The main purpose of logistics activities. What is the main purpose of the logistics system? Logistics functions in organization management

Delivery of cargo in a certain quantity and quality, with accompanying documentation and at the right time - this is how the concept of logistics can be described in simple words. This term, however, refers not only to tangible goods, but also to financial and information resources. Moreover, the movement of such resources can also occur in a virtual system, and the task of logistics, as a science, is to optimize this process.

Everyone faces logistical challenges without even noticing it. Thinking over the most convenient route to the meeting point, choosing one of several modes of transport, calculating the required time, a person is engaged in optimization transport processes, that is, directly involved in logistics.

Why do we need logistics

The organization of the movement of goods requires constant optimization, which allows you to speed up this process and plan the route in the most profitable way. If the above goals sound rather abstract, then it is worth noting that with proper planning, logistics ensures a reduction in the cost of the finished product. This goal is pursued by every enterprise, trying not to reduce the quality of products, they have to save on everything. Logistics, just helps to increase production efficiency.


The main tasks that logistics performs:

  • inventory planning;
  • planning of volumes and schedule of transportation;
  • regulation of material and information flows;
  • pre-sales and after-sales customer service;
  • analysis and identification of demand for logistics services.

The listed tasks sound generalized, in particular cases, logistics solves the problem of reducing the time of cargo transportation, minimizing stocks and reducing the shelf life of cargo.


When performing logistics tasks, certain principles must be observed:

  • the principle of integration;
  • the principle of consistency;
  • the principle of rationality;
  • the principle of formalization;
  • the principle of hierarchy;
  • the principle of integrity.

The principle of integration allows us to represent the logistics system as a set of elements with certain properties, which, when combined, give a greater effect than its individual components.

The principle of consistency involves the study of logistics as a separate subject, and as part of a general system in which it performs only some functions.

Activities in the field of logistics must comply with the principle of rationality, that is, all decisions management personnel should be optimally suited for solving specific problems. According to the principle of formalization in the process of functioning of the logistics system, it should be possible to obtain statistical data, that is, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the logistics process.

As in any other business, a strict hierarchical system with precisely distributed performers and managers must be observed in logistics. According to the principle of integrity, one logistics system should implement the tasks set not by individual units, but by the system as a whole.

Logistics optimization

Logistics optimization is a continuous process that takes place regardless of the load on the warehouse or the volume of freight traffic. Logistics processes always need to be optimized, for which an audit of technological components and infrastructure is carried out, weaknesses are identified and a plan for changes in the system is drawn up. In the optimization process, the option of introducing a new software, integration of several processes into one or the introduction of a new storage system.

Types of logistics

Depending on the specific functions and goals, logistics is classified according to functional features to the views. Each transport and logistics company can carry out several types of logistics at the same time.


Transport logistics deals with the management of cargo transportation processes. At the same time, functions such as planning should be performed transport route, choice of modes of transport, coordination of processes between warehouse and production. Transport logistics should pursue the goal of minimizing transportation costs.


If the main goal of transport logistics is the movement of goods, then in procurement logistics this goal is more specific: the transportation of goods to supply the enterprise with raw materials, semi-finished products or goods. Among the tasks of procurement logistics, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • analytical and informational;
  • implementation;
  • integration and coordination.

To perform the first task, it is necessary to determine the needs of the enterprise, analyze market offers and select the best supplier.

The implementation of procurement logistics tasks includes specific actions for signing contracts, additional agreements, delivery schedules, as well as preparing storage facilities, forwarding and organization of acceptance of goods.

To carry out the tasks of coordination and integration, consultations are held with the internal departments of the enterprise, relations with the main suppliers are analyzed.


Customs logistics carries out the transportation of goods between countries, that is, it is carried out foreign economic activity. Import and export operations entail many tasks:

  • licensing of imported goods;
  • responsibility for the expert assessment of the cargo;
  • filling out a customs declaration;
  • organization of international flights;
  • post-customs escort of goods.

In addition to standard skills for working in customs logistics, a manager must have knowledge of tax legislation, know the nuances of declaring various kinds goods.

Inventory logistics, by name, is associated with purchasing logistics, but there is not much in common between them. Inventory logistics implies any actions for the movement of goods that are associated with the accumulation of goods in a warehouse, that is, the creation of a stock of goods.

