1 who keeps order in the network. Educational project legal aspects of information security

Each time you access the Internet, you leave "digital footprints": account passwords, messages, information about your preferences. Sometimes there is absolutely no need for outsiders to store this data. 42.TUT.BY has compiled an "instruction for the paranoid" and collected ways to protect against online surveillance advertising networks, large services and intruders.

Many online login services use social media accounts as a quick replacement for registration. Sometimes they just confirm your identity, and sometimes they get the rights to access correspondence and even publish records instead of you.

Sometimes, even if you no longer use the service, permissions for it are still stored. In such cases, it is better to disable unnecessary third-party applications tied to your social networks.

How to disable third party services:

Google is watching every step

Google is the world's largest IT company, many of its services are the most popular on the planet. And most likely, these services know more about you than you do.

All this information is stored in order for the company's services to work better. Google takes privacy seriously. True, such a volume of your data in one place can cause internal discomfort.

How to disable:

Surveillance by hackers or intelligence agencies

If you think that someone is intentionally following you, you should practice digital hygiene. No one knows for sure what tools people who want to steal your information have. Here are some tips from the non-profit Electronic Frontier Foundation, which advocates for civil liberties online.

Use HTTPS. With the help of strong encryption, each email sent is converted so that no one but the recipient can read it. HTTPS encrypts communications so that they cannot be seen by other people on your network, such as users on the same Wi-Fi connection, co-workers, or intruders. If the communication is not over HTTPS, but over HTTP, intercepting and reading everything that the browser is used for becomes a simple task.

Use VPN. VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a virtual private network. It protects your Internet traffic from snooping on public networks. There are many paid and free options online. A free VPN client with unlimited data consumption has recently been available in the Opera browser.

How to encrypt everything

Encrypt messages. If you are discussing something through VKontakte or WhatsApp, your messages are already encrypted from intruders and any third parties while the information is in transit. But the chat is not protected from the service provider company. She has the encryption keys for your chat and can give them to the authorities or use them for marketing purposes.

To protect the correspondence, you can apply additional encryption of instant messages and Email- for example, OTR technology or PGP encryption. Another option is to use "secure" messengers that do not allow the server to record your conversation. For example Signal(

Moderator (from lat. moderor - restrain, moderate) - a user who has broader powers compared to ordinary users and participants in public areas (for example, forums, blogs, chats, groups, communities, etc.). In general, the moderator is obliged to monitor the observance of the rules of the site by its visitors, to control their communication.

The moderator has limited rights compared to the administrator. The administrator is the main responsible person of the site with almost unlimited powers. The administrator can be either the owner himself or a person appointed by the owner. He monitors everything that happens on the site: manages the moderators; is responsible for placing advertisements and establishing links with similar sites, blogs, communities, groups, etc. The administrator has more global tasks than the moderator. Moderator - an assistant administrator who performs duties authorized by the administrator.

The main tasks of the moderator are to maintain the order and rules of the site (forum, chat, community, etc.), create a favorable atmosphere for users, prevent swearing, insults and conflicts among forum or community members, as well as deviations from the topic of the section; timely redirection to the administrator of information about technical problems that have arisen (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. An example of a set of rules for a forum

Rice. 2. An example of a ban on the forum

Rice. 4. An example of a comment with editing by a moderator, text.ru

In order to correctly moderate the site, it is advisable to understand the basics of web programming (configuring the "engines" of sites and forums, installing extensions and plugins, etc.). You must have an idea about the subject of the site, have the skills and experience of communication, as well as be able to resolve disputes and conflicts that have arisen between users or between the moderator himself and users).

A moderator is needed for any platform within which active communication users.

Basic rights and obligations of a moderator

The rights and obligations of the moderator on each specific platform may differ. Typically, the typical rights and responsibilities of a moderator include:


  • edit and delete user messages;
  • if necessary, delete user pages;
  • issue warnings and apply other sanctions (for example, a ban - a ban on using the site) to users who violate the rules of communication;
  • restrict the rights of some users to view or edit the site, as well as prohibit sending messages;
  • transfer your rights and powers to another moderator;
  • block and ban (prohibit using the site) users (Fig. 2);


  • notify users of events or other important events held on site or off site (Fig. 3);
  • move topics if they do not match the category;
  • promptly respond to complaints and requests from users;
  • comply with the rules established by the owner of the site or its administrator.

