Business plan for a sneaker outlet in the market. How to open a shoe store from scratch and not burn out

In this material:

A shoe store is a profitable and fast-payback business. During the year, a person changes an average of 4 pairs of shoes. And this moment concerns only a seasonal nature, and if we take into account shoes for training, work, leisure, then we can safely say that people visit shoe departments every month. The shoe store business plan includes several main stages and a huge number of sub-items, the implementation of which is mandatory for every entrepreneur if he is serious about business and plans to recoup his investment in 6–8 months.

Business profile and service description

The shoe store assumes several formats:

  • general - sale a wide range products, from shoes to hosiery, accessories and even hats;
  • narrowly focused - only women's, men's or children's shoes;
  • mixed - male and female or children's and female;
  • branded - the sale of shoes of famous brands.

The aim of the project is to open shoe store from scratch with minimal investment.

The objectives are to provide the population with a wide range of products at affordable prices, to attract and retain new customers.

Implementation - own funds, sponsor's money or a bank loan.


Shoes are an essential item, the purchase of which cannot be postponed until later. The shoe business has always been and remains relevant, especially for women's and children's lines. While men mostly change their shoes only when they are completely worn out, ladies often buy a new pair of shoes or boots just because they are beautiful or match the dress. Children, on the other hand, grow equally fast and wear out sets of sandals, sneakers and boots, so you have to change shoes several times a year or in a season.

The shoe store is relevant for a small locality as well as for a large city. The only difference is in the format. For example, in an urban-type settlement, a boutique or a branded shoe store is unlikely to be popular. Whereas mixed type outlet will pay for itself in a short time.

Reference: many factors influence the profitability of the enterprise - the type of product (casual boots or exclusive models), price, availability of running and rare sizes, seasonality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you open a shoe store, you need to study the positive and negative sides business.

  • Demand - shoes are always needed by everyone, so no matter what happens in the world, no matter how the political or economic situation in the country changes, people are forced to put on shoes.
  • Profitability - a shoe store assumes a high markup on goods (100-200%), which depends on the choice of supplier and the level of competition. In any case, the profitability of the business is quite high.
  • Easy to register a business - an entrepreneur only needs to choose a legal form, indicate OKVED codes and receive a standard package of documents from regulatory organizations. No special papers or licenses are required.
  • Quick payback - achieved through a serious margin and a large turnover.
  • The amount of start-up capital - when planning a shoe business, you should understand that it requires large investments. Often, entrepreneurs take a loan from a bank, but in order to be able to repay it, a competent business plan with phased organizational measures and calculations is needed.
  • Competition - the market is crowded with shoe stores. In every mall, hypermarket, residential area, there are 2-3 points for the sale of men's shoes, women's shoes, children's boots. In order not to become another unvisited store, it is necessary to carefully study the target audience and identify what people need at the moment. For example, in a residential area there are 5 shops for women's shoes, 2 points for the sale of children's things, but nothing is provided for men. The conclusion suggests itself - a men's shoe store will be relevant in this segment.
  • The economic situation in the country - in connection with the sanctions, many entrepreneurs fear that they will be banned from importing shoes from abroad. The risk is quite serious, so at the initial stage of opening a point, you should think about domestic suppliers of goods.

Reference. Chinese shoes are cheap and of poor quality, but there is a buyer for such products. There are several advantages to this - high demand, low cost, quick wear of shoes, high mark-up.

Preparatory stage of work

Start off shoe business it is necessary to collect analytical data on competitors and study the demand of the population for products. To obtain complete information, it is recommended to allocate a certain amount from the budget for the implementation of relevant activities.

Demand research

Conducting a public opinion poll is the easiest and most affordable way to determine what buyers lack. Action algorithm:

  1. Select one or more districts of the city.
  2. Selecting the position of the lead survey - a shopping mall, a busy transition or a street with a nearby shoe store.
  3. Interview people on current topics.

Possible questions:

  • Are you satisfied with the number of outlets selling shoes;
  • reasonable price for everyday models;
  • how often do you buy new shoes or boots;
  • what does not suit the existing stores;
  • what would you add (service, option, assortment);
  • whether the location of existing outlets is convenient;
  • where would you like it to open new shop shoes;
  • what is the probability that you will go to a new point.

There may be more or less questions, and they may also touch on other topics of interest to the entrepreneur. Based on the information received, the format of the future business, the range and price category of potential buyers are determined. Respondents are even able to suggest the location of the future business.

Analysis of the level of competition

You can analyze competitors by simply visiting their stores. It is necessary to determine:

  • location;
  • patency of people;
  • business format;
  • price segment;
  • range;
  • area of ​​the room;
  • opening hours;
  • the number of employees;
  • availability of promotions, bonuses, discounts;
  • legal form of doing business (LLC or sole proprietorship).

Reference. It will be useful to find out the names of product suppliers, the purchase price and the taxation system. It will not be possible to obtain information in the usual way, so you will either have to exclude these points from the analysis, or use a trick and get a job in a competitor’s store for several days (acquaintances, friends, hired people can play the role of a “spy” trainee).

organizational plan

Registration of a shoe store, choice of taxation system

Novice businessmen ask questions: how to open a shoe store, what form of business to choose. At the initial stage, the IP status is perfect for organizing a retail outlet. This is explained as follows:

  • ease of design;
  • minimum documents;
  • low cost;
  • the possibility of using the patent system of taxation, which is not available to legal entities.

LLC is relevant for large-scale activities or a chain of stores, as well as for the purchase of large quantities of goods from abroad. In the rest of the society limited liability does not provide any benefits.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity is carried out in the tax service. You must have a passport, TIN and application with you. You also need to specify OKVED codes and select a taxation system.

