Detailed long-term planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V.

The meaning of forward planning in educational institution is to give the process of education and upbringing of children an organized character, to make the work of the teacher more streamlined, meaningful and effective.

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All sections | Planning. Perspective plans

Perspective-thematic plan for the implementation of the "Safety" section in sensitive moments in the first junior group September - Acquaintance with the elementary rules of behavior in the nursery garden: play with children without disturbing or hurting them; leave kindergarten only with parents. Conversation: "Why should there be order in the group". Conversation "Autumn has come, it's getting cold" Situations "If you broke...

Perspective-thematic plan for the implementation of the section "Labor education" in sensitive moments September. Teach children to take off and put on certain items of clothing; To form the habit of putting things in order after the games, with the help of adults, put the toys back in place. - d/i "Let's take the doll for a walk" Help the teacher in putting things in order in the group room before going to ...

Planning. Long-term plans - Long-term planning of work with children with THP on paper design using origami technique

Publication "Perspective planning of work with children with TNR on designing ..." A PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR TEACHING CHILDREN IN ORIGAMI TECHNIQUES IN THE SENIOR SPEECH THERAPY GROUP (first year of study) month Lexical topic Origami topic Main tasks (Program content, literature September "Vegetables" "Fruits" 1. "Journey to an interesting country of origami" 2. "Let's grow up ...

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A long-term plan for educating a culture of behavior in an early age group September 1. Conversation "Matryoshkas came to visit us." Purpose: to teach to say hello when meeting, to say goodbye when parting. Didactic games: "Let's get to know each other (say goodbye), nesting dolls." 2. Conversation "We teach the bear to ask the teacher with a request." Objective: To develop skills...

Approximate long-term planning of GCD with middle-aged children to study traffic rules according to GEF Approximate forward planning of immediate educational activities with middle-aged children to learn the rules traffic according to the Federal State Educational Standard. September. Subject: Streets of our city. Tasks: to supplement children's ideas about the street, to consolidate knowledge about the sidewalk, ...

Prospective complex-thematic plan in the preparatory group, taking into account the implementation of the regional component A promising comprehensive - thematic plan in preparatory group taking into account the implementation of the regional component. Compiled by Kudinova O.Yu. Theme/Timing Outcome Event Content I. Goodbye Summer, Hello Kindergarten. 1. “How good it is in our garden” (1 week of September) 2 ....

Planning. Long-term plans - A long-term work plan within the framework of the children's legal association "Zakon i Ya" for the prevention of bad habits

Municipal educational institution School p.Kharp Perspective plan of work within the framework of the legal association additional education"Law and I" on prevention bad habits(2019-2020 academic year) Compiled by: social pedagogue Murashova Irina...

Long-term work plan of the basic (supporting) cabinet for the prevention of bad habits (2019–2020 academic year) Municipal educational institution School of the village of Kharp Prospective work plan for the basic (supporting) office for the prevention of bad habits (2019-2020 academic year) Compiled by: social teacher Murashova Irina Anatolyevna Forms of work on the prevention of toxic substances in the school of the village of Kharp No. ...

