The most popular products in America. The most promising business ideas from America

Vacation planning

Protective car covers

New - Rendering advisory services. True, residents of the states offer such a service, only having perfect knowledge of the necessary knowledge in certain matters. Therefore, being a professional in any industry that requires special education, you can earn quite good money in this way.

7 things and phenomena that exist in the USA, but not in Russia

To start, you only need your own knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet.

For example, the Go Try It On website will be a great example of what is in America, what is not in Russia. The business is a kind of virtual dressing room where users can upload photos own clothes and accessories, and then get advice from experts on stylish and appropriate combination of things. Perhaps, in our country, such consultations will be very popular and will certainly find their audience. After all, it is possible to expand the scope of activities, for example, by choosing a successful hairstyle, hair color, makeup, and the formation of a general style.

Salads to order

Comfort tourism

Eating utensils


Unusual vending

Repair by female hands

Sales without waste

Taxi prepaid

Category: Finance

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Business in America, which is not in Russia

Despite the massiveness, the case provides quick and easy access to all the buttons and slots of the smartphone. For example, the case leaves open access to the panel with quieter and louder buttons, which allows the Pad Bot to be a stylish, futuristic robot that mimics the effect of presence. The robot is made to maintain two-way communication between you and your online interlocutor. Pad Bot, thanks to the sensors built into it, broadcasts image and sound, and you get into the heart of the action from behind. Desktop usb charging station With a desktop USB charging station, your desk will look neat and organized. Fast charge any 4 devices at the same time and no tangled wires! The thoughtful design of the station allows you to combine different colors and options for how your devices will stand. I quit

Unusual goods that can be sold in Russia

After all, it is the inhabitants of this country that traditionally lead in the ranking of innovative projects. And most of them are very popular things.

So, today chain stores have already become widespread. After all, most people prefer to save time on shopping.

In addition, such an innovation allows you to choose the best thing at the price that suits you quickly enough. Another good example will be the development of ventilated shoes that have conquered markets around the world.

Among the successful inventions of the United States, which were adopted by small businesses in Europe, is the release of bright stickers for clothes, shoes, and accessories. There are several components to the success of US entrepreneurs.

The first is the goal. So, Americans rarely plan for the sake of profit, their main task is to make life a little more comfortable.

EICC network free search for business partners in Russia and abroad

Customers who turn to you for help receive obvious benefits:

  • personal information remains confidential, anonymous - the specialist does not know the real data of the client;
  • you do not have to pay exorbitant amounts for the service - its price is affordable.

Since the businessman does not have to pay for the rent of the premises for consultations, the costs of organizing and running a business are reduced, respectively, the cost of consultation is lower. As a rule, an online consultant quickly recruits a staff of clients, so the business pays off in full within the first couple of months.
Car Seat Covers as a Small Business Idea Abroad In the US, car covers have recently been produced to protect cars from adverse weather conditions - rain, hail, and so on.

Goods not available in Russia

Online consultations in Russia get the opportunity to become a very profitable business Let's say the Go Try It On site will be a great example of what is in America, what is not in Russia. The business is a kind of virtual dressing room where users can upload photos of their own clothes and accessories, and then get expert advice on stylish and appropriate combinations of things.


Salads to order Street food is a whole layer of culture and business in America. Many entrepreneurs have realized how outside the box you can benefit from this.

A very popular idea was the preparation of salads in front of the customer from the ingredients specified by him.

Business ideas that are not yet in Russia

Why do business ideas from abroad have the right to develop in Russia? Entrepreneurship always remains relevant - most people working "for their uncle" dream of their own business, in addition, various subsidies and support are provided by the state, which contribute to the development of the business. However, novice businessmen often face a number of problems, including an insufficient legal framework and difficulties in doing business. In America and Europe, business is a significant market segment that provides economic growth.

What products are most in demand in 2017

Smart chairs for queues Business idea No. 5878. Origami spoon Investments from 1,600,000 rubles. Power tool store under the 220 Volt franchise Business idea No. 5877.

Levitating gramophone Business idea No. 5858. Felt backpacks in the form of octopuses Business idea No. 5845. Backpack with a folding chair Business idea No. 5836. Dutch bath Investments from 550,000 rubles.

Franchise of online preparation for exams "YAGE" (I'm ready for the exam) Business idea No. 5830. Sweatshirts that change color with air pollution Business idea No. 5818.

Anti-paparazzi clothes Business idea No. 5817. Bra with an automatically opening fastener Business idea No. 5813. Micro-chess created on a 3D printer Investments from 0 rub.

