1c in a transport company. Transport, logistics software for automating accounting in transport, logistics and forwarding companies

The transport industry is very diverse in terms of services provided. The activities of carrier enterprises are associated with geographical distribution, complex system routing and logistics. AT modern conditions industry development automation of transport companies - necessary condition business success. This is primarily due to the requirements of market operators, as well as the high level of competition. Besides, in recent times logistics becomes the basis of efficiency transport services.

Operational passage of goods, building an optimal route, tracking the status of orders, full control of cargo transportation and many other operations simply cannot be tracked without the use of a modern information system. It is possible to achieve maximum efficiency and business mobility by automating all activities based on a specialized system.

Accounting for the operation of vehicles

Availability of industry specifics various categories transport companies allows you to identify specific objects of automation of accounting for the operation of vehicles. From the characteristic industry modules of information systems for carriers, there are:

  • transportation management (logistics department);
  • Dispatching service;
  • control maintenance and repair.

A feature of the business of transport companies is the continuity of the work process. That is why it is so important for business leaders to have up-to-date information about the fulfillment of orders. The information system certainly helps in this.

Successful business is possible with the "industry solution" that solves the problems of logistics, optimal resource planning, providing powerful support for making the right decisions. management decisions which allows the company to reach a new level and compete with dignity.

For motor transport enterprises doing business in the field of taxi transportation, the industry solution "" is intended.

The system, created on the basis of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, guarantees reliability, industry-specific functionality and scalability, as well as integration with other 1C products, for example, accounting programs or management solutions personnel records and payroll.

The main activity of the UralSpetsAvto company (Tchaikovsky, Perm Territory) is the provision of transport services to oil industry enterprises. Its fleet consists of trucks and cars, buses, as well as specialized vehicles with a total of 150 units. The company currently employs about 400 employees. In addition to transport services, it also deals with washing and repairing oil wells. Its main customers are Lukoil, Rosneft and Belkamneft companies.

The company has a holding structure. Each of the companies that are part of the holding kept offline accounting using various software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software system. It should be noted that the existing level of automation satisfied the needs for maintaining accounting each of the firms. At the same time, the storage and processing of data in unrelated information databases made it difficult to quickly obtain information about the state of the holding as a whole, which is necessary for its management. There was also no opportunity to obtain management data on the cost of services rendered and profitability in general for the holding. Reference information was not unified, each company maintained its own list of contractors, materials, goods and fixed assets. The formation of a unified cost structure was not ensured.

At some point, management decided to integrated automation companies. In the process of implementing the automation project, it was necessary, first of all, to create a unified information base, unify regulatory and reference information, develop and implement a unified cost structure, introduce single system personnel accounting. The system was supposed to provide accounting of costs in the context of sections and Vehicle, managerial calculation of the cost of services provided and the profitability of the company as a whole and the prompt receipt of the data necessary to analyze its condition. It was also necessary to eliminate the need to re-enter information when processing transactions between holding companies.

It was decided to create an automated system based on software products "1C: manufacturing plant 8" and "1C:Enterprise 8. Vehicle management". The company "Balance-service" (1C: Franchisee, Competence Center for Production, Izhevsk) was chosen as the contractor for the automation project.

At the beginning of the work on the project, the specialists of the company "Balance-service" carried out a survey of the holding and studied the existing business processes. Based on the information received, at the next stage, an information system layout was created, in which the company's business processes were modeled. This allowed the customer to get an idea of ​​the future automated system, as well as to define a list necessary requirements To her. Subsequently, during the implementation of the system, it was configured in accordance with the specifics of the company. User training was also provided. To quickly commission the system, data was transferred to the new system from programs that were used previously.

Currently, all financial and economic activities of the company are recorded in a single information base. At the same time, the document flow for each legal entity is performed separately with separation of access rights. Separation of rights provides the accountant with access to information only on those firms with which he works.

Business operations are registered in the system using documents. At the same time, in accordance with the wishes of the customer, transactions between own firms are reflected only in accounting, while other transactions are reflected in both accounting and management accounting.

To illustrate, consider the features of accounting and management accounting inventories (IPZ). The accounting features of the MPZ include keeping records in the context of the company's legal entities. In this case, the valuation of reserves is formed separately for each legal entity. Inventory management accounting is maintained for the company as a whole. At the same time, the cost of inventories remains unchanged when sold between firms within the holding. This allows you to get data on real costs in management accounting, without a trade margin.