The main OKVED code is 52.43.1 (retail sale of any footwear). If only shoes are presented in the store, then no other codes are required. However, if it is intended to sell socks, stockings, heels, belts, accessories, then it will be necessary to indicate the appropriate codes.

Reference: if the entrepreneur is already in the status of an individual entrepreneur, then new codes are simply added to the existing ones.

Taxation system - STS or PSN. Simplification is good at a low percentage - 6% or 15%, and the patent system does not provide for the submission of declarations and other reports to the Federal Tax Service, which greatly simplifies the work of an entrepreneur. Everyone makes their own choice.

Reference: a feature of the patent taxation system is that the area of ​​the retail outlet should not exceed 50 square meters. m.

After concluding a lease agreement, you must contact the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor with a package of documents to obtain a business permit.

Selecting the location of the outlet

When deciding on the location of a shoe store, you have to choose from two options - a mall or the first floor of an apartment building. In both cases, there are pros and cons.

Advantages of renting space in the mall:

  • the room is ready for work - it is enough to make minor cosmetic repairs, stylize and start working in a couple of days;
  • savings on the security system, connection to communications;
  • loyalty of controlling organizations;
  • high permeability of people.
  • the high cost of rent;
  • dependence on the mode of operation of the mall;
  • high competition.

The advantages of opening a point on the ground floor of an apartment building are the ability to create an individual style, independence, a wide range of options. The main thing is that the place should be with a large flow of people, located at the entrance to the roadway and surveyed from different sides.

Cons - the need for expensive repairs and a large-scale advertising campaign.

Location and requirements

The shoe store does not provide for special requirements. It is only necessary to comply with the approved sanitary standards:

  • water pipes;
  • electricity;
  • sewerage;
  • ventilation;
  • evacuation plan;
  • the presence of a consumer corner;
  • conditions for rest and meals for staff.


Required equipment list:

  • racks;
  • shelves;
  • mirrors;
  • fitting furniture;
  • recreation area furniture;
  • counter for the cashier;
  • storage cabinets;
  • computer, printer;
  • utility room furniture;
  • storage equipment.


The number of employees depends on the area and location of the outlet. For example, if a store is located in a shopping and entertainment center, then the area varies between 25–30 sq. m, and for this one seller is enough.

If a point with an area of ​​50–60 sq. m in an apartment building, the minimum staff is 2 sellers and an administrator, whose role can be played by an entrepreneur.

Employee requirements:

  • responsibility;
  • honesty;
  • sociability;
  • knowledge of the PC and the features of the operation of cash registers;
  • neat appearance;
  • Experience in footwear industry (desirable).

You can find sellers on the Internet by submitting a free job advertisement.

Search for suppliers of quality shoes

To implement an expanded assortment, it is recommended to work with several suppliers at the same time. You can find them through the same Internet, but it is worth concluding contracts only with trusted companies or directly with manufacturers.

It makes sense to pay attention to local shoe manufacturers, if there are any in the region, as well as give preference to high-quality and inexpensive products. Unknown brands need to be purchased in limited quantities.

Conducting an advertising campaign

  1. Making an attractive sign.
  2. Distribution of leaflets.
  3. Posting ads.
  4. Arrangement of pavement signs on the way to the point.
  5. Creation and promotion of your own website.
  6. Create a group on a social network.
  7. Original window display.

The more effective and large-scale marketing is, the more people will learn about the opening of a new outlet. Subsequently, it is necessary to periodically hold promotions, arrange draws and make discounts on past collections.

shoe store financial plan

Investment in the project

Investments at the start (in rubles):

  • registration of entrepreneurial activity and execution of related documents - 30,000;
  • conclusion of a lease agreement and making an advance payment - 60,000;
  • renovation of the premises - 50,000;
  • purchase of equipment - 200,000;
  • purchase of goods - 400,000;
  • market analysis - 20,000;
  • advertising - 50,000.

Result: 810,000 rubles.

Current expenses

Expenses in the first month (in rubles):

  • rent - 30,000;
  • salaries to employees (2 people) - 50,000;
  • utility costs - 10,000;
  • unforeseen expenses - 15,000.

Result: 105,000 rubles.

Sales revenue

The average number of buyers per day is 10 people, which also depends on the season, day of the week. The average check is 1,500 rubles. Daily revenue is - 15,000. Monthly earnings - 450,000 rubles.

Profit calculation

Net income is a measure of profit minus obligatory expenses.

450,000-105,000 \u003d 345,000 rubles.

From this amount, it is necessary to subtract the periodic costs for the purchase of a new batch of goods. On average, this will take 200,000 rubles.

Net profit will be 145,000 rubles.

Profitability and payback period

Profitability is calculated by the formula - the ratio of net income to gross, multiplied by 100%.


The payback of a shoe store based on the above costs will be 6 months. In practice, the indicator can increase up to a year, since in the first months you will have to spend heavily on advertising and purchasing goods, and the number of buyers will be low.

With an increase in turnover and purchasing power, an entrepreneur may well reach a net income of 200-300 thousand rubles a month.

When opening a shoe store, you always need to start small, namely with an analysis of the market, target audience and competitors. A business plan is a great helper in this, because without planned organizational moments and financial calculations, the outlet will go into negative territory in the first month of operation.

Order a business plan

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It's no secret that shoes in our country are a commodity that is in high demand. Due to the climatic features of our country, every season we are forced to purchase new shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals. In this regard, many do not miss the opportunity to earn money by opening their shoe boutiques. It should be recognized that with a competent organization of a business selling sneakers or ankle boots, you can really make a good income.