Franchise of the federal business portal Business idea No. 5806. Plastic bottle, capable of pouring out the contents to the drop Business idea No. 5799.

New business ideas

To ensure that such a business does not turn out to be unprofitable, one should analyze its demand and relevance in a particular region, evaluate one’s own capabilities and approach the organization with maximum responsibility. Similar articles Turnkey business selling spare parts for foreign cars. Start with an investment of 120 thousand rubles!

Profit from 40 thousand rubles per month. Understandable niche. High demand. Markup 25-40%. Start a profitable business selling unique Bumvyazhikov dolls. 50 thousand investment

rubles. Profit from 30,000 rubles per month! Did the article help? Subscribe to our communities: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki or We will be very grateful if you put Like below.

American business ideas that are not in Russia

The mentality of Russians and Europeans or Americans differs significantly in their perception of innovation, novelty of ideas. If we have a lot of unusual and unusual things that cause distrust and it takes time for the idea to take root, then, for example, in the USA, even the most ridiculous things can arouse the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs. Here are a few examples of American business absurdity:

  1. Auld Sod Export Company, family company from Colorado successfully sells "native" American dirt. An ounce of this unique product costs at least $10. The meaning of the idea is to provide a piece of "homeland" to those who are far from it and feel nostalgia for their native places. Surprisingly, after six months, the authors of the original project were able to earn $ 2,000,000.
  2. TerraCycle Inc - sells feces in half-liter plastic containers. The price of the product is $8 per bottle.

Business ideas from America and Europe

That is, a business of a socio-economic orientation. It has an undeniable advantage, in addition to minimal competition. This is the absence of costs for the purchase of raw materials. Many companies and individuals are ready to give away old wheels in order to avoid the need for their disposal. The production line, equipment can be purchased in the USA or Europe. In order to save money, you can opt for used units.

Since such activities also exist in these countries for a relatively short time, the performance of the equipment will be at its best. The finished product - fuel oil, is used in high demand and will always find its consumer. Investments: from 5 million RUB, if you can find a used line, you can reduce investments by 25%. The average monthly revenue of the company in this area is 500,000 RUB, the average payback period is about two years.

Products that are not on the Russian market

Anyone who wants to get rid of the status of an employee and increase income through entrepreneurial activity in the field of small business is asked a number of questions. Where to find sources of business ideas, what type of activity to choose, what is new in America and Europe, what difficulties can be encountered when implementing foreign innovations in Russia? Is it better to buy a franchise or start your own business? In this article, we will give answers to them. Features of the culture of doing business abroad and in Russia In European countries, small business is a direct source of economic growth. The opening of a business in this segment is facilitated by preferential tax legislation, economic stability, and a high legal culture.

Of course, the most in a simple way here it will be resold with an adequate margin. Although you can try to acquire a Hail Storm Products franchise to become its official dealer.

Unique covers, invented by an American, can protect the car from hail We give useful recommendations A new business in America, which is not in Russia - the provision of consulting services. True, residents of the states offer such a service, only having perfect knowledge of the necessary knowledge in certain matters.

Therefore, being a professional in any industry that requires special education, you can earn quite good money in this way. To start, you only need your own knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet.
Today, in England, women's construction teams are very popular and out of competition. Many residents prefer women's teams, because they do the work much more accurately, following the developed project exactly.

Ideas for a business that is not yet in Russia

Of course, it will not be so easy for us to implement such an idea, because it will be very problematic to find real female specialists. True, you can show your imagination and transform the project, slightly adjusting it to domestic realities. Sales without waste As you know, vegetables and fruits that you can buy in supermarkets do not always have an ideal shape. For this reason, most buyers ignore such a product. The Europeans figured out how to sell absolutely all products and make money on it.

New business ideas from Europe and America that are not in Russia

Considering that most of the innovations in business are generated by Western entrepreneurs, it is advisable to consider which of these ideas could be relevant in our country as well. After all, as far as one can judge, some business ideas from the USA and Europe, adapted for our population, will be a successful and promising undertaking. A striking example here is the domestic analogue of the American social network. Therefore, we will try to choose several options for organizing our own business, the most appropriate for the Russian realities of the economy.

We adopt the experience of US businessmen

Let's start, perhaps, with a consideration of the developments of entrepreneurs living in America. After all, it is the inhabitants of this country that traditionally lead in the ranking of innovative projects. And most of them are very popular things. So, today chain stores have already become widespread. After all, most people prefer to save time on shopping. In addition, such an innovation allows you to choose the best thing at the price that suits you quickly enough.

Another good example will be the development of ventilated shoes that have conquered markets around the world. Among the successful inventions of the United States, which were adopted by small businesses in Europe, is the release of bright stickers for clothes, shoes, and accessories.

