Gazprom pao or oao. List of subsidiaries of OAO Gazprom, companies with equity participation of OAO Gazprom and other affiliated structures

Gazprom logo

Some of the first natural gas fields were discovered in the Soviet Union as early as 1942. At the same time, the first Buguruslan-Kuibyshev gas pipeline was built. Exploration and development of gas sources continued uninterruptedly, more and more new highways and pipelines were built. However, this was not always enough to adequately meet the needs of the entire Soviet population. The period from 1970 to 1980 changed everything. For the USSR, it was marked by the discovery of new gas fields in the Volga region, Siberia and the Urals. Gas production in the Soviet Union increased by almost five times and already in 1984 it took a leading position in the world ring of gas raw materials. The extraction of this resource per year amounted to 587 billion cubic meters. m.

Until that time, since 1948, the Main Directorate for Natural Gas Production operated in the USSR. In 1956, it undergoes a series of transformations, as a result of which it becomes Glavgaz (Main Directorate gas industry under the Council of Ministers of the USSR). In 1963, the State Production Committee for the Gas Industry of the USSR was created, which took over the functions of its predecessor. 1965 - the Ministry of Gas Industry is formed. Subsequently, organizations of two directions stand out from it: gas and oil. It was this Ministry that became the platform for the future of the company. In 1989, the State Gas Concern " Gazprom", which, in turn, becomes a platform for RAO "Gazprom" (Russian Joint Stock Company). It was formed in 1993, and in 1998 it was renamed into the current OAO Gazprom (Open Joint Stock Company).

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin

From 1989 to 1992 headed by V.S.Chernomyrdin, who was appointed to this post by B. Yeltsin. At that time, the concern completely controlled the search for gas fields throughout the USSR, carried out its distribution and sale. Collapse occurs in 1991 Soviet Union, which affects not the most in the best way. Countries that used to be part of the USSR are gaining independence, and with it the rights to all gas sources located on their territory, as well as property rights to the corresponding pipelines. Losses at that time amounted to 25% of the total number of compressor stations, as well as over 30% of pipelines. Control over all transit gas pipelines that passed from Russia to Europe has completely passed to the CIS and Baltic countries. At the same time Russian government came to the conclusion that in order to improve the functioning of the concern, it is necessary to create independent companies that could also produce this resource. The initiator of this project was the Minister of Fuel and Energy V. Lopukhin. On the same basis, he had a conflict with the owner of Gazprom, V. Chernomyrdin, who held the opposite opinion and was not going to share the concern with anyone.

The next year was more successful. The intensity of it economic influence increases sharply. This is due to the fact that in 1992 Viktor Stepanovich was appointed to the post of prime minister and, naturally, his "brainchild" receives a number of tax benefits. In the same year, Chernomyrdin transfers his leadership powers to his first deputy Rem Vyakhirev, and the president signs several Decrees, from which it follows that the gas resources of the entire country are transferred to the concern.

Company privatization. reform attempts.

In 1993, the Ministry of Finance approved the project for Gazprom. If at the beginning of 1992 it was wholly owned by the state, then in 1993 the distribution of Gazprom's shares began. According to the distribution scheme, 40% remained in state ownership, 28.7% was sold for vouchers, 15% belonged to the leaders of the concern, 10% was intended for sale foreign companies, 5.2% was owned by YaNAO (Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region), 1.1% was transferred to the use of the Rosgazifikatsiya organization.
The market position of the shares was very controversial and scared off foreign buyers because of its illiquidity. The reason for this was the exclusive rules of the concern, according to which the company exercised control over the secondary market for its shares. The sale could only take place with his permission. It was necessary to notify his management and offer the purchase first, directly, to the concern. Only in case of his refusal it was possible to sell them to other organizations.

The complex of buildings that belong to the concern.