Where to begin

What is needed for this? First, a well-thought-out and paper-based business plan for a shoe store. And, of course, start-up capital, without which entrepreneurship is impossible in principle. However, before considering the shoe store business plan in more detail, it is necessary to mention some important features of this type of entrepreneurial activity.

Business nuances

You have to take into account the fact that it is seasonal. Regardless of whether the batch of the winter collection has been sold or not, when summer comes, you need to purchase shoes that are appropriate for this time of year.

The buyer should be able not only to purchase new models of shoes, but also to choose them based on their foot size. And if you only have one or two shoe sizes in stock, then the customer can simply turn around to the exit and make a purchase from your competitors.

When developing a business plan for a shoe store, you must clearly define what consumer "audience" it will be designed for. If these are people with a low income, then it hardly makes sense for you to scrupulously follow the latest collections of “shoe” fashion. They can become simply illiquid.

Wealthy clients, on the other hand, should not be offered budget models. Also think about what age group of consumers your shoes will be intended for. Perhaps you will focus on shoes for adults, it is possible that for children. In general, the choice is yours!

The above financial document should contain a detailed cost estimate, namely how much money you will need to start. You must rent premises, purchase goods, equipment for a shoe store (computers, cash registers, furniture), pay taxes and wages And so on.

For these purposes, you will have to spend quite a lot of money. In the above document, you must also reflect the amount of your potential income, calculate for what period of time you will be able to return your investment.

Many, first of all, are interested in the question of how much the initial costs of a shoe store will cost. It depends on a number of factors: the area of ​​​​your outlet, its design and location, as well as the specifics commercial equipment and product range. Your shoe store business plan should provide a comprehensive answer to the question of the size of your initial investment.


In order for your entrepreneurial activity to be legal, you need to obtain the relevant documents from government agencies.

In other words, you must register your shoe business with tax office. In addition, your activities must be coordinated with supervisory structures, such as a sanitary and epidemiological station, a fire inspection.

In addition, you must have all the necessary certificates on hand that would confirm that the shoes being sold are of high quality. Don't forget to get your passport too outdoor advertising and conclude a contract for waste disposal.


It should be noted that the equipment for a shoe store can be very diverse: it all depends on the thickness of the wallet and the width of the flight of creative imagination. The main thing that you should remember is that the buyer must have free access to the counters, where the entire range is presented. model range shoes. IN without fail provide shelving for a shoe store.

It is much more pleasant to look at sneakers or boots on special shelves than when they just lie on boxes of several tiers. Think carefully about the design of the room: decorate the shop windows as brightly as possible, take care of the right lighting and the right air temperature in your boutique.

The client should feel as comfortable as possible when entering your store. The design of your premises should “scream” that your business in the field of entrepreneurship, as they say, is “going uphill”.

Visiting your point of sale, the client should be charged with exclusively positive emotions. If you manage to achieve this, then know that the volume of your trade turnover will increase significantly. Not sure how to properly equip the interior of the store? Use the services of professionals.


It is desirable that your shoe boutique is located in a residential area of ​​​​a city with a high population density. The store should be located near the market and large supermarkets. Choose a territory where parking for vehicles would be located near your outlet. Consider the fact that it would be convenient to get to your boutique by trolleybus or tram.

Also think about the name of the shoe store. It should be a harmonious, exclusive and easy-to-remember word or even a phrase. However, keep in mind that in an effort to be original, you may choose a name that is already being used by your competitors. This, of course, cannot be allowed. Ask about the names of shoe stores located in the same area as your boutique.

How to choose suppliers

In the question of how to open a shoe store, one of the key points is the choice of a shoe supplier. As a rule, there are no problems with bulk purchases. Alternatively, you can try working with several Russian enterprises and companies manufacturing footwear products in neighboring countries, for example, in Belarus. In RuNet you can find everything you need contact information, both small and large manufacturers of boots and sneakers.

About what a novice entrepreneur who wants to open a shoe store will have to face will be discussed in this article.

At the time of starting work, you must have the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of the enterprise with the tax authority;
  • certificate;
  • state registration certificate;
  • charter (for companies);
  • documents for the premises (for ownership or lease agreement);
  • assortment of the store, agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • expert opinion on fire safety;
  • the conclusion of the SES, confirming the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards;
  • waste collection contract.

If you are going to rent a room in a shopping center, the administration has the right to require you to provide additional documents related to entrepreneurial activity.

Documents (certificates) for products

Do not forget that rubber shoes (children's shoes and special shoes) and leather shoes (children's and special shoes) are subject to mandatory certification, and declaration of conformity:

  • rubber (except for children);
  • sports (only rubber and rubber-textile);
  • felted (children's);
  • yuft (except for special and children's);
  • chrome (except for special and children's);
  • with a top made of textile materials, felt or felt (except for special and children's);
  • with a top made of synthetic leather (everyday, except for the army);
  • with an upper made of artificial leather (except for military and children's).

See also: shoe store business plan.

If your activity will involve foreign economic activity (for example, products are planned to be purchased in China), then you need to follow the rules for the interaction of counterparties within the customs union. The law on consumer protection should become a reference book for a novice entrepreneur. You should also carefully study the rules for trade in non-food products, in particular products light industry.

Studying the demand for shoes

If you are going to engage in trade, then you just need to independently conduct a marketing research to assess the demand for the product, select the optimal location for the store, and also determine the main vectors for business development. This is the first thing to do, best of all on your own.

  • look, Where are the shoe stores located? in your city (or district, if you are going to work in a millionaire), what is their assortment, price level, how many buyers.
  • Make up map of the most traveled places, pay attention to whether your competitors are in this territory.
  • Conduct a small survey of the residents of the area, identify where they buy shoes, how often, how much they are willing to spend on the purchase.