There are several components to the success of US entrepreneurs. The first is the goal. So, Americans rarely plan for the sake of profit, their main task is to make life a little more comfortable. The success of sales of such innovations becomes quite a natural consequence. The second secret is a good knowledge of the industry. That is, businessmen from the United States are unlikely to start a project in a field of activity that they do not understand.

Of course, not all inventions of US businessmen will be relevant in Russia, but some ideas still deserve attention.

And finally, these enterprising people constantly use the resources of the network and try to optimize their activities as much as possible in accordance with the latest trends fashion. In a word, Russian entrepreneurs have something to learn from overseas colleagues. We will learn about some interesting and unusual projects that can become a promising business in our country a little more.

Vacation planning

Today in Russia there are many sites available that allow you to book and select a hotel in advance. The Americans went a little further in this direction and created a site similar to a social network, where everyone can describe the detailed parameters of their ideal vacation. There you can specify the exact place of residence, preferred pastime, the most interesting routes. Other users who can satisfy all of these desires offer their services. In addition, the portal takes into account the possibility of detailed accounting of the funds spent, which will allow you to control your own expenses for the vacation as accurately as possible.

Protective car covers

Not so long ago, in the United States, they started producing special covers for vehicles that protect against adverse weather conditions (ultraviolet, rain, snow, hail). Given the unstable weather in Russia, as well as the habits of most motorists to park cars in open parking lots, such an invention will be quite in demand with us. Of course, the easiest way here is to resell it at an adequate markup. Although you can try to acquire a Hail Storm Products franchise to become its official dealer.

Unique covers, invented by an American, are able to protect the car from hail

A new business in America, which is not in Russia, is the provision of consulting services. True, residents of the states offer such a service, only having perfect knowledge of the necessary knowledge in certain matters. Therefore, being a professional in any industry that requires special education, you can earn quite good money in this way. To start, you only need your own knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet.

Online consultations in Russia get the opportunity to become a very profitable business

For example, the Go Try It On website will be a great example of what is in America, what is not in Russia. The business is a kind of virtual dressing room where users can upload photos of their own clothes and accessories, and then get expert advice on stylish and appropriate combinations of things.

Business ideas from USA 2016

Perhaps, in our country, such consultations will be very popular and will certainly find their audience. After all, it is possible to expand the scope of activities, for example, by choosing a successful hairstyle, hair color, makeup, and the formation of a general style.

Salads to order

Street food is a whole layer of culture and business in America. Many entrepreneurs have realized how outside the box you can benefit from this. A very popular idea was the preparation of salads in front of the customer from the ingredients specified by him. Of course, in the Russian Federation there are not so many fans of buying food from street vendors, but the invention can be adapted to our realities, for example, by offering such a service in a cafe fast food or opening a special store.

Real-time cooking according to the client's order can become a popular business for us

Comfort tourism

Since the inhabitants of the United States, more than anyone else, highly appreciate the convenience of their environment, businessmen decided to use this feature for the benefit of their own budget. So, today standard tourist kits include a light and transformable bed, a kitchenette and even a shower room. It is possible that in our country there will be those who wish to travel in this way without compromising personal comfort. After all, you must admit that the presence of kids in the family, as a rule, significantly increases the criteria for the convenience of rest.

Developments of European businessmen

Undoubtedly, the inhabitants of Western Europe are not far behind the entrepreneurs from the States. Moreover, modern fashion trends here also have a strong impact on the business industry. For example, today all innovative projects of these countries are built on the idea of ​​maintaining a favorable environmental situation. Of course, most projects here, as in America, are implemented via the Internet. Let's take a closer look at some new business ideas from Europe that are not in Russia.

Eating utensils

Adapting to modern conservation standards environment, European businessmen have developed a unique invention for fast food chains - edible cups.

By the way, this idea is not so new, because in some restaurants in Russia you can often find first courses served in a plate of bread. Therefore, such an invention will undoubtedly take root in our latitudes.


the dishes themselves are made of a jelly mixture and serve as a container for drinks and desserts. The variety of its taste and aroma has already won the recognition of many consumers from these countries.

Edible tableware is a great idea for a small business from Europe

Some coffee shops offer coffee in wafer cups filled with chocolate icing on the inside. Of course, such containers do not imply long-term storage of the contents, since they dissolve within half an hour, but they enrich the coffee with an excellent taste.