Since the privatization process took place under the strict control of Viktor Stepanovich, the interests of the holding were not affected in any way. In 1994, a trust agreement was signed between R. Vyakhirev and the government, according to which 35% of state shares were transferred to the monopolist. In the same year, the investment bank Kleinwort Benson became an agent for the placement of shares abroad. But since at that time they were not popular, there was no demand for the offer to sell.
In 1995, Price Waterhouse became the concern's auditor, but in 1997 he passed the baton to De Golyer & McNaughton. This raises the need for promotion in world capital markets and in 1996 he places 1% of his shares on the London Stock Exchange. A year later, a major scandal occurs. Regent GAZ Investment appeared in it, which, through its subsidiary, tried to acquire Gazprom shares on the Russian stock exchange with a view to their further resale abroad. After this incident, B. Yeltsin issued a Decree “On the procedure for the circulation of shares of RAO Gazprom”, according to which the rights of foreign and domestic investors were significantly infringed.


The 1990s were marked by highly unstable relations with the government. For young reformers, he personified the unshakable stronghold of the command-administrative economy of Russia and, naturally, they tried in every possible way to limit his power. During the presidency of B. Yeltsin, the concern came to his rescue more than once. So, for example, in 1996, the gas monopolist takes out a loan in the amount of 40 trillion in foreign markets, which in turn is spent on paying debts to pensioners. After that, B. Yeltsin again manages to win the elections.
With the advent of S. Kiriyenko, even relations with the government were violated.

The new chairman demanded to break the trust agreement concluded with the concern in 1994, and accused him of malicious non-payment of taxes. At the same time, Rem Vyakhirev's deputy, Vyacheslav Sheremet, stands out in the leadership of the monopolist. During Vyakhirev's absence, he staunchly defends his interests. In the future, Vyakhirev will say that he wants to see exactly Sheremet.
In 1998, Yeltsin removed Chernomyrdin from the post of prime minister. This time coincides with the beginning. The government makes claims for non-payment of taxes and exerts a strong influence on it, as a result of which the group still has to pay them. Chernomyrdin remains chairman of the board.
After Viktor Stepanovich, Yevgeny Primakov took his place. His policy towards the company was more loyal. Nevertheless, in 1999 a bitter struggle unfolded between Russia's largest gas monopoly and the government. By that time, the concern had a fairly strong influence on the NTV channel, on which the Kremlin's policy towards the company was criticized with might and main. "Gazprom" said that its losses in 1998 amounted to about 2 billion, and, therefore, it is not going to pay any dividends to shareholders. Naturally, the shareholders, in turn, demanded that the concern be held accountable. At the end of the year, V. Putin was appointed to the post of prime minister, after which V. Chernomyrdin was charged with a whole list of accusations against the leadership, and Vyakhirev in particular.

Summing up the results of the 1990s, we can say that despite the actual violations on the part of the concern, nevertheless, it continued to be a "safe haven". During the unstable political situation in the country, he was supported by the state budget, conducted a fairly loyal pricing policy in relation to gas supply, in parallel with this, he carried out a number of political and social functions.

Since 2000.

In 2000 post of chairman of the board of directors took Dmitry Medvedev. And in 2001, the place of Rem Vyakhirev was given to A. Miller. After that, a massive redistribution of seats began. Most of the people who worked under the leadership of Vyakhirev were removed from their posts or left on their own initiative. The time of disagreements with the Kremlin has become history. Despite Miller's relative obscurity, the concern's share prices on the London Stock Exchange jumped by almost 7%. Although many argued that he would not be able to control the activities of the gas giant, practice has shown that Miller not only does his job well, but also makes significant changes to improve the work of the company, fights corruption, the cases of which became more frequent in the late 90s . Moreover, for the first time in Lately the policy of the concern began to fully coincide with the interests of the state.

The company has grown rapidly over the past decade. « Gazprom» enters into all new contracts for the supply of gas to European countries, establishes relations with Asian countries. As a result of intensive development, the group's turnover in 2009 only amounted to about 150 billion euros. One of the main directions of Miller's policy was the return of assets that were not properly controlled under Vyakhirev. So, in 2002, the previously lost control over Zapsibgazprom, Purgaz, Vostokgazprom. In addition, Severneftegazprom became the property of the concern (the concern bought it). It is impossible not to mention the Itera company, which was considered the second gas giant. Gradually, she had to return to the concern the gas producing assets that were obtained under Vyakhirev, after which she had no choice but to agree with the leader and go into his actual subordination. A similar fate befell Northgas, which was developing the Severo-Urengoyskoye field. As soon as production began to gain decent volumes, the monopolist paid no attention to him and declared his rights. After a short resistance, Northgas gave in and entered into an agreement with the company. At present, the concern is rightfully considered the only gas monopoly in Russia.