In accordance with the established rules of a particular site, the moderator may have the following tasks:

  • increasing the popularity of the site;
  • increasing the number of participants in forums, chats, groups in social networks;
  • stimulating the emergence interesting topics on forums, blogs, groups and communities of social networks;
  • distribution of short advertisements;
  • permission conflict situations that may arise when users communicate with each other or moderators with users.

Moderator's actions in relation to users who violated the rules of communication on the platform (website, blog, forum, chat, group, community):

1. Warning about violations;

2. Please delete the message(s) containing obscene language, insults, spam, etc.;

3. Accrual of penalty points;

4. Blocking the user account (including by IP addresses - the unique address of a computer connected to the Internet or to local network). Blocking by IP address prevents users from creating new profiles when their profiles are blocked. Accounts with other data and continue to communicate on the site;

5. Displaying information about violations and inappropriate behavior in the user profile (Fig. 4);

6. Accounting for violations with subsequent blocking of users.

Moderator Responsibility

By accepting his authority, the moderator is responsible for all actions that he performs. Since the moderator is an example of behavior for other users, he must make higher demands on himself. The moderator should be responsible for the order on the site and maintaining a pleasant atmosphere of the resource; for promptly informing administrators about all technical problems on the site. If the moderator does not follow the rules of the administrator's instructions or exceeds his authority, he may lose his moderation rights.

Moderation methods

  • moderation- constant monitoring by the moderator(s) of compliance with the site user communication rules (forum, blog, chat, group, community, etc.), which were established by the site owner or its administrator, as well as the process of checking any material entering the material site.
  • pre-moderation- content control before publication on the site. A message written by a user is first checked by a moderator. He can correct errors in the text (spelling and punctuation), supplement, check for prohibited topics. After that, the message is either accepted for publication or rejected. Pre-moderation is usually used on the official websites of companies, as well as in thematic communities and groups. This type of moderation helps to control the quality of the content of the resource. The main disadvantages are low efficiency (user messages appear on the site only after being checked by a moderator), as well as the subjectivity of content assessment (the moderator may refuse to publish a message, focusing on his own preferences, judgments or opinion about the user who wrote the message). Some users who systematically violate the rules of communication on the site are subject to temporary pre-moderation. The moderator sets the pre-moderation validity period, after which he gets the right to post messages again.
  • post-moderation- control of content after its publication on the site. The main advantage is that the content appears on the site immediately after publication. However, with this type of moderation, the constant presence of a moderator is necessary due to the risk of incorrect messages containing obscene language or other prohibited components.
  • Automoderation- one of the types of post-moderation, in which the quality of the content is determined by the users themselves, voting "for" or "against" the message. The advantages of this type of post-moderation include efficiency (messages appear immediately after publication), as well as a high percentage of objectivity (there is no subjective opinion of one moderator). However, for auto-moderation, you need to configure additional software with filtering and voting functions. With auto-moderation, the possibility of conspiracy of participants against one of the users who wrote the message and a collective vote against it is not ruled out.
  • Mediation board (abbr. KK) is one of the ways to organize moderation on a large blog hosting, for example, Livejournal. As a rule, it is led by several moderators. The commission deals with complaints from users whose rights within the blog have been violated. Users with grievances can file a written complaint on the Complain Abuses page of the blog. Some requests may be denied, for example, if the moderators or administrators consider them unreasonable. Complaints that are not related to Livejournal and from third parties (not from the user whose rights have been infringed) are not accepted for consideration.

The final decision on each specific complaint is made by one of the administrators. The Commission has the right to block (freeze) user accounts whose records do not comply with the rules specified in Livejournal.

For what violations users are blocked:

  • keeping records on behalf of another person;
  • magazine hack;
  • placement of advertisements;
  • placement of materials 18+;
  • calls for violence;
  • insults and profanity;
  • spam;
  • evading account deletion.

