Your own business idea. What kind of business is better to open a novice entrepreneur

After Russia's transition to the rails of a market economy, the rapid development of business began in the country. However, to date, there are problems in the field of business cooperation regarding the movement and delivery of raw materials, finance, information and finished products. The issues of organizing all these processes relate to the work of the logistics departments of the enterprise and individual logistics companies. Such events, despite their apparent ease, are quite complex and time-consuming. That is why work in logistics requires not only experience in this area, but also a significant amount of knowledge.

Concept definition

What does the term "logistics" mean? It means managing the flow of information, finance and goods. In this regard, the work in logistics lies in finding the most rational way to move the product in the chain, the initial link of which is the manufacturer, and the final link is the recipient or consumer. The complexity of this process lies in the need to organize strict control. It should be conducted from the moment of receipt of the application and information about upcoming movements to the release of finished products, their storage in a warehouse and delivery.

What is the job (logistics)? A specialist who has to solve such problems must build the process in such a way that the enterprise receives maximum profit while incurring minimal costs. But at the same time, you will need to save money wisely. After all, the buyer is determined to receive a product of the highest quality, which has a reasonable cost for him. In addition, all movement of products must be carried out within deadlines that provide for maintaining the required level of quality of service.

Subject, goals and objectives

So, we have considered the concept of logistics. The tasks and functions of logistics, as well as its subject and goals, follow directly from the definition given above. Let's start with the subject of this science. In logistics, it is the management exercised over the resource flows of an individual enterprise, as well as control over the state of raw materials, materials and goods. This is the purpose of this discipline. It consists in increasing the efficiency of the organization, which is possible when finding ways to maximize the beneficial movement of funds, finances and goods.

All work performed in logistics is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • manage the movement of goods;
  • exercise control over organized flows of information, finance, services and finished products;
  • predict the need of the enterprise for resources;
  • plan the movement of material assets.

They represent an enlarged group of operations for the delivery of goods, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve the set goals. Their list includes:

  • work on the formation of economic relations necessary to resolve the issue of the supply of goods or the provision of services, as well as their development, rationalization and adjustment;
  • determination of directions and volumes of values;
  • calculation of predictive estimates of the need for transportation;
  • placement, development and organization of warehousing at the enterprise;
  • determination of the optimal route for the movement of goods through the places of their storage;
  • in the field of circulation;
  • carrying out transportation and related operations along the route of the cargo;
  • performance of such operations as marking and packaging, loading and preliminary preparation for it;
  • management of operations for the acceptance and storage of cargo, as well as the organization of its movement in small batches.

All of the above logistic functions are characterized by two main features. They are concluded that:

  • the whole complex of works is subordinated to the achievement of a single goal;
  • the carriers of all these functions are the subjects - participants in the logistics process.

When can an assessment of the effectiveness of the work done be given? The functions of the logistics service in the enterprise are evaluated only at the stage of achieving the final goal.

Creation of a department that manages the movement of goods

The role of logistics in the work of a modern industrial enterprise is quite large. That is why the management of any company should take care of creating a department that will systematize the processes of moving goods. Such a division, located in the structure of the enterprise, should introduce into the daily life of the enterprise. The service should be directly subordinate to the head of the company.

Enterprises that have such a department combine all the functions, without which it is impossible to effectively fulfill orders, into a powerful mechanism, with the help of which tasks of any complexity are solved at a professional level and with great responsibility. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that work in the logistics department should not be a substitute for the activities of the relevant structural units. Organizationally, all links in the management of the company should be built in such a way as to interact with the service dealing with the movement of material assets. This, in turn, will optimize operations and ensure the sustainability of the enterprise.

Department tasks

AT official duties logistics service specialists are not obliged to eliminate failures, as well as to resolve conflict situations and emerging problems. Their function is to coordinate and analyze the implementation of large blocks of tasks. Management in logistics is the coordination of operations aimed at achieving the main goal of the enterprise.

The department that coordinates the movement of goods must work closely with all the functional divisions of the company, optimizing their activities and creating a certain systemic stability for the company.

Directions of influence

The logistics department, being a separate structure in the enterprise, influences the solution of the following issues:

  • interaction customs services, tax inspectorates and other state bodies;
  • processing incoming order information, existing clients, delivery points, as well as its rethinking in order to optimize the movement of goods;
  • raw material reserves, since one of the tasks facing the logistician is the timely and uninterrupted provision of customers with products, which requires control over its release;
  • purchase (it is under the control of the logistics department, as it affects the sales process).

Despite the wide range of tasks assigned to the department, work in logistics does not mean a physical replacement of the corresponding functional divisions companies. After all, as a rule, the volume and quantity of orders can be such that they simply do not allow a specialist designed to coordinate the flows of material assets to cover all facets of deliveries in detail and with high quality. That is why it is so important to understand what is order management, and other relevant departments of the enterprise should coordinate these processes.

Examples of using

How in demand is this specialty? Logistics is an indispensable link that is necessary at any stage entrepreneurial activity. An example of this is the organization of food production:

  1. The first step is business planning. At the same time, logistics allows you to correctly calculate the benefits of locating production in a selected location. Only a specialist in this area will be able to answer the question of whether the activity will be rational from the standpoint of the cost of delivering raw materials, as well as in connection with the remoteness from their locations. It should be borne in mind that the tasks that the entrepreneur sets for the logistician must be resolved as soon as possible.
  2. After the opening of production and the start of production of finished products, it will be necessary to organize its marketing. Logistics planning is a very important process. Especially when it comes to perishable products such as bread, milk, sausages. Indeed, in this case, the speed and smoothness of the sales process will ultimately contribute to the absence of losses of the enterprise. In addition, at the stage when relationships with customers are still being formed, it becomes very important to deliver the goods at the desired time.
  3. Sales management. At this stage, close interaction between the logistics department and other structural divisions of the enterprise is carried out. He works most closely with marketing. Management in logistics is the organization of the coordinated activities of all company structures, which will ensure the complete and accurate fulfillment of the tasks set.


Work in logistics requires a large number of operations. This is the versatility of this activity, which is necessary for the following:

  • concluding and monitoring the implementation of contracts with buyers and suppliers;
  • organization of transportation (sometimes delivery of the required materials);
  • control of stock management of the enterprise;
  • resolving issues arising with customs authorities;
  • analysis of existing market needs;
  • development and conclusion of contracts with customers, which take into account the legal and legal aspects.