In addition to its direct activities, the gas giant is engaged in research and development and is actively involved in social life country. For a long time he has been a patron of all kinds of sporting events, patronizes several domestic football clubs, and is also engaged in charitable activities. In 2010 alone, the concern spent more than 12 billion rubles on charity. Even despite the years 2008-2009, the Concern remained a bulwark of stability for the country. Most likely, this will continue in the future, since it is difficult to imagine that a monopolist of this magnitude could have any serious competitors whose resistance he would not be able to break.

The transnational corporation Gazprom is engaged in the extraction, transportation and processing of natural fuel: gas, oil. Also, the corporation's activities cover thermal technologies, electricity, banking and media spheres. "Gazprom" - largest company Russia, but in addition it is one of the most influential corporations in the world. She belongs to the leaders of her industry. Until recently, the corporation had a monopoly on the export of any gas, now it retains a monopoly on the supply of pipeline gas.

The head office of the company is located in Moscow. Official site - In the past, the corporation was the Ministry of the Gas Industry, but was transformed into a gas producing concern after the collapse of the USSR. The corporation includes several dozen departments, so it is looking for specialists in various fields.

How to get a job at Gazprom?

An influential corporation is interested in specialists with experience and deep knowledge in their field. Among the requirements for candidates are responsibility and leadership skills. This corporation is chosen by people who want to build successful career. Companies regularly require knowledgeable people for leadership positions, but experience is a sine qua non for recruitment.

Vacancies at Gazprom are a chance to get a high salary. Specialists are offered from 70 thousand rubles a month, and many get more: you can discuss your salary at the interview. Of course, in addition to a high salary, official employment and a social package await you.

What are the vacancies at Gazprom?

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The strategic goal is to establish PJSC Gazprom as a leader among global energy companies

PJSC Gazprom is a global energy company. The main activities are exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as a motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.

Gazprom sees its mission in the reliable, efficient and balanced supply of natural gas, other types of energy resources and products of their processing to consumers.

The strategic goal is to establish PJSC Gazprom as a leader among global energy companies by diversifying sales markets, ensuring the reliability of supplies, increasing operational efficiency, and using scientific and technical potential.

Gazprom has the richest natural gas reserves in the world. Its share in world gas reserves is 17%, in Russian - 72%. Gazprom accounts for 12% of the world and 68% Russian production gas. The company is currently actively implementing large-scale projects to develop the gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, as well as a number of projects for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons abroad.

Gazprom is a reliable gas supplier to Russian and foreign consumers. The company owns the world's largest gas transmission system, the length of which is 172.1 thousand km. On the domestic market Gazprom sells over half of the gas it sells. In addition, the company supplies gas to more than 30 countries of near and far abroad.

Gazprom is Russia's largest producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The Company is successfully developing LNG trading within the framework of the ongoing Sakhalin-2 project, and is also implementing new projects that will allow Gazprom to significantly strengthen its position in the rapidly growing global LNG market.

The company is one of the four largest oil producers in the Russian Federation. Gazprom also owns large generating assets in Russia. Their total installed capacity is about 16% of the total installed capacity of the Russian energy system. In addition, Gazprom ranks first in the world in the production of thermal energy.