Types of moderators

1) Chief moderator (super moderator)- a moderator who monitors the work of other moderators and their performance of their duties. He can recommend and select people for the position of moderator. The main moderator is appointed by the site administrator. The duties of the main moderator include continuous curation of the entire site, forum, group or community, and not just a single topic or subsection. Usually on large sites and forums there are several main moderators. On some sites, the main moderators are empowered as administrators.

2) Comoderator- a moderator who has limited rights and functions, for example, the right to edit only a certain topic of the portal or chat.

3) Chat Moderator- a chat user who has the responsibility to supervise the chat under his control and keep order in it. Its main task is to exclude users who do not follow the rules of the chat. Some chats have control over user IP addresses. This prevents these users from re-registering in the chat under a different name (login).

4) Website or blog moderator- a user who controls comments on posts on a website or blog. The moderator should ensure that users do not post advertisements, links to other resources and other information that is not related to the topic of the blog or site, as this may affect the speed of the site/blog, as well as their promotion.

5) Portal Moderator- a user who, along with the administrator, controls all user actions on the portal, and also supervises polls, messages, user comments. On large portals there can be several moderators (from three).

6) Newsgroup Moderator- The user assigned by the owner of the newsgroup. It is through the moderator that all news feed on news sites. Some newsgroups can only be posted by moderators themselves. Working with newsgroup messages occurs on the principle of pre-moderation, when the message sent by the user first gets to the moderator, who decides whether to publish this message in the newsgroup or not. Some newsgroups are subject to retromoderation. In this case, the moderator has the right to delete messages previously posted in the newsgroup.

Forum Moderator

The rights and obligations of moderators of different sites are similar. Let's consider them in more detail using the form moderator as an example.

Forum moderator - a registered forum member who monitors compliance with the rules of the forum by other participants. He should be close to the subject of the forum. A moderator is a kind of "caretaker" of the forum, who keeps order and strives to ensure that the section or topic entrusted to him becomes even more interesting. The moderator can communicate with other forum members as a regular user, take part in the discussion of any topic in any section of the forum, and express his personal opinion. The moderator must maintain a favorable atmosphere for communication and discussion on the forum, promptly stop disputes that have arisen and prevent conflicts among users.

Responsibilities of a forum moderator

  • keeping track of new topics created by users;
  • moving the topic to the appropriate section;
  • deleting a topic if it violates forum rules;
  • combining topics with a discussion of the same issue;
  • publishing a link to the answer if the question has already been asked;
  • control of popular topics;
  • proposal to create a subsection;
  • deleting messages that do not carry a semantic load;
  • unpinning or closing the topic after the end of the discussion;
  • acceptance and consideration of user complaints;
  • maintaining faq - a section of frequently asked questions and answers to them;
  • demonstration by personal example of respect for the traditions of the forum;
  • objectivity in assessing any actions of users and situations on the forum;
  • compliance with oneself and the requirements from other users of correct communication;
  • suppression of any conflict situations, inciting ethnic hatred, persecution based on gender or religion;
  • prevention of offensive statements and obscene language;
  • suppression of unauthorized advertising;
  • immediate notification of the administrator or a superior moderator of the impossibility of fulfilling their direct duties;
  • manifestation of tolerance for other people's opinions and respect for other forum participants, including newcomers who are still poorly versed in the features of the forum;
  • using common sense when renaming topics, moving them, or merging them. If the moderator doubts something, you should immediately contact the administrator for help;
  • timely response to complaints from members of the forum;
  • once a week to view the section controlled by the moderator in order to objectively evaluate his work. If for some reason (departure, vacation or sick leave) the moderator cannot perform his duties, he must inform the administrator or a higher moderator about this;

Forum Moderator Rights

The forum moderator has the right to:

  • participate in forum discussions and discussions;
  • edit messages of forum participants, as well as topic titles;
  • make suggestions on the organization and improvement of the forum;
  • warn about the possible application of measures of influence against users who have violated the rules of the forum;
  • announce current events and inform users about changes in the work of the forum;
  • create, edit and close surveys;

Moderator Responsibility and Forum Security

  • The moderator is responsible for the confidentiality of information. It should not share information about users' personal data with anyone;
  • the moderator must promptly provide information about incidents on the forum at the request of the administrator or a higher moderator;
  • do not discuss the actions of other moderators with forum members;
  • not to disclose information about other moderators and administrators;
  • not to disclose technical features forum.