Unusual vending

Standard vending machines with coffee and snacks have long won domestic market. European businessmen have perfected this idea. So, today many countries have already appreciated the installation of machines offering a variety of rolls. Given that in Russia this food is also at the peak of popularity, the expediency of acquiring such equipment is obvious. In addition, its cost is not so high - after all, the simplest equipment can be found for 180,000 rubles.

Repair by female hands

Consider other options for what is in Europe, what is not in Russia. Business in the construction industry always remains profitable and promising. However, a creative and non-standard approach to business will get rid of most of the competitors. For example, the British can now order the finishing of a home or office by calling in an all-female brigade. I must say that this business has already become quite popular due to the prevailing opinion about high professional qualities and punctuality of such contracts.

Today in England, female construction teams are very popular and out of competition.

Many residents prefer women's brigades, as they do the work much more accurately, strictly following the developed project. Of course, it will not be so easy for us to implement such an idea, because it will be very problematic to find real female specialists. True, you can show your imagination and transform the project by slightly adjusting it to domestic realities..

Sales without waste

As you know, vegetables and fruits that can be purchased in supermarkets do not always have an ideal shape. For this reason, most buyers ignore such a product. The Europeans figured out how to sell absolutely all products and make money on it. Today, in many countries of Western Europe, the practice of processing substandard fruit and vegetable crops into products of a different kind is common: juices, confiture, mashed potatoes, jam. I must say that this idea quickly became popular.

Processing substandard vegetables and fruits into purees and juices will help to realize the entire crop without residue

Holding events in ecological style

Very popular in Europe today is the organization of various celebrations in unity with nature. So, eco-weddings and green tourism have long become habitual attributes of life for Europeans. The essence of this event is to hold a holiday and leisure in natural conditions, as close as possible to natural, according to unusual scenario with interesting paraphernalia and accessories. A similar idea can be partially implemented by our entrepreneurs, because today the number of people who are fond of a healthy lifestyle and the preservation of the environment is only growing.

Taxi prepaid

Another successful business in Russia, the service of providing a personal taxi may become. The essence of the idea is the regular supply of the machine specific client at the agreed time within a month after making the advance payment. Perhaps, in small cities where there are no constant traffic jams, such a business could become relevant and profitable.

In Russia, the daily provision of a certain taxi car to a client who has paid for the service a month in advance can be an interesting business idea.

Of course, not all business ideas from America and Europe will work in today's world. Russian market. The main reason for this will be a different mentality of the inhabitants of our country and certain economic rules inherent in business in the Russian Federation. However, there is always a possibility that some transformation of the project and its adaptation to the average consumer can be a stunning success.

Category: Finance

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Business in America, which is not in Russia

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Business in Europe, which is not in Russia

What new business ideas have appeared in Russia from Europe and the USA (America)?

A promising European business that can be implemented in Russia in 2018

European countries are actively practicing various kinds of business. They are quite successful at this. Every year there are all kinds of new products that are aimed at improving the comfort of life. potential consumer. In this article, we will look at what European entrepreneurs are betting on, and also what could well serve as an ideal example for Russian business.

What is unique about European business

First of all, by business, Europeans have the opportunity to express their perspectives and creativity, as well as receive a good source of income. To ensure high competitiveness, it is necessary to constantly develop new products, which usually contain the following qualities:

  1. Demand in the market.
  2. Good profitability.
  3. High interest of potential customers.
  4. Modernity of the realized idea.

“Big Gay Ice Cream”

Now it is a developed network of cafes, although back in 2009, the activity began with a small van for selling ice cream and shakes. The essence of the idea is very simple, but effective. BGIC offers original and amazingly delicious combinations of ice cream toppings: lime curd, vanilla cookie crumble, pumpkin jam. Another secret of popularity is the original and memorable names of sweets.


This is an unusual coffee shop. Its creators and visitors are fans of the Queen group. Photos of Freddie Mercury and other musicians of the group hang in the hall. From time to time one of the group's compositions sounds in the coffee shop. At this moment, the first in line customer receives the ordered drink for free. The slogan of this action: "When Queen plays, Freddie pays!".

Booty's Street Food

The owners of this restaurant in Louisiana traveled the world for a long time and studied the peculiarities of national cuisines. They have chosen, learned how to cook and offer their visitors the most popular, classic dishes from street vans around the world. But this is not enough for restless businessmen. The feature of the restaurant was a hidden art gallery located in the restroom.

carousel bar

In the center of this huge bar is a real working carousel. This is an old carousel. They don't ride on it. The carousel has huge photographs of the most interesting and popular places of the historic Royal Street. Visitors sit around the carousel and watch the exciting spectacle of changing pictures of local attractions. Also, the bar offers a huge number of original cocktails.

