Professions related to computer technology. Rating of professions related to personal computers

Information technology has already entered into all spheres of our life. Economy, administrative and other state structures, healthcare, law enforcement, private life and much more - everything is closely connected with information communications, office equipment, software. The introduction of computers in the organization of state institutions contributed to the acceleration of the development of the economy and infrastructure, the reduction of bureaucracy and paperwork.

With the reasonable use of information technologies in the spheres of activity of states, in the future, it would be possible to fully solve the problems of corruption. All this, together with sufficient high pay work of IT specialists, contributes to the fact that professions related to computer technology, programming and information technology are gaining more and more popularity among young people. Below are some examples current professions from the IT sector.

1. ERP consultant

ERP system - a set of applications that automate the management and accounting of enterprises, linking their various departments. This complex is a single repository of information from all segments of the company's structure - about marketing, personnel, sales, production, forecasts and much more. There are three most common ERP systems in Russia: Oracle, SAP and Microsoft.

Here are the responsibilities of an ERP consultant:

  1. To coordinate the work of a specific module of the project: marketing, financial, logistics or any other.
  2. Rigorous research and description of the processes taking place in the client's business.
  3. Identification, in these processes, problem areas.
  4. Definition of change, business needs customer.
  5. Making proposals for actions to be taken to eliminate the shortcomings of the customer's business. Creation of theoretical models for optimizing business processes.
  6. Creation terms of reference for developers, formation of solutions.
  7. Tuning modules, ensuring its integration and optimal interaction with other modules, as well as other systems.
  8. Training of users of the system in the organization (trainings, seminars, preparation of educational materials).
  9. Implementation of technical support of the system at the final stages and after the completion of the project (consulting, providing additions and adjustments).

2. ERP programmer

A specialist of this type is engaged in the implementation of the project, the direct implementation of the concepts of analysts, and the implementation of ideas. He writes software codes, adapts software to the specifics of a particular company. An ERP programmer sets up user interfaces, troubleshoots the system, advises staff, and makes adjustments. A professional ERP programmer must have a perfect knowledge of at least one of the variations of ERP systems and a thorough knowledge of various programming languages ​​(Visual Basic, Pascal, C++, Delphi, etc.).

Also, such a specialist needs to understand the logic of the business. If the module concerns finances, a non-programmer cannot do without knowledge of the basics of accounting.

3. IT evangelist

Also, such a specialist is called an expert in software development technologies. This profession has nothing to do with religion, although euangélion in Greek means all good. The specialist in this area is engaged in the promotion of software. In a sense, he is, of course, a missionary - informs potential clients information about the advertised program. His task is not only to attract new customers, but also to strengthen existing customers' confidence in the software he promotes.

In some ways, the duties of an IT evangelist are similar to those of a copywriter or PR specialist, because he blogs, communicates with a consumer audience through interviews, writing articles and even books. Otherwise, such a specialist can be called a "programming journalist", because, in addition to the ability to promote the company's products, he must also be an expert in the field of information technology.

4. Web designer

For successful work in this profession, a specialist needs to combine artistic taste and talent in fine arts with knowledge of Internet technologies and programming skills. The main task of a web designer is to design a site in such a way that it is visually attractive to the widest possible audience of users. Such a designer creates Web pages and combines them into sites.

As one of the experts in this field put it, Web design is a mix of psychology, art and computer science.

Main responsibilities of a web designer:

5. Web programmer

This profession brings together various specialists in the field of IT technologies, in the field of web programming. Web programmers bring the ideas of web designers to life. Their task is to create a full-fledged, working site according to the “layout”. A web programmer must be proficient in languages ​​such as JAVAScript, HTML, PHP, JAVA, Perl and CGI, as well as have experience with a variety of web development tools such as ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Flash (etc.). Such programs and programming languages ​​greatly expand functionality sites and the possibility of filling them with various multimedia content. A web programmer works directly with the Internet. Its activity is assigned to the creation of programs that will function exclusively within this network.


Any profession in the field of IT technologies, programming, will suit you if you:

  1. Ready for purely intellectual, creative work.
  2. They are able to sit at a computer monitor for days, solving problems and eliminating errors.
  3. Attentive, pedantic, consistent.
  4. Prone to rationalism, logical thinking; love the exact sciences, mathematics.
  5. We are ready to sacrifice an active lifestyle, fresh air, sun and various benefits that could be derived from close communication with society.
  6. Don't be afraid to lose your sight.
  7. You love to develop intellectually, constantly learn and improve.

