in winter period;
  3. no need for large spaces - microgreen equipment does not take up much space, i.e. productivity is absolutely independent of the volume of the area.
  4. the possibility of obtaining up to 30 crops throughout the year. And this is not taking into account the use of vertical beds - the yield on them is even higher, which will directly affect the profitability of the business.

So, in one growing cycle (up to two weeks), you can get about 20 kg of greenery - and all this on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than four meters.

  1. initial costs are reduced to a minimum amount - on average, a little more than a hundred dollars will be enough to start a small production;
  2. lack of competition with a high level of profitability;
  3. increasing the level of popularity of the product, and, accordingly, the demand for it.

Such advantages prove once again that the process of growing such a product can become stable and highly profitable - of course, with its correct organization.

Ways to grow microgreens

The process of growing and preparing for it is not particularly difficult.

First of all, about seeds: understanding that microgreens are not a special type of greens, but just a certain phase of plant development, it becomes clear that the question of where to buy microgreens seeds is not even discussed - regular greens will do.

The technology for growing microgreens does not depend on the conditions and volumes of production (microgreens factory, or several trays at home) and consists of several methods:

  • The traditional way of growing.

It does not differ from the cultivation of ordinary greens, which uses separate containers filled with a special substrate, which is based on peat, sometimes using compost.

  • Use of hydroponics (i.e. without soil).

Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants, which does not use soil, but special solutions rich in nutrients (vermiculite, paper towels, and even coconut fibers).

controversial issue is the possibility of secondary use of the substrate - but everyone decides for himself, based on personal understanding.

Fertilizers and various top dressings, including the method of watering and other points - they all do not differ from the usual processes when growing greens.

The order of the process organization

Of course, like any production, obtaining microgreens has certain nuances and features, but, in general, there are a number of common points:

  • Prepare a microgreen grower (container) and fill with moistened substrate. One caveat - it is better to mark each container with a marking.
  • Using the information on the seed package, take the required number of seeds and place in a container.

Don't plant the seeds too deep - and don't over-water. Simply moisturizing will be enough.

  • Sprouters should be covered - and carefully monitor the temperature inside: it should not greatly exceed the mark of 22 degrees.
  • The lid of the container should be removed as soon as you see that the seeds germinate.

Pay special attention to the fact that the crop should be harvested immediately after the appearance of several leaves. It is necessary to cut the plants with scissors, rinse and send to the package. Shelf life in a cold place should not exceed six days.

The process itself is extremely simple - and does not require special skills or expensive equipment. Therefore, it is quite accessible even to a novice entrepreneur.

Sales of products

It is clear that one of the main issues in any business is the moment of realization of everything produced, and, consequently, making a profit in end result.

Naturally, if we are talking about selling microgreens in bulk, and not using them for personal purposes, then the volume future implementation will directly depend on the volume of products produced, which is understandable.

And there are several options for solving the problem:

  • sales to restaurants and outlets Catering- now vitamin salads and even "green" cocktails are just at the peak of popularity,
  • the possibility of cooperation with a network of nearby supermarkets - but in this case, you should take care of the necessary and competitive packaging for your greens in advance and carefully consider the pricing policy.

It is worth starting with the sale of products specifically to food establishments, and after that you can safely enter a new, higher level of sales using retail outlets, which will allow you to reach a good level of income.

Given the pleasant condition that starting a business requires minimal investment, anyone can organize it - and provide not only desired level but also systematic profit.

"City farming in Russia to be!" - under this slogan, the first in Russia business school of urban farming UrbaniEco, created by Tatyana Dubovskaya in Moscow, operates.

The school teaches urban farming online, conducts internships, invites to meetups and launches agrohackathons. As part of the latter, the participants, divided into teams, create prototypes of ideas at the intersection of design, engineering and agricultural technologies - greenhouses, showcases, modules, in a word, everything that is needed for plant growth in an indoor environment.

What is city farming

City farming is the cultivation of greens, vegetables and fruits in an urban setting. In special greenhouses and installations, using hydro, aero and aquaponics and modern plant care technologies: from watering to light control. Tatyana Dubovskaya and her project have been proving for years that growing food in an urban environment is not only possible, but also profitable.

The profitability of growing, for example, microgreens can be 1000 percent, and the productivity of vertical farms is hundreds of times greater than conventional farming. Plus savings on storage, logistics and commissions to retail chains.

It is naive to believe that city farming is a story about a small group of amateur agronomists. This is a new global trend that is developing at a crazy pace, and the city farmer, by the way, is one of the professions of the future according to Skolkovo futurologists. According to forecasts, in the next 7-10 years, Russians will begin to eat vegetables and fruits grown in the city: in basements, on roofs and walls of houses. And in the world this state of affairs has not surprised anyone for a long time.

Urban harvests are already a reality

World capitals one after another are overgrown with farming islands. So in the very center of Vienna, on Karlsplatz, there is a city farm and even a bug hotel for bees, because, as people in the know say, pollinated cucumbers are tastier than others.

In New York, over the past 2 years, the number of urban farms and gardens has grown from 700 to 900 - and this is in a city of skyscrapers!