"Crock Spot"

Translated, the name of the food truck chain means "Egg Slut". The choice of the brand name turned out to be very successful, it is funny and remembered instantly. But the main feature of the business is that all dishes are prepared using eggs. There are also amazingly delicious branded recipes. It turned out that many people are willing to pay for it. The network is very popular and continues to expand, opening new points.

Forbes Island

This restaurant is located on the water in San Francisco Harbor. In addition to the magnificent and rare views that open from the windows and terrace of the restaurant on the water, visitors are offered gourmet dishes. There are banquet halls and special menus for various holidays. The restaurant is a huge success, it is often booked for special occasions.


It is a social network for travelers. Users, going on vacation, have the opportunity to receive helpful tips from experienced travelers who know the most interesting places on the chosen route. On the network you can find out what modes of transport are best to get to, about the most best hotels and other features of the route.

This is mobile app. It gives additional motivation to people who decide to start playing sports. If you are visiting gym regularly, pleasant bonuses in monetary terms are credited to the account, truants are fined. It turns out that those who skip workouts pay people who managed to force themselves to work out.

Honor & Folly

This is a vintage hotel, designed in the spirit of an inn from the beginning of the last century. The style is perfectly maintained, and this attracts so many guests. An additional marketing gimmick is the regular cooking classes from local chefs that take place at this hotel.

"Hot Doug's"

This is a well-known Chicago chain of eateries, which became famous for the original hot dogs. For example, there are rattlesnake sausages on the menu. Branded recipes for sauces and snacks also attract customers.

This is one of the best and most famous burgers in Boston. Customers love this place because of the delicious food, but main reason huge popularity - thematic menus that change every week.

This is a bar in Los Angeles that offers unique drinks to customers. Spirits are added to traditional Thai tapioca ball tea. Branded alcoholic bean cocktails are very popular, and the institution does not lack customers.

This is a restaurant in New York. The feature of the institution is the constantly changing chefs. Restaurant visitors have the opportunity to taste the dishes of culinary art stars. Also, here they give an opportunity to prove themselves to unknown beginners. After a week of work in LTO, many new stars appeared.


This is trading floor on the Internet. Its users get the opportunity to order the production of any things seen in real life or social networks. Another part of the users are the masters of various directions who carry out these orders.


This is a van that cooks and sells incredibly delicious and original pulled pork sandwiches. The van itself is also remarkable, it looks like big pig from metal. The business operates in Seattle.

Miso & Ale

This is a family run pub in Honolulu. The owners offer visitors dishes of national Hawaiian cuisine, prepared only from local and seasonal ingredients. Unique recipes, exemplary service, freshness and organic products have made the pub one of the most beloved places in the city and a tourist attraction.

Chain of stores in New York. The best tailors work here, who sew men's suits to order. You can place an order online, but you need to come to the salon to try on. The network offers several hundred varieties of fabrics and many models of suits that can be selected using a special computer program with visualization. The cutters take many different measurements and work with innovative tailoring technology. As a result, the client receives a suit that fits his figure perfectly.

Pangea Pal

This is an online service for travelers. Going to an unfamiliar city, service users find people who live in it. After getting to know one or more locals, the traveler arranges a personal meeting or receives valuable advice on visiting the most interesting sights, choosing a hotel or shopping places.

A couple from Houston bought an old bus, restored it and created an original photo booth. The service is in great demand at various celebrations and parties. Clients order a mobile photo booth very often, because after a preliminary reservation, it arrives at the appointed time directly to the place of the holiday.

“Restaurant Jezebel”

This is an upscale restaurant in Austin. Visitors are not offered a standard menu, but are asked about taste preferences and, based on the information received, they prepare a unique gourmet dinner. Here you can taste rare varieties of wine, pamper yourself with an elite cigar and get chic service.


This is an online store with a very original concept. Customers pay $10, but don't know what they'll get in return until they receive the order. It can be anything from a piano to household items or a funny hat. Despite the stupidity of the idea, the service has many fans. People are attracted by the possibility of pleasant and exciting anticipation and surprise, which they experience during the receipt of their purchase.

“The Beer Dabbler Store”

This is a specialized beer store. Here you can buy barrels, original glasses, equipment for selling beer and clothes with logos of the most famous breweries. The assortment of the store includes art objects and beer-themed souvenirs. Also, customers are offered novelties, for example, beer soap or stylish candles in figured beer bottles.

“The Best Fish Taco in Ensenada”

This is the best place in Los Angeles serving the most delicious fish tacos in town. By choosing narrow specialization, the owner of the buffet has reached perfection in his direction. Local tacos are truly recognized as the best in the city. Worthy of attention and entertainment this institution. Comedy nights are organized here. The best comedians of the country perform on a small buffet stage.