Inventories can form involuntarily, for example, if the planned demand is significantly lower than the goods accumulated in the warehouse. However, inventories are in some cases intentional. If there is market evidence of significant price increases, then some of the businesses will want to over-purchase, resulting in the need for logistics and transport services.


Production logistics implies the implementation of internal movements of goods, that is, in other words, it is intra-company logistics. Optimal time the work of departments of technical control, loading and unloading operations allows minimizing the time required to move semi-finished products between the shops of the main production. By integrating all departments of the enterprise, it becomes possible to speed up the production process and reduce costs. finished products.


Information logistics is a part of production that ensures the movement of information, that is, documents, reports and work messages in paper and electronic form. Despite the fact that the functions of information logistics seem obvious, it must transfer information flows to a certain place, time and at minimal cost.


Warehouse logistics has a special specificity. Acceptance and processing of goods, their proper placement, as well as optimization of the used premises allow not only the warehouse, but the entire enterprise to operate efficiently. To implement its functions, the warehouse receives information about upcoming deliveries and shipments, which allows you to plan schedules for the movement of goods and the work of employees.

How to choose the right logistics company

If the company is faced with the task of quickly and efficiently moving cargo, and there is no logistics department at the enterprise, then it would be logical to find a transport and logistics company that will provide cargo transportation services.

When choosing a logistics company, first of all, you should pay attention to the period of its existence. Long-term experience testifies to the high professionalism of the team of employees and the presence of regular customers. In addition, a company that has been operating on the market for a long time, is improving transportation technologies and has proven contractors.

Next important point when choosing a logistics company - its specialization. It is important that the company has experience in the transportation of goods produced by the customer enterprise. For example, a large logistics company may have many clients, but at the same time it has never provided grain transportation services, since it does not have grain carriers.

Or the transport fleet of the company is represented by refrigerators of various types and carrying capacity, but there are no ink trucks - special refrigerators equipped for transporting animal carcasses.

Undoubtedly, it is worth studying customer reviews of a logistics company and analyzing current freight rates from several leading companies in the industry.

Overview of the logistics market in Russia

The state of the logistics market directly depends on the state of the country's economy. The instability of the exchange rate and the implementation of the import substitution policy by the government had a negative impact on the market of transport and logistics services in Russia. Lots of large companies suspended their activities, and some even went bankrupt.

Negative impact on operations logistics companies has many factors:

  • rising fuel and transport costs;
  • high interest rates on loans and leasing;
  • undeveloped warehouse and transport infrastructure.

The peculiarities of the market of transport and logistics services in Russia are mainly in the irrational location of production facilities, their remoteness from the main export ports, as well as outdated methods of organizing the process of cargo transportation.

Most of the goods on the modern logistics market are not finished goods, but semi-finished products and raw materials, which is a negative factor in the development of the logistics market, exports and the economy as a whole. Unfortunately, many manufacturers and distributors do not outsource logistics services, but organize cargo transportation on their own.

About a third of large manufacturers and distributors use logistics outsourcing, while this figure is many times higher abroad. Inefficient implementation of the logistics function by the internal forces of the enterprise leads to an exorbitant overestimation of logistics costs.

Logistician - how and where to study for a profession

The work of a logistics manager is quite multitasking, because in addition to planning optimal routes for the movement of goods, it is necessary to prepare transport documentation, fill out customs declarations. In addition, cargo insurance is mandatory; this task often also falls on the logistician. The logistics manager at the enterprise can also be responsible for the operation of the warehouse, that is, to control the placement and storage of goods in compliance with the necessary conditions.

A good logistician is an employee with strategic thinking, organizational skills and the ability to endure stressful situations. The work of a logistics manager is inseparable from communication with customers, so knowledge of foreign languages ​​is often required from employees.

The labor market offers many vacancies in the field of logistics. For example, in Moscow, the salary of an assistant in the logistics department or an assistant logistics manager starts from 35 thousand rubles, and the earnings of experienced logisticians are at least twice as much - from 70 thousand rubles. and higher.

To master the profession of a logistician, you can get a specialized secondary or higher education. However, in the first case, you don’t have to think about career advancement, since the knowledge gained in college will only be enough to work as a logistics assistant.

