Features of different types of projects. Question

Creating a project helps to solve an important task, focusing only on it, without being distracted by other things. According to research, almost half of all purposeful human activity is carried out through the implementation of individual initiatives. Up to a quarter of the world budget is spent on this type of activity. Opening a project is a trend of the times, you just need to know how to create an idea and how to do it right.

The concept of the project and its features

A project is a kind of conscious activity (a set of coordinated actions) of a person, aimed at creating a unique product, and having a one-time, non-recurring character. The concept of the project involves the achievement of a specific goal for a certain time in conditions of limited basic resources (temporary, financial, labor, material).

There are several different interpretations of the concept of "project", an example of this can be seen in various international standards, incl. and in Russian GOST. However, almost always its main features are the following factors:

  • the start of the project has a clear date;
  • the end is fixed by date or by the finished end result;
  • the presence of a clearly defined goal;
  • the uniqueness of the finished product;
  • limitation in basic resources;
  • disposability.

Examples of ideas: development and production of a fundamentally new type of product at the enterprise, opening your own business, building a house or a social facility, developing an idea for a new magazine or software, market research. All of them, depending on their scope and focus, can be divided into:

  • small (with a single coordinator of all processes, a limited number of interchangeable participants going all the way from planning to closing, a simple work schedule) and large (with a complex structure and large volumes of work);
  • short-term (up to 2 years, with a minimum number of contractors and reporting, as well as adjustments), medium-term (up to 5 years) and long-term (over 5 years).

Separately, one can dwell on the so-called megaprojects, which are targeted programs development of entire industries and areas of the economy. They include a large number of smaller programs that complement each other and are aimed at solving a global problem. To implement them and establish a huge number of interactions between hundreds of participants responsible for individual processes and types of work, the most professional top managers are involved.

Such plans can be sectoral, regional, as well as interregional, intersectoral, national or international. As a rule, they are long-term and operate with capitals of tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. To avoid costly mistakes, only the development of their concepts is allocated to a separate design phase.

Classification of ongoing initiatives

Classification of projects can be carried out depending on the following grounds:

  • orientation of the undertaking, its composition and structure;
  • the field of activity for which the project is being prepared;
  • the scale of the idea and the degree of its influence on the external environment, the number of participants;
  • duration of its implementation;
  • degree of complexity in terms of technological, organizational, financial.

We can say that the classification of projects is somewhat arbitrary, since each idea is unique. However, it is the classification of project types that helps to find similar features in them that can give an understanding of the general patterns of development of certain areas. The following are the most common types of projects:

  • organizational;
  • economic;
  • social;
  • technical;
  • mixed.

To understand the differences between them, it is worth considering the types and types of projects in more detail.

Organizational. They are aimed at reforming an existing structure or creating a new one, as well as at holding individual events. They are characterized by the following features:

  • start and end dates, as well as the total duration, are set exactly;
  • the goal is clearly formulated, but usually difficult to measure, because it is aimed at organizational change;
  • resources are allocated as they are available;
  • the costs of such undertakings are often reviewed and adjusted in terms of their cost-effectiveness.

Examples of projects of this type are the modernization of a plant management system or budget organization, organization and holding of conferences, concerts, sports competitions.

Economic. They aim to privatize, reorganize or restructure an enterprise, modernize general rules games in the field of economics (tax or customs legislation). Their signs:

  • the tasks set are often adjusted in the course of work;
  • deadlines cannot be set precisely, since they depend on many external factors and can change regardless of the team implementing the idea;
  • costs are calculated indicatively, but tightly controlled.

Social. Their meaning is the solution of social issues, improving the quality of life of certain groups of the population, therefore they concern a large number of people. The focus of social initiatives can be very different, but there are features that are characteristic of all initiatives of this kind:

  • the timing and total duration are probabilistic in nature, since it is impossible to clearly calculate them, these are the most uncertain initiatives;
  • initially, the goals may be general and rather vague, but in the process of carrying out work and achieving certain milestones, they are refined and concretized;
  • it is often not easy to quantify and qualitatively assess the changes that are taking place, so other methods for determining effectiveness are used;
  • funding for such initiatives is subject to available resources.