  • 2. Variety of educational goals
  • 3. The ideal goal of parenting
  • 4. Real goals of education
  • 5.Modern goal and objectives of educating preschoolers
  • 6. Patterns and principles of education of preschoolers
  • 1.History of the creation of public preschool education in Belarus
  • 2. Improving the system of public preschool education in Belarus
  • 3. Characteristics of the modern system of preschool education
  • 1. The value of the program for fulfilling the tasks of educating preschool children
  • 2. The history of the creation of policy documents for preschool education
  • 3. Curriculum, Curriculum.
  • 5.Various Belarusian programs for the upbringing and education of children of early and preschool age
  • 1. Features of the physical and mental development of children in early childhood
  • 2. Interaction of the teacher with children
  • 3. Pedagogical work with children during the period of adaptation to the institution of preschool education
  • 4.Organization of the developing subject environment
  • 5.Planning of pedagogical activity and observation of children
  • 6. Organization of joint work of teachers and families
  • 1. Development of subject activity
  • 2. Development of speech and verbal communication
  • 3. Social development
  • 4. Cognitive development
  • 5. Aesthetic development
  • 6. Physical development
  • 7. General indicators of development
  • 1. Game in the history of mankind
  • 2. The social nature of the game
  • 3. Characteristics of gaming activity
  • 4. Play as a means of education
  • 5. Game as a form of organizing the life and activities of children.
  • 6. Classification of children's games
  • 1.Characteristics of the role-playing game.
  • 2. Structural components of a role-playing game.
  • 3. Patterns of the emergence and development of a role-playing game.
  • 4. Stages of development of a role-playing game
  • 5. Management of role-playing games.
  • 1. The essence of director's games
  • 2. The emergence of director's game
  • 3. Features of the director's games of children of different ages
  • Topic 4. Constructive building games for preschoolers
  • 1. Features of constructive building games for preschoolers
  • 1. Teaching children constructive activities.
  • 3. Management of constructive building games for preschoolers
  • 1. Characteristics of the toy
  • 2. History of toys
  • 3. Development of pedagogical thought on the meaning of toys
  • 4. Pedagogical requirements for a toy
  • 1. Definition of the concept of "labor education" of preschoolers
  • 2. The value of work for the development of the personality of a preschooler
  • 3. The purpose and objectives of the labor education of preschool children
  • 4. The originality of the labor activity of preschoolers
  • 5. Requirements for the organization of child labor
  • 1. Formation of ideas about the work of adults
  • 2. Types and content of children's labor.
  • 3. Forms of organizing the work of children in different age groups
  • 4. Conditions for organizing the work of preschoolers
  • 1. The role of ipv in the system of holistic development of preschoolers
  • 2. Basic concepts of the theory of ipv.
  • 3. Tasks of IPV for preschoolers
  • 4. IPV means for preschoolers
  • 5. Conditions for the intellectual and cognitive development of children.
  • 1. The importance of sensory education for the development of the child.
  • 2. Analysis of systems of sensory education of preschoolers in the history of preschool education.
  • 3. Tasks and content of sensory education.
  • 4. Conditions and methods of sensory education in kindergarten
  • 1. The general concept of the didactics of preschool education.
  • 2. The essence of teaching preschool children.
  • 4. Principles of teaching preschoolers.
  • 5. Models of learning for preschoolers
  • 6. Types of learning for preschoolers
  • 7. Teaching methods for preschoolers
  • 8. Forms of organization of training
  • Topic1. Theoretical foundations of social and moral
  • 2. Tasks of social and moral education of preschoolers
  • 3. Content and means of social and moral education of preschoolers
  • 4.Methods of social and moral education of preschoolers
  • 1. The concept of a culture of behavior of preschoolers.
  • 2. Tasks and content of educating a culture of behavior in preschoolers.
  • 3. Conditions for educating a culture of behavior of preschoolers.
  • 4. Ways, means and methods of educating a culture of behavior of preschoolers
  • 1. The importance of gender education for preschoolers
  • 2. Theoretical foundations of gender education of children.
  • 3. Physical and mental differences in children of different sexes
  • 4. Tasks and content of gender education of preschool children
  • 5. The role of the family in the gender education of children
  • 1. Features of character education in preschool children
  • 2. The value of the will for the education of the moral qualities of the personality of a preschooler
  • 3. Raising courage in children. Causes of children's fears and ways to overcome them
  • 4. Education of honesty and truthfulness. Causes of children's lies, measures to prevent them
  • 5. Teaching modesty in children
  • 6. Whims and stubbornness, ways to overcome them.
  • 1. The originality of the team of preschoolers
  • 2. Stages and conditions for the development of the children's team.
  • 3. The personality of the preschooler and the team
  • 4. The essence of an individually differentiated approach to children
  • 1. The value of patriotic education of preschoolers
  • 2. The originality of the patriotic education of preschoolers
  • 3. Tasks of patriotic education of preschoolers
  • 4. Ways, means and methods of patriotic education of preschoolers
  • 1. The value of aesthetic education of preschoolers
  • 2. The originality of aesthetic perceptions and experiences of preschoolers
  • 3. Principles of aesthetic education of preschoolers
  • 4. Tasks of aesthetic education of preschool children.
  • 5. Means of aesthetic education for preschoolers
  • 7. Forms of aesthetic education of preschoolers
  • 8. Modern research and programs of aesthetic and artistic education of preschoolers
  • 2. Tasks and content of interaction between the child and the family
  • 3. Stages of interaction between a preschool institution and a family
  • 4. Forms of interaction d / y with the family
  • 1. The essence of children's readiness for schooling
  • 2. The structure of children's readiness for schooling.
  • 3. Age indicators of children's readiness for schooling
  • 4. Indicators of unpreparedness of children for schooling.
  • 1. The essence and objectives of the continuity of preschool and primary school education
  • 2. The content of the joint work of the udo and the school
  • 3. Requirements for the organization of the educational process in the senior groupUdo and 1st grade of the school
  • 4.Adaptation of 6-year-old children to school as a condition for ensuring continuity
  • Types of planning
  • Structure and content of the long-term calendar plan
  • 6. Planning work during the summer recreation period
    1. Types of planning

    The work plan is a mandatory document that determines the organization of educational work in a group. The success of the work, and consequently the success of the tasks to be solved, depends on how it is composed, its clarity, compactness of content, accessibility.

    When preparing a plan, the educator should keep the following in mind.

      The planning of educational work with children should be flexible (the number of classes and other forms of work is determined by the educator together with the management, taking into account age features children, providing not so much frontal ways of organizing upbringing and education as subgroup and individual)

      When planning, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions and mode of operation preschool, annual tasks of the institution.

      The right to choose to engage in a particular form of activity remains with the children

      Detailing the plan depends on the teacher (his education, work experience, individual style of activity).

    Planning the process of raising and educating children can be represented by the following types:

    - perspective;

    - perspective-calendar;

    - calendar.

    forward planning- this is planning, in which program sections or activities cover a quarter or month. Such planning. Such planning makes it possible to ensure consistency in work and aims the teacher at predicting the final result, contributes to the implementation of timely and systematic monitoring of the development of each child, a creative approach to the implementation of the program.

