The main purpose of logistics is. The concept and purpose of logistics

By the nature of logistics management zones divided into external and internal.

The nature economic activity logistics it happens:

1. Procurement (purchasing, supply). Procurement of material resources.

2. Production. Material support of production.

3. Distribution (marketing). Sales of products and after-sales service.

4. Information. Information flows (production, circulation and finance), communications and computerization.

5. Transport. Transportation of material resources.

6. Warehouse. Warehousing, storage and processing of material resources.

7. Financial. Management and rationalization cash flows at all stages of cash flow Money(banks, insurance, investment and trading activities).

All types of logistics necessarily require the presence logistics information flow, which includes the receipt of a set of data on the parameters of material flows, their transmission, processing and systematization, followed by the issuance of finished information in a given form.

The main goal of logistics– delivery of products of the appropriate quality and the appropriate quantity just in time, with relatively minimal cost for the supply, storage, production, packaging, marketing, transportation of products, as well as the receipt, processing and transmission of information. Purpose of logistics composed in tailoring results entrepreneurial activity to the desires of consumers.

The main goal of logistics is specified by subgoals:

1. Creation effective system control, revealing non-optimized processes, based on complex comparisons, benefits and risks, income and expenses, opportunities and needs.

2. Creation of a functionally consistent and technologically rational organizational structure economic education.

3. Creation of an effective management system for optimizing material, information and other flows, ensuring the minimization of total costs while maximizing the use of existing capacities.

The formation of logistics systems is connected:

1. With a deep study of the market, its trends and patterns.

2. With the optimization of the methodology for developing alternative options and the implementation of the right choice.

3. Effective prediction of not only direct final and intermediate results, but also side effects.

4. Synchronization of actions at all levels and in all areas of management.

In accordance with the main goal of the logistics system, a separate the main task logistics- achievement with least cost maximum adaptability of business entities to market conditions, increasing their market share and gaining an advantage over competitors.

Logistics tasks:

1. Implementation of end-to-end control over flow processes in logistics systems

2. Development and improvement of ways to manage material flows.

3. Multivariate forecasting of production volumes, transportation, stocks, etc.

4. Identification of imbalance:

Between the needs of production and the possibilities of logistics;

The needs for logistics services in the sale and the capabilities of the logistics system.

5. Standardization of requirements for the quality of logistics services and individual operations.

6. Rational formation of economic relations.

7. Identification of centers of occurrence of losses of time, material, labor and financial resources.

8. Optimization of the technical and technological structure of transport and storage complexes.

9. Determination of the strategy and technology for the physical movement of material resources, semi-finished products, finished products.

10. Formalization of updated (current, operational) logistics goals and parameters of the functioning of the logistics system.

Private tasks of logistics have a local character. They are more dynamic and varied:

1. Optimization of stocks of all kinds and at all stages.

2. Maximum reduction of transportation time.

3. Quick response to customer requirements.

4. Increasing readiness for deliveries.

5. Reducing costs in all parts of the supply chain.

6. Rational distribution Vehicle.

7. Quality assurance after-sales service.

8. Maintaining constant readiness for receiving, processing and issuing information, etc.

To realize the goals and objectives of logistics, it is necessary to have an appropriate support system, which has 4 directions:

1. Socio-economic provision- this is demand, the presence of spheres of production and circulation, as well as a set of motivations in the socio-economic life of society.

2. Logistics are materials and technical means for the physical implementation of logistics purposes, namely:

Vehicles, access roads.

Handling equipment.

Buildings, structures.

Computing machines.

Means of communication.

Storage equipment.

Container, packaging, etc.

3. Technological support is a clear synchronization of production processes and management of material and information flows at all stages of their promotion.

4. Mathematical support is the application of methods and tools of mathematics and cybernetics.

Logistics has been talked about a lot and willingly for some time now. The movers who delivered household appliances from an online store can rightfully claim that they work in the field of logistics. Surprisingly, the deputy director also works in the same area big company in charge of supply.


Logistics is the area human activity which provides the consumer with new goods and services.

Origin of the term "logistics"

In the USSR, the word "logistics" was used exclusively to refer to one of the branches of mathematical logic. What made it take on a new meaning? After all, now logistics is also called the sphere of business, which ensures its normal development.

In the United States, this area of ​​activity was until recently called "general distribution" or "physical distribution." The emergence of a new term, world business is obliged to the American army. If you believe explanatory dictionaries, then logistics is called one of the branches of military science - the one that deals with the supply and redeployment of troops. An effective supply system is the key to success in military campaigns.

Well, from time immemorial, business has existed according to the laws of war. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that logistics is so relevant today.

Of course, in commerce, as in military affairs, logistics has always played an important role. We just didn't see it as a whole. But we, no doubt, had a clear idea of ​​its functional areas - supply, transportation, storage services.

The main purpose of logistics

Purpose of logistics– timely satisfaction of the needs of customers in the goods and services they need, and not necessarily directly.