Technical. Aimed at the development and launch of a new type of product on the market. Examples of such ideas include the work of automobile factories and their design bureaus regarding regular updates. model range produced Vehicle. Distinctive features technical initiatives:

  • the desired goal is formulated accurately and is slightly corrected in the process of work;
  • terms are set quite clearly, significant shifts are not allowed, since they are tied to market conditions;
  • all costs are clearly planned in accordance with existing standards and norms;
  • restrictions on the implementation of the idea may be limited by the production capacity or external factors, for example, the impact on the environment.

Often in business or scientific publications there is a slightly different classification of projects, built on the same principles as the above. The intentions are divided as follows:

  • socio-economic, which provide for the creation of infrastructure to improve the quality of life of the population and the holding of mass events of various kinds;
  • business initiatives involving the creation and introduction of new technologies and products to the market;
  • client, aimed at meeting the needs of an external customer by a certain company.

The whole variety of non-standard ideas can be considered within the framework of these classifications, which makes it possible to qualitative analysis project and understand its viability.

Structuring the idea

In order to implement the idea, it is necessary to define it organizational structure. The project structure is its hierarchical decomposition into interconnected parts for high-quality planning and control over the execution of processes. It is designed to designate the final product, which is the result of the whole idea, to break the whole process into more small items and link them together.

The more correctly the structure of the project, the more manageable it is. The main tasks of structuring are:

  • breaking down the idea into separate manageable blocks;
  • delegation of responsibility for each block between personnel in accordance with the structure and resource capabilities;
  • the most accurate calculation of material, time, financial costs;
  • development of planning, control and reporting mechanisms;
  • binding accounting to the work performed;
  • specific goals are set for each unit.

From an organizational point of view, the project structure has three main types:

  • functional. The management lies with the line manager, to whom the heads of the relevant departments report. When applying such a model, there is a need to introduce one or more coordinators, whose role is to link different functional units.
  • matrix. To implement a separate initiative, temporary groups are created from among full-time employees with responsible persons who lead the idea from the design phase to the very end. Leaders interact with members of their group horizontally, there is no formal subordination. This, when superimposed on traditional hierarchical relationships, creates an interaction matrix. Examples of projects of the matrix type indicate that the strength of such a structure largely depends on the conditions in which the head of the undertaking is placed. He can do this business in his spare time from his main duties, be temporarily relieved of them, or lead a specially created group of specialists.
  • Design. A manager is responsible for each initiative, managing a specially selected staff. An example of a project with such a management model assumes a significant scale, duration, high complexity of the idea, the use of new technologies and changing implementation conditions.

Structuring tasks can occur both from top to bottom (from general to particular), and in reverse order. Methods such as a decision tree, goal or work tree, a network model, a responsibility matrix, a cost structure, costs or resources can be taken as a model.

The introduction of work methods on individual unique initiatives allows you to open up new horizons, motivate employees, change established approaches to business management, use innovative methods and rationally approach the expenditure of resources. This approach makes it possible to respond flexibly and quickly to market needs and meet emerging demand. To date, this method of management prevails abroad and is actively promoted in Russia.

The project is designed to change reality (real situation).

A project cannot be impersonal (for example, a project management company"Sun"). The project has a subject - an individual or a team that shares the values ​​underlying the project, in and situation and purpose of the project.

The project changes reality in accordance with the ideas of the subject of the project about the situation d about false. The subject of the project imagines the situation in detail about false and is ready to justify that it should be just that.

The project appears when the real situation contradicts the ideas of the subject of the project about the situation. about false, i.e. when a project actor fixes a problem that needs to be resolved.

The project is relatively autonomous from production processes and other projects of the organization or body on behalf of which it is implemented.

The project has a clearly defined (limited) group of beneficiaries and a clearly defined (limited) group of people it affects - the target group.

