Promising business ideas. New business ideas

The number of cars in Russia continues to grow - statistics say that every fifth family has its own car. At the same time, many families living in megacities have two cars each. In recent years, fewer people are engaged in self-repair their Vehicle, preferring to repair them in good car services. Car service is a great type of business that brings regular and high profits to its owners.


There are car services in any city: the competition in this business is quite serious. But if you study the reviews of motorists, it becomes clear that most service stations do their job poorly, and they are contacted insofar as. This is a really serious problem: there is practically nowhere to repair a car with high quality and inexpensively. Masters at many service stations treat their work carelessly, as the authorities “clamp” the salary.

A good service station requires high-quality equipment and competent craftsmen

That is why opening your own service station with a properly planned structure, a clear distribution of responsibilities and fair wages can take you to a leading position in the automotive repair market. Let's take a look how to open a service station from scratch, what documents and equipment are needed for this, and how much can you earn on this.

Types of service stations

Typically, car services are engaged in the repair of only a certain type of equipment, and do not take on everything. SRT is divided into 5 types:

  1. Carrying out the repair of motor vehicles (motorcycles, mopeds, ATVs, etc.).
  2. Carrying out repairs of ordinary cars (the most common option).
  3. Repair minibuses, middle class buses.
  4. Engaged in the repair of harvesters and agricultural machinery.
  5. Truck repairers.

In this list, we arranged the service stations according to the principle of the amount of funds needed to open - the least amount of money you will need to open a motorcycle workshop, the most - for trucks and agricultural machinery.

Service station satellites

Typically, a car repair shop does not work on its own - it always opens in conjunction with other automotive services. For example, when repairing, customers will probably need some spare parts, so you can open a spare parts store nearby. Also, before or after repair, the car is usually washed, so the car wash will be “in the subject”. It will also be useful for the service station to balance and vulcanize the wheels - this procedure is very popular, especially in the autumn-spring period.

Auto parts store and car wash will significantly increase your profits

Car service

What does a car service do? Repairs cars. If you've been thinking about how to open a car service from scratch, then you should understand what is generally included in the concept of repair. This is:

  • replacement of oils and various technical fluids;
  • engine repair (cylinder block boring, bulkhead);
  • running gear repair (most frequent because of our roads);
  • restoration of electrical wiring, installation of alarms and additional equipment;
  • various body works (welding, painting, priming, leveling dents).

In a good way, each of these areas needs specialists - you can’t only deal with walking without repairing the wiring or changing the oil. This will significantly reduce the number of customers and, accordingly, income.

Should I focus on certain cars? Despite the fact that foreign cars break down much less often than domestic cars, they also require maintenance and repair, and spare parts for them are at least not cheaper (for budget foreign cars), and often much more expensive. Deal with all cars, do not divide them by manufacturer or brand. Subsequently, you will form your vision and approach to repair, but you should not weed out clients at the initial stages.

Market research

Many beginners ask: where to begin new business? You should always start with market and competitor research. Find out who provides car repair services in your locality / area, what their price tag is, what exactly they do. You need to find out the following points:

  1. How well the service is carried out (you can read local forums).
  2. How long does the repair take and is it possible to really reduce the timing.
  3. Range of services.
  4. Price policy.

You must employ only qualified craftsmen

Having studied the data on working service stations, you will surely be able to draw up the necessary actions for diversification. You will need:

  1. Enter discount system for regular customers.
  2. Constantly improve the skill level of employees.
  3. Give a guarantee for the work done.
  4. Choose the most suitable place for the service.

Note:the place should be comfortable and passable. Places near major highways and interchanges, gas stations, garage cooperatives have proven themselves well.

Accommodation Requirements

Remember that the rules for placing car service stations are strictly prescribed in the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station. We list the key ones:

  1. It is forbidden to open an enterprise closer than 50 meters from a residential building or a reservoir.
  2. Water must be supplied to the building and sewerage must be present (autonomous is allowed).
  3. One employee must have at least 5 square meters free space.

Remember that the equipment takes up quite a lot of space, so the building must be spacious and well ventilated. Also be sure to create high-quality lighting in the room.

Cost types

If you want to write a business plan yourself, then you must understand the basics of economics. In this section, we will roughly calculate the costs of opening. If you want to get exact numbers, then adjust them to fit your situation.