According to the teachers themselves, in almost every issue there are guys who dream of acquiring professions related to working with information, computers, computer programs. They enter universities and institutes at the faculties of cybernetics, informatics, computational mathematics, and applied mathematics. What will they do after graduation? Few people have an idea about this.

You can take the risk and compare the computer with any musical instrument, for example, with the piano. Before you touch the keys, this instrument was built by the masters, and the composers wrote the music in a language understandable to everyone - with musical notation. The same thing happens with computers: there are people who create the apparatus, and those who create music - that is, computer programs.

To date, computer programs are written by representatives of the most different professions, university students and schoolchildren. This is possible thanks to special languages, with the help of which we give commands to the computer. Such machine languages ​​are developed by specialists of one of the new professions - specialists in programming systems or translators in another way.

Anyone can write a program in a machine independent language. But for the machine to work with it, a translator is needed - a special program that translates what is written into a computer language. The creation of translators and a computer language requires the highest qualification from experts.

In general, the professional skills of a system programmer include programming languages, methods for assembling new programs from ready-made parts, translators, debugging programs in terms of high-level languages, and a library of ready-made blanks.

One more new profession is an operator - developer operating systems. These systems are the heart of the computer software. It is they who control the input into the computer of information that comes from the keyboard or disks, the placement of output and input data on storage devices, and also the manipulation with them.

Operating systems are becoming more and more complicated every year, because the needs of the mass user, as well as the requirements of technology and science, are growing. That is why a new specialization has separated from the specialization of system programming - a developer of operating systems or an operator. And the unification of several computers, the emergence of global and local networks required the performance of new functions from operating systems. In this regard, a new specialty arose - a network programmer.

Specialists who develop network programs should be well versed in the protocol systems that are accepted for a given network, the rules for generating addresses for various network points, methods of transporting information, and so on. Network programmers, professionals in their field, can compress data at the input, as well as decrypt it at the output.

Informatics is a science that studies all aspects of obtaining, storing, searching, transforming, transmitting and using information. This is the area human activity associated with the processes of converting information using computers.
Information technology has long been used in all areas of our lives. The economy, healthcare, law enforcement agencies - everything is closely connected with information communications, office equipment, software. Professions related to computer technology, programming and information technology are gaining more and more popularity among young people.
Informatics is at the heart of the IT profession. Its most common representatives are programmers.
Programmers are specialists who develop algorithms and programs based on mathematical models. Conventionally, programmers can be divided into three categories.
Application programmers - specialists involved in the development of specific programs necessary for the work of the organization. For example, 1C programmers can be included here.
System programmers programming operating systems, interfaces to distributed databases, working with networks.
web programmers deal with networks, but usually with global ones, such as the Internet. They write web interfaces to databases, create dynamic web pages, and so on.
Let us consider in more detail the professions associated with subject"Informatics".


The programmer works in the field of design, production and operation of software based on modern information technologies. The main task of a programmer is to develop programs based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, applied, economic and other problems that ensure the implementation of these algorithms and tasks by means of computer technology.
The duties of a programmer include the development of technology, stages and sequence of problem solving; choice of programming language and translation into it of used models and algorithms of tasks; determination of information for processing on a computer (its volume, structure, layouts and input schemes, method of storage and reproduction).
The programmer is engaged in preparing programs for debugging and debugging, checking programs based on logical analysis, correcting them in the process of finalization.
Provides support for implemented programs and software tools. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.
For effective work the programmer needs mathematical abilities and technical thinking; developed long-term and short-term memory, memory for conventions(signs, symbols, plans, diagrams, graphs); concentration of attention; abstract thinking; Analytical mind; ability to perceive a large number of information.
It is important to possess such qualities as pedantry, ability long time engage in painstaking work, independence, diligence, purposefulness, striving for professional excellence.
A mathematician-programmer is engaged in mathematical research to solve scientific, technical and production problems. Within its professional activity mathematician studies the theoretical objects of mathematics itself and develops methods for solving problems using computational methods and computational technical means. Engaged in solving theoretical problems of mathematics, i.e., building mathematical models (quantitative characteristics of real things) for studying life processes; conducting research in various areas mathematical science, in order to search for new laws and patterns of the studied phenomenon, process.
For effective work, a mathematician-programmer needs mathematical and analytical skills, logical thinking, a high level of development of concentration and stability of attention, a good development of short-term memory, memory for numbers and symbols, and spatial imagination. The propensity for analysis, detailing of information and the propensity for research work are important. Such qualities as erudition, curiosity, methodicalness, and patience are of great importance. The effectiveness of professional activity will be hindered by a humanitarian mindset, inability to analyze information, absent-mindedness, inconsistency in actions, daydreaming.