The goal of the project is extremely specific and clearly indicates the result (change of reality) that will be obtained at the end of the project.

The goal of the project is always supplied with a quantitative and qualitative description of the signs (characteristics) of the reality that will be the result of the project, before the start of work on the project.

Achieving the goal of the project is entirely in the power of the subject of the project.

The project involves the production of unique products or services.

At the beginning of the project, there is no obvious and proven procedure for achieving the result in the experience of the subject of the project. Thus, the project is developed in a situation of uncertainty.

The project unfolds in a real situation, so the ways of its implementation must obey the restrictions imposed by this situation, but only according to the principle: “what is forbidden is forbidden; but everything that is not forbidden is allowed.”

The project involves step-by-step planning of activities: each task of the project is divided into steps and only then the sequence of these steps is built.

A project is an activity under conditions of limited resources, including a resource of time.

The project has a clear time frame.

The limited resources of the project leads to the need to establish an adequate balance for the specific situation during its development:

The project intent and implementation plan may change during the implementation process, long-term projects may involve the sequential development of stages, but at the same time the project goal and indicators of its achievement remain unchanged, established at the stage of development of the project intent.

The project cannot "be continued".

If, from the point of view of the subject of the project, other changes in reality are required, another project will be developed. If the result has not been achieved, another project will be developed. If there is a need to repeatedly or cyclically produce a product or service first produced as part of the project, the management of these processes will not be project management.

In an organization, many projects can be developed and implemented at the same time. They must be correlated with each other in terms of goals, means and resources. On this basis, a portfolio of projects is formed. Project portfolio management is a separate management technology.


Question. Features of modern projects

Answer. Projects have features that highlight project activities from other types of management.

1. One-time nature of the project

A project is considered as an activity performed once and having a planned result.

A popular singer is working on creating a music video for one of the songs. The completed work has a specific result that contributes to the achievement of the goal. Even if the same singer decides to create another video for the same song, it will be a completely different work with certain differences, both in the process of its implementation and in the result.

Annual international competition Eurovision is a collection of projects, each of which is carried out once.

Apartment renovation is a one-time project, despite the fact that in a few years the same process will be repeated.

2. Uniqueness of the project

The project is always something different from other projects and includes some unique elements with varying degrees originality, uniqueness. Work related to what has never been done before requires the solution of completely new tasks and the use of new resources and technologies. Projects aimed at solving similar problems, but implemented in different organizations or for different consumers, have their own specifics and originality.

A company that produces kitchen furniture designs a set in accordance with the parameters specified by the customer. Using the same raw materials, craftsmen create unique sets of furniture.

The construction of residential or office buildings, carried out according to typical projects, leads to the creation of a unique specific building structure, which has features, both in planning (internal or external), finishing, laying communications, etc.

If you liked how you and your friends spent summer vacation, and you want to repeat these pleasant moments, then even with a perfectly similar organization, you will not be able to repeat this event exactly.

The implementation of any project involves changes in the system in which the project is implemented. As a rule, changes contribute to its improvement and development. Considering a project as always a new job, first of all, one can observe the changes of those who participate in it. People gain experience new work or improve my skills. The resources used require the development of skills in their use. The project always creates a new result - a product, service, production method, public opinion, attitude to the environment, working or living conditions. Therefore, the line from the start point of the project leads to the end point of the project, which is located above the start result. The line is ascending. If it is downward, this may be a wake-up call that the project management mechanisms are not perfect and urgent measures must be taken to correct the situation.

Rice. 1. Impact of the project on change

Sn - initial state of the system

Sc - final state of the system

Tn - the beginning of the project

Тк - the end of the project

4. Eligibility

Any project must be carried out in compliance with all requirements of administrative, labor and economic legislation, normative documents, including issues of licensing and quality assurance, contractual and legal conditions.

In some cases big role public opinion plays a role in the implementation of projects. So, for example, in the village of Ordzhonikidze in the Crimea, a project for the construction of nuclear power plant in view of the active protection of the resort area by the population.