Moderator in social networks

A moderator in social networks is a member of a group/community/public who is empowered to monitor the implementation of other subscribers and guests of the group/community/public of the rules established in them. The moderator actively communicates with users, takes part in the development of the group, strives for its improvement.

Rights moderator group / community / public

  • edit and delete any topics and user messages that violate the rules of the group / community / public;
  • the moderator bears for his actions full responsibility, must use his powers prudently and act as objectively as possible;
  • The moderator monitors the observance of the rules of the group by the participants. He has the right to close topics or change their titles;
  • if for some reason the moderator deletes the user's message or topic, he must send a personal letter to the user's email address with words of respect and explanations of the reasons for deleting the post;
  • if the message needs editing, the moderator can send the user his message with corrections and a request to re-post it after editing;
  • if the rule is violated by the user for the first time, the moderator has the right to give him a warning. In case of repeated violation - blacklist the user, that is, exclude him from the group members, notifying the violator about this;
  • the moderator has the right to close topics if their discussion is unconstructive, has exhausted itself, has become irrelevant or goes beyond the established rules.

Duties of a moderator of a group/community/public

  • group/community/public page design;
  • filling the group with thematic content (articles, media);
  • attracting new users;
  • maintaining activity in the group/community/public by creating discussions, holding contests, announcing promotions;
  • editing user messages and spam removal;
  • advertising and promotion of the group/community/public on other sites, forums, blogs, similar in subject matter;
  • collection of statistical data and analysis of the group/community/public based on them;
  • assistance in organizing interaction between advertisers on different advertising platforms;
  • increasing the level of activity in the group / community / public;
  • track titles of topics or photo albums in a group. When a participant creates a topic or photo album, for example, in a group on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, the moderator should immediately pay attention to the fact that the name reflects the content of this album, is short and understandable to other users.

Moderator regulation of user activity in social networks

User activity is a sign that the group is "live". The moderator should encourage users to post in existing topics and do everything possible to keep them “boiling with life”. One of the effective means of increasing user activity is open comments. Within their framework, any user can express their opinion on the topic. However, not all people on social media are tactful. They may leave offensive comments, post immoral pictures, foment conflicts, or shut down large quantity advertising links. Usually such users hide under an account specially created for such purposes. Therefore, moderators should promptly clear topics, photo captions from inappropriate and incorrect comments.

The moderator should strive to increase the level of brand loyalty and thus interact with visitors so that interest in the activities of the company promoted in the group/community/public is constantly growing. A moderator who promptly responds to user comments, thanks for the positive feedback, is almost half the success in building a brand and increasing the performance of a developing group.

In order for the community to actively develop, the moderator needs to maintain the constant interest of visitors. Interesting topics for discussion should appear on the Discussion Board in the group at least once or twice a week, depending on the reaction of users to the topic. Interesting and competent discussions can get into robot indexing search engines(Yandex, Google, Mail.ru). This attracts an additional number of users who are looking for an answer to a similar question outside of the social network.

The moderator should keep an eye on the faq section, which contains frequently asked questions and answers. In developed groups/communities, users leave their opinions, ask for advice and willingly share information with each other that is useful from a marketing point of view. From this section, marketers can learn a lot of interesting information that helps in the further promotion of the brand, for example, non-standard ways of using the product, discussing its characteristics and quality, as well as potential opportunities. The moderator should not allow deviation from the main topic in discussions, as well as provide users with the necessary information about a product or service.

In the promotion of a group or community, polls conducted within their framework are important. They are important, including for marketing and PR services, which will find out why users have chosen a particular company. In this case, the "anonymous poll" feature is effective, as users are more active. A survey with interesting topics can attract new users to groups / communities and becomes an indicator of the level of user activity along with “like” and “tell friends” marks.