System programmer

A system programmer is a specialist who knows all the nuances of system software, computer architecture and computing systems. He develops operating systems, utilities, drivers for a monitor or printer, graphics "engines" for computer games, software systems that ensure the smooth operation of computer components, and sometimes databases.
The system programmer is almost not involved in application programs, he builds a multi-level structure that combines individual components (processor operation, network equipment, RAM, execution of application programs, etc.) into modules, and modules into a single computer organism or computer network. In addition to developing software modules and integrating them, a system programmer is engaged in adapting and modifying software products for a specific system, based on its logic and tasks.
A system programmer develops software modules, drivers, software systems, operating systems, etc. He takes part in testing, debugging, and modifying the product he created.
The profession requires a penchant for the exact sciences and technology; analytical thinking, a high level of development of attention functions. The work of a system programmer requires knowledge of mathematics, physics, basic computer algorithms, organization of modern operating systems, drivers, model building, etc.

System Administrator

System Administrator(network administrator) ensures uninterrupted operation automated system, server software and network security of system files and data. If necessary, he can work in related and related positions: systems engineer, database administrator.
The system administrator installs network software on servers and workstations, ensures software integration on file servers, database management system servers and workstations. Solves the issues of network security (protection against unauthorized access to the network, viewing or modifying system files and data), as well as the security of internetworking. Carries out timely copying and backup of data, maintains in working order software server. Develops instructions for working with network software and brings them to the attention of users. Engaged in user registration, assignment of identifiers and passwords, controls the use of network resources. Detects errors of users and network software, restores system performance.

web designer

A web designer is a specialist in the field of web development and design, whose duties include designing user interfaces for websites or applications.
The main activity of web designers is related to designing the structure of web pages, finding the most convenient ways for users to present information, and decorating sites.
The website is the face of the organization and the most accessible source of fresh news about its activities. It should look presentable and make it possible to quickly find the information you need. A web designer is responsible for how a website looks and feels. It creates logos, banners, presentations and other graphic elements.
Web designers design the logical structure of web pages, think over the most convenient types of information presentation, and are engaged in the design of a web project. These specialists develop the concept of a web page or application, create design layouts for sections, pages, modules, think over site navigation, develop a convenient, aesthetically attractive user interface. They are responsible for the graphic and informational content of the site: they are engaged in the processing of photographs, images, illustrations, determine where the text should be placed.
Professionally important qualities of a web designer are: creativity, aesthetic and artistic taste, developed functions of attention (distribution, volume, concentration and switching), a high level of development of figurative, logical and analytical thinking and memory, fine color discrimination.

Software tester

Testing is an activity performed to evaluate and improve the quality of software. In most cases, it is based on the detection of defects in software systems. Testers are specialists who make the software workable and meet the requirements.
Testers act in two roles at the same time: they are both users and experts in identifying problems. On the one hand, they build an algorithm for the behavior of a typical user when working with a specific software product, i.e., in a practical way, they try to determine what difficulties the user will encounter. a common person, who will use this software in their work in the near future.
On the other hand, testers compare the results of the studied software product with other indicators, that is, they are engaged in the search for probable errors and failures in the functioning of the program. By simulating various situations that may arise during the testing process, these specialists try to find out whether the result matches the initial expectations.
In the process of work, testers develop testing methods, they come up with a test scenario and carry it out themselves. about errors and incorrect behavior they report programs to software developers so that they can fix everything before the product is “released”. The task of the tester is to make the most detailed report on the testing, which should indicate the analysis and causes of the problems that have arisen. After registration and analysis of defects, the programmer looks for ways to solve the tasks and corrects the errors.
These specialists are engaged in checking the software product for compliance with its necessary requirements. They do it by modeling. various situations, in which it turns out how well individual functions of the program work. Software testing is often painstaking work of testing hundreds of different versions of the same module.
Success in professional activity will be promoted by a high level of development of technical, mathematical abilities, flexibility and dynamism of thinking, analytical abilities.