    In perspective-calendar planning, part of the sections covers a month (tasks, morning time periods, cooperation with parents, physical education and health work), and types of children's activities are planned every day.

    Calendar planning involves the planning of all activities and relevant forms of work with children for each day.

    One of the options for a long-term calendar plan is thematic planning.

    Such planning has several advantages:

    In this regard, the system of work with children can be traced (both in organizational activities and in independent activities);

    All activities are aimed not only at the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also at the development of mental processes, the creation of a developing subject-game environment.

    Studies show that children constantly accumulate in an active dictionary a lot of words that characterize objects and phenomena. It is easier for children to remember and retain in memory that information that is interconnected and systematized for specific groups according to the principle of semantic proximity, that is, systematic groups (“Animals”, “Birds”, etc.). This once again confirms the expediency of thematic planning of work with children, taking into account age characteristics and tasks. curriculum BEFORE.

    1. Structure and content of the long-term calendar plan

    The structure of the long-term calendar plan includes the following sections:

      Tasks of a preschool institution for the year. This section records the annual tasks of the DU for the academic year.

      Planning Sources. At the beginning of the year, a list of methodological literature, manuals, recommendations, and developments for all sections of the program is compiled, which the educator uses when planning various types of activities. This list is updated throughout the year.

      List of children by groups. The list of children is compiled for each six months, taking into account the state of health and the level of development of children.

      Cyclogram joint activities educator with children (structure of regime moments) is compiled for a clearer planning of the teacher's work with children in various regime segments in the first and second half of the day. It is created by the teacher at the beginning of the year for each age group, taking into account leisure schedules, the work of circles, the pool, and includes various forms of work with children in the main activities. An approximate cyclogram looks like this: (see table).

    The general sections of the plan, which provide for work for a month, include the following.

      Family collaboration. In this section, a variety of collective and individual forms of a preschool institution with a family are planned: parent meetings, consultations, conversations, home visits, thematic folders-movers, etc. The specific content of the work is planned, taking into account topics, deadlines, responsible for implementation according to the following scheme.

      Individual correctional work with children. Reflected in the plan or planned in a separate notebook. Correctional work takes into account the diagnosis of the level of neuropsychic development of children in the “babies” group, pedagogical and psychological diagnosis of preschoolers, daily observations of the child are drawn up according to the following scheme:

      Physical culture and health work. This section provides for measures to protect labor and improve the health of children, their full development. Various forms of work are planned:

    a) morning exercises (for 2 weeks: 1st and 2nd weeks, 3rd and 4th weeks, 2nd and 4th with changes and additions);

    b) physical exercises and outdoor games on the 1st and 2nd walks (planned for each week, taking into account topics);

    c) exercises after sleep (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks), the complex includes exercises that contribute to the gradual transition of children from sleep to wakefulness;

    d) active rest (physical culture leisure, health days). In the middle and senior groups, taking into account the frequency and duration of the program, the level of mastery of the program, seasonality, topics. Physical culture leisure 1-2 times a month, health days - 1 time per year (winter, spring - one week). In this section, activities are planned to temper children.

      Specially organized training. This section represented by a forward plan didactic games, games-classes in the 1st and 2nd junior groups, the middle group and classes in the senior group for each month on about four topics (at the discretion of the educator), which reflect: type of activity, topic, specific teaching, developmental and educational tasks , planning sources

      Types of children's activities. To implement program tasks on a specific topic, both specially organized training and other types of joint activities of the educator and children are used in this section, work is planned on five main types of activities: communication, cognitive and practical activities, gaming, artistic and elementary labor activity. The thematic principle is also the basis for planning activities. For each week, forms of work with children are planned for each type of activity:

    cognitive and practical activity

    Game activity

    artistic activity

    Elementary labor activity

    Communication situations,


    Explanations, explanations, situations of non-verbal communication etudes, conversations

    observations of nature, elementary experimental and experimental activities, examination of objects, space

    Finger, role-playing, educational, didactic, musical, moving, directing, etc.

    Artistic speech and theatrical gaming activities (dramatization games, reading, storytelling, listening to gramophone records, memorizing nursery rhymes, poems, riddles, staging, all types of theaters)

    Musical activities (listening to music, playing on children's musical instruments, entertainment),

    Visual activity (viewing pictures, drawing, applique, modeling, etc.)


    self-service, household work, labor in nature, manual labor, duty.

    Annual Plan- this is a pre-planned system of activities that provides for the order, sequence and timing of work to solve clearly defined tasks of the team. Consists of five sections and subsections that define its structure and content.

    The first part is the definition of the main tasks. Moreover, these tasks are the main ones for this kindergarten, since they are dictated by the specific conditions of the institution, its specifics. It is recommended to plan two or three tasks for the year, because the practical implementation of each requires a lot of organizational and methodological work from the head.

      Introductory part.

    Annual tasks;

    Expected results of the work.

    The second part is the content of the work, where the measures for the implementation of the tasks set are determined.

    Organizational and pedagogical work;

    Work with personnel;

    Leadership and control;

    Working with parents;

    Administrative and economic work.