Costs are divided into two types:

  1. Permanent (must be paid monthly). These costs include rent of premises, utilities, wage, taxes.
  2. Variables (one-time). This includes the cost of purchasing equipment, various spare parts for repairs, tools.

Fixed costs usually only increase - this is due to inflation and the regular rise in the cost of rent / communal. Variable costs depend on the amount of work.

On average, it takes about 20 thousand dollars to open a full-fledged car service. But you can always save. For example, open a car service in the garage It will come out to you in the amount of 2-3 thousand dollars, plus real savings on rent and utilities.

Note:You can reduce the initial level of investment by renting expensive equipment. You will understand whether you really need it in the future, and whether the investments made will pay off.

Equipment can be rented - it will quickly pay for itself


The main thing in a car service is the masters. Finding good repairmen is not so easy - they usually already work somewhere. You can lure them either higher salary, or by offering more quality conditions labor.

You definitely need undercarriage specialists, body repair and tire fitting. An electrician is also needed who will deal with on-board computer errors, diagnostics, repair of electrical equipment and installation of new devices.

Masters should be not only professionals in repair. They must also be able to communicate with customers and describe the problem in detail to them. The foreman usually monitors the work of the masters - he writes out orders, draws up invoices and keeps accounts. At first, you can perform the functions of a foreman.


Buy new equipment or prefer used? It all depends on your capabilities. Of course, a new one is preferable - it will last longer and is under warranty. If you choose between domestic and foreign equipment, then it is better to stop your eyes on the second option. Foreign equipment, though more expensive, but much better.

Where to get spare parts

More than 70% of newly opened service stations spoil their reputation and go bankrupt because of the wrong suppliers. It is worth 5-10 times to delay the delivery of spare parts and the number of customers will decrease significantly. Negative reviews will be immediately left about you, and other visitors will simply refuse to cooperate with you. The second problem, which is also tied to suppliers, is low-quality spare parts.

Choosing good suppliers is not easy - you need to study the reviews, talk with its managers, tell them that you plan to open a service station and serve a large number of cars. In this case, you will be offered the most suitable working conditions and good discounts. You can even agree to take parts for sale, giving money after they are sold, but for this you will need to work with the dealer for a certain period of time.


We do not recommend spending a lot of money on advertising - commercials on TV and on the radio will not justify themselves. It is better to make a high-quality signboard, put up a sign on the road, equip a convenient entrance. Hang a list of services provided on the building - some customers will order what they did not originally want. Distribute flyers in your area, start pages on social networks and on local forums. Try to get into the white lists - then there will be no end to customers!

Gain the trust of customers, offer them service discounts

Document set

First of all, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC at the nearest tax office. An individual entrepreneur facilitates the process of paying taxes, but an LLC allows you to work with various budget and commercial organizations. You will also need a license to open, a building / land lease agreement, a conclusion from the SES and a fire station. The entire set of documents can be issued in a couple of months.


Bring detailed example of a car service business plan with calculations very difficult, because everything depends on the size of the service station, location, team. But the average figures are approximately the following (the calculation was made for a city with a population of over 500,000 people, a team of 8 people, and a service station size of 150 m2).


  1. Purchase of new equipment, its installation - 1,500,000 rubles.
  2. Documents and approvals - 20,000 rubles.
  3. Other expenses and advertising 30,000 rubles.
  4. Rent - 120,000 monthly.
  5. Consumables - 30,000 monthly.
  6. Salary - 200,000 monthly.

In total, you will need about 2 million to open.

STO income is approximately 500,000 monthly. We subtract current expenses, and it turns out that the net profit at the car service is approximately 150,000 per month, That is, the investment will pay off in about a year.

Only new and current ideas small business in 2016, which everyone can use. Borrowing ideas and making up your own Russian entrepreneurs earn from 100 thousand rubles. per month!


Peeping business ideas from competitors, creating on their basis best solutions - effective strategy capable of leading to success. This idea was expressed in an interview with Forbes magazine by Yevgeny Tsaplin, a lecturer at the Higher School of Economics and CEO of JSC Telecom-Project. With successful entrepreneur you can’t argue, and therefore we offer the attention of beginner entrepreneurs best business ideas 2016, which have been successfully implemented in Russia and really work.

