The role and importance of carpentry. Profession carpenter construction

Details Updated: 17.01.2020 14:45

A carpenter is a specialist whose activity is related to the manufacture and processing of various wood products.

Preparation and processing of wood with the subsequent manufacture of various household items - ancient species human activity. Carpentry originated in Egypt. It has come a long way of development and modernization, capturing the styles of many eras with masterpieces.

It officially arose in the 18th century. At that time, artisans were engaged in the manufacture of furniture exclusively.

Features of the profession

carpenter is multidisciplinary profession. However, the master can specialize in a particular direction. Separately, it is worth mentioning the joiners - cabinetmakers, who not only make new furniture to order, but also restore antique pieces.

The advantages of this profession are its demand in the labor market and the ability to easily find a side job in the presence of free time. The level of income depends on the qualifications of the worker. With a diploma of higher education you can master the related specialties of a carpenter or parquet floor.

The disadvantages of the profession relate directly to working conditions.

Work as a carpenter associated with the risk of injury due to careless handling of tools.

Flying chips or shavings can injure the carpenter. Periodically, you have to inhale the fumes of varnish, paint or glue, which provokes the development of allergies and diseases of the respiratory system.

Many workers complain of hearing problems due to constant noise in the workshop. Decide this problem It is possible by using a protective suit, mask, goggles and earplugs, which creates some discomfort in hot weather. It is appropriate to alternate work with sports.


carpenter is generalist. He not only independently selects workpieces and necessary materials, but also performs finishing finished products. In addition to wood processing, the master is engaged in the manufacture, assembly and installation of various wooden products.

In the process of work, the carpenter relies on a sketch or drawing that the designer / customer provides him. Masters of a high qualification level develop sketches on their own.

Important qualities

Qualities required for a carpenter:

  • lack of problems with vision and hearing;
  • responsible approach to work;
  • accuracy;
  • scrupulousness;
  • good physical form;
  • no allergy to varnish and paint;
  • fine motor skills are developed;
  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • sense of composition and proportions;
  • accurate eye gauge;
  • creativity.

Skills and knowledge

Work as a carpenter provides for the specialist to have a solid background of theoretical knowledge. He should be able to accurately distinguish wood species, determine the degree of quality of blanks and read drawings.

Master high category should develop sketches independently. In work, one cannot do without knowledge of the manufacturing technology, fitting and hanging of wooden products.

Prospects and career

Profession carpenter provides for the prospect of moving forward career ladder. Given the fact that the qualification of a specialist corresponds to the category, there is an opportunity to improve professional skills. Having received the highest 6th category, you can apply for the position of foreman. The presence of a diploma of higher education provides a chance to become a master or foreman.

Joiner's services are in demand at enterprises, priority whose activity is woodworking. You can also get a job in one of the many construction or repair - construction companies.


There are several ways to become a carpenter. To do this, you must graduate from a specialized technical school or college. If you wish, you can become an apprentice in production, mastering all the subtleties of the profession under the guidance of a qualified mentor.

What is a house without furniture? Furniture is made by a carpenter. Woodworking has its own special tools. This is a plane, a chisel, a chisel, and, of course, a saw! In many families, adults themselves do carpentry work - they make shelves, stools. Children love to help their dads: give tools, collect shavings.

Fresh shavings smell like forest! Right before your eyes, the boards turn into some useful little thing! Good carpenters make things of extraordinary beauty from wood. Cabinet makers are especially valued. They make the most beautiful furniture out of precious woods. These are real woodworkers!

The current profession of carpentry is currently acquiring new spheres of influence. Basically, a carpenter is an employee of construction or repair and construction organizations, providing all kinds of wood processing services. Moreover, his competence also includes the development of sketches and templates for plastering work.

HISTORY OF THE PROFESSION WORKER: Among all the materials used in industry, wood is the simplest and most convenient to work with. It is thanks to this fact that the profession of a woodworker has been developing since time immemorial, having found substantive confirmation in the luxurious decor elements of modern historical monuments of architectural art. However, if earlier the work was more individual and provided to order, the profession of a carpenter is becoming more widespread and accessible to all segments of the population. The demand for the profession today is quite high, especially when providing services for the manufacture of doors, window structures with further development and installation of all necessary fasteners and equipping them with locks, latches or bolts. The creation of furniture is the second area of ​​application of carpentry skills, which, often moving from the status of a hobby to the main occupation, can bring a tangible income to the master.

HOW TO BECOME A JOINER: You can get an education by profession in the relevant specialties of technical schools, colleges and other professional educational institutions. The profession of a carpenter can be both mass, if the employee works in production, or unique, if the master combines not only the creation of a product, but also its modeling, while acting as a decorator. Anyway, given profession requires excellent physical health, the presence of joint-muscular sensitivity, attentiveness and, of course, a penchant for woodworking. Along with this, the carpenter must have deep knowledge in the field of processing methods for different types of wood, as well as be able to correct possible defects in wood. For productive work, you also need to study the latest technology work with wood, as well as follow the latest in the field of equipment.