Information Security Specialist

Modern companies are increasingly faced with the need to ensure data confidentiality, to prevent leakage or unauthorized access to information. The task of ensuring comprehensive information protection falls on the shoulders of a specialist in information security.
The main goal of such a specialist is to protect information in the company from leaks, losses, intruders and spies. He develops a strategy, installs special programs, explains safety rules to employees, and analyzes leaks that have already occurred.
The information security officer must audit existing system security, analyze information risks and, in accordance with this, develop and implement measures to ensure the company's information security: select, install and configure technical means of protecting information.
The duties of an information security specialist also include constant monitoring of the information security system and support of technical means of its protection. In addition, the specialist responsible for information security has to train other employees to follow the basics of information security. Of course, the list of requirements is quite serious, but the advantages of such a complex profession are also obvious: high demand on the labor market, interesting and high paying job with modern computer technology and technology.
For effective work, a specialist needs mathematical abilities and technical thinking, well-developed attention (volume, distribution and concentration), verbal-logical memory, systematic and flexible thinking, and analytical skills.

SEO Specialist

daily number of sites global network the internet is increasing. The main purpose of creating a website is to convey the necessary information to the user. SEO is an abbreviation of the phrase Search Engine Optimization - this is the name of different methods of working with search engines in order to increase the position of the site in search results at the request of users.
Seo-specialist - a specialist in search engine promotion of a website, who develops measures to optimize and promote an information resource on the Internet. This is one of the new, modern and very promising professions in the field of computer technology. The work of an SEO specialist is in great demand and allows the employer to minimize the cost of contextual, banner, media and other types of advertising.
Seo-specialist is engaged in the promotion of sites to the first positions in search engines. It performs a set of measures aimed at raising the position of the site in the results of search engines for predefined keywords.
As part of his professional activities, a seo-specialist analyzes a website for compliance with the requirements of search engines; develops recommendations for improving the indexing of a website by search engines, optimizing the page code, changing its structure, internal linking of pages. It also selects and analyzes keywords, forms the semantic core of the website.
Professionally important qualities of an SEO specialist are: developed abstract-logical and analytical thinking, technical and mathematical abilities, a high level of development of concentration and stability of attention, balance and perseverance.

Computer's operator

The computer operator is engaged in solving problems of automation of production, storage and processing various information. It checks the health of the PC and its readiness for work. Enters information into the computer memory from various media and communication channels for the purpose of further work with it. Engaged in the processing of engineering, economic, sociological and other information. Works with spreadsheets, word processors, graphic editors. Sorts materials, performs mathematical calculations, draws up statements, tables, summaries.
Performs work on testing PC files with anti-virus programs, ensures the functioning of the computer system, Maintenance PC. It detects all malfunctions and malfunctions, establishes the causes of these malfunctions and, if possible, eliminates them.
The profession "operator of electronic computers" (personal computers) is associated with the production of information and information services in institutions and organizations, at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.
For a computer operator, developed attention functions are important: concentration and stability (the ability to focus on one subject for a long time and quickly move from one type of activity to another), distribution and switching (the ability to focus on one subject for a long time and quickly move from one type of activity to another). Good development of all types of memory and a high level of development of technical abilities will contribute to success in work.


Layout is the process of designing the pages of books, magazines, newspaper pages, other types of printing, as well as web pages. A text layout designer is a specialist engaged in the formation and layout of text and graphic elements for creating pages of any kind. printed edition, as well as web pages of sites.
In the simplest case, layout is typing on a computer. But when we talk about printing, publishing and printed matter, then there is a need for layout specialists. The final appearance of the publication and its visual appeal to readers depends on the work of the layout designer.
The work of a layout designer in printing is the process of arranging, compiling the pages of a book, newspaper, magazine from typed texts, headings, illustrations in accordance with a pre-approved layout of the publication at the prepress stage based on generally accepted rules for the arrangement and design of texts. The typesetter carries out typing and correction of text, selection of fonts, sizes of illustrations. Engaged in the layout of text and graphic material in accordance with the sketches, prepares the layout for printing. When forming a page, the master adheres to several dozen generally accepted rules. In the future, the layout designer will have to correct the technical, spelling and other errors made to the layout. To do this, the specialist must be fluent in proofreading marks. The process of printing, reconciliation and correction can be repeated two or three, or even more times.
Web page designers are engaged in the design of web resource pages using a special markup language (for example, HTML), as well as using cascading style sheets (CSS), etc.
The layout designer's work is impossible without computer equipment and special graphic programs (Adobe InDesign, Adobe Page Maker, Corel Draw). A modern layout designer must be fluent in graphic and text editors be able to work with publishing systems and graphic programs.
The work will require a combination of technical and artistic talent, developed visual-figurative thinking, good aesthetic taste, a sense of style, spatial imagination, color perception and an accurate spatial eye. A propensity to work with information, the ability for long-term painstaking and monotonous activity, steady attention, perseverance, accuracy, self-criticism, perseverance, and patience are necessary.
It is important that the layout designer be a literate and erudite person in various areas of life, because he needs not only to mechanically arrange the material, but to understand its essence and ensure that the form of presentation allows the reader to reveal the content to the maximum extent.
Layout designers can work in the media, publishing houses, printing houses, design and development studios, advertising or publishing firms, enterprises and organizations, educational institutions, etc.