    The entire team. It should be based on the following principles: scientific, prospective and specific. Scientific involves the organization of all educational, administrative, economic and social work of the kindergarten on the basis of the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience. perspective can be provided by the definition of common tasks, based on the fact that the kindergarten should form the foundations of a materialistic worldview, lay the foundation for educating a socially active person, provide basic knowledge, create prerequisites for the successful education of children in school and, above all, improve their health. concreteness manifests itself in the determination of the exact deadlines for the implementation of the planned activities, in the clarity of the appointment of those responsible for their implementation, in the systematic, comprehensive control.

    The leader, when planning the work of a preschool institution, proceeds, first of all, from an analysis of the results of the kindergarten's activities over the past academic year. Reports of educators, discussion of their work at the final pedagogical council, which is held in May - June, as well as an analysis of the activities of other employees - all this makes it possible to identify not only achievements, but also unresolved problems, to determine tasks for the next academic year. The head must carefully prepare the final pedagogical council, give each member the opportunity to express their proposals on the upbringing of children, improving the material base of the institution, nutrition, and pedagogical propaganda. A collective, business discussion will allow the manager to draft an annual plan for the next year.

    The plan must be compact. To do this, its introductory part should be reduced to a minimum (in many plans it looks like a report on the work done). A description of the results achieved over the past year can be attributed to the materials of the final pedagogical council. The plan is a guide to action. It reflects the main tasks that are set for the preschool institution in the new academic year. the main objective planned in the plan of work - to raise the quality and effectiveness of the upbringing and education of children to a higher level. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is very important to think over the reality of its implementation, to take into account the capabilities of the entire team.

    a) Annual tasks. Expected results.

    The annual tasks of a preschool institution should be formulated specifically and clearly. Their implementation provides an increase in the pedagogical skills of the DU, the manifestation of creativity in working with children, the improvement joint work kindergarten and family to educate and develop the individual abilities of children. As practice shows, 2-3 tasks are realistically feasible, so it is advisable to plan no more than two or three tasks.

    A clear formulation of the tasks makes it possible to determine the degree of their novelty: is the task a new one or a continuation of work on the task of the last academic year.

    b) Organizational and pedagogical work

    This section is planned to:

    a) meeting of teachers' councils;

    b) work methodical office(equipment of the pedagogical process, organization of exhibitions, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience);

    c) entertainment events, holidays, themed evenings;

    d) conducting reviews of competitions.

    The work of the methodical office suggests:

    Organization and design of exhibitions (current and permanent);

    Replenishment, equipment and systematization of methodological and didactic materials;

    Continuity of kindergarten and school activities;

    Equipping the pedagogical process with educational and visual aids, toys, etc.

    Development of abstracts, scenarios, preparation of consultations, questionnaires, tests;

    Organization of seasonal exhibitions, exhibitions of children's works, novelties of methodical literature.

    Spectacular events, holidays and entertainment. The annual plan includes entertainment events, themed evenings, holidays provided for by the program, calendar-ceremonial and theatrical performances, holding joint holidays with parents, entertainment, author's exhibitions of children's works.

    Reviews, competitions. It is planned to hold reviews, competitions for the best toy made by children together with their parents, for the paraphernalia of a plot-role-playing game, for an interesting craft, a didactic and educational toy, etc. For each review-competition, a regulation is developed, which is approved by the teachers' council and depends on the needs of the school.

    c) Work with personnel.

    This area includes the following types of work.

    but) training: participation in problem creative seminars; visiting courses; participation in city and regional events; participation in the "School of Excellence", in exhibitions, study at advanced training courses.

    b) attestation. It is planned in accordance with the received applications of teachers for obtaining a category. The names of those certified are entered in the annual plan.

    in) work with young professionals. It is planned if there are young specialists in the teaching staff. The content of the plan includes specific measures to provide novice educators with effective assistance from the most experienced teachers, as well as from the administration: consultations on planning and organizing educational and educational work with children, practical seminars, drawing up notes for conducting classes, performing regime processes, selecting methodological literature for in-depth study, preventive control over the work of a specialist.

    G) group meetings. The main purpose of group meetings is to provide an analysis of work with children over the past period and to determine further tasks in the upbringing of children. Group meetings are held in early age groups depending on age: in groups from 1 to 2 - quarterly, in groups from 2 to 3 years - 2 times a year. It is advisable to schedule the first group meeting for November. In September - October, it is necessary to study and analyze the level of intellectual development of children who entered kindergarten during the adaptation period, draw up maps of neuropsychic development for each child.

    e) collective views. They are planned once a quarter in order to study the experience of teachers. The topics of the views are determined by the issues discussed at the teachers' councils, seminars, and the tasks that arise in connection with the study and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience. For collective viewings, it is necessary to provide for the problems of the pedagogical process, observation and analysis of not only educational activities, but also other types of children's activities (cognitive-practical, play, elementary labor, artistic, communication). It is not advisable to overload the plan with collective views.

    e) seminars. They are the most effective form of methodical work. Depending on the specific conditions of work of each DU, theoretical seminars, problem seminars, workshops are planned. They can be one-time (one-day), short-term (weekly); permanently active.