Hammer in work needed,
And the carpenter is friendly with the saw.
He sawed the boards
And he made a birdhouse.



There are such workers joiners and carpenters! Are these lessons necessary, relevant? What do carpenters do? Let's find out!

The profession of a carpenter-joiner is one of the most respected and oldest. Make from wood various items, as well as build dwellings, people guessed a long time ago.

Wood is one of the most convenient materials for processing, it is much easier to process than, for example, stone. In addition, the tree is beautiful, environmentally friendly, neat and convenient.

The one who works with wood is what a carpenter and joiner is. In the old days, there was a fairly clear division: carpenters were engaged in procurement work, took part in the manufacture of load-bearing structures in construction, and built houses. Their work was considered more rough and forceful. Joiners were engaged in the manufacture of smaller items, such as furniture, decoration details, dishes. Currently, there is no strict division, you can choose the direction you like.

The specialty of a joiner-carpenter is not an anachronism, but quite modern profession. Woodworkers are in great demand in construction, they perform work on the mechanical processing of wood, carve out various parts and elements from it, make Construction Materials and support structures.

Carpenters are involved in the construction and repair of housing, bridges and other buildings and structures. They build walls, ceilings and partitions, as well as rafters, beams, trusses, scaffolding, floor panels, walkways and fences.

Carpenters and joiners work in furniture production, as well as in enterprises engaged in the manufacture of wooden windows, doors and other wood products.

Wooden houses are a wonderful habitat for a person, especially in modern realities, when people have learned to overcome the main drawback of this material - its fire hazard. Now there are special refractory compositions that impregnate wooden structures and structures, as well as interior details and even furniture. This is also included in the scope of professional skills of a carpenter / joiner, among others.

Features of the specialty carpenter-joinera

Pros: high demand, the ability to choose an interesting area of ​​activity, to master related work.

Cons: high requirements for endurance, physical fitness, injury risk.

It is not recommended to work as a carpenter or joiner for those who have diseases nervous system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision and hearing, those who have allergies.

Skills required for the profession of a carpenter-joiner: the ability to use tools, both manual and electrified, including the ability to work with woodworking machines, the ability to work with timber, the ability to read drawings and take control measurements, the ability to make and assemble parts of a wooden structure.

Also, a wood worker must correctly select the material for work, taking into account the characteristics of the tree species and the properties of the tree.

Individual qualities for the profession of carpenter: technical mindset, endurance, ability to concentrate, three-dimensional imagination, good eye, good vestibular apparatus, organization, attentiveness.

At the same time, the variety of opportunities in this profession is much greater than one might assume without delving into the details. A carpenter does not only rough and monotonous physical work, there is also a creative moment in his work.

The creation of wooden architecture or unique author's furniture, interiors - this is the field for the application of the artistic abilities of the worker. Specialties such as cabinet maker have always been considered and are still considered elite, good masters of their craft will never sit without orders. Those wishing to make themselves exclusive furniture or a box as a gift will be recorded in the queue. As well as experienced carpenters who can build a beautiful log house, like hot cakes. The price also includes experienced carpenters and restorers. The rumor about such masters always goes ahead of them. The skills of a carpenter joiner are among the most versatile. The ability to process wood can be applied in various industries industry, in private practice.

Where to study the profession of a joiner-carpenter?

You can learn carpentry and joinery both in secondary vocational schools, and in courses, seminars or in the process practical work adopting the experience of more advanced colleagues. The most convenient way to get a profession is different for everyone.

It can be said that the skills of a carpenter-joiner are not only good in terms of professional implementation, but also useful in Everyday life. Even if you work in a different field, the ability to work with your hands and make something unique for yourself and your family and friends will come in very handy.

If you need to build a wooden house, call a carpenter, and if you need to furnish a log house or any other dwelling with wood items, you will need a carpenter.

Medium wage: 40000 rubles per month




entry barrier


A carpenter is a worker who specializes in the processing of different types of wood and the creation of a wide range of mass and unique products from it.

Excursion into history

Wood was one of the first natural materials that people began to use in their everyday life due to its malleability and availability. There is archaeological evidence that the profession of carpenter existed already in Ancient Egypt. Initially, the best craftsmen carried out the orders of rich and influential people, later their products became publicly available.

The word “carpenter” came to Russian around the 18th century from Polish, in which stolarz is a derivational tracing paper from the German tishler (tish means table, and -ler is a suffix indicating the character). Then the craftsmen worked only with furniture, but over time, the list of products has noticeably expanded.