To determine what a person has more abilities for, there are a huge number of career guidance tests. Often, such tests simply indicate which sciences a person is more inclined to.

Many applicants and people who want to master a new, more an interesting profession face the problem of defining the profession itself. If, for example, you discovered that you are capable of physics, this does not mean that you should become a physicist and go and test Newton's laws on yourself.

Under each branch of science there are dozens, if not hundreds of professions, which are both directly and indirectly related to it. We will talk with you today about professions related to computer science. And you will see that they are quite diverse and interesting.

Profession of a programmer

The programmer creates programs and debugs them, which are intended for electronic devices, including a computer.

Such a specialist is engaged in the creation of sites and comes up with unique design solutions for them. Today, every self-respecting company wants to have its own Internet resource, and in order for it to be interesting to use, it must have a fairly convenient navigation system and an interesting aesthetic design. These are the tasks facing web designers.

A website designer should not only have technical abilities, but also have a creative vein, artistic taste, basic knowledge of human psychology (memory functions and perception of what a person sees), knowledge of the principles of the Internet network will not interfere. The most positive thing that characterizes the profession is the constant flight of thought and the possibility of a person's creative self-realization.

Profession system administrator

The system administrator monitors the health and functioning computer network In the organisation.

Divorced now, you see, there are many offices in which dozens of computers, printers, fax machines and scanners, which are often connected to a local network. The task of the system administrator is to maintain these tons of equipment, eliminate failures and malfunctions, install programs and debug them, connect new devices purchased by the company to the network.

The profession occupies one of the leading places in the labor market, so it is better to have a higher specialized education in order to get a job in a reputable company. And small offices and enterprises are content with a couple of capable student programmers.

It is necessary to have a good store of knowledge in order to be competitive in this field of human activity.

Occupation PC operator

Perhaps one of the most common professions that have a direct connection with computer science. But, knowledge will be required a little less than in the above options.

The main thing is to be able to turn the computer on and off, be able to use the keyboard, work with files and basic programs. This is standard list requirements for the operator, but companies can expand the requirements, and you need to be prepared for this.

This profession has a number of disadvantages: a permanent position in the "sitting" position and a considerable load on vision. But, this disadvantage applies to most professions related to information technology.

The main advantage - broad scope activities, so a person who knows how to handle a computer well can find work in various enterprises, firms and institutions.

There are a number of equally exciting professions that have a connection with computer science. These are professions such as:

  • site administrator;
  • database administrator;
  • Site Editor;
  • screenwriter of computer games and many others.

If you love computer science and the computer is your friend, then without any doubt, dare along and across this field of activity, which can become a profession of your whole life.

Perhaps it will be useful for you.

AT recent times IT professions are on the rise. Firstly, this is a very interesting activity that allows you to create great products and projects with your own hands. Secondly, programming and computer specialties are highly valued in modern society, so true professionals in their field can count on a decent wages. Thirdly, work with computers does not oblige the presence of an office or a certain place of work, so you can do your own business at home or in a cafe.

In contact with


In addition, it must be borne in mind that the development of technology obliges all people, one way or another, to understand the hardware. It is difficult to imagine how much easier the work of some specialties was the introduction of programs and computers.

Prospects for IT professions young people are very interested. Therefore, the article will consider the most popular, profitable and profitable professions associated with the computer.

Computer-related professions

Many may ask the question: “Why exactly are system administrators in the first place in the list?”. Today it is a very popular and demanded profession. Despite the fact that almost everyone has faced, one way or another, with the work of a system administrator, many have not figured out or do not know what duties are included in their work.

First of all, a system administrator is a master who understands all areas of computer science. The system administrator is obliged to monitor the operation of operating systems and, in the event of an error, breakdown or threat, immediately correct it.