“The Big Board”

At first glance, this is an ordinary bar, of which there are a lot in Washington. But the establishment has developed a unique beer pricing system. Its value changes depending on demand, as in a financial exchange. There is a huge board hanging on the wall of the bar, all types of beer are not listed and changes in its price are made in real time. Also, the bar offers burgers with 1005 natural ingredients.

“The Boring Store”

In translation, the name means "Shop of boring things." Chicago patrons and residents alike know that the sign is in direct conflict with the store's actual inventory. They sell everything that super-agents might need. The chip worked, there is no end to tourists and local buyers. In fact, the store was set up to raise funding for a non-profit learning center for emerging writers located in the same building.

This is an online store that specializes in selling a wide variety of things for people who are passionate about advanced technology. Among the buyers of the store are programmers, students, technical specialists, people who create and are fond of various directions internet culture. In addition to things that are advanced and necessary for creating new inventions, the store offers various knick-knacks, for example, Minecraft-themed souvenirs.

The idea of ​​this business is to create unique perfumes to order. The company has its own fragrance recipes and invites customers to create new compositions. Everyone has the opportunity to be trained in the basics of creating perfumes. There are special courses for students planning to work in the perfumery field.

Zombie Apocalypse Store

This is a store in Las Vegas. This store stocks everything you need to survive the zombie apocalypse. Here you can buy weapons that are effective against zombies, protective equipment, a supply of food and many other things that will come in handy with the onset of the collapse of the existing order of things and social order. Needless to say, the store is very popular with tourists, fans of the fantasy genre, and people who are hosting or planning to attend themed parties?

“Unclaimed Baggage Center”

This store sells items from lost and unclaimed luggage. A certain percentage of travel bags and suitcases do not find their owners. After the measures taken by the airline to find the owners of the luggage, forgotten and lost items are sent to a special storage. A clause of the agreement between the airline and the passenger comes into force, according to which, after the specified time, the baggage is opened and the items are sent for sale.

These products make up the assortment of the store. They are cleaned, processed and sold to everyone at a low price.

The USA is an innovator in many areas of business. This country sets the rhythm for the whole world. Silicon Valley has long been the center of new startups and technologies that are blowing up the whole world. Today I would like to talk about new startups and business ideas from the USA in 2016-2017. There is such an opinion that what is in demand in America today, after a while, begins to develop in Russia and other countries of the world. New business lines from America in 2017 do not appear by chance. Startups are not only innovative services and products, but also the improvement of old ideas. With careful scanning and analysis, you can find many flaws in any business. The consumer is increasingly demanding the quality of goods and services. In this publication, I have collected the most promising and working ideas that have great potential for development.

No. 1. Shop with goods without packaging

Small business in the United States is actively developing. There are many unique startups that find their circle of customers and consumers. For example, as in any other country in the world, in America there is a class of poor people who prefer to save on almost everything. As you know, beautiful and stylish packaging is about 15-30% of the cost of goods. People with limited financial resources are not always ready to overpay for packaging, which in any case ends up in the trash. Especially for such people there are shops with goods without packaging. There are such shops in Canada and the USA. The buyer can purchase various goods without packaging (from essential foodstuffs to sweets) so as not to overpay extra money.

#2 Mobile Apps

What business can be called the most profitable and promising in 2016-2017? In my opinion, in the field mobile technology and innovation, mobile applications take the first place. To be convinced of this, look around, look at young people who do not let go of smartphones. The time has passed when people used to say that mobile phone only needed for calls. Perhaps there are people of such old concepts, but they are greatly mistaken. The smartphone has turned into a real mini-computer with numerous applications, games, convenient tools for searching information on the Internet. In the US, this market is actively developing. At the moment there are a variety of mobile applications. In Russia, the number of people who are looking for information using mobile devices is increasing every year. Any entrepreneur who keeps up with the times should use mobile apps to promote their business.

No. 3. Production of goods on solar batteries

Many famous entrepreneurs, scientists and developers pay special attention to the renewable energy market. There is a lot of talk in 2016 that we are nearing the end of the oil and gas era. Solar panels and other renewable energy sources are becoming more powerful and efficient. American manufacturers put on the market a variety of products that function on solar panels. There are camp stoves on the market that convert fire into electricity, a solar cooker, self-contained vending machines using solar panels, travel personal panels for hiking and nature trips.