    g) consultations. They are planned to provide pedagogical assistance, get acquainted with new methodological material, as well as based on the results of diagnostics. Consultations can be individual and group. Consultations are planned taking into account the relationship with the issues of annual tasks, teachers' councils, as well as taking into account the categories of employees and their professional level. The number of consultations depends on the quality level of the teacher's educational educational process in groups, as well as on the qualifications and experience of the teacher, but at least once a month. Accounting for consultations and seminars is reflected in a separate notebook according to the scheme: date, name of the event, topic. Category of listeners, who conducts, those present, signature of the responsible person.

    h) other forms of work with personnel. In order to increase the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers, as well as their professional skills, the following active forms of work with personnel can be planned: discussions, competitions of pedagogical skills, pedagogical quizzes, pedagogical ring, methodological festival, business games, role-playing games, crossword puzzles, solving pedagogical situations, methodical week, interactive methods and games ("Metaplan", "Four corners", "Weather", "Finish the sentence", etc.).

    d) Leadership and control

    Purpose of control- verification of the execution of instructive - methodological documents, proposals of instructing persons, as well as the implementation of decisions of teachers' councils based on the results of previous inspections. An important task is to study the outlook of the teacher, his spiritual interests, find out how he lives, what he reads, how he follows the achievements of science, culture, what place art occupies in his spiritual life, etc.

    When planning various options and forms of control, it is necessary to be guided by control requirements, namely:

    Control must be purposeful, systematic, consistent, comprehensive and differentiated.

    It should combine the functions of testing, teaching, instructing, preventing shortcomings, as well as disseminating the best pedagogical experience.

    Control should be combined with introspection, self-control and self-assessment of the teacher's activities.

    There are several types of control: preventive, thematic, frontal, episodic, comparative, operational..

    e) Working with parents

    In this section, as necessary, various forms of work with parents are planned: parent meetings (general garden - 2 times a year and group - once a quarter), individual and group consultations on current topics, "health clubs", lectures, conferences, exhibitions and others

    g) administrative work.

    In this section, meetings are planned (once a quarter) of the labor collective, where issues of labor discipline, implementation of instructions, discussion and approval of the work plan for summer period and etc.; measures for the rational use of budgetary funds, the creation of conditions for the organization of the educational process (repair, purchase of furniture, equipment, etc.); measures for landscaping the territory of the kindergarten, arranging a sports ground, updating equipment at the sites.

    Prospective (approximate complex-thematic) planning of work in the senior group was compiled on the basis of the educational program edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school". In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, such planning allows the educator to integrate various forms of work and educational areas for the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler.

    According to modern trends in the education system, the teacher has the opportunity to creatively organize the process of education and training. In this regard, the long-term plan in the senior group contains a list of tasks corresponding to a certain thematic period, as well as program content implemented in the course of educational activities.

    Building the educational process around one topic for 2-3 weeks allows you to maximize the potential of children and achieve the best results, as well as ensure the development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

    Volume of educational load

    According to the program "From Birth to School", the volume of the educational load per day does not exceed 50 minutes, the teacher has the opportunity to organize educational activities at a time convenient for him and the children, focusing on the program content and theme of the period. Long-term planning in the senior group reflects the tasks of educational activities:

    • physical culture 2 times a week indoors, 1 time outdoors,
    • familiarization with the outside world 2 times a month,
    • familiarization with nature 2 times a month,
    • formation of elementary mathematical representations once a week,
    • speech development 2 times a week,
    • drawing 2 times a week,
    • sculpting 1 time in two weeks,
    • application 1 time in two weeks,
    • music 2 times a week.

    When planning work in the older group, it must be taken into account that the block of interaction between an adult and children in various types activity contains constructive-model, game, cognitive-research activities and reading fiction.

    Activities aimed at consolidating the material proposed in the course of educational activities are reflected in the calendar plan for the senior group and correspond to five educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. Topics of the weeks calendar plan correspond to the themes of the weeks and thematic periods presented in the forward planning for .

    The long-term plan is approximate and can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the region, the preschool institution and the specifics of the educational program.

    When drawing up the plan, the following literature was used:

    • Approximate complex-thematic planning for the program "From Birth to School" senior group, for classes with children 5-6 years old. Corresponds to GEF, ed. 2016
    • Exemplary general education program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, complies with GEF, ed. year 2014.