Of course, after a preliminary assessment of all the shoe outlets of the city (district), leave in your list only those that correspond to the selected segment. These stores may be:

  • constant sales aimed at people with a lower average income;
  • mid-price segment;
  • premium.

Study them thoroughly to answer the most important question: can your business survive in such conditions (is there a demand for a product, growth prospects, is there a lot of competition)? If the answer is yes, you can move on. Try to calculate the market capacity using this method.

Location selection

Choose a place for the store according to the results of the marketing research. It is clear that it is better to settle down where it is crowded, in extreme cases, consider remote, but actively developing areas.

How to open a shoe store from scratch and not burn out

The easiest option is to rent space in a shopping center. True, it is not always easy to “break into” them, especially for small private companies. Shopping centers prefer to work with well-known brands, and the list of tenants, as a rule, is formed at the development stage.

shoe store in the mall

Benefits of renting in a shopping center:

  • a constant flow of visitors, which is supported by the shopping center itself (you will have to attract customers to a single store yourself);
  • minimum costs for repairs (you do not have to break walls, conduct communications, arrange an entrance group);
  • the absence of certain categories of expenses (for example, you can do without a security guard).

There are two disadvantages here - high rent and the need to follow the rules of the shopping center (for example, work from opening to closing). But if there is an opportunity to settle down in a shopping center, use it.

There are no special requirements for the premises for the store, the main thing is that it complies with fire safety rules and sanitary standards. The area may be different, it is not worth allocating less than 45-50 square meters for the trading floor. m, otherwise it will be problematic to organize a fitting. A little less is needed for a warehouse and utility rooms.

Necessary equipment for a shoe store

In the warehouse, you will need racks to place goods. In the trading floor, buy:

  • podiums for demonstrating shoes;
  • hanging shelves (installed on the wall);
  • showcases for placing accompanying goods (accessories, shoe care products, hosiery);
  • trading systems;
  • mirrors (in sufficient quantity);
  • places for fitting (puffs, rugs, spoons).

Since retail trade involves accepting cash from customers, when working on OSNO and USN, there must be a cash register (sealed and registered with the tax authority).


For trade on 50 sq. m. 2-4 sellers are enough (depending on turnover), 2 cashiers, a merchandiser (part-time purchasing specialist, administrator, senior cashier and, if possible, an accountant). These people will ensure the continuous operation of the store. To maintain order, you will need a cleaning lady, and the entrepreneur himself can take over communication with the tax office. Other positions, such as a security guard-controller, are optional.

Working with buyers

You need to work with customers in two main areas: inside the store and outside it. In the first case, this is a competent placement of products in the hall, consulting, organization of fitting, direct sales. The second is customer acquisition.

customers in a shoe store choose a product

The most attractive couples that may be of interest to buyers should be placed to the right of the entrance, because. most people in trading floor moving clockwise. For the same reason, it is desirable to place the door to the store (boutique) on the left. In the foreground, define only actual shoes in accordance with the latest fashion trends and seasonality. The height of the racks should not greatly exceed the height of the average person, so that without outside help you can reach any model.

In the trading floor, products should not be placed randomly, group them according to different criteria (age, gender, size, season). Provide customers with places to try on, which should be mandatory.

Inform potential clients about the opening of a new shoe store is through leaflets, announcements at public transport stops, you can order a banner in the area where the outlet is located, rent a billboard. Also use online platforms.

Where to buy products

With regard to the choice of suppliers, it is difficult to give any advice, because there are a lot of options, among the priorities: cooperation directly with factories and importing products from abroad. However, you can buy goods on the market, but this is not always justified.

Organization of footwear trade

Do not rush to buy products, even if you have formed an assortment. Here you need to act very carefully, especially for a young enterprise. The fact is that shoes are a seasonal product. Few people buy boots with fur in the summer, and sandals in the winter.

By the way, it is useful to know that during the time that a man wears one pair of shoes, a woman manages to buy two, and all four are bought for a child. This is, of course, approximately. But among all the boots, children's boots will be the most popular - 2 pairs are steadily left for the season. When you open a point of sale of shoes for adults, you willy-nilly begin to depend on fashion trends. The only exception is commission trading. The ability to quickly respond to changing consumer preferences is the main quality of any successful store.

You should not fill the warehouse to capacity, as you sell products, buy more of it, but in small batches. Remember, shoes have a 1-month warranty, which starts from the moment the season starts. For Moscow, for example, the following seasonality frameworks are established:

  • winter shoes- from November 1 to March 1;
  • spring - from March 1 to May 1;
  • autumn - from September 1 to November 15;
  • summer - from May 1 to September 1.

According to the law on the protection of consumer rights, the buyer, for any reason, within 2 weeks from the date of purchase, has the right to return shoes that have not been worn to the store. In this case, the goods must be exchanged in accordance with the wishes of the client (in size, color, etc.) with a surcharge, if required. However, this does not mean that the seller is obliged to issue money. But if the store cannot offer the goods in accordance with the wishes of the buyer, then yes, the shoes must be accepted, and the funds spent must be returned.

Summing up, I want to note that these are the main, but by no means all the subtleties associated with retailing shoes that every budding entrepreneur needs to know. A lot of questions can arise at the stage of organizing workflow, forming an assortment, searching for suppliers, purchasing products.

Questions and answers on the topic

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Is it profitable to sell shoes?

Now every shopping trip becomes a campaign to destroy the last money. For us buyers, for whom all the money earned is spent instantly, going to the store or to the market is a difficult decision. It is very hard to earn now, you have to collect money for the family budget by a penny. And you can use it in five minutes.