To the list of their work it also includes installing the necessary software, checking the network, programs and other useful things for the computer, updating drivers and the system if necessary, being able to work with antiviruses and remove trojans, viruses and damage from the computer. You need to be able to repair equipment in case of problems, protect the network from attack, connect equipment and understand the internal workings of equipment. In addition, the system administrator must ensure local network and the server with the necessary updates.

In other words, the system administrator is responsible for everything related to setting up computer systems and repairing equipment. Can't say for sure what salary the system administrator will receive. First of all, it will depend on the individual qualities and skills of a person. If he understands many areas and can prove his usefulness in practice, then the salary can be quite high. In addition, the amount of money received will depend on the company in which the person works.

Sometimes you can meet a professional who will receive a salary of 50 thousand rubles. And although this happens, you should not count on such an amount, because you can meet this quite rarely. On average, a quality system administrator receives from 25 thousand to 30 thousand. The schedule of the system administrator is changeable and ranges from 5 hours to 12 working days.


Honorary next on the list and a well-deserved place is occupied by a programmer. It's not worth talking about his duties much - programmers are people who write programs. In the last few years, the popularity and development of this specialty has increased dramatically. Firstly, programmers are needed in all areas - there is almost no company that does not use computers. Programmers write special, narrowly focused programs that make work easier. Secondly, programmers always have the opportunity to travel and do their favorite work outside the office.

It is easy to understand that the main task programmers is writing codes and the ability to correctly use the programming language for their tasks and purposes, developing software and changing the work of some things. If we compare a system administrator and a programmer, then the system administrator includes more tasks in his list of duties, however, it is the programmer who must have more skills and knowledge. And although in modern world in fact, the system administrator and the programmer have the same base, yet they use slightly different skills and experience.

Every programmer should have a certain amount of nerves and energy, as this profession is often exhausting and can be incredibly difficult. A programmer must be able to write good program code, check it, find errors, fix them and constantly update your creation. Only a person with large quantity patience and strength can try to become a professional programmer.

A real expert in this field gets a little more than a system administrator - from 35 to 40 thousand rubles. The salary may be higher, depending on the professional skills of the person and his computer experience. It should be noted that the tasks of a specialist do not include the repair of computers, laptops or other equipment. Programmers are engaged in purely internal work.

The schedule of a programmer, like that of a system administrator, is fickle. Very often, due to the high workload, programmers can work more than 12 hours.

Depending on the chosen activity, the programmer can deal with narrowly focused tasks:

  • Sites.
  • Mobile applications.
  • Applications for PC.
  • Server development.
  • System Research.


This activity is suitable for people with humanitarian mindset who enjoy working with technology. Everyone has heard about this specialty and can ask the question “Where exactly can designers find application in the field of IT?”.

The schedule and work of designers in the computer field is not much different from other designers. It is still necessary to carry out sketches, layouts, sketches, present and protect your projects. Of course, due to modern programs and computer capabilities, work has become easier to do. But now the designer, in addition to a fine artistic taste, the ability to create a catchy and memorable project, must have knowledge of a package of basic graphic programs.

Designers fall into several categories. Someone can find themselves in the field of 3D design(in this field, people model and create three-dimensional figures), someone will want to do web design - design page layouts, etc. All these professions, like other creative specialties, have mixed schedules and good average wages. For example, a design specialist can receive from 40 thousand rubles.

If a person found himself in the field of design and wants to interact with computers, then it can be:

  • Web designer.
  • Graphic designer.
  • 3D designer.
  • Virtual Reality Designer.

Web Programmer

In the computer field, different types and directions of pure programming. A web programmer or web developer is one of the most popular specialists in demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that this profession has deservedly received one of the priorities among universities and millions of personnel graduate every year, the demand for this specialty remains one of the highest.

The duty of a web programmer is the ability to competently develop websites, write codes and promote their projects on the web. know how to create beautiful appearance(i.e. be able to perform the tasks of a web designer) and bring it to a working state. Web programmer schedule fluctuates from 10 to 12 hours. The average salary of such a specialist can be from 35 to 50 thousand, depending on individual skills and abilities.

You don't have to graduate to be a good web programmer. educational institution enough to be able to meet the requirements of the customer.

Of course, professions that are related to computers There are a huge number and it is almost impossible to describe them all. It is important to remember that no matter what one chooses, the main thing is to be able to enjoy and enjoy the process of one's activity.