Mountains, forests...

To start a franchise business, you will need 350 thousand rubles. and own freight transport(it can be rented at first). The advantage of working in the SDEK team is active cooperation with China, a potential leader in world trade via the Internet: 10 company offices operate on the territory of the border provinces of the DPRK.


Starting investments - from 250 to 450 thousand rubles. (quadcopter price). The business requires aircraft certification and pilots with airworthiness certificates. average cost 3-minute video - 120 thousand rubles, of which 25% is the pilot's income. Among the clients of the High Level agency are Moskomsport, Porsche, the festival of colors Holi.

Coffee on wheels

The initial investment amounted to 2 million rubles. With this money, in 2014, entrepreneurs purchased a 25-year-old GMC van, converted it and designed it in a unique style. At first, they wanted to use the car as a point Catering, but shopping centers were reluctant to make contact, and entrepreneurs moved into the field of catering. In 2016, the profit from the sale of coffee is 300 thousand rubles / month, and businessmen have repaid half of the loan taken to open their own business. Selling coffee from cars is a free niche in which you should try yourself!

New format car wash

The advantages of such a wash are obvious: minimum costs (it is enough to purchase employee uniforms, cleaning products, order advertising) and the ability to install service points in the busiest places (in parking lots, near shopping and office centers). Initial investments do not exceed 200 - 300 thousand rubles, the payback period, according to the owners, is 6 - 8 months.

Electronic Pleasures

You can locate a point of sale of electronic cigarettes anywhere: in a shopping center, street pavilion. It is important to choose a busy public place with high traffic. The best option is a pavilion in the lobby of a shopping center or cinema.

Earnings on virtual reality

The average cost of equipment is 300 - 400 thousand rubles. (it can also be bought from the hands). To this amount add the rent, as well as the cost of electricity. The size initial investment not small, but the attraction will pay off in just 4 - 8 months. Another way to make money on virtual reality is to rent equipment for entertainment events, children's parties, etc.

Back to the roots

One of the most successful industrial enterprises is the St. Petersburg publishing house of bibliophile books. In St. Petersburg, the manual edition of second-hand books has been revived. The entire production process is manual. For printing, old letters, reglets, spats are used. Calligraphers create unique handwritten editions. Covers made from genuine leather, copper, bronze, papyrus, etc. The term for the release of one book can reach 15 years, and the cost of such creations starts from 500 thousand rubles. Among the permanent clients of the publishing house Konstantin Ernst, Roman Abramovich, successful foreign entrepreneurs.

In 2016, various products of Russian craftsmen were in high demand among foreigners: knitted porcelain, tiles for stoves and fireplaces, crystal tableware and decor - all this is in demand abroad and brings manufacturing business revenue up to 100 million rubles. annually.

Traditionally, you can find all the latest news in the world and current trends in small business. And below you can see our subjective opinion about which business ideas worth trying in 2016 so as not to waste your initial capital.

You can agree with our conclusions, you can ignore them, or you can say that this is another banal thing. Let's just say one thing. Our project has existed for 3 years and during this time we have collected an extensive database of materials, watching all this time how some ideas die, while others are born and shoot.

Some niches go into the shadows, others are gaining strength again. Everything is cyclical. Therefore, you should not look for some kind of “super unique” technique that will instantly make you a millionaire. That doesn't happen.

Over long distances, classic business models win, in which you can bring something of your own, something modern and creative. This, in our humble opinion, is the main secret of success.

We have already written about which of the ways to generate ideas is the most correct.

Everything rests on two pillars: a) the correctness of the definition of your target audience and b) the two most important criteria for an idea (mass and accessibility).

a) The main message on the choice of target audience. Your the target audience must perform some physical action.

Correct target audience: female trains soup in the kitchen; Human going down in the subway after work; loader unloads truck pulled up to the store.

Wrong target audience: student who wants buy yourself an expensive car; Human, sitting TV at home woman who loves cycling on weekends.

If you come up with some kind of project that will subsequently solve someone's problem, then rely on the target audience, which is characterized not by emotions and desires, but real physical actions. It is important.

b) As for the mass character and accessibility, there is such an important nuance. Your product or service should be available to as many people as possible.