5. Clarity and transparency of the goals set

Unlike an enterprise, where the same operations are performed daily, projects have a single, specific, clearly defined goal that is clear to everyone. Building a house by the end of October, publishing a textbook by the start of a new school year or semester, renovating an apartment before the start of a new school year, learning French for a business trip to France. The goal should be defined in terms of its achievement at a certain point in time. The specific moment of completion of the project distinguishes it from the ongoing duties in traditional work. A completed project allows the team involved in its implementation to move on to another project. Construction company after the delivery of the object goes to another object. The writer who has completed work on the book begins work on the next creation. Football team, who took part in the World Championship, is starting to prepare for new competitions.

6. Concrete results of projects

Each project must have a certain result. This may be an elected President, a new or reprinted textbook, a residential or office building, a specialist diploma, a guided tour, a new Year's Eve, new entertainment etc. The result determines the meaning of the project and its content. Depending on the result, all types of project activities are carried out.

The process of tea drinking can be aimed at achieving different results.

If you are going to drink a cup of tea to quench your thirst or to keep up traditions, you will do everything the way you want to or the way you are used to doing it, or the way conditions permit. It can be a foray between morning exercises and a shower, or thoroughly, without haste, but you will get the result you were striving for - quench your thirst or pay tribute to tradition.

If tea is an occasion for acquaintance, for example, a group of students who settled in the same room in a hostel and expect to live together for a year, another result can be obtained - friendship, mutual understanding. Here you are already thinking about what you need to prepare the dishes, some additions - sweets or sandwiches, perhaps clean the room. To do this, you need to distribute tasks among the participants in the tea party. This is where governance mechanisms come into play.

If you want to have tea with the person you are in love with and want to win his sympathy (this is the third possible result), the preparation for the process will have a different look. You need to thoroughly wash the dishes and clean the room, perhaps, in addition to sweets, you can buy flowers, be more demanding about your own appearance, etc.

The goal can be one, and its clarification by defining the result contributes to the fact that the project changes its content and will look different.

7. Having your own consumer

As a rule, the consumer, the customer influences the definition of the scope of the project - the date of its completion, the cost, the materials used, the quality of the result. The project is targeted at creating specific results that specific consumers expect - book readers, Olympic participants, buyers, workers waiting for new equipment, concert visitors, residents of the country waiting for election results, passengers flying in an airplane, sick people waiting for a cure, fat people dreaming of losing weight.

One of the principles of successful project implementation is not to violate the expectations of the consumer, and in the process of planning and executing the project, focus on them.

8. Separation from other activities

The project is an independent enterprise within an enterprise. Having certain performance requirements, the project is obliged to fulfill them. A specific organization of activities, a certain group of performers, specific mechanisms specifically designed for the functioning of the project are applied in accordance with the tasks set.

All planned resources (people, time, equipment, technology, raw materials, results, etc.) must be managed by the project and not diverted to other activities. After the completion of the project, the resources may become the property of the enterprise or must be returned to the original location, depending on the terms of the contract.

For example, construction sports complex and the Olympic Village for the Olympic Games. The original purpose is the Olympics, and after its completion, the facilities can be used in accordance with the prevailing need. This was done after the Olympics in Moscow in 1980, when some hotels that were built specifically for the reception of athletes and guests of the Olympics were transferred to the disposal of the city executive committee to provide housing to residents of the city. The people who received apartments in these buildings were very satisfied, because in addition to the fact that they were able to solve the housing problem faster, the housing was very High Quality and compares favorably with other construction projects put into operation at the same time.

9. Resources are for the project

The resources that are intended to carry out the tasks of the project must be clearly defined in quantity, quality and cost. To achieve the goals of the project, the following conditions must be met:

Regular provision of the project throughout the entire life cycle with financial, human and other resources necessary to perform work in accordance with the approved plan;

Continuously monitoring the use of resources and, if necessary, rescheduling and reallocating them to complete the project on schedule and within budget.