Company name

full — Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom
abbreviated as PJSC Gazprom

Registration information

certificate of state registration № 022.726
(Issued by the Moscow Registration Chamber on February 25, 1993) main state registration number(OGRN) - 1027700070518
taxpayer identification number (TIN) - 7736050003
registration reason code (KPP) - 997250001
all-Russian classifier territories municipalities(OKTMO) - 45908000

2. AVTOGAS (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50

3. Arctic Building Services (CJSC) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

4. ArmRosgazprom (CJSC) Gazprom's share is over 50%

5. Achimgaz (CJSC) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

6. Belgazprombank (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

7. Beltransgaz (OJSC) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

8. Brestgazoapparat (JV OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

9. Future Fatherland (LLP Fund) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

10. VNIPIgazdobycha (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

11. Volta S. p. A (JSC) (Volta S. p. A.) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

12. Vostokgazprom (JSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

13. Gazmash (JSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

14. Gas-Oil (LLC) 100% equity participation

15. Gazprom avtomatizatsiya (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

16. Gazprom VNIIGAZ (OOO) 100% equity participation

17. Gazpromviet (OOO) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

18. Gazprom Gaznadzor (LLC) 100% equity participation

19. Gazprom gazobezopasnost (LLC) 100% equity participation

20. Gazprom gas distribution (OJSC) Other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

21. Gazprom Gazenergoset (OJSC) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

22. Gazprom geologorazvedka (LLC) 100% equity interest

23. Gazprom geofizika (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

24. Gazprom geofizika (OOO) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

25. Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan (OOO) 100% equity participation

26. Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk (OOO) 100% equity interest

27. Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar (OOO) 100% equity participation

28. Gazprom dobycha Kuznetsk (OOO) 100% equity interest

29. Gazprom dobycha Nadym (LLC) 100% equity interest

30. Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk (OOO) 100% equity interest

31. Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg (OOO) 100% equity interest

32. Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy (OOO) 100% equity interest

33. Gazprom Dobycha Shelf (LLC) 100% equity interest

34. Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg (OOO) 100% equity interest

35. Gazprom zarubezhneftegaz (CJSC) 100% equity participation

36. Gazprom invest Vostok (OOO) 100% equity participation

37. Gazprom invest Zapad (OOO) 100% equity interest

38. Gazprom investproekt (LLC) 100% equity participation

39. Gazprom investholding (OOO) 100% equity participation

40. Gazprom invest Yug (CJSC) 100% equity participation

41. Gazprom inform (OOO) 100% equity participation

42. Gazprom Capital (OOO) 100% equity participation

43. Gazprom komplektatsiya (OOO) 100% equity participation

44. Gazprom Space Systems (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

45. Gazprom-media (OJSC) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

46. ​​Gazprom Mezhregiongaz (OOO) 100% equity participation

47. Gazprom Neft (OJSC) Gazprom's share is over 50%

48. Gazprom Neft Orenburg (CJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

49. Gazprom Neft Shelf (OOO) 100% equity participation

50. Gazprom Okhrana ChOP (LLC) 100% equity participation

51. Gazprom Pererabotka (OOO) 100% equity participation

52. Gazprom Podzemremont Orenburg (OOO) 100% equity participation

53. Gazprom Podzemremont Urengoy (OOO) 100% equity interest

54. Gazprom promgaz (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

55. GazpromPurInvest (OOO) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

56. Gazprom UGS (LLC) 100% equity interest

57. Gazprom Development (OOO) 100% equity participation

58. Gazprom Sbyt Ukraine (LLC) 100% equity participation

59. Gazprom Svyaz (OOO) 100% equity participation

60. Gazprom Liquefied Gas (LLC) 100% equity participation

61. Gazprom sotsinvest (OOO) 100% equity participation

62. Gazprom stimulus (OJSC) non-profit organizations, in which OAO Gazprom is a participant

63. Gazprom torgservis (OOO) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

64. Gazpromtrans (LLC) 100% equity participation

65. Gazprom transgaz Volgograd (OOO) 100% equity interest

66. Gazprom transgaz Yekaterinburg (OOO) 100% equity interest

67. Gazprom transgaz West (Foreign private enterprise) wholly owned

68. Gazprom transgaz Kazan (OOO) wholly owned

69. Gazprom transgaz Krasnodar (OOO) 100% equity participation

70. Gazprom transgaz Makhachkala (OOO) 100% equity interest

71. Gazprom transgaz Moscow (OOO) 100% equity interest

72. Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod (OOO) 100% equity participation