Here's an example like this:

It is better to open something like Ikea, where tens of thousands of people go and buy relatively cheap goods by the thousands a day, than some kind of luxury furniture salon, where one sofa costs from a million rubles. Of course, the second case also has the right to exist, but you have more chances in the case of a mass product that is accessible to the maximum number of people.

New business ideas for 2016: TOP-10

Let's throw in some fresh solutions that you can take on board.

1. Cafe in the dark

This business idea so far has very little distribution, therefore, we dare to assume that there are either practically no such establishments in your city, or their number is zero (unless, of course, you are from the capital region).

What is the point. This is an ordinary restaurant or cafe, with only one difference - there is no light inside. With your help, visitors get to the place, order food according to a certain scheme and eat in complete darkness, completely surrendering to their inner feelings.

Waiters are often people who have been blind since childhood.

It turns out a socially useful business, which, most likely, all local media will immediately write about.

2. Service of emergency commissioners

The point is this. After July 1, 2015 came out new law about the accident. To be more precise, there appeared new order registration of traffic accidents, which facilitates the whole procedure in mild cases.

Traffic police stopped going to the scene of the accident if there was little damage. But the number of accidents has not decreased, and many people do not know how to document the accident (if there is significant damage to the car or a controversial case).

And, perhaps, you noticed that special services of emergency commissioners appeared quite a long time ago. They very quickly come to the scene of an accident and draw up all the documents according to the regulations.

Thanks to the changes in the summer of 2015, the emergency committee business got a second wind. The demand for this kind of service has grown exponentially. At the moment, such services cooperate with insurance companies, so their services are free for victims of road accidents.

A little more detail about the old video about this service (some of the data in it is already outdated).

3. Barbershop for men

This is a mega trend that will most likely migrate from 2015 straight into 2016. The number of men who take care of their appearance is growing every year (thanks to the media and glamor magazines). For a long time there were no hairdressing salons tailored for the male part of the population in our country as a class. There were just separate rooms and halls.

And only recently, brutal, stylishly decorated rooms have begun to appear, where men cut men's hair, and other men play with a dangerous blade to shave third ones.

It must be said that the offer appeared thanks to the demand, which led to the fact that franchises of such men's hairdressers have already begun to appear. Search online, it won't be hard.

You just have to find a couple class masters and decorate the room in the appropriate style.

Here, however, there is a nuance. In our opinion, it is important to open such hairdressing salons in cities with a population of 500,000 or more. Otherwise, there may be problems with finding customers. Take note of this moment.

4. Print photos from Instagram

Another new trend is machines that allow you to print photos from your Instagram accounts. In fact, this is one that does not require a large number of people and personal presence.

All you need is to buy a vending machine (at the moment there are a lot of implementations on the market, it remains to choose), find a passable place, rent it and connect the vending machine to the Internet (wi-fi is enough). One of the main conditions is getting into the target audience. That is, roughly speaking, such a machine, unlike a coffee machine, cannot be put at a gas station.

You need some kind of food court in a shopping center or a place where young people aged 14 to 25 live. The same educational establishments should go well.

The cost of such equipment varies depending on the manufacturer in the range from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles. The payback period, according to some statements, is 4 months. But let's not believe those who sell such machines and multiply by two. The real term will turn out from a year, subject to a good place. This is also pretty good.

5. Smoking cabins

If there is a budget, then it is design and production. If not, then sale. Since smoking in public places was banned, many establishments (cafes, restaurants, clubs) began to think about how to organize smoking areas.

Anti-smoking measures are rumored to only get tougher, and MPs are considering a plethora of laws that support those measures.

Smoking cabins are a great option for solving this problem. On the Russian market a sufficient pool of manufacturers from which you can choose the one with whom you can cooperate under a partnership agreement.

Partnership in this type of business is a standard scheme in which you bring clients and receive a percentage for your services. Cabins cost from 150,000 rubles, so you can earn a good percentage if you organize a constant influx of customers.

6. Ecowash

Ecological car washing means not dumping dirty water into the sewer.