10. The results obtained in the project are the start for further development

The work performed within the framework of the project is necessary in order to use its results for other purposes after the end of the project. The meaning of any activity lies outside of it. We do cleaning not just to be busy in this process, but so that later we can find ourselves in a clean room and do other things. The student writes an essay to gain additional knowledge. Obtaining a high school diploma educational institution necessary for further employment and career development. They build a house in order to live or work in it. The staff development program is implemented to improve the performance of the enterprise, etc. The project is a start for future activity.

11. Some uncertainty

Even with a well-developed terms of reference, a good plan and organization of the project, there is always some uncertainty in relation to the project implementation processes. Changes in internal and external environment affect the project in a predictable or unpredictable way. Each project must be planned taking into account the risks and opportunities that affect the course of the project, but it is practically impossible to take into account all the circumstances that can directly or indirectly affect the project.

Often they plan a certain percentage of additional resources (human, raw materials, equipment, time, etc.) for unpredictable situations, which makes it possible to somewhat secure the project from unwanted deviations. On the other hand, it is necessary to carefully calculate the opportunities in order to be ready to use them if they arise.

To fulfill an order for the production of furniture, the factory must receive wooden materials from the forest region, in which, due to weather conditions, transport routes. The order was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Or another situation. Due to the sharp reduction in the cost of computers, the organization could purchase equipment three times more than planned under the project. In view of the unpreparedness for such a situation - the complete absence of premises for their accommodation, additional difficulties arose, associated with additional expenditures of time and other resources to resolve this situation.

12. Project Time Limits

The project must be implemented within a set period of time and completed by a certain point. Clear dates or deadlines for the start and end of the project are needed - time boundaries that allow you to plan and organize the implementation of a set of works and tasks to achieve the goals of the project.

The Olympics must begin and end on well-defined dates. Therefore, individual projects for the preparation of athletes for participation in this Olympiad should also have a certain time frame. Failure to meet the time requirements will lead to the disruption of the event for some components. Any, even a well-reasoned reason for not meeting the time requirements, such as lack of time to prepare an athlete, missing the train, will not lead to the desired results.

If the director of the university restaurant received the task to bake 12 cakes on the day of the graduate according to the number of faculties by 15:00, when the graduates come for a ceremonial buffet table, he must present the finished product at that time, and not at 09:00 in view of faster work or at 18-00 due to being late for important reasons.

Time constraints are a good guide to all activities required to complete a project.

13. Specific organization

Unlike most types of organizational work, which can be organized according to the principle of a bureaucratic, behavioral, functional or other structure, projects are characterized by a combination and unification of the efforts of various specialists, where project participants, regardless of position, specialization, are whether they are engineers, financiers, marketers, personnel officers, information technology, work on the implementation of the tasks of the project under the guidance of its director. At the same time, such structures can be observed where a higher manager in terms of his role in the project is directly subordinate to his subordinate and meekly fulfills all his instructions.

14. Having a project team

The team is the most important component of the success of the project, it is a group, an organization, a concept and an idea. The success of the project depends on how the work will be built, what means, methods and mechanisms will be used. The team provides the opportunity to work together, while acting flexibly and efficiently. Teamwork can be creative and productive. A team whose work is debugged can literally “move mountains”. It unites the efforts of all members into a single whole. The team is able to grow, change and adapt to new requirements. It may persist or reappear if some members leave it or the original tasks change.

Experience also tells us that teamwork can be anything but simple. To be a member of a team means, to a certain extent, to sacrifice your individuality and become part of a single whole. In addition, working in a team may require an unbiased assessment of themselves and their activities, which is not always pleasant.

Teams exist because their potential is greater than individual effort. The work of the team is more effective than the work of any other social groups that exist in our organizations.

For projects, it is the potential of the team that is important, thanks to which an ordinary project, which is on the verge of collapse, can produce brilliant results.

The simplest explanation of a project is that a project is an organizational structure that transforms inputs into outputs. Often projects are temporary, pooling resources and staff and focusing their efforts on a specific activity, usually within a predetermined period of time. At the end of this period, the project ceases to exist. In view of this, a project can be defined as: a specific activity that has a specific start and end point and is designed to achieve specific goals.