73. Gazprom transgaz Samara (OOO) 100% equity participation

74. Gazprom transgaz St. Petersburg (OOO) 100% equity interest

75. Gazprom transgaz Saratov (OOO) 100% equity interest

76. Gazprom transgaz Stavropol (OOO) 100% equity interest

77. Gazprom transgaz Surgut (OOO) 100% equity interest

78. Gazprom transgaz Tomsk (OOO) 100% equity interest

79. Gazprom transgaz Ufa (OOO) 100% equity interest

80. Gazprom transgaz Ukhta (OOO) 100% equity interest

81. Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky (OOO) wholly owned

82. Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk (OOO) 100% equity interest

83. Gazpromtrubinvest (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

84. Gazprom Tsentrremont (OOO) 100% equity participation

85. Gazprom Expo (LLC) 100% equity participation

86. Gazprom export (LLC) 100% equity participation

87. Gazprom energo (OOO) 100% equity participation

88. Gazprom Energoholding (OOO) 100% equity interest

89. Gazprom-South Ossetia (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

90. Gazprom YuRGM Development (CJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

91. Gazprom YURGM Trading (CJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

92. Gaztelecom (CJSC) 100% equity participation

93. Gaztransit (JSC) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

94. Gasum (JSC) (Gasum Oy) the share of Gazprom is less than or equal to 50%

95. Gazflot (LLC) 100% equity participation

96. Georesurs (LLC) 100% equity participation

97. Giprogaztsentr (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

98. Giprospetsgaz (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

99. Horizon-Holding (CJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

100. GPB (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

101. Daltransgaz (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

102. Druzhba (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

103. EuroPol GAZ (A.O.) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

104. Zapsibgazprom (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

105. IK VEGA (LLC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

106. IK Gorizont (CJSC) the share of Gazprom is less than or equal to 50%

107. KazRosGas (TOO) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

108. Caspian oil company(LLC) the share of Gazprom is less than or equal to 50%

109. Kaunas Thermal Power Plant (CJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

110. Kovyktaneftegaz (LLC) 100% equity participation

111. Krasnoyarskgazprom (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

112. Lazurnaya (OJSC) share of Gazprom over 50%

113. Latvijas Gāze (JSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

114. Lietuvos dujos (JSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

115. International Gas Transportation Consortium (LLC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

116. Moldovagaz (JSC) the share of Gazprom is less than or equal to 50%

117. Morneftegazproekt (ZAO) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

118. Mospromagrotorgdom (AOOT) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

119. Mosenergo (OJSC) Other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

120. NGCC (Novourengoy gas chemical complex) (LLC) 100% equity participation

121. NIIgazekonomika (LLC) 100% equity participation

122. Northgas (CJSC) Other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

123. Overgas Inc. (JSC) the share of Gazprom is less than or equal to 50%

124. OGK-2 (OJSC) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

125. OGK-6 (OJSC) Other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

126. ORFIN (OJSC) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

127. Peter Gaz (OOO) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

128. Podzemgazprom (LLC) 100% equity interest

129. Podzemgidromineral SPC (LLC) 100% equity participation

130. Prometey-Sochi (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

131. Purgaz (ZAO) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

132. Regional register (CJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

133. Rosshelf (CJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

134. Severneftegazprom (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

135. SevKavNIPIgaz (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

136. Sibneftegaz (OJSC) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

137. Sibur Holding (OJSC) Other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

138. Slavneft (OAO NGK) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

139. SOGAZ (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

140. Spetsgazavtotrans (DOJSC Gazprom) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

141. SR-DRAG (ZAO) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

142. Stroytransgaz (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

143. Stroytransgaz-invest (OJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

144. Surgutstroygaz, Construction company(LLC) 100% equity participation

145. TGC-1 (OJSC) other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

146. Temryukmortrans (LLC) 100% equity participation

147. Topenergy (JSC) 100% equity participation

148. TRADING HOUSE RUS-GAZ (CJSC) the share of Gazprom is less than or equal to 50%

149. Turusgaz (JSC) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

150. TyumenNIIgiprogaz (OOO) 100% equity participation

151. Himsorbent (CJSC) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