Merchants raised prices taking advantage of the fact that there is no power now. And they didn’t just raise prices, but they buy ten times cheaper than they sell.

Business plan: how to open a shoe store

Fortunately, there are some sellers in our time who behave more or less ashamed.

Let's look at a purchase like buying shoes. Conscientious merchants always take high-quality and not expensive shoes for sale. Wholesale shoes from the manufacturer Floti ( are often found in local merchants, both in stores and in the markets. It is not clear what to compare such high-quality shoes with cheap Chinese shoes (when buying in bulk for a penny, but many times overpriced when selling), but called shoes, it’s quite difficult.

Is it profitable to sell shoes?

Tell me, why do high-quality shoes cost a dozen hryvnias more than Chinese ones? Indeed, for the manufacture of good shoes, especially from Ukrainian manufacturers, expensive and mostly natural materials are used.

So you have to go to retail outlets, look out for shoes from Floti or other quality manufacturers. Buying shoes is not a frequent procedure now, if you only need to buy for yourself, but if you are a family man -? Then you need to decide in advance on what the family needs, let's say for the spring. The list is determined, let's say in this order - men's and women's shoes in a pair and children's shoes and sneakers. This can now go up to two thousand hryvnia.

Of course, you can look for shoes in the market, or you can, having seen Floty there, go on the Internet to a site that sells such shoes. And skimp on the whole family for the season.

And having skimped so compactly, advise some familiar merchant to buy not Chinese shoes at the 7th kilometer, but buy from a trusted wholesaler. Which, of course, will give him a discount and send it by mail across Ukraine, he will not need to go to Odessa. There will be no need to take risks both on the road and in the market itself, where there is no market, but it is not clear what.

Well, this is life. But I want to live well, earn money, knowing that your pipes are useful and freely buy the necessary things. And not to make a ritual out of each purchase, as if an island in the ocean is being bought.

Shoe store business plan

Opening a shoe store

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

1.Overview of the shoe market……………………………………………………………… 5

1.1 Status modern market shoe products………………………….. 5

1.2 Brief description of the store of JSC "Spartak"……………………….. 7

2. Classification of commodity groups………………………………………………. 8

2.1 Commodity classification of shoes……………………………………………………… 8

2.2 Study of product groups by educational classification……………………. 12

3. Assortment research……………………………………………………. fourteen

3.1 The assortment of the store of OAO Spartak. Classification of the range of goods14

3.2 Determination of assortment indicators………………………………………. 19

4. Study of quality indicators………………………………………………. 22

4.1 Consumer properties of leather footwear……………………………………. 25

4.2 Quality indicators of leather footwear parts……………………… ^…….. 20

4.3 Defects in leather footwear and evaluation of its quality………………………………. thirty

4.4 Assessment of competitiveness………………………………………………….. 31

5. Packing, transportation and storage of leather shoes………… 34

6. Commodity information……………………………………………………………. 36

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………. 38

References…………………………………………………………………………… 39


Shoes are essential. It is designed to protect the legs of a person from adverse effects. external environment-cold, excessive heat, dampness, dust, dirt, mechanical damage, and also serves as a decoration item.

The changes that have taken place in the country's economy in recent years also affect the shoe industry. A deep and comprehensive study of the specific situation on the market of modern goods and the prospects for its change are one of the most important prerequisites for the development of footwear production and increasing its efficiency.

IN Lately many new, more fashionable models of footwear, both domestic and imported, began to appear on sale, the increased demands of the population for many types of footwear began to be more fully satisfied.

Shoes play an important role in people's lives, they are designed not only to protect the feet, but also bear the imprint of a person's status position, complete the image. Based on this, the topic of the course work is relevant.

The purpose of this course work is to expand, deepen and systematize knowledge about the commodity characteristics of footwear. In connection with the goal, the following tasks can be distinguished:

– make a product classification and study the product according to the educational

explore the assortment and determine indicators based on the data obtained;

study quality indicators;

- to determine the preserving and forming factors;

- review product information

All commodity characteristics are studied according to the following scheme:

- the concept of a commodity group or type of goods;

a brief description of the most significant for this product properties;

- private classification and assortment;

— factors that shape quality;

— assessment and gradation of quality;

— Factors affecting shelf life, losses during storage and preparation for sale;

- product information media.

1. Overviewshoemarket1.1 Statecontemporarymarketshoegoods

Currently, the world produces about 12 billion pairs of shoes per year.

How to open a shoe store from scratch? (ready business plan)

By 2007 this figure should rise to 13.5 billion pairs. Approximately 1.2 billion pairs are produced in Europe, of which 900 million pairs are produced in Western Europe and about 300 million pairs in Eastern Europe. Despite a relatively small share in the total world footwear production, Europe leads in the production of high-quality footwear.

The footwear market of Russia is represented by 12 large enterprises and about 70 mini-productions. To share Russian industry accounts for about 0.3% of world shoe production, so there is simply no need to talk about serious competition with the leaders of world production. It is also worth noting that almost all the world's leading shoe manufacturers are located in Asian countries. Of the European countries, only Spain and Italy were able to break into the top ten. Every second pair of footwear products is made in China.

The world buys an average of 1.9 pairs of shoes per person per year. At the same time, this figure is the highest in the USA - 6.5 pairs, in Europe - 3.8-4.5 pairs, in Southeast Asia - from 0.7 pairs in India to 2.0 pairs per 1 person per year in China. In 2005 Russians purchased 197 million pairs of shoes. Thus, for each inhabitant of the country, there were 2.7 boots, shoes or boots, or 1.35 pairs of shoes. In Soviet times, the same figure was 3.2 couples per capita. Most of the footwear market (except for children's), according to some estimates, up to 75% falls on women's shoes.