Higher education in logistics in Moscow, for example, can be obtained in high school Economics, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University or Moscow state university ways of communication. This is not the whole list educational institutions, only the most popular are mentioned.

To enroll in a university, you will need to show excellent knowledge of the Russian language and mathematics. Depending on the chosen specialization, you will need to pass an exam in social studies or English language.

How to start your own logistics company

To create a full-fledged and efficient logistics business for the transportation of goods, it is necessary to combine the following components:

  • logistics complex - warehouse;
  • transport base - vehicles different carrying capacity;

3.2. The main goals and objectives of logistics

The logistics strategy at the enterprise is aimed at improving the management of material and related flows. At the same time, the logistics system of the enterprise should be consumer-oriented.

Based on this main goal logistics in the enterprise is the delivery of products of the appropriate quantity and quality, just in time and with minimal cost for the supply, production, marketing and transportation, as well as for the receipt, processing and transmission of information.

The main goal of logistics for its implementation is decomposed (split) into the following subgoals.

- creation effective system control, which allows to establish a system for accounting for costs and the volume of logistics operations at the enterprise;

– reorganization organizational structure enterprises;

- organization of logistics management at the enterprise.

Logistics subgoals are integrated vertically and horizontally. Horizontally, the coordination of the actions of the enterprise's divisions on direct and feedback in the process of managing flows is carried out. Vertical coordination of actions at all levels of enterprise management is carried out.

The practical implementation of logistics sub-goals requires the solution of relevant tasks, which are divided into three groups according to the degree of importance: global, general and local.

Global tasks: modeling the logistics system of the enterprise; development of conditions for the reliability of delivery of goods; supply chain design.

General tasks: development of a system for accounting for logistics costs; coordination of activity of divisions of the enterprise; development of the logistics strategy of the enterprise; creation of a motivation system for forwarding drivers.

Local tasks: choice of a logistics intermediary; determination of the optimal number of warehouses in the served territory; choice of location outlet or warehouse; choice of vehicle type.

The formation of a logistics strategy is carried out taking into account the corporate strategy at the enterprise and is aimed at increasing the reliability and flexibility of the logistics system.

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The main idea of ​​logistics is the organization within the framework of a single streaming process of moving materials and information throughout the entire chain from producer to consumer. The principles of the logistics approach require the integration of logistics, production, transport, marketing and transmission of information about the movement of inventory items in single system, which should increase the efficiency of work in each of these areas and cross-sectoral efficiency.

Thus, the goal of logistics is to optimize the cycle of reproduction through an integrated, demand-oriented, formation of the flow of materials and information in the production and distribution of products.

Well-known researchers in the field of logistics E. Mate and D. Tisquier see the goal of logistics in optimizing the company's product offering in such a way that these products find their consumers in the most favorable conditions for overall profitability.

Most often the goal logistics activities associated with the implementation of the so-called rules of logistics. The most common approach is to highlight the "six rules of logistics", the so-called logistics mix or logistics complex:

– product – required product;

- quantity - in the required quantity;

- quality - the required quality;

- time - must be delivered at the right time;

- place in Right place;

- expenses - with minimal expenses.

Some authors expand the logistics complex somewhat, adding to it such elements as "consumer", i.e. to the right consumer and “personification”, which means the development of a service system for each order.

The purpose of the logistics activity will be realized if the above rules are met, i.e. provide the best and fastest response to market demand at lowest cost. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the main objective logistics is a reflection of the ideal situation that you must try to achieve.

The main goal of logistics is specified in its tasks, which are divided into three groups according to the degree of importance:

– global;

– partial (local).

Logistics in its essence in the process of managing economic activity performs integration functions. Therefore, regardless of the type of logistics system, its global tasks are:

– creation of complex integrated systems of material, information and, if possible, other flows;

– strategic coordination, planning and control of the use of logistics capacities in the spheres of production and circulation;

– continuous improvement of the logistics concept within the framework of the chosen strategy in the market environment;

– achieving high system flexibility by quickly responding to changes in internal and external operating conditions.