Description of the profession

So, who is a carpenter today. It is believed that the modern representative of this profession has a higher level of skill than that which produces mainly building materials or large (usually simple) structures from solid wood.

The carpenter is engaged in more delicate work, he makes a variety of wood products, including in combination with other materials:

  • cabinet furniture;
  • doors;
  • window frames;
  • skirting boards and cornices;
  • hangers;
  • parquet;
  • stairs;
  • various carved decorations (figurines, picture frames, children's toys).

Most often, carpenters work in furniture factories and workshops, but it also happens that their services are needed. industrial enterprises aircraft and shipbuilding industry for the manufacture of some parts or models for testing in a wind tunnel. Usually craftsmen specialize in certain profiles: in the manufacture of furniture, musical instruments, ship parts, doors and windows. Cabinetmakers work with rare woods and restore antiques.

In his work, the master uses techniques such as planing, sawing, carving, turning, gluing. To do this, he uses a number of familiar hand tools: an ax, a planer, a chisel, a saw, a jigsaw, a jointer, a grinder. There are also rarer ones, for example, a thickness gauge, fillet, grubbel or yarunok.

What specialties to study

To master the profession of a carpenter, it is enough to graduate from a technical school or college. You can opt for the following specialties:

  • master of carpentry and furniture production;
  • master of carpentry, parquet and glass works;
  • dry builder.

In all secondary vocational schools, applicants are admitted on the basis of a competition of certificates. You can apply after 9th and 11th grade.

The best colleges for learning

As an example, several colleges and technical schools that produce qualified carpenters from their walls:

  • College of industry technologies "Krasnoderevets" (St. Petersburg). Furniture makers, parquet makers, glaziers, construction joiners are trained here. There are profiles on woodworking technologies and the manufacture of artistic products. You can enter after 9, 11, and for some specialties even after the 8th grade of school. Ssuz cooperates with many educational institutions North of Russia.
  • Educational complex of urban planning "Capital" (Moscow). Woodworkers are trained at the Zyablikovo department. After grade 9, you can get a diploma in 2 years and 10 months. Among the social partners of the college are Mospromstroy CJSC, Ekopromdizayn LLC, Zhilischnik State Budgetary Institution of various city districts, and the Morton group of companies.
  • The Tyumen Forestry Technical School provides enterprises and institutions of the region with carpenters, joiners, parquet workers and window makers. The services of graduates are used by Tyumen Plywood Plant LLC, Uporovskaya Furniture Factory OJSC, Mebel Group PK LLC, Intedi furniture factory.
  • Okhta College (St. Petersburg) is one of the oldest professional institutions in Russia. It runs training programs for carpenters and woodworkers.
  • The Pskov College of Industrial Technologies and Services at the construction department provides professional knowledge and skills to carpenters and joiners without obtaining a general secondary education. This allows you to reduce the training period to 1 year and 10 months. AT multifunctional center applied qualifications, you can additionally master the profession of floor parquet in 144 academic hours.

In colleges, students receive a general secondary education, as well as a good theoretical basis for working with different types of wood (including exotic ones). Some prefer to go directly to production as an assistant foreman and receive the necessary practical skills right at the workplace. This path makes it possible to quickly enter the profession, but reputable enterprises will not hire an employee without a diploma from a technical school or college.

Responsibilities at work

The duties of a carpenter include:

  • selection of the necessary wood raw materials, taking into account its condition and wood species;
  • processing of selected raw materials with the help of manual and electric tools;
  • cooking glue on your own or choosing the right one from factory mixtures;
  • production of small solid products or individual parts with subsequent assembly (for example, furniture);
  • polishing, grinding of parts, their tarring, painting or varnishing;
  • installation of finished products (including door and window frames of any complexity, doors and windows);
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • roofing, covering wooden elements with roofing felt, felt or other materials;
  • assembly of fences, parquets, board floors, stairs, railings, etc.

The duties of a specialist are prescribed in job description, based on the characteristics of production. For each qualification category (there are 6 in total), a specific functionality is indicated. The higher the category, the more complex and responsible work can be entrusted to the master. So, only carpenters of 4-6 categories can work on figured products.

In general, when applying for a job, a candidate is required to: professional knowledge and skills:

  • knowledge different types wood, their main properties and scope;
  • methods of their processing and marking, manufacturing of various carpentry structures and products;
  • experience in the use, adjustment and sharpening of hand and electric tools, woodworking machines;
  • the ability to read drawings, sketches or sketches, and, if necessary, create them yourself;
  • skill in the selection and installation of suitable mounting hardware;
  • finishing with facing materials of walls and ceilings on the base frame;
  • the ability to repair wooden products.