In 2005, the import of shoes to Russia amounted to about 62 million pairs. Without taking into account the import of semi-finished products, blanks and components. Excluding import from and through Belarus.

The main supplier of footwear for Russian citizens is China. About 75% of pairs of shoes were imported from this country, another 9% were brought from Turkey and only about 2%

from Italy. In addition, among the main suppliers of footwear to Russia are Vietnam and Ukraine.

The Russian shoe market is developing unevenly. Shoemakers call the middle segment the most dynamic segment. with prices ranging from $50 to $120 per pair. Figure 1 shows the volume of the Russian shoe market for 2003-2006.

2003 2004 2005 2006 Of the year

Fig.1- Volumes of the Russian shoe market for 2003-2006

An important feature: when buying shoes trademark paid more attention than when buying clothes. This is probably due to the fact that low-quality shoes are found in stores more often than low-quality clothes, and the consequences of "lack of quality" are more serious.

Clothing and footwear largely bear the imprint of a person's status position. Accordingly, people try to buy the models and brands of clothing and footwear that are worn in their immediate social environment.

1.2 BriefcharacteristicshopOJSC"Spartacus"

In his term paper I am considering a branded shoe store open joint-stock company"Spartak" (Kazan). It is located in Ufa on Pervomaiskaya street 42. This store was opened in 2000. and has been in existence for 6 years. The store is engaged trading activities selling women's, men's and children's shoes. Basically, the store is aimed at buyers with an average level of income. It works from 1000 to 1900, without breaks and days off.

The total area of ​​the store is 100m2. Form*, the magazine has a square configuration with an aspect ratio of 10:10. The entire area of ​​the commercial premises is divided into:

- area for placement of commercial equipment;

- the movement of buyers;

- display of goods;

- area for the work of sellers.

The equipment is located along the walls and is called a linear layout.

The number of store employees is 4 people working in shifts. One week, one shift.

2. Classificationcommoditygroups

2.1 Commodityclassificationshoes

Shoes are classified:

- for operational purposes,

- according to the seasons of socks,

- by type of product

- by styles

- by models

- according to age and gender

- according to the materials.

According to operational purpose leather shoes are divided into household, sports, industrial and medical. Industrial and medical footwear in trading network usually does not work.

Household shoes are divided into mass and model. Dress shoes are elegant shoes made of high quality materials with meticulous finishes on the upper and lining. By appointment, model shoes are divided into men's and women's.

For children, along with mass-tailored shoes, elegant shoes are produced, which are made from skins of light and bright colors. The blanks in this shoe have complex finishes, such as overlays, intricate perforations.

Socks according to the seasons household shoes are divided into winter, summer, spring-autumn and off-season (dude shoes, house shoes and others). The bulk of shoes are made by mechanical production.

Types of shoes. There are the following types of shoes: boots, boots, shoes, low shoes, shoes and others.

Boots there are cover and exhaust. The tops of the boots are attached to the fronts. For exhaust boots, the top of the product consists of one piece of leather.

boots differ from boots in the presence of a variety of finishes and decorations. They are sewn without fasteners or with fasteners: zipper, buttons,

buttons, etc. Boots are produced with different heights of tops, with low, medium and high heels.

Boots there are ordinary cuts (allies are named for berets) and cut "envelope".

By the type of clasp, shoes can be on laces, buckles, zippers,

buttons and elastic bands.

low shoes in terms of cut, they have much in common with boots, but they are sewn with shortened berets.

Shoes differ in the presence of various decorations, in the type of fasteners, in the height of the heel. The most common are pumps, summer shoes without backs, with closed or open toes.

A variety of women's shoes are about pank and in which the sole

About what a novice entrepreneur who wants to open a shoe store will have to face will be discussed in this article.

Documents for the right to conduct business

At the time of starting work, you must have the following documents:

  • certificate of registration of the enterprise with the tax authority;
  • TIN certificate;
  • state registration certificate;
  • charter (for companies);
  • documents for the premises (for ownership or lease agreement);
  • assortment of the store, agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • opinion of fire safety experts;
  • the conclusion of the SES, confirming the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards;
  • waste collection contract.

If you are going to rent a room in a shopping center, then the administration has the right to require additional documents related to business activities from you.

Documents (certificates) for products

Do not forget that rubber shoes (children's shoes and special shoes) and leather shoes (children's and special shoes) are subject to mandatory certification, and declaration of conformity:

  • rubber (except for children);
  • sports (only rubber and rubber-textile);
  • felted (children's);
  • yuft (except for special and children's);
  • chrome (except for special and children's);
  • with a top made of textile materials, felt or felt (except for special and children's);
  • with a top made of synthetic leather (everyday, except for the army);
  • with an upper made of artificial leather (except for military and children's).

If your activity will involve foreign economic activity (for example, products are planned to be purchased in China), then you need to follow the rules for the interaction of counterparties within the framework of the customs union. The consumer protection law should become a handbook for a novice entrepreneur. The rules of trade in non-food products, in particular light industry products, should also be carefully studied.

Studying the demand for shoes

If you are going to engage in trade, then you just need to independently conduct a marketing research to assess the demand for the product, select the optimal location for the store, and also determine the main vectors for business development. This is the first thing to do, best of all on your own.

  • look, Where are the shoe stores located? in your city (or district, if you are going to work in a millionaire), what is their assortment, price level, how many buyers.
  • Make up map of the most traveled places, pay attention to whether your competitors are in this territory.
  • Conduct a small survey residents of the area, find out where they buy shoes, how often, how much they are willing to spend on the purchase.