To provide the consumer with fresh herbs, it is first necessary to create all the conditions for its cultivation and distribution. This is the secondary task of logistics. If the greenhouse farm lacks water, fertilizers and labor, supermarket visitors will not wait for new packages of onions and lettuce to appear on the shelves. The performance indicators of logistics operations are high speed supply, no disruption or downtime, management flexibility and product availability.

Logistics involves accounting for total costs. It simplifies the formation of supply chains, thanks to which the uninterrupted and timely delivery of goods to the client is carried out. Previously, total costs were not taken into account. However, there were no chains as such.

Functional areas of logistics

The term "supply chain" has also come into use recently. Up to this point in logistics it was customary to single out the so-called functional areas. And cost minimization was carried out directly within each of these areas. So, the head of the transport department was instructed to reduce the cost of transportation. Such "isolated savings" turned out to be big losses for the business - for example, reduced transportation costs led to the fact that products hit the store shelves late.

Here are the functional areas that are usually distinguished in logistics:

  • Logistics infrastructure is a collection of objects, each of which is characterized by a special geographical location and a number of features. For example, one of the infrastructure elements - a factory - may be located close to the source of raw materials. The factory is characterized by one or another productive capacity. At the same time, the warehouse of finished products may be located far from the factory. In general, there may be several warehouses, especially if the company is international. Between all the objects included in the infrastructure, there are more or less strong links.
  • Transportation- the activity of transporting goods from one infrastructure facility to another. All types of transport are involved in this area: from road and rail to air and water. This industry also includes pipelines that transport gas and oil.
  • Cargo handling and warehousing are important elements of a complex logistics system. Raw materials, materials and finished products are stored in warehouses. Sometimes warehouses are located in the immediate vicinity of the plant, at a wholesale base or in a store. Sometimes they are remote from other infrastructure facilities. The concept of "cargo handling" includes all operations for unloading, loading and moving goods (materials, raw materials) around the warehouse.
  • Inventory Management. Workers in this industry determine the needs of the chain and, based on the data obtained, calculate the reserves for all infrastructure facilities. Thanks to their activities, the consumer receives all the goods he needs on time.
  • Information Support- one of the main components of logistics. If it were not for the rapid development of information technology, individual functional areas would not soon be united into single system, which ensures cost minimization at all stages of logistics activities. Availability of information is the key to effective supply planning and accurate delivery.

Speaking of logistics, one cannot fail to mention the so-called "functional cycle of logistics". This concept combines a number of operations, the first of which is the acceptance of an order. Sometimes a separate functional area is responsible for the initial stage of the cycle. To some extent it has to do with marketing.

Features of organizing a logistics business

Different companies prefer different organization methods. Some carry out all logistics operations on their own, others turn to transport companies for help. The location of warehouses is also subject to the most different requirements In other words, everyone is guided own needs and act to the best of their ability.

However, it is already clear that the future of logistics belongs to specialized companies. These companies are responsible for most of the logistics functions(in some cases, however, only one or two). Logistics companies help their clients organize their supply chains. They take into account all the wishes of the partner. And if the company's management has no idea how to improve the supply situation - and, therefore, make their business more profitable, then even experienced logistics specialists are unlikely to be able to fix the situation.

Logistics is a branch of business that involves complex interactions between infrastructure objects. Competent, efficient logistics contributes to the success of the business.

3.2. The main goals and objectives of logistics

The logistics strategy at the enterprise is aimed at improving the management of material and related flows. At the same time, the logistics system of the enterprise should be consumer-oriented.

Based on this main goal Logistics at the enterprise is the delivery of products of the appropriate quantity and quality, just in time and at minimal cost for supply, production, marketing and transportation, as well as for the receipt, processing and transmission of information.

The main goal of logistics for its implementation is decomposed (split) into the following subgoals.

- creation of an effective control system that allows you to establish a system for accounting for costs and the volume of logistics operations at the enterprise;

– reorganization of the organizational structure of the enterprise;

- organization of logistics management at the enterprise.

Logistics subgoals are integrated vertically and horizontally. Horizontally, the coordination of the actions of the divisions of the enterprise in direct and feedback during flow control. Vertical coordination of actions at all levels of enterprise management is carried out.

The practical implementation of logistics sub-goals requires the solution of relevant tasks, which are divided into three groups according to the degree of importance: global, general and local.

Global tasks: modeling the logistics system of the enterprise; development of conditions for the reliability of delivery of goods; supply chain design.

General tasks: development of a system for accounting for logistics costs; coordination of activity of divisions of the enterprise; development of the logistics strategy of the enterprise; creation of a motivation system for forwarding drivers.

Local tasks: choice of a logistics intermediary; determination of the optimal number of warehouses in the served area; choice of location outlet or warehouse; choice of vehicle type.

The formation of a logistics strategy is carried out taking into account the corporate strategy at the enterprise and is aimed at increasing the reliability and flexibility of the logistics system.