The solution of global problems cannot be realized without setting and solving common problems. The condition for the viability of all types of logistics systems is the solution of such common tasks:

– implementation of end-to-end control over flow processes in logistics systems;

– development and improvement of ways to manage material flows;

- multivariate forecasting of production volumes, transportation, stocks, etc.;

- identifying the imbalance between the needs of production and the possibilities of logistics, as well as the needs for logistics services in the sale and the capabilities of the logistics system;

– standardization of requirements for the quality of logistics services and individual operations;

– rational formation of economic relations;

- identification of centers of occurrence of losses of time, material, labor and financial resources;

– optimization of the technical and technological structure of transport and storage complexes;

- determination of the strategy and technology for the physical movement of material resources, semi-finished products, finished products;

– formalization of updated (current, operational) logistics goals and parameters of the functioning of the logistics system.

The concept of Logistics…………………………………………….2

Goals of Logistics………………………………………………...2

Tasks of Logistics……………………………………………....3

Logistics Methods……………………………………………...4

The concept of a logistics system……………………………...6


Logistics- a part of economic science and a field of activity, the subject of which is the organization of a rational process of promoting goods from producers to consumers, the functioning of the sphere of circulation of products, goods, services, management of commodity stocks, and the creation of an infrastructure for the movement of goods.

Broader definition logistics interprets it as the science of planning, managing and controlling the movement of material, informational and financial resources in various systems.

From the point of view of the management of an organization, logistics can be considered as strategic management material flows in the process of purchasing, supplying, transporting, selling, and storing materials, parts and finished inventory (equipment, etc.). The concept also includes the management of relevant information flows, as well as financial flows. Logistics is aimed at optimizing costs and streamlining the process of production, marketing and related services both within one enterprise and for a group of enterprises.

Logistics is a view (worldview) on all business processes of an enterprise through the prism of costs, with the aim of optimizing, controlling and managing them. In fact, the scope of logistics is so specific and new that at the moment specialists in this profession are very much needed in the labor market.

The main goal of logistics is to ensure the competitive position of the business organization in the market. Logistics achieves this by managing flow processes based on the following rules: delivery with minimum costs of the products of the appropriate quality and quantity necessary for a specific buyer at the right place and at the right time (seven rules of logistics).

It should be noted that the rules presented are the expression of an ideal case to which one should aspire. In order for this aspiration to have a solid foundation, the main objective specified by subgoals, for example, the creation of an effective control system, the creation of a functionally consistent and technologically rational business organization structure, etc. At the same time, the subgoals are also decomposed and determine the goals for each element supply chain etc. up to the individual executor of the logistics operation.

Logistics goals quite versatile and quite organically fit into the strategic and tactical targets economic organization. Thus, there is an integration of goals horizontal (relationship of goals in each individual functional area) and vertical (relationship of goals by management levels).

For example, the goal is to maximize the utilization of existing warehouse capacities with minimal storage costs. The operational goal of the enterprise is the maximum utilization of capacities, the logistical goal is to minimize storage costs.

In the logistics system, both with horizontal and vertical integration, constant interaction and the presence of feedback between functional areas and levels of management. This is the most important determining condition for the effectiveness of the processes of development and implementation of managerial and executive decisions.

For practical implementation logistics goals, it is necessary to find adequate solutions to a number of relevant tasks, which are divided into two groups according to the degree of importance: global and private (local) tasks.

The global tasks of logistics include the following:

Creation of complex, integrated systems of material, information, and, if possible, other related flows;

· strategic coordination, planning and control over the use of logistics capacities in the spheres of production and circulation;

Achievement of high system flexibility;

· continuous improvement of the logistics concept within the framework of the chosen strategy in the market environment.

One of the global logistics challenges for a domestic enterprise, it may be the introduction of a new information technology management, for example software products Parus company.

When solving global problems, the time component is very important. The fact is that the external environment changes quite quickly, therefore, if the solution of the global problem is slower than the changes in the external environment, the result of the solution will be negative.

Private tasks in logistics have a local character, they are more dynamic and diverse:

· maximum reduction of product storage time;

· reduction of time of transportations;

rational distribution of vehicles;

fast response to customer requirements;

prompt processing and issuance of information, etc.

The solution to such a particular problem as reducing the time of transportation in traffic jams (today, in the face of fierce competition, many companies begin to keep track of time by hours and minutes), for many Moscow organizations there is a transition to night delivery.