    Read a fragment of the long-term plan

    Theme of the weekPeriod objectivesProgram content implemented in the course of educational activitiesWorking with parents
    September, 1 weekDevelop cognitive motivation in children,
    interest in school, books. form friendships,
    friendly relations between children.
    Continue to acquaint with kindergarten as
    nearest social environment child.
    Form generalized ideas about
    autumn as a season, adaptability
    plants and animals to changes in nature,
    phenomena of nature. Form primary
    ideas about ecosystems, natural areas.
    Expand understanding of inanimate nature.
    Acquaintance with the outside world
    Show children the social significance of kindergarten. To form the concept that kindergarten employees should be thanked for their care, respect their work, treat it with care.
    Refinement of children's knowledge in the field of mathematics by means of didactic games.
    Speech development 1
    To give children the opportunity to feel proud that they are now older preschoolers. Remind them of what they do in speech development classes.
    Speech development 2
    Recall the names of Russians with children folk tales to introduce the new work.
    Drawing 1
    Continue to develop imaginative thinking and perception, learn to reflect the impressions received in the summer in the drawing. To consolidate the ability to draw various trees, bushes and flowers. To fix the ability to place the image on the strip at the bottom of the sheet. Learn to evaluate your drawings and the drawings of others.
    Drawing 2
    Introduce children to watercolor paints, their features. Learn how to work with watercolor (wet paint before painting, dilute paint with water to get different shades of color, etc.).
    To consolidate the ability to convey the shape of various vegetables in modeling. Learn to compare the shape of vegetables with geometric shapes, find similarities and differences. Learn to pass in modeling characteristics each vegetable, using the techniques of rolling, smoothing and pulling, develop fine motor skills.
    To acquaint children with the concept of "knowledge", to give the idea that in music classes they also gain knowledge about music, composers, learn to sing, dance. Raise interest in learning, develop a desire to participate in a conversation.
    Physical culture indoors
    Exercise in walking and running in a column one at a time, in loose running, in maintaining a stable balance, in jumping forward and throwing the ball.
    Physical culture in the air
    Exercise children in building in columns, repeat the exercises in balance and jumping.
    Setting up a parent's corner
    Theme "Knowledge Day". Getting to know the families
    pupils, survey. Informing
    parents about the course of the educational process:
    days open doors, individual
    counseling. Parent-teacher meeting,
    introduction to wellness activities
    in DOW. Recommendations for home reading.
    September, 2 weeksTo expand children's knowledge about autumn,
    plants and animals of the forest in autumn
    period, berries. Pin views
    about how cooling and shrinking
    the length of the day is life changing
    plants, animals and humans. Meet
    children with how some animals are prepared
    to winter (frogs, lizards, turtles, hedgehogs, bears
    hibernate, hares molt, some birds
    (geese, ducks, cranes) fly away to warmer climes).
    Continue to introduce agricultural
    professions. Consolidate knowledge of the rules
    safe behavior in nature.
    Acquaintance with nature
    Expand your understanding of diversity flora, talk about the species diversity of forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. Learn to call distinctive features trees and shrubs.
    Strengthen counting skills within 5, the ability to form the number 5 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed by neighboring numbers 4 and 5. Improve the ability to distinguish and name flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle; ball, cube, cylinder) . Clarify ideas about the sequence of parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night
    Speech development 1
    Help children make a plan for retelling a fairy tale; learn to retell a fairy tale, adhering to the plan.
    Speech development 2
    Sound culture of speech: differentiation sounds s-s. Exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of sounds z-s and their differentiation; introduce the shorthand.
    Drawing 1
    To teach children to create a fabulous image, draw branchy trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of "golden" apples. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints (rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color, blot the brush on a napkin, do not paint on wet paint). Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of composition. Learn to beautifully arrange images on a sheet.
    Drawing 2
    Learn to reflect autumn impressions in the drawing, draw a variety of trees, depict trees, grass, leaves in different ways. Fix the techniques of work with a brush and paints.
    Preparation of brochures and information
    sheets for parents on the theme of the week.
    Informing parents about progress
    educational process, recommendations
    for home reading. Recommendations
    parents on the selection of musical
    pieces to listen to with children.
    Involvement in joint observations of
    seasonal changes. Photo report or
    presentation "How our family is resting in the forest."

    Tatiana Shemshura
    Long-term plan for the program "First Steps"

    Long-term plan for NOD

    on the development of speech in first junior group (2 – 3 years old)

    (2 lessons per week, 8 lessons per month, 72 lessons per year)

    Educational area "Speech Development"

    Literature: Methodical materials to the Comprehensive Educational program for young children « FIRST STEPS» , part 1 and 2.

    September 1. Theme: "Acquaintance".

    Target: To form the ability of children to listen to each other.

    Develop auditory attention.

    Strengthen communication skills

    Bring up

    friendly relations

    Material: toy (doll Masha)

    Literature: S. Yu. Meshcherya-kova. Page 26. No. 1. 2h.

    2. Theme: "Do as I do".

    Target: To form the ability of children to imitate each other.

    Develop auditory attention, articulation apparatus.

    Strengthen the ability to listen carefully to the teacher.

    Cultivate friendly relations with each other.

    Material: toy


    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 30. No. 13. 2

    1. Theme: "Sun and Rain".

    Target: To form the ability to perform simple movements and actions in connection with the text.

    To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

    Material: highchairs, umbrella.

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 52. No. 48. 2 hours.

    2. Theme: "Rain"

    Target (fingers) with text;

    Develop motor skills.

    Material: toy (bunny)

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 36. No. 23. 2 hours.

    1. Theme: "Moms and their babies".

    Target: To form the ability of children to name animals and their cubs.

    Develop lexicon children.

    To consolidate the knowledge and skills of children about primary ideas about animals.

    Raise interest and love for wild and domestic animals.

    Material: pictures depicting adult animals and their cubs.

    Literature: Page 113. No. 42. 1 hour.

    2. Theme: "How is it going?".

    Target: To form the ability of children to depict answers with gestures.

    Develop articulatory apparatus.

    Strengthen communication skills.


    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 121. No. 49. 1 hour. one. Topic: "Take the ball".