The main problem now is that the best places for washing cars have already been taken. In the city center, you can hardly find something worthy for rent, so new points are opened somewhere either outside the city, or in garage cooperatives, or in industrial areas. This is far enough and does not always pay off.

What to do?

Open sideways, where there is a lot of traffic and there is no way to quickly wash the car.

In the eco-wash, we see two trends that will rule: this is, in fact, the eco-wash itself and the dry mobile wash, which we wrote about.

As for the eco-wash, this is the new kind business, in which water does not go down the drain, but goes in a circle, constantly being cleaned with specialized equipment. The ideal solution for those places where it is technologically impossible to organize wastewater discharge.

Parking lots, business centers, premises in large shopping malls- all this can be converted into an eco-wash. Look for more information about this direction in Google, there is a lot of information there to decide for yourself whether this business is worth it or not.

7. Exhibition of 3D paintings (illusions)

8. traffic jam business

There are no fewer cars from year to year, and roads, of course, for the most part cannot be expanded. Therefore, many large metropolitan areas are suffocating in traffic jams in which people lose tens and tens of hours of their lives.

Entrepreneurial people have long understood that the accumulation of people in a traffic jam is a good target audience for selling some of their goods. We have already written about. The guys are doing great, you can try the same theme in your city.

What else can be sold in a traffic jam?

Go to Aliexpress in the car products section and find a bunch of affordable trinkets that can be sold as the same "wow" goods to drivers and passengers who are languishing and do not know what to do with themselves.

In this kind of business, you can hire students and people who are looking for part-time jobs and manage them.

9. Self-service checkouts

Cash desks where a person can pay for a purchase on their own are not very common in Russia. In Europe and America, such assistants began to appear in large networks back in the 90s, and these technological innovations are starting to reach us only now.

Unfortunately, there are no manufacturers in our country who could offer their ready-made cash registers to the market, so if you want to develop a business selling this equipment, you will have to go to foreign suppliers. The matter is quite complicated, so this path is for those who are not afraid of difficulties.

As usual, first you need to find clients ( retail chains), who are ready to install self-service islands, and only then look for suppliers and negotiate partnerships.

On average, such cash desks cost 800,000 - 1,500,000 rubles. Not a small price, but if we assume that the salary of a cashier is ~ 25,000-30,000 rubles, then the payback will be from 2 years, which looks very, very good in the long term.

Again, this is purely our view of what you should pay attention to in 2016. Possibly similar trade software exactly what you can earn for a comfortable life.

10. Restoration of old things

Surprisingly, the trend of restoration and repair of things that have been in use by the population for a long time is re-emerging. This applies to furniture, clothes, shoes, and so on. This is due to the fact that the money supply in the country has decreased and potential consumers begin to think about how to optimize their costs.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

At such times, all kinds of tailoring and repair shops and organizations that can “upgrade” furniture without having to buy a new one begin to flourish. This has always happened during the crisis and there are practically no prerequisites for any significant changes in this segment. So we recommend thinking in this direction.

Proven business ideas

From us there are several business ideas that have proven themselves with better side and showed growth.

Firstly, this is a very large-scale direction, which we will call “coffee to go”. Every eatery, every cafe, and even the most decent restaurants began to offer, reducing prices for those who took their portion and left. On average, the price of takeaway coffee is 20% lower than the one you can drink in an establishment.

In 2015, a lot of outlets appeared that are focused exclusively on the sale of drinks that you can take with you. To organize such a business, you need a very small space in which you can fit: a barista, a coffee machine, a place for cups, fillers and other related products.

In the vast majority of cases, you need only 6 to 10 square meters of retail space.

The cost of renting a place for this kind of business ranges from 15,000 rubles and up to 30 in the most passable places. And, since coffee is one of the highest marginal drinks (300-400% markup), this small business is quite good to make initial capital.

The opening budget can be up to 200,000 rubles. Many people manage to lease a coffee machine, and use someone else's franchise as a start.

Secondly, we advise you to take a closer look at the format of "folk pizzerias" from Dodo Pizza. They have their own franchise, which you can buy (if you have the funds and the passion to make a quality product) and start working in your city.

The creator of this project is Fedor Ovchinnikov, who is famous for his creative approach to doing business and has already broken many patterns of “couch theorists” who tell him every day that he will not succeed.