TASS-DOSIER /Valery Korneev/. State supervision over the Internet in Russia is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) and other specialized departments, including law enforcement agencies.

In the networks of Russian Internet providers, the equipment of the System of Operational Investigative Measures (SORM) is installed. In accordance with the federal law "On Communications" dated July 7, 2003, operators are required to provide authorized government bodies carrying out operational-search activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, information about users of communication services and their activities on the Internet.

July 14, 2007 the Federal list of extremist materials(compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the basis of decisions of Russian courts, introduced by the law "On counteracting extremist activity" of July 25, 2002). Since 2008, Russian providers began to block access to resources included in this list, although at that time legal basis for such blocking was not yet.

July 28, 2012 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law introducing the concept extrajudicial blocking of sites("About amendments to the federal law"On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Health and Development" and separate legislative acts Russian Federation"). In accordance with this law, from November 1, 2012, Russia has a register of prohibited Internet resources(official site: http://eais.rkn.gov.ru/).

The blacklist initially included sites containing information about drugs, child pornography and calls for suicide, as well as resources for which a court decision was made on violation of the law. Roskomnadzor is the operator of the registry with malicious information. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) and Rospotrebnadzor.

November 2013 Roskomnadzor, the Federal Drug Control Service and Rospotrebnadzor developed a single list that contained definitions of the terms "child pornography", "propaganda of suicide and drugs on the Internet." It contains criteria for evaluating information on websites prohibited for distribution in Russia.

The procedure for blocking a resource can be initiated on the basis of Internet monitoring, as well as on the basis of notifications from authorities, organizations and citizens. After receiving a request from the Prosecutor General's Office, Roskomnadzor sends a request to telecom operators to restrict access to an information resource or to illegal information posted on it. After receiving this request, telecom operators are obliged to immediately restrict access. Roskomnadzor then determines the hosting provider of the site that contains illegal information and sends him a notification. The provider, in turn, must inform the owner of the information resource about the need to remove illegal content, after which access to the resource will be resumed.

August 1, 2013 in Russia came into force the so-called anti-piracy law("On Amendments to the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Intellectual Rights in Information and Telecommunication Networks", signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 2, 2013), which introduced a procedure for pre-trial blocking of sites with unlicensed films and series. Such blocking is carried out by Roskomnadzor on the complaint of right holders, whose application is considered by the Moscow City Court (Mosgorsud).

February 1, 2014 a law came into force giving Roskomnadzor the right, at the request of the Prosecutor General or his deputies without trial blacklist and block Internet resources with calls for extremism and riots.

July 25, 2014 the order of the Ministry of Communications dated April 16, 2014 came into force, obliging telecom operators to bring SORM equipment to new performance criteria by March 31, 2015, ensuring collection of more detailed and accurate user data Internet communications and keeping a complete record of their online interactions for a period of at least 12 hours.

August 1, 2014 the so-called blogging law("On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Regulating the Exchange of Information Using Information and Telecommunication Networks", signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 5, 2014). The law obliges authors of Internet resources with an audience of more than 3,000 users per day to register with Roskomnadzor. Such site owners and blog authors are subject to the restrictions established in Russia for the media.

January 15, 2015 a package of bills with proposals for strengthening control over users the Internet. The authors propose to amend the law on pre-trial blocking of sites, obliging Internet resources and hosting providers to store user data for six months after the end of their activities, as well as notify Roskomnadzor of "the start of activities involving the dissemination of information and the organization of data exchange between network users ". The Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rosfinmonitoring participated in the work on the package of bills, and it was law enforcement. The goal of the upcoming law is to detect and stop terrorist and any other criminal activity at an early stage.

From May 1, 2015 Roskomnadzor based on amendments to the anti-piracy law("On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" and the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation", signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on November 24, 2014) will be able to pre-trial block access to sites with illegal copies of books, music and programs. In case of systematic violation of intellectual property rights, access to the site may be blocked forever. This measure will be applied in the event that the copyright holder wins a lawsuit against the same resource twice. The decision on permanent blocking, as before, will be made by the Moscow City Court. After that, Roskomnadzor will notify the operator of the court decision within 24 hours, and 24 hours will also be allotted for blocking.