Communication with the marketing service

The work of a specialist in the movement of goods, as well as the one who sells it, is especially closely related at the stage of selling the manufactured products. At the same time, the ultimate goal of the activities of the logistics and marketing departments is to increase sales volumes while organizing the most high-quality implementation process. In doing so, the following general tasks are solved:

  • organizing and building a network that distributes the shipment of goods depending on their demand, as well as minimizing costs;
  • the choice of packaging and containers for the goods so that they attract the client and ensure the integrity of the cargo;
  • development pricing policy, which will allow you to change the cost of goods both in the direction of its decrease, and in the direction of increase.

Goods movement management

What exactly does an employee whose specialty is logistics?

He, being in the organizational service of the enterprise, does the following:

  • develops optimal routes that allow the delivery of goods with the maximum full load of transport, in as soon as possible and maintaining the required quality of goods;
  • holds necessary calculations, aimed at reducing transportation costs, which can be done when using one vehicle that delivers several consignments of goods at once in one direction;
  • responsible for the safety of the goods during their transportation, which is ensured by the safety of the route, fast loading and unloading of products, as well as the calculation of humidity and temperature conditions of transportation;
  • effectively interacts with other structural divisions of the company, which allows you to increase profits, reduce costs and increase profitability.

Tasks of logistics services

Infrastructure large enterprise sometimes it consists of a whole complex of individual objects located at a considerable distance from each other. In this regard, the logistics department is a different service that controls certain areas of the company. For example, their work may relate to the transport of goods and warehousing material values. With such services, it consists in organizing the normal functioning of all chains connecting the objects of the enterprise and ensuring their competent interaction.

So, the transport logistician is working on planning routes, and also establishes the procedure for moving goods. He prepares everything Required documents, which accompany the goods, and exercises subsequent control over all stages of the movement of material assets. In addition, such a specialist deals with the issues of insurance of transported commodity values, and also prepares customs documents.

Equally important is the work in warehouse logistics. It represents the organization of the activities of all terminals and complexes responsible for the storage of products and materials. The duties of such a logistician include the issues of determining the order of not only placement, but also storage of products. In addition, he must form a clear scheme that allows timely processing of commodity and material values. An experienced warehousing logistician is able to select storage equipment and organize effective use available usable space.


Logistics managers, as a rule, begin their activities as an assistant. This is an assistant who prepares the necessary documentation, as well as processing various information for each stage of the movement of material values.

At this stage of work, a person can determine the area of ​​​​activity in which his future career as a logistician will develop. However, in order to rise to the highest professional level, you will need a diploma confirming the receipt higher education. What should it be? There are universities that provide specialized education, but, in addition, economists and customs specialists can apply for the position of a logistician.

The most demanded among employers are logisticians who have received international certificates and completed advanced training courses. At the same time, a good manager must have excellent analytical and organizational skills. When working with foreign partners, you will also need knowledge of a foreign language.

Only a responsible person can become a manager working in logistics, because he will be responsible for ensuring the continuous operation of the entire company. In addition, such a specialist should have good communication skills and easily establish contacts with people. In work, he will also need such a quality as stress resistance. After all, such a specialist is under constant pressure from carriers, suppliers and management.

AT modern conditions to solve many production problems related to the transportation of goods by sea vessels, the provisions of system analysis, mathematical methods and models, achievements information technologies. These elements of different sciences have found the most complete expression in logistics. Logistics is both a science and practice of integral management of material and accompanying information flows from the points of their origin to the points of redemption (destination).

The overall goal of logistics management counts minimization of total costs to bring the finished product to the end consumer. The principal idea of ​​this approach is as follows. The price of any product is most often based on the total cost of its production and delivery to its destination. They usually consist of the following costs: for the purchase and delivery of raw materials and components to the place of production, for the processing of raw materials and the manufacture of finished products, for their storage with the manufacturer and seller, the costs of transporting finished products to the buyer, etc. At each of these stages of the movement of material flows, responsible persons solved particular problems of minimizing the corresponding costs. For this, methods of inventory management theory, operations research, mathematical statistics and others. However, such an attempt to "step-by-step" cost minimization does not give the effect necessary for the seller to successfully operate in the conditions of fierce price competition in the market. Therefore, the further development of the logistics concept is aimed at integration of all local tasks into single system in such a way that the solution of each of them is linked to the solution of other tasks and is subject to a common system goal.

In this way, home common goal logistics is an achievement with least cost maximum adaptability to a changing market environment, increasing its share in it and gaining advantages over competitors. common task logistics is also to create an integrated effective system regulation of material and information flows, providing high quality delivery of products. At the same time, computerization, the development of a network of electronic data exchange with consumers are considered by manufacturing firms as an important source of realizing the possibilities of logistics in increasing profits. So, for example, by improving the information processing systems that link the administration, logistics departments and suppliers of the company, it is possible to reduce the level of raw material stocks by 15-20 times.

Logistics comes from the Greek word "logistike", which means the art of calculating, reasoning. The history of the emergence and development of practical logistics goes back to the distant past. There is evidence that even in the period of the Roman Empire, there were ministers who bore the title of "logists" or "logistics" and were engaged in the distribution of food. In the military lexicon Western countries logistics was the activity of providing the armed forces with materiel, maintaining their supplies and evacuating troops. Some experts believe that thanks to the military, logistics has become a science.

Jominy, a military specialist of the early 19th century, is considered the creator of the first scientific works on logistics, who defined logistics as "the practical art of moving troops." It included in logistics not only transportation, but also a wide range of other issues - planning, management and supply, determining the location of troops, as well as the construction of bridges and roads. It is known that some provisions of logistics were used by Napoleon's army. Logistics methods were applied during the years of the Second World War in the field of logistics of the US Army.

Over time, logistics moved from the military field to the sphere of economic affairs. At present, different countries have developed their own logistics schools and adopted their own formulations of the concept of "logistics". According to some respected scholars, logistics is the integration of transportation and production processes with the necessary information processes, including loading and unloading, transport and other operations. French logistics experts interpret it as "a set of various kinds activities in order to obtain at the lowest cost the required quantity of products at a specified time and in a specified place in which there is a specific need for this product. It is believed that logistics requires the coordination of all systems for the movement of materials and finished products, both within the enterprise and outside it. As a result, it allows you to manage material flows from the moment of procurement of products to implementation in the physical, informational and organizational sense. In the most generalized form, logistics is understood as the art of managing material flows from the primary source to the consumer.

Modern logistics contains several interrelated functional areas, namely:

· supply logistics- optimization of procurement processes on the market for the necessary raw materials, materials, parts;

· production logistics- organization of material production, optimization of tool flow, maintenance and repair schemes;

· transport logistics- selection of optimal routes of movement Vehicle, improvement of operations for the transfer of cargo from one mode of transport to another, warehousing of cargo in the process of transportation;

· warehouse Logistics- solves problems in the production storage of inventories;

· distribution logistics- management of commodity flows in the field of sales.