Urban space around the world is learning to use it differently. In London, greens are grown underground in former bomb shelters, and abandoned subway lines are used to grow mushrooms. In Tokyo, rice fields with a bay are laid out on the roofs.

The largest farming project in Europe, a vertical farm in the former 6-storey Phillips office in The Hague, grows vegetables and trendy microgreens on the roof, and breeds fish on the 6th floor below. No wonder, the world has already learned how to use aquaponics.

The story with roofs is generally cult. Columbia University professor Dixon Dispommer, author of The vertical farm and blogger of the same name, sees urban farming as the main way to feed people in the 21st century.

As for the harvest - it's impressive. The city's rooftop farm in Tel Aviv produces 10,000 heads of lettuce each month in addition to 17 different varieties of greens, herbs and vegetables. The path of the salad from the garden to the customer's basket is 15 minutes.

And a farm in the heart of business Singapore today produces 1 tonne of fresh vegetables per day. By the way, the first commercial vertical farm appeared in it in 2012, and at lightning speed gardens on the roofs and walls of skyscrapers gained popularity from the Atlantic to the Asian coast - wherever there is not enough land.

Success stories

"Microgreen" - a project by Yulia Krepkova

Microgreens, sprouted greens of edible plants in the phase of the first two true leaves, are a relatively new trend in cooking. It is used in gourmet restaurants, and the small leaves are already loved by many home-cooked eaters. Such greens contain a maximum of vitamins, microelements and are ten times higher than the usual ones in terms of the content of useful substances. And most importantly, this miracle product can be grown in your own kitchen.

The Microgreen.SU project team has already begun to create the first all-Russian home hydroponic installation for growing microgreens, and soon all lovers of healthy food will be able to purchase a simple-to-use device. There are also plans to create a series of industrial installations for use in cafes, restaurants and urban farms. An industrial installation promises to have maximum performance and take into account the most modern requirements interior design. It looks like the farm to fork concept is about to become a reality for many green lovers.

In the meantime, salad mixes from microgreens from Yulia Krepkova can be purchased by pre-order on the company's website.

"Farmer Klubnichkov" - berries from Igor Ankudinov

Igor Ankudinov is actively developing the strawberry business. There is already experience in growing excellent quality berries in closed conditions using light culture.

Now work is underway to create a full-fledged strawberry farm - a prototype that can be propagated and offered as a ready-made solution. In a smart house for strawberries, they are thinking of automating everything. The owners, whether it be a city family or a small cafe, will be able to harvest several times a year, following a simple scheme.

City farms "Vitabox" from Anton Beltyukov and the REOGEN teamLab

Vitabox - fully automatic Appliances, it looks like an ordinary refrigerator, only inside there are greens, herbs, microgreens, sprouts and even baby vegetables on the shelves!

Everything is controlled: watering mode, day and night, power and length of the light flux, all parameters of plant growth, - mobile phone using the application. The farm is equipped with several care and irrigation systems, while it is elementary in use and yields all year round. We already have satisfied customers.

It took the team 6 months to develop the farm and 1.5 million rubles of investments. Today, such a Vitabox costs a little more than a hundred thousand rubles. And we can safely say: the model is serial.

Several more devices for the home and restaurants are in development, as well as turnkey solutions for stores and farmers (equipment supply, information, technology training, seeds, product certification) with a consistently simple management system.

A living example of how technology can work for a person. And also confirmation that city farming today is not just growing food, it's about devices, about creating and designing premises, developing software and new solutions high tech. Therefore, if you have something to say and do in this field, feel free to step into this niche, the future is behind it. No wonder there are already the best minds here, and a lot of money.

What is already produced in the world

A number of foreign startups have already attracted large investments for projects for the creation and serial production of city farms - for entrepreneurs and citizens.

The Finnish company Exsilio Oy is currently developing container farms. Here we are talking about hundreds of thousands of euros per installation. San Francisco-based startup Plenty is already making vertical farms that can produce 350 times more crops than conventional farms using just 1% water.

AeroFarms is one of the largest builders of vertical farms that can easily be renamed "digital" and uses algorithms to evaluate light type and intensity, nutrient content, temperature, humidity and CO2 levels. This allows you to harvest 30 crops per year, and we are talking about more than 900 thousand kg of vegetables.

In Russia, a project is also being prepared to sell equipment for city farming. But according to technobroker Tatyana Dubovskaya, it is better not to wait for ready-made solutions, but to enter the market now - look for like-minded people, experiment, launch pilot models of installations and programs.

The doors to a new niche are open for engineers, programmers, technologists, and in Russia this niche is still free.

City farming is not only about radishes

Not only about her, although it is wonderful that in a modern installation it grows up to 18 days. City farming is one of the elements of the new economy and the new city, along with smart home, new industry, new energy and new transport.

A little more time will pass, and green architectural urban solutions, lighting and transportation systems, increased fuel requirements, new genetics - all this will become an urban reality, just like roof gardens have become real. This is the opinion of experts, for example, Georgy Afanasiev, an expert in the field of green economy, and we ourselves can see this for ourselves.

Sun Pipes mirror light guides are already transmitting real sunlight into underground spaces, buildings with living facades are being built, megacities are harvesting “rain harvest”, and this is just the beginning.

Alevtina Ivanushchenko