152. Khoroshevskaya Energy Company (CJSC) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

153. Tsentrgaz (OJSC) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

154. TsentrKaspneftegaz (OOO) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

155. Central Design Bureau of OAO Gazprom (DOAO) Gazprom's share is more than 50%

156. Ecological and analytical center of the gas industry EACGP (LLC) 100% equity participation

157. YugoRosGaz (JSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

158. YuzhNIIgiprogaz (OJSC) Gazprom’s share is less than or equal to 50%

159. Yamalgazinvest (CJSC) 100% equity participation

160. BSPC B.V. (OSC Blue Stream) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

161. Eesti Gaas (AO) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

162. Gazprom (UK) Limited wholly owned

163. Gazprom EP International B.V. 100% equity participation

164. Gazprom Finance B.V. 100% equity participation

165. Gazprom Germania GmbH other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

166. Gazprom Marketing & Trading Ltd. other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

167. Gazprom Sakhalin Holdings B.V. 100% equity participation

168. Interconnector (UK) Limited Gazprom's share less than or equal to 50%

169. Nord Stream AG Gazprom's share is over 50%

170. RosUkrEnergo AG Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

171. Shtokman Development AG Gazprom's share is more than 50%

172. South Stream Austria GmbH Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

173. South Stream Bulgaria AD Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

174. South Stream Greece S.A. the share of Gazprom is less than or equal to 50%

175. South Stream Hungary Zrt Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

176. South Stream Serbia AG Gazprom's share is more than 50%

177. Stella Vitae (CJSC) Gazprom's share is less than or equal to 50%

178. Wingas GmbH other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

179. ZMB (Schweiz) AG other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

180. ZMB GmbH other companies affiliated with OAO Gazprom (subsidiaries and affiliates)

PJSC Gazprom is a global energy company. The main areas of activity are geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, development of gas supply and gasification of regions Russian Federation, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as a motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.

Gazprom sees its mission in the reliable, efficient and balanced supply of natural gas, other types of energy resources and products of their processing to consumers.

Gazprom has the richest natural gas reserves in the world. Its share in world gas reserves is 17%, in Russian - 72%. Gazprom accounts for 12% of world and 72% of Russian gas production. The company is currently actively implementing large-scale projects to develop the gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, as well as a number of projects for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons abroad.

Gazprom is a reliable gas supplier to Russian and foreign consumers. The company owns the world's largest gas transmission network - one system gas supply to Russia, the length of which exceeds 168 thousand km. On the domestic market, Gazprom sells more than half of the gas it sells. In addition, the company supplies gas to more than 30 countries of near and far abroad. Gazprom is the only producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas in Russia.

The company is one of the five largest oil producers in the Russian Federation, and is also the largest owner of generating assets in its territory. Their total installed capacity is 15% of the total installed capacity of the Russian energy system.

The strategic goal is to establish PJSC Gazprom as a leader among global energy companies by diversifying sales markets, ensuring the reliability of supplies, increasing operational efficiency, and using scientific and technical potential Official website of PJSC Gazprom. About Gazprom. [Electronic resource] - URL: http: //

Gazprom provides ample opportunities for unlocking its own potential and career growth for its employees. The team is a team of professionals that implements strategic goal"Gazprom" - becoming one of the leaders among global world companies.

Gazprom is well aware that the company's staff is its main asset. Therefore, in its activities, Gazprom adheres to high international standards in matters of social and personnel policy. Serious assistance in the formation of social and labor relations between the company and employees is provided by the Interregional trade union organization PJSC "Gazprom" (MPO "PJSC "Gazprom"") Official website of PJSC "Gazprom". "Gazprom's team is its main value." [Electronic resource] - URL: http: //

The prospects for the development of the company are determined by the Energy Strategy of Russia and plans joint-stock company Gazprom. With the participation of leading industry institutions, the General Scheme for the Development of the Enterprise until 2030 has been developed and is being maintained up to date. In September 2012, Gazprom approved a three-year gas balance through 2015 inclusive. According to the document, the share of the enterprise in the total volume of natural gas production of the joint-stock company in percentage terms remains at the same level - about 40% (this is about 190-200 billion m3 of gas annually until 2020).