Youth councils on employment issues. Youth employment

In this article, we will talk about correct work in Sheets in AutoCAD. I will cover topics such as:

– how to make or create a sheet

- how to set the sheet format in AutoCAD

– how to set sheet options

- how to arrange the frame and the inscription on the sheet

– how to set the scale of a view in a sheet – how to plot a sheet in AutoCAD

Enjoy watching 🙂

Video version of the lesson:

Take the basic course "AutoCAD in 40 minutes" from the author, which you will find on .

Text version of the lesson:

Always (I conjure stubborn “cynics” :)) you need to perform ALL drawings in AutoCAD on a scale of 1: 1, while in , texts and shading must be annotative.

Only then can we very easy to scale any of our drawings and views - just with the help of Sheets:

at the beginning ( see the picture below) in our any Sheet by default there is one Viewport - this is a rectangular “window” through which we can work with the same “Model” space in which all drawings were originally created in 1:1 scale.

Also in the beginning, being in an empty Sheet in AutoCAD we don't understand at all what format is it, size. And on it, alas, there are no frames, no table of the main inscription:

Therefore, we need to adjust the parameters of the Sheet under yourself. This is done in the following way.

We go to Sheet Options Manager. To do this, right-click on the tab of the desired Sheet, then select the “Sheet Settings Manager” item in the pop-up context menu.

In the pop-up window, select the sheet with the desired name in the left list, and click the “Edit” button on the right. See picture:

  1. The plotter on which our sheet will be printed in the future. By the way, you can also choose a virtual plotter “DWG To PDF”, which will save our sheets into PDF images. A very good option for sending drawings to the customer in in electronic format. Well, it’s also good for us if, for example, we don’t have a plotter at home 🙂
  2. Sheet format. There are usually in this list formats with the prefix “WITHOUT FIELDS”. I recommend using these.
  3. What are we going to print. We leave “Sheet” here, because we will need to print our entire white sheet.
  4. Select at the bottom right if needed. sheet orientation if the preview (in the middle of the window) shows the wrong orientation.
  5. Press the OK button at the bottom of the window to save the changes.

Now let's talk about how to ask .

It is done like this.

  1. Insert the frame and stamp first. This can be done very quickly using the SPDS module for AutoCAD.
  2. We have about our viewport, selecting and moving it outside its frame
  3. To set the scale of the drawing in the Viewport - activate it by double-clicking the left mouse button inside it
  4. Set the scale by opening the list of scales (see the picture below)

By the way! After we have chosen the view scale, before we fix the viewport, we often need to move our drawing so that it is centered. To do this, simply by pressing and holding the mouse wheel, we move inside the view without zooming in and out. Nothing complicated 🙂

I also want to note that you can insert any number of Viewports into the AutoCAD Sheet, arrange them as you like and resize them by adjusting them with their bounding boxes.

After arranging the frame, the title block table, the views, setting the scales for the views, centering them, we can print the whole thing. More about this in a separate lesson 🙂

Be sure to get my more detailed basic video course “AutoCAD in 40 minutes” by clicking on the picture below:

Other related lessons

In this video and tutorial, we'll show you how to work with properties in AutoCAD, as well as how the properties panel and copying work. The lesson will answer such questions: - What are Properties in AutoCAD? - How to enable the properties panel in AutoCAD? – What are quick properties and how to disable them? – How to copy properties in AutoCAD […]

Currently on the screen in the drafting area you see the layout of the layout of the printed sheet, which is represented by a white rectangle on a gray background. The drawing itself is in the center of the layout. As seen in fig. 13.5, it is bounded by the previously created rectangle, which should indicate the border of the printed sheet (so far this border and the layout border do not match, but we will fix this shortly). Around this rectangle there is another rectangle that marks the border of the so-called viewport.

The viewport is created automatically by AutoCAD when you create a layout. There can be multiple viewports on a layout sheet, but there is always at least one viewport. We can say that the viewport is something like a “window” on the layout sheet, with the help of which you can see “through” this sheet the drawing or its fragment located “below”.