Of course, after a preliminary assessment of all the shoe outlets of the city (district), leave in your list only those that correspond to the selected segment. These stores may be:

  • constant sales aimed at people with a lower average income;
  • mid-price segment;
  • premium.

Study them thoroughly to answer the most important question: can your business survive in such conditions (is there a demand for a product, growth prospects, is there a lot of competition)? If the answer is yes, you can move on. Try to calculate the market capacity using this method.

Location selection

Choose a place for a store based on the results of a marketing research. It is clear that it is better to settle down where it is crowded, in extreme cases, consider remote, but actively developing areas. The easiest option is to rent space in a shopping center. True, it is not always easy to “break into” them, especially for small private companies. Shopping centers prefer to work with well-known brands, and the list of tenants, as a rule, is formed at the development stage.

shoe store in the mall

Benefits of renting in a shopping center:

  • a constant flow of visitors, which is supported by the shopping center itself (you will have to attract customers to a single store yourself);
  • minimal repair costs (you do not have to break walls, conduct communications, arrange an entrance group);
  • the absence of certain categories of expenses (for example, you can do without a security guard).

There are two disadvantages here - high rent and the need to follow the rules of the shopping center (for example, work from opening to closing). But if there is an opportunity to settle down in a shopping center, use it.

There are no special requirements for the premises for the store, the main thing is that it complies with fire safety rules and sanitary standards. The area may be different, it is not worth allocating less than 45-50 square meters for the trading floor. m, otherwise it will be problematic to organize a fitting. A little less is needed for a warehouse and utility rooms.

Necessary equipment for a shoe store

In the warehouse, you will need racks to place goods. In the trading floor, buy:

  • podiums for demonstrating shoes;
  • hanging shelves (installed on the wall);
  • showcases for placing accompanying goods (accessories, shoe care products, hosiery);
  • trading systems;
  • mirrors (in sufficient quantity);
  • places for fitting (puffs, rugs, spoons).

Since retail trade involves accepting cash from customers, when working on OSNO and USN, there must be a cash register (sealed and registered with the tax authority).


For trade on 50 sq. m. 2-4 sellers are enough (depending on turnover), 2 cashiers, a merchandiser (part-time purchasing specialist, administrator, senior cashier and, if possible, an accountant). These people will ensure the continuous operation of the store. To maintain order, you will need a cleaning lady, and the entrepreneur himself can take over communication with the tax office. Other positions, such as a security guard-controller, are optional.

Working with buyers

You need to work with customers in two main areas: inside the store and outside it. In the first case, this is a competent placement of products in the hall, consulting, organization of fitting, direct sales. The second is customer acquisition.

The most attractive couples that may be of interest to buyers should be placed to the right of the entrance, because. most people on the trading floor move clockwise. For the same reason, it is desirable to place the door to the store (boutique) on the left. In the foreground, define only actual shoes in accordance with the latest fashion trends and seasonality. The height of the racks should not greatly exceed the height of the average person, so that without outside help you can reach any model.

In the trading floor, products should not be placed randomly, group them according to different criteria (age, gender, size, season). Provide customers with places to try on, which should be mandatory.

Where to buy products

With regard to the choice of suppliers, it is difficult to give any advice, because there are a lot of options, among the priorities: cooperation directly with factories and importing products from abroad. However, you can buy goods on the market, but this is not always justified.

Organization of footwear trade

Do not rush to buy products, even if you have formed an assortment. Here you need to act very carefully, especially for a young enterprise. The fact is that shoes are a seasonal product. Few people buy boots with fur in the summer, and sandals in the winter.

By the way, it is useful to know that during the time that a man wears one pair of shoes, a woman manages to buy two, and all four are bought for a child. This is, of course, approximately. But among all the boots, children's boots will be the most popular - 2 pairs are steadily left for the season. When you open a point of sale of shoes for adults, you willy-nilly begin to depend on fashion trends. The only exception is commission trading. The ability to quickly respond to changing consumer preferences is the main quality of any successful store.

You should not fill the warehouse to capacity, as you sell products, buy more of it, but in small batches. Remember, shoes have a 1-month warranty, which starts from the moment the season starts. For Moscow, for example, the following seasonality frameworks are established:

  • winter shoes - from November 1 to March 1;
  • spring - from March 1 to May 1;
  • autumn - from September 1 to November 15;
  • summer - from May 1 to September 1.

According to the law on the protection of consumer rights, the buyer, for any reason, within 2 weeks from the date of purchase, has the right to return shoes that have not been worn to the store. In this case, the goods must be exchanged in accordance with the wishes of the client (in size, color, etc.) with a surcharge, if required. However, this does not mean that the seller is obliged to issue money. But if the store cannot offer the goods in accordance with the wishes of the buyer, then yes, the shoes must be accepted, and the funds spent must be returned.

Summing up, I want to note that these are the main, but by no means all the subtleties associated with retailing shoes that every budding entrepreneur needs to know. A lot of questions can arise at the stage of organizing workflow, forming an assortment, searching for suppliers, purchasing products.

There will always be a need for clothes and shoes, and this can be said with great confidence. Despite the crisis in the country, difficult economic times, shoe stores do not cease to exist. Therefore, we cannot ignore this profitable idea business like opening a shoe store from scratch. In today's article, we will share with you the secrets of the success of the modern shoe business.

Each of us buys shoes and clothes all the time. Even a family with a small budget, on average, spends about 30% of their monthly income on clothes. People buy new shoes for a variety of reasons. Firstly, this is seasonality, in the summer you will not walk in boots, but in winter in shoes. Secondly, this is fashion, many people follow it very carefully and constantly update their wardrobe. In addition, you will have to buy a new pair of shoes if the old one has already worn out, and in the case of children's shoes, it has become small. Thus, we can draw obvious conclusions that even the most economical people are still forced to buy a new pair of shoes or boots from time to time. Therefore, opening a shoe store can be considered a great business idea.