    Target: To form the ability of children to listen carefully to an adult.

    Strengthen communication skills.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: ball.

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 86. No. 2. 1 hour.

    2. Theme: "Doll's Birthday".

    Target: To form the ability of children to use not only toys, but also pictures depicting objects.

    Develop the articulatory apparatus.

    Strengthen knowledge of family traditions

    Cultivate love for loved ones.

    Material: doll, picture pictures various items, toys mushroom, spinning top, flower, etc., box, bags.

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 107. No. 33. 1 hour.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    October 1. Theme:

    "In the process of getting dressed".

    Target: To form the skills and abilities of children to KGN.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen knowledge about clothing.

    Cultivate interest in literature.

    Material: children's clothes, a book with poems by E. Blaginina "I'll teach you to put on shoes", N. Sakonskaya "Where is my finger?", "Masha put on a mitten".

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 81. №4.. 1h.

    2. Theme:

    "In the process of washing,



    Develop children's speech.

    Consolidate knowledge of KGP.

    Cultivate interest in literature.



    E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 81. No. 5.

    1. Theme:

    "Goat horned".

    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements in connection with the text.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen motor skills.

    Cultivate interest in literature.

    Material: toy goat


    E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 92. No. 14.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to imitate an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    To consolidate knowledge and skills about amusement.

    Material:toy (bear).

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 94. No. 20.

    1. Theme:

    "Come to me".

    Target: To form the ability of children to listen carefully to an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to communicate with character.

    Material: bear (toy).

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 85. No. 1.

    2. Theme:

    "Come to me, run to me".


    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: doll (toy).

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 86. No. 4.

    1. Theme:

    "Who lives in the house?".

    Target: To form the ability of children to give each other pleasure from this game.

    Develop children's speech.

    Bring up

    Material: bear, bunny, bird, goat, dog (toys).


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 106. No. 32. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop motor skills. children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate love and friendships.

    Material: pictures of geese.


    E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 120. No. 47. 1 hour.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    1. Theme:

    "During the game".

    Target: To form the skills of children in the joint game of an adult with a child, accompany with suitable verses.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to conduct a dialogue.

    Cultivate love and interest in toys.

    Material: doll


    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 77. No. 1. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:

    "Take it, roll it".

    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements as shown by an adult. Develop children's speech. Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: gate, machine, ball, ball, cubes (toys)

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 86. No. 3. 1 hour.

    1. Theme:



    Target: To form the ability of children to address adults and peers with requests.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Material (toys).

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 107. No. 34. 1 hour.

    2. Theme "The doll is dancing".

    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate interest and love for toys.

    Material: dolls


    Literature: E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 110. No. 38, part 1.

    1. Theme:

    "Before bedtime".

    Target: To form the ability of children to listen carefully to the teacher.

    Develop children's speech.



    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 80. No. 3. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:

    "While Feeding".

    Target: To form the ability of children to listen carefully to the teacher.

    Develop children's speech.

    Fix KGN.

    Cultivate love for each other.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 82. No. 6. 1h

    1. Theme:



    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: toys

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 92. No. 15. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements in connection with the text.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: toys


    E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 93. No. 19.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    1. Theme:

    "On the walk» .

    Target: To form the ability of children to pay attention to natural phenomena.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen to fiction.

    Cultivate friendly relationships in the game.




    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 77. No. 2. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to look at pictures and name what is shown on it.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendly relationships in the game.

    Material: educational game "Domino" (pictures on different topics).


    E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 113. No. 41. 1h

    1. Theme:



    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen to the teacher.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: doll, dog, frog, cow (toys).


    E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 87. No. 5. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:

    "Clap-clap hands".

    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen to the teacher.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: dolls, toys.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 87.

    1. Theme:

    "Fluffy Snowflakes".

    Target: To form the skills of children, the ability of children to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen to the teacher.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 49. No. 42. 2h.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements in connection with the text.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 49. No. 43. 2h.

    1. Theme:

    "Who's at the door?".

    Target: To form the ability of children to recognize animals by imitating an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Raise love and interest in animals.


    toys (horse, goat, cow, dog, etc.)


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 103. No. 27. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:

    "Who is calling you?".

    Target: To form the ability of children to recognize animals.

    Develop children's speech.

    Fix the ability to right

    different pronunciation.

    Raise love and interest in animals.

    Material: screen, toys (cat, dog, bird, frog, cockerel).

    Literature: E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    1. Theme:

    "Bug Competition"

    Target: To form the ability to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen communication skills.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: images.


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.

    Page 122. No. 52. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen communication skills.

    Cultivate interest and love for flowers.

    Material: illustrations.


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 122. No. 53. 1h

    1. Theme:

    "Hands up and on the side"

    Target: To form the ability to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: toys, musical works.


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.

    Page 88. No. 7. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:

    "Let's raise our hands together"

    Target: To form the ability to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: musical works.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 88. No. 8. 1 hour.

    1. Theme:

    "Watching the Affairs of Adults"

    Target: To form the ability of children to observe the actions of an adult. Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to help each other.

    Cultivate love and interest in adults.




    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 83.