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The main idea of ​​logistics is the organization within the framework of a single streaming process of moving materials and information throughout the entire chain from producer to consumer. The principles of the logistics approach require the integration of logistics, production, transport, marketing and transmission of information on the movement of inventory items into a single system, which should increase the efficiency of work in each of these areas and intersectoral efficiency.

Thus, the goal of logistics is to optimize the cycle of reproduction through an integrated, demand-oriented, formation of the flow of materials and information in the production and distribution of products.

Well-known researchers in the field of logistics E. Mate and D. Tisquier see the goal of logistics in optimizing the company's product offering in such a way that these products find their consumers in the most favorable conditions for overall profitability.

Most often, the purpose of logistics activities is associated with the implementation of the so-called logistics rules. The most common approach is to highlight the "six rules of logistics", the so-called logistics mix or logistics complex:

– product – required product;

- quantity - in the required quantity;

- quality - the required quality;

- time - must be delivered at the right time;

- place in Right place;

- expenses - with minimal expenses.

Some authors expand the logistics complex somewhat, adding to it such elements as "consumer", i.e. to the right consumer and “personification”, which means the development of a service system for each order.

The purpose of the logistics activity will be realized if the above rules are met, i.e. provide the best and fastest response to market demand at lowest cost. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the main objective logistics is a reflection of the ideal situation that you must try to achieve.

The main goal of logistics is specified in its tasks, which are divided into three groups according to the degree of importance:

– global;

– partial (local).

Logistics in its essence in the process of managing economic activity performs integration functions. Therefore, regardless of the type of logistics system, its global tasks are:

– creation of complex integrated systems of material, information and, if possible, other flows;

– strategic coordination, planning and control of the use of logistics capacities in the spheres of production and circulation;

– continuous improvement of the logistics concept within the framework of the chosen strategy in the market environment;

– achieving high system flexibility by quickly responding to changes in internal and external operating conditions.

The solution of global problems cannot be realized without setting and solving common problems. The condition for the viability of all types of logistics systems is the solution of such common tasks:

– implementation of end-to-end control over flow processes in logistics systems;

– development and improvement of ways to manage material flows;

- multivariate forecasting of production volumes, transportation, stocks, etc.;

- identifying the imbalance between the needs of production and the possibilities of logistics, as well as the needs for logistics services in the sale and the capabilities of the logistics system;

– standardization of requirements for the quality of logistics services and individual operations;

– rational formation of economic relations;

- identification of centers of occurrence of losses of time, material, labor and financial resources;

– optimization of the technical and technological structure of transport and storage complexes;

- determination of the strategy and technology for the physical movement of material resources, semi-finished products, finished products;

– formalization of updated (current, operational) logistics goals and parameters of the functioning of the logistics system.

Purpose of logistics- providing the consumer with products at the right time and in a certain place with minimal costs for the implementation of logistics operations and the production resources used. Logistics manages physical distribution and material resources. Physical distribution management consists in reducing the costs associated with moving finished products from the place of production to the place of consumption and storing them in accordance with the required level of customer service quality. Material resource management is the effective satisfaction of the organization's needs for production resources. There are three main concepts used in the management of the logistics system systems approach:

1) the concept of total costs;

2) the concept of preventing sub-optimization;

3) the concept of financial exchanges.

Four conditions that must be met

to achieve the main goal of logistics:

1) delivery desired product a certain quality in the required quantity;

2) the fixed time specified in the contract;

3) a specific place of delivery;

4) minimization of total costs.

The object of study of logistics are material and accompanying material (information, financial, service) flows, without which it is impossible to implement material production.

Types of logistics flows:

1) informational and material;

2) transport and human;

3) financial and energy, etc.

The subject of study of logistics- optimization of material, information, financial, service flows that ensure the production and commercial process, carried out from the standpoint of a single whole, i.e. minimization of costs in the entire logistics system, and not in each of its individual elements (chain, block).

Logistics tasks defined depending on its application:

1) stocks (planning, formation and provision of necessary material stocks);

2) transportation of products (determining the type of transport, vehicle, choosing a forwarder, transportation route, planning delivery costs and monitoring);

3) warehousing (planning warehouse space and placement of warehouses, their quantity, placement of products in them, management of warehouse logistics operations, processing, sorting, packaging, etc.);

4) Information Support(collection of information about the movement of material and other flows).

Depending on the functions and tasks performed, logistics can be divided into:

1) macrologistics - the scope of logistics, which solves the problems of analyzing the market of suppliers and consumers, developing the principle of distribution, placement storage facilities in the service sector, choosing the mode of transport and vehicles, organizing transportation, choosing a route, forming and choosing the movement of material flow, determining delivery points, shipping and unloading finished products, semi-finished products, components, raw materials and materials;

2) mesologistics - the scope of logistics, where the integration of several logistics systems of several firms in the same industry into a single logistics system is carried out;

3) micrologistics - the scope of logistics functions, where local issues are determined within the individual elements of the logistics system and material and other related flows are managed at the intra-company level. Micrologistics carries out operations for planning, preparation, implementation and control over the processes and direction of movement of material flows within the enterprise.