Meanwhile, they already have more than 50 pizzerias in Russia and Dodo Pizza has begun expanding to overseas markets, including the USA.

The franchise has the following characteristics:

Contribution: 350 thousand rubles. + VAT
Royalties: 3.5–5% of revenue + VAT
Minimum budget: 3 million rubles.
Profitability: 15–25%
Payback: from 1 year

Thirdly, since cinema tickets in Russia increased in price by 20% in 2015, people began to think about how to organize their own entertainment program. Someone goes to hookahs, someone to cafes, while others are increasingly trying their hand at so-called quests in reality.

It all started with, which did not show real growth and excellent profits at minimum investment. And now, in every relatively large city, imitators have appeared who did not buy the franchise of this project, but began to make their own game rooms. Fortunately, the costs for this entertainment business are not at all high, and ready-made quest scenarios can be found on the Internet.

For those who are not familiar with this genre, then look in the search engines. There are plenty of examples and ready-made franchises. A good type of business with minimal investment.

Small Business Trends in 2016

The global economy is in another protracted peak. Our country is no exception, we are also part of this entire ecosystem, therefore global problems affect our local market.

In addition, the sanctions that were imposed on Russia in 2014 led to quite serious changes within the domestic business, which in one way or another was tied to imported goods.

Hand on heart, we can say that the rest of the market players (who have nothing to do with foreign suppliers) also felt all the charms of the sanctions and the global crisis that is sweeping the planet. The signs in the windows with the inscription "rent" do not decrease every month.

A rather difficult stage for business, which can last for more than one year.

There are two main business trends for 2016

1. The first is the policy of import substitution. Thanks to the sanctions, domestic producers have a chance to find their niches in various areas. These are apples, and dairy products, and fish, and the production of meat (pork, beef) and cheese, as well as other areas where the import of foreign goods is prohibited.
2. Organization of business and business processes in crisis conditions of the economy. Here you can work in the following areas:

  • anti-collection business (protecting the rights of borrowers and creditors, providing financial advice to people in trouble);
  • development of domestic tourism (during 2014-2015, the flow of tourists to domestic destinations increased by 30-35%), the opening of new routes for people who have lost the opportunity to travel abroad (many military personnel and police were forbidden to leave the country). Now is the time to develop to promote travel services in our country;
  • flower business, the roots of which come from greenhouses located on the territory of Russia;
  • growing mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms, etc.);
  • creating your own farming and growing vegetables on its territory.

What to open with minimal investment

There is no money, work for your uncle is fed up and you already want to open your own business, but invest at a minimum? If you do not have rich investors and there is absolutely no desire to take a loan from a bank, then with a minimum capital you can go into such business niches as:

  • holidays agency (you can start with holidays for children, independently looking for customers and animators, and only then, as experience grows, switch to larger projects);
  • husband for an hour;
  • the niche of education (people are losing their jobs, looking for a new one, but there is not enough education - this can be used to build training in new specialties), here - tutoring services;
  • organization of hairdresser and beautician services at home;
  • online business (requires maximum time and minimum investment at first, see below for details).

how to make money online in 2016

Online business is changing along with offline business. There are ideas that require relatively small financial injections. But, if you want to play "for a long time", then you will have to not only spend your hard-earned money, but also get some kind of plan for the next 3-5 years. For online business You also need a business plan.

Let's take a look at what to look out for.

So, small top of 5 destinations , which is worth thinking about if you came to "do business" in the network in 2016.

1. Traffic arbitrage

The bottom line: you buy targeted visitors somewhere and redirect them to a product, service or some other product for which they will pay.

In this kind of action, a special mindset should help. You need to constantly analyze traffic sources, draw up blacklists, filter out ads where the conversion is below a certain level and constantly monitor the return on investment so as not to merge into a minus.

For a beginner, all these concepts look like Chinese characters. But if you understand the topic a little, then in a couple of years you can develop skills that will help you earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month.

The whole relish is that you don’t need an office, no subordinates, no permits and months of waiting.

Invested money - got a return. Plus or minus. I tried another scheme. Repeated.

Many entrepreneurs waste their nerves and finances for years, but in the end they remain at the level of 100-200 thousand rubles of income. Top arbitrageurs in Runet (in the bourgeoisie the amount is much higher) earn a million rubles a month.