The labor market now requires joiners both for the mass production of standard wood products (windows, parquet, stairs, fences) and for creating unique things from precious woods (carved door panels, picture frames). High-class cabinetmakers often work to order, decorating the homes of the rich and famous.

Who suits

Joiners are mostly men, although there are no legal barriers for women. There are certain health restrictions for everyone: functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, primarily of the arms and back, as well as problems with vision, respiratory tract, and a tendency to allergies to dust or chemicals.

To deal well with your professional duties, the carpenter will need a set of personal qualities, which includes:

  • endurance and good physical health;
  • responsibility and patience;
  • accuracy and scrupulousness;
  • developed eye and coordination of movements;
  • artistic taste and creativity;
  • understanding of proportions and overall composition.

Pros and cons

Advantages of the profession: demand in industry and everyday life, good earnings. In addition, there is the possibility of earning additional income on part-time jobs on ads or recommendations (the main carpentry tool that will be required to complete orders is relatively inexpensive).

Disadvantages: constant noise, vibration, the possibility of industrial injury: hands most often suffer from careless use of tools and eyes (damaged by chips or chips) when sawing, grinding and during other production operations. Vapors from applied varnishes and paints also have a bad effect on the respiratory system and skin. To avoid these troubles, carpenters must strictly follow the safety rules, work in special clothes (suit or gown), use goggles, earplugs, sleeves, gloves.

How much do they get

The average salary of a carpenter in Russia is about 40 thousand rubles a month. If the master is also a carpenter, then he can count on several more income. Cabinetmakers receive 50-60 thousand rubles. Good specialists are most in demand in regions where there are large furniture factories and woodworking enterprises (Tambov, Kaluga, Tula, Yaroslavl regions and the city of Moscow).

How to build a career

The carpenter can gradually increase his qualifying category gaining experience and learning more. With a certificate of assignment of the 6th category, you can become a foreman. For engineering and higher managerial positions (for example, foreman or shop manager), you need a diploma of higher education in the construction or management field.

A construction carpenter is a general construction worker who specializes in carpentry and assembly work, the manufacture of simple joinery rods and joinery blanks, the manufacture and assembly of joinery of varying complexity, repairs joinery, manages teams of carpenters in the construction, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

In accordance with the ETKS and depending on the category, the construction carpenter performs the following work:

  • 2nd category: Selection and sorting of lumber. Procurement of bars for joinery in size by hand with a sharp planer, longitudinal and transverse sawing. Cooking wood glue.
  • 3rd category: Wood processing with electrified tools and manually. Manufacture and installation of simple joinery. Manufacture by hand and installation of rectilinear carpentry rods, rectilinear handrails of a simple profile. Production of straight blanks of joinery products using mechanized tools or manually. Cleaning parts after machining. Installation of overhead window and door devices with fitting in place. Installation of a sealing cord in twin bindings. Cutting branches and resins.
  • 4th category: Carpentry work in the production of general construction work. Manufacture of parts and assembly from them of door panels and window casings of a rectilinear shape of all types. Assembly and repair of straight transoms, window sashes, blind sashes for civil and industrial buildings. Vgonka deaf covers and transoms. Installation of panel partitions. Installation of door and window blocks, window sills and mounting bars. Installation with fitting in place of simple mortise and partially mortise devices (door rollers with slats, turntable bells, door and window handles, transverse latches, etc.). Assembly and installation of protective decorative radiator grilles. Assembly and installation of built-in furniture in residential buildings. Wall cladding with chipboard. Carpentry work during the installation of grain processing equipment. Manufacture of platforms and floorings for straight branch pipes, gravity flow parts, hangers and brackets for mounting grain processing equipment during its installation.
  • 5th category: Carpentry work in the production of general construction work. Manufacture and installation of rounded handrails. Production, assembly and installation of semi-circular bindings and boxes. Fitting and hanging with inset hinges of window frames and door panels. Marking according to sketches and making templates for plastering and molds for stucco work. Installation with fitting in place of complex mortise and partially mortise devices (through bolts, fanlight devices, locks with a rotary handle and automatic, etc.). Carpentry work during the installation of grain processing equipment. Manufacture and installation of round and shaped pipes, boxes of parts for gravity pipelines, troughs for augers, tray descent and receiving tables, frames for technological grain processing equipment.
  • 6th category: Carpentry work in the production of general construction work. Manufacture, installation and restoration repair of complex figured and curved handrails, skirting boards, architraves, balusters, cornices and other products made of hard and valuable wood. Installation of artistic wood panels on walls without carvings. Installation of wooden spiral staircases. Carpentry work during the installation of grain processing equipment. Manufacture and installation of heads, shoes and pipes of elevators, over-roll boxes, cones under rolling, aspiration boxes and channels for rolling, collectors and drags, screw descents, branch pipes, wooden structures for suspension of heavy grain processing equipment.