Each of these areas of logistics has received sufficient development in the scientific and practical sense. However, the problem of their integration into a single system has so far been solved only conceptually, and research in this direction continues. An integral part of all types of logistics is the presence of an information flow ( information logistics), which includes the collection of data on the flow of goods, their transfer, processing and issuance of basic information to users.

Main supply logistics functions is the planning, regulation and control of the provision of the main production necessary materials and raw materials at the lowest cost. Production logistics functions are to achieve a high degree of synchronization of the work of all production units with a minimum stock of production purposes. Main purpose of distribution logistics covering the transport sector is to ensure the timely and safe delivery of finished products by ensuring the planning, implementation and control of the movement of goods. There is a connection and interdependence between these types of logistics.

In particular, in the last decade of the last century, the work of freight forwarders began to be based on the principles of logistics: ensuring the economical and rational delivery of goods (from raw materials to the finished product) in the required quantity and in guaranteed terms. This turned out to be possible when the following were achieved: ensuring the connection of the computers of commodity producers with the computers of agents and forwarders, including using telespace communications, the exchange between them of paperless electronic documentation and information (EDIFACT system) and the adoption of optimal operational decisions using computers.

Experience shows that the use of logistics principles can significantly reduce the cost of production by: reducing various "reserves" by delivering raw materials, semi-finished products, components to the workplace at the conveyor during installation according to the minute schedule; reducing the cost of packaging and labeling due to the use of containers and returnable packaging; reducing the time of pre-sale preparation of goods; use of paperless documentation; reducing the cost of assembling and installing equipment, using ships with horizontal or dock loading and unloading for transportation (ships of the RO-RO and RO-FLOW type).

In advanced economies, consideration is given to four successive stages (levels) of development of logistics systems.

For first stage The development of logistics is characterized by such signs. The scope of the logistics system usually covers the organization of storage of finished products and their transportation to the consumer. The operation of the system is estimated by the value of the costs of transportation and other operations for the distribution of products in the total revenue from the sale of goods.

For second level The development of logistics systems is characterized by the management of the flow of goods from the last point of the production line to the final consumer. At this level, logistics performs the following functions: customer service, order processing, storage of finished products at the enterprise, stock management of finished products, advanced planning operation of logistics systems.

logistics system third level characterize logistics operations from the purchase of raw materials to servicing a particular consumer. In addition to the second level, the functions of the system are expanded by the delivery of raw materials, sales forecasting, the purchase of raw materials, the management of stocks of raw materials or work in progress, and the design of logistics systems.

For fourth level development of logistics systems, logistics functions are basically similar to the third level, while they integrate the processes of planning and controlling operations of logistics, marketing, production and finance. Integration helps to link the often conflicting goals of different departments of the company.

The most promising logistics system is the "Just in time" (LT) system. This is a logistics system in production, supply and distribution, based on the synchronization of the delivery of materials and finished products in the required quantities and to the point in time when the links of the logistics system need them, in order to minimize the costs associated with the creation of stocks. This largely eliminates the need for warehousing products and associated costs.

At present, in the main developed countries, the use of logistics is at different levels. A survey of 500 large Western European companies (26% of German companies, 20% of Holland, 17% of Great Britain, 16% of France, 11% of Belgium and 10% of Italy), representing 30 various industries economy, revealed the percentage of firms at each stage of development of logistics.

About 57% of surveyed firms are in the first stage, characterized by irregular organization and daily planning of logistics. At the second stage, 20% of companies plan logistics activities for a week. The third and fourth stages of development are characterized by the introduction of an integrated logistics system covering the delivery of goods from material suppliers to end consumers of finished products. Only 23% of 500 companies are at these stages of logistics development.

A particular task of logistics can be the creation of minimum inventory and the maximum reduction in the time of storage and transportation of goods. An example of the optimal solution to the problem of "delivery batch minimization - delivery price - delivery speed" is the activity of the American transport and postal company Federal Express. At the end of the 20th century, her income reached 7 billion dollars, and her net profit was 117 million dollars. The company's planes deliver annually 1 million 250 thousand parcels to 127 countries of the world. The success was facilitated by logistical and marketing development, which led to the offer of the next morning parcel delivery service to the recipient. Ensuring the reliability of the delivery of items also led to a significant increase in prices for postal services. However, for clients, the main thing turned out to be the delivery of valuable packages to business partners under the JIT "just in time" scheme. Using a network of national transport schedule systems, the company reduced the number of completed shipments to achieve the goal of JIT, but gained in accuracy in delivery times and increased service prices.

According to the World trade organization In 2003, the world leadership in trade was maintained by the United States, whose trade with other countries reached $2 trillion. $29.6 billion. In second place is Germany (1 trillion 350.1 billion dollars), although in terms of exports it overtakes the United States (748.4 billion against 724 billion dollars). Japan ranks third ($854.9 billion), but very close to it is China ($851.2 billion), which is already the third largest importer. In 2003, Chinese exports increased by 35% and imports by 40%. The main reason for the rapid growth of China's foreign trade turnover is the penetration into the country attracted by relatively cheap labor force, numerous foreign companies that are building many new factories. In 2002, in terms of the scale of direct investment, China overtook the world leader, the United States. By production personal computers and video players China came out on top in the world. Increasing the production of various goods in the economically developed countries of the world and, as a result, a further increase in volumes international trade necessitate the use of transport logistics in all major areas of cargo transportation, including with the participation of maritime transport.

The development of ideas, the exchange of experience and the definition of scientific and practical approaches to the strategy and tactics of logistics in the developed countries of the world are carried out by national and international specialized societies and associations that unite industrial firms and scientific organizations. Such associations have their own research centers involved in the analysis of situations in industry, advisory departments, information banks, training centers etc. In some countries there are several national associations. At present, there are more than 20 national associations in Europe alone that are members of European Association of Logistics. They hold various meetings, consultations, exhibitions and other events.

The analysis of foreign sources testifies to the huge impact of logistics on the successful activities of firms. Managers of American and Western European companies, including shipping companies, believe that logistics is essential to achieve competitiveness. It plays an important role in developing the strategy of firms. Now logistics is not considered a function of the service sector, but a source that contributes to the increase equity participation market and profit. At the end of the 20th century, the achievements in increasing the income of many firms were associated with the use of logistics principles.