Solutions to global and local problems should be within the framework of the general tasks of the logistics system, which include the following:

1. implementation of end-to-end control over flow processes in logistics systems;

2. development and improvement of ways to manage material flows;

3. multivariate forecasting of the development of events, etc.;

4. standardization of requirements for the quality of logical operations;

5. identifying the imbalance between market needs in logistics operations and the capabilities of the logistics system;

6. identification of centers of occurrence of losses of material and intangible resources;

7. optimization of the technical and technological structure of the organization, etc.

To the main methods used to solve scientific and practical problems in the field of logistics include the following.

I. Expert evaluation methods

1. Scenario method. It is a means of primary ordering of a logistical problem, obtaining and collecting information about the relationship of the problem being solved with others, about possible and probable directions for future development.

Scenario - a predominantly qualitative description of possible options for the development of the investigated logistics object under various combinations of certain (pre-selected) conditions. The scenario in a detailed form shows the possible scenarios for the development of events for their further analysis and selection of the most realistic and favorable ones.

A group of logistics experts draws up a scenario plan, which outlines the functional areas of logistics, as well as factors external environment taken into account when setting and solving a logistical problem. Different sections of the script are usually written by different groups of experts.

2. Delphi method. Unlike the scenario method, this method involves preliminary familiarization of logistics experts with the situation using some model.

Stages of the Delphi method:

1) several experts are asked the same question;

2) each expert develops his own estimates independently of other experts;

3) responses are collected and statistically averaged;

4) experts, whose answers strongly deviate from the average values, are invited to justify their assessments after presenting the average values;

5) experts develop justifications and submit them for consideration;

6) the average value and the corresponding justifications are presented to all experts for the development of the final decision.

3. Target tree method. Logistics experts are invited to evaluate the structure of the logistics model as a whole and make suggestions on the inclusion of unaccounted links in it. The goal tree is a connected graph, the vertices of which are interpreted as the goals of the logistic system, and the edges or arcs are the connections between them. This is the main tool for linking the goals of the upper level of the logistics organization with the specific means of achieving them at the lower operational level.

IN program-targeted planning(when the goals of the plan are linked to resources using programs), the tree of goals acts as a diagram showing the division of the general goals of the logistics plan into subgoals of various levels.

The presentation of goals begins with the top level of the logistics organization, then they are sequentially disaggregated. The main rule for disaggregating goals is completeness: each top-level goal must be represented as subgoals of the next level in an exhaustive way, that is, so that the union of subgoals completely defines the original goal.

II. Methods using special computer programs

The use of computer methods that help specialists make decisions allows:

Take fast and quality solutions in the field of material flow management;

To train experienced specialists in a relatively short period of time;

Keep the know-how of the company, since the person using this system cannot take the experience and knowledge contained in these programs outside the company;

Use the experience and knowledge of highly qualified specialists in non-prestigious, dangerous, boring and other places.

To disadvantages computer systems the limited possibility of using "common sense" should be attributed. Logistics processes include many operations with a variety of goods. It is impossible to take into account all their features in a computer program. Therefore, in order not to put a 100 kg box on top of a 5 kg box during storage, the user of this program must have “common sense”.

Zlatin N.A.


Saint - Petersburg



Topic 1.1. The concept, goals and objectives of logistics. 4

Topic 1.2. Stages of development of logistics. 6

Topic 1.3. Factors of development of logistics. 8

Topic 1.4. Logistic systems. nine

Topic 1.5. Logistic approach to cost considerations. 10

Topic 1.6. logistics functions. eleven

Topic 1.7. Conditions for the effectiveness of logistics activities. 13

Topic 1.8. Pareto method in logistics. ABC analysis. XYZ analysis. fourteen


Topic 2.1. The concept of supply. Functions and tasks of the supply department. eighteen

Topic 2.2. Goals of procurement management. 19

Topic 2.3. Procurement planning. twenty

Topic 2.4. Choice of procurement method. 21

Topic 2.5. Supplier selection. 22


Topic 3.1. The concept of production logistics. Goals of production logistics. 29