The trend towards increasing control over the Internet

According to the estimates of the international human rights organization Freedom House (annual rating Freedom on the Net), over the past four years Russia has shown a clear trend towards strengthening control over the Internet space, being all this time in the category of "countries with partially free Internet". Assessing the degree of freedom on a 100-point scale (where 0 points means the Internet without restrictions), the experts of the organization in 2011 assigned Russia 52 points, and in 2014 - 60 points.

By the end of 2014, Roskomnadzor introduced single register more than 45,700 online links (URLs) of prohibited Internet resources. 64% of the resources were convicted of promoting and distributing drugs, 15% - child pornography, 12% - suicide. 317 people were entered into the register of bloggers, 187 were expected to be entered.

According to a poll conducted by the Levada Center in 2014, 54% of Russians supported the introduction of censorship on the Internet due to the many dangerous sites and materials. 31% of respondents considered the introduction of censorship on the Internet unacceptable, while more than a third of respondents (38%) would react calmly if the State Duma adopted laws restricting Russians' access to the global Internet. Only 13% of respondents gave a negative answer to this question.

According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications for December, 2014, 62% of Russians actively use the Internet.

We define several types of activities, for example:

Solving applied problems, which reflects the specifics of the activity of a particular user-specialist;

Decision managerial tasks which is typical for any company;

Rendering information services in a specialized company, for example information center, library, etc.;

commercial activity;


Information security methods

When developing methods for protecting information in the information environment, the following important factors and conditions should be taken into account:

Ø Expansion of areas for the use of computers and an increase in the growth rate of the computer park (that is, the problem of information security should be addressed at the level technical means);

Ø a high degree of concentration of information in the centers of its processing and, as a result, the emergence of centralized databases intended for collective use;

Ø expanding user access to global information resources ( modern systems data processing can serve an unlimited number of subscribers located hundreds and thousands of kilometers away);

Ø complication software computing process on a computer, as modern computers can work:

In multiprogram mode, when several tasks are solved simultaneously;

In multiprocessor mode, when one task is solved by several parallel processors;

In the time sharing mode, when the same computer can serve a large number of subscribers at the same time.

To traditional methods protection Deliberate information threats include: restriction of access to information, encryption (cryptography) of information, control of access to equipment, legislative measures. Let's consider these methods.

Restriction of access to information is carried out at two levels:

At the level of the human environment, that is, by creating an artificial barrier around the object of protection: issuing special passes to admitted persons, installing a security alarm or video surveillance system;

At the level of protection of computer systems, for example, by dividing information circulating in a computer system into parts and organizing access to it by persons in accordance with their functional duties. When protected at the software level, each user has a password that allows him to have access only to the information to which he is allowed.

Encryption (cryptography) of information consists in the transformation (coding) of words, letters, syllables, numbers using special algorithms. To get acquainted with encrypted information, a reverse process is needed - decoding. Encryption provides a significant increase in the security of data transmission on the network, as well as data stored on remote devices.

Access control to equipment means that all equipment is closed and sensors are installed in the access points to it, which are triggered when the equipment is opened. Such measures allow you to avoid, for example, connecting third-party devices, changing the operating modes of the computer system, downloading third-party programs, etc.

Legislative measures consist in the implementation of laws, regulations, instructions existing in the country that regulate legal liability officials- users and service personnel for leakage, loss or modification of information entrusted to them.

When choosing information protection methods for a particular computer network, a thorough analysis of all possible methods of unauthorized access to information is necessary. Based on the results of the analysis, planning of measures that provide the necessary protection is carried out, that is, the development of a security policy is carried out.

A security policy is a set of technical, software and organizational measures aimed at protecting information in a computer network.

Consider some protection methods computer systems from deliberate information threats.