No. 4. Solar panels-chameleons for houses and cottages

American entrepreneurs created solar panels SolarSkin chameleons for houses and cottages. Such panels are installed in the sunniest place to reduce electricity costs. Such a place is the roof of the building. Unfortunately, modern panels have one drawback - they spoil appearance building. The new SolarSkin chameleon solar panels are available in a variety of colors to match the design of your home or cottage. It may look like a tiled roof, a tree, green grass, etc.

#5 Virtual Reality

Virtual reality glasses have revolutionized the market. They are used not only in video games, but also in other areas of business: viewing real estate through virtual reality, training in complex operations, training for the police and military, advertising business, watching matches, etc.

No. 6. Delivery of goods using drones

Drone delivery services are opening up in the US and around the world. This idea is especially relevant for institutions Catering. It is not always possible for the client and the buyer to deliver this or that product in a timely manner. The main reason is traffic jams. For this reason, delivery services for pizza, lunch, goods using drones have appeared today, which bypass traffic jams and quickly deliver goods to the client. In the United States, drones are also going to be used to deliver medicines to hard-to-reach regions.

#7 Pay Per Minute Hotels

The hotel business does not stand still. Another interesting business from the USA with everything was recently launched in the city of San Francisco. We are talking about hotels and hotels with a per-minute payment. The client can rent a hotel for any time, even if he needs a hotel for 5 minutes to take a shower. No time limits - that's the main idea of ​​the new service. There is a large category of people who need a room for just a few minutes, for example, to take a shower, have a snack, drink a cup of coffee, relax for a few hours after a long trip, feed a small child at home, etc.

No. 8 Short term office space rental

This service allows you to rent office space for a short period of time - from 30 minutes to a day. For example, you need to make a presentation for clients, sign important document, commit business meeting do a little work on the computer. To perform these tasks, you can rent an office for a short period. The service is a mobile application through which you can find a suitable room, rent and pay. After booking office space the user receives a PIN code that can be used to open the door of the office space.

No. 9. Contactless payment for goods using a photo

Previously, we paid for all goods only in cash, but everything changed after the appearance of bank cards. Today, most people do not carry cash with them, but make all purchases using bank cards. A few years ago, this was hard to imagine. What will payment for goods look like in the foreseeable future? Google is already testing new technology contactless payment. This will be a special application that is tied to bank card owner. It recognizes the buyer from the photo. At the checkout, during the payment, the scanner recognizes the face of the buyer, and then writes off the required amount from his card. The buyer does not have to carry the card with him all the time.

№ 10. 3 D home printing printers

In Western Europe, Australia, including the USA, technology in the field of 3D printing is being developed. In America today, construction printers are being actively tested, which automatically print at home. This technology is going to be used not only in the construction of private houses and cottages, but also in the construction of multi-storey buildings. 3D printers have a whole range of advantages: high efficiency, fast operation, reduced work force, the absence of human factors and errors during construction.

New business ideas in 2016-2017 from the USA and Europe

Many aspiring entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose profitable business ideas. Most often, they are guided by the experience of domestic businessmen, but, unfortunately, this approach is not always justified, so some newcomers take 2018 business ideas from the USA as a basis. In this article, we have collected a few best projects which can bring good income and in our country.

American Business Features

It is worth noting that American small business ideas have their own characteristics. For the people of this country entrepreneurial activity is a way of life. Perhaps some business ideas in the USA will seem unusual and even outlandish to you. Therefore, when choosing a direction of activity, it is necessary to take into account the mentality of our people and compare them with real conditions. The fact is that not all business ideas from the USA can show high efficiency in Russia. American culture is made up of the traditions of different peoples. Thanks to this, in the United States you can open a business related to a variety of areas of human activity. But there are also models that can only work overseas. In our country they are unacceptable.

Despite this, many domestic entrepreneurs successfully implement American business ideas that are not in Russia and receive a decent income. Of course, in every field there is a certain level of competition. This is how the modern business world works. In principle, you can choose one of the new business ideas in the US with a complete lack of competition. In this case, you will become a real pioneer. Of course, competitors will appear sooner or later, but by then you will have time to earn good money.


These interesting ideas for business from the USA are great for pet lovers. The first option is a taxi for pets. This service is usually used by wealthy people who are very busy with their own affairs. Your task is to accompany the pets in veterinary clinic. To work, you will need a roomy car and special comfortable cages. Such a business is most profitable to open in large cities.

Another small business idea developing in the USA is a pet hotel where you will house your pets and provide them with proper care. Such a business brings a good income, both in the US and in European countries. In Russia, hotels for animals are also not uncommon. Their services are used by people who go on business trips or on vacation and do not have the opportunity to take their pets with them. While the owners are on the road, the hotel staff look after unusual guests, providing them with proper care and food.