Also pay attention to the sheet tabs, which are located in the lower left part of the drawing area. The current sheet is Sheet1. Click the Model and Sheet1 tabs to see what the differences are between the contents of the model sheet and the layout sheet, and then return to Sheet1 again.

As you remember, we placed all the design elements of the drawing directly on the model sheet. This, as noted above, is not the most convenient way to design drawings. Therefore, our task now is to remove the corresponding objects from the model sheet and place them on the layout sheet. It is clear that in this case you will have to constantly switch from one sheet to another. You already know the first way - it consists in clicking on the tab of the sheet you need.

However, AutoCAD provides another method for the user to make changes to the model without leaving the layout sheet. Pay attention to the icon in the form of a triangle, which is located in the lower left corner of the drawing area. It means that you are in the layout sheet content editing mode, in which all created objects will be placed on this sheet, and not on the model sheet. This mode is called paper space mode. You can also find out that it is enabled by looking at the status bar indicator buttons. The paper space mode is enabled when the indicator button SHEET is in the pressed state.

1. Move the crosshair pointer around the drawing area to make sure you can move it anywhere on the layout sheet.

2. Click on the indicator button SHEET. The button will remain pressed, but its name will change from SHEET on the MODEL. This means that you have switched to working in model space. Unlike jumping directly to the model sheet by clicking on the tab Model, when switching to the mode MODEL you are still on the layout sheet. However, in this mode, you are working with a model sheet that is "seeing through" the layout sheet viewport.

3. Try moving the pointer over the drawing area again. As you can easily see, now the pointer takes the form of a crosshair only when it enters the area of ​​the viewport on which the drawing is displayed (Fig. 13.6), and outside this area the pointer takes the form of a regular arrow. Also, when the pointer changes to a crosshair, its lines continue only to the extents of the viewport. In other words, when editing a layout in the MODEL you can only create and modify objects that are placed inside the viewport.

Rice. 13.6 Layout Sheet1 in mode MODEL

Advice. Switching to the model sheet using the Model tab when preparing a drawing for printing makes sense only if you are faced with the need to make significant changes to the drawing. In this case, the layout is not displayed, allowing you to use the entire drawing area to modify the drawing. In other cases, it is best, without leaving the layout sheet, to switch to the MODEL by clicking on the indicator button SHEET in the status bar.