Apart from common documents for accounting and management accounting, the system provides for documents that are entered separately for each type of accounting, in particular, these are “Cost calculation” and “Depreciation calculation”.

To account for operations with vehicles, the subsystem "Management of vehicles" is used. Their reflection in accounting and management accounting is carried out using a special data translation mechanism.

At present, the system has been put into commercial operation, 30 jobs have been automated. The accounting department, the planning and economic department, the personnel department, the dispatching service of vehicles, the department of the chief mechanic and the taxi service work with her.

As a result of the introduction of the automated system, the following results were obtained. Regulatory and reference information is taken into account according to the standards uniform for the entire company. The creation of incoming documents of one holding company based on outgoing documents of another company was automated, which made it possible to simplify data entry and eliminate errors when entering documents into the system. Managed expiration dates registration documents drivers and vehicles. Due to the use of time tracking on waybills, the labor intensity is reduced and the transparency of the calculation is ensured wages drivers. Control over the consumption of fuels and lubricants has been established. Based on the data on the production of waybills, the formation of acts on the provision of transport services to customers was ensured, and the formation of a detailed register of work performed for the client was implemented. As a result of automation of activities personnel service the processes of forming lists of the company's personnel and providing certificates to various government agencies. Accounting for costs and revenues is provided for in the context of the centers of financial responsibility of management accounting - self-supporting sections or units of vehicles.

Thus, the automated system provides work in a single information space almost all divisions of the company. It allows you to quickly calculate and analyze the cost of services and financial results her activities.

As a result of the introduction of the system, the management got the opportunity to assess the profitability of both a separate self-supporting section and each unit of transport, analyze the cost structure and quickly control costs. Control over materials held by financially responsible persons in remote areas ensures their safety. In general, automation made it possible to identify bottlenecks in the company's activities in time and led to an increase in the quality of management decisions.

It is important to note that the application solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" has large reserves that allow further development information system companies. Thus, UralSpetsAvto's future plans include the launch of a budgeting subsystem.

Every company involved in the transportation of goods needs high-quality automation transport processes. Today this is possible thanks to 1C programs for transport.

These software solutions were developed by 1C specialists for efficient business management in transport organizations. Using 1C programs for transport, users can:

  • Control the availability of vehicles and drivers;
  • Automatically calculate delivery routes;
  • Take into account all possible costs for the organization's transport;
  • Keep records of applications for cargo transportation for all modes of transport.

In the company "1C: Franchisee Victoria" you can buy the following 1C programs in the field of "transport":

  • "1C: Vehicle management 8". A specialized solution for automating operational and management accounting in organizations and enterprises involved in road transport. In addition, the program is suitable for motor transport departments at production and trade enterprises where vehicles are used for personal needs. On the 1C: Franchisee Victoria website, you can purchase several deliveries of the software product: Standard and PROF.
  • "1C: Management of a transport enterprise 8". Software solution necessary for the full automation of accounting in large transport organizations and companies. Also, the software solution is suitable for enterprises that carry out Passenger Transportation, as well as for transport and forwarding organizations. The software product is available in several distributions: for 10 users + client-service, license for remote office and laptop license.
  • "". The software solution was developed on the basis of the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8", therefore it is suitable for automated control business processes of all departments of transport logistics.

You can buy 1C programs for transport on our website at an affordable price. The company "1C: Franchisee Victoria" is the official representative of 1C in Moscow, so we offer customers only licensed programs.

In addition, you can order updates, maintenance, configuration of 1C programs and other services. Our specialists have been certified by 1C, and also have many years of experience working with programs. You can also visit our 1C courses and learn all the secrets of working with software products 1C.


In the activities of many transport companies, there are a number of problems, the solution of which positively affects the profitability and efficiency of work. To increase the efficiency of using the vehicle, its carrying capacity should not significantly exceed the weight of the transported cargo. The formation of routes in an optimal way will reduce the mileage of vehicles. The presence of control over the location of the vehicle and the condition of the cargo during transportation will allow you to comply with the terms of transportation and save good relationship with customers, organizing a thoughtful exchange of necessary information between departments involved in the transportation process - to facilitate the decision-making process and increase labor productivity. Preparation of up-to-date management reporting - to assess the efficiency and quality of the work performed and will contribute to the adoption of adequate management decisions.