How to act? Study the theory and try. Google to help you.

3. Creation mobile applications

Let's look at the statistics.

11.8 million Runet users access the network only from mobile devices - smartphones and tablets. This is approximately 10% of the country's population and 14% of all Runet users. The share of mobile users increased by 90% over the year. Whereas the share of users accessing the network from desktop PCs fell by 19% and amounted to 31% of the audience (TNS data for Q1 2015).

Any sane person will understand that the market for mobile applications in the current scenario will only grow from year to year. There are many more niches that do not have decent applications that users would pay for.

Sometimes seemingly completely simple games and programs that are sharpened to perform some kind of action shoot out.

What to do?

a) Come up with an idea for an application (you can conduct analytics on popular games and sites);

b) find those who are ready to do programming;

c) create a product and upload it to Google and Appstore;

d) get PROFIT!

Just? Not good. But it's worth a try.

4. Creation affiliate program for webmasters

5. Sale of information and electronic goods

Since the Internet is a big garbage dump, it can sometimes be very difficult to find information of excellent quality. You have to spend a significant part of your time and effort. That is why information businessmen began to flourish, who are able to competently pack their skills and abilities in order to sell information products.

Think about what knowledge you have that you can put on the shelves and chew on interested people. Perhaps you are good at repairing cars, or you know how to calculate taxes quickly and correctly, or you have a touch typing skill that you can teach people.

All these skills can be well structured and try to start selling your product in a packaged form.

The same goes for electronic goods. But they, rather, can be attributed to all sorts of software products and services. Here you need at least programming skills. As a maximum - a programmer and marketer rolled into one. But if you can create something worthwhile, then it will not be difficult to earn several million rubles in a short period of time.

Good day! It's no secret that in Russia in 2016 business is going through a stage of stagnation and certain areas have emerged that are more promising than others. Consider where it is better to invest.

Let's start in order, what changes took place in Russian business in 2016:

Business changes in Russia in 2016

Let's start from the very beginning, we were predicted in Russia to increase state fees for registration.

Business registration in Russia 2016

Luckily, nothing has changed here.

  • - 800 rubles;
  • National tax for - 800 rubles;
  • - 4000 rubles.

So since the beginning of the year, everyone sighed calmly, if there are no changes, this is already good.

The next point is the question that concerns everything Russian business and especially small - these are taxation systems.

Taxation of business in Russia 2016

If we consider this issue in more detail, then the changes affected some taxation systems:

  1. UTII- has changed which you can download from the corresponding article, it has been kept for a long time;
  2. USN- there are quite a lot of changes in this taxation and therefore I had to single them out in a separate article “”;
  3. PSN- changes in .

Other changes in Russian business in 2016

For businesses in Russia, 2016 has been full of changes:

  • The first change that came into force on 01.01.2016 was the increase in the tax on dividends received immediately from 9% to 13%, so I guess they just equated dividends as income individual which, as you know, pays personal income tax of 13% from its earnings;
  • . This is pretty good news for 3 years, we were exempted from scheduled ongoing inspections from any government agencies(except if there is a complaint from a client or buyer against an individual entrepreneur or organization, in this case there may be an unscheduled check);
  • . As it sounds good, tax holidays are provided for newly registered individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in social, scientific and production areas. Holidays for 3 years and unfortunately no more than 10% of small businesses fall under them;
  • . From 07/01/2016, the size of the minimum wage was urgently increased from 6204 rubles. up to 7500 rub. and this directly concerns entrepreneurs, because it is on the basis of the minimum wage that the fixed contributions of individual entrepreneurs are calculated. So in 2016, fixed IP contributions are divided into 2 parts: the first half of the year is calculated according to the minimum wage of 6204 rubles, but the second half of the year is already according to the new minimum wage of 7500 rubles. (I feel that some entrepreneurs will again close their business or go into the shadows);
  • . On July 11, 2016, the so-called OKVED 2014 came into force as a matter of urgency, which replaced the obsolete OKVED 2001, within 2 years this classifier was postponed 3 times. To be honest, I was tormented to write articles on this topic. And as a result, in the middle of the year, by order of the President of Russia, it came into force.