    2. Theme:“In case of failures, grief and other events”

    Target: To form the ability of children to understand the meaning of nursery rhymes and songs.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Material: illustrations.


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    1. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: illustrations.


    E. O. Smirnova,

    L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.

    2. Theme:

    "Wonderful bag"

    Target: To form the ability of children to name objects.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate interest and love for the world around.

    Material: bag, toys (cube, ball, comb, cup, machine, etc.).

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 105.

    1. Theme:

    "Baba sowed peas"

    Target: To form the ability of children to listen to short rhymes without relying on visualization.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: illustrations.


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements in connection with the text.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: toys, music.


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 92.

    1. Theme:

    “The trailers went, let’s go….tuk-tuk-tuk”

    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements in connection with the text.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 119.

    2. Theme:

    "Two centipedes"

    Target: To form the ability of children to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen motor skills.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 121.

    1 Topic:

    "Improvisation of fairy tales with

    using toys"

    Target: To form the ability of children to participate in the improvisation of fairy tales using toys.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability of children to listen to fairy tales.

    Cultivate interest in literature.

    Material: puppet theater characters.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 89. No. 10. 1 hour.

    2. Theme: "Children's Movie"

    Target: To form the ability of children to accompany the show with a story, stopping at the picture that the children especially liked.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the children's ability to name fairy tales already known to them.

    Cultivate interest and love for fairy tales.

    Material: videos.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 89. No. 9. 1 hour.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    1. Theme:"The hen cackles"

    Target (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen motor skills.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 92. No. 16. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:"Boy and Dog"

    Target: To form the ability to encourage children to listen to speech sounds, correlate them with objects that make these sounds, and stimulate sound imitation.

    Develop children's speech.

    To consolidate the ability of children to listen and differentiate words that clearly differ in sound composition, subsequently becoming more and more similar in sound.

    Cultivate interest in literature.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 98. No. 2. 1 hour.

    1. Theme:



    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: illustrations, flowers.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 33.

    2. Theme:

    "Big Portrait"

    Target: To form the ability of children to depict the figure of a person on the whole sheet.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: sheets of cardboard, felt-tip pens, colored crayons.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 66.

    1. Theme:

    "Bird eats"

    Target: To form the ability of children to take care of the bird.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate interest and love for toys.


    toys (bird, plate, doll set, grains.


    E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova,

    S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 109.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to recognize objects by verbal description, based on the visual perception of objects.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate interest in the surrounding world.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 115.

    1. Theme:

    "Doll House"

    Target: To form the ability of children to build together, together.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to take care of the doll.

    Material: toys (cubes, doll).

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 63.

    2. Theme:

    "Beads for a doll"


    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate interest and love for toys.

    Material: colorful beads

    large size, rope, large doll.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 64.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    1. Theme:

    "Children's Books"

    Target: To form the ability of children to contribute to the development in children of the ability to listen to an adult's speech based on actions and movements, to repeat words and phrases after him.

    To consolidate knowledge about children's works.

    Cultivate interest in literature.

    Material: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 89. No. 11. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:

    "Short Poems"

    Target: To form the ability of children to continue some words or lines with an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    To consolidate the ability of children to memorize their favorite poems.

    Cultivate interest in literature.

    Material:: illustrations.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 96.

    1. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements together with the teacher.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.

    Material: steering wheel or



    2. Theme:



    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Bring up

    Material: baby chairs.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 39.

    1. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen motor skills.

    Cultivate friendships.


    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 91.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen motor skills.

    Cultivate friendships.


    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 90.

    1. Theme:

    "Masha is walking, Masha has fallen"

    Target: To form the ability of children to accompany their actions with words.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Raise interest and care for toys.

    Material: toys

    (designer for children, doll.)

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 110.

    2. Theme:

    "Fingers went out for a walk"


    To form the ability of children to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen motor skills.

    Cultivate friendly relationships.


    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 123.

    1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

    1. Theme:


    say hello"

    Target: to form the ability to correlate hand movements (fingers) with text;

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen motor skills

    Cultivate friendships


    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 122.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to help each other.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Material: toys (doll, doll furniture, dishes, hairbrush, doll clothes).

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 109.

    1. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to depict an object with the help of movements and gestures.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: toys.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 59.

    2. Theme:

    "Dancing to the tune"

    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements together with the teacher.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: pipe.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 54.

    1. Theme:

    "Pass the bell"

    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements as shown by an adult.

    Develop children's speech.

    To consolidate knowledge about musical instruments.

    Material: bell.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 108.

    2. Theme:


    Target: Shaping the ability of children

    phonemic hearing

    facilitating games using words that are similar in sound.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to correct pronunciation.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: pictures depicting objects whose names have a similar sound composition.

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 104.

    1. Theme:

    "Who is hiding in the house?"

    Target: To form the ability to distinguish by ear and pronounce words, both close and different in sound.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Material:toys (house, mouse, bear, matryoshka, monkey, parsley, tumbler)

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 104. No. 29. 1 hour.

    2. Theme:


    Target: To form the ability of children to perform movements together with the teacher.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the ability to listen.

    Cultivate friendships.

    Material: doll

    Literature:E. O. Smirnova, L. N. Galiguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. Page 95.