The system provides for the management of the process of transportation of inventory items (inventory) along the chain "supplier - warehouse - client". Transportation can be carried out both by our own transport and by transport of third-party organizations. Accounting and control of the transportation process are carried out at all its stages. The introduction of an automated system makes it possible to reasonably make decisions on the involvement of third-party organizations in the performance of certain works in the transportation chain. It is also possible to organize an internal cost accounting, which is based on reasonable prices for transport and logistics services provided to various departments of the enterprise - the sales department, the supply department, etc. At different stages of the logistics chain, the system provides for the use of a variety of delivery vehicles - from auto railway transport to the courier. Cargo can be registered as a commodity in accordance with the commodity specification, as well as an impersonal cargo unit - a box, a piece, a package, etc.

At enterprises that do not have transport departments, the system can be used not only to track and control complex logistics chains of goods transportation, but also to organize the movement of goods between own warehouses.

Depending on the structure and needs of the enterprise, the system allows organizing functional jobs for a sales department manager, a purchasing department manager, an employee of the logistics department, an employee of the transport department and a warehouse employee.

Let's consider some subsystems of the industry solution "1C: Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management".

Freight demand management
This subsystem is designed to register the need for the transportation of goods and control over its satisfaction. The need for transportation may arise as a result of a buyer's order, a supplier's order, or a planned movement of goods and materials between the company's own warehouses. The need for transportation is registered in the system by the manager of the sales/purchasing department or the dispatcher who accepts requests for the transportation of goods. During the registration process, information is entered about the consignor and consignee, shipping and delivery addresses, the delivery time interval and other data. It is possible to cancel the need for transportation before the start of work to satisfy it. The system implements control over the stages of satisfaction of the need for transportation - "Refused", "Performed" or "Completed".

Transportation task management
With the help of this subsystem, tasks for the transportation of goods are registered, and their execution is also controlled. Transportation tasks can be generated both in the presence of a registered transportation requirement, and in its absence. When registering a task for transportation, data on the composition of the cargo, its volume and weight characteristics and the number of pieces are entered into the system. For each link in the chain, information is entered about the consignor, consignee, and also about the performer of this link in the chain. The executor of a link in the logistics chain can be either a transport company that accepts applications for the transportation of goods, or a third-party transport company.

The subsystem allows you to organize workplace a logistician who, with its help, analyzes the needs for the transportation of goods, forms transportation tasks and develops the optimal chain of transportation for each cargo.

Cargo transportation management
The capabilities of this subsystem allow you to register flights to perform tasks for the transportation of goods and control their implementation. Flights can be generated based on the list of tasks for the transportation of goods to be performed. Registration of applications for the allocation of vehicles for the performance of scheduled flights and control over their execution are provided. The subsystem also allows you to control the execution of flights and track the passage of a route by a vehicle, register shortages and losses of cargo during transportation. Actual shipping costs are recorded.

On the basis of the subsystem, it is possible to organize the workplace of the dispatcher, who performs the functions of completing and routing flights.

Resource management
The main task, which is solved with the help of this subsystem, is the processing of applications for vehicles and employees of the enterprise to perform scheduled flights. At the same time, the need for resources for the performance of flights is controlled, applications for the allocation of vehicles are analyzed. It is planned to issue a confirmation of the application with the subsequent allocation of vehicles and personnel for the flight, as well as the registration of a refusal on the application.

The subsystem allows you to organize the workplace of the manager of the transport department, whose responsibilities include the distribution of vehicles and personnel for specific flights.

Analytical reports
The subsystem of analytical reports provides an assessment key indicators the efficiency of the performed transportations by types of vehicles and carrying out, with varying degrees of detail, the analysis of statistical data accumulated in the information base.

Reports are provided to analyze the satisfaction of needs for the transportation of goods, to analyze the fulfillment of tasks for the transportation of goods along the links of the transportation chain defined in the task, to analyze the performance of flights, and also to analyze the satisfaction of applications for the allocation of vehicles. Implemented the possibility of plan-factual analysis of costs associated with the transportation of goods.