The actions taken are usually aimed at solving some problem or taking advantage of some existing opportunity. This problem or opportunity is taken into account when setting the project objectives and becomes the basis of all activities envisaged by the project planners and carried out by the project team. In general, the project is considered successful if the results obtained exceed the resources invested, and vice versa, if the cost of the project is greater than the volume of the results obtained, the project is ineffective and is considered unsuccessful.

Projects can vary greatly in size. Often, projects form a well-defined part of a larger program. In the case of the Eurovision program, the annual competitions held in different countries are projects within the framework of a large common program, and projects for the selection and subsequent preparation of the winner from the country for participation in the contest are united by the common Eurovision project. In any case, it is better to reduce the project to minimum size feasible from an economic, technical and administrative point of view. In summary, the usual characteristics of a project are as follows:

The sequence of actions taken;

A certain group of positive results to be achieved (goals);

Defined time frame (project duration);

Certain geographic location;

Certain clients (or target group);

Independent administrative structure;

A separate set of accounts and financing within a specific budget package.

It is very important to remember, among other things, that there are usually several paths to achieving goals. It is extremely rare that a given project is the only solution to an existing problem. Knowledge of possible alternatives provides right choice required project. But not only alternative projects may exist, there may also be alternative possibilities for using the resources allocated to carry out the project.

The design team must take into account the following constraints:

Choosing the right project;

Making the best possible use of available resources.

Second important point is the moment of uncertainty. No matter how well the project plan and project preparation is done, and no matter how hard and interested the project team works, not everything will go according to plan. Just as a farmer cannot predict the grain harvest he will harvest because he cannot predict what the weather will be like, so a project manager cannot know all the factors that may affect the success of a given project.

In view of this, the role of the project developers is to identify alternatives, evaluate them one by one, before selecting the most adequate project for its implementation. One step in the evaluation process will be to evaluate the risk and uncertainty factors for each of the alternatives in order to pinpoint the best project in terms of cost effectiveness and likelihood of success.

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Concept, features of the project.

The modern concept of project management is based on the concept of "project", which acts not only as a management object with specific features, but also as a basic property of project management.

What is a project? All of us are constantly carrying out projects in our Everyday life. Here are simple examples: preparing for an anniversary, renovating an apartment, doing research, writing a book... All these activities have a number of common features that make them projects:

  • - they are aimed at achieving specific goals;
  • - they involve the coordinated execution of interrelated activities;
  • - they have a limited duration in time, with a definite beginning and end;
  • - all of them are in a certain degree unique and inimitable.

In general, it is these four characteristics that distinguish projects from other activities.

project and program. Project and production.

In a number of industries (space, aviation), the problems being solved are so complex that the objects being created have to be solved on a number of family projects.

Project - this is a purposeful, pre-designed creation of physical. object, technological process including documentation for a limited time and obes. the quality of the result, to satisfy all project participants.

Program- this is a project activity, a set of related projects, the cat is implemented according to a single plan and the cat is important final result. The program has several meanings. Some problems have to be solved within the framework of several programs. The project is always yavl sis-oh. The program is a multi-purpose system. Each big problem can be solved in the form of a project, a program, a large project system.

Your attention is invited to a detailed classification of projects on various grounds. You will learn what their types exist, how they differ from each other. First of all, we will give the necessary definition in order to have an idea of ​​what we are talking about.

A project is a complex systemic process that aims to change various areas of human life. In developed countries and states former USSR this concept differs significantly, and the classification of projects sometimes has its own characteristics (see the section "Investment projects").

In the traditional sense of the word, a project means:

1) Intention, idea, plan.

2) Description, presentation, image of some object (non-material or material) on paper or other media.

What does the project include?