Personal consultations

This idea of ​​a small business in the United States appeared relatively recently. The provision of individual consultations in America is carried out only by specialists who have great experience and necessary knowledge in some particular area.

In our country, outside help and good advice many citizens need. If you are a good economist, lawyer or psychologist, try acting as a personal consultant. This is one of the simplest American business ideas without investment. All you need to get started is knowledge, a computer and access to the Internet. At first, you can provide such a service for free in order to attract the attention of customers to your business.

Rubber paving slabs

Some business ideas from Europe and America are already working in our country and bring good income. These include the production of rubber paving slabs. According to experts, such a business opens up wide prospects for newcomers. There is no high level of competition in this market segment. The profitability of such a business reaches 40%.

Rubber tiles have a lot of advantages. First of all, it is a long service life. It retains its original appearance and shape for more than 20 years. In addition, such tiles do not slip, crack or fade in direct sunlight.

Such products are made from crumb rubber, which, in turn, is obtained from old car tires. This is from America. The cost of raw materials depends on the method of its manufacture, color and fraction. If we talk about equipment, for the implementation of such promising idea business in the USA you will need:

  • Volcanic press;
  • Forms;
  • Mixer;
  • Drying chamber.

If you want to make multi-colored tiles, you can use different dyes.

Silent events

Hosting parties, trainings and other noisy events in wireless headphones is one of the coolest small business ideas from Europe and the USA. This direction of activity opens up incredible prospects for aspiring entrepreneurs.

If you are attracted by the organization of various events, try to implement such a project in our country. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount on the purchase of special equipment and advertising your business. All initial investments will be returned in the most short time. Since this new business idea from America and Europe has not yet become widespread, there is practically no competition in this market segment.

Product without packaging

Everyone knows that if a product is sold without packaging, it should cost much less. In some cases, this does not work, because there are some products that are difficult to sell unpackaged. But in general, such a trick attracts the attention of consumers.

If you want to open a small store, install transparent containers in it and try selling various sweets, tea, nuts, cereals, and more by weight. To properly form an assortment, ask the experts,. In heavy economic conditions people try to buy inexpensive food, so you need to focus on budget goods. It can be pasta of the middle price segment, cereals, inexpensive loose leaf tea, coffee, and more. Bulk trading is a great small business idea in Europe and the US that will significantly increase your sales.

Jeans for men

Many men do not like to shop, so every trip to the store for new jeans is a real torment for them. This activity is frustrating and time consuming. To make life easier for men in the United States, special stores are opening. First, they sell only men's jeans. Secondly, they are not stacked on the shelves, but hung facing the customers. Most often, models of the same size hang on racks.

To choose jeans in such a store, you need to download a special mobile application to your phone, scan the model code and specify the size. After a certain time, your smartphone receives information in which fitting room the jeans selected for you are located. If the thing fits, you go with it to the cashier. Jeans that you do not like must be thrown into a special hole provided in the fitting room.

Customers believe that shopping in such a store is a real pleasure. Such an American business idea increases profitability commercial enterprise 10 times.

Shopping at the airport

Another new American small business idea is airport food delivery. Every person who leaves their home for a certain time removes all perishable food from the refrigerator. When he returns home, he has to stop by the supermarket after a tiring flight to replenish food supplies. According to experts, the delivery of goods to the airport is unique. The client makes an order through a mobile application, and upon arrival at the airport, a courier with purchases is waiting for him.

Calorie counting restaurant

In some European and American restaurants, in the menu opposite each dish, its fat content and calorie content are indicated. This 2018 America and Europe business idea can be easily developed and made more attractive. For example, a person who has eaten the most high-calorie dish can receive a glass of wine as a gift.

Luggage storage on the motorway

The creators of such a business in America receive a huge income, since many citizens use this service with pleasure. Luggage lockers are installed on the freeway, in which you can leave any valuables for a certain period. This is very convenient for people who travel to another city. On the way back, a person picks up his things and pays for the service. Implement this American business idea from scratch can be any person, since it does not require large financial investments or some special knowledge.

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travel kits

If you can't think of anything, try selling special outdoor travel kits. In shops for tourists you can find folding furniture, mugs, spoons and more. It would seem that in this segment it is impossible to offer something new. But one American, nevertheless, figured out how to make money on such products. He designed a special portable travel kit consisting of a kitchenette, bed, shower, table and chairs. That is, it provides everything that is necessary for a good outdoor recreation. If you are interested, be sure to pay attention to this line of activity.

Used goods trade

AT Western countries second-hand goods trading is considered quite commonplace. If you are interested in this line of work, ask