The Transport Efficiency Analysis report allows, based on the data accumulated in the information base, to analyze a total of nine technical, technological and qualitative transport efficiency ratios for any period. Technological indicators include, for example, "KIG", which is defined as the quotient of the weight of the cargo transported per flight to the carrying capacity of the vehicle, and other indicators. The quality indicator "QUZ" is calculated as a quotient of the number of completed tasks to the total number of tasks for transportation.

Visualization of information on electronic cards
It is possible to increase the convenience of work and productivity of the dispatcher when drawing up the route of movement using the subsystem for visualizing information on electronic maps. This subsystem provides the user with the ability to visualize geographical addresses included in the supply chain, as well as flight routes on electronic maps.

The introduction of the automated system "1C: Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management" in combination with organizational measures helps to increase the profitability of the enterprise. Efficient equipment provides an increase in the volume of transported goods with the same number of used vehicles. Routing reduces the share of idle runs in the total mileage of vehicles. The quality and accuracy of the execution of orders for transportation are improved. The formation of shipping and travel documents is performed automatically. Ability to receive up-to-date reporting various indicators efficiency allows you to use it for making managerial decisions.

Note: To expand workplaces, in addition to additional licenses for using the configuration, you must also purchase client licenses for using the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

When automating transportation processes, one of the main tasks is to reduce the time of transportation and its cost. Module " Transportation management» — component developed on the 1C:Enterprise platform of the AXELOT TMS X4 system is designed to automate transportation planning operations, the formation of delivery flights, and control over their execution.

The module can also be used as an independent automated transportation and delivery logistics management system on the 1C:Enterprise platform. By optimizing the process of planning routes and executing transportation using AXELOT TMS X4, you can achieve such effects as reducing the required number of vehicles and reducing mileage, reducing fuel costs, improving the quality and level of service provided during the delivery process.

Module " Transportation management» provides the following functionality:

Application management

The application for the transportation of goods is created based on the requirement of the client to transport the goods from the start point to the end point.

The card is also used for address geocoding- linking the address to a specific point on the map. Geocoding can be done automatically or manually. Manual geocoding mode is used if the address in the application is indicated incorrectly or incompletely, or such an address simply does not exist and it must be forcibly marked on the map.

With automatic planning, the system allows you to select the most optimal vehicles from the list of your own fleet or type of vehicles that can potentially be ordered from the carrier. When choosing your own vehicles, the schedule of their availability is taken into account.

The task of constructing the optimal route and delivery schedule is to distribute all requests for transportation among flights in the most optimal way in accordance with agreements with customers, while minimizing the amount of required resources.

When planning flights in AXELOT TMS X4, many parameters are taken into account, for example, such as:

  • the carrying capacity of the vehicle and the cargo being transported;
  • road map, including traffic statistics;
  • compatibility of transported products;
  • work schedule of the driver in compliance with the regime of work and rest;
  • length and execution time of the route and many others.

Automatic planning in AXELOT TMS X4 also takes into account many restrictions, such as:

  • accounting for time windows of delivery and work schedules of partners;
  • delivery, taking into account the detour of several loading warehouses;
  • drivers' work schedules and planning of several trips for one shift;
  • accounting for restrictions on the number of goods;
  • taking into account restrictions on the accessibility of entry into transport zones;
  • accounting for the collection and return of containers and other returnable goods;
  • taking into account the possibility of delivering goods for each vehicle and driver;
  • accounting of work time at the points of divorce according to the statistics of deliveries and the time of unloading the cargo;
  • percentage of distribution of routes by carriers.

AXELOT TMS X4 allows the logistician not to analyze these restrictions manually, but to issue the result of automatic planning to control the execution of the route.

The result of planning is visually available to the user, indicating the time indicators of the flight and the length of its route.

The functionality of AXELOT TMS X4 allows you to make changes to the flight at the stage of its execution, for example, if you need to add an additional waypoint.

You can also see the dynamics of the vehicle load during the flight. This can be useful in case of reloading the vehicle at one of the points.

To control the execution of flights, the system provides a set of statuses that change dynamically depending on the current state.

Carrying out tenders for transportation and selection of carriers

With AXELOT TMS X4 it is possible to manage shipments carried out not only by our own forces, but also by third-party carriers. In all planning processes described above, vehicles provided by a third-party carrier can be selected.