How to open a shoe store from scratch?

Surely every aspiring entrepreneur is wondering where to get money and how much does it cost to open a shoe store?

Everyone is well aware that starting a business from scratch is quite difficult, so there are not so many people trying to start their own business. In the case of a shoe store, a considerable start-up capital is required in order to purchase goods, rent a point and pay for the work of employees. But do not despair, because there are no unrealistic tasks, there is only wrong thinking.

Where to get money?

  1. Bank loan. You can get the necessary amount to open your business at the bank by providing and filling out all Required documents. But it is worth noting that this option for receiving money is not very reliable, given all the risks that may arise when organizing your own business. I recommend that you carefully consider everything before deciding to take such an important step.
  2. Help from the state. There is a specially designed program of financial assistance to young entrepreneurs from the state. To receive money, you need to be registered with the employment service as unemployed, draw up a business plan and submit all the necessary documents for calculating this state assistance.
  3. Joint opening of the store. With a lack of start-up capital, you can find yourself a partner who will invest part of his money in the development of a common business. Thus, you will have the necessary amount to start, which is enough to open a shoe store.

Business registration

In order to start your activity, you need to register your business. To do this, you will need to collect and execute the entire package of documents.

Documents and permissions for opening a shoe store:

  • Certificate of state registration enterprises (IP or LLC);
  • Registration of the type of activity in the tax service;
  • TIN certificate;
  • Charter of the enterprise, in case of registration legal entity(OOO);
  • A lease agreement for an area or a certificate confirming the ownership of the premises;
  • The range of goods sold agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permits from the fire service for the operation of the premises;
  • Permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service on the compliance of the premises and equipment with all sanitary standards.

Certificates for the sold goods

It is worth noting that each specialized shoe store must have certificates confirming the quality and safety of the products sold. In accordance with legislative norms, such types of footwear are subject to mandatory certification: rubber and leather, both for children and special.

Shoes are subject to declaration of conformity:

  1. Rubber (except for children);
  2. Sports (sneakers, moccasins, etc.);
  3. Yuft and chrome shoes (except for children);
  4. Goods with a textile top (felt), made of synthetic leather, with the exception of military leather;
  5. Casual shoes with faux leather uppers.

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shoe store format

Before you plunge headlong into business, you must definitely decide on the format of your outlet, so to speak, choose a direction. Naturally, you can sell children's, women's and men's shoes at the same time, but in this case you will have to sacrifice something, and, as a rule, this is the quality of the goods.

Children's shoe store

Opening a specialized children's shoe store from scratch is a great business idea that deserves detailed analysis. To make it more clear to you, I will give you a few arguments that will convince you of the profitability of this direction.

Why is it profitable to sell children's shoes?

  1. The child's foot grows very quickly, so you have to constantly buy a new pair of shoes;
  2. Children's shoes, unlike adults, most often do not repair, but immediately buy a new one;
  3. On average, even a small child has a lot more shoes than an adult: boots, boots, sandals, flip flops, sneakers, shoes, removable shoes, and this is still an incomplete list.

Thus, we can conclude that even people with average incomes regularly spend a certain amount of money on the purchase of children's shoes. It's no secret that adults often sacrifice themselves, but they will buy a baby, things are needed. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious, the sale of children's shoes is a profitable business.

Women's shoe store

Women's shoes are very popular at any time of the year. Unlike men, ladies will not stop at one pair of shoes or boots and, if possible, will definitely replenish their wardrobe with a new model. Therefore, opening a women's shoe store is no less profitable than selling children's shoes.

Men's shoe store

If you decide to open a men's shoe store, you should know that the demand for it is much less than for children's or women's. But this does not mean that this area is unprofitable, its only drawback is a longer payback period for the business.

Having decided on the format of the outlet, you can start choosing its location.

Where to open a shoe store?

Attracting customers is the main task of any entrepreneur. What needs to be done to get buyers? That's right, get them interested. profitable promotions, to attract attention with a bright sign and a good location of the outlet.

A shoe store is best opened in crowded places with high traffic. For example, it is profitable to open a retail outlet in a central or business district by renting space in a large shopping or entertainment center.

Area. If possible, it is advisable to rent an area of ​​​​at least 40 square meters. m., in order to place a large assortment of goods.

If there is no money to rent a place in the center, then you can open a shoe store in a local market or in a residential area of ​​​​the city, usually in such places the traffic is quite high. When choosing a location, take into account the ability of buyers to pay. Agree, it's silly to open an elite shoe store in a residential area.


The store must be properly equipped so that customers have access to the goods, it is comfortable for them to move around the store and try on the shoes they like.

Necessary equipment:

  • Showcases - a place where samples of goods will be displayed;
  • Shelves for boxes with shoes;
  • Shelving;
  • Upholstered furniture (sofa, padded stools for comfortable fitting shoes);
  • Mirrors. They need to be placed at the level of the legs, so that the buyer can evaluate the trying on model from the side;
  • Equipped place of the seller (table, chairs, cash register, a computer).

hired personnel

Depending on the area of ​​the store, select the right number of employees for customer service.

In the case of opening a small outlet, it is enough to hire one or two sales consultants to work in shifts.

If you open a large store, then it is additionally worth hiring a manager, a cleaning lady and a security guard if necessary.

Your profit and attendance of the outlet directly depend on the work of sales consultants. Therefore, take responsibility for the choice of personnel. The sales assistant must be of good appearance, be well versed in the assortment of goods, be attentive and friendly to his customers.