Protection against theft of information is usually carried out using special software tools. Unauthorized copying and distribution of programs and valuable computer information is theft of intellectual property. Protected programs are subjected to pre-processing, which brings the executable code of the program into a state that prevents its execution on "foreign" computers (encrypting files, inserting password protection, checking a computer by its unique characteristics, etc.). Another example of protection: to prevent unauthorized access to information in the local network, an access control system is introduced both at the hardware and software levels. As a hardware access control can be used electronic key, connected, for example, to the printer connector.

To protect against computer viruses, "immune-resistant" software tools (analyzer programs) are used that provide for access control, self-control and self-healing. Antivirus tools are the most common means of protecting information.

As a physical protection of computer systems, special equipment is used to detect industrial espionage devices, to exclude the recording or relaying of computer radiation, as well as speech and other information-carrying signals. This prevents leakage of informative electromagnetic signals outside the protected area. Most effective tool protection of information in communication channels is the use of special protocols and cryptography (encryption).

To protect information from random information threats, for example, in computer systems, tools are used to increase the reliability of equipment:

Ø increasing the reliability of electronic and mechanical components and elements;

Ø structural redundancy - duplication or tripling of elements, devices, subsystems;

Ø functional control with failure diagnostics, that is, the detection of failures, malfunctions and software errors and the exclusion of their influence on the information processing process, as well as an indication of the location of the failed element.

Every year the number of threats information security computer systems and ways to implement them is constantly increasing. The main reasons here are the shortcomings of modern information technology and the ever-increasing complexity of the hardware. The efforts of numerous developers of software and hardware methods for protecting information in computer systems are aimed at overcoming these reasons.


2. Reply to next questions:

1. Who keeps order in the network? admin

2. What are the requirements for information security?

these requirements apply to documents

3. What rights does the user have?

Anti-virus protection, software environment limitation

4. How can the owner protect?

5. What is information law?

6. What are the acts of federal legislation?

7. What are the ways to protect information?

8. What are the penalties for information offences?

9. What are the most serious violations in the field of information security?

3. Make a conclusion about the practical work done:

Practice #3

Kolesov Yury Mikhailovich

Volik Ruslan Vladimirovich

Subject and class

Informatics, grades 10-11

Annotation to the project

This project is aimed at students in grades 10-11, studying at profile level computer science and ICT in high school. This project is aimed at studying the legal aspects of information security. In the process of studying this topic, students get acquainted with the concepts of information security, information law, acts of federal legislation and information law.

In the federal component state standard in informatics and ICT secondary (complete) general education the theme of the project is represented by the following didactic units.

Public mechanisms in the field of information (7 hours).

Economics of the information sphere. Cost characteristics information activity. The role of standards in modern society. Standardization in the field of information technology. Information resource description standards.

Information ethics and law, information security. Legal regulations. related to information, offenses in information sphere and measures to prevent them. The role of the media.

Project Goals

Learning Objectives

  • to form knowledge about the types of information offenses and punishments;
  • to promote the acquisition of knowledge about ways to protect information;
  • study acts of federal legislation in the field of information security;
  • systematize knowledge about user rights in the field of information security;

educational goals

  • formation of readiness for conscious observance of legal norms;
  • fostering respect for the laws and readiness to fulfill the requirements enshrined in them;

Development goals

  • development of skills to work with Internet - resources;
  • developing the ability to correctly summarize data and draw a conclusion;
  • development of skills to compare, generalize, analyze;
  • development of skills to sort information;

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question

Who keeps order in the network?

Problematic issues

1) What are the requirements for information security?

2) What rights does the user have?

3) How can the owner protect?

Study questions

1) What is information law?

2) What are the acts of federal legislation?

3) What are the ways to protect information?

4) What are the penalties for information offences?

5) What are the most serious violations in the field of information security?

Project Plan

Project duration: 10 days

Teacher Publication

Knowledge, skills and abilities

Teacher presentation to identify student perceptions and interests

Example of student project activity product

Materials for formative and final assessment

Criteria for evaluating a presentation- Criteria for evaluating a presentation

Criteria for grading wiki articles - Criteria for grading wiki articles

Evaluation of group observation-