Topic 3.2. Principles effective organization production. thirty

Topic 3.3. Pushing and pulling production systems. 32


Topic 4.1. Stock concept. Stock types. 35

Topic 4.2. The purpose of stockpiling. 37

Topic 4.3. Inventory Management. 39

Topic 4.4. Stock management system with a fixed order size. 40

Topic 4.5. Inventory management system with a fixed time interval between orders. 43

Topic 4.6. Other inventory management systems. 45


Topic 5.1. Functions and tasks of distribution logistics. 47

Topic 5.2. Logistic distribution channels. 48


Topic 6.1 Essence and tasks of transport logistics. 53

Topic 6.2. Types of transport. 56

Topic 6.3. Technical and economic features railway transport. 57

Topic 6.4. Technical and economic features of sea and river transport. 60

Topic 6.5. Technical and economic features road transport. 62

Topic 6.6. Models of the organization of transportation of goods. transport expedition. 65

Topic 6.7. Transport rates. Chartering 68

Topic 6.8. Customs clearance. Incoterms 70

Topic 6.9. Trends in the development of transport and forwarding services in present stage 72


Topic 7.1. Tasks of warehouse logistics. Types and functions of warehouses. 74

Topic 7.2. Determination of the optimal number of warehouses in the warehouse network. 78

Topic 7.3. Logistics process in the warehouse 81

Topic 7.4. Efficient operation of the warehouse. 84

Topic 7.4. Cross-docking 86


Topic 8.1. Information flows in logistics 89

Topic 8.2. Information logistics systems. 91

Topic 8.3. Use of bar coding technology in logistics. 93


Topic 9.1. The concept of service in logistics. Kinds after-sales service. 95

Topic 9.2. The role of logistics in setting goals and objectives for customer service. Customer Service Quality Management 96




Topic 1.1. The concept, goals and objectives of logistics

Logistics- the science of planning, organizing, managing and controlling the movement of material flows and the accompanying information and financial flows in space and time from their primary source to the end consumer.

Logistics is a relatively young science, although it has deep historical roots. The name of science comes from the ancient Greek word logistike, which means "counting art" or "the art of reasoning, calculation."

The object of study of logistics are the material and corresponding financial and information flows accompanying production and commercial activities.

Flow is a system of movable objects, a set of elements perceived as a whole. The flow is characterized by the following parameters: start and end points, speed, time, trajectory, path length, intensity. The intensity of the flow is the number of flow objects passing through points per unit of time. Logistics can deal with diverse flows: material, transport, financial, energy, information, human. Most often in logistics you have to deal with material flows.

material flow- a set of goods, parts, inventory items, considered in the process of applying a number of logistics operations to it: transportation, warehousing, cargo processing.

The subject of study of logistics is material flow optimization and the corresponding financial and information flows accompanying production and commercial activities. Optimization is carried out systematically, from the standpoint of a single whole, i.e. there is a minimization of costs in the entire logistics system, and not in a separate block.

Purpose of logistics- ensuring the receipt (delivery) of products (goods) to the consumer at the right time and place at the lowest possible total cost of labor, material, financial resources.

The goal of logistics activities is considered to be achieved when six conditions are met:

1. desired product;

2. required quality;

3. delivered in the required quantity;

4. at the right time;

5. to the right place;

6. with minimal total cost.

Fig.1 Supply chain

Logistics chain- a set of logistics links through which the movement of the material flow passes, with the following main links: supply of materials, raw materials and semi-finished products; storage of products and raw materials; Production of goods; distribution, including the dispatch of goods from the warehouse of finished products to the point of consumption.

Each link in the logistics chain includes its own elements, which together form the material basis of logistics. The material elements of logistics include: vehicles, warehousing, communications and management. The logistics system also includes personnel, i.e. workers who perform all operations.

Each link in the logistics chain represents a separate section of logistics as a science, called functional area of ​​logistics. The following functional areas of logistics are distinguished:

Supply logistics (purchasing logistics);

Production logistics;

Distribution logistics (sales logistics);

Transport logistics;

Warehousing logistics (warehouse logistics)4

Inventory logistics (inventory management);

Information logistics;

Service logistics.

During the passage through the links of the logistics chain, the material flow is subjected to logistics operations, which include:

Determination of volumes and directions of material flows;

Establishment of economic relations;


Cargo handling;


Support for production functions.