Given with some abbreviations

Showing constant concern for the involvement of the younger generation in social production, the Soviet state establishes for young people additional guarantees of the unimpeded realization of the right to work and the right to free vocational training. For all enterprises and organizations, a reservation has been introduced for hiring and for on-the-job training of young people (a minimum of jobs reserved for young people for their planned hiring and training through the mediation of employment agencies).
Reservation of workplaces established by Art. 182 of the Labor Code of the BSSR, is carried out with the aim of employing that part of the youth who have completed general education or vocational training, as well as minors who have interrupted their education for one reason or another.
The involvement of young people in social production is carried out in our country in a planned manner. Plans for the employment of young people in each city and district are developed, approved and brought to the attention of enterprises by the Soviets of People's Deputies.
Involving youth in social labor provides a system of employment agencies, among which most of the work is done by the commissions for youth employment and commissions for minors created under the executive committees of the Soviets.
These bodies develop measures for the employment of persons who have completed school or interrupted their studies, and other adolescents, find out the reasons for the termination of education by a teenager and the possibility of using all measures to continue it, verify the correct use of young people entering work after graduating from schools and colleges, provide young workers with assistance in industrial training, have the right to enter with submissions to the executive committees of the Soviets on the allocation of a certain number of places to fully ensure the employment of minors at the expense of the established reservation, to hear messages at their meetings officials on the employment and employment of adolescents.
The referral to work issued by the employment agency is binding on the administration and gives rise to the right for young men and women who have received a referral (permit) to demand employment. The duty of the heads of enterprises to conclude an employment or apprenticeship contract with them. In accordance with the law, an unreasonable refusal to hire or to industrial training for a young man or girl who has received a referral on account of the reservation is not allowed.
The reservation system provides young people with the opportunity to get a job that matches their desires and inclinations, and to learn a certain profession and specialty.
At the same time, booking increases the responsibility of the enterprise administration for providing teenagers with jobs that correspond to the specialty they have or receive in the course of training, creating conditions for them to follow successful work, that is, it helps to secure young workers and employees in enterprises.
In our country, there are no problems associated with finding a job, neither for young workers, nor for young professionals who have graduated educational establishments.
The Labor Code of the BSSR establishes additional guarantees for young workers who have graduated from vocational and technical schools, and young specialists who have graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, legislatively establishes the principle of using them in the specialty and qualifications obtained in the learning process. By establishing such a guarantee, the state imposes the responsibility to provide them with jobs in their specialty and qualifications on the administration of enterprises and on the heads of the relevant ministries (departments).
Graduates of vocational schools are sent to work in their specialty in accordance with national economic plans. The direction of young workers who have graduated from colleges is carried out on the basis of vouchers issued to graduates.
When sending graduates of vocational and technical schools to work in another locality, they are paid at the expense of the enterprise for the cost of travel and baggage, as well as the payment of daily allowances for the time spent on the road. When leaving in the direction of enterprises and construction sites of the coal, metallurgical, oil industry, industry building materials, as well as some other enterprises, family young workers are reimbursed for the cost of travel of family members and luggage.
Graduates of schools before starting work are provided with leave with payment at the rate of tariff rate according to the assigned category or the corresponding official salary at the expense of the enterprises to which they are directed. For persons under 18 years of age, leave is set at 1 calendar month, for other graduates - at the rate of leave established for workers in this profession (specialty).
Enterprises, state farms, collective farms, construction, transport and other organizations, in accordance with the law, are obliged to provide those who have graduated from vocational and technical schools with work in accordance with the profession and qualification assigned to them. They are also entrusted with the duty to create the necessary housing and living conditions for graduates of schools and further contribute to the improvement of their industrial qualifications. The direction for work of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions is carried out by the commission for the personal distribution of young specialists. The commission ensures the implementation of the distribution plan, the provision of work to all graduates in accordance with the specialty and qualifications acquired at the educational institution, taking into account academic performance, marital status health, as well as participation in scientific, research and social work. The legislation establishes that in some cases, if the provided jobs do not correspond to the specialty and qualifications obtained during study, or if young specialists are not provided with the necessary living space, the commission, with the consent of the ministry (department), may send young specialists to other places of work (including out of plan).
Not later than 5 days after graduating from an educational institution, young specialists are given a certificate of assignment to work and cash to pay for travel to the place of work, pay for baggage, per diem and lump-sum allowance (for the employee and his family members).
The heads of ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations are responsible for the correct use of young specialists at work in accordance with their specialty and qualifications, as well as for creating the necessary living conditions for them and conditions for the fastest acquisition practical experience and advanced training.
An important measure related to the employment of young specialists is the prohibition for 3 years after graduation from the use of them in administrative apparatus, hire a job that is not related to the specialty, as well as dismiss from work without the permission of the ministry (department) to which this enterprise is subordinate.
If a young specialist during this period for any reason cannot be used at the enterprise where he is sent, or the enterprise does not ensure the terms of the employment contract, recorded in the certificate and job assignment, the ministry in charge of this enterprise is obliged to provide young specialist another job or, at his request, second him to work in the system of another ministry in agreement with the latter. Specialists who graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions on the job, in the absence of work in the acquired specialty at the enterprise, can, at their request, be sent by the relevant ministry to work in their specialty at other enterprises and organizations in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.
One of the organizational and legal forms of involving young people in production, which have become widespread in recent years, is a public call. With the help of this form, based on the voluntary desire of young men and women to participate in the construction of the most important construction projects and the authority of public organizations, not only the task of providing personnel for the most important objects of economic construction is solved, but additional guarantees of employment of adolescents, the creation of the necessary material and cultural and household conditions.
Approving the initiative of public organizations to conduct a public call, the state gives this form of distribution labor resources organized character. The number of persons sent to work in the order of public conscription is included in the planned targets, vouchers issued public organizations, are binding on enterprises and construction sites where young people are sent. The administration of the latter is obliged to conclude labor contract with a young man or girl who has a Komsomol voucher, provide them with favorable conditions for successful work, provide benefits established for persons involved in work by way of public conscription.

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