The concept of it in the developed countries of the West is wider than it is accepted in our country. So, for example, the American Institute of Project Management designates it as a certain task with initial data, as well as the required goals (results) that determine the way to solve it. However, it does not say what means exist for the implementation of the project. In addition, the method of solving a particular problem is not always determined and not only by the goals (results) of its solution. Therefore, we can say that the project includes:

Idea (task, problem);

Means of solution (implementation);

Goals (results).

Project results

A project in a broad sense is something that can change something in the world, in life. From this point of view, its results can be both concrete (organization, structure, building, products, etc.) and abstract (experience, knowledge, methods, plans, etc.). If we consider it as dynamic system, can be distinguished:

Current (technology, documentation, etc.);

Final (profit, product, etc.).

Often the project and its results are presented in the form of a system of goals, which means that the project is a system. In other words, it is a combination of various elements and the relationships that arise between them, which ensures the achievement of certain goals.

Grounds on which projects can be classified

Classification of projects can be carried out according to the timing of implementation, scale, quality of their development and implementation, place of implementation, size of resources used. The diversity of their species is extremely large in reality. The classification of projects has the following bases:

Structure, composition of the project and subject area, defining its class;

Industrial premises;

Production facilities;

Technology of work and production;

Technological equipment;

Services, works, products that are produced.

Depending on the nature of the project, others are possible, as well as a more detailed division of the above.

The supporting elements of the project are: finance, raw materials, personnel (personnel), premises and territory, contracts, agreements, contracts, as well as other elements that contribute to its implementation and development.

Investment projects

Almost all projects are investment projects, since the vast majority of them require investment Money i.e. investment. In the special literature on project analysis and investment planning, it means a complex of interconnected enterprises that are aimed at achieving specific goals for a certain limited period of time. Classification investment projects can be carried out for various reasons: by the scale of investments, goals, degree of risk, degree of interconnection, timing. In particular, small, traditional, large and mega projects are distinguished by the scale of investments.

In the countries of the USA and Western Europe, small projects are understood as those whose cost is less than 300 thousand dollars. Medium (otherwise called traditional) have a cost of 300 thousand to 2 million dollars. Large projects are those that are of a strategic nature and cost more than 2 million dollars. And, finally, megaprojects are international or state targeted programs that combine a number of investment projects with a single purpose. Their cost is from 1 billion dollars.

AT Russian practice a slightly different classification of investment projects has developed. For example, in the case when centralized investment resources are allocated on a competitive basis, projects worth more than 50 million dollars are considered large.

Classification of educational projects

They can be personal and group. At the same time, each of them has undeniable advantages. There is also a special classification which is presented below. This is a system of education, knowledge and skills in which are acquired in the process of independent planning and implementation of projects by students - practical tasks gradually becoming more difficult.

Possible classification educational projects on:

The scale of activity;

Thematic areas;

the number of performers;

Implementation deadlines;

The importance of the results.

All of them, regardless of type, are unique and inimitable, aimed at achieving certain goals, involve the coordination of interrelated actions, and are limited in time.

Projects on complexity can be interdisciplinary and monoprojects. The latter are carried out within the framework of only one area or one subject. Interdisciplinary are carried out under the guidance of specialists representing various areas knowledge outside of school hours.

According to the nature of contacts, they can be divided into international, regional, intra-school and intra-class. As a rule, the first two are carried out as telecommunication projects, using various means of modern technologies and the Internet.

If we take as a basis the predominant activity of students, then we can distinguish the following types:

The project is practice-oriented;





In terms of duration, we can distinguish:

Mini-projects that fit into 1 lesson or part of it;

Short-term, designed for 4-6 lessons;

Weekly projects that require 30-40 hours and involve a combination of extra-curricular and classroom forms of work, as well as deep immersion in them, which makes them the optimal form of organizing work on projects;

Long-term (annual) both group and individual (as a rule, they are performed after school hours).

Variety of projects

Classification, as you can see, is carried out not only by managers and scientists. Many of us experience them in our professional activity in particular teachers. Students, by the way, also often receive the task to complete a "Project on the topic ...". This will help them in their future careers. A project on a topic proposed by the teacher or chosen independently is often regarded as a final or examination paper.