If the carrier is not known in advance, then there is the possibility of holding tenders.

The tender consists of the following stages:

  • formation of applications for the allocation of vehicles to carriers;
  • receiving commercial offers from carriers;
  • selection of the winner.

The application for allocating a vehicle specifies all the parameters necessary to select a specific vehicle for the flight.

Applications for the allocation of a vehicle can be formed in a group way with automatic distribution to the specified carrier companies by e-mail.

Entering commercial offers can be done by carriers on their own on a special tender portal.

The dispatcher can choose the most advantageous offer, and to the address Email the winner of the tender is sent a notification. Losing carriers also receive a notification of the results of the tender by e-mail.

Document delivery control

Checking the completeness of documents when returning from a flight allows you to improve the quality of the company's document flow.

The functionality of AXELOT TMS X4 allows you to keep a simplified record of returned documents - to control the total quantity or record in detail each returned copy, indicating its quality.

Upon the return of documents, AXELOT TMS X4 sets up the need to pay bills to third-party carriers, as well as the need to pay a bonus component for their drivers. This functionality allows you to improve not only the quality of the document flow, but also provides an opportunity to pay only for those transportations for which the entire set of closing documents is available.

Tariffication of transportation

A flexible tariff setting mechanism allows you to define various tariff scales. In the module " Transportation management» when entering a request for transportation, the composition and cost of transportation services and the cost additional services rendered to the client within the framework of this transportation.

The calculation of the cost of services can be based on many indicators: weight and size parameters of the cargo, distance from the starting point to the final point, transportation time, modes of transportation, etc. You can also set arbitrary formulas based on these indicators, and table functions for ranges of indicator values.

Control of mutual settlements with customers and carriers

In AXELOT TMS X4 it is possible to keep records of mutual settlements with transportation customers and with carriers. The functionality allows you to calculate not only planned indicators for possible income and expenses, but also calculate services based on actual transportation data.

The system allows you to take into account the principle of payment of invoices for transportation requests (prepayment, postpayment), as well as control the terms of payment and the maximum limit of receivables at the level of each contract.

To manage the process of mutual settlements, the system provides a separate workplace "Management of settlements with customers", in which it is possible to generate invoices for services rendered in the context of requests for transportation, control the payment of invoices, and also reconcile the services rendered by the contractor in the context of each transportation for a given period.

Costing and analytical reporting

In the automated transport management system, planned and actual costs are maintained. It is possible to take into account all types of costs, distributing them to specific flights, requests for transportation, or in proportion to various parameters (mass, volume, distance, etc.), and combinations of these parameters are also possible (for example, distribution by ton-kilometers). Only such a cost accounting structure can give a true picture of income and expenses for various types activities and accounting sections: for each specific client, by types of transportation (for example, regional or intracity), by types of vehicles, by directions, by types of goods transported, etc.

Planned costs related to a flight are recorded directly in the flight. The calculation of planned costs is made using mechanisms similar to the calculation of the cost of services for customers, and is based on flight parameters. Calculation of planned costs for fuel and lubricants can be made using the waybill mechanism and inherited in a trip.

Planned non-flight costs are recorded separately.

For each cost item, the method of its distribution among transportation tasks is indicated. Such a distribution is required for the analysis of profitability in the context of each task / request for transportation. Flight costs can be distributed among applications in proportion to many parameters: time, distance, mass, volume, estimated value of the cargo, as well as any arbitrary formula.

In the case of using the services of third-party carriers, the cost calculation looks quite simple, but in the case of using your own fleet of vehicles, it is somewhat more complicated. In the second case, it is necessary to take into account not only the direct costs of performing a particular flight (fuel and lubricants, driver's salary, etc.), but also indirect costs (office rent, depreciation of vehicles, repairs, etc.), which need to be subsequently distributed for each application.

In addition to costing in the context of various criteria, analytical reporting is required for adoption strategic decisions. To analyze data on costs, planned and actual indicators for flights and other data, the system provides a flexible mechanism for generating analytical reporting, which can be presented in the form spreadsheet documents, charts and maps. In this case, report settings are performed in user mode. The system has convenient tools for the formation and control of key performance indicators (KPI).