Transport logistics

A comprehensive analysis of the tasks that are solved within the framework of logistics shows what big role in the organization of the movement of material flows plays transport, including maritime. It is transport that ensures the movement of units of these flows in space. The achievement of the global goal of logistics is largely ensured by technical and technological improvement of the types of vehicles related to individual modes of transport, improvement of technical devices and technology for transferring goods from one mode of transport to another, optimization of routes and traffic schedules of vehicles, optimization of port operation modes. terminals, etc. In turn, this causes the need for further development of transport logistics and, in particular, the creation of transport and logistics systems. Such systems are organized to ensure the required speed of promotion of goods with minimal total cost. They include actual carriers, forwarding and agency companies, various intermediaries, banking and insurance institutions, research centers, etc. Since material and information flows are carried out in time and space by means of transport and communication, it became necessary to allocate transport logistics, designed to solve the issues of choosing vehicles for transporting products, delivery schemes and optimizing transportation routes. The final product of transport logistics is a cargo delivered on time, safely and with minimal costs of all means. Currently transport logistics is an applied science of organization traffic flows cargo in accordance with the requirements of the customer and the end-to-end transportation process of goods from the time of production to the place of consumption. In this way, task of transport logistics is to reduce to a minimum the total cost of transporting products, which often amount to up to 50% with a new quality of delivery transport services.

The emergence of transport logistics, in addition to the above, is also due to a number of prerequisites, which are explained by the special role of the transport industry in the global economy. Transport quickly responds to the negative aspects of the development of the economy and its industries, to the intensification of the globalization process. The crisis phenomena in the transport sector in the 70s and then in the 90s of the last century (low efficiency, environmental cleanliness requirements, high accident rate and costs) and the increased demands of consumers of transport services were the impetus for the development of logistics in the transport industry.

Transport is the main link between production and consumption, so it ceases to be a separate sector of the economy and acts as a producer of a wide range of transport and logistics services. Logistics provides a "docking" of two areas of activity based on relevant information: global consumer demand and national economy for transport services and offers put forward by transport companies. In the supply-demand system, the transport component offers different forms and modes of transport interoperability to better meet the changing needs of the clientele for transport services and to improve the efficiency of the use of transport resources.

Transport services, including maritime transport, are defined as a type of transport activity aimed at meeting the needs of people and characterized by the presence of the necessary technological, economic, information, legal and resource support. Under transport service It means not only the actual transportation of goods or passengers, but any operation that is not part of the transportation process, but related to its preparation and implementation.

Transport services include:

● transportation of goods and passengers;

· loading and unloading operations (loading, unloading, reloading, transfer of passengers, intra-warehouse operations);

storage of goods;

preparation of means of transport (vessels);

Provision of vehicles on a lease basis;

· haul (delivery) of new and repaired vehicles;

other services.

Logistics(including transport) services are based on following provisions and rules:

Each service provided is unique to the recipient;

Ultimately, nothing remains of the rendered service, except for the perception of information;

the service cannot be recycled;

services cannot be accumulated “in reserve”;

the service rendered cannot be repaired;

the service rendered cannot be performed again;

The memory of a good service is fleeting, a bad service will be remembered for a long time.

AT recent times The importance of logistics services is constantly increasing, the service industry is expanding and more and more companies and workers are involved in it. A number of logistics intermediaries are becoming service enterprises, in which services are inextricably linked with the promotion and sale of goods.

In the past, the very process of moving goods was not given enough attention, which led to a shortage of vehicles, congestion of highways, limited storage facilities, an excessive amount of service personnel. As a result, the main component of transportation - the cargo was often moved to its destination for months, stored in unsuitable conditions, deteriorated, damaged, and sometimes completely disappeared.

In modern market economy the main thing is not only the cargo, but also the method of its speedy delivery and safety. Therefore, it was necessary to move to new logistical methods of managing, managing and bringing the transport infrastructure in line with the requirements of the customer and modern technology.

Components of transport logistics are cargo, modes of transport, warehouses and terminals and all types of provision and maintenance. The development of transport logistics has significantly modified these components. In particular, freight forwarding services have transformed into the form of an integrated operator of intermodal transportation, and warehouses and terminals have transformed into logistics centers, which have become the main structural unit of transport logistics.

In complex freight transport systems, the concept of logistics is reduced to the following conditional six rules that define the end goal logistics activities :

cargo ( desired product);

quantity (required quantity);

· time (timeliness of cargo delivery to destination);

place (delivery to Right place);

costs (minimum costs).

If all six conditions are met, the goal of logistics activity is considered to be achieved. But in order to achieve this goal, they optimize material flows and carry out a set of measures to solve logistics problems, the main of which are:

· cargo handling- rationalization of containers, unification of cargo units, packaging and containerization of transportation, the use of an efficient storage system, etc.;

· transport and economic development of cargo delivery schemes- selection of schemes and routes for the delivery of goods, coordination of the parameters of vehicles and cargo units, organization and management of material and information flows, etc.

Logistics systems can be: global(international, transcontinental, state), urban, interregional, as well as in-house(within the enterprise, structural unit).

Figure 8.1. as an example, a simplified diagram of the movement of cargo (mineral fertilizers) in the international logistics system is shown, the elements of which are: the product manufacturer, local carriers (auto and railway enterprises), distribution warehouses, a transshipment complex of the seaport (terminal), a packing complex fertilizers, maritime transport companies involved in the transportation.

Rice. 8.1. Movement of goods in the logistics system.

The logistics system is laid at the heart of the economic strategy transport company as the main tool in the competition and a way to plan, deploy and control financial and human resources.

Field of activity transport logistics covers the following areas:

planning, organization and implementation of rational and cost-effective delivery of goods from the places of its production to the places of consumption;

control over all transport and other operations carried out along the route of goods, using modern means telecommunications and modern information technologies;

Providing the necessary information to cargo owners, forwarders, consignees and other participants in the transport process.

Transport logistics solves the following main tasks:

the choice of the type of transport;

selection of the type of vehicle (railway car, car, ship);

joint planning of the transportation process with warehouse and production and ensuring the unity of technology;

Determination of transportation costs economic efficiency and etc.

Important job task supply chain delivery of goods - choice of transport, the best way adapted for transportation. When choosing vehicles, they proceed from the need to ensure the safety of cargo, the best use of their capacity and reduce transportation costs. To select the optimal mode of transport and delivery scheme for each specific transportation, information about characteristic features cargo, various modes of transport and transportation area.

The level of prices of goods, the timeliness of delivery and their condition at the time of arrival at their destinations depend on the choice of the mode of transport.

When making a decision, they are usually guided by the advantages and disadvantages of various modes of transport.

In the very general view the role of individual modes of transport in the system of international transportation of goods can be assessed on the basis of the following main characteristics.

Sea transport characterized by a relatively low cost of creating and maintaining sea routes and high costs for maintaining devices for initial and final operations (loading and unloading operations, port services for ships, etc.), which limits its competitiveness on short routes. When transporting over long distances, maritime transport has no competitors.

Peculiarity inland water transport- this is the exclusive scope of its activity in the mass transportation of goods in areas where the network of land routes is not sufficiently developed. However, the need to build expensive hydraulic structures and navigable canals on many rivers limits the use of this mode of transport in international transportation of goods.

Geography rail transport limited by existing communication routes. This type of transport is characterized by a high proportion of costs for the maintenance of permanent devices (maintenance of roads, means of communication, artificial structures, etc.).

On the road transport the cost of maintaining permanent devices is relatively low, which makes this mode of transport competitive over short distances. The possibility of delivering cargo from the warehouse of the sender to the warehouse of the recipient, non-reloading operations from one vehicle to another, provides it with the main role in the delivery of goods to a specific consumer.

On the air transport The greatest efficiency is achieved when transporting urgent, valuable and perishable goods over long distances. On long routes, this type of transport becomes quite competitive with respect to road and rail transport.

Pipeline transport characterized by a relatively low cost of transportation and a high level of automation of system loading, pumping and draining. This makes it highly competitive compared to other modes of transport.

As the main criterion for choosing the mode of transport, the total costs of delivery are taken, which are the sum of the tariff for transportation and other related costs of the consumer of transport services. Along with the magnitude of the total costs, it is necessary to take into account the following factors influencing the choice of mode of transport:

1. Type and nature of transported goods. In some cases, there is no choice: perishable goods must be transported by air or in refrigerators. Conversely, air transportation is not allowed for flammable and explosive goods. It should also take into account the presence of heavy and long loads. The main part of international maritime transport is made up of bulk liquid and bulk cargoes - crude oil and oil products, iron ore, coal, grain.

2. Distance and route of transportation. The place of shipment and the final destination are decisive for the choice of mode of transport. In intracontinental transportation, rail and automobile transport, and in intercontinental - maritime and aviation. It has been experimentally established that the most efficient use of railway transport achieved when transporting over a distance of more than 200 km. When transporting packaged goods over a distance of up to 200 km, motor vehicles are the most economical. When transporting liquid and bulk cargoes, regardless of the distance, it is advantageous to use inland waterways.

3. Time factor. An important factor determining the efficiency of the use of various modes of transport is delivery speed. It determines the size and cost of the cargo mass, "dead" in the process of transportation. The time of cargo delivery is affected by the speed of movement, the speed of loading and unloading operations, as well as the time spent on various parking operations along the way (locking, formation of railway and river trains, etc.). Air transport is obviously the most fast way delivery of goods, but it is very expensive.

4. Shipping cost. When choosing a mode of transport on this basis, one should take into account the associated costs for the delivery of goods.

5. Packaging cost. Experience shows that if the packaging of goods exceeds 8% of the cost of transportation, it is necessary to change the mode of transport. The cheapest packaging is required for air transport, and the most expensive for sea transport.

6. The cost of cargo insurance. In air transportation, insurance is usually carried out for a shorter period compared to other modes of transport (especially by sea), which can have a noticeable effect.

7. The cost of cargo delivery to the main transport. For air and sea transport, these costs are usually significant compared to the rail mode of transport.

8. Availability of cargo lines and the frequency of shipment of goods on these lines.

9. Presence of restrictions stipulated in contracts of sale, contracts of carriage and other documents.

10. Customs and national law regulating the work of transport and related enterprises.

Due to the spread of transportation of goods in consolidated places (mixed and combined transport), shippers are increasingly resorting to the simultaneous use of two or more modes of transport. The advantages of these transportations are determined by the advantages caused by the consolidation of goods and their transportation according to the “door-to-door” scheme on the basis of a single document and one operator.

When choosing the optimal cargo delivery scheme, information is used on the characteristics of the cargo, vehicles, transportation costs, formalities, etc. Figure 8.2 shows the main stages in choosing a cargo transportation scheme as an illustration.

Basic logistics principles, implemented in transport are:

delivery of goods "from door to door";

· high speed transportation and minimum delivery time of goods;

the principle of "just in time" and tight deadlines for the delivery of goods;

· intermodal transportation of transit cargoes;

flexible approach to customer requests;

stable traffic schedule and high reliability of delivery;

· frequent shipments, small series and consignments, small warehouses.

According to the scale of the sphere of activity, transport logistics systems are divided into macro- and micrologistics, and the possibility of performing various logistics operations and functions predetermined the division into micro- and macrologistics.

Macrologistics is a set of logistics systems in a limited geographical area. For example, the transport policy of a certain state.

At the regional level, the macro-logistics system includes enterprises and organizations of a transport and service nature involved in the process of delivering goods to a consumer in various countries. These are transnational corporations, firms, territorial production complexes, transport and industrial associations. The development of macrologistics in the transport aspect is typical for the countries of the European Union, where the volume of intermodal transportation is increasing, and many seaports acquired the features of transport and logistics centers. In particular, the Europlatforms transport system, which includes a number of logistics centers, has been operating in Western Europe for many years. These centers perform modern level the whole range of operations for the transportation, storage and transportation of goods, including warehouse, forwarding, customs, brokerage, insurance, banking and other services.

Macrologistics in transport solves the following tasks:

analysis of the market of suppliers and consumers;

choice of the type of transport, determination of the nature of the interaction of vehicles, organization and technology of the transportation process;

· determination of rational directions of cargo flows, selection of partners, placement of points for the supply of raw materials, materials and energy carriers;

Determining the boundaries of the service area, ensuring the delivery of goods "just in time";

placement of warehouses, terminals and logistics centers;

· Choice of scheme of delivery of goods (transit or through a warehouse), organization of storage systems, taking into account the optimization of material flows.

Micrologistics in the transport aspect - the logistics systems of individual organizations. For example, at the firm level, a micrologistics system is created from the standpoint of long-term goals, optimization of the main operational processes of the enterprise and covers the scope of the firm.

In transport logistics, it is planned to expand the provided transport and service services through closer coordination and interaction of various modes of transport, the introduction of intermodal transportation, transport corridors and transport and technological systems. Transport logistics uses such progressive methods of cargo transportation as package, container, ro-ro. The logistical idea of ​​a door-to-door end-to-end customer service system has been implemented in intermodal transportation.

As for our country, one of the most important conditions for the speedy integration of the transport complex of Ukraine into the European transport space is the creation of a developed transport and logistics infrastructure in Ukraine. This implies the formation of a wide network of specialized logistics centers based on transport hubs, namely:



· trading and intermediary.

The formation of such centers should be based on the concentration of transport, forwarding, logistics, trade, industrial enterprises in the most convenient, in terms of relationships, place. They should serve as a link between local and international transport and provide an opportunity for coherent operation and integration. different types transport based on the principles of intermodalism. The possibility of forming a network of such logistics centers on the territory of Ukraine is due to the following:

· the existence in our country of a historically established system of foreign trade relations with foreign partners and the basis for the further development of these relations;

favorable economic and geographical position;

Opening own business has several advantages over working from home. But before starting your own business, you should evaluate all the possibilities and think through the details as much as possible. Starting a business without investment is difficult, but possible. Starting capital is an important factor. But its presence does not guarantee the success of the development. Running your own business is hard work. And in the early stages, it will have to be dealt with 24 hours a day. Stage 1. Idea development The idea of ​​doing business that comes to mind should be formulated on paper. Then think over at least 10 options for its implementation and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Stage 2. Segment selection At the first stages, it is not worth offering a unique service or product. It is better to analyze the market in detail, choose a popular product and prepare for competition. Stage 3. Business plan A carefully formulated business plan allows you to evaluate and analyze growth prospects. It should include:

    Description of goods.Project goal.Economic analysis.Detailed development plan.Calculation of one-time costs.Planned end result.
Stage 4. Project implementation After a detailed plan has been drawn up, it should be implemented. Purchase equipment, hire staff and promote the product on the market.

What you need to know to become an entrepreneur

Sole proprietorship is the most well-known legal form of business that allows you to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The registration procedure does not take much time and is available to every citizen. Entrepreneurs can do accounting on their own. Earned funds can be spent for any purpose. However, in the event of debts, you will have to answer with all your property. This legal form is only suitable for small businesses. Individual entrepreneurs cannot be engaged in the implementation of large business projects or participate in tenders. Therefore, many businessmen consider this form of activity not serious. If things don't go well, you won't be able to sell the business to third parties. The process of liquidating a company is carried out according to the rules applicable to individuals. Therefore, it is easier to pay all taxes and close the IP. But this procedure takes a lot of time.

How to start a small business if there is no money

To start your own business, you need to be able to do something better than others. If the proposed product or service is not very good, then such a business is doomed to failure sooner or later. Idea 1. Start offering services:
    Find your strengths. Think about what services you can provide with its help and start implementing the idea. Gradually expand your business. You can open a business without money on services. This cannot be done with goods, since in most cases they need to be purchased.
Idea 2. Become an intermediary If you know how to sell, know where to buy cheaper and can find a client at a higher price, then you can try yourself in the intermediary business. Dealing with goods without investments without sales skills will not work. Rare to find good product at low price. Idea 3. Start an info business Owners of unique and useful knowledge can earn money by selling their information for money. Only knowledge should be unique, not invented. Idea 4. Become a partner to the employer Sometimes an employee of the company has knowledge that could significantly save the company's money. In this case, it makes sense to offer the management your development (for the test for free), if the result is positive, then it is worth agreeing on cooperation. An example of such a business scheme is the work of a sales manager. He buys a product from his company, sells it to customers and receives a certain percentage of the transaction.

It is important to organize your business properly

In the early stages of doing business, you can save money on rent. If you do not need an office in a business hall to conduct business, then it is enough to rent a small room in remote areas of the city or just a converted basement. Payment for the services of hired personnel is part of the fixed costs and does not depend on the profitability of the business. Therefore, to the maximum part of the work should be transferred to remote employees. Accounting, PR and online ordering can be done in any room. This will help to properly organize cash flows. What you can’t save money on is quality, service and advertising. Product quality is personal finance. You can't sell what you wouldn't buy yourself. The service will help in promoting the product, and advertising will bring people who do not yet know about your company.

What documents do you need to start your own business?

Give professional services better legal. To do this, you need to register your individual entrepreneur or LLC. The essence of the procedure is to register a company in a pension, social and compulsory health insurance fund. To do this, you need to collect and submit to government agencies:
    Photocopy of the passport, certificate of SNILS (TIN). Receipt of payment of state duty. Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service. Application for the choice of taxation system.
You can do the preparation and collection of documents yourself or contact specialists who, for a fee, will take over the paperwork. After registering the company, you will need to open a bank account.

What business is now profitable to open from scratch

Today, it is not the amount of capital that is valued, but the originality of the idea. If fresh and interesting developments do not come to mind, then you can try to realize business ideas created on real projects.

Successful business at home

A successful hairdresser, makeup artist or manicurist can always do what they love at home. It is enough to issue a sanitary book, prepare tools and set reasonable prices. You can advertise your services in in social networks.More than a third of the time at home a woman spends preparing food. You don't have to be a professional chef to make money cooking homemade food to order. It is enough to have high-quality recipes and good advertising from their clients. Flower trading can bring in good money. After all, not a single holiday of the year is complete without a bouquet. To create beautiful compositions, you can take floristry courses, and you can grow flowers at home. For original wedding invitations and postcards there is always a buyer. Self-learning can be done right at home by watching thematic videos. For the manufacture of products, a minimum of tools is required: a computer, a printer, a soldering iron, paper and other consumables.

Every woman wants to have her own source of income. But starting your own business is hard both physically and mentally. A lot of problems immediately appear that need to be solved simultaneously: from registering a company to selling goods. But in order to have a "financial pillow" it is not at all necessary to open a major business. It is enough to implement a mini-business and devote as much time to it as to work for hire. Idea 1. Handmade beadwork has always been popular among different segments of the population. Such gizmos can be used for home decor, as a gift or an attribute of daily use. Idea 2. Soap making plant-based can bring not big, but stable income. You can complete soap making courses in any major city. There is no need to purchase special equipment or expensive materials. It is difficult to imagine a better advertisement than customer recommendations. Idea 3. Teachers by education can engage in tutoring at a higher quality level. For example, to prepare a child for admission to grade 1 or graduates to pass state exams.

What is better to trade in a small town

It is believed that in small town profitable market niches are already occupied, and new product will not generate interest. In fact, you can sell the same products that competitors already have, but of higher quality. Household goods For basic necessities, residents of remote villages will not go to the supermarket. Therefore, dishes, cleaning tools, fittings, hardware and household chemicals can be sold in a small store. Seasonal products will bring additional profit: Christmas decorations, garden tools, firewood, and beach balls. Optics Every fourth person has vision problems. These are mainly elderly people who prefer to buy ready-made glasses at affordable prices. Before organizing an optics kiosk in a small store, you need to assess the age and social composition of the audience. To open a department with ready-made glasses, a license is not needed. It is enough to buy budget youth and adult glasses. auto parts Motorists in small towns prefer budget car models. Components for them are cheap, but the demand will be high, as the machines are heavily used and break down quickly. Cover the entire range in a small point of sale will not work. Therefore, you first need to conduct a small study to identify common car brands in the region in order to determine which components will be in demand. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy expensive components for foreign cars. You can replace them with licensed or parts from disassembly.

The village cannot provide great prospects for business development, like the city, but some ideas can be successfully implemented only in the village. Breeding bees. There is always a buyer for honey, beeswax and royal jelly. To implement the idea, you need to prepare a land plot and purchase beehives, inventory. Milk production. Previously, almost every family in the village had its own living creatures. Today, the number of such families has decreased significantly. Those who have a cow left in the household can start a business selling milk to neighbors in the village. Since the audience is not large, the whole manufacturing process can be mastered by yourself. Growing plants. Many people from the villages prefer to be treated with herbs rather than pills. Therefore, there is always a demand for ginseng, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, sage and yarrow. Especially. that there are all conditions for their organic cultivation in the village. In addition to medicinal herbs, you can also sell greenery and indoor plants.

Small own production

Frozen fruits are very popular because they can be eaten all year round. All villagers have plots for growing food. It can be expanded to a large size, purchase freezing equipment and start a frozen fruit business. Brief business implementation scheme:
    Growing vegetables and fruits.Harvesting and selecting quality berries.Sizing, blanching and freezing.Product packaging.Transportation to the point of sale.The finished product must be stored at -18°C.

Ideas for starting your own business without investment or at minimal cost

Frame making Today on the market you can find a large number of standard frames made of different materials. However, baguette frames are very popular because they can be made in completely different sizes. The first step is to prepare an assortment of rails. Flat profiles are used for billboards and posters, while classic convex profiles are used to decorate paintings and old photographs. The production of a baguette is a labor-intensive process in which all the tapas have to be done by one person. To recoup costs and attract more customers, you need to think about advertising and product range. Most often, such frames are made out graphic works, paintings, photographs and other products. Decoration of weddings and other celebrations The decor of the premises before the holiday is a popular service, both in a small village and in a big city. The work may consist not only in the design of the hall, outfits, but also in the styling of the premises for a certain era. Growing flowers is a profitable business, but very costly. If the development of this direction as a separate line of business is not provided, then it is better to look for a flower supplier. You can learn how to create flower arrangements, a bridal bouquet and decorations for the hall in courses. Small decorations for the holidays, such as decorations for a bottle, glasses or pillows for rings, can be prepared at home. The main work comes down to promoting services and finding customers. You will have to rent an office in the city center in order to have a place for negotiations and the opportunity to show materials to clients. Services can be promoted through social networks. To do this, it is enough to create a group and upload news, photos and videos from organized events to it. After a successful start of the project, you should think about developing a full-fledged website.

How to quit your job, start your own business, so as not to depend on anyone

Entrepreneurship is a complex of mandatory activities. Whatever field of activity is chosen for the realization of abilities, it is always worth proceeding from the following 5 factors: Unique idea. It is best to choose a niche that will bring profit in the shortest possible time, but for this you need to analyze the market well. Team. In the early stages, all actions will have to be carried out alone. But to develop a business, you need a team of proven people and good professionals. Start-up capital. You can start a business without capital, but you will need investments to promote your business. Therefore, it is better to start accumulating funds in advance than to overpay interest to the bank later. Personal qualities. Not everyone can become a businessman. To succeed, you need to have perseverance, strength, diligence and a flexible mind. Faith in success. Motivation in the style of "I'll try, maybe something will work out" can only lead to failure.
    Don't be afraid of failure. Starting a business from scratch is always difficult. Not everything will work out the first time, but this is not a reason to quit what you started, but rather, on the contrary, to continue the plan. Psychologists advise to perceive each denial as another step to success. Big profits will not be immediately. Before the idea pays off and starts to generate income, it will take some time. Therefore, for the next 6-12 months, you will have to tighten your belt more tightly. Do not listen to advisers. A person who decides to open his own business will definitely have a bunch of well-wishers who will begin to give advice in the style: “You have good job. Why do we need a business?”, “Where are you going! You'll still burn out!" etc. There is no point in listening to advice from losers. It is better to buy professional advice from a specialist. Look for new ways of implementation. What generates income today may not be in demand tomorrow. Therefore, you should always look for new ideas for implementing a business. The key to success in business is to love your job and do it with the highest quality.

If ideas about own business surrounded you since childhood, or the example of successful business friends more and more often prompts you to think about creating something of your own, then this course of events means only one thing - changes are at the threshold of your destiny and are waiting for you to finally open the door for them.

If you have a dream of owning your own business, then no external obstacles will prevent you from choosing your niche, which will definitely be a good start for your business.

The main personality traits of an entrepreneur

So, if you:

And with all this burden of responsibility, you will experience the pleasure of achievements in your activities, then your path is entrepreneurship.

But most importantly, even if you do not have any of the listed properties, then you should start your own business, especially if you start from scratch, and you will definitely learn this. You simply won't have a choice.

How to start your business from scratch

There is general rules to select business options from scratch.

Start with an idea, you need to decide on personal preferences and physical capabilities for organizing your business.

If you are, for example, a young mother on maternity leave and at the same time you do not have a special accounting, economic, design education, if you are not a programmer, to open remote business services, then why don't you do what you already do most of the time?

Open an online store selling children's goods, which will actually be just an advertising showcase, where you will place high-quality unique texts and photos from the family album, and big players, such as Taobao or some other or another company.

Advantages and disadvantages of organizing your own business on credit funds

If you are ready for what you will need:

  1. Contribute a certain part of the amount for the purchase of the necessary equipment;
  2. To issue a liquid pledge (real estate, car);
  3. Pay for the services of an expert who will evaluate your collateral and business project;
  4. Pay for insurance to your agent or get much less money using the services of a bank insurance company;
  5. Make monthly deductions for interest on a loan and for servicing your bank;
  6. Approximately six months after receiving the loan, you begin to repay the body of the loan itself, then you are an ideal applicant for a bank or pawn loan.

But are you ready to lose your home or other property if you have any unforeseen circumstances that delay the receipt of income needed for all payments?

To avoid such risks, better use your own assets or attract investments and share part of the profits specified in the statutory documents with their partners.

How to profitably use your habits for business?

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend daily texting and talking on social media? If there are many, then this is an excellent reason to make money on your connections that have been developed over the years.

And there is nothing to be ashamed of. There is even a saying-slogan about this, and it can be adapted to the Russian language in the following form: “Your own - to your own for your own!”

So why not give your inner circle a chance to earn money on the things or services we need, which may turn out to be of better quality, and certainly more sincere than large global corporations, which leave less and less room for small business sprouts.

Don't be afraid of new things! Change your measured life, choose the best opportunities!

During the crisis, newly minted businessmen face serious risks at every turn. Many goods and services that were very popular yesterday remain unclaimed. And products that have never been in great demand, on the contrary, are sold at a crazy speed. In this regard, many aspiring entrepreneurs are looking for an answer to the question of what kind of business is now profitable to open. In this article, we have collected a few popular ideas, which will help you choose a promising line of business and stay afloat in the face of economic instability.

Computer diagnostics of cars

Recently there have been many technical centers where you can repair any car breakdowns. In parallel, the number of stations that perform computer diagnostics of cars for various faults is also growing. This service is always in demand among car owners, so if you are interested in what business can be opened in the city, pay attention to this profitable area activities.

In order to organize such a business, you will need a room and special equipment for computer diagnostics:

  • A computer;
  • Fault decoding program;
  • Adapter with which the computer is connected to the car;
  • Mobile scanner.

The whole set costs 90-380 thousand rubles. Since new models and brands of cars appear every year, you will have to update the computer program regularly. Each update will cost you 2-3 thousand rubles. This service is provided by specialized companies.

Confused about what kind of business you can open in a small town? Pay attention to this simple and quite profitable idea. Prices for computer diagnostics of cars range from 3-5 thousand rubles. The procedure takes 30-60 minutes. Accordingly, in one day, such a station will bring about 25 thousand rubles. With a large influx of customers, you can earn 100-300 thousand rubles a month, which means that you can quickly return all initial investments. Such a serious profit is a weighty argument for those who still doubt whether it is profitable to open a business now. To increase revenue, you can offer customers on-site computer diagnostics, door unlocking, and other time-saving services.

Software development

As a rule, this service is used by small companies and organizations that cannot afford to employ experienced specialists. Most often order the development of programs for accounting and office work, automation of business processes, planning and more.

If you are well versed in Internet technologies and programming and are thinking about what kind of small business you can open in the city, try starting your own IT company.

The most profitable areas of activity in this area:

  • Development of applications for smartphones;
  • Training courses on 1C;
  • Creation of online games;
  • Development software for enterprises and organizations.

Jewelry repair shop

Repair and manufacturing jewelry is a rather profitable business, since the demand for such a service remains consistently high in any economic conditions. jewelry business with a competent approach, it brings serious income to its owners. In order to competently organize such a business, you need to have some experience. If you have never worked in this area, before opening one, consult with professionals who can give you good advice.

A jewelry workshop will require large financial investments from you, approximately 6 million rubles. If you don't have your own start-up capital, it is better to consider other options, which business to open now in order to be profitable in the future. Starting a business during a crisis with debts and loans is too risky and dangerous.

The profitability of a jewelry workshop largely depends on the number of customers. At the stage of formation, you will not receive a lot of income, but over time, when the business begins to flourish, earnings will increase significantly. On average, a jewelry workshop brings in 400-700 thousand rubles of net profit per month. But in order to achieve such results, you need to work for 2-3 years. If you are thinking about what profitable business open in the city, be sure to consider this promising idea.

Security Agency

Thinking about what kind of business you can open in 2016, I would like to single out such areas of activity as a security agency. This is a highly profitable business that does not require large investments at the start, therefore, if you have not yet decided which business you can open with minimum investment, take a closer look at this interesting and profitable idea. Before you do such a thing, you need to carefully study its specifics and features so that there are no problems in the future.

According to the legislation of our country, the security business is subject to licensing. In order to obtain such a document, you need to contact government bodies. A license is issued on the condition that you have specially trained employees on the staff. It is desirable that these are people with experience in law enforcement.

Another important point- it's a weapon. Not all security organizations use it. One firearm costs $200-$300. In addition, security agencies buy gas cylinders, traumatic weapons, rubber truncheons, stun guns, and more. Each protective equipment must be assigned to a specific employee. The profitability of such a business reaches 30%. All the money spent on organizing a security agency, you can return in 6-8 months. This is an excellent option private business can be opened without significant financial investments.

Atelier for tailoring

Recently, many women have been wondering what kind of small business can be opened at home? If you know how to sew well, why not organize a small repair and tailoring workshop at home? This is able to bring a decent income even during a crisis. Modern people are tired of the monotonous assortment presented in clothing stores, so they prefer to sew exclusive original items to order. In addition, clients often turn to the atelier before various solemn events - weddings, graduation parties and other holidays. The demand for such services is consistently high, so if you have not yet made a final decision, organize a small home workshop and get a good steady income. At first, you can complete all orders yourself. Over time, when more clients appear, rent a separate room in a residential area, purchase equipment and hire a few seamstresses. The best advertising for such a business is word of mouth.

Taxi service

Many citizens of our country often began to wonder what small business can be opened using your own car? The easiest option is private transport. This activity brings good income, but if you want to work on your own, you should be aware that you will have to purchase a special license. In addition, you should ensure your safety, because sometimes you come across unpredictable clients who can pose a real threat to your health and even life.

It is much more profitable and safer to cooperate with a taxi dispatch service. In this case, you will be able to receive orders from the operator, but for this you will have to pay 30% of the total earnings. If we talk about that, the amount of profit depends largely on the locality in which you work and on fuel consumption.

Resale of goods from China

This has become very popular among start-up entrepreneurs. Let's take a closer look, shall we? All you need for work is a computer with Internet access and an entrepreneurial spirit.

To earn money, you need to find an inexpensive product in Chinese online stores, post its photo and description on own resource and resell at a good markup. When the client pays for the purchase, you repurchase the goods from Chinese suppliers and order their delivery to the address of the buyer. The margin on the goods is your earnings. This is a great option for those who are interested in what kind of business can be opened without investments, since you do not invest a penny in the purchase of goods.

Profitable business ideas for a small town

According to experts, this is one of the simplest and, at the same time, profitable destinations entrepreneurial activities for beginners.

Production of concrete products

Can't find the right idea? Try custom-made concrete products. This may be the production of rings for wells and sewage pits, or the production of garden sculptures. If you have never done such a thing, the necessary information can be obtained from specialized literature and video tutorials on the Internet. The most important thing is your desire, and experience comes with time. To quickly master this skill, you can work for several months with entrepreneurs involved in the production of concrete products. In this case, you can carefully study the technology